#it's not punk to be an asshole !!
stormywinter42 · 1 month
This idea randomly struck me and I HAD to make it so here’s a Killjoys poster I designed
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katsumiiii · 1 year
hobie x gn! reader
hobie is definitely an adamant tease. i also see him as like crazy perceptive ??? not only because he’s a spider person but also because he’s just an observer at heart, so whatever he does to you he knows what effect it has, mentally or physically.
whenever he wants to kiss you he always guides you by your chin. one, because he knows you love the hand placement, and two, because it’s easier to bring your plump lips to his own, and he can’t help but get eager at times.
hobie and you strolled down the chaotic streets of London, his lanky arm strung around the curve of your waist as you attempted to make your way to his apartment (attempted is the key word here, hobie lived about 5 minutes away from the pub y’all were visiting, but the walk was now reaching 10 minutes seeing as hobie couldn’t keep his hands off of you, not that you were in any rush).
“come on love, jus’ one lil kiss and I’ll leave you be, yeah?” hobie gently pleaded, peering down at you through his thickened lashes.
you set the palms of your hands against his chest, appreciating the slight flex of his pecs, and pushed him away from your figure, continuing to trot down the sidewalk, “no bee, we’ve been walking forever and my feet are tired. I’ll give you a kiss when we get home.” you dramatically gestured towards your aching feet, sighing at hobie’s raised eyebrow.
“well we can’t ‘ave that can we?” he inched his fingers down towards your thighs.
“nope, so if we can pick up the—” you squealed, latching on to hobie’s bicep and he held you close to his chest, his fingers curling around the crease underneath your knees, “hobie! what the hell!?”
“wha’? you said you was havin’ trouble, jus’ tryna be a good mate.” hobie tilted his head towards your pursed lips, chuckling at your pouting expression, “‘lowe it, ‘m not puttin’ you down.”
you sighed, peering back at hobie, “you just want to give me a kiss, huh?” you teased, placing a hand towards the crook of hobie’s neck.
“and what of it?” he adjusted you so he could bring the tip of his thumb and pointer finger to your chin, grasping it softly and guiding it towards his own. you indulge him, softly kissing the plush of his lips, humming in satisfaction.
“mhm, feeling cheeky today aren’t we bee?”
“been hangin’ ‘round me too much love, startin’ to sound like me.”
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whaliiwatching · 7 months
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gay people judging you
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arctic-hands · 1 year
Protip: if you're using a cane or crutch or rollator and an abled starts giving you flak or making fun of you, you now have a weapon in your hands
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@dilf-in-peril I gotchu.
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emita-ita · 5 months
i think it's time we start retaliating when people online post about their excessive spending. yes even if it's your fave youtuber pookie meowmeow could-do-nothing-wrong. we should start letting people know we HATE and DO NOT TOLERATE people who buy 4 cars, people who live in mansions, people who do 3 giant unnecessary hauls a month, people who buy 6 entire luggages of merch in a week. stop sitting uncomfortably, TELL THEM. unsub. stop interacting with their content. Eat the rich is not just a cool phrase to have on your bio or a pin or your jacket. it's an ACTION
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theunholystromboli · 11 months
as a wheelchair user, there are few things that piss me off as much as when people "hold open" an automatic door for me.
like, I get that you don't see me as a human being, but the sensor on that door actually does
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eliana-system · 8 months
"if you don't show your diagnosis you don't have x disorder/illness" sure buddy let me go through the hell of getting diagnosed just for this purpose, and if I already am, let me just post my personal information on the internet this seem so not dangerous and not bad advice thank you so much
What do you mean I can't get diagnosed officially with a severe dissociative disorder because it would be told to my parents and also make it near impossible to get a loan? What you mean doctors could refuse to treat me because they think I'm "crazy" and therefore making up symptoms? What do you mean if I put my disability diagnoses on the internet I would dox myself? What do you mean they're not in English so the assholes wouldn't even understand?????? Yeah I guess that means im faking! yippee my physical and mental pain are totally gone and I don't need my wheelchair anymore!!
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samuel-star · 9 months
Disability isn't "adult".
The fact of the matter is that, even though they would just love to deny it, able-bodied people think that disability is a sign of your age. They avoid acknowledging any sign that a child could have a physical disability, even if it is screaming in their face. An 8 year old is in pain after failing the pacer test and complains that they have shin splints, the bridges of their feet hurt, they feel dizzy. And their able-bodied PE teacher tells them, "that means you don't run enough, those things will go away if you work out more often." And that child will believe them. That kid will internalize that. "All of this pain I feel is my fault. I run around the playground with my friends, but maybe it's because I sit down more often than them. If my shins hurt when I run, but running will get rid of that pain, what am I supposed to do?"
And it takes years of assuming that all of this pain was normal, everyone would experience this if they were lazy, for them to finally go to the doctor. Years of avoidable pain. Years of feeling lazy. And that kid, the child that never learned that the pain could've been relieved, will never forgive those teachers. And those teachers won't give a shit. Of course they won't, why would they? They told a child that they were normal, told a kid that it's something that can be fixed easily with the very exercise that hurts them, that teacher was clearly in the right. Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. A connective tissue disorder that explained everything that they had experienced, down to the smallest thing, even the constant joint popping every time they move. The shooting pains that they would get in a random joint for weeks on end which would randomly just dissipate.
At this point, I don't know why I'm writing this. Maybe I wish I could go back, tell that kid that he should tell his mom about the pain in the bridges of his feet. Something that would've helped me in the long run. Maybe I should've told my doctor about my "zombie foot", where I turned my leg 180 degrees around while standing in place.
Because of those teachers, I have to relearn my own limits, understand that if I'm in pain and there's a way to relieve some of it, fucking do it! I know that I've grown as a person since I learned about my disability, but now I'm seeing the rage I never released and I wish I had half as filthy a vocabulary when I was in 3rd grade as I do now! Even just a good "fuck off" would be nice. Knowing that I didn't just take what they were saying as fact. For anyone who read through all of this, you're fucking awesome, and there isn't a person who deserves chronic pain. Nobody "deserves" it. No one is "at fault" for a chronic disability. I'm not disabled because I'm lazy. I have to rest and heal because I'm disabled. Because I'm human!
I'm going to use my wheelchair in public because I know that my hips stop hurting when I use it. I'm going to sit down if my feet hurt because I know there might be less pain later if I take care of myself. Self care shouldn't be something you shame people for, and to anyone who thinks that the validity of my disability depends on how much pain I'm in, fuck you. Fuck you, go learn basic human empathy and get back to me with an apology. I have nothing to prove to strangers, I'm living my life to the best of my abilities, and that means using my wheelchair. Thank you guys for reading, have a fucking awesome day, and drink some water.
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okaydays22 · 3 months
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dangerousdan-dan · 5 months
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One of my favorite John Constantine moments. The compassion behind that hug always makes me tear up.
Hellblazer #27
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nohoney · 1 year
loved loved loved ur absent baby daddy touya! I love asshole! touya stories but him being a sweetheart? it hits me sooo hard plus I am a heavy sucker for pregnancy stories like yes touya who did it all traditional? dating the love of his life, proposing, marriage, going hot and heavy during their honeymoon and then knocking his sweet little wife up? I could die
ugh you and me both nonny (/▽\*)。o○♡
You get one chance to do something on the first try with no mistakes or interruptions. No breaks or time offs, just getting it on the first try and having it be your last.
Touya is your first and last.
He wasn’t exactly a good boy-next-door neighbor crush. Honestly he was kind of a punk, sometimes acting out just because he could. It did land him a brief stint in juvie and he was on probation for a hot minute. But he was always yours the moment he passed you a note during math class in middle school saying he wanted you to be his girlfriend.
Middle school relationships rarely last, especially when you transition into high school. You and Touya stay a strong couple at the end of high school graduation.
He stayed behind at town to work while you went off to university in a farther city. Usually couples that do long distance in college would eventually split right? Not you and Touya. Weekend dates, sexting, video calls, and time off you got from school would be spent back home with him. It only made you antsier to graduate with your degree because at the end of that milestone would be another one.
An engagement ring already waiting for you.
Your father was a little peeved that Touya didn’t ask his permission to marry you, but he also knew his future son-in-law wasn’t the type to do such a thing. So you marry in a small, intimate ceremony with only immediate family and selected close friends to see the union.
The newlyweds return from the honeymoon with the happy glow of husband and wife… along with poorly hidden hickies and bruises as well. When people ask what you and Touya did on the honeymoon, it’s plainly obvious from the lack of stories that you and him aren’t able to give that all you did was just fuck. Not that the two of you weren’t doing that already a long time ago, but it’s amazing that the two of you could stay this horny for one another after all the years have passed.
No one is surprised that you announce that you’re pregnant within a few months into your marriage.
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comediakaidanovsky · 1 year
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maulfucker · 5 months
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sketching some Thoughts about my human Maul design
I changed his markings a bit because I was not satisfied enough with the original design I sketched
I also gave him piercings because it helps mimic his markings and also fits him
Idk how he lost his legs but during his trash spider era he'd just tie stuff to his legs and walk with that and some discarded crutches he somehow found.
His prosthetics are bone anchored because I feel like it matches his original, with the cybernetics being (painfully) fused to his body with magic
Speaking of, I think they definitely had to remove some more meat (and bone) after his rescue because there's no way his legs weren't at least a little bit infected. like during his trash era he still had part of his lower legs.
(He is more pale in the first two sketches because he was in a trash cave and probably anemic and definitely not healthy at all. btw. he is not supposed to be that pale)
He got a new earring :]
Death Watch may suck but they at least gave him prosthetics more suited for daily use. Goodbye raptor legs. Goodbye extra height.
He definitely uses the crutches to threaten and hit people. as is his right
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I'm a fuck up, motherfucker. I'm sick of tryna find myself in others. I'm sick of seeking love, I'd rather suffer.
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punkeropercyjackson · 8 months
Hmmm imo the mass mischaracterization and misterpretation and also flanderalization of Percy Jackson as a character comes from their status as the protagonist of a piece of children's media.This is absolutely not meant as mean or to be condesending,especially because the fandom is full of minors and i'm a firm believer that they should be spoken to with respect when it comes to how they make content since kids' shows and such are made for them,but i need you guys to understand that while yes,Percy is kind,he's not nice.He's a role model but that dosen't make him an ideal hero-He's described as 'a troubled kid' from the first page and is now an even more troubled adult in current canon and the reason for that isn't just the demigod jazz,it's his actual personality.He hates authority figures and vocalizes it to their faces,he's very rude with the exception of towards his mom and younger girls(as he should),he frequently gets into fights and absolutely decimates his opponents and he's got a temper.None of this makes him a villain-Looking at you,people who compare him to Luke-and he's an anti-hero at best.This is the point.Percy is like he is because of trauma so his flaws are not only to make him well-written but for representation.It's incredibly important to have abused characters who have trauma responses and certain coping mechanisms even-No,ESPECIALLY in pg media so abuse victims can see they're not monsters because other people ruined them and be given inspiration to keep themselves kind and shown they deserve kindness too
And on a somewhat different note but on the same topic,Percy is also not immature or stupid.He's a genius who's saved tons of people and even the world multiple times with his plans and quick thinking and you can't say 'Well,Annabeth calls him dumb all the time and she's the daughter of Athena so he canonically is!' because Annabeth's literal fatal flaw is hubris,she calls him dumb all the time because she thinks EVERYONE is dumb compared to her and we just see it most with Percy because they're the mcs so they interact way more with eachother than they do everyone else and if i'm being completely honest,i also think she might be worried her in-universe status as 'the smartest' being compramised by him(Which is kinda funny to because the most in-character reaction for him to discovering that would be to either play dumb to reassure her or joke about it in a way that's too funny for her to be upset by it anymore).And yes,Percy is extremely goofy and he has the vibe he's into kiddy interests over mature ones(/pos ofc)but he's also learned a lot of emotional intellegence over the series since he's grown up like we did and speaking as someone who falls under this irl,his treatment of Nico and Hazel is very older sibling-like and even has some parentalness mixed since he knows their dad is shit and their moms aren't alive anymore so they need someone to take that role for them
What i'm trying to say is:Percy Jackson's not a soft uwu sunshine boy protagonist who hasn't been effected by the consequences of what he's been through yet.He's a jaded asshole who refuses to give up being kind or even his sense of humor because that would be letting the people who traumatized him win and by the end of Hoo,he's also grown into a Team Dad and chilled out a bit.Less Miles Morales,more Hobie Brown
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