#its a perfect amount of emotion and mystery
flythesail · 11 months
Nancy Drew is just so special. It's in the way the writers and lead are so friendly with fans to the point it feels like a community. It's in the way the writing builds upon itself and its smalltown setting over the course of four seasons. Season four has so many little references to past seasons, so many returns of past characters. It's in the characters themselves. Their growth, the bonds they've formed with each other, and the way they all go from having no one to having a family with each other. There's the romance too. It hurts to watch at times because the emotion behind it is real and the acting proves it. The stories themselves are great as well - there's a balance between real world issues and the supernatural, with just the right amount of mystery to keep you guessing. Best of all maybe, the writing can be so funny! This show will make you cry from sadness and laughter. This show knows what it is and isn't afraid to be exactly that. It's not perfect. (No show is.) But what more could you ask for than a show where it feels like the people who made it gave it their all because it's special to them, and because they know it's special to fans. I love nothing more than a show where you can watch it and it feels not like a product, but something made by real people. I wish more than anything this wasn't the final season. Nancy Drew deserved better than the CW and it deserved to run for as long as everyone involved wanted it to. But all I can say is I'm so grateful we get this proper goodbye because there won't ever be another show like it.
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I mean while the writers didn't verbally word for word tell us they're senties, they were pretty blunt and kinda of obvious with kagami and Adrian in a decent amount of episodes
Perfection, Emotions, and Presentation for Kagami.
evolution, protection, Representation and Presentation, if that's the one where Adrian's freaking out on why he can't physically leave his room after being told to go in there while Gabriel chats with Marinette. while I can't remember which episode the one where the screen focuses on Gabriel face surrounded by darkness saying "no' when he see Adrian was about to kiss Marinette which makes him immediately stop and pull back much to Marinette's confusion
The problem is that this is a show that almost always goes out of its way to explain things, like character motivations, plotpoints, and the moral of the episode.
Why would the show make an exception for this one mystery regarding Adrien and Kagami?
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scribbleseas · 10 months
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Straight Laced, Chapter V: To Be A Force of Nature…
Description: After the London’s Royal Ballet company’s prima ballerina goes missing within a string of mysterious disappearances among the ballet’s young ballerinas, you finally get your chance to debut in the leading role, taking on the position’s physical toil and immense social pressure. Although this role was supposed to be your grand jeté into the spotlight, it is quickly complicated when these disappearances catch the eye of Ciel Phantomhive — the Queen’s Guard Dog. He is a captious and shrewd man who also happens to be one of London’s most eligible bachelors.
For enough profit for you to secure your freedom for the first time, Lord Phantomhive double casts you as both his accomplice to solving these dancer disappearances and… his pretend lover. While debuting as London’s new prima ballerina, you must perfect a brand new routine: deceiving all of the nation’s polite society while actively searching for a serial killer — all while being an immigrant from France with a dancer’s reputation.
What could go wrong when you realize this off-stage performance of yours may not be an act at all?
Story Warnings: detailed description of gore, pain, and violence, detailed death, smut & explicit sexual scenes, allusions to non-consensual sex, objectification, prostitution, allusions to under-aged prostitution, smoking, drinking, eating disorder tendencies (food restriction, frequent references to wanting to maintain a certain weight, over-practicing & exercising), infidelity, fake courtship, swearing
Author’s Note: idk I have nothing to say for myself. i’m sorry this is so late. anddd keep an eye out for an upcoming poll! I need some input about which story you guys would like to see from me next, since we’re now officially halfway through this journey! As always, let me know what you think about this chapter! I love love LOVE audience interaction. So fun and so motivating. i love you all and hope you enjoy it!!
Happy Reading,
- dan (Depression Barbie LMAO)
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The End of October
The Royal Opera House, The Practice Room
“Try it again, Y/n,” Natasha ordered. The bottom of her cane knocked against the floor to cue the pianist to start the music.
Despite your obedient nod, your whole body protested.
Every single muscle in your feet begged for mercy, and your legs and lower back began to do the same. The amount of complex pointe work and arabesques in the variation were what made it such a challenge— maintaining the perfect form but without being too stiff. The Sugar Plum Fairy had to be regal and majestic; you needed to be buoyant on your toes to create the vision of a fairy ready to flutter her wings and fly.
The Nutcraker’s Sugar Plum Fairy Variation was the physical and emotional equivalent of a chess game with Ciel Phantomhive. You watched yourself in the mirror, eyeing the streams of sweat that fell from your hairline and down the bridge of your nose. Still, your arms fanned to either side and your leg drew back to create your starting position: b-plus.
This was the piece that established the fairy’s power in the land of sweets. It needed to be perfect or near perfect by now or Natasha would have your head.
“Your pas de bourreé needs to be lighter,” the director criticized, catching every error in your movement. Her gaze was heavier than a magnifying glass. “It should be airy— and you must maintain the connection between your fingers and your head.” You frowned, your eyebrows knitting with concentration.
She has cautioned you about a heavy step sequence before, Y/n. Try harder— Tchaikovsky wanted this dance to be as light as raindrops; this is the second time Natasha has told you to land gentler.
Your throat felt dry with embarrassment, but you forced yourself to power through. The music hesitated to a short stop while you spread your arms as if you were bracing for a wide hug.
Seconds later, the music launched into its famous chorded sequence up the keys and you stepped into your piqué manége. While a pas de bourreé resembled a sideways sequence of you rapidly tiptoeing across the practice studio floor, the piqué manége and coupé jeté combination was a constant step and turn rotation. You had to spring into small jumps to make each turn, repeating the process until you outlined the perimeter of a square with your spins around the studio floor.
Your head swam, dizzied because you skipped breakfast and lunch that day because you wanted the extra time in the studio. The investigation with Ciel was eating more into your practice time than you wanted to admit— he summoned you to take short promenades through parks, short appearances at bakeries, and specialty boutiques, spoiling you. Showing the public that you were well provided for — frankly blooming under the warmth of his generous fortune— was the Earl of Phantomhive’s ‘love’ language.
“Keep your chest up,” Natasha’s voice felt distant, even though she was in the same room as you and the rest of the company. “You should be thinking of your spinal cord as a fixed structure that your ribs rotate around. And keep your arms controlled with these spins. You are delicate, but there is still a commanding firmness to you.”
You took your final spins, returning to the middle of the stage to chassé up— otherwise, arrange yourself into the performance’s ending position. Both of your arms were straight and angled upwards like you were reaching for a high shelf, and your back rounded to create an energetic arch. Your left foot extended behind your right leg.
Your heart pounded in your chest as Natasha inspected your chassé, peering at you in the same way Ciel examined whatever literature he happened to be reading at the time. Her cold fingertips guided your chin a few centimeters upwards before her head bobbed in a content nod. “Keep your gaze in line with your arms, in this position. Always.”
Natasha’s lips were relaxed in their frown. She was in a particularly stormy mood during this practice, all fortified scowls and impatient scoffs before this moment. Now, rather than completely vexed, the choreographer only seemed mildly frustrated. You struggled to hold her frustration against her— you had been having the same difficulties with this dance since the beginning of the month. You were frustrated with yourself.
“I appreciate your feedback, Natasha” you replied, maintaining your appreciative pretense for the rest of the company members present. Your smile was mechanical and fake, nothing more than the flimsy curtain that the backstage hands rolled in and out between every act. For you, harsh criticism gracefully was an act— smiling while your chest burned with indignation was incredibly blood-boiling.
Especially after you dedicated at least a full afternoon to perfecting the same piece.
She sent you a curt nod in response, only proving to you that there was something on her mind. Something unpleasant…along the lines of her husband being a serial rapist and potential murderer. Guilt sweat beamed in your hairline because, by Ciel’s orders, you still were not allowed to inform her of what you learned about William. But if she found out on her own…you could certainly comfort her, right?
“You are all dismissed,” Natasha addressed the class. “But remember! Soldiers have their designated costuming times with myself and the costuming director this upcoming week! Talk to one of us for your appointment.”
You waited until Natasha finished answering every post-rehearsal question, sending a nameless company member scurrying off with notes on the performance, or some set of miscellaneous instructions. Now that dress rehearsal was only a month away, it was time for each company member to make their dances technically perfect. Natasha preferred to focus on mechanical accuracy before adding the art and drama back into the ballet with the addition of stage makeup and glitzy costuming. Furthermore, Natasha was the heart and soul of the London Royal Company— it was a risk to so much as inhale at an undesignated time.
“Is there something bothering you?” you asked, your eyes breaking away from the door once you were sure everyone was out of earshot. “You were harsher than usual. I know dress rehearsal starts soon but—”
“Everything is fine with me, Y/n,” Natasha replied chillingly, jumping to the defensive. Her hand adjusted on her cane’s grip, bringing the walking accessory closer to her to re-shift her weight. She hissed through her clenched teeth at her bad leg, suggesting the old injury was hurting her. “If I were you, I would be more worried about my dancing than my director. Your rendition of Plum’s variation left much to be desired,” she said without a hint of hesitation.
Of course not— when it came to the choice of sparing a cast member’s self-esteem or breaking their confidence into jagged pieces of shrapnel for quicker results, Natasha would always, inevitably, choose the latter. She wasn’t the best prima ballerina in London five years ago because her feedback was obsequious. “Honestly. I would have thought you would have a breakthrough with your pointe work by now,” Natasha continued, disappointed.
With her sharp cheekbones and straight, raven hair, her visage reminded you of a slightly grumpier and career-driven Snow White.
“I will dedicate every free moment to it,” you insisted, your cheeks hot. Tears stung at your eyes, but you were accustomed to the suffocating feeling and managed to hold them in until you reached the closed door of your dressing room.
The moment you turned your lock closed, you turned towards the inner side of your door, resting your forehead on the cool wood. Your tears tracked down your cheeks, but you made no effort to flick them away. Not yet. You needed to sulk. You deserved to sulk.
“My wife doesn’t know what she’s talking about,” a man’s amused tenor told you, causing your head to jerk back in surprise. “I say, ignore her. I, for one, had a lovely time watching you today, my new prima.”
Ballerina, you wanted to finish the title. Prima felt much too familiar; much too oppressive.
William Wood was as relaxed as a lazy cat, his long and lean body poised comfortably on your couch. He gave a fleeting, yet bitter, look to the gold wedding band around his left ring finger before returning his gaze to you.
You made a rapid effort to wipe your distressed tears away. Normally, you were never one to cry over some constructive criticism, but you guessed it was your building stress— the amount of time and anxiety it consumed. The dark knowledge you had weighed on your mind heavily: knowing the truth about the man sitting in front of you, how he potentially murdered ballerinas like you. The fact that he was responsible for horrendous crimes and was still free to flash a winsome smile at you with the expectation that you’d fall for it.
Moreso, you imagined he used the same strong stare and enticing words to trap all of his victims; whether or not he persuaded them that he cared about them, or ripped all of their confidence away with his own surplus of it.
You cleared your throat, hesitant to meet his cool gray eyes. While Natasha’s were slightly blue, William’s were only a monochrome silver— as if all color was drained from them. His thin lips pulled into a half smile that he likely meant to be seductive and welcoming, but the longer you watched him, the more pursued you felt. He was watching you with the salacious eagerness a hunter would, aiming his rifle at an unsuspecting deer.
How could the other girls have reacted? Amélie, Eliza, Janet? Your heart was heavy with grief. The pain that these girls would never be able to share their stories with the rest of the world. Their lives were stolen from them. By this man.
“Thank you, Mr. Wood,” you greeted tersely. You knew your smile was unconvincing; you couldn’t bring yourself to bring the warmth of recognition into it, or the respect an employee would show to her handsome and potentially homicidal employer. All you could think of was the blood on his hands and the utter certainty across his lips. He was a huntsman. “I see you have returned from Paris. How was your trip?”
How could he live with himself?
“Just fine, Y/n,” William stood to his feet and took a leisurely set of steps towards you, casually crowding you against the door you just locked. There was enough room between you for him to deny his lack of respect for personal space, but so little room that you could spot every individual freckle across the wide bridge of his nose and his cheeks. “But I’m more interested in you. Your technique has simply flourished since that Janet girl left us.”
Left us?
You tensed, but you forced your body to remain open, fighting its natural urge to curl in and shield you from the danger. There was no hesitation in William’s face— not when he started flirting with you, and certainly not now, after he suggested that Janet simply retired from dancing and disappeared. Of course, the Yard was keeping these ballerina disappearances out of the papers. No one else knew there was anything wrong except for those clothes to the ten women, those investigating, and of course, the killer.
Ciel would tell you to talk about Janet and the recent company losses to gauge William’s response. His body language, what was saying, what he was not saying. He would tell you to either ignore the flirting or use it to your advantage, as rejecting Wood would likely bruise his ego too much for you to continue pursuing this…angle. Embarrassed, William would never speak to you again…or if you angered him, he’d simply kill you later.
You would need to use this interaction to set up future time with William. That way you and Ciel could make a plan to get his confession or gather concrete evidence, considering Ciel was too cautious to make the arrest if he wasn’t completely convinced.
If the course of the investigation was solely your choice, you would have already had William arrested for assault, abduction, and at least one murder. Unfortunately, your authority only extended to waltzing tips and how to make Ciel’s publicity smile appear less like a grimace.
William’s eyebrows raised, prompting your response. He was suspicious of your hesitation— which was surprising, given that he was married to your director. How could you fail to notice this…aggressiveness before this week? Now, it was clear to you.
“That is so kind of you to say, sir,” you paused, unsure of what to say next. How could you extract more information about Janet without appearing accusatory? “This opportunity has been extraordinary for my career. It is so hard for me to believe that Janet would give it up so senselessly.” You watched William’s face, looking for any flicker of emotion, but there was none beyond his pensive nod.
“You should know how it is, by now, Y/n,” William drawled with the wisdom of an experienced man who had been watching the ballet field for a near century, rather than a measly thirty years. While the Wood family owned the opera house since its construction in 1732, William only started running the Wood’s business empire five years ago — after his father, John, died abruptly. Heart failure.
The last production the opera house had under John Wood was the Sleeping Beauty run where William met Natasha, the new prima ballerina. They were both around your age at the time. You couldn’t imagine meeting your future spouse and marrying them only for your father to die a month or two afterward.
“Not everyone can take the heat. Not everyone should. They can’t handle it because they’re not like you. You’re a shark. A force of nature; someone special. I can see it,” William continued, taking a loose strand of hair that fell free from your bun and tucking it behind your ear. His fingertips lingered on the side of your neck, and the top of his thumb kept your chin tilted upwards towards his face.
“A force of nature?” You asked, almost as puzzled as you were uncomfortable. You wished you could take a step away, but your backside was pressed against your only exit.
William chuckled, pleased to have the opportunity to explain himself. It made him feel smarter than you— something that most men adored as much as staring at you. “Yes. That means, unstoppable, strong, and…unforgettable. Beyond control. Like I said: don’t listen to Natasha. You were flawless. You are flawless.”
Your breath hitched, unable to hide the euphoria that came with praise, but of course, not without recalling that these were lines he likely rehearsed. William knew how to attract his victims with honey before resorting to vinegar. Ultimately, it made you realize that this was how Amélie, Eliza, and Janet felt. Seen. Special. Noticed by the owner of the opera house. Frankly, if you hadn’t been promoted, you doubted you would have been William’s next target.
Still, even if you knew you were a force of nature before William said so, there was something more empowering about hearing so. For once, it wasn’t your ego; it was praise. Genuine, few and far between, praise. Something educated and intricate— it might have been nearly leagues more satisfying than faraway applause from an audience that didn’t know the first thing about ballet…if you didn’t know that William had ulterior motives. If you didn’t know that this was the trap the huntsman fabricated to catch his next meal.
William took your prolonged silence as encouragement. He leaned downwards, each gaining centimeter only pushing him closer to your lips.
“Mr. Wood…” you cut his advance short, hesitating as you remembered that rejection was not an option. You tried to soften your expression, and your body, given that your words came out somewhat flat. You thought of the weak-willed princesses in children’s tales; the submissive character you put on for all of your old patrons; the long set of polite society’s rules Sebastian branded into the front of your brain.
William’s approach was to take vulnerable and insecure girls and make them feel like a force of nature because of him. Not because they were, inherently.
But you were. This time, he didn’t know who he was messing with.
“I think…we ought to wait until we have more time together,” you said sweetly, your hand coming from your side and adjusting William’s shirt collar. It was folded unevenly, and even the minute gesture was enough for him to think you cared about him— that you were looking intently enough to realize that there was a problem with his wardrobe in the first place. Any special attention from intended prey was like a drug to these power-starved men. It made you wonder why they thought they had all of the power. “Could you imagine the scandal? If everyone in the company found out?” You asked, widening your eyes with ironic innocence.
You were the black swan, Odile. Mischievous, conniving, confident. Frankly, thinking about making the arrest and putting the bastard away was what created your reluctantly seductive grin— much in the same way as Odile’s excitement to manipulate Odette’s prince.
William’s back straightened as he considered you once more, looking over you with reignited vigor, now that you were fully committed to playing his game. He tilted his head, though his eyes were slightly more hesitant to leave your lips.
“I think you’d get some enjoyment out of all that attention, Prima,” William joked, taking your hand in his. He pressed a kiss onto your knuckles before doing the same for the inner part of your wrist. His thumb rubbed the same spot on your wrist as if he wanted the feeling of his foreign lips on your skin to linger. “But unfortunately, you do have a point. I think I have a remedy for us, though,” William looked ponderous before he fished out a ring of keys from his jacket pocket with his free hand— he was still holding yours until he needed both hands to sift through the crowded keys.
To you, it suggested he had several places he needed to keep locked away. That could be residences, safes, closed doors, drawers... the number of potential areas to hide murder weapons and implicating items could be limitless if all of the locations for these keys were his. It was suspicious.
Once William found the key he was looking for, he unlinked it from the key ring. He pressed it into your palm so hard that you could feel it indent in your skin. “Here. This opens the back door of my country house. We will meet there. Tomorrow— after your performance,” he ordered, closing your fingers around the key for you. He pointedly failed to ask if you were available, presuming you would make the time for him.
“The one in… Southampton?” Your mouth felt dry. You went to William and Natasha’s country home once— about a year ago. Natasha allowed you to spend the night after you arrived at the docks after midnight, returning from a short visit to France. Your director didn’t trust you to make it back to your home safely, and she insisted you stay the night with her and William.
The Wood’s Southampton house was a symbol of Natasha’s kindness to you, and now, you were about to use it to further betray her. Failing to tell her about her husband’s crime was the first; and now, you were about to seduce him in order to expose those misgivings.
“Yes. Natasha stays late with the costuming director on Thursdays and Fridays. It’s perfect,” William reminded you. While most companies started costuming for the lead dancers, Natasha liked to start with the ensemble. She claimed it was best to get all of the mass-produced costumes fitted and out of the way before focusing on the standout pieces like yours.
Thinking about your Sugar Plum Fairy costume made you giddy with excitement. While you haven’t seen the ensemble itself yet, Poppy (the costume director that William failed to name) showed you her beautiful sketches for it.
“Meet me there at eleven. Sharp,” William ordered decisively, offering you no chance to protest. Within seconds, he unlocked your door, made sure there was no one outside to see him exit, and swiftly made his leave.
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The Same Day, Dusk
Ciel’s Carriage
“No. Absolutely not,” Ciel’s stoic, yet resolute frown pursed into a line. He angled his chin upwards, daring you to argue with him.
“What do you mean?” You demanded, your eyebrows knitting together incredulously. You wanted to stand up to punctuate your surprise and frustration, but the moving carriage wouldn’t allow you to. “This is the perfect opportunity. You said it yourself: We need to investigate William Wood. If he is with me, his guard will be down! And we need evidence and a confession!”
“We would do better to explore a…different angle. I would prefer to meet with him,” Ciel said boredly, opening his book to his current page. He clearly didn’t think much of this disagreement; you thought it was, by far, the most ridiculous one the two of you dealt with up to this point. He was being brainless— you had an opportunity to get into William’s home and make him vulnerable, and Ciel didn’t want to so much as entertain your idea! Your lead!
“But, why?” You insisted, protesting like a child fighting their mother for an extra piece of candy. “What could possibly be wrong with this plan? Setting a meeting up between you and him — without looking suspicious — could take ages!”
“It will not take ages,” Ciel said, emphasizing his use of your words. He skimmed over the words in the passage of his book — The Canticle of Saint Eulalie — idly, speaking while he read. The novel was a relic from medieval French literature, a name you vaguely recognized only to have Ciel snicker at you for not being as inclined to know every facet of your home culture. It was disquieting to know that Ciel was fluent in your first language. When he offered to speak to you in that language, you had denied it vehemently because it was simply too personal. Speaking in French took you back to your mother, dance school, and every painful memory you left back on the European mainland. “I want to extend an invitation to Wood about a business venture.”
“Ciel, it is too convenient. No one will believe that we are in love if you make a business deal immediately after courting me,” you insisted.
“It only matters if he believes that it is a true business meeting,” Ciel said, flipping the current page over.
“I guarantee you, he will not,” you shook your head, crossing your arms over your chest. “William might be a sadistic criminal but he certainly is not a moron—” unlike you, genius “…and he will make the connection between you and me. Natasha has to have told him already.”
“Honestly! You are being stubborn because this is my lead! It was my acting and my efforts that gave us this opportunity. You are insecure. You are selfish! If we let our investigation progress slower than necessary, more people die! Is it worth it? Is your—” You would have proceeded with your tirade until you and Ciel reached your destination, but he slammed his book closed with a start. The heavy sound caused you to hesitate, giving him the opportunity to intercede.
“Y/n! Your plan is too dangerous!” Ciel snapped. “You are an untrained civilian. You are not going to meet a man who has assaulted and likely killed ten other of your peers. Certainly not when he likely imagines you as his eleventh! Honestly! You must be mad. Do you have a death wish?”
“I do not care about that,” you admitted, taking in a long inhale through your nose and quickly glancing out the window. Your fingers intertwined in your lap as your shoulders fell sheepishly. “The danger,” you clarified at the Earl’s perplexed expression. “I truly…it is of no importance to me.”
“And why is that?” Ciel demanded.
“Why do I have the right? They all…died. Why do I get the privilege of…” You let the sentence die, gesturing with your clammy hands because you couldn’t string the proper words together. How could you to know to be careful when these girls didn’t know what they were getting into? They deserved the same warnings you had, but that would never be.
“Come on, Ciel. We need access to his home and his belongings. We will not get it if we pursue your business meeting idea. Please, please, let me do this,” you said, fishing William’s house key out of your jacket’s pocket. The silver key had his matching initials engraved down the side of it in cursive. “While I keep him occupied, you and Sebastian can find the spare office keys in the studio and—”
There was a new grudging respect in Ciel’s face, paired with a thoughtful frown. He was considering your idea, freshly reminded that you were extremely committed to the investigation. After all, it was a personal matter, now.
“No,” Ciel started. He quickly sent a silencing look at you, noticing the confrontational way you leaned in toward him. The carriage was rather small, putting you in the same proximity William was to you, earlier that day. “Not without us. I will not, in good conscience, permit you to go tomorrow without Sebastian and myself. We don’t know what William might try with you.”
A slow smile spread across your face, victorious. You truly were a force of nature.
“You care about me,” you grinned, nose wrinkling with glee. “How kind. Who knew the magnificent, oh-so-powerful, Lord of Phantomhive could care for someone besides himself…” Your hand flew over your heart dramatically. “I’m touched!”
“I had no idea it was controversial to ensure a civilian’s survival,” Ciel smarted, his exposed eye-rolling. His face flushed, but you couldn’t decipher the cause. Frustration from having to accommodate your ever-shifting mood? Embarrassment? No, Lord Phantomhive could never view himself as lesser-than!
Or perhaps, you were right. He did care about you.
Your cheeks grew warm at the thought, causing your head to jerk away before you could regard his lips anymore. (Were they always this plump when he scowled? And that pink?) You were all too aware of your closeness, given that you hadn’t moved back to your original position in the carriage and had been leaning towards him with the severity of either someone enraged or in love.
Enraged. You were enraged.
“Admit that I persuaded you,” you demanded, unable to keep the play stoicism on your face.
“I will not,” Ciel shook his head, relieved that the carriage was coming to a stop because it gave him an easy reprieve from the conversation at hand. “We need you to confirm the body’s identification. Will you come inside?” The Earl asked, gesturing to the Yard’s station outside the carriage. He reminded you of the meaning behind your excursion: confirming that the body found floating in the River Thames was Janet Fischer or a nameless victim. While there were numerous pictures of Janet, they needed a person to confirm her remains.
“Yes, I can.” Your heart sunk, bringing your joy with it. Your smile melted as you nodded gravely, well aware that there was no need to maintain any pretenses in front of the body. Ciel forced the Yard to clear any non-ranked personnel to avoid conflict with your public appearance versus your intended utility to the case.
Within minutes, you were facing Janet one last time. She was truly perfect— the type of beautiful that belonged between pages of a storybook. Her cheekbones were high, but her cheeks were full; her lips were soft and pink. Her blonde hair fell in wisps, too thick to stay in her bun perfectly. Even in death, her eyelashes were long and curled, kissing her cheeks.
Unlike Amélie, there was little sign of death on her, save for her lack of breathing and the obvious bruise on her temple. Otherwise, there was no foul smell, no bloodshot eyes, or gaping mouth. Janet looked as if she was only napping, her face serene without the deep sadness that used to inhabit it. No one in the company carried the same innocence and melancholia— that was why she was Natasha’s first choice for Odette.
“This is her,” your voice hardly registered above a whisper. “Janet…what happened?” you asked, blinking rapidly to keep tears from falling. You wished she could wake up and tell you. There was nothing you wanted more.
“She was officially reported as missing on the night of September 28th,” Ciel said, his presence somewhat comforting to you. Janet was already dead— there was nothing to be done except to bring her killer to justice and ensure this doesn’t happen to anyone else. “Exactly one day after the last time everyone has claimed to see her— the night of Thursday, September 27th.”
“This wound seems as if it was from a blunt object,” Sebastian noted, peering at the purple bruise on the side of Janet’s right eye. “But she was found near the Tower Bridge, the rest of her wounds consistent with a high fall.”
“Could she have been hit with the object and subsequently pushed?” Ciel wondered, not truly looking for a response from either you or Sebastian. He crossed his arms, searching for answers from Janet’s body.
You battled a fresh wave of nausea.
“The bruise appears to be circular. I believe the object we’re looking for is slightly round — like a hammer, the pommel of a dagger, or even the end of a cane might create this shape of bruise,” the butler continued, the broad number of potential items doing nothing of note.
If the bruise wasn’t leading to anything concrete, you opted to focus on something — anything — else. Janet went missing on a Thursday… Today was Wednesday. William wanted to meet with you on another Thursday. You had full Nutcracker rehearsals on Thursdays and Sundays, but William said that Thursday would work the best because Natasha always stayed at the studio to work with Poppy.
That made Thursdays the ideal day for him to kill someone: Natasha was out of the picture, and the whole cast was exhausted after a full show rehearsal and a showing of Swan Lake.
You stiffened, your head jerking to look at the Earl. He startled at your sudden movement, knitting curious eyebrows together. What is it now, Y/n? He asked without having to speak.
“Ciel, do you have the dates for any of the other disappearances?”
“Sebastian?” Ciel prompted.
“Annalisse Sterling’s last sighting was Thursday, September 14th and Harriet White’s was August 31st, and…” Sebastian continued, as you flipped through a calendar. You ripped off one of the officer’s unoccupied desks. You circled every date Sebastian said until he stopped at Amelie’s disappearance date.
“The majority of disappearances have taken place between these three weekdays,” you declared, showing Ciel and Sebastian the months of circled Thursdays, Fridays, and Sundays. “Look. And these are days where we have full show rehearsals and his wife is thoroughly distracted…it cannot be a coincidence.”
Ciel considered the theory, nodding slowly with perceptible hesitance that you wanted to kick out of him. There was absolutely no basis for him to doubt you! Why did he need to be this stubborn? All of the time? “Is there anyone we can speak to regarding Janet? We have already spoken to her family and Lord Taylor, but—”
“She never had friends,” you shook your head. It was true— Janet always distanced herself from everyone. Even Natasha, who seemed to be the entire company’s older sister. “What did Lord Taylor tell you?”
“He has a solid alibi— hosting a birthday dinner for his niece in Tanglewood. His son’s betrothed,” Ciel said. “The party location puts him too far away from the Tower Bridge at that time, and there is no evidence that Taylor told Janet to meet him there.”
“She had to tell someone that she was going out of her usual way,” you shut your eyes for a moment to organize your thoughts. “Janet was not stupid, she would never leave without notice. Her mother and her brothers relied on her income to live.”
“The mother insisted Janet found a note in her dressing room, but there was no one — and no note — to corroborate that,” Sebastian recalled, as perplexed as you’ve ever seen him. Anyone could have left a note in Janet’s room— the murder had to be premeditated if that was how the killer lured her. They knew to leave it there after the performance and to either dispose of it themself or take it from Janet after killing her. Not only that— they had access to those backstage areas. It needed to be someone who blended in at the opera house, otherwise, the interviewed dancers and stagehands would have noticed a suspicious character.
“Ciel, we need to look into William. He owns the opera house— no one would think anything of seeing him backstage. William knows when rehearsals are, and his wife’s work schedule,” you demanded, wide-eyed. Honestly, if Ciel continued to doubt you, you would suspect he was in the wrong line of work.
“Say it is William,” Ciel pinched the bridge of his nose, “how would we proceed?” He asked flatly, guessing that you had a few ideas.
Your expression wasn’t gleeful. You were unsure what to call it, besides fierce and unyielding. It was forceful, it was serious. A real force of nature would do this. You were going to do this.
“We get a confession, then. Tomorrow night.”
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midnight-glasses · 11 months
| If the Tsukinami brothers were your beloved pet cats?
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Don't ask me why I did it.
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— Carla Tsukinami:
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Carla is an observant and silent pet, preferring to observe the environment from a strategic vantage point while maintaining an air of sophistication in his appearance.
When it comes to food, Carla has developed a taste for premium-quality cat food. He particularly enjoys a grain-free, high-protein blend with a delicate hint of salmon, his refined palate appreciates the rich flavors and textures.
He demands attention on his own terms and enjoys keeping everyone in suspense about his true intentions, even his owners.
Carla exhibits a fascination with intricate feather wands. As the feather flutters and dances through the air, his eyes fixate on the graceful movement, and he becomes fully engrossed in an enchanting game of chase.
He have a favorite hideout in the house, a luxurious cat tower positioned by a sunny window. He spend hours lounging there, observing the world outside with an air of mystery. The tower is his sanctuary, where he can enjoy solitude and plan his next moves.
When it's time for relaxation, Carla has a peculiar affinity for basking in the warm glow of sunlight. He seeks out the sunniest spots in the house, whether it's a windowsill or a strategically positioned cat tree. Bathed in golden rays, he luxuriates in the gentle warmth, his eyes half-closed in contentment, as if he's embracing the radiance of his ancestral origins.
One distinct quirk of Carla during playtime is his fondness for controlled stalking. He has a keen eye for observing his surroundings and stealthily tracking his toys or fellow feline companions from a distance. With calculated precision, he waits for the perfect moment to strike, launching himself into a graceful pounce that reflects his ancient “predator ancestry”.
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He has a peculiar preference for toys that challenge his intellect and agility. Among his favorite toys is a small puzzle box with hidden compartments and treat dispensers. He enjoys the thrill of figuring out the mechanisms and unlocking the hidden treasures inside, displaying his astute problem-solving skills.
Carla rarely purrs, but when he does, it produces a deep and thunderous sound that resonates loudly. Whenever he is content, relaxed, or allows himself to show his emotions, his purring fills the room, sometimes startling his feline companions and his humans.
Carla takes great pride in his appearance and has a meticulous grooming routine. He spends a significant amount of time grooming his sleek fur, ensuring every strand is perfectly in place. His meticulousness extends to his feline companions as well; he is often seen gently grooming their fur to maintain its pristine appearance.
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— Shin Tsukinami:
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Shin is a fiery and energetic ginger cat with bright yellow eyes.
He is always full of energy, constantly on the move and ready to pounce on anything that catches his interest.
Shin is the troublemaker of the duo, always getting into fights with Carla or causing chaos around the house. However, beneath his unruly nature, he has a gentle side.
He often seeks affection and attention from his humans, even if it's done in a somewhat rough manner: he enjoys giving “love bites” as a sign of affection.
Shin is an expert at finding small hideouts and secret spots throughout the house. Whether it's a cozy cardboard box tucked away in a corner or a high perch on the bookshelf, he always discovers a new place to explore. His erratic spirit leads him to unexpected places, and his humans often find him in the most peculiar locations.
When it's time to unwind, Shin seeks out cozy hideaways and snug spaces. He enjoys curling up in a soft, fleece-lined cat bed or burrowing into a pile of warm blankets. His contented purrs resonate gently as he drifts into a peaceful slumber.
Shin also has a curious fascination with shiny objects. Whether it's a candy wrapper or a reflection bouncing off a mirrored surface, his eyes fixate on the gleaming allure. He playfully bats at the glimmers, enchanted by their elusive nature, as if he's on a quest to capture the essence of light itself.
He has a obsession with interactive toys that mimic the movements of small prey. His favorite toy is a battery-powered mouse that scampers and darts unpredictably across the floor. His eyes light up with excitement as he chases after it.
Shin has a particular fondness for treats with a crunchy texture. He relishes in the sound and sensation of each bite, his tail swishing back and forth with delight. His humans often find him pawing at his food bowl, trying to coax out the last few pieces of kibble, never wanting the tasty experience to end.
He has a wide repertoire of vocalizations, using meows and chirps to communicate his desires and emotions. He has a unique way of expressing himself through his vocalizations, whether it's a demanding meow for attention or a contented purr when receiving affection. His expressive meows make it easier for his humans to understand his needs and desires, unlike his older brother, Carla.
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All my written content is original, however, I do not claim ownership of the characters depicted. ©2023-Present.
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echocrossing · 1 year
oh how i miss new leaf. what i wouldn’t give for books cranny to have multiple upgrades again, to have to unlock shampoodles, for everyone to have their own little stores. oh and the conversations i used to have with my villagers! i played 800hrs of acnl and still got dialogue i was sure i’d never seen before. i miss the little play dates you’d set up for a certain time, the regular delivery and fetch quests, perfect fruit!!!! the island with its different flora and fauna and the little medal games which you could get special furniture with. gracie’s special seasonal furniture!! a post office with my sweet pelly and pete (and my grumpy phyllis). dr shrunk teaching emotions. club lol. easier flower breeding (i find it impossible in new horizons). the amount of time i would play on a game that is new leaf on the new horizons graphics/engine. keep the terraforming and design options/lots of design slots but make the island even bigger so everyone can have a shop!! let me go to tortimers island and mystery islands. i just want all the charm of the old games back. new horizons always feels too much like a design sim with soulless versions of the villagers. here’s hoping one day they port new leaf and just make it even better
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it's been a while since i've talked about any of my aus, huh
let's do that real quick! first a very simple au where the main point is the stans twins being physical manifestations of the concept of life and death, and then a much more in-depth au involving mystery trio kind of (don't get attached)
warnings for death (of course) and emotional suffering for the first au
warnings for cosmic horror, violence/blood/near death experience, both physical and emotional suffering, and in general Significantly Bad Times™ for the second one
au the first!
the first au is exactly what it sounds like. i've thought about this one for a while but never mentioned it because i don't want people going 'well obviously the reason ford is death and stan is life is because ford is evil incarnate and stan is perfect and can do no wrong' because that's not why i gave them their specific roles
i just felt it fit their personalities better? also cause stan's (somewhat unhealthy) 'family is everything' mindset fits a personification of life better and ford's 'if it sucks, hit the bricks' mindset fits a personification of death better
(also ford gets to hang out with extinct species and stan has to mourn when he realizes he hasn't interacted with any in a long time, so who gets the better deal really)
really though, this ford is essentially always in a state of mourning for. obvious reasons. stan spends most of his time watching various organisms live, and ford spends most of his time sitting with them when they die. and the two don't interact very often because of how busy they always are (i did give ford an emotional support ghost thylacine though, so he's not always alone)
the mystery twins, through means i do not wish to think about nor go into, end up in a state of limbo. the stan twins take them in, alternating between who spends time with who so everyone gets a fair amount of bonding time
it does help ford a bit, but it also puts him on edge because the last thing he wants is for them to have to watch things die. instead, he introduces them to various (more friendly) ghost creatures and teaches them about decomposers
stan's time with them is somewhat easier, what with his job essentially being to make sure things are still ticking, which includes a lot of looking at baby organisms for long periods of time. he does make sure not to show the twins any species that are. uh. low on members, so to speak
the stan twins got into a lot of fights when they were younger. stan's not exactly a fan of mass extinctions and ford couldn't seem to get him to understand that he does not, in fact, kill them, he just shows up when they die, and yes, stanley, there is a difference
they had. a pretty long time to work it out. that's all there really is for this au (at least for now)
au the second!
in this au, ford focuses on astronomical anomalies. one such anomaly he notices is an increasingly unnerving lack of stars. some that were there before seem to have just. disappeared. he figures, 'well, a lot of stars that were documented in the past just don't exist anymore, and we stop seeing their light after a while. even if these examples are unusually recent all things considered, it's not enough to be worrisome yet'
so he starts keeping track of asterisms. he gets his hands on some star charts, makes a few maps of specific ones himself, and starts observing. every time something changes, he marks it off on the corresponding chart. after a little while, he decides that something is definitely wrong here (he's starting to space out more and more often, for longer periods of time) and he calls up fiddleford for help
fiddleford gets to work on building some machines so they can more easily observe this anomaly and, more importantly, properly record its happenings. he finally gets to computer his majigs. and things go well for a while, except for stanford's newfound problems, but it starts to have an effect on fiddleford after a while. he sees something in the void that ford doesn't. and he's starting to trust it more than he trusts his friend
fiddleford keeps this to himself, of course. ford doesn't seem to really notice. what ford does notice is that the gemini constellation has started to go
somewhat reluctantly (though with his hallucinations and absence seizures and bleeding from the eyes and fiddleford's unusual coldness, it's getting hard to care) he calls up his ma, finds out where stan's currently staying, and sends him a postcard. because, sure, maybe stan can't help, but at this point he's starting to feel like his brother should know and also he's getting a little desperate
stan pretty quickly notices that there's something off about the handwriting and language and the stains of the postcard and gets on his way because something has obviously gone wrong here
he expects to have to talk to ford down from doing something, or maybe have to help him get out of dodge because people want to hurt him or something. he does not expect to walk into the house and see his brother bleeding on the floor because his assistant tried to murder him (is this why ford sent for his help? what in the hell is going on?)
stan is confused, to say the least. he pretty easily overpowers fiddleford (how weak was ford? what happened?) and manages to get his brother to a hospital
needless to say, he's a bit surprised when ford wants to return there upon recovery. he's even more surprised when he's shown the anomaly and hey where the fuck are castor and pollux. where are a lot of the stars around gemini actually?
ford gives him a basic rundown and explains that he thinks something about the anomaly caused fiddleford's murder attempt, though he's not sure why it only affected him. stan asks why he hasn't heard about this considering that this is kind of a big deal. ford doesn't know
they're about to hear a lot about it
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dumplingsfordays · 10 months
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evening hours
ok so hihi i'm back and down bad for dainsleif (as usual)
this is just a quick little idea i had while i was in the car so i wrote this down in a google doc and then pasted it here 😭😭
apologies for any spelling/grammar mistakes, this isn't proofread so there may be a lot :/
anyways thank you for reading and have an amazing day <3
source for the art (i couldn't find the initial artist, i'm sorry) : @abimanyuputro on pinterest
warning! if you're uncomfortable with any of these topics, please don't read : cuteness to angst to comfort, implied overworking from reader but not really specified
mood :
Lavoe - kept crystal castles but its only piano (link to spotify)
daniel.mp3 - 3am walk - slowed & reverbed version (link to spotify)
lil indo - the beach (instrumental/slowed/muffled) (link to spotify)
The first time you saw him, you were intrigued.
He had a mysterious air about him, emphasized by that starry cloak of his that he never seemed to take off. Delicate blonde hair, outlining his features with smooth strands, poured like a golden waterfall from the top of his head, and his cyan eyes were sharp and cold, but you could sense a sort of sadness hidden deep in them whenever you made eye contact. This wasn't a Mondstadter, you knew that for sure. He didn't look like he was from any other region in Teyvat, too - you could only assume that maybe this gentleman had a very unique taste in clothing and was simply blessed with inhumane beauty. You didn't think that he'd keep visiting your café, though.
The second time you saw him, you were curious.
Curious about his mask that covered only half of his face. Curious about his clothing, his mannerisms, his reticent politeness. Curious about why he was here in Mondstadt at all, and for what reason he seemed to be staying here. His face was a blank, white dot in the crowd of regulars you'd see each day, an enigma, and this fact made you wonder. Where did he come from? Why was he so reserved? And, arguably most importantly - who was he, really?
The third time you saw him, you were friendly.
You struck up conversation about the gorgeous weather outside when you brought him his coffee. Of course, he agreed, saying that it was a perfect time to go for a walk in the Whispering Woods, where the overarching trees provided the perfect amount of shade from the sun, and your quick talk ended there. He thanked you with that same quiet civility before you left his table, but this time, it was accompanied by a barely noticeable smile dancing on his fair lips.
The fourth time you saw him, you were open.
Your conversations were getting longer and longer as the days went by. His previously guarded-off persona was crumbling, and it seemed that he was getting more comfortable talking to you (and maybe even simply being around you). His eyes grew softer when you approached, his tense hands relaxed. You liked this new version of him - a version that he seemed to be hiding from you before he knew you meant no harm, a version that finally felt like it could be honest with you. He would be welcome in the café after closing hours, and you would enjoy simply talking to each other over some tea and muffins about the various aspects of your lives. At times, these conversations would get deep, philosophical - you talked about the meaning of life, about fate. He seemed interested in these topics, to your relief. You never really had a person that you could talk to about this, as they either always changed the subject to something a little more "real", or ignored you altogether, but this man was different. You felt like he was an old friend despite never knowing his name.
The fifth time you saw him, you were a mess.
Everything in your life seemed overwhelming, endlessly crushing at this point. You closed the café early today in an attempt to have extra time to pour your emotions out through some good ole crying, but you forgot about the man, still sitting at a table, book in hand. When you didn't come to him after the clock struck 8:15 (the usual time you'd come over after putting all the cups to soak), he looked over at the counter. You weren't there.
He assumed that you had more duties to attend to, and kept reading, keeping one eye the counter while he was doing so. In fact, instead of being in the storage room, whose entrance was past the counter, you were leaning against it, trying desperately to not cry too loudly. Your hot tears stung as they rolled down your cheeks, but you didn't dare move to wipe them away. You didn't want him to see you in this sorry state.
Unluckily for you, he heard one of your short gasps for air. He immediately set his book down to come over to the counter, and lo and behold, you looked up at him, cheeks and nose reddened as he peered over the wooden surface in worry.
"Can I come behind the counter?" he asked in genuine concern, a tone which you had never heard him speak with.
You nodded, sniffling. You must look absolutely pathetic to him right now.
He walked with urgency to you, and knelt across from you on the floor. He took your hands in his as his cyan eyes met your bloodshot ones.
"Are you okay?"
At these soft-spoken words, the dam broke. Tears poured from your eyes like crystal-clear rivers, and you pulled your hands away from his to bury your face in them. You shuddered as you desperately tried to catch quick breaths of air, gasping, eyes screwed shut.
"Hey, hey," he muttered, trying his best to be reassuring. You felt his (rather large) hands cup your face, carefully pulling it upwards. His thumbs wiped away your still-running tears with gentle care.
"Shh. Breathe, just breathe. That's it."
In between sniffles and ragged breaths, you explained why you were in such a state. You were reluctant to tell him - after all, you didn't want him to think ill of you (or worse, to bear yet another burden on his shoulders. He was probably carrying a lot as it was, and you felt like it was unfair that he should carry your problems with him, too).
"I'm- I'm sorry," you said hoarsely. "For this whole thing. I should've just-"
"No. You shouldn't apologize, not for this," he reassured, "but thank you for being honest."
You nodded, blinking away the last of your tears.
"Please tell me if you need anything."
You chuckled, albeit pitifully. "Yeah, if you know how to magically erase all of my problems with a fairy wand or something."
"I'm being serious, y/n," he warned, but his lips betrayed him - their corners quirked up into a small smile.
"I'll be fine," you sniffed one last time, before standing up, at which he stood up with you. "I'll be okay."
He furrowed his eyebrows. "Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I am. I think, at least."
"Alright then."
He walked back to the table on which his book lay, and after retrieving it, he headed towards the door. Before he exited, however, he stole one last glance towards you, and cleared his throat.
"You'll tell me though, right?"
"About what?" you asked as you watered some plants on a windowsill.
"If you need anything."
You turned to face him, and your eyes widened in surprise. "Oh, you really meant that?"
"Of course."
"Well... I am rather short on Mora."
A glare from the man made you freeze, and then you threw up your hands like you were at gunpoint (because you pretty much were at that point).
"Just kidding!" you laughed awkwardly, and in response, his gaze softened. "But no, there's nothing. I think all that crying cleared my head up a little bit, though. Thank you, truly."
He nodded, another smile gracing his elegant features, and walked out into the cold night air.
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mauesartetc · 4 months
hello maue! ive seen you talking about helluva boss and hazbins character design and the like, so i was wondering if you could critique the character designs from the game doll eye? specifically the main three characters: alfred, mystery and kao. i have my own opinions about the subject matter, but im curious to see what yours are.
So right off the bat, I'd like to highlight a major issue all three designs have. Fun game for those at home: Without looking it up, guess the species of each of these characters.
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(Answers below the cut)
Left to right: Alfred- Shiba Inu. Dr. Mystery- Oriental Longhair cat. Kao- Ram.
If you answered all three correctly, congrats! That's three more than I did. Alfred much more closely resembles a fox or coyote than a Shiba Inu (and his nose is so tiny I actually thought he was human at first glance). Dr. Mystery looks... somewhat feline, but the thick, striped tail reminded me more of a raccoon. And my gut reaction to Kao was "mouse", judging by what I thought were his gray cheeks, pink nose, and whiskers. And that's the thing: A character's species should be so clear that your gut reaction will be correct. If viewers can't see the resemblance, the design isn't communicating the information it should.
Another thing is that their poses are a bit boring since they're too symmetrical; like tell me you used symmetry mode without telling me you used symmetry mode. A symmetrical pose for a character is fine for orthographic/turnaround sheets so you know how they look from a perfect front view, but for a main pose it's kinda stiff and doesn't show much personality. It gels okay with the art style, which appears to be very flat and graphic. But there's no harm in giving even heavily-abstracted characters a little dimension.
Lastly, these designs are extremely bottom-heavy, with the feet taking up a disproportionate amount of space. Because of this huge disparity of visual "weight" between the feet and faces, our eyes keep moving to the feet, which isn't ideal. Generally (not always, but the vast majority of the time), you'll want to direct the most attention to the character's face, as the face expresses the most emotion. "The eyes are the windows to the soul" and all that. What are feet the window to? Blisters?
Anyway, here are my notes on how the designs are working on an individual level.
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See, the thing about making a symmetrical drawing is, you better make sure one side doesn't have any awkward tangents, or they'll reflect on the other side as well.
And now, here's how I would redesign Alfred:
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I mainly just made the face and ears look more Shiba-like, made the tail more prominent in the silhouette, and shrunk down his legs and feet a tad so the proportion gap between them and the face isn't so huge. I experimented with keeping the shaggy hair on the sides of the face, but it made him look more like a wolf or a Husky, and Shibas have pretty short fur. Also, I realized his shoes looked a lot like work boots, which wouldn't make much sense for a teacher to wear in a school setting. So I replaced them with dress shoes, which would be more appropriate for the environment.
Now let's look at Kao:
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Not much of a change on this one. I lengthened his face, enlarged his horns so they're more visible, puffed up his collar to make room for his pointy chin and mouth, and did away with the ear. At first I thought just making it smaller would suffice, as its huge size was part of why I thought this guy was a mouse at first. But there's a lot going on up there already, so in the end I figured it would make things simpler if his ears weren't visible. I also incorporated eyelids that imply where his pupil-less eyes are looking.
Finally, Dr. Mystery.
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The first order of business was determining the facial structure. Oriental Longhair cats have long faces and defined cheekbones, so I wanted that to come through in the drawing. The ears and bangs are now simplified, and the layering of the lab coat, pants, and tail makes much more sense. I also added a streamlined version of the tail fringe I drew in the initial redline, and separated the boots from the pants. The Meowth whiskers are gone; while they did provide a strong hint that Mystery is a cat, the face already has enough going on with the eyelashes, the bangs crossing over it, and the mouth jutting out at the side. I do think this version reads as "cat" without whiskers, but if they prove necessary, a simple line for each should do the trick.
In all three I tried to stay faithful to the angular, abstracted art style while making their species more clear and making certain features more logical and/or readable. This was a fun challenge! Thanks for asking!
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afreakingdork · 3 months
Miss Dork Miss Dork oh my GOD I've just read Chapter 57 today I think I've officially fallen in love with Reader-san AND Donnie at the same time.
Like, how do you do it?? How do you write a character like that?? How does Reader-san keep rolling nat-20s and say the most quotable thought-provoking character developing things ever?? Chapter by chapter they have proven and continue to prove themselves to be an extremely thoughtful individual with a will that shouldn't be reckoned with and OH. THEM AND DONNIE FIT SO WELL TOGETHER. NO WONDER HE'S SO WHIPPED.
I can see why Donnie is hopelessly in love with them now Reader-san is LITERALLY marriage material. I want to marry someone like them. I can't believe they weren't taken already before Donnie came and swooped them off their feet. Ghkkk.
The line “We’re us. I don’t want that any other way. No changing for one another. We’re us first and foremost" and "Do it. It was never yours anyway because you didn’t name it" in particular. Hh. Okay. I'm normal about these lines in particular. Very normal. In fact, I'd say I'm the most normal ab- WRONG IM GOING INSANE. FIRST LINE?? BANGER. SECOND LINE? ALSO A BANGER. THAT IS THE MOST PERFECT RESPONSE YOU COULD THINK OF TO SOMEONE DOUBTING THEIR IDENTITY AND THEIR RELATION TO THEIR PERSONAS. GOODNESS. BANGER AFTER BANGER LINE FR!!
God everyday I wish I could print your fanfic and kiss each page one by one with utmost tenderness reserved for your beloved. Each chapter is so good aughhhh they're so fucking cool god. Sniff. They're so. Sniffles. They're so cool and well written. They're literally perfect I love them so much. Please oh god I'm so ready to read about them having babies or growing old together I'm gonna DIE WAHHHHH HAH!!!!
Sorry for raving and rambling (again) in your dms Miss Dork I am just,, Experiencing Emotions™. They're all good of course and I am experiencing them in an appropriate amount (lie). Yes.
Okay okay let me compose myself before I make this even longer so I can start my closing statements now: Its so hard to put into words without sounding redundant but I just really really like how you write the Reader!! Lifting your hand and kissing it, like, CHU. I am looking up at you like a doe eyed- well, doe, and also you really are just one hell of a writer Ma'am!! I will never get tired of saying that btw!!
KM you are the most delightful mystery in my life at the moment! /aff /pos 💞💞💞
that is to say...
You are seriously the sweetest!!! I had such a blast writing those lines so hearing that you liked them means the world!!
It's so reassuring to hear reader is received well. Obviously they are meant to be a self insert, but at the same time there's no real way to represent everyone and I fret about it quite a bit. I hate alienated people and I want to make it rounded experience, but I also have this story I want to tell.
Just thank you truly, you have no idea how much you mean to me!
ALSO A HAND KISS!!! I'VE ONLY EVER BEEN HAND SMOOCHED ONCE IN MY WHOLE LIFE AND I BARELY RECOVERED!!! It was a Loki cosplayer and they stole my damn heart in one swift move when I complimented their costume! Swoon!!!
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books-with-shriya · 4 months
Book Reads and TBR for February 💗!!
Hey Guys!! Sorry for literally being absent for like forever...but I'm back, and I swear that I'm going to try to be more consistent now! Anyway, I wanted to share the books I've read in the past couple of months and my tbr for February!!
My Reads:
The Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros: Surprisingly, I read a lot of my tbr and this book was one of the books on it! I know there were mixed reviews and some people really hated it, but I goddamn loved it! Literally, this book was to die for. Ngl the first two or three chapters are a bit slow but it gets soo much better after so its completely worth it. Also can we just take a second for this immaculate enemies to lovers..absolute perfection. Also the amount of times I had to put down the book after the male mc said something and literally squealed....anyways I would rate it a 4.5/5 stars :)))
Foul Heart Hunstman by Chloe Gong: LOVED!!! I fell in love with the first book, also I just love all of Chloe Gong's writing, just absolute masterpieces. And I knew as soon as the second book came out that I was gonna love it just as much, and I did! The plot was beautifully executed, the characters are just so well written, AND we get some new but old characters !!! I just loved every second of this book and it just made me so happy to finish this series. 5/5 stars
Girl, Interrupted by Susanna Kaysen: This was one of the first memoirs that I've read, and for it being the first one this was actually pretty good. It was a pretty short read, and it was still interesting. Overall just a good story and it feels nice to read something that's not fiction in a while. I really loved reading about the main character's experiences in this book, I would rate it a 4/5 stars for a memoir.
Powerless by Lauren Roberts: OOOH, I loved this book sooo much!! Another great enemies to lovers!!! This book had Hunger Games and like Red Queen esq vibes to it but I was completely fine since I completely adore both of those series, the plot was so well written, the characters were also interesting and so were the side characters. The trope was also executed so well, and it made me so happy to see well-written enemies to lovers !! Can you tell I've been in an enemies to lovers trope vibe lately reading-wise?? Loved it, and would rate it a 4.5/5, and I'm excited for the second book !!
Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls: Another memoir!! This one was actually better than the first one I read for me. I felt like I enjoyed the storyline of this a lot more. This storyline was very interesting and it really changed my perspective about some things in general, also a reality check :). Overall, I really just loved this book and I finished it in two nights cuz I was just so invested!! 4.5/5 for my second memoir!
The Way I Am Now by Amber Smith: OMG THIS BOOK ACTUALLY MADE ME SO HAPPY!! Ifykyk, The Way I Used to Be is an absolute rollercoaster and made me an emotional wreck. But this sequel healed all those cracks that the first book made. I was so happy to see Eden finally get what she deserved and just her happy and actually living in the longest time...don't wanna spoil anything.. Overall this book just made me so happy and I finished it in a day cuz I just couldn't wait to see how it ended!! 5/5 cuz it holds a special place in my heart <3
One of Us is Back by Karen McManus: UM...ya ngl this book was not it.. Don't get me wrong, I loved the first two books like the plot and characters were amazing, and the mystery aspect was good too, and when I heard that a third book was being released, I was like YAY cuz I loved the series. But this book was just so underwhelming. It took me like 4 days to finish cuz I was dragging myself through the book almost. I just didn't really like the plot, there were some good twists but it was just meh. I feel like the series would have just been better without this book, but that's just my opinion. 🤷‍♀️ I would rate it a 2.5/5.
The Hurricane Wars by Thea Guanzon: Ya this is still on my tbr.. prob has been for a solid three months, but I finally out a hold on it in my public library so yayyy. Still, Im very excited to read this book and I just can't wait!
Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros: Yall already know I was gonna put this on by Tbr after reading Fourth Wing 😭😭! I just have no words..I can't wait to get my hands on this stupid book, like I'm so excited!!! I just know I'm gonna love it based on my interaction with the first book and I'm also invested for the next 3 books after cuz apparently its a 5 book series..and might become a TV show!! But also idk if its even gonna pan out, cuz Ive been waiting for that Red Queen tv show for a fat minute now..
Fate Breaker by Victoria Aveyard: My literal queen has finally published the last book in her trilogy of Realm Breaker and damn am I excited!! I own all of her books so Im excited to finally add this one to my collection and also can we just take a minute for how stunning her covers always our..love the royalty of it. Im just really really excited for this book and I already know Im gonna love it!!
Anyways guys that's it for now, sorry this was a long one but I did wanna put a lot of stuff out for the months that I missed!! I swear I'm gonna try to stay consistent so hopefully, y'all see me later this week or early next week!! 💗💗
~Shriya :)
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greenhappyseed · 1 year
After 376, I am ready for whatever WILD shenanigans are gonna happen with TomurAFO, Original Recipe AFO, Yoichi/OFA, and Erasure. Let’s start by looking at AFO’s monologues and going back 20 chapters, right after AFO’s initial defeat by Endeavor. AFO says his original body served its purpose and was designed for the scrap heap anyway, so why not try Rewinding himself? Hawks even characterizes this as a “massive yet suicidal power-up.” Once fully formed out of the ashes, AFO says his only task is to “rescue Tomura” from the UA sky coffin (which he could gloopy warp into once he gets close enough). Pretty basic so far….
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Then we cut to Izuku giving Tomura an epic beat down using Second’s quirk during its alleged 5-minute time limit (are we gonna twist fate to extend that?). While we don’t learn Second’s name, we do learn (1) AFO cried when he found out he was defeated by a quirk that amounted to a “peashooter;” and (2) AFO/OFA are resonating together, leading Yoichi to realize that AFO isn’t quite as melded with Tomura as his bragging about a “perfected” body would have you believe. Tomura appears to be bursting, as if the power of AFO is exploding out of him (is he having a change of heart a la Nagant??), and yet….TomurAFO still believes he hasn’t yet USED his perfect body, because Erasure has prevented him from using any of his quirks. He is trying to stall for time and wait for…something…to happen so his “true” power can be unleashed. TomurAFO even addresses Yoichi directly and says that he has a chance to win. He has not yet burst. He can win if Spinner releases Kurogiri.
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When we go back to AFO, he’s telling Hawks how his grand plan is to thwart the future of the whole world, because he’s so influenced by the comics of his youth. Ah, youth. (Midnight would be proud, RIP.) But then AFO says “the experiences of one’s youth determine the entirety of one’s life.” Okay, that’s not true, objectively, but also wow, so predetermined and fatalistic! Not a growth mindset on this guy. He then goes on to add, “more than anything else, I place faith in a person’s emotions.” (Remember when he told young Tomura that heart is power? What experience in his youth showed him that?) The context here is that Spinner’s emotions from his younger days predicted Spinner would make it to Kurogiri and do AFO’s bidding. But what about AFO’s younger days, hmmmm? What made him identify with the bad guy and want to “thwart the future of the whole world?” What emotions are within a rewound AFO? I would have said he’s beyond emotions other than holding grudges (which he does just so he can prove his superiority)…EXCEPT for AFO’s tears as he choked (presumably killed?) Second and realized his “weak” brother beat found a way to beat him.
And then AFO says the quiet part out loud: “In the truest sense, that body is not yet complete. There’s a reason why this version of me is still essential.” HUH? Didn’t he JUST say “This body had already served its purpose?” Well yes, but he was talking about the body that turned to ash in Endeavor’s flames. His new, rewound body must be able to do something that TomurAFO cannot. Something that would permit the perfection of TomurAFO. That would allow him to unlock the “true value” of his body.
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So, to recap:
We have a 230-going-on-113 AFO full of mystery quirks and hatred for those who work together to stop him; his dream since childhood has been to thwart the future of the whole world, but he’s on a time limit until he rewinds out of existence.
We have a not-quite-perfect TomurAFO who may be on a time limit before he bursts, and who may not have all the hatred that he’s “supposed” to have (as Mirio uncovered).
We have Izuku on a time limit with Second’s quirk or else…something (bad?) happens
We have the Manual-Aizawa-Monoma trio keeping TomurAFO under Erasure. Unfortunately, things are looking dicey. Manual’s water is affected by the storm winds, Aizawa holds the Erasure quirk in his body but can’t use it himself, and Monoma can’t blink or else TomurAFO is unleashed…oh, and Monoma is on a time limit as soon as he stops holding Aizawa’s hand.
AFO really has multiple routes to win if he escapes Hawks. For example, he could steal any of the Manual-Aizawa-Monoma quirks and release TomurAFO from Erasure. (He could kill them too, although he’s wanted Erasure from a while and could probably use it to stop his rewinding. That is, if he can rewind himself then surely he can erase himself too.) Hell, he could simply separate them and put distance between them, which I’d laugh at because he’d be using the heroes’ own strategy against them. OR … rewound AFO could steal OFA while his “other me” is under Erasure. At that point, TomurAFO can defeat the rest of the heroes without quirks. And that’s not even counting the Twices taking over Japan, the Todorokis burning Japan, the strange weather patterns threatening the world, and the powerful countries around the world competing to placate AFO. OR maybe it’s just that AFO needs to kill that last little bit of Tenko that’s hiding deep inside Tomura; he needs to make sure Tomura feels unloved to keep Tenko in check.
Depending on how far AFO is rewound, he could even be in possession of a lil stockpiling quirk, giving him the key to open the OFA “vault” without stealing the quirk. If he’s truly back in possession of quirks his old body gave away, there might be LOT of descendants and “resonating quirks” out there under his control. How many “Versions of ME” does AFO have?? Buckle up now ‘cuz it’s gonna be a bumpy ride, whee!
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johnnys-breastmilk · 5 months
Wally anon: Oh, we have the exact.same. mind fr. Even as someone who has been with the Screams my e n t i r e life & watches an insane amount of horror, Randy just has never. been that character for me. He serves his role well enough, is consistently written, & gets an iconic death, but he really outlived his usefulness in the OG as the franchise expanded beyond just. regular horror satire. 👀 kfhdhd I don't even take that much issue with 3. Like, is it the weakest of the initial installments? Yes. But I have very specific problems with it compared to a lot of the issues I see people have with it. 😶 Exactlyyyy. It naturally depends on the execution & how the individual Ghostfaces are planning attacks & all that, but Scream tends to have a great grasp on day vs night. 👍 Yuppp, you get it. The amount of stabs we physically see happening on him like fkdjfk soooo unserious.
And all from how good you're making him feel. 🫣 (No, please, let's get into it. Do tell who that is. 🤫) And you knowww his voice is gonna be hoarse after it from how much he was straining (it'll sound like it does when you fuck his throat). 😫
Oh, I'll bet a lot of gays can probably say the same thing. There have been a few "straight" guys who moved reallll weird around me when I think back on things. Oh, I'm sure it does, but you won't be able to feel anything after with how rough they're being with your hole. 🫠
Yesss, happy to hear 🫣 Then I guess my instincts were the correct ones with that one hitting me like it did. 🤭 (omg damn @ the times; I wish I were more of a ga(y)mer, but it's such an inconsistent thing for me @ only playing re2r & not re4r 💀)
Yessss. The writing was REALLY working overtime to sell the mystery element & pull the rug out from under you. 😭 I can not waitttt for what S2 gets into as an expansion on all of this cause I need all the lore & twists they got. 🙌 (Oh, this is making me think of some prime. angst fic potential based on everything we've discussed so far cause you knowww Wally would start getting in his feelings if you can't make enough time for him cause he's just so. needy & would think you don't need him the same way/like him anymore or w/e insecurity would find its way in his head when he's overthinking 😓) Cause he wants to be spit roasted by both of them. 🤭 (yupppp same, very much missed opportunity by completely forgetting he exists) Yessss, Amanda + the reveal that the entire.game. ALREADY happened + that SHE is gonna follow in John's footsteps is just 🥳🥳🥳 (ooh, so you like playing DBD, I guess I should've figured that but didn't consider it) fjdkdhd absolutely agreed on every point. If it tried to actually move the plot forward/elsewhere like Spiral, I'd like it more, but the fact it's a half-assed sorta kinda not completely prequel to pull a twist outta thin air just makes it so ❌️❌️❌️
Not talking about him not respecting boundaries when Emma was doing all that during truth or dare, not to mention the swimming, & acting like she was doing it all to entertain people later dkfhdk like okayyyy. (But, yup, this entire recent mindset people have where fictional characters - &, by extension, real people - can not ever have ANY faults or make mistakes is insaneeee to me cause it's like...I damn well know y'all. ain't perfect like y'all think y'all are, so maybe back off the judgement.) Yessss exactly. Emily & Kaitlyn supremacy fr 🙌🙌🙌 (Emma & Abby should've just been lesbians cause I literally. got those vibes in their intro scene & then was promptly disappointed when Nick came into the equation THEN got excited again with Dylan & Ryan; emotional whiplash I tell ya fkdhdl.) Oh, I absolutelyyy agree. The whole ~Laura rolls in, becomes the most important character, & Ryan tags along for finale purposes~ element is soooo weird to me cause her arrival is the inherent problem why so much of the rest of the cast are short-changed/go nowhere & yet the game acts like she needed. to be there. 💀 Yupppp. The lack of specification until. you're reading is by far the worst/most annoying version of that cause it's like, "Okay, not only did y'all not tag. but you completely left it out of the fic description as if you are just writing this for a house of your clones???"
Will do! 🙌 kfnfn I didn't even think of that @ leprechaun (although that does. bring some thoughts to mind about possible St. Patrick's Day fics for Milo's characters 🍀👀). Yupyupyup, you get it. 👍 You would not be able to pay attention at ALL. Just seeing it all jiggling around with every step he makes would be like 🥴
Very pleased to hear. 🫡
SO TRUE. I love 3 and how cheesy it is. some people say that it's the worst because of how silly it is, but it just makes it a fun watch. (and what they originally had planned for scream 3 was so bad. so, so bad. stu macher being revealed to be alive badd.... why does scream have a problem with sequels? each one is good on its own tbh, but together they're so dissonant it gives me whiplash on binges sskjdks) Yesss like in 5 when they attack the mf chief of police in broad daylight. It's insane!! Or how Wes gets killed inside with light pouring in. A good reminder that people break in all the time regardless of day/night. Super scary.
Yesss ugh he'll be going wild over all of it. Also, I didn't mean a person el oh el I meant men in general cumming sooo much. Like inhuman levels and painting the walls with a new finish skjsjd
Yeah straight guys are so weird... DLs are the worst type of "straight" guy. The lack of feeling down there from it would be craaazy but so, so good.
They're sosososo good I just wish my writing would click because I've been staring to my computer for half an hour and. nothing skjskjd. And don't worry, I'm an inconsistent gamer because of time and all. Most recently, I've played RE4r and Spider-Man 2.
The writing was just soooo good and it makes me so excited for the second season even more so. (you should totally send in some angst because I live for it just as much as fluff and smut🫣) Omg yes to the spit roasting, Tommy's a whore like me fr. Another I would have loved to see is Jason/Steve or at the very least Jason/Eddie (but Jason/Steve would've been interesting. Former Hawkins King versus the new one, maybe having Steve and Billy agree that he's a dick and teaching him a lesson slkdsdml) IT WAS SUCH A GOOD REVEAL AND SAW 3 MADE IT EVEN BETTER!! (Saw 3 haters can leave the chat, I may not like Jeff but I love the B story of the movie with Amanda and John and Jeff's wife) Yes ugh I love dbd because it's horror central. I have my issues with the game (like balancing, the devs being as dumb as bricks and feeling like we talk to a brick wall, the community being as horrible as it is.) But at its core, most of that is mostly avoidable and the game is just fun. I love knowing I can play as different killers or survivors from so many different legendary movies/tv shows (and I think I wrote a Danny Johnson fic earlier this year..)
Yesss ugh the hate Jacob gets is soooo annoying. Let him be a semi-problematic man whore in his crop top in peace!! Same with other characters that are problematic like Billy, for instance. He's obviously not a good person but people sit there and act like they haven't hurt someone else, and live their life completely like a virtuous, infallible person. Max and Laura were the weakest parts for me, I think the cop should have just killed them after he found them. The whole hostage part in the jail is soooo cliche and predictable (ntm overhearing crucial pieces of lore that makes the Hacketts look dumb for being so careless.) I like them but I found it so boring that they get the main stage after being absent for 70-80 percent of the game after the intro. Like Laura comes back in then they do a whole chapter flashback explaining everything, but it sucks. LMAO @ the clones because it's so true. While I do write my voice (the way I talk and think) into the reader I don't usually bother to write reader appearance aside from clothing/obvious accessories. I don't get why others can't do the same in the way of appearance.
St Patricks Day Milo fics sound interesting... so I'd love to hear what you have in mind for those🫣 And yesss ugh I'd be begging him to slam it down on the desk--either front or back--and mess up the note taking with something more worthwhile
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bird-inacage · 1 year
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This is my quickie review on one of last year’s highly anticipated BL dramas and pairings. A really solid and competently directed entry to 2022′s roster.
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When it was first promoted, the show came across as a mystery thriller with possible supernatural/sci-fi influences as suggested by the title. But in fact this is a social commentary drama that scrutinises the education system and its hierarchy of power; the consequences of what this pressure does to both those enforcing it and the young people operating within it.
There is high tension from the get go, as several mysteries unravel over the course of the series. The pacing can be slow at times, but that is resourcefully spent on fleshing out a wide range of characters; exploring motivations, backstories, and their part to play in the wider story.
I saw a lot of speculation as to whether the climax was heading towards a unusual twist of sorts, but actually materialised into a tale much more ordinary. The use of 'the eclipse' is a metaphor rather that a situational event or happening as we may have been led to believe. As the story takes place within a school environment, it can fall within the conventions of that genre, but does it’s level best to provide refreshing new ground - creating higher stakes within a mundane setting.
There were some silly moments, one of which involved an accidental kiss in a shower stall that frankly denied all laws of physics, and an infamous ‘it was all a dream’ fake-out kiss (which was perfection had it been real), which I guarantee drew a universal ‘AWH WHAT?’ from viewers everywhere.
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Characters: I give kudos whenever a drama deviates from the typical BL top/bottom tropes. Ayan is the confrontational rascal who is unafraid to display weakness, and possesses bags of emotional intelligence. He’s presented as a bad boy but is steadfastly righteous and incredibly supportive of others. What I really liked about Ayan is he can love Akk but still be critical and disapproving of his actions, encouraging him to change and do better. Too often do we see love as a justified means to gloss over wrongdoing or problematic behaviour. Akk is the studious, reserved but easily flustered and burdened prefect who disguises a host of inner turmoil. Both are incredibly likeable in their own right; Ayan with his smartass and cheeky demeanour, and Akk with his huge heart eyes and even larger dreams of bettering himself. Both are striving ‘to do the right thing’ but approach this in completely different ways. Unlike some BL pairings where the chemistry gets you hot and bothered, Akk and Ayan have a much more wholesome dynamic that feels like you're watching two people who are friends/confidantes first, lovers second. An example where emotional connection has higher importance over physical. It feels authentically real, and that’s no surprise because First and Khaotung just so happen to be long-term best friends. This is a slow burn, enemies to lovers romance that is especially entertaining during moments of push and pull.
Pairing Rating: [SENSITIVE + WHOLESOME] Expect an abundance of longing looks, playful sparring and mutually supportive, healthy relationship traits.
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Acting Performance: The absolute highlight is First and Khaotung’s superb acting, in their first official stint as a couple and as main leads. I had already seen First’s work on ‘Not Me’ where his role was an instant personal favourite. This was my first time watching Khaotung and I am in awe. These two are incredibly talented at speaking volumes through looks alone - every glance and gaze is loaded with subtext or brimming with emotion. The amount of tension they can achieve through just staring is immense. They delivered some of the best crying scenes I’ve seen yet because they’re able to channel genuine feeling from their real life friendship. If you’ve seen their interviews, they’re known to often cry over how much they cherish each other. Clearly this is a winning formula. Another fun fact is that both First and Khaotung are tackling character types here they’ve never played before, which only emphasises their range.
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Production is fairly understated compared to others I've seen. They don’t do anything particularly creative or showy in the way they film or edit, but I think the objective here is substance over style.
Camera Work: A lot of shots are framed to look like they’re from the perspective of a bystander or witness. As a viewer, you can easily picture yourself in the shoes of another student lurking from afar or around a corner, who happens to stumble upon the scenes in front of you. This really hits home that this is a place riddled with secrets.
Music: The main theme ‘Over the Moon’ is very memorable, performed by none other than Khaotung himself. A piano version of this is often used as a backing track which is beautiful.
FINAL THOUGHTS: There is a strong emphasis on story beats here, where narrative takes precedence over romance. Pacing means the tension can sometimes wane or prolong, which leads to a bit of an abrupt crescendo at the show’s conclusion. First and Khaotung really do provide buckets of added value to this drama and without them, this would likely be a much less interesting watch.
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(Disclaimer: These are just my own opinions. It goes without saying that one still can enjoy a show for all its successes as well as recognising its shortcomings.)
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thekatea · 9 months
My Dearest
Watched: 02.09.2023
Ever changing layers of happiness and sadness, pain and survival.
I went into this drama with a lot of trust and hope. Hwang Jin Young amazed me once with Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People, and I was ready to be amazed again - and she did not disappoint.
Set around the year 1636 during the Qing invasion of Joseon, the story centers around the themes of social structures and expectations put on different social classes, inequality of genders, women solidarity, the role of the royal family, all mixed with a beautiful, well paced romance that keeps breaking your heart and mending it back together - the sweetness and the angst perfectly balanced.
The story opens with what one could describe as open ended closure - showing us the future, but just a direction of where it all went, vague frame of the characters’ fates, while leaving enough uncertainty to keep you curious and striving to make your own interpretations and theories.
The core of the show are its characters. Yoo Gil Chae is exactly what I always wanted to see from a strong female lead - realistic depiction of pure survival based on wits and determination instead of unrealistic superhero like skills. She is introduced as a naive, egocentric and slightly delusional young woman, who thinks the whole world centers around her. Her bold attitude and cunning nature is truly refreshing, even if at times cheesy.
As the drama progresses, she shows an enormous amount of emotional strength and wits. The same cunning nature she used to seduce men, she then used to keep others alive. Even though her whole behavior and demeanor changes in a matter of days, it feels organic, believable and right - all the development happens on top of already existing traits she had.
And then we have Lee Jang Hyun introduced as a resourceful casanova dressed in a veil of mystery, surprising everyone with his skills, insightful understanding of politics and unconventional takes on matters of loyalty, patriotism, marriage and love. A man who seems too perfect to ever exist. A man who can make viewers' hearts flutter with sweet teasing and playful flirting, but also sincere confessions and yearning gazes he gives Gil Chae. A man who is willing to try to stop the war for the woman he cherishes.
Compared to Gil Chae and Jang Hyun, who present this opposition to accepted social norms and values, we have Nam Yeon Jun and Kyung Eun Ae, whom I would describe as prisoners of their upbringing and expectations put on them.
Yeon Jun, the loyal subject with an idealistic idea of protecting the royal family when needed. Eun Ae, the perfect pure woman who protects her chastity. His worth lies in his devotion to the king, her worth lies in her purity that should be given only to her husband. Both characters were truly sad to watch and fascinating to analyze.
What more has the drama to offer? First of all, the amazing, and at times painful to watch social commentary, often presented in the format of contrasting scenes intertwined with each other. Patriotic moments put against complete defeat, happy celebration in contrast to upcoming invaders, inconvenience of the royal family opposed to dying subjects. Sometimes just seconds, passing moments that stay with you long after you finish watching.
What adds to the gripping storytelling is the more realistic depiction of war and how gruesome it can truly be for commoners. All the scenes of the invaders attacking villages, killing all the men, the horrifying fate of the women, struggles of the slaves and pain of the ones thought to be the enemies of the Qing. People trying to survive, people trying to get back to normal, even if the peace was not fully obtained.
Everything created ever changing layers of happiness and sadness, pain and survival. How the tragedy hits us harder thanks to the happiness we previously witnessed, and how we appreciate the joyful moments, remembering the pain the characters went through.
All that emotional impact was possible thanks to the phenomenal performances from the cast. While watching Namgoong Min in this drama, I accepted that I will stay single for the rest of my life. My standards in men reached unobtainable levels all thanks to his portrayal of Jang Hyun. You wish to be in mortal danger so he can save you, while also making you want to protect him. The perfect balance of confidence and vulnerability, playful nature and sincere love, bravery against the enemy and the fear of losing people he cares about.
Ahn Eun Jin was the perfect choice for Yoo Gil Chae. An actress skilled enough to present the pure innocence, cunning nature and mature strength in a way that it never felt contradictory. I ended up adoring the character’s little schemes, feeling the pain she was feeling and rooting for her with all my heart in times of hardships and danger.
Lee Hak Joo and Lee Da In had an extremely hard job of presenting characters whose usually praised traits became their flaws. A delivery that at times makes you feel a whole ra(n)ge of emotions. Love them or hate them, but you for sure will not be indifferent.
From the production standpoint, I cannot describe how happy I was with the styling of the characters during the turbulent times. The raw perfection of the imperfections. No porcelain like white skin. The blemishes, imperfections, dirt and sweat - all adding to the realism of the story.
And then we have the touching soundtrack. Only With Heart full of feelings of hope, the innocence of pure love hidden in Road To You, The Painted On The Moonlight filled with longing and the desperation in Unforgettable Love.
Realistically speaking, words cannot describe how much I love this drama. It took complete possession of my brain, heart and soul. It gives you sweet moments that will make you grin from ear to ear and scream into the pillow. It breaks your heart times and times again, and yet you will feel grateful for every tear it made you shed. It introduces uncomfortable topics and scenarios that will make you contemplate your own beliefs and ideas. It served me everything and I could not ask for more.
Is the show flawless? No show is. But if you ask me to name any flaws, I would struggle, because all the tiny issues I might have had seem so miniscule and insignificant it would truly feel like looking for something to criticize just for the sake of finding any negativity. One thing that bothered me slightly in the later episodes: there were some unclear time passage issues, the contextual hints of how much time passed were not always clear and it affected the understanding of the characters, their motivations and emotions. It was not extremely hard to figure out, but it did require a bit more analysis and thinking.
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webtoon-thoughts · 1 year
Webtoon Recommendations
Number #1: UnOrdinary
This is one of my firsts and favorites, I absolutely ADORE it
Summary from Webtoons: Nobody paid much attention to John – just a normal teenager at a high school where the social elite happen to possess unthinkable powers and abilities. But John’s got a secret past that threatens to bring down the school’s whole social order – and much more. Fulfilling his destiny won’t be easy though, because there are battles, frenemies and deadly conspiracies around every corner.
Why I love it: The plot is compelling and John is extremely relatable, especially at his worst. Well, all the characters are all relatable in different aspects and also flawed. The story can be used as a parallel to our world and it also involves rebelling against the government + vigilantism. The story involves loss, the feeling of being powerless, friendship, enemies, regret, and it’s all put out beautifully.
BONUS/FAVORITE: The story easily could have gone terrible or become extremely controversial since it involves a world where everyone has special abilities, all at varying levels of power. Which once again, can be seen as a parallel to our world. And when you have a parallel to the real world, things can get heated fast.
Number #2: My Reason To Die
Like the misunderstood bad-boy trope? Like extreme emotions? Well this is perfect for you!
Summary from Webtoons: Ji-o’s luck runs out when she gets injured before the tryouts for the national taekwondo team. In the middle of facing what seems to be the biggest crisis of her life, she meets Gyeol, a mysterious boy who changes her life forever. He’s the definition of a bad boy with a good heart, and she finds herself unable to resist his charms. However, she might be playing with fire as he’s someone who’s involved with the wrong crowd. Is falling for Gyeol worth the risk?
Why I love it: Now this webtoon is beautiful. We see a blooming romance full of uncertainty and doubt, but then when Gyeol saves Ji-o it manages to break your heart and put it back together at the same time
Bonus/Favorite: Well I’m a sucker for romance and bad boys…buttt I also adore when there’s uncertainty and it seems like they won’t make it. Also I love sad things, and this is a great balance of the two.
Number #3: Death : Rescheduled
Like a story with attractive characters trying to change the world, all with sad backstories? Well you’re in luck! Snailords has blessed us with their gorgeous art and storylines. Also there’s our lovely Emai, who just loves violence.
Summary from Webtoons: Yes, you get one kill a year. But you can also get murdered for any reason, at all! In one district, sex and romance are also illegal. Kissed someone? Dead. Made coffee with the wrong amount of sugar? Extra dead. I’m done. We’re fixing this.
Why I love it: Well who doesn’t love a good dystopia? The art is beautiful and the characters have compelling personalities which are all unique. And now another sentence on how incredible each characters individual personality is ( clap here ).
Bonus/ Favorite: Honestly I admire and adore Snailords to the end of the world. Anything snailords related, I’d die for. Leading to our next webtoon…
Number #4: Freaking Romance
Oh Freaking Romance my beloved… My live, laugh, love, and life. This was probably the webtoon that impacted me the most. It’s supernatural, cute, romance, and has its melancholy parts.
Summary from Webtoons: A sexy supernatural story about being out on your own, finding your dream apartment and discovering that your new place is haunted by a handsome spectral stranger from another dimension. Sure, HE can’t see you and YOU can’t touch him, but who said every relationship starts out perfectly?
Why I love it: Can I look at the words romance or freaking without thinking of this webtoon? Nope. This webtoon is so touching and absolutely beautiful. You can practically feel the emotions as if they are your own. And once again, another sentence of admiration about Snailords. (Please someone fill the freaking romance shaped hole in my heart…)
Bonus/Favorite: This webtoon also holds a special place in my heart from nostalgia, too. I started reading at the start of my Webtoons obsession, and never ever forgot it. This will never change. Feel free to send me the physical copy of it. (Wait don’t find my address)
Number #5: Wished you were dead
Well we can’t have pure romance! Also this webtoon currently is my life, ever since a friend recommended it.
Summary from Webtoons: King Karloi of Croisen finds himself at odds with his position in life. His wife’s father, Duke Deluah, is angling for the throne, and as an outsider to the family, Karloi fears for his position. His frustrations have affected his marriage, though he finds himself questioning his cold approach to his wife, Evonne. He may no longer recognize her, but Evonne saved his life long ago, and was his first love. This is but one of many secrets Evonne bears the weight of, having fallen victim to a curse that prevents her from telling any secrets...
why I love it: before you ask, this is hopefully not going to end in romance. I am an avid Karloi hater, and I’ll stay that way. Also, the art is stunning. With the art and storyline, you’ll find yourself screaming, crying, hitting the floor, etc. This Webtoon is incredibly put together, seeing how every moment will pull your heart in a new way. You’ll feel anger, sympathy, excitement, and everything I haven’t felt without Webtoons. The story also includes royalty and all that good stuff, which I adore.
Favorite/Bonus: Well this is a heart-wrenching story. And the regret in Karloi’s eyes will continue to be the fuel which pushes me everyday.
Number #6 (FINAL): Your Throne
And welcome to another one of my obsessions. Medea is quite literally life goals.
Summary from Webtoons: Tensions are brewing under the seemingly calm surface of the Vasilios Empire, a kingdom ruled by the Imperial Family and the Temple. Lady Medea Solon has lost her place next to Crown Prince Eros, but resolves to do whatever it will take to win back what's rightfully hers. Will she reclaim her throne?
Why I love it: in the beginning, we see a fight between Medea and Psyche, but they turn out to be great friends. the art is gorgeous, and the characters all are flawed in the most beautiful ways. Psyche and Medea balance each other out and make a great team, which I’m happy about. (They don’t need no men, just date each other) And Medea is ALWAYS PLOTTING. This Webtoon increases my IQ exponentially.
Bonus/Favorite: I feel like Medea plays the role of the necessary villain when she does questionable things for everyone’s sake. Without these, so many plans would have failed. You can’t expect to win without sacrifice, and this Webtoon shows that well.
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TW: DarkRafe! Rough Sex. Dominance. Degrading Language. Public sex. Language. Smut. 
SUMMARY: Following the events of Rafe getting scorched by Barry after he’d taken his bike as collateral for an unpaid debt, he sets his sights on you to get even in the only way he knows how…
Love was messy. Sex was fun. This is all you needed to know and it was exactly what Barry gave you. You always got exactly what you were looking for when coming to him, leaving as a satisfied customer, parting with a kiss and a lingering promise of a return. Without strings or expectations, it was perfect to rival the existence of your otherwise tainted heart. 
Finishing yet another exchange of afternoon delight, coming down from a high first intercepted when you’d arrived by his generous use of marijuana you were granted from his attempts at being chivalrous, you prepared to leave his trailer before feeling him take hold of your wrist. 
“Always here when you need another hit, Prada-” This was the name he had given you due to having first met draped in the designer brand; everything from your perfume to your shoes, and it simply stuck. You grinned at how it offered a bit of sweetness to your exchange, just the right amount of being personal without actual emotion complicating what this was; drugs with benefits. You leaned upwards, offering one final kiss before turning to leave. 
“Hey…” A voice pulled your focus from the collection of keys tangled in their multitude of one too many keychains. As your eyes pulled upwards to meet with none other than Rafe Cameron. His identity was anything but a mystery as you'd seen him linger for his own fix every so often as you would be wrapped around Barry. But you’d never spoken more than a glance to one another, and even that was fleeting as you only ever saw him as a mindless, trust fund kid working out his cocaine frustrations one line at a time-dare you say, even timid.
How wrong you were…
“Can I-uh, give you a ride?” He offered, motioning to the bike set at his back, its recently charged engine still humming as you held up your keys, hoping this would serve as your polite rejection. But in your attempts to move to the car stationed just off center of the front of the trailer, he’d collect your wrist. 
“Wasn’t a request…”
“Let go of me-” 
“You see, your boyfriend decided to take something of mine,” There was something almost erotic in the flames behind his eyes as he spoke to you, you couldn’t help but admire it as you knew the same burned behind yours on occasion. And yet, you knew where Barry was inconsequential, someone like Rafe Cameron was anything but. 
“And now I intend to take what’s his-”
“Sorry to disappoint you, But I’m nobody’s-” He took a step closer, taking your jaw within his hand before walking you to the hood of your own car, pushing you down against it as you’d made note of the burn mark, still fresh, on his left wrist. You recalled Barry telling you about this and how it was debt paid with interest still waiting to be received, but you never imagined it would ever involve you., 
“Wrong again. Right now, you’re my whore-” You were turned against the hood, bent over, with his leg between your own to keep you from running away while he forced you down by a hand to the back of your neck, fingers eating painfully so into your skin as you grunted. 
“Got a pretty smart mouth…Be good and it’ll get to stay pretty,” He threatened, leaving a sense of ambiguity if this meant disfigurement or using it for his cock, but either way, frightening you enough to stay silent. 
“Did you let him come inside of you?” You kept silent, not wanting to endorse his actions while also not wanting to anger him as you were well aware he was able to use you as he saw fit, something validated in how you were unable to move less than five seconds after an unofficial first interaction.
“That’s fine, I’ll find out for myself-” He removed his knee to investigate your core, allowing you the chance to take your body weight upwards and slip from his grasp. 
But he was swift, managing to take you back under his thrall, with a chuckle of mischief no less, before taking you back towards the car. But without the ability to pin you against anything, he was left struggling to keep you behaved, not that he had expected you to be. Because of this, he’d decide to surprise you into submission, taking you against him with a passionate kiss that made you temporarily breathless. 
As much as you wanted to hate him and curse him from beneath his actions, you couldn’t deny how this brazen action was arousing to a fault. For just a moment, you’d reciprocated, the full need behind his kiss keeping you there, as it was all he needed to use it against you. 
“I knew it…No way he could fuck you like I could…” He scoffed, lifting you off of your feet by wrapping you against him and moving you back to the hood of the car. 
“He wants to take my bike, I’m gonna fuck his girl-fair’s fair…” He seemed to speak more to himself than to you, either way, a comment which would be left lingering in the air, before you were undressed, more willing than not, which was infuriating for your morality. But what you expected to find in trembling fingers and a novice lover was rivaled with possession and necessity brought to you in such a way that you never knew you needed until now. It was noted by him in the flickers of excitement behind your gaze and weakening reservation-all he needed to continue. 
“You gonna take my cock like a good fucking slut and go back to him dripping with me and MAYBE I’ll let you come-” He explained, bringing a slap to your ass as you winced, half aroused and half in pain as he was cruel, compassion existing only in a distant regret of having not done this when he’d seen you sooner. 
“You’re gonna be so fucking sore-” He muttered, unlatching his belt and sheathing himself in to you, enough lubrication to keep you from belting out in pain from his initial actions, but his thrusts bottoming out inside leaving you clawing at the hood of your car. 
“Fuck, baby-he’s not taking care of you, is he? You’re so desperate for it and you don’t even know me…” He laughed. 
“But you’ll know my cock by the time I’m done with you-” Another slap to your ass brought another gasp as he took your chin and bent you backwards until he could tower over you. 
“Open-” He spoke quickly, winded from his own thrusts as you obliged, too overtaken with lust to care. After all, you belonged to nobody but yourself and Rafe was another distraction you could allow from your own trials and tribulations. A very BIG and thorough distraction at that…
“Tongue out, bitch, come on.” A spurt of saliva was projected into your mouth once you’d obeyed, his grip pulling even tighter in your acquiescence. 
“Swallow. I want him to taste ME on EVERY part of you-” He grunted, releasing your hair and altering his focus to your neck, cutting off your oxygen as he saw you smile in the glass before you. 
“Yeah, you like being fucked like this, don’t you? You like that anyone can see how good you take it?” You felt him choke you even sharper, enough to bring stars behind your eyes as you nodded. 
“Dirty whore…” He shook his own head, returning to his thrusts before quickening them, making you tremble before withdrawing. 
“I want you to see how good you take it…” You were taken on your back, legs pulled to his waist as he aligned himself inside of you once again. But he wasn’t quick in these plummets. Instead, he’d thrust once and pull back everything but the tip as his other hand took your hair to guide you upwards. 
“See how fucking wet you are! See how badly you needed me?” Your mouth came open in silent moans, the sensations, the eroticims, the borderline exhibitionsim having left you on the verge of your own high. 
“Watch it!” He ordered as your eyes sprung open, fluttering against the fight to close from how deep he had been inside of you. Your nails reached to his stomach, leaving claw marks behind as he’d now resume his pace.
“He bigger than me, baby? Huh? He make you arch your back and cry like this?” He questioned, weighing himself down onto your torso as you shook your head.
“Don’t tell me-Tell him! Fuckin’ tell him!” 
“Not my name, baby-come on, you aren’t THAT stupid…”
“YOU RAFE, GOD, YOU!” He chuckled before fading into an expression of pleasure, your clenching having been too much for him to endure without expulsion, his warm excess in spurts as he finalized these motions before releasing your hair, turning back to find Barry standing in the threshold of his screen door. 
“Now we’re even-” Without a word, you were left suddenly parted from Rafe, your body in need of a release he refused to give as you watched him leave the scene with a sinister smirk, a signature of sorts before taking his departure. 
Taglist: @hopebaker @iovdrew @penny4yourthoughts @magnificantmermaid @pickingviolets @lovedetlost
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