#it's not personal you guys i just have a vendetta against that film
kingbuffy · 1 year
Fully acknowledging that I'm a petty bitch as I say this but. I get immense joy seeing more and more people start to trash on Coppola's Dracula. I credit this to Dracula Daily, and people who are reading the book for the first time getting annoyed with how mischaracterized Dracula and Mina often are. Don't get me wrong, Coppola's Dracula is not the origin of the Dracula/Mina romance, or the dreaded reincarnated wife trope. However, it popularized those elements so much that for the longest time, we were basically stuck with those for every. single. dracula. adaptation. since. I can't tell you how much this movie has been shoved in my face as a fan of gothic media, and growing up in alternative spaces. It was considered weird not to love this movie. So I'm sitting in the corner of my dark room reveling just a little.
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m4nd0l0r · 2 years
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Five Hargreeves Headcanons (That Have Consumed Every Single Space in my Mind-)
Description: “Live.. Laugh… Love the insanity the apocalypse brings me.” -Five Hargreeves, tired after a caffeine rush and/or from a drunken high. 2019. (this is canon.. HE TOLD ME HIMSELF)
Author’s Note: this is just how I’m dealing with writer’s block— i swear i’m still working on my upcoming Five fics- 😭😭 so uh have this for now i guess 🥲 no warnings btw!! its just me writing in lowercase a lot- a shit ton of crack and swearing- (five’s body is aged up- and his consciousness ranges from 30 to 50 in my works— however you decided which age you want for your experience :)))
Five Taglist (i forgot to tag im so sorry 😭): @ells-graveyard @noahspector @aelinismyqueen @sunweee @reinaeru @ne0boss @twauna00 @placidpluto @eichenhouseproperty @heartsforsuyin @ghostlywavelengths @technicallydifferenttraveler @seconds-not-decades @magical-girl-on-fire @emotionally-unstabel @peachy-wolfhard @its-loki-bitch @raven-fandomtrash @theilliterateskankula @magicstrange @ne0boss @venusrambles @whereintheworldisspencerreid @honeycombdumbass @mivzai @oscarisaacsleftballsack @zenithinthebin @peachteeaaa @rchaoz @wickedmystery @wordsandnerds @umbrellatte @666abby6666 @iameddiemunsonshair @starlightinhumanform @vennythearsonist @trashmouthsahra (if you want to be removed/added, pls tell me via pm!!)
he likes bitter coffee candy (if the mf cant get coffee he’d raid a candy shop rather than logically coming after a cafe-)
likes slasher films for how creative the deaths look (esp if its practical effects, he’s a sucker for those) (he likes nightmare on elm street, he gives me that impression for WHAT)
^ cos of this- i basically headcanon that in his commission days- he’d kill creatively- as if it were his canvas, my guy is an artist with blood 💪
idk why but he’d be an avid “gelato is NOT ice cream you idiot” typa guy (fucker knows italian and my ass RAN W IT)
he watches julia roberts romance movies (cos i like her rom films so im projecting-) (he def likes the maturity of the ending of my best friend’s wedding)
for some reason he considers mocha as chocolate rather than coffee (like the old man he is)
actually likes caramel, never tells anyone for no reason (fucking punk ass smh)
he’d say he hates animals but he’d give a pat to a dog/cat if he’d see one (but he’ll glare at the poor thing if it scratches him-)
from ptsd from the apocalypse- he tries to never indulge w small things like getting large amounts of food- cos he has the mindset that he “might need extra in case something bad happens”
he’d hate physical touch at first- flinching like a surprised cat on steroids— but he gets used to it slowly- and one person at a time
also i dont give a shit on what anyone thinks- FIVE IS A LITTLE SPOON IN HUGS— why you may ask? fucker is a touch starved ptsd filled mf- he needs those hugs ASAP- he would hold your hand 25/8 to reduce his paranoia i just know it (i PROPHESIZEEEE)
the first beer he drunk was a bottle he found in a post apocalypse alcohol store and the liquid was full w small grime and dirt- but he wanted to try some to “check off a bucket list”
LOVES dark comedies, he just does, he CACKLES when he watches one (but he only shows amusement when he’s alone, never w his siblings)
^ he’d also slap his thigh if he finds something soooo funny (old man behaviour smh)
has a personal vendetta against ppl who WOULDN’T put pineapple on pizza (klaus converted the grandpa and at first he felt gross eating it but as he continues he thought: “ok. this isn’t that bad.” the next thing you know, you see him on the phone calling the pizza place for 2 more boxes of hawaiian pizza—)
listens to edith pliaf RELIGIOUSLY (you would gift him a vinyl of hers and his eyes would SHINE) (the only time you saw his eyes the brightest-)
with modern music— he’d prolly like radio music (until you berate him and convert him to alt & indie rock)
has an odd fixation with guns and knives (like the papa he is) (would explain EVERYTHING ABOUT A SPECIFIC WEAPON) (he’s a nerd) (he’ll never admit it) (ever)
has a switchblade on his dominant arm pocket (he could use anything as a weapon, but he likes to be “prepared”)
like on s1, he’d pretend to be a kid and all innocent & shit to get free shit from strangers (you’d hop on the bandwagon and **nicely** ask him to get you stuff too.. he complains and says no but you’d see him on the next day with the shit you requested on his hands)
^ continuation with this— fucker prolly got a coffee machine cos he went up to some lady- went on, put a sad act, and went “oh no.. i dont got a gift to give to my dad.. he always wanted a coffee machine after ours broke” and the lady would have pitied his ass and bought a cheap but durable one for him— this would lead to a situation where the rest of the umbrellas try to take away the coffee machine away from his addicted ass-
viktor: should we?? do something??? diego: we’ve took THREE of those damn machines- what else can we do??? klaus: it’s like… he pulls it out of his ass.. you think he shits out coffee beans?? or is it just liquidated coffee at this point? you: i should call the ambulance before he falls off the window from the coffee… can’t deal with a cranky five.. luther: (is tired of it all and just wants to enjoy his married life) .. yes. please do.
in conclusion? never take away five’s coffee- he will drive you mad—
whenever he’s drunk- he acts like a goddamn sloth (esp if he’s comfortable with you- mf will CLING ON YOU LIKE SOME PARASITE—) (i wouldn’t mind tho 😏- i mean what?)
though as much as he likes bitter coffee- i see him DESPISE BITTER BEER, he would spit that stuff out of with the most offended face ever (all scrunched up like crumpled paper)
for my fellow filipino readers- he unfortunately SUCKS ASSSS when speaking in tagalog… you either tease the living fuck out of him about him or smile through your ear pain going “wow! galing! (amazing!)” (no he was not amazing he sounded like a screeching tire or smth- /lh)
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Our Flag Means Death and a massive lack of fandom understanding:
It took a while for OFMD to be green lit for a second season, like to the point the crew seemed to be accepting it might just never happen. Then it was green lit and they got to start work.
But then we found out they gave them significantly less money to make season two, they gave them less time to film season two, gave a shorter deadline for them to send in the final cut, and found out season two would have less episodes.
Once the season was finished and edited we waited….and then we found out HBO deleted Batgirl, a movie they put an ungodly amount of money into making, they decided they didn’t want it and removed it from existence before anybody could watch it. They became very blatant that they could do this to literally any project.
We saw the people who worked on OFMD say they didn’t even know when or if season two would actually premiere. They knew fuck all. Then HBO did bare minimum to promote it or let people know when it was coming back as if they were praying it would bomb.
Season two is fucking amazing and it is better than season one was for me personally.
I really hate how people complain about season two being too short and being rushed and how they should have drawn things out more etc
Because those complaints are not valid criticism. You’re opinion is wrong, because it is about something the showrunners had no control over. People assume it is getting a third season as if season two existing isn’t a bizarre miracle in of itself. If you are told to tell chapter two of your story in 100 words or less and told you may never get to write a third chapter then yeah it will be a bit rushed because there is a 100 word limit and somebody warning you that they can fire you at any time and burn your writing up if they choose to do so.
The show worked with what little it was given and it did great. There was a method with Buffy the Vampire Slayer that seasons would end as if it was the finale of the series. Why? Because it is insane to just assume you get another season to continue your story.
And it worked. Nobody complained about it. The Righteous Gemstones and What We Do in the Shadows and countless other shows have season finales that feel as if they could easily be a series finale. I don’t get why with OFMD people are upset by this? Especially considering a lot of the same people are angry that Good Omens ended with a cliffhanger which don’t get me wrong I agree. It is dumb as fuck of Neil Gaiman to assume Amazon will give a season three.
Also I have watched hundreds of shows and main characters can be killed. So I don’t get people acting like the show can’t exist without Izzy when most people wanted him killed off in season one. Buffy killed off Buffy, not for long, but they did. Metalocalypse killed off Charles temporarily. The Magicians killed off Quinten the guy that was the main main character for most of the show. Countless shows kill off main characters either temporarily or permanently.
It isn’t a personal vendetta against you or the actor. It just happens.
Also this is gonna be my last post in regards to Our Flag Means Death because honestly after that finale a lot of my interests in looking at the show tag and interacting with shit just died with seeing how deranged and just gross a lot of people were behaving on here.
If people abandon the fandom it isn’t cause the finale. It’s cause the toxic psychosis.
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nobodypunk · 1 year
Avatar Way of Water Jumbled Thoughts SPOILERS AHEAD
So initially, it was very pretty. Visually stunning. We all know that.
I was so happy to see Jake and Neytiri again, I was pumped to just to be on Pandora again. I’ve split up my opinions in sections:
This Family is a Fortress:
I loved seeing Jake and Neytiri’s family. I loved the song bead opening and the ending, that was a very nice round way to tell the story. The kids all had their own distinct personalities and stories to tell which I feel can be hard to portray in sequel films especially with more than one kid. I loved Jake’s balancing act of being a father, I love that Neytiri didn’t lose any of her grit while being a mother. I will say I felt it was very strange for them to leave the Ometikaya. The planet is under threat again, I know it’s personal, but I felt like them leaving the people we spent an entire film with to fend for themselves was unnatural. I would have been down for a whole clan relocation, but whatever. I do think their refugee angle was compelling and it offered that “whole new world” angle to it. Neteyam and L’oak’s relationship was very nice, very much early Prince of Egypt vibes, I could sense as we got closer to the end of the film that Neteyam was for sure going to die. But again it was very round and it was pretty well done. Kiri, my little nature girl, I love. I loved her vibes, I live for Sigourney, but I’ll get back to her later. Tuk was precious baby, in too many dangerous situations but I guess I’m not mad if it gave her more screen time. Aaaand Spider, I liked having a child raised by scientists involved with the tribal lifestyle of his peers. I wish that they had utilized that more. I’ll also get back to him.
The Colonel Debacle: Attack of the Clones:
Quaritch…. I am so mad about everything to do with his return and the “sky people” narrative in this film. First of all, in the first film they express that making an Avatar body is extremely expensive and a huge undertaking. They invited Jake in the first place because his DNA was compatible with his dead twin’s Avatar, so they wouldn’t just be pouring their money down the drain. And again, this was a mining endeavor, it wasn’t military. All the “military” we see are mercenaries. So why would a mining company put replicating their expendable mercenaries high on their spending list? They wouldn’t. Just like we saw, the new colonization attempt just brought in more military force, so why bring back a team of 9(?)mercenaries that died into specific Avatar bodies?(Also felt like there were a lot killed, but too many of them by the end of the film?) The plot tries to explain it away “to be bigger, stronger, to blend in with the natives” not once did they blend in though (THEY WERE BAREFOOT IN CAMO???), not once did being Avatars actually bring them the upperhand. AND just plugging in memories to the body, why didn't they do that with Grace? Or Jake’s twin for that matter? I also feel like Quaritch would be SO against cloning in general! “It’s not the real me” blah blah blah Let alone in an Avatar body! Also BALD SUNGLASSES GUY??? REALLY??? Sorry, I’ll die on this hill. What made Quaritch a good villain is that he was a weapon of mass destruction, evil and toxic masculine to the core and he just kept coming. His death was so satisfying in the first movie because of it. It feels like such a cop out to bring him back, all satisfaction lost and it really just looks like little Jamie C couldn’t write any other villain and that’s lazy.
Okay so they’re clones and they’re there. Now you have identity conflict, I feel like if they were going this route, have the clones have a moral and identity crisis to the CORE I would have loved that narrative of realizing that their original selves were wrong. But Quaritch, while we did see some struggle in identity, decided to have a vendetta against Jake Sully! It was interesting to see his interactions with Spider, still feel like OG Quaritch wouldn’t give two shits to learn the language (he didn’t in the first place) or about “becoming Navi”. And I’ll talk about some of my issues with Spider as well here. I felt like he needed to show more motivation about showing them to be Navi to grow their sympathy, but it felt like show and tell. I also felt like he should be more reactive and more upset at everything they were doing, it felt like he was just watching and strangely apathetic most of the time. Quaritch burning that village to the ground and deciding to go after the Tulkun instead of just murdering everyone felt out of character, but that can all be traced back to— this is a clone. Quaritch was a genocidal maniac and I expect him to just be exactly that. I don’t exactly want to go on a sympathetic redeem the villain story with him (even if his clone “didn’t do that”). I don’t hold it against Spider for saving the clone in the end but I am mad at Jamie C for keeping him around. I am so done with Quaritch’s story. I was more than done in the first movie, let alone this one.
SKY PEOPLE. So I felt that the threat of the sky people was FAR GREATER in this movie than the last because instead of just “we want the rocks you're sitting on” it’s just straight up old fashioned colonization!! They are coming for the planet!! I don’t understand why this film wasn’t about nipping THAT in the bud, you didn’t need Quaritch, that would have been compelling enough. The way they landed, cLEARING the forest with fire NEAR the Ometikaya homeland was HORRIFIC, but the plot treats it like whatever. Though it makes a little sense (ahem MARS) for Humans to want to settle here, I still think it doesn’t make sense? The air is toxic, the wildlife is huge and dangerous, I just don’t think Pandora is “the promised land” GO SETTLE ON TITAN OR SOMETHING. I can make room in my brain for a mining mission, but full colonization? No thanks. General Lady had smaller exoskeleton armor because Lady, was so fun and she was just there to explain stuff. I was expecting there to be some differences in the suits and technology too, given the time skip. Jamie C was like I LOVE SPIDERS AND 3D PRINTERS. And I still don’t understand the Avatar Marine’s mission. It just felt like a personal murder party??? Like no real orders???? I’m just generally mad about all of these decisions. They felt lazy and under-baked. I WAITED 12 YEARS FOR THIS?!?
Kiri is Avatar Jesus:
Kiri, Kiri, Kiri… While I love her… I have some issues with how she came about and her role. Kiri has come from an intubated version of Grace…. (though I do not remember Grace’s Avatar body dying. I can see if they put her in stasis but it seemed as though this was a clone) Clone gets pregnant…. So (iF this is Grace’s original Avatar) either Avatar Norm and Avatar Grace were messing around for science or Eywa was like guess what I’m not bringing you back to life but I’ll make your Avatar preggers with my spiritual baby ALA Bible style. OR if this is a clone, somebody was just messing around in the lab. Either way science immaculate conception needs to stop please. I would have almost preferred it if Grace meant so much to Jake and Neytiri that they implanted one of Grace’s eggs in Neytiri. (which is still weird but not as weird as space jesus ANAKIN ALREADY TOOK THAT SPOT) 
And Kiri’s Eywa powers. It’s really screaming white savior yet again. Kiri is born of an Avatar, not native and yet again Eywa has chosen an alien to be her chosen one. It’s just bad. It isn’t right. 
I also thought her Epilepsy was going to play a bigger role in the rest of the movie but it was just a plot device for Quaritch to find them?
The Metkayina:
THEY ARE SO COOL I’M ALL ABOUT THE EVOLUTIONARY CHANGES TO THEIR BODIES, I LOVE THEIR ARM FINS, TAILS, AND LARGE RIBS FOR BREATHING. On a sciency note, I found it interesting that they chose to make their tails swim left to right like a fish instead of up and down like an aquatic mammal. I loved the ocean, I loved the quiet moments we just got to explore and soak in the surroundings, I loved the sign language and the breathing. I was all about it. FREE WILLY SIGN ME UP, I WANNA TALK TO WHALES. The Tulkun were so charming and I loved them. THERE’S ALWAYS A BIGGER FISH. But yeah, big big fan. I wish that we got to see some female friendships? Jamie C is big sexist. Neytiri disappeared for much of this part. I wanted to see Kiri and Tsireya vibing, and Ronai and Neytiri finding common ground as Matriarchs. 
Ferngully 2: Whale Hunting Palooza Electric Boogaloo Payakan’s Revenge:
So the new colonizers are here for unobtanium 2.0 (even though they sound like they’ve been here for a while, even though the sky people were driven out???) We went for the forest in the last movie, now it’s time to go after the animals! We have the hunter that is here to be way too excited about poaching, and the scientist that has been a part of this the whole time but is Jamie C’s favorite trope of “sympathetic moral high ground scientist who has no accountability whatsoever because the big mean corporation is paying him to do it”. It’s just so tired. I hated unobtanium 2.0, magic gland fluid that stops human aging????? Like come on, I could get down for a stupid rock with a stupid name, but really????????  Payakan’s revenge was satisfying. I felt like the Metkayina disappeared randomly after that.. And with Quaritch going after the Tulkun, and ultimately attacking the sea people, it was still kinda Jake’s fault for endangering them. I feel like if they just lived on an island close but separate from the people, it would have worked out better??? Idk
James Cameron and casting problems:
Jamie C didn’t fix any of his writing issues with indigenous people. It was still white savior, take advantage of indigenous narratives, and sexualized native women. And at the end he was like “I directed Titanic, remember????” Man with everything he put Neytiri through I was surprised she didn’t turn to Jake and go “I want a divorce”. 
I also have major issues with the casting. I was fully expecting at least mixed boys playing Neteyam and L’oak but they were WHITE! And Kate Winslet is wonderful but she was playing an indigenous islander woman??? I just think it was a big mistake and honestly it kept taking me out of the movie. 
His action sequences are great but the plot was very convoluted and he definitely needs a wake up call to fix his narrative, work with native people, and cast people of color. Zoe’s back hurts from carrying both of these movies.
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the-clay-quarters · 9 months
Enter the Clay Quarters, you're welcome among them.
Hi! I'm Toffee, I'm 20 and use he/they. This is a sideblog for Fallen London because the special interest has hit me like a truck and I live here now I guess.
Main blog is @toffee-rambles, art blog is @toffee-biscuits, and for other sites I have a carrd.
Asks and dms are open if you want to chat! Keep in mind that I'm slow and also in europe, so it might take a bit for a reply. I use tone indicators when I think it's necessary but feel free to ask for clarification.
I also talk about my ocs! A lot! So here's some basics about them and links to their stuff.
- Flint Silverstein: My main account! A clay man pretending to be human who I adore to pieces. Standoffish and monotone but dependable. Ambition is heart's desire, closest to revs, lives out by the observatory to avoid everyone. [he/him] --- Reference, Tag, Ingame profile, Toyhouse
- Cordelia/Theodore Pembroke: Part high society part adrenaline junkie, pretends to be a married couple but is actually just one genderfluid mess. Somewhat chaotic and a menace, not afraid to cause a scene to have some fun, ADHD vibes. Ambition is bag a legend, closest to society, lives above her own tailor shop, very busy guy. [she/he] --- Reference, Tag, Ingame profile, Toyhouse
- Vincent Bell: Also occasionally known as Vícenç Creuer Libèl·lula, guy who came to the neath for research and has not been having a good time since. High anxiety and a people pleaser, but eager to talk about their research with bugs or topics like language and surface politics. Ambition is light fingers, lives in a small flat near the university. [they/them] --- Reference, Tag, Ingame profile [TBA], Toyhouse
Tag list below the cut- these will probably change but hopefully I'll remember to update this post oops
Tags for filtering - Suggestive: self explanatory, I'm an adult 👍 - Long post: simply my personal vendetta against mile long posts carried over from main (/lh) - FL crit: unsure if I'll actually end up complaining much but putting this here just in case
Post types: - My art / Fic: what it says on the tin! I make things sometimes :D - Originals / Chatter / Asks: various degrees of actual content - Reblog game / Ask game: "reblog and answer in the tags" and ask prompt list type posts - Officially noticed: mostly for my own amusement, posts that have been reblogged by FBG
Reference tags, generally restricted to things between 1850-1920: - Historical art: includes writing, photography, film, etc - Fashion: clothes! mainly dresses - Items: all sorts of things, various bits and bobs - Reference: anything else that doesn't fit these
Content tags: - Sskies / Sseas / Motr: I've played/am playing these! - c: Curators: general masters/curators tag bcus I love them all - c: Manager: the manager of the royal bethlehem/may of the calendar council/This Fuckin Guy, I just think he's neat <3
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whitegoldtower · 1 year
Watched Hellboy 2 and as with the majority of this sort of media, once again, the elf was right.
Humans do, in fact, suck ass. They are greedy and they do ruin literally everything.
This film made me think about the absolute horror of the Industrial Revolution, watching your verdant world become smog-filled and black. If I had been alive long enough to see it all happen (I.e, if I had the lifespan of an elf), I would also want to cull the humans who had destroyed my habitat to make theirs bigger. I’m also just really sore about the fact that the city I live in just cut down a load of trees to make the pavements bigger in the central town. The pavements were big enough. The trees weren’t in the way or harming anyone. I am watching, in real time, industrialisation.
So pissed off I could eat my teeth.
And I felt so sad and angry and just really disappointed when he actually killed the forest god. Gonna sound bad when I say this, but I would have let it destroy the city. I’d literally have just put the weapon down, walked away and let it do its thing.
A lot of the time when people write stories about evil elves it’s just to make them feel better about how humans have ransacked and ravaged the natural world. To justify it. And even better, making the non-humans ‘forgive’ the humans for what they’ve done? LMAO. In another universe, ‘humans’ and ‘forgiveness’ would not Co-exist in my vocabulary.
I’d have a fucking colossal vendetta, and for each tree cut down, each plant destroyed, I’d cut down a human and use them as fertiliser. Call me population control.
Buuuuut, I wouldn’t go out of my way to hunt them. For the humans to stay alive would be as simple as heeding my one request; don’t destroy the forest. It’s simple, really. Not an impossible task. If a tree falls naturally, then by all means use its wood. I don’t bite. Promise. Even though I hate you all. 👹
I just want a film, or any piece of media, really, where the elves pop off and actually do win a war against the humans. I want to see humans getting knocked off that high horse and actually receiving the consequences of their actions. I want it to be the humans who suffer, for once. I WANT A GAME WHERE I CAN PLAY AS A SCORNED ELF AND HUNT HUMANS FOR SPORT. LIKE A FIRST PERSON SHOOTER.
Yknow like how in Doom the doom guy has to stave off hordes of demons so that his homeland doesn’t become hell
Yeah that, but you play as an elf finding really creative and gory ways to dispose of humans so that your forest homeland doesn’t become an industrialised hell
And you just cull them like rats
Anyway, rant over, I’m just a nihilist and would rather humans just didn’t exist tbh
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adamwatchesmovies · 10 months
Alex Rider: Operation Stormbreaker (2006)
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Most movies are obviously good or bad. Alex Rider: Operation Stormbreaker (or simply Stormbreaker in certain regions) has what it takes to entertain young teens but its low points are subterranean. I hesitated to call it a miss until I saw the villains. This adaptation of the book by Anthony Horowitz is derivative of every spy movie you've ever seen. Even if you can forgive that, there’s no way you can take the bad guys seriously.
Orphaned at a young age, Alex Rider (Alex Pettyfer in yet another bad YA Novel adaptation) is recruited by MI-6 when his uncle (Ewan McGregor) is killed in action. His mission? Pose as a contest winner and get close to billionaire Darrius Sayle (Mickey Rourke) to find out the real reason he created “Stormbreaker”, a computer system he claims will change the world.
It’s ridiculous to believe a 14-year-old would be recruited by a government agency but that’s part of the fantasy. Turns out Alex has been subconsciously trained by his uncle for years. He can stand toe-to-toe with ruthless thugs (in cleverly conceived action scenes by John Woo that are unfortunately not convincingly shot). He just needs the chance to prove himself. Then he’ll have the opportunity to get his revenge… and save the world too. In Bond-like fashion, Alex is given a variety of amusing gadgets disguised as everyday “kid” objects. A yoyo, a pen and a Nintendo DS (available in stores now!). Those are pretty cool.
Whenever Stormbreaker starts winning you over with its teenage charms, a disappointment is unfortunately right around the corner. When they introduce Mickey Rourke’s Darrius Sayle, you’ll be flabbergasted. With pimp-like clothes, a cane, a ponytail and blue eyeliner, he looks like a caricature. You think that’s as bad as it’s going to get but then Missi Pyle as Nadia Vole opens her mouth. Her accent is so bad and cartoonish it’s like she’s in a comedy sketch.
And then, there are the contrivances and coincidences, not to mention the poor planning. Sayle has a personal vendetta against the Prime Minister (Robbie Coltrane) so he’s filled the Stormbreaker computers with a deadly virus. Not a computer virus; a green liquid that will kill millions of children when his old enemy presses a big red button as part of the launching ceremony. Said big red button is encoded to launch the virus only if the Prime Minister presses it. This means Sayle couldn’t release the virus (the literal virus. I can’t get over it) even if he wanted to!
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This sort of logical head-scratcher isn’t alone. It’s accompanied by a double-whammy of bumping into the right person, at the right time. To prevent the big button from being pressed, Alex desperately needs help. Who happens to be at the ceremony providing security? None other than the soldiers he was training with a week ago. The authorities must’ve had a great deal of confidence in them considering their first mission is this high-profile. Alex uses one of their weapons and destroys the button. His evil scheme down the toilet, Style runs away. Alex goes to pursue him but oh no! Traffic! How could he possibly catch up? Well by asking his school crush, Sabina (Sarah Bolger) for a ride! She just happens to be riding a horse right outside the building! Sure, why not?
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Alex Rider: Operation Stormbreaker is not a Harry Potter ripoff in the same way as the Billy Owens or Percy Jackson franchises but it’s pretty clear it wanted to cash in on the craze. An orphaned boy who discovered he belongs to a secret organization, access to special powers/resources, a film series whose leading man is destined to grow into a hunk for the girls, action scenes to appeal to the boys, a twist on an old formula to make it fresh (in this case, James Bond). Yeah, it fits. Unfortunately, this first chapter has none of the metaphorical magic needed to have lasting power. Plus, it’s just not a good movie. Alex Rider: Operation Stormbreaker is yet another mid-2000s flick that ends on a note promising a sequel that never happened. (July 31, 2020)
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To go back into actually reviewing something and in the spirit of the countdown to Death Island, I’m gonna do a review speedround of the other CGI movies I’ve watched:
Since this was the start of the CGI films, Degeneration gets a 5 out of 10. Degeneration is the perfect example of a mid Resident Evil movie. First the positives: I like how Curtis Miller is used in this movie. I always liked morally grey characters in Resident Evil even if they die in their debut appearance, and Curtis Miller is one of those characters I feel sorry for because he lost his wife and kid in the Raccoon City incident and tried in his own way to rebel against Umbrella and other corporations who do experiments alike because he is vengeful, which ended up killing him in the end. I also liked Curtis’s G-Virus transformation.
The negatives are in the characters, despite having Leon and Claire who are established characters. Leon’s personality feels non-existent which is strange because he had more personality in the campy OG RE4 and his personality was just, BAMF Leon and that was it. Claire has more personality than Leon, but is sadly sidelined. Angela Miller is bland. That Senator character is a caricature that feels out of place and was forced in there to be a red-herring for the true villain and the villain in this is badly written.
A rough start, but at least we got Damnation. Speaking of which…
To absolutely no one’s surprise, this is the perfect Resident Evil movie. Likable characters, awesome villain, great storyline, the sexiest Leon model I’ve ever seen, great animation, loved seeing the Plagas lore be expanded on, loved seeing the Lickers and Tyrants again, and I loved that Damnation takes place before the events of RE6.
So the characters other than Leon and Ada, I love Buddy a lot he’s underrated and handsome as hell, and the best written morally grey character in the series with a sad backstory. J.D., I was SO sad when he died. The poor guy didn’t even get to see America. If anything, Resident Evil is pretty good at making you grow attached to one-time characters easily. Also, it’s refreshing to see a couple of Slavic characters not act evil or be complete assholes just because they’re Slavic.
And of course, no Resident Evil story is complete without a bittersweet ending because there have been multiple casualties, Buddy gets paralyzed from the waist down due to his Plagas infection, and it turns out that the US government ONLY saved Leon and Buddy from the two Tyrants because they wanted to save their own skin because they supported Eastern Slav’s dictator and didn’t want to face any backlash. And both America and Russia wanted to take that infested area for themselves. Further more, Simmons and his Family wanted that area, hence the connection to RE6 in the end credits. So yeah, another example of the US government being shady in Resident Evil.
Amazing movie, 10/10 would recommend. Also, fun fact, my RE CGI movie poll “One of These RE CGI Movies Have to Go,” Damnation has 0% votes, so it really shows that Damnation is the perfect RE movie in my opinion.
Vendetta feels weird to me, because like Degeneration, it has flaws involving characters and some moments to fill the run time, but like Damnation, it has good animation and plays around with an existing monster.
The Los Illuminados mention just feels like a mention in Vendetta.
I also love this Yin and Yang going on with Chris and Leon. Both are seasoned veterans at this point, both have went through multiple forms of trauma related to bioterrorism, both have lost their team to a bioterrorist (for Chris, three times at this point), and they are both stubborn in their own ways with Leon not wanting to go after Glenn Arias since once again, the US Government keeps on being the US Government and bombed a wedding, and once again, they got another bioterrorist on their hands and Chris wanting to go after Glenn because he not only targeted innocent people at a university, he also wiped out Chris’s squad and killed their secretary and her son.
The characters other than Chris, Leon, Rebecca and yes, even Glenn Arias, the other characters are forgettable to me. I even forgot that Maria Gomez was even in this movie. Maria just seems like an all looks no personality type of character. Her father is also just another all looks no personality and was just there to be Arias’s tool in a mutation transformation.
As much as I like Glenn Arias as a villain, I really don’t like how he was written as a “woe is me, feel bad for me,” villain but he’s a bioterrorist who killed and infected a bunch of innocent people, including a kid. Not to mention that he is a part of the most wanted criminals who was an arms dealer. Which is why I never felt bad at all for him. I didn’t even need to mention the creepy as hell advances he made towards Rebecca just because she just so happened to look like his dead wife. The government in Resident Evil still sucks a lot, so there is no good guy or bad guy in this situation in my opinion.
Despite a lot of the flaws in this movie and me having mixed feelings towards it, I’d still recommend this movie and give it a 6.5 out of 10. Vendetta get’s a C- for characters and story, but A+ for animation.
Degeneration? Mid. Damnation? S-tier Resident Evil movie. Vendetta? Decent. All of which are my personal opinion, I’d say watch all of these movies for yourself.
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inlocusmads · 6 months
For Trystan and Nora
🟠 Orange- What is a trait your OC hides about themself from others? Do they refuse to acknowledge it or begrudgingly accept it?
🟣 Purple- What is something that your OC could not live without? What keeps them grounded in the worst of times?
ask me some colour coded questions as i psychoanalyze my characters
🟠 Orange
Nora: Back in the days, Nora used to be a lot more vocal about her grievances and not so much in the recent times. She can get assertive and outspoken and it was a big part of her personality growing up and had stuck with her since. She was the 'loud kid' in class, not so much for saying words, but essentially being loud with just about everything. It kind of faltered when she found a career in law enforcement and this piece of advice her colleagues continued to give her - "to not say or imply anything that might tip the wrong people off on what you truly care about".
Basically she renounced this trait of hers just because she fed off on other people's concerns for her being a target. Being a private eye opened new doors for danger to prowl about, since anyone could come back with a personal vendetta against her. These days Nora shows her outspokenness through this subtle sympathy. She developed this insane ability to listen first, which helped her a lot - not only in understanding her clients better, but also be able to convey that to people - this nod - that she has their back. She doesn't actively suppress it after so many years of trying to do that, because doing that was killing the kid in her that had done so much good and was so traumatised enough to choose a career path that focused on her grief. Deleting that would just be like deleting her main motivation to do anything in the first place.
Trystan: Trystan struggled a lot with his entire identity. Throughout his childhood and adulthood he was coached into wearing a different set of traits and off-cameras, he would struggle with just finding who he was. With most children growing up, people tend to associate their identity with their interests or the things they care about, but with Trystan, he cared about virtually nothing since a large portion of his identity was a fake anyway. His love for poetry and Western music and reading were actively squashed and discouraged, leading him to lose his sense of self at an early age or at least, actively suppress it enough to make him look disconnected.
During his exile, he came to terms with what he was trying to do and who he was before being 'Juliana's future husband', 'heir to the Drakovian throne', 'the eldest of the Thorne kids' and so on and so forth - basically who he was besides the titles he was associated with, at a young age. At the heart of it, he's an utter pathetic geek. He has this beautiful undying appreciation for all art ever to exist - be it cheesy comics in papers to multi-million dollar films.
It kind of healed his inner child and the more he got into it and embraced that part of his identity, he was able to open his mind to enjoying more things. Although he definitely doesn't acknowledge it in public right now - considering he has this image of a 'cool guy' set up and doesn't want the paparazzi giving that any attention or use that to sell more copies of their vitriol. But he definitely does enjoy it openly around people he trusts.
🟣 Purple
Nora: Relentless optimism! Nora isn't vocal about it, well, as vocal as, "Everything will be okay" but her brain tells a whole other story. She might not have faith in herself to keep moving forward, but she has this unhealthy belief in everything else that even if she fucks up, all is not lost. Optimism was like oil on water to her when she first discovered it, but hoping was a lot better than sitting and being afraid. It did make her susceptible to broken expectations, false hopes, etc, but it is quite like a drug.
When Nora hopes and puts faith in something, she never backtracks unless something horrible happens (it literally took her a year to unlearn everything she'd been led to believe after quitting the police force) but getting there is equally difficult too.
She's like the 'everything is fine' meme with fire all around. While it comes with flaws, it keeps her grounded. It makes her stay level-headed and cool in otherwise stressful situations; this idea that she'll do her best and let the natural order of things take it up from there, even if she doesnt have confidence in her abilities.
Specifically in the final battle in Book 1 when she had to NOT PANIC and put belief and optimism in the very people that did her wrong, to not pull the trigger and shoot them dead; because let's be real, stalling doesn't always work. Her optimism is her own sense of reassurance when everything and anything flops and falls apart.
Trystan: Allies. Trystan quickly learned that he can't play the dark horse character for a long time and he had to count on someone to keep him afloat. Not necessarily family, friends or lovers but someone of his choosing that made him realise how powerful allies are and why his parents are constantly chasing after their own. To have an external party offer you a safety net at the very best case and a hopeful word at the very worst (hopeful words aren't helpful if you're in near-death scenarios), he learned that having key allies and players in the game gives him a chance to delegate things and hence, see things from different perspectives.
Trystan knows that in order to win at life, you have to befriend a couple of winners. Not necessarily to copy from their textbook, but to see where their head is at. Which is why he befriends a lot of well, crappy people such as Ruth Iverson, Nick Bastion and so on. Without Nick Bastion's reluctant help, they wouldn't have gotten that far with the process of elimination. Plus, without Nora's own allyship, he wouldn't have been able to have someone procure evidence needed to disprove his role in Juliana's murder. (If we're going by 'Crimes 2 is canon in Mads's writing'). Making friends is just this essential key to his survival, but that doesn't mean he's a bad friend or he uses people. No, he's actually a very good one; someone who genuinely cares about these people even if their beliefs don't align with his. And he surrounds himself with good people these days and becomes more of a social necessity than a 'survival' mechanism.
Thank you for the ask, Anon!
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mayymurderr · 6 months
Denying me medical care because you still need people to be incompetent or saying I dont deserve medical treatment goes against the hippocratic oath for every medical professional.
Just so I don't get organized and you guys at v for vendetta can keep making mockery out of the world and accusing everyone of crimes to get presidents assassinated.
So anonymous the information your catering this movie you're filming around fucking with people who don't want to be making movies or singing or dancing or acting or any of it. Youre all a bunch of dickheads that just tried doing a lesson on why you don't teach kids grammar in any language
And how you want to destroy history just because of the accusations held against you all
Erasing of data corruption on broken url schemes global scale same dickheads
No one's scared that they can drop a pin and not let you move from where your at feeling like lucey when she got kicked but without the fucking real chain and there's nothing there
Not one person is scared that white supremes have this making underground films and that they all deal with international people
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thatnerdyqueer · 8 months
lmao ok so I just finished watching V for Vendetta
and I have a lot of ThoughtsTM
before you read HUGE TW OK. homophobia, transphobia, racism, antisemitism
Ok so I should preface this by saying the movie itself isn't homophobic, transphobic, particularly racist (as far as I know, I'm white so I've probably missed stuff and I apologise if I have), antisemetic (but again, maybe I missed stuff) or any of that.
in fact in my opinion it was an amazing, and extrememly terrifying movie.
But, it did feel like watching a highlight reel of all the worst parts of the political climate of 1930s germany and of course of the past few years.
now onto the funny bit:
I was watching the credits and I saw that it was a Wachowski sisters movie and omfg god it immediately made SO MUCH SENSE lol
when I say that V for Vendetta was SO TRANS I mean it. Like, in ways that I can't really articulate now bc I'm too tired but I might explain later, it was so trans. So. Trans.
It was soooo white lmaooooooooo. Like it kept talking about evil conservative politics and how gay people and shit are used as scapegoats, and while that was super powerful I was kinda confused as to why they like, totally glossed over intersectionality and other methods of oppression. It was weird to watch such a "progressive" film that didn't touch on race, like, at all. The closest they came was a guy getting arrested for owning a Koran. And the guy was white. (played by Stephen Fry My Beloved, no hate to him, he was fantastic as always and also I'm super scared about that fall he had I hope hes ok :( anyways). And then the second I saw that the Wachowski sisters made it I was like ooooooooooooooohhhhh thats why it just blatantly ignored racsim and had 0 (zero) characters from ANY ETHNIC BACKGROUND OTHER THAN FUCKING ENGLAND :/ Which, yknow, aside from being hurtful to the vast majority of the population of earth, just makes for a less interesting, less vibrant, less powerful story. It's about freedom, willingness to die for a cause, and rebellion for fucks sake. It shouldn't just be white.
Ok other ThoughsTM
It was weird, but also kinda touching to have V be the "guy" that fought for it all.
I don't really have the words for it at the moment, but in as simple terms as I can.
I was surprised at the unrealistic, but also extrememly important suggestion that a striaght, white, cis guy (assuming V was all of those things, even though he was hella fruity and queer coded) could ever allow himself to become the revolution, to become something bigger than himself, and more importantly, to be selfless enough to devote himself to the liberation of completely separate groups of people.
And, look, I'm not saying that they can't do that (Neil Gaiman as a shoutout, you stand up unabashedly for queer people, trans people, refugees, women, sex workers, disabled people, people of colour, etc etc and maybe thats because you're jewish so you know what fucking happens when you ignore discrimination for a little bit and allow it to fester because it aint you thats getting attacked so why should you care and anyway thats not a rant that I want to have), but I was just surprised, and kinda dissapointed that they did
Because its unrealistic. When as a white person ever been the champion of a a movement against racism? When has a man ever been a figurehead for feminism? Etc etc.
which brings me to my next point.
V's arc still disappointingly revolved around falling in love with a woman. Which really just felt like a way to distract straight viewers from his actual character arc so it was less confronting for them and they will never actually understand him or connect with him properly. I watched it with my parents (both straight), and there were moments when I felt completely sure that they were not grasping the point of a scene, or a line, or whatever. And they felt all righteous and content because they watched a movie about gay people fighting back or whatever, but the main character was still A FCUKING STRIAHGT MAN WTF.
And let me be clear. I DONT HAVE ANY OBJECTIONS TO HIM FALLING IN LOVE. I DONT AHVE ANY OBJECTIONS TO HIS LOVE INTEREST BEING A WOMAN. I'm just annoyed that the messaging was subtle enough that straight people and allo people distracted by a heterosexual romance would miss it. Yes, his love for Evey was tragic. Yes, it was beautiful. But no scene with them was ever actually about their love. It was about something bigger. Which I don't think my parents quite grasped.
Anyway. Conclusions.
Was it a good movie? Absolutely yes!
Will I be watching it again? Absolutely yes!
Was it a terrifying documentary about the world as we know it? Yes!
But could it have been more effective by diversifying slightly more? Yes.
(btw I am fully aware that this movie was made in 2005 and we need context and shit)
So yeah. Those are my thoughts. If you made it this far, wow. You're either a bit V for Vendetta fan, very passionate about activism, or not really concentrating properly.
So uh yeah.
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bitcofun · 2 years
This is a viewpoint editorial by Alex Lielacher, creator and CEO of Rise Up Media, a material marketing company for Bitcoin start-ups. The Guy Fawkes mask-- promoted by the film "V For Vendetta"-- has actually ended up being a sign of resistance versus the State, used by anti-government protesters of all factions Bitcoiners have actually likewise gotten the mask, highlighting Bitcoin's own resist the powers that be who manage and gain from the corrupt fiat currency financial system. Now that it is the fifth of November, here's a tip that Bitcoin is more than number-go-up innovation. At its core, it's a financial transformation that has the possible to alter the world permanently. Why Does Britain Celebrate The Fifth Of November?" Remember, keep in mind, the fifth of November. Gunpowder, treason, and plot. I see no reason that gunpowder treason ought to ever be forgot." Ask anybody in the U.K. about Guy Fawkes, and they'll more than likely quote you this poem The fifth of November is a day when we keep in mind among the most infamous acts of disobedience versus the state on European soil. On November 5, 1605, a group of Roman Catholic Church fans tried to explode parliament and eliminate King James I. The leader of the plot, Robert Catesby, together with his 4 co-conspirators-- Thomas Winter, Thomas Percy, John Wright and the notorious Guy Fawkes-- were outraged by King James' rejection to give more spiritual toleration to Catholics. Through this plot, they hoped that the confusion, which would follow the murder of the king, his ministers and the members of Parliament, would supply a chance for the English Catholics to take control of the nation. However, their strategy didn't work. They were captured and later on hanged for treason. Their action led to much more penalty versus the Catholic Church. In January 1606, the U.K. Parliament developed November 5 as a day of public thanksgiving. Today we commemorate November 5 as Guy Fawkes Night or Bonfire Night by lighting bonfires, triggering fireworks and bring "Guys" through the streets using the ever-so-famous Guy Fawkes mask. The Changing Symbolism Of The Guy Fawkes Mask The comic and, later on, the motion picture, "V For Vendetta" turned the Guy Fawkes mask into a sign with various significances. It's no longer just souvenirs for the fifth of November, however a sign versus power, corruption and the state device, along with a way to safeguard your identity throughout a time of universal security. One of the most apparent signs of the mask is the uprising versus the powers that be. Throughout the movie "V For Vendetta," the character V's identity is never ever exposed. There was no requirement to understand who he was. The significance in the graphic unique really goes an action even more and makes use of V's facelessness to promote anarchy in the hopes of producing a brand-new world order without leaders. This vision is one that numerous protestors or anarchists share. Whether they are hacktivist collectives like Anonymous, which is eager to reveal corruption and abuse of power, or protestors versus state tyranny in Venezuela, India, Bahrain or Nigeria. Once they place on the mask, they end up being not just a protestor versus power, however likewise a sign for others to follow their lead. Someone alone with the mask on their face is worthless, once a cumulative places on the mask, it ends up being the sign versus tyranny. Obviously, it's a guard to safeguard one's personal privacy too, which is why you see numerous Guy Fawkes masks at demonstrations. And this mixes into online culture. Satoshi Nakamoto is probably among the most popular confidential activists of the past 20 years. One of the most represented variations of Nakamoto is as somebody using a Guy Fawkes mask and hoodie. Like V in the motion picture, it was Nakamoto who released a vendetta with the monetary world. They didn't look for revenge by hacking the tradition monetary system, however rather by producing a system in which everybody has the ability to negotiate easily.
As soon as the task was huge enough and able to survive on its own, Nakamoto left, never ever to return, thus supporting the concept of a motion with no leaders-- a leaderless resistance versus the fiat financial system. One of the primary elements of Bitcoin is its capability to separate cash from the State. This separation is what joins Bitcoiners with protesters on the streets in Venezuela, hacktivists online and Guy Fawkes back in1605 All of them had or have the objective of dismissing effective organizations for a much better and freer society. Why Anon Bitcoiners Wear The Guy Fawkes Mask The Guy Fawkes mask is not just a sign versus tyranny however likewise a guard of defense to conceal your identity. And privacy is a huge part of Bitcoin culture. Anon Bitcoiners wish to safeguard themselves from the facility, and the possible consequences of having their identity related to an innovation that has the possible to fall existing financial structures that benefit the couple of in power. While Bitcoin is gradually being incorporated into the tradition monetary system, contributing to its authenticity in the eyes of federal governments, regulators and huge banking, the capacity for a restriction-- as Bitcoin is a method to prevent the coming reserve bank digital currency (CBDC) security device-- stays a danger. History does not duplicate itself, however it frequently rhymes. If you take a look at what occurred with gold in the United States in 1933, where residents were basically robbed of their gold ownerships, it would be absurd to believe that comparable strategies do not likewise exist for Bitcoin. Now, one might state as long as you have your personal secrets and protect your wallet in a multisig structure, very little can take place. That may be real for your bitcoin. The truth that your identity is connected to a possibly soon-to-be-banned innovation positions a danger. Anons have the ability to pull out of that dystopia by using a metaphorical Guy Fawkes mask and staying confidential. They cut off their real-life personalities from their online personalities, enabling them to continue to stay unlinked to Bitcoin by name. Bear in mind, in the future, CBDCs will exist and will likely become the primary tool of security for the facility. That is another reason the mask ended up being a sign versus the facility, whether that remain in the Bitcoin area or in activist groups like Anonymous. All of these various groups want to withstand tyranny by "placing on the mask." Symbols are just reliable if sufficient individuals defend them. A single Guy Fawkes mask is useless. If thousands of individuals use them at demonstrations or have them on in their profile images online, they're able to put pressure on the facility. Statements like "Bitcoin is a serene transformation" or "Fix the cash, repair the world" have the objective of tranquil anarchy or transformation within them. They do not wish to eliminate or ruin innocent lives. That's what the facility is finishing with its unlimited proxy wars. The objective is to notify people and enable back to the person. Is Bitcoin The Fiat Monetary System's Gunpowder Plot? The basic response to this concern is yes, definitely. However, Bitcoiners do not prepare to explode parliament. I am sure there are Bitcoiners living under genuinely dictatorial state guideline who might be working on toppling their federal governments, Bitcoiners desire to alter the world quietly, without bloodshed or physical damage to anybody. In "V For Vendetta" and the gunpowder plot of 1605, the objective was to fall the existing class structure at all expenses. The characters wanted to compromise human lives to see the modification they imagined. This is extremely various from Bitcoin. Bitcoin does not require a violent uprising. Bitcoin is the uprising. Bitcoin itself is a tranquil transformation. There is no requirement to physically inhabit Wall Street or hold teller captive in a break-in. All anybody needs
to do to participate in the Bitcoin transformation is to enter into the Bitcoin network by running a node and spreading out awareness of the power that Bitcoin holds to alter the world. Bitcoin is antifragile, tough to alter and protect by style. These qualities are the gunpowder of Bitcoin. There were numerous efforts to alter its principles-- the Blocksize Wars, for instance-- however none of the assaulters achieved success in their efforts. Bitcoin's core of followers adhered to Nakamoto's vision, one that is still alive today. Everybody in the world has the chance to participate in the Bitcoin network, gaining from its capability to make it possible for anybody to shop, send out and get worth without censorship or requiring to request approval. That's why the facility fears it. The facility does not desire you to own anything. Its members are the ones informing you what to consume, consume and invest your hard-earned cash on. If you do not comply with, it will implement brand-new guidelines or shut you off by managing your savings account. This is why CBDCs are so unsafe, as they can, in theory, offer this facility total control over all your monetary deals. Just by owning and utilizing bitcoin, you do not need to follow these guidelines. You have the choice to pull out. If there is something the gunpowder plot or "V For Vendetta" has actually taught us, it's the power of cumulative minds. The facility hesitates of more public assistance for Bitcoin due to the fact that it understands that when we struck a specific limit, there will not be any returning. The facility can't turn Bitcoin off like a server. Without recognizing it, it has actually constructed a beast. It was due to the fact that of bad monetary reward structures in the past that Nakamoto produced Bitcoin. The greed of the facility was what led us here. One by one, from the bottom up, we've increased and continue to offer individuals hope, nerve and a vision for a much better tomorrow. Remember, Remember, What Bitcoin Could Really Accomplish In the 3rd act of "V For Vendetta," the character Evey has actually conquered her worry of death. She understands there will not be any returning, and the outlined transformation on the fifth of November is inevitable, no matter her own life. In the real life, the facility has actually gotten to where it is today due to the fact that it has actually had the ability to corrupt the system with fiat cash. If it ever required more, it had the ability to print it. Up up until today, it was rather effective. Its time is running out. You can just print a lot cash prior to it begins pumping up away. The outcome of that extensive costs shows up now. Figureheads like Christine Lagarde of the European Central Bank or Andrew Bailey of the Bank of England do not understand how to stop inflation. They do not see any other service however to print more cash and to toss more cash at the issue. As we understand, nevertheless, that does not work. Bitcoin repairs this. Bitcoin's restricted supply, integrated with its disinflationary financial policy, allows holders to safeguard themselves from the long-lasting results of inflation. That's not all. Bitcoin is likewise flexibility cash. It permits anybody on the planet to take part in a brand-new financial system without the chains of the fiat currency device. No ruler, no regulator and no bank can lock you out of your bitcoin as long as you hold your own secrets. That is the real power of Bitcoin. It supplies us with monetary sovereignty and the power to pick our own fate. This is a visitor post by Andrew Lielacher. Viewpoints revealed are totally their own and do not always show those of BTC Inc or Bitcoin Magazine. Read More
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sammysvanfeet · 2 years
Boston Calling || Chapter Two
Jake x Reader - Enemies to Lovers
Word count: 5k+
*WARNINGS*: cursing, abandonment issues, overbearing mother, mentions of death, mentions of alcohol, Oliver Reed (yes that needs it's own warning)
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Chapter 3
I stared at the boy in front of me in utter disbelief, my mouth hung agape ever so slightly and I closed it quickly before he caught on to my surprise. I slowly took his hand and gave him a polite handshake before speaking.
“You look exactly like this guy in my Sound Engineering class.” He chuckled at my words before responding to me like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“I presume you’re talking about Jacob, in which case, yes, we do look very much alike, and that would be because we’re identical twins.” He finished, arms folded across his chest giving me a sly grin. He looked down towards my neck before meeting my eyes once again.
“Nice scarf.” he complimented.
I glanced at the article of clothing he commended, before slipping out a small thank you. There was this nervous energy that had accumulated in me throughout this entire interaction. Josh was so intimidating, what with his obvious charismatic nature and outgoing personality, I felt so mediocre compared to him. A feeling I wasn’t familiar with at all.
I dragged the chair away from the table before sitting on the cold seat, the wooden dowels in the backrest digging into my spine as I leaned against it. I pulled my computer out of my bag and I could hear Josh resume his typing. My goodness he was loud, he typed as though he had a personal vendetta against the keys, slapping away at the black plastic squares. He must have been writing something incredibly important, the look on his face was determined and he seemed so sure of himself. I couldn’t help but stare at his features once again, still in shock over the revelation that he and Jake are brothers, twins on account of his words.
“So are you a sound engineering major, too?” I blurted out.
He didn’t seem irritated by my interruption, instead he smirked at me.
“Philosophy and film, actually…”
“Wow! I suppose you and Jake really couldn’t be more different.” I huffed, incredulously.
“You’ve got that right, mama.” He winked. I was somewhat taken aback by his forwardness. It wasn’t a gesture that made me feel uncomfortable or like he was hitting on me, I just genuinely believe that assured demeanor was simply just a part of his disposition. Perhaps I would like this Kiszka.
“So, what do people do around here for fun? Besides skulking around the library at night?” I joked, suddenly feeling more confident around Josh.
“Well I can’t promise you a night of debauchery, but I am a regular at this little joint about 20 minutes or so off campus. They host open mic nights, karaoke, live bands… you name it. You should tag along tomorrow night, the inner performer in you will beg to be revealed!” He dramatically divulged while waving his around hands wildly, earning hushing whispers from students around us.
I smiled bigger than I had in weeks. Josh was magnetic, endearing and so over-the-top you couldn’t help but feel joyful around him. I agreed to his offer without hesitation, despite myself being a notoriously reserved person. Maybe this is just what my therapist ordered…
Josh and I exchanged phone numbers later that night, the library much quieter now and almost completely unoccupied, save for us and a few other students… one of whom had fallen asleep on her textbook. He kept cracking witty remarks about anything and everything. Not only was he humorous, but his love for philosophy and film was evident. Before long, I could barely suppress the impending yawn in my throat. When Josh noticed my drowsy state, he took that as our cue to head out. Bundling up in our winter weather wear and stashing the bricks of books into our backpacks, we silently made our way outside.
“I’ll text you the details regarding tomorrow night when I get back home, I’ll see you then Y/N.” He winked, sharing a genuine smile and walking the opposite way, in the direction I’m assuming was his apartment.
“Alright, bye Josh!” I called after him, my voice cheery. He tilted his head over his shoulder and threw a peace sign as he continued to stroll down the sidewalk.
I felt giddy, the prospect of finally not being alone was enthralling. People don’t emphasize just how exhausting the feeling of loneliness is, it eats at your thoughts and consumes your daily tasks, and more importantly, it severely fucks up your perception of human interactions.
I was unsure of myself, I’m only now learning how to pursue relationships with others without the shadow of my mother behind me. As self absorbed as it is to say, my entitlement was a difficult aspect in my life to give up. Not that I wanted to be that way, by no means was that true, it’s just hard to rid yourself of your unrealistic expectations when that’s all you’ve known. And God knows how impactful that’s been in my past friendships.
I could see my apartment building quickly approaching and made my way past the roses that lined the front garden gates and up the steps to the porch. Pulling the storm door open, I entered the poorly lit lobby of the building. The black and white tiled checkered floors were my favorite aspect of the whole place. It reminded me of my childhood home, the one we had before my dad passed away and my older sister started acting out. When I was younger we lived in an 1960’s home that had been refurbished by an old lesbian couple, and they decided it would be appropriate to leave the black and white chipping tiles that made up the kitchen floor. I remember my mother always joked about how much she hated it. She was different back then, when she had dad around. He always insisted the floors gave the home character. The pattern was so whimsical, something out of Alice in Wonderland. I stepped through the lobby, making sure to only plant my feet on the black tiles, hopping around. It was a little game I liked to play with myself, one that I’d frequently play as a child, jumping around the kitchen island while my older sister baked me cookies. It was such a futile yet fulfilling act. When I finally reached the bottom of the staircase that led to the upper apartments, I couldn’t help but feel deep sadness over the fact that my sister wasn’t here this time to bake me pastries and desserts. My boots fell heavily on the wooden steps as I made my way to my apartment door, fishing the keys to my residence out of my coat pocket before turning the lock and filing my way inside.
Thoughts of my sister suddenly devoured my sleep deprived brain. I suppose I thought about her because of Josh, in a way he reminded me a lot of her. Their shared flamboyant nature and distinct clothing choices. The vibration of a notification sent to my phone interrupted my deliberation. Walking over to my bedroom I read the message on the lock screen. Josh had texted me the address to the venue I was supposed to meet him at tomorrow night followed by a very simple ‘nice meeting you, mama’ and a ‘goodnight’. Of course, in what I was learning to be typical Josh fashion, he had to include his flair into absolutely everything and included a semicolon winky face. ‘Classic’, I thought, not a guy into the whole revitalized emoji scene.
I tossed my phone on one side of the bed before stripping myself of the day's clothes, immediately feeling a million times better as I peeled the sweaty socks off of my feet and rid myself of the unbelievably tight sweater vest that I’m convinced belonged to an infant at one point. I couldn’t help myself from digging into my closet in search of a suitable outfit for the following night. I wanted to make a good impression on Josh and his friends, I wanted them to see me as one of them. Already assuming Josh was going to wear something extravagant, I frantically went through my hangers of clothes before finding what I was looking for at the back of my wardrobe. Slightly concealed by a dejected collection of blazers, the pink slip dress was vaguely peeking out, it’s black lace trim barely visible. A rush of warmth filled my chest. This particular garment belonged to my sister. I remember her wearing it many times before, she always wore it with such conviction, and she looked gorgeous every time, undeniable happiness painting her face. In one particularly fond memory she was sneaking out of our shared bedroom as the moonlight reflected off of the silk of the dress, illuminating her. She glanced over her shoulder at me, beaming that infectious smile and said, “Our secret, right Bug?”
Wiping a stray tear that had traitorously escaped down my cheek, I held the slip over my form and pondered my reflection in the full size mirror adjacent to the closet. It was form-fitting and slinky, something I wouldn’t usually be comfortable wearing. If it wasn’t for the sentimental value it possessed, I wouldn’t even own it. I considered the addition of some tights, my heeled boots and my trusty black coat. I couldn’t forgo a matching pink silk hair bow to pull the outfit together. I hung the dress from the door of my closet and gathered the other items to complete the look. Taking a step back, I admired the garment and accessories all placed together. A small grin creeped across my cheeks, I was more than pleased with the choice of outfit. I moved forward to hold the lace detailing at the bottom of the dress, tracing the pattern with my fingers, I was going to look phenomenal.
As usual, I rode the bus to class the following morning, listening to my favorite true crime podcast and people watching. The air felt different today. Maybe it was the unusually warm temperature, threatening to melt the snow and welcome Spring. Or maybe it was the fact that I was actually going to go out tonight! I barely paid any mind to Jake during the entirety of Sound Engineering, actually allowing him a chance to answer most of the questions for once.
After class was dismissed, I gathered my things and headed to the coffee shop to grab a well deserved hot beverage. Luckily only one employee was there today. He was tall with long dark hair, save for a few scattered highlights. He was incredibly handsome. He introduced himself as Danny.
“You came in a few days ago.” He commented. I was slightly confused as to how I didn’t remember this interaction he was referring to. Cocking my eyebrow, head tilted, I looked at him as an indicator to elaborate.
“We didn’t speak, but I just remember you walking in, my coworker, Jake, was the one who took your order.” He finished with a soft smile. I nodded and returned the same smile.
“Yeah we’re actually in the same class for sound engineering, I think we’ll be taking up an internship opportunity together.” I relayed all this information mindlessly to Danny while fishing for my wallet to pay for this new tea flavor that was brightly advertised on a wooden board by the front counter.
“Yeah, I know who you are, Jake’s told me a little about you.” he said nonchalantly as he swiped the credit card I handed him through the POS system. I blinked a few times before recomposing myself. Jake talked about me? This insatiable urge to ask about what he spoke of me was bubbling it's way out of my throat.
I chuckled a little and cooly responded, “I wouldn’t believe a word he says about me.” Throwing a wink his way for good measure.
Danny got to making my beverage before guffawing, “Ha! Trust me, of all people I know how much of a jerk Jake can be sometimes.” He hesitated, “but he has a good heart…”
“Is that so? Well in that case maybe Jake and Josh are more alike than I thought.” I pondered aloud.
“Ahh, so you have already met Josh. Lucky you.” He nudged me with his elbow.
I retrieved my tea from his hands and inhaled the steaming beverage before taking a sip. The flavors of passionfruit and hibiscus enveloped my senses.
“How is it?” He asked me, hands propping himself up on the counter.
“It’s brilliant, really, thank you.” I replied. It was true, the tea was amazing. I took another sip and a few drops of my drink slipped its way out of the lid and onto my chin.
“Careful there, you don’t want to get any on that pretty scarf of yours.” Danny said, as he handed me a napkin. I gingerly took it from his hands and wiped the liquid off of my face as I thanked him.
He was so gentle with his actions. Wiping his espresso stained hands with the rag in the pocket of his apron before tucking it back into its rightful place. Everything he did was so calculated. He was so poised. He looked up at me before speaking.
“Anything else I can do for you?” He asked. He was kindly insinuating to me that he had work to do and couldn’t dawdle with me for much longer. I shook my head no and turned to leave the establishment after thanking him once again.
The rest of the day consisted of me doing homework, working on my internship paperwork and checking in with my therapist before finally working up the nerve to return my mother’s calls. After two rings she abruptly answered.
“So you’re alive then.”
“Yes, mother. I’m sorry I didn’t call you sooner. I know I promised–”
She cut me off with a disapproving tut. “Y/N, making excuses is a terrible habit of yours and quite frankly it’s unbecoming for a woman of your status.”
“I’m sorry, mother.” I meekly replied.
“As you have already said.” She took a sip of something. I pictured her nursing a giant glass of Chardonnay at 3 o’clock in the afternoon.
“Well, one of my Professors told me about an internship at a recording studio in Albany! I am still finishing up the official application, however, he all but said the opportunity is mine if I want it.”
“Albany… New York?” I could practically hear the disapproval across the phone. “What kind of reputable music producer operates out of Albany of all places? You couldn’t find anything in Manhattan?”
“Mother, do you know how far Manhattan is from Boston? It’s almost twice as long of a drive than it is to Albany. All that time driving would take away from time studying, don’t you agree?” I was desperately hoping she would see my point.
“You know, I still don’t know why you had to transfer to that practically nanoscopic excuse of a university. Back home in Nashville you could have any opportunity you wanted, all at your fingertips.”
“That is the point. I desperately want to carry on your legacy and make you proud, but I think I will feel more of a sense of accomplishment if I do it myself. I don’t want to have to rely on the privileges being your daughter gives me. I want to work hard and earn things by my own merit.”
“Well you don’t seem to mind cashing the checks I send you every week.” She snidely responded.
I slowly inhaled, holding my breath and releasing before responding. I knew she wanted to get a rise out of me. “You know how much I appreciate your financial help. As I have said before, if you would prefer I get a job on top of my full time course load and potential internship, then that can be arranged.”
“Oh so is that what you want?” Her voice had increased by several octaves. She started yelling down the phone. “You want to be cut off?” She threatened. I felt the slow rage creeping up my neck.
“Maybe I do!” I fought back.
“You will regret ever speaking to me this way, Y/N.” And with that, the call disconnected.
With one hand, I clutched the wool coat I was wearing closed across my chest. I was running late and I didn’t want to make a bad impression on Josh or his friends. The other hand held my phone with Josh’s message indicating the address I was supposed to show up at tonight. I rushed down the busy sidewalk, glancing up at the numbers on the buildings until I found the establishment. Nerves suddenly set in– whether that was lingering from the disastrous phone call with my mother or because I was about to hang out with a new group of people was yet to be determined.
I shot off a text to Josh, simply saying ‘Here! :)’, adding the emoticon knowing he would appreciate it.
I was shivering at this point, despite wearing a thick pair of tights and my favorite boots. The pink slip dress did little to warm me, but the silkiness of the fabric and memories it elicited felt like a comfort in this moment. Before I could contemplate if Josh had even seen my text, the heavy door to the building pushed open before a head popped out with a mess of curls and a big, beautiful smile.
“You made it!” His words came out louder than intended, and he slurred slightly. “This dress is amazing!” He held the soft fabric between his fingers. I noticed he was already slightly tipsy by how touchy-feely he was being, but then again, maybe that was another distinct characteristic to Josh’s exuberant persona.
“Hey, you started without me!” I teased.
“Don’t worry about it, you just need to catch up, come! Let’s get some drinks in you!” he replied, waving his hand around in a circle.
Josh led me through the crowd of people by the small of my back. It was a comforting motion, seeing as though I was essentially surrounded by strangers. We landed at the bar, where Josh gestured to the bartender and held up two fingers. Not even a minute later, two shots of clear liquid and two wedges of lime were placed in front of us.
“Bajabule! Drink up mama!” He bellowed.
I sniffed the liquid curiously, scrunching my face in distaste. “Josh, what on earth is this?”
“Tequila!” He clinked our shot glasses together before downing his in one sip. He slid the lime between his lips and sucked. It was as if he didn’t even feel the burn of the liquor.
“I don’t know about this, Josh. I don’t usually drink tequila…” The uncertainty was clearly depicted on my face.
He looked at me with the most heart melting expression, those big brown eyes like saucers as he pouted. “Just one, for me! To our newfound friendship!”
I relented, “Fine, just one!”
The liquor burned as I suppressed a gag. Josh handed me my lime wedge which didn’t do much to soothe the fire in my throat. After a few minutes, and, admittedly, another shot, my belly felt warm. A blush crept to my cheeks and a giddy smile took over my face. I was definitely a lightweight and I was starting to feel the effects.
“Are you ready to meet the whole gang?” He slung his arm over my shoulder and carefully led me to a booth at the back of this little bar. As we maneuvered our way around the throngs of tipsy college kids, I realized there was a little stage in the corner where a band had been playing. Bodies swayed to the music, everyone looked so carefree and lively.
“Y/N, this is the gang! Gang, this is Y/N!” Josh shouted over the music.
“Hi, gorgeous! I’m Sam, but my friends call me Sammy.” The tall, long haired boy stood up and offered his hand to shake. I shook his hand politely and nodded my head, offering him a wide smile in acknowledgment. He looked incredibly similar to Josh and Jake. “I’m the little brother.” He winked at me and motioned with his thumb to Josh.
Josh cleared his throat, “and this is…”
“Danny!!!” I squealed, recognizing the friendly face in front of me and hugging him tightly. The liquor was definitely getting the better of me.
“So I see you’ve already met Daniel?” Josh said, curiously.
“He makes the best hot beverages on the entire East coast!” I chuckled to myself. “At least ten times better than the ones Jake makes, anyways.” I finished, rolling my eyes in faux annoyance before the grin on my face returned.
A peachy color covered Danny’s cheeks and nose at the compliment. He opened his mouth to say something, before abruptly closing it, looking over my shoulder cautiously. I spun on my heel, maybe a little too fast and had to be steadied by a pair of arms behind me. I giggled as I went to look up and thank my saviour, but instead I was met with a murderous glare from none other than Jake.
“What is she doing here?” He spoke through gritted teeth, to everyone but me it seemed.
I cautiously slipped out of his grasp and took a seat next to Danny before fiddling with the ends of my bow behind my neck. I was wondering if anyone else clocked the malicious intent behind his voice or noticed how irritated he was by my presence.
“I met Y/N yesterday at the library, we got to talking, and I figured I’d invite her out with us.” Josh spoke, cheery as he retold the events from last night.
I looked up at Jake and gave him a very meek smile in an attempt to console his attitude and perhaps put up a nice veneer for the rest of the group at the table. He turned to me and muttered a brief ‘hey’, devoid of any emotion and the look in his eyes still evident. I said ‘hello’ in response before turning my attention to the table in front of me.
“I’m gonna go get another drink, I’ll be right back.” Jake spoke, addressing the whole group, and curtly turned towards the bar.
I couldn’t help but follow him with my eyes as he walked further away from us. He looked really good tonight, a dark blue collared long sleeve, slightly wrinkled and rolled up to his elbows, the top half buttons undone and a few scattered wooden necklaces peaking out. He donned a pair of black skinny jeans that I noticed to be his go to pair of pants, as I had seen him wear them multiple times before in class. His hair messily tied in a low bun and with a few strands fallen from his bangs tucked behind his ears. Oh and he clearly loved rings, he had a plethora of them on his hands, all a rusty silver, and one of them being a hair tie he had wrapped around his middle finger. In my slightly inebriated state I didn’t even realize how long I was staring at Jake until his twin snapped a finger in front of my face, bringing me out of my drunken daze.
“You alright, mama?” he giggled, clearly privy to my obvious distraction.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m good, that tequila really was something.” I replied in hopes of excusing my behavior.
“So, you and Jake seem to be real pals huh?” Josh questioned, a small smirk painting his cheeks. He looked at me expectantly, as if he knew what I was going to say.
“Well we haven’t really gotten off to a great start, I don’t think he’s very friendly, or he just doesn’t like me much, and I’m pretty sure it’s the latter.” I replied, sighing softly and looking at the art and posters on the wall next to us.
“Yea, well you're definitely on his mind to say the least.” Josh stated slyly before reaching over and taking a sip of Sammy’s beer. He wore a shit eating grin on his face. This fucker did know something. I turned to him and stared at him incredulously. ‘What did he say?’, I thought to myself. I cocked my head before asking him the blistering question on the back burner of my brain.
“What do you mean?” I scoffed, looking at him curiously.
“Oh you know, stuff about how you’re this rich girl, with a hot shot music producer mom, he thinks you’re a nepotism baby, ranted on and on about you and your music experience. That kind of stuff.”
I couldn’t help but look taken aback at his reply. Buying myself a few seconds to formulate a response, I grabbed the beer out of Josh’s hands and took a good few gulps.
“Hey! That’s mine!” Sammy whined.
“He doesn’t know anything about me, he listened to a segment our professor gave regarding me and my mother, that was it.” I said directed to Josh, a shocked and defensive tone on my tongue. He raised his hands up and gave me an nonchalant glance.
“Hey, don’t shoot the messenger, that’s just what he said about you, and as your new friend, I’m just telling you about all the latest gossip.” He said, with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“Oh and don’t get me started on your blue scarf, he hates it with a burning passion! He talks about how it makes you look like the most pretentious girl on Earth… and how it sits so perfectly on your shoulders and frames your face.” Josh continued, but this time his words were almost a mocking tone, like he was mimicking what Jake had said about the scarf, and me apparently.
Danny was giggling now too, the beer in his hands slightly sloshing in the glass as he gently shook with laughter. He added in his own piece to the conversation. “Oh I’m pretty sure his exact words were, ‘I hate the way she wears it, she thinks she’s such a princess.” he finished.
Even Sam joined in with the jesting, he snatched his beer back and giggled, his head tilting back to meet the leather booth seat. Clearly they thought this was hilarious, all laughing at my expense.
At this moment I felt so small. “Is that what you all think?” I muttered, nervously, biting at the edge of my thumbnail.
The laughing seemed to die down. Danny choked on a sip of his beer, “wh-what?” He sputtered.
“No, Y/N. I’m sorry if you thought we were making fun of you. You’re cool. This is about Jake.” Sammy offered a consoling smile.
“He has been acting like he’s had a stick up his ass for months now.” Josh snickered before adding, “...and he’s taking all that out on you.”
“I don’t understand.” I felt even more confused by Jake’s behavior than ever. His attitude started long before I transferred here, so why did he treat me the way he did?
Before the guys could offer an explanation, Jake strolled up to the table with a drink in each hand. He was swaying slightly and his eyes were glazed over. He was obviously much more intoxicated than before.
“Alright boys, I challenge you to a game of pool. Loser buys the next round.” Jake announced in a distinctly British accent.
Danny groaned but Sam jumped up excitedly. “I’ve been waiting for Oliver Reed to show up all night!” He guffawed, looping his arm around Jake’s shoulder. “You’re on!”
The three of them made their way to an open pool table, while Josh hung behind for a second. His eyes caught mine and we shared a look that I couldn’t quite place. He had an uncharacteristically serious expression on his face, he opened his mouth before deciding to close it again, thinking better about whatever he was going to say.
“So… Oliver Reed, huh?” I snorted, attempting to lighten the mood.
“Ugh, don’t get me started on his fucking drunken alter ego.”
The boys were animatedly discussing who would play who. I could hear Sammy challenge Danny, leaving Jake sulking. The game was absolutely riveting to watch. These grown men got so childishly competitive over a game and quite frankly, it was entertaining. I was really starting to warm up to these people. As the game came to a close, with Danny reigning victorious, he finally beckoned Jake to play him next.
“Alright pretty boy, let’s see what you’ve got.” Oliver, I mean Jake, drawled.
If I thought the last game was heated, this one was something else. Tensions were high, even the other patrons were eagerly awaiting the outcome of the game. Watching Jake methodically pace the length of the table, calculating his hits before taking them, all of it was strangely alluring. He was dedicated, I would give him that. He took the last hit to the 8 ball and sunk it, earning a round of cheers from the crowd of onlookers that had gathered around. Even I found myself cheering as he won.
“Who’s next?” He challenged.
“Y/N!” Josh offered without hesitation, leading to a collective turning of heads towards our location.
“I, I– No, I can’t, I mean I–” I felt like I was choking on my words.
“Ha what, are you scared? A little fraidy cat, are you, love?” Jake taunted in the cockney accent he had been using all night.
Josh physically pushed me forward. “She is a suitable challenger!” He announced in a distinguished voice.
I was sweating, with the heat of the stares from those around me and the shitty fluorescent lights. I had to win this game. Grabbing a pool cue and rubbing the chalk on the end, I broke and questioned “stripes or solids?” innocently.
Jake faltered for a second, clearly not expecting me to participate in the challenge.
“Well?” I cocked my head to the side and batted my eyelashes, enjoying seeing him at a loss for words.
“Solids.” He gulped.
We went for three rounds before the other guys drunkenly called it. “Jake, you lost, bro!”
“You got your ass beat!” A random patron called.
“She’s a cheater… sh-she cheated, she gets everything she w-wants” Jake hiccuped, dramatically flailing his arms around, almost knocking someone’s drink from their hand.
“Okay, bud, let’s get you home.” Josh grimaced at me before beckoning his brother out of the building.
I felt untouchable, the look on Jake’s face was enough to sustain me for a lifetime. I had finally checked HIS ego; the words of a sore loser could not hurt me.
Danny sidled up next to me. I had noticed he had nursed the one beer through the night.
“Want a ride home? The Kiszka’s are going to Uber.” He graciously offered.
“That would be great, actually!”
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sunnysviolin · 3 years
Kinda random but do you think you could do some gen hcs for The Maverick? If requests are open ofc
Requests are definitely still open! I had someone else ask this too and you guys can totally still send me things!!! Just as with every ask....I am bad at turn around and I hoard asks. This called out to me tho because I love Bread Fam so these are kind of Mav and his siblings too!
Maverick loves thunderstorms. He will sit at the kitchen window and smell the rain and listen to the rumbling. One of his favorite things is to see a lightning strike and count until he hears the thunder.  
Maverick cannot handle any spice whatsoever. He doesn’t even like pepper sometimes because it’s too spicy. His family loves spicy food, and Mav sometimes just doesn’t eat dinner because he refuses to eat what they’ve made even when they make him something separate from their own spicy dinner
Mav wants to be a director. He is really interested in film and he likes to be in charge so it’s the perfect job. He is also a bit of a film snob, which his friends always tease him over. 
Maverick is actually really bad at baking. He’s the bakers son who burns everything he tries to make. Mav isn’t bad at making the initial dough, but he forgets to watch the oven or he puts it up too high so it cooks too fast. His parents and his siblings have taught him time and time again to take it slower, but he just can’t. 
As bad as Maverick is at baking, he is easily the most creative person in the family, and he came up with a lot of the ideas for new types of bakes and pastries and flavor combinations. His siblings loved to have him ramble off a list of ideas and then see if they could actually make what he was asking for
Maverick is the one member of his family that isn’t actually sure God exists. That one is more than just rebelling, it’s something he really worries about. He grew up in an extremely devout family, and to be the one non believer in that group is hard. 
Mav has actually known Aubrey and Basil since he was little. They were in the same youth group as little ones, but they weren’t super close. Mav’s siblings were the leaders of the youth group, so he always stuck a little closer to them then actually interacting with the rest of the group.
Mav has a personal vendetta against Kel mostly out of jealousy. Kel is a lot like Hero, especially as he entered High School. He was an athlete, a sweet guy, and eager to help others. He naturally charmed a lot of people and had a ton of friends. 
Meanwhile Mav was a lonely weird kid who everyone knew as the kid with the weird family. He created a whole persona of who he wanted to be and he crafted it so carefully, but Kel was naturally gifted at getting people to like him, so Mav built a whole “rivalry” between them. 
Maverick is actually really attached to the scooter gang because they’re the first real friends he’s actually had. They like him as he is, and as he wants to be. His siblings are a little upset that he doesn’t consider them his first friends, but they get it. It’s still hard that their brother likes to pretend they aren’t related anymore. 
Post-canon when the two groups merge more Maverick actually starts to talk with his siblings a lot more. Hero was pretty close with Daphne and Bowen in school (as close as he was with anyone after Mari died) so he invites them to come to the house when all of the kids come over because sometimes it feels awkward to be the only adult. 
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jadeee · 3 years
Vendetta Ch. 1: It’s You
You and Christopher go out to get a missing ingredient so Nicky can finally cook dinner, but you never make it back. 
~  Quick A/N: This takes place in the California route. If you didn’t get this route, just pretend :) 
Warnings: none 
Word Count: 1.3k
“I need a break.” You rubbed your eyes, attempting to erase the engrained images of the film you two had been working on.
“You and me both.” Nicky yawned as he stretched.
“What time is it anyway?”
He checked his watch “A quarter to eight,” he groaned “Where’s Chris?”
“If I recall, a certain production assistant wanted to give Christopher the grand tour.”
“Ah, to be young and in love.” He brushed his fingertips against yours.
“Hmm, what’s that like?” You teased.
He chuckled “I haven’t been neglecting you, have I?” 
He rose from his chair, “Maybe I could jog your memory?” He draped his arms over your shoulder.
You took his hand in yours, “How would you do that?”
“Maybe somethin’ over the top?” He kissed your temple.
“Even if it’s too expensive?” You tilted your head back. 
“Nothing’s too good for my baby,” he kissed your forehead and ran his thumb over your wedding ring. 
You turned around with a smile, “What are we waiting for?”
“Chris, if he ever shows up. It’s his last night in town and I promised him dinner.”
“Ooh, the Valentino special. What’s on the menu?”
“It’s a secret. Besides, if I don’t start soon there’ll be no dinner.”
Just then Christopher and Taylor, the production assistant, walked in all smiles. He froze when he saw you two.
“Sorry, I’m late. I got -uh,” he glanced at Taylor, “Sidetracked.”
“Sure, ‘sidetracked’.” Nicky mocked.
You pinched him and glared his way. Taylor began apologizing profusely. 
“Don’t worry about it, he was only kidding.” You faced Chris “Now that you’re here, we can go home.” 
You stood up and grabbed your coat “Thank you, Taylor.” 
They smiled sheepishly as the three of you walked out to the car. 
“Sidetracked?!” Nicky’s breath made wisps of smoke in the cold air. “Why I oughta,” he pulled Christopher in and ruffled the top of his hair.
“Hey Nick, ease up!” Christopher failed to break from his grip, “I said I was sorry!”
You chuckled at the spectacle. 
“How sorry?” He held him in his Boa-like grip. 
“Really sorry,” he tapped Nicky’s arm “C’mon Nick!”
“Alright, wiseguy.” He released Chris, who clutched at his throat.
“Let me make it up to you.” Chris adjusted his hair.
“And how do you plan to do that?”
“Let me cook dinner.”
He let out a hearty laugh “Chris, that’s punishment.”
You tried to hold back your laughter while Chris gasped “Oh you’re killin’ me here.”
“I’ve got a better idea.”
Chris and Nicky looked at you with wide eyes.
“Just like old times in New York,” Chris glanced at Nicky who was sitting next to you in the back seat, “Minus the criminals maybe.”
“There are still criminals, Chris. They just call themselves ‘cops’.”
“Do you think New York and California are that different?” You searched outside the window for the answer.
“No, but I think you guys are.” Chris passed through the gate to your home.
“Maybe he’s right,” Nicky grinned.
“Or maybe he’s trying to butter us up?” 
“I said I was sorry!” Chris pleaded as he pulled into the driveway.
“Chris, I’m joking!” You patted his shoulder.
“You can be so cruel, (y/n).” Nicky chided.
“Me? Cruel?”
He raised a brow “Toots, you don’t have to put on a show.”
“A show?!” You squeaked, “Why I’m the nicest - okay well, most decent person ever.”
“Hm, what do you think Nicky?” Chris parked the car.
“I think they’re just trynna butter us up.” The two howled at the joke. 
“Very funny, you two.” You sneered. 
“I’m just messin’ with you,” Nicky stepped out of the car and opened your door. “But if you wanna talk about it, let’s do it over dinner because I’m starving.”
You got out of the car, “Me too.”
Stella greeted the three of you at the front door. 
“Hey girl!” Nicky scratched her head as she stood up to hug him. Her paws almost touched his shoulders. For a Doberman puppy, she was big! 
You patted her on the head before she ran over to Chris, who immediately went into play mode. You took off your coat and entered the kitchen, examining the fridge and cabinets. 
“And just what are you doing?” Nicky stood beside you, washing his hands in the sink. 
“I was gonna help my handsome husband make dinner.” You wrapped your arms around his waist. 
He smiled at the compliment, “Your handsome husband wants his lovely spouse to relax.” He kissed your cheek.
“Aww, let me help. Please!” You begged as he faced you.
He caressed your arms “Hmm … alright.”
“Yes,” you whispered and kissed his jaw “What do I do first?”
“Well,” he walked over to the cabinet, never letting go of your hand. “We need sugar, sugar.” He winked at you. 
“I can go get some!” You started to walk off and let go of his hand.
“Hey!” He reeled you in. “Don’t take too long okay?” 
“I wouldn’t dream of it.” You kissed him one last time. 
He rested his hands on your hips and whispered, “I can’t wait ‘til Chris leaves so we can finally be alone.”
“That makes two of us.” You whispered back. 
Stella barked as she tackled Chris who was sitting on the couch.
“Speakin’ of the devil, take him with you.”
You noticed a look of worry flashed across his face, “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, I just got this feelin’ …” 
“What is it?” You cupped his cheek with your hand.
“Maybe I should go … you and Chris can stay here.”
“It’s just a quick run to the store, I’m sure we can handle it.”
His brows were still pinched in thought.
“Nicky, we’ll be fine.” You adjusted his tie, “Just let your lovely spouse take care of it.”
He grinned “How do you do it?” 
“Do what?”
“Make everything better?” He kissed your hand.
“Magic,” you smirked and pecked him on the cheek. Reluctantly, you let go of his warm touch and headed for the door. “C’mon Chris, it’s you and me.”
“Where are we goin’?” He rubbed Stella’s belly.
“We’re gonna get sugar.” You slipped on your coat.
“Sugar? For dinner?” 
“If you must know it’s part of a secret recipe,” Nicky shouted from the kitchen. “I’m afraid that’s all I can tell you.” He strode into the living room.
Chris threw up his hands, “Alright.”
“Attaboy!” Nicky patted his shoulders as he stood up. Stella sat upright and tilted her head. 
“Hurry back.” He held the door open for you two. 
Chris pulled the keys out of his pocket and stepped out into the cold, “We will!”
Stella whined as you followed behind him. 
“Be right back.” You beamed at Nicky and Stella. 
“One more thing,” he reached onto the coat rack and placed a scarf around your neck. He pulled gently on the ends bringing your lips to his, “I love you.”
You giggled at how every time felt like the first, “I love you too.” You ran your thumb over the dimple in his chin, then disappeared into the driveway.
You sank into the passenger seat.
“Where to?” Chris turned the key.
You gave him the directions to the nearest store and considered yourself lucky since you made it before they closed. You and Chris talked about his stay so far as you walked back to the car.
“So … Taylor?” You looked at him playfully.
He blushed “Taylor,” he beamed at the name while remembering the face. 
“I thi-” you were pulled into an alley along with Chris. A soft thud hit the ground as you dropped the sugar. A damp cloth drenched in toxic, nauseating fumes covered your mouth. You could hear Chris struggling as you tried to scream. 
“I never thought I’d see the day.” A gruff voice bellowed from the shadows.
Your head felt fuzzy, your limbs limp. You tried to fight but you could feel yourself slipping. The gruff voice stepped into the dim light. No, it can’t be. 
“Nice to see you again.” Floyd looked at you like a predator upon the naïve prey, right before the kill. Second by second your eyelids grew heavier and with each blink, he inched closer to you. Even after you passed out, his murderous gaze remained in your mind.
~~~ A/N: YEESSSS!! Bring on the madness!! Thank you for reading/liking/commenting/reblogging - I hope you LOVED it!! The next chapter will be up either Friday or next week. It’s looking like there may be 7 or 8 chapters (pls don’t kill me). Until next time 😘
Next Chapter ➡
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satansjit · 4 years
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Reflections on the Color of My Skin
By Neil DeGrasse Tyson
Wednesday, June 3, 2020
My colleague had other encounters with the law that he shared later that night, but his first story started a chain reaction among us. One by one we each recalled multiple incidents of being stopped by the police. None of the accounts were particularly violent or life-threatening, although it was easy to extrapolate to highly publicized cases that were. One of my colleagues had been stopped for driving too slowly. He was admiring the local flora as he drove through a New England town in the autumn. Another had been stopped because he was speeding, but only by five miles per hour. He was questioned and then released without getting a ticket. Still another colleague had been stopped and questioned for jogging down the street late at night.
As for me, I had a dozen different encounters to draw from. There was the time I was stopped late at night at an underpass on an empty road in New Jersey for having changed lanes without signaling. The officer told me to get out of my car and questioned me for ten minutes around back with the headlights of his squad car brightly illuminating my face. Is this your car? Yes. Who is the woman in the passenger seat? My wife. Where are you coming from? My parent’s house. Where are you going? Home. What do you do for a living? I am an astrophysicist at Princeton University. What’s in your trunk? A spare tire, and a lot of other greasy junk. He went on to say that the “real reason” why he stopped me was because my car’s license plates were much newer and shinier than the 17-year-old Ford that I was driving. The officer was just making sure that neither the car nor the plates were stolen.
Among my other stories, I had been stopped by campus police while transporting my home supply of physics textbooks into my newly assigned office in graduate school. They had stopped me at the entrance to the physics building where they asked accusatory questions about what I was doing. It was 11:30 p.m. Open-topped boxes of graduate math and physics textbooks filled the trunk. And I was transporting them into the building, which left me wondering how often that scenario shows up in police training videos.
We went on for two more hours. But before we retired for the night we searched for common denominators among the stories. We had all driven different cars—some were old, others were new, some were undistinguished, others were high performance imports. Some police stops were in the daytime, others were at night. Taken one-by-one, each encounter with the law could be explained as an isolated incident where, in modern times, we all must forfeit some freedoms to ensure a safer society for us all. Taken collectively, however, you would think the cops had a vendetta against physicists because that was the only profile we all had in common. In this parade of automotive stop-and-frisks, one thing was for sure, the stories were not singular, novel moments playfully recounted. They were common, recurring episodes. How could this assembly of highly educated scientists, each in possession of the PhD—the highest academic degree in the land—be so vulnerable to police inquiry in their lives? Maybe the police cued on something else. Maybe it was the color of our skin. The conference I had been attending was the 23rd meeting of the National Society of Black Physicists. We were guilty not of DWI (Driving While Intoxicated), but of other violations none of us knew were on the books: DWB (Driving While Black), WWB (Walking While Black), and of course, JBB (Just Being Black).
None of us were beaten senseless. None of us were shot. But what does it take for a police encounter to turn lethal? On average, police in America kill more than 100 unarmed black people per year. Who never made it to our circle? I suspect our multi-hour conversation would be rare among most groups of law-abiding people.
As I compose this, about 10,000 chanting protestors are filing past my window in Manhattan. And because of the intermittent looting and related violence, the curfew for this evening has been pushed earlier, to 8 p.m., from 11 p.m. in the preceding days. The most common placard was “Black Lives Matter.” Many others simply displayed the name George Floyd, who was handcuffed face-down on the street with a police officer’s knee on the back of his neck, applied with a force of at least half the officer’s body weight, resulting in his death. Curious irony that NFL star Colin Kaepernick offered a simple demonstration of care and concern for the fate of black people in the custody of police officers, by taking a knee during the Star Spangled Banner before football games. (One media outlet mangled the moment by describing him as protesting the national anthem.) The outrage against his silent act of concern for a national problem persisted through the 2017 season when, as a free agent, he went unsigned by any team to continue his livelihood.
So, we went from a peaceful knee to the ground to a fatal knee to the neck.
The way peaceful protesters and the press are being shoved, maced, tear-gassed, pepper-sprayed, and tackled in the streets of our cities (when the police should have focused on arresting the looters) you would think the protestors were doing something illegal or un-American. But, of course, the U.S. Constitution has something to say about it:
Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom … of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Which amendment was that? The First Amendment. So, the founders of this nation felt quite strongly about it, empowering one to declare that protesting for redress of grievances is one of the most American things you can do. If you are the police, pause and reflect how great is the country whose Constitution endorses peaceful protests.
What do we actually expect from our police officers? To protect the peace and arrest the bad guys, I presume. But also, to be armed with lethal force that they can use when necessary. That part clearly requires training on how and when to use (and not use) the power of your weapons. The rigorous Minneapolis Police Academy training lasts 4 months. The slightly more rigorous NYC Police Academy lasts 6 months.
Yet to become a certified pastry chef at a prestigious culinary academy requires 8 months. The perfect croissant demands it. So maybe, just maybe, police recruits could benefit from a bit more training before becoming officers.
In 1991, Rodney King (age 25) was struck dozens of times, while on the ground, by four LAPD officers, with their batons, after being tased. The grainy 1990s video of that went media-viral, inducing shock and dismay to any viewer.
But I wasn’t shocked at all.
Based on what I already knew of the world, my first thought was, “We finally got one of those on tape.” Followed by, “Maybe justice will be served this time.” Yes, that’s precisely my first thought. Why? Since childhood my parents instilled in me and my siblings, via monthly, sometimes weekly lessons, rules of conduct to avoid getting shot by the police. “Make sure that when you get stopped, the officer can always see both of your hands.” “No sudden movements.” “Don’t reach into your pockets for anything without announcing this in advance.” “When you move at all, tell the officer what you are about to do.” At the time, I am a budding scientist in middle school, just trying to learn all I can about the universe. I hardly ever think about the color of my skin—it never comes up when contemplating the universe. Yet when I exit my front door, I’m a crime suspect. Add to this the recently coined “White Caller Crime,” where scared white people call the police because they think an innocent black person is doing something non-innocent, and it’s a marvel that any of us achieve at all.
The rate of abuse? Between one and five skin-color-instigated incidents per week, for every week of my life. White people must have known explicitly if not implicitly of this struggle. Why else would the infamous phrase, “I’m free, white, and 21” even exist? Here is a compilation of that line used in films across the decades. Yes, it’s offensive. But in America, it’s also truthful. Today’s often-denied “white privilege” accusation was, back then, openly declared.
The deadly LA riots associated with the Rodney King incident are often remembered as a response to the beating. But no. Los Angeles was quiet for 13 months afterward. Everyone had confidence, as did I, that the video was just the kind of evidence needed to finally bring about a conviction in the abuse of power. But that’s not what came to pass. The riots were a response to the acquittal of the four officers in the incident, and not to the incident itself. And what is a riot if not the last act of helpless desperation.
The 1989 film by Spike Lee “Do the Right Thing,” which explored 1980s black-white-police tensions in Brooklyn, New York, ends with a dedication to the families of six people. Eleanor Bumpers (age 66), Michael Griffith (age 23), Arthur Miller (age 30), Edmund Perry (age 17), Yvonne Smallwood (age 28), and Michael Stewart (age 25). All are black. One was killed by a white mob. The rest were unarmed and shot by police or otherwise died while in police custody. All deaths occurred within the 10 years preceding film, and all occurred in New York City. None of the police-induced deaths resulted in convictions, as continues to be true for 99% of all police killings.
We know of these events because they each ended in death. But even so, back then, it was just local news. Was this just NYC’s problem? I asked myself. But for every police-related death anywhere, how many unarmed victims are shot by police and don’t die, or are wrongfully maimed or injured? Most of those cases didn’t even make the local news. But if you lived there, you knew. We all knew. For what it’s worth, NYC now has the lowest police-caused death rate per capita among the sixty largest cities in the US. Is it that extra two months training in the Police Academy?
The corrosion and ultimate erosion of our confidence in the legal system in cases such as these, even in the face of video evidence, has spawned a tsunami of protests. With sympathetic demonstrations across the United States and around the world. If the threat of prison time for this behavior does not exist—acting as a possible deterrent—then the behavior must somehow stop on its own.
Some studies show that the risk of death for an unarmed person at the hands of the police is approximately the same no matter the demographics of who gets arrested. Okay. But if your demographic gets stopped ten times more than others, then your demographic will die at ten times the rate. I suppose we first have to get the bias factor down to zero, but then there’s still the matter of police killing unarmed suspects, white people included.
I talk a lot. But I don’t talk much about any of this, or the events along this path-of-most-resistance that have shaped me. Why? Because throughout my life I’ve used these occasions as launch-points to succeed even more. Yes, I parlayed the persistent rejections of society, which today might be called micro-aggressions, into reservoirs of energy to achieve. I learned that from my father, himself active in the Civil Rights Movement during the 1950s and 1960s.
In a way, I am who I am precisely because countless people, by their actions or inactions, said I could never be what I am. But what if you don’t have this deep supply of fuel? What becomes of you? Who from historically disenfranchised communities, including women, LGBTQ+, and anybody of color, are missing—falling shy of their full potential because they ran out of energy and gave up trying.
Are things better today than yesterday? Yes. But one measure of this truth is a bit perverse. Decades ago, unarmed black people getting beaten or killed by the police barely merited the local news. But now it’s national news—even breaking news—no matter where in the country it occurs.
So how to change all this? Organizations have surely assembled demands for police departments. Here, I offer a list of my own, for policy experts to consider:
Extend police academies to include months of cultural awareness and sensitivity training that also includes how not to use lethal force.
Police officers should all be tested for any implicit bias they carry, with established thresholds of acceptance and rejection from the police academy. We all carry bias. But most of us do not hold the breathing lives of others in our hands when influenced by it.
During protests, protect property and lives. If you attack nonviolent protesters you are being un-American. And you wouldn’t need curfews if police arrested looters and not protesters.
If fellow officers are behaving in a way that is clearly unethical or excessively violent, and you witness this, please stop them. Someone will get that on video, and it will give the rest of us confidence that you can police yourselves. In these cases, our trust in you matters more to a civil society than how much you stick up for each other.
And here’s a radical idea for the Minneapolis Police Department—why not give George Floyd the kind of full-dress funeral you give each other for dying in the line of duty? And vow that such a death will never happen again.
Lastly, when you see black kids, think of what they can be rather than what you think they are.
Respectfully Submitted
Neil deGrasse Tyson — trying hard to Keep Looking Up.
Copyright © 2018 Neil deGrasse Tyson
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