#itd be ever reblogged by anyone at all
nordfjording · 1 year
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thats true actually like what if a majority of Eddie’s money not come from selling but from being extremely stubborn and refusing to get with “straight guys” unless they pay. like I can see him being nicer to openly queer guys on principal but warning them they’ll be forced to pay after if they’re a dick. part of me also believes there would be those cases of girls asking him and depending on how they are about the whole thing he’ll make them pay, too. Like I can totally see a frustrated teen with trauma and only some healthy coping mechanisms deciding to get out his pent up frustrations that way sometimes. He doesn’t consciously seek them out but if cash is lower than usual he’ll end up hanging out near people who’ve asked before or look like they might be queer without really thinking about it. His minds on the money so it inevitably leads him certain places. Maybe he has a selling spot and a meetup spot but they’re separate (bench vs rock? it’ll all be in code anyway probably)
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gettinshiggywithit · 1 year
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!Dating Sukuna HeadCanons!
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Scenario:-what would it be like to date ryumen sukuna?
Pairing:-sukuna x gn!reader{shell}
A/N:-i hopy you like this @shelly-stark-official! I tried:’)
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Sukuna is a little shit
But its fine cos so are you~
Honestly the fact that the kINg oF cUrSeS fell in love with your devious and scheming self was not a surprise
Especially not to yuuji(poor fella had to share all of sukunas thoughts abt you and while u and itadori were besties.sukuna wasnt um...thinkin of you in a um platonic way)
(Like at all)
So when buddy boi finally asked you out
And although it felt weird um datin someone who shared the same body as your best friend,you got used to it and yuuji learned not to be so awkward abt it too...
And the moment he suggested you play a (borderline sadistic) prank in yuuji,you paused for a sec before agreeing~
And the moment he suggested you play a (borderline sadistic) prank in yuuji,you paused for a sec before agreeing~
(You knew youd be able to use your quirk if something rly badd happened to him)
And lemme tell you ‘kuna fell even deeper in love~
Sometime you and him and yuuji go out for lunch and while yuuji is the one in control,sukuna opens up those lil mouths on yuujis palms and under his eye to talk to you.
You feed him fries and yuuji hates that the grease is getting on his face😭(ples apologise to our best boi 😔)
So many ppl were like legitimately scared of sukuna but to you he was just a little shit and honestly? I think yall’d be cutee together (i wanna be the ring bear! 🐻)
(I think ur dates would include LOTS of scheming but also bitchin,cos this man has THOUSANDS of yeaes worth of tea to spill and hearin abt ancient gossip is still funny as shit🙈)
Now a little on the powercouple dynamic~
I think that while yall would tease and joking insult eachother,if anyone else tried dishing out jabs in your respective directions the other wouldnt stand for it
Like if someone ELSE calls u idiotic,theyre begging for mercy in a second
And if anyone calls sukuna something insulting,you’re basically walkingg them upto deaths door urself
And if You ever mention how this means he cares abt you,he will in fact go into denial and completely invalidate your opinion on the subject
Furthermore if anyone ever speaks badly of the two of you as a couple (i.e. gossiping and such) yall would just completely ignore them
Like who cares if a barely succeeding apprentice sorcerer doesnt approve of your relationship?????
Yh thats right,no one!
And just to piss em off further,i think hed suddenly initiate a particularl Passionate kiss in front of the gossiper.
Suffice to say that shut em up,for better or worse
I dont really think sukuna would ever fully open up to anyone,not even his s/o.but every so often you do catch glimpses of who he is deep down.its usually blink-and-you-miss-it moments but youve caught some
He doesnt really carw about how open you are either but i think itd make him feel special if you are morw open and vulnerable with him.again,he rly doesn’t give a fuck but it just makes him feel a certain way,y’know?
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please dont repost my work here as your own on any platform all rights belong to me except that of the characters used,their right belong to their respective owners.but these stories? mine.
feedback,likes,reblogs and comments are so very appreciated tbh :’)i hope you enjoyed and ill catch ya next time!
Comments & Reblogs w/ tags >>>>>>>>>>>likes please
Taglist open for anyone interested!
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steel--fairy · 5 months
Character Headcanons #6
anyone want 2000 words of originshipping headcanons??? you're getting them anyways.
edit: this wasn't showing up in the tags for a while so i had to take out the links. they'll be in a reblog
getting together
they met briefly when steven was 15 and wallace was 18. wallace was Going Through It tm and taking it out on some rando. steven stepped in, beat wallaces fully evolved pokemon with his two first stages, completely humiliating him in front of a crowd
this spurred a whole mental breakdown character arc for wallace but steven forgot about it like 2 seconds later lmao
very "you took everything from me" "i have no idea who you are"
unfortunately for steven he was forced to remember bc wallace had already been gym leader for several months by the time he got around to the sootoplis city badge
steven only managed to eke out a win through mega evolution because wallace was maybe going a bit too hard for a gym battle, even an 8th badge one
still, wallace apologized for that and their other meeting and they became friends
loose friends. they only really started to talk when steven became champ.
steven was baffled. he'd never had a human friend his age before but he really enjoyed being around wallace. wallace absolutely did not understand rocks but he never made fun of steven for spending hours infodumping
around the same time steven became champ, several others his age became part of the league and suddenly steven had multiple human friends his age???
he really only ever met with winona when with wallace, but he got along famously with sidney and phoebe despite their differences
quickly he realized how he felt for wallace was different than for sidney or phoebe but brushed it aside as the difference between a friend and a best friend
around then wallace started dating winona. wallace did nothing but talk about her those first few months and steven eventually realized he was angry at those convos bc he was jealous. it took another few months for it to click that he was jealous because he liked wallace romantically
decided then and there he would never ever make a move because wallace was happy with winona and planning a future with her
even once they broke up, steven didnt want to try anything because wallace was incredibly upset over being dumped and didnt want to ruin the friendship. plus, the thought of just being a rebound made him sick
wallaces romantic feelings only developed after the breakup. steven was his steady rock (pun reluctantly intended) and they became closer than ever after it.
he only realized steven liked him from sidney, brawly, and phoebe who made a joke about them dating. wallace was like haha yea that could be interpreted as crush-like but stevens always been like that
and they stared at him until he realized what that meant and went oh shit
wallace had always found steven hot but it was in a water is wet sorta way. like yea. wallace had eyes. but he thought it over and came to the conclusion that he wouldnt mind dating steven. itd been enough time after winona that being in a relationship seemed nice.
wallace tried flirting with steven for over a year (and not subtly at all) before deciding fuck it and being direct by kissing him.
steven had brushed off all attempts bc there was noooo way wallace would ever like himmm. the kiss made him rethink that though.
through the flirting phase wallaces feelings of sure why not grew into much more genuine romantic feelings so the kiss came from genuine frustration over steven casually brushing off his feelings
it was a mess figuring everything out but they decided to try dating
everyones response was finally lmao
wallace loves using classy petnames (darling, sweetheart, beloved, my love, etc). he will also make up some truly stupid and long petnames when hes in a teasing mood. steven...isnt quite to the point of saying "fellow associate" but he isnt too fond of pet names.
mostly, his romantic words tend to be comparing wallace to gems and rocks. if it were anyone but steven wallace would be very >.> about it, but it is steven so he finds it romantic. somehow. he's not quite sure how either, but its steven.
they're each other's favorite battling partner. at times, their battles seem more like dances because they and their pokemon all know each other so well
they're always trying to find new tactics to surprise the other. at this point it's getting difficult but theres nothing better than the surprise on the others face when one whips out a new move or strategy designed specifically to counter the other. it's a sign of love and how theyre always on each others mind.
eventually, when they move in together its to sootopolis. the city is incredibly important to wallace, and while steven likes mossdeep he doesnt mind moving
he still keeps his house there but its mainly just storage for his rock collection
wallace is aghast at having a house that never has any occupants besides rocks and dirt but steven doesnt see a problem with it
he's not sure how wallace will react to learning about all the penthouse suites and villas in other regions his family own that are occupied only once every few years.
communication is their main struggle as a couple. it wasnt so bad as friends, but wallaces habit of thinking he knows best and stevens habit of ignoring any negative emotion tend to go poorly together.
generally a low pda couple. they can get very handsy in private, but steven is uncomfortable with most pda. wallace isnt a shithead (and also likes keeping his private life private), so he keeps things to simple gestures and petnames.
steven was super nervous about telling other people when they started dating. he knew most of wallaces family but only as wallaces friend and was terrified things would change or they'd be suspicious of him potentially breaking wallaces heart like winona had
nothing major changed. lisia started calling him uncle steven, and juan and beverly gave him a light shovel talk, but that was it.
tbh the worst announcement was to his dad. joseph congratulated them, then immediately asked when they were going to get married and give him grandkids.
steven just walked out of the room.
their main joking argument is acceptable date locations.
steven thinks caves are the perfect date spot. wallace does not and would prefer literally anywhere else.
(he still goes on the cave dates)
steven is the one to propose.
they started thinking about it separately at around the same time, but wallace knew that steven was going to be particular about anything involving stones and metal and left getting a ring (and therefore proposing) to him.
steven was indeed very particular. he didnt hand craft the rings himself, but he did mine the material and give it to his familys go to jeweler alongside a very specific design
their wedding is surprisingly low key. the ceremony is rather small and done in the traditional sootopolitan way
the reception is larger but still not too large or exuberant. a compromise between them.
steven wouldve just gone to a courthouse and done it that way but he knew a party meant a lot to wallace. wallace meanwhile knows steven isnt a fan of huge crowds and parties so he did his best to tone it down and make it more personal.
wallace did basically all the planning. it was his dream wedding. steven said yes dear to any request and assumed it would be flawless (it was)
more of a night in kind of couple. steven isnt a partier and wallace tries not to be anymore so most of their dates tend to be very low key.
steven is a serial blanket thief. wallace usually doesnt mind until its winter
both of their teams get along very well. cradily and armaldo in particular get along well with wallaces water types
steven, stemming from years of pining, is more likely to get jealous if he sees someone flirting with wallace but doesn't dwell on it for long.
wallace meanwhile knows steven doesnt like flirting and that sort of attention so theres little jealousy on his side.
it takes a long while for them to have sex.
stevens ace so its just....not something he feels or gets. plus there were other emotions related to being trans and having sex, plus plus he'd just never done it before and was nervous from that. he knew wallace wanted it, but it took a long while for him to even be comfortable being naked in wallaces presence
wallace isnt ace, and has a decent sex drive, so he was a bit frustrated and took a lot of showers lol. he didnt push steven and more than understood his hesitancy, but oh boy did he want it.
they eventually do the do. it's not something they do a lot (steven is rarely in the right kind of mood for it) but they do it often enough to satisfy wallaces cravings.
they rarely argue. wallace tends to instigate more of the smaller squabbles since he's naturally more confrontational, but they tend to be mundane things solved in minutes
most of their serious arguments revolve around the future. the most commonly reoccurring one is about kids. wallace is very close to his family and 100% wants kids, biological or adopted. steven 100% does not. it takes a long time for them to come to any agreement.
a playlist : )
and also this post I suppose
speaking of kids lol
these are going off my fankids from here, emmy, mica, and lapis
im still kinda ehh on where they fit in my timeline, or if I'll even add them at all but have the headcanons nonetheless!
all 3 were accidents lol
steven is the dad who caves at the barest hint of puppy dog eyes. if wallace isnt there he *will* be persuaded to have dessert for dinner every night.
wallace, having helped raise lisia, is immune.
conversely, steven is the dad who is stricter during punishments. wallace can be persuaded to knock off a day from a grounding but not steven.
both absolutely spoil their kids rotten. all the toys and electronics and clothing they could ever want. possibly a bit too indulgent, tbh
steven is dad/daddy, wallace is baba
the kids have wallace's last name. steven has a strained relationship with basically the entirety of his family so it was a no brainer to put wallace's surname on the birth certificates.
in raising them, steven is something of a stay at home dad. he works with researching mega stones and mega evolution and a lot of it can be done from home. wallace is champion alongside his guardian duties so hes out more often.
wallace very much makes sure to spend a lot of time with his kids though. his dad being gone a lot for work was something he resented as a kid so he tries not to spend all his time working.
steven took emmy going to school the hardest. wallace had practice with lisia, but steven had barely spent more than a few hours away from emmy until school
names were the absolute biggest argument between them. steven wanted a rock name. wallace refused to name a kid malachite.
emmys name (esmeralda) was a compromise from juan. emerald, a gem, but in paldean as an actual name. it satisfied both so they went with it.
steven gave her the nickname of emmy. he based it off of emerald. wallace just sighed and went with it because it was cute.
mica and lapis were all steven. they originally had other names picked for the twins but wallace got stuck doing champion duties while steven was in the hospital. mildly delirious, highly emotional, and incredibly angry, steven went with completely new names just to spite wallace.
wallace cant even be mad. and as far as rock names go, they arent too bad. at least it wasnt malachite.
cradily and armaldo are the most overprotective of steven and wallaces pokemon. when it comes to children, they see their trainer's kids as their own and it hits something ancient in them making them a little more aggressive than usual
milotic is second. they are her little creatures. she will dragon tail anyone who looks at them wrong.
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superchat · 9 months
Do you have vision or desire for who you are going to become ? Not necessarily something you are resolved towards but something you’d like to see in yourself and would welcome . It can be small or nonexistent if you really like the way you are
Ohh, hrmmm. idk, i think abt how i do get older and what i will be like, would i be a 45 year old who goes online too much and reblogs too much anime art still or what. i feel like ppl have an idea that "oh once im older things will just Be Different" like their current habits just..wont apply to themselves in 20 years, but i think itd be very easy to just never lose them
I will be honest, i dont really like who i am and think there is an Inherent part of it with just how im wired, i think back to me in 7th grade vs. me now and how things i liked then is just the same now. i had no idea what k-on! was back then but my ipod wallpaper app had pics of the characters, i downloaded a ton of the wallpapers of bassist like this, especially this outfit with the sleeves and hat, cuz she was just rllyrlly cool looking but i was super embarasssd abt any of it, i remember when my friend found out i felt lik dying
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A song i listened to nonstop as a kid was nowthen by matt flinner. didnt have much understanding of why i loved it, but now i look back and im like "oh its secondary chords." i look at any song through my life where i resonate with it and its always secondary chords as the reason why i like them
So i see things like this taat dont seem to change and coupled with how i jost generally dont like myseof and thilk im weird and awkward and socializing alwys breaks down at some point, and im like "hrrmm. well. whatever ill be in the future, will probably just be me now, but more"
I think it will be a lonely life, but i was always one who veered towards being alone, my parents talk abt how easy it was to raise me cuz id go in my room and play with my toys by myself for hours at a time. and today i go home from work and i just stay in my apartment and go online, ive been in a couple relationships that lasted 2+ years when i was in highschool but thats been the most involved relationships ive had, i dont think i would be good in any right now even tho i rlly want to connect closely with someone, i think abt it all the time :33 but i dont think i can maintain that, i remind myself that im longing for a romanticized idea
So when im older i think ill be alone and half be okay with it, and half hate it but i dont think ill ever be like "this is unfair!" cuz i dont rlly have anything or anyone to blame, its just how i am rlly
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demadogs · 2 years
How did you end up as a byler? Everyone is posting their stories
i first noticed it when s2 came out after seeing how protective mike was of will. the second episode especially when he finds will on halloween and puts his arm around him and doesnt let anyone else touch him was the first time i was like 👀??? i remember thinking to myself “ok do i just want characters to be gay or is anybody else seeing this” and then i went on here and saw a small community of people who shipped them. i dont remember how many followers the tag had but it was probably like 2k honestly. it wasnt much. at this point tho i never thought it would actually happen. i shipped them the same way i currently ship ronance and steddie. i thought they were cute but i didnt at all think it would actually happen mostly just bc its so unlikely for a show this massive to make their main characters be in a gay relationship. there were hints from s1 about will being gay so i thought that was possible but mike being queer was just a fun idea to think about and nothing more. and i thought if anything he’d be bi not gay.
when s3 came out i had byler in mind before starting it and was wondering if itd be anything like s2. at first i didnt see any of the big hints i always reference now so i still didnt think it would go anywhere but i was shocked when mike said “its not my fault you dont like girls”. that confirmed for me that at least will was gay. i remember being so confused when i went on twitter and saw people claiming he just meant it as in he hasnt grown up yet. to me i fully thought that was the show confirming hes gay. but i finished the show not really thinking much about byler because still, no part of me ever thought it would actually happen and there werent much positive scenes between them.
i went on tumblr again a few months later and saw some things on my dash from people i followed after s2 that pointed out s3 byler things that i didnt notice before so i rewatched s3 and really watched mikes behavior and thats when i was first was like “holy shit this could actually happen??” but i still wasnt 100% sold. then they announced s4 in february and i saw the poster with mike and will looking at each other i was fully convinced it would happen. and then a month later i made this stupid blog and ive been yapping to you guys ever since.
i didnt think id ever be this active in the fandom. i was always just lurking for years and following a lot of byler content and maybe sending some anons about byler but never engaging too much. and when i first made this i was like “i might post sometimes but ill probably mostly just reblog, i dont think im smart enough to come up with theories and shit” and now look at me. could not shut up if i tried. its fun tho i like it here.
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robyn-goodfellowe · 1 year
Hi! Not a puzzle person here since I SUCK at them, but I ended up catching up on it after reading The Way Time Twists and seeing some fanart of the puzzle, and it's been cool to watch this one happen in real time after thinking it was over. I hope this isn't rude or anything, but is there a reason you don't tag most of your hints? Good luck on getting it solved!
hiii its so cool to thhink there are like people that i dont know.who are following the puzzle :3c and dont worry i dont think its rude at all. itd be rude if you were like BITCH CAN YOU TAG YOUR INSANITYPOSTING SO I CAN FILTER THEM GODDAMN or something
ummm ultimately tho the reason i dont.tag them is honestly just bc i think any good puzzle/mystery/whatever this is (ehe) has to have a bit of scavenging to do! and that includes scavenging for hints and not always making them easy to find. i do try to cheat a little and queue them at specific times of the day (11a-1p, 4-6p, 9p-12a specifically) and keep a specific theme around the aesthetics used though. but ultimately its just like its a puzzle so it feels wrong to make everything needed for it just easy to find. at that rate i might as well just drop all the answers for it u know?
for my personal reference though i do try and keep track of them in a google doc. i actually have to start doing that with the pages too because there's plenty i've goofed up and had to remake last minute. so if anyone notices tiny differences no u dont <3
and u know someitmes it doesnt work out with dropping hints! there.have pbeen plenty of hints that have been drowned out, missed or juust gone straight over people's heads and honestly i don't sweat it too much. if a hint's not meant to be seen it's not meant to be seen and if i really want it to be seen i'll just reblog it again at a later date. but i've only ever done that.. twice lol. but for the most part i just kind of go with the flow its not my puzzle to solve :3 not really what youre asking but it feels relevant
thanks for the luck. im definitely not the one that needs it (so good luck to the puzzle sovlers if any of them see this ^_^ <3!!) but im really hoping it gets solved before i drop the new chapter ehe :3c i mean itll still have some fun stuff it just might not be as like rewarding ajfksdnf
thankyou for asking! i love to ramble so thankyou for giving me the space to do so 🫶🏾 i have bee drinking the same cup of coffee for six hours now i think im losing it
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Just questions I anticipate being frequently asked. Will be extended as new questions are well... Frequently asked!
Why no dreammare? Why no Fresh x minty? Why no incest ships?
They fit the stipulation I put forward in the disqualifications page that I won't do incest related things. Itd feel like I'm condoning it or I was making it seem cute in some way and incest isn't cute/attractive and shouldn't be condoned. It literally only removes like 6 ships total out of a hundred plus possibilities, cope.
Why are all the ship kids gay/trans/etc?
Cause gay rights and gay wrongs :) there are completely cishet kids though too they are just ~ rare ~
Will you ever consider adding *insert au here*?
Like I said in my disqualifications post, if they don't fit any of those to an extreme degree, especially number 2, I will consider adding them to the second list with a bunch of other Sanses.
Can I draw these ship kids? Can I ship shipkids with other ship kids/Other characters? Can I self-ship myself with shipkids here?
Absolutely! Id love to be tagged in it too! I may even reblog the post here so others can see it! All I ask is you don't put them in ships with adult characters/gen 0 Sanses/original au Sanses (like the ones on my list), don't ship them inappropriately (like a 17 year old ship kid with a 10 yr old, have some decorum) or ship them with their siblings/half siblings/other related family. In the end, I can't stop you from drawing/writing whatever you want but I sure can ignore your art and block you >;)/srs so maybe dont tag me in or send me the art where your breaking my very simple rules.
Do you ship the ships you draw for? Do you have any ships between ship kids?
Not all of the obviously but I do have a few sans amasui ships I really love like dreamfresh, kustard, outersci and others but I tend to like rarepairs the most. Also yes! I do ship some of my ship kids together with each other (blossom and moon) and with ship kids outside of my own (like luna x goth is an ancient love of mine and Doom x lux). It's abit uncommon for me but I do ship some! None of them are really canon though so if you ship them a different way, as long as it's abiding to their sexuality, I don't mind!
What dose MLM/ILW/NbLnb mean?
These are conjoining community labels and I use them more for bi/gay/hetero curious ocs. MLM means men love(ing) men and describes a man that likes other men, this label includes bi men and gay men. When I say a male oc is MLM, I mean that he knows he likes boys but he doesn't specify his sexuality further. He could like girls or enbies or he couldn't, he's not sure yet. Oh and since it's related; ILW/ILM/ILNB means intersex/intergender so ILW means intersex/Intergender loving women. I means intersex/Intergender, W means woman, M means man and NB means nonbinary.
"lesbians can't use he/him pronouns"/"Neopronouns are stupid"/*insert some other form of lgbtphobia here*
I won't entertain this. Anyone can use any pronouns ever, Neopronouns are older than Shakespeare and all LGBT discourse is poison. " I can't physically pronounce Zey/Zem!" Ok that's why the auxiliary/acceptable exipronouns(she, he, they or it) are written right next to them :) its almost like you have no excuses to misgender and mispronoun my characters :)
What's this nonbinary character's birth sex/dead name?
Although I do know (because I made them), why do you wanna know what genitals this 5 year old character has? :) that's awful fucking weird dude. Idk about youuu :) (<- not thinking about smashing your creep ass head in/hj)
"Intersex is a sex, not a gender"
Putting this to the side because I'm intersex, I've had Perisex(non-intersex people) genuinely say this and yes, people can and have and will describe their gender as Intergender/intersex. It just means that because your intersex, you can't nessesarily be labeled as cis or trans or nonbinary. Your technically cis because you identify with your gender/sex assigned at birth and that gender/sex is intersex. Technically the label is cintersex/cintergender but Intergender is basically the same. It just means your gender is your intersexuality. It's not that complicated and if you arnt Intergender, especially if you arnt intersex at all, you have no business telling us what our gender can and can't be.
How does a 3 year old know their full gender, sexuality and pronouns?
They don't! The guide is applicable to them throughout their whole lives. That 3 year old doesn't know that their polyam and bi right at that age but when they grow up, they will know and that will be their orientation and relationship desires. The ages present are really just to show the age differences between them, their siblings and the other ship kids. That 3 yr old has a version of them in a timeline right now where they are 30 years old, its all relative.
The birthdays/orientations/genders/pronouns/etc you put for the main Sanses arnt right.
Your correct. It's because I did my own takes on them and I'm basing them off my own headcanons and also because not every creator of those Sanses ever answered those questions. Technically these ship kids could both apply to my versions as well as apply to them canonically.
How do you decide their birthdays/orientations/pronouns/etc?
I spin a wheel with all the options and just pick what it lands on! (Of course with some basic stuff like no lesbian trans men, no Aro/ace/Aroace pre-teens and below, etc)
What's your name/pronouns/gender/etc?
Although my pronouns were already added to the main post, all the information on my sona's sheet applies to me, the real Zen and runner of this blog! (I go by Zen or Zenia, I'm two spirit Genderfluid and intersex, I'm bi Arospec and polyam, my favorite color is a minty teal green, I'm 23 yrs old, my birthday is June 4th, etc etc)
If you have another question and don't see it present, like I said on the main post, please feel free to send in my inbox! I'll happily answer and if I think it could come up again, I'll add it to the FAQ so it won't need to be answered again.
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helpicant-stop · 3 months
Hi sending some good vibes to beloved mutuals bcuz I can❤️ Mayb u'll see my asks to other moots maybe u won't I have no idea who u follow, think there's more than one of u running this blog (tho I'm not sure, and I don't wanna be too confident about that in case I'm wrong😳) but I'll probably just use u and not yall
U r so cool!!!! Posts u reblog are banger and I LOVE still seeing u reblog DSMP stuff cuz I'll never stop being obsessed w/ c!Tommy and the fandom is kinda wandering off to other interests and nobody is as focused on dsmp as they were (me included) tho the other fandom stuff u post is really cool 2!! Also!!!! Ur art!!!!! I love love love ur art!!!!!!! The arts styles r mwah chefs kiss I love love love them literally everything u post on ur art blog is phenomenal (tho if I'm honest there are some pieces that I prefer, like I really love the badboyhalo one that's like halo of wire and thorn or something? ik what it looks like but can't remember the caption/title also the captain puffy and foolish one and the lure and the minnow comics plus the recent Tommy one) I'm uncertain if I can claim to be the number 1 fan of ur art but itd be an honor to be in the top ten, also loving the hazbin hotel are I focused alot on the dsmp art but the Harbin hotel art also really cool and all the stuff u post ofc those are just the only 2 I recognize haha, fr tho ur awesome ur arts awesome and I hope u have a really really good day
THANK YOU!!!!!! NEVER BEEN SO FLATTERED IN MY WHOLE LIFE!!!!!! also yes there ARE multiple people here because we're an osdd system but unfortunately we haven't figured out how to possess multiple bodies yet a la cawesamdude (though ironically we do have a csam here).
sometimes we may drift to other fandoms but this will always be a dsmp blog at heart and you can tell from the cpuffy layout!! im so glad you love our art and i would be very happy to put you in the top 10 list (tbh i even doubted occasionally that anyone loved our art that much but i am sooo pleased to see at least one)
also yes it was halo of thorns and wire, q had a hard time naming it and we hate what we decided on because it sounds like a generic ass YA novel😭😭😭
thanks again!!!!! i will treasure this ask forever and ever
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hoshi9zoe · 4 months
(if you dont wanna read all this thats fair in that case i just hope you have a good day)
i dont know you and i dont wanna bother you, but i saw your reblog of the post about being scared of trans women, and i just wanted to say that its not always gonna be like that. im younger than you and i dont wanna be lecturing a person with more experience than i have, but reading what you wrote made me concerned. at the same time it is exactly what goes through my head sometimes.
i know i cant fully understand your struggles, because im trans in the other direction, but im starting to think its unfortunately true for all the people who are seen as something theyre not - right now we really have to accept there are our kinds of people and we cant change the rest. you absolutely deserve a better world in which people dont see you as dangerous just because you exist but in the meantime you need to remember your whole life isnt defined only by the people who hate you or are scared of you. it still absolutely sucks that people are intimidated by you just existing, and it shouldnt be like this and i can only imagine how lonely it could make someone feel. none of it is fair, but you can and should try to be happy anyways.
i try to think about it like we got the short end of the stick, but that doesnt mean we should break it and throw it away. it really is shit but (as cheesy as it sounds) we only get one chance at living, and as much as itd be understandable to do so, we cant spend it thinking about how unfair it is.
remember that there will be people who will see you as a person and not as a danger. it might feel like theres few of them, or they dont exist, but they do, and hopefully you get to spend more time with them than you ever will have to spend with the people who are transphobic.
i personally still cant accept it but its the advice a friend of mine gave me (though it was in the context of me being autistic) and i do think its smart even if not groundbreaking. i have trouble applying it to myself, so i might be hypocritical and/or projecting, i apologise for that. still i wanted to share it because i dont think theres any better option for us. im really sorry you feel that way and i hope we both get better at focusing on the people who can see us as people
ps well this is bible length im sorry and also sorry if its rude? i really didnt want to come off as condescending or like i was assuming you dont know any of this so i hope i at least managed that (and i sincerely apologise for my punctuation. )
I still can't wrap my mind around the fact that because of my depressive ass comments on a post people are trying to comfort me and cheer me up. I've done nothing to deserve this kindness and while I think that this kindness and your time is wasted on me, i'm grateful non the less. don't worry about coming across as lecturing me. you're just sharing your thoughts and feelings on that matter and I don't mind. even tho i may be older than you, I absolutely do not have more experience than others. less even probably... and I did not want to make you or anyone else concerned about me. as i said that's absolutely wasted on me. it's just me trying to somehow vent my depression so that I don't do something more harmful. it is just irrevocably true that trans women that are not thin, white, effeminate, with clear skin and no body hair will be seen as dangerous and intimidating by afab people and especially cis women. But i'm grateful that you with for a better world where that isn't happening. It's admirable. And I don't want to spoil your positive message but it's gonna be hard to keep my depression about that in check and I wanna apologize in advance for probably still being very negative about that. You are correct that my life isn't defined by those that are scared of me, but they still can affect it in a profound way even if I try to ignore them. And yes it is incredibly lonely, but I've already been lonely before I came out so there's not much of a difference. Just maybe a new flavor.
I'm just gonna skip the next paragraph with the short end of the stick so that I don't let my depression speak my mind and just rip all of that to shreds. You've got a nice mentality there and I don't wanna take that from you especially since you went out of your way to try and cheer me up. I know there are people that aren't scared. I'd like to meet some one day. But all deprecating jokes aside, I will always get reminded of it when I see how the trans community and especially trans women have their own separate isolated corner from the wider LGBTQ+ community. I'm not faulting you for struggling to apply the advice your give yourself. I really know a thing or twenty about that... Realistically I know that it's not as bad as my insecurities, depression, anxieties ect make it out to be. But acting on that; confronting your fears is exponentially harder. Especially if you have to do it alone because you're shit at meeting new people and making friends and very good at driving existing ones away. And please don't worry about grammar or punctuation or all that jazz. School makes a way bigger deal out of it than I feel is should be on the internet in casual situations. It's your intent and your feelings that matter not punctuation ^^'
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summerlycoris · 6 months
Okay but. I get it. Likes are annoying to only get without reblogs because they dont help spread your artworks and get more people seeing them. Likes are nice, but they dont do anything. I GET it. Ive seen the posts. Ive reblogged them. And i reblog art that I think is cool, and like it.
But. I wont lie. I feel bitter seeing people complain about likes when my art gets nothing most of the time. Pieces ive put a lot of work into. My soul into. Get nothing. No likes even. The only notes are from when i reblog them, thinking that maybe nobody saw them the first time.
Its a miracle if some fanart I made gets 30 notes. And normally? Fanart is what gets a lot of notes. If im struggling to even get 30 notes on something that should have a built in auidience... thats a pretty bad sign.
And at some point i just have to accept the obvious. My work just isnt good enough. What i see in it is not what anyone else sees in it.
And the positive response Ive had to just posting ONE piece of fanfic- a little snippit really- has really thrown that into sharp relief. Because that snippet? Still sometimes gets notes. It mostly gets likes these days but. God. Im just grateful people liked it at all! I was so convinced itd be ignored or i'd get chewed out for SOMETHING. But that didnt happen.
And i never thought i could write. I always thought id be an artist. And if you asked me what i preferred id say drawing. Even now. Id still say drawing. But i dont draw much because im writing. (Even if slowly.) I have a story i can only get down with writing. Because if i tried to make a comic put of it id be making it forever.
And i think even when the monstrosity is finished. Id probably still not draw much. Because. Theres just no point. In drawing only for a journal thatll get tossed out after i die. With no one ever seeing it.
And its easy to say "you should draw for yourself!" But i want other people to see it too? Arts a way to communicate, yeah? Whats the point of communicating if its unheard? Of screaming in the forest where no one will hear it?
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Livin' a dream (Rick Flag)
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Pairing: Dad!Rick X Mom!Reader
Request: Your Rick story Drunk and Dreamin' Awwwww❤ Drunk Rick is so adorable🥺 Would you mind to do eventually a second part? Maybe with Harley (as Godmother?) or any other squad members?🥺 Dad!Rick would be sooo❤❤
Warnings: this one is literally fluff, some cursing, that's literally it
WC: 3.2k
A/N: sooo I got a lot of comments asking if I'd do a part 2 of drunk and dreamin. So at first instance I totally wasn't going to. But then after I thought about it I decided to do a part 2. And not only that, but Ill probably make this into a "series" and I use quotations because it wont be a series with a storyline per se. Itd be more of individual stories and dabbles within the same universe. Just if I ever feel like writing for Dad!Rick I already have that established. Or if anyone has a dad!rick request I'd probably do it in context of this universe. For now he's part two ft HarleyHere's drunk and dreamin in case you want to read the first part as well
Feedback and reblogs are highly appreciated!
Domesticity was a weird thing. Settling down, white picket fence, having a family, it just wasn't for you. I mean, you spent your teenage years stealing, in and out of juvie and trying to survive. When you got into adulthood that didn't really change. Instead of just pickpocketing people you did full on heists, armed robbery, and when got got caught you spent the rest of your twenties in and out of a prison, going on suicide missions, killing people under the command of a tyrant. By then you had started to like being threatened with getting your brains blown out every other minute if you refused to follow orders. Because truly, that had to be all there was going to be in your life.
So if someone had told you five years ago that you were going to be married to a special forces officer and commander of the suicide task force you were a part of, and that you were going to have a kid together, you would absolutely laugh in their face. It was ridiculous right? I mean the man had a stick so far up his ass you could see it when he yawned, and you were nothing but a lowlife killer with an explosive planted in the back of your head. Surely if you put two and two together, it was a recipe for disaster.
Well, disaster for whoever stood in your way anyway.
But that was all behind you now. Who would've thought that finding the love of your life and having a kid would change your way of seeing things. Violence and chaos was all you knew, now you just wanted peace and to be somewhere where your child wouldn't have to see the things you or Rick have seen. Even if that meant running away from just about everything you knew.
Sure, you had served your sentence, 5 years at Belle Reve and being in Task Force X did reduce your sentence. But really, would you truly ever be free? Especially when you and Rick were huge assets to the Task Force, Waller's best if you will. She wouldn't let either of you go that easy. So moving as far away from Gotham and Louisiana as possible probably was your best option.
As much as you liked the chaos, the violence, rain of bullets and all of it in between, you loved this life more.
"I can't believe this is where you've been hiding! You couldn't even tell me? That really hurts my feelings honey." Good old Harley was hot on your tail, as loud and as euphoric as ever. You honestly had no fucking idea how she found you. Last you heard she was in Gotham raising hell as she always did when she wasn't in prison. How she strayed so far away from home you had no idea. All you knew is that she found you, and she really really wanted to meet your baby girl.
"We couldn't tell anyone. It was a security thing. Rick insisted on it." You explained with a half shrug. I mean it was true. The minute Rick found out you were pregnant he did absolutely everything to get the explosive out of your head, and the minute he did, you were out of there. The only downside of moving halfway across the country was that you couldn't really tell anyone where you lived, which included your best friend. "But you still managed to find me, didnt you?"
"Well I had to meet baby Elena! When I heard Flag was having a kid I couldn't believe it. He doesn't strike me as the kids type." She argued, face scrunching up a bit at the thought, as if the idea still didn't quite make sense in her head, "actually you don't either. Are you two even fit to raise a child?"
You stopped fumbling inside your purse to look at her, if only you had a gun right now. You narrowed your eyes, glaring daggers in her direction before you went back to looking for your house keys inside your purse. You found them and unlocked the door to your house, heavily considering whether or not to let Harley in or if you should just shut the door in her face just for saying that.
"Real fucking funny Harls. You wanna meet my kid or not?" You looked over your shoulder, raising an eyebrow. She quickly nodded without missing a beat.
"Well duh!" She scoffed and barged right into your home with a pep to her step and giddy with excitement. You blinked a couple of times and slightly opened your mouth to question her, but what even was the point?
"No really…. Come right in, hun." You blew out a breath and shook your head, walking in yourself and shutting the door behind you.
You walked further into the house, finding Harley standing in the middle of a hall, not knowing where to go. You knew Rick was home, because you asked him to stay with Elena—your six month old daughter, while you went to the store to pick up some things. And you perfectly knew Rick's favourite spot to be with her.
The couch.
You could bet a million dollars he even had her dead asleep on his chest. You just knew it.
"Hey, where's— oh, my God!" You heard Harley squeal behind you when you both stepped into the living room. Yep, you knew it. The first thing you saw when you walked in was Rick in nothing but a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt, dark blonde strands sticking in all kinds of directions, and mindlessly watching TV on the couch with, you guessed it, your baby girl peacefully asleep right on his chest.
Rick hadn't realized you were there until he heard Harley. His head quickly snapped in your direction, eyes wide and alert, he instantly sat up, holding Elena with one arm as if he was ready to get up and run. He never really lost that paranoia that someone might come in to make either of you go away. But when he realized it was just you and a very booming Harley, he relaxed, slouching back into his place as he looked down at Elena to make sure he hadn't disrupted her sleep. Fortunately he didn't. So he sighed softly, leaning down to press a small kiss to her head before letting her settle her head on his shoulder again.
If there was something you loved about your new life it definitely had to be this. Coming home to the sight of your breathtaking husband cradling your beautiful baby girl. You would never get tired of it.
"I swear to God if I got a dollar for everytime this girl fell asleep on you I could probably pay this damn house off." You scoffed quietly, feigning being offended by the fact that Elena always slept when she was with him, but she'd give you a hard time. Rick bit his lip, scrunching up his face a bit as to refrain himself from laughing. "I can never get her to nap. I don't know what she has with you."
"Maybe I'm just really damn good at getting people to do what I want them to. She didn't even cry. I just sat here, sat her on my lap, turned on the TV, and she just fell asleep. She's been asleep for like an hour now." He chuckled softly, holding Elena up with an arm wrapped around her small body and gently stroking the back of her head. "Also, can you tell me why the hell is Harley here? How did she even know we live here?"
You glanced at your friend, eyes big and lips pushed together into a 'told you so' expression and you shrugged, shaking your head as you walked to the couch, leaning down to press a light kiss to the back of Elena's head and then gave a chaste kiss to Rick, because if he didn't get a kiss too, then the boy got jealous.
"I don't even know. She just, y'know, appeared at the front door and waited for me to let her in. I didn't even want to ask how she found out." You explained with a soft sigh, cautiously flopping down beside Rick, leaning against his shoulder and smiled happily at your sleeping daughter.
She looked so peaceful, like there was nothing in this world that could ever hurt her. I mean, with Rick as her dad, she would always feel at peace and safe. You knew the moment he first saw her, he fell completely in love with her. Even now, six months later he loved that girl like crazy. And you know that he would protect her with his life. Before this, he had nothing but his job. He was a hero, the best special forces officer the military had to offer, the commander of an elite task force. He was all of that, but really, what else did he have? And when he met you, he realized there was more just death, guns and blood. He realized that he could have a reason to come back from a mission, that he could hold someone at night, that he could love someone like he loves you. And when Elena was born, well, you both became his absolute everything.
His girls meant the world to him, and if keeping you both safe meant that he had to leave everything he wanted to do with his life then he would, and he did. Just for you. Just so you could live the semi normal and happy life you always dreamed of having. And that meant everything to you.
Harley eventually skipped over, probably feeling left out and she smiled widely, "well I wanted to meet my goddaughter! I also got Elena something." She said excitedly, digging into the pocket of her jacket. Rick shared a look with you, eyebrows furrowed and he mouthed 'what the fuck?' But you didn't respond. You simply shrugged, getting distracted by Elena shifting on Rick's chest. You ran a finger over her pale cheeks and giggled softly when she scrunched up her face.
You took your attention away from her when you felt Rick turn his head to look down at you. You looked up to meet his eyes. They were always so full of love when they looked at you, like he was looking at the thing that meant most to him. One of them anyway. You couldn't help but smile, and he did the same.
"Hey lovebirds," You looked away from Rick when you heard Harley and turned your head to look at her. "I'm right here you two." She frowned and pouted.
"Sorry Harls." You giggled and nodded at her, "what did you steal this time?"
"Pff what? I didn't steal anything!" She defended herself, slightly jiggling something in her hand you couldn't quite see from your spot on the couch. You raised an eyebrow, sharing a look with Rick before you looked back at her. "Okay fine! Flag, don't look at me like that! It was just really pretty, it even has her initials on it."
Next thing you knew, Harley was handing you something, a silver bracelet with dangling charms on it. Your eyes widened at the sight, you knew Rick reacted too because you felt him sit up, cursing quietly when he felt Elena shift again. You both stared at the bracelet, noting the small red 'E' charm dangling along with red and black diamond charms much like the ones Harley had tattooed on her forearm. You were completely astonished and shocked. It was absolutely beautiful and you couldn't believe she would get that for your baby girl.
"Harley oh, my God," you exclaimed softly, eyeing the silver jewelry with a dumbfounded smile, "please tell me you didn't spend money on this. It looks really expensive."
"Oh God no, of course not." She answered a bit too quickly.
"Harley," Rick sighed heavily, looking up with a clearly unimpressed and disapproving look that made her shake her head quickly.
"I mean, yeah, of course I bought it. Relax Flag." She dragged out his name a bit and smiled innocently. Yeah he wasn't going to fight her about it.
"We really appreciate it Harls, it doesn't matter where it came from," you emphasized, slightly glaring at Rick and standing up, pulling your crazed friend into a tight hug. God you really miss her. "Thank you. I'm sure Elena will love to know her godmother gave her this."
"Yeah, thanks Harley." Rick added with a dry sigh, as monotone and as nonchalant as always. You wondered if he ever let his walls down around other people that weren't you. To say why you grew to love this man was a huge fucking mystery, it wasn't because of his total charisma and people skills that's for damn sure.
"I really hope that lil' pumpkin doesn't have your attitude when she's older. Poor girl already has to look like you." Harley scrunched up her face, and you had to cover your mouth with the back of your hand so you wouldn't burst out laughing.
"The hell is that supposed to mean?"
"Nothing!" Harley defended and shrugged, slightly pointing to the sleeping child, who was nearly the exact copy of her dad. "I'm just saying she looks exactly like you. It's like God said hey, we need another Flag, but I'm just gonna make it a girl. It's like copy and paste."
"Oh, my God Harley." You couldn't hold it in, you snorted, slightly covering your face with your hand, completely missing the annoyed look on Rick's face, but you did catch him shushing you. "God really did say fuck you on this one. So I carried that girl for nine months, and I went through 12 plus hours of labor, plus other unenjoyable pregnancy shit just so she'd come out looking exactly like her dad. As if the world needed another Rick Flag but a girl version."
"And that is exactly why she falls asleep on me, but won't even sleep in her crib with you." Rick pointed out, clearly proud to say it, and when you turned to look at him, he had a huge smug smirk on his face.
"Literally fuck you."
"Yeah, love you too sweetheart."
Good lord having kids was hard. Having an infant was hard. And getting them to sleep was an absolute fucking nightmare.
But hey, in six months you've learned how to work with Elena, at least now you have managed to get hervto sleep without having to call Rick to come cradle her. You're actually really proud of that now. You can at least rub that in his face. It took a while, but after a little while of cradling her while rocking softly on a rocking chair and the use of her favourite blankie, when you looked down, she was dead asleep. She looked peaceful. You could probably watch her sleep forever, she looked like a princess. And that she was.
You sighed happily, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to her little forehand before you stood up and carefully set her down on her crib. You slightly scrunched up your face, hoping she wouldn't wake up from the small movements. She didn't. She was sound asleep, her little arms at her sides and little legs kicking a bit as she adjusted to being on her crib.
God this girl looked so much like Rick it wasn't even funny.
You smiled softly to yourself and shook your head as you turned on the little moon and stars mobile she had above her, knowing it usually soothed her in her sleep. And after taking one last look at your baby girl, you turned on the little lap beside her crib and turned off the lights on your way out of the room.
You let out a heavy breath, exhausted and ready to maybe get some sleep that night. Yawning softly and stretching your arms out as you walked, you went to your shared bedroom with Rick. You found him already in bed, the covers up to his waist, shirtless and sitting up against the headboard, probably watching TV until you got there so you both could try to sleep. When you closed the door behind you, he turned his head to look at you and smiled, inviting you into his arms without saying a word. You happily complied, already in your pajamas and ready to go to bed. You nearly jumped on the bed, giggling when you bounced and landed right on his lap.
"Hi there pretty boy." You giggled looking up at him as you sat up and got under the covers with him.
"Hi sweetheart," he chuckled, moving down to lay on his back and you instantly laid your head on his chest, body pressed against his side and legs tangled with his. "Did you get the little princess to sleep? You were there for a while."
"Mhm," you hummed softly, nuzzling into his chest, mindlessly tracing the tattoo he got under his collarbone not too long ago. The inked letters spelled Elena's name in neat cursive, and right under it was her birth date in Roman numerals. To say that you loved this tattoo was an absolute understatement, "you think you're the only one that has charms. You can't always have every girl wrapped around your finger."
"Well, I got you, didn't I?" He teased, muscular arm wrapping around you to pull you impossibly closer to him.
"Yeah, you had me falling head over heels for you." You hummed, chucking softly at the memory of just how stupidly in love you were with him when you met, "Rick?"
"Yeah baby?" He shifted a bit and looked down at you. You sighed softly, moving your head to look up at him, eyes big.
"Are you happy?" You swore you've never seen Rick's eyes get as wide as they did just then. His mouth opened and closed a couple of times, confusion flashing through his hazel eyes. He really wasn't sure what you were asking him. So before he asked you clarified, "are you happy, living like this, with me, with Elena. And yes, yes I know exactly what you're going to say, but I know I made you give up a lot. You joined the military cause you wanted to serve your country and be a hero, and I made you give all of that up. And I know you love me and Elena more than anything, but I just never knew if this is what you really wanted for your life."
"Y/N, baby I—" he took a pause, wetting his lips softly as if to regroup his thoughts in his head and he chuckled softly, running a hand through your hair as he held the back of your head, "I don't care about any of that. I don't care about the recognition, the task force or being a goddamn hero. All of that doesn't mean shit to me. You and Elena mean everything to me. I left the task force and decided to move away from all of that because I wanted all of us to be safe, I wanted us to be safe. And even if Elena hadn't come along when she did, I still would've made the same decision because I wanted to come home to you, and for that we both needed to get away. So to answer your question sweetheart, yes I am so fucking happy with you and our baby girl. I'm livin' a dream and I wouldn't change that for anything."
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kutone · 7 years
if you’re the type of unsympathetic prick to rail against a person who’s in an emotionally vulnerable position + ranting to you abt their problems with “well, you had it coming/what did you expect/you deserved it”.
then i sincerely hope you go to hell.
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wardeningo · 2 years
wait be mindful oh what, i feel like I missed somethign
Okay sorry I was writing this and then it all got deleted so i lost my train (heh) of thought but- (putting it under read more cause its a bit lengthy)
I reblogged a few things about it that might help you understand more! But just be mindful of how we treat these two characters who are widely considered to be autistic and clearly have many mannerisms autistic people have. Because we may be falling into patterns that are stereotypical in a negative manner, even if you yourself are autistic (like I am!) you still should be careful yknow?
Not saying we have to create a culture of making sure they never fit any stereotypes Ever- i dont want people to start shutting down everything out of fear they're "problematic" cause this isn't what thats about!
But just be careful of how you portray them in aus, especially emmet, who has a history of being both infantilized and demonized.
If emmets the only one in an au who's inhuman and not his twin brother, ask yourself why its just emmet? Or vice versa
Again i dont want it to seem like all monster stuff is bad thats not the case- I myself am a slut for monster stuff
And Im back-pedaling a lot cause I really don't want to step on any toes and im scrambled but basically just be careful of how you write them
(Also if anyone decides to make a changeling au out of spite thats kind of lame cause changelings themselves are boring and itd be clear you just are doing it out of spite. A fae au in a fantasy setting would be much more fun! And its more broad and less based on ableism. Changelings in dnd or mlp au miiiight be a bit better but there's better options for them to be, besides burgh would be the mlp changeling cause. Bug :] )
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waluigisgaybf · 7 years
I want to be in love and kissed so bad.
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axemetaphor · 3 years
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augh i kept forgetting to post this because i kept wantgin to draw mroe for it but i really suck at emulating Animal Crossing Art Style so im just going to go on a rambling explanation about this under the cut but the basic concept is. they deserve a vacation. and whats more relaxing than animal crossing? probably several things but let me have this ok
id had a bunch of ideas for mroe drawings in this style but Clearly, i am not very good at it, and every time i sat down to Try Again it ended up shitty. this is from literally months ago by now lmao
my Basic Concept was just. take the 3 of them and dump them on an animal crossing island, cause while ive been sick ive been playing a lot of new horizons to try and stay stable, and my brain likes to mush together whatever 2-or-more things im invested in together all the time. here’s some bullet points!
-john really loves diving for sea critters and frequently pulls up those bigass lobsters and eels and shit, he’s got an unnatural knack for it. loves to startle the shit out of dave by just whipping an eel out of his pocket. no thats not an innuendo stop that-- -amy loves planting/watering the flowers but shes not like invested in getting All The Different Types (although that Would be neat) she’s just having fun building a large flower patch. it’s slowly overtaking the island. also dave likes to just kinda sit in the flower patch -speaking of dave he kind of doesnt do much, i think he’d like fishing with john and/or amy and maybe hed like digging up fossils but for the most part hes just chillin, as he deserves to be, -amy likes the DIY recipe stuff though and will frequently politely ask dave to go fetch stuff for her. this has led to most of the villagers/islanders/whateverthetermis, the animal citizens, to have their Main exposure to dave be him wandering around with an axe at 3am because amy’s out of hardwood -speaking of the animal citizens, because i just really like them as a concept, i have no solid concept of who-all would be on their island but whoever they are, john is “friends” with All of them (and by that i mean he says theyre all his friends; whether or not they find him obnoxious Varies,) and amy is genuine friends with most of them/has spoken to all of them at least, and dave rarely if ever speaks to them. hes not very social. most of the animals are a little scared of him until they Actually get to talk to him and then they realize hes just an awkward misanthropic bastard -also in case it wasnt clear id think the 3 of them would all be in one little cabin i mean you can upgrade the shit out of those so they could all feasibly have their own spaces. but also i like polyamory and id say they all 3 share a room because fight me they do itd be cute. also of course the decor of their cabin is absolutely bonkers like listen not only does animal crossing have some weird items but nearly any living space john inhabits most likely has some very strange decor in it !  -tbh actually i think john would do Most of the decor stuff cause like based on the way his house is described i think he’d go NUTS for animal crossing’s Theme Decor Shit i dont know i dont actually do a bunch of that but i sure do think he would! amy would help out esp since she likes the DIY stuff, and i think dave is just kind of ..... allowing this nonsense to happen. letting john be free. probably convincing him to not change the theme every day, maybe every week, if only because it’s a bit of a hassle to have everything Constantly Rearranged.  -hang on wait i just thought of the 3 of them wandering along the beach and picking up seashells and now im like emotional over it bro pls. lovely. -also i jsut realized if daves the guy who digs up fossils he definitely talks to blathers a lot and thats an extremely funny thing to contemplate. the dude who seems to not really liek talking to people and the chatterbox owl. fantastic. you know dave is probably too awkward to tell blathers he doesnt want to hear all thsoe archaeopteryx facts! (also tbh maybe dave would actually like learning stuff) -also. john catches bugs just to give them to blathers and watch him freak out just a little about it.  -john always ends up buying fake art from redd but it’s fine because he just puts it somewhere in or near their cabin. amy however has the uncanny good luck to somehow always find the real artworks! dave doesnt talk to redd, he doesnt really care. -this ones definitely projection because my animal crossing island is a mess (And I Like It That Way Thank U Very Much) but john definitely is the guy who will dump extra furniture at random spots on the island. too much shit in storage? don’t need that Harmonious Chair right now? holding it in ur pockets just because u dont know where else to put it? just dump it on the ground! uncannily, john fuckin Always remembers where he’s put that shit when he happens to need it again. however this does mean sometimes the animal citizens will just ... find a mysterious new chair in their front yard.  -i know that terraforming is a new thing in acnh but i havent done it yet because i dont care about the whole 3 stars rating thing like listen im jsut here to run around and fill the museum if i feel like it but mostly pick up pumpkins and hoard bells for no reason and let my island be taken over by wildflowers. if any of the 3 are into that tho its john or amy--john just for the hell of it, amy would actually like try to Make Stuff of it -their front yard (and back yard if their cabin is put somewhere to allow that) is full of unused furniture as well. and also sometimes random dropped fruits or something, if dave is already carrying a ton when he sees something to dig up. -i think im out of shit to say right now but i might reblog to add mroe so. yes. if youve read this far then holy shit youre dedicated or really bored or something but whatever your reason is i hope this was A Fun Read and if it gave you any ideas Please Tell Me my inbox is open im sick and still in quarantine and i crave human interaction from literally anyone who isnt my parents. thank u 
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