#jfc those things are terrifying
hzdtrees · 1 year
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Storm in the West
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sodacowboy · 5 months
I have a very busy week ahead of me. Pray for me.
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So, having been hit by a truck when I was like, 14/15? And still having the scars where they had to put in the screws and pins to hold my pelvis together and all this, is incredibly relatable.
I barely got a look at the guy who hit me, but if I had to sit in the same room with him-
Jfc, poor Sabo. I’m also, SHOCKED, that Ace hasn’t beat the fucker’s face in. Cause I would’ve.
Im glad i could represent your experiences! i hope my writing going forwards also resonates with you
I really am terrified of trucks. I went to a car dealership a few months back and no joke, some of the front hoods were almost as tall as i am. Granted, I'm fairly short (5'2"), but if one of those hit me. dead. death. like the first thing it could do would be hitting my head.
Theyre so vastly excessive even if youre using them for their intended purpose. They keep getting bigger and bigger just to hike up prices and make you spend more on gas and there needs to start being some larger regulation on them.
There's a lot of places that have banned them in residential areas and i think we're on the right track with that. I also think further licenses should be required to be able to drive them.
also like
this post was made long after i had written up what happened to sabo, and this experience only solidified my stance more.
shits crazy.
I'm so sorry that happened to you, I hope you've healed both physically and mentally from it and had loving family around to help you through it.
Thanks for the ask!
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murfpersonalblog · 17 days
IWTV S2 Ep3 Musings - Loumand
Last post, I promise; I needed another nap; this ep's a freaking rollercoaster. And these two queens nearly gave me a stress ulcer!
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DEBATABLE, Louis. I can think of FAR worse vamps than you, love.
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Why're y'all having this whole conversation where anyone can hear?
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They got Sartre's wall-eyes down; good makeup this season, team! 👌
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DreamStat's a Loumand bed-death truther, jfc. 😭
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I wanna know EXACTLY what Armand sees--or "feels"--whenever DreamStat pops up in Lou's head. Cuz he clearly knows precisely where Les is; he looks right in his direction. But does he HEAR Les too? (God I hope not, this song would've had me SEETHING--Back to Hell with you! 😅)
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"Oh dear" indeed; I was HOLLERING.
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Armand looked PISSED, I was scared for Louis' life! And he DOES know, actually, yes Lou. I can almost GUARANTEE that he knows PRECISELY where Lestat is AT THIS VERY MOMENT, yes Lou.
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If only you knew.... 😬
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Claudia's suffered more than Christ. And nice cut to Daniel sneaking around with Raglan James as Armand talks about Furies punishing "human wrongdoing." It's really interesting that Armand told the lawyer that LOUIS is the owner of the paintings. Is he the owner of the penthouse too? HOW MANY DEEDS DOES HE HAVE, ROLIN?
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I wonder what AMC might be saying about Loumand's art collection, not just wrt what we know about art heist!Armand (which we'll likely see a nod to in Ep4 at the Louvre); but also wrt what we know about Dubai's godawful neocapitalist hellscape economy, and Loumand's "moralizing" about Parisian black markets in S01E02.
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I wonder if that's the excuse Armand'll give the coven when Louis shows up for dinner in Ep4--very much NOT dead; and rips out Santiago's tongue.
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WILD voice-over, cuz you KNOW that's what Santiago was thinking, too, LOL. (You wish, Francis.) But yes: Louis' finna end your whole career. XD
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Another TERRIFYING jumpscare from the coven, like in Ep2 with Annika. Louis, I am shocked & appalled--can you not HEAR all these vamps planning your bloody murder around you? CLAUDIA! WTF!?
But this is how you know Armand's true personality--he hates getting his hands dirty. He kills all the time, but he makes his victims' deaths pretty. He'd rather sit back & let Lestat/Louis come in and wreck his whole coven, even though he has the power to just light those mofos up all on his own! I wish AMC emphasized a bit more that Armand not only writes/directs the plays--he's an ACTOR, too. And istg he's an expert at PRETENDING to be helpless, meanwhile he's the strongest vamp that's NOT one of the Children of the Millennia (thanks to how well Marius made him).
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Armand, that is LOW; waiting until Claudia's stuck under the oaths b4 you tell her she's guilty of breaking Great Laws she doesn't even know about yet. WTF?
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How TF you gon' hold Louis accountable for following the Laws when he wasn't even allowed to be in the effing room when they were read!? He's not even a member! WTF! (I get it--any rogue vampires are subject to death, yadayada; we know it's a stupid policy.)
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I love how he plans to leave by himself here--it had nothing to do with picking "another one" over Claudia. He just didn't want to hold her back anymore. And his presence was causing problems. 😭 It's so cute that Louis' stipulation about London was that if it's "too large" he'd leave and go to Ireland (?!?)--he's become agoraphobic or something? He just wants to be alone in his hermit hole--MOOD. 😭
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Good to get confirmation that the Fire Gift here is Armand and blessedly NOT Santiago--so why's he zooming around in the sewers?
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Look, sometimes folks make terrible first impressions--Lestat was being hella racist, Louis' always playing defense, Armand was finna kill Louis in a gay public park. It happens.
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Foreshadowing like crazy, as usual.
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WILD thing to say. I'm gonna cry, please stop.
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(What kinda hypocrisy is that, when you were made young your dang self!?) She's already 30+ years old--maybe she'll last a little longer if y'all (read: sexist, racist, ageist, ableist, etc society) don't eff around tryna make her life even harder! But AMC's deliberately cutting Claudia's life in half, compared to the books, cuz misogynoir's real and Claudia gets NOTHING out of vampirism, not even a fair chance. And y'all let her into the coven KNOWING how much she loves y'all, and KNOWING y'all were gonna kill her. EFF THIS WHOLE COVEN, ARMAND INCLUDED. (Lemme calm down--this kind of betrayal is exactly how Lestat must've felt in S01E07; I get it; they're getting a taste of their own medicine. But LESTAT EFFING HAD IT COMING. The coven should've just told them: y'all got til sunrise to GTFO our territory, you're not welcome here. This whole bit's unnecessary.)
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SKILL ISSUE. Cuz Louis' got the least power, and he's finna clear that whole bish out in just a couple episodes. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
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Louis, love, ARMAND DON'T GIVE A EFF ABOUT RAISING SOME OTHER MAN'S OFFSPRING. This is the call of the wild, as Alphas KILL the children their stolen Omega brides had for other Alphas/Betas, so he can restart the gene pool with HIS DNA instead. I know y'all had National Geographic back then already--READ A BOOK, Louis, it's what you're best at.
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Incredible. After all of that Louis said Lestat never broke him. BENT BUT NEVER BROKEN, that's right! 💪😤
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Boy, we're not talking about some little (unrequited) CRUSH over a man you only knew for a few months (which you've CLEARLY not gotten over yet). Louis was MARRIED to the man for 30 YEARS. This is his MAKER. Lestat knew his whole family; went to the Black cookouts and everything! They literally built a home AND business together! They raised a child together! WHATCHU KNOW ABOUT THAT!?
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And that's LESTAT'S DAUGHTER TOO--how much can you possibly love EITHER of them while planning to knock her off!? I can't listen to too much more of this. *hands Louis the torch and scythe*
Beautiful end of this STACKED episode. Incredible work, AMC! Jacob acted his PANTS off; he excels at the trembling voice, agonized facial expressions, and utter mental breakdowns. He's pulling DEEP within him, holy god; it's so raw, it's almost hard to watch. EMMY WHEN?!
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poppyandzena · 3 months
hey poppy let go of Noeh
at some point yer gonna have to accept that the rape allegations were a toxic way to remain tethered to someone who wanted to leave you
she told you: no more
& you told everyone else.: that’s rape
what you’ve managed to choreograph is sabotage. and your supporters and former supporters play(ed) an integral role in that those DMs that just dropped — they show that actually, IT IS YOU who lacks any regard for consent (& with such ease)
she wanted to be left alone she wanted to get out
she essentially said NO over and over and over
to BOTH you and Zena
she said NO (MORE) in so many different ways WHILE you two tag teamed her into a quiet yes — that is what you call “coming to an agreement”? as if that was not the result of being coerced
routine covert threats (read: publicly announced “ideations”) of suicide in connection to conflict (perceived abandonment) is coercion, poppy you’ve been doing that publicly for months. You are dangerous as a partner. The fear doesnt just go away, it becomes baked into the relationship & in these contexts, it is well known that suicide is a sibling to homicide — it’s emotional blackmail, it actually IS a form of emotionally terrorizing someone. Poppy you aren’t the only person who has lost a partner. My former partner actually followed through & shot themself in front of me. They died in my arms. I love them very much. Unconditionally. Forever. I miss them everyday. People should be terrified of this, it is fucking awful and the violence of this form of death is nothing to fuck with. It is what your loved ones are left cleaning up. Literally. AND I can still name what that was. It was coercion. It was emotional blackmail, it was abusive. I happen to know a little bit about this stuff. It’s not BPD, it’s coercion. Stop that. Stop coddling this. It is solely poppy’s responsibility to learn ways to manage that — idc what Zena’s codependency compels her to say. Zena go get treatment for that, codependency is too painful not to address. That shit is not anyone else’s responsibility to manage. You both need to manage your own mental health, that is pretty obvious
you disregarded her no
zena disregarded her no
over and over and over
she revoked your access to her, bluntly & stood her ground — that was not cruelty, it was self preservation
you no longer had consent to carry on further as her romantic partner
you disregarded that boundary (or as you would say, you didn’t “OBEY” her boundary…tf smh) she wanted to stop she wanted out she said it in countless ways — to YOU zena and to YOU poppy
This is an issue of consent
normalizing a total disregard of consent has deeply embedded roots in rape culture
how can you all not connect the dots?
when someone wants to leave you - when a partner wants to break up and asserts: no more, you have absolutely no right to refuse & reject that choice
Alla this is how i knew you were an abuser, poppy.
it’s dangerous to leave abusers and that danger doesn’t always mean threats of physical violence/death . Lethality in a social context is a very real thing — it’s a common tactic used. The concept of a social death exists & it’s relevant here.
you all joined in. that is how this works. she said NO and poppy claimed RAPE. think about the implications for that with specific regard to what poppy is always speaking about — predatorjacketing trans women. Listen, poppy you know exactly what you’re doing here. Those of you who have joined in on this very calculated smear campaign need to go learn about intimidate partner violence. And consent. Jfc. And how this actually does tie to rape culture, just not in obvious ways. some of us recognized abuser dynamics very early on.
poppy is a seasoned abuser, she gets away with abuse
the audacity - to put an educational spin on this level of spite, haphazardly making weak connections to your (very) rudimentary take on rape culture - just to use your mental health platform to both obscure and reinforce abusing an ex partner who just wanted to LEAVE you
you have no right to disregard someone’s choice to leave
abusers can be so charming, huh?
so many of you got played
Cognitive dissonance is a mother fucker
You've put it so thoroughly and eloquently. I appreciate your lived experience and the insight it brings to this conversation. I hope you are safe and thriving, because that shit is hard. We all suffer in some form, and we have to stay relentlessly open, honest, and clear of mind. Thank you 🧡
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transboykirito · 5 months
What are your thoughts on Volume 27?
rinko’s hiding something but i’ve said that since alicization lmao
the foreshadowing is absolutely driving me mad because i’m terrified
every time they mention growing up and moving on and leaving eachother behind my heart breaks
THE BLACK SWORDSMAN WAS SOOOO BACK!!!!!! like. jfc. i got CHILLS. like. that’s like the oberon fight all over again. we haven’t seen him like that SINCE that fight. he really is just… his girls are his entire world and life.
yui’s fucking adorable and i want to put her in bubble wrap and protecc her forever
^ things kazuto and asuna have said before, probably
lis!!!!!!! i’m generally always happy with more lis screentime so i was soooo <3
alice i fear you have grown on me much the same way as moss grows on a river stone or flowers grow through concrete. i’m quite attached to you now and very fond of your existence.
eolyne’s hiding something lmao
how fun would it be if all the old villains came back for one last showdown huh. wouldn’t that be fun. considering half of them are missing. wouldn’t that be fun.
seeing the girls again made me so happy i love them also that was such a touching moment with the descendants
KAZUTO REMEMBERING HIS BIO MOM AND DAD??????????????????? though i admit reading “it wasn’t always mom and dad driving” immediately made me think minetaka sat baby sugu behind the wheel propped up on phone books
also asuna………. my poor baby my heart broke for her when she got home
growing up is hitting all of them so hard and i get it because i’m going through it right now and those parts give me very complicated emotions
spicy micheal canon
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blackjackkent · 6 months
OK, I'm less surprised that those gith were able to find us - we're right at the far western edge of the map and just opened a useful waypoint:
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Much as Hector would like to, we're not going that way yet. Far too much still to do in the Shadowlands.
Right next to this waypoint, however, just to the north, is a bunch of shadow-cursed enemies and this extremely ominous-looking entrance:
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Hector has hated every single thing he has experienced in Reithwin Village and I suspect he's not going to like this part any better.
Unsurprisingly the place is extremely full of dead, mutilated bodies.
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Highly amused by this interchange that fired off as soon as we entered:
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TBH I think Shadowheart is, much more quietly, having almost as shitty a time in Reithwin as Hector is. As (I think?) @zenjestrr pointed out in my stream playthrough - she tries to act real tough and edgelord to please her goddess, but she approves every time we are nice to children and animals; fundamentally it's pretty clear that everything she's seeing here is clashing with her personal sense of right and wrong even if she's terrified of what that implies.
And she can't even talk about it with Hector or any of the rest of the party since that would mean admitting that something is wrong with the way she's been taught to see the world.
It's hard to say how much of this is actual Sharran behavior and how much of it is Ketheric and co. having gone completely off the deep end, but either way there's no way she's as calm as she's trying to act.
A note lies on a nearby barrel:
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I actually found the hidden wall before I found the note bc Shadowheart is a boss and perceptioned the button. Walked into the vault expecting to maybe get some fun treasure - what I actually found was two charred dead bodies, an apple, a ring of deception +1, and this:
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...Sure. O.O
The morgue proper looks even worse. Blood everywhere, poison clouds coming out of the vents, and numerous undead sprawled around, apparently just vibing.
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After clearing the zombies out and looking around, Hector noticed that of the three doors leading south, north, and west out of this room, the southmost one has been wiped clean of dust. That seems very odd to notice but probably significant, so we'll go that way first.
Inside we find a dead aasimar Harper, Olam, and yet another journal of the last days as Reithwin fell to the darkness.
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I got three different inspirations for reading this - two from Hector and Gale for Sage and one from Shadowheart for Acolyte.
This is particularly interesting because the orthon in the Shar temple mentioned an aasimar in conjunction with speculating on why Raphael wanted him to kill Dark Justiciars. I can only guess that this is the aasimar in question, but he's a Harper; what does he have to do with Raphael?
He also left some notes and a key to something called a "necrotic laboratory"; I'm assuming that's one of the other doors from the main room and that this guy was trying to experiment and find a way to lift the curse (unsuccessfully).
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I kind of enjoy the idea of "magical research" as a concept. It sort of feels like how the idea of "mathematical research" in our world feels sort of out there - how do you find "new" math? But with both math and magic there are, it seems, always new things to be learned.
The main room is completely full of poison by now. Let's quickly try the other two doors and get out of here.
Western door unlocks with Olam's key and reveals yet more horror and blood.
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Some notes left behind from Malus Thorm here, which are exactly as unpleasant as you would expect:
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There's also some notes about his research for a paralytic poison derived from a "carrion crawler."
This displeases me because I remember carrion crawlers from Baldur's Gate 2 and they were gross.
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There's also a lever in here which opens the final door. Excellent. Let's go take a look at that and then--
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JFC, what?
OK, so this is a fairly awful looking pit. Noxious looking gases and a lot of dead bodies and blood at the bottom. There is a visible path downwards but it's not immediately obvious how to get onto it.
In the end I loaded up Shadowheart and Gale both with Dimension Door and had them portal Karlach and Hector around the place. There's a path out the rear as well which we'll check out in a moment, but down into the pit first.
Surprisingly, the noxious gases don't actually appear to be noxious, but the whole area is an acid surface and we do get to fight a bunch of these little guys, as well as the Hollow Armor mentioned in Olam's notes.
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Other than this, though, not really much to see, so we'll try the rear path.
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This actually was not as ominous as the name implies; it brought us out to an area across the water from the Last Light and just north of the entrance to the Sharran complex, at what appears to be some sort of fishing hut.
JK thirteen cursed Kuo-Toa just spawned around me...
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Luckily Gale has a new toy as of his last level-up:
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Dats Fireball babeeee.
Also quite enjoyed Shadowhearts' spirit guardians on this fight; just had her run around and bump into people until they fell over.
There was nothing of particular use on the kuo-toas or the fishing hut, except a high quality pun from some poor bastard consumed by shadow a hundred years ago.
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stillmonsterz · 2 months
god i love u fr
anw so— birds of a feather quite literally fucked up my day (in a good way) like im so invested into this story and im just in awe of the level of literacy in the way u write and im kinda taking some notes and learning from u in a way?? i mean that in a very appreciative way and i think ur genuinely one of a kind absolutely gem writer on this app like i could go on and on abt the way you write your characters and their chemistry w each other like ugh im eating it up im so full
so onto the actual fic, WHAT THE FUCK RIKI?? when i catch u riki istg, my heart SANK at that last part like i knew something was up bc he hasn't caused anything in a while and that was like a bullet sized dagger straight through my heart jfc. he had me all bamboozled and im actually feeling rage at the way mc showed vulnerability to him only to be backstabbed by him and now he's like dragging her w a noose around her neck— it's insane how he immediately dismissed mc and jumped the gun at how she could only be lying like that part just made him go from my fav character to my most loathed character. also suddenly the few mentions of riki being 'cute and evil' compared to everyone else makes so much sense, and tbh i don't trust that he'd stay quiet abt those ss he's just gonna be bored and leak them after a while i feel like.
oh and i cant forget abt the jay scene in the hotel GOD i had such a viceral emotional reaction to every dialogue they said— my brain is thoroughly jumbled, a smut scene on ecstasy could never compare to the gut wrenching situationship break up that was. if i may be honest, jay's a pussy lmao wdym you can't be wrong and admit you're not even half as bad as u thought lol anw he's going straight into the complicated men box. sorry that was me trying to cope w the fact that all of the progress jay and mc made was just gone like that and it's all back to square one now, i can't deal w that loss rn im fr mourning over it. there's just a lot to say abt that scene it might be my all time favorite piece of fanfic i've read in my life, im losing my mind at the contrast between mc wanting to savor the moment and make it last longer while jay's trying to get it over with bc i know that he knows if he takes as much time as he'd like, he'd actually realize he loves her and that's just too much of big boy feelings for him (im bullying him too much bc im so sour rn)
also the reveal w jake dealing w addiction was eye opening, like now im rethinking back to all the times he's been fidgety and including that recent scene w mc when he comes out of the restrooms, god i was dying for the mc to just get in there and ivestigate around BUT SHE DIDN'T im so pissed. jake's definitely shown some cracks in this part and i can't wait to see him be vulnerable to mc and be honest for once, he's hiding too much and i still don't trust him i can't lie.
and i think we might be only skimming the surface w the other members, i weirdly adore sunoo lmao he's such a cryptid being, and tbh the only good thing that came out of this was sunghoon and lily being a maybe healthy couple, i love love that scene w him and lily it's such a sweet and cute moment in between all the shit mc's digging herself in lmao. i don't think i have an opinion on heeseung yet other than he obviously cares for his members, or at least the kc's reputation, and has his bearings together enough to tell the mc straight up abt all of that. also jungwon.... why do i hear boss music.... LMAO but honestly the bit where it mentioned that he got shit on everyone combined w the ending had me clawing at the walls, he's gonna be important later on and im feeling the nerves crawl up my spine even though he's never shown up once in this part, im that scared of him 😭
im terrified at what's to come, like actual dread on if riki's abt to spill everything to jay and if jay will find out and— this is too overwhelming and my mind's so cluttered lol. anw im not gonna speculate anything rn for my health but im gonna write this last paragraph in appreciation for the way you write morally gray characters, like just completely blown away by how complex and unpleasant they were written, and i mean unpleasant bc i fr know some ppl who'd act this way, it's bone chilling. granted not to the extent these characters are but it's still enough to take me back into the headspace and social circle in my younger years, just the deep regret crashing all over me again lol. not to say this was horrible no no quite the exact opposite this is the most fun and absorbed i've got from a fic in a long time, this left such an impression on me that it sneaks into the back of my mind all the time, which amplifies everytime i open this app just to scroll and i always unconsciously search ur user to see if you've updated or not.
last one i promise, thank u sm for writing this fic and all ur other fics, i know and i can tell when a writer has literacy in their heart ur up there w my forever favorites. can't wait to see it all unfolds and im hoping the mc have some sort of a good ending, fingers crossed 🥲 (sorry for this wall of text also lol)
Putting my answer under a read-more
First of all, please don't apologize for sending large asks like this. I honestly love it when people have a lot of things to say about my works. It makes me feel as though I've created something rich enough that it can be discussed.
like im so invested into this story and im just in awe of the level of literacy in the way u write and im kinda taking some notes and learning from u in a way??
Thank you so much for this...I think I can attribute this to me reading. I read almost every day, and I only read things that I enjoy.
also suddenly the few mentions of riki being 'cute and evil' compared to everyone else makes so much sense, and tbh i don't trust that he'd stay quiet abt those ss he's just gonna be bored and leak them after a while i feel like.
I sort of wanted to emphasize that anyone who would join the Karma Club would inherently be predisposed to doing horrible things for their own enjoyment. Also, as in real life, sometimes the nicest people can do horrible things. People are far more contradictory than we give them credit for. That being said, no spoilers on what he'll do with the screenshots. It's been fascinating to see the revulsion towards Riki's actions compared to what Jay has done to the MC.
if i may be honest, jay's a pussy lmao wdym you can't be wrong and admit you're not even half as bad as u thought lol anw he's going straight into the complicated men box. sorry that was me trying to cope w the fact that all of the progress jay and mc made was just gone like that and it's all back to square one now, i can't deal w that loss rn im fr mourning over it.
If it makes you feel any better, they aren't really at square one. Square one was Jay harassing her nonstop because he truly was disgusted by her, in as equal measure as he was fascinated by her. Like he said, he now doesn't even know if he hates her anymore. So even though it seems like they've gone to the beginning, this is new territory for both of them. Jay is a huge pussy, though. He calls Jake a pussy, but Jake has made more genuine attempts to get close to Y/N than him LOL
god i was dying for the mc to just get in there and ivestigate around BUT SHE DIDN'T im so pissed. jake's definitely shown some cracks in this part and i can't wait to see him be vulnerable to mc and be honest for once, he's hiding too much and i still don't trust him i can't lie.
It's good that you don't trust him. At that point, Heeseung had already told Y/N to just be nice to Jake, so she didn't want to bother him. Heeseung essentially told her that she was part of the reason why Jake relapsed, so she doesn't want to toe the line.
i don't think i have an opinion on heeseung yet other than he obviously cares for his members, or at least the kc's reputation, and has his bearings together enough to tell the mc straight up abt all of that. also jungwon.... why do i hear boss music.... LMAO but honestly the bit where it mentioned that he got shit on everyone combined w the ending had me clawing at the walls
No spoilers, but Jungwon will come into play. Something happened in the earlier part of birds of a feather that will have an effect on what happens in Part 3.
im gonna write this last paragraph in appreciation for the way you write morally gray characters, like just completely blown away by how complex and unpleasant they were written, and i mean unpleasant bc i fr know some ppl who'd act this way, it's bone chilling. granted not to the extent these characters are but it's still enough to take me back into the headspace and social circle in my younger years, just the deep regret crashing all over me again lol.
Thank you so much! And yeah, I definitely drew from my high school experience for some of this. The only other time I've ever done that is for Tired of What We Are, and I think you can see some of the parallels. Not to say that fluff is unnecessary (I do plan on writing something cute) but it's just fun to play round with people who are morally questionable, and who revel in their bad traits at times. Not so fun to experience it yourself, though.
thank u sm for writing this fic and all ur other fics, i know and i can tell when a writer has literacy in their heart ur up there w my forever favorites. can't wait to see it all unfolds and im hoping the mc have some sort of a good ending, fingers crossed
Thank you so so much. I took a long time to answer this because I wanted to keep this ask to myself. Whenever someone sends me a longer ask, I read it over and over again. I wanted to hold onto it for as long as possible. I really do love writing fics, and I'm grateful that people are willing to read them. Thank you for all of the kind words you've written, and for taking the time to read my fic!
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That anon reminded me of many terrible things he went through this year. This must have been terrifying for him having people, even some of his friends, his own fans, the base of his life turn the back on him and thinking of him as a monster. ( After the podcast thing ) I still am trying to figure out why the fuck he was friends with those stupid podcast guys, even after all the drama they will were using him for attention making another video's about it all.
He’s still friends with them! He watched Nick’s comedy special the other day (I watched it as well. Surprisingly acceptable overall). He must really believe in that sort of humor I guess. Which isn’t for everyone and that’s okay.
Yeah, and I guess from his initial comments / reaction I was worried he wasn’t taking it seriously enough. But then he started to respond to stuff onstage (like the pedophilia thing jfc that shit was disgusting) and when he explained peanut and kept referencing the whole backlash throughout SATVB it seemed like it really cut him deep and all that we saw was just him keeping it together for the sake of the tour.
Which was really really really impressive and I’m so proud of him for it cuz on some days, batshit articles would come out about him like an hour before he would go onstage during festival season/ the summer. And that must have been brutal for him. Poor guy. I wish I could hug him sometimes.
But he’s on the other side of it now and he’s happy and healthy and sane. Bless him.
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hello everyone hinge update
he kept going on about geoff johns’ “three jokers” (which is very misogynistic and i hate) and kept ignoring when i told him that his whole “turn me into robin like joker did to jason” thing was fucking weird he told me “it’s a comic joke and it’s not [his] fault [i] don’t read them 🤷‍♂️” (which i do.)
anyway i blocked him and then reported him for abusive messages because he absolutely knew what those words meant and the undertone was terrifying
The only thing men bring to the table is audacity jfc. Stay safe, babe 💜
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engagemythrusters · 1 year
Okay. Here we go. Entombed!
Hasn’t even started yet and I know damn well we’re not gonna get crosshair
Wrecker n Omega bonding time 🥰
Ooh more toys? More glass for her kaleidoscope? Is that what that is?
BOLO AND KETCH <3 Phee don’t lead them on tho
Is echo sleeveless.
Nope not for her kaleidoscope
Ooo compass
I still can’t tell if he’s sleeveless or not. Cause bitch ain’t got no melanin for no stinkin reason.
No he’s got sleeves on I think
This is gonna be a case of the revealed “actually I’ve never been a good treasure hunter /I’ve never actually retrieved any treasure” schtick isn’t it. Star Wars you’ve already DONE that with that stupid droid spy arc that nobody likes (except for when Gregor 🥰). BUT GOD NOT ANOTHER PLEASE I fucjin hate that trope.
Hondo prefers pirate, Phee prefers liberater of artefacts… nobody likes smuggler
God I miss crosshair
Bolo and ketch episode when
That droid is literally a walking soda can
It called entombed bc they going to entombed ha ha ha.
I love you Omega
Hm… Jedi temple?
Oh no more like Space Atlantis.
Poor wrecker always has to do the work. His muscles are probably always screaming. Doesn’t matter that he’s Big and Strong—he can be overworked too!
Hahaha. called entombed bc they entombed rolling my eyes.
I miss fun Star Trek ep titles. They were fun. When am I gonna get a title like “Far Beyond the Stars” or “Take Me Out To The Holosuite” from this show.
Those highlights ones don’t follow a pattern… but okay.
Not a fan of this ep sorry guys :(
Echo and Hunter go hmmm idk about this . Good on them
Kyber crystal?
FINALLY HUNTER USING A SENSE geez they never let him use his enhancements
Cave boy tru eat wrecker! No thank you cave boy!
Momentarily forgot Hunter existed (couldn’t count four clones for some reason and couldn’t figure out who was missing). Which is a lot like how the writers forget HUNTER HAS ENHANCEMENTS
He! Would! Be! Able! To! Sense! That!
Omega sweetie you’re so smart. I love you.
Not a kyber crystal ig
Wait maybe? Idk I can’t tell
It’s a lot smaller than I expected tbh.
Oh the place is gonna collapse isn’t—yep.
spache chip? Mega mech? Mech.
Oh this is something… I’ve seen something… it looks like something I know but I don’t know what. What is it. Pausing to think.
I don’t know but it… it reminds me of SOMETHING.
Soda can on da move
Soda can crushed
It really is quite the interesting design for a mechanical creature. Majestic and terrifying. Too bad it has to go. It was truly gorgeous. Something to behold. Whatever it was.
Tech: can we fucking stop treasure hunting now jfc
“At least no one can ever activate that thing again” … we’re gonna see another of these aren’t we.
Hunter: for the love of god please stop filling my child’s head with fucking bullshit
Hm. Not a fan of that ep. Kind of bummed. This seasons got a slow pace to it. Crosshair soon? Maybe Rex and Gregor again? Soon please?
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yther · 6 months
I'm honestly terrified if I speak out he'll try to really get me with the suicide bait and even literally kill me with his own handgun out of desperation. I do not want to be on dateline true crime documentary. I really really really don't.
But if he can read my drafts/my hacked devices maybe he'll panic and try to make me a "missing person" before I name him in court.
btw that's why I am "relatively" unbothered by you bigots-in-arms paid off by the golden boy o' 666 club. (feet, inches, income figures)
it is my fault for not recognizing the lies and the scummy undertow that he is effortless at concealing. okay. yeah. I stayed with someone after they hurt me so that means it doesn't count.
But I'm scared. I don't know what he'll do if I actually try to defend myself.
Escaping him = he sent a lynch mob after me out of spite and jealousy because I wasn't totally isolated and dependent on him. I had my own life! and hobbies, like twitch. he was jealous despite saying he wanted me to just live my life on my own and not to stay up waiting for him. I had online friends, cool ones! I made potential connections when we were not together and he had left me for dead bcuz too busy for horny anyway. and he just needed a dependable warm hole to fuck that would be waiting in an empty fucking apartment while he was spending most nights in hotels or with the flight crew pads, definitely fucking someone else.
& You know what he did.... to me. The "consequences", classic family annihilator you can't leave me and survive thing, for having friends and then feelings and experiences beyond him after we broke up. He couldn't handle rejection. What do you think he will do if I even try to come forward? This man would kill a boat full of infants to stay on track for that next juicy contract.
jfc. if I even post this will he try to get out in front and silence me before I can press charges? I honestly don't know.
blood on your hands / help I'm fucking terrified
p.s. if he gave you money I sure hope those financial records don't prove conspiracy (spoiler: the bank records TOTES WILL yay timeline!)
I know I'm a dead person walking just to type this but he may get me before I talk if this keeps going and he knows that I know everything.
So. Anyway,
I hope my fucking murder/disappearance is cute entertainment for you? if you were involved. idk. Just wow, yeah.
fuck. fuck. I need to grow a spine, shame you assholes held me fucking hostage and stalked and harassed me after He!!! conspired to do all this and slander my name and violate my privacy even further! go purity police and all those complicit! (fuck yourselves, honestly. whatever your intentions ever were,)
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squirrel-fund · 2 years
Hey, hey, Auds, my love, how are you? I’m here with another question, when do you think Ian and Mickey’s first “come here” was? Who said it? In what context? Was it soft and intimate? Heated and passionate? Lemme know😘💜
Chey!! I've thought a lot about this and I have THOUGHTS. (Jfc this got away from me. Put it under the cut for your scrolling pleasure)
I think the first "come here" happened at the sleepover.
Not long after this subtle (🤣) look:
Tumblr media
They're sitting on the couch, not even watching the movie or eating the pizza rolls. But they are drinking and thank god for that because a little liquid courage never hurt anything.
Ian's been dying to kiss Mickey again, that van kiss was fantastic but Ian has always been a "Okay I like that, need more every day" kind of guy. (His pink donuts at the Kash n Grab show that... among other things 🤣)
But he's nervous.
Is this a thing that only Mickey can initiate? The guy's like a frightened animal when it comes to anything that comes within an inch of romantic, or sweet, or... in his words: fruity.
And that's understandable. Mickey lives in a house of horrors that remind him on a daily basis why those things are forbidden. Why those things could get him killed without a second thought.
But something about tonight just seems different. Charged. It's like they've finally turned the page and made it to the part where it's okay to feel these thoughts that swirl around their brains and commandeer their hearts. Making them dizzy and drawn to one another like some moth to a bug zapper. (Waxing poetically doesn't seem appropriate in the house their occupying)
Mickey laughs at something that happened on screen and it shocks Ian back to reality. Glancing over at the broody boy beside him that has the most beautiful smile he's ever seen. It's unfair, really. That something so beautiful, something so hopeful, is always hidden beneath glares and fists and doubt.
Ian is full on staring now, movie forgotten as he etches this memory into his brain. A souvenir for when things aren't like this. When Mickey changes his mind and the cold shower of their sobering reality hits them both like a brick wall.
Still staring at the screen, Mickey takes a sip from his beer and smirks. "Whatcha lookin' at?"
Ian doesn't hesitate. "You." Always you.
The movie completely fades away as Mickey turns his full attention to Ian. Red hair, green eyes, freckles every-fucking-where, even that lone ranger on the tip of Ian's cock that mocks Mickey from his viewpoint when he's on his knees. Ian's fucking beautiful and that word alone is a death sentence.
When Mickey invited Ian to come over, he convinced himself it was purely for sex. Fast, hard, impersonal. Their usual style that met both their needs.
But, truthfully?
He wanted... no... he needed more. But how could he say that? He had no fucking clue. So, he made pizza rolls and they were watching a movie. Fully fucking clothed.
It was nice. It was terrifying. It was new.
Ian was staring back at him, both of them grinning like idiots, but, if a boy smiled at another boy in the Southside and no one was around to see it, did it really fucking matter?
Ian blushed. "What are you looking at?"
Softness weaved through Mickey's soul. "You." Then he playfully rolled his eyes. "Dumbass."
Ian leaned against the couch, arms resting across the back and whispered "Come here."
Mickey didn't need to be told twice. He crawled into Ian's lap, trying not to let it show how much those two words meant to him.
Because those two words meant more to Mickey than Ian could ever know. They made his heart hurt because no one in his life had ever wanted him. At least for something worthwhile, something... good. No one needed Mickey and no one ever remembered his existence. Except for Ian. Always fucking Ian.
He gripped the back of Mickey's neck and almost too slowly, brought their lips together. Mickey melted into it, trying to say the things he didn't know how. This is different. This is scary. This is everything i never knew I could have. Ian slowed the kiss down, there was no need to rush. No relatives two feet away or video cameras watching their every move.
For once, in their whirlwind relationship, they could just be Ian and Mickey.
Two boys still learning about love.
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kissmefriendly · 2 years
Another connoisseur of The Truth I see. Would you do me a favour, if it's no trouble, and tell me your thoughts on the book(/those two characters you know which ones,) simply because I'm kinda lonely in caring about it as much as I do, and would like to hear another fan's views?
Ah! I’ve been thinking about how I’d answer this. A little context before I do, I’ve read The Truth thrice now - once when I was 15, again when I was 21 and 22 (but more as an audiobook narration for a family member with poor vision but a great taste in books). So it’s been a while. So I’ll answer best I can!
Short answer: I love this book. And all of the characters are just Peak Pratchett; those two in particular are definitely in my top 3 Discworld antagonists.
Long answer: The first time I read this I was totally unaware of Pratchett’s previous job as a journalist and so reading it again with that in mind was just incredible. Talking about what The Truth is, at the end of the day, what it really is ought to be such a simple question but it’s one hell of a complicated answer. How do you talk about topics that are truly, undeniably wrong and unjust while still remaining objective? Who CONTROLS what the truth is??? There’s a line that haunted me, one that I thought was just meant to be an ominous villain line: Make Ankh-Morpork Great Again. When I read that book again it was just. jfc. SO it’s a fantastic book about privilege and who gets it and how, accountability, journalistic integrity, possibly mildly sentient news presses and the truth. I adore the main cast, they’re just so much fun and all of them are so well written and characterised. And I gotta be honest, the history nerd in me was absolutely DELIGHTED with all the naming references.
Now those two in particular. Like I said, top 3 antagonists in Discworld. And I say antagonist and not villains because I never truly believed Tulip in particular was a villain (and even Pin, tbh). SPOILERS FOR THE BOOK BTW —
Tulip had one of the most heartbreaking deaths I’d read in a while and Pin definitely had one of the most terrifying. They’re essentially just the lackeys, the muscle. They don’t really have personal stakes in de Worde’s newspaper beyond ‘This is a job we get paid to do.’ But in true pTerry fashion, they’re incredibly memorable with absolutely fascinating aspects. I use fascinating in a more objective sense - I suppose surprising amount of depth for The Henchmen archetypes is a better way of putting it. Tulip is still a scared little kid holding onto the belief that so long as he’s got his potato, everything will be fine. And in a way, the narrative justifies that belief for him. He got a quick, painless death. And just his interaction with Death contrasted with Pin’s speaks absolute volumes about both of them. They’ve both done horrible things - both on page and alluded to - but the way they approach these things makes all the difference. The people they kill, the harm they cause, you (I) get the impression it’s just Business As Usual, completely impersonal. I don’t know if this’ll make much sense but I think a major difference in both of them comes from the knowing. But again, Tulip has his potato, he still has his sense of morality, however warped that is by the time we meet him. Pin is completely detached. So by the time he comes undone at the end, completely stark raving, he’s grasping at anything to reattach him, to justify all this insanity - so he grabs A potato, not HIS potato. On a meta textual level, we get glimpses of Tulip’s past and absolutely none into Pin’s, which I think was absolutely deliberate. They’re both humanised and in ways most readers could relate to or at the very least understand.
Idk. I kept coming back to this ask trying to work out how I wanted to phrase this. It’s a good ask but I couldn’t get the words in the end. I hope this makes sense?? It’s been a hot second since I’ve read the book so I’m going off of what I can remember. Anyways! Thanks for the ask! I really do have just. Soooo many thoughts on this book, I can’t properly do it justice lol Cheers!!
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tayley · 2 years
Ok story time, but of your last post. No anon, even though it terrifies me. I swear I'm not lying. It's fucking insane how similar my story is to H , istg this must be the reason I shipped them so long ago and couldn't even acknowledge my own reality ffs. Ok, so : I was in a committed relationship for 10 years until I was 24 , yep, do your math. Older than me (not illegal old but still) , cheated on me, gaslighting shit, but , you know the deal, I kept going. We were living together when I decided to end it. We didn't get married but GIRL DIDNT I DODGE THAT BULLET. Anyways, few months go by and BAM it hit me like a train, my best friend and I of 10 years at that point realized we had feelings for each other. No details needed just suffice t
o say we've been together for 5 years now an its the best decision I ever made. Thing is, I look back at our *dynamic* back then when we were just friends and...shit weren't we exactly like them. More to the point, I was looking at cute tayley videos yesterday and my bf goes.....are those the ones that are together now, right? Me: yes. Him: but those videos ? Where they supposed to be friends back then? Me : yess.... him: JFC is this how we looked like????? Afsfadadaf and istg it was just like that and I never thought about him in any way that wasn't friendship and neither did him but the subconscius body langue, Jesus. Sorry I rambled but it blows my mind...I don't even need to say how pfa and ffv/descansos hit me. Hard.
OMG that is insanity and i am so happy you found your person. this is honestly goals and the foundation for a long lasting relationship 🥺
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magnoliamyrrh · 2 years
im so glad ive been taught to ride by people who respected and loved and understood horses bc. even in the non-elite equestrian world abuse is way too normalized, Especially when it comes to horses used for riding lessons (and especially in those places that are less professional, more abt the money, or touristy). the amount of times ive come across clearly exhausted & overworked horses, malnutritioned horses, those too old to still b working almost daily, those who were clearly lame or had some physical discomfort being ignored, saddle sores.... warranted bad attitudes or just outright depressed-like states bc they were overworked and constantly dealing with bad, unknowing new rides who are allowed to pull and jab and whip them and barely taught how to ""ride."" and ive seen plenty of outright bad or dangerous "horsemenship" from owners or teachers or employees
like it truly is disgusting seeing how some ppl pull on their horses bits as if theyre not sharp metal in the horses very sensitive mouth. the reins and the bit should be a gentle, back-and-forth communication btw rider and horse for gods sake. and then you see these poor creatures, clearly working out of fear, not out of wanting to please or joy, with their tongue sticking out, salivating, their head so drawn back and pulled it makes me wanna do the same to the rides to see how the hell theyd like it. and jfc, the way some people smack their horses, overwork their horses, get mad at the horses for things that are Their fault. its just cruel,,,, the damn way some people talk abt their horses too is just 🤮 a horse is not a thing or object or entertainment to be used, to be expired, to be broken in, it is a life and a soul and frankly, working together with a horse is an honor & privilege i dont think you should have if you think that way
its gross too because it is excused as "this is how we train them" or "tradition" etc etc "weve always done it this way it works" and "the stallion/mare has an attitude" but its all damn unnecessary. you can train a horse to ride competely without a bit!! something id like to do if i ever have a horse. and you can most, most certainly 100% train a horse gently, compassionately, without beating or scaring them half to death, to understand suddle cues in change in seat pressure & gentle tugs on the reins. and use soft bits. and not only can you, its the right way for it to be done. even more complicated things like "dancing" or dressage can be taught gently without cruelty, if the horse is willing. absolutely none of the horrible ways humans go abt horsemanship is necessary or unavoidable - and if some parts of it cant be done without the cruelty, then those parts shouldn't exist
.....idk its just. this is part of the bigger issue of the lack of respect we tend to have for animals and how we view many of our interactions with them in terms of using them :// horses are terrifying, beautiful, 500 kg + towering, highly intelligent and empathetic creatures covered in muscles which stand on 4 sharp toenails. and they have teeth. can most certainly outrun you. and they could easily give you a very painful death, if they wanted. but instead theyre usually nice and lovely creatures, and they can be wonderful friends and helpers, and they deserve a high level of respect & honor, not to b used & abused & given no agency so someone can make money or feel good about themselves bc they have power over another being.
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