#itakura software
masterdetectivexx · 2 years
Hello !
Does Conan know that the serial killer he and Ran saved in New York was actually Vermouth. I was going through Vermouth arc episodes and Conan never explicitly said he knows it was Sharon. He knows erasing fingerprints before committing suicide does not seem to add up which happened in that case.
Also Yukiko remembered Conan told him that Vermouth is protecting him because she has seen his childhood photographs and knows Conan is Shinichi , Sharon's friend's son. So does Conan does not know why Vermouth is protective of him and Ran?
He does not know. He only thinks Vermouth tried to keep him out of danger after finding out about his shrinking because she is Sharon Vineyard, Yukiko's friend (File 434).
Conan also thinks there is a reason, tied to her ordering Itakura's software, for why she has not revealed his and Sherry's shrinking (File 823).
As for her being protective of Ran, Conan doesn't know that she is, since he doesn't know Ran got involved and protected Haibara in File 434.
Finally, Conan hasn't figured out who the killer of the serial killer is that orchestrated the suicide, and the last thing he suspected was that it was Akai (File 380), but that of course got debunked.
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dangerousyako · 1 year
Episode 309-311 Contact with the Black Organization are incredible purely on character
It's three episodes where Shinichi is mostly acting as himself instead of Conan and it's a nice showcase of just how good at this he is
Successfully establishes that the Organisation arent watching the place where Itakura left his software
Successfully manipulates Vodka over the phone into changing the meeting time
Quickly notices that he's been picked up by criminals on the run who stole their car
Manipulates the police into letting the criminals' car go through with no issue BECAUSE HE'S IN A HURRY. HE'S GOT PLACES TO BE. HE HAS AN APPOINTMENT!!!
once the criminals get him to where he needs to be, he quickly TRANQS THE GUY DRIVING THE CAR HE'S IN, HIJACKS THE CAR, IMMOBILIZES THE CRIMINALS
"I can catch you guys anytime" he says!!!!!!
And he's right! That's how incredible Shinichi is! He runs circles around normal criminals. He's so good!!!
Which makes the contrast with the confrontation with Gin and Vodka at the coin lockers all the more chilling, because his efforts break against an impenetrable wall. Gin immediately sees through his attempts at gaining any information from them, and turns the situation around against him when he realizes that Shinichi must be nearby, leading to that terrifying scene where Shinichi is hiding in the coin locker waiting to be discovered by Gin. It's a very effective way to show how much Gin and the organisation are operating on a whole other level, and to further reinforce the feeling of powerlessness and danger that Shinichi has when dealing with them
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dcfandomexplain · 2 years
Detective Conan Itakura's Software Theory
Vermouth's Secret
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nenekobasu · 3 years
bro i can’t. i’ve gotta record at least some of these because i want to hang gosho upside down by his feet and shake him like
q: please tell us the true purpose of APTX?
a: i can’t say (lol)
q: for the completion of silver bullet [the medicine], why did haibara need to leave her parents?
a: i can’t say that either (lol). remember it, though! (lol)
q: will itakura’s software become important?
a: since i put it in, it must be important (lol)
q: so, what is it?
a: lolololololol! (lol) anyway don’t forget it! (lol)
q: in miyano akemi’s text to akai, what was the contents of the P.S. she sent him?
a: it’s important! (lol) i’ll bring it back later
you see. not wanting to reveal later plot details and info is completely understandable and fine. it’s the (lol)s they drive me into an uncontrollable rage. the takeaway is that if i cared about conan’s plot i would murder gosho and make it look like an accident
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detshin · 4 years
For the reboot, I'd like to see episodes 308-311 reanimated. It's the arc where the software engineer Itakura died before he had the chance to give the BO the program they had forced him to make. It has the awesome scene with Conan hiding in the lockers while Gin and Vodka clear the room. No Heiji or Kid though, so its unlikely.
DUDE. You are an intellectual. 
That episode is so underappreciated. It gave us a glance at just how much stress Shinichi is going through, in that episode he straight up had a panic attack and passed out. And BO appeared, so that could be... but as you say, neither heiji nor kid appear, so I don’t know if that will be it.
Although, to be completely fair, I’m starting to think they just used all three of them there as a marketing tool, more than anything. I don’t think all three of them will be there. The only episode where they all appear would be the Fairy Lips one and Shinichi wasn’t really even there... so...
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tsuri-chan · 5 years
Episode 704: The Jet-Black Mystery Train (Destination)
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Based on volume 78, files 818-824
Plot in five keywords:
Vermouth’s trick to kill Sherry
But Conan is well-prepared
Bourbon is revealed
Sherry is about to die
But is saved by a special guest
Important plot development:
Yukiko wonders why Vermouth keeps it as a secret that Shinichi and Sherry are shrunken
Yukiko asks Vermouth if there is a connection between her secret and the software from Suguru Itakura
Amuro finds out that Ai is, in fact, Elena’s daughter and calls her “Hell Angel”
We get to know that Amuro is Bourbon
Bourbon mentions that he knows Sherry’s family
We get to know that Amuro is the rival of Akai and that he knows that he’s an FBI agent
We get to know that Bourbon was disguised as Scar Akai to find out if he really is dead by testing the reaction of people who were close to him
Vermouth planned to kill Sherry by an explosion. Bourbon planned to catch her alive
Vermouth informs Gin and Vodka that Sherry is dead, but later, she sees Agasa carrying Ai
We get to know that Kaito Kid and Jii were on the train in disguise
Kaito Kid disguised as Sherry to help saving her life
Bourbon wants to check the files of Akai’s death after seeing a man who looks like Akai and wondering who he is
We get to know that Akai is alive and disguised as Subaru Okiya
10/10 explosions
I’m a huge fan of this case. I think it is very well-written and I really enjoyed watching it. There is so much plot development and therefore it’s essential for understanding the future plot. Watch it!
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r-onetruthprevails · 5 years
Theory about Itakura's Software and the reason the Black Organization wants it.
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masterdetectivexx · 2 years
Master, what do you think Itakura was forced to create for the BO? What kind of software could it be?
Itakura Software Theory
I think that Itakura's software is a virus software that can erase any data you want on a mass scale from everywhere that is connected to the internet.
This idea stems from the Black Organization's shown interest and usage of the throroughly-introduced Night Baron Virus in File 72-77.
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During Tequila case (File 116), they were shown to be looking for programmers, even after Vermouth having already force-hired Itakura into creating the software 1 year ago for her own agenda (File 380).
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After that, we had Haibara's intro (File 181) that revealed that they got ahold of the Night Baron Virus, that they used as a trap to delete sensitive data that is opened on unauthorized computers.
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Gosho replied to a fan question saying that one could have figured out what Itakura software's purpose was if one properly read and understood the story (SDB 60+).
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Night Baron virus is our only and best basis for guessing at what kind of software they were aiming to create when looking for the best programmers in the world, since it's the only program/software we have seen them associated with. So the best conclusion to arrive at is that Itakura's software was meant to be something akin to erasing data, but on a larger scale. If the BO got ahold of such a software, then they could truly harm humanity (as Itakura mentioned in File 380), since digital data is heavily relied on in society (economy, hospitals, etc) and erasure of it on a mass scale could mean life and death for many people.
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This potential purpose for the software fits perfectly with the hinted personal agenda that Vermouth had when she force-hired Itakura.
During Mystery Train (File 823), Yukiko hit the mark while speculating in front of Vermouth regarding the purpose of the software when she asked her if it had something to do with why she is hiding Shinichi and Sherry's shrinking.
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If Vermouth's reason for hiding the shrinking is to hide any progress to the foolish research in order to stop the Boss from achieving his goal, then using a software that can erase the entire saved research data, as well as any research data related to it from the whole world on a mass scale would benefit her immensely.
This would also be a betrayal against the boss on the highest level that it makes sense why Vermouth hurriedly hung up on Itakura as the boss was approaching with his cat (File 398).
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The explanation behind the cat's cry was according SDB Black+, that speculates that "a cat alone doesn't feel like the reason Vermouth would hang up. But maybe someone hugging a cat was approaching her. And maybe that someone was Karasuma..."
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masterdetectivexx · 5 years
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Detective Conan Opening 50 - ANSWER
Black Organization plot sequence.
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masterdetectivexx · 3 years
In the first meeting b/w Conan & Haibara she said that she didn't have any intention to make a poison in the first place !! What does that mean? Did Haibara mean that she made APTX bcz it was BO order and intention, and Haibara have known it would be used as a poison, but she had nothing to do against BO?? Or she meant that there is another purpose of APTX rather than killing people, but BO were using APTX on human beings as a poison despite being incomplete?? And if it's that true, why Gin said in the first episode of DC that APTX was developed as a powerful poison to kill people when he tried to kill Kudo Shinichi by this drug?? His words are contradicting what Haibara told to Conan completely that she didn't mean to make poison!!! Does that mean that Haibara was working on more than one drug?? For example, APTX for killing, and another secret drug with an unknown purpose even to Gin himself?? Or Gin misunderstood the true purpose of APTX, thinking that drug was made for killing??!!
Haibara indeed meant that the goal of the foolish research (BO research) wasn't to make a poison (or something dream-like like reviving the dead). Apoptoxin 4869 was merely a prototype drug, unfinished result of a drug with a differently intended effect.
When APTX4869 was created by her, it wasn't the first time it existed. It was actually a recreation of her parents' prototype, which was used by Rum 17 years ago during the Kohji case. Gin most likely already knew of its past existence due to that incident that became known as Rum's screw up, so when Gin was given access to Sherry's version of the same poison, he naturally is gonna believe that the BO's aim was to recreate this convenient murder weapon.
Gin most likely isn't aware of any age-manipulating effects and likely doesn't know who the real mastermind of the BO is (if Karasuma Renya is alive despite his age as the current boss). Otherwise, the scope of his deductions and suspicions wouldn't have been this limited after having faced Conan indirectly many times with hints of that his enemy is a kid (i.e File 383, where he had all hints to suspect that a kid planted Itakura's incomplete software and hid inside a locker).
Therefore, he is unlikely to be aware of the true purpose of the drug research (that is tied to Karasuma Renya).
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masterdetectivexx · 2 years
MDX, I really love your Itakura software theory and I'm really happy I wasn't the only one to think the cat was Karasuma's :) I still wonder if the software has something to do with shogi and chess. I thought Chikara Katsumata was working for the Tokiwa Group/BO and was asked to test the world's best players abilities in order to fuel a huge criminal strategy software or something the kind. Anyway, my question is: how did Karasuma survive before meeting the Miyanos? And what about Vermouth?
I currently suspect that he took an old prototype drug, that was meant to turn him younger, in a rush against his fading life. Karasuma Renya was over 100 years old 40 years ago, and he was even revealed to have impatiently killed people he had hired to find his family treasure due to his worsening health (File 302), so it makes sense that he would have rushed for the drug once the prototype was created around that time 40 years ago after starting the research 50 years ago (File 189). This was likely what Haibara had deduced and hinted at to Conan when she said there would punishement for people who rushed against the stream of time (File 191/380).
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I think that the prototype made him shrink like Conan and stopped his aging, which is why he has survived for so long. You can check my previous theories on my blog archive (that is pinned) to get an idea of what I've speculated on the Boss and the research (for example "Child of Seven" theory).
As for Vermouth, I have some suspicions, but I haven't fully formed my theory behind her past. However, I do suspect that the reason she digested a drug that stopped her aging was due to a suicide attempt, similar to Sherry, so I suspect there is a form of kinship/relatability between them, that I think is also playing a role in her current fondness towards who I think is Vermouth in disguise, Wakasa Rumi (similar to why Haibara started liking the football player Higo).
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masterdetectivexx · 3 years
Blog Archive:
(⚠️Don't ask me questions that contains spoilers of the latest Detective Conan chapters that haven't been released through english scanlation!⚠️)
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Detective Conan Rum Arc Theories:
Rum’s True Identity, Goals & Relevant Actions (Up to File 1115)
Boss Suspects' True Identities (Up to File 1115)
Detective Conan Reviews and Q&As:
File 1129-1132 Review
File 1126-1128 Review
File 1123-1125 Review
File 1119-1122 Review
Movie 26 "Black Iron Submarine" Review
File 1116-1118 Review
If Conan already knows that Wakita is Rum
File 1113-1115 Review
Opinion on the new "Case Closed" simulpub by VIZ
File 1110-1112 Review
Why Wakasa is fixated on Haibara
Koumei’s relevance in the story
Conan's knowledge on Vermouth
Opinion on Wakasa identity reveal
File 1106-1109 Review/Discussion
Akai Tsutomu Speculation
File 1103-1104 Review
File 1100 Review
Thoughts & Predictions on Movie 26 cast
Identity of the one behind the news censorship
Itakura Software Theory
If Shuukichi knows that Conan is Shinichi
File 1097-1099 Review
Rum plot climax prediction
Identity of the Kohji case online uploader
Fusae & Billy's relevance in the story
Haibara's suspicions of Okiya Subaru
Akemi's "P.S" message
Karasuma Renya "Child of Seven" Theory
If the BO is still trying to complete the foolish drug after Sherry's escape
Rei & Muga Connection Theory
Opinion on DC siblings
Mystery old man’s foreigner-looking driver
File 1088-1090 Review/Discussion
Opinion on Ōoka Momiji
Iori Muga's old habit
If Shuuichi & Jodie will get back together
Gin's knowledge on the BO drug research
The Identity of the Black Organization's Boss
Gin using Mary's & Kuroda's phrases
Why Mary doesn't trust Conan
Miyano parents' accidental death
Conan's fate at the end of the series
APTX4869 Antidote Completion Theory
Mary and Haibara's future relationship
Haibara’s fate at the end of the series
Bourbon capturing Sherry for the organization
File 1070-1072 Review
Rum's flat cap
Difference between Miyano parents’ drug and Shiho’s drug
Why Subaru thought that “Asaka” could be near Sera
Why dishes and cups were broken in Haneda Kohji’s room
File 1067 Review
Motive behind Rum’s interest in Kudo Shinichi
Conan’s shogi piece awareness
Rum’s knowledge on Kudo Shinichi
File 1061-1066 review
Amuro and Haibara’s future relationship
Foreshadowings in Vermouth arc
Rum’s false rumors
Vermouth happy ending ideas
Rum’s polite speech pattern
BO members who could pair up well during missions
Vermouth’s fate at the end of the series
Vermouth’s feelings for Gin and Gin’s relationship with Sherry
Katsumata Chikara’s relevance in the story
Dead characters that could be alive
Vermouth fan manga continuation plans
File 1061-1063 review
File 1060 review
File 1051-1054 review
File 1051-1052 review
When and why Conan started suspecting Araide in Vermouth arc
Haibara’s true feelings for Conan
File 1047-1049 review
Opinion on popular DC criticisms and Movie 23
File 1032-1033 Review & Discussion
File 1009-1011 Review & Discussion
File 1008 Review & Discussion
Detective Conan Fan Works:
Wakita Kanenori (Fan art)
Puzzle / Mai Kuraki (Fan-made opening)
Akai Family (Past) (Fan art)
Rei & Shiho (Fan art)
Rum Arc Cover (Haneda Kohji) (Fan art)
Rum Arc Cover (Akai) (Fan art)
Rum Arc Cover (APTX4869) (Fan art)
Asaka (Fan art)
Heiji & Kid (Fan art)
Black Organization (Kids & Teens) (Fan art)
Muga (Teen) (Fan art)
Drug Researches Summary (Illustration)
The Miyano Family (Fan art)
Sekai wa anata no irouni naru / B’z (Fan-made opening)
Togetsukyo ~Kimi Omou~ / Mai Kuraki (Fan-made ending 55)
NOC’s Mission (Dynamite / Mai Kuraki) (AMV)
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