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iankitaman · 1 year
What is ITI in hindi? ITI Kya hai aur iske karne ke fayde
What is ITI? ITI Kya hai aur iske karne ke fayde: ITI का मतलब औद्योगिक प्रशिक्षण संस्थान ITI (Industrial Training Institute) है, जो एक व्यावसायिक प्रशिक्षण संस्थान है जो छात्रों को कौशल-आधारित प्रशिक्षण प्रदान करता है। ये ITI (Industrial Training Institute) संस्थान भारत सरकार के कौशल विकास और उद्यमिता मंत्रालय के तहत स्थापित किए गए हैं। ITI (Industrial Training Institute) अल्पकालिक पाठ्यक्रम…
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bhushaniti · 5 months
ITI College Admission Open in Jaipur for Girls in Rajasthan
Greetings, aspiring young minds! We are excited to announce that the doors to technical education and skill development are wide open for young women in Rajasthan. ITI College, located in the vibrant city of Jaipur, is now accepting admissions, paving the way for a brighter future in the world of vocational and technical training.
Why ITI College for Girls in Rajasthan?
Empowering Women Through Education:
Best ITI College in Jaipur Rajasthan, is dedicated to empowering women through education. In a society that is rapidly evolving, providing equal opportunities for girls is essential. This institution is committed to breaking barriers and fostering an inclusive learning environment.
Industry-Relevant Courses:
ITI College offers a variety of courses designed to meet the demands of today's job market. From technical skills to practical knowledge, the curriculum is crafted to equip students with the tools they need to succeed in their chosen fields.
Skilled Faculty:
Our experienced and dedicated faculty members are committed to providing quality education. They not only impart academic knowledge but also mentor and guide students, ensuring their holistic development.
State-of-the-Art Infrastructure:
ITI College boasts modern infrastructure, well-equipped classrooms, and cutting-edge labs. We believe that a conducive learning environment enhances the overall educational experience, and we are committed to providing just that.
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Placement Assistance:
Recognizing the importance of transition from education to employment, ITI College offers placement assistance to its graduates. We collaborate with various industries to create opportunities for our students, ensuring a smooth transition into the professional world.
Courses Offered:
ITI in Electrician General
ITI in Fitter
ITI in Mechanic Diesel
Best ITI College in Jaipur invites young women to embark on a journey of education, skill development, and empowerment. This is a golden opportunity to break free from traditional norms and explore a world of possibilities in the technical and vocational realm. Don't miss the chance to shape your future – join ITI College today and take the first step towards a successful and fulfilling career. Admission is open, and your dreams await!
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universal-verringbebe · 4 months
As an incentive for my last post, here's my most recent brain rot of the main LI which is food related:
That's husband material right there
He's going to make sure you're taking care of yourself whether you like it or not
He's the type to show up to your apartment with a full course meal, unasked just based on your last hospital report
Best believe you'd have the most delicious balanced meals
And if you question him, he'd tell you it was only for his most important patients
And you're literally the only name on that list
He's the type to watch you eat to make sure you've consumed every last bite
And if there's a component you're not a fan of , he's taking notes and doing his best to think of replacements
Vegetarian? Say less, we're bringing tofu, soy beans, mushrooms, etc to the table
You're allergic to seafood (like me), he's making sure there's only meat or veggies that won't hurt you and you would enjoy eating.
The type to watch you consume things just to see your reaction and catalogue what gives you the most satisfaction
He's willing to put aside his own tastes just for your enjoyment.
Bro just want to spend time with you
He's doesn't care what you do as long as he's by your side
Anything you say you're in the mood for, bet
He's looking up the best restaurants that appeal to your cravings
Imagine you thinking you're going to pay for your meal
You're sick for that, he's actually offended you would ever consider spending a penny
Tf is the point of making the art he does if he's not going to use the money to spend on all your foodie needs
You never have to to worry about eating too much
He just enjoys you enjoying eating and liking new things
But if you're allergic to seafood (like me) he's questioning if he can connect with you with his favorite dishes
Can he let the shellfish go for you?
Might as well give you up to onichinus and wait for your next life
He's along for the ride
The type to keep to himself until you say you want to travel
There's a place you saw in social media that has good food? Say less
He's taking you there even if he doesn't see the appeal
Just so he can see the adorable face you make when you get what you ordered
He compares it to other cuisine he's had in the past and promises to take you to where the dish originates
Might start getting sleepy during the meal which you mistake as the itis but it's just him needing to recharge
He'll say he'll make it up to you with his own cooking
You feel fear.
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crimeronan · 1 year
it's a little funny to me that people on here who haven't watched house md and have only heard about it through the grapevine seem to think that the asexuality episode is the only time that the show egregiously erred about a sensitive topic most people at the time knew nothing about. like i swear to god on EVERY post on here about the show being hashtag problematic there's ALWAYS someone in the comments going "and it was bad about asexuality which makes it worse!" and yes the show was bad about asexuality (i am ace. i know) and yes that happened at a time when asexuality was essentially unknown to almost everyone in america, but citing that as though it's like.... a singular event that only happened to one marginalized group who happened to be Particularly hated is like... very very Very much ignoring how frequent and systematic these writing choices were.
in curating a list of episodes to skip i'm finding archived contemporary articles written the DAY after episodes came out from various relevant organizations saying "hey!! hey!! this is the first time most of the american public has ever encountered this issue and you were fucking cruel and evil about it!!" about topics including but not limited to: asexuality, intersexism (TWICE), homophobia, Deaf culture, autism, schizophrenia, psychosis, low empathy, AIDS, and racial medical disparities. this is not the end of the list it's just the ones i can remember rn. the writers of the show did not ONLY think that asexuality doesn't exist. the writers of the show were afflicted with south-park-itis wherein every time they heard about literally any marginalized group having feelings or opinions different from the mainstream, they went, "wow, i don't like that! what's the best way to mock and belittle them as thoroughly as possible so that everyone knows that we're very very smart and know everything and these nasty people are very very stupid and deserve to be othered??"
the show doesn't Just suck about asexuality. it sucks about everything. and it's not because it's a cute tongue-in-cheek "ooo we hate everyone equally 🤗" thing. it's because the writers were actively vitriolic and cruel and inhumane about every single person they didn't care to understand. it's bad. the ace episode is not an outlier, it's par for the course for the entire series.
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pluralprompts · 2 years
Welcome to Plural Prompts!
We are a blog dedicated to providing writing prompts for plurals* of all shapes and sizes. There is very little fiction out there about plurality (especially fiction that doesn't demonize or stereotype it in some way), but with this blog, we hope to get the creative juices flowing and inspire some more! It's our hope that through more written works about plurality, more plurals can see themselves in fiction and enjoy engaging in community.
*if you don't consider yourself plural, but do consider yourself a system, system-adjacent, plural-adjacent, or someone with a disorder such as DID, P-DID, or OSDD-1, this blog is also for you! We simply use "plural" as the closest umbrella term we can get without needing to add on a thousand similar identities every time the concept comes up.
Submissions are welcome through the submission box, though we ask that unless you're submitting a prompt anonymously, you leave the ask box only for asks.
More details about this blog under the cut.
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[ID: a horizontal divider with a miniature version of Emmengard's Plural Rings in the center with a black outline. A horizontal black is line going down the center of the divider behind the rings. /End ID]
A loose but considerable tagging system will be used on this blog to track prompts of different flavors and subjects. Angst, Fluff, Suggestive, Silly, and Any Tone will be the main five tags, though any other relevant details to a prompt will of course be tagged as well.
For most prompts, these details – such as system origin, system size, etc – will be kept vague, though there will also be prompts that are more specific for those who prefer more detailed prompts. When it comes to system origin, a five term process will be used; the five origin labels that prompts will be sorted under are Adaptive, Created, Spontaneous, Mixed, and Mystery. Only if a more specific origin label is mentioned by name will a prompt be tagged as such.
As you may have noticed already, we tend to to use "plural" and "system" as our go-to words when writing. If you don't use these words for yourself, you're still welcome to use the prompts! But as we mentioned above, if we listed off every way a person who may relate to the experiences in these prompts may describe themself/ves, the prompts would become too cluttered with polite disclaimers to be useful to anyone. If other language is used in a prompt – for example, if a character is described as "a person with DID" – that will be under the DID tag, and you may look for those prompts specifically.
Some other aspects we plan to tag, if they are ever relevant to a prompt:
The supernatural (includes monsters of all shapes and sizes, and maybe aliens too)
Partnerships (in the context of romantic or platonic life partners)
Ableism, Disableism, and Pluralphobia (all as separate tags)
Popular AUs, such as High School, College, Coffee Shop, etc
Specific disorders, typed out with their full name (for example, we'll tag DID as "dissociative identity disorder," but not "DID")
And almost definitely more, we just can't think of them off the top of our head.
TLDR for previous few paragraphs: there's gonna be an extensive tagging system for the wide variety of prompts we plan to make. Also, the words "plural(ity)" and "system" will be the common terminology* used to describe characters who are more-than-one in some way.
*we'll also default to "headmate" and "system member," but occasionally you may see prompts that lean more towards part terminology than people terminology.
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[ID: the same divider as before. /End ID]
As for scheduling, we only plan to post two prompts a day, so as to avoid posting everything too soon and leaving you all without anything new. (Edit: we now post three prompts per day!) Any prompts submitted to this blog will also follow this schedule.
If there are prompt fills done for our prompts, feel free to tag us in your work, or send us an ask letting us know about it! If your work, or a link to it, is posted to Tumblr, we may reblog it here so others will find it! Any such reblogs will be under the tag #pluralprose. Credit for our prompts is highly appreciated but not necessary.
We are not going to host discourse on this blog. No kind of it. If you're here for that, just turn around now and go find one of the many discourse blogs out there. We're probably going to have to remind people of this a lot, but this is a blog for all systems/plurals, and it's probably not in your best interest to follow if you disagree with that. Just go have a temper tantrum on your own blog about how people are oppressing you by falling outside your view of how the world works, or whatever it is you do. Hate sent here will not be posted. In fact, we'll post positivity on another system blog of ours to spite you personally.
If you're looking for works created based on our prompts, we reblog most of them with the tag #pluralprose!
We have some suggestive prompts on this blog. If they're (by our standards) on the more graphic side of things, they'll be given the warning tag of NSFT (not safe for Tumblr).
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[ID: the same divider as before. /End ID]
Hm... that's about all we had to say. I suppose the only thing left is to tell a bit about ourselves, eh?
First off, credit where credit is due – our header is an edited version of a header by dedheaders, and our icon art comes from our main system blog.
We've written multiple fanfictions with plurality in them, usually based on our own experiences, and have dabbled in original work with system characters.
If we take a while to respond to something you send, assume it's either because we're busy or don't have the energy. Or maybe it's a Tumblr problem. But if we get it, we'll respond to you sooner or later – with the exception of hate, we'll just delete that. But even then, we tend to address any questions or concerns from hate asks in an original post.
You probably know our other for-others system blog, funnier-as-a-system. (Surprise, surprise, we're there too!) We also run plegg-culture-is and factive-culture-is.
Our sleep schedule is non-existent and there's a good chance we need a nap at any given time /(half joke).
We try to assume good faith and ignorance before malice, and will do our best to avoid being hostile to anyone on this blog. The most you might get is some passive-agressive lines if we're addressing a concern a hateful anon had.
Our system name is the Orange Orchard, if anyone was curious.
That's all!! Have a great day!!
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maireadralph · 2 years
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Entrapdak Posit-mini-ity Month: Explosion 💥 
What’s that? Me doing ANOTHER Entrapdak Team Rocket crossover? …well of course - it’s ME! 😆 
Imp caused totally caused this explosion AGAIN.  Hordak is just sick of this s***, while Entrapta just loves the random (and often spontaneous) free adventure.
Prompt list is here and also here:
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alannah-corvaine · 9 months
Who’s your mess character? 👀
Can't have just one, I've slowly been branching out and diversifying my mess portfolio over the last few years.
• Alannah is, of course, at the top of the list. And I have to include her entire family with her because all of them are completely dysfunctional, which is the entire foundation of her messiness and informs so much of how she thinks and reacts to things. I've had a lot of fun actively making her worse over the years and I think she's a better character for it.
• Ean gets a special mention because he's never had a healthy interaction with another person in his life.
• Then there's Astya, my void elf priest who also suffers from dysfunctional-family-itis and also void corruption. When your older sister marries your fiance behind your back (before they even thought you were dead!) it can give your outlook on life a salty flavor that colors everything that comes after it. Add to that an intense personal struggle with light and dark, idk her perspective and judgement might not be very sound.
• and Lydaris, your stereotypical slightly unhinged night elf demon hunter. Which is all well and good, but the dark path of obsession she treads on puts her at constant odds with her childhood best friend and lover who's a devout priestess of Elune. Lyddie is so toxic and I love her for it.
• All of my Dragon Age OCs, who had the benefit of being created and developed after I'd embraced the chaos of giving my characters realistic flaws, since I only played the trilogy for the first time last year.
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wocatana2 · 3 months
7 && 12!
7. Are there any labels that interest you in general?
there are a lot of labels i like but don't identify with. just cause people be making some bomb ass flags and shit relating to my interests. an example are these transSCPClass flags. if we're talkin generally i'm always interested in seeing transharmful n transhateful labels. speakin of...
12. Do you use any 'Problematic' identities?
damn straight. transharmful course, yap, somno, necro, wanting to fuck-my-little-brother-itis. list of paras could go on but those're some of the main.
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sunnyie-eve · 9 months
8 | Just Stop
Series: A Zombie's Serenity 
Paring: Zed Necrodopolis x OFC Buchanan!
Word Count: 2.1k
A/N: Might be a few mistakes, and I'm using Brenna D'Amico as how the OC's looks
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"You good?" I laugh walking over putting a hand out to him. 
"I'm good. Yeah." He takes my hand and I help him up. 
"You sure? She tackled you pretty good." I can't help but laugh some. 
"Did it look as bad as it felt?" He rubs his shoulder he landed on. 
"Yep." Zoey walks up to us. 
"So are you ready to work on the homework? Don't forget there's still a curfew." I remind him. 
"Yeah. See you tomorrow, Eliza." Zed picks up Zoey playfully and starts to walk towards his place. 
"Good luck with him." Eliza tells me. 
"I'm gonna need it." I follow him. 
"Welcome to my lovely home." He says as I walk in. 
"It's feel homey compared to my place." I look around. 
"We can either do work at the table, couch, or my room." He lists. 
"Umm the table is good." I walk over to it. 
"I thought so." He joins me.
While we work on the homework at times, I noticed Zed would just stare at me instead of doing the work. "Does Zoey have colors we could use to decorate the board?" I look up from my notebook. 
"Yeah, I'll do get them." He starts to stand up but I stop him.
"I'll get them because you need to copy this down since you keep zoning out." I pass him my notebook. 
"It's the second door upstairs. It should be open." He lets me know. 
"Zoey." I knock on the door making her turn to face me. "Do you have any markers and crayons we can barrow?" I ask her. 
"Yeah." She gives me the crayons then I follow her to Zed's room. "He hasn't brought them back yet." She huffs handing me the pack. 
"Thank you." I give her a smile. 
"Of course." I turn to leave and a picture catches my eye making me slightly smile.
"Did you get them yet?!" Zed shouts from downstairs so I leave his room. 
"Yeah, you made Zoey do more work because she had to get the markers out of your room." I explain to him. 
"Right, I forgot to return them." He nods his head. 
"So I'll write all this, and you'll write this. I made sure you have less to do." I explain. 
"So I wouldn't complain?" He raises an eyebrow so I nod my head. "You know me so well." We continue to work at the table till his dad came home and we had to move to his room. 
As we were finishing up, we were just drawing and decorating it to look nice. "I have to agree it is a nice picture to hang up. Zoey and I look adorable together at the football game. I also remember your dad took another one with us, Eliza and Bonzo. Why isn't that one up? It has your best friends in it." I decide to bring it up.
"Bonzo's eyes were closed in that one so it ruined the whole picture. Plus he was holding the sign upside down." He awkwardly laughs. 
"So why put that one up if it's just two out of four?" I ask him. 
"Because the two of you are the main girls in my life I care about." He just looks at me. 
"I have to get going home. It's late and almost curfew." I get my things together. 
"Serenity." He follows me down the stairs. 
"You need to stop Zed. Stop the little flirting you do with me because things are different now. You have Addison and I don't want to mess that up for you. You have some feelings for her if you decided to move on quickly. I un-," I get cut off by his lips on mine. I wanted to kiss back, I really wanted to but I push him away, "You made up your mind." I rush out of his house running home.
"Seren...ity..." I slightly hear my mom as I rush to my room upset. I plop onto my bed beginning to cry even though I shouldn't be crying over him. "Sweetheart?" My mom comes into my room, "What's wrong? You can talk to me." She sits next to me. 
"Addison took the boy I like but he still likes me but he also developed feelings for her." I turn to look at her. "Plus he just kissed me." I sigh. 
"Zed, was his name, right?" She smiles. 
"Yeah." I whine. 
"Sit up." She pulls me to sit up. 
"And this is the same boy who messes with his Z-Band to make himself look human just to meet us when we hated Zombies?" She holds my hands and I nod my head. "Your aunt Missy, my dear sister, tried taking your father from me in high school... but I wouldn't have it and I made sure he was mine. You show Zed and make him know if he stays with Addison he's making a mistake." She kisses my forehead before leaving my room.
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"Howl's it going Serenity?" I can't help but laugh at Wyatt walking up to me at my locker. 
"Alright, I guess." I force a smile reaching for my book but remember I left it at Zed's, "Great." I put my head in my locker. 
"You okay?" He asks. 
"I'm fine..." I say with my head still in my locker. 
"You sure? Then why's your head still in there?" He chuckles. 
"It's cool in here." I huff. 
"I know we don't know each other very well but you can talk to me. Us wolves stick together and listen." I lean out of my locker. 
"I'm not a werewolf, Wyatt. My hair doesn't mean anything." I tell him again. 
"It has to mean something no one is born like that if it doesn't mean anything special." He steps closer to touch it.
"Well for me it means nothing. Maybe for Addison since our grandma said she's more special than me." I snap. 
"Maybe you're not a wolf, you won't know till you put on a moonstone necklace, but I'm sure it means something if not a wolf." He steps back. 
"Why make a fool of myself putting one on and nothing happens?" I asks putting different books into my locker. 
"Because it will let you know you're meant to be something else. I can sense you are." He makes me eye him.
"You don't know me, Wyatt." I laugh some. 
"Then let me get to know you." He steps toward me and takes the book out of my hand. 
"You're one strange werewolf." I shake my head at him then see Zed at his locker.
Wyatt turns around to see what I was looking at then turns back to me, "He's the reason, you're fine?" He gives me a look. 
"Umm, yeah." I take my book from him to put up then put my head back into my locker. 
"I'm sure he can still see you. What happened? I thought you two were friends?" He asks.
"We are but last year we were sorta a thing before my parents sent me away. Then when I got back I found out Addison got him to fall for her. But him and Eliza say he still likes me. And that him and Addison aren't really dating but still are sorta together. He kissed me last night after we finished our homework." I tell him everything. 
"Get out of your locker, Serenity." Wyatt wraps his arms around my waist picking me up moving me away. 
"But it really is cool in there!" I whine as he shuts my locker. 
"You're too good to pout into a locker about a boy. Come on, we have class to get to." He hands me my bag then takes me by my hand.
"Zed! You did what?!" Eliza hits him as they walk to school. 
"I know but she was leaving quickly and didn't even give me the chance to talk. She told me stop but I can't help it because I love her." He shouts then covers his mouth. 
"You just said you love her..." Eliza looks at him with wide eyes. 
"I did." He uncovers his mouth. 
"Then why are you haven't you told Addison you don't 100% feel the same way? That you see her mostly as a friend? Why did you give in, in the first place?" Eliza asks him. 
"Because I'm a idiot. I'll talk to her when I see her." Zed walks over to his locker. 
"But it really is cool in there!" Zed hears Serenity shout so when he looks towards her locker he sees Wyatt with his arms wrapped around her. He places her down to shut her locker before taking her by the hand and walking off.
"Are you kidding me?" He gets upset. 
"What's wrong?" Addison walks up to him. 
"The werewolf has a thing for Serenity." He closes his locker slightly hard. 
"So?" Addison gives him a confused look. 
"Addison, I know you're smart and you know why it bothers me. I can't do this anymore. I'm sorry but I never stopped having feelings for Serenity and I can't return the same ones to you. I thought her not coming back I could try to move on but I lied to myself and then I saw her again..." Zed apologizes to her. 
"It's okay, Zed... I know and like you said I can see it. Plus Serenity deserves you and you deserve her. But I still got your back as a close friend." Addison give him a smile. 
"Thank you for understanding. I am sorry." He keeps apologizing. 
"Don't worry about the werewolf and Serenity because I know you mean a lot to her." Addison heads off to class.
"Hey, Addie. Is it okay if I watch you lead cheer practice today?" Serenity walks with her to the gym. 
"Sure. It's still not to late to join again." She nudges her. 
"I'm still gonna pass. Maybe I'll join again next year." She tells her. 
"I'll be holding you to that." Addison points her finger at her as they go in. 
As Serenity takes a seat the werewolves come in, "What doing?" She asks Wyatt. 
"Came to watch. You?" He sits next to her. 
"Same as you." She says before Addison notices the group. 
"Sorry, but this practice space is for cheerleaders only." She tells them. 
"Ha! Just try and get us to leave." Wynter stands up.
"No, I don't want you to leave. I want you to stay. Show us what you can do. The cheer team is for everyone." She smiles at them. 
"Come on." Wyatt tries to get Serenity to join. 
"I'm good. I came to watch." She tries to stay seated. 
"So did I but changed of plans." He pulls her up dragging her to the group causing her to whine. 
"You love cheer and this will remind you." Addison pats her back before they all cheer together.
"So you told Addison everything?" Eliza changes the subject from Zed's election to Zed's love life. 
"Yes but this was after seeing that furball, Wyatt, flirting with Serenity. He was making her smile and was all touchy." Zed gets annoyed. 
"Maybe you were looking into it too much because of everything. It probably wasn't that bad." Eliza tells him as the two of them and Bonzo walk into the gym to see the end of the cheer and everyone cheering. 
"See you had fun." Wyatt wraps his arms around Serenity's waist hugging her making her laugh. 
"Yeah, I was wrong. That scruffy, super handsome, fine-smelling Wyatt is really into Serenity." Eliza looks at Zed while Serenity talked to Wyatt and Addison about missing cheer.
"No, we were both wrong... They're just cheering. And laughing again. Maybe she's just trying to convince him to get the wolves to vote for me. I'm not threatened." Zed lies to himself so Eliza just pats his shoulder leaving. 
Wyatt tells Addison, the whole we werewolves work well together, making her say she's not one like Serenity told him. "Hmm." He looks at her then at Serenity.
"Really again." She gives him a look. 
"I still think you're special." He touches her hair again making Addison look at him confused till Bucky comes to talk to her. Wyatt looks over at the doors to see Zed standing there watching so as Serenity steps back she looks too. Zed rushes off and Addison tells Serenity to go talk to him confusing her why should she.
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kaelio · 11 months
for the choose violence ask game: for DS9, pick any 3-5 questions you want to answer from that list. for TVC or IWTV 2022, 8 and 10.
9. time for me to say this: it's ziyal in canon. it's unforgivable how shittily it's done. it's not just the garak crush, it's all of it. she never talks to sisko. a single time. she doesn't talk to other teens. why the fuck is she there. she has more (poorly-defined) personalities than actresses. it's a fucking mess, i'm sorry. i would also like ziyal to be a good character and spent brainspace inventing ways she could have been. in canon she isn't. absolutely wall-to-wall wasted potential. mushy stock character misused in every way.
9.A. wait also, having augments have to be in prison even if they're augmented without their consent as kids. totally antithetical to the Federation's core values. even ds9's stupid ass "Dark Federation" vibe doesn't track with this. it's absurd.
9. B. wait shit, it's kira's mom. all of that. everything about it.
worse blorboification: it's odo. odo's a good character. but he is not a (figuratively) squishi boi. literally yes, figuratively no. he's a fascist piece of shit who learns to be more nuanced over time. also kira's "he wasn't a collaborator :((((" bit at the very end of season 7 is like, absolutely dogshit writing. it's unforgiveable and it's stupid. he is the very definition of a collaborator. have her deal with or or not.
21. augment storyline overall is overhyped. hell, dominion war is overhyped. why did we need a war anyway, it's not that interesting. war isn't interesting.
3. anything where people say the federation is colonialist. it's never in the context of the person knowing what colonialism actually is. even the real arguments about the federation's cultural heft don't understand the difference between that and colonialism. cultural exchange is not colonialism.
12. people know i like marius but guess what. david is an ok character too. both characters suffer way too much from double-standard-itis. like, textual double standard stuff. we either ignore some of that shit or we don't, but acting like it's only Real when david does it is silly. david's big sin is he's sort of boring. of course he's a bad person. they're bad people.
18. people get on AR's ass, rightfully, for being way into characters being ~Young~ and then y'all like those characters best. like you're doing it too. why am i the only person drawing older characters or characters looking older and i'm getting pilloried here. im on the crusty old man train, and if they don't fit there by default i just pluck those suckers from the kid's table and add some cheek bones and shoulder breadth. join me. remember my rule for the vampires: add ten years of lifespan, remove 4 inches of height. am i saying lestat is 5'8"? no. remove 5 inches for lestat. he's 5'7". max.
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fakemonexperiments · 1 year
any tips for drawing grass type pokemon?
grass types, despite the name, are actually about the concept of plants/vegetables rather than strictly being plants. this is why mushroom pokemon (amogus etc) are considered grass types.
my general process for grass pokemon is about the same as any other pokemon except that
pick a plant or fungus. determine the defining characteristics of this plant or fungus and what would make it unique and interesting, either to the naked eye or in terms of function/role in the ecosystem. be as specific with this plant or fungus as possible - this will make it easier for you to highlight defining traits.
find another concept to marry with your plant. this will help you anthropomorphise it but also give depth to your pokemon. this can be anything - a literal animal (bulbasaur is a frog-dinosaur mixed with a flower bulb), a character type (shiftry is a ninja), or something more abstract/referential (applin worm in an apple). think about whether this pokemon comes in groups, like paired pokemon or an evolution line. how does it interact with other pokemon? if in an evolution line, base stages tend to be simpler and much more aligned with seeds/sprouts, while fully evolved forms are flowering/mature plants. alternatively, you could just pick a bigger version of an adjacent plant (see cacnea and cacturne). pokemon tend to develop more arms and legs as they get bigger, also.
characterise your pokemon. what’s their personality like? how would this appeal to a child? for this I like to use the five contest appeals (cool, smart, beautiful, tough, cute) and sort of pick 1-2 that i think will work. write 2 pokedex entries - this should help you determine how your pokemon would function in the wild, or how it interacts with humans! around this time, you can also finish off the laundry list of pokemon characteristics: things like type, stats, and so on.
now that you have your pokemon concept clearly laid out, it’ll be much easier for you to draw the pokemon. the complexity of your drawing should scale with A) the evolution stage and B) box legendary-itis. in general however, you should think of the pokemon as something that a child should be able to draw if they tried hard enough. for grass pokemon, focus on your concept and see how you can break it down into simplified shapes (e.g. virizion does not look like a real life deer, it looks like a very stylised deer slimmed down to reflect a sort of elegance). simplify the shapes and proportions. remember that this isn’t necessarily about what the things you’re drawing from look like in real life, but something that should be easily parseable to a child. lastly, try to convey their personality: through their size, shape, pose.
grass types lean towards being green because of the generalised plant theme, but this is not the only colour a grass pokemon can be. even grass starters don’t have to be fully green - think rowlet and green bowtie as an accent. pick the colours that work best for the vibe you want to give off: they do not have to be realistic to your plant or animal at all. shiinotic is purple because it glows in the dark, not because shiitakes are purple. do whatever you want 🙏
at this point I feel like I should give an example of a grass pokemon I’ve designed, so here’s coconaught again:
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I started with the concept of a coconut, but I wanted to do something different from alolan exeggutor. I always kind of thought that the three holes in a coconut kind of looked like its face, so that of course became its face. when I doodled a first draft, it looked somewhat haunted, which gave me the idea to give it a secondary ghost typing! coconuts are naturally round, so the silhouette was easy but too simple - I gave it the coconut tree/sprout to make it distinct at first glance what the pokemon was intended to be. then I trialed different legs (whether one leg to hop around on or two legs to waddle on) and sort of settled on this mr game & watch type legs, which had a sort of synergy with the haunted/ghosty nature of it all. I think I went for something cute but in a kind of spooky way - sort of mimikyu-adjacent. then I named it coconaught (coconut + naught as in nothing, to convey the sense of hollowness). anyway I think he’s really good. hope that helps
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iankitaman · 1 year
What is Polytechnic Course in hindi? पॉलिटेक्निक कोर्स क्या है, इसे कैसे करे और इसके फायदें
What is Polytechnic Course in hindi? पॉलिटेक्निक कोर्स क्या है, इसे कैसे करे और इसके फायदें: पॉलिटेक्निक एक विशेष प्रकार का तकनीकी और व्यावसायिक शिक्षा संस्थान होता है। इसमें विभिन्न तकनीकी शिक्षाओं जैसे: Computer Science,. Mechenical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, आदि के कोर्स शामिल होते हैं। यह संस्थान छात्रों को उचित तकनीकी ज्ञान और व्यावसायिक दक्षता प्रदान करता है जो…
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bhushaniti · 7 months
Bhushan ITI in Rajasthan: Empowering Futures in Mechanical Engineering
In the vast and diverse landscape of education in Rajasthan, Bhushan Industrial Training Institute (ITI) stands out as a beacon of opportunity for aspiring individuals in the field of Mechanical Engineering. Established with a vision to bridge the skills gap and empower the youth, Bhushan ITI has been a catalyst for change in the educational landscape of the region.
Mechanical Engineering at Bhushan ITI:
Bhushan ITI offers a comprehensive program in Mechanical Engineering, providing students with a solid foundation in the principles and practices of the discipline. The curriculum is designed to meet industry standards, ensuring that graduates are well-prepared to tackle the challenges of the dynamic and ever-evolving field of mechanical engineering.
State-of-the-Art Facilities:
One of the key factors that set Bhushan ITI apart is its commitment to providing students with state-of-the-art facilities. The institute is equipped with modern laboratories, workshops, and classrooms that create an immersive learning environment. Students have access to cutting-edge technology and machinery, allowing them to gain hands-on experience that is crucial for success in the field.
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Experienced Faculty:
The success of any educational institution lies in the expertise and dedication of its faculty, and Bhushan ITI takes pride in its team of experienced instructors. The faculty members at Bhushan ITI bring a wealth of industry knowledge to the classroom, ensuring that students not only grasp theoretical concepts but also understand their practical applications in the real world.
Industry-Relevant Curriculum:
The curriculum at Bhushan ITI is carefully crafted to align with the latest industry trends and requirements. Students undergo a well-rounded education that covers fundamental concepts as well as emerging technologies in the field of Mechanical Engineering. This ensures that graduates are not only equipped with traditional knowledge but are also ready to embrace innovations in the industry.
Skill Development Initiatives:
Recognizing the importance of skill development in today's competitive job market, Bhushan ITI places a strong emphasis on honing practical skills alongside theoretical knowledge. The institute conducts workshops, seminars, and industrial visits to expose students to the real-world applications of their learning. This hands-on approach prepares them for the challenges they may encounter in their professional careers.
Placement Assistance:
Bhushan ITI is committed to not just imparting education but also ensuring that its graduates find meaningful employment opportunities. The institute has a dedicated placement cell that works closely with industry partners to facilitate internships and job placements for students. This strong network with the industry enhances the employability of Bhushan ITI graduates.
Promoting Entrepreneurship:
In addition to preparing students for traditional employment, Bhushan ITI encourages an entrepreneurial mindset. The institute provides support and resources for students interested in starting their own ventures. This approach not only fosters innovation but also contributes to the development of a self-reliant and enterprising workforce.
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Community Engagement and Social Responsibility:
Bhushan ITI not only excels in providing quality education but also actively engages with the community and takes on social responsibilities. The institute organizes outreach programs, skill development workshops for underprivileged youth, and community development initiatives. By doing so, Bhushan ITI contributes to the overall upliftment of society and emphasizes the role of education in creating positive social change.
Adapting to Technological Advancements:
In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, Bhushan ITI ensures that its curriculum remains up-to-date with the latest advancements in the field of Mechanical Engineering. The institute recognizes the importance of emerging technologies such as automation, artificial intelligence, and Industry 4.0. By incorporating these elements into the curriculum, Bhushan ITI ensures that its graduates are well-prepared to meet the demands of the modern industrial landscape.
Alumni Success Stories:
The true measure of an educational institution's success lies in the achievements of its alumni. Bhushan ITI takes pride in the accomplishments of its graduates, many of whom have gone on to make significant contributions to the field of Mechanical Engineering. These success stories not only inspire current students but also serve as a testament to the quality of education provided by the institute.
Continuous Learning Opportunities:
Recognizing that learning is a lifelong journey, Bhushan ITI encourages a culture of continuous learning among its students and faculty. The institute facilitates workshops, seminars, and webinars with industry experts, keeping students abreast of the latest developments in the field. This commitment to ongoing education ensures that Bhushan ITI graduates remain relevant and adaptable in their careers.
Global Exposure:
In an era of global connectivity, Bhushan ITI recognizes the importance of providing students with international exposure. The institute has collaborations with renowned institutions and industries worldwide, facilitating student exchange programs and global internships. This not only broadens the horizons of students but also prepares them for the globalized nature of the workforce.
Bhushan ITI in Rajasthan stands as a beacon of educational excellence, particularly in the field of Mechanical Engineering. Through its commitment to quality education, practical skill development, community engagement, and global exposure, the institute continues to shape the future of aspiring engineers. Bhushan ITI's holistic approach to education ensures that its graduates not only excel in their careers but also contribute meaningfully to society. As the institute evolves with the changing landscape of technology and industry, it remains a symbol of educational innovation and empowerment in the heart of Rajasthan.
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moragarsia · 9 months
To whom is the Kremlin going to entrust “power" in the occupied territories of Ukraine
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In the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, the aggressor country held "elections" to local councils. There was tension with candidates in the occupied territories. For "security reasons", only the names of the parties were indicated on the ballots, and information about the candidates was not disclosed. Parties that e They were allowed to participate in the process - only 4-5. And all pro-government. Of course, it was not without United Russia, the Communists and the Liberal Democratic Party. Candidates from some parties are generally new people about whom nothing is known. For example, in the parties of the Liberal Democratic Party, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and A Just Russia, on average, a third of applicants are generally housewives, pensioners and the unemployed with an unclear source of income. Itis not excluded that for them it was such a way to earn extra money. And there are lists from parties where there are 50% of such candidates "from the street". In general, these are people who have nothing to do with politics and, apparently, are driven there for extras. The second dozen lists of deputies from parties consist mainly of little-known local businessmen, officials, in some places diluted with deputies from the regions of the Russian Federation.
Who portrays the "legitimate authority"? Who did you manage to reach out to the “people's councils" created by Russia? In the annexed territories of Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions, 71 percent of all candidates are local residents. United Russia's approach to the selection of "candidates" in the south and in the Donbass differed significantly. In the so-called ""DPR" and "LPR" it relies on the local political system controlled by the Kremlin for the past nine years. Theynominated mainly those who were already in the people's council of these "republics", that is, representatives of some pre-existing occupation missions. And this means that, most likely, following the results of the elections, the government there will not change much. In the territories of the Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions occupied by the Russian Federation, even after a year and a half of occupation, there is a shortage of local personnel - in the lists of United Russia" in the "regional dumas" are mostly well-known collaborators. Most of the "new United Russia" are local state employees: principals of schools, rural clubs, clerks of city administrations and small entrepreneurs.
In the first places in the lists of "United Russia" are the leaders of the Ukrainian regions occupied by the Russian Federation: Denis Pushilin, Leonid Pasechnik, Yevgeny Balitsky, Vladimir Saldo.
Number one in the LPR is the "elected leader of the Lugansk People's Republic" Leonid Pasechnik, a former employee of the SBU, in the recent past, the so-called "Minister of State Security of the LPR". While working for the SBU, Pasechnik controlled the movement of all goods across the Russian-Ukrainian border. Being the so-called. "Minister of the State Security of the LPR", he continued to profit by controlling the smuggling of coal and fuels and lubricants.
In the Zaporizhzhia region, a wealthy businessman, curator of the process of stealing Ukrainian grain through the ports of the occupied part of the region, Yevhen Balitsky, became a deputy. The "head" of the Melitopol administration, Galina Danilchenko, is nominated to the Zaporozhye Regional Duma - she is number two on the party list of United Russia after the "leader" Zaporozhye region of Yevhen Balitsky, at whose family business she worked for many years.
Also in the top ten is the self-proclaimed mayor of Berdyansk, Alexander Saulenko. In Ukraine, he was sentenced in absentia to 15 years in prison with confiscation of property. Many other participants in these "elections" also received sentences for collaboration. From the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the legislative assembly was "strengthened" by Viktor Medvedchuk's Crimean ally Oleg Slyusarenko, who, with active complicity with the occupiers, has not received at least some position on the peninsula for eight years. Oleg Slyusarenko is known in Crimea as a participant and organizer of various, including radical, pro-Russian street actions. In 2017, the name of Oleg Slyusarenko sounded in the context of the cooperation of his organization "Our Great Victory" with "Montenegrin terrorists" - a group of persons suspected of preparing a coup d'état in Montenegro.
The eighth number in the list of deputies of the Kherson Regional Duma is the current deputy chairman of the regional government Vitaly Bulyuk. Ranshewas a Ukrainian patriot and back in April 2022 wrote on social networks that "Kherson is Ukraine", but a month later he became a member of the occupation authorities.
In addition to the Ukrainians who remained in the occupied territories, 340 Russians from 39 regions participated in the elections to the legislative assemblies of the four occupied territories. There were apparently enough people willing to run that the Kremlin had to send reinforcements from Russia, adding to the lists rank-and-file bureaucrats from the presidential administration, such as Oleg Nesterov, an employee of the Kremlin administration, who was sanctioned by the United States for coordination "referendum" in the Zaporozhye region and the creation of "filtration points".
In the occupied part of the Kherson region, the second number on the party list from the ruling party was an odious character - State Duma deputy Igor Kastyukevich, who organized the deportation of children from a Kherson boarding school in the fall of 2022. At least 14 children from Kherson ended up in the orphanage "Herringbone", which was called a "children's concentration camp" because of the cruel treatment of pupils.
Russian "troops" make up about a fifth of the list of "United Russia" in the Donetsk region. Among them are the well-known kickboxer Vladimir Mineev, who at the beginning of the year, allegedly volunteered for the Russian army, the current deputy of the City Council of Rostov-on-Don Pyotr Pyatibratov and the non-public Kremlin political strategist Artem Perekhrist.
In the Luhansk region, the party nominates the Don Cossacks: State Duma deputy Viktor Vodolatsky and "supreme ataman" Nikolai Dyakonov.
In these so-called elections in the occupied territories, there were no federal figures on the party lists, except, perhaps, the well-known bribe-taker Slutsky, who decided to run in all four regions at once. However, he is unlikely to leave the chair of the head of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs.
For the most part, these are serial candidates, that is, people who ran several times in elections at different levels in Russia, but did not pass anywhere. Some of them went somewhere 15-20 times. And now they continue their career as "serial killers" in the occupied territories. Although there are those who, apparently, are determined to solve their business issues in these territories, for this they decided to acquire "crusts".
As for the legitimacy of all these "people's councils", even those who ran there seem to have no illusions.
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faizcollegetour · 2 months
Best Distance MCA Colleges in Madhya Pradesh
A postgraduate degree program in computer science and applications is the Master of Computer Applications (MCA). It is intended to give students a thorough understanding of a range of computer science topics, such as database administration, web development, networking, programming languages, software development, and computer architecture. The length of the program, however, could differ based on the nation and university offering it. In this blog, let's examine the Best Distance MCA Colleges in Madhya Pradesh
Numerous subjects about computer science and its applications are covered in the MCA curriculum. It covers topics including data structures, algorithms, computer networks, database management systems, software engineering, web technologies, artificial intelligence, and programming languages (such as C, C++, and Java). Typically, the curriculum consists of both theoretical courses.
Overview of Education in Madhya Pradesh
Madhya Pradesh is a state in central India renowned for its historical significance and rich cultural legacy. Over the years, Madhya Pradesh's education system has experienced major changes with an emphasis on increasing everyone's access to high-quality education. The Madhya Pradesh government is working to make primary education available to all. Children ages 6 to 14 are educated at primary schools located throughout the state.
Madhya Pradesh provides vocational courses in a range of subjects to give students employable skills since it understands the value of vocational education. Specialized vocational training programs are provided by Polytechnic Institutes and Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs). The Madhya Pradesh government has started several programs aimed at raising the standard of education in the state. Among them is the launch of online education initiatives. the development of model schools, the application of the Right to Education Act, and the provision of free textbooks and uniforms to children from low-income families.
Top MCA Colleges List in Madhya Pradesh
1. Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology
The institution was first founded in 1960 as the Regional Engineering College (REC), Bhopal, or Maulana Azad College of Technology (MACT). It was transformed into a National Institute of Technology in 2002, and the NIT Act of 2007 recognized it as an Institute of National Importance. MANIT is named for Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, a renowned scholar, independence fighter, and India's first Minister of Education. It is located in Madhya Pradesh's Top Rated MCA College.
The Government of India's Ministry of Education provides MANIT with all of its funding, and the NIT Council oversees the organization's operations. Bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees in a variety of subjects, including science, technology, engineering, architecture, and management, are among the many academic programs that the institute provides.
2. BUIT Bhopal University
Situated on a 30-acre campus, Barkatullah University Institute of Technology (BUIT) was founded in 1997. It has ties to Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India's Barkatullah University. The institute provides B.E., M.Tech, and M.C.A. programs, among other undergraduate and graduate degrees. The All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) has approved these programs.
The amenities offered by BUIT Bhopal to its students include male and female-only dorms, sports facilities, a medical clinic, well-equipped labs, a gymnasium, a library, a cafeteria, an auditorium, and banking services. Additionally, the institute has a placement cell specifically designed to help final-year students find jobs. 
3. Gyan Ganga Institute of Technology and Sciences (GGITS)
The Gyan Ganga Institute of Technology and Sciences (GGITS) is situated in Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India, and was founded in 2003. It has the All India Council for Technical Education's (AICTE) approval and is associated with Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya (RGPV). GGITS Jabalpur ranks among the top MCA universities in Madhya Pradesh and is also approved by the National Board of Accreditation.
The institute is a coeducational school with a campus spanning ten acres. It claims 3184 students enrolled overall, with 269 teaching members. A variety of undergraduate and graduate courses are available at GGITS Jabalpur, including B.E/B.Tech, B.Pharma, M.Tech, M.B.A., and M.C.A. Among the infrastructure amenities offered by the institute are hostels, a library, sports facilities, an auditorium, and IT infrastructure.
4. Sagar Institute of Research and Technology
The private engineering college Sagar Institute of Research and Technology (SIRT), sometimes referred to as SIRT Bhopal is located in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. The institute was founded in 2003 by seasoned teacher and business executive Sanjeev Agrawal, and it has become well-known in the technical education sector. It is recognized by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and associated with Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya (RGPV).
SIRT Bhopal has been recognized for its academic excellence and high caliber of education with several awards and rankings. According to the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) in 2022, it was ranked 13th among private engineering colleges in India. India SIRT Bhopal was also placed 12th among private engineering colleges in the nation by the Nielsen Best Colleges Survey.
5.  Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)
The best option for online MCA (Master of Computer Applications) distance learning is Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU). IGNOU, which was founded in Maidan Garhi, Delhi, in 1985, has grown to become one of India's top providers of remote learning. With more than 60 regional centers located all around the nation, students can conveniently access it. There are more than 150 different online course options available from IGNOU. In particular, the MCA program gives students flexibility by letting them finish the degree in as little as three years and as long as six years. Those who like self-paced study and working professionals will benefit from this flexibility.
MCA Eligibility Criteria In Madhya Pradesh
Applicants must have graduated from an accredited university with a bachelor's degree in computer science or a closely related discipline.
Universities have different minimum percentages needed for admission. Typically, applicants must have a bachelor's degree with at least 50% of the possible points.
MCA Admission Procedure in Madhya Pradesh
The following steps are typically included in the MCA Admission Procedure in Madhya Pradesh:
Complete the application online.
Upload the necessary files.
Make the application fee payment.
Submit the application form
Several prestigious MCA institutions in Madhya Pradesh provide fantastic chances for those looking to pursue a high-quality education in computer applications. With their carefully thought-out MCA programs, these top Madhya Pradesh MCA colleges offer the ideal combination of academic knowledge and real-world experience. These universities make sure that students have the skills they need to succeed in the fast-paced IT sector by providing them with cutting-edge facilities, knowledgeable instructors, and a curriculum that is relevant to the field. Madhya Pradesh has a plethora of possibilities for MCA candidates, whether it is the famed Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, the well-known Sagar Institute of Research and Technology, or any other distinguished institution. Choose your course carefully with Umeacademy, then set out on a fulfilling journey to a lucrative career.
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nearme-job · 2 months
Looking for high-paying ITI courses? Explore our list of the top 10 for salary success.
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