#it's raining outside
poisonedfate · 2 months
your blog has the vibe of the den of a witch, rows upon rows of books lining the walls, lit exclusively by candles, with a bejewelled ritualistic altar in the middle of the room that has a print of colin morgan's face framed on top of it
i want to take this moment to confess my undying love for you. no, actually, seriously, the is so sweet. this is EVERYTHING to me. den of a witch????? yes, please. also, yes, in this house colin morgan belongs on the altar, bless.
tell me about my vibes
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monstrouscrew · 3 months
what's the actual point of drawing fan art if whatever idea you have, either someone has already executed it better than you can do without burning yourself out, or however dear the unique result is to you, it goes to the void (too alien to be perceived lol). fans are a concept we may take into account, yet we cannot comprehend how it works. also drawing to entertain the fans... ugh no. abso-fucking-lutely no. i have ideas for fan art, then i just ask what's the point. badly, badly written neural network. generate without wasting your energy on this imitation of being self aware.
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makeitlookdecent · 2 years
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this waiting room has a coffee machine and all the adults have their espressos and I'm blowing wildly on my hot choccy
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just-osgood · 2 years
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happyheidi · 3 months
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tallgh0st · 5 months
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good morning ☀️
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pink0lamby · 8 months
positive vent (ig?)
it's raining
it's pouring
the old man in snoring
he went to bed
and bumped his head
and didn't wake up in the morning
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driaswrld · 6 months
it's raining outside, and higuruma is laying on your bedroom floor.
the soft pit-patter of raindrops coupled with his dancing fingertips against the exposed skin of your waist is a song you haven't quite learnt the tune to yet — he lays on his side, hair tousled and damp, dark strands curling over his forehead, sleeves rolled up and tie forgotten somewhere in the doorway.
admittedly, you're in no better shape. your cheeks are cold, skin of your calves wet with rainwater from running across the busy streets with him, armful of whatever ingredients you two picked out for dinner, his suit jacket held above your head and the occasional chorus of laughter when either of you stomp a puddle and splash the other.
it's raining, and higuruma thinks he falls in love with you every single day, like it's born anew.
he falls in love with the girl he wakes up next to, mouth open and cheek smooshed into the pillows. he falls in love with the girl who doesn't know a thing about law, but argues better than him in the heat of the moment. he falls in love with the girl who kicked her boots through puddles of rain, ruining his pants — the girl who made him laugh about something so mundane.
it's raining, and higuruma is laying on your bedroom floor, oddly paired with his formal white shirt and a pair of pajamas, his dress pants draped over the washer — the dryer broke a few days ago, he forgot — he holds you close as he watches the water droplets race against the glass window.
he loves you.
“do you like the rain?” you ask him, head tucked into his neck, his eyes fluttering shut for a second, the question is lost on him for a moment.
“i like you.”
you don't respond yet, and higuruma opens one of his eyes, only to find you staring at him. “more than you like the rain?” he almost laughs at that, almost, and he pulls you impossibly closer.
“a lot more than i like the rain, i’m sure.”
it's raining outside, and higuruma never really liked when it rained, not at all.
he proposed to you in spring. married you in summer.
but now he hopes it rains tomorrow, he hopes you still want him then, and he hopes you'll splash him with another puddle.
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waytray · 2 years
9 minutes in and i’m vibin’, on another plain of existence (the trees are spooky at that point, but i was in another tab) 
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localceilingdevil · 9 months
i believe I've posted this to twitter before so hello again to anyone who has seen them there
this is guts. we love guts. he has rabies.
yes this is what he does when he feels threatened. a silly little boogie.
song is garbage wastes - threat
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mrtheinsatiable · 2 years
Hot choccy 😊
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hollow-head · 5 months
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Some people asked for tips on making the Crowlito plant holder, and I do encourage you to make your own. The trick, I think, is to have a wire running between two rings or hooks, which will be what supports the plant, and then build the body around that. So the Crowley part is just a big complicated bead. And because he isn't what's supporting the weight, you can make him out of whatever you want and use him to hang whatever you want. Mine is clay with foam wings, but there's no reason you can't use cloth or yarn or anything.
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astearisms · 8 months
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come away with me 🌧️
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lowpolyanimals · 6 months
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Crow from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
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mcyt-aro-week · 5 months
Welcome to MCYT Aro Week!
What's that? MCYT Aro Week is a week to celebrate aromanticism in the Minecraft YouTube fandom! We noticed there wasn't a lot of hype for aro CCs, characters or headcanons, so we want to celebrate them! As with most appreciation weeks, you can create any kind of art (including writing, music, webweaves, playlists, anything really!) inspired by the prompts!
How will it work? The event will have two prompts per day, and participants can choose between them or combine them! During the week of the event, please tag our blog and use the #mcyt aro week tag on your post, and we'll reblog your creations! The event will run from August 26-July 1st, with different prompts assigned to each day, but if you need to post your creations a day late that's okay too! We'll reblog creations for the event for at least a week after the event ends, so that all late submissions still get to be featured!
Who's running it? This event is run by 4 mods:
Mod Rain (they/them) - @stardustanddaffodils
Mod Khads (she/he) - @rabidcanadagoose, formerly @/clethos
Mod Pixie (she/they) - @severevoiddragon
Mod Vwoop (they/it/ey/vwoop) - @ranvwoop
Okay, when is it? 26th July - 1st August 2024!
What are the prompts?
FAQ & Previous Events under the cut!
March 11 -March 17
March 11: Unconventional relationships / Trope subversion
March 12: Loveless / AU
March 13: Solidarity / Hobbies
March 14: Aro joy / Adventure
March 15: Spectrum / Baking
March 16: Coming out / Found family
March 17: Aromantic (free day!!)
"Can I do headcanons?" Absolutely!
"What is aromanticism?" Aromantic means you do not feel romantic attraction to others, but it's a wide spectrum ranging from absolutely no attraction, to little, or anything in between!
"Can I do asexual instead?" We're prefer you not to. You're welcome to do aroace (aromantic asexual) characters, as this still includes aromantic, but we'd prefer not to swap to asexual, as they are two separate identities!
"How about NSFW stuff?" We'd prefer not, but since we can't stop you, we simply won't reblog any NSFW art!
Do I need to create for all the days? Nope! However much you want to or are able to participate is perfectly fine!
"What counts as aromantic?" However you want! Any portrayal is great!
More questions to come!
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