#it's snowing on my screen
automeris-io-moth · 2 years
White winter and red bed sheets. 
Droplets of blood stained the white snow.
Hero held tight to her side, aiming only to keep breathing. 
She was going to die, she was going to die right in the middle of the downtown plaza.
Everyone was already cold, for the weather was hostile and the holidays were quickly approaching, preparations were to be made, decorations were to be hung and all those people who frequented the surroundings from the colleges and the clubs had already gone home. 
Someone would find her the next day, she thought, hoped at least, in the inauguration of the winter festivities of the state. Quite a sight to start with, she laughed at herself, feeling the sting it brought to her ribs. 
At least her parents would know what happened to her. 
So, Hero let her head fall to the snow, hands brought up close to her chest, the cold was starting to numb her limbs, perhaps soon it would numb the pain as well. 
She fell asleep, though unconscious was a better term, she reasoned when her sight grew blurry.
Music was certainly an unexpected thing to wake up to, the scent of cinnamon in the air and the softness she laid over just as much. 
Waking up was in itself very much unexpected. 
Perhaps, she thought, it was the moment where she opened her eyes and her grandpa would be there to greet her, perhaps she had done well enough in life to deserve such a gift. 
And Hero wandered on that thought for a moment.
 A warm hand rested on her forehead. And those fingers were slim, they were graceful and surely not as wrinkled and calluses as her grandfather's. So Hero opened her eyes. 
"Good morning, pretty thing."
Hero tried to sit, movements hurried, and head spinning. Villain placed a hand on her shoulder, pushing her slowly back to lay against the pillow.  
"No, love, you need to stay down," said Villain in response. "you're lucky you're alive, we're trying to keep it that way."  
Villain spoke as if underwater, slurry, muted, Hero could barely discern some of the words she made. 
She asked for the other to repeat herself. Villain chuckled. 
"I can't understand a thing you're saying, love," Villain said "maybe it's better if you go back to sleep."
Tears gathered in Hero’s eyes, she could barely see what was before, though the shape of the shadow, the voice and the touch gave it away immediately, less even could she articulate what she wished to say to such a person, wished to ask, to beg if it came to be. 
A few aborted tries later, leaving Villain to ask once and again what was wrong, if something hurt even though all the pain killers, if she needed, wanted something else before taking her own leave. 
Hero cleared her throat as well as she could, and spoke. 
“Don’t…don’t do it,” she said, asked, prayed to the other, grabbing the hand that rested on her cheek. 
Villain’s eyes softened at the request, she grabbed back Hero’s hand, holding it between two hands, close to her.
“I warned you what would happen if they ever returned you to me like this again.” 
Hero shook her head slowly, trying not to make herself vomit, and held tighter. 
“What can I do?” came broken, slurry from Hero. 
Villain kissed her hand “To prevent it? Nothing, love. But you can lay back and rest, you’re way too high in painkillers to do anything else, if you do as I say and are good to the people taking care of you, I’ll get you a souvenir.” 
“Please, Villain, please,” Hero begged then, letting go of her hand and grabbing onto her clothes, lifting herself from the bed. 
The other sighed, grabbing onto her firmly, but gently,  mindful enough of her state. 
“Come here, hold on to me.” 
Villain laid down on the bed beside Hero on the bed, letting herself fall against the pillows and feeling Hero lay all her weight on top, keeping her as upright as possible, not letting her fall on her side.
Soft hands drew circles on her back, slowly, travelling from time to time to her hair, to delineate the shape of her brows and the bridge of her nose. No anger nor frustration did Villain allow to slip through her at that moment, Hero did not need that on top of everything else. 
So she was gentle, and she was comprehensive, she was as soft and patient as Hero needed, and eventually, through the exhaustion and the painkillers, Hero did fall asleep, held tight by the other. 
Then was moment, she decided as she locked the door to her room from the outside, she would need a few favours, of course, nothing not worth fulfilling her promise, she was a woman of her word after all, and if she had promised to burn down the capitol the next time they returned Hero to her such as they had, she had to follow up her promise to the city. 
Happy holidays :)
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strange-doll-child · 2 years
Tumblr has given us access to bells
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gummi-ships · 8 months
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Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep - A Fragmentary Passage - The World Within
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secondbeatsongs · 2 years
333 333 35123 444 4433 333 22 32 5 333 333 35123 444 4433 3355421 8
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dragonbytheday · 9 months
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Dragon of the nighttime, with stardust falling from their wings
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lunarharp · 9 months
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pretty & cute witch men
#witch hat tag#orufrey#i'm not drawing as much or as well as i'd like to be doing. i'm trying to get through a comic i've been really wanting to do#but i'm just finding it so hard. disheartening. btw the 2nd one relates to some official art of qif wearing a dress like the girls#and the 4th one relates to how i've been drawing EXTREMELY SMALL for years. idk how to explain it but i always clicked 'fit to screen'#and so all my art EVER has looked bad when you zoom in bc it's already like size 1 zoomed in to the MAX pfhgguguhfpfhGHAHHHHH#i was so confused allll this time why brushes always look different for me than what they're supposed to#'wow this brush is so jaggedy..really rather jaggedy...calling it the Jagged Cai Special..bringing it out for those jaggedy moments..#really quite jaggedy i must say...' and it's literally not jaggedy#but now i have to get used to how all those brushes that i'd gotten used to indeed look how they're supposed to finally. Alarming#I have simply been working out absolutely everything by myself for years and that's why my technical progress is slow#ppl say my progress is fast and i certainly have improved much since i began doing all this but#like..it took me a year and half to start using a program where i could Colour In The Lines aka the..whatever it's called. whatever..#just on my lonely confused solemn journey to express gay love better than yesterday.. -_- *picks up my pack n continues through the snow*#btw thank you sm for people's kind words enjoying my narumitsu art & fic over the christmas & new year period <3
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doom-dreaming · 9 months
High Flakes Combat
“Blue Lead,” Linda’s whisper cuts across TEAMCOM, crisp and several degrees colder than the icy landscape. “Hostiles approaching your position.”
Fred, tucked behind the trunk of a towering pine tree, exhales a slow, measured breath. Waiting. Listening. Without his motion tracker, only the crunch of footsteps in the snow—and Linda—could tell him when their opponents were closing in.
There. Fifteen meters out. He motions to John, positioned behind an adjacent tree. On my signal.
…ten meters…
Cover me. Go high.
…five meters…
John nods. Fred tightens his grip on his weapon.
As one, they pivot, breaching cover. Fred drops to a knee, attacking swiftly, before their adversary has a chance to retaliate.
The snowball hits Ash directly in the center of his chestplate. Active camouflage flickers briefly, then recalibrates, as the young Spartan crashes dramatically to his knees before sprawling backward, motionless.
Fred doesn’t let the theatrics distract him. The other two had to be nearby and the round wasn’t over until— A snowball whizzes past his head, followed by a sharp curse—out loud, close. He catches a shimmer of white on white as Olivia leaps to find cover and “reload,” but John is faster.
The snowball hits her thigh before she can complete her maneuver and she slides to a dejected halt in a snowbank. “Dammit! Mark!” she calls out. “You’re on your own!”
Fred doesn’t hear a verbal response. He knows he won’t, Mark’s too good to give away his position— Thwap. Fred’s vision goes fuzzy and white as Mark’s snowball connects with his visor, splattering on impact. Fred groans and flashes a red status light across his team’s HUDs. He’d be out until the next round.
“He’s on the move!” Linda barks over the comms.
Fred folds himself cross-legged into the snow and wipes his visor clean just in time to see Kelly bounding over a nearby ridge, clutching a snowball in each fist.
“I’ve got him!” She goes streaking across the snow toward a barely-visible figure—also sprinting.
Mark wouldn’t be able to outrun Kelly—a fact Fred knew the S-III was well aware of—but he was certainly trying his best.
Kelly nails Mark with both snowballs, one in the shoulder, the other in the back. He stumbles just enough that Kelly’s momentum sends her into him at full force. The clack of their colliding armor echoes like a shot as both Spartans go tumbling to the ground, sending up a minor flurry in their wake.
“Aaaaaaaand match!” Roland’s voice rings out over the simulation deck, followed by a buzzer. “Blue Team takes the win!”
“Again,” Olivia grumbles, pushing to her feet and dusting snow off her armor.
“It’s three against four,” Ash reminds her, still lying on his back a few feet from Fred.
Olivia crunches her way over and offers him a hand. “Can we make Kelly sit out the next round?”
“If you’re not having fun, leave,” John quips.
“Or maybe you should switch Kelly to our team and see how it feels,” Livi bites back, helping Ash haul himself to his feet.
“Fighting over me?” Kelly rejoins the group with Mark close behind. “I’m flattered.”
Fred chuckles. It was good to see Olivia trading barbs with John. The Gammas had warmed up to him quickly—and he to them—and it wasn’t hard to understand why. Fred was sure the S-IIIs had given him some new streaks of gray hair, but at the same time, they made him feel younger. He hoped they were having the same effect on John.
“So…” drawls a familiar voice, raised just loud enough to carry, “this is the reason my fireteams can't train today? A snowball fight.”
Every Spartan in the simulated snowscape whips toward the entrance. Commander Palmer stands at the far edge of the scene, arms crossed. She looks odd and out of place, a lone figure in a techsuit against the stark white surroundings, but no less intense than usual.
“Thought we’d try something different from the typical drills, ma’am,” Fred coughs. He’s not sure why he feels guilty; they’d requested the time and blocked out the schedule and followed protocol…even if they hadn’t said precisely what they’d be doing…
Before anyone else has a chance to speak, a snowball goes sailing over Fred’s shoulder, on a collision course for Palmer. She’s too far away to hit, but the aim is dead-accurate and it lands with a wet plap several yards directly in front of her.
Even at this distance, Fred sees her eyes narrow. The vague guilt solidifying in his gut crystallizes into ice. He knows who threw that and he’s already, reflexively, preparing for the necessary damage control—and for Linda, no less. Kelly he was used to, but Linda?
Palmer shifts her weight and fixes the seven of them with a hard stare that lasts long past the point of being uncomfortable. “Don’t go anywhere,” she eventually orders, leveling a finger in their direction. “I’ll be back in ten minutes.” Without leaving any opportunity for rebuttal, she turns on her heel and swiftly disappears from the deck.
Immediately, Linda’s status light starts blinking rapid-fire green across Blue Team’s HUDs. Kelly follows suit.
“Really?” Fred grumps over TEAMCOM.
“Can you blame her if it worked?” Kelly retorts.
“Yes! You’re making an assumption and setting a bad example.” He switches to his helmet’s speakers. “Gammas, don’t throw things at your commanding officers.”
“Unless you’re sleeping with them,” Kelly adds, with enough tact to keep the comment on Blue Team’s private channel.
Another green light from Linda.
Fred willfully ignores both of them.
“...we’re not in trouble, are we?” Ash removes his helmet and shakes out his hair. “To be honest…I don’t know what just happened.”
Kelly seats herself on a tree stump, legs akimbo, smugness oozing from every seam of her armor. “Palmer’s getting suited up to come play with us.”
Ash seems unconvinced but Mark shrugs. “She’ll balance the numbers. We might even start winning.”
Only Blue Team can see—and appreciate—the red light John flashes in silent response.
As threatened, Palmer returns exactly ten minutes later, fully armored aside from the helmet tucked into the crook of her arm. “Okay, here’s the official story.” She strides up to the group. “We’re running an unorthodox but fully sanctioned training exercise all day.”
“I’ve cleared the schedule and put out an open invitation,” Roland chimes in. “As requested.”
Palmer nods her approval. “Figured I’d let you have your fun on the condition that the rest of us could get in on it too.” She raises an eyebrow. “Sound fair?”
“Fair enough,” Fred answers, echoing the array of green lights on his HUD. “Alright. Ground rules—we’re running blind for this, Commander. No motion trackers.”
She looks pleased. “I like a challenge.”
“If you get hit, you’re out for the round,” he continues. “Once you’re out, you can’t help anyone still standing. Round ends when a whole team goes down.” Fred nods toward the ceiling. “Roland’s keeping score.”
“Huh,” Palmer hums. “So you knew about this, too, Roland?”
“I…was informed the exercise would require a scorekeeper instead of a handler,” the AI answers, somehow managing to achieve the verbal equivalent of tip-toeing. “And I volunteered a mere fraction of my copious attention to the task.”
Palmer just rolls her eyes.
Ash clears his throat and steps forward. “If you wouldn’t mind, ma’am, we’d greatly appreciate it if you joined our team.”
“They’ve been wiping the floor with us,” Olivia adds, somewhat ruefully.
Palmer looks back and forth between Blue Team and the Gammas with a hint of a smirk. “Well.” She slips her helmet on. “Allow me to level the playing field.”
And indeed, the tide began to turn. Quickly. It wasn’t that the Gammas couldn’t hold their own, but Palmer was a different flavor of ruthless and even numbers did make a difference.
Kelly, as Blue Team’s sole survivor, was in the midst of a valiant stand, but she was up against Palmer and Olivia and they were going in for the kill. Up to this point, Kelly had been relying on her speed to evade them, but Fred doubted that would be able to carry her any further.
Palmer and Livi split around the back of the snowbank Kelly had hidden behind, falling into synchronized step with each other, timing their paces perfectly. Palmer’s boots fall heavier and louder, covering Olivia’s near-silent glide around the other side.
The strategy is obvious, at least from Fred’s position of passive observation—Palmer would draw Kelly’s attention, Olivia would come up on her flank and take her out. And it would work, too…on anyone less observant than Kelly. Fred has a feeling she’ll see right through it. But one of them was going to hit her either way, so it didn’t really matter as far as the outcome was concerned.
Surprisingly, a third option presents itself. Fred realizes after a few seconds that he’s been holding his breath, expecting Kelly to explode out of the snow and make a run for it, but…she doesn’t.
Palmer reaches the other side of the snowdrift and slows, confusion evident in her body language. She paces around the area, making sure not to stay still for too long, obviously reluctant to let her guard down completely. Fred can see the hazy mirage of Olivia’s SPI suit still moving in with careful deliberation.
There was no way Kelly could have moved. She hadn’t had enough time. More importantly, she would’ve been spotted if she’d tried to flee, so why couldn’t—
Palmer disappears. One second, she’s standing on the other side of the snowbank, visible from the waist up, and the next second she’s gone. Fred can’t see much of anything, but there are sounds of a scuffle and the blur of camouflaged armor as Livi sweeps in to assist with whatever the hell had just happened.
Barely a breath later, Roland announces the end of the match. “And Gammas-Plus-Palmer emerge victorious! …or should I say Olivia, specifically, seeing as she is the last Spartan standing. You know, you really oughta come up with a better name for your team—”
There’s a burst of indignant exclamations and flustered cursing from Palmer. She reappears only to rip her helmet off and kick some snow back in the direction from which she’d escaped.
Olivia removes her own helmet; Fred is surprised to see her laughing. “She got you good!” There’s a giddiness in her voice that Fred’s never heard before, but she seems to remember who she's talking to a moment later. “...ma’am.”
Kelly pops up beyond the ridge. She remains helmeted but Fred knows there’s a shit-eating grin on her face just from her posture alone.
“What happened?” He shouts the question out loud.
“She buried herself in the fucking snow and pulled my legs out from under me,” Palmer growls as she trudges over.
“And then I hit Kelly point-blank in the face!”
Olivia’s gleeful comment is backed by Kelly’s laughter over TEAMCOM. “Worth it.”
“Hey!” A different voice cuts into the conversation, once again pulling everyone’s attention toward the entrance. “Heard there was some kinda free-for-all goin’ on in here?” Gabriel Thorne stands flanked by the rest of Fireteam Majestic, all in full Mjolnir. “Got room for another team?”
Palmer waves them in. “Come on up, Majestic. We’ll get you briefed on the rules.” She sighs and fits her helmet back on. “Hope you’re ready to get your asses kicked.”
An hour later, after Majestic had carved out a few victories of their own, Crimson shows up. Rules are recounted, home bases are realigned, play resumes. Within another two hours, there are four more Spartan fireteams on the field. Alliances are formed, both openly and secretly. Several hours are devoted to building snow forts. Play evolves. Forts are defended and captured, sabotaged and reinforced.
And then Lasky arrives.
“Captain on deck!” Roland bellows.
The silence that blankets the simulation deck is instantaneous and absolute. Nobody moves. If the snowballs already in flight could have frozen in midair, they probably would’ve. Instead, they land in a chorus of muffled thwumps.
Lasky stands there for a few seconds, small and unimposing by the distant doors, sporting his trademark expression of beleaguered amusement—presumably at being called out. “Don’t stop on my account,” he eventually says. “I just wanted to watch. …unless there’s a team looking for a liability,” he jokes with a self-deprecating chuckle.
Everyone on the field exchanges glances and shrugs. A sea of status lights blink across Fred’s HUD—most amber, some green. Finally, someone from Crimson waves Lasky over. “We’ll take you, Captain!”
He seems genuinely surprised by the invitation, but begins the trek across the snow. “Try not to kill me, alright?”
That draws laughs from most of the Spartans, but it’s John who actually banters back. “No promises, sir.”
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maddymoreau · 7 months
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ADORABLE commission drawn by @puppypark !!!
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monbons · 4 months
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WIP Wednesday
Thanks for the tag @artsyunderstudy. Your snip was so good, I’ve decided to give Star Trek a try for the first time ever! Relatedly, who would like to break it to the hubs that ten years of marriage is not a convincing enough reason but making it SnowBaz is?
On my end, I have made no progress on my multi-chapter WIP this week because the premise is more complicated (and sad) than I initially thought. Trying to stay busy, I started a new silly/fluffy WIP (because I needed relief from the angst maze of my own creation) only to abandon that too in favor of sewing a Simon doll...so I'd say things are going really well over here.
In other news, I searched Chapter 9 of The Eternal Life of Baz Pitch for a usable snip and came back mostly empty handed. But, I'd like to start the pain early, so have just one sentence below the cut:
“I want to hear you,” Simon growls into Baz’s neck, reaching for his arms.
Is it what it sounds like? Is it something else entirely? Can't say.
Here's hoping you are not as creatively lost as I am. Hellos and high-fives to you either way!
@thewholelemon, @raenestee, @bookish-bogwitch, @roomwithanopenfire, @cutestkilla
@iamamythologicalcreature, @hushed-chorus, @emeryhall, @best--dress
@valeffelees, @drowninginships, @beastmonstertitan, @brilla-brilla-estrellita, @aristocratic-otter
@shrekgogurt, @blackberrysummerblog, @run-for-chamo-miles, @larkral, @skee3000
@rimeswithpurple, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @youarenevertooold, @ic3-que3n, @ivelovedhimthroughworse
@thehoneyedhufflepuff, @theearlgreymage, @fiend-for-culture, @rbkzz, @supercutedinosaurs
@arthurkko, @comesitintheclover, @noblecorgi
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decaflondonfog · 2 years
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heart study #1 (chamber by chamber), 2023
pearl cotton and six strand floss on cotton
[a little snowbaz project because that one line just lives in my head rent free since i first read it. all my love and gratitude to bee who did not even hesitate when i asked ‘hey if baz and simon were colours what would they be,’ and to starry and leo who talked me through the many stages of the tying and braiding and binding phase of this piece]
detail shots under the cut because i just love how dynamic this piece can be 👇
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snvxiii · 7 months
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Kupid's Arrow 🏹
Aiming for your heart 💘
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jabberwockprince · 1 year
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reworking this old ass oc and trying to figure out colors <3
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dailybrittanysnowpics · 6 months
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hzdtrees · 2 years
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Storm in the West
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strawberryloveyyy · 10 months
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laurapetrie · 2 years
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