#it's the 'gege let's get married' line
hualianisms · 5 months
"哥哥,成亲吧。" - crimson rain sought flower top 10 KO's
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obsesssedblerd · 3 months
I GOT YOU ANON!!!! oh, i've been dying to write this one!
Filling the Empty Spaces 
Based on Gojo’s portion of this smau.
Synopsis: You always thought that the house that you and your new husband, Satoru, lived in was way too big. One night after a rough mission, the both of you decide to keep an eye on Yuuji, Megumi, and Nobara as they recover. You grow to love their company, and realize that they fit so perfectly not just in your house, but also your life.
Wc: 5.1k
Contains: teeth-rotting fluff, soft husband! gojo, yuuji no longer being sukuna’s vessel, gojo and reader are married, reader has a technique but it’s not explained, reader used to be a teacher but quit, gojo and reader adopting the first years, only a dash of angst, pregnancy (but only at the end), some suggestiveness but no smut, everyone is happy bc i said so. (gege don’t ever let me catch you)
a/n: this has to be the sweetest thing i’ve ever written in my life lol. also this is barely proof-read, so sorry for any mistakes!
Even with all of yours and Satoru’s belongings, the house that was left for him was still insanely huge. Your footsteps echo in the hallway as you mentally count the empty spaces. Three empty bedrooms, three empty bathrooms, another large room that could be considered a second living room. You knew it was big; Satoru said it was prior to you two getting married and moving in, but you wondered if you’d ever get used to having that much extra space. 
“Oh, wifeyyyy,” Satoru calls out to you in his usual, sing-songy tone, his voice echoing throughout the hallway. “Where are you?” 
“Near the kitchen!” You call back to him. 
Your tall and handsome husband appears not even a minute later. The corner of his mouth pulls upwards into a smirk as he sees you sitting on the counter of the kitchen island. “Well, hello there, Mrs. Gojo.” 
Your heart stutters in your chest, and you cast your eyes downward. “It’s gonna take a while before I get used to that.” You smile and lift up your left hand, allowing the gorgeous diamond on your fourth finger to glimmer in the sunlight that filled the space. “I still can’t believe it.” 
Satoru steps in front of you and grabs your hand, bringing it to his mouth and placing a small kiss on your palm. “Believe it, pretty girl,” he says, his cerulean eyes meeting yours. He takes your other hand, then tugs upward so your arms are around his neck, his own hands settling on your hips. Your fingers brush against his undercut, then play with his soft white hair. “After all.” His voice dips to a sensual purr as his face inches closer. “I did tell you that I was going to make you my wife, didn’t I?” 
He kisses you, and you sigh blissfully into his mouth as your eyes shut. Despite being practically glued to him during your two-week honeymoon on a beautiful island, you still craved him. His hand barely slides underneath your shirt before his phone starts ringing. He groans, and you giggle as he pulls away and grabs his phone out of his pocket. “Work?” You ask. 
“Work. However, it’s Yuuji, not Yaga.” Satoru answers and begins talking while you hop off of the counter and decide to make both of you some tea. It wouldn’t be long before the sun begins to set, so you start thinking about what to make for dinner. 
You look over to see Satoru’s brows furrowed. “Ah, I see,” he said to Yuuji on the other line. “Well, good to hear that you made it back to the school safely. Are you three alright? Megumi went to see Shoko for that injury?” 
That worries you. From the sound of it, the first years went on another dangerous mission this afternoon. You knew that Kento Nanami was watching them, but with three students and dangerous curses, anything could happen. “I think I’ve come across a curse like that before,” Satoru says. “You get sick only after it hits you with that goo. Since you and Nobara only got a bit of it on you, you won’t die. However, it still concerns me. One second, okay?” 
He tilts the phone away from him and turns to look at you. “Megumi got injured. Shoko healed him but needs to rest for at least a few days. Yuuji and Nobara might also become sick.”
Your heart sinks. Yuuji, Megumi and Nobara were just kids. You remember battling curses as a teen alongside Satoru and Suguru Geto before he became a curse-user, but becoming an adult and watching the next generation of students throw themselves into battle gave you an entirely different feeling. Around two months ago, Yuuji officially separated from Ryomen Sukuna and was freed from the burden of being his vessel; but you were getting a feeling that he still wanted to prove himself as a sorcerer by going on tough missions, all so he could stay around. 
“They’re gonna need someone to keep an eye on them for a while. Everyone else at the school is busy,” you say, and Satoru nods. You pause on making the tea, then make a decision. “Alright, have Ichiji bring them here. We have plenty of space, as you can see, and I can help them out while you’re at work over the next few days.” 
After all, the first years didn’t have anyone else. 
Satoru kisses your forehead, then tells Yuuji the plan. Meanwhile, you double-check the three empty rooms and bathrooms. Each of them had freshly made beds, clean bathrooms and some decorative furniture—thanks to the housekeeping that maintained this house before you and Satoru moved in. 
While you were thinking hard about some extra items that you didn’t have, Satoru comes up behind you and places his hands on your shoulders, which immediately slump under his touch. You sigh as he rubs the tension from them. “Baby, whatever we don’t have, and they need it, we can just buy it. Yuuji’s telling them to pack enough clothes for a while. Just relax. It’ll be okay.” 
Right. It’ll be fine. 
— — — — —
When Yuuji, Megumi, and Nobara arrive, your face splits into a wide smile. You haven’t seen them since you and Satoru got married. A rush of movement, and the pink-haired teenager is hugging you tight, excitedly rambling about how much he missed you. The brown-haired girl is next, and Nobara literally squeals as she hugs you. Finally, the dark-haired teen, who is much calmer than his fellow first years. However, he doesn’t shy away when you hug him gently—being careful not to touch his side that was injured in battle—and he mumbles that it’s good to see you. 
“Wow, this house is huge!” Nobara exclaims as she wanders around the kitchen, then the living room. 
As always, Yuuji matches her high energy. “No kidding. There’s like a million rooms in this place!” 
Satoru chuckles. He was dressed in his usual uniform and blindfold, leaning against the wall of the living room with his hands shoved into his pockets. “I’m glad you like it. This place was left for me. I knew that I wanted to move in here only if I got married. For a while, I thought I’d never touch it. Then I met that lovely sorcerer over there.” 
Your cheeks heat, and the students ‘aw’ over his words. The oven dings, and you spring up. “Great, dinner’s done. Give me some time to set up.” 
Satoru and Nobara sit with Megumi on the couch in the living room to watch TV, and Yuuji follows you to help set the table in the dining room. “You don’t want to go sit down?” You ask, reaching over to ruffle the boy’s hair. “You’ve had a long day.” 
“It’s okay, I wanna help. Besides, it’s been so long since I’ve seen you. I missed talking with you.” 
Your heart swells. You pass him some plates and some silverware, and he stacks it so he can take it to the table. “How are you holding up?” You ask as you pull the food you prepared out of the oven. 
“Doing good. It definitely feels nice not having his voice in my head anymore,” he says from the dining room, neatly arranging the dishes. Five plates, five glasses, five sets of silverware. “Or worrying about him taking my body at any second. Just knowing that no one has to deal with him ever again brings me so much peace.” 
“I’m so proud of you.” You take off of your oven mitts and walk towards him. “So is Satoru and the rest of your teachers, and so is your grandfather. He’d be happy knowing that you’re still helping people by fighting curses.” 
That makes Yuuji pause. His smile is still there, but it wobbles at the corners. He turns away from you to hide his face, but the tremble in his shoulders is impossible for him to conceal. “Yuuji,” you call softly, and he sniffles, still turned around. Your heart aches, and you pull him to you. He immediately wraps his arms around you as his head settles onto your chest, his body shaking as he sobs quietly. You were thankful that the TV was on in the living room so he could have this moment privately. 
“It’s okay to cry,” you whisper as you stroke his hair. “Everything’s alright. You’re brave, but it’s okay to break down, too.” 
“Only reason I‘m alive is because you and Gojo-sensei fought against my execution.” He uses a sleeve of his jacket to wipe his tears. “I’ll be honest. There were so many times where I thought I wasn’t going to make it, or if it would be impossible to be separated from Sukuna without hurting anyone else. But you two had so much hope for me, and it pushed me to keep fighting.” 
Tears fill your eyes, and you blink them back. “I’ll always fight for you, you hear me?” Yuuji nods, and you let him hug you for as long as you like. 
Unbeknownst to you, Satoru watches you both from the living room with a gentle smile. 
— — — — — 
Dinner is filled with fun stories, jokes, and plenty of laughter. Once everyone has finished eating, Satoru and Yuuji do the dishes while you and Nobara help Megumi into one of the spare rooms after his shower. 
“The bed’s super comfortable,” Megumi says, not fighting a single bit when you cover him with the blanket. “Thank you.” 
“You better get some rest, Fushiguro,” Nobara says seriously as she crosses her arms. “Shoko said four days.” 
“She’s right,” Yuuji comments as he walks into the room, sitting next to her on the edge of Megumi’s bed. “Not a single hour before.” 
Megumi frowns. “You both are being dramatic.”
“Look, if Kugisaki and I have to lock you in here so you can rest, then that’s exactly what we’ll do.” 
“Yup!” Nobara agrees with her usual grin, popping the p for extra dramatics. “And if that doesn’t work, we’ll just call the Gojos. Do you really want to get lectured by them?” 
That makes you laugh. “Alright, you two, I think he gets it.” You gently fix Megumi’s hair—noting that his eyes were beginning to droop with exhaustion—then stand up. “Besides, you both might also be on bedrest. You did get hit by that curse earlier, and Satoru said that the effects won’t kick in until tomorrow. So it’s important that you two get plenty of sleep as well.” 
Yuuji and Nobara say goodnight to Megumi, then the three of you leave his room. You decide to take your shower, making a mental list of groceries to buy for tomorrow now that the first years were staying with you for a few days. When you exit the bathroom in some sleepwear, you hear quiet giggling and snickering coming from the kitchen. You scoff, put on your house slippers and go investigate. 
First, you see your husband’s white hair in the dimly-lit kitchen. You flip on the light switch, and burst out laughing at the sight. Satoru, Yuuji, and Nobara were stuffing their faces with cupcakes, all dressed in their pajamas. They were Satoru’s favorite, and he requested them from you every chance he got. “Now, what is going on here?” You ask. 
“His idea,” Nobara attempts to mumble with her mouth full as she points at Satoru. Yuuji immediately nods in agreement and also points at his teacher. Satoru only shrugs with his usual smile, using a thumb to wipe away the blue icing on his lips before licking it clean. Then he offers you one. “Here, have one. They’re delicious.” 
“No, silly, it’s late.” You put the cupcake back in its container, then hand the two teens a napkin. “And you two should be getting some rest. Megumi’s already fast asleep.” 
Surprisingly, they don’t put up a fight. You happily do skincare with Nobara in the bathroom of the bedroom that she was using, and you both make plans to go shopping for some face masks once they’re all feeling better. When she finishes moisturizing her face, she gives you another hug. “Missed you,” she mumbles into your shoulder. 
“Aw, sweetheart,” you sigh as you return the hug. “I’ve missed you as well. Was it a long few weeks for you?” 
“Well, kinda,” she says as she pulls away, then goes to sit on her bed. “I know you and Gojo-sensei were on your honeymoon, and we expected that, but we’re all just getting used to the fact that you’ve officially quit working at the school. We support it, but it sucks knowing that we’re not going to see you as much.” 
The thinly-veiled sadness in her eyes makes your gut twist. Of course they were going to miss you. You saw them and worked with them every single day. “Nobara, I’m always going to be here for you. Just because I no longer work there, that doesn’t mean I still can’t visit or even help out with you three.” 
Nobara rests her head on your shoulder, and you rub a comforting hand up and down her back. “Promise?” she asks quietly. 
“I promise.” 
When she goes to bed, you leave her room and shut the door behind you. Finally, you walk to Yuuji’s room, which is still lit up. You get to the doorway, and you hide a laugh when you see that he fell asleep almost immediately after laying down. More than likely got more comfortable than he thought when he tested the bed. You adjust the pillow so it’s under his head, pull the blanket over his body, mess with his hair once more, then switch the lamp off so he can rest. You leave, then shut the door. 
“They all fell asleep so quickly,” you say to Satoru once you walk into your spacious, shared bedroom. You climb into bed next to him, sighing when you feel the soft, silk sheets against your skin. Like every night, he tugs you into his large, muscular arms, and you rest your head against his chest. 
This was your favorite spot to be; in the arms of the strongest, most powerful man in the whole world. Satoru was protective in every sense of the word. Nothing would ever happen to you as long as you were with him. 
“I’m certain that those rooms are much more comfortable than the dorms at the school,” he says. You feel his hand rubbing soothing patterns against your arm. “So, what’s your plan for tomorrow?” 
“Keeping an eye on them. I’m almost one hundred percent positive that they’re all going to be sleeping most of the day.” You then press a kiss against Satoru’s jaw. “And when you get home from work tomorrow, I expect you to rest, too. I know you’re dealing with the higher-ups.” 
“Eh, who cares about them?” Satoru scoffs. “I tune them out.” 
“Yeah, you really gotta stop doing that.” 
— — — — — — — — 
Your morning starts early. You’re barely awake when you feel Satoru kiss your cheek, whispering in your ear that he loves you and that he’ll see you after work. You sleep for about another half-hour, then decide to get up. After brushing your teeth, you walk down the hallway leading to the kitchen. The sun is already shining through the large windows of the sunroom, and you pause in your tracks when you see Megumi, silently reading one of the many books you kept in there. 
He’s sitting on a bean bag chair towards the corner of the room, and you notice two more books on the ground next to him. When he sees you staring, he sits up and shuts the book. “Sorry.” The apology comes out in a faint, yet frantic rush. “I-I was just curious, and I’ve never seen a huge collection like this, and—” 
“Megumi.” Your soft voice stops him, and his shoulders slump in relief when he sees you smile and sit in the bean bag chair adjacent to his. “It’s alright. Books are meant to be read. I’m just happy you found this room. I thought you might like it.” 
“It’s so peaceful here,” he comments as he looks around slowly, taking in the beauty of your favorite room in the house. One wall is lined with books, neatly organized on floor-to-ceiling, wall-to-wall shelves. There is also a tall ladder that slides smoothly across the shelves, which aids you whenever a book is placed far too high. The rest of the room is filled with bean bag chairs, plants, and a few small, decorative statues. 
You tilt your head to get a closer look at the book in his hand. “What are you reading?” 
“A sci-fi,” he says, “I’ve kind of been interested in them since watching Human Earthworm with Itadori.” 
“Ah.” You stand up, drag the ladder towards the middle of the shelves, then climb up to retrieve a duology. “I think you’ll like this series, then. In addition to the books you also have with you.” 
Megumi rubs the back of his head bashfully. “I hope I’ll have enough time to get through these,” he says, then yawns. “And energy. Still tired even though I slept for a while.” 
“Your body needs rest, and it’s okay. You can keep the books until you’re finished. Take your time.” 
Megumi smiles at that. It’s small, but it’s there, and you love it. “Thank you.” 
“Of course.” 
— — — — — — 
Like you expected, Yuuji and Nobara weren’t feeling good that morning. They had some body aches, chills and a light cough. Luckily, they had you to look after them. You prepared soup for the three of them, and you made sure they were comfortable and hydrated. When Satoru returned from work, he gave all three of them medicine to help with any pain. The both of you kept an eye on them as they slept. 
Over the next few days, they were all feeling better, however, both you and Satoru kept making excuses to keep them for another day. What if their cold comes back? Or, Maybe Shoko miscalculated and Megumi needed a few more days to fully recover?
Even when the first years were well enough to start going on missions again, Satoru had made it a habit to bring them back with him at the end of the day. You’ve also made new habits since the first years entered your home. Every morning, you would make breakfast for everyone to enjoy at the table. You loved seeing Yuuji, Megumi, and Nobara’s smiles, or hearing them groan whenever Satoru made a joke that was just a little too cheesy. And their hugs. Oh, you loved their hugs. You hugged them before they went off to jujutsu high with Satoru each morning, and you hugged them each night before bed. 
After about six weeks, you were so used to them being over every night; so much to the point that you and Satoru stared at Yuuji in confusion when he asked if you were tired of them. Both of you had never said, “No,” so fast in your lives.
Not only were you used to it, you loved it. You loved sitting quietly in the sunroom with Megumi, enjoying each other’s company while reading your respective books. You loved listening to Yuuji’s wild stories about his epic adventures as a sorcerer, even better when Satoru joined in and helped him with the dramatics. You loved doing face masks and painting your nails with Nobara. You were pretty sure you spent up to a few hours each week in the bathroom with her, laughing joyfully and listening to music as you played around with cosmetics. 
You loved movie nights with the five of you sitting together on the couch, passing popcorn and other treats amongst each other. You loved it when each of the teens came to you about what was bothering them. By the second month, all of them had trusted you enough to cry around you. You loved comforting them—being a sorcerer is hard and gruesome, and anyone would need support. You loved holding them, wiping their tears, and feeling them settle when you reassure them that you and Satoru would keep them safe. You loved seeing them play silly games in the spacious backyard. Sometimes, you and Satoru joined them so you could have fun with them. 
Before any one of you knew it, five months of this had passed. 
At that point, Yuuji, Megumi, and Nobara’s dorms back at the school were practically deserted, and the once-empty guest bedrooms of yours and Satoru’s home were filled with their belongings. Clothes, shoes, books, posters, souvenirs, trinkets, and photographs. You and your husband never did hold back when it came to spoiling them, whether with materials or experiences. You had noticed that the three of them were glowing. Louder laughs, smiles that reach their eyes, sleeping better, feeling more comfortable, and overall, looking much happier. 
“They feel loved,” Nanami had told you once you explained it to him on a day you went to visit the school. “Everyone glows when they feel loved.” 
— — — — — 
“We should adopt them.” 
At Satoru’s words, you look up from your book to face him. He’s laying down in your shared bed, facing the ceiling with an arm tucked behind his head. It is nearly midnight, and you are the only ones awake in the house. “Really?” You ask, unable to hide your smile. You shut your book and put it on the bedside table. This was a conversation that you’ve been hoping to have for a while. Finally, you’re talking about adopting those three and officially having them as your kids.
“Yeah.” He sighs as he sits up. “I like having them here, and I can tell that you do, too. I can also tell that they like being here. They’re much more relaxed. Yuuji and Nobara are sleeping so much better, and plus, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Megumi smile so much.” 
“I love having them here,” you say. You reach for his hand, and he clasps it with yours, intertwining your fingers together. “I don’t want them to ever go back to that school. They’re so happy here. I want to keep them happy. Besides, if we adopt them, I’m pretty sure that would keep the higher-ups from deciding to toss them into reckless missions simply because they have no legal guardian. They’d have to go through us first, right?” 
“They’d have to go through us first regardless.” Satoru then chuckles. “Have you been wanting to talk about adopting them, pretty girl? You seem like you’ve put so much thought into this.”
“You have no idea.” 
“I wish you said something sooner. Honestly, we could’ve done this a few months ago.” 
You kiss his cheek, then rest your chin on his shoulder. “Well,” you start, “I remember you saying that you were hesitant about starting a family towards the beginning of our relationship a few years back. I didn’t know if your mind had changed or not. Adopting three teenagers falls into that category.” 
“Ah, so that’s why you never talked about it recently,” he says with a thoughtful hum. “Before we got together, I didn’t know how I felt about having a family, simply because I got to a point where I could never see myself having such a thing. But, then I fell in love with you, and in love with life with you. I’d love to start a family with you.” He kisses your hand, then continues, “And I’m not just talking about adopting Yuuji, Megumi, and Nobara.”
You gasp lightly, and your heart begins to race in excitement. You lift your head, then turn your body so you’re directly in front of him. “Satoru.” Your voice comes out in a barely-audible whisper. “Are you saying what I think you��re saying?” 
Gentleness glimmers in his blue eyes, and he uses a hand to stroke your cheek. You instinctively lean into the touch, and his thumb wipes away the tear that barely slides from the corner of your eye. “If you want to,” he starts, “and if you’re ready, I’d love to have a baby with you.” 
You think you’re dreaming. You feel like your body’s about to explode. It takes everything not to squeal loudly and wake up the teens. You smile and nod, wiping away the tears of joy before they blur your vision any further. “I’d love that, too.” 
Satoru leans in and kisses you. It’s slow, loving and so very gentle. He slightly trembles, and you open your eyes to see that he was also tearing up from the happiness. “I love you.” His voice is low, yet shaky. “I love you so fucking much.” He kisses you again, then moves from your mouth, slowly down your neck. “I’ll take care of you. All of you.” He gently pushes you back against the sheets, and you sigh as his hands trail down your body. You wrap your arms around his neck to pull him closer. 
“All five of you.” 
— — — — — 
“So, you wanted to talk with us?” Yuuji asks. 
You, Satoru, and the teens all sit on the luxurious couch in the living room the next morning. Since there’s no missions for them, they get to relax at home. All three of them were still cozy in their pajamas, and they finished eating their breakfast not too long ago. 
“Yes,” you say as you sit up. “So, it’s been five months of you all staying here.” 
At once, Yuuji, Megumi, and Nobara stiffen, then share grim looks with each other. It confuses you, and before you can ask about it, Nobara sits up. She gulps hard, and you know from her staying with you for so long that it’s because she’s trying to choke back tears so they wouldn’t form in her eyes. “It’s okay,” she says, “we understand. We knew that this would be a temporary thing.” 
“Huh?” Satoru asks, also confused. You can tell that his brows are furrowed underneath his blindfold. “What’re you—” 
“I mean, five months is a lot. We get it. You didn’t have to keep us for this long, but you did. Thank you,” Megumi says. 
Yuuji nods with a smile, but you know it’s a fake one. It makes your heart ache. “Just know that we’re extremely grateful for everything.” 
“Every last bit of it. Thank you so much,” Nobara chimes in. 
“Okay, all of you, stop.” Your voice is firm, and it silences them all at once. Megumi is facing the ground to hide his face, Yuuji’s fake smile fades as he casts his eyes downward, and Nobara looks over at the wall, nervously chewing at her lip. “This isn’t what you think it is. Satoru and I don’t want you three to leave.” 
Now it’s their turn to look confused. However, they’re all finally looking directly at you, and that makes you feel a little bit better. “We were going to ask if you’d like to make it permanent, because we’d love to adopt you three.” 
They gasp, and their eyes widen in shock. It’s silent for a few beats, then Nobara faintly asks, “...What?” 
Satoru chuckles, then claps his hands together once. “Aw, c’mon, Nobara! Surely, you know what ‘permanent’ means!” You roll your eyes. Adding humor to make a situation less tense was such a Satoru Gojo thing to do.
The teens still look in shock. “So…” Megumi starts, his voice barely above a whisper. “You’d be our parents?” 
“Yes,” you reply with a smile. 
Nobara sniffles, and you look over at her to see that she’s no longer holding back her tears. “And- And we’d be your kids?” Her voice is also quiet. Yuuji, on the other hand, is much louder with his question. “And these two would be my siblings?!” 
You giggle, then nod again. “Yes, one hundred percent yes. I know it’s sudden, and if you all need time to think about it—” 
“Yes!!” Nobara practically screams, then runs over to hug you and Satoru as she begins sobbing. A split second later, Yuuji is there too, also hugging you tight. Megumi joins last, and the five of you remain there, embracing each other. Embracing your husband, your two new sons and your new daughter. Your eyes shut as you laugh with joy, unaware of your own tears. 
— — — — — — 
Six months later 
“So yeah, that’s the story of how Mom and Dad adopted us,” Yuuji concludes, then places his hand against your swollen tummy. “Pretty cool, right?” 
As if responding, ‘Yes,’ the baby within you gently kicks. “Ha!” Yuuji exclaims excitedly, then grins over at Megumi and Nobara. “I told you that they like my voice!” 
Nobara rolls her eyes. “Oh, please, Yuuji, they like all of our voices, but they like mine the most.” Now she puts her hand against your stomach, leaning close so the baby could hear her better. “Right, sweets? Isn’t your big sister your favorite sibling?” 
Two light kicks. Yuuji gasps in surprise while Nobara cackles victoriously. Megumi scoffs at their foolishness, and you laugh. 
“I won’t lie though,” Megumi says. “I’m curious about what technique they’re going to have.” 
“Yeah, will it be Mom’s or Dad’s?” Yuuji asks. 
You shrug. “We don’t know yet.” 
The front door opens, and you hear Satoru call out, “I’m home!” as he walks towards the living room where all of you were sitting. Like every day, he gives Yuuji, Megumi, and Nobara hugs as he asks about their days, then comes to you. He kisses your forehead, then your tummy. “Hey, little one,” he quietly coos. “Hope you didn’t give mama too much trouble today.” 
“No vomiting today, so, yeah, they did pretty good.” You gently stroke his cheek. “Missed you today. How was work?” 
“Yeah, how was work?” Nobara asks excitedly. “Any special grade curses?” 
“Eh, nothing like that today,” Satoru says as he sits in between you and Megumi, ruffling the boy’s hair. “However, the second years are starting to plan a surprise party for Okkotsu’s birthday. I passed the word to the rest of the staff, and now I’m letting you all know about it.” 
Megumi nods as he settles back into the comfortable couch cushion. “Inumaki did text me about that earlier.”
“This is going to be so fun!” Yuuji exclaims. 
“Yeah, as long as we don’t leave you in charge of handling the cake like we did for Nanamin’s birthday last year, since you like to drop them,” Nobara scoffs. 
“Oh, come on! That was one time!” 
Megumi tsks, and shakes his head. “One time is too many.” 
As they playfully squabble, you and Satoru watch them with soft smiles. His blindfold was lowered, so you got to see the pure love and happiness in his eyes. He finally has the family that he once dreamed of as a child. You lean on his shoulder, and he kisses your cheek. 
Finally, your house was full, and so was your heart.
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couragemydearheart · 18 days
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៚⋆˙⟡ 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐬.
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# 01 — nanami kento x fem! reader # 02 — cw: fluff, soft soft nanami and soft soft reader because that man deserves all the happiness he can get # 03 — wc: 0.63k # 04 — an: so jujutsu kaisen is my latest obsession because i finished watching it just recently, and i just loved nanami so much, he didn't deserve what he got (like so many other favs T-T GEGE WHEN I CATCH YOU GEGE) so i decided to shower him with some loveee
and since i obviously needed a push, i came across this post and i loved the prompts so much, so thanks to @urfriendlywriter (i was in desperate need of writing prompts and finding your post on my dashboard was a fucking blessing) this one-shot will be based off no. 7! the prompt for reference is: "that gaze— tired, soft, their thumb gently rubbing your cheek, noses touching, silently mumbling an "i love you"."
anyways, apologies for the long ass author's note, hope y'all enjoy <3
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"is that your favourite bread?"
those were your first words to nanami. and you found yourself repeating them quite often as your relationship with him evolved.
starting off as co-workers when you moved into town, you and nanami hadn't spoken a word to each other, or rather had never had a need to converse with the other until then. your co-workers were all friendly enough, but nearly all of them were older and had their own lives to be busy in. so you took it upon yourself to roam the new city on your own, finding and trying out new places, cute cafes, and of course your personal favourite: bakeries. a lover of all things sweet and savoury, you were nearly sure that you would open your own bakery after college were it not for this banking job you found. it was a shame you couldn't open your own place, but your new job paid you well enough to let you try out all the bakeries you wanted in peace. that was exactly how you came across this quaint little place a bit across town selling the most delicious bread.
so after spying the similar bread wrapping by his work desk nearly every week, you just hadn't been able to stop the words from leaving your mouth, especially since it was at the sight of a mutual interest.
it was however nanami's response that wasn't the same from the first time, and you were glad for it. when you asked him the question the very first time, he was rather indifferent, a bit surprised that someone had initiated conversation with him and slightly miffed about it interrupting his work. and now, nanami smiled at you fondly from the entrance of your shared kitchen where he leaned against the doorframe, before he took the bread from its place under his arm and placed it on the counter. "and yours, my love," he hums in reply to your question.
you couldn't help the giggle that slipped your lips at his reply as you turned the stove off and moved towards him. "mhmm." standing mere inches away from him now, you placed your hands on his chest, sliding them up until your fingers deftly undid the knot of his tie as they'd done countless times before. "that it is. a favourite just as much as you are, kento."
you could have predicted his response to your corny line in your sleep, the shaking of his shoulders with his throaty chuckle paired with the slightest eye roll. your smile widened at the light in his eyes, and you gripped his now unknotted tie and pulled him closer to you until you could feel his warm breath fan across your lips as he spoke. "really? just as much as the bread, but not more?"
he was teasing you, and you clicked your tongue at him, eyes full of mirth looking up at him. "don't get ahead of yourself now darling, we may be married but that doesn't-"
your voice dissolved into shrieks and giggles as nanami's fingers tickled and teased at your sides and his teeth nipped at your neck. "okay, okay, kento!" another little bite. "ken- okay i was kidding!," you whined at your husband, making him finally relent.
"what was it you were saying just now?" he mocked. "wanna repeat it for me, darling?"
“nooo, ken you know you’re my favourite.” you smiled up at him, eyes shining with so much love for the man before you. “more than anything else.”
and that gaze— tired, soft, his thumb gently rubbing your cheek, noses touching, silently mumbling an "i love you" before he presses a slow kiss to your lips and leans his forehead against yours. then he speaks.
"you're my favourite too, over everything else."
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@luvhkit (hi, you'd asked to be tagged on a reiner fic i wrote ages ago and im writing after so long so idk if you meant just aot/reiner fics, but i tagged you just in case, so i hope this is okay and feel free to let me know otherwise <3) @nerdyfuntheorist (im backkkkk)
i hope y'all enjoy reading this as much as i loved writingg! feedback is always appreciated and feel free to send in requests <3
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— © property of couragemydearheart. do not copy or post on any other site without permission.
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moononmyfloor · 2 months
Dashing Youth Ep 11-16 Commentary
Ep 1-10, Ep 17-21, Ep 22-25, Ep 26-32, Ep 33-35, Ep 36-40
Ep 11
More flirting
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We meet Xiao Se's nasty Emperor dad in his youth, played by the lovely Fan Jinwei, whose Prince Chong I loved in BoY. Not sure if I'm prepared to hate him this time. He looks good tho!
We also meet Wu Xin' mom, who looks like a fractured wistful early-morning dream which is about to float away and dissappear with the slightest breath, never to be found again.
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And Luo Qingyang, (not to be confused with everyone's favorite girl crush Mianmian from The Untamed), the angry repressed big finale martial artist from BoY
Ep 12
I love the super powerful but easily spooked wooden sword wielding Mt. Wangcheng disciple, kid you *really* don't need to try study under Master Li, just because he's "the" shifu doesn't mean he's better. He will teach you nothing and isn't batting an eye at his exam candidates dying right under his eyes. Srsly, Mt. Wangcheng, the Lei family and Changfeng's Medicine Shifu's Valley seem to be the only places suitable to bring up well-adjusted, grounded kids in this universe.
Dual cultivating right in front of future wife's salad
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Damn his gaze is somehow piercing but indifferent at the same time
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(He's gonna explode and die in the future isn't he) Also see, this is what I mean. Most of the shifus in this universe are no good at teaching and guidance. These kids in their youthful vigor and angst are extremely volatile and you all just let them run rampant. They are easily suspectible to being used by bad forces and eventually create massive tragedies for themselves and everyone else.
Well I suppose Dongjun's first shifu was a great guy but 1. He didn't have enough time 2. Even if he did he was dying and sustaining himself in a contained bubble and what he could teach Dongjun about the world was quite limited.
Ahaha I have the exact same pouch! It's a cheap Aliexpress delivery pouch I got a ring sent in
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Ep 13
Omg she's TOO CUTE! This young lady and Baba from JoL2 are the prettiet babies I've seen this year!
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Local playboy realises his boyfriend from alt universe is happily married and has chosen to live a stress free life, the new boyfriend has ditched him for his future child's mom, his old boyfriend is away in a Detox Vacation and realises his carefree childhood has come to its end 😔
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Also I'm actually kinda surprised to find myself shipping this tragic pair of Dingzhi/Wenjun, and shipping HARD at that. I don't know what I expected but by the the time of BoY, all that remains about their relationship is a sordid gossip but they actually turn out to be two broken lil kids🥺 They don't even have like, a hot and hormonal romance but a one built on sweet childhood promises of protecting his little meimei and caring for her Yun gege. Poor babies😭
Ep 14
Liu Yue thinks he hides it well behind his hat but dude is practically bursting at seams for having gotten a disciple, and he's basically teaching Yue Yao how to flex well and never embarrass herself, which in addition would embarrass himself lol. He also seems to be kinda lonely and bored despite his quirky lil maid and broody bf. It's like he was born to be a social butterfly but with his current social status he cannot.
Inaccurately accurate MTL 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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(Also this is so funny to me with the context that I've read the "lifting the hijab" mtl line in lots of Chinese fics where the couple gets married and that red veil lifting thing happens on the marrige bed lol.)
Dingzhi's master seems to be just as traumatised by life as Dingzhi is. Huang Yi lasohi is actually so good in roles like this. Also can we have an applause for the first genderqueer character in the show woohoo
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And then the two shifus have a date about their duel, lol
Ep 15
Baili Dongjun gotta be the naivest ML I've encountered in a while, and by naive I mean beyond the levels of your average innocent, inexperienced teen full of sunlight and getting jaded overtime such as Fang Duobing, Wu Xie, Zhang Chulan etc.
Dongjun has grown up so sheltered and full of positivity, he doesn't seem to register the gravity of things even when they are right in front of his face almost to the point of stupidity.
He provides a stark contrast against his friends, Sikong Changfeng who's been the sweetest but also most down-to-earth kid to begin with and Ye Dingzhi who's been dealing with the weight of the whole world since childhood.
That part where Dongjun saw the arrest warrant for Dingzhi who also turned out to be his long lost bff, was told by his elders that they'll take care of the matter and will bring Dingzhi to him, Dongjun was just like "Ok cool! That's settled then! I'm gonna just chill and have a drink with my new girlfriend then!" was almost funny but sad because,
Kid, you are going to be in a WORLD of hurt VERY soon. You trust strangers way too much!
I mean in BoY you see how severely Dongjun has crashed to the point of wanting to create a broth of oblivion..... I can totally see how that happened.
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Also that poster is a severe injustice to Dingzhi's GORGEOUS face lmao
Ep 16
I mostly have opinions about Master Li in this ep, which I compiled in a seperate post linked above
Also my bb Changfeng is back! And straight away he also joined the baby making game, and Dongjun has no choice but to be a good wingman to his bros at this point lmao
Changfeng chose the most comparatively normal and mundane romance arc too. She's the top courtesan for sure but still, for many young gentry she wouldn't have been anymore worth than a fling, but Changfeng just went ahead and offered her the most genuine, authentic companionship ever without a second of hesitation. And walked out head held high, with ZERO idea about how suave and sexy it made him and I'm like:
5/5 Stars No Drama
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maysoming · 2 months
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Finally finished Lost You Forever, and am wondering...why exactly has he lost her forever? Xiao Yao can now go live her life with Jing as she always wanted, and CX realizes he "chose the throne" but none of this warrants them not seeing each other again and it feels out of character for XY to not see her Gege again without any real concrete reason.
CX not being responsible for Jing's death really changes the meaning of "I would lose you." To me it now reads more like he fully realizes that he never would be able to have her forever by his side as a wife due to the path he chose. As if the only thing taking him out of the running for that, regardless of XY's feelings, was his choices. So him finally agreeing to let her marry Jing is the result of this realization. He's "losing her forever" specifically as the person who he always felt was supposed to marry him one day. And as such...they can't see each other anymore? If not husband and wife, they can't be anything? It's a very different implication than him breaking their bond utterly through a betrayal. It's very different than Xiao Yao deciding not to see him anymore because of the choices he made.
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One thing I always loved about this drama is that through XY and CX it showed how people respond to trauma differently. It starts with two children who go through terrible things that shape them. One of them, XY, doesn't heal perfectly but she does start to heal. The other, CX, gets worse until he finally crosses a line and everything explodes back on him. They take that contrast away with the changes they made.
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In a vacuum I don't even hate this ending where Cang Xuan gets to, if not have a totally happy ending, at least make peace with some things. In a different version of the show it could work. But it doesn't feel right for this show. It's like they wrote one story for 60 episodes all the way up to the illusion, then stuck on the ending from another story, leaving me without the catharsis I needed.
In the end I do still have a lot of love for this drama, but it's a great example of how shoving in a happier ending that doesn't fit with the story can be just as emotionally unfulfilling as shoving in a tragic ending where it doesn't belong.
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gojowh0rcs · 2 years
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So Gege answers questions about each of the charas and it further suggests to me with this particular answer that tying Gojo down would have to be an extreme slowburn. Gojo remains flighty and wishy-washy with any sort of woman who has interest in him. Don’t get me wrong, he loves the compliments. He loves being fawned over and cooed at.
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There’s even suggestions that he’s a bit of a playboy. But I think he’s mostly an attention whore. It’s all surface level; quick dopamine. It’s spectacular at first, what with his goofy personality usually aimed to annoy both his students and colleagues, compliments are few and far in between—it’s a nice little tickle to get it when he can. He’ll pose and preen himself in the most flattering angles to gain more awe. But when that’s all said and done, it’s nothing that really digs past the surface. And nothing that sticks to his memory. Just like the title of the honorable one, the holder of the six eyes, it just puts him on a pedestal he’s been on nearly his entire life as the strongest sorcerer. Nothing really touching about that, but he does like to hear it for flimsy vanity’s sake.
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I think Gojo is one of the most misunderstood characters in the series, and deliberately so. He maintains his persona as to maintain his detachment. To keep others at a distance he can always control. Most attempts by potential love interests to dig deeper than he’s willing to offer will only bend and snap against the steel of his guard. It’s definitely frustrating, and most potentials give up when they realize he’s a bit impenetrable and he never entered the dynamic with serious intention to begin with. That, or he often leaves first when he feels the first nips of suffocation. He maintains that he isn’t looking for anything serious and sticks to those guns, leaving when he feels too pressured. He moves at his own pace, which is probably what gets misconstrued as him being a playboy. He’s simply ��insincere”, and romantic dynamics remain fleeting and surface-level because of it. He definitely doesn’t bum off of women like toji, nor does he have a line of illegitimate children left behind somewhere. Nor do I think he’s a cheater or bouncing from one girl to the next. I don’t think he’d risk a child out of wedlock that easily, because that might mean he’d have to settle down and marry, or best (worst) case scenario have a child that probably will inherit the six eyes too. Both cases are unfavourable because of the risk of putting his children through an equally as restrictive and isolated childhood due to high society if the Gojo clan finds out, or putting both his babymama/wife and kids in danger of curse users and curses who have a target on Gojos back. He doesn’t want either scenario, but as he gets older there might actually be some pressure on him to carry on the Gojo name regardless. He doesn’t like to be restricted to rules or to be contained, so his avoidance of sincere romantic relationships can also just be a cause of simple rebellion.
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I reckon you gotta let love sneak up on him, not push it onto him. And he himself would never seek it out. And even when he finds it, by complete accident, he may never fully or truly pursue it too. For the simple fact that to love is to eventually lose, and I surmise he loves very deeply—it’s hard to move on, if he ever truly does, and though he can keep it together there always remains a part of him trapped in time. His resources to love and connection is scarce and is only limited to the memories of his youth, when it was easier to connect through a child’s ignorance. Now he’s older. He’s wiser, and a little more jaded and cynical. Love is the most twisted curse of them all, he thinks. To lose someone precious is to lose a part of himself. To feed into something greater than him, and nothing is supposed to be greater than Satoru Gojo.
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I also think because he tends to walk to the beat of his own drum, it wouldn’t be completely unlikely for him to fall for a non-sorcerer. Someone completely different from him, that comes from a different world and culture and hierarchy that piques his curiosity. That’s probably why he likes to travel so much too. He likes to learn and explore and expand his knowledge. Learning about sorcery in different parts of the world, Miguel definitely would have had a hand in piquing his interest for knowledge beyond Japan. Someone different from him could teach him something he doesn’t know, with that simple innocent link of connection, love might sneak up on him.
Also a personal headcanon, I definitely don’t think he REALLY knows how to talk to women. Yeah it might work for surface level things, flimsy and exaggerated flirtation, things that don’t require sincerity. But when he’s truly himself, he lacks a certain tact and sensitivity and vigilance when engaging with women that can often offend. He definitely hangs around too much men and boys and is hardened by sorcerer life. A woman’s sensitivity might make him curious, if only for the enigma of it. Like puddy in his hands, he’d want to poke and stretch it to see what it can do, where it comes from, and how it works. He’s used to sorceresses, odd and equally as hardened. But regular women untouched by the horrors of his world? He definitely says or does the wrong things and it’s just another one of those things he has to learn through trial and error. Definitely makes “my wife” jokes for comedic effect if he ever did marry. Has a lot of stupid man moments. Definitely gets shook from time to time when he accidentally (or not so accidentally, since it can be argued Gojo just an equal opportunist and everyone in his mind can get it. Sass king) pushes the wrong button of the wrong woman. He’s just basically an asshole once you get past the grandeur of him being the strongest sorcerer alive.
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A/N: I put this one down to the video from the MJTY fanmeet where the male cast there had to call Jin Jing (the actress for Gong Zishang) jiejie. Cheng Lei’s steely gaze as he does his bit is just *chefs kiss* 🤣 my jiejie kink might be showing here… but shush
AKA the fic where jiejie helps Didi seduce himself a gege
Pairing: Gong Shangjue x Gong Yuanzhi
Tags: crossdressing, Cousin incest, fluff, established relationship
Gong Zishang sets her tool down and slowly turns. For a beat there she thought she might have heard it wrong but judging by the fidgeting fingers and the almost defiantly petulant pout, what she thought she heard from Gong Yuanzhi was most definitely what he had just said.
“Sorry, I don’t think I heard you the first time around.” She crosses her arms and grins. Of all her little brothers in the Gong family, she thinks he is the most fun to tease, though no one should tell that to Gong Shangjue lest he comes knocking at her door with his boot.
Gong Yuanzhi fidgets. Mirroring her stance, he mutters, “Jiejie, can you please help me?”
Too cute.
Zishang suppresses her urge to pinch at Yuanzhi didi’s cheeks — she likes her hands attached to her arms thank you very much. Squinting her eyes at him, she cocks her head. “What could be so important that you would have to come to me for help? You never come to me for help, you just go straight to Gong Shangjue.”
An epiphany strikes. “Unless…”
Yuanzhi flushes a pretty shade of pink. The tips of his ears going red and his fidgeting picks up. Zishang chokes around a laugh, stepping closer to him.
“This is about Gong Shangjue?”
Didi seems to struggle a little. Whatever inner monologue he must be doing in his brain bears fruit because he straightens his spine, lips a thin line of determination.
“Jie, I need your help to seduce my gege.”
Now, it isn’t any surprise to her that these two cousins of hers are engaging in a relation that is less than conventional. It’s hard not to let minds wander down the path of “ah my two cousins are doing a horizontal bumping with no pants”. They’ve always been too close to have to waved off as just mere brotherly affection and the level of tacit understanding between the two of them is not something she thinks she has ever seen even in the most loved up of married couples.
What does surprise her, is the ‘I need your help’ bit.
Why would Yuanzhi need her help when he could just as easily ask (and perhaps scarily bribe or threaten) the librarians for books and sources for the matter. She knows the family’s collection contains materials about this matter. She has read all of them.
Zishang asks as much and to her no ending surprise, he deflates. Sinking into a nearby stool, he covers his face with his hands and sighs.
“I can’t exactly ask the Sword Wielder or his wife. I can’t exactly ask Elder Yue about this either, and my gege is… well. You’re my best option here.”
Taking pity on him, she flicks her sleeves, crouching down in front of him. “Okay, tell dajie what it is you want done.”
Zishang tightens the belt around Yuanzhi’s waist, knotting it with swift and practiced motions.
“Jie, I’m not sure this will work.”
Cocking an eyebrow at him, completely unintimidated by the way he glares at her, she clucks her tongue, moving to fix his hair.
In the looking glass, she spies the way Yuanzhi’s eyes catalogue the changes she’d done to his appearance — the rouge on his lips and cheeks, the way his hair is loose and swept into a careful updo.
There’s a distinct softening of his face with the way his hair reframes it, and then with the soft palette of the robes he has on, he looks different. Gentler, almost ethereal.
Zishang would be jealous of his narrow waist if she wasn’t impressed by the way it looks so fragile all tied up with the belt.
“It’ll work, trust me. Men can’t resist a beauty and you’re absolutely a beauty.”
Patting him on the back, she fixes a veil over the lower half of his face, needing to get him to lean down to do so.
One last look over has her admiring her handiwork. She’s given him the illusion of child bearing hips and those are always an attraction point to the men in her family.
“Go go go!” She urges, shooing him out of her workshop when he seems to dawdle.
Zishang is 100% sure this will work.
“It didn’t work.”
Yuanzhi is almost scarlet when he hands her back the robes and accessories. Zishang bites down on the inside of her cheek.
“Do I want to know what happened?”
“He said that he liked me best when I look like myself,” Yuanzhi whinges. Puffing his cheeks, he shrugs. “Said he doesn’t like fake versions of me.”
“And then?”
“And then…” Yuanzhi trails off, the blushing on his cheeks intensifies so much that Zishang worries he’s going to have a nosebleed.
“Okay okay, don’t tell me.” She waves it off. Looking around her workshop, she hurries over to a short stack of books. Rummaging around has her pulling out a small, dog-eared copy of a book she spent a month’s allowance to buy.
“Here,” She hands it over. “My personal copy of a book that our family’s archive or library won’t have. I spent a good while trying to get it, so you better bring it back to me in one piece.”
Slapping the book into his chest, Zishang jerks her head to the door. “Go back. Read it. Learn it and don’t dirty the pages. If you do, remember to dab and lift.”
Yuanzhi frowns. The look is a cross between a confused puppy and an angry lizard. But he mutters a thanks and shuffles out.
Two days later, he limps back in.
Handing over her book, he croaks out a sound before shutting his mouth with a snap, then limping quickly back out.
Zishang doesn’t really know what to think about the whole matter. Doesn’t pay much mind to it because she’s too busy trying to tease Jin Fan and cooking up new designs to be manufactured.
She almost forgets about the whole endeavour but is starkly reminded of it when Gong Shangjue himself shows up in her workshop, steely gaze and dour faced and all.
“Err…” Gong Shangjue levels her with a Look that has her taking a half step back. “Hi?”
Gong Shangjue folds his hands behind him, taking stock of the workshop. With slow, deliberate steps, he makes a round of the place. “I heard my Didi has been coming to your place.”
“That he has.” She answers hesitantly.
“And I have further learnt that you are the person who has been putting some strange ideas in his mind?”
Zishang feels a shiver down her spine. Eyeing up the way he prowls the room, she clears her throat. “I wouldn’t say put, more like offered some means of solution for his conundrum?”
“Which would be?”
“How,” Zishang starts delicately. “To seduce you?”
She catches the moment Shangjue’s face slackens in surprise. He didn’t know, then. Calmed a little by this response, she carefully crosses the room. “Listen, I don’t know what’s up between the two of you, and frankly, I don’t want to know. You do you. As long as you’re both happy, I’m happy.”
“But,” She continues. “I get the feeling that Yuanzhi didi needs a lot more reassurance than he lets on. He doesn’t strike me as the kind to actually ask for it, so maybe do something about that?”
Shangjue ducks his head and, for a heart stopping moment, smiles gently.
“I thank you for the advice,” Shangjue says with a nod. “Jiejie.”
If the heavens could strike her down then, Zishang doesn’t think she would mind much other than not doing her three bows with Jin Fan.
With a short bow, he leaves her workshop with a flourish of his, admittedly very fine, robes. Zishang doesn’t know what to think, even more so when three days later, a box full of fine gear oil and building materials that she had been saving up for shows up at her workshop.
Scratching her head a little, she ultimately decides to not question it. As long as her two didi are happy, everything will be fine.
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hulijingemperor2 · 1 year
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Xichen: *sitting out in one of the verandas*
Mo xuanyu: hii hii Lan lips. How's it been?
Xichen: hello, A-Yao's husband.
Mo xuanyu: no need to be formal. Just call me xuanyu.
Xichen: *confused* ok.....?
Xue yang: *gives him some candy*
Xichen: do you want to get rid of me?
Xue yang: Lan lips, relax. It's just candy.
Su she: *offers him tea* here you go. Xichen.
Xichen: is it poisoned? *sniffs it.
Su she: *eye twitches* not at all.
Xichen: why did your eye twitch?
Su she: because I'm using all my qi to be nice to you, and yet you're accusing me of poisoning you.
Xichen: *nervous* sorry sorry.
Su she: drink the tea.
Xichen: *gulps it down*
*shivers* w...wait. I'm alive? I'm alive! Or am I in the afterlife with team dimple?
Mo xuanyu: dude you're ok.
Xichen: I am?
Su she: obviously you are, Lan lips.
Do you want me to stab you to check?
Xichen: don't you dare.
Xue yang: *massaging his shoulders* why would we kill you Lan xichen?
Xichen: because I love A-Yao, I'm married to him, and I'm Lan Wangji's brother.
Xue yang: *laughing* Lan lips, you don't need to worry.
We're besties for today.
Mo xuanyu: yea. Trust us. 
Xue yang: *putting candy in Xichen's mouth* how does it taste?
Xichen: sweet! Really sweet.
Su she: how do you feel? Do you feel relaxed?
Xichen: not at all.
Actually I'm terrified.
Mo xuanyu: you don't need to be.
Xichen: is A-Yao alright? Look, if he's kidnapped, I don't have anything to do with it.
Su she: my A-Yao is fine.
He's having a meeting on his developmental projects.
Xichen: then why are you torturing me
Mo xuanyu: lipsy, we're not.
Xichen: right now I feel like I'm held up at sword point. 
Mo xuanyu: Lan lips, relax. What do you want to do?
Xichen: I feel like running.
Su she: are you a fking roadrunner?!
I mean. What do you want to do with us? We're free all day.
Xichen: you guys don't have a job. You're always free.
Mo xuanyu: we do have a job, and an office too.
Su she  do you want a tour? We'll be happy to show you how we protect our emperor.
Xichen: how about you show me your hobbies. And I'll follow through.
Su she: good idea.
Mo xuanyu: I'll give you some makeup techniques. So that you'll look glamorous for Yao gege.
Xichen: you really want me to look glamorous for him?
Mo xuanyu: of course. And Yao gege deserves the best.
Xue yang: also we'll work on sone fierce corpses.
Xichen: lemme guess. Afterwards I'm going to steal books with Su she.
Su she: *death stare* (trying to keep sane) ohh no, Xichen.
Let's don't hold grudges, shall we?
Other than my cultivation stuff, I developed an interest for Journaling.
Xichen: oh waw.
Su she: I also write fanfics. Where you and Lan zhan are villains in most of them.
Xichen: I'm not surprised.
Mo xuanyu and Xichen: *applying facial masks*
Mo xuanyu: Lan lips, this is the 2nd step of my skincare routine.
Xichen: oh....how much are there?
Mo xuanyu: 29.
Xichen: WHAT?!
Mo xuanyu: you don't have 29 Steps?
Lan lips, I have to look good for Yao gege.
And makeup is an art.
Xichen: *astonished* uh huh.
Mo xuanyu: when you make a painting, you don't just draw a line right? There's the painting, blending, making your colour palettes, perfecting it.
It's the same with makeup.
But don't worry lipsy, we'll just do the facial and then I'll give you a makeover.
Xichen: ok then. *picks up a jade roler* is this to roll ink or something?
Mo xuanyu: NOOOO. that's a jade roler, to massage and exfoliate your jawline and cheekbones.
*blushing* Yao gege bought me these from Dongying.
They're very expensive though.
Xichen: aww, sweet of A-Yao.
Mo xuanyu: see how Yao gege spoils me.
Cuz he loves me a lot.
Xichen: *smiling*
Mo xuanyu: have you done a detox before?
Xichen: no.
Mo xuanyu: I'll make you sone detox tea.
The tea has a very special ingredient though.
Xichen: what?
Mo xuanyu: just some snail eggs from Monaco.
I got them from Xuan gege.
He says it works wonders for your skin.
Xichen: I would love to try that.
Mo xuanyu: yes xichen. But you might get a little upset stomach. That's natural ok.
It means that the detox is working.
Xichen: ok.
A few hours after.
Mo xuanyu: I'm done with your makeup!! Look in the mirror.
Xichen: ahhh, I love it! I look so gorgeous. *looks at his reflection* waw.
Mo xuanyu: told you i work wonders.
Xue yang: *laughing* get a hold of Lan lips! Lol. You look fab. But not supermodel fab, cuz Jiggy is a supermodel.
Xichen: aw thanks guys.
Su she: mo xuanyu, do you know how to do plastic surgery. He's still looking like a Lan.
Mo xuanyu: ahahahhaha. No Shanshan.
Xichen, here's your tea.
Xichen: you know I thought that you three wanted something from me but you turned out to be so nice.
Su she: yea I don't know what were you scared  about. We're chill.
Xue yang: you should hang out with us more often.
Mo xuanyu: Lan lips, why are you terrified by us?
Xichen: *sips tea* because you torture people, and you hate me for taking up A-Yao's attention.
Xue yang: well you're correct. But we plan on being nice to you today..
Xichen: why?
Mo xuanyu: just accept the kindness.
Su she: *showing him his fanfics* Journaling has always been my passion.
I once wrote a 100,000 word biography on A-Yao.
Xichen: hey thats remarkable
Su she: mhm. It's a historical piece among the hulijings.
Xichen: so the hulijings made you their hero after that.
Su she: yea. They see team dimple as heroic.
Mo xuanyu: cuz we are!
Su she: look at the fanfics.
Xichen: *reading*  hulijing deity Lianfang zun marries his devotee, the sect leader of Moling Su and takes over the world.
That doesn't sound too bad.
(I need to write this as a fic🤣)
Su she: then Lianfang zun burns down the Lan and Nie sect with his Kitsunabe.
Xichen: am I in this fic?
Su she: everything isn't about you, Lan lips.
You're a courtesan Trans dresser and Hanguang Jun is a potato farmer.
He was going to poison the sect leader of Moling Su with his potatoes but Lianfang zun stopped him.
And punished him by kidnapping wei wuxian
Xichen: poor Wangji and Wei Gongzi.
Su she: read it nah. You'll see how Lianfang zun ties wei wuxian up with his guqin strings, and caged him too.
Just to make Hanguang Jun tensed.
Ahhh, you should read the intimute scenes with lianfang zun and the sect leader. It's passionate.
And xuanyu helped me.
Xue yang: lianfang zun literally shoved one of his tails in Minshan's mouth.
Then lianfang zun picked out the fur from off his tongue afterwards.
While Minshan wore your courtesan clothes.
Xichen: lol why did he wear my clothes?
Mo xuanyu: because he said that everything belongs to lianfang zun.  Even the clothes. 
Xichen: I see.
Mo xuanyu: do you want a fanfic. He has copies.
Xichen: *laughing nervously* what else do you have?
Su she: there's.
Peonies, which is about Huangdi's soft side.
Duo hensheng, which is an angst. Where  Huangdi's loved ones are harmed and he gets back at the jianghu by controlling them with the collection of turmoil.
There's this one about him being intimite with team dimple.
Which one do you want?
Xichen: peonies sound adorable.
Su she: simp. 
Xichen: but you're the author.
Su she: hence I'm an authorized simp.
Xichen: *nods* how much do I pay you?
Su she: nothing dude.
Xichen: really?!
Xue yang: but if you upset team dimple, you'll have to pay a price.
Xichen: I figured.
Mo xuanyu: lipsy, Shanshan's books are copyright. So you can't be selling them without his permission.
Xichen: huh, he knows about copyright?!
Su she: Lan lips, I'm trying not to stab you. Please stop.
Xichen: sorry.
Su she: how dare you.
Xue yang: *faints*
Mo xuanyu: *petrified*
Xichen: pardon me. I felt a little gasy.
Su she: so you just let it out?! You're so rude. And you have no respect for Huangdi.
Xichen: Minshan, I couldn't control it! And A-Yao isn't here.
Su she and mo xuanyu: *points to a large portrait of A-Yao on the wall*
Xichen: it's just a portrait.
Su she: *runs and lights incense next to the portrait* forgive me Huangdi! I'm so sorry! That Lan lips is very rude, I know.
Xichen: *holding his stomach*
Xue yang: Lan lips, are you trying to kill team dimple.
Mo xuanyu: we were so nice to you.
Xichen: I think the detox is working.
Mo xuanyu: oooh.....
Su she: you contaminated my shrine.
And I will jail you for that.
Xichen:  *farts* jail me for farting? And that friend of yours gave me diarrhea.
Mo xuanyu: me?!! How am I supposed to know that your gut is weak!
Xichen: *runs* I got to go!
Su she: in all my years of worshipping my lianfang zun, I haven't seen so much disrespect.
Mo xuanyu: why did he blame me.
Xue yang: ugh, it was so weird being nice to him.
Mo xuanyu: I know right. *rolls eyes*
Xue yang: I wanted to show him the fierce corpses though.
But he's dealing with indigestion.
Mo xuanyu: all for beauty.
Xue yang: Lan lips really likes Jiggy.
Yao: *enters* hi team d.
Su she: *kisses A-Yao's hand* Huangdi. Your meeting is done?
Yao: yup.
Mo xuanyu: we were trying to be nice to Lan lips and he got diarrhea.
Yao: ..........
Yao: what?
Mo xuanyu: it wasn't our fault Yao gege.
Su she: he farted all over the room, as well as my shrine.
How should I punish this disrespectful Lan.
Yao: guys, please spare him.
And I'll send my staff to take care of him.
Su she: no Huangdi. We'll handle it. Such magnificent emperor like you shouldn't deal with Xichen's poop problems.
Yao: fine..*laughing*
Xue yang: the lan thought that we were going to do something to him. Just because we were nice.
Yao: oh dear.
Well team d is never nice to Huan. Obviously he'll feel terrified.
Now how did he get diarrhea?
Mo xuanyu: a detox tea. With snail eggs from Monaco.
*pout* Yao gege.
Lan lips is uncultured.
Yao: A-Yu. Huan's gut is weak.
Mo xuanyu: I didn't know.
Yao: it's alright.
Xue yang: *runs* I want to see him throw up!
Su she: I was going to jail him for that offense, Huangdi.
Yao: don't darling. It's not his fault.
Su she: ok.
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alliechick · 2 years
Shen Twins au, Part 9. Previous here.
Things stay in a holding pattern for a few months. Shen Yuan writes to his brother to assure him he’s alright. Shen Qingqiu never responds. He helps his letters are making it to him. Binghe says they are. Either he’s lying or his brother is upset. Or planning something.
Eventually Shen Jiu reaches out and asks for a meeting Shen Yuan suspects this will be a hostage negotiation.
Binghe agrees. Shen Yuan suspects that he’s preparing for a trap. That’s not the outside of the realm of possibility.
They meet at Maigu Ridge. All of the  Cang Qiong Peak Lords are there, lined up and waiting. Binghe comes prepared with Mobei Jun and Sha Hualing. Shen Yuan feel;s like they were all prepared for a fight. Neither are willing to make the first move.
Finally Shen Yuan steps forward.
As he does, Luo Binghe flinches behind him.
“See gege, I’m fine,” he calls out into the neutral space.
“You don’t know what you’re dealing with,” Shen Jiu calls back. Then to Binghe. “Hand him back beast!”
“We made an agreement,” Binghe replies. “And Shen Yuan is an honorable man.”
“Gege please!” Shen Yuan begins.
And then the ambush strikes. Hundreds of cultivators appear and attack. Even Yue Qingyuan takes out his Xuan Su sword.
“No!” Shen Yuan cries out.
His brother is suddenly beside him, wrapping an arm around him and leaping away. Shen Yuan struggles against him.
“Let me go!” he demands.
“Stop being ridiculous!” Shen Jiu shouts. “We’re rescuing you!”
“And I don’t need to be rescued!” he shouts back. Can’t he see this is the best solution. Then nobody has to get hurt and his brother stays safe. And it’s all crumbling before him.
“You really want to get married to that beast?” Shen Jiu demands.
“I don’t know,” Shen Yuan admits. “But I’ll do it.”
“I’m not letting you sacrifice yourself like this,” Shen Jiu cried. “I can’t lose you again!”
Binghe, seeing Shen Yuan being taken from him, went into a rage. Instantly, demonic energy floods the air. Shen Yuan gasped and turned around. Things were going to fall apart.
“Binghe,” Shen Yuan cries, finally breaking free of his brother. He ears shouts behind him as he runs through the chaos. “Binghe!”
Shen Yuan moves to go back to him.
That’s when he’s struck from behind.
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liathebookwyrm · 2 years
Jin Zixuan and his...uh...lovely brothers in law
Imagine if you will, Jin Zixuan, new father and therefore completely sleep-deprived, deciding it is a good idea to personally deliver his wife's invitation to Wei Wuxian for Jin Ling's one month celebration. The political implications of the Jin heir visiting the Wen remnants, no matter the reason, sail riiiiiight over his head. Someone might have stopped him but he kinda wondered off without telling anyone (baby brain is a marvel, let me tell you) and by the time people realised he was missing, he was already at the Burial Mounds and having a slight crisis. Mainly because where are all the cultivators his father has been swearing up, down and sideways are lurking in Yilling. But also there's a nice old lady who, upon learning who he is and why he's here, insists he sits down, pinches his cheek and starts worrying over whether he and his wife get enough sleep, what with this being their first baby and all. Also he may have saw Lan Wangji burying a toddler in a nearby radish patch, but that much clearly be a hallucination.
And that is how Wei Wuxian manages to arrive at his nephew's celebration with A-Yuan, Wen Ning, Lan Wangji and Jin Zixuan in tow. (Jin Zixun is a moron but he will not try to start trouble in from if both his cousin and Lan Wangji...) JIang Yanli takes one look at the toddler and wonders where they got another kid. When it is explained that this is actually her nephew (and Jiang Cheng already knew about him and didn't tell her)....oh boy!
"A-Xian, you had a child and didn't tell me?! Wait, who's the mother?"
Jiang Yanli doesn't even blink at that, she simply turns to Lan Wangji and very politely asks why she wasn't invited to their wedding, seeing as clearly (A-Yuan is currently clinging to his Rich-gege) he is the other parent in question and she knows he wouldn't be playing with her little brother's heart like that. In the background one might observe Jiang Cheng, the Jins and Lan Xichen all choking on air for entirely different reasons. Jiang Cheng is not certain whether he should be more outraged at the implication that these two disasters found a way to physically create a child together (look, he knows it's impossible but if anyone could figure it out!) or that Lan Wangji did not ask HIS permission to marry HIS brother before any potential baby making happened. Lan Xichen might be joining Jiang Yanli on the "I'm not angry, I'm disappointed you didn't tell me" elder sibling camp as soon as he gets over his shock.
Frankly, Wei Wuxian is just confused at this line of questioning.
"Well, OF COURSE Lan Zhan is the father? Who else would I have a child with?" Whether the implication registers or not is debatable.
Wen Ning, who deep down is a little shit and no one will tell me otherwise, leans back against a wall, accepts a couple of nuts from Nie Huaissang and starts a serious, if quiet, discussion with him on appropriate wedding gifts when the couple in question already has a child and whether they can be combined with gifts for the child in question.
Someone has the brilliant idea to make a snide comment about certain people's respectability. Lan Wangji decides that now might be a good time to mention that they have been technically married since they were sixteen. Second round of choking commences. Nie Huaissang marches up to certain people to collect money.
A-Yuan is not quite sure what is happening but suddenly a lot of people are being very nice to him and telling him to call them uncle (his favourite uncle is still Wen Ning though. He lets him ride on his shoulders!) and the really pretty lady is giving him more of that tasty soup and introducing him to his baby cousin who's even smaller than him and ok maybe they can't play together yet but she said they will when A-Ling is older so he's happy to wait.
Wei Wuxian would be melting to a puddle from the Cute , only he's having his own crisis because apparently he's married and "really Lan Zhan, this is the sort of thing you tell someone! How was I supposed to know?"
Lan Xichen is just smug because of course he knew about the teenage wedding, and of course he's just been saving the gifts he bought back then for when his little brother was ready to announce it. He will be entering the "favourite uncle" competition with an unfair advantage.
It is at this point Nie Mingjue walks in, sees Lan Xichen holding A-Yuan (whose dads are having a long overdue discussion in a corner), short-circuits and walks right back out. Lan Xichen runs after him, still holding A-Yuan because he just must introduce them!
No one tell Jiang Cheng there will be a favourite uncle competition, which he could have had a head start in if his first meeting with A-Yuan hadn't gone quite as it went... Nie Mingjue ends up temporarily winning anyway, simply because A-Yuan can't get over how tall he is or how big Baxia is, plus his braids are fun to play with. That, and a lifetime growing up with Nie Huaissang has left him extremely bad at resisting puppy eyes.
Jin Zixun, lest we forget his unfortunately continuing existence, tries to bring up the whole "The Yilling Patriarch totally cursed me" thing in the middle of all this. A-Yuan (still perched on Nie Mingjue's arms, fight him) hears it, frowns and informs him that what he said is mean and he should apologise. He may be imitating Lan Wangji's tone. Wei Wuxian goes from ready to jump at somebody's throat to absurdly proud because clearly this is an indication of his excellent parenting so quickly he gets whiplash. Everyone else is trying (with varying degrees of success) to hold in their laughter.
Jiang Cheng is the one to point out that whether eloping with your potentially dead ancestor's blessing is legally binding or not, there should really be a public ceremony, and the all the relevant negotiations between the couple's families must and will be done. For which they require Lan Qiren's presence. There's a pause, then everyone starts insisting they've got it all in-hand, no need to get him involved, we'll just tell him when it's done, he'll be so proud of us for arranging everything without help.
Lan Wangji tries to point out that, since they're already married, there's no need for discussions at all. Wen Ning (honestly, who's side is he on?) insists that granny Wen has been low-key planning their wedding since Lan Wangji's first visit and he wouldn't want to deprive her of that now would he? Do not imagine the clash of titans that would be Granny Wen and Lan Qiren trying to outmanoeuvre each other over organisational control of the wedding...
As always co-authored with/enabled by @sswangxian
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drwcn · 4 years
follow up to [post] exploring the crack au if lwj was a girl 
〒▽〒 ps im not trying to erase canon lwj representation, not at all, wangxian is mm in all my other fics, this is just stupid fun
in a ceteris paribus situation aka all other things staying equal: 
1) Lan Wangji 100% still has a resting bitch face, which probably would get her a couple of “Lan-er-guniang 美若天仙 (beautiful as an immortal/goddess) but would benefit from smiling more” comments but nobody is that desperate to die yet so, she’s spared. But damn... imagine the sheer number of thirsty boys who’d try to secure a marriage with LWJ. None of them is good enough for Wangji as far as Lan Xichen is concerned. Okay - maybe in Lan Xichen’s opinion, Nie Mingjue is good enough, but he couldn’t be less interested. I see her as I see Huaisang, Xichen please. 
2) Everything interaction between Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian in Wei Wuxian’s first life is now 500% more scandalous. 
Exhibit A) Their first meeting at the gates; Jiang Cheng immediately felt his spidey senses tingling.  —“You’d sooner have immortals flying out of your ass than get with someone like her. The second jade of Gusu? The pearl in old man Lan’s eyes? C’mon.”  —“Shut up, A-Cheng.” —“Uh-huh.”  —“Also, she’s not that pretty. Her brother Zewu-jun is much better. There’s a reason he’s ranked first.” WWX is still a disaster bi.  — “LMAO, you? Zewu-jun? Please.” 
Exhibit B) Just because LWJ is a girl does not mean WWX grew more brain cells. 
WWX, straight up to Lan Qiren’s face, “Lan-meimei and I - we’re zhiji.” (he means it like we’re kindred spirits, peas of a pod, etc)  LWJ: *does not deny* Lan Xichen: ⚆_⚆ Lan Qiren: ಠ╭╮ಠ
Exhibit C) Lan Wangji getting drunk the first time. Wei Wuxian knew he crossed a line the minute he invited Lan-er-guniang for a drink. Really, WWX, even for you, this is inappropriate. When Lan Wangji fell face first onto the table, Wei Wuxian knew, he fucked up. “Hey....hey...Lan....Lan...-er-guniang,” He poked her. “Don’t...don’t sleep here! You can’t sleep here! If your Uncle finds out or if Jiang-shushu finds out...they’ll skin me alive and then...and then they’ll make me marry you! I don’t want to marry you; you don’t talk and I’m too young!” 
WWX, being a dipshit, “Hey Lan Zhan, call me Wei-gege.”  LWJ, drunk as fuck, “Wei..gege.”  WWX *((( heart )))* ??? 
Exhibit D) The Cold Pond. Okay, so I don’t think Zewu-jun would sabotage his sister’s virtue by sending a stupid teenage boy her way while she’s bathing, but doesn’t mean Su She is above all that. Wei “I didn’t see anything I swear!” Wuxian. Lan “I will gouge out your eyes.” Wangji. Somehow they still end up in the cave. Maybe WWX got in the water after LWJ got out and got sucked into the vortex and LWJ heard the commotion, turned around, saw WWX had disappeared. “Wei Ying?!” A panicked LWJ jumps back into the pond, “Stop fooling around, come out!” 
Jiang Cheng and Wen Qing 👀👀 when LWJ and WWX fall out of the cave together. Also the fact that Lan-er-guniang and Wei-gongzi went missing, together, for two days. Who knows what could’ve happened. I mean anything really. I mean... that’s gotta stir the pot a little were it not for the Yin Iron stealing everyone’s attention away from this bit of juicy scandal. 
Oh the whole story... so much to work with, so little time. 
3) Because Lan Wangji is a girl, now suddenly there’s a high ranking member of the Lan Clan who can host the girls at Cloud Recesses. I mean, Mianmian, Jiang Yanli, Wen Qing, Lan Wangji - SISTERLY FRIENDSHIP. Other than Mianmian, none of the girls are really talkers which suits Lan Wangji perfectly. Even Mianmian’s chatter is endearing.
4) Lan Wangji is absolutely still a powerhouse during the Sunshot Campaign. The inherent aesthetics of fem!lwj telling the Wen goons to “kneel” - no one will deprive me of this.  Also she will still cut off your arm if you cross her - Xue Yang and Jin Guangyao ya better watch out still. 
I am TORN between two options: Lan Wangji tol and kickass or Lan Wangji smol and kickass. On one hand, the aesthetics of willowy elf-like LWJ, on the other hand, 5′2′’ of whoop ass who can and will throw an unconscious wwx over her shoulder firewoman-style and toll him to safety.  
And amongst other things: 
A) Lan Wangji still becomes Chief Cultivator, because excuse me who else is left to clean up this mess? Jiang “Short-fuse” Wanyin? Nie “I won’t do what I’m not intended to do” Huaisang? Jin “13 year-old” Ling? Or Sect Leader Yao?  Technically, being a woman means that she was never Lan Xichen’s heir, but at the end of it, it’s not like Gusu Lan is left with a lot of choices.  Just the poetic justice of Gusu Lan pleading for Lan Wangji to come back when she fully intends to 隐居山野 (retreat into the mountains) with the resurrected WWX.
Lan Wangji being Chief Cultivator would echo Lan Yi’s tenure and rectify the fact that Gusu Lan’s only female head of family “failed”. Lan Yi had to face a mountain of prejudice because she was woman; someone has to say “up yours” to that. A woman as not only the sect master of Gusu Lan but the Chief Cultivator? Love that for Gusu Lans. (⌐■_■) ☞ ☞
B) Because of ~ sexism ~ I wonder if Lan Wangji would get titled “Hanguang” at all even after the Sunshot Campaign. Even Lan Yi, the SL Lan of her time didn’t have a title. Chances are LWJ won’t either. (Note: Violet Spider is not a title, it’s a moniker). So — say after the way Lan Wangji is still just “Lan-er-guniang”, and she does not obtain the title “Han Guang” until after she leaves Cloud Recesses and become rogue. (srsly how did they come up with these titles in canon, did gusu lan just look at 21 year old lwj and be like yah he’s lord light bearer *cue trevor noah stand up joke* why do you call yourself “great” britain? isn’t that a bit presumptuous? shouldn’t you go around doing good things and then let other people come to the conclusion: oh britain look how great you are? same logic with lwj.) 
Lan Wangji, a Jade of Gusu or a nameless rogue, still goes where trouble is, helping those who need it. After laying low for a year or two to heal, Lan Wangji began night hunting. Donned neck to ankle in white silk and tulle, and a weimao (wide brimmed veil hat) obscuring her face, she became known to the people as Hanguang Sanren, the lightbearing wanderer. Gusu’s highest power probably has some idea who she is - or at least they can guess - but the vast majority of people don’t. 
C) Lan Sizhui raised by rogue Lan Wangji as his mum would be different. Still cultured, respectful, but definitely with an air of keeping others at arm’s length. 
For instance, grown-up Sizhui running interference and saving a cohort of gentry disciples on joint hunts.
Jingyi: 这人谁呀?Who is this guy? Zizhen: 多谢兄台搭救之恩,小可看您眼生,敢问兄台尊姓大名,何门何派,改日当登门拜访. Many thanks for saving us. I don’t believe we’ve met, pray tell what is your name and sect, so we may visit at a later time to thank you for tonight. Sizhui: 在下无门无姓 ,单名思追 。举手之劳不足挂齿 ,怎敢劳烦各位名门子弟答谢。My name is Sizhui, belonging to no family and to no sect. As for tonight - I only did what anyone would; it bears no mentioning and requires no thanks. Jin Ling: 你这人,看你工力不凡,想和你交个朋友,可你怎么遮遮掩掩的。Hey you, we see you’re a talented cultivator and want to make your acquaintance. Why are you so dodge-y? Zizhen:金陵 — Jing Ling - Sizhui: 若是有缘,还会相见。告辞。If it’s fated, we will meet again. Farewell.  
Later:  Jingyi: 思。追。 思追谁?Si. Zhui. To recollect and long for whom?  Sizhui: 母亲的一位故人. Someone from Mother’s past.  Jingyi: 你父亲?...Your father?  Sizhui: 我不知。I don’t know. 
I thought about how cute it would be if sizhui and jin ling knew each other but guys...Jiang Cheng literally thinks he killed Sizhui’s biological father. Like he literally thinks he orphaned Sizhui before Sizhui is even born. And Lan Wangji would never accept anything from Jiang Wanyin, not that it would stop Jiang Wanyin from trying. 
A package of books here, a new robe for Sizhui there. Lan Wangji doesn’t know how Jiang Cheng keeps finding her. She and Sizhui are nomadic.  
D) The inevitable conversation after wwx is revived. 
You know what would be funnier than Jiang Cheng thinking Sizhui is a wangxian baby is if Lan Qiren thinks Sizhui is a wangxian baby. 
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kentokunn · 3 years
so, uh, i’m back with more sad realizations after reading chapter 120 of the jjk manga (manga spoilers for jjk up to chapter 144!)
some of these aren’t really going to correlate with chapter 120 like they did in the first part, but some of them will. some of these are always included in an interview the gege did, i think, last month.
• nanami wasn’t originally meant to fight in shibuya. shoko said that nanami was originally meant to be on call and was brought in to fight last minute. (i don’t remember the chapter, so if somebody knows let me know so i can include the manga panel!)
• in the interview, gege stated that nanami couldn’t bring himself to blame geto. geto was also there for nanami after he lost haibara, and haibara’s death was likely a trigger for geto’s downfall as a sorcerer.
• gege also confirmed that nanami didn’t want to get married while he was a sorcerer because he didn’t want his spouse to wonder whether or not he’d make it home that night.
• i don’t know how i missed this the first time (it was probably like 2am) but when nanami saw ijichi lying on the ground after being stabbed, he thought about haibara and thought about the evils of the world.
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• nanami is the only sorcerer in his family, which likely means that his family will never know or understand the actual truth of how nanami died and what his line of work was (unless they can see curses and just chose not to be sorcerers).
• i know i already talked about this, but i want to talk a bit more about itadori and nanami’s relationships, however, i wrote an analysis (simplified) to a friend before i even started the manga and i want to include all the screenshots from that (it’s worded strangely since it’s meant for a close friend):
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again, i’m sure there’s more and i’ll add onto this part if any come to mind, but i’m in class rn 😅
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hualianff · 3 years
How To Piss Off Your Boss II 《I》
When HC places the dishes in front of a group of esteemed guests, foreigners and wealthy business people by appearance, he’s roped into a brief conversation in English. Not that he minds too much. HC has had many opportunities to practice different languages in the kitchens he’s worked in, mainly consisting of English, Spanish, Italian, and Japanese. Most of the phrases HC retained were curse words too. Go figure.
Once the CEO wraps up the small talk session, he spins on his heel and speeds back to the kitchen. As he power walks through the various tables, HC takes note of which guests have seemingly ordered yet still only have drinks on their tables. He’s not sure what his employees were yammering about to delay their service up to fifteen minutes, but it could certainly wait until after the dinner rush, for god’s sake.
A blur of white completely stops HC in his tracks. His neck suffers from a violent double-take when he catches sight of a familiar white turtleneck, worn by a figure with a familiar smile. HC’s mouth gapes open slightly, nearly tripping in his haste to veer off towards the two-person table secluded by the window.
XL cutely waves as he finally gets a glimpse of his husband tonight.  
“Gege!?” HC breathily asks, confused. XL sets his flute of wine down, amber eyes shining with mirth. 
HC immediately shoots a glare back to the kitchens where he sees his employees peeking through the pair of windows on the doors. His lips curl into an angry snarl, like a tiger provoked by its own streak. He makes a move to steamroll into his kitchen and rip them a new one. Except a hand grasps onto his wrist before he can make it past one table.
“San Lang, don’t mind them. It’s no big deal,” XL pleads, tugging on HC’s hand. The taller man willingly turns around, rolling his wrist so he can be the one to hold XL’s hands instead. 
“Gege, how long have you been waiting?” HC asks in a tight voice. XL frowns, not wanting to answer, but he knows HC won’t let it go.
“Just under thirty minutes.“
“Thirty minutes!?” HC exclaims. “The fact that no one told me you were here for nearly half an hour is unacceptable. Oh my god, I’m going to fire them all.“
“No, you’re not. San Lang, calm down. I didn’t tell you I was coming, so you couldn’t have known. I don’t think the server who showed me to my seat even knew who I was,” XL reasons.
He subconsciously pulls HC closer to sitting down at the table. 
“Someone should’ve told them because you’re not just any customer, gege. You’re my HUSBAND. You’re important to me, and I would like my workers to let me know if you’re here regardless if I knew beforehand. I don’t want you to have to wait that long for me to come out and join you.“
“They said you were busy! Plus, thirty minutes is hardly a long time.“ XL tries again. HC insistently shakes his head, gingerly squeezing XL’s hands. 
“Darling, your time is too precious to be wasted like that,” HC says, leaning forward to plant a kiss on XL’s forehead. XL hums as he finally pushes HC down into the chair opposite of his own. 
“Well, you’re here now, right? Why don’t we enjoy a lovely dinner together? My treat!” XL says happily.
Seconds later, two massive dishes of finely-boiled squid and glass noodles, along with spicy wonton soup are placed in front of the two men. It’s the new cook who bows while stuttering out an apology, repeating “I didn’t know- Hua Lao Ban, Xie-xiansheng- I didn’t know- please forgive me.”
XL, being the angel he is, claims there is nothing to forgive. Across from him, HC silently churns in strong disagreement. It takes three servers to make sure everything was up to standard, watching their boss’ expression carefully for any hint of dissatisfaction. They leave in a hurry, the abundance of food making XL’s face light up like a Christmas tree.
“I love you, San Lang,” XL cheers, tapping his chopsticks together excitedly.
HC’s face softens, endeared by his husband’s antics. The incident is far from being forgotten in his mind. After all, from the stories XL has told about the times he was truly struggling in life after the pitfall of his parents, HC has a very good idea of what circumstances XL has had to endure—way worse than waiting thirty minutes for his food and husband to show up. 
XL probably didn’t even expect to see HC tonight. And that is still absolutely inexcusable. XL is HC’s number one priority, even above all of his businesses.
But for now, HC supposes he can put it off to share a wonderful meal with his husband.
“I love you too, Gege,” he responds, shoulders relaxing.
However, an offending, black, leather folder captures HC’s attention. It’s tucked into a corner on XL’s side of the table, unopened. HC already knows what it is without having to look closer.
“Hmm?” XL looks up with his mouth full of noodles.
“Did they charge you for the meal?” HC asks slowly, barely contained fury simmering beneath the surface. His eye pins the flutes of his favorite drink he hasn’t touched. “And the wine?”
XL chews methodically, cheeks puffing from how stuffed they are. If anyone who cared about eating etiquette were watching him, they no doubt would be utmost appalled at such a messy display. HC would curse them to hell if they dared said or did anything.
XL finally swallows, licking his lips.
“There’s nothing wrong with charging me,” XL says. HC’s nails dig into his skin as his hands clench into balled fists. “What if I just want to support my husband?”
HC inhales deeply, then exhales heavily.
“Gege does that enough by being married to me. Look, I’ll be right back-“ HC abruptly stands up. He swoops in to kiss XL on the lips, pecking three more times which makes XL giggle. HC then quickly blows cool air on the spoon XL holds mid-air with his hot soup. 
Without another word, HC storms back towards the kitchens. The other cooks actively avoid their boss, bowing profusely if they happen to cross paths with him. HC doesn’t say anything to acknowledge their remorseful actions. For the next ten minutes, he continues instructing the team as if the mishap hadn’t even happened. 
Apologizing won’t be enough, they all know this. They kept not only XL waiting for thirty minutes but also the other customers that entered after him. However, XL had been waiting for the longest as he was a walk-in customer, which made it all the more displeasing for HC to find out his husband had not received the special treatment he deserved. 
The orders have slowed down enough for HC to snap his fingers as a signal for everyone to line up. When all the cooks are appropriately assembled, HC doesn’t hesitate to hurl the folder with the check onto the main island in front of them. 
“Who was it?” HC asks icily. No one utters a sound. The CEO reaches over to yank out the white paper filled with prices. He points to it, eyeing every single one of his employees. “Tell me. Who gave this to him? Who charged him for his meal when I have specified numerous times to never–and I mean NEVER–bill him.”
It’s so quiet in the kitchen, the guests closest to the kitchen doors can probably hear HC scolding his cooks, beyond livid. HC couldn’t care less, as long as XL was outside of hearing range and slurping down his soup with a content tummy. He’ll have to make it up to XL on his own accords, first by taking his husband home to have uninterrupted one-on-one discussion.
The newer cook who HC has distinguished as Hai Ye shuffles uncomfortably, looking like a child guilty of disobeying their parents’ order. Someone has yet to speak up to confess or snitch, meaning they would rather face punishment collectively than risk one person receiving full blame. While HC is one thread away from blowing his top off, he buries the nasty curses down inside his chest. He knows what it’s like to receive unfair consequences for things he didn’t knowingly do wrong. 
Instead, HC forces his temper to cool down. 
“Seeing as these were a series of mistakes that everyone here has contributed to, I’m canceling janitorial services and assigning all of you cleaning duty,” HC declares, crossing his arms. “I don’t know what else it will take, but this must not happen again. With Xie Lian or with the backed-up orders. We are better than that, understood?”
“Yes, Hua Lao Ban,” the cooks recite resolutely. HC grunts with a tone of finality. He quickly snatches his long coat, taking out his wallet and stacking the amount of money needed to cover XL’s check. 
“Good. We can move on from that. Finish the night on a reasonable note. Additionally, can someone fetch me a to-go box and cup?” HC asks as he unbuttons his chef blouse and throws it into the hamper off to the side. HY is the closest to the to-go boxes, so he instantly abides by HC’s request. The CEO offers HY a nod of gratitude. Then, he’s out of the kitchen, long coat thrown loosely over his lanky frame. 
Between the few orders they have to complete, HY witnesses HC personally box up his and his husband’s food. XL eagerly holds HC’s hand when he’s done, pulling the taller man towards the front door to go home. Before leaving, HC gives the head chef, HX, a menacing glare as if to say, “You better have things under control.”
The CEO of Crimson Embers walks out of his restaurant with a gentle hand resting on his husband’s lower back. They disappear through the front glass doors, subtly leaning into each other’s space, content to be together after a long day apart. 
When the other branches hear about the incident, they hang up a framed picture of XL with HC, making sure to point to XL’s face for new employees saying, “If this man enters the restaurant, show him to his seat and then tell Hua Lao Ban immediately. Get him everything he asks for. NEVER charge him for his orders.”
57 notes · View notes
nanami-says · 4 years
Part V (2/3): chapters 58~60
Chapter 58
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[About Sukuna’s fingers resonating with one another]
"The ones that possess an immense presence. The ones that are hiding. The ones that are already taken in by cursed spirits."
⇒ "1) The ones with too big presences. 2) The ones holding their breath. 3) The ones already absorbed by cursed spirits."
I added the numbers for explanation purposes, see below. 
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"One of Sukuna's fingers was hidden by a cursed spirit. When Itadori consumed the finger in June, it released its cursed energy"
⇒ "The Sukuna fingers that had been absorbed were holding back their power [while] inside cursed spirits. Then they unleashed their cursed energy with Itadori's incarnation [of Sukuna] in June serving as a trigger."
Whelp. On top of extremely simplifying the explanation, they mixed up the kind of Sukuna finger involved here - it was very explicitly stated in the text that it was number 3) "absorbed" (assimilated) fingers, and not 2) "hiding" fingers. 
I guess saying that Itadori consumed the finger isn't wrong plot wise but it's actually referred to (here and many times more in the manga) as "incarnation"! The same word also gets used for the death painting brothers.
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[Megumi remembering a conversation with Gojou] 
"I was surprised you asked me to train you"
⇒ "It's rare for you to ask me for a practice, Megumi"
"To train you" wasn't wrong but Gojou saying "it's rare" here points to it either happening occasionally or having happened in the past and I'm not sure "I was surprised" quite conveys that. 
"Are you feeling pressure because of Yuji's growth?"
⇒ "Did you get impatient after getting surpassed by Yuuji?"
Gojou actually says that Yuuji has surpassed Megumi here! Quite a different nuance from just "Yuji's growth".
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"Megumi, your skill and potential are probably higher than Yuji's. All that’s left is the mental aspect"
⇒ “You know, Megumi, I think that both your real ability and potential are in no way inferior to Yuuji's. (...)"
Emphasis mine because pray tell, how does one reach the conclusion that "don't lose out to"/"aren't inferior to" equals to "are probably higher". “Skill” was fine btw but I’d probably go with “mindset” for the last line, personally.
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[Gojou explaining why he thinks Megumi doesn’t know how to make a serious effort giving the baseball game as an example]
“Why did you bunt? You sacrificed yourself so that Nobara could advance. Well, good for you"
⇒ "Why did you make a sacrifice bunt? Did you want to advance Nobara to the next base even if it meant you'd be out yourself? That's commendable"
The nuance for the last line was just different - the word used there usually is just used as praise, either genuine or ironic but imo “good for you” has a different meaning. Also he says “out”  but it’s written as “death” (although that is sometimes the case in baseball as well.)
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“But no matter how many allies you have around you, you'll always die alone"
⇒ “(...) when you die, you’re alone”
I tried to phrase it a bit closer to the original because I feel like the nuance may just be different for this line but can’t quite put a finger on the how.
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[Gojou to Megumi]
"To die and then win, and dying victoriously are two completely different things, Megumi"
⇒ "To win by dying and to win even if you die are completely different, Megumi"
Emphasis by Gege. Ngl, I had no clue what the English was trying to say here… This is most likely what the line actually meant.
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[Megumi regaining his consciousness after he blacked out from getting hit] 
 "How long was I out? Was my divine dog destroyed? No, my technique's finished"
Actually "my technique got undone". Putting it as "has finished" is imo both unclear and misleading. Similar situation as in ch. 1 (refer to part I).
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[Lead-up to Megumi using a domain expansion for the first time]
"A jujutsu sorcerer's growth never comes easy"
⇒ "The growth curve of a sorcerer isn’t always gentle"
Mostly, the line was more intricate in the original but also the grammatical construction used here that they mistranslated as "never" actually means "not always [necessarily]” instead.
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"Here we go!!"
Not really incorrect but it's kinda generic and I guess something like "I'm gonna do it!" is closer nuance wise. 
"With a firm base, skill and imagination, a person can change thanks to the slightest of events"
⇒ "A firm foundation, a handful of sense, and imagination. Then, [even] with a most insignificant opportunity, a person will change"
A pity they simplified "a handful of sense" into just "skill" here. Overall not really incorrect but I wanted to propose something that imo better conveys the original wording and vibe.
“Area expansion”
…”area”? What? Obviously this is actually “domain expansion”. I just don’t have words.
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“Think bigger! My technique’s interpretation!”
First sentence actually referred to the second one, so it’s actually something like “Expand it!! The technique’s interpretation!!”
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[Megumi to the cursed spirit after his shikigami deals it a finishing blow]
"Divine dog's claws even hurt it...You were no match!"
"(...) So something like piercing through you when you're not even paying attention was easy"
Less excitement, more dismissiveness, I’d say? Also, for the divine dog it’s actually specified that it’s “divine dog (totality)” and not just simply “divine dog”. The term appeared before in ch. 47.
Chapter 59
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[Megumi talking about what he considers the basic rule for human interactions in a flashback to his middle school years]
"Basically, you shouldn't cross any line that violates another person's dignity. You should acknowledge each other's mutual existence. That's the rule. You ignored it and fed your stupid ego"
⇒ "In short, it's drawing a line in order not to jeopardise one another's dignity; [it’s] a process through which both parties can coexist. That's what the "rule" is”. You broke it, throwing your weight around and forcing everyone to walk on eggshells around you”
For the first sentence, Megumi says “it’s drawing a line”, so the nuance here was probably closer to “creating boundaries” rather than “crossing boundaries” like in the official English release. For the second sentence, the original literally says “the process through which one another’s existence is achieved”, so rather than acknowledging each other’s existence the sentiment is probably closer to live and let live? For the last sentence, they once again simplified it to the barest bones.
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"I'll definitely tell Ikezawa and everyone today that we're not their lapdogs"
“You got this, Aida!”
"But we might be the next punching bags, so don't go overboard!"
Should be “Ikezawa and others'' and definitely “that I’m not their errand boy” for the smallest boy’s first line. If all of them were already being treated as errand boys like the way using the plural form here implies, the other student’s reply wouldn’t make sense.
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[After Tsumiki sees Megumi has beaten up delinquents once again]
“You said you wouldn’t pick fights anymore”
“You’re not my mom”
⇒ (...) “Don’t act like you’re my guardian”
Imo the distinction is significant because there’s a possibility that Tsumiki as the older of the two probably did feel responsible for Megumi to an extent and acted accordingly, as if she was his guardian. 
Also, he doesn’t actually say “mom” - this is not the first time where the official English release opts for a gendered phrase where the original uses a neutral form. (Like making Yuuji say his grandpa was like a dad to him when he actually said parent all the way back in ch. 2.) 
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[Megumi’s thoughts from back in the middle school]
"I hate bad guys with no brains and zero emotional capability. Walking around feeling proud. Disgusting."
⇒ "I hate bad people. The way they act like they’re superior, with their complete lack of imagination or sensitivity. Disgusting”
I guess I really dislike the way they worded it here, especially the “no brains” part since Megumi wasn’t really talking about intellect or smarts here but about imagination (and sensitivity), which he literally describes as being akin to "vacant lot", "empty lot", "raw land”, which is much more evocative.
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"I hate goody-goodies forgiving bad people, justifying mercy. Makes me wanna puke"
⇒ "I hate good people. The way they forgive such bad people and perceive that act of forgiveness as something noble. They make me sick"
Mhm, way to just simplify the heck out of the whole line. I’m extra bothered by their use of “goody-goodies” here since this is yet another appearance of a rather formal word for “good person” (善人/zennin) in the original and which I’ve observed to be a very important part of the world-building in jjk. I discuss it at length in various previous installments, with notable examples including: ch. 9 (Megumi about Yuuji and about the kind of people he wants to save - part I), ch. 31 (Nanami and Yuuji’s conversation in the aftermath of the Junpei incident - part III 2/2), ch. 36 (Panda about Yuuji - part IV 2/5).
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“Tsumiki, you’re a perfect example of a good person.”
See, the word he uses here to describe Tsumiki is the same as in the line above (善人) but because back then it got translated as “goody-goodies”, you’d never guess it since the vibes are just that different.
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[Megumi reminiscing about meeting Gojou for the first time]
"In the first grade, my dad and Tsumiki's mom got married and separated just as quickly"
⇒ "When I was in the first grade of elementary school my father and Tsumiki’s mother, our respective single parents, got together and disappeared into thin air"
The original doesn’t mention marriage OR separation. Heck, especially for the second one, it doesn’t even come close to mentioning it?? I have no clue where they got this from. 
What I put as “got together” can also be translated as “to have a liaison with (a man or a woman)” (among others). Since Tsumiki’s surname is also “Fushiguro” in middle school, it’s possible that they were actually married and many Japanese fans seem to think that as well but it’s not explicitly stated, at least not here, so those are most likely speculations. 
As for mysterious “separation”, the word used here actually means "disappearance (of people intentionally concealing their whereabouts); unexplained disappearance", so imo the whole section means their parents got together and at some point both disappeared. As we learn at one point in the manga Touji first and Tsumiki’s mum sometime later. 
(Btw, one fan scanlation used “evaporation” here instead and while this is another possible translation of the word in question, imo from the context it’s clear that the intended meaning was the “unexplained disappearance” instead.)
Lastly, Megumi uses kind of formal expressions when referring to both his own dad and Tsumiki’s mum, which imo is indicative of the emotional distance.
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[Tiny Megumi about teenager Gojou]
"A weirdo with white hair said"
⇒ "A suspicious man with white hair"
Needless to say, he doesn't actually call Gojou a weirdo.
[Gojou about Touji] 
"But he's a loser that just works for me. He left the family and had you."
⇒ "He's enough of a good-for-nothing to take aback even me. Basically, he left home and then had you."
Emphasis mine. Again, I literally have no clue where they got the translation they went with for this. “Works for me” - just what?? (Btw, one of the fan scans available for this had the latter part of this line mistakenly imply that Gojou had Megumi leave his house. The bit definitely referred to Touji leaving the Zen’in family.)
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"You're something your dad used against the Zen'in family. His trump card"
⇒ “You’re something your father kept as his strongest card against the Zen’in family”
A bit of a different nuance than “your dad used” suggests.
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"The divorce money makes sense now. I was sold to this Zen'in family"
⇒ "The mystery behind the funds for their disappearance got solved. Apparently, I was sold to this Zen’in family or something"
Again, the word for “divorce” doesn’t make an appearance ANYWHERE in this chapter, least of all this page. ...How. 
Once again - fan scans had this as money that also evaporated but neither it nor the official English release make sense, considering the line is followed up by “I was sold” as the explanation. So yeah, imo the first sentence definitely referred to the money Megumi considered necessary for Touji (and co’s) disappearance.
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[Gojou referring to Touji basically selling Megumi off]
"Sucks, doesn't it?"
"Yeah, it's annoying. Especially your attitude."
⇒ “It pisses you off, doesn’t it”
“Yeah, it does piss me off. Especially that lack of delicacy of yours”
I mentioned it multiple times but imo repetition in the original text tends to be done on purpose and as a device and imo this was another example where this was the case. Megumi borrows Gojou’s words here. (Which mean “to be irritated, “to be angry” and not “it sucks”.)
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[Megumi continuing about Gojou]
"But that annoying guy wrote off the situation with the Zen'in family. He made a promise that we would work as sorcerers in the future. We would be collateral and receive financial support from Jujutsu High in exchange."
⇒"This man pisses me off, but it was him who cancelled the deal with the Zen'in family, and made it so we would receive financial support from the technical college with me working as a sorcerer in the future [serving] as collateral for it”
I don’t know why they’d translate it as “we would work” here since who the “we” would be supposed to even entail other than Megumi himself? Surely not Tsumiki. Or Gojou. Also, putting the next bit as “we would be collateral” makes it sound kind of dehumanising to me, ngl, whereas Megumi was talking about his labour here.
Also, the same phrase for “pisses off” as above got used once again, which makes it three times in a row, so imo that was definitely a deliberate stylistic choice on Gege’s part.
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“Jujutsu sorcerers. How stupid.
⇒ "Sorcerers, what even. How nonsensical"
Just proposing an alternate wording.
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[Megumi about the curse Tsumiki got hit by]
"All we knew was that we didn't know anything. Tsumiki still sleeps."
The word used to describe Tsumiki’s state literally means “became bedridden”, which imo heavily implies she fell into a coma. “Still sleeps” is most likely a misunderstanding on the translator’s part since the word sounds like it’d mean that (but it doesn’t.)
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[Megumi about Tsumiki]
"Always smiling and saying nice things"
⇒ “Always smiling and spouting lip service”
Another case where the translator seems to have translated the word based on the way it’s written as opposed to checking the actual meaning. (The “nice things” phrase.)
"It's not a bad thing to not forgive people. Megumi, that's your way of showing kindness."
⇒ “Not being able to forgive people isn’t a bad thing. That’s your kindness, Megumi”
It wasn’t just “not to forgive” but “not being able to forgive”! Which imo would imply the next line’s nuance was something similar to Tsumiki considering Megumi’s inability to forgive people to be something that stems from his kindness (e.g. because he can’t stand seeing injustice).
"Even spinning my short-comings in a positive light."
⇒ “She would affirm even my nature"
Imo this line was more of Tsumiki accepting Megumi as he is or at least that’s what the line says - makes sense with what I proposed for the line above too. Translating it the way they did in the official release kind of feels like overinterpreting.
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"But even she would get upset when I hurt somebody. I was annoyed by the hypocrisy"
⇒ "But even such Tsumiki would get genuinely angry (...). I would get annoyed thinking she was a stickler to the rules and a hypocrite"
Emphasis mine. The phrase that the translators seem to have skipped here and I translated as "stickler to the rules" literally means "to play it safe", "to avoid trouble at all cost". 
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"Yeah, I know. I was immature. I'm sorry so please wake up already"
“I’m sorry, I was a brat. I’ll apologise so just wake up already, stupid older sister”
Just a different nuance and tone for the whole line.
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"All I did was get rid of the Yasohachi bridge curse. My sister's sleeping curse is a separate matter."
⇒ "This Yasohachi bridge curse was probably only overlapping with it, and the curse that caused Tsumiki to fall into a coma probably hasn't been lifted"
The official English release makes it sound like sleeping (or more correctly, the coma) was the nature of the curse that Tsumiki was put under, whereas imo the original indicates it just as its effect, which is an important distinction.
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“As for the finger and Itadori…”
⇒ “What should I tell Itadori about the finger...”
The “tell”, “say” is only implied here but it’s pretty clear from the context that was the meaning. Also, he explicitly says “to Itadori” here.
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[After the Yasohachi bridge curse got defeated by Megumi who then retrieved the Sukuna finger from it] 
"All of sudden I feel a presence. Did the finger get out of the barrier? Whoever took out the finger bearer is quite formidable."
⇒ “The huge presence that appeared all of sudden... Did Sukuna's finger get out of the barrier? If it was a sorcerer that exorcised the finger's host, they must be quite good......."
Emphasis mine on bits that got cut out in the official release. Because Esou was facing off Nobara, he probably assumed it’s likely there may be other sorcerers present and imo that’s what this line also suggests.
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"Even so... The finger... Even if they fought against a special-grade and won, They more than likely didn't come out of it unscathed. I hope they're okay."
Just to clarify that the word used for “they” in the original indicates the speaker knows the people in question, so those were Nobara’s thoughts here.
 Chapter 60
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[Esou to Yuuji and Nobara after he activates his wing king technique]
“Start running and turn your backs to me”
“Run. With your backs turned to me” would fit better nuance and mood wise. (Esou didn’t want to show his back to anyone so now he’s’ forcing them to show theirs.)
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[Nobara to Yuuji after he scooped her up because she couldn’t run as fast as he could]
“I got your back”
“Okay” isn’t incorrect per se but the word has the nuance of “I’m counting on you”.
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[Nobara to Yuuji after he speeded through the forest while carrying her, allowing them to escape from Esou's technique]
"Well done, you deserve some praise"
“Yeah, yeah”
“Just kidding. Thanks!”
⇒ "You have my praise." (...)
Actually a set phrase! Spoken from a rather elevated/superior POV, which is why Nobara later reiterates that she’s genuinely thankful. Also, I probably would just go with a period for “Thanks”, imo nuance wise it didn’t require an exclamation mark and it’s not there in the original either.
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[Esou after Yuuji gets splashed with Kechizu’s blood]
"There's no need to worry. My younger brother's blood isn't the same quality as mine"
Actually "doesn't have the same properties like mine”.
"You wouldn't even die from mine unless you were drowned in it."
Much closer to something like "unless you were to bathe your whole body in it".
"But it does hurt like hell"
⇒ "But it does hurt to death"
Not really wrong meaning wise but in the original it was “to death” instead of “like hell”, which combined with a previous line was probably a wordplay. "You won't die but it does hurt to death"
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[Esou explaining how his and Kechizu’s shared technique works]
"If you take in one of our brother's blood and if one brother activates a technique"
Idk if it's clear here but it most likely doesn't matter which brother does which (could even be the same one). Also, definitely should’ve been “the” or “this” for technique, since Esou has just stated on the same page he’s now going to start laying out how a specific technique of he and his brother’s functions.  
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[Esou replying to Yuuji]
"Yes, the result is essentially poison. Our technique is 'decomposition'"
Should be “but what our technique is, is actually ‘decomposition’” nuance wise.
"It's activated now. In reality they'll be dead faster than that”
⇒ “Done with technique disclosure, so in reality (...)”
Emphasis mine. You know, the rule in jujutsu where if you explain your technique to your opponent, it gets a buff? “Activation” is just wrong here. 
While it’s not phrased as such, the phenomenon is first explained in ch. 20 during Nanami’s explanation to Yuuji (refer to part II 2/2). It also gets mentioned by name later in the manga but oftentimes the official release would either skip it or word it completely differently so it’s hard to tell, like in ch. 51, when Hanami realises Toudou has lied to him (part IV 5/5). 
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[The history of how cursed wombs came to be]
"[In the beginning of the Meiji era] there was a girl with special genetic makeup who bore a cursed-spirit child"
Actually “with an idiosyncrasy that allowed her to get pregnant with the child of a cursed spirit”! Imo an important distinction since it’s not certain whether her first child that gets discussed here was born prematurely or not and the following pregnancies were all aborted.
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"A child born of mixed blood - both cursed spirit and human.”
Skipped “grotesque child” at the end.
“It was a mysterious pregnancy. She would be ostracized by family and friends.”
⇒ "Starting from a pregnancy she had no recollection of, [followed by] the oppression from her kith and kin, it made her go insane"
This latter part of this section is filled to the brim with complicated language so I’m not entirely sure but I think this might’ve been the intended meaning of the line. The official translators were probably struggling with the vocabulary too, so they cut out some stuff entirely, to be precise - the go insane part. It’s the bit I’m not certain about myself but I scoured Japanese dictionaries and that’s the meaning that seemed to be the best fit among the options.  
Anyway, to reiterate - the bit about the pregnancy actually says that the girl herself didn’t even know (couldn’t remember) how it came to be. The part about the relatives doesn’t mention friends, it’s actually a set phrase that means “one's relatives by blood and marriage (in blood and law); one's kith and kin” - I went here with the latter since it’s shorter and fits the overall vibe of the line.
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“She would hold the corpse of the child and flee to a temple in the mountains. The temple was run by jujutsu sorcerers. However, her luck had run out."
⇒ “(...) However, this was when her luck run out”
Other than the nuance in the last line, this isn’t mistranslated but the whole section just flowed differently in the original and felt less disjointed.
Also! One of the scanlations I’ve seen had it misspelled as “Noshitori” but the evil sorcerer’s name is actually “Kamo Noritoshi” (and yes, it’s the same as the young Kamo but the “toshi” is written with different characters).
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"The child born from a cursed spirit and human would become a prisoner of intellectual curiosity"
⇒ "His [Kamo Noritoshi's] intellectual curiosity would be taken captive by children born between a cursed spirit and a human"
Very much the other way around. It's very clear in the original that the subject of the sentence was Kamo's intellectual curiosity and not the child.
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"Death painting wombs: numbers 1-3. Cursed objects worthy of special grade."
Closer to "cursed objects powerful enough to be classified as special grade"
"Did cursed energy originate from a mother's hatred? No..."
It's specified here as "did their cursed energy" instead (emphasis mine), and the question is actually left unanswered......................................................... So yeah, congrats on getting rid of this very intended ambiguity. It's something like "or was it maybe--"
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[About cursed wombs]
"For 150 years, with only the notion of one another's existence, they would survive, sealed away"
⇒ "For 150 years, they endured the seal, relying only on one another's existence"
"The notion" just doesn't capture the sentiment of the line at all, which imo is most likely the follow-up to the narrator's musings about the origin of the death painting's immense cursed energy. (See above.)
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"We're siding with that cursed spirit."
Actually "siding with them", read as "them" but written as "the cursed spirits" - probably plural as the original literally says "the side of the cursed spirits", so it possibly means cursed spirits as a whole as well, aside of Mahito and co specifically. Remember, the brothers are actually half-humans too. I explain in depth the “written as but read as” device in part IV 4/5 (ch. 48, Toudou’s “my friend” phenomenon).
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"The future that the cursed spirits have painted is more suited for us. But that's it. Forget about what we owe for our freedom"
Not incorrect per se but Chousou actually says “forget the debt we owe them of our incarnation”, which would make it yet another instance where the official English release has cut out the term entirely. (Emphasis mine.)
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[Nobara after stating that a technique that assures a win as long as it hits an opponent is indeed powerful]
"I'm a bad match for you!!"
Actually “the worst match [possible]” - more confidence in the line! 
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[Nobara to the death painting brothers after using Resonance on herself thus redirecting their attack back at them]
"Let's play a game of chicken, shall we?"
The actual wording is “contest of endurance”, I’m not entirely sure if the two have the same connotation.
[part v (3/3)]
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greatteachergojou · 4 years
The burden of being the strongest
-> on why Gojo won’t be settling down and why he’s such a child
I’ve been seeing ppl commenting on Gojo being a player and all (based on the character infomations from the fanbook) and it prompted me to write a little brief character analysis on Gojo regarding this matter and also kinda trailed off to a topic that I’ve been meaning to talk about because I get the impression that Gojo is often only perceived as the goofy op madlad who is above everyone and everything - which is also true but there’s also more behind those prominent character traits of his.
!!! Beware of SPOILERS if you’re not caught up to the manga!!! (nothing too specific tho)
So... Gojo Satoru is a player. Gege Akutami has stated that he wears sunglasses when he meets up with them ladies (I think it was in some Q&A if I remember correctly) and in the fanbook he said he can’t picture Gojo being faithful to any specific woman. - Not too surprising if you look at his surface level behaviour/personality. That said, there’s more to it than him being a player just for the sake of it.
Remember that being a jujutsu sorcerer is a high risk job - except for Gojo... since he’s the strongest even the chances of him getting injured is basically zero. But he has seen too many friends and colleagues hurt/loose their lives. You might just die on any random easy mission if you’re not Gojo. It’s not a coincidence that seemingly most sorcerers are not married or anything like that. This job is shit (Nanamin, you’re absolutely right). Choosing this job basically means giving up a normal orderly life in exchange for a life full of uncertainties and dangers. If you’re the type to care for your family it’s probably best not to start one in the first place to spare them from tragedy. As harsh as it sounds, it’s easier to put your life on the line when you don’t have to worry about your other half waiting for you to return home. I think the only ones that would really care to get married and have kids are those from the big sorcerer families because they need to continue their bloodline. And I feel tempted to assume that they don’t care in particular about how their family members feel...
Now, the Gojo clan is one of the big three. It’d normally mean Satoru has the duty to continue his bloodline. He could leave this to other clan members though (assuming he’s not the only member of the Gojo family left). But since he is the holder of the Six Eyes and Limitless and he’s the head of his family, there’d be no way around him getting a wife at some point and have some babies. But we know he’s not about those traditions and very much disdains the inner workings of the clans. And since he’s the head of his family and the strongest, I guess no one can force him to anything anyways.
Gojo is a massive troll and most folks just find him super annoying and  too aloof. But that’s just the side of him that he chooses to display in  most situations. It’s not like a goofy character doesn’t have a  serious side. It’s not like the strongest character never hurts. Because  of his immense power and his nonchalant behaviour one tend to forget  that in the end of the day he’s still just a human. I don’t mean that  he might be a depressed character deep down though.  Rather, I think he’s an innately optimistic person.  It’s just that he surely has some sadness in him that he hides away. I  think he is just the typ of character who, while he’s  indeed  a joyful person, also conveniently uses this side of his to mask the more heavier  things that are on his mind. And he deliberately chooses not to let  people get too close to him because that will prevent him from getting hurt -  which btw perfectly fits his infinity cursed technique...
He understands that being the  strongest is far from meaning that he can protect everyone. God knows  how many friends he’s already lost and while people around him are dying  left and right, he’ll surely remain the last man standing. That’s really  sad if you think about it. While he himself might be untouchable, you  can get to him through threatening others that he cares about like for  example his students. And that is a potential weak point for someone  who’s supposed to be invincible. The strongest sorcerer being  vulnerable? How outrageous, that can’t be allowed, right? Imagine he’d let himself get attached and have a family to care for. He just can’t protect them all the time and he has many enemies on top of that.
Also, right now his ultimate goal is to fundamentally change this world they live in. It’s a huuuge task to tackle (and probably something only he can do). His mind is occupied by this goal which requires him to train as many future talents as possible. When he says he’s busy he always says it in a joking manner but he really is super busy with his general duties of being the strongest and with his ambitious vision (the fanbook also states that he doesn’t sleep much. my poor manchild. how come he still looks like he’s only 18? that’s not fair. i mean, have you seen nanami and ijichi?) Long story short, he also just doesn’t seem too interested in anything else atm. And honestly, who knows if he’ll survive until the very end of the story...
So on first glance it  seems like being the strongest comes with benefits only. But actually,  it’s lonely up there at the very top. And with great power comes great  responsibility. I think he really started to understand that after the  whole deal with Riko.  It’s when he suffered  a devastating  defeat that he started to  understand what it means to be the strongest and it’s when Getou  fundamentally changed that he started to form a clear vision of what he  wants to do and what he can do with his power.  
We don’t know much of Gojo‘s upbringing yet. But  I think it’s save to assume that born as the absolute strongest already had a lot  of burden placed on him basically from the moment he was born. So since  his earliest childhood he needed to deal with the immensely high  expectations from his family and the sorcerer world in general as well  as dealing with the many folks who’d maybe try to get rid of the kid while he’s still just a child. I don’t think it  makes for a happy childhood. From the top of my head I can recall two panels of child Gojo and in both he looked like a distanced child (kinda had the same vibe as Megumi when he was a child).
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The circumstances just place a lot of burden for a child. And I guess when puberty hits all those pent-up emotions made him despise authority and made him a rebellious teen who was all cocky and found that those responsibilities as the strongest sorcerer and the whole deal with protecting the weak was the biggest nuisance ever. - That also explaines why he said he won’t allow anyone to steal the best years of the youth (and why he stopped the elders from taking away the students decision on whether or not they should continue the Goodwill event and then proceeded to opt for a fun baseball game) and why he is usually acting like a child himself. Because he didn’t get to live out his childhood and youth himself he cherishes every opportunity he can get to just be easygoing and carefree.
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canary3d-obsessed · 4 years
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed Episode 09 second part
(Masterpost) (Other Canary Blather)
Warning: Spoilers for All 50 Episodes!
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Wen Chao’s Weird Bird, Redux
Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji walk away after killing the dire bird, and then Wen Chao, who was standing like 2 feet away, comes to collect its resentful little corpse. He totally heard Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji talking about him.  
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Wen Memorial
Now we visit the Wen memorial, which Wei Wuxian 2.0 won’t remember when he sees it again. Everyone who isn’t a Wen is confused and awkward while the Wens have an impromptu family conference. Agenda: 1. weeping 2. apologizing to ancestors for involuntarily being turned into temporary zombies. 3. getting the fuck out of dodge before it happens again
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This is a burial place, and the non-Wen cultivators are deferential and tentative where before they were bossy. Wei Wuxian’s affect is particularly different from his normal swagger and decisiveness. 
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Look how gently he asks Wen Qing about this place, thinking carefully and making his expression conciliatory before he opens his mouth to speak. 
(more after the cut)
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The others react to this revelation by becoming even more awkward and uncomfortable...
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But Wei Wuxian responds with shock and sympathy, once again showing why he makes friends wherever he goes, and why he is so vulnerable despite his many strengths. There is no “not my problem” setting in Wei Wuxian’s heart.
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It occurs to me, in watching his reaction, that Wei Wuxian doesn’t have a single living blood relation, as far as he or we know, and at this point he has never met a single member of his own clan. Yes yes, he has an adoptive family, and that’s lovely; I’m an adoptive parent myself. But genetic family is also super important, particularly in the ancestor-revering culture we see depicted in The Untamed. 
In any case, this moment of standing before the grave of Wen Qing’s people, with these few remaining members of her family--people who he will later get to know so well--seems to resonate with him.  
Baby Wen 
The scene at the shrine includes our first look at random cute kid massively important character Wen Yuan. 
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Let’s pretend Wen Yuan is a different age from however old he will be at the end of the Sunshot campaign, since the actor did not magically change ages. Here the character is probably two years old. 
Rich Gege Lan Wangji in this scene is wearing the same gorgeous blue color he will be wearing years later when Wen Yuan grabs him and won’t let go. Maybe A-Yuan’s pre-fever memory was super good, and he remembered that Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian belonged together. 
Chicken Hunting
Wei Wuxian seems to be all in on this chicken hunt, making sure Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang join him, but then he circles back to talk privately with Wen Qing and Lan Wangji. This was a ruse to distract Jiang Cheng. 
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Wei Wuxian is very good at manipulating Jiang Cheng and he does it frequently. He takes this ability way, way, way too far when he concocts the whole golden-core plan, which I’ll get into in the relevant episode. But this sibling dynamic is not great in either direction. 
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Incidentally, nobody asks about the giant chain mark on Wei Wuxian’s throat after he and Lan Wangji come back from their time in the woods together. What kind of rep does he have, exactly?
Having cornered Wen Qing, Wei Wuxian starts to question her seriously, but can’t resist an opportunity to flirt with Lan Wangji like an embarrassing dumbass. 
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Lan Wangji’s communication skills continue to improve, as he angrily tells Wei Wuxian "bì zuǐ! “ instead of storming off or shanking him with Bichen. [Chinese vocab OP has learned from watching CDramas: bì zuǐ (shut up),  duì bù qǐ (sorry), nú cái zuì gāi wàn sǐ  (your servant deserves to die for her offense)]
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Wei Wuxian makes a visible effort to drag himself back over the line into propriety.
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While Wei Wuxian apologizes to Lan Wangji with his eyes, Wen Qing wonders what she ever did to deserve being stuck in the middle of this crap.
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Eventually the boys get the whole Wen backstory, and Wen Qing hits the road.  
In what will become a repeating motif, Jiang Cheng asks Wen Qing to forget her family, abandon her clan, and bail on her little brother. 
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What the fuck, dude. You wouldn’t do that to Wei Wuxian and he’s your shige, not your didi. You are on this very road trip out of a sense of concern for him. As a female orphan who is the elder to her male sibling, Wen Qing’s obligation to Wen Ning is enormous even if she didn’t love him to bits. Not to mention she seems to be the clan leader for the Dafan Mountain Wens at this point. Jiang Cheng should understand her, but doesn’t.  
Club Ruohan
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God I’m boring 
 At some point in the episode we stop by Club Ruohan. Yawn. WRH tells Wen Chao he’s a dumbass for targeting Wen Qing’s people, and to get back to his fucking project already. Wen Chao talks about wanting to get “Wei Wuxian” and his homies - he doesn’t namecheck Lan Wangji, the ringbearer Yin Iron having person. Just bird-killer Wei Wuxian. That doesn’t bode well for Lotus Pier.
Wen Ruohan is actually fairly reasonable, for a power-hungry megalomaniac who’s busily corrupting himself with dark energies. Most of the atrocities in the “fuck all of the other clans” campaign were Wen Chao’s idea. 
The gang goes to Qiting and Lan Wangji gets ready to go doorknocking to find out where the next hunk of Iron is. Wei Wuxian stops him and says that his plan is stupid and it sucks. 
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In a truly amazing display of his developing trust in Wei Wuxian, socially awkward Lan Wangji asks WWX for advice on how to proceed. 
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Wei Wuxian’s answer is to go drinking. But...he’s not wrong. And he explains his reasoning to Jiang Cheng and Lan Wangji before the grabbing and dragging part. Lan Wangji seems to be getting used to that part. 
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In fact Lan Wangji has already become a lot more comfortable with Wei Wuxian’s extroversion and high spirits than Jiang Cheng is, even though Jiang Cheng isn’t nearly as introverted as Lan Wangji. That’s love for ya.
Tavern Talk
Wei Wuxian slaps a heap of coins down on the table and proceeds to extravagantly order...three jugs of wine. That seems pretty moderate, but they all react like he’s a big spender. 
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Wei Wuxian: No worries, Rich Gege's got me covered 
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Wangxian’s old-married-couple dynamic appears on the scene fully formed, as Wei Wuxian slowly undresses a bottle of wine and Lan Wangji tells him to stop dawdling. 
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Chatting with the guy at the Inn works exactly as well as Wei Wuxian said it would, as he tells them about creepy doings at the old Chang place. 
Lan Wangji’s bag of holding, which was definitely not tucked into his perfectly smooth chest placket a second ago....
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bursts forth like the xenomorph in Alien, startling everyone and causing Lan Wangji a lot of pain and brow furrowing.
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Wei Wuxian leaps over and puts a steadying hand on his shoulder, and tells him to relax and concentrate, in a bit of a role reversal from earlier. Lan Wangji doesn’t shake him off. 
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Once the Yin Iron settles down again, they dash off to investigate the creepy doings, leaving Nie Huaisang behind to meet up with Meng Yao. I’m sure everyone will be glad some day that they created an opportunity for Meng Yao to join them and the new enemy they are about to capture. 
Cheng Compound
At the Cheng compound, the door is shut and there are creepy noises. Time for a talisman! 
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It’s sweet how when anything fucked-up and necromantic happens, these guys immediately look to Wei Wuxian for the right way to deal with it. 
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The outfits here form a nice a nice contrast, with the two clan lineal descendants dressed in near-matching blue with silver crowns, while Wei Wuxian has changed out of his blue and red robes and into his future signature black. The leather hair band is as fancy as he gets - he wears his outsider status pretty proudly, even at this early age. 
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The boys open the doors on a scene so grotesque, even gravity has become meaningless. 
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Lan Wangji: This is horrifying, so extremely untidy
Jiang Cheng: Do I know any of these people? No? Ok, this is fine then
Wei Wuxian: I wonder if I could kill this many people all by myself. That would be epic.
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