#it's right there and you'd feel so much better
lxnarphase · 2 days
satoru hates hates hates condoms so much ever since you both agreed to stop using them. he can't stand the idea of wearing one while inside of you, it makes his heart hurt so bad.
key words: wearing one while inside of you
he never said that he wouldn't wear one while not inside you...so that's how he finds himself in this position, his arms tied behind his back as he sits on the edge of the bed, eyes rolled back as tears and drool drip down his face.
you're sitting behind him, your front pressed against his back while your chin is hooked over his shoulder. one hand is resting on his chest, rubbing soothing circles into his skin while your other hand is working his cock, cooing into his ear. a condom was on his dick, the tip slowly filling with cum as he shot another thick load into the latex.
"such a good boy, toruuu, you're filling it up so fast, who knew you had s' much cum in you, baby!"
he just whines as another thick spurt fills the condom, the amount of cum weighing it down, slowly causing the condom to pull off his cock. "'s-'s gonna fall off, baby," he tries to warn you, his hips bucking in overstimulation.
"yeah? y' better catch it, torubaby. don't want it to spill all over the ground, right? then you'd have to lick all of your cum up like a lil' slut," you coo into his ear, knowing he could easily get out of the pretty pink ribbon you tied around his arms, wanting him to look pretty instead of feeling completely trapped.
but he doesn't, he doesn't move, doesn't snap the bindings off, no, he just throws his head back at the thought of you pressing his face into the puddle of his cum and making him lick it up as you praise him for doing such a good job of being his own cumslut.
"ooh, toru...you came too hard, baby, it fell off...poor baby, need a lil' break before you clean up for me?"
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suiana · 3 days
✎ yandere! demon who is absolutely enamoured by you. you're his perfect little angel, so kind, so innocent, and oh so caring. how could you even care for a demon like him?
✎ yandere! demon who is absolutely distraught when you tell him you have to leave him, to go do some angel duties or something... what? you're just leaving him like that? after showing him what kindness feels like? oh that won't do. not at all.
✎ yandere! demon who rips out your wings, ripping you away from your divinity that you cherished with all your heart. he knows it hurts, he knows you'll hate him for a bit. but it was justified, obviously. you were going to leave him. ...not to worry! he's sure you'll love him again soon, and maybe he'll even give you some demonic wings to match with him?
✎ yandere! demon who will do anything to keep you by his side. right beside him, that's where you belong and that's how it's going to stay.
"you ruined me!"
"yeah? and I'm a demon, sweetheart. I'm selfish and i take what i want."
your chest heaves heavily, your face absolutely distraught as the demon coos at you, cheeks flushed and a lovesick expression on his face as he holds your face in his hands. you lock eyes with him, staring straight into his deluded ones, and you can't help but let out a shaky breath.
you feel disgusting.
and most importantly, naked.
you felt absolutely naked without your wings, the wings you cherished and loved over anything else. the very wings that even god himself praised. the wings that you loved with all your heart.
and you'd never see them again.
all because this demon you showed kindness to had fallen and wanted to be selfish. all because he had wanted to keep you with him. but you suppose you couldn't expect anything different. i mean, he was a demon after all.
"oh... don't cry anymore, would you? my beautiful angel shouldn't waste their tears over some lost wings. in fact... i could give you new ones. you'd look much more alluring with some demon wings."
you freeze at his words, disgust running up your throat as you register his words. why would he even suggest such a thing?!
you glare at him venomously, eyes staring straight into his soul as you let out some irritated mumbles. the demon merely purses his lips, staring back at you before cooing once more.
"why are you looking at me like that? don't like the idea?"
duh. of course you didn't like it. why would you ever want demon wings?
you were an angel for god's sake! not a demon!
you continue to glare at him, tears rolling down your cheeks as the demon hums happily, as though he didn't just tear you away from everything you loved.
"ah... my pretty angel... i really adore you with all my heart, i do. it's just, you're so... naive sometimes."
he pauses, wiping away your tears as his thumb caresses your cheek. you say nothing, not wanting to engage with him at all. what was there to say to a man who locked you out of what you called your home?
"i love you, i made that quite obvious, didn't i? yet you were still so oblivious and decided to leave. you were going to leave me alone, baby."
he mutters, tone lowering as his eyes narrow at the memory of you telling him that you were going to return back to heaven.
he hated it. hated it oh so much. in fact, he'd get rid of your ex-home in the clouds if he could. he absolutely despises all the other heavenly beings that never spared a single glance at the lower realms of earth.
"how could you do that to me hm? don't you care about me? i know you love me too... somewhere in that heart of yours, you know you do."
he mutters, looking at you with the most obsessed eyes the world could ever imagine. you felt a shiver run down your spine, your raw wounds aching as you suddenly feel your body grow cold.
"come on darling... i know you're not like those other hypocrites up there. you're leagues better than them. really don't understand why you'd want to return back-"
"well at least they didn't rip away my wings!"
you suddenly interject, feeling your annoyance building up as you chew on your bottom lip. god damnit, was this guy emotionally dense or what?
"they didn't take away the one thing i loved the most, did they? they didn't brutally mutilate my body or defile me! they didn't take me away from ny home!"
you hiss, giving it your all against him as your eyes dart all over his face for a response. you wanted to see how he would react to it. hopefully nothing too bad though. maybe just a little bit of anger, a little irritation to help you feel slightly better.
but of course, it was as though you were no longer graced with heaven's blessings, for he was more than just 'a little bit angry'.
"baby, when have i ever defiled you? i only took away your wings, didn't i? it's not that bad. you'll learn to live without them."
he mutters, glaring back at you as his grip on your face tightens considerably. you let ot a wince, eyes shutting from the intensity he held you at. but he doesn't let up, why would he when you've got him all fired up?
"i just did what i thought was necessary. i just did what i had to do to keep you with me."
the demon states firmly, looking at you as his nails start to dig into your skin, drawing blood from how hard he was gripping. but that doesn't stop him. of course it wouldn't. he first needs to get it through your head that you and him were meant to be. that he was yours just as you were his. completely, utterly, his.
"darling don't you understand? we were meant to be together. you and me, us. we fit together perfectly like a puzzle. you can't ever leave me."
with how he was repeating that, it was really starting to get to you. it was like he was drilling it into your head like some military sargent.
"and your home is with me. not with them, not up there, not anywhere else. me. got that?"
he finally lets go, sighing softly before rubbing your shoulders gently, a total 180 from how he was acting just seconds ago. you watch as the demon goes back to cooing over you, gently rubbing your arms as he sings praises about you.
all you could do was stare at him, chewing on your bottom lip as you think of how you'd critically approach this problem, just like how you always would before you had your wings torn from you.
zero solutions come to mind.
maybe you should simply pass away? because there's no way in hell you're resigning yourself to a fate with him. both angels and demons never die after all.
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felixknow · 1 day
Hannie's 🍒 fixation
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Han/f!reader, friends who do something sexual...by accident...? nah, Han is a boob guy and wants to put his mouth to good use
ADULTS ONLY, MDNI, I don't want teenagers reading my NSFW posts
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Since meeting Han, your friendship has been touchy-feely.
Maybe it’s because you’re both introverts who like quality time rather than chatting. Maybe it’s because your love languages are both physical touch.
Either way, a night in at your place watching anime is completely normal. Laying side by side in your bed, both scrolling on your phones, not even paying attention to the plot of the show you’ve both seen a dozen times.
No one has spoken in, like, an hour but it’s honestly so nice you don’t even care.
Han giggles and lays his phone against his chest, covering his bare face as it turns red.
“What’s so funny?” you ask, nudging him.
“Ahhhh, I need this,” he says, turning his phone toward you. It’s a picture of a blonde girl wearing a crop top that reads "Had a bad day? You can play with my boobs."
"This would make literally everything better," he chuckles, looking at you expectantly-- in his head he’s waiting for a giggle or a funny reaction, not for what you actually say.
"Good thing I have a perfectly good pair of tits right here," you blurt without thinking.
"Really?!" he asks excitedly, dropping his phone as he rotates toward you, now laying on his side facing you instead of on his back. His eyes are so bright and excited, and his hand is already sliding up your torso-- how could you say no?
"Yeah," you say softly, shrugging. "I don't mind. We're friends,” you add on, becoming less sure as you talk. “I trust you."
"This is the best day of my life," he says as one of his hands cups one of your breasts and squeezes gently. "Oh-- is this your nipple?" he asks, walking his fingers back a couple of inches until two press down over your half-hard bud.
"Yes," you confirm, laughing softly. Your face warms up, all the way down your chest. You hope he doesn’t notice given that his eyes are so entranced on your chest.
"It's so cute," he coos, pressing your shirt down flat so your nipple pokes against it. Before you can formulate a thought, he's reaching over to your other boob, squeezing and feeling carefully until he finds your other nipple. It perks up in interest as he touches it, and your breath hitches in your throat when he starts very purposefully flicking his finger back and forth, trying to perk it up. 
"Aw, come on," he mumbles to himself. "It was hard and then it got soft again."
Probably because I'm starting to get flustered and trying to be calm, you think but don't tell him.
He pinches your sensitive bud between his fingers and rolls harshly, sending a very intense and quick shock through you. You bite your lip to stop a noise from escaping. Your heart rate is increasing and your skin is becoming much more sensitive to his touch. And he smells so good…
I'm so pathetic. He's barely been touching me a minute and it's making me horny.
"Ahh, there we go," he says happily now that your nipple is distinct through your t-shirt. You watch as a thought crosses his mind, making his eyebrows furrow slightly as his bottom lip pouts. 
Then he leans down, swiftly sucking your nipple through your shirt.
"Ahhhh," you moan, finally unable to hold it in. You grab fistfuls of your blankets in an effort to keep your hands to yourself. Somehow touching him, even just playing with his hair, would make this far more real than it already is.
"I was wondering when you'd make noise," he says, looking up at you with the most innocent eyes. Then he goes back, sucking you through your shirt while he gets his other hand up and onto your other tit as he turns and half lays on you, working his way until his legs and hips are between your thighs.
He kneads and squishes one boob while sucking the other nipple. Half of this is what you expected him to do-- maybe touch and hold your boobs for a minute or so and then laugh it off. You didn’t expect this. Not him soaking a wet patch through the front of your shirt.
Not one of his hands sneaking under your blanket to find the bottom hem.
Not him yanking your shirt up to your collarbones, breathing a soft "wow" while his sparkly eyes take in the sight of your naked chest.
"Hannie," you say with an unsure tone, but he either doesn't hear you or ignores it. Instead he leans in once more and kisses your nipple. He drags his soft lips against your bare skin and breathes in the smell of you. You're so warm against his cheek and he feels completely lost in the selfish pleasure of playing with you.
“Does it feel good?” he asks, twisting both of your nipples between his fingers. He pouts as he waits for your response, clearly wanting you to say yes.
You nod shyly and pull the collar of your shirt up to hide the bottom part of your face.
He beams up at you, then laughs and pulls your shirt back down.
“Hey, don’t hide from me. I want to see you.” He licks a circle around your burningly sensitive nipple. “And hear you,” he adds, sucking your nipple into his mouth.
You moan softly, cautiously reaching one hand up to rest on his back. He hums and flicks his tongue then releases your nipple with a pop.
“This really is the best,” he says, giving your other nipple equal treatment. He once again lets go with a dramatic pop.
“This is my favorite thing we’ve ever done.”
He switches back again but goes faster, sucks harder, making himself out of breath as he ravenously indulges in your chest.
“Fuck, your tits are so hot, baby.”
“Mmm,” you whine softly, turning your head away and covering your face slightly.
“Hey, I said don’t hide. What, you don’t think your tits are hot or something?”
“They’re not. They’re big but they sag. It’s embarrassing.”
“It’s fucking hot,” he insists, crawling a little higher so he can see you better. You can’t help but to gasp when you feel his hard-on slide against your crotch. “Do you know how many guys like big tits? I don’t care if they’re hanging down to your fucking stomach.” He smirks. “They’re easier to get in my mouth that way.”
“Oh my god, Hannie,” you laugh, playfully pushing on his cheek to move his head away from you.
“I’m so serious,” he says, though he laughs. “I can’t believe you’re letting me play with them. I’m on cloud nine.”
“I can kind of tell,” you say softly, shifting just enough so he feels the movement against his crotch and knows you’ve noticed his boner.
“Oh yeah,” he says, face blushing even deeper than yours. “You know what would be even better than playing with your tits?”
“Eating you out.”
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masterlist | Click here for part 2
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yandere-sins · 2 days
Yan-Poll #16
Your stalker has a severe problem.
That's the conclusion you came to as you opened the door for the fifth time that day to another mailman handing you three more packages. Your living room had become unlivable, a space cluttered with cartons and the unopened remains of packages. At some point, you stopped opening them, but now they were collecting dust and destroying the comfort in your own home.
At first, curiosity had gotten the better of you. Amongst inappropriate gifts like underwear and... toys, there had actually been some useful presents. You secretly kept all the gifts that had been on your to-buy for a while and openly threw away the disgusting ones. You knew better than to accept the stalker's gifts, but since they were valuable, you couldn't help but hold on to some of them.
That was your mistake.
But looking at the neatly stacked packages, spreading from wall to wall, floor to ceiling, you realized your stalker had lost all control. You noticed brand names on the brown packages that you had only glanced at briefly while scrolling through your phone—expensive ones, too. At this point, you feared you couldn't look at anything anymore without it inevitably being sent to your home. You thought you had this situation under control, but apparently, you hadn't.
>> did you like the new necklace?
Heaving a deep sigh you looked at the countless messages, a new one popping up right on time of the delivery. Whoever he was, he was always watching. Though you ignored his constant string of texts—asking about your day, how you were feeling, confessing his love to you, wondering if you would wear his latest gifts—you knew this couldn't go on for much longer.
<< please stop
>> you finally responded :)
<< this needs to stop, I don't need all this junk!
>> but do you like it? i know you kept some of them
Biting your lip, you cursed yourself. Of course he'd notice that you didn't discard everything. That probably only encouraged your stalker to keep sending you more and more, wherever he got the money to afford it. Part of you thought, "Whatever! If he wants to blast through all that money, so be it! Might as well enjoy it!" but what about your morals?
You've been fighting so hard to live a normal life despite having this stalker. The police had given up since he was just too good at hiding his tracks, but he seemed to know everything and always be present in your life. If you let him continue like this, who knows what kind of trouble—legally and morally—you'd get into. What if this was his way of making you dependent and comfortable? This person had no qualms about intruding on your life, but what if he finally snapped? What would happen then? How much worse could this situation get?
<< anyway this needs to stop NOW
>> fine. let's make a deal: i'll send you one more gift >> if you hate it, i'll stop. but if you like it...
<< then what?
>> you'll see ;)
Your finger hovering over the keyboard of your phone, you thought about what your stalker could possibly mean. There was a good chance it would be a gift you liked, and he'd feel confident in the choices he made regarding you. But at the same time, what if it was a god-awful present? What if it was downright horrible? How far would he go, and could you possibly stomach the consequences of his actions because you allowed him to?
<< what if I refuse?
There was no answer this time. It was strange. You were starting to really get paranoid that he was plotting something terrible.
(Reasoning and discussions welcome! ♥)
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poppy-metal · 3 days
could you PLS talk abt moody reader and bsf patrick. and i'm not even talking abt smut, just that dynamic. she's not necessarily rude all the time, just kinda hesitant to do things. he's always pushing her into doing things that he knows she'll enjoy eventually even if she's reluctant at first (and he's always right). like one time he finds out that she doesn't know how to swim, never learned bc her parents just never took her to lessons and now it's his mission to teach her. and he's always the one who initiates physical touch and she pretends like it bothers her when he hugs her while he's all sweaty but secretly loves the affection. and she's torn when patrick is asking abt her opinion on the new girl she's seeing bc on one hand, the new gf is pretty and nice and smart so she's not gonna lie and be a pick me (and patrick values his bsf's opinion sm so she knows she has to be careful) but she's on the other hand she's in love with him and that should be HER not the other girl. sorry for the rant LMAO i didn't think this was gonna turn out so long
oh to be patricks autistic - mistaken for a bitch - best friend. everything he does, if it was someone else you'd be so unbelievablely triggered and upset. putting you in a headlock when hes sweaty and gross, throwing his arm around you and dragging you into his side - you snap at him and call him disgusting but theres never any heat to it. you'd never admit but you like the attention, soak it up like a flower does the sun. its strange to compare patrick zweig to the sun but thats what he is to you - you're always gravitating towards him. reaching tendrils out. when one of your snarky remarks makes him laugh out loud you feel like you could walk on air. and he's alot of things like loud, and mouthy, and impulsive, but he also remembers your favorite order from your favorite places, he lets you borrow his hoodies when you're cold and he never asks for them back - you asked one day, secretly hoping he'd say no but worried he was missing them "do you want me to give em'back?" and he'd just jostled your shoulder with his shrug and shook his head "its fine - i have a shit ton, and you wear em' better anyways" - he shit talks people with you and doesn't say anything about your absolutely insane statements like "ill behead them all and use their bones for kindling." he just snorts and asks if you can make him a s'more. you love him a little desperately. a little so much that when you take a moment to really look at him, his sun freckled skin, the messy tangles and wisps of his hair, the way his nose curves, the way he stands, sits, moves his hands, it hurts.
it hurts especially bad when you remember you cant have him that way - the way he has other girls - the way he has them gasping and pleading in the back of his car, moaning his name - because you'll always just be his friend. the girl who can make him laugh so hard pepsi squirts out of his nose. never the girl he'd want flushed and in his bed.
(you're stupid.)
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sophrosynesworld · 1 day
Pancakes and Extra Bacon
Can we imagine a cozy morning with Bakugo for a moment?
I wake up slowly, feeling the warmth of the early morning sun streaming through the curtains. The first thing I notice is the steady rise and fall of Katsuki's chest beneath my cheek. I snuggle closer, savoring the rare moment of peace. Katsuki's never been the soundest sleeper, but sometimes, he's able to relax.
His arm tightens around me slightly, and I look up to see him blinking sleepily, his eyes half-open.
"Morning," I whisper, smiling.
"Morning," he mumbles back, his voice rough. Katsuki stretches, his muscles flexing with each movement, and I can’t help but admire him. His blond hair is tousled, sticking out in every direction, and he looks so adorably different from his usual self.
"You sleep okay?" I ask, tracing a finger along his chest.
"Yeah," he says, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Better with you here."
I feel a blush creeping up my cheeks and bury my face in his shoulder to hide it. Katsuki isn’t one for grand declarations of affection, so moments like these are precious.
"What about you?" he asks, his hand moving to gently stroke my hair.
"Best sleep I’ve had in ages," I reply honestly. "You make a pretty good pillow."
He chuckles, a deep, rumbling sound that makes my heart skip a beat. "Don’t get used to it. I’ve got hero work later today."
I sigh, the reality of our lives seeping back in. "I know. But we have this morning, right?"
"Yeah," he says softly, pulling me even closer. "We have this morning."
We lie there in comfortable silence for a while, just enjoying the warmth and closeness. Eventually, Katsuki speaks up again. "You got any plans today?"
I shake my head. "Just a few errands. Maybe a coffee date with Ochaco later. What about you? Other than saving the world, of course."
He smirks. "Just the usual patrol. Might swing by the gym afterward. You know, gotta keep these babies in shape." He flexes his arm, and I laugh, swatting him playfully.
"Show-off," I tease.
"Damn right," he says, grinning. "But seriously, if you need anything, just let me know, okay?"
"I will," I promise. "You always take such good care of me, Katsuki."
His expression softens, and he cups my face in his hand. "Because you mean everything to me, you idiot. I gotta make sure you're safe and happy."
My heart melts at his words. "I love you," I say, feeling the words swell in my chest.
"I love you too," he replies, his voice tender and sincere. "
He leans in slowly, his eyes locked onto mine, and I feel a familiar flutter in my stomach. Our kiss is soft and tender, his hand cradles the back of my head, fingers threading through my hair.
I respond in kind, deepening the kiss, savoring the warmth and the taste of him.
"Come on," Katsuki pulls away, sitting up and stretching again. "Let’s make some breakfast. I’m starving."
I laugh, following him out of bed. "Alright, what do you feel like eating?"
He thinks for a moment. "How about pancakes? With extra bacon."
"Pancakes and bacon it is," I say, heading to the kitchen with him. As we start cooking, I can’t help but feel grateful for these simple, cozy mornings.
"Just admit it, you're secretly addicted to my pancakes."
I raise an eyebrow at him. "Addicted? I don’t think so. I just tolerate them because I like you."
He smirks, flipping a pancake expertly. "Sure, sure. Keep telling yourself that. But we both know you can’t resist my cooking."
"Oh please," I shoot back, rolling my eyes. "I only pretend to like them because you look so proud of yourself when you cook."
"Is that so?" he asks, arching an eyebrow. "Then why do you always ask for seconds?"
"To make you feel good about yourself," I reply with a grin. "You know, I gotta boost that fragile ego of yours."
He laughs, a genuine, hearty laugh that fills the kitchen. "Fragile ego, huh? Keep talking like that, and you'll be making your own breakfast."
"Promises, promises," I tease, sticking out my tongue. "you'd miss me too much."
"Yeah, yeah," he says, shaking his head but still smiling. "You’re lucky I love you, brat."
"And you’re lucky I love you back.”
We finish making breakfast together, the playful banter continuing as we move around the kitchen. It’s in these moments, filled with laughter and lighthearted teasing, that I feel the happiest. No matter how hectic our lives get, we always find time for each other, and that makes everything worth it.
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vikkirosko · 2 days
Hello, I would like Stolas, Fizz, Sir Pentious and Asmodeus to hear someone telling their fem s/o that he is not the right person for her, saying things like "you are making yourself suffer", "come on don't be silly" and " There's something wrong with this man", but S/O says he's the most incredible boyfriend she could have.
Headcanons Not the right person
🐍Sir Pentious x fem!Reader 🎩
Sir Pentious was nervous from the very beginning of your relationship. He was worried that at some point you'd realize that he wasn't the one you really needed. He often had such thoughts. He didn't think he was good enough for you, and when he caught you talking to your friend one day, his fear only got stronger
He accidentally overheard your friend trying to convince you to leave him, claiming that you were doing something stupid. Your friend's words made him freeze. He himself often thought that someone stronger, more determined would have been better suited for you, but for some reason you chose him. He still did not understand what exactly was the reason for this
He wanted to go to his room, but when he heard your voice, he froze. You told your friend that Sir Pentious is the best guy you could ever have and that you love him very much, and if your friend is not satisfied with something, he can tell you about it to your face. You were determined and you weren't going to let anyone be rude about him
Sir Pentious quickly went to his room, where he gave free rein to his embarrassment. He was happy that you protected him. His cheeks were burning and he was genuinely glad that you said that about him. He was happy that you loved him so much and it was mutual
🦉 Stolas x fem!Reader 🎩
Stolas was happy when you started dating. He had a person who genuinely loved him and it was mutual. Stolas was so happy for the first time in a long time, but sometimes he was overcome with anxiety that it would all turn out to be a dream. He knew that some of your friends were against your relationship and he was afraid that at some point you would also decide that he was not the one you needed
When your friend came to visit you, Stolas wanted to show himself as a hospitable host. He made the tea himself and wanted to take it to you and your friend, but he heard your friend tell you that you had better end your relationship with Stolas, because there was clearly something wrong with him. Because of these words, he did not dare to take a step, let alone show his presence. He could feel his elated mood starting to fade. Stolas wanted to leave, but when he heard your voice he froze
You told your friend that Stolas is the most wonderful person you've ever met. You loved him sincerely and you didn't care that someone might think that you weren't right for each other. Your words made him cheer up and he walked into the room with his head held high. He saw your friend hurry away and Stolas would be lying if he said he was sorry about it
Stolas was happy. Your words have given him confidence and his fear has decreased. You wouldn't say such words in jest, which allowed him to feel confident in himself. It seemed to him that nothing could destroy your love
🐓 Asmodeus x fem!Reader 💕
When you and Asmodeus started dating, you agreed not to advertise it and not to expose your relationship to the public. He knew that you only told your friend and Ozzie was fine with that. He suspected that your friend was against your relationship, but his suspicions were finally confirmed when he heard you talking on speakerphone with your friend
He heard your friend asking you to break off your relationship with Ozzie, arguing that a relationship with him would only hurt you. Although for the rest of us, Asmodeus was someone who despised romantic relationships, but he sincerely loved you. He didn't want you to feel bad about your relationship, and because of your friend's words, Ozzie got worried. He wanted to leave, but when he heard your voice, he stopped, hoping to hear that you weren't uncomfortable around him
You said that your friend is talking nonsense and that you are happy with Ozzie. You loved him and he was the most wonderful person you could have met in your life. You weren't going to break up with him and you didn't care what others thought, even if your friends were against it. You loved him and you were really happy with him
You didn't know that Asmodeus had heard your conversation, so you didn't think that you were the reason for his good mood. He was happy that you loved him so much and intended to make sure that you never had any reason to be disappointed in your relationship
🎪 Fizzarolli x fem!Reader 💟
For many, Fizzarolli was a popular clown, but for you, he was the one you loved. You knew what he was like off stage, but others didn't know about it, including your friends. Because of this, Fizz has felt the disapproving stares of your friends several times. He understood the reason for this, but tried not to think about it. He hoped that your feelings for him would not weaken and nothing would interfere with your relationship
You agreed to meet after he finished work, so he went to meet you in a great mood. However, when he was almost there, he heard the voice of one of your friends. Looking out a little, he saw you and your friend talking about something. Fizzarolli listened and realized that your friend was trying to convince you to end your relationship with Fizz, arguing that you would be unhappy in this relationship. He knew about the attitude of your friends towards him, but he didn't think that one of them would decide to directly tell you about it
He felt anxious listening to your conversation. Fizzarolli understood the reason for your friend's concern, but he did not know what you would answer. However, your answer made him smile. You stated that you were happy with Fizz and you weren't going to end your relationship. You left your friend in a bad mood, but after meeting Fizzarolli, your mood lifted
Fizzarolli was genuinely happy about how confident you were in your relationship. He intended to make sure that you would continue to be happy with him. It was really important to him
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anundyingfidelity · 2 days
OUT OF MIND — Soldier Boy/Ben
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Summary: Ben believes he's alone in the lab, that you're just a product of his imagination and insanity. Is not like that, you're more real than he ever thought.
Pairing: Soldier Boy/Ben x female reader.
Word count: 1.3k.
Warnings: sexual content, p in v, blowjobs, handjobs, heavy non-con (such as reader taking advantage of Ben), nudity, some angst, mentions of torture and being unconscious.
Note: *another one* this is part of @artyandink Jensen's drabble marathon (if it can't be due to the content of this is totally okay tho!) Anyway hope you like this dark piece of crap I had on my drafts because I could never write a long fanfic ever again, I'm taking so damn long to write.
☕ if you like my writing, support me with a ko-fi !
taglist is here!
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The last doctor left, metal door closing behind his back, leaving you all alone with the man lying down in a too uncomfortable stretcher, hands and ankles tied.
The doctor's instructions were clear. He didn't care what you'd do to the experiment in the room. No one cared. As much as a scientist you were yourself, you stayed until late, admiring the former hero at your complete mercy, with nowhere to go or a voice to yell for help. Not that he might needed though.
The room was cold as you paced to remain by his side. His chest going up and down, eyes closed as he slept thanks to the dosis of gas you always administered before taking the tests of his blood and getting into the good part: the torture.
Tens of scientists and doctors stepped the lab to test his strength and powers, gifting him of endurance and new abilities along the way. You were one of them. And this was your price for making him indestructible instead of killing him, switching completely the main objective of the reds. You never really talked to Soldier Boy, more than just the silent moans and gasps leaving your mouth when you actually got into business. Ninety nine percent of the time he was unconscious under the effects of the gas, but he did caught you on top of him a couple of times, or just sucking him off until he was hard in your mouth. The only thing further than talking was his green eyes staring at you, just as he woke up from the slumber. But that made it a thousand times better.
With your fingertips, you traced his bare arm. The skin hot against your hand, finding the way up to his muscular chest, and then down his stomach, stopping right above his crotch. Your mind started wandering all over with the past memories of you and him inside that same lab room.
It was wrong, but you couldn't stop.
You've done this countless of times, what was with doing it again? Besides, he was a piece of shit of a man as far as you knew, using women as appliances and then tossing them like garbage once he was bored. You had to have fun too. Your hand went under his pants, softly playing with his shaft, as your free one went to brush away the mess his hair was doing on his forehead, so delicately.
His cock grew hard thanks to your touch, jerking him off smoothly. It only made you yearn for him more, the wetness between your legs increasing as you rubbed your thighs together to feel some friction that could relief you for a moment.
You pushed your skirt up and took off your panties, completely desperate to feel him inside you. But before you pulled his pants down enough to free his dick, ans you leaned down to take the tip of his cock between your lips, sucking him just right to earn a somewhat loud gasp from his throat. You took him deeper in your mouth, soaking his shaft with your saliva and stroking with your hand what couldn't fit.
Just as you tasted some pre cum, you pulled back and climbed on top of him, straddling his thighs and lining his cock with your cunt, rubbing yourself on his length. You moaned softly sinking down on him, your tight, wet walls engulfing his dick, until your ass met the hot skin of his thighs. His cock twitched inside you as you rolled your hips in slow, deep movements, that soon became desperate. Biting your lip, you unbuttoned your blouse and pushed your bra down. Quickly, you held on his chest with the palms of your hands, riding him.
Soldier Boy brows furrowed, his breathing became unsteady as much as yours. Sometimes he looked like he would wake up in any minute, but he wasn't really able to. The features on his beautiful face used to change as you had your way with him because it was natural, and you loved to be in control. The only thing you'd regret was his big hands not being put into good use because of the restraints around them. You were so close to your climax that you wished he could bury his nails on your ass and mark it red while you're bouncing on his cock. Maybe someday you'd do it the right way. But not right now. Control suited you and you liked being on top anyway, playing with your tits at your own pace as they bounced with every thrust.
His cock met the deepest parts inside your pussy and you played with your clit and your folds, reaching sweet release and coating his cock with your juices. You continued the steady rhythm of your hips, going for a second orgasm, his dick throbbing so hard you would just fuck him until he spilled inside.
You let out a raspy moan as he came, filling you up and triggering your climax again, thighs shaking. You recovered your breathe, feeling his cock softening inside your pussy. His brows went back to normal, but you felt his heart still racing. Shifting on top of his cock, you reach his bearded cheek, caressing his features.
"I wish I could see underneath all this," you mumbled. "But I'm afraid you'll wake up for real and kill me."
You smirked just a little at the thought. Probably he'd just agree to fuck you if he was awake and back to his old self again, not drugged, not put into sleep. He was the perfect toy nonetheless.
But then, his eyes fluttered open softly. He thought it was just his mind playing tricks on him, watching your face as the bright, white lights iluminated the room. Soldier Boy often believed you were a ghost from his twisted mind, that there was something inside his mind tormenting him to the point he was being used for sexual pleasure by an unknown entity. But your touch, the heat of your body, and your weight over his own told him otherwise. You were fucking real, straddling his lap, with his dick buried balls deep in your tight cunt, tits out and messy hair and lab coat. Soldier Boy groaned, hands clenching into fists.
He spent so much time, decades, inside those concrete walls that there was this primal need inside that couldn't be met. And you were there to make it true from time to time, even if he wanted it or not.
"Good morning, sunshine," you mocked when he tried to free his wrists, but was too weak to do so. "The gas effect is fading away I see."
He grunted as you pulled off from him, climbing down to fix your clothes and putting your panties back. Soldier Boy tried to scream, but his throat was sore; he had to fight the restrains on his limbs, however it was useless. He was so powerless and fragile for a moment.
"Shhh, it's okay," you whispered, putting your hand on his forearm. He looked at you with a mixture of fear and rage. "You're gonna be okay. I always take care of you," you smiled as the stretcher began to shake while he tried to set himself free. "Now don't try it, you're a good boy. Aren't you?"
Soldier Boy groaned like a scolded puppy once you combed his hair with your fingers.
"You've been here for a long time, and no one has ever taken such good care of you as I do," you said, leaning down until your lips were close enough to his ear. "So you better obey me and keep being a good bitch for me."
Once you pulled back, he got the perfect close up of your face before you turned around and left the room, the sound of your heels echoing before the metal door finally closed. In less than five minutes, the chamber was filled with novichok.
Before sleeping again, Soldier Boy knew it was real.
The woman fucking him on his dreams and living nightmares was so damn real.
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Soldier Boy taglist
@stoneyggirl2 @sapnaploves
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onismdaydream · 5 hours
♡ ⋆。˚ keep your hands to yourself !
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synopsis..!: your roommate found the bathroom door open! can you blame him for wanting to join? (3.1k)
warnings..!: MDNI. fem/afab reader. aged up character. pwp. perv!yuji. voyeurism. dubcon(at first). fingering. unprotected p in v. not proofread.
notes..!: first proper writing for perv yuji based off an ask i got that was too delicious to pass up. i had a lot of fun writing this even if i was a bit nervous bc i wanted to really lean into the pervy-ness. comments and reblogs are appreciated <3
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yuji’s relaxing on the beaten up couch in the shared living area, scrolling past uninteresting videos on his phone while the tv screen plays an equally uninteresting show when the familiar jingling of various keychains clanking against each other filters to his ears. he's gotten better at recognizing the sounds you make — an unintentional side effect of sneaking around you.
well, sneaking sounds bad. it makes yuji feel dirty, like he's taking advantage of you without you knowing. he'd much rather say that he observes you. after all, there's no harm in looking, right? and there's certainly no harm done if yuji stays out of your sight during those moments.
the knob turns and the door opens and you let out a loud sigh as you kick your shoes off, dropping your bag on the closest surface available.
“long day?” yuji offers, straightening up a bit when you make your way over to him. his lips twitch upwards when you flop down next to him, your body sinking into the cushion. your hands run down your face, almost as if you're trying to wipe the exhaustion away. cute.
“you don't even know.” your eyes close and yuji takes the opportunity to let his gaze linger on your body, your relaxed posture practically begging him to look.
with your head thrown back and resting against the couch, your neck is exposed. smooth skin that he wishes he could nip and suck at, positive that you'd look even better covered in marks left by him. his fingers itch to reach out and touch you, to run them along your collarbone and down the valley of your perfect breasts. he'd love to feel the weight of them in his hands, to squeeze them and pinch your pretty nipples until you cry out for him. it's like you're playing with yuji, really, with how often you show off your chest. those cute swim tops you wear that barely stay in place or the shirts with the deep neckline, they drive him crazy. he's had to excuse himself to jerk off more times than he'd like to admit, images of your tits in his face as you bounce on his cock flooding his mind.
“we could, uh,” yuji starts, swallows when his mouth gets too dry, his tongue heavy where it sits. “we could watch a movie? get your mind off of it.”
it's a genuine offer; yuji does enjoy spending time with you and considers you a very good friend. it's just an added bonus that you always end up pressed up against him during those hang outs. your plush thigh looks so soft and warm and he wants to dig his fingers into the doughy skin, maybe even leave some bruises.
a soft exhale leaves your nose, and you shake your head before you open your eyes. “thanks but not tonight.”
yuji’s heart drops a bit, a disappointment he knows he never earns the right to weighing it down.
“i'm pretty tired so i’m gonna shower and then go to bed. rain check?” you stand, stretching your arms above your head and your shirt rides up with the movement. a small sliver of your stomach is exposed, drawing yuji’s eyes instantly. a moth to a flame.
“yeah, sure.” his words trail off, yuji only half paying attention to what you said. he can't help it — his mind goes blank when he gets a peek of your body. he watches you walk away, watches the sway of your hips in a trance until you step out of his line of vision.
there should be a feeling of guilt in the pit of yuji’s stomach, but there's not. there never is and he doubts there ever will be. instead, there's unbridled lust. he craves to touch your body, to feel your warm skin underneath his fingertips and to pull the sweetest sounds from your lips.
yuji’s hand falls to his growing bulge, the front of his shorts chubbing underneath the heat of his palm. a shaky breath slips past his lips as he squeezes his cock, wishing so desperately that it was your touch instead. he wouldn't even care how you touched him. as long as it was your fingers wrapped around his length, he would feel euphoric. hell, he'd even fuck into your fist if that's all you would give him.
he groans softly and shuts his eyes, imagining you leaning forward in that low cut shirt he loves so much, the one that shows off your gorgeous tits, and your hand just barely closing around his cock, a teasing touch that he doesn't deserve. shit, he wants it so bad — wants you so bad.
the sound of the shower sputtering to life snaps him out of his horny stupor, face flushing as he realizes that if you came back for any reason, you would've seen him. the tent of his shorts is obvious and there's no doubt that you wouldn't have known what he was doing. literally caught with his hands in his pants.
with a sigh, yuji decides to go to his room. if he's going to jack off to the thought of you, at least he should have the decency to not do it in a shared area.
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the door to the bathroom isn't closed fully, the warm light spilling out from the cracks and shining on the opposite wall. it's like a siren’s call and yuji doesn't even realize his feet are moving again until he's standing in front of it, his hand hovering over the door. one small push and there'd be no privacy. one small push and he could see you fully. one small push.
there’s no hesitation.
yuji licks his lips, his mouth dry despite the humidity in the small room. water droplets cling to the glass of the mirror and shower, slowly running down the surface. the image is obscured but he can still easily make out the shapes. your curves look more pronounced now that you're bare and it's a sight that he never wants to forget.
he must be dreaming, seeing your hands move along your body through the textured and fogged glass. he feels his cock twitch, throbbing and aching in neglect, his erection forgotten as he watches you. you look so beautiful, so so pretty with the water cascading down your skin. one of those ancient marble statues carved in the visage of true beauty, now come to life in front of his very eyes. but here you were, hidden and protected by glass to keep admirers from touching what isn't theirs.
if only yuji could see you without the barrier, if only he could touch you like he wants to. he'd be so delicate with his handling, so thorough to ensure that you wouldn't crack or be damaged. all he wants is the chance to fully appreciate you in all your glory.
perhaps this is his only chance.
yuji’s movements are slow, careful, as he strips down to his underwear. his clothes fall to join your own on the tile. the muggy air sticks to his already hot skin, lingering in his lungs and making every breath heavier than the last. the few steps in the small bathroom seem to be multiplied tenfold, his heart hammering against his ribs and echoing in his ears.
it's not nerves rushing through his veins, though. it's excitement and desire; the mere idea of being able to touch your skin throws logic out of the window. even if you end up hating him, yuji isn't sure that he would regret this moment.
it's a blur of how it happens, his body acting on instinct as he covers your mouth and presses his broad chest against your back. you try to scream, jumping in his hold and fighting to get away.
(you feel so warm.)
yuji easily overpowers you, keeping you exactly where he wants you, a sturdy arm wrapped around your middle. he can feel you panicking, can feel the tenseness in your muscles and the rapid beating of your heart.
(so warm and soft and perfect.)
“‘ts okay,” his lips ghost along your shoulder, his fingers flexing as he tries not to move them yet. “please, let me touch you. i’ll make you feel so good.”
you're stiff against him, hands on his wrists but no longer actively clawing and pushing. he can feel the shaky breaths you’re taking, the exhales from your nose licking against his skin.
(you must want this, too, right?)
“please.” yuji repeats, his begging bordering on pathetic. “you're all i think about. need to touch you, please.”
and it's that honesty, that confession of obsession and desire, that seems to make you relax a bit. or, that’s what yuji wants to believe as you give a small nod, the movement slightly restricted from his hold on you.
yuji’s hand leaves your mouth slowly, almost afraid that you would break if he moved too suddenly. you're so fragile in his eyes, a beautiful doll meant to be observed and admired from afar. made of porcelain and only meant to be touched with gloves.
but the warmth of your skin underneath his fingers proves you are so much better than those damn figures.
“thank you.” his palms immediately cup your tits, gently squeezing the fat of them and groaning quietly at the feel. “oh god, thank you, thank you, thank you.”
it's nothing like he imagined. your tits are so soft in his calloused hands, warmth seeping through your skin and nearly burning him. but he can't pull away, not now.
“fuck,” yuji whispers next to your ear, his hands pulling you flush against him, his cock prodding at your lower back. hooking his chin over your shoulder, he watches in a daze as he gropes at your chest. “so perfect.”
you let him fondle your breasts, biting your lip when his fingers graze over your nipples, trying your best to keep your reactions neutral. he squeezes and kneads, pushes your tits together, makes them jiggle a bit, too — anything his mind can think of. it was only a matter of time, though, until he shifted his focus to your stiffening buds.
“look at ‘em.” he pinches your nipples, a sharp pleasure pain that zings down your spine and pulls a squeak from you. “you look so pretty.”
he's no expert, but yuji prides himself on being a quick learner. he repeats the action, adds a kiss to your shoulder for good measures, desperate to get the same reaction. he promised to make you feel good after all, right?
and if you end up enjoying this as much as he wants you to, well then, maybe you wouldn't hate him so much when it's all said and done. it's a win-win, really.
you whine softly at his touch and the sound goes straight to his aching dick.
“don't hold back,” he pleads, lips trailing up your shoulder to press against your neck. now that you're finally in his hold, he doesn't plan on wasting a single second of contact. “w’nna hear all your noises. please. always sound so sexy.”
“yuji,” a sweet moan spills from your pretty mouth and yuji swears that he could cum right then. his name on your lips sounds so sinful — no, heavenly. there's surely no better sound in the world and he wants to hear it over and over again.
“fuck, say it again.” his voice is dripping with desperation, hips jumping to rut against your back. you must be made for him, must be made to say his name because nothing will ever compare.
yuji’s cock leaks globs of precum as you do as he asks — begs for — his boxer briefs sticking so uncomfortably to his heated skin. they're soaked through, the white fabric becoming practically transparent and if you were turned the other way, you'd surely see how badly he wants you.
a hand runs down your front, gradually sliding until he reaches your pussy, cupping it and feeling the warmth bleed into his skin. his breathing is heavy and hot — suffocating, almost — with the water spraying around you. slowly, carefully, yuji presses his finger between your lips, feeling as though time pauses and the world shrinks down until it's just you and him. nothing else could possibly matter because he has your slick arousal gathering on his first knuckle.
it's a fucking wet dream come true.
you're tight around him, not so much that he can't move, but enough that his cock throbs when he imagines what it'll feel like when he sinks himself inside.
(would you let him?)
his finger starts a steady pace of thrusting in and out, gentle and shallow movements.
“so wet,” yuji mumbles, voice dropping as he staves off a groan. his other hand squeezes at your tit, a lot less gentle and a lot more hungry. an internal battle of wanting to drag this out for as long as possible and needing to push you to your limits immediately. he wants to savor this, take his time exploring every inch of your body that he can, but his dick hurts from how hard it is. he wants to devour you, too.
another finger prods at your dripping pussy, pushing past and making you moan so pretty.
your body is pressed so close to his own, pinned between his strong arms and hips, unable to control himself from humping onto you. your fingers wrap around his wrists, anchoring yourself as he rubs at your puffy clit. every sound you make spurs him to pull more from you.
“can i,” his tongue darts out to lick at his lips, his breathing labored from the desire flowing through him. “can i fuck you? please, just — hah — just a few thrusts, promise i’ll stop after, just need to feel you.”
you don't even finish nodding before yuji peels his wet underwear down enough for his cock to spring free, groaning softly. his tip is drooling when he pulls his foreskin back, shiny with precum and flushed red. he presses it to your swollen clit just to hear you whine softly, hoping you're just as desperate as he is.
“thank you, fuck, need this so bad.” yuji pushes you to the shower wall, the tile cold against your skin but the scorching heat of his body still makes you shiver.
his hand shakes as he guides himself in, sliding his cock into the person he's fantasized about far too often to be normal. finally feeling your body underneath his fingertips and hearing your delicious moans and tasting your skin on his tongue. he'd be convinced this wasn't real — just some cruel dream his horny mind conjured up — if it weren't for the squeeze of your cunt as he pushes another inch deeper.
“feel so good,” his hand on your hip tightens it's hold, fingertips sure to leave a beautiful bruise. every thrust forward sinks more of his cock inside you, sheathing himself in your perfect pussy. “so warm.”
it's hard, nearly impossible, to control his hips, to restrict himself from fucking you the way he's thought about. all he can think about is burying himself inside you until he can't go any deeper, grinding until he spills his load, staying in your cunt and starting all over again. your pussy would be so swollen, lips puffy and so much cum leaking out of you, and still, yuji wouldn't be satisfied.
and those noises that fall from your lips, your breathy moans and broken cries of his name, it just makes his cock throb.
he's going to cum. you're going to make him cum.
the embarrassment that would usually accompany finishing so soon is far outweighed by the tight heat hugging his cock. how could anyone expect to last when your pussy sucks him in so well?
“oh god, don't, don't make me stop, please.” the words tumble from his mouth, his hips slapping against your ass as he fucks you fast and hard. that familiar tightening in his stomach threatening to snap at any moment. he knows he said he would pull out but he doesn't want to. he really doesn't want to.
“d-don’t stop, yuji,” you whine out, your fingers scrambling for purchase on the smooth tile, the now cool water making everything more slippery. yuji’s broad body is there to keep you upright, his hands roaming over every part of you he can reach. “don't fucking stop.”
he's not sure if he could stop anyway, you just feel so good around him. he's gotten a taste for you and now he's addicted, already looking for his next hit. would you hate him if he did this again? if he falls to his knees in front of you and begs to be between your legs once again?
but with the way you're moaning and tightening around him, yuji might just be lucky enough to have your cum on his tongue later.
his teeth graze against the sensitive spot on your neck, nipping and sucking at it until there's a dark color blooming. a mark.
a claim.
this is what he's dreamed of, what he's jerked off to countless times. and it's so much better than what yuji could ever imagine.
your pussy flutters around him and he quickly snakes his hand around your front, frantically rubbing at your clit and hoping he can ensure you orgasm first.
“cum for me, please,” he whispers, breath hot against the shell of your ear. “w’nna feel you cum on my cock.”
everything feels so intense, the echoing of the spraying water mixing with the lewd sounds of fucking and skin hitting skin and a symphony of moans. and suddenly, the dam breaks.
“yuji!” you cry out, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes as you clench, hard. it's heavenly, feeling you spasm around his cock and milking him for all he's worth. he's meant to be here, meant to be inside you.
it's inevitable that he cums, unable to hold off any longer. his hips stutter, grinding slowly against your ass as you both come down from the high.
the water is turning cold by now, a welcome relief from the heat radiating from your bodies. yuji’s chest heaves as he catches his breath, his fingers squeezing gently at your hips before he pulls out. he should feel guilty. he should feel really fucking guilty for everything he did.
but he doesn't.
seeing the marks that he left on your skin and the cum dripping from your pussy just makes him determined to leave more, to fuck you more.
“yuji,” you start, and, fuck, he still loves the way it sounds coming from your mouth. “what… what just happened?”
you turn your head and for the first time since you got off the couch, you can see him clearly. a hand at the back of his neck, a sweet chuckle, and that innocent, boyish smile gracing his features. his face is flushed a pretty pink that matches his hair, the same hair that's stuck to his forehead from the water and sweat from fucking you.
“sorry, couldn't help myself.”
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strwberri-milk · 8 hours
Hi, good morning/ afternoon/ evening. I've probably read all of your work on LnD, and I love them all. If it's not too much, can I request like the boys getting a call/update from MC after a disastrous wanderer attack on the city after not being able to contact them?? If possible, established relationship😅 ... thank you for your time!
im glad you like all my writing for them!! im so aefjaweofaw please give me the next main story update - also theres lots of references/imagery of death so if youre not chill w that i will see you tomorrow [salute] - theres also some very very slight references to their myths!! it feels a little ooc to me but thats bc. i think theyd be a little ooc when faced w a tragedy like this!! i hope you like it anyway <3
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Zayne holds his breath every time a new patient is admitted. The hospital is busy with all of the patients that are coming in with the disaster, a mixture of those hanging on and people running up to him because he's the closest doctor in the vicinity to confirm death.
He volunteered himself to do triage because he was convinced that he'd be able to stop you from dying, that if you came in through those doors he'd be able to separate his love for you from the mind that studied all those nights but that's impossible - he only got here because of you.
His mind runs circles around himself, almost separated from his body as he tries to figure out why you weren't there. Hopefully it's because you're fine - you don't need medical attention or the medics on site were enough for you. However, he knows there's an equal chance that it's just because a doctor onsite was able to confirm your death and now you were in some bag, stored away with the others waiting for him to come identify you.
When he finally gets a moment to himself he obsessively checks his phone, praying to something that might take enough pity on him to listen at the very least that you'll call him. Minutes turn to hours as he's called back to work. Silence is a commodity now as he's stuck in the theatre, only able to go home after he's exceeded the legal amount of hours he's allowed to work in one night.
The long turned cold water hits his muscles as his mind wanders in the quiet of his home. You still haven't called - nobody's called. He understands that surely, all of you are busy but he's been there when the calls have had to be made. To hear the sobs on the other side of the phone as a squad captain confirms the death of another hunter as they softly ask if they'd like to see the body. He's also seen the calls when the bodies are far too mangled, a sight that no loved one should have to bear. He's waiting for it, almost falling in his haste to grab his phone once it finally rings.
Your number pops up, the letters of your name taunting him as he tries to answer it. He's about ready to throw his phone on the ground from the water on his hand refusing to make picking up the call an easy feat.
"Hello?" Zayne asks, an uncharacteristic shake in his voice.
"Zayne! I'm okay!" you say, voice sounding a little weak but definitely better than he could have ever anticipated.
"Zayne? Honey? Hello?" you ask when you're met with only silence, now beginning to grow anxious yourself. You knew he must have been busy - you were too - and you thought he was safe. He should have been, you'd heard no reports of the hospital being attacked.
"You're alive," he chokes out, falling to his knees.
"Of course I am! Things have just been chaotic so I haven't had enough time to call you until now," you explain, continuing to talk to him.
You hear rustling on the other side of the phone, trying to get his attention again before he cuts you off.
"Where are you right now? Home?"
"Oh - yeah I'm on leave now. Most of us who were in active duty are to let his recuperate. How come?"
"I'll be there soon."
He hangs up immediately, leaving you a little stunned. You decide to clean up a little, having nothing else to do really until he comes over. Zayne never acts this impulsively so you assume that the day with no contact really wore on him.
Once he arrives you open the door for him, planning to apologise for the lack of contact when he almost throws himself at you. You hold him back just as tightly, a little shaken yourself as you close the door after him. You realise that for whatever reason he's soaking, unsure if you should confront that but you decide to ignore it.
He leads you right to your couch, too exhausted to even find your bedroom as he buries himself against your chest. It's not the normal way he lays with you - typically he likes to hold you - but you know not to bother him now. You can't deny you were worried about him too, knowing he probably put in a bunch of overtime at the hospital.
He holds onto you tightly, measuring out the beat of your heart. It's the only way he can remind himself that you're still alive, that the two of you have one more day together.
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Xavier has never felt like he wanted to die more than in this moment. One minute you were running with him, trying to stop the Wanderer from attacking the group of civilians the next you're totally gone. Logically, he knows you're most likely fighting a Wanderer by yourself and you can handle it but somewhere he's convinced you'll die without him at your side. You've proved yourself more than capable but he worries about you all the time - he knows how to fight these things, he's been fighting them for far longer than you have - and if you died here he'd have no more reason for living.
He practically goes beserk, tearing into each and every creature with the hopes that one of them can take him to you. With each failure he starts to spiral, standing atop a pile of rubble as he watches the recovery teams start to spread into the city. It practically took an entire squadron to force him to go home, promising him that he'd be the firs t to hear once they found you.
You were diligently following Xavier when you noticed another Wanderer going after a child. You knew that he'd panic once he couldn't find you but you couldn't just abandon them. You tried to tell him you'd be splitting off but over all the screams and screeches he couldn't hear you and you couldn't waste any more time trying to get his attention.
You were able to defeat the Wanderer but not before sustaining an injury that made it too difficult for you to continue active duty, taking the child to a safe spot and staying with them until help arrived. You ended up passing out from the pain shortly thereafter, waking up a day later to Tara in your face heaving a sigh of relief as she called for a doctor to come check on you.
Your body was simply fatigued and after an extra day of monitoring and ensuring you were receiving everything you needed to make sure you wouldn't collapse again when you get home. You nod, knowing what procedure is at this point. You reach out for your phone once the doctor leaves, knowing that Xavier must be worried out of his mind.
You're right, of course. He's laying in bed, staring up at the ceiling as he waits for someone to call him. He saw the scale of disaster this attack was, knows that everything is absolutely awful and he's not the only one waiting for news but every minute that passes is another minute you could be trapped, praying that he's coming there to save you.
He decides to ignore the strict orders he's gotten, suiting up to go help the recovery efforts. He was going bad staying in bed all day, unable to get a wink of sleep as pictures of your suffering flash across his tortured mind. Working on pulling valuables and any remnants of life is depressing on a good day but right now it's downright torturous. He can't help but think that the next thing he pulls out is going to be your hand, severed far from your body.
When his phone rings everything disappears. He quickly picks up, steeling his expression to avoid making things worse should someone look over at him. He doesn't even notice who called him, just hoping that it was someone with news.
"Oh! You picked up fast. Are you just sitting at home then?" you ask casually, so casually he thinks it's almost cruel. How could you act so nonchalant about the fact that you held his life in your hands, that you are the only thing in this world he can bear to wake up for?
"No, I'm helping the recovery efforts despite orders. I...it was too quiet at home," he offers as an explanation and you hum. He can imagine you nodding, tapping your chin as you think to yourself.
"If you missed me you could have just said so," you tease, hoping that the ease in your voice will make him relax.
"Of course I did. Is that even a question? Are you able to take visitors?' You know what, doesn't matter. I'll just wait there until you are. I'll see you soon love."
He hangs up quickly and you know that he'll appear in the hospital within the next two seconds with that uncanny ability of his. You straighten yourself out a little, knowing that you were injured but not wanting to look like a total mess.
You can hear his footsteps running up to your door, slamming it open as he catches his breath. You've never seen him out of breath before - maybe he's much more tired than you initially thought.
"You made it," you laugh, making a slight sound from the impact of him practically jumping at you, holding you tightly as he buries his face into your neck.
"I was worried about you," he says softly, looking up at you. "I thought you'd been hurt, badly. And I wasn't there to protect you."
You sigh, helping him sit down into the chair at your bedside. You offer him your hand which he holds gratefully, never taking his eyes off of you.
"I know. I'm sorry. But look, I'm okay now, aren't I?"
He ignores the pain in his chest, trying not to imagine how heavy your hand would feel in his if you really had drawn your last breath. That weight is far too familiar to him, haunting his every thought in the hours that passed between then and now.
"You are. And I'm going to make sure you stay that way," he promises.
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Rafayel didn't even know there was an attack until far after it. He knew you were working and that sometimes, you'd accidentally go MIA. You'd already texted him before your mission anyway and then he got drawn into another project of his and completely lost track of time. It's not until the next day that he finally sees his phone and the message from Thomas telling him not to come into the city for supplies for a day or so.
He immediately starts looking through articles, scouring pages that are constantly updating the death toll in search of your face. He curses himself for not paying attention earlier - every minute he wasted on some stupid was another minute you could have spent at Death's door, all because he allowed himself to forget that nothing matters if it's not you.
It's obsessive the way he looks through all of them, calling your phone non stop all the while. Every time he gets sent to voicemail he feels his breath get knocked out of his lungs, resorting to blowing up your phone with texts. When it's clear you aren't replying he grabs his keys to drive into Linkon despite Thomas' suggestion, knuckles white on the steering wheel as he heads to the hospital.
Even in all the chaos people can't help but stare a little as Rafayel makes his way to the counter, demanding someone tell him where you were. He's really trying not to be a brat, promising you that he'd be nicer to people but when it's your life on the line everything is up for debate. He goes through any and every possibility, figuring out what he can do to guarantee your survival.
Unfortunately for him, he gets escorted out. Jenna tries to calm him down, telling him that he'd be the first to know if they had any updates on you. Right now everything was just far too messy to know anything about anyone and there was a good chance that you were just being treated at a different hospital than usual due to the high causality count. He doesn't take no for an answer and manages to strong arm the name of the other hospitals you could have been sent to, starting up his car again right as his phone lights up with your name.
"What do you think you're doing not answering your phone?!" he yells, making you flinch.
Rafayel's never been mad at you, certainly not to this extent but you know that it's because he's anxious. He immediately catches himself too and you hear it, catching the sound of his hands against his steering wheel as he takes a deep breath.
"I'm sorry. Just - where are you?" he asks, sounding so exhausted that you feel like crying.
"I'm okay Rafayel," you say instead, adding the name of your hospital. He's immediately driving over as you talk to him, keeping your voice even.
"I was split up from the group is all, then triaged at a different hospital. I'm fine though - I managed to just sprain my wrist from overexertion so I'll have a sling for a bit-"
"You're staying with me then. I'm not having you stay alone with a broken wrist. Knowing you you'd do something dumb and make it worse," he scoffs, trying his best to drive safely to see you again. You don't bother to correct him, knowing that's the least of your worries.
You fall quiet, not sure how to respond. Rafayel has always been good at masking how he feels, rarely showing you what he's hiding behind his mask. Now he's an open book, making it clear that nothing will be okay until he sees you again.
"Okay," you agree, leaning further back into the pillows of your hospital bed. "They wanted me to be released into the care of someone if I could anyway. That's why I was calling you - that, and trying to return all your missed calls."
"Thank you," he says so quietly you barely hear him over the sound of his car.
"Of course my love," you say just as softly. "I knew you'd worry as soon as you saw the news."
Another moment passes between the two of you. Rafayel thinks his heart fell out of his chest - or it would have if it was still his to hold. Instead, it's beating firmly in your palm, only able to do so under your affections.
"Rafayel, I'm really fine, I promise. I'm just hungry. Let's get something for dinner, yeah?" you offer, hoping to redirect his energy.
"Yeah," he replies, exhaling deeply.
"Anything you want my beloved. Just name it and it's yours."
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cowboywithacunt · 3 days
more cowboy forcemasc pretty please????? my ultimate transition goal is to be a cowboy and i love love love the way u write it
Lemme see your dick. No, I don't mean your clit. That ain't what it is no more. I wanna see your dick. Your cock.
Mm. Yeah, progress is lookin' good so far. Could be better. Bet we gonna just have to pump your cock every day, make sure it gets nice and big. You'd like that, wouldn't you, boy? Yeah, I bet you would.
How's them new clothes been fitting you? I got rid of them old girly clothes out. Figured you don't need em no more. Donated 'em, yeah. There are actual girls out there who could use 'em. You, on the other hand... You look much better in men's clothes. Nice flannel shirt, blue jeans, work boots... They're much better than girly shit, right? Feels much more right, I bet.
Hm? The binder is bothering you while you're working on the ranch? Yeah, that shit happened to me too, you gotta be careful. You could just stop wearin' it, if you want. Ain't make you any less of a man.
Or we could set you up to flatten that chest. My surgeon was real good. See my scars? Scars make you more of a man, y'know.
Let's talk about it over dinner, huh? Help me get this venison ready for the grill.
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WIP. (remus lupin x reader)
remus lupin x reader
In which the marauders and their girls are on summer holiday in South of France and Remus realises he wants you.
Warnings: fluff (maybe smut, we’ll see); not proofread!!
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Remus had no idea when he agreed to go to the Potter’s summer house in south of France that the summer holidays would go like this. He thought it would be just the four of them boys in a little house. But he did underestimate the Potters wealth a bit.
The taxi stopped in front of the iron gates of a three-story house. The path to the front door was lined by pine trees. Remus could hear some repetitive melody coming from the trees. He attributed that to some kind of grasshopper. The scorching sun, although filtered by the branches, was making the boy’s head ache and sweat. And the noise from what he had gathered to be a cigale was worsening it. Still, he was pleased to discover the house with its walls made of put-together stone, its shutters needing fresh paint, and the small fountain beside the floral arrangement that would go all around the building. James had pushed its faucet to bathe his head in cold water, but Remus was focused on something else now. He had seen someone in the window. Someone he didn’t know would be here.
The door opened in a hurry, and all he could think was, when did he miss that information?
“We were starting to worry, what took you so long?”
“James had forgotten his pacifier, that’s what took us so long. You know how he is when he doesn’t have it.” Sirius climbed the stairs, his sunglasses in his hair and his bag on the shoulder. “Insufferable!” He muttered loud enough for the four girls to hear.
Remus combed his fingers through his hair and took a long breath before opening his mouth
“Well! Hello-”
“What are you doing here? I thought it was just us four!” Peter asked joining Sirius and the others inside.
You stayed in the corner of the door looking at the two boys left.
“Had a nice trip?”
Remus nodded. You looked ethereal in your blue and white sundress, your hair braided together.
“And you? You didn’t wait too long? Lils is not mad right?”
“Don’t start, Prongs.” Remus lifted his luggage. “I like the dress”
“You’ll get burned if you don’t put sunscreen on, Potter.”
“It’s alright, Evans. He’s a big guy.”
“I have some sunscreen if you'd like.”
James shook his head no, not glancing at them, his arm covering his eyes to cover himself. He had decided he was done with Lily Evans. Too much running around, not enough results, he said. And, too busy becoming a better guy, he was not seeing how Lily’s attention toward him had changed. That’s what everyone understood, though.
Remus’s gaze turned from his three friends to the girl getting in the water. You chuckled a bit listening to Lily’s attempt at catching James attention.
“Not too cold?”
You immersed yourself fully in the pool and let yourself float around.
“It’s parfait!”
Remus smiled at your French pronunciation. You and Sirius had been going around throwing random French words in conversation since the first day of the holidays.
“Is it? Should I join you?” You shook your head.
“Don’t ruin it. It feels good like this.” You hummed plunging your head underneath the surface.
Remus looked at how your body moved expertly under the water. The way your hair floated above your shoulders and how sunshine seemed to rain on your back as you swam. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from you. Away from your legs moving so delicately under the water like a dance he did not know of.
He watched you like this the whole time you were enjoying the nice and cool pool in the back garden of the house. He was sitting on a lounging chair in the shadow of a pine tree. He had kept his shirt on despite the warm weather, too embarrassed to show his scarred body. Remus’s face was already reddened by the sun, and some freckles had started to appear on his nose and cheeks. You had found them quite adorable on him. It betrayed his soft personality that you loved so much.
You had been in love with Remus for two years now. Stealing glances at him when you could, but keeping your feelings for yourself. You were worried you might ruin your bond and your friend group dynamic. As if getting serious with Remus would stop you from enjoying time with the others. Particularly if Remus were to reject you. You couldn’t even think of how your friendship would go after that without being embarrassed to death. Still, from time to time, when you were brave enough, you would attempt to flirt with Remus. Just to see if you had a chance, or if he really was too good for you. You were wondering at that moment, fully aware of the attention on your body, if you could say something to him. Your face was red just at the thought of it.
“My eyes are higher, Rem.” You managed to say without stuttering too much. You had swum to him and were now looking up at him through your lashes.
Remus was speechless. You looked so innocent, so beautiful at that moment. He wanted to take a picture of you, just to keep you in his wallet, and maybe, just maybe, sometimes say to strangers, “That’s my girlfriend, isn’t she beautiful?” He dreamed of that, of saying you were his.
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Dividers credit to @cafekitsune
Tag list : @innerloverpainter
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deerlottie · 1 day
🐰 — an american werewolf in new jersey
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summary: the girl of your dreams is not who you think she is. warnings: 18+, werewolf!jackie, little fic based on a part of the movie.
man, you had the weirdest dream.
and you really are never drinking again. that crazy 'lunar' party you went to last night ended up with the girl of your dreams ditching you, plus you got bitten by this gnarly looking dog.
she was in your dreams, the girl. jackie was her name, and she had been playing hard to get since you met her. she was always acting skittish, yelling at you to leave when you'd show up at her house like something was wrong, which just made you even more worried for her, so of course you kept coming.
you really liked her though. she was sweet and everything you looked for in a girl. your friends had joked that she could be the one that make you end your douchebag ways and finally get you grounded, and you know they were right. you just wish she'd let you in. you don't know why she keeps pushing you away, i mean, she seems to like you as much as you like her.
but anyway, in the dream, you were on another date with jackie. which seemed totally normal until the moonlight poked through the diner curtains and illuminated her, and you watched as she turned into the beast of a dog that bit you last night. except, it felt real. the last part at least. you don't know what it was, but you swear you knew the creature, like it was connected to you.
as you come to and your eyes adjust to the light, you realize that you're somewhere unfamiliar. you're already tucked into the light pink sheets and as you scan around, you feel like this room could belong to-
jackie busts through the door, holding a cup filled with a red substance and... also wearing your t-shirt? you hold in a cocky smile - maybe you two are a thing after all. she glances at you and then to your bandaged foot, putting the cup down on the dresser before pushing you over to sit on the bed.
"let me look at your foot." she speaks softly, gently unwrapping the bandages. you wince at the sight of the huge bite mark, but it's healing pretty quickly.
"you weren't hurt last night, right? i was attacked by this weird lookin' dog at the party right before you left me. did it get you?" you ask, worry evident in your voice.
jackie feels her heart skip a beat at how concerned you are about her safety, but she ignores the question. she scratches at her nose and picks up the drink, handing it to you. "this will make you feel better."
you suddenly feel a cold sweat drip down your back, every hair on your body standing up as your ears pick up every sound in the room from the buzzing of the fly to the way the leaky faucet leaks in the bathroom.
wait, how did you know that?
"i think i should go." you say, pushing the covers away and trying to get up, but jackie freaks out and pushes you back down, climbing onto your lap.
your eyes widen comically as she tugs off her shirt, revealing her small breasts. she grabs your hands and places them on her chest, making them rub in small circles. "i think this will calm you down."
"you're really confusing you know that, right?" you huff and roll your eyes, which can't stop glancing down at her chest rather than her face. "you nearly concussed me with a brick last night and now you're all on me? not that i'm complaining, but still."
"there's something i need to tell you and i need you to not freak out." she continues rubbing your hands over her chest.
"i'll try not to..." you murmur.
"the bite from your leg wasn't from a dog. it was from a wolf - a werewolf." she says slowly, allowing you time to process.
a beat passes.
you take one glance at her serious expression and bust out laughing, hearing her sigh irritatingly. her nails dig into your hands, and you wince, but continue to giggle nonetheless. jackie slaps your chest in annoyance and scoffs.
"i'm being serious, you need to listen to me! your life will never be the same. just- drink this." she groans, reaching for the red liquid again and forcing it close to your face.
"let me guess, it's some blood of an animal."
"yes, actually. i killed it last night." she deadpans, slamming the glass back down on the dresser when you refuse to take it. she grumbles and tugs at her hair, getting off of your lap and starts pacing around the room. "listen, you're a werewolf like me now, you need to stop messing around and process this."
"wait, 'like me'?" you repeat, furrowing your brows.
she quickly shuts her mouth like she said the wrong thing but sighs, wiping her face with her hand before walking back to the bed. she gathers your hand in hers and softly strokes your skin.
"i'm not lying to you. the thing that bit you last night was me...you don't think it was a coincidence that the party you went to was called club de la lune? and that the beast appeared right after i left?"
you shake your head, trying to make sense of this whole situation. there's no way this is real right? surely, it's just all a bad dream. you tuck yourself back in bed, closing your eyes tightly and praying that you wake up to a normal life.
"it's not going to work, you know." jackie says, and you groan.
"show me then. show me you're a werewolf." you demand, raising your finger at her. you move the sheets again and hop out of bed, wincing as you try to get use to walking with an injured leg.
"please, just sit back down a-"
"no! this is the only way i'll believe your crazy story, so just do it."
jackie picks at her skin, shaky hands moving her ruffled hair out of her face before she stands back up and sighs. "fine. if that's what you really want." she makes sure she's distanced herself from you before closing her eyes, and you start to hear a low rumbling coming from her throat.
you watch in horror as her mouth grows into a long snout, her teeth expanding and growing into wolfish canines. she falls to the ground as her hind legs grow in along with the caramel color of her fur. the horrible sound of bones cracking has your stomach in knots as her forelegs now grow, and she stretches once she's in full wolf form, getting use to the change. she growls at you, almost as if to say, "are you happy now?"
you pass out.
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whose-lozerrr · 2 days
what about denying Bachira (+ whoever) his kisses because readers lips are chapped
(No pressure ofc!)
Summary: Denying kisses from bllk boys because of your chapped lips
Characters: Bachira, Rin, Chigiri, Isagi, Nagi
Genre: Fluff <3
AN: I'm so so sorry this took so long. I've had such a horrible writer's block. 😭😭 I hope this is good. Kinda oc but I hope you enjoy reading this!! <3
Bachira Meguru
How could you deny this cutie patootie his kisses!!??
But you had to because your lips were chapped
He would definitely get upset and complain that it's fine that you have chapped lips
Would probably end up stealing a kiss or two anyway
"Meguru, no. No kisses, my lips are chapped badly right now." You say while pushing him away and denying his attempt to kiss you. He looks at you, his mouth agape in shock that you just denied his kiss. He pouts and storms off but not even a few minutes later, he storms back in and says, "I don't care about your chapped lips, I need my kisses." Then he would kiss you. Oh, you only thought once? Oh boy, you're in for a ride.
Rin Itoshi
What a mistake you made, denying Rin his kisses.. 💀
Honestly, he probably wouldn't care about your chapped lips. He just wants his kisses
Wouldn't listen to your pleas and just continue to kiss you
As Rin leaned in to kiss you on the lips, you backed up not wanting to kiss him with chapped lips. He looked at you kinda hurt that you denied his kiss. "Why won't you kiss me?" He asked softly. "Ah, sorry Rin. It's just that my lips are kinda chapped right now.." You admit bashfully. He then looks at you with annoyance in his eyes and grabs you by the waist to pull you in. "So? I don't give a shit." Then he continues to make out with you. Poor you. 😉
Chigiri Hyoma
Imo, he would be kinda hurt that you thought he would care that much
If anything would give you Vaseline or chap stick before he kisses you to make you feel better
But truly doesn't care
He just lives for his kisses
"Really? [Name], you're not gonna kiss me cause your lips are chapped?" He looks at you as if you just said the dumbest thing in the world. "Well.. Yeah, I mean I thought maybe you'd be grossed out.. " "Seriously?" He looks at you a bit flabbergasted before reaching into his pocket for a chap stick then applying it to his lips and kisses you very, very roughly. "There, now your lips aren't that chapped anymore."
Isagi Yoichi
Man, this precious boy 😭😭
Wouldn't give your chapped lips mind at all
If anything he probably has kinda chapped lips too
Would comfort you about and still kiss to show he loves your lips no matter what
"Um, Yoichi" You said softly as Isagi leaned in to kiss you. "Yes, [Name]. Is something wrong?" He backs up looking at you with a worried expression on his face. "Uh, I can't really kiss you right now because my lips are pretty chapped." As soon as you said that Isagi just stared at you in confusion before he laughed. "It's alright, love. So are mine." He says to reassure you before he smiles at you then leans closer to kiss your chapped lips.
Nagi Seishiro
Genuinely wouldn't give a damn
Probably wouldn't even give you a chance to tell him
He loves everything about you
Plus everything's a hassle to him so his lips are slightly chapped as well
"Uh, Nagi. My lips are chapped. So let me get my chap-" He cuts you off by kissing you. You look up at him in shock after he pulls away. Your face is flushed. "Nagi! Seriously! I didn't get to finish what I was saying!" Nagi holds you by your waist. "You were going to go grab something and that's too much of a hassle. I don't care about your chapped lips." You sigh, rolling your eyes. "Omg, you big baby" You say voice coated in annoyance but you have the cheesiest smile on your face.
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darksigns-exe · 1 day
happy father's day let's talk about dad!noah <3
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This boy!
It comes a little unexpected. You've talked about kids at some point, but there were never fixed plans. So when you tell him that you're pregnant, it kinda messes up a lot of plans. He readjusts quickly, though, and you somehow manage to make it work.
You have to talk him down more than once when the anxiety of messing things up threatens to overwhelm him again. He just wants to do things right, and sometimes he gets a little overbearing with it. But with enough reassurance, he finds his footing fairly quickly. Doesn't stop him from being a nervous, anxiety ridden mess for the final few weeks of your pregnancy.
The moment that real seals the deal for him is when he's handed your kid for the first time. He's so small in Noah's hands and god, he'll move mountains for that kid. It's terrifying and wonderful at the same time.
The realisation that he's holding a whole damn person in his arms hits him like a train on multiple occasions. But he's trying his hardest. He's as present as he can be, makes sure that he's there for the big moments. And for a while he does beat himself up over missing your son's first steps. It does get a little better though when you call him while he's away on tour one day and the first thing he hears when the phone connects is a babbled "daddy?". Swears that he's never heard anything better before.
Noah frequently falls asleep in your kid's bed after bedtime story time (lives for that btw). When you go to check up on him because it's been almost an hour, and it never takes that long, you find them cuddled up, and you have to work hard to get Noah to wake up again. Really, you'd let him sleep there if you wouldn't know that he'd complain about his back all day.
He's perfected diaper duty and somehow manages to be so much more efficient than you do.
You know those baby carriers where baby is in front of you? That's his jam. When your son outgrows those, and you're in a busier place, the kid is up on his shoulders.
Your friends are a big part of your son's life, and really you're glad for all the support you get from them. When the band's at home, and you're back at work, you get frequent updates of what they get up to. Everything from boy's day out with uncle Jesse to we're watching the same movie for the tenth time this week, you get updates of everything.
You love watching Noah grow into this new role, but watching them interact is by far your favourite thing. Finding your boys on the sofa when you come home from work, playing video games together, makes you feel so at ease. Seeing him so happy and comfortable is everything you could have asked for.
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poppy-metal · 3 days
okay but what would reader do with this info https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/poppy-metal/753292586949689344 ??? Im shaking rn this is too much this is INSANITY(tbh im such a jealous gf that id cry myself to sleep if my boyfriend were doing this w another girl but let’s pretend reader is better than me)
hes her EX husband mind you and she definitely cries alot. and gets angry. and throws things around the apartment. and types about 50 angry paragraphs only to delete them.
i think she inevitably confronts tashi about it because its her tipping point - she wants to spit and scratch and slap at her, but of course the moment she sees tashi she deflates. and then tashi eggs her on by bringing up how big arts dick is and reader loses it. cat fight. but its not really a fight at all because tashi has you on your back with arms pinned in seconds. her hair hardly looks out of place.
you probably tell her you hate her and wish you'd never met her and tashi probably gets very serious and says "we both know thats not true." and then she kisses you. GAY PANIC ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️very confusing you want to cry and be angry and you're still jealous and confused and upset but tashi takes the lead and its so easy to just..... let her. feels good. feels right, even.
probably do some very nasty grinding on the floor and she works two of her fingers into your tight little cunt as she tells you how she knows what you're doing, how you're just a brat in good girls clothing, how you want all of them pussy whipped and they are, they all want a taste of your pussy and arts fucking killing himself over not being inside you - you try to deny it but you're too busy clenching around her and moaning at the words - riding her hand when she tells you too, nodding along stupidly when she purrs in your ear "all you needed was a rough hand, huh? this pussy just needs some discipline to remind her she's loved -"
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