#its as if chelsea had a fucking tumblr blog
moonsquaremars · 3 years
11th house thoughts
Hi everybody.
I have an 11th house stellium, and I love it. Probably because my venus is in there, der planet of luv, as well as mars, lust et aggression, and mercury, th’ intellect. 
My sun missed it shy of 1° ; had i been born just a few minutes earlier, I would have been an 11th house sun. But I’m a twelfer. Why, might you ask? My mother has an 11th house stellium afterall, so did my ex-boyfriend. Well, if you ask, my father is a twelfth house sun. 
And I’m learning to live with that. 
Just kidding. Anyways, I love my 11th house stellium. If you’re unfamiliar, the eleventh house is ruled by aquarius. Each of the twelve houses in astrology corelate to each of the twelve signs of the zodiac. The planet which governs both this house and sign is the planet of Uranus, which is my favorite one in our solar system :) I did a random generator a guy posted on reddit to find out which planet is dominant in your chart, and when I plugged everything in, I got Uranus. I was actually quite surprised by this, but overjoyed. I love everything uranus represents. Eccentricity, humanitarianism, chaos.
I am a cancer sun, though, and virgo moon. Cancer rules the moon, so wouldn’t that be my dominant planet? Or is it just my chart ruler? I don’t know. But the moon is so fleeting. Kind of chaotic, actually. Since the moon passes each sign every few days, that’s what makes us cancers so moody. We feel the energy of all the signs within a months time. Can you imagine how that feels? constantly knowing what other people are feeling and thinking? Or maybe I’m just imagining it. I am crazy, after all :p
I digress. The 11th house is fabulous. It rules the finer things in life. My ex-boyfriend was a dandy man, took me to fancy restaurants and hotels, the works. I need that sort of thing, I admire and crave it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m very in tune with income inequality and the social issues that plague the world. But I still love dressing up in fancy clothes for a decadent night out. I suppose this is attributed to my stellium, but I’ll take it. A stellium by the way is when you have three or more planets in one house.
It’s kind of odd that my mom has an eleventh house stellium because we grew up quite poor. Nothing about her really screams fancy besides the fact that she adores drinking wine, is beautiful, and we live fancier only if you put us in to comparison with poorer people around us. We did grow up wearing nice clothes though. My mom would buy us second hand designer brand clothes like tommy hilfiger. Maybe that’s not designer, maybe that’s just brand name. I’m from Kentucky, give me a break. But we Kentucky fancy, baby.
Uranus being my dominant and favorite planet, is in my 7th house, the house of libra and relationships. Perhaps someone could pull up my chart {in the tags] and enlighten me on why it might be my dominant planet. I might also add that my draconic moon is in aquarius, which is supposely what your ‘soul’ truly is. I don’t quite believe that, because I think the soul is larger and smaller than the twelve signs of our universe. Or maybe just our solar system. At least of our conscience understanding of things at this time. Astrology is just a bunch of symbols made of our world to organize and communicate ieas n information. It’s not much more than that.
I recall being very internet savvy in middle and high school. My north node and chiron are in my third house, house of gemini and communication. All of my 11th house stellium planets are also in gemini. I see this being accurate because I am rather small in frame, standing at 5 foot 9 and weighing 125 pounds since I was thirteen years old. My mouth gets me in trouble, whether it’s from accidentally offending or just not being able to shut up! I would constantly be editing my myspace profile, using html codes, messing with the layout and how it interacted with my profile picture and song, and anything else I added to it. I loved it, and then that transitioned to my tumblr blog which I did in high school. Hopefully tumblr doesn’t die out, it’s definitely not what it used to be. Later when stumbleupon was something, I would look up things about futurism, humanism, design. I loved reading about the future. It made me so freaking excited. Like what will life be like in 2040? So cool! Or 2600? Then it made me sad once I accounted my age into the picture. I don’t wanna be 40! and that’s so far away! I hate waiting. 
I’ll end this post on something interesting I noticed. My boyfriend of a year had an eleventh house stellium. After we broke up, I had two guys I was interested in. I was actually quite torn, because they were both so amazing, but so different. One was elegant and familiar with astrology and addiction issues and had money. He was like this worldly man with fantastic package hehe helped cure this mundane “what’s the point?” feeling I had about learning languages and stuff. He made me feel like there was in fact a point to all of it. He’s a scorpio just like me mum and we just had great chemistry. But I was already seeing a nother guy, who was this gentle, down the earth, all around manly man’s man. I loved him, but in a different way. He was simple, but the first time I slept over at his house, he picked me up in this kinda old but kinda new like beat up stick shift hyudai sedan. He reminded me of Wario. But he had an amazing package as well. we mostly just slept though ,and when I slept with him, I felt like I was back in bed with my father when I was like five or seven years old. I already know how that sounds, and I know the childish bunch of you or dommage who lack a healthy relationship with your father if y’ar, are going to come for me and say that’s gross or messed up or perverted or weird. It’s not. I don’t want to fuck my father, I never have, and I never will. I really don’t want to open this can of worms because I could go on about people I’ve met who have been sexually assaulted by their fathers or who have an incest fetish and I’m not trying to shame any of those people. But, I felt like I was back in bed with my father like i was when i was a kid while I was laying with him, and that was a really, really, really good feeling. I never forgot it. He had an aries sun, which I used to hate aries. It was my least favorite sign, and probably still is tbh, along with aquarius LOL. Oh and his moon was in taurus which explained everything. My dad is a taurus sun, as are my two sisters, my grandpa, and one of my good friends, Chelsea. My moon is in virgo in the second house, which is the house of taurus.
Well, mr. fancy pants had an 11th house stellium, and my down to earth sweet S had a third house stellium. Finding these things out did nothing to absolve my confusion, only added to the ache of not knowing which to choose. Talk about love triangle though. It did make me realize why I was in this predicament though, and I suppose it worked out because I don’t really talk to either guy anymore. But The seventh and third houses are also air houses, just like the 11th. 
11th house - Aquarius/uranus, 
7th house - libra/venus, 
3rd house - gemini/mercury
That’s all for tonight. I’m ever behind on french homework, so I oughtta go take care of that. I want to write on the twelfth house, since my sun is in there as well as my father’s, and why I don’t appreciate its doom and gloom persona. If each house correlates to a sign, then the twelfth’s would be house of pisces. Pisces is the last sign with a bad stereotype. At least from my perception, it’s one of the best. So humanistic and kind. So why is its house the house of prison and addictions and psych wards and have all this hubbub, this &thatt?
Au revoir! -K  ý ll
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jaampot · 2 years
Ok fuck it I’m fashion blogging on here from now on 🫶🏻 idc if no one reads it ✨💕
Warhols muse, 60s ICON, and an OG Chelsea Hotel girl. Miss Edie Sedgwick!! My absolute favourite from the moment I laid eyes on her, I just wanted to BE her, she was EVERYTHING (I still do).
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In 2011, at age 14/15, I’d watch Andy Warhol movies on YouTube over and over and my sister and I would binge factory girl over and over then we’d reblog the both of them on tumblr over and over. My sis would practice Edies make up on me, black eyeshadow, liner and mascara. Then she’d dress me up in stockings, a vintage hat, a nirvana band shirt and jacket. We’d roam around town at dusk and she’d shoot photos of me, on Rosewood Avenue and in the laundry mat on Hastings. One year later and I’ve cut off all my hair and dying it platinum blonde, collecting giant earrings and coats, so many coats!! My style was ever changing and evolving as a teen and had many influences but at the heart of it all she was and has always been there, as an absolute MUSE.
Anywayyyy!!! It getting COLD in Aus as winter is nearing and I’m just here to say it’s fuc***g Edie Season🙏🏻💕
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Get out your coats, FUR coats!! Real or faux !! My mother (crazy collector and amazing vintage wardrobe) collected fur coats for as long as I can remember so I am sooo lucky and grateful to have inherited as many as i like. TRENCH coats too, every gal and guy needs a trenchy!! STOCKINGS!! The unintentional iconic look dubbed by Edie. STOCKINGS and COAT!! 2 most essential winter items EVER. You really don’t need anything else. You don’t need anything over them but you could throw on a LEOTARD, a MINI SKIRT or mini DRESS, babydoll cuts, high neck tops, stripes. Now HATS, Edie loved hats!!! I love collecting vintage hats, felt berets, fur hats, mohair hats, leopard hats, HATS HATS HATS. Accessorise with BIG sunglasses round/square, necklaces, big bracelets, BIG BELTS, big earrings, scarves both head and neck. These are my fave winter staples for sure and I owe it to HER our beautiful Edie ❤️
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Ok I’d also like to share some personal favourite winter items with influences from idk EVERYWHERE. UGG boots (no this is not because of the trend circling, fuck your trend cycles, they literally make me sick. ) No UGGS have always been a staple. SCARVES always. Silk wrapped tightly around the neck or wrapped around the head, knitted for warmth etc just make it CHIC. I’m for sure a boot gal at heart and am 90% of the time wearing boots but only because it suits my lifestyle the most so it’s mainly purely out of convenience and lazinesss, BUT, BALLET FLATS and HEELS are a big yes. I’m obsessed with flats and heels with bows on the toes at the moment. And of course LONG SOCKS, to the knee, above the knee, thigh highs, another absolute staple for meeee.
Now for real I want to see some beautiful chic, vintage, thoughtful outfits this winter, curated from your deepest desires, inspired by YOUR muses, like seriously dig down and find YOUR style. So tired of cheap trends and minimalism. SMH 🔪 I have so many style influences and they get all mashed up at times and I’ll share more to come but for now, a tribute to the beauty her self EDIE SEDGWICK ❤️
Signing off I’ll leave this little poetic ramble.
Cigarettes, coffee in warm mugs, stains on the carpet. Dirty mirror, penciled walls, lipstick kissed toilet paper scrunched up in balls. Fur coats, panty hose and ballet slippers with cringy bows. Frost on the windows, broke heaters, broke credit cards and broke down shanty lofts. Black dirty, sleepy eyes, our Factory girl, my favourite mess, my muse. I’ll channel you, wish I was a Chelsea girl, in NY, smoking cigarettes in the morning fog, sitting on the stoop.
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alexbkrieger13 · 2 years
Look, I’m going to go on a rant, cause your one of the more reasonable Woso blogs on tumblr and social media in general.
Beth mead had one good tournament. Period
Agree or disagree?
She was left off the Great Britain roster for the Olympics for lacklustre performances for arsenal where she had plenty chances to prove herself being a starter for them. More so although she scores some for arsenal she does it against lower ranked teams and the one she got against a higher ranked team being Chelsea she was offside, but with the quality of refereeing in the WSL what do you expect.
I admit she makes a lot of good chances and that’s been proven, so I can’t argue with that but there’s not point unless someone can finish them and turn them into assists. What I also notice is she has a habit of diving (the English are dramatic, look at earps for example) and then complaining, as well getting into dangerous 50/50 tackles like in euro final with hegering (German centreback).
I will also admit she had a good performance at the euros, but she did not deserve best player that should gone to Walsh; because she held the English midfield together and played that defensive midfielder position to perfection or to Popp as she was the type of player to make her team better and scored goals against all the opponents she faced. Mead scored a lot of goals against lower ranked teams like Northern Ireland and Norway, but against Spain and Germany she ghosted and was unable to score against tougher opponents (this was due to her being shut down by the opposition). But if she was such an amazing player, as the English media tell us she is why didn’t she score against these teams?
More so, in terms of domestic performances she did alright, no trophies for arsenal (but what do you expect; banter club) and with the champions league she didn’t do much and she a good performance at the euros, furthered by the English media hyping her up.
But if I think this gets her a top five balon d’or rankings no, I do not, there are simply better players who have performed better for both country and club or have simply performed more consistory in general that should be ranked above her such as; Renard, bacha, bonmati etc. and I know two of these are defenders but they are simpler better and more consistent, however they simply don’t have the same hype, PR, or media attention that mead has for this.
aw thanks. I do love a rant
oh I agree with you on pretty much everything here. Domestically in those big games, she did have chances besides that offside goal on the first day I could never understand how she got all the hype around her. id say for pretty much every arsenal player in the cl they didn't not perform well at all and when it came down to it they didn't step up when they needed to in those games they drew against chelsea and the manchester clubs and that fa cup sf against Chelsea they had plenty of chances in that 1st half but you saw the class of chelsea in that 2nd half which won it for them. Chelseas players but especially those top class forwards in general are consistent and you can always try one of them to step up in the big moments and i just never got that from looking at arsenal
tbh its been a weird fucking year for a lot of the top players so with that you have a lot of players where in other years you'd be saying 100% they wouldn't be in the conversation now bing in it.
and agree bacha, bonmati and walsh need to be taled about more
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angryschnauzer · 4 years
Superior Specimen - Chapter 4
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Summary: One night when you are following the Archaeology tag on instagram you stumbled across a fun looking dig… and an even more interesting Paleontologist who soon follows you back. Over the following weeks you start chatting and a friendship soon grows.
Relationship: AU Henry Cavill x Female Reader (No race or body shape mentioned)
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3
Warnings: Slow Burn, NSFW, 18+, Mutual Masturbation, Phone Sex, Drunken Piggy Back Rides, Oral Sex (Female Recieving), Drama, Theft, Amateur Heroics, Hospital Visit, 
I do not operate a tag list, but please follow @angryschnauzerwrites​ and put that blog onto notifications, as you will then be notified whenever i post something new.
I don’t have a masterlist, but all my works are on AO3, link here. Usually i post oneshots to Tumblr and AO3, and multichapters exclusively to AO3, but as this is my first henry story and its going to be a short series, i’ll post to both places.
Chapter 4
 The following few days were busy; it was the weekend and you were on duty both days, plus the following Monday and Tuesday. As it was the height of summer the museum was at its busiest, tourists, locals, and school groups all filling the halls of the old building, plus with a research team now on site the underground laboratories where people could get hands on with less valuable specimens were hugely popular. 
 During one of your breaks you decided to grab a frozen treat from the gift shop, making your way down to the viewing laboratories to see what the teams were up to. Sucking on the fruity ice you peered through the window, your eyes going wide when you saw Henry at the front of the classroom, thirty school children avidly listening to his every word. He glanced up and saw you looking through the window, a sly wink in your direction and his attention was back on the class who were all enraptured by what he was saying. You finished your snack and slipped quietly into the room, standing at the back where few paid little attention to you. Henry called out to the class;
 “So, I hope you have enjoyed the presentation, are there any questions?”
 Several small hands shot up, and you estimated the kids must have been around 9 or 10 years old;
 “Do you ever dig pyramids up?”
 Henry chuckled;
 “No, that’s Archaeology. I am a Palaeontologist. Archaeology is the study of humans; Palaeontology is the study of fossils… they do sometimes overlap where settlements will have been made in the ice age though”
 “Have you ever found a T-rex?”
 “Yes, I was part of a dig in America when we found an excellent complete specimen a few years back”
 “Do you have a girlfriend?”
 Your ears pricked up at the question, and you watched as a slight blush covered Henry’s cheeks and his ears went a cute shade of crimson. He let out a low chuckle;
 “Yes, yes I do”
 “Does she like bones too?” came an innocent voice and you could have sworn most of the teachers on the trip had to stifle their laughter. Henry cleared his throat;
 “Well, you can ask her yourself, she’s joined us and is standing at the back of the room”
 At that moment thirty heads snapped around, eyes going wide when they saw you and recognised you from giving them their visitors lanyards upon arrival. Henry cleared his throat;
 “Well darling, do you like bones?” he cocked an eyebrow and you could see a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. You cleared your throat;
 “Yes, I studied Palaeontology at university and look forward to further studies on bones under Dr Cavill’s instruction”
 The kids seemed satisfied with that answer, and as you looked at the teachers you could see some of them had tears rolling down their cheeks from where they were trying so hard not to laugh.
 The class soon ended, the kids packing up their bags and visitors’ packs, everyone thanking Henry for the informative lesson, and when the door finally closed it was just the two of you in the large white room. Standing next to him you smiled;
 “So… bones huh?”
 He snorted out a laugh as he gathered up the samples into a box, nodding to a miniature model of a Diplodocus;
 “Just grab that would you, need to get everything packed away”
 Following him into the storage room you slid the model onto a shelf before suddenly a strong pair of arms was wrapped around you from behind, soft lips pressing kisses to your neck and you were practically melting into Henry’s arms;
 “Fuck… your mouth is so good…”
 He spun you around and his lips met yours, his tongue eagerly pushing into your mouth and you felt yourself  submitting completely to the skilled muscle as he kissed you deeply, his hands gripping your hips as he pulled you flush with the hard plains and curves of his body. When you finally broke apart you were both breathless;
 “So Princess, what do you really think of my bone?”
 “Well, I haven’t actually had any experience of your bone yet”
 “Dinner, Friday night?”
 A huge smile spread over your face;
 “That would be wonderful… just let me know where and when”
 “I’ll pick you up at 7”
 “Where are we going?”
 He grinned;
 “I’ll pull in a favour, but it’ll be high end… black tie, etcetera”
 You’d returned on a high back to your desk, already thinking about what you would wear on your date. You worked hard, the steady flow of visitors wanting help was continual, and you were tested to the limits of your knowledge of languages with so many international visitors needing assistance.
 However at the back of your mind a synapse was firing, and your attention was drawn to a group of older teenagers, in fact they were probably in their early 20’s. They didn’t seem to be with any of the school groups and didn’t look in the vaguest bit interested in the exhibits. They were however hovering around one of the large donation stations; the large Perspex fish tanks with a slot in the top for visitors to drop coins and notes into. In recent days visitors had been very generous, and there was a large number of notes sitting on top of the heavier coins. Once you had served the visitor who needed help finding the Butterflies exhibit you grabbed the security radio, paging the security guards and calling out a code 10 - suspicious activity/suspected theft. Two of the guards near the door looked at you and you nodded to the group and the guards started to slowly move towards them. 
 As you slotted the radio back into the cradle something else caught your eye, a young man intently looking at the backpack hanging on the back of a wheelchair as its user and carer were reading one of the large displays. 
 Suddenly he snatched the backpack and was running for the door, you called out to security, but the noise of the room was too much to be heard, but you could see the person in the wheelchair look in horror;
 “My medication!” you could read their lips as they shouted and without thinking you were pushing out of the desk and yelling back to your colleague;
 “Get security, the group was a distraction!”
 Thankful you’d worn flat shoes; you were running after the thief who was struggling to get through the crowds. He was out the front doors and down the steps way ahead of you, but the curved driveway was packed with visitors which was slowing him down giving you chance to gain on him. 
 Your legs were powerful beneath you, racing through the now parted crowds and as he took a sharp left to run down the ramp to the lawns you were gaining on him. It was painfully obvious what was going on, the man was carrying a bright flowery bag under his arm, and was being chased by a member of museum staff in uniform, so when two policemen that had been patrolling the area saw you in the distance, they started running towards you. The thief spotted them, slowing his run as he attempted to figure a way out, except the lawns only had two exits; the one the two of you had entered by, and the one the two policemen were now running down. His moment of indecision cost him his lead, and as you caught up you didn’t wait to talk, you ran fully into him, knocking him to the ground and the pair of you into the shrubs that surrounded the lawns. 
 The next thing you knew the two policemen were pulling the thief to his feet and arresting him, security having caught up with the pair of you. A passer-by offered you a hand, helping you up but you felt wobbly on your feet. Someone helped you to the grass to sit in the shade, and you winced as a tissue was pressed to your head;
 “You’re bleeding”
 As you sat in a treatment area of the Chelsea & Westminster Hospital’s casualty department, the lovely policeman that had driven you there quietly took your statement between visits from the nursing staff. There had been a bad accident in Covent Garden, so all the paramedic and ambulance crews had been called to that, and with a head wound you needed to be treated. As you had been helped into the squad car you’d overheard that the thief had also been armed with a knife, and it shook you, to where as soon as you were able to you’d been sat down with a cup of strong sweet tea as the Officer had gotten you to hospital.
 One of the nurses fussed around you, checking on the stitches for the thankfully small wound that was mostly in your hairline;
 “It’ll sting like a bastard - excuse the language - for a few days, but you’ll be fine with over the counter painkillers. If you show any signs of concussion make sure to call 999… do you know what the signs are?”
 You nodded and explained you’d covered it on your first aid course you’d taken for work as she went on;
 “I’ll see if we can get a doctor to discharge you soon. It would also be advisable if you could ensure you don’t spend the night alone… it was quite a solid bump you had”
 “Ok sure” you nodded as you watched her walk away, the Officer turning to you;
 “Is there someone I can call to come pick you up? A boyfriend or girlfriend?”
 “Umm… boyfriend…” using the word gave your mind a happy tingle at the thought of calling Henry your boyfriend; “But I don’t have his number memorised… and I left my phone at the museum… you could message him on Instagram I suppose?”
 He pulled his personal phone out of his pocket;
 “Sure thing… what’s his username?”
 You told him and watched as his eyebrows shot to the top of his forehead;
 “This him?” he turned his phone and you nodded when you saw Henry’s page, sitting quietly as the officer quickly tapped out a message, his phone beeping almost instantly to which he smiled; “he said he’s on his way”
 Fifteen minutes later you were being discharged by the doctor when you heard Henry’s voice, the Officer with you peering out of the curtained area before ducking back in;
 “Ok he’s here…”
 Moments later Henry appeared at the curtain, rushing in and pulling you into a giant bear hug. With you still crushed to his chest by one arm he extended a hand to the officer, thanking him for helping you. 
 Soon he was walking you to his car, parked on double yellow lines outside the hospital and with a parking ticket flapping on the windscreen, he helped you into the car before grabbing the ticket and climbing in beside you. Instead of starting the car he reached over and gently cupped your cheek;
 “How are you doing Princess?”
 You went to speak but all that came out of your mouth was a squeak, the tears starting to flow as the shock and stress of the afternoon came flowing out. He leant across the car and wrapped his massive arms around you, letting you sob into his shoulder as he gently held you. When you finally stopped sobbing, he pulled away and looked into your eyes, he steel blue gaze full of concern;
 “How about we get you home?”
 “Please...” you said with a sigh; “but my bag is still at the museum…”
 “Check the glovebox” he nodded, and you pulled the handle and your bag was there; “I got your supervisor to get it for you as soon as I got the message from the police officer… and I guess our relationship just became public too with the staff…”
 “I don’t care” you said with a smile as he started to drive.
Chapter 5 >>>
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daydreamingleclerc · 3 years
Calling Miami a “covid hotspot” is so dumb cause I saw multiple people over Christmas who had seen other people who’d got covid and then ended up getting it from grocery shopping 😭😭😭 like sorry guys there’s no particular hotspot and also he’s vaccinated so he’s doing the safest traveling he can, plus loads of countries are considering lifting masks and all the restrictions really soon, my man was careful for aaaages like stop harassing him and calling him a bad person for that... also I’m not sure if half of you have ANY idea what it’s like to leave a friendship. I’ve been trying for months and it’s especially difficult if you’re polite generally (which Tuchel has called mason so I’m guessing he’s polite like) and also I was blinded for ages about how not cool my friends were, and tbh I don’t think you can really tell what his friends are like properly unless you’re friends with them too 🕺🏻🕺🏻like my friends (I actually like) are incredible but from far away not everyone will like them or get the right idea of how lovely they really are... also private life should stay private, he’s got a private account for a reason and don’t pretend to live a wattpad life and think you’re special enough to be the exception of that ... another quick thing to add; everyone gettin mad at mason for being in Miami when Jorgi was too?? Like saying all this like “Oh WHaT ABouT WHen TUchEl fiNDs OUt” masons not an idiot obviously Tuchel would’ve known, like he probably okayed the whole thing, cmon now there’s no need to put mason down just because you’re salty you can’t have him... we don’t know shit about his affiliations with women, or men! For fucks sake don’t assume someone’s life like that, or say he’s only nice in a Chelsea kit? Like what just cause he had a nice little holiday and has friends outside of the club? Damnnnn its really shitty on tumblr sometimes I’m not even gonna lie, this blog is nice and decent towards mason, other blogs can be so gossipy about him and act like he’s personally betrayed them and murdered their families like CALM DOWN, he’s just doing his dream job leave him be
ok first off - who pissed in your cornflakes this morning? second off, i’m not gonna lie this was so long i switched off at the end of “friends” but lemme just give you a rundown :
1. i called miami a “covid hotspot” because at the time of mason’s fly out they were reaching up to 30,000 cases PER DAY. i’m not saying mason didn’t take precautions and i’m not saying he wasn’t careful but there were SO many other places he could’ve gone.
2. you very clearly did not follow my blog / look at my posts when mason was in miami because i called jorgi out too, along with many other blogs so don’t insinuate i was only calling out mason because i wasn’t.
3. don’t assume i have no idea what it’s like to leave a friendship. i have had to leave multiple emotionally abusive friendships & relationships, and i see a bit of myself in mason because he seems so nice to everyone and looks like the kind of guy who can’t say no to his friends and i relate to that so forgive me for thinking i know what a bad friendship looks like.
4. it’s called a personal opinion for a reason, i don’t shit on people for liking jayden so don’t call everyone out for not liking him. don’t shit on other blogs for not having an emotional attachment to mason but wanting to fuck him at the same time. men do this to women day in day out, leave other blogs be for fucks sake they aren’t doing you any harm. you do you, buddy.
5. yes. mason has a private life for a reason and most blogs on this app seem old enough to respect that, if you want to call out anyone for not respecting his private life call out the anons not us. i don’t give a shit who he shags and i certainly don’t give a shit who he follows on his private account so i don’t know why you’re calling me out for that.
6. yes i joke about mason being my bf in my head as a coping mechanism but like ????? what do you want me to say ?????? sorry ?????? i’m mentally ill ?????? i joke about it because i know in reality he won’t even LOOK at me and i do it because it’s a cheap joke that’s worth a few laughs. some of you guys really make creators on this app feel shit sometimes 👍🏼
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qvert · 4 years
First things first - Hi @blu3haw4 and thank you for the kind words :) I feel honoured to be in your collection of 15 People you follow 😂 and now...
Nickname - Lala (only my sister is allowed to call me by nicknames but she has many)
Pronouns - She/Her
Star Sign - Leo (oh well :D )
Height - 1.70m (5.7 I think)
Current Time - We just had time change last night... idk my watch says 9:40 so I’m guessing 10:40 - but what even is time
Birthday - 25th of July
Favourite Band - Bleachers, The 1975, Sleeping at last, Bon Iver, Amber Run, The Wombats, Junip
Favourite Solo Artist - Halsey (all my love and adoration to this woman), Lorde, Hozier, Troye Sivan, Lately some Taylor Swift and Shawn Mendes and (now at risk of sounding totally obnoxious) Bach, Tchaikovsky and Johann Johannson
Song stuck in my head - I am currently singing ‚I put a spell on you‘ by Annie Lennox :)
Last Movie I watched - Rocketman
Last TV show I binged - phew... It’s not exactly a bingewatch but @generalalder and I have been watching 7 seasons of Doctor Who back to back
When I created my Blog - um Febuary 2016 I think
Last thing I googled - If Bleachers is a band of a solo project
Other Blogs - On tumblr? No - I have been in a war with Instagram lately though because for some reason it restricts every Sideblog I create when all I want is a clean page with all my art on it 🙄
Why I chose my blog - (again guessing it’s this is about the url) Well you see ‚Qvert‘ is my emotional support Plant - he’s a Peace Lily and I take him with me whenever I’m facing smth that makes me nervous or anxious
Do you get asks - um rarely so if you ever want to ask of say smth don’t be shy :)
How many followers do I have - around 500? Hmm - ok 497 to be exact not a bad guess!
How many people are I following - 276
Average hours of sleep - I have no fucking clue :D smth between 7 and 10
Lucky Number - 14
Instrument - Piano :)
What I’m currently wearing - Grey socks, Chelsea boots, cuffed skinny Jeans, loose plain white T-shirt’s, my Watch, Necklace, Glasses and beanie
Dream job - (this is more like my dream life) having a little workshop in a basement in Amsterdam repairing bicycles and designing/building custom furniture
Dream trip - I just wanna go back to London I miss it so fucking much
Favourite Food - BROCCOLI
Favourite Song - ‚Light‘ by Sleeping at Last
Top Fictional Worlds - Hmmmmmmm Zamonien (its Walter Moers, German and completely crazy :D ) - ALSO Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino holds so many beautiful worlds I can always only ever read one chapter at a time or else I feel like I might burst
OKAY well this was a lot - but also fun - bye
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literaphobe · 4 years
What's your most chaotic interaction from tumblr? Like rate dumb things that has happened or something jkshceks
oh my god get ready because this took me looking through my asks back until early 2017. i got whiplash reliving some of these. narrowed many moments down to the best ones. behold some of my most chaotic/dumb interactions on tumblr, from most recent to least:
‘not to be an asshole but could you stop making content’ incredible. came for my entire life. for $8,000 i will stop. 8/10
‘why can’t adora be white? :( don’t us white lesbians deserve representation too? :(’ i wanted to die when i got this ask. i still am in disbelief over the fact that this happened. 9/10
‘read your fic - you’re gay’ yeah i got clocked for being gay. what the fuck :( exposed :( 7/10
‘can you flirt in the dms i’m too single for this shit’ getting scolded by anons for allegedly flirting.... yeah call me out! 7/10
‘i have reported you to the secret service for talking about assassinating trump btw’ was anon messing w me? did they want me to be scared? who knows. im not even american. 6.5/10
‘fyi i took a screenshot of one of your posts. ten minutes later my house burnt down so now a screenshot of your post is next to pictures of my house in flames’ 9.5/10. it was definitely my fault. im so sorry i caused your house to burn anon i take full responsibility. u didn’t even blame me for the fire but u should have 
‘how dare u say straights aren’t allowed in the b99 fandom. its 2019 fandoms should be inclusive and welcoming of people regardless of their sexuality????’ 9/10. still cannot believe till this day that i was accused of oppressing the straights 
‘jake is straight you can die mad about it 😘‘ 9/10. amazing. love it when straight people send me death threats for headcanoning characters as bi
 ‘how do you pronounce your name i’ve been saying it as mice hell’ 9.5/10. absolutely incredible that anon thought my incredibly common name michelle was pronounced like this
‘An hour or two? LOL NO. I browse tumblr barely for 15-20 minutes. Of which I have exactly 90 seconds to go through your blog and read dcau chapter if there are responses of new one. Which I do in hardly 45 seconds. So, I actually just skim through the chapter and absorb more than others who read it like twice/thrice. Also, I am writing this long ass ask because my girlfriend is making me wait in my car and wasting our precious time we'd be spending on our date instead. YIKES.’ 9.5/10. ok for context. i uploaded a 15k chapter for a fic and in the tags i told people to be prepared because the chapter might take them like an hour or two to read. and this anon was pissed off that i would dare assume they would take such a long time to read my fic. also they had to tell me why they took the time to send me that ask in the first place. it is so fucking funny
‘Fuck can't wait. You told Monday, now you're telling Tuesday tommorow you'll say Wednesday? Bitch.😠‘ 7/10 i told people i would post my fic on monday but then i delayed it and this anon called me a bitch. this ask is hilarious 
‘Not just to Andy but also every other stranger. Nobody should let you near them if they are uncomfortable. You are bisexual that means everyone should know that you are an equal Potential Threat to all females with all the harassing going on. Being bisexual has its own advantages and disadvantages. You too fall into the category of creepy males creeppin out other females.‘ 8.5/10. i said ‘i want to hug andy samberg’ once and anon decided i was a predator. like yes this is so biphobic but also the way they treated me like a dangerous threat for wanting to hug a celebrity is so funny
‘i just got home from getting kidnapped for 5 days (lol long story) but seeing that you updated your fic definitely helped!’ 10/10. probably the most iconic ask i have ever gotten. also anon was serious and came back in a second ask to explain a little bit more about what happened. i hope they are living a safe happy life now 
‘not to burst your fandom bubble but my child’s middle name was in honor of my father not b99′ remember when chelsea peretti roasted me for making an inaccurate joke about how the middle name of hers and jordan peele’s child was ‘gino’ because it was like the boy version of gina? remember how she slapped me in the face and i completely deserved it for making a stupid joke? my shitposts have definitely been the death of me. will i stop? no. 10/10
‘cocaine girl do not die in that earthquake’ okay so. cocaine girl was one of the funniest commenters i have ever had the pleasure of knowing on my most popular fic. one day in her comment she said ‘there’s an earthquake happening rn hope i don’t die sskksksks’ and then she vanished. she didn’t comment for several chapters. i was super fucking worried you guys i thought she died or didn’t like my fic anymore. according to my memory she came back like weeks later in my comment section like ‘lmao yeah something hit my head during the earthquake and i was in the hospital for five days im ok now tho’ 10/10
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hrina · 5 years
Challenge: tag 12 mutuals as a fine line song and why that song makes you think of them
ooh okay! i’ve seen this going around and a couple people even tagged me in theirs 🥺 so i’ll do my best 💖
golden: this is @emotionally-imbruised. ken is such a fun, happy, upbeat person. chatting with her and hanging out with her irl always lifts my spirits. she just has this unmistakable positive energy, so when i think of a friend who embodies this song, its definitely her 
watermelon sugar: im gonna cheat a bit here and say that this is @yousunshine-youtemptress and @shesaidbirights. im just so inexplicably fond of han and sushi. they’re both wonderful and i love talking with them because they’ve both got a lot of spunk just like this song :-) 
adore you: definitely @harrysorbit. why, you may ask? because i fucking adore gina! we only started talking relatively recently but she’s quickly become one of my really good friends here on tumblr dot com. i just love her so much and i truly think that she deserves the world.
lights up: this is the lovely @harrysroleindunkirk. this song is funky as hell but it also makes me feel oddly calm for some reason, like im just vibing if that makes sense? and that’s exactly how justine makes me feel too. she’s a master at hyping people up but she can also be super serious when the time calls for it, and i love that about her.
cherry: this is 100% @mushyharry. don’t ask me why because im not even completely sure myself. skye is just so dainty and feminine and even though cherry is a sad song, the melody gives me that same vibe. also, cherry is one of my fav songs on the album, and skye is one of my fav mutuals, so you do the math!
falling: i feel like this is @btapants. celine and i don’t talk super often but idk whenever i see her on my dash i feel like she gives off these super calm vibes. i know falling is a bit of a sad song but that’s not why i associate it with her lol, i think that it’s a really big cathartic moment on the album and i’ve found that celine is always 100% honest on her blog so i see the similarities. 
to be so lonely: this is definitely @all-things-fic, and not just because she loves the song as much as i do. liz is very level-headed (at least, in my opinion) but when you get to know her, she’s also got this funny and quirky side which makes me basically view her as an embodiment of the melody :’)
she: this is adriana @doyouknowhoyouare without a doubt. she fucking adores this song and i see why, i just feel like whenever i listen to it i think of her now! the song is sultry (and adriana is usually playing the wh*re in my dms so.....) and also the instrumental at the end reminds me of her because it absolutely goes off
sunflower, vol. 6: this is my angel @trulymadlysydney. this song is such a sweet, innocent proclamation of love, and i feel like it fits sydney perfectly. she’s always so so kind and sometimes she just randomly messages me to check up on me which makes me 🥺 i feel like we understand each other very well (thanks astrology) and because of that, i always feel really safe/comfortable talking to her. she’s basically this song personified 
canyon moon: this is @canyonmoonqueer! this song is folky and fun and quirky, just like chelsea. she and i don’t talk super often but i admire how comfortable she is in her own skin and how she’s so unapologetically herself. she’s one of those people that just gives off kooky yet cozy vibes, so i feel like the song fits her v well 
treat people with kindness: this is @imethiminthemorning. every single conversation i’ve had with bee has been the most wonderful thing, im not even kidding. she is one of the kindest and most supportive people you’ll meet on this hellsite. im just so fond of her and her attitude and how much of a sweetheart she is!
fine line: this is my friend tanvi @gucciwoodnymph. i really love her to death and i feel like she embodies this song completely. she gives off a very calm vibe but once you get to know her she’s so funny and animated and i feel like that’s very similar to how this song reaches its crescendo, if that makes sense. idk i just love her a whole lot. 
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buckyscrystalqueen · 7 years
Half Blood, Whole Heart: Part 14
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Pairings: Jax x Reader, sister Winchester!reader- SOA/SPN Crossover
Warnings: Swearing, angst, death canon to SOA, more angst.
Word Count: 3,967
A/N: So I decided to repost my novel- the story that someone stole from my old blog and put up on Wattpad. PLEASE don’t be an asshole and steal my stories. It CRUSHED me when it happened and almost ran me off Tumblr.
Half Blood, Whole Heart Masterlist    Aesthetic by @ravenangel33​
“Are you sure this guy is going to show to take that Irish dick out?” Clay asked as everyone got setup at the parking lot. You nodded as you closed the driver’s side door to the Caprice solemnly with a trapped, gagged and tied up Irishman inside the trunk.
“Yea, I’m sure. The deal is done.” You look up at your husband who you knew would be going to jail today for the next year and sighed before looking at your father-in-law. “Just make sure the boys stay clear. Hellhounds are no joke.” Clay nodded and turned toward the rest of the crew as Jax wrapped his arms around you. You couldn’t stop the couple of tears that fell on his shirt. “We just get Thomas back and turn around to lose you.” You whispered as you held your husband close.
“You’ll come see me next week, babe. 14 months will go by like nothing.” You nodded as he dipped his face in your neck. “I love you.”
“I love you, too Jax. Always will.” He kissed your neck and shoulder before pulling back to rest his forehead against yours.
“Make sure you get yourself out after you finalize the deal with that demon. Don’t you stick around either.” You nodded your head as he reached up and brushed your tears away with his thumbs, cupping your jaw in his hands. “And call Chibs or Opie if you need anything.”
“I will. I promise.” You heard the roared rumble of bikes starting up and you both sighed. “I love you.”
“I love you, babe. Make it believable.” He gave you one final chaste kiss before pulling back and walking over to his bike. You wiped the remaining tears from your eyes as you got in your car and pulled out behind the half dozen motorcycles to bring Jimmy to his death.
As you followed the bikers, you and Jax knew you were about going to get stopped by the bitch who continued to ruin your life. Your plan was risky, with so many variables going on at once; anything could go wrong if one person stepped out of line and all hell could literally break loose. You suddenly saw the ATF van and an unmarked police car pull out in the middle of the road. This was it; show time for the Teller’s.
As the men stopped their bikes, you slowed to a stop a little ways behind them so that if Jimmy made any noise, it wouldn’t be heard over the distance and the hum of the engine but close enough that you could still hear. You rolled your window down to be able to hear and immediately heard the low growl of a hell hound right outside your car. Your hairs stood on end as you looked toward the invisible beast to your left and watched strips of gravel curl back under its nails.
“Easy Juliet.” Crowley said from directly behind you in the back seat. You jumped at the sudden close proximity and simply looked straight forward; pointing discreetly behind your dashboard.
“Woman in the pants suit; June Stahl. Her, any ATF agents dumb enough to stay behind and Jimmy in the trunk. My guys get to Jimmy first and your hounds finish him but everyone else is fair game.” You said as you listed off the souls Crowley would be given at the hands of SAMCRO that day. “Any other people who meet Mr. Mayhem from here on out, you will be notified as long as Jax and I have the heads up on it first.”
“Such simple payment for the collection of a child.” He said as he leaned around you to look at Stahl. “Seal it with a kiss?” He asked and you shook your head.
“I need to make sure they all believe it first. When I whistle; that’s when I will seal it.”
“You Winchester’s always have to make thing’s difficult, don’t you?” He asked as he disappeared along with the sound of the hell hound.
“It’s Teller.” You grumbled to no one. You watched Jax, Clay, Stahl and two officers walked toward you and you took a deep breath and got out of the car. Clay looked beyond livid and Stahl looked completely pleased with herself.
“Pop the trunk.” Jax told you. Despite being part of the plan, you still furrowed your brow. You popped the trunk as the rest of the brothers walked over toward the car. You looked at Jax as Stahl and her agents walked around to the back of the car.
“James O'Phelan, you're being taken into custody on suspicion of conspiracy of committing a terrorist criminal act.” She told him as her goons pulled Jimmy out of the trunk. They removed the gag and walked him past the Sons.
“Sorry, it didn’t work out for you lads. Luck of the Irish and all.” He said as the agents carted him toward the cars at the front.
“How did you know we had him?” Clay demanded angrily as Stahl opened a blue file she had under her arm.
“Oh! Your VP made a deal.” Your stomach dropped as you whipped around completely to face Stahl; this was not part of the deal Jax had made.
“Son of a bitch!” Jax shouted as he turned to hit her but the guys had him surrounded.
“What is she talking about?!” Clay asked as he looked at his stepson.
“You made a deal for Jimmy?!” Tig shouted
“You ratted?!” Bobby screamed.
“What have you done?!” You screeched at Stahl and she simply smiled.
“I did it for the club! I had no choice!” Jax shouted in his defense as his panicked eyes found yours.
“This whole time we were looking for Jimmy and you knew you were gunna turn him over to this cunt.” Clay said.
“We lost five brothers because of Jimmy!” Juice stated.
“No, Clay, she made him do it. He didn't have a choice! He’s not a rat!” You said as you tried to get your father-in-laws attention as cops came over to collect the guys.
“You’re dead! Do you hear me? Dead!” Clay shouted as the officers began cuffing the men.
“Hell yea you are. Done.” Tig shouted. Jax looked back in a complete panic and in the break, you ran towards him as tears poured down your cheeks.
“You just signed my fucking death warrant.” He told Stahl as he pulled against the officer to be able to kiss you once more. “Don’t let my son forget about me.” He said as he was dragged away.
“Never. I love you.” You called after him as he was loaded into the van.
“Always babe, always.” Stahl walked up next to you and handed you the blue file.
“Well that’s unfortunate. So obviously the boys will be out in three years, if they don't kill anyone and get caught. Parole in 14 months. My official statement that says Gemma wasn’t in the house during the shooting has been submitted so she is free to go.” She smirked at you as the doors to the van were closed behind the convicts and sighed. “Your mother-in-law was right. There is no trust between law enforcement and criminals.” You watched the van drive away and your heart broke for the man you loved. As it rounded the corner, you heard the low rumble you were waiting for and a smile crossed your face.
“See… that’s where you’re right.” You let out an ear piercing whistle and the woman cringed as Crowley popped up in front of you.
“About bloody time. She believed it, I see.” He said and you nodded.
“Leave the man in the car, my boys and me. The cops are yours including her.” You reminded him for Stahl’s benefit. He gave you a short nod and you stepped forward and sealed the deal with the King of Hell.
“What is this?” Stahl asked while pointing at Crowley as the flat bed to take the bikes home pulled up behind your car. Two prospects sped past you to catch up to the boys headed to prison and to tip them off that the club’s plan worked; that Stahl believed the club thought Jax was outed as a rat and that she had been running the show when in reality, the club was two steps ahead and she was now dead.
“This is SAMCRO’s… insurance policy. Like you said, there is no trust. She’s all yours.” You said as you turned and walked toward the flat bed to get out of the way.
“Sick ‘em, boys!” You heard Crowley shout. As you climbed onto the bed of the truck with Opie and Chibs, the area around you was suddenly filled with low growls before shrill screams filled the air. Cowley strolled over casually as Stahl was ripped to shreds before your eyes by an invisible monster. “This is how you reach me when you have business for me and you lot are only to deal with me.” He said as he handed you a fire red business card. “It’s been a pleasure as always. I’m leaving Juliet with you for now to finish the last one and my men will be around to clean up the mess shortly.”
“Thank you again, for everything.” He gave you a short nod and disappeared as the sounds of growling died down.
“I’ll never get used to that.” Opie said as he, Chibs and you jumped down to get Jimmy.
“You’d be surprised.” You heard the low growl of the hellhound begin to follow you and both men jumped at the noise, causing you to giggle. “Oh lighten up, ya big babies. They’re just hellhounds. Now remember; maim as badly as you want. Don’t kill or we lose the soul and I’m a dead woman.” Chibs nodded as he pulled open the back door of the squad car and yanked Jimmy out.
His feet hadn’t been on the ground completely before Chibs grabbed two knives and gashed his cheeks open in a Chelsea Grin; the same thing, you had learned Jimmy had done to Chibs years ago. You and Ope stood back and let Chibs take out all his hatred for the man that had taken his family and claimed them as his own. Just as you were about to step in and stop him from finishing the job, Juliet let out a growled bark causing Chibs to finally back off.
“No… NO!” Jimmy shouted as he realized his fate. Juliet pounced and began ripping him limb from limb. You looked at the boys and sighed.
“Alright let’s get these bikes loaded. I gotta get home to my son.”
“Didn’t realize you were working for Crowley.” A very familiar voice said and your heart clenched. You whipped around in complete shock to see Sam, standing against a tree, casually smoking a cigarette. Chibs and Opie both drew their guns as your jaw dropped.
“Sammy?” You stammered as you took a step toward your brother. “How…” As the reality hit you, you grabbed your gun and your angel blade from the back of your jeans and stepped back. “How are you here?” You demanded.
“I’ve been asking myself that for a while now. Here, save you the trouble.” He raised his hands in the air and walked over to you slowly before stopping a little over an arms length away. He extended his arm for you and bobbed it slightly. You quickly dragged the edge of the blade across his arm, drawing only a single line of blood. You lowered your weapons and looked at your brother as tears filled your eyes.
“Fuck… Sam.” You lurched forward and jumped into your best friend’s arm as he wrapped you in a hug. “God, I fucking missed you.” He nodded as he set you back down on the ground with a smile.
“I missed you too, (Y/N). Now, you need help with these bikes?” You nodded as you took a step back with a teary smile.
“Sam, this is Opie and Chibs. Boys, you remember my other brother, Sam.”
As you sat on the couch with Thomas contently watching the fish tank screensaver you had on your laptop while eating mashed kiwi’s and mango’s, you could tell there was something off about your brother. You knew Sam like the back of your hand and you noticed almost immediately that he was a little more distant than was usual and his smile didn’t quite meet his eyes. You bit your tongue as he told you and Dean where he had been the last few months but you could tell Dean was beyond livid.
“So that’s all of it.” Sam told his siblings as he grabbed his beer off the coffee table. You and Dean glanced at each other and you sighed as Sam continued. “But I actually came because I have a case and I need Dean for it, so sorry (Y/N), but we gotta go.”
“Whoa! Hang on! Dean’s not going anywhere right this minute!” You said as you sat up a little straighter. “Jax just went to jail today. Dean is…”
“Dean is a hunter, (Y/N). He’ll come back when we are done with this case…”
“That’s bullshit Sam and you know it.”
“Button, it’s…” Dean tried and you shook your head.
“Don’t De. You told Jax you would look out for me. We both know you were on the fence about the apple pie life here with everything that goes on with the club. We both know you take the tarp off Baby and Charming is just another dot in the rearview.”
“Well… not really.” Sam said. “The Djinn I’m hunting is following me so he’s probably here.”
“You what?!” You shouted; startling Thomas who began to cry. “What have you done?”
“I need help. So I came for help.” Sam said as he took a pull of your beer. You picked up Thomas and shook your head.
“Sam… get out of my house. I am so pissed at you right now that I don’t even want to look at you. Dean, get him out and get the fucking Djinn out of Charming without drawing attention to yourself. I’ll call Ope or Chibs for protection.”
“How do you do it?” You asked Chibs as the two of you sat in your living room essentially as Djinn bait. “How do you keep going on without your family?” He shrugged as he passed you the joint you were splitting and shook his head.
“’s’not easy, lovie. Jus’ keep remindin’ yerself ‘e’ll be comin’ ‘ome soon.”
“He’s gunna miss so much.” You sighed; you were still having a hard time wrapping your head around the fact that it would be over a year before Jax walked through your front door again.
“Can’t look at it like that or ye’ll go mad.” He said as you passed him back the joint. “Take it day by day.” You nodded as the baby monitor you were using as a walkie talkie crackled on the table.
“Incoming through kitchen.” Sam said quickly; he was the look out from the front of the house while Dean was by the side door. You grabbed a baseball bat and triple checked that your skin was covered.
“Remember, no guns.” you told Chibs softly as the side door to the garage squeaked opened. You stood up slowly and raised your bat.
“FRONT DOOR! TWO INCOMING!” Sam shouted suddenly into the baby monitor. You had just enough time to spin in toward the man with symbols covering his body before you went flying across the room.
Your house became chaos as Sam and Dean charged into the house and the four of you battled the three Djinn in your house. The boys only had one silver knife and barely enough lambs blood for one kill so you had to resort to brute force to kill the other two. The four of you had the upper hand in being prepared for the attack; in that you were completely covered but that didn’t stop the sheer strength and agility the monsters had.
“(Y/N/N), drop!” Dean shouted as you stood toe to toe with a Djinn, trying to over power him unsuccessfully with a lamp you had grabbed. You hit the deck seconds before Dean swung from behind the monster. You heard a sickening crack over Chibs’ Scottish taunting and the weight of the monster landed on you.
“Damnit De!” You shouted as you grabbed the lamp and awkwardly bashed it against the Djinn’s head.
“Two down!” Sam shouted as you heard a second Djinn hit the floor.
“C’mon ye bastard!” Chibs shouted as he squared off against the last Djinn. He twirled the baseball in his hand with a mad smile on his face as the man started to glow blue. Suddenly, you heard someone call your name. You turned toward the noise and saw Jax standing in the doorway.
“Baby… run!” You said as you stood up and looked around the room at the chaos that was no longer there. You watched your living room burst into flames. Fear ripped through you as you went to look back at Jax and instead, you saw Cameron Hayes holding Thomas.
“Sorry love. ‘e’s not your son anymore.” He said as he turned and headed out the door. You went to run after him and the wall of fire increased.
“Tommy!” You choked as you tried to find a way to your son. “THOMAS!” Out of nowhere, Dean appeared before you and stabbed you in the heart. You gasped as your whole body lurched.
“Hey! Hey! You’re OK.” Dean said as you thrashed on your bed against him.
“No! He has Thomas!” you shouted as tears blurred your vision.
“Love, I ‘ave ‘im; ‘e’s right ‘ere. ’s’a’right.” You heard Chibs say. You sat upright in bed and scrambled to get to your son as sobs wracked your body.
“How… what happened?!” You shouted to the men in the room.
“The Djinn that landed on you got to you.” Sam said from the doorway. “We got to you just in time.” You glared at your brother full of hate and shook your head.
“Was it worth risking my life, Sam? Huh? Risking my son; our brother?” You turned your back on him and looked at Dean. “Did you get them?”
“Yea… yea we got them. Living room is a little worse for the wear but…”
“De, I love you and I’m don’t want to have to do this to you but get him out of my fucking house and don’t come back with him.” Dean sighed as you gave your oldest brother a kiss on the cheek.
“I’m sorry, (Y/N).” Sam said and you shook your head as you sat down on the bed and looked at him.
“No you’re not because if you were, you wouldn’t have brought that shit show around your sister and nephew in the first place. You would have called when you came back from the cage. I don’t know who you are right now Sam Winchester but you are NOT my brother.” Sam simply shrugged and walked out of your bedroom without another word. You looked over at Dean with tears falling and shook your head. “Don’t worry about me. Chibs can stay here tonight if he doesn’t mind and I’ll move in with Gemma for a while if I feel unsafe. You are more than welcome to come back whenever you want… alone”
“Button, I’m really sorry about this.” He said as he stepped toward you and kissed your forehead.
“I know you are De but it’s not your fault… just, figure out why he’s suddenly such an asshole all of a sudden.” He nodded and kissed the top of Thomas’ head.
“Don’t be a stranger. Call me and keep me posted on my favorite sister and nephew.” You promised him you would and with a final sigh, he shook Chibs’ hand and left. You didn’t get up until you heard the front door close behind your brother.
“I’ll stay wit’ ye for a while if ye wish, (Y/N). I’m in the dorms anyways so it’s no skin off my back.” You glanced back at your friend and nodded as you headed into the nursery.
“I’d like that, actually if you don’t mind little man crying at unusual hours.” Chibs chuckled as you laid your son down for bed.
“Lassie, I’m a father, too. Wee lad couldn’t bother me one bit.” You smiled at the Scotsman and nodded as you headed toward the living room to clean up the mess you knew was waiting for you.
“Well, you will never believe what you have missed so far.” You said as you passed Thomas to Jax and the two of you sat down at the table during your first visitation.
“Please tell me you didn’t burn the house down.” He teased as he looked up at you. You gave him a perfect bitch face and rolled your eyes.
“Not even close. First of all, Sam is back; we don’t know how but he is an absolute dick that has been banned from the house. Second, Dean moved out; I told him to go with Sam…”
“Wait, Dean moved out? So…” You held up your hand and giggled.
“Not even close to being done. So, since Dean left, Chibs has moved in, I’ve gone back to work at the shop and we hired a nanny.”
“Wait… hold on… So… what?” Jax asked as he tried to swallow all the news. You smiled and nodded. “So Sam’s alive, Dean is gone, we have a Scotsman in our spare room and a nanny.”
“And I went back to work.” You chipped in. “You got it.” He sat back and shook his head with a huffed laugh.
“I’m gone for less than two weeks and you move another man in our house. Little hussy.” You shoved his shoulder as he laughed.
“It was either Chibs helping out or I moved in with mom for a year. Want me to make that phone call?”
“No! No, Chibs is fine.” Jax laughed. “You and my mom are close but I think one of you would kill the other if you lived in the same house while raising Tommy.”
“We aren’t that bad.” You claimed. He raised his eyebrow and it only took you a moment before you rolled your eyes. “Ok, ok. We would kill each other.” The two of you laughed for a moment before an ugly weight fell over you. Jax searched your eyes as he reached up and brushed your hair behind your ear.
“How are you?” You nodded and pursed your lips.
“I’m alright.” You breathed before tears welled up in your eyes. You reached up and held your husband’s hand to your cheek and he rested his forehead against yours. “I’ve been sleeping on a couch in the nursery… well, trying to. It’s so weird.”
“Fuck… babe, I am so sorry.” He said softly as he brushed his thumb across your cheek, wiping away tears. “I never wanted this…”
“I know you didn’t but here we are.” You said as you brushed your fingers on the back of his hand and put your other hand on his arm under your son. “I know what I signed up for, Jax.”
“I should be home.” You nodded and looked up at him through your eyelashes.
“What, so you could watch me burn the house down?” You said trying to lighten the mood.
“Yea…” he huffed as he sat back and looked at you. “I’ll be home to man the fire extinguisher soon.”
Part 15
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survivorkvaloya · 7 years
Episode #5: “I Didn't Come Back To Be A Stupid @$$” - Andreas
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Not quite sure what to make of this tribe of 5 but I find in this one theirs no where to hide because I can almost guarantee Jackson is going to be a middle man between Danielle and I, and everyone knows that in this tribe I would be the one they send home. But luckily for me, I have Gage and Christine's students on my tribe so If I send them home it weakens them come merge, but following the murder of 3 returnees early on I can NOT have a repeat of Easter Island, so I need to get over my phobia of returnees. 
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~*~Tales From Reflection Island~*~ Hi. I'm pissed. I was so excited to finally win my first tribal immunity and FINALLY not have to worry about being voted out, but that was short lived. Brett, my flop ass mentor, was voted out on the other tribe almost unanimously. What the HECK. So my gay ass is shipped off to reflection island where I have to "reflect on what went wrong" or whatever. But it ain't my fault Brett is a flop! He was the mentor. He was supposed to know not to get voted out. AND THEN we have a tribe swap.... While I'm on reflection. You know what happened to the last person on reflection island during a tribe swap? They were voted out unanimously the same round they returned (rip Connor). So when I come back I'm gonna have some serious work to do. Going onto a tribe of 5 is scary in itself, not being there when the tribe is formed is even worse. the ONLY saving grace in this whole situation is the reflection ritual or whatever the heck its call. Bc I'm always doing #that and I PICKED AN URN WITH AN IDOL PIECE IN IT WOOOO. Now I have 2/3 pieces! This makes it so much easier to get that last piece and make an idol. And that could save my ass in this tricky situation. My plan once I come back is to victimize myself, talk to everyone, be so devastated by the loss of my mentor, act paranoid, and find that last piece. Wish me luck!
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Im actually really frustrated right now, we could have easily won immunity but Lauren messed up very basic instructions and just completely fucked us over. Now we have to go to tribal. Lol 4th tribal out of 5 ugh. So anyways this tribal should be easy however we know how this game goes, the easy vote never happens. But none the less this allows me a valid reason to take Christine's student out which would have completely destroyed all her numbers which means shes 1 which isnt a huge threat. Im just worried about idols ,and tribal on my 200th day is ANNOYING. Anyways i need to go calm down phew. Old Andreas is coming out lmao 
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So jackson and I had a plan to throw the torch pass challenge and use lauren to get out andreas. funniest part: we didn't even have to throw because lauren posted at the wrong time and fucked it all up! I'm trying to make everyone hate her now so she feels like she has to vote with us. jackson was hesitant at first about voting andreas but he's warmed up to it. I hope he stays with the decision. I really think him and I can fight our way through this game. 
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i got my 2nd idol piece from fucking hell of looking through numbers! van who??
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So I think I already did a confessional but oh well. This tribe swap isn't looking good for me. I ended up not getting the idol piece because Chelsea already got it so that was super annoying. BUUUUT. I got reward this time and Ryan ended up getting his 2nd idol piece from it. I'm happy bc that means we have 2/3 in our posession and I think that he's 100% loyal to me. He's said over and over that this is our idol and I truly believe that. We've been friends for so long that I doubt that he would be using an idol that we both found against me in any way. I'm trying to talk to everyone every day but it's hard when it's one world. I hate it so much fuck fkjdsn. Andreas is kinda annoying and very pushy when it comes to this game. He created an alliance with Jackson and I, which I don't think I'll stick too, to try and talk about the vote. From what I can tell at this point, the vote is going to be Andreas anyway. Although Lauren fucked up in the challenge, people are wanting to keep her around for a throwaway vote if we lost next time (which we are going to if we're going to be keeping the weak players anyway). I'm starting to get annoyed with not being in power. Chelsea is running around only talking game yet telling me that other people will inform me with the plan... I- There is no way that I'm gonna be able to get her out and if god forbid we went to tribal again, it would be Lauren. I'm thinking of teaming up with Lauren to vote out Chelsea if it came down to it, I don't know if that would be the right move but right now, I feel like she's running the game and I want to be the one that takes her off of the high horse that she's sitting on. 
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Hi I'm Jackson and this is my third confessional, just in time for the third generation of tribes. Ever since the swap, I've kind of had a heavy feeling in the pit of my stomach. Not because I was put on a tribe with people I can't work with - in fact, I've had good interactions with everyone on my new tribe in the past, and best of all, I'm reunited with my closest ally Chelsea. Instead, the feelings of dread come from the fact that a lot of power was given to the two of us to start making moves of our own, and it's scary to no longer be floating in the background, hiding behind our mentors. Still, Chelsea and I both feel like we can't shy away from the opportunity we've been given. So, we planned to throw the immunity challenge. I had two objectives in mind for this. The first was to allow Colin to join our tribe after his return from exile, as he's someone I really trust and I couldn't guarantee his safety if he went to another tribe. The second was to vote out Andreas, who I see as one of the smartest and most well connected players in the game. We were going to have Chelsea pretend her internet went out, which I'm honestly not 100% sure would've worked without attracting suspicion. But then Lauren decided to do what I think she does best: go inactive without explanation. Since she queued her post for the wrong time, our torch lighting was out of order from the get go, and we had no chance of winning unless Lauren came online at just the right time (which she didn't). So yeah, we lost, and I guess me and Chelsea got our way. Right off the bat Lauren was scrambling. She came to me and Chelsea for help, asking us to stay united as original Ersfjorden members, which normally I'd roll my eyes at because she's suspicious af to me but was happy to hear in this specific moment. With me, Chelsea, and Lauren, we have three, and can vote out Andreas like we planned (or, at least, like Chelsea pushed really hard to and I agreed only after talking to my mentor because I'm a weenie). Andreas was acting pretty jumpy too. I think he really doesn't want to get voted out on his 200th day of tumblr survivor, and yeah, I get that and I'm gonna feel real bad casting my vote. He really helped me get my footing on Ersfjorden 2, and we could've had a nice working relationship even though he probably would beat me at the end. Anyway, he came to me pushing hard to get Lauren voted out to keep the tribe strong, and I told him I was definitely on board. His worry was not that Danielle would flip on us (more on that later) but that Lauren would somehow make an idol with Chelsea, who I can tell he doesn't totally trust. Joke's on him - Colin has the idol piece that everyone thinks Lauren has, but I'm not gonna tell anyone. I tried to reassure him that Chelsea's on our side too, and I'm hoping his guard is down. Danielle is the wild card. Even though we could vote out Andreas without her (assuming Lauren isn't the fucking mastermind of the millennium), I wanted her to be in on this vote because I think she will stick with me postmerge. Ryan likes her, and I don't want to go against him (yet). So I told Danielle that Lauren was pushing for Andreas, and she seemed tentatively supportive of the idea to vote him out now with Lauren being the next to go if we lose again. She also sent me her reward, which was a clue to an idol piece hidden somewhere on the blog. Long story short, the URL involves a five digit code starting with a 7 and including no repeating digits. It's basically impossible to determine the URL from that (unless i've already gotten it right but someone got their first and the page was deleted?) without more info, and I don't think the hosts would give such a difficult riddle. So yeah I think she didn't send me the entire clue (she withheld some of the digit hints), which kind of annoys me because she's trying to gain my loyalty by supplying intel but she doesn't trust me enough to let me have a chance at finding it myself. Also I shared literally all the details about JD and Liam's shitty alliance on Ersfjorden2 that locked out her and her student, so I feel like I'm giving out more than I'm getting back. But anyway, though she says she's on board for the Andreas vote (making it 4-1 against him), I worry that she's concerned about my relationship with Chelsea. I also worry that she's closer to Andreas than she claimed (and than Ryan thought), and that she might have ratted me out to him. While it doesn't seem like there's a lot he could do if he did know we were targeting him, there's a slim chance he could try to pull Lauren over. In that case, it'd be either me or Chelsea going, and considering how many more limbs I've gone out on than usual this week, I'm not feeling super safe. So yeah, that's about it, so unless something changes in the hours before the vote tomorrow, this is it. I'll be voting for Andreas and hoping I didn't get duped.
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Looks like everything is still good to go with the Andreas vote. Sorry bud! The ship has sailed ~ 
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Whelp, operation save Brett was a flop and I'm sad. But on the bright side I'm in love with this swap! It's nice to be reunited with Ryan and I'm glad QuilLynn is still with me. JD also seems really nice and then I haven't really talked to Nicholas yet. I'm glad we were able to win immunity but I'm kinda worried for Lauren. I feel like Jackson and Chelsea will help her but we'll see.
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Going into tribal its been really quiet and that's been scaring me. No one is really talking to me besides Jackson but I could just be acting like a crazy person but who freaking knows. Hopefully this tribe votes out Lauren but maybe tonight, as my 200th night in TS will be my final.  I hope not though, I don't wanna be a pre-merge flop. 
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Omg so the whole point of last vote was to get rid of Brett bc he is a bigger threat then jack and he would be more likely to be able to convince Lauren and Christine to flip. And of course we don't tell jack about the vote bc he really wanted Chelsea, but then of course he fucking ends up on my swapped tribe. I'm really happy I'm with Gage again bc he's definitely someone I trust and he's really nice, I'm also kinda glad to see lily And I'm hoping we can continue to work together. Jack ahhh I didn't tell him about the last vote so I don't think he trusts me anymore but he's nice. So that leaves Liam as the only person I hadn't met yet, I exchanged like 2 words with him and then he tells Ryan that he's talked to me the most? Like how is 2 lines a lot of conversation?? I mean I feel bad for him being super busy with 2 jobs and everything but he doesn't talk to me a lot and when we actually do talk it's always at 3 in the morning. So anyway last night Liam goes up to me and says hey I have an idea for if we ever have to go to tribal council, and he was talking about how me him and jack should work together and I agreed to it of course bc you should never really say no to alliances bc that's sketchy. I also found out that it was Liam and JD who created the majority alliance, like this boy seems kinda power hungry tbh. Anyway Kalfjorden looses immunity which is fine but I just hope it's not Chelsea, Andreas or Danielle. And then apparently Lauren has been super inactive and messed up on the challenge so it would make sense to vote her out and everyone seemed on board or whatever. But then in the all girls alliance, that I like the idea of but don't really feel comfortable with half the people in it, lily talks about how we gotta save Lauren. And at first I'm like wtf Lauren is cute and all but she's not the most active and I don't care about her that much. And Lily says that all the newbies are on board to vote together to vote out FUCKING ANDREAS. Like wtf I love Andreas?? And he's trying at this game unlike Lauren. And also lily goes oh yeah it'll be nice to vote out Andreas so that we can keep up student numbers like??? I'm a mentor??? I'm of course willing to work with students but not when they say they would like to vote out all the mentors lmao. I would tell Andreas but I won't bc I need to keep up my trust with lily especially since we're on a 5 person tribe where there's no room to hide. Anyway I could see if I could possibly talk to Jackson who I don't know well if he'd be willing to vote Lauren, ahh idk what I'm gonna do I hate this. 
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Im actually very concerned I may be going home tonight and part of me is thinking that perhaps i should throw my vote at Chelsea incase an idol is played. I don't see Christine letting Lauren go without a fight and I would be a great person in her eyes to take out pre-merge. Heading into this vote im super concerned, probably more then i've been in a while which is super scary. I didn't come back to be a stupid ass but its so freaking quiet, and I don't see Lauren going without a fight. 
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