#its a capslock kinda day
mettywiththenotes · 6 months
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gloriousmonsters · 8 months
i’m the same anon who had the knee-jerk capslock malfunction. i realize it’s probably kinda cheap of me to be like “literally talk about whatever original work u want!!!!”. so to do the meme/challenge properly and pick one……..I’ve actually been MOST curious about Heart Hands Bone. just given some of the stuff you’ve reblogged that really resonates.
but seriously, i wanna hear about whatever original work(s) you’re feeling unhinged about rn!!!!
I'm always happy for the excuse to bring up HHB :D honestly now that I think about it, it probably would be useful to write up little 'this is what that project is' posts I can link to when I talk about them. table that for now.
Heart Hands Bone takes place in a town built over the remains of an ill-understood network of fungal and flesh 'brain' that, once upon a time, took the form of a fairy-tale forest above ground. It's all that's left of a narrota bestia, a creature that fed off narrative and granted miracles, and the town above it is split uneasily between tourism that sells a sanitized museum of its past and the people still caught in the Forest's threads; the cursed, the blessed, the transformed.
Katinka is a new resident, but feels closer to 'fairytown' than she does the modern world. When the chance to save a life presents itself, she does what old-school virtue dictates, and trades her own life for another; but just as she's resigned herself to an inglorious role in a bloody fairy tale, she's pulled into a much stranger one.
The Child-Eater is the last of his kind; the scion of an ancient mother, he never saw the Forest in its glory, but he still believes in its power. Indignant at Katinka facing death for an act of kindness, he saves her life and entangles her in a story he's convinced isn't really about him; it's about the man he loves with a passion that's made him uneasy with his current role. Hal Anselm, the 'prince', the enigmatic and unstable heir of a royal family descended from Snow White. The setting has changed, but their power has not, nor the bloody and jealous hold they keep on the most treasured relics of the Forest--Snow White's bones.
But through the years, five have slipped through their fingers. The Child-Eater has discovered the location of four, embedded in the dying Forest's last strongholds of story. When he gives Hal the information, the cursed prince is happy to invite the two of them along on his quest--and Katinka, despite herself, follows her conflicted sense of honor and her own fascination with the prince into a fairy tale made of fairy tales.
...Man, I need to whittle that blurb down somehow, but there's a lot going on in this one, y'know? Anyway. Excerpt.
Solvania’s house crouched like a toad in the shadows of the river bridge. The west end of town, fairytown as some humans called it, for how it was thick with the remnants of fairy tales, boasted many houseless inhabitants, but none of them took advantage of the bridge’s shelter--Solvania’s house exuded decay, long-toothed bitterness. In the old days, if the fire was lit, it would have smelled like baking bread due to the flour in the bricks; these days, it smelled like mold and rot.
The only other people that came there, aside from the child-eater, were occasional bandits barging in to use the oven or other kitchen equipment. He loathed them--still thought longingly about the death of the one that had put a nick in his good cleaver--but in a way, he had to be glad of their crass manners. If the Bandit King hadn’t barged into his kitchen once, commenting cheerfully on the bones he was trying to clean and commandeering the use of his small knives--a favor from one cannibal to another, let’s call it--he would never have seen Her bone.
A tooth, rattling around in that cheap plastic locket the King wore like a prize. Just in its presence, the child-eater’s stomach ached and the gut-trees grown to two or three feet down near the river started singing, rubbing their branches together in the wind. He’d sat on the floor staring, barely aware of the bandits jeering at him in between their business of cutting a girl up on his table, until the Bandit King noticed, and laughed.
“In love with Snow?” he’d asked, dangling the locket from his fingers. “I can’t blame you.”
That wasn’t quite accurate. The child-eater did love Snow--as he loved the Gallows God, an encompassing, reverent love that seemed to fill the ugly, rotten hole Solvania had hollowed out inside of him over the years. Twin lanterns in the darkness. But he wasn’t in love with her; such things were beyond a creature like him, even if he aspired to them.
And what he felt, in that moment, wasn’t about love. There was reverence, yes, but mostly there was excitement. Fervent, wild hope. He’d already heard rumors of three bones, after diligent searching, but to have one so close to his grasp--this, he could take to the prince with an easy mind.
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legobatjoker · 2 years
HI ITS HALF PAST MIDNIGHT IM EXHAUSTED AND I WANNA BE AWAKE TMRW MORNING SO IM GOING TO BED NOWW !!! sorry for the capslock btw i realised thts how i always start these asks nd it might be too intense so sorry if it is DFHDFHDF anywayy !! i went on a wierd tangent there what iwas saying is tht. the may be kinda short due to tiredness but i really do just wanna say that !!!! i had soso much fun vcing today like omg !!!!!!! it rly was soso fun nd such a lovley time i think getting to talk nd hear your voice and and your laugh and about your life nd your thoughts on things it really was just !!! sososo lovely it really really was and filled me w dm joy and light and warmth and happiness just like it always does to spend tine with you beloved !!! you really are just the most incredible friend to me whos so thoughtful and understanding and good to me and who ik is just always here for me and that really does just mean so so much to me and makes me feel soso loved and cared for and brings me sm comfort yk? and are just the most increbile amazing person ever rly like it hard for me it explain it sometiemsi think but u rly are just sos wonderful i tihnk and so so dear to me and i hope you know whenever you need me im always here for you j like ik you are for me and that i love you soso muchh my dearest i rly do !!! :'> i hope youre days been good and that you sleep so well, ilusm ❣💞🍓💗💕🥭🌼🐞🦋🍓💞✨
DW I TOTALLY GET THE CAPSLOCK BEGINNIGN AND UR SO REAL FOR IT AUSBSJSJ and also dw at alll abt ask length or anything esp considering!! shsbsjs it is now midnight for me and unfortunately i dont think i can send any asks myseld bcuz of well. the midnight of it all sorry hjsbsjsj..and yesss getting the chance to vc today was literally so epic and such a great highlight to my day and!! yah u r just soooo good to me as well and such such suchhhh an incredible friend strawb and i also feel like i sometimes struggle to explain it well but yah subsjznzk u j rlly bring sm warmth and care to my life as well and i am sooo glad to be those things for u as well and make u feel that way as well like!! yah im so glad i can anddd i love youu smmm gnight💕🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻💕💕💕🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
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pigeonperch · 2 years
🦊 you're so nice but do I feel like we could totally kill eachother if pressed
Unrelated we should scrap sometime again
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skaiatemple · 4 years
December 23rd is the Festival of Rage!
If you follow as a practitioner of Pop Culture Paganism, a user of Homestuck inspired Chaos Magic, or just want to use your favorite series to inspire you throughout the year, Skaia Temple is your resource center!
Whether you want to just celebrate it on the day, use it as a date for empowered energy, integrate it into your more mundane celebrations, or just appreciate your favorite characters and concepts this month, we have suggestions for whatever path you want to take with us!
Read below the cut for a condensed idea & resource list for this month of Rage!
Aspect Centered Celebrate the Aspect in all its glory if you’re all about on celebrating the Festivals for exactly what they represent: The Aspect and all the traits associated with it.
“Often the Rage-bound prefer anarchy to any of the alternate forms of civilization, which they believe to be riddled with lies and foolishness and obedient masses. They are bringers of confusion and doubt, and they can be frustratingly difficult to convince otherwise when they have attached themselves to an idea.”
This Guide has been the most difficult and also the funnest to write.
Rage is about BEING A N G R Y
Rage is about destruction of what in untrue and unfit for your life! It is revolution and difficult truths and tearing away any facade you’re no longer content with seeing!! Void was about letting go and Rage is about seeing what dumb shit is left and GOING FUCKING HAM ABOUT IT!!!!
If you like, want to do that, of course. It’s healthy but don’t cause ruckus if you don’t feel safe doing so ofc….
This month if for GOING APESHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Magical Inspiration If you want to use Homestuck concepts more abstractly and need some ideas for what brands of magic would work best for the season, if you have an Aspect or character-themed spell, feel free to send it in so it can be added to this section!
Or if you’re more passive just like, cleanse yourself of negative energies. But like- maybe yell while you do it! I swear it’s healthy for you.
HERE is a totally lit analysis of the Rage Aspect to help jiggle your braincells and HERE is a motherfuckin fabulous art project
Integration Route For people in the broom closet who are too timid or anxious to celebrate the Festivals openly- you can always integrate the Aspects traits to fit in with the more common trends and holidays of the month. Not even Hussie is is Homestuck God, no one will mind!
It’s time for Christmas time and Yule! A celebration of all the hope and joy we have even in the coldest of months, all about how no matter how dire the situation is, we can still be lucky enough to find some togetherness and salvation in this time.
Or maybe you’re fine with all the festivities and have a loving community you can spend time with! In which case you can also just violently, without shame flaunt how much you love this personal truth of yours. The point is to let your truest emotions bleed, because that’s what’s healthy!!!! Happy Holidays.
Fandom Driven For if you’re not all about spirituality or routine and just want to enjoy going all-out with a beloved story & characters, you can honor the ones of this month by driving full-throttle on the fandom bandwagon.
Rage is the Aspect reserved for the Makaras! Very special boys they are. Whether you find their actions just, misunderstood, or just comically silly. They’re not all bad- even if by that we mean that they’re kinda funny when they’re being all hyper and homicidal. Some people see some guys who’ve been manipulated and taken advantage of at a time where they were most delicate, and some even moreso that their actions could still have meant some of the greatest good for the situation! Or maybe you’re an anxious Terezi kin whose finally on the last gogdamn Aspect guide and your feelings about Gamzee and the Makaras as a whole are very complicated but you also admire an aspect all about anarchy and vicious revolution! And also you’re trying to meet an aesthetically pleasing word-count! Anyway stan respectively the Makaras are funny but not like Great hahaha clown men.
Draw fic, write art- I mean- ENJOY THE MAKARAS! Whatever they mean to you. Even if they mean bad things to you- but don’t like, release your Rage on real people. That’s not what I meant with all the hyper capslock. Please value real peoples experiences and opinions over therapeutic internet shouting. I fucked up. I was so close to not going on an interpretation policing tirade in any of the Guides please DON’T BE WEIRD HAPPY RAGE SEASON IN THE NEW YEAR TAKE THE BROKEN PIECES AND FIND NEW HOPE WITHIN THEM FUCK YEAH…………………… HOMESTUCK
We hope you got some ideas for activities you can do with your friends or otherwise use to inspire and better yourself this month. Everyone plays the game of life differently, and everyone's beliefs are their own. Celebrate yourself as you see fit, and Thanks for Playing with Us.
~Mod Bee
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randomlyweeb · 4 years
Random Discovery!!!
So, I'm a newbie to the fandom of TKRB and to their musicals and stages. As I continue to watch their perfomances (to be familiarize with the new fandom which is the 2.5D), a random thought popped into my mind and thought, "I wonder if Araki san also wear mismatched contact lens" but I kinda brush it off and thinks it wouldn't be necessary. But it really bothered me and it disturb my mind XDDDD and I was finding scenes to see his other eye if it is red. And luckily, I found it XDDD
I was currently listening (and watching) to the SRS 2017 while I'm studying for our exams these days (and I've come to appreciate Sato Ryuji here and their dance steps in the song Mistake can be a good references for practicing anatomy loool XDD Sato Ryuji's(since I don't know which name to use to be polite lol) voice here is really incredible! I really appreciate him here (we have a term in our dialect for his coice but I don't know what its english term but I kinda like it. Anyway, let's go back to the main point lol)
I. FINALLY. FIND. IT!!!(Capslock for intensity of my excitement)
In their SRS 2017, in their (Ishi Kari hueheuheue) song Te no Hira (Palm of the Hand), the moment he turn while staring at his hands which was touched by Imano, somewhere 2:01:40 or 2:01:41!!! In those points, if you carefully and attentively(?) watch/stare or wait for it, you can see a quick view of his other eye because of the gap of his hair to his face aaaaandddd, IT IS REEEEED! OH MYSOANDIQJSJSMAQOHX
I'm just happy to my discovery lol XDD I mean, some might already know and discover it but heey, it gives me a great feeling of accomplishment lol XDDD
I love his red eye so much and I really think it's cool~ Hanamaru made it cool, in my opinion, especially in the scenes of the episode where it is zoom or focus 🥺 it's truly beautiful~
And now that I have discovered it, I'll go back studying~
Stay safe~
At the beginning of their song Palm of the Hand, I feel like Ishi and Nikkari are flirting with each other XDDD plus the ending!!! They look like a family 🥰
I really think it's great that his other eye remained red (but I don't know about the other perfomances though) despite the chance of not being able to see it is high. For me, it's really cool lol XDD
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electrozeistyking · 4 years
ZIMVOID KING ARC - Headcanons and Facts for the AU
So! I spent a few days working on headcanons and facts about my Invader Zim AU, the Zimvoid King ARC (or ZKA for short). All written along side of installment three, "Dark Claws of a King", and now here on the net to burn your eyeballs, here's the master post on the ZKA facts and ideas I've recently spawned for the AU. Enjoy!
if you manage to read this all, you’re a certified creature
   ~   ZIB RELATED    ~ Facts that mainly surround the cockroach (and i'm pretty sure the majority of this post mentions this guy).
-Zib has fobidden himself to go on any adventures involving Zim. He's decided that it's not his place to try to stop a version of the Irken that is not his own. Plus, he's a merger. (This is all just nonsense he tells himself. The real reason is that he doesn't want to get involved with that shit all over again. PTSD and stuff, yanno?)
-Zib has a real problem with keeping his hands from doing things. He's actually gotten a Rubrix Cube to keep his hands occupied, and he keeps the cube in one of his pockets at all times in case he needs it. It's probably due to a deep, insatiable urge he has to build, build, build; creating his mech, modifying Voot Cruisers and such... once he'd had nothing else to make, he'd been left with an itch in his hands.
-Zib can also be seen tinkering with some forgotten technology Professor Membrane has laying around. The professor has actually only caught Zib doing this once; the roach had almost finished with an invention Membrane was only preparing to start working on.
-Zib's senses are all heightened and improved. His eyesight has never been more perfect, his hearing (despite his obvious lack of ears) has never been clearer, and though he regrets having it, he does happen to have a perfect sense of smell. So he knows if something stinks, it fucking reeks. Ugh. Awful, dude.
-Sometimes Dib will be like "Oh, lookit us, we're a couple of Dibs, ain't that cool" and then Zib does something very Zim-like and he goes "Fuck, I totally forgot he does that".
   ~   PAK!ZIM RELATED   ~ Facts that mainly surround PAK!Zim.
-Zib and PAK!Zim occasionally do something I like to call "syncing", where the two act and think as one entity, one mind instead of two. When synced, these two can be caught using terms like "us" and "we". Neither of them knows how this works, but I like to think it's like fusing in Steven Universe, minus the dancing and stuff; any distruptions to their sync (like if one of them really doesn't like something), they become two minds opposed to one again.
I like to think this is syncing in a nutshell:
   ZIB: We'd love to!    DIB: We?    ZIB: aw shit    P!ZIM: nice going genius
Zib finds syncing to be very relaxing. PAK!Zim likes how powerful syncing feels, even if he won't provide a comment on it.
-These two may have overcome their differences (well, were forced to), but Zib and PAK!Zim are still a Zim and Dib duo. From time to time, their little playful fighting turns into a real spat, and in the Zimvoid, it always hurt Zib whenever PAK!Zim tried to pull the silent treatment on the bug boy.
-PAK!Zim still occasionally threatens Zib that he may dig one of his PAK legs into the roach child's shoulders again. He feels too weirdly guilty about doing it the first time (as mentioned in the first installment of ZKA, "King of a Barren World"), so he'll never actually do it... but Zib doesn't know that.
-PAK!Zim calls Zib "stinkbug", since I thought that was more fitting, as people do call him a roach (this is especially true for me). He's a little cockroach.
-PAK!Zim can only talk in Zib's head. Zib once wondered if PAK!Zim's voice is real, or if it's false. He quickly remembered that inner voices you typically have in your head cannot change volume. PAK!Zim can yell, and it gives Zib headaches and nosebleeds every time he does. PAK!Zim often tries not to yell when the duo are around other people; both are worried if people would think the PAK is ruining his head, and they don't want to know what could happen.
-PAK!Zim has terrible eyesight. And by that, I mean he can't see. The only time he can see anything is when he and Zib are synced. Neither of them really mind it, but they always try to avoid syncing when Zib's showering. Despite how comfortable they are with each other when synced, that is the only discomfort both of them have. They just... I dunno, I'm kinda getting uncomfortable about it myself.
-Zib finds himself to be weirdly possessive over PAK!Zim. Maybe it's because that he sees the sentient robotic backpack to be an anchor for him when shit's getting tough. Having had four years to get over their differences, Zib has actually befriended the PAK and doesn't know what he would have done without someone to talk to all that time.
-To branch off that last one, I have the firm belief that because of Zib's weird attachment to the PAK fused to the back of his head, Zib would probably cease to function if PAK!Zim is ever removed. Ever since PAK!Zim officially woke up, Zib has developed this seemingly comfortable, permanent sense of knowing that someone is there for him, will always be there and they're not going to leave him alone because guess what? PAK!Zim has no choice but to go wherever Zib goes. He occasionally forgets that, though.
The idea of having the PAK (his PAK) removed terrifies him; you'd be tearing that feeling of never truly being lonely away from him. Removing the PAK would remove his buddy, his pal, his Zim. He'd be lost, confused, alone, and he'd have no idea what to do. It's just him by himself all over again, no one else. Plus, who knows what else could happen to Zib? What if it turned out he relied on the PAK to survive, and removing it could potientially kill him? Neither PAK!Zim or Zib are willing to see what could happen.
TL;DR: Take away the PAK, and Zib gets crippling depression and he might die.
-Though he can't see, PAK!Zim can hear pretty damn well (even if he barely listens half the time).
-No one else knows that PAK!Zim is alive. Dib wants the PAK removed because he thinks that if they remove it, Zib's thoughts will stop being so... "corrupted". In his own mind's eye, Dib thinks that if they remove the PAK, it'll be helping Zib, but what he doesn't realize it would absolutely DESTROY Zib's mentality.
   ~   FAMILY RELATED   ~ Facts that involve the Membrane family as a whole.
-The fact that his other son has claws perplexes Professor Membrane to no end. He pretty much tried to see if he could study Zib's weird claws once he found out about them. So far, what he's found out from his studies is that Zib's claws are really fucking sharp and they really hurt (mentioned in installment three of ZKA, "Dark Claws of a King").
-More facts on the stinkbug because yes, Zib has another huge problem: it turns out rants from his "brother" Dib helps Zib conk right the fuck out. It unfortunately works every time.
-Zib, Dib and Gaz just... they kinda see themselves as siblings, even though Zib and Dib are just alternate versions of one another. After a while, they kinda got over it and now it's just:
"This is my brother! I have a brother! We're brothers! We're practically twins! See this? This guy right here? Him? That's <my> brother. I love my brother, and I'll kick your fucking ass into the goddamn dirt if you insult him in front of me." (this is all just from zib btw.)
   ~   GOOFY   ~ Facts that are INTENDED to be goofy.
-For whatever reason, I enjoy the idea of Zib having a weird addiction to eating sticks of butter. Yes, his new family decides to have an intervention about Zib's addiction, but it totally fuckin' flops, so they end up having to try to hide the butter and cut him off from it instead. (they gave up trying when it all disappeared from its hiding spot later that very same day.)
   ~   IDK FACTS   ~ Facts that I've no clue where they should go.
-On Keef in ZKA: the little red head has actually mellowed out now that he's a teen. He still adores his friends, but he's calmer, not as clingy, and is an excellent listener, so he'll let Zib ramble, but will occasionally interrupt to ask questions. He's like Zib's mini therapist.
-I like the idea of Keef being bisexual.
   ~   AUTHOR TRIVIA   ~ Trivia from the author that you totally won't need but may find interesting anyway! why was i speaking in third person—
-"King of a Barren World" was posted on the fifteenth of May, but Archive kinda fucked up and it says I published it on the sixteenth.
-You'll see me call Professor Membrane "the professor", but only because I totally forgot he's a scientist. Not sure how, because his schtick is REAL SCIENCE, but—
-This AU was made by accident. And by that, I thought up a scenario, wrote about it, thought up another scenario and wrote about that one too, and then found out people actually liked this nonsense I was writing, so it's an AU now and forever -or at least until I die-.
-The Zimvoid King ARC is not a real arc. I just thought the name sounded cool.
-Before anyone asks "what does ARC stand for", it doesn't stand for anything. I just capslocked the word arc because I just thought that looked cool.
-I accidentally made a Discord server for ZKA.
-Speakin' of accidents, I may have accidentally started shipping Keef and Zib. Oops?
-I really like calling Zib a stinkbug. As user MelodyoftheVoid once put it: Half man, half bug, all stink.
-I have strictly forbidden myself from making Zib's hair-scythes antennae. I love headcanons on them being antennae, sure... but I decided that I'd have no idea how to write them in ZKA, so I was like "Nah, dog".
-Of all my IZ AUs, ZKA is the one I haven't dropped yet. Maybe because it's only four days old at this point, but still. omigosh zka is a baby au :0
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daisyannewinchester · 5 years
YAY UR BACK !! UNIVERSAL IS THE BEST OMG IM GOING THERE NEXT YEAR! (ok time for me to calm down and turn the capslock off) how was it?? what was your favorite ride if you went on any? did you have butterbeer?? also happy belated thanksgiving
Hiiii! Okokok um fuck yea it was AMAZING!!! DHSKSHAKSKFHDK SO GOOD. I went on all the rides... like more than twice. We got the express pass for one day and it was so worth it. My favorites were the Harry Potter rides ofc. Escape from Gringotts was amazing... rode that one abt 5 times. Got to ride Hagrids Motorbike Adventure twice. The line was 3.5 hours long but we didnt have to wait that long. We waited at the gate for the park to open and sprinted to the ride and only waited 8 minutes. It was an experience racing hoards of people. Kinda scary but soooo worth it. It's a ride that should really be done twice, as sitting in the sidecar and on the bike are completely different experiences. I also loved Forbidden Journey. But I got dizzy after riding it a bit. So I only did that one twice. I also really loved the Mummy Ride. And just waiting in line for these rides are an experience. Like they've got stories and videos for you and it's such an interactive fandom experience. I hated the Shrek thing. I couldn't see with my 3d glasses and had to cover my left eye so I would stop seeing double. And I did have butterbeer! Hot and Cold. Completely different drinks in my opinion. Loved both but it was a bit chilly so a nice hot butterbeer really hit the spot as you waited in line and walked around Diagon Ally. I got myself a shrunken head to hang from my rearview mirror in Borgin and Burkes so now I basically drive a Knight Bus. He talks and its fucking amazing. I really dont have words for my trip. I mainly went for Harry Potter world and I was not disappointed in any of it.
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diaryoftypist · 4 years
Self discipline
Here I am, sitting on my bed, sipping coffee and ready to face my world.
This past period has been intense on me psychologically. I’ve been going through some super tough internal wars that I think were personality shaping kinda wars. I think this is me unlocking a new personality level. 
I’ve been at war with myself regarding the person I was in my relationship, regarding my relationship itself, regarding so many negative habits that I was hung up on. I was having extreme overthinking of what I’m doing in my life, How I wanna live my life and What if I suddenly die? I mean, how far from ready am I to face God?
A few incidences helped me think those thoughts through in the right direction. It all started with this day, I was praying and suddenly I broke. I broke down in tears, asking God to help me figure things out, placing all of my vulnerability in God’s hands. At that moment I had every cell in me believe that nothing, literally NOTHING else can make my mind clear, make my heart calm, other than God himself. I prayed with utter believe and truth, and then it just happens. It’s like a sudden ray of bright light got inside me. It felt like my brain was dusty and foggy and suddenly it’s pristine. My heart felt heavy and aching, and suddenly it felt at ease. It felt happy. Just like that. It’s like it was a snap from a finger. 
At that time I felt amazing, suddenly I could think very clearly, I could see what’s bugging me and what I was being a drama queen about. It’s like God lifted this heaviness off my chest. I don’t know about you, but it felt like a miracle to me at the time.
Anyways, that day was like a turning point. After then, I started getting my shit together, especially in the relationship department. I was being a bad partner. I was not a delight. I took a pause and tried to get back to my old self, and as imagined everything started getting back to normal. I’m still super thankful. Alhamdulellah.
And then the second turning point was one day, me sitting down to watch “The social dilemma” documentary. Which talked about how social media and technology being at the tip of our fingers is kinda truly ruining our lives. I had to take another pause. Try to evaluate what’s real from what is virtual, and trust me when I tell you that so much of it was virtual, to the extent that the line between reality and virtuality was almost invisible. And there goes my second challenge, getting myself out of that virtual vicious loop that got us under its mercy. I remembered when my left side of my brain had jobs to do. When I used to have all sorts of creative time, getting it out as sketches or music or even writing down my feeling like I am, now. And somehow I blame it all on social media. Sucking up all of our time and providing us with so much useless serotonin that we get hung up on. And I actually started the challenge, which is controlled usage of social media, only 10 mins in the morning, and 10 mins at night. It’s not easy because we’re kinda addicted, but with enough will, I’m actually doing it. almost a week in the challenge right now. I even miss some of my allowed social media time because I feel better off.
And then comes the third day of important realizations. I go to this religious/ spiritual classes every once in a while. I’ve been going there my whole life, since I was in kindergarten. Anyways, We haven’t met in a long time now because of the corona situation. Last week we finally had a long awaited gathering. During these kinds of classes we do is different from what normal religious classes here do. We don’t gather to read and memorize holy words, we gather to contemplate. To think. To think why are we here on this Earth? what’s our purpose? and what should we do to be on the right track? We usually have a theme and then we brainstorm around it, with supporting Ahadith and Quran. And guess what was last week’s new theme? It was about “What if we knew that our death is soon?” Deep, huh? We all know that we can die at anytime, any day. It doesn’t have to be when we’re 80 and old. It’s a fact. Nothing new, right? But, do we really remember it all the time? I don’t think we do. I, for myself, don’t. So brainstorming around that theme, we were asked each to name one thing we think we would definitely do if we knew our ending is soon. So many things were said, so many things came to mind. All of the sins that I made came rushing after each other in the back of my mind. But just 2 things were as if written in Bold and CAPSLOCK in my mind. *STOP BINGE WATCHING*, *START PRAYING FAJR*! They were just so clear in my mind that I couldn’t think of anything else. The day was over and we went on with out lives, but those words felt like they were printed on my mind now, along with the phrase “What if I die soon?”. It’s all too bold to ignore, right?
And I was at a good connection with God these days, I felt the positive vibe of getting my life together, with the new light heart and social media-free life. I decided to do it. why wait when I know this is the right thing for me? I decided to pray AlFajr. It’s always been such a hard thing to do. Waking up inside my cycle of sleep to go make wudoo’ and pray and interrupt my precious precious sleep? It always sounded impossible. Don’t ask me how, but I’m suddenly actually doing it. I set up an alarm for 5:30 am. And I wake up, turn it off, pray and go back to sleep. Everyday ever since, except just 1 day I failed. But still, Who knew that I could do it?? honestly I’m amazed at myself. And 2 days later I started the no netflixing thingy. Honestly, to me this is the hardest out of them all. Maybe because it’s the most I’ve been hung up on. But, so far so good. so YAY me.
I feel like this is one of my golden eras. I’m writing this all right now so that if everything eventually goes up in flames I can remember that I was once doing it all, and it can be done truly. And to remind myself that it’s all about reliance on God. The greatest of all. The only way out of anything, the only way to do anything. I was reading this book that said “As long as you only have God in your heart, and all your other beloved things in your hand not your heart, you’re doing dunya right”. I understand that now very deeply. And I feel the ultimate blessing that I have right now, that is God making me see that clearly, facilitating everything for me, getting me so many gifts I can’t even count them. I’m just super thankful.
So, here’s for a change one happy diary. something that I’d like to remember.
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eloarei · 7 years
All Night
Read here on AO3. words: 931 fandom: Boku no Hero Academia characters/ pairings: Izuku/All Might, Izuku/Bakugo, Class 1-A & Izuku (about half of 1-A is present) tags: chatlog, texting, dialogue-only, mild crack, teasing notes: I’ve never written a chatlog type fic before, but I woke up and suddenly it was there.  Izuku just wanted to talk about the homework. xXx Deku: Did either of you finish the homework we got from All Night? Deku: It was kind of hard. ~No Gravity~: Pfft Deku-kun, was that a Freudian slip? Deku: what? Deku: omg uraraka-san no IngeniumX: Uraraka-san, you know Freud's theories have been disproven, right? Deku: it was ust a typo
IngeniumX: Although that doesn't necessarily diminish the implication. ~No Gravity~: hee! Deku: it was Autocorrect! ~No Gravity~: aww it's okay Deku-kun ~No Gravity~: i mean it's All Right. for you to like All Might Deku: uraraka-san please xBakusatsujinx: hahaha IngeniumX: Midoriya-kun, Uraraka-san is just teasing you. Deku: what? why is Kacchan here? IngeniumX: But I'm positive your friends and classmates will be fully supportive of you if that is the case. ~No Gravity~: Oh I added him when I made the group. xBakusatsujinx: Ochaco you hit the nail on the head with this one. Nerd's been obsessed since forever. ~No Gravity~: awww Deku: Kacchan come on xBakusatsujinx: when we were kids sometimes he wanted us to play pretend ~No Gravity~: so cute Deku: omg Kacchan dont xBakusatsujinx: and I'd be All Might xBakusatsujinx: ... xBakusatsujinx: yknow actually i'll just let you imagine the rest ~No Gravity~: aww Densetsu Denki: hey don't leave us hanging _Earphone_Jakku_: You can't do that, Bakugo. Finish your story. Yaoyorozu Momo: The two of you must have gotten along better back then. Alien+Queen: you kissed, didn't you? =3 Deku: how many people did you add to this chat??! Rockman: did you play house and have a bunch of kids GrapesOfWrath: that is Disgusting! Ashido I can't believe you made me imagine that with my own brain ~No Gravity~: most of 1-A. ^^; Sorry! Froppy: Mineta-chan, quit it. _Earphone_Jakku_: /You're/ disgusting, Mineta. Deku: [this kills the man.png] xBakusatsujinx: he's definitely got a thing for All Might though ~No Gravity~: i'm sorry, Deku-kun! ^^; _Earphone_Jakku_: Yeah but who /doesn't/ though? Rockman: bakugo are you just trying to get us to stop thinking about you kissing midoriya? GrapesOfWrath: I DON'T ~No Gravity~: I never meant for this to turn into an... All Fight ~No Gravity~: XD; Yaoyorozu Momo: Nobody ask your opinion, Mineta. Alien+Queen: oh my gosh Ochaco yes GrapesOfWrath: JIRO SAID WHO DOESN'T HAVE A CRUSH ON ALL MIGHT AND I SAID I DONT Densetsu Denki: woah Jiro-chan do you have a crush on all might too? ~No Gravity~: hehe but its quite the All Sight, isn't it? Rockman: capslock abuse, ban him Alien+Queen: it's definitely an impressive chat log! Good thing we're All Tight, or this might turn into no bark and All Bite. =P _Earphone_Jakku_: I mean it's not like a crush really. It's just, he's the world's greatest hero. ~No Gravity~: Ashido, nice! _Earphone_Jakku_: It's not like it's weird if Midoriya does like him. Kinda makes sense. Alien+Queen: thanks! =D I love a good pun. Densetsu Denki: yeah I get that _Earphone_Jakku_: He's a celebrity. Deku: I just wanted to know if anyone finished the homework. T_T GrapesOfWrath: you guys are crazy! Why would anybody like all might? If he was a girl maybe. Froppy: Midoriya-chan's not dead after all. :] Densetsu Denki: you don't have to be shy about it, Midoriya. Alien+Queen: /I'd/ like All Might if he was a girl. wow can you imagine? Rockman: haha mineta but his tits are already bigger than most of the girls in class Densetsu Denki: it's okay if you like All Might, jiro said so. Rockman: maybe you need to change your priorities. GrapesOfWrath: man tits are not the same as girl tits! AT ALL. youre heathens! _Earphone_Jakku_: Yeah, sure. I'll back you up, Midoriya. ~No Gravity~: aww see deku-kun, people don't mind <3 Froppy: Midoriya-chan, I'm on your side. IngeniumX: You should all stop teasing Midoriya-kun. After all, you can't help how you feel sometimes. GrapesOfWrath: I'm leaving, you guys are gross. _Earphone_Jakku_: I'm not teasing. Yaoyorozu Momo: Yes, Iida-kun is right. Midoriya-kun, was there a particular part of the homework you had trouble with? I can PM you about it if you like. Rockman: I bet mineta's having a crisis, thinking about how big All Might's boobs are xBakusatsujinx: I can't believe you're all siding with the nerd. It's npt cute it's annoying. ~No Gravity~: lol yeah, pretty sure they're bigger than mine XD; Densetsu Denki: hey don;t be jealous just becayse Midoriya would rather kiss the hot teacher these days haha IngeniumX: Kaminari-kun, I'm not sure that's entirely appropriate to talk about. Alien+Queen: ooh boy that's an image! IngeniumX: Even if it is true. ~No Gravity~: oh my gosh XDXDXD; Froppy: wow Rockman: haha mineta would be puking right now _Earphone_Jakku_: Lol is it getting a little hot in here? Yaoyorozu Momo: Well. I have to go now. Good night! Deku: [this is fine.gif] ALL MIGHT: Shouldn't you all be heading to bed by now? Densetsu Denki: !! Alien+Queen: omg was he here the whole time?! Froppy: oops XD; Rockman: oh haha hey sensei _Earphone_Jakku_: uh yeah I've gotta go ALL MIGHT: Midoriya, if you need extra help with the homework, you can see me privately after class. ~No Gravity~: ʘ‿ʘ Froppy: wowow _Earphone_Jakku_: Holy shit I'm dying! Densetsu Denki: please don't let us all get detention Rockman: did he even read the rest of the convo? Did he read what he just wrote?? Alien+Queen: THIS IS THE WORST!!! <3 <3 Deku: Okay. Thanks. ^^; _Earphone_Jakku_: he's not even paying attention Alien+Queen: I CAN'T WITH THIS ALL MIGHT: (o^-')b Froppy: cute~ GrapesOfWrath: OH MY GOD I AM CALLING THE COPS ON EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU!
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Windows 7 in 7 hours
Aight y’all chilluns siddown, i got a story to tell.
Okay so I’m like
real good friends with this lovely artist
in fact she’s my girlfriend right now but that’s not important to the story because it wasn’t true at the time and wouldn’t be for a rather long time
Anyways and so she needed something with a bit more oomph for arting than her Macbook.
And she had some budget for a new tablet and computer so
i volunteered to build a pootr with her paying for parts
(though i did contribute some amount to the build becuz i’m nice like that)
(and i did end up contributing more than i expected but that was my fault, and i’ll get to that)
So. A bit of internet shopping later and she’s got all the parts and everything we’ll need.
So a day is planned for a few of us friends to get together for a “build a computer and chill”.
I do most of the building process, though a dear friend did help put in like 5 of the screws.
Eventually comes that magic moment when I push the power button to start things up. And the computer flashes on for a brief moment but nothing more happens.
Trying it again yields the same results. Not completely dead, but nothing interesting.
A bit of research says that the CPU may be bad. I find this discomforting because I had messed up the CPU installation somewhat.
So, on every Intel stock cooler I had seen before that, and every cooler since, the 4 retaining pins shipped loose. The ones on this cooler shipped tight, so I pushed unusually hard in an effort to try to get them to go through the board.
This actually bent the PCB and gave it a hairline fracture in one spot, which was of course, utterly fatal.
It also probably damaged the motherboard, causing that to fail a few months later and I’d need to replace it, but I digress.
So I overnight a replacement i5 6400 which is not exactly cheap but it was my fault that the cpu was broken so whatever. I did also have to get an extra day off work to do this, but that was fine, it was my fault.
In the morning, I realize that I forgot to put enough on my card, so I have to order the cpu again. By afternoon, the package is on its way to UPS.
By morning again, the package is still on its way to UPS.
By afternoon, the package is still on its way to UPS from Amazon.
I go home that evening from their place out of town, about an hour away from my home. Amazon is still sending it to UPS who will then send it to my vbf’s house where I can pick it up from.
I wake up in the morning before I have to go to work.
It’s still on the way to UPS.
No idea where the heck it went.
I go to work.
I check at around noon at work.
Package is still
on the way
to fricking
4 pm I get a text message from my vbf’s dad
I check the shipping information
It’s still en route to ups
They received a package
It has the i5 6400
It also has a USPS label which has been stuck on OVER the correct UPS label, and the USPS label is for 2 day shipping instead of 1 day.
So. That was weird. One brief call to customer support later and I get a refund on shipping overcost, though not the package because that actually did arrive.
Another trip out of town is arranged, and I go down to pick up the CPU and put it into the computer. Success, everything works fine now. BIOS seems fine, it loads up the Windows 7 installer with the “choose language/region” screen.
And the mouse and keyboard are utterly unresponsive, not even capslock works. Not a good sign.
So I restart, and get the same thing.
The mouse and keyboard work fine in the BIOS menu, and unplugging/replugging the keyboard does bring the capslock light back on, so it looks like it’s working enough that it can receive capslock state from the computer but not do anything at all.
I take it to my vbf’s house for overnight testing, because my vbf’s dad has an old PS/2 mouse/keyboard combo, which may circumvent my suspicion that something weird was going on with the usb ports.
I was actually right the entire time about the USB ports behaving strangely, I just hadn’t realized that things could work out exactly how they did.
So, with a mouse and keyboard using the legacy PS/2 plug instead of USB, I was able to proceed further through the install process, showing that the hardware and all was fine.
The problem now was, when I attempted to choose a drive/partition to install to (in this case, the Crucial MX300 275GB ssd) it prompted an error window saying to select a CD/DVD driver.
I’m installing off a flashdrive.
Those apt with computers may be noting that flash drives are run over USB, which I was already having issues with. And you’d be correct. The installer drive was no longer accessible to Windows, so it had no data to load for installing Windows.
The search for answers took hours. Switching to USB 2.0 ports did nothing. Every fix I found did nothing or was irrelevant to the situation.
At about 3:04 AM, I came across a forum post I’d already seen before. This post had a link to the ASRock website, and I figured I may as well take a look, because the motherboard in question was ASRock.
I took one look at the headline for the page and my reaction was best summarized as the following.
The page is slightly different than it used to be, but that headline still works.
“Installing Windows 7 on an Intel 100 series motherboard”
When a formal page like this says exactly what you’re trying to do and having issues doing it, without starting out by specifying an error message, you immediately know that you have been screwed by something or someone.
In this case, the world has moved on. Starting with the Intel 100 motherboards, and AMD AM4 platforms, the chipset no longer supports EHCI.
For a quick review, the physical USB port hasn’t changed too much, except with the USB type C. USB 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, and 3.0 ports all are physically compatible. The electronics managing them are rather different.
The internal controller for USB 2.0 ports is EHCI, and for USB 3.0 ports is XHCI.
Windows 7 was created before USB 3.0, so it does not natively support XHCI.
The intel 100 series motherboard only has the XHCI controller. USB 2.0 ports may exist but are controlled by the XHCI at USB 2.0 speeds.
So basically I did need a CD/DVD driver. Only not quite. In this case, I needed an XHCI controller driver to be loaded as part of the Windows 7 installer.
Thankfully, ASRock provided an easy button which is basically their own version of the .iso->usb burner which after creating the bootable USB, patches in their drivers.
The install process after that took like, 10 minutes because even budget ssd’s are pretty blazing fast.
I spent another hour adding graphics and ethernet and chipset drivers but that was it.
Showed up at her place the next day with the now-happy computer in tow. It couldn’t install her tablet drivers yet because those drivers needed a CRT which was part of windows updates, and the computer needed so many updates from being a fresh install of windows 7 that windows update itself was kinda locked up trying to process everything.
But, the computer worked now. All that was needed was time.
Later the motherboard crapped out because I pushed too hard but I replaced it and mailed it back to her and that was easy enough. Just took a while because depression and executive dysfunction and lack of motivation and crap.
TL;DR took 7 hours to install Windows 7.
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kendrixtermina · 8 years
“Can’t help it” - NT conversations
So me (INTP) and my younger sister, whom I affectionately call Sabbel (INTJ) were casuall chatting over WhatsApp, and... it has to be seen to be believed.
(Warning, deliberately inappropiate jokes galore)
INTJ: I see the plants you get as gifts still live
INTP: Yes aren't they cute?                          The plants I mean                         My babies 🌵
INTJ:Yes they are cute. Though it's sad that they can't hear you
INTP: 🍄🌾💐🌷🌹🥀🌻🌼🌸🌺🎄🌲🌳🌴🌱                         If they can't hear me, they can't think I'm an annoying smartass hermit             Besides plants communicate & sense a lot more than they're given credit for     Not those plants probably tho                         But that nice smell of fresh mown grass?                         That are actually stress response chemicals                         So they are SCREAMING
INTJ:  INTP!                         HOW DARE YOU                         They are not animals                         So they don't scream                         They do seek help                         And alert the rest
INTP *quoting GITS 2 “innocence*: "Blessed are those who have a voice"
INTJ:  But they don't screem                         Scewam*                         Scream*                         That' s biological appropriation, sis
INTP:  But what IS a scream? Is it just a noise? Then how can I DO THIS WITH CAPSLOCK?                        
INTJ: That's not ok                        
INTP: Or how can it be saved on a hard disk in a horror movie?                        
INTJ: Don't just force your human behaviour and habits onto them                         INTJ: They are not screaming so don't call it that                         INTJ: That's offensive to plants                        
INTP: Who says they aen't? The plants?         
                INTJ: And while they will not take offense that is a really bad excuse                         INTP:  If anything you're speaking for them;                         INTP: The plants are just saying "Tannins!"                         INTP: And whatever other molecules they use XD                        
INTJ: Thats's like  giving a blind person the finger and saying they won't notice anhways                        
INTP:  But see thats the point its kinda a philosophical question                        
INTJ: Saying that they are screaming is  usingscreaming as a metaphor to human use them                        
INTP:  If a tree falls down all alone, did it really happem?                         INTP: (* Im just being derpy right now just ignore me *)                         INTP:  Don't take my silly plant jokes they're ALL I HAVE in my empty meaningless existence                        
INTJ:  Because we can't properly perceive it with our senses we just force the verb of a sense on to it                        
INTP:  its called a METAPHOR stupid                        
INTJ: Yes                       
INTP:  or expanding the meaning of the word, not forcing the original one                         INTJ: Metaphors because of convenience                        
INTP: we all know plants dont literally scream                         INTP: because... we'd hear it                        
INTJ:  No                         INTP:  except if it as really quiet                         INTP: or ultrasound                       
INTJ: Maybe they's do it on a frequency we can't hear                        
INTP: / different frequencies          
 but you still get the point                         INTJ: Sis                    INTJ: If anything it should be called producing chemicals for help                       INTJ: Or smelling /  stinking for help                         INTJ: Or well to alarm                         INTJ: But we use scream                        
INTP: else we couldnt say that bad things "suck" because they dont liteally suck on anything like our abstract thoughts have long since surpassed our physical reference frames                         INTP:  we can make up shit like inacessible cardinals                       
INTJ: Because humans don't smell for help but scream for help                          Even though smell is more accurate                                    
INTP: But a scream is not just sound (or data, or text), it's an expression of something                        
INTJ: Sis, Things suck because they suck all the fun out of your life         
INTP: good one                        
INTJ: And , occasionaly , your should                          Soul*                        
INTP: or drugs dont make you literally float up high                        
INTJ: Yeah but when we talk about drugs we usually talk about psychotropic ones                        
INTP: what a word rignally meant matters only for disambiguation purposes - doesn't make sense to talk when you mean different things by it                        
INTJ: Which make you mentally high                          /  feel lighter m float , high                        
INTP: but what is "mentally high"?                         INTJ: Some                         Like most don't                         But some do                         INTP: it has nothing to do with physical high-ness its just a metaphor                 because we associate high with positve                             a non bipedal anima would see it all different                 
INTJ: Sis, I am gonna insist in bs for arguments sake                         0Accept it                         I love common up with ridiculous exagerated arguments                         INTP: well me to                         * too                         INTJ: Big Sis  ❤                         INTP:  we can fight all day about whose bs wins but its an arbitrary deffinitional issue in the end - just like "high", "screams" or math                         language is a tool                         its correct use is somewhat dependant on your purpose                         ppl make new jargon for new puposes all the time                         obsly there are limits - if only you defne a word one way you're not gonna do much useful communicating                         but it is a tool                         also, i heart you too                         BTW did you know that Dolphins use pufferfish to get high? They even pss them around                         Pufferbong                         I just read an article on tumblr
Besides I just realized this "don't call it human things" is such a typical 5w6 thing XD                        
 (I apologize)                         INTJ: Sis                     Male dolphins also rape  other male dolphines to assert their supremacy           So like I'm alpha dolphin you are unde rme in the hierarchy                         So I will rape you    So you feel bad and are afraid of me               INTP: Dolphins are horrible people                         INTJ:   Yeah                         INTP: They also torture tortoises for fun & profit                         INTJ: Raping stoners                         INTP: Good thing im not a tortoie OR Dolphin                         INTP: XD                         INTJ: The mexicans of the ocean XD             
INTJ:  I'M SORRY                        
INTP: *laughing tears emoji*                         INTJ: I'M SORRY                         INTJ: #  the ocean second                         INTP: Im doing that emoji IRL right now                         Don't compare the poor mexicans with those devilish Dolphins                         It would be far more accurate to compare Dolphins to duck                         *Ducks                         INTJ: 🐬🦆                         INTJ: But Sis, we already did biology jokes                         I wanted to mark political jokes                         Make*
INTP : We are all going to hell XD                          😈🔥⚡☄
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jeongshincharyeo · 8 years
006. What A Blessed Day.
Phew... So many things happened today huh? Start from my ex who keep tryna talk wimme until jungkook with his angelic voice with devil's breath im not okay. i will always remember this moment forever. ESP WHEN EVERYONE START FANGIRLING WITH ME ON TL HAHAHAHA. okay i need to chill. i capslocked too much on tl before. Okay so, this is the 6th day! claps. almost a week omg but i cant wait to make it full soon and let you read aknsjxkdkzmkds. Anyway, i love how you look protective and a bit jealous towards my stubborn ex bf. I like how you be possesive and straight forwardly telling people on tl that you dislike what he did. Though he said he leave but he still there, smh liars. This is why i always hurt bcs of him... he always lie to me. sighs. But who cares. I have you already. My only one boyfriend who love me so much. Idk how to describe how much i love you like- argh. You changed everything in me. I love you so much for coming into my life- For flirting me back and for being my official boyfriend. You're just so... boyfriend material to me. A lover, a friend, a potato mate HAHAHAH. youre my everything♡ And oh- i kinda miss your Daddy side already- ugh. fuck i want you to just play with my hole already. i sounded so bitchy idek whats wrong wimme i tHINK ITS BCS OF JUNGKOOKS COVER MWHXKSJXKS. his breath gosh-ok nevermind. Ehm, the point is. I love you again. I fall for you again todayyyy♡ Day by day and always. If i keep continue ing this, it'll be full with "I love you" words only im- so imma stop it here heh. Goodnight sweety♡ ilyilyilyilyilyily.
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mitchhaniger · 10 years
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warmingdrawer · 11 years
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