#it's the missing beach episode trust me guys this is official
succikko-draws · 1 year
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i swear this isnt a fixation switch fhqfhhD but we watched a kid show with friends and it was weirdly addicting
if you know and recognize this show without reading the tags you automatically get a free request from me
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layce2015 · 5 years
Life is Strange 2 (Sean Diaz x Reader)
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Chapter 5: Long Road Ahead
Chapter 1 / Chapter 4
The moon was shining high above the ocean, as Mushroom runs across the sand, closely followed by a laughing Daniel. Sean and I watch on while sitting on a nearby rock. "Okay Mushroom, you can chase me. Then Sean and (y/n)." Daniel said to Mushroom. "Uh, no." Sean said as Daniel runs around while laughing. "Come! See if you can catch me..." Daniel exclaims to Mushroom, who bites at Daniel's hand. "Ow! Ha ha..." Daniel laughs as Sean and I continue to watch Daniel and Mushroom play.
"You know...Brody was right." I said to Sean. "About what?" Sean asked me. "There's a difference between alone and lonely. For most of my life, I've always been on my own. Alone. I was never really bothered by being alone. And the weird thing is...when I was around other people, I felt lonely." I replied as Sean looks over at me. "I know...it's weird. But that's just how I felt. Almost everytime I was in a large crowd, I felt I was the odd one out. I felt kinda empty. But on my own, I felt alittle bit better but there was always that nagging lonely feeling. But it wasn't that strong like it was when I'm with other people." I said.
"And...how do you feel when your around us?" Sean asked me, curiously. I smiled as I look him in the eyes and said. "I actually feel like I belong. Almost like one would feel once they come home." Sean and I stare at each other for a few moments while Daniel starts using a stick to lead Mushroom down the beach. "Come on, Mushroom, come on... Look, it's a stick! FETCH!" He exclaims.
I glance over at Daniel for a moment and give a small laugh as Daniel runs around the beach with Mushroom. I look back over to Sean and said. "I know that sounds weird, I mean we just met almost two days ago, but I want to be honest with you, Sean. But if that weirds you out, just let me know and I'll leave. I'll understand." 
Sean's eyes widen at this as he said. "N-no....it's fine actually. I don't mind having you around." A warm smile spreads across my face as Brody comes out of his car. Then he sets his backpack down next to us. "Come on, Mushroom, get that stick!" Daniel shouts as we watch him.
"Looks like these two are getting along. It's good to see him like that." Brody said and Sean nods in agreement. "Well, I got you that room." Brody said. "Seriously?" Sean and I said as we look up at him. "It's only a room, no big deal. Look, I had tough times when I started out...And...some strangers saved my life." Brody said as hands over the motel room key, which Sean accepts. "Thank you..." Sean said as I nod at him. "Yes, thank you. You're a life saver." I said.
"Now's my turn to help someone." Brody said, smiling, then he points towards the motel's upper balconies. "It's right there, Room 10. On the second floor." He said then he looks at Sean. "Listen...I don't want to freak you out, okay? But...you have to be twice as careful now. I know it's easier said than done, but...You should get rid of that phone." He informs. "Okay..." Sean said, in a defeated tone. "You can always get a burner later. Trust me. And Sean?" Brody said as he pats Sean on the back, reassuringly.
"Talk to Daniel. He deserves t--" Brody started to say until Daniel runs over to us. "Brody...You're not leaving...Are you?" He asked Brody. "Yes I am, but...not until Santa Brody gives you a goodbye gift..." Brody said then he reaches down and pulls up the backpack he had set down earlier as Sean, immediately, starts making declining gestures.
"Tada! Err...I mean, ho ho ho!" Brody said as he then looks over at Sean. "And don't you dare argue about it. I'll leave it right here if you do." He said and Sean laughs. "Okay. You win..." he said as Brody hands the backpack over to Sean. "Thanks, Brody..." Sean said to him and I smile at Brody. "You're too good for this world, Brody." I said as Sean takes off his old backpack and puts on Brody's while Daniel watches. "Thank you, (y/n)." Brody said as Sean said. "Feels good..."
Sean picks up his old backpack and hands it towards Daniel. "Here. Looks like it's yours now." He said and Daniel rolls his eyes. "As always..." he grumbles. "Hold on...I didn't forget you. I've had it since my first road trip...and it's always kept me safe." Brody said as he reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out a red bandana, handing it over to Daniel. "Now it's yours..." he said.
"Cool..." Daniel said then he looks down at Mushroom, then back at Brody. "Hmmm... Do you think it's okay if she wears it? Like our official guard dog!" Daniel asked. "Sure...It's...your bandana now." Brody said as Daniel ties the red bandana around Mushroom's neck, then stands up and steps on top of the rock.
"Okay...Time for me to hit the road again." Brody said and my eyes flicker downwards. "Hey, don't look so sad...You can contact me on my blog...A Tribe Called West. So...you better keep me posted when you can...Okay?" He said and we nodded. "We will." I said. "Thanks again, Brody..." Sean said as he shakes Brody's hand, who pulls it into a hug. "Bro-hug!" He said then he goes over to me and we hug each other. "You keep an eye on these boys, okay?" He said. "I will." I said.
Immediately after our hug ends, Daniel leaps off the rock into Brody's arms, who returns the hug before setting him down. "Wish you could stay with us..." said Daniel. "Me too, kid..." Brody said ad they finish their hug and he makes a signing off gesture, then starts heading towards his car. "Sorry, I'll probably think of a better goodbye when I'm on the road, but...until then...Take care, my dudes." He said then gets into his car and starts the engine.
"I'm gonna miss him." Daniel said, sadly, as we wave Brody goodbye. "Me, too..." Sean said as I nod while Brody makes a final parting wave out the window, and his car drives off into the night.
"Okay. Time to hit the sack." Sean said as he pats Daniel's back, then we walk across the road towards the motel. "Don't worry, Mushroom. I got you." Daniel said as he picks up Mushroom then he looks over at us. "Do you guys think it will have Netflix? Or a jacuzzi?" He asked us. "Dude, this is a motel, not an Airbnb." Sean said. "If we're lucky, it'll have cable and a hot shower." I said as we head up the steps and started passing by room 14, where I hear groans, moans and screams of pleasure coming from that room. 
I look over at Sean, who heard the same thing, and both of us had a look of shock. My face was burning up as Daniel said. "Guys...I hear something...like a fight..."
"Um...It's...not a fight." Sean stammers, awkwardly. "Oh yeah? What are they doing? Sounds weird..." Daniel said as we walk away from the door. "It's a TV show." I replied, quickly. "Sounds stupid." Daniel said as we come upon Room 10.
Sean opens the door to our room and lets Daniel and I inside. "Check it out! It even has a bathtub!" Daniel exclaims. "Good! I'm gonna throw you in, cave boy!" Sean jokes as Daniel runs around the room. "We can even watch TV, too!" He said as he puts Mushroom on the left side bed. "And there's a balcony! Whoa, this is nice! And warm!" He said as Sean puts his phone on charge then picks up a note and reads it, Daniel takes his shoes off and climbs on the other bed. "Oooh...This bed is soft... What about this one?" He asked as he moves back to the first bed. "Uuuhh, not bad...But too far from the TV!" He said and I chuckle.
"Well, go ahead, you and your brother can take the one near the TV and I'll take this one." I said as I gesture towards the bed by the wall. "Really?!" Daniel asked me. "Yeah." I said, smiling at him. "Yeah! Thanks, (y/n)! You're awesome!" Daniel exclaims to me as he runs over to hug me. I chuckle and said. "You're welcome, munchkin." 
I hugged him back as he runs over to the bed and gets comfortable. "Daniel! You have towels in the bathroom. Don't forget to use them!" Sean called from the bathroom. "Yeah, yeah..." Daniel mutters as he picks up the remote and flicks through the channels.
"All right. I'm gonna run a bath. We totally reek." Sean said as he sticks his head out from the bathroom. "Especially you! Pig-pen!" Daniel shouts. "I wouldn't be so sure, cave boy. I'll call you when it's ready." Sean said. "I'll be right here!" Daniel said to him. "Course you will..." Sean said when Daniel finally stopped on a channel.
"Oh cool! HAWT DAWG MAN IS ON! Ooooo, I remember this episode! Weird it's on so late..." he said and I chuckle as I go over to the side table and plug up my MP3 to charge. I look over and see the note Sean was reading earlier, I read it and realized it was from Brody. Apparently, he lent us some money and the reason he had to leave was because his mom was battling cancer. I feel pretty bittersweet at this as I read the note, saying he hopes to see us again. "I'm gonna go sit out in the balcony for a bit." I said, after finishing the note and set it down. "Okay." He said as Mushroom barks her little cute bark. I lean over and pet her head as I slide open the door.
"HEY, DANIEL, BATH'S READY!" I hear Sean yell as I step out on the balcony. "What?! Already? Can I finish this episode first?" Daniel asked. "No man. You smell so bad, there's no time to lose." Sean yells and I see Daniel pick Mushroom up and walks to the bathroom.
I shut the door and go sit on one of the chairs in the corner and looked out towards the beach. The cool fall air was blowing through the sky, the sounds of the wave filled my eyes and I let out a heavy sigh. 
Suddenly, the door to the room opens and Sean walks out then shakes his head as he looks down at his phone. "Hey, you okay?" I asked him as he goes and sits down on the chair next to me. "My friend, Lyla, has texted me like crazy. She's really freaking out...and...I don't know if I should call her or not." He said and I give him a concern look. "I'd hate to tell you don't call your friend, Sean...but...if the cops find out that you've contacted her, they'll question her and then they'll tap her phone, hoping for a another chance for you to call. And when you do call her, they will be on your ass." I said.
He looks down for a moment then at his phone before he sighs. "Yeah, you're right." He mutters. "I'm really sorry, Sean. I know it would make you happy to talk to your friend, but I'm sure you care about her and wouldn't want to cause any trouble for her." I said and he nods. "Yeah, she really doesn't need that kind've stress." Sean said, sadly, as he looks down his phone. Then he presses some buttons and turns his phone sideways.
"Whatcha' doing?" I asked him. "Bout to watch this video I filmed on Christmas." He replied and I nod at him. "Do you need to be alone? I can go back inside, if you--" I said but he shakes his head at me. "No, it's fine." He said then he plays the video clip on his phone. I lean over as he holds his phone out so the both of us could watch it.
"Okay! Wait...Okay, okay...And...ACTION!" Sean's voice said as his dad was in front of the camera. His father turns to the side and yells. "Daniel! Get your butt in here right now!" Daniel then runs into view of the camera. "What? What did I do?" He asked. "You forgot to open this present!" His dad said as he hands Daniel a medium sized present.
"What is this?" Daniel asked as he opens it then his face squirrels up in disgust. "Socks...Underwear...That's it?" He asked as he pulls the clothing items out of the box. "Yeah, pretty cool, huh? That's what I got when I was a kid..." their dad said, a smile on his face. "Not funny..." Daniel grumbles and Sean began to laugh.
"Yeah it is! Dude! Check out your face!" He said as he points at his brother's angry face. I chuckled at this but glanced over to see Sean covering his face with one hand, beginning to tear up. I felt my heart turn heavy as I watch the tears roll down his face. I pull up the sleeve of my hoodie, over my hand, and used it to wipe his tears away as we continued to watch the video.
"What, what...Look! There's another one here! What is it...?" Daniel asked as he looks over to see a larger present under the tree. "Daniel...let me help...Looks bigger than underwear..." their dad teased as he and Daniel pull out the present. "Ooooh, what?" Daniel asked in excitement as he opens the present and his jaw drops. "No way! Can't believe it! The new...PlayBox! Thank you Santa!" He said as he looks up at his dad.
"Hey, don't look at me...You were a good boy this year..." their Dad said. "Yeah. Lucky boy." Sean mutters. "Daniel. This is for the whole family too, right? So you gotta share...With me! I want to play that game where you steal cars and go on high speed pursuit..." their dad said and I giggle at this. Their dad seemed like a pretty cool dude.
"Dad, you totally suck at games..." Sean said to his dad. "Oh yeah, track star? I was the dodge-ball champ of my high school...So duck!" He said as he throws a ball at Sean. "Ow! No fair!" Sean exclaims as he stumbles a bit. "You guys, don't crush the PlayBox! Hey! Let's set it up!" Daniel said but their dad kept wanting to good around a bit as he threw the ball at his sons. "Dad, come on! Ow! Okay. My ball now! Watch out!" Daniel exclaims as they play around.
"Merry Christmas, kids..." their dad said once he stopped and smiles. The video ends showing their dad wearing a Christmas jumper, Daniel holding the PlayBox, and Christmas decorations were in the background. 
I look over at Sean as he puts away his phone. "I'm really sorry, Sean. He seemed like a pretty cool dad." I said. Sean nods and said. "I just hoped he knew how much I've loved him." He said, his voice breaking. "I'm sure he did, Sean. He looked liked he really loved you and your brother." I said and Sean nodded again as he takes a deep breath then stands up and walk up to the railings. 
He looks down at his phone then throws the it towards the beach. I walk over to him and placed my hand on his shoulder, his puffy red eyes look down at me. I give him a comforting smile as the two of us stare at each other. His lips started to form a smile when music began playing from inside. We look through the door to see Daniel rocking out on the bed.
I look back at Sean and said. "You've got to tell him." He nods then let's out a sigh. "Here it goes." He whispers and we walk inside to Daniel playing the air guitar while jumping up and down to a song playing on the television. 
"Are you kidding me?" Sean asked, annoyed. "Remember that song?! Come on! Dance!" Daniel said as he stops and holds his hand out to us. "Man, we... we can't dance right now. My legs are thrashed. Sorry." Sean said. "Yeah, mine too." I said as Sean grabs the remote and turns off the TV.
"You guys are no fun." Daniel said, frowning. "Daniel...Come here. We need to talk." Sean said as Daniel sits down on the bed. "Can we get a drink first? I'm thirsty..." he said. "Right now?" Sean and I asked. "You said I could have a coke...or something..." Daniel said and I sigh a bit at this. "Okay. I'll get you a soda. But when I come back...we're going to talk. Serious." Sean said. "Fine...What's the big deal?" Daniel asked and Sean starts to walk out of the room, and I follow him.
We walk down the walkway and head to the vending machine to purchase a soda. As Sean puts the money in, the lights on the landing begin to flicker. I look around at the lights in confusion when I hear Daniel's voice shout. "Dad!" Sean and I give each other fearful looks and we began to run back to the room. "Daniel!" We exclaimed as we run.
Sean opens the door to the room and both of us looked in the room in shock. "Oh fuck!" I exclaimed. Daniel was standing with clenched fists in front of the TV, the screen glowing. The bed had been pushed to one side and Mushroom is in the corner, cowering. The work desk and chair had tumbled over, stuff was flying around the room and the lights were going haywire.
"Oh my God...Daniel...?!" Sean said, fearfully. "What is happening?!" I asked, also scared. "Daniel, calm down!" Sean said as Daniel looks at us in anger, Mushroom began to bark. Meanwhile, stuff continued to fly around the room.
"YOU LIED! Dad! Our Dad is dead!" Daniel screams as he points at the TV, which shows BREAKING NEWS: 2 DEAD IN SEATTLE INCIDENT with their dad's face on the screen.
"WHY?" Daniel screamed at us, angrily. "It was an accident! A cop fucked up and shot him! That's it." Sean admitted. "No! No! IT'S NOT TRUE!" Daniel cries. "I'm so sorry..." Sean said to him. "Why? Why did you LIE to me?!" Daniel asked him. "I was scared, Daniel...I didn't know what to say..." Sean replied then Daniel looks over at me. "Did you know?!" He asked me. "I did hear about this when I was traveling, but I didn't know who you guys were when I first meet you. Until I talked to your brother when you went to get firewood, that's when i realized who you two were." I explained.
"You...You guys should've told me!" Daniel said. "I couldn't believe it either! I didn't mean to!" Sean said. "I'm so sorry, Daniel." I said. "It's not fair..." Daniel cries as we walk closer to him. "Hey! Come on... I'm here. (Y/n)'s here. It's okay..." Sean assures as we get closer to Daniel. "No it's not!" Daniel shouts just as Sean gets close enough to grab his arm.
"Don't touch me!" Daniel yells as he tries to fight his brother off but Sean reaches forward and hugs Daniel. "Daniel! Please!" Sean cries while Daniel tries to get away, but Sean pulls him in again. "No!" Daniel yells. "Shhh... It's okay..." Sean said as he hugs his brother and I go and hug him then everything falls to the floor. Mushroom steps forward as Daniel begins to cry.
"I want Dad..." Daniel cries.
"Me too." Sean said and my hear was hurting for these two. 
"I'm so sorry, boys. I hate that you two are going through this." I said as the lights return to full brightness, then the three of us look around. "You told me we were gonna see Dad..." Daniel said to Sean. "I'm sorry... I just..." Sean stammers. "Just don't lie to me ever again. Ever." Daniel said as he shakes his head slightly.
"I promise. I won't lie to you again." Sean said to him. "And I promise to, Daniel." I said. "I'm serious, guys..." Daniel said to us. "We know...Me too, Daniel..." Sean said. "Same here." I said. "What are we gonna do without him?" Daniel asked his brother. "Sssshhhh...It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay." Sean assures him and the two brother hug each other once more as I wipe away a tear running down my face.
"Guys... Am I... a monster?" Daniel asked us. It was the next day and the boys and I were on a bus, which was mostly empty. Sean and Daniel were sitting next to each other while I was sitting in the seat across the aisle from them, our bags in the seat next to me.
"Nothing is wrong with you. You're...Different." I said and he sighs. "Okay. What are we gonna do, now?" He asked. "I was thinking...Maybe we could go to Puerto Lobos. Where Dad grew up, you know..." Sean said. "Yeah...I guess..." Daniel said in a defeated tone. "It'll be fine, Daniel. There's nothing we can't do...as long as we're together." Sean said to him.
"Can you tell me a story? Like he did?" Daniel asked his brother. Sean nods and Daniel wraps Sean's arm over his shoulder. "I'm not as good as him...He used to tell me bedtime stories, too..." Sean said then he begins to tell his story. "Once upon a time...In a wild...wild world...there were two wolf brothers...living in their home lair with their papa wolf...They all lived happily together...but...but one day, hunters took their Dad away. Forever...So now the brothers were alone...and they had to find a new home...They started a journey through the great big forest...where they met a friendly fox, who decided to join them...as she, too, was looking for a home...."
I smiled at this as Sean continues his story until the three of us pass out, the bus taking us away.
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This week in Shadowhunters news, updates, sneak peeks, and behind the scenes. All the stuff you need to stay up to date.
Official Promotion
3x07: Salt In The Wound trailers: Official Trailer.
3x07: Salt In The Wound sneak peeks: Maia Is Shocked To See Kyle, Magnus Blames Himself.
Just How Virtuous Are You?
Are Luke Garroway And Maryse Lightwood Actually Perfect For Each Other?
Shadowhunters In The News
Synopsis for 3x08: A Heart of Darkness: Official Press Site.
Synopsis for 3x09: Familia Ante Omnia: Official Press Site.
Synopsis for 3x10: Erchomai: Official Press Site.
Reviews for 3x06: A Window Into an Empty Room: TV Line, TV Source, TV Fanatic, TV Guide, Spoiler TV, With An Accent, TV After Dark (fan roundtable), When Nerds Attack.
Advanced reviews for 3x07: Salt In The Wound: Screen Spy, Spoiler TV.
Hollywood Life (interview): Shadowhunters Star Dominic Sherwood Warns: Jace Is Going To Do ‘Awful Things’ As The Owl.
Hidden Remote (interview): Shadowhunters: Dom Sherwood talks becoming The Owl, teases the future of Clace.
Hypable (interview): Shadowhunters season 3: Dominic Sherwood takes us inside Jace’s transformation.
Mr Mag (article): Man of Style: Isaiah Mustafa.
Video & Audio Interviews
Inside of You Podcast: Get inside of Isaiah Mustafa - the hunky shirtless Old Spice guy and Luke Garroway from Shadowhunters.
Twitter & Social Media Stuff
A collection of some of the cast, crew, and fan livetweets during the #ShadowhuntersChat for episode 3x06.
“Don’t ask me how tight that harness was... 😂” David (Raphael) shares a video of himself working on stunts.
“Try as you might, you won’t be able to “pull” any spoilers out of us!” Kat (Clary) shares a behind the scenes photo of herself and Harry (Magnus) from episode 3x06. [1]
“Having a ball of a time! Being evil and stuff! (Pls don't say u wanna kill me Lilith is just trying her best goddamit)” Anna (Lilith) shares a behind the scenes photo of herself and Dom (Jace) from season three.
“Fun fact! This was almost Lilith's look (my natural brown) but ppl thought me and @aleyordolis looked too much like sisters. Compliment city to me!!! 😘” Anna (Lilith) shares a behind the scenes photo of herself.
Alexis Ostrander (director) shares behind the scenes photos of Matt (Alec), Harry (Magnus), Alisha (Maia), and Alberto (Simon) and crew from episode 3x06.
“happy thoughts, high fashion” Alisha (Maia) shares a behind the scenes photo of herself and Alberto (Simon) from episode 3x06.
“My view from tonight’s episode! One of my favorite episodes EVER!” Nicola (Maryse) shares a behind the scenes photo of Matt (Alec) from episode 3x06.
Behind the scenes photo of Kat (Clary), Dom (Jace), and Alberto (Simon) with Production Petey.
Emeraude (Izzy) shares behind the scenes photos of herself from episode 3.
“Introducing, Brother Zachariah!” Kat (Clary) shares a behind the escenes photo of herself, Harry (Magnus), and (Zachariah).
Matt Hastings (director) shares a behind the scenes photo of Emeraude (Izzy) from season three.
Matt Hastings (director) shares a behind the scenes photo Isaiah (Luke) from season three. [2]
“Welcome Brother Zachariah!” Brian Hui (hair & makeup) shares behidn the scenes photos of Jonathan Ho (Brother Zachariah) from on set of episode 3x06.
“A quiet moment with #Clary. A lot on her mind, huh” Matt Hastings (director) shares a behind the scenes photo of Kat (Clary)."
“First Selfies without Runes!” Nicola (Maryse) shares behind the scenes photos of herself from episode 3x06.
“Together again. 😍” Shadowhunters TV shares a behind the scenes photo of Dom (Jace), Nicola (Maryse), and Emeraude (Izzy) from episode 3x06. [3]
Brian Hui (hair & makeup) shares a behind the scenes of Chai (Jordan) from episode 3x06. 
Nuno De Salles (trainer) shares a photo of Matt (Alec) training for season three.
“Practice makes perfect.” Shadowhunters TV shares a behind the scenes video of Dom (Jace) and Harry (Magnus) from episode 3x06.
Kat (Clary) shares a behind the scenes photo of herself with Production Petey.
Brian Hui (hair & makeup) shares a behind the scenes photo of himself with Chai (Jordan).
“Biscuit and Magnus. 💕” Shadowhunters TV shares a behind the scenes photo of Kat (Clary) and Harry (Magnus) from episode 3x06.
“Rainy day vibes. ☔️” Shadowhunters TV shares a behind the scenes photo of Matt (Alec).
Shadowhunters TV shares a photo of Tessa (Heidi) from on set of season three. [4]
Jamie Gorenberg (writer) tweets: “The Queen of Edom has interests beyond draining mundanes for blood. In her penthouse, I found Bach's Capriccio... along with a page from a German music historian who wrote Bach's biography. A demon who's into classical music... I'm in for that ride.“, “Q: Do the werewolf chefs at the Jade Wolf keep a clean kitchen? A: You betcha. And bonus points if you can guess what they do while hanging out between shifts”.
Aisha Porter (writer) tweets: “Oh man. Seen it 100 times and this scene still makes me smile. I’ve been waiting YEARS to write that corny “doggie bag” werewolf joke. Thank you @ShadowhuntersTV @arosende and @ch8i for making my dreams come true. 😂 PS - I still don’t trust this Kyle dude... 🤔”.
Joshua Butler (director) tweets: “Congrats to @NappyThoughtz for writing such an amazing @ShadowhuntersTV episode tonight. Stay tuned for next week’s epic written by my friend @Trashquez and directed by yours truly AKA @TheJoshuaButler.“
Matt Hastings (director) tweets: Filming of episode 3x20 has begun.
Todd Slavkin (showrunner) tweets: “Many more facts are coming. His journey is just beginning #apraetorslife #hewasntalwayslikethis #wishwecouldturnbacktheclock @ch8i is going to crush you“, “We would all be blessed to have an Underhill in our lives @TheSteveByers is the perfect blend of warmth and kindness #friends #forlife”, “Meet Brother Zachariah aka Jem Carstairs. He will be back to shower us with his wisdom and compassion #welcomeJonathanHo”, “They're all like my children. Impossible to name a favorite. But I will say we all are particularly proud of next week. So many things happen. Things that are bound to blow your mind #hellojiapenhallow #saltinthewound”, “If the trailer broke your heart, you might not make it through the episode @trashquez wrote an amazing script that @TheJoshuaButler directed the hell out of #stillnotoverit #multipletissuesrequired”, “But of course @TheSteveByers @HarryShumJr are terrific together #waitforit #theplotthickens”, “Much significance behind every color choice in the show, especially the magic of Magnus #stayawayfrompurple #justaskmatt @mattdirector @DSwim @folksvfx and I have had endless conversations”, “Like any sensitive, compassionate, loving, loyal, artistic, brilliant, badass Shadowhunter would. One of the best Clary chapters in the series #Kat_McNamara is mesmerizing”, “Ready to go to Alicante? Step through a portal this Tuesday #welcomebackimogen  #legacyofmalachiliveson”, “It's not every episode that you get to go back to the beach #jerseyshore #maia&jordan #howitallbegan @WainwrightAE @ch8i will crush you like they crushed me”, “No mistake. 309 & 310 will air the same night. A night you won’t want to miss #supersizedfinale”, “Shadowhunters love fiercely in every way. Their loyalty  & desire to protect one another is inspiring to us all and shines brightly this week #wishfulfillmentforusall”, “A few more days of filming but yes we are close to wrapping production on season 3. What a ride. Thank you fans for all your amazing feedback. If you're enjoying 3a, 3b will destroy you #bestcastandcrewever“.
Darren Swimmer (show runner) tweets: “Brother Zachariah is played by Jonathan Ho.”.
In Other News
The trailer for Harry’s new movie Crazy Rich Asians.
The cast and crew had their season 3 wrap party: Photos of various cast members at the party, photo of Brian Hui, Tessa Mossey, Kat, and Chai at the cast party, photo of Kat via her twitter.
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lilaswordsandthings · 7 years
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A/N This is the first section of my new Criminal Minds AU Fanfiction for #IllegalcerebralsAUChallenge. This chapter was getting really, really long, so I decided to split them up, so each “Episode” is going to have multiple chapters that are part of it.
[September 16th, 2006 Seattle Washington 3:30:AM]
“Yeah Boss, I’m in…” Breathed a deep, raspy voice.
The person the man was speaking to said something, but whatever it was, was too quiet for the little girl listening to hear. She cowered under her bed, sure that whoever the man was, he was a threat to her and her family.
She’d finally fallen asleep, only to be woken up a few minutes later, by someone throwing a flower pot through her second-floor bedroom window. She’d woken up with a jolt, the hair on the back of her neck standing on end. Her head swiveled around the room, her eyes having instantly adjusted to the dark, cut she couldn’t see anything at first. Catlike, she dove under her bed, where she now lay hidden, lying flat on her belly, her thin, linin bed-skirt all that was hiding her from whoever was in her house.
“Don’t worry about it, trust me, they’re not gonna wake up. All I have to do now, is grab the kid and I’m out of here.” The man said.
The little girl shivered with terror as the man’s heavy footsteps came closer and closer. It was all she could do not to scream when she heard the hinge creak as her bedroom door swung open.
“Now…” The man said. “If I were a little girl, where would I hide?” He asked himself, as he rummaged around the room.
She let out a small squeal as she heard him swear when he hit his foot against the large toybox at the end of her bed.
“Ha! There you are…” He exclaimed as he grabbed her by her ankles and pulled her out from under the bed.
[September 16th, 2006, Quantico Virginia 7:00 AM] The FBI’s SRU (Super Natural Response Unit) was tasked with dealing with any and all crimes involving or victimizing America’s growing population of what were collectively called Mystics. Mystics, served as the official, and politically correct, umbrella term for all manner of Vampires, Werewolves, Mermaids, Reapers, Witches/Wizards, Shape-Shifters, basically if it wasn’t your ordinary, everyday, run of the mill human, it was their job to take care of it. All the unit’s members were some form of Mystic themselves. The unit’s youngest member, Dr. Spencer Reid, was a Vampire. On this particular day, they’d been called in just as the sun was rising. He’d learned to take precautions on sunny mornings like this one, specialized sunscreen, sunglasses, long sleeves, gloves, anything to make sure that as little sunlight touched his skin as possible, driving his antique Volvo to work instead of walking to the train station, also helped. Upon his arrival, Reid made a beeline for the coffee bar, filling his travel mug with double-shot espresso and pouring in a small vial’s worth of donated blood, before sweetening it with five tablespoons of sugar. Unable to wait any longer, he took a deep gulp of the hot mixture. Caffeine still did its job, but there was no substitute for blood, not only did it have a smooth, salty flavor that he would never get tired of, but it refreshed him in a way he couldn’t quite articulate. When he set his mug down, he heard the heavy, clomping, unmistakable footsteps of his favorite werewolf, who then howled right in his ear, making him jump. “Geeze Morgan… do you have to do that?” He asked, turning to look at him. Morgan looked almost human at the moment, despite the fact that they were still in the throws of the full moon, sunlight had erased almost all visible traces of his wolf form except for luminescent golden wolf eyes. Still, Morgan could always speak perfect canine, howls and all, no matter where they were in the lunar cycle. “Morning Reid…” Morgan said with a chuckle, his elongated, dog-like teeth still showing as well, with the harsh light coming in through the window, they, and Morgan’s glowing eyes were all Reid could see. “What’s got you so jumpy this morning?” “Have you looked outside lately?” He asked. “What’s the matter? Too bright out there for ya Vampire Boy?” Morgan asked jokingly. “Seriously though, I thought Vampires burst into flames in direct sunlight, so how does sunlight feel to you guys?” He asked. “It’s kind of like a human getting a vat of ice-cold water dumped on them, only once it’s been on you for about ten seconds or so you realize that the water is actually a mild acid and it starts to feel like your skin is burning wherever it touched.” Reid explained. “As for just looking out a non-UV protected window, imagine getting that substance in your eyes.” “Ok ow…” Morgan agreed. “Yeah, not pleasant. Interestingly enough, although the common image of Vampires bursting into flames in direct sunlight is a stereotype, there actually is some truth to it, there are at least five different known forms of Vampirism, all with varying degrees of solar intolerance and all with differing abilities, weaknesses, and needs.” He replied in his characteristic ‘much more than you ever really wanted to know’ way of his. “I’’m what’s called a Moroi, sunlight is painful for us but wouldn’t actually be dangerous unless we went sun tanning at the beach, which no Moroi in their right mind would do anyway. Vampirs are the ones that spontaneously combust in direct sunlight.” “Noted…” Morgan said, trying to digest everything Reid had just told him. “Morning guys…” Came another familiar voice as Emily Prentiss stepped through the glass doors. As always, she wore a long, hooded cloak, as her decapitated head hovered just a couple of inches above her neck. Emily was a Dulahan, the grim reaper of Irish folklore. Her head turned, ninety-degrees to its left, independent of its body, so that it was facing them. Her eyes locked gazes with Morgan, as though transfixed by the glowing wolf eyes the full moon forced him to keep on full display. “Morgan, I think you forgot to change back completely…” Said. “Seriously, those eyes are just creepy.” “Says the girl whose head isn’t attached.” Morgan bit back. “Besides, you do know the full moon lasts for three whole days, not just one night right? Sunlight allows me to change back for the most part, but the eyes and teeth aren’t going anywhere until the full moon actually ends.” “So tonight when the moon rises you’ll be forced to go full wolf-mode again huh?” “Yup… what about you? You planning on walking around like that all day?” He asked. “Well, I could anchor my head to my neck with a collar, or I could just carry my head, but it will stay like this unless I do something with it.” She replied. “Um… guys…” Came another familiar voice. It was the team’s technical analyst and resident fairy, Penelope Garcia. She was floating just a few inches off the ground as her wings, which could appear pink, purple, or blue depending on the angle at which the light hit them, fluttered behind her.“I hate to be the one to rain on the morning parade, especially on such a nice day, but we have a case. Hotch, Rossi, and JJ are already in the conference room.” With that, the they followed her into the roundtable conference room. Reid was grateful to leave the blinding light of the front hallway for the section of the building’s sixth floor that served as the headquarters for the FBI’s newest unit. Their office was much more Mystic friendly, the windows were polarized to keep sunlight radiation out, there was a mini fridge in the corner with bottles of human blood, donated by willing feeders and delivered on a weekly basis, and wolfsbane serum, wolfsbane serum allowed werewolves to retain their normal personalities and control their behavior when they were forced into full wolf form by the full moon. The conference room that they used to present new cases was up a small flight of stairs on a landing above the rest of the office, next to it was a library of both ancient and modern texts concerning all manner of mythical creatures. The rest of the team was already there, Hotch stood, staring at a picture of a little girl on the monitor with a furrowed brow and a worried look in his red, cat-like demon eyes. Rossi and JJ were sitting on the far side of the table, both in human form. As Reid took his place at the conference table there were several photos of the same young girl with a narrow frame, delicate features, inky black hair, and glasses with rounded rectangular lenses in the files in front of him. She looked human, but the closer he inspected the hard copies of the photos, the more certain he became that she was actually a vampire, and more specifically, a Moroi, like himself. She was extremely pale, as though she never went out in the sun without some sort of protection; and her upper and lower canine teeth were noticeably elongated, the fangs of an immature vampire who had yet to lose and replace them with her longer, sharper, adult set. Though she didn’t seem to be more than five or six years old, she was tall for her age, like all Moroi, and as if the teeth hadn’t been enough of a giveaway, the way the camera flash had hit her glasses told him that her lenses were polarized just like the windows in their office, meant to keep her eyes safe from the painful, blinding effects of the sun. JJ, a blonde-haired, blue-eyed Kirin, floated out of her seat in her human form and grabbed the remote off the table in front of her and began the briefing. “This is five-year-old Raven Blackwell, she’s a young Moroi who disappeared from her home in Seattle Washington last night. Her parents, William and Harper Blackwell are Dhampirs, people who carry Moroi genes in their DNA but have few vampire traits. They enrolled Raven in a local public school because there was no night school for Mystics within a hundred miles of their home. When neighbors from across the street went to check things out, They found the parents dead on the floor of the master bedroom, and Raven missing. Her bedroom window was broken. There was a flower pot from the garden on the side of the house lying broken on the floor at the foot of Raven’s bed. The best guess right now is that the Unsub used the flower pot to bust the window open and then used a ladder to get up to the second floor.” She explained. “Well whatever happened, we have two deceased victims and a missing little girl, there’s no time to waste. Wheels up in twenty.” Hotch ordered. [8:10 AM, On the Jet] Reid: “Alone yes, that’s the keyword, the most awful word in the English tongue. Murder doesn’t hold a candle to it, and Hell is only a poor Synonym - Stephen King
“I don’t get it.” JJ exclaimed. “How does a five-year-old get kidnapped out of her bedroom in the middle of the night? Home is where I a child should feel safe.”
“That bothers me too. The whole family were pretty low risk.” Emily added.
“So the one thing we know for sure, is this Unsub definitely enjoys a challenge. Taking out both parents and kidnapping a little girl is ballsy. The question is, who are we even looking for? Is it a single Unsub? Are we looking for a team? Are they Mystic and if so, what kind? Male? Female?” “Motive is gonna mean everything for this case. If she was taken by a pedophile it’s likely that it was another Moroi. Sexually motivated unsubs rarely cross racial lines. As for male or female, we all know the statistics there. Women typically abduct infants, men take children.” Morgan pointed out. “That’s true. However, as we all know, not everyone is on board with the recognition of Mystics as citizens, we can’t rule out a hate crime carried out by humans who may have resented the presence of a Moroi student in a school filled mostly with ordinary humans.” Hotch added. “We need to figure out why she was taken and we need to do it fast. When we land, Morgan and Prentiss, go see what you can learn from the ME, Reid, Dave, go to the victims’ house and walk the crime scene, and JJ and I will coordinate with the CARD team and local authorities.” Hotch ordered.
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Houseki no Kuni 3 - 6 | Girls’ Last Tour 3 - 6 | Boueibu OVA | Netjuu no Susume 6 | Juuni Taisen 7 | Mahoutsukai no Yome 6
Apparently there’s a bonus if you watch until the end of the 5th ep of Netjuu no Susume…I’ve seen it, or else I wouldn’t be telling you it exists.
I’ve rolled out the simulcast commentary tags for the seasonal shows that don’t have tags yet (aside from Netjuu no Susume’s replacement when that time comes).
Plus, as you can see in the title…there’s the Boueibu OVA in this bundle of notes, for completion’s sake.
Houseki no Kuni 3
That snail sure is a lively thing.
Really? A poop joke? Well, that’s one way to rub Phos’s new state into Dia’s face.
…welp, not much to talk about this time, I guess.
Houseki no Kuni 4
What the heck? The snail has a type???
This OP is lovely. Its best aspect is the visuals, though. It sounds kind of plain compared to even Saturday Night Question (Netjuu no Susume).
That snail makes a nice wig for Master Kongo, doesn’t it?
I’m listening to this show for the first time, and Phos uses “boku”, interestingly enough.
The snail's urge to go back to its home in the sea reminds me that lots of Chinese people go back to their country for Chinese New Year. I wonder if the same sentiment is involved in both instances?
The ED is nice, but not as good as the OP.
Houseki no Kuni  5
Watermelon? I feel sorry for the gem which has that name.
Ahh! These jellyfish are cute (and practical)!
“No getting all weak-kneed now!” – Says Phos, who’s got legs potentially harder than their body.
Houseki no Kuni 6
Trust exercises. I did some with some members of my anime club once. (Haha.)
I noticed the spikes were blue, so they might be Sapphire. It’s kind of like Rabbit’s necromantistry (Juuni Taisen), but…in a slightly different form.
Girls’ Last Tour 3
Kanazawa???? *thinks about King’s Game, where the protag and the author share the surname Kanazawa*
There’s some extremely glaring CGI during this episode. For a moment, you can discern Chi’s made of CGI while in her Kettenkrad.
Please don’t ship the grown man with the loli.
That’s some grim humour they attempted with Kanazawa. Kinda like Zetsubou-sensei (Nozomu Itoshiki).
Boueibu OVA
I almost wasn’t going to cover this, because it’s an OVA, but hey, why not make an exception? This may be the last time we Boueibu fans can talk about this stuff again…(Plus I think I’ll have volume for the entire thing if I hurry.)
Haha, the volleyball scene. Notice En talks first.
Yumoto’s being basic as always. *sighs happily*
Trump, eh? The word for playing cards is trump, but…y’know?
(about “graduating in a storm of cherry blossoms” and En saying it sounds lonely) I was just about to say that, En. However, that may just be OVA feels speaking.
Itsumo Ichiban? Rememer that guy? Well, there’s Itsumo’s brother on Kin-chan’s list. You can tell because he’s literally Itsumo Nisan. Geddit?
(about Zundar’s meeting with Kin-chan) The manga! It was correct after all!
Yep, that’s exactly how it went 2 years ago. In fact, I think it might be recycled content…(?)
Wombat speaks very formally. I learnt about keigo in the past year so I only picked up on that this time around.
The word used by Aki is “sad” according to the subs, but hazukashii means “embarrassing”, which puts a new spin on it.
They’re literally just using montages of s1, which is why I want Pony Canyon to bundle the OVA with s2. It’s more money, but for the consumer, it’s more worth it. However…having Bi…Egoism in an anime segment at all is new.
Akoya must be popular in the fandom. Either that or the staff are acknowledging how unloved he is.
Yay! It’s Star the VEPPer!
It’s good that each of these side characters is getting their own montage. Plus we’re getting official translations of the character songs, which is the best thing you can get for free when character songs aren’t distributed normally in most cases.
4th wall breaking! I guess you never expected that, eh? (Actually, you probably did, considering it’s been a montage for almost everyone now.)
(I love En’s little snarks in the middle of the song.) The only one left after this is Atsushi, right? Update: Oops, forgot Kin-chan. Sorry Kin-chan.
I never really realised Atsushi’s song was so hard rock compared to En’s more pop-like one.
“But do I really have that fire inside of me?” – I think I heard the song go atsui which is a real funky (in a good way) pun on Atsushi’s name.
Aww, they missed out in such a good pun! Haru went haru and Aki went aki. The translator didn’t pick up on that though…aww.
Whoa! Yumoto got all scary! Botan Yuzuru though…gotta look into that later for magicalgirlsandcerulean.
This (Spanish?) guitar reminds me of this track from The Dog Island.
A-ha! This is what you get when you translate the Japanese in the ads too.I was quite right indeed, although it really is the dang 132nd graduation ceremond.
It’s literally a button monster. Don’t wanna mash his buttons! (I bet you’re all groaning from my jokes, ahaha…)
Dadacha’s voice sounds kinda ridiculous now because Yasumoto is clearly using the deeper voice he normally uses for Zundar.
Notice the monster’s face is made from the character 高 (the first character in the Japanese word for “high school”).
Salty Sol is still salty after all this time…sad life.
That train station is the same one from the beach episode!
I’ve seen enough spoilers so I know where this is going…I already identified in the spoiler chat what Wombat is going to catch as a reference to a Kenji Miyazawa work.
This train is somewhat obviously CGI…
Spinach curry? When’d Wombat eat that?
Ths slideshow appears to be all the clean art for everything they’ve ever produced in the Boueibu canon! Even events and collabs!
“So wipe away your tears.” – I’m not crying, you are…*tear leaks from corner of eye*
I don’t recognise two of those pictures…(EnAtsu beach pic and a yukata one with the Defence Club on the roof.)
Oh…my…it’s over? Well, frankly I was expecting the fandom’s end in 2015…so, here’s to the future. Farewell, and remember: love is forever! Separations are only a new beginning!
Netjuu no Susume 6
That was a really bad Glico man in the back (of Koiwai)…
I think something’s wrong with my eye. It just gave off a few tears…(kidding tone)
Whose car is this that Morimori-chan is sitting in??? Update: It’s a taxi. Whoops.
I think Morimori-chan used the word douryou (colleagues, coworkers) instead of employees. The word for employees would probably be very different.
Nikunokiya??? (thinks about Kinokuniya)
(Koiwai goes Ai no chikara ne…) Boueibu reference…kind of.
Notice Koiwai said he was low on health in the text but he said zombie in the Japanese. That’s where Fruits de Mer comes in for Morimori-chan.
“There’s no way I’d say something like that!”
I think the cup this ED is new. Plus the headphones.
Oh! I spotted Morimori-chan with the medium length hair in the background of Sakurai’s bit of the ED.
There are some blurry pictures of Koiwai in the ED and they’re so hilarious!!!
So the ED actually evolves along with the show. Interesting.
Juuni Taisen 7
Rabbit stores his blades in his tail. That’s weird, but funny.
Literally, the episode title is “Dragon Head, Snake Tail”.
Dragon and Snake really are like the Beppus! I keep thinking that. I want a crossover fic now…
Tatsu = dragon.
I only just realised but…a naga is a snake. Nagayuki is the younger bro, isn’t he? Dangit, Nisio Isin! You bested me again.
150 doesn’t have any significance in regards to the number 12 now does it?
It’s Rabbit! Who’s not wearing his trademark booty shorts or high heels! Rabbit in a waiter’s outfit is really something, though.
“Hot guy”? Not by most people’s standards Tora/Kanae, considering he’s currently missing his head.
It’s tiger versus…aww. It’s not tiger vs dragon…
How can Ushii still talk after being strangled by Snake’s arm???
Whoa! Incendiary components are cool in Bond movies, but fiery liquid? That’s a step up!
Mahoutsukai no Yome 6
Admit it. You saw it in the next ep preview (unless you skipped it or read the manga)…It’s TITania time!
“She touched me for the first time.” – Elias, what a dork you are…
The birbs around Chise are so fluffy and adorable! It’s cute.
Geez, it really is TITania…these fanservice wiggles are destroying my Mahoutsukai no Yome experience…
Seing the Faerie Queen facepalm…is something else. *sweatdrops*
In the same way I want a koala sheep from Avatar the Last Airbender, I want one of those sheep bug things.
“Every creature of the night, including she and you, are my adorable little children.” – No wonder you have such big hooters, TITania…
A wild SIMON appeared!…Thought we’d forgotten about him for the rest of the episode. He would’ve made a better brick joke if his return were prolonged, y’know.
Strange question, but do priests wear pants?
Girls’ Last Tour 4
I’m listening to Ugoku Ugoku for the first time and it’s…strangely catchy…
That thing with the face is really creepy…
That thing is a stone statue???
“What IS cheese?” – Considering sometimes cheese tastes pretty bad, I don’t blame you for not knowing what cheese is.
Couldn’t they check the camera for what Kanazawa was doing with it?
I just saw the number 3230 on the camera’s inside frame for taking pictures (whatever you call it). That might be the year this show is set…
Notice the word for temple that’s used is jiin, a Buddhist temple. A Shinto version of that might be jinja.
Kanazawa was voiced by Akira Ishida? The guy who did Kiku (SGRS)??? NOOOOOOO! I missed a prime opportunity! I’ll have to go back for it later.
The ED is even more catchy than the OP. Is that even possible???
The camera breaks in the ED…that’s so ominous…
That post-ED scene was cute. A little bit.
Girls’ Last Tour 5
The slightly-electronic-sounding OP doesn’t quite fit the show, does it?
The phrase used was definitely ie dake ni. I’m not quite sure what that means, but…okay. I’ll just believe the subs on that one.
I wonder if Sentai is planning to dub these…I can imagine this show being dubbed.They wouldn’t need to pay too many VAs for it, for one thing.
Akogare is the word for desire or longing. It would be no surprise f there was an akogaru or akogarareru made from it as well.
Notice it’s “Yay!”, but with the word for house (ie) emphasised.
What is this fish dream, a metaphor for lesbians…?
The soundtrack guys must’ve had lots of fun striking cans or whatever.
I think this ED is different to the one last ep…Its name appears to be Amadare no Uta and it’s sung by the main VAs.
I bet the soundtrack guys hit a bell or two there…
Girls’ Last Tour 6
Oh no! It’s an Anime Scientist! Last time we had one, it was Shinawa (Kado), and you know how badly that went…
Interesting that the word for “takeoff” is “separation [from the] ground” literally.
Okay! I’m caught up to the weekly episodes now!
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mdwatchestv · 7 years
The Walking Dead 7x16: Zombie Space Princess
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Last week I came to the realization that I had simply raised the bar of my expectations too high for this show and perhaps greater enjoyment would come through lowering them. Therefore my only expectation for this episode was to see Shiva kill and eat one person. My expectations were gloriously met and smashed as Shiva killed and ate TWO people. It was amazing and fulfilled all my hopes and dreams for the season finale. See you guys next year.
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Kidding, kidding, kidding, I have MUCH more to say about the finale than that. First of all after a year of being teased with Chekhov's tiger, seeing Shiva fly through the air onto that guy just in the knick of time was pretty damn satisfying. Even if so many other aspects of The Walking Dead are kind of a train wreck right now, that moment was still pretty "Yasss"-worthy.
Overall the finale was a reflection of the season as a whole: some excellent moments standing out against a largely predictable backdrop with a villain who just isn't working. This episode also acted to serve two functions: as a culminating stand off between Rick and Negan, but also as a farewell episode to Sasha.
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The Sasha storyline was the stronger of the two, so let's get into that first. The fact that Sonequa Martin-Green has been announced to star (although CBS did not officially confirm it until after Sunday’s episode of TWD) in CBS All Access's reboot of Star Trek, coupled with the time honored tradition of a beloved regular eating it in the final episodes of a season, meant that it was fairly obvious going into this episode that Sasha's time had come to an end. So I appreciated that this episode didn't set up her death as a shocking twist, but rather from the very first frame made it  clear that this was a Very Special Sasha Goodbye Episode.
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I always enjoy when TWD does something a bit off the beaten path (see Tyreese's  Very Special Goodbye Episode where he too is visited by ghosts of Walking Dead past) and thought the missing scene with Sasha and Abraham was a nice narrative closure for both characters. I also liked that Sasha's reminiscences transcended her romantic life to include Maggie, her close friend, general symbol of hope, and goddess of nature. Although I was not surprised by Sasha's death itself, the manner of it was pleasantly unexpected. Sasha giving her life and becoming a kamikaze walker in order to take one last shot at Negan felt honorable in its way. It was tragic yes, but made sense in the arc of her character. Sasha had often struggled with the line between life and death, and having her choose to enter the grey space between to try and protect her loved ones was fitting . Sasha has not always been the strongest or most dynamically written character, but Sonequa Martin-Green always carried her with dignity and she putting the acting pedal to the metal during her final outing. While Sasha will be missed, I look forward to seeing Sonequa as First Officer Michael Burnham this fall. To infinity, and beyond! (That's what they say on Star Trek right?)
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Moving on to the standoff we have all been waiting for...
Is anyone surprised the werido trash people turned out to be not that trust-worthy? I was surprised trust-no-bitch-Rick was so quick to hand them both guns and the keys to the farm. Like everything they did was weird from rolling in dump trucks, to smoking cigars to speaking with weird accents (why???) to carrying Schindler's List umbrellas - I did not get this group. But now they're mostly dead so BAI.
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However despite the betrayal of the garbage tribe and Rick's flesh wound, this was a showdown that lacked any real tension.  After an entire episode dedicated to lovingly putting Sasha to rest, it seemed extremely unlikely that Michonne (or any other fan fav) would be killed without ceremony or fanfare. The only real tension came from finding out whether or not Negan was going to finally meet his maker. That is not to say the fight itself wasn't entertaining as all get out- Daryl got to let his badass flag fly high and proud (um where did he get that gun of the future??), my beautiful Maggie charged in like a noble unicorn to save the day and even Carl managed to do something right and helped turn the tide of the fight (no one was more shocked than I). But a conflict is only as good as it's antagonist and well...Negan has ceased to cut it for me.
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First of all, what is his logic for letting Rick live?? Rick has now told him, TWICE, to his face, in a scary whisper monologue, that he will stop at nothing to kill Negan. Kill him Negan! Put someone else in charge! Create a puppet government! It works REALLY well (so I hear). Not only does Negan not have the sense to shut down the guy who is determined to end him, he also does not. shut. up. Disappointing to find that Negan is nothing more than a bad guy, in a long line of bad guys, defeated by his own monologuing.
Negan: I'm going to kill Carl.
Me: Great.
Negan: Gonna do it in one swing.
Me: Sounds good.
Negan: I'm sad to do it, but I'll still do it.
Me: Let's get to gettin.
By the time Negan finally made it to the wind up, King Ezekial had enough time to mount the hill, get out his training clicker and treats, and direct Shiva at a target. Lord have mercy does Negan talk, and the more he talks the less intimidating he becomes. Yeah, I know guy, you want to fuck your bat.
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As promised the season did not end on another disastrous cliffhanger, but Negan (and Steven Ogg thank god)  did survive to fight another day. We end instead on a somewhat hopeful note as our survivors patch each other up and prepare for the war ahead as Negan rallies his formidable troops. I was glad that the finale didn't attempt to wrap up the entire Negan story in one go, but I am also tired of Negan and anxious for his storyline to be done. However the 'war' plot is at least a focussed direction for the story to go in after a season that sorely lacked real forward momentum.
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On a final note this episode acted not only as a goodbye to Sasha and Abraham, but also to Glenn. As Maggie notes in her final monologue, Glenn was the inciting action that set the series as we know it in motion and he also acted as a moral center for much of the show. Initially a lot about Glenn's death frustrated me, I felt as if it was a gratuitous way for a beloved character to go, presented in a way that felt as if it was meant to punish the audience for their loyalty. Although a bit heavy handed, I was glad at least Glenn got the eulogy attention he deserved. The moral is, Maggie is the best, long may she reign.
On a side note I started this blog to see if I could blog an entire season of The Walking Dead and I DID IT. Thank you everyone who read all of my complaints and encouraged me to keep going even though I longed to fall over like a barnacled beach zombie,
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livtries · 4 years
after all these years... j. bassett pt 2
after all these years... part two
pairing: joshua bassett and female reader
summary: you had talked to joshua for nearly a month over the phone, and you found out that you were going back to california for the summer, and he was going to be back in town too.
warnings: some swearing in some parts of story.
word count: 2077 words
you sat on the couch, contemplating whether or not you wanted to watch the new series, HSMTMTS on disney+. of course, you did. but it just didn't feel right to you, to watch it, knowing that joshua was in it...
"mom, should i watch it?" you asked your mom who was still standing beside you on the couch.
"that's up to you, honey. it seems like a good show, and i know how much you liked the originals." she said to you, starting to walk away back into the kitchen when her phone rang. you peeked your head over her shoulder, and you saw the name, 'Laura'
you didn't want to impose and listen in, but i just couldn't help myself. what if it was about josh? you puttered around in the kitchen while your mom talked on the phone.
"yeah, yeah. she's right here... i think she's listening." your mom looked over at you, as you blushed. you heard the voices on the phone, there were multiple... what if that was josh?
"do you guys wanna talk?" my mom asked, and you heard a deeper voice come on the phone.
"y/n, honey. someone wants to talk to you." she held the phone out to you, and you walked over to take it.
"hello?" you spoke to the person on the phone.
"hey, y/n..." i recognized the voice. it WAS josh.
"hi, josh." you smiled, and you could practically hear his smile as well. "how've you been? it's been forever..."
"i've been good. pretty busy though... i'm actually in the new series on disney+." he spoke proudly.
"yeah, i saw! i'm actually in the middle of episode 1. you and olivia are such great actors!" you compliments him, and he chuckled.
"thank you! but, trust me. olivia is a much better actor than me. she's been in the game alot longer than i have..." he said.
"hey, still. your song-writing skills are on point! your songs are amazing." you complimented him once again.
"thank you, y/n. i really appreciate it." he told you.
"i-uh, i think i'm coming back home in a few days. since schools nearly out, i think i'm gonna come back for the summer." you told him, and you could hear him gasp softly.
"wait, really? that's awesome. i think i'll be back in town in a few weeks. maybe we can hang out?" he asked you, you lit up.
"um- yeah, yeah that sounds great. i'd love to." you said to him. "ok, well. i have to go do some errands. i'll give you my number though, so we can talk later. if you want to..." he trailed off, audibly grinning. "that would be great, josh. i put your number in my phone. my number is '***-***-****' i'll let you go, so you can do your errands! but, can we talk later tonight? there's just so much to catch up on..." you asked him. "yeah, yeah. of course! i'll call you around 8." he said to you, making you smile. "ok, talk later. yup, bye." you said to him, and hung up. "oh my gosh... mom!!!" you ran into the kitchen, where she was working on some new sign ideas for her flower shop. "josh and i exchanged numbers, and are gonna talk later tonight!!" you told her, as she smiled. "i've talked to him a little bit. he really missed you when you left, you know. he really liked you." she said to you, as you tilted your head to the side. "why didn't you tell me that??" you asked her, curious. "i was going to, but, looks like you feel the same?" she questioned, smirking. "what?? no..." you faked. you missed him too. yes, when you left, you had just turned 14, and we're about to go into your freshman year of highschool. it was a lot to handle. new school, new friends, all along with your freshman year. you kinda lost touch with all of the friends you had back home, but that was gonna change. you were going back home for the summer, and you couldn't be more excited. — later that night, around 7:30 you were sitting on your bed, finishing up some homework, when your phone started to buzz. you got up out of bed, and grabbed your phone. 'joshy' read the contact name, along with a baby picture of him that you always loved. "hello?" you answered. "hi, y/n." josh nervously said on the other end. he was nervously twiddling his thumbs, and pacing, like normal. "how've you been? i didn't really get the chance to ask earlier." he asked you, causing you to blush. "i've been ok. i miss everyone though. you said you were going back to california in a few days, yeah?" you asked him. "yeah, yeah! i think i'm leaving friday. you said you were going back for the summer?" he asked you. "yeah, i am. my parents are thinking about moving back. there's a job for my dad, and a building just went up as vacant, so my mom can set her business up there. i just wish we hadn't moved in the first place... it would probably be so different." you said, reminiscing on the memories josh and i made. "do you remember that one time when we were like 7? it rained really hard one day, and then we decided to go outside, and jump in the mud? your mom was so pissed at us." he said, also thinking about the past. "oh my god, i do!! i was just thinking about some stuff we did. like that one time when you came along on a road trip with my family. we were eating cheese cracker sandwiches. you opened the sand which, licked all the cheese out of the sandwich, and put the crackers back in the box. hands down, the soggiest crackers i've ever eaten..." you said to him as he chuckled.
you guys talked for almost 3 hours after that. you guys talked about a bunch of different things. old times, new friends, new memories. and everything in between. — last day of school, june 7th "guess who's officially on summer vacation?" you walked through the door, throwing your backpack on the floor. "that was today?" your dad walked in through the living room. he was rarely home, because he worked overtime a lot, but he was actually home today. "yeah! no more school for three months." you chuckled a little, and walked past him, to get a snack. "you want anything, dad?" you asked him, he shook his head. "no, i'm good. thanks though, kid." he said, as his phone started ringing. you made yourself a snack, and went into the living room. "high school musical?" you asked yourself, (and your cat, who was now contently purring next to you.) you scrolled past the new series, and clicked on the original movie. you thought about watching  some more of the new series. "should i?" you looked to your cat, who was looking up at you. he closed his eyes, and purred. "oh, what the hell? why not?" you said, scrolling back to HSMTMTS and clicked play. you were about halfway through the episode, and your phone buzzed. "hey, y/n." he said on the other end, he sounded like he was in the car. "are you in the car?" you asked. "yeah, just on the way home from work, can't wait to be home." he spoke. "how was your day?" he asked you. "it was good. today was my last day of school." you told him, smiling. "that's awesome!" he said, whilst he pulled in his driveway. "yeah! we're flying to california early tomorrow morning. i think around 6am. so that means we have to learn around 4 to be able to get to the airport in time." you told him and he lit up on the other end. "that soon? that's awesome. i can't wait to hang out again!" he said, grinning from ear to ear. "yeah! is the bowling alley still open? we need to get a group together and go. or just us, and catch up a little." you suggested, hoping he'd get the hint. "uh, duh! the bowling alley used to be our favorite place to hang out. i can't wait to hang out again." he said to you, while he was still nervously pacing around his living room. "i can't either. it's been forever! i have to go pack my stuff, wanna stay on the phone?" you asked him, shutting the television off and walking up the stairs to your room. "sure! make sure to pack a shit ton of swimsuits. i've already planned a beach day." he said to you, making you blush. "awe, josh. i can't wait to get back to the beaches there! i'll just bring all my swimsuits." you chuckled, and he did too. "what's the first thing your gonna do when you get here?" he asked you. "come see you, obviously..." you joked... kind of. "really? you're too cute, y'know that?" he said to you, making you turn red yet again. he sure had a way of making you blush. — 3:30am the next night, a half hour being you had to leave for the airport. you were up and downstairs, about to hop in and take a quick shower. you wanted to be clean for the plane ride, which was nearly 4 hours. you turned on some music and hopped in the shower. once you finished, you went upstairs and put on some comfy clothes, and gathered the rest of your toiletries  and packed them in your suitcase. — 11:30am. your plane just landed in LAX you were shook awake by your dad who was say next to you. "wake up kiddo, we're here." he said, rising from his seat, and grabbing his luggage out of the overhead bin. you stood up and gathered the book you were reading and put it in youro bag. as everyone exits the plane, you were anxious to get out. you knew what you were gonna do we doin as you were off the plane. well, the second thing... you had to use the restroom, and THEN you were gonna call josh. your parents had gone to gather your guys luggage at the baggage claim as you were coming out of the restroom. you all grabbed your luggage and continued your way to the exit. "who's picking us up?" you asked your parents. "they're right there..." your mom pointed to a woman, about your moms age, and what looked to be a boy who was turned around. you were already walking towards them, but as soon as the boy turned around, you nearly bolted towards them. "j-josh..." you said, as he wrapped his arms around you, and swung your around slowly. "hey, y/n." he hugged you tighter. you pulled back, and admired the handsome boy that was standing in front of you. he had always been handsome, but the more time you spent apart, the more attractive he seemed to get. you heard your dad clear his throat, and you realized you were still hugging josh. you pulled away from each other and exited the airport. you all piled into the bassett family car, had enough room for everyone. josh and you say in the way back, your dad sat in the middle, and your mom sat in the front. — 3pm the same day. you woke up from your nap, and josh had tried calling you. "hey, sorry for not answering, i fell asleep. what'd you need?" you asked him. "you still up for that beach day?" he asked you. "uh, yeah!" you smiled. "ok! i'll pick you up in 20." he said. "ok, see you soon." you said and hung up the phone. you went to where your suitcase sat, and dug out a bikini, and a big t-shirt to put on over it. "where're you goin?" you mom asked you. "josh invited me to go to the beach with him. can i go, please?" you asked her. "sure, honey! i'll see you later. i'm gonna go take a nap." she told you. "ok, mom. i love you! i'll see you in a little while." you spoke to her, before closing the bathroom door and changing into your swimsuit. —— sorry this one is so long! i hope you guys enjoyed this part! :) love u all
0 notes
drink-n-watch · 5 years
Guys, it’s Monday and I just finished watching Cinderella 9 because I literally forgot about this show again! This is getting worrisome. I have Cinderella Nine senility. Anyways, how are you, Matt?
I’m good! I have the opposite problem though because it’s the only show I review nowadays I overthink about it–and trust me, for a show like this, that’s not good!
there’s no such thing as overthinking this show!
The first thing that struck me this episode (pun intended) was the Golden Bat homage! I don’t know if you ever saw Paranoia Agent (you should, great show) but he had an almost identical bent bat. I know the chances of this being on purpose are pretty much nil but I’m still choosing to believe that the scene was put there as a tribute to Satoshi Kon. I mean, it served no other purpose. I’ve owned a semi-rare copy of Paranoia Agent on DVD for ages and still haven’t watched it (I’m a bad anime fan) but I did recognise it from the box-art!
We got a couple of new girls again. I’m pretty ignorant about baseball, are we still missing anyone? If I’m judging the OP’s visuals I think that’s everyone now, yay it only took 7 episodes but everyone’s finally here!
about time
This week we were introduced to Maiko (I learned someone’s name!) who they made the very smart decision to make a redhead. I’m going to recognize this one! In many ways, this has to be the most relatable character for me. I must say, her initial introduction as the weird blonde one is talking her ear off and trying to get her to join her weird club, and Maiko is just visibly bored and annoyed but too polite to actually blow her off, that’s exactly me in that situation. This’ll probably sound like an insult to this show but she almost felt like she was from a different show and she just wandered in by mistake, but yeah I like her, she’s interesting!
yup – super relatable
Don’t you hate it when someone “recognizes” you and you have to make awkward small talk for half an hour but you really have nothing to say? People generally don’t recognise me, it’s a blessing and a curse.
The other girl is the stoic prince type who is so kuudere she has to practice smiling in a mirror. I like these types but Matt usually doesn’t. Am I right? Hey! I like all types of anime girls! But if we’re going off strictly percentages of favourite types of girls I’d say I’m more partial to a genki girl over a kuudere. Way to avoid the question, Matt!
In any case, her character design reminded me vaguely of Kashima from Nozaki-kun so now she’s my favourite. For some reason I was reminded of Takato from ‘Dakaichi’, there’s two shows I’d never thought I’d see mentioned in the same sentence…
The story got a bit more dramatic than I expected from this show. I didn’t exactly mind but I also felt like it was somewhat useless. I have a feeling we’re never going to hear about Maiko’s strained home life again and it was just odd filler. Like a new more archetype – broken home girl? Am I being unfair, do you think it’s going to serve a narrative purpose? Yeah it kind of came out of nowhere both narratively and tonally which I mean is appreciated at least in terms of ‘waking me up’ a bit but I think it was probably deliberately heavy-handed to sell two new characters late in the game to an already packed cast of characters. And I guess it worked in that respect?
dramatic doorframe scene!
Also what is up with her mom. Yes, she’s having trouble in her marriage, I get that, but in the scene where they are both (mother and daughter) at school, the mother looked drugged or something. There was a bunny in my yard and I got a bit distracted. Did I miss something? Is the mother actually sick? I think it was just to visually illustrate she was a bitter and miserable woman in an unhappy marriage.
For those of you that need a bit of context. The weird blonde girl met an old acquaintance with red hair and tried to get her to join the club. Turns out redhead is a good pitcher so everyone is happy. Meanwhile, the club is being evaluated by the student council to get their official status. Also, redheads parents are fighting so she goes out at night and causes trouble as a way to deal with the situation. She does it one more time and gets caught so she’s in trouble with the school but the student council girl gives a speech in her favour. Now redhead is an official member of the baseball club, they have their official status and the student council girl is sticking around because reasons. Wow, a lot happened this week. And so little baseball… Oh yeah, this show has something to do with baseball
I didn’t forget!
Anyways, In those later rooftop scenes, I thought I saw a little spark between those two. Ok, maybe I just think student council girl is kinda hot and should be hooking up with someone but don’t you think just a little bit of Yuri could work here? It’s a girl’s baseball team, it writes itself! I mean the people doing the English subtitles were feeling something too putting the deliberate pause between “I want you” and “to smile more” was massive yuri-bait. But yes more yuri pls.
I can hear seagulls screaming kiss her, kiss her
Ok, I’m done being super stereotypical. The episode was fun. The tonal shift was somewhat odd but I genuinely like these two. My main problem is that we are still introducing characters in episode 7 of 12 and I don’t remember half the ones that are already on the team. At this rate, I really don’t see how they can rap it up in a satisfying way. What do you think Matt? I mean, define “satisfying”, it won’t be satisfying for me until they have a beach episode… Sorry not sorry!
I bet you would! hur hur
If you just pick the right images, the show looks pretty good, see:
    Cinderella Nine episode 7 – Do You Think I Can Convince Matt to Want More Yuri? Guys, it’s Monday and I just finished watching Cinderella 9 because I literally forgot about this show again!
0 notes
kandadiff · 6 years
Updates - Kay Snow part 1
I’m redoing yours and making it longer - 
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Many of you will know Kay Snow as the leader of the famous girl group Trinity, in which her and her two cousins (Adi Snow & Bri Snow) rocked the world with there very unique sound. 
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Or maybe you know her as the leader and main singer of her extremely popular (#1 worldwide) girl group The Sirens, name any of the sirens and they are all household names. Plus Kay and Adi snow videos are hilarious literally go on youtube and watch there videos it makes me laugh every time. Or do you recognize her as Harley Quinn, or Serena from the I Spit on Your Grave movie franchise or even her solo album Dark Paradise.
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Anyway lets dive in, so another thing Kay is known for is her various public realtionships, first linked with Liam Payne former 1d member, actor Damien Thorne and many others. However it was her relationship with actor and producer Negan Morgan. They met on the set of the Left for Dead during season 4 and 5 when she was a recurring character as Lana, Negans love interest. And like many actors these two went from co-star to couple coming out during the after show after Lana’s death scene. 
Holy shit did this not go over so well with fans, the Left for Dead fans loved it (theyre couple was the most popular on the show), but some of Kay Snows fans gave her a lot of flack for the 20 yr age difference. A few celebrities even chimed in against it. Wendy Williams calling it “shameful, what could a little girl have in common with a man like him?”, Bri Snow agreeing calling him a “cradle-robber.” and like always Azealia banks took to twitter trying to denounce there relationship saying it was “f**king gross but I guess that someone with no talent needs a sugar daddy to pay for her. I bet she was pimped herself out to him for Fire.” (Fire being the third album of The Sirens). 
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Both Negan and Kay came back at her both posting a picture with both of the sticking up the middle finger with the caption “I’m happy deal with it.” and then tweeted back at Banks, Shangela’s famous sugar daddy speech from Rupauls Drag Race and went on to co-write one of her most famous solo albums Off to the Races which describes her and Negans relationship mixed with there characters in Left for Dead. 
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Anyway despite opposition from others they stayed together for quite a bit considering Hollywood romances don’t last every long. Even going to the Caribbean together for vacation soon after that he went back to Left for dead and Kay and the Sirens went on the Playing with Fire world tour, which I went to it was amazing! Loved the show for real get tickets to them you wont regret it. . But nothing gold can stay and around them being together for three years they split up. Some people specuated it was because of Kay’s friendship with footballer Maximus Valente since they were seen out shortly after at disco style club Studio 54. She addressed it later on an episode of Ellen saying “Max, didn’t cause anything. Sometimes things just don’t work out the way you plan, sometimes things happen but that doesn't mean I love Negan any less. He’ll always be apart of my life.”
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And to move on from her relationship she moved out of her own house and bought a new one which is where Kitty and the Sirens wrote the singles Dirty Harry, Clint Eastwood and Pity Party. 
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6 months after her breakup she was seen getting in a fight with ex-one direction member on the street in front of The To Anyone Entertainment building, during the fight Louis grabbed her and tried to drag her into into a car all while they are yelling at each other and cursing and hitting and this is all being filmed and everything - right here, the video is pretty crazy like youd think after being told to leave her alone he would- nope. So he got a restraining order on him and it turns out he had been harassing and stalking her for months previous to the fight and that day it all came to a head. She also sued but the argument was settled before it went to court. 
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When asked about it during a interview with Thomas Valentine “Louis and I were good friends during the one direction days especially when Trinity was new and I was learning about the industry from someone I thought I could trust. But I was young and foolish and let him get away with a lot of things that were sort of red flags because I thought he was my friend. But he took advantage of me and my kindness and I believed in him and his empty promises. I caught on more when he couldn’t rely on Liam to hide behind and told him to (bleep) off he didn’t take it well and really started to … harass me with constant calls and visits and I thought it was over but his family  owned more then half of To Anyone Entertainment and I was supposed to act like he wasn’t doing what he was doing and sweep it under the rug as nothing and in return he was supposed to leave me alone especially in the building. He did not listen which is why a lot of the music writing and recording was not in building however Louis isn’t stupid and only did it around people he knew he could get away with it around, he rarely did it around Edward, Draven, William or Negan or Max because he was afraid of them that's why I was always around them and no matter how much I yelled at him or cursed him or even hit him he wouldn’t stop. He even had the nerve to write that song Addiction about me and I know its about me because when it came out he wrote me this like 14 page letter discussing how every lyric reflected his thoughts about me … I guess im grateful for that considering after the judge read it the restraining order was practically done by then.” Holy hell, the hate Louis received after that made him delete his all of his social media and a few assholes came after Kay saying she was making it all up but the Cat Crew backed the main Cat Girl up, including Adi Snow who called Louis out and said her story was all true. 
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To bring out the new year Maximus Valente announced his relationship with Kay snow on a cute Instagram video at a beach party thrown by fellow teammate player Romeo Popov. That is where Max and Kay became the couple goals we all know them to be. Seriously they are so cute together and by the way so good together can I just say. However another scandal rocked this girl during the filming of Harley & Ivy, where Kay played Harley Quinn, a sex tape featuring Kay and Liam leaked online from someone to have claimed to been an inside source having been taken years earlier. 
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A few people on twitter took to talking about it almost right away trouble maker Azealia Banks claims she was cheating on Maximus and was “a dirty bitch with an even dirtier p*ssy.” Camilla Cabelo liking the tweet and @ Liam then Bri Snow tweeting “Just waiting for this drama # GotMyPopcorn.” Liam tweeted back saying “That was filmed a long time ago, she isn’t a cheater, I am not a cheater and honestly its obvious it was a long time ago, both her and I have gotten tattoos since then and I don’t know how it was leaked but the hate is completely unnecessary. Its not a secret, we were a couple but this video is one we meant to keep private so please just respect us enough to not send us hate about it.” Finally able to get to social media Kay addresses the video in a video of her own. “Liam said it perfectly, the hate is stupid and clearly given most of my tattoos are missing and my hair is shorter and red in the video I mean really guys? I obviously never wanted it to get out and it is an incredible invasion of privacy but its out now so just be kind to Liam and I and be kind to Maximus and Liams partner.”
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However the sex tape scandal faded as The Sirens announced there highly successful I Am The Best Album and following world tour and even had two remixes of the songs as a distrack of I am the best and Ddu du ddu du to those who have come for them, Kay addressing Camilla, Bri Snow and Azealia in the remixes. That amazing ass album went platinum and they deserved it. It was amazing!
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During the Sirens hiatus following Makayla Arrabah’s pregnancy announcement a video that all Malyn shippers saved to look at forever came out of Maximus proposing to Kay in cute little restaurant in Greece during there vacation. Oh my god my heart hurt it was so sweet! This was a really sweet time by the way because within this year period Makayla gave birth, Adi and Edward became an official couple, the new Wonder Woman movie starring Draven came out and Katya’s solo album Diamonds came out. 
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The dream couple got married in October of that year near the couples favorite holiday (Halloween)  and in Maximus’ home country of Italy in a beautiful ceremony captured by Maid of Honor Adi Snow and Best man Romeo Popov. The wedding was supposed to be private but since both the bride and the groom had star studded guest list paps actually had people trying to break in to the venue. 
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For their there honeymoon (after football season) these cuties went back Greece and enjoyed there little vacations, Maximus’s Instagram is filled with pictures like this. The year following there honeymoon she was pretty free from scandal and stayed pretty out of the magazines, working closer and closer with Edward Styles actually directing the film style music videos for his Album Abyss and starring as the Demon of Fame in the music video My Darling and this was also the time Real Time with the Snows the reality show about the snow family. It mostly revolves around her mothers side of the family and the constant drama around them.
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But it was on an episode, now famous for revealing Kay’s pregnancy, which Kay was staying at her moms house and when her mother and Eva were coming back from the nail salon and a 6-month pregnant Kay was with Tyler and Adi in the kitchen complaining at who was eating her Rocky Road Ice Cream. And the fans went crazy after that aired all her social media was flooded with questions about her pregnancy and a few people actually sent her more Rocky Road Ice Cream. She and Maximus confirmed they were expecting twins and didn’t want to jinx anything that's why they waited to confirm the pregnancy. 
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2months later they gave birth to there twins a boy and a girl. Apollo Romeo Valente. 
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And Annabel Lee Valente aka Ella. These kids are the freaking cutest! So she really took a break from performing and got into the producing aspect of things directing a lot of To Anyone’s singers videos including Edward Styles, William, Kitty and the boy group Millennium and even helped recruit new talent for the Agency. She even traveled with the kids to start a To Anyone agency in South Korea. 
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During the next 2 years Kay was pretty much exempt from scandal and worked on the horror/ thriller revenge tale I Spit On Your Grave as Serena Lorelai. So okay I love kay but I held off watching it because I heard it has a lot of gore and I’m a big baby when it comes to that but I finally watched it and holy shit its amazing! Like it is just a woman taking charge after 5 men do some really fucked up stuff to her and oh my god it was so good! Like I bought it on iTunes and watch it every two months like its a great movie for real. 
However, tragedy struck my favorite people shortly after something kay described as “the worst moment that ever happened to me.” Kay was spending time with a heavily pregnant Adi and the kids in her house when the news came on. Drunk driver struck celebrities limo all being rushed to the hospital. The limo was for Edward Styles bachelor party and in it was William Tomlinson, Harry and Marcel Styles, Stephen James, Robert and Andrew Hood, Ian Payne, Maximus Valente and Billy Hargrove. All besides Andrew Hood were seriously injured. The scene around the hospital was ridiculous, so many paparazzi and fans crowded the hospital not only because of the news but also because the news caused Arianna snow to go into labor a few days early. Sadly, Edward Styles, Maximus Valente and Robert Hood passed away just a day later. I can’t begin to imagine the pain these poor people felt and no one got out of that car crash unharmed. William has a metal pins in his legs since both were broken, Stephen has a slight limp when he walks, Ian and Billy both have scars where they had to get surgery, Harry had to have surgery on his arm and Marcel’s wrist still aches when it rains. 
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The three funerals were held within a couple of days of each other but all of them were so beautiful and heartbreaking, so many people came to the funeral and so many pictures were taken. You can see she just looked so sad delivering the eulogy and Ella and Apollo even ran on stage with her when she started crying. 
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In the following months Adi moved in with Kay and both found inspiration in there tragedy and while Adi was writing her Album For Him Kay co-wrote the songs and directed the beautiful cinematic music videos Dark Paradise, Like You’ll never see me again (I cry every time I hear that song) and You Found Me. She said writing and counselling really helped her get back out into the public and she slowly began to preform the songs live and began to go on social media again and became the face of Kyle Couture’s X! Line. 
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Then our leader headed to Asia at the request of Got7′s Jackson Wang and BTS’s RM both wanted to help write/produce the sirens newest album and they actually started one of the most successful collaborations between Korean artists with the song Oh Yeah!, Oh Nana (ft. Suga), and E.T. Like if you thought this woman was popular in asia before, this boosted her appeal out there by like 1000%. Actually Big Hit and JYP offered her a job as a producer to help create new girl groups for the company. With plenty convincing from both sides she decided to take the job with Big Hit and with RM helped create the girl group Dream. It was the closeness of the way both boys (Jackson and RM) acted with Kay during interviews, the constant inst pictures with the twins and how fondly they spoke of her, the fact that Jackson just straight up said he loved her and RM saying that she was an inspiration for the song DNA, that made many fans speculate whether kay was dating either boy and between the internet fans it actually started a sort of war between the two fandoms, shipping #Kackson or #Kayjoon. 
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Fans went real stalkerish during this time practically analyzing everything about Kay and these two boys, any pictures or interview that was made about them people analyzed. Half of Kays fans (and GOT7 stans) favored Jackson from the simple fact that hes always been close to her even before she met RM. They met through former Miss A member Jia and have been good friends ever since. Plus everyone knows he’ s like amazing with kids and Ella and Apollo seem to get along with him very well. Plus this sneaky boy is always posting pictures of the five of them (including his super cute dog) with the family emoji.
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The case for Namjoon was that they clearly work so well together, even building a girl group and the long nights they have to pull together and on interviews they seem to be good friends. Plus he’s crazy smart and clearly cares for her, even on BTS TV he watched Ella and Apollo a few times and its honestly adorable how cute he is with them. Plus everyone can see how respectful he is of Kay. And this boy includes her in everything, Jungkook even joked they should just get a spare room for her at the house. 
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During Dreams highly successful debut stage and first mini album Kay stepped back for a moment and headed back to the States to return to Left For Dead season 9 returning as Lana. However, both Namjoon and Jackson posted them still facetiming and fans from both sides of the argument demanded or begged or pressured her to pick one but Kay stayed illusive about her relationships with the boys. The views for the Left for Dead episode where Lana came back was highly rated and a few people thought that Negan and Kay would get back together especially since the chemistry was 100% for real like I loved it, it was steamy af. She actually received an Emmy for her performance as Lana a few months later and during this time Kay was seen out more and more with her children and her left for dead costars but many people focused on her outings with Negan but what kills me is that she was never just them two in these outings all her pictures Adi or Shawn were by her. 
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Unfortunately for Kay just a week before the Emmy’s in which she was nominated for best guest actress as Lana Rhodes, she suffered from an armed break-in in her Los Angela’s home. The upcoming description is from what she said in interviews and released police reports, testimonys and her 911 call.  At approximately 4:30 am, Louis Tomlinson, former One Direction member broke in through the laundry room of Kay Snow’s LA home with a gun with a silencer, while Kay, Apollo and Ella slept upstairs. Louis then got out laundry room and headed upstairs while Hades, Kay’s German Shepard Dog awoke from his sleep and presumably found Louis as he exited the laundry room, he let out a few barks that alerted Kay and was silenced when Louis shot him and dragged his body into the laundry room. Quickly cleaning up the blood with his sweatshirt when Kay walked downstairs, he hid once again in the laundry room until he heard the girl walk back upstairs. As soon as she went upstairs, Louis exited the laundry room and made his way upstairs and into Kay Snow’s room and proceeded to watch her sleep until she awoke at 6:30 where as soon as her alarm went off he hid in her closest and she went into the bathroom and as she was headed into the hallway he sprung out and grabbed her. She fought back but he threatened her with the gun if she screamed and told her to do her morning routine as normal because “this is the new normal.” 
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Kay proceeded to get her children ready for school, packing Ella and Apollo’s lunch while Louis watches and “he kept staring at the kids and he folded down every picture I had around the house of Max saying he was going to replace them all and when he was taking down the portait of Max and I, I wrote the note and sent the kids off.” In both Ella and Apollo’s lunches Kay wrote notes to there teachers both saying ‘Please call 911 and send them to my house SOS -Kay S.’ “I found Hades [her dog] and I was crying while I was cleaning him up, but he was so far gone he didn’t care or notice he took away my phone and every half an hour he was putting something up his nose, he was high out of his mind and waving that gun around. He was trying to test, see if I would fight him like I did before. I couldn’t- this time I had kids to think about. It was terrifying, he was ranting and raving how we were going to get married and how I was going to change mine and my kids named to Tomlinson. Just crazy shit like that and when the cops got there finally it got worse.” There was a standoff with the cops for 9 hours, where Louis held her hostage. Media went crazy, Adi Snow cutting her world tour short when she heard what happened. Louis then announced that if they cant live happily “then we can’t live at all.” He then proceeded to cook a dinner for him and kay lacing her drink with a sedative which “He didn’t notice I saw him put whatever it was in there and as soon as he set it down in front of me I threw It in his face and ran, that’s when he started shooting his gun, so I ran as fast as could upstairs and I went into the nearest room. Ella’s. I locked the door and I heard him coming up the stairs while shooting the gun. I was trying to climb out of the window but he shot off the lock and grabbed me back in and just kept hitting me with the gun. Then he dragged me downstairs and that’s when the swat team came in.”
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