#its been a few months since ive drawn them so i had to draw them again
dxkjf · 11 months
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Guys guess what I’ve been rewatching guess
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nordidia · 11 months
when this posts, the queue has ran out!!
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thank you so much for being here with me on this little daily-art journey (LMAO). this was all the tmnt art ive drawn (and posted on twitter) since the rottmnt movie came out august 2022, and i'm so grateful for all the support i've gotten here on tumblr!
but of course from now on i will post art gradually whenever i draw, not daily!
throughout as the queue progressed i also put the art i drew in the queue, so the past few ones have been recent i know alot of you found comfort in the daily posting so im really sorry it had to end, i also enjoyed the daily feedback and seeing your happiness!
it feels a bit surreal in a way, i know it hasnt been that long but also it was about 3 months of daily posts which is a bit weird to just stop suddenly,,, but anyway!
art for me is hard alot of the time, my artstyle seems rly simple and not hard to do to others but for me i have very low wrist stamina and alot going on in my personal life currently so im unsure on just how often i will post. i hope you will respect this!!
i still draw, i will post it whenever its drawn! and my ask box will ofc be open and i will answer the asks i am able to/feel like/have anything to answer them with! so just you know nothing is necessarily ending, it just wont be daily! hehe!
thank you so much!! see you soon!!
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dapper-lil-arts · 5 months
So uh. My freelance work here is kind of dying.
I thought i'd keep my long-term followers on the know-how, so i might as well write about my current circumstances here, give y'all an update, so to speak.
So, for several reasons, most of them not even my fault, i've been getting less and less commissions, almost none, actually, and the ones i get are usualy on the cheaper side, which is bad concidering that this is my livelihood, commission money pays my bills, my groceries, and my taxes, and now i sure as hell am strugling to imagine this will sustain me for long. Twitter is a sinking ship ever since elon went over, Specificaly for people like me. I had just broken into 12k followers there, a huge milestone for me, and then i got shadowbanned, and for the last few months i've gotten *nothing*. It's completely dead, i'm stagnated there, all my arts are censored, and there's no way for me to undo it or fix it, and so i've gotten less and less comms out there, which sucks because its the only reason i was even on that stupid site. Here on tumblr, meanwhile, the CEO went on a massive transphobic streak, and a lot of lgbt folk (which composed a lot of my following,) decided to jump ship, and i sure as hell dont blame them, but sadly that's more potential costumers that bailed, and there's no proper website to go to. Anywhere i'd go, i'd be starting from scratch again, which would be utterly disheartening and frustrating, and there no website that is kind to artists, with no algorythim, that also have a messaging system (the latter being ESSENTIAL to the way i do comms) So i'm kind of stuck. I just. have nowhere to go, and nothing to do. And last but not least, my own fault, I've just been drawing and creating what *I* specificaly want, on an hedonistic streak this year. That's why theres so much pony bs on this blog now, and why i was straight up posting poetry a while back, and have written hundreds upon hundreds of fanfiction pages in the last few months; Which, unfortunately, is a terrible business decision if your intent is making money. Which I surely should have prioritized, but in the end, its not up to me, its up to the costumers... So now i'm a bit stuck. I've enjoyed the things ive drawn and written more than anything i've ever done, and yet, i've never been less successful on the actual business side. I'm still considering my venues, my possibilities, but there's not many. Trying to get a job would certainly pull me away from creation, and i'd hate it regardless of what it was, and on another venue, theres no guarantee that going back to furry titties would bring me money.
and that's whats heartbreaking about it too. no matter how much effort i put on my work, theres no guarantee of sucess, so why even spend time trying to craft a masterpiece? why not just follow trends and make a tiktok account or whatever the fuck makes money these days. I'd rather not, frankly. And i wont. Well, that's about it. Thanks for reading this update, that's how my life is goin atm. i'm going to continue doing as i am right now, but yknow... I'm not sure what i should do, if you want to give me suggestions, feel free.
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statueofeden · 1 year
Eras of L4D2!CATS Art (and Nellis Cats)
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(CW: badly drawn blood, gore (its a zombie game haha), mental health briefly mentioned (minimal!).
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Hello, I'm Eden. (They/them) I'm 22 years old and been playing L4D2 since it came out for xbox 360 in 2009 (I was 8 - going on 9). I started shipping Nellis when I was about 11. It was in fact my first ship ever.
I decided to make this lil thing because i've seen some interest in my recent post with my Nellis!cats :P.
In 2013, I hated my human art so I decided to design and make as cats so I could draw them easier. I use to use drawcast on my ipod touch.
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I would finally get a more stable style and made more of my fav ship.
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Later on that year, my mom gave me her old laptop and I got heavily into animation memes and computer digital art.
my first computer drawing:
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My first animation:
I was hooked. A few months later, Little kid me decided to play around with an AU.
Heres more info about the AU before we move on:
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(AU animation Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsesYjlm_htaAxclwRcBg6uhhjtQEN3OY )
I dropped my first banger of the AU on Dec 14, 2013.
I was obsessed with drawing Nick and Ellis as cats still. I had made many animations and drawings of them.
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Before I was diagnose with BPD, I had an episode and created this gem it like to mention :
I had also dropped this banger way before that (important later, I promise)
I ended the year off with a remake of an old Nellis drawing I made in 2013.
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2016 - 2017:
At the end of 2015, I got a graphics tablet for Christmas. Legit my second drawing was Ellis!cat.
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Sadly in 2016-2017 I was going through alot and also developed a new hyperfixation on fallout 4. I kinda forgot about l4d2 otherthan a few mentions of it here and there. Honorable mentions of art:
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I was going through alot during this time in my life.
I would redesign my most of l4d2!cats completely. I highly preferred natural colors over the other designs.
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Honorable mentions of animations:
2019 - now:
Im still making l4d2!cats content. I adore them still and still plan on drawing them until I cant draw no more.
2021 art:
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2022 art:
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2023 art:
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Remember when I told you to keep the "get out alive" video in your mind. Well, Ive very recently have sketched out a remake of it. (Come see the improvement!)
Welp, I think that's all! I hope you've enjoyed this post! Any questions, feel free to ask! I may or may not have answers.
Some of you may know me, some of you may not. Either way, thanks for reading and sharing the love for left 4 dead with me! I hope to share more soon! <3
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satellite-runner · 2 years
The significance of the color red (the venom siblings)
[Tw's: Canon typical violence, misgendering, child neglect? I physically couldn't bare looking at this thing any longer and it's already been like a month since I said I'd post it. I didn't even finish it but I figured I'd just post what I have. Sorry that if its formated badly and the grammar/punctuation is off, i only have my phone to write and post on. Ive also never posted fanfiction online before so theres that to]
Everyone knows the venom siblings both include red as part of their primary colors.
What most don’t know is why they do.
Party Poison had striking red hair and matching makeup on their neck. The hair was done first, long before the iconic red splatter over their jugular. Poison doesn’t like to think of themselves as an attention seeker, more like they drew attention. they couldn’t control it, eyes constantly on them whether they liked it or not; especially in their first few years in the zones, it caused a lot of trouble. They needed to fly under the radar. Fresh out of the city, barely fighting off Dracs coupled with the desert heat and starvation, they couldn’t afford to be the one flame moths were drawn to. For a long time, they thought they were cursed. It caused them unimaginable grief. Getting them in rumbles and duels before they even knew how to shoot proper but somehow surviving.
They knew when they were just Juvie Halls, Kobra had a psychology book on the effects different colors had on the mind. Poison wasn’t all that interested in reading but Kobra was. He loved books, once he got his hands on any book of any genre, he wouldn’t put it down until he finished. The psychology book being one of the first few non-city regulation books the young boy had, he spoke about it a lot. It was clear Kobra liked the color red the most, he talked about it constantly and mostly its effects. Red meant plenty of things: love, anger, passion, hatred, desire, strength, anxiety, help and danger. One thing that struck the siblings about the color was that it was always loud. It screamed in need of attention, it was yelling to everyone, “Look at me! Look at me!”
Once they landed a semi-permanent home with Dr. D, Cherri Cola, and Show Pony, Poison  found themselves bored. They’d spend only Witch knows how long looking at their appearance, the urge to change becoming insatiable. They felt too city-like. It was clear they were green, with a city accent and no proper sense of zone fashion, plain brown hair and no tattoos or piercings. They were painfully plain. They couldn’t stand it, seeing themselves in any kind of reflective surface, it made them sick (they later learned that was also related to their gender dysphoria but lets smooth over that for now). So for the next supply run, they asked Pony to find them some bleach and red hair dye. They felt a bit dirty, stealing Kobra's favorite color right out from under him, but he reassured them that it was okay. Despite turning to Pony about their problem with their appearance, they couldn't stand having the person to also help with the dyeing process. So they got Kobra to do it, under Pony’s careful instructions. After all that, their hair was shaggy and their scalp burnt– but their hair was firetruck red. They couldn't find Kobra any gloves to wear so his hands were just as red, the color staining both of their souls permanently. Poison spent so long staring at themselves in their shitty, broken mirror, transfixed by the fact that the color felt so much like them. Eventually, Kobra had to drag them out of the bathroom, making Poison realize that the matching stain on Kobra’s skin made red feel like the both of them.
The vibrant color felt fitting, their outward appearance finally matched with their skill to draw attention. Now it was them that visibly screamed, “Look at me! Look at me! I'm rebelling!” Of course, the dyed hair took away any chance they had to live life peacefully as a neutral. the vibrancy went so far against Bli’s black and white that it was a death sentence. They weren’t bothered about it though, they wouldn’t have been able to live with themselves if they complied with Bli’s rules out in the desert instead of inside their walls, they needed to rebel.
Dyed hair was symbolic no matter where you lived, even just highlights would get you re-educated inside the city. In neutral towns, you could get away with a blonde streak or two but color was still a large no-no. But with killjoys? Neon was the norm. Dyed hair, bright clothes, painted vehicles, painted guns, graffiti. You couldn't step into killjoy territory without seeing so many colors your head would hurt. Once again color screams, and it screamed, “Look at me! Look at me! I'm not alone! We are rebelling! We made these dyes and paint! We are rebelling!”
The red stain of Poison’s hair dye on Kobra's hands was not the first piece of red symbolism he took on. He’d taken a shine to the color early on, finding its brightness captivating. 
He knew Poison was always the center of attention; always catching eyes and turning heads, always being sought out for advice and reassurance. People looked up to Poison, but overlooked Kobra. He was mostly okay with this, seeing just how crushing the weight of the attention Poison received could be. But sometimes, he just wished to be the one they looked at. He was skilled and smart too! Just because he was younger didn’t mean he was useless! 
When they got into the zones, Kobra was just a boy. He was barely ten and still unsure of his own pronouns, letting people call him a girl, never speaking up about the horrible churning pain it stirred in his chest. He could ignore it if he distracted himself enough, if he used everyone's lack of attention on him to his advantage. 
They hopped from crew to crew often, no one was willing to take in two kids so young and unwieldy. Poison was loud, clumsy and angry. Kobra was virtually mute, standoffish and suffocating to be around. It left all the attention to Poison, like always. By the third or fourth crew they passed through, Kobra had the perfect system for swiping things from them. Poison would inevitably do something that needed everyone’s undivided attention and no one would notice the little girl slipping his tiny hands in their pockets or bags, rifling through and stealing anything with a significant amount of red on it. Poison knew Kobra did this but could never find a reason to force him to stop. He didn’t take anything important and most of the time, the crew wouldn’t even notice anything was missing until after the siblings were already gone. they never suspected the innocent little girl and Poison was just too boisterous to steal anything without immediately giving themselves up.
A few years later, the siblings stumbled upon the radio shack. After a few weeks of observation, it was impossible for Dr. D to not notice the boy's obsession with the color. There were a lot of things that were impossible to miss about the boy, actually. He was almost always non-verbal for one and he was scary smart for a kid his age. He was standoffish and shy, not telling anyone much about himself other than the fact he was not a girl (which was more so said through Poison but Dr. D liked to count it anyway) but he was also polite, thoughtful and scared. The poor boy was terrified. It took Doc a few weeks and a lot of gentle prodding to learn he was so scared because they’ve never stayed in one place for so long.
It wasn’t surprising, it wasn't shocking, instead it was sad. The kid was well into his teens at fourteen years of age and never settled into one spot for more than two months, hell, the boy knew every zone like the back of his hand simply because he had lived in every inch of sand the desert had to offer. Neither of the siblings ever had a home or a crew to call their own. It was then and there Doc decided he’d do anything he could for the siblings, care for them until they found their own crew, spend every last carbon he had on them for them to realize that they were worth it, until they understood he wanted to keep them around.
It was a no-brainer to look for red clothing the next supply run he went on.
He was beyond delighted when he found two (mostly) red jackets that seemed right up Kobra's alley. He picked up a few zonemade sketchbooks and pens at Tommy Chow Meins for Poison, so it didn't look like he favored Kobra over them. 
When he got back to the radio shack, Kobra and Poison were on the floor. Poison was laying on their back talking animatedly to Kobra as he sat about a foot away, listening. Kobra was very good at listening, especially when it was Poison talking.
"You two! C'mere!" He gestured towards the siblings, waving them over to where he stood in the middle of the room. The pair got up excitedly (well, Kobra looked more confused than excited) after seeing Doc holding something behind his back, out of their view. 
He'd found two red gift bags to package the presents in, figuring the color suited the both of them just fine. He found both of them rocked on the balls of their feet when waiting. 
"I got you two some gifts!" he grinned, pulling the bags from behind his back, presenting them to the siblings.
The young 'joys looked at him apprehensively, with Kobra even taking a half step back. It took a few words of reassurance for them to take the bags let alone open them at all.
Poison reacted first, gasping when they pulled out the twine tied pack of pens and a few handmade sketchbooks. They practically squealed, tackling Doc into a hug that he happily returned. He was so distracted by the older venom sibling that he didn't notice Kobra putting on the lighter weighted jacket of the two.
The jacket was too big, engulfing the boy’s body. It was a windbreaker. Zipping up to the chin, the sleeves and lower half a faded red with an upper panel of mustard yellow that started at the chest and went up to the chin. Truly Dr D didn't know the boy's sensory issues with clothing, so  he'd gone over the common things like no tags or feelable threads or seams. Past that, he had no clue if Kobra liked the fabric, the zipper or the noise it made when moving. He'd just hoped he could find someone who liked the jackets if Kobra didn't.
Kobra twisted and turned in the jacket, getting a sense of what it was like. The zip going all the way up to his jaw was weird, though not a feeling he couldn't get used to. It was baggy, an adult jacket was indeed unfit for a malnourished teen. But he adored the colors, the yellow matched with his bleached hair perfectly, the red just a few shades lighter than Poison’s ‘in your face’ red. The sleeves and waist were cuffed with fabric that was softened with time, making him feel secure in the article of clothing. 
He felt like lightning had been shot through him, coming out in the flapping of his hands and the chewing of his bottom lip. The jacket concealed his horribly feminine figure, the colors were eye-catching but not overwhelming. Instead, he got the immense feeling to never take the jacket off, it felt like the missing piece of the puzzle he was looking for. It was staggering. 
Doc looked back to the younger sibling, finding him to be stimming up a storm. The jacket suited him surprisingly well, the faded hues blending well with his hair and skin tone. Doc could easily see the boy growing into the jacket and have it become an easy part of his iconic killjoy outfit.
It took a lot of convincing for Kobra to try on the other jacket. This jacket was all red and much heavier, thicker, stuffier and once again far too large. 
Doc hummed in thought, looking over the 'joy.
"It's a motorbike jacket, we gotta get you a bike to go with it," he said casually. In passing just to wipe the confusion of both the siblings' faces. They all still understood it as a promise, they would get him a bike to go with it.
Dr D watched with pride as Kobra took to the first jacket immediately, wearing it every day he could. A year or two later, after they'd found him a sketchy city surgeon to give him top surgery and supply him with HRT, Kobra reinstated his love for the jacket as he filled it out with some muscle. The jacket no longer swamped him and hid his figure, the tighter fit brought him a constant sense of confidence and security. 
Kobra's name grew from being unheard of to being whispered in alleyways, his reputation in duels and rumbles turned heads. People started to recognise him by his iconic jacket, bleached hair and sunglasses. People started to know who he was, when walking past a deck o’ cards, it wasn’t only his sibling who was spoken about in admired, hushed words. 
When Kobra and Poison were grown, with two close friends, Doc was sure they'd run off with to start a crew of their own. They celebrated their final zone birthday before Doc had to watch his first two permanent strays leave him behind (it was dramatic, 
 he'd still have Pony living him with and 'joys from all over the zones popping in and out) 
Zone birthdays were important for city borns. Zone birthdays were for the fortunate bats that made it for more than a year in the desert, an anniversary of the day they escaped Bli’s black and white life and making it to the zone's neon. Dr D knew he'd have to make this one a big one, give them the biggest presents he could before they were suddenly gone, not filling the Radio Shack with excited laughter, ramblings, fights and endless creativity. He'd miss those venom kids.
Doc left for a week to secure Kobra’s present, leaving Poison’s present to Pony (he put his trust into them, knowing they always had luck on their side) 
He left Cherri in charge, being the second oldest (which really wasn't that far ahead of the siblings) and slightly more responsible than Pony. Cherri was much more laid back than the Doc, less strict on the rules, basically letting the 'joys do whatever they liked as long as they didn't die or leave any evidence behind to a crime.
That's how the venom siblings ended up drunk on Zonemead, rambling to the poor guy about anything and everything. As it often did, their conversation gradually drifted to the color red and its significance. That piqued Cherri’s interest, because it lit up Kobra’s face (his eyes widened slightly, the biggest facial expression he'd make these days) and his hands curled in the thick fabric of his pants.
The topic stuck, going over psychology, theory and speculation. They came to one conclusion, red was important. It was a stable of not only the desert, killjoys and revaluation, but life in general. Cherri could vividly describe to you the suffocating feeling of being around something larger than you. The feeling that always choked him up after having a long conversation with the venom siblings. 
While Cherri was primarily there to keep everyone alive and well, his job was to also distract them. The presents they were getting weren't exactly easy to conceal as time goes on. 
Doc always got discounts, no matter where he went. He was the only zone-wide radio host, keeping everyone company on their best and worst days. He was every 'joy’s friend, everyone knew his name and radio station number by heart. For many lone wolves, he was the only friend they had. He wasn't shocked when he got to the shop where he ordered Kobra’s custom bike and they immediately docked the price so heavily it cost the same as a box of power pup. It helped that everyone knew who Kobra Kid was. He pretended not to notice the 'joy getting starry eyed at the mention of the boy, for their sake.
Pony was admittedly running late on Poison’s present. They hadn't actually thought about anything to get the red head, just trusting that they'd stumble across something perfect like they always did. It was a day and half after Doc left and they still haven't done much more than hop couches and wander the zones like they always did. The crew they were running with for the day was familiar, a young crew who had been hanging around the radio station every now and again. 
"Pony!" One of them yelled out, a pink haired boy who went by Sandman.
"Yes, darlin'?" They hummed, skating over to where the 'joy had been rummaging through a few dilapidated buildings. Pony hadn't bothered joining, their skates not faring too well through the rubble, they didn't fancy eating concrete that particular day. 
"I think there's something shiny you might like there," he grinned back, sweeping his arm to a rusted garage. Maybe the buildings once belonged to a neutral village, there wasn't enough color for it to point towards it being a killjoy village and the architecture looked plain. 
Pony rolled over to the entrance, leaning over to peak under the roller door that Sandman forcefully pried open moments prior.
What they saw, they'd have never expected to see out in the dregs of zone 5. A car, dusty and half covered with a sheet that Sandman had clearly just moved. It was a nice car, sleek and looked like it was once well looked after. Pony wasn't a motorhead, they couldn't have told you what kind it was but it really was shiny.
"Wow, a Trans am! Haven't seen one of those in real life before!" Another 'joy in the crew whistled, his coily hair bouncing around his head. He ducked under the garage door, marvelling at the vehicle.
The familiar thing in Ponys chest clicked, they knew they'd found the right present. They sent a quick 'thank you' to the deities before ducking under the door themselves. 
Just like that, a few days of work on the car and Doc's tedious journey back with a new bike, they secured both the venom siblings a shiny new vehicle for their fresh start.
Birthday parties always worked the same in the radio shack. It'd be done in the lounge, where there was the most space. They'd wrapped and wheeled Kobras present into the room, and had just wrapped the keys to Poison's car tightly up in a box. The siblings always had a race to open their presents first, the wrapping getting more intricate and difficult over the years. 
The siblings got blindly placed in front of their presents, Jet's hands covering Kobras eyes and Ghoul's covering Poisons.
Both the presents were wrapped wildly, layers of tape, paper, wire, anything they could get their hands on to make the packaging impossible to tear open quickly. The venom siblings always knew how to get through it anyway, finding which string to pull and what wire to rip. 
They were both rocking on the balls of their feet as everyone counted down, excitement thrumming through their veins. 
As soon as Doc yelled 'go!' They were scrambling. Poison threw themselves onto their knees, pulling the little box onto their lap and throwing off the first layer of newspaper. Kobra had immediately wrapped his hands into the first layer, snagging some string underneath. They were both much too busy trying to win the race to think about what their gifts may be, neither even so much as glancing at the other's present. 
The room was full of screaming and cheering, incoherent yells of names and directions. Kobra felt his heart rise into his throat as his fingers met a white sheet. They always used fabric as the final layer between the wrapping and the present, to try ensure no damage was done to the actual gift in the onslaught. He heard poison scream next to him, so he assumed they'd hit the fabric as well. He desperately clawed the fabric away, only to be left utterly speechless despite the overwhelming noise around him.
It was a motorbike. Not a city one either, a real honest to Witch zone made motorbike. It was painted a shiny blood red.
Poison furrowed their brow as they tore open the box, throwing the fabric covering the small item inside. They were faced with a pair of keys. They looked handmade and a bit junky, like most keys were in the zones. It took them a long moment to realize it was a set of car keys. The ribbon holding them together was a faded red. 
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piercedpressure · 2 years
how has deja evolved over the years? i swear she gets redesigned like every few months /pos lol
LMAOOO ud be right cause shes changed stories each year (im painfully indecisive), this year is the only story ive genuinely been interested in exploring since i finally landed on a genre i think would fit her best? and i consider her redesigns to be a sort of progression into how ive grown as a writer and maybe as a person since shes been with me for so long lmao
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ill place this under read more cause ill go into condensed detail about her evolution for her characterization, her design, and a small timeline for her story contexts but tl;dr shes grown so much and has gotten way more complex. i love her so much
2017-early 2018: she actually started out as a sona concept! design wise, nothing really special tbh, i was throwing stuff i really liked. for 2017, she was just a throwaway concept, but i was rapidly improving towards the end of that year...
mid-2018: ... that i ended up reusing her concept as a character concept, and during that year, i made an au with a friend that spiraled into something that lasted about the next 2 years, that then included her as one of the main characters LMAO. i wanted to draw crazy hair and also a cute mask, so i did. i ended up making it so that the masks were to both hide her identity (shes a fugitive in the au) and to be some sort of metaphor. her personality was very outwardly sweet, but she could also kill you so it best to not get on her bad side, but she was also in a constant learned helplessnes. big deja year
2019: design wise, i removed the mask, made her fatter (despite me not knowing how to draw fat people yet), and made her sorta baby-faced, since her character is a lot more childish during this bit? story wise, her story was included in an anthology about different kinds of love in a post-apocalyptic fantasy world. during this time, i was going through a Lot mentally, and it sorta marked the beginning of a really horrible period in my life thats still kind of ongoing, so i used her story in a more experimental sense so i can figure out different workarounds in an escapist way? this is also when i started pairing her with her now-partner-in-stories, lualhati, and from this point, lulu and deja are inseparable
2020: for this year, i was sorta putting her story off? i was really struggling to figure out what to do with it other than the deja/lulu love story, but at the same time, that marked me going through a journey of adding fat people to my work. dejas always been small fat, but her body hasnt actually been drawn well enough. we all start from somewhere though. she was a lot more calm in this version, and is sort of a leader figure for a village in a fantasy world. but i wasnt really feeling it.........
2021: last year was when i really started digging deep into what i wanted to do. i wanted weird gay trans cathartic art. so dejas story was that. still wasnt really feeling it, but u can tell i was really experimenting trying to land on something i was passionate about. while i did like her design since its a turning point in my art, and its visually loud (the color palette, holy shit), IT WAS SO HARD TO DRAW? i understand that 2021 me was really going at it with very loud and distinct designs, but the reason why i didnt even draw her for months after was because she was so fucking hard to draw. and i didnt put enough effort to portraying her fatness (which will soon become a very important aspect of her character). but were about to pull a gamer move
2022: up until now, since 2018-2019, i wasnt really satisfied with her story. it didnt really fit what i wanted, bc i was mostly concerned with how other people would react if i talked about them, especially since deja/lulu have always been very personal to me. but i had a vision. where deja and lulu are in a revenge drama thriller in a city in the middle of nowhere. and i havent stopped thinking about it day and night ever fucking since. i brought back a lot of elements from past designs (mostly cause i thought theyd look great, i was right), and im finally getting to a point where im figuring out how i draw fat people. now, dejas characterization came really easy to me (hypervigilent, short-tempered, mysterious, a second away from realizing shes trans). her story explores themes surrounding violence, secrets, and suffocating marriages, and while its a far heavier story than the past ones, its the first time ive been genuinely excited to see how its grown. i could ramble about this all day lol
deja is a growing character and she keeps getting better and better every time im exploring her, and she genuinely means the world to me. thank u for reading this if u have decided to read this
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johannesviii · 4 years
This is a long post about Shaman King I started to write ages ago and I don’t have a good title for it
Let me tell you about Shaman King for a few minutes, okay. Because the new anime adaptation is coming in like 3 months and I’m still not ready for it. Also I started to write this post 5 years ago just because I re-read the whole thing at the time and it’s been in my drafts since then. Oops
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But yeah Shaman King was the very first fandom I got into when I first had a real internet access, around 2003-2004. I was around fifteen. The manga was still going. And in retrospect, it was full of problems. Among other things:
Not enough female characters & questionable choices for most of the ones who actually have a part to play in the plot
A black character drawn with big lips (see above), and I REALLY HOPE this is gonna get fixed in the new anime ; I mean even the author stopped drawing him like that a few years ago when he did the “remix tracks” extra chapters so come on please
An imaginary native american tribe who, while pretty cool, is still imagined by a Japanese dude in 1999 soooo yeah there’s some rough corners here and there (edit: got some anon hate about that but I'm sorry, "ancient aliens" tropes always make me uncomfortable)
An art quality which gets worse and worse over time due to deadline pressures and an increasingly exhausted author
Was stopped before it could reach its natural conclusion (the author drew an actual ending years later and tbh it’s great so I’m putting this very low on the list)
So yeah. Manga from 1999. Problematic. Aged badly. It happens.
In retrospect, most of it is such a kick in the metaphorical butt of shonen manga as a whole I can’t believe it was competing against Naruto and One Piece at some point?? Like
It’s a shonen so it plays the "dramatic and sudden power jump” game, but it uses it to reach a surprising conclusion (in the “new” ending I mean)
Most of the characters are “shamans” which means they can see ghosts and spirits, and they use them to fight, to work, or to help other people. This is a manga in which you’re gonna see a Russian shaman channeling a Vodyanoy spirit into a drum to create a torrential flood. You don’t see that in every manga
It’s stated right away that no shaman can be truely, irredeemably bad, because only good-natured people can see ghosts and spirits.
So, no matter how bad a villain may be, they must have had a good nature once even if they look like a complete bastard at the moment.
How far is the author willing to go with that concept? Pretty far
Even without talking about the main villain and how the story ends because, duh, spoilers... Like
My favorite character, who gets a full redemption arc later, cuts someone open in his first chapter
He’s one of the good guys 10 volumes later
Speaking of which the amount of gore in this manga has to be seen to be believed, Jump would never let this happen nowadays
If you’re wondering why this is in the “positive” (......?) list it’s because I was 14/15 and all kids that age crave blood and angst
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The main character, Yoh, pictured above, is very laid-back, and I mean very. He listens to the in-world equivalent of Bob Marley and constantly wears big headphones. Also he wears sandals, and sometimes there’s a weed leaf drawn on his t-shirt
His parents arranged a mariage between him and a girl shaman even though they’re still teenagers, so this would have potential for High Drama - but surprisingly enough it turns out they like each other and after that he just goes around saying “this is my future wife” and she’s like “hello if you touch him I’m going to end you”
It sounds weird and it......... is, tbh, but it’s also refreshing among all the “ugh, girls, yuck” tropes that nearly all shonen mangas used to have at the time
Yoh’s main goal in life is to live with minimal effort
When his grandfather tells him he must train to participate in a shaman tournament which happens every 500 years, because the winner gets a wish granted by the Great Spirit, he decides his wish will be to make everybody’s life easy so that nobody will ever be forced to work or do shit they don’t want to do to survive anymore
Yoh Asakura is a Millenial icon don’t @ me
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Speaking of which
Almost everyone in this series is broke as f█ck
Yoh owns a big house but that’s only because the price was ridiculously low since it’s the most haunted place in Tokyo and nobody else wants to live there. The house is constantly full of other characters (including enemies) who have literally nowhere else to go
The only important character who isn’t broke has money because his family is super rich but he hates all of them because they’re all bastards so it’s super awkward
Another character bought a really cool motorbike but he’s going to be in debt for the next 40 years
Also he’s a hobo
And also bi
What I’m trying to say is: relatable
Also the tournament is held by an imaginary Native American tribe. They’re also broke. All of them. The two judges who are in charge of the main characters live in a cramped appartment and often try to sell souvenirs in the street to pay the rent
I know that’s hashtag problematic but I still love them I can’t help it
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Just like in most shonen mangas the hero seems to amass a big collection of Friends but since everyone is a weirdo in a way or another and comes from all over the world it looks even funnier
At some point during the tournament, the main characters have to form small groups of three in order to participate to the next part. Yoh’s team is one of the strongest teams among the ones we’ve met at this point, and is composed of 1) Yoh, a laid-back sleepy kid wearing toilet sandals 2) the aforementioned bi hobo who’s sad because his current crush is in a rival team, and 3) a thirty-something tatooed guy with no legs and an IV drip and who looks like he hasn’t slept since 1997
Oh and they all wear adds for a bath house
Because remember: everyone’s f█cking broke
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Spoilers for the mid-point of the manga but I need to talk about it because it encapsulates everything I used to love in it
You’ve been warned
At some point the main character, Yoh, is asked to choose between staying in the tournament or resurrect his rival
This is framed as some kind of very heavy, very huge dilemma. Like oh no what will he do. Will he give up his dreams and hopes. Will You Push The Button(tm)
So the choice is presented to him
In a very dramatic way
And he immediately goes “there’s a way to save him?? YES PLEASE”
He doesn’t hesitate a single second and drops the tournament in a heartbeat to save the guy
This scene greatly contributed to make me a better person I’m not even joking at all
I love Yoh
So anyway I don’t have a proper conclusion for this
Shaman King is very flawed and its flaws need to be acknowledged to fully appreciate all the good things in it, and the “old” fandom from more than 15 years ago was a very good formative experience for me because the forum I was on (which was nuked from the face of the internet by a hacker “looking for training grounds” (his words not mine, he posted it on our frontpage a full week before he did it) in 2005, rip) was full of people who were really into criticising every little aspect of the manga but still loved it dearly
And I think that’s a healthy way to enjoy things and I think we should bring this back
Shaman King extremely flawed but full of good things
I still can’t believe it’s back
Johannes out
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luffysbasement · 3 years
didn't realize my last one was that long. Geez (this one is also fucking long, bare with me)
I feel like ever since elementary, all our teachers liked to talk about how the opposite of love isn't hate (there was even a text during 6th? grade about this whole thing.)
Tbh I haven't looked much into lore so I only know the gist of it(I'm such shit, but I know I will have literally no time to study if I get invested in the dsmp) so there may be wild guesses here and there down below.
The way Quackity's expressions ranged from stoic to a weirdly kind smile to aggressively scary and ruthless, it's all just so.. *gestures wildly with hands because I have no words* ..angsty. The grip on Dream's hair like he wants him to listen carefully but he is losing all patience and sanity and sympathy for Dream. The crazed look from Quackity(his last block) is just so cold and bitter and kind of filled with self-pity, like he's been there before (I actually don't know if that's the case lmao) it's the look from textbook villians(I know he's not one) when they become insane and starts spilling all that they know in the most poisonous way possible.
Also, again, last block giving me chills. Sapnap's glare and George just walking away with absolutely no care and no desire to turn around sums it up beautifully. Good work, really really beautiful.
putting this on read more bc i will be ranting LMAO. buckle in, this will be long.
thank you!! :] i absolutely love seeing people see how i organized the colors and panels to be the way they are. and the expressions as well, i had fun making those!
i really like this one bc its short but it goes pretty deep into the lore. i had to think about the flow of the panels and the colors and poses of the comic since its only 3 pages and i dont have much to tell the message aside from those things asgssdfgh
i originally saw the concept (opposite of love isnt hate) from a tiktok HAHAH i dont think weve ever tackled that in literature or anywhere at school unfortunately :(( im a big fan of metaphorical/poetic statements too. tho its technically logical, but weve been so used to hate being described as the opposite of love that its just mind-boggling for me to hear that lol
i actually understand you lol im currently done with school at the present moment but a few months ago i barely even posted, even more drawn anything bc i was so busy with school. since youre still not done, good luck with that!!
but oh lord am i a hoe (a WH**E) for lore.
ive thought of this for a long time now but i just had to urge to get to drawing it when my twt tl starting going deep into c!dream's lore.
i just ABSOLUTELY love lore revolving around the dt. (maybe because im more attached to them whoops)
its just so fascinating to think about. (everything onwards is /rp and /character) also, you said youre not that caught up with lore so if you dont get these things or dont wanna bother/get spoiled, you can just ignore it lol i just really needed to rant about his character thats all, needed to get it off my chest phew
dream from the start had a plan: make everyone on the server hate him and build a prison for someone so strong it'll be needed. for me there is no way he was talking about tommy or techno then. no way.
he definitely had a fall to corruption. what he did with tommy during exile, that one is inexcusable ofc but the other things??? destroying the community house, siding with techno during his arrest, even destroying a whole ass country (this one might just be him reaching his limit against lmanberg, being the first and basically only country to defy him sm and stuff)
its weird and interesting in a way. what he did, the destruction, telling everyone he has no more attachments, not even sapnap and george, putting george on the throne then dethroning him not long after-- all these things just seems like it's part of his plan you know???
but like, what for? why? what does he want? earlier in the smp, he just wanted to build a home for them, one that will grow and be beautiful (theres a certain tiktok edit of this one, i am going to cry) he was such a good guy in the earlier days, he just wanted to take care of the server and take on the responsibilities expected of him but it just all... fell?
but even then, from the start, i cant help but think that he was already alone. sure, he had sapnap and george and the others but after everything: after sapnap was so quick to jump on tommy's side after ONE thing that dream said in the heat of the moment to threaten tommy (the 'i dont care about anything' bit), not trying to clear it up with dream and with george being so quick to side with other people's statement (dream dethroned him bc he hates him, etc) than dream's own (to protect george), its just so sad. not to mention even before everything, those two formed new nations without dream before; while dream was fighting for his own alone, they didn't really care enough. they did this again, with kinoko kingdom but tbf, the destruction of the community house felt like the end of the greater dream smp.
its just... sad and tragic, his whole character. his life is like the joker, baby. BAHAHAHA
sorry about that, the c!dream apologist in me needed to breathe
glad you think its beautiful hehe <3
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prettyboy-parker · 4 years
favorite fics of 2020 (and a goodbye)
hi all!
first, i wanted to say this is inspired by one of my closest friends my bitch @honeybunstarker . thank u for that 
secondly, i wanted to say a final goodbye. i know that i nearly left a few months ago, but i was still on the fence about writing for marvel then. now, ive lost all interest. thank you all for fueling my love for writing, and making these past two (??? i actually don’t know) years full of excitement and encouragement! from the ups (the blocklist, secret santa) to the downs (my favorite blogs and friends deactivating without a word), ive had the greatest time in this fandom. 
in case you were worried, i am NOT deactivating. my fics will be available for you to read whenever you want.
but, i will not be writing for marvel anymore, nor will i be posting on this blog.
now that the sad part is done, i didn't want to leave you guys without anything to entertain yourselves with. so, here are my favorite fics, including some non-marvel, from this year! 
(all descriptions are from the work itself)
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my top fic from this year, which is also one of my favorite fics of all time, is a dog named sunshine.
“Bucky Barnes has issues. Mental health issues, and a whole lot of them, to be precise. Bucky is fucked up, and he knows that. His apartment looks like a dumping ground on most days, he can’t sleep through the night, sometimes he doesn’t shower for six days and doesn’t leave the house except to see his therapist once a week. Mostly, Bucky has no idea how the whole “talking about your problems” thing is supposed to help him, but sometimes his therapist has some really great ideas. Like getting a dog. Which is how Bucky meets Steve. Steve has blond hair and shoulders as broad as Bucky’s future if he wouldn’t suffer from depression and multiple mental disorders, and a waist as small as Bucky’s self-esteem. Steve also has a yellowish dog with floppy ears called Sunshine. And sunshine makes its way into Bucky’s life with a bounce in its step.”
a modern stucky fic which portrays depression in the best way i have seen in a fic so far. unfortunately, it has been orphaned before being finished :(
hey baby, slip between my beta-pleats and get to know my alpha-helix? By @starkerforlife6969​ and @darker-soft-starker​
“Even though Tony can't tell the difference between Manolo Blahnik and Jimmy Choo, Peter really has no other choice.
His heat is around the corner, so even though he loathes the party-going, booze drinking, smug playboy know-it-all that is Tony Stark-
He'll just have to do.”
if you asked me what my favorite starker fic of all time is, i’d tell you it’s this one
raising hybrid puppies by jaypendragon
“A non-powered Tony/Peter coffee shop AU with billionaire Tony and working-class, teenage Peter. Also, Toomes has a bakery and somehow Last Week Tonight is a genuine plot point.”
underage, slowburn, happy ending 
even though it’s one of the most notorious fics for the ship, i never read it until the summer. 
waiting for marriage by tuesday 
“In which Tony gets married and kidnapped in that order.
Tony Stark went to Vegas to cause a scandal.”
just super fun!
push you out (pull you back in) by @lovelystarker​
“So basically, Peter's kind of fucked. And not in the way that he wants to be-preferably by his mother's hot new boyfriend who has beautiful brown eyes and a disposition that's more than put-together. It wouldn't be so hard to ignore the crush, really it wouldn't, but Mr. Stark has practically moved in, so Peter can't avoid him if he wants to, and unlike his mom's past boyfriends, this one actually likes to spend time with him. So yeah, Peter's kind of fucked.”
just,,, wow. important to note that it is unfinished.
you go to my head by alby_mangroves and brideofquiet
“Why would you do that for a man you don’t know?” Bucky asks.
Steve raises one slow eyebrow at him, then the other, till his expression turns from skepticism to disbelief. His forefinger and thumb reach into his shirt’s front pocket and draw out a wrinkled dollar bill.
Steve looks him in the eye when he says, very patiently, “For money, Bucky.”
40′s stucky is my favorite stucky
that boy is a problem by 2best friends
“In which a twinky little goth punk named Bucky puts a leash around Steve's dick and he's really into it.
(The leash is a metaphor. For now.)”
just porn
all the angels and the saints by speranza 
“In which Steve Rogers loses God and finds God and loses God, and also: Bucky.”
if it makes you cry, it’s probably good!
sugar sweet by colorcoated 
“College Student Bucky finds himself immediately attracted to Steve. He knows that Steve's a bit older than him, and that Steve himself is put off by the age difference. . . But that doesn't stop Bucky from wanting to climb him like a tree.”
the only slowburn i have tolerated 
my bucky by cleo4u2 and xantissa 
“Bucky finds a feral Alpha in the woods. Rather, the Alpha finds him. Bucky is sure it’s the end of his life as an independant Omega. It turns out to be the beginning of the strangest romance Bucky’s ever known.”
(i want you to see) the darkest side of me by ann2who
“In Monte Carlo, Steve meets the wealthy widower Anthony Stark. It’s love at first sight—at least for Steve—and he can’t believe his luck when Tony asks him to live at Stark Mansion, his large estate in Malibu. Never in his life had Steve thought something like this was possible… never had he been this happy. However, soon Steve realizes that Tony is still deeply troubled by the death of his first wife and haunted by the many ghosts she left behind. The longer Steve lives in her shadow, the more he understands that… He can never be what Tony’s wife had once been for him. And Tony might never truly love him.”
total mindfuck.
let it be by lucifersfavoritechild
“While dealing with his son's car accident and a rapidly-dissolving marriage, Tony is drawn to Peter's surgeon, Dr. Stephen Strange.”
where severus snape is hot, not a stalker, and somehow gets the girl by utopiste
“Or: Peter Parker is sick and wants to cut his Neuroscience class. Tony just wants to help (and maybe date his son's hot teacher). Stephen Strange just wants to give his lecture in peace.”
geraskier: who needs plans anyways by NTK
“All witchers are alphas or betas by nature, since no omega has ever survived the Trial of the Grasses. Gerald has never had any problems with satisfying his needs on the occasional rut, for the whores from Poviss to Nilfgard were eager to be of service to a sturdy hunk like him. On the other hand, a certain omega/ bard/ occasional witcher tagalong has always made certain to acquire enough suppressants from local healers before setting out on a new adventure. That is, until the travels with his favourite White Wolf led the unlike pair into uncharted territory for longer than expected… life ensues”
philtriss: bound by sapphiresmoke
“Leashing involves a pupil being bound to their master in body, mind, and magic,” Philippa explained, folding her hands on the desk in front of her. “It is not something to undertake lightly, but if you accept, I will be able to share my magic with you, and instruct you in ways that would be otherwise be impossible if I were to only rely on verbal communication. It is intimate, it is at times invasive, but if you consent to this, Triss, it will make you vastlymore powerful, and from the look in your eyes, that seems to be exactly what you are looking for.”
vandermatthews: one more night like this would put me six feet under by jukeboxgraduate
“To be alongside the same person week after week, to share honesty and trust with someone day after day, is a rare treasure in a life that hinges on dishonesty. Hosea holds it close to his heart.”
din/cobb: every wave is a tidal if you hang around by wolfhalls 
“Din comes to Mos Pelgo, and finds a lot more than he was looking for.”
and finally, rough day by @no-droids​, because we all need to be a little indulgent sometimes.
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littlebitoffanfic · 4 years
Fandom: The Collector/The Collection Character: Asa Emory – the collector Relationship: Asa Emory/reader Request: Since I have seen you do some slashers, can I request Asa from The Collector? Something sweet where the reader works with him and is an alibi and then saves him when Arkin comes for him in the collection?
  You knew him from your work although you didn’t know him well. Asa was a private man, reserved to his office and displays for the museum. You were tour guide with a hand in some of the office work. After all, the museum didn’t get an awful amount of funding to be able to employee more office workers. Today, you were happy. It was a sunny day, which meant people were less likely to come to the museum for an indoor activity. Your tours still ran ever 2 hours, but a smaller group had less questions and you could normally be done within an hour, leaving an hour free. You all but skipped down the halls like a school girl, your project held tightly in your arms as you stopped outside Dr Emory office. knocking three time, you waited for him. He towered over you, and had such a demanding presences that made you weak at the knees. Your crush on his was not unnoticed by your co-workers. 
“Good morning.” You smile, trying your best to work through the flutters in your chest. “Its 1.30.” he stated, his eyes unreadable. “Oh, well, good afternoon. Could I steal a few minutes of your time?” You ask, nearly slapping yourself in the face for your mistake. His eyes darted to the folder in your arms and he stepped aside, allowing you to enter. This was a privilege in itself. Barely anyone was allowed within his office. But Asa seemed to tolerate you more than the others. Perhaps because you were his neighbour. Now that had truly been a happy accident. His previous neighbour was selling and you were looking for somewhere when you moved here. It just so happened that your neighbour to your left was also a co-worker. Entering his office was like entering a new world. The walls were decorated with various bugs throughout different ages in their lives. Butterfly’s, beetles and roaches but the most prominent member of his displays were spiders. Your attention was drawn to a particular specimen. Pinned in a shadow box was a blue spider. The sign under called it a Cobalt Blue Tarantula. “Wow, those markings are fascinating.” You mumble aloud, more to yourself that to the mans whos office you were in. “Truly. The Cyriopagopus lividum.. native to the borders of Thailand.” Asa speaks so fondly of the dead creature that it makes you smile slightly. There was no denying his love for his work. “Are they venomous?” You ask, purely out of curiosity. “Yes, but the venom not strong enough to kill an adult human. Although its not pleasant.” Asa walks past you to his desk and drawing you from your thoughts. “Now, you wanted something?” “Yes, I was wondering if you might help me with an exhibition.” You hold out the folder to him as you sit at the other side of his desk. He takes it and opens it, showing a sort of mood board you had put together ranging from other exhibitions to enclosures to photo life-spans of certain creatures. “an exhibition?” His eyes flick up to meet your own with curiosity. In truth, you hated how under appreciated he was at the museum and his knowledge should be put to good use. “Yes, for insects. Of course, I’d do most of the work, but I’d really apricate someone who I can fact check with and can offer some insight.” You smile sweetly, and the small smile that pulled at Asa’s lips told you that he was in.
-------------time skip ------------------
Your time spend with the entomologist was one of the most pleasant and interesting interactions you had had in a while. Walking to his office, you held your papers in your hands. You were about to knock when you heard voices inside. Pressing your ear against the door, you listened. “Dr Emory, unless you can provide an alibi for your whereabouts on Saturday evening, we will have enough to arrest you under suspicious of connection with the collector killings.” A voice spoke with authority. Your heart stopped. The collector killings had fascinated you ever since they had come to light. And Asa, well, he was a private man. If they were threatening such a thing, there must be something behind it. And you wanted to know. The two men that seemed to cloud your thoughts could be one. Your mind thought quickly as you came up with a plan. Knocking on the door, you walked in without waiting – something you never really did. Once inside, you acted like a deer in headlights. Two men sat opposite Asa’s desk  in suits. “oh, sorry. Are you from the board?” You asked sincerely but you didn’t let them answer before quickly adding. “Look, Dr Emory and I are neighbours. Its perfectly reasonable for us to spend our evenings and weekends in each others company. Besides, if Tiffany told you about us, she has been having an affair with the janitor.” You could tell Asa was just as stunned as you were. One of the men smiled and stood. “You don’t need to be alarmed, miss. We are from the investigations team.” He then presented his ID badge to you. “Oh, gosh. I am so sorry.” You looked stunned, despite already knowing. “Its okay. But I am interested in what you said. Do you know where Dr Emory was on Saturday evening between 5pm and 11pm?” The man leaned back on Asa’s desk while the other twisted to fully look at you. “He was with me.” You said, talking to the two detectives. “At my house.” “with you? He said he was home alone.” The one with the strong jaw line narrowed his eyes at you. “Yes, well, its not against any policies, our director has been known to fire people for having… interpersonal relationships with colleagues. We’d agreed to keep it a secret. He would have been trying to protect me, in case this got out to the others.” You explain to them, not daring to look at Asa. You knew you were playing with fire here. But what you said wasn’t a stretch. The director had fired a member of the geology department… for sleeping with his wife in astrology. He really cared what staff did as long as they did their job. And didn’t fuck his wife.   “Is this true?” He asked Asa, who gave a single nod. “And is there anyone who can corroborate this?” The detective asked you, more kindly than the others. “Not really. As I said, it was a secret so I’d appreciate it if you kept this between us. Although, you can ask half the staff in this building and they’ll tell you that ive had a crush on the man since I moved here, and they know we have been spending more time together. They are so fond of teasing me for it anyway.” You manage to draw a chuckle from one as he jabbed the other detective in the shoulder which earned a smile. Apparently, there was a similar situation going on where they were. “Right, well, we’d better be on our way. We’ll be back in touch soon.” The one sitting rose to his feet, nodding to both you and Asa before he and his partner left. They left and the door had closed for a brief moment before you felt someone grab your arm and you were twisted to meet Asa. He didn’t say anything and his cheeks were slightly red, but his ears were bright red. “So, you are the collector?” You breathe, looking up at him with a small smile tugging on your lips. “What do you want?” He growled, his voice low and menacing. Oh, he wasn’t happy. “I want to know.” You breath, stepping closer to him. “You take parts, right? What do you do with them? Keep mementos? Are you making something?” His nostrils flares out, obviously angry. You understood. You had let yourself into his world, and he couldn’t do a thing about it. He couldn’t kill you because it would point the fingers back to him. No, it was smart to keep you close. He let out an exasperated sigh, reaching up and pinching his brow. “look, once this has blown over for you, I wont say a word. I don’t expect anything for it. If you don’t want to tell me, you don’t have to.” You reassured him. “Why?” His eyes narrow at you, but you shrug. “honestly, you fascinate me.” You confess to the man, even more intrigued than before. You saw the smirk that twitched at the side of his mouth.
----------------- time skip ------------
The world of the collector was one you never dreamed you would see inside, and you loved it. It took trust to get him to let you see. First you saw the inside of the hotels lobby, then some traps, then some of the beautiful creations he made, then his prize possession. you never participated, but you provided a bit more support for him, offering help from the side lines in exchange for information and his time. If he was suspicious of you, he couldn’t deny the genuine interest in your eyes as he spoke, or how you hung on every word of his. He seemed to love how you marvelled at everything with a child-like innocents. Wide eyes and a curious mind. He kept you very close, at work and in your personal lives. It took 5 months in total for the cops to ease up off of Asa, but they still occasionally found their way to his house, watching it. He would come to yours in those situations, still keeping the façade up that you were in some kind of relationship.   Not that you cared. You found that the two of you had a lot in common which made the time easily spent. Of course, his dogs loved you. When you came round to his, they were pawing at the floor to get to you but waited for their master to give them the signal to move. They really were puppies at heart. Also, sometimes you thought Asa just said they were there to spend time with you. Either way, you didn’t mind. Tonight, you were buried in a book when a harsh knock at your door made you jump but you hurried to answer it, finding a slightly wet Asa. You smiled, stepping aside and allowing him to step in. “You’d think the police budget within the millions by how much they come around.” You giggle, helping his jacket off his shoulders to hang up to dry. He hummed in response, wiping his face with a hand to try get the stray rain droplet off. “So, how was your recent game?” you asked as he followed you into the living room, where you had been reading. You collapsed back into the couch and held your book on your lap. “Uneventful. No one worthy to take.” He mused as he walked over to your book shelf and pulled out the book he had been reading last time. As he returned to your sofa to sit beside you – a show for the police outside – the book fell open to the page he had been reading. But instead of the paperclip he had been using to keep his place, it was a book mark. A novelty bookmark that you had swiped from the gift shop. It was one of those fake 3D ones, with spiders moving on green leaf’s. You raised your book over your mouth to hide your grin. “very amusing.” He soft chuckle left his lips as he placed it to the side. You giggled, moving to reposition yourself. Your sofa faced the TV which was to the right of the window. Meaning anyone who walked by outside could see in. but it was a quiet neighbourhood. Apart from the undercover police. You lay on the sofa, your legs draped over Asa’ lap which you rested your head on some pillows propped up against the arm rest. Asa rose the book without tearing his eyes away from it to allow your legs to move before lowering to rest his forearms on your knee and thighs. Despite being a bit of a play for the police, it began to feel a little more real. You would engage him in conversation through out the evening, and he would tear his attention away from the book to ask you about your day. In fact, you had started to think that Asa had missed this. With the police’s interest dwindling, so had his trips. Even your encounters in work were now limited as you had finished your exhibition. Or many it was just the part of you that had fallen so madly in love with the man that wished he wanted your company. Your eyes left the page to glance at his face. mature features with intelligent eyes. You hated how he could make your heart stop. Maybe this was fake to him, but it was so real to you. Turning your attention back to your book, you didn’t look up until the sun had fully set. Glancing at the clock, you were surprised to see it was nearly 10pm. “Gosh, I swear I’ll never get use to these changing sunsets. Every year it takes me by surprise.” You sit up, stretching as Asa chuckles. Leaning forward, you press a kiss to his cheek before lifting your legs off his lap to stand up. Asa followed, and you smiled when he marked his page with the bookmark you had gotten him. “You’re nearly finished. I told you it’s a page turner.” You nodded to the book, which he was nearly finished save for 50 pages. “Yes, all the more reason to come back.” He shot a look over his shoulder that made you smirk. Playful teasing had become something you adored in the man. It was another reason that made you doubt this was fake. They couldn’t hear what was happening, so why play around. Sliding the book back into the slot, he picked up the remote which had been forgotten on the sofa to go to the window and place it on the stand. A ploy for him to see if they were still watching the house. “I think you’re right. They get far too much funding. It could be going to the museum.” He mused as he turned back to you. Maybe they needed to see more. Or maybe you wanted more. Just to test the waters. Walking up to him, you reach up and placed your hands on his shoulders. “Kiss me?” You whisper to him, pressing your body against his own. Wide eyes met your own and you couldn’t help but giggle. “They can see through the window.” That was enough to encourage the man to duck down, pressing a kiss to your lips. he could have lightly kissed your lips and pulled away after a few moment, but he didn’t. In fact, you were sure he had forgotten all about the car outside. His arms wrapped around your waist and you were pulled tight against his strong chest as his lips fought your own for dominance which you quickly surrendered. His tongue slipped inside your mouth, making you moan as reach up and place your hand on the back of his head near his neck to keep his mouth to your own. Not like he was pulling away any time soon. you felt him push you backwards and you allowed him to push you till your back hit the wall and he pinned you to it. they couldn’t see you anymore, but you didn’t care. Raising your right leg, you hooked it around his hip as his hand trailed down your side and followed the curve to your thigh, holding you in that position. He was driving you crazy, his touch was like fire as you cling to him. When he does pull back, you are left a panting mess with rosy cheek. But his tell was his red ears despite the smirk on his lips. “So, tell me, where does the line between fake and real stop?” he asks, keeping his face close to your own. “With a kiss like that.” You bite your lower lip, completely aware of how his hand had kept your leg hooked on his hip. “The police aren’t outside. They left over an hour ago.” Asa’s voice was low, barely about a whisper. “They did?” You raise your eye brows at him. A nod answers your question and you were left pondering your next move. “Good.” As leans down, sealing his lips over your own.
 -----time skip ------
 You were sitting in your living room, half heartedly flicking through the channel when you notice Asa’ car drive past your window. Smiling, you turn off the TV and grab your small bag. It was a Friday, which meant that Asa worked late. But it also meant you would be staying over with him. A few weeks ago, shit had really hit the fan. You really didn’t know what happened, expect that the hotel was burned to the ground, and Asa only just escaped with his life. He was badly hurt, and you were thankful that he had taken a week off for holidays. It had been holidays he was going to spend with you in his cabin up north, but plans changed. You stayed by his side during his recovery. Asa had lost nearly everything that night. His creations, his sanctuary, his dogs, his prizes. But he had been thankful to come home to you. He had extended his own holiday but you returned to work the next week. He said he had fallen while on a hike so no one questioned his cuts and bruising when he did go back. You took your bag and left your home for the evening, locking it up as you set to go to Asa. He had regained most of his energy and health back, which you were hoping he might be up for something a little more… activity related tonight. The lingerie in your bag certainly hoped so. he was already out the car and into the house as you walked up. But something caught your eye. In his living room, there was someone hiding in the corner. Your breath caught in your throat as you recognised the man. His name was Arkin. He had been the one who had escaped Asa, the one who caused his injuries. You only recognised him because Asa had pointed him out when the new came on one evening. And you highly doubted that he was here to say a friendly hello. Running around the back, you ducked under the window so as not to be seen. You ditched your bag in a bush as you made your way to the back door just as you heard heavy metal music blare through the house. You wanted to scream to Asa, but the glint you had seen in Arkins hands wasn’t enough to tell you if it was a gun or a knife. Slipping into his kitchen, you heard the music being turned off and then silence. You took a large knife from the knife block on the counter and held it as if to stab. And you were willing to. Then you slowly opened the bottom draw, which had some duct tape in it. You round the edge, only slightly pulling it off. If you were going to hurt someone, they cant make a lot of sound. You moved into the hallway which connected to the living room and dinning room. “All those insects. You’re quite the collector.” A voice, Arkins voice spoke, making you pause as you made sure no one knew you were here. “In a 200 mile radios from where we last saw each other, there are 14 licensed entomologists. You were number 12.” As Arkin spoke, you moved slowly down the hallway, looking behind you ever second in case someone else was here. “Your daddy ran a museum, didn’t he? Fucked you up real good.” His words made you feel sick. Asa never spoke of his father. His mother was held with high regard, and he said he wanted you to meet her when she was next in town. But he had shut off when you asked about his father. Arkin was right. “Turn around.” You pressed your back against the wall as you inched closer to the doorway. Tape in your left hand, the edge taped to your finger, and the knife in the other. You could see from the glass display cabinet that Asa and Arkin were standing face to face near the entrance to the dinning room. Arking had his back to you. And a gun raised at Asa’ face. Fear rushed through you as the analogy of ‘don’t bring a knife to a gun fight’ flooded your mind. “Are you here to kill me?” Asa spoke with a calmness you couldn’t fathom. “No. that would be too nice. First im gonna make sure feel everything that I felt. Then im gonna kill you.” You could hear the smugness in his voice. “So that you can never hurt anyone-“ He was cut off as Asa lunged at him. But Arkin gave a swift jab to the face, causing him to tumble back. Into a red box. Your gasp was covered as Arkin flipped the box and started slamming the lid shut again and again, growling “fuck you.”  Before the lack closed. he stepped back, gasping for air. He thought he was alone. Darting into the room, you raise the knie and bought it down into his right shoulder and an angle. He instantly dropped the gun. Letting go of the knife for a moment, you grabbed the roll of tape and started wrapping it round and round his mouth. He had only just managed to let out a cry of pain as his legs gave way under him. He reached up, struggling so you grabbed the knife and pulled it from the flesh. Using the sharp, bloodstained blade, you cut the tape and he collapsed to the ground moaning. You gave him a quick kick in the face before kicked the gun that had fallen out of reach. The last thing you needed was neighbours calling the police for gunfire at the house. You raced over to the box. “Asa, its me.” You reassured him through the small walls in case he tried to attack whoever opened the box. When you pulled the lid open, he scrambled to his feet, the anger in his eyes blazing as he found his attacker on the floor. Arkin was groaning, unable to move just yet but you were sure he’d be up and about soon enough. “Your hands.” You whispered, reaching out and taking his right hand which was covered in blood from Arkin slamming the box down. Your heart broke. He had not long healed. Arkin began to come around, his eyes darting between the two of you as he realized what had happened. He looked at you with an unimaginable about of rage and anger in his eyes as he tried to scream. Asa darted forward, twisting him around and pinning him to the ground, a knee in his back and his hand pressing on the new wound. “The tape.” He commanded of you, and you immediately grabbed the duct tape which had rolled away slightly. Finding the end, you saw Asa grabbing Arkins left hand and you mirrored with his right. Bringing them forcefully behind his back, you taped them in place, then went to tape his ankles together. Once satisfied, Asa hauled the man off the ground and threw him into the box, the lid closing over with the force. Asa flipped the latch. Looking him inside. You didn’t realise you were panting and shaking until Asa was looking at you. Racing forward, you wrap your arms around his torso and bury your face in his chest. “He didn’t hurt you, did he?” He ask, holding him as tightly as you could. A bloody hand stroked your cheek as another rubbed your back to sooth you. “No, you got here right on time.” There was a softness to his voice that made you melt as you looked up at him and smiled. “I’m too late to be a guard dog. Ludwig or Vivaldi wouldn’t have let him get close enough to hurt you.” You shake your head as you pull back, taking his hands in your own once again to inspect the damage. But he turned his hands over and took your own. “How about we go up to the cabin this weekend?” Asa askes, his question not very well fitted for the currant moment. “huh?” Your eyes glanced to the box which was moving slightly as Arkin struggled. “Oh, we’ll take him. And, since I am out of commission right now, perhaps I can show you some tricks.” Asa smirked as your eyes light up at his words. “Yes!” You bounce on the balls of your feet. You went up on your tiptoes to kiss him, resisting every urge not to pull him upstairs to his bedroom right now. Pulling back, you dart down and pick up the gun, offering it to Asa. “I’ll go get some stuff to see to your hands. And I’ll run back and pack a quick bag and then come and pack your things. I think I should drive, though. You’ll have to give me instructions.” You rattle off, the excitement obvious in your voice. “Oh, you’ll get use to taking instruction this weekend.” Asa whispered in your ear, making you blush and bite your lip with a smirk. Arkin seemed to get a burst of energy and started flaying around in the box, which only moved slightly. “He truly is annoying, isn’t he?” you huffed, hating the moment was ruined by him. Asa simply chuckled and walked up to the box, sitting on it and stopping it from shifting. As you flitted around, gathering supplies and seeing to his hands and then packing his things, Asa watched with a soft eyes. He would be lying if he said he trusted you from the start. And even more so if he admitted there had still been a small part of him that thought you were with the police. but that doubt was well gone. And this weekend, he wanted to celebrate this strange relationship. And oh, what a celebration it would be.
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thingstotellthem · 4 years
hey OP here’s a checkpoint for you!
how are you doing? have you had any water or a snack lately? if not you should get something, you deserve to be properly nourished! get a soft blanket and make yourself comfy, you deserve to rest and treat yourself :-)
is your country still on lockdown? if you go, did you go back to school? were there restrictions when you went back like having to wear a mask? what’s your favorite subject whether it be now or when you were younger since i don’t know how old you are!
what’s your favorite book? movie? do you watch anime? do you like puzzles? do you do any sort of art, and if yes, what’s your favorite medium? (ex: pencil, paint, acrylics, clay, wood, etc.) do you prefer apple juice or orange juice if you drink either of them? have you picked up any new skills over the last few months with the downtime? maybe you baked a loaf of bread! i don’t know! have you done a face mask recently? they’re relaxing :-)
what about your pets if you have them? how many do you have? what kind of animals are they? do you like playing with them if they do that?
final question, how are you really doing? i’m sure your go-to might be that you’re fine, but truly, how are you doing? running this page has got to be taxing on you, are you taking care of yourself as well?
i hope you have a lovely day or night whatever time it is for you when you see this! please take care of yourself, and thank you so much for what you do. this page is a literal lifesaver for myself and i’m sure many others. you’re so wonderful to be doing this. i hope you’re well ❤️
thank you so much for this thoughtful message! if you dont mind, ill answer it under a read more so i dont clog up the dashboard ♥
ive been drinking water steadily all throughout the day! i always carry a bottle of water with me wherever i go so hydration is never an issue. im also about to eat soon and ive been doing nothing but resting today, so no worries on that front!
my country entered lockdown 2.0 in mid-september and were now slowly reopening in two-week increments. i believe this week stores with open air access (so no malls) have opened. im not currently in school, but i know from friends that most classes are being done online with some exceptions. i love any humanities subject, though history and literature are my favorites. i aim to major in history in the future! im 21, turning 22 in december.
my favorite book is, without a doubt, the book thief. its an extraordinary story in every way and the writing is just... chefs kiss! exquisite. i cannot recommend it enough. my favorite movie is inception, though i must admit 1917 is slowly replacing it- it was the last movie i saw in an actual theater before covid and i sat in my seat for five minutes after the credits ended in complete awe. its an incredible movie!! it made me jennie slate scream. i used to watch anime when i was younger, but i havent seen any in at least eight years; i think ive grown out of it, if that makes sense. i do like puzzles! they feel like little exercises for my brain. i write, and i also draw sometimes. ive drawn my first ever vent art last month and it was very cathartic. i prefer orange juice over apple juice, but to honest im not a very big fan of either of them since sweet drinks give me a headache. ive started crocheting a blanket for my soon to be born nephew, which i like- crocheting is very therapeutic and meditative. i havent done a face mask recently, but now i want one.
i have a cat (selek) at my moms and another cat (maeve) and a dog (freddie) at my dads! theyre all doing well, each being a bastard in their own way. freddie likes to play, but shes not very well trained yet so she bites. were working on it!
ive been doing. meh? ive been struggling ever since my grandfather passed away in early may, and other life circumstances have been weighing on me. im doing my best to manage, though rest assured, this blog isnt taxing enough to affect my mental state. i wouldnt be running it if i wasnt able to handle it.
thank you again, the thought youve put into this is very touching. i hope youre doing well and hanging in there yourself. please take care and stay safe ♥
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sprnklersplashes · 4 years
heart of stone (6/?)
Janis ditches the tights and jean shorts by Wednesday. There’s a slight look of ‘I told you so’ on her mother’s face, but she spares Janis the lecture out of politeness. Janis never thought she’d miss them, but here she is.
Sitting cross-legged on her bed, she scribbles another flower on the page, a twin for the one next to it. Not an exact twin, it’s thinner and its petals are more spiked and sharp than the one she drew before it. It’s less inviting, more dangerous. Angry, even. Like if she picked it up she’d cut her finger on it. She hadn’t intended for it to happen; in fact, she’d set out to doodle some pretty little flowers in an attempt to brighten up her sketchbook. But the pencil, as it often does, did what it wanted. She turns it on the side, trying to find a way to like it. It’s not bad work, not her best but certainly not her worst. Maybe she could like it if she had drawn it earlier, but she had really been hoping to get something nice into her book today.
With a sigh, she sets the book on her lap and swings her body around so that her feet dangle over the edge of her bed. Her next round of chemo isn’t due for a few hours, a long stretch of time to attempt to fill with activity. While she’s only been in the hospital for two full days, she’s decided that the worst part is the waiting around for the next thing to happen. Granted, much of that can be put on her as she’s spent more time in her room than she has anywhere else, distracting herself with TV and art and her parents and texting her friends every chance she can get. It all comes together and forms some kind of routine for her, one that’s built with as much familiarity and comfort as possible woven through it. The only downside to it is that the room’s been getting progressively smaller since two days ago and it wasn’t long before it started choking her.  
She left the door slightly open and peers into the hallway, the brightness of the walls striking against the cool tones of her room. She can hear the faint sounds of half-conversations that overlap with each other; nurses gossiping with each other while fiddling with IVs, the inhabitants of the longue talking and laughing about who knows what, doctors prescribing new rounds of medicine. The ward is much more alive than she had Janis ever thought it could be, a constant hum in the background of the day to day life keeps the place awake.
She taps her nails on the cover of her book, her swinging legs gaining momentum as she debates following the pull in her chest, compelling her to maybe leave her room for more than five minutes at a time and follow the sounds of conversation. Maybe talk to people who aren’t her medical team or her parents. Make some friends, because as everyone knows, cancer wards are prime social hotspots. She may not be here forever, but she’ll be here long enough to justify getting comfortable.
What’s the worst that can happen, logic had asked her that first night.
Literally so freaking much, she responded. Friends aren’t exactly her strong suit. Regina was a mistake, Damian was luck, and Cady was a gift. She could indulge her inner loser and tell herself it’s because she’s special and tailor made to a few specific people, but the thought of that makes her roll her eyes. So she faces up to the truth and all it entails; that she’s merely been unlucky in the friendship department, something that can be boiled down to one terrible experience and everything that came after it and lingers long after the smoke has cleared.
You’re being ridiculous she tells herself. If there’s a Regina George clone here, she’ll be thoroughly impressed. So she pulls her boots on and pushes herself off the bed, quickly explaining to her mom that she’s going to hang out in the longue for a bit.
“You need me to come with you?”
“I’m fine,” she says, a small smile on her face as she pulls on a cardigan. She nods at the intense competitive cooking show her mom has on the TV. “Tell me who wins. And don’t leave out any details.”
“Well we both know it’s not going to be Leticia judging by the look of that beef,” she says seriously. Janis clicks her tongue before turning and heading down, her steps smaller than normal and her sketchbook held against her chest like a shield. Her stomach twists uneasily, not from the chemo or anything like that, just from good old-fashioned anxiety. In an odd way, it’s a relief to feel ill in that way.
When she pushes herself past the open doors, all eyes turn to her and only look away to talk with other people. It’s far more populated than the last time she was here, people sitting in groups of two and three, most in pyjamas and some with hats. But all of them in groups, belonging with each other. Is this how Cady felt all those months ago, when she and Damian spotted her heading to the bathroom? Maybe her girlfriend had the right idea that day. A bathroom stall is a way better alternative to a room full of strangers.
Unfortunately, she knows better by now, and so she settles in an armchair as gracefully as she can, her legs tucked beneath her, and tries to shake off the discomfort she feels by opening her book and giving her hands something to do.
“You’re new,” a girl sitting on the floor states. She’s one of the few that actually has hair, dark brown and curly, and it makes Janis feel a little more at ease. Is that bad, she has to ask.
“Third day,” she explains, offering her a small wave. “I’m Janis.”
“Melissa,” she says. She leans back on her arms and exposes a little bandage inside her elbow. Janis pulls her own arm a little closer. Melissa doesn’t seem to notice, instead gesturing to her with her chin.
“What’s that?”
“Oh, this?” she asks, her cheeks growing warm. “Oh, just some drawings I do.”
“Cool,” she says. “So you do art?”
“Sometimes it’s like the art does me," she says dryly, earning a chuckle. “But you know how it is.”
“My best friend says that all the time,” Melissa sighs. “She says she wants to go to art college but I’ve watched her cry over trying to hand in assignments.”
“You sound like my mom,” Janis replies. “Literally every time I bring up doing art in college she tells me how stressful it is.” She shrugs lightly. “She’s not wrong, but it’s the only thing I want to do.”
“Is your mom here?”
“Yeah, she’s back in my room,” she explains. “I left her watching some cooking show on TV.”
“Wow, and you’ve only just here. I’ve been here for a month and I only just got my mom to let me out of her sight,” she sighs, a resigned smile on her face and her eyebrow raised in a silent ‘you know how it is’. “Want to play some Scrabble? We’ve started keeping a scoreboard so we can add you in. We have a whole tournament going.”
“Sounds fun,” Janis says, pushing herself off the chair. “Although I should give you warning, I’m dyslexic, so I kind of suck at it.”
Janis follows her across the longue, slipping her hand into her pocket when she thinks she sees the other girl reach out to her. There’s a pang of guilt in Janis’ chest even though Melissa doesn’t seem to care, and she does her best to work through it. She exchanges names and smiles with other kids, all introduced by Melissa. It’s an odd feeling; she’s not used to being the one who’s introduced. She’s either known people so long she doesn’t need to or she’s the one making the introduction, but today her mouth feels dry and her tongue tied so much that all she can do is say ‘hi’ and try to keep up with the rest of the little group. But despite this, and despite the fact that she does supremely suck at Scrabble, they aren’t half bad. They welcome her in with no problem at all, asking her about school and life and art as they set up tiles and she knows the right questions to ask them. She laughs at their jokes and nods along to the conversation, even adding in her own take now and again as it builds into a steady flow.
It’s not entirely perfect; she can’t help but feel slightly on the outside when they bring up a nurse or a patient she doesn’t know and she’s much more quiet than she’s used to being, unsure which, if any, topics are off-limits, where the lines are. But she’s enjoying herself enough to drown out her earlier worries even if it can’t make them fade entirely, and her mood only picks up when she hears someone behind her say (squeal) her name, followed a flash of pink and rainbow appearing in her vision. How times change when a pink sweater can make her smile instead of grimace.
“Maddie!” The younger girl leans into her side, eyes bright and sparkling, and Janis puts an arm around her shoulders. “Hey kid, where have you been?”
“Where have you been more like,” she replies. “I haven’t seen you since Monday.”
“Been busy,” she says. No one presses, likely because they all understand.  They’ve all been where she is before. “And now I’m busy losing at Scrabble. Badly.” Maddie chuckles and when her arms wrap around Janis and chin rests on her shoulder, she can’t say no to it. There’s nothing uncomfortable about such a gesture and it almost feels as natural as hugging Damian or when Karen rests her head on her shoulder, despite her only knowing the girl for two days.
“Oh hey, did they tell you about the photography thing yet?” she asks.
“That what now?”
“Oh it’s this thing the cancer centre started,” Melissa explains. “Basically they want us to take pictures of stuff that matters to us. Us doing hobbies, us with our friends, the whole shebang. It’s meant to be about our cancer not defining us or whatever.” She gives a casual shrug. “It’s fun anyway. You should do it. Especially since you have your art thing.”
“Sounds like fun,” she says before poking Maddie in the ribs. “Now come on, kid. Help me make a word out of these.”  
And maybe it’s Maddie’s presence or just time passing, but Janis suddenly finds herself a lot less anxious. She even gets to the point where she trades playful insults with another kid, a boy around her age, and form a team up of sorts against him with one of the other girls. They can’t replace her real friends and she wouldn’t try to, the bonds she’s formed with Damian and Cady are too important and were put through too much to be replicated, but she suspects that they could quickly become new friends.
What’s more, treatments and diagnosis come in and out of the conversation with unexpected ease, and when Janis talks about her own, it’s the same. She hadn’t realised how much of this she’d held back, even in her texts and calls with Damian and talks with her mom. And while she feels bad for it, it also feels so, so good to talk to people like this. People who aren’t her parents or her doctors. People who are, well… like her.
And as it turns out, her next round is scheduled the same time as Melissa’s, and so they head down the hallway together. While Melissa continues to make conversation, Janis’ responses dwindle the closer she gets to her room. It doesn’t take long for the good feeling from the longue to fade, and the image of the needle in her vein becomes sharper in her mind.
“Hey, can I ask you something?” Janis asks suddenly.
“Does it…” She swallows past the lump in her throat. She finds a loose thread on her cardigan and toys with it until the question comes out. “Does it ever get easier? All this?”
“Well…” Melissa stops in their tracks and Janis almost trips as she does the same, immediately regretting asking. The other girl bites her lip, searching for the right answer. It feels like hours before she says “I don’t really know. I can’t speak for you. We’re all different here.” She tucks her hair behind her ear. “I mean… I guess you get used to it. So it starts getting less scary, I guess.”
Janis only nods and then Melissa reaches out and taps her arm.
“It doesn’t stop sucking,” she sighs. “You just get used to it sucking.”
“And then we all bond over it sucking?” she asks, smirking.
“You get it,” she replies with a laugh. “See you later, Janis.”
After Melissa leaves, she lingers in the hallway for a minute, pressing her finger into the spot where her IV goes. The problem is exactly what Melissa said-you get used to it. And she really, really doesn’t want to get used to it. Getting used it to means that she’ll be here for a while, that something else replaces her old life. Especially now, after the year she had last year, she wants to get used to good stuff, not stuff that ‘sucks’. The idea of this, medicines and hospitals and doctors, becoming normal to her sends a shiver down her back.
But she learned a while ago how to live in reality, even when it’s not what she wants. And it’s with that attitude she walks into her room, where she finds not only her IV set up, but a text from Cady detailing something funny from her math class and how much she misses her.
Even if she gets used to everything else, she knows she’ll never, ever get used to missing Cady.
Friday morning, she wakes later than she normally does. It’s a slow process at the start, sleep pulling her in and begging her to stay, the hospital-issue sheets softer than soft around her and forming a cosy cocoon that she’s so tempted to remain in.
That is, until she remembers what day it is, and then she’s jolted awake.
Friday. Or as she’s called it, Damian-and-Cady day.
It was an unspoken agreement that the two of them were visiting her in here. Just like her father, they were insistent on coming over every moment they could, with Damian jokingly suggesting he could hide under her bed and they could have a sleep over (which they had considered in seriousness and attempted to plan). But thanks to a little thing called school, and another thing called distance, today was the first day she could see them, which is why now she’s wide awake, bright eyed, bushy tailed, everything. Because she’s finally seeing them again and filling the hole in her soul being away from them had carved.
“Morning, kid,” her mom says cheerily, entering the room with a cup of coffee in one hand. “They’re still serving breakfast downstairs, or if you want it brought up to you-”
“Sounds great, Mom,” she replies, only half paying attention. She turns on her phone, her leg bouncing anxiously as she waits for it to load. Has it always been this slow at turning on? She swears it hasn’t been. It takes an eternity for her lockscreen to come up, the time written across it in thin white numbers.
“Ten thirty?” she reads out loud before her head snaps up. “Mom, why didn’t you wake me up?”
“Why would I?” she asks. “You need all the rest you can get, and you’ve still got time before you’re due a round.”
“I know,” she sighs, rubbing her eyes. “But Cady and I text good morning to each other and it was my turn this morning. I don’t want her to think I forgot.”
“Well, I’m sure Cady understands. You know, with all that’s going on, maybe she’s not expecting good mornings right now.”
“Course she is,” she replies quickly. In what universe would Cady not wait for a good morning from her? “It’s our thing. Didn’t you and Dad have a thing?” She types out the message and sends it quickly, although Cady probably won’t see it for at least another two hours.
“Oh, you think we did good morning e-mails back in those days?” she says, laughing a little. She sits on the bed next to her on the bed. “So are you getting some breakfast? Someone can bring it up if you don’t feel up to going down, I’ll just tell them what you want-”
“It’s fine, Mom.” She reaches under the bed and pulls on a sweater before slipping into her boots and raking a brush through her hair. “I might as well go down. Someone might take the last yogurt while I’m down there.”
Truthfully, she doesn’t really feel like eating. Not anything bad, she’s just not hungry, but it’ll put her mom’s mind at ease. Just as she thought, the tension fades from her mom’s shoulders, and when she pats her shoulder, there’s more relief in her smile than just breakfast warrants.
She eats in her room, with the TV on, like she does when she’s sick at home. She could eat in the dining room, but despite the new friends she’s made she prefers eating in private, especially away from the buzzing nurses. As she flips around the channels, her phone buzzes on the plastic table, the screen lighting up to show her a new text that makes her smile and roll her eyes at once.
‘Good morning, babe. Can’t wait to see you today. Also, ik I can’t really change it now, but what do we think of the outfit?’
Beneath the message is a picture of Cady in her bedroom mirror, clad in a black vest and blue flannel shirt with white skinny jeans, her hair held back in a high, loose ponytail, soft curls framing her round face, her eyes looking up at the mirror as she gives an open, toothy grin. And Janis can’t help it, she squeals. God damn it, her girlfriend is cute.
‘Love it, love it, love it. You’re the queen of cuteness. And apparently, texting during class. Stop doing that. If I get a text from you between now and lunch I will not cuddle you later.’
‘I’m not texting during class, it’s study hall.’ Wow, what on Earth has happened to the ever-studious, rule following Cady Heron? Not even Plastic Cady texted during study hall. ‘Besides, you have to cuddle with me. It’s legally required and I’m deprived of Janis cuddles.’
‘Only if you be good and don’t text during school hours.’ She fires back, chuckling under her breath. ‘And you remain that freaking adorable.’
“Well someone’s in a good mood.” She looks up and sees Doctor Wiley standing in the doorway, and her smile dips a little, the perfect bubble she was sitting in with Cady ruined. Not enough to ruin her mood, nothing could do that, but it shakes it.
“It’s her girlfriend,” her mom explains.
“How do you know that?”
“Your smile,” she says. “It’s your ‘Cady smile’.”
“I don’t…” Her voice trails off and her mom simply shrugs. Well look at that. She’s that girlfriend now.
“Well, that’s nice to hear,” Wiley says, striding towards her. Under the table, Janis crosses her fingers that this is a normal good morning visit. She’ll take bad news on any day that’s not Damian-and-Cady day. “So, Janis, a lot of us on your team have been talking and we’ve decided to ask if you might want to get a port inserted.”
“A what?” she asks.
“Think of it like a little reservoir put underneath your skin,” he explains. “Just to make receiving the chemo easier on you. A lot of patients have one put in.”
“Oh, wow.” Way to bring the mood down, Doc, she thinks. Sometimes she envies the younger patients who have their parents making all the hard decisions. Still, one word sticks out in all that. “It makes it easier?”
“Quite a bit easier,” he agrees. “For one thing, it’s a lot more comfortable than an IV.” There’s a plus. “And a lower risk of your medicine leaking out-”
“Sounds cool,” she interrupts quickly before he can bring up an image she doesn’t want. “Um, can I think about it? I mean, is it urgent?”
“No, of course not,” Wiley replies with a stiff smile. “I’ll let you and your mom discuss it.”
He leaves them after an uncomfortable silence, nodding to her and her mom and reminding her that he’s around if she has any questions.
“So what do you think?” her mom asks.
“I don’t think.” She picks her phone back up and jumps off the bed. “Where did you put my clothes?”
“I put everything in your bag, it’s under the bed,” she replies. Janis pulls out her bag, sorting through the mass of denim, cotton, plaid and leather, all while her mom hovers behind her with anxious eyes that drill into her back. "Janis, you should consider this.”
“And I will,” she sighs. She pulls out a shirt she’s always liked and throws it on the bed. “Just not right now.” She shakes her head, trying to clear some of the smoke in her brain. Still sitting on the ground, she looks up at her mom and sighs. “Mom, I just want to not think about cancer stuff right now. I just want to see my friends and think about that.” She toys with the shirt in her hands and bunches it into a tight ball, her arms tense and shaking and her grip tight. “Is that okay?”
Her voice sounds impossibly broken on that question. And while it wasn’t intentional, it works on her mom, who nods and comes over to pat her hair.
“Okay, sweetie,” she says, and that’s the temporary end of it.
The day passes even slower than it normally does in hospital-time. Hours stretch on and on with no end in sight and she can’t distract herself no matter what she tries to do. She can’t focus long enough to read or settle on one TV show and even games in the longue can only get her so far. She tries checking her social media when on her IV, but she’s hardly there a minute before her anxiety peaks again after seeing pictures of her friends. Besides, it’s mostly dry now, everyone else is in class.
Finally, finally, it comes to the afternoon and it’s close enough that she can justify beginning to get ready. She stretches, grateful for the little power nap she took earlier, and fishes her make-up out of her bag. It’s not everything, but it’ll have to work, as will the tiny mirror in her bathroom.
“What’s going on in here?” The voice makes Janis jump six feet, even though it’s the honey-toned voice of one of the older nurses. “Little makeover.”
“Just wanted to look nice today,” she explains as she unscrews the foundation. She’s a little bit surprised to see that she’s not out of practice since she’s been bare-faced for well over a week now. Bigger priorities and all that.
“Her girlfriend’s coming over today,” her mom says in a low voice.
“It’s not just that,” she says, even though it might be. “Damian will also be here.”
“Oh you kids and your relationships,” the nurse chuckles as she takes the empty bags out. In the mirror, Janis sees her point sternly in her direction as though she were her mother. “Just remember Janis, if she really cares about you, she won’t care how much muck you have on your face.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” she says as she applies a coat of eyeshadow, deep indigo and sparkling under the low lights. She adds a generous amount of purple lipstick next, a shade that’s always been a favourite of hers, and four coats of mascara. Some say that’s overkill, she disagrees. Bigger, bolder, better after all.
She takes a second before looking at herself properly, and when she does it makes her happier than it has any right to be. She looks like herself again. Not a girl with cancer. A girl who is perfectly healthy and happy, the dark circles around her eyes and the pale tint to her face deliberate. Not only that, she feels stronger, even though she hadn’t been aware of any weakness before. She can breathe easier now. She’s herself again. A little winded but it was worth it.
When she’s done, Cady and Damian should get out of school in about ten minutes. They worked it all out; they’ll get the first bus from school up to the hospital, which should take about twenty-five minutes. She offered to pay their bus tickets and her mom had offered to pick them up, but neither one of them would hear any of it. Damian in particular would die before accepting money from anyone.
So she has just over half an hour. Maybe closer to forty minutes when factoring in waiting for the bus and various stops…
She probably should have left the make-up to later just to give herself something to do.
No, it’s fine. The last thing she wants is them walking in on her doing her make-up. Besides, there’s plenty to do for half an hour. She’s waited this long after all. She checks her outfit again, first in the bathroom mirror, by bouncing repeatedly, and then by using the camera on her phone. This morning she was sure about this outfit. Now she’s not sure about this skirt. Maybe if her mom had woken her up earlier she’d have had more time to plan it. The shirt is fine, it’s something Cady loves, so she won’t trade it, but the skirt… it’s not working. She grabs more stuff from her bag and lays it out on the bed, debating each one carefully. There’s a pair of studded shorts that she doesn’t think looks right with the shirt, a pair of jeans that would be far too uncomfortable, and a dark grey skirt that she’s not worn that much and is a little short-
“Holy crap,” she sighs. She shakes her head at herself. She hasn’t obsessed this much over her looks since middle school. “You’re insane, Sarkisian. You’re fine.”
They’ve both seen her look worse, surely.
She forces herself to sit on the bed and just watch some freaking YouTube like a normal person. She gets a text from Damian telling her they’re on their way, and she takes a deep breath and sends a response. She then has one eye on the phone and one eye on the window, all the while counting the minutes until they should be here.
Twenty five minutes. One video later, it’s twenty one. Another video, eighteen. Another video, plus a sip of the coffee her mom got her, fourteen. Another video, plus re-checking her make-up, ten. Another video, six. Another video, three.
And now they should be here. They probably are; they’re probably walking through the lobby. Maybe the elevator’s a little slow, maybe they got lost. This is a big place and they don’t even know where they ward is. Do they? Did she tell them? She grabs her phone and checks their groupchat, scrolling through the week-
“Janis?” Her name is accompanied by a soft knock on the door, and when she looks up, Cady is standing in the doorway, looking even more beautiful than she did that morning with a breathless smile and dimples in her cheeks. And everything else she was feeling melts away.
Janis doesn’t care about dignity, she runs over and throws her arms around her. As Cady hugs her back just as fiercely, Janis fights the urge to pick her up off the floor.
“I missed you,” Cady whispers into her shoulder.
“I missed you more,” she replies, certain that she’s correct.
“Well I’ll just go then,” Damian jokes. “If you two need a moment alone.”
“Don’t even think about it,” she tells him seriously, jumping into his embrace. He runs his hand through her hair and even rocks her and everything about his embrace feels right.
“Got you these,” he says when they eventually pull apart. He presents her with a bunch of white flowers wrapped in silver paper. The scent is just like the gesture; so sweet it makes her well up.
“Oh you losers,” she says. “I love them.”
“Hi kids,” her mom greets from her chair in the corner. To be honest, Janis had actually forgotten her mom was there. So her mom has watched her run across the room and tackle-hug Cady. Nice. “How was school?”
“It’s fine,” Cady replies. “You know… senior year….”
“Oh I’m sure it is,” she says fondly. “I’ll give you kids some alone time.” She gives Janis’ shoulder a squeeze before heading out, and then Janis can hold Cady’s hand as tightly as she wants and pulls the two of them to the bed, utterly giddy at having them at her side again.
Even if it won’t last a voice in her head whispers.
“So come on, what have I missed?” she asks. “Other than you two, I mean. Tell me everything. Spill all the tea. I crave gossip!”
“It’s been a week, Jan,” Cady tells her, grinning and swinging her legs as her feet don’t touch the floor. “But, you do know that you’re talking to the newest captain of the North Shore Mathletes.”
“Come on then.” Janis digs her elbow in her girlfriend’s ribs. “Tell me everything.”
That’s all the incentive Cady needs.
She babbles on about her plans for the new year as Captain, how she’s already getting new recruits and she’s even allowed to invite freshmen and create Junior Mathletes, how she’s sure that membership is going to be double what it was last year (at which point Damian reminds her that there were only three people on the team last year), and about how they’re already starting to put together teams for a few contests, more than last year, and of course, how she’s ready to defend their state champion title. With each word, Janis’ heart grows warmer, the sense of security she’s craved all week settling and wrapping around her like her favourite blanket, and their hands lie intertwined on the bed a though they’d never been apart.
“So that’s my life…” she says, tucking her hair behind her ear. She shakes her head and covers Janis’ hand with hers. “But what about you, what’s it like in here?”
“Oh, I’m fine,” she scoffs. “I’m always fine.” Cady’s smile dips, not enough, but Janis notice and let out a sigh. “I mean it’s not the ideal situation. But I’m… coping?”
“I do not like that inflection,” Damian adds, leaning back on the bed and raising an eyebrow.
“You wouldn’t,” she says. “Like, it’s not too bad. You know… the food is actually pretty good, we have some cool stuff in the longue, they know how to keep us occupied. The doctors are all great. Including one hot med student I’m considering setting Damian up with.”
“Consider my attention grabbed,” he says. “How hot are we talking here?”
“Like… Okay I’m not into dudes, so I’m not that great at guessing, but he’s a solid 7.5,” she explains. “Would be a 9 but he stabbed me several times while trying to find a vein.”
“He did what?” Cady squeals, making the two of them jump. Her eyebrows shot up her forehead. “He stabbed you?”
“Woah, yeah.” She grasps Cady’s shoulder and silently bites her tongue. She rubs it in circles, bringing her back down. “And it hurt for a few seconds and I was slightly annoyed by it. And then we laughed about it.” She strokes Cady’s cheek carefully. “Nothing bad, Caddy.”
“Okay.” Cady lets out a breath and shakes out her hands. “Okay, okay. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, love.” She plays a kiss on her cheekbone, the tension fleeing Cady’s body as she does so. She tangles her fingers in her hair. She even missed her hair. “It’s cute that you worry so much.”
“I always worry about you.” At that moment, Damian turns his attention to the window, and Cady rests her head on Janis’ shoulder and Janis wraps her arms around her. This, the fearful looks and causing anxiety to her, this is what Janis wanted to avoid in the first place.
Damn Cady Heron and her unflinching loyalty.
“You’re feeling okay though?” she asks quietly. “Right?”
“Okay’s a bit of a relative term these days,” she says. “I’m feeling a bit bleh. But it’s fine.” Cady murmurs something she guesses is an agreement and nestles closer to her. Janis rubs her hand up and down her arm. “I’m fine.”
“Good.” She presses her cheek into her head and closes her eyes, only for a moment.
“Anyway, enough of that stuff,” she says, bouncing and turning to Damian, beckoning him back over. “There’s got to be more that I’ve missed. Come on, spill.”
“Well…” Damian begins, spinning around to face them with a grin stretched across his face. He’s been waiting to tell her this, she can tell. “They’ve announced that the musical this year will be… drum roll.”
She can Cady drum their hands on their legs, the sound bouncing off the walls and making the room tremble with anticipation as it gets higher and faster until-.
“No way!” she gasps. Damian nods excitedly, bouncing on the balls of his feet and clapping his hands together. “Stars have aligned, mon amie. Stars have aligned.”
“Which means,” he goes on, throwing himself down on the bed with such gusto that it bounces. “I am going to be the greatest Emcee that North Shore High would ever wish to have.”
“Damn right!” The two high five, their glee double that of the slightly out of the loop Cady. “Emcee has been one of Damian’s dream roles ever since middle school.”
“Ever since I came out of the damn womb!” he exclaims. “I cannot tell you how much I screamed when the drama club announced it.”
“I can,” Cady adds. “It was loud and long and he got several death glares from everyone else.”
“That’s the only appropriate way to react,” Janis chuckles. “We watched the movie way back when and that’s when he decided he was going to play the Emcee or die trying.”
“It’s also when Janis became gay for Liza Minelli.”
“I’m gay for myself,” she corrects. “Liza was just the object of young Janis’ affections.” She rests her chin on Cady’s shoulder and smiles at him. “I’m helping you prep for this. I don’t care if I have to break out of here with an IV in my arm, I’m helping you.”
“I’d expect nothing less,” he replies. “Also the drama club is devastated you can’t do the set this year.”
“Who the heck says I can’t?” she says indignantly. “Those morons they have won’t last five minutes without my guidance. And I will not have your shining moment ruined by a subpar set.” She tosses her hair over her shoulder. “We all know who really runs that drama club.”
“Oh really, madame,” Damian scoffs, turning so his leg is folded beneath him. Janis keeps smiling, despite the feeling that its being tugged down and the weight settling in her stomach. Of all the times he had to do Cabaret, why did it have to be now?
“Everyone really missed you at school,” Cady tells her.
“Bet it’s not everyone,” she says, half joking. “Not one person in particular.”
“Hey!” Cady slaps her arm. “Be nice.”
“I promised to play nice to her face,” Janis reminds her. “Not behind her back.” Cady huffs out a laugh, her face slightly scrunched up. “But how’s the most important thing; LGBT+ society?”
“Well, we’re having our first welcome back meeting on Wednesday,” Damian says. “And Gretchen is taking over your stall at the fair. Sonja’s going to help her out though,” he adds. “And Sonja’s taking over your spot on the committee too.”
“Good choice,” she says. Lovely as Gretchen is most of the time, Janis isn’t sure she could handle the pressure of running her stall. And Sonja’s the perfect choice to take over her committee spot, smart as a whip, decisive and funny as hell.
So why does the idea make Janis so uneasy?
“Yeah, why don’t we turn this TV on?” she says, grabbing the remote. “It apparently has Netflix, although I’m not entirely sure how to operate it. There’s a load of DVDs in the longue as well.”
“A DVD. Now there’s a name I haven’t heard in a while,” Damian says.
“I don’t think they have Cabaret though,” she sighs. “Which would be perfect for us right now.” She’s telling half-truths, because there’s a substantial collection of old movies, including musicals, but she doesn’t really want to brave the longue now, or to take them in there. The longue is probably her favourite place in the hospital, but it’s bound to be full right now. And for now, she wants to keep her cancer world and the real world separate.
So with some fussing, they manage to find Netflix and learn how to work it. Cady is insistent that Janis pick the movie, since it’s her room and she doesn’t know half of them and has already watched the other half. At the start of the summer, Janis had made Cady a list of every movie she needed to watch, and by the end of August they’d almost made it to the halfway mark. The best part wasn’t the movies themselves; it was the movie nights. Huddled under a comforter and surrounded by pillows, Cady’s body pressed against hers and the lights down low, buttery popcorn and sugar-covered candies keeping them going until one (usually Cady) fell asleep.
Now they make do with the thin hospital bed and the near-plastic sheets. At least they can adjust the height of it, and Janis positions Cady against her and Damian sits in the comfiest chair to watch The Parent Trap. It’s none of their favourites, but it’s familiar and good enough and while it wasn’t on the list, Cady hasn’t seen it yet. Besides, Damian can make any more fun.
And really, Janis can’t take any more of the back and forth debate.
The more the movie goes on, the more normal Janis feels. She runs her fingers up and down Cady’s bare arms, her girlfriend’s jacket discarded across a chair like she would in her house. The conversation is light and easy and full of giggles even at the stupidest, silliest thing, Damian quoting along with the movie and Cady hopelessly lost, especially at around halfway through when Janis decides to tell her that Annie and Hallie were played by the same person.
“No way!” she declares. “I’m not believing you until I see proof.”
“Google it,” she says. “Damian?”
“Way ahead of you.” He pulls up the page and shows her the cast list, with one little Lohan billed as the two twins. Cady’s mouth falls on the floor, her shoulders shaking in a silent, disbelieving laugh.
“Jesus Christ!” she says. “How did they do that all the way back then?”
“Movie magic,” Janis replies, wiggling her fingers for effect. “It’s okay, Caddy, we all felt betrayed when we first found out.”
“Didn’t she go off her rocker a bit?” she asks, pointing to the screen. “I know that much. Regina told me.”
“A little,” Janis agrees. “But I kind of feel bad for her, you know?”
“I guess.”
“Oh. Oh!” The camera pans up, revealing the striking and scary figure of Meredith Blake, and Janis squeezes Cady’s arms. “I hated this bitch.”
“I hated her more,” Damian adds, his tone not 100% light. “When I first watched this I had this soon-to-be stepmom, because my dad was back in the dating game, and she was…” He gags and points down his throat.
“Real mature, Damian,” Janis jokes. “I mean she absolutely was, but still. Mature.”
“Okay, missy,” he laughs. “Nah but I used to try to get inspiration from how to deal with her from this movie.”
“Shh!” she hisses sharply, covering Cady’s ears. “Spoilers!”
“I can still hear you,” Cady tells her. “And I could sort of guess. All the movies about step parents do that kind of thing, don’t they? Bratty kid gets wreaks havoc on the step parent?”
“Are you saying thirteen year old me was a brat?” Damian asks.
“Seventeen year old you is also a brat,” Janis teases. Damian gasps and grabs the cushion from the chair, aiming it at her head. Part of her is completely sure he wouldn’t, not in a hospital, part of her is completely sure he would because of course he would.
She doesn’t find out either way, because their gathering is interrupted by her medical team, and the weight in her stomach comes back with a vengeance.
“Not getting in the way are we?” Nurse Lucy asks.
“Not at all,” she says. Before she stops herself, she’s already pushing Cady off her. Heat rises in her cheeks. “That time again?”
“Unfortunately so,” she replies as Cady slides off the bed. “Is it okay if Jackson does it this time?”
“Yeah, sure.” As she rolls up her sleeve, her friends catch on to what’s happening, and Damian rushes to Cady’s side.
“I promise I’ll find the vein this time,” Jackson jokes.
“Oh this is the one you said-” Cady is cut off by Janis making a small ‘cut it out’ gesture with her hand. She then raises an eyebrow at Damian, whose small smirk tells her everything she needs to know.
She takes a look at her IV and her bare arm before turning back to them. She still hates this; shockingly, she hasn’t gotten used to it in under a week. Her stomach still drops a hundred feet when she looks at the needle and her chest tightens even if she’s only thinking about it.
“You guys don’t need to watch this,” she tells them. “It doesn’t hurt. But if you need to look away, it’s fine.”
“I’m fine,” Cady tells her. When Janis looks down though, she sees how tightly she’s holding Damian’s hand.
“Okay,” she says.
This time around it only takes Jackson three tries to find her vein before securing it with the bandage. Good for him. He’s learning.
“You know the drill by now?” Lucy asks.
“Two hours, stay hydrated.” She gives her a two-fingered salute.
“Two hours?” Cady echoes, and Janis has to chuckle at it. “This takes two hours?”
“That’s what she said the first time she found out,” Lucy says, gesturing to Janis. “I can see why you two like each other so much.”
“No but… two hours,” she says again as they leave. “What do you do for two hours?”
“I just… sit here I guess,” she answers, looking up at the medicine. “You know, there’s TV. I have books. I draw. Sometimes it knocks me out and I get a little surprise nap, so that’s fun.”
“Is that… should we go?” Cady asks. “If you’re going to-”
“Oh no.” She shakes her head firmly. “No, it’s fine. I’ll be fine.”
“You’re sure?”
“Completely.” She’s such a liar it’s a wonder her tongue hasn’t turned black and crumbled. “Come on. Let’s finish the movie at least.”
Cady lays beside her rather than on her, and Damian stays on the other side of the bed, away from her IV. She catches him once or twice, watching the drip instead of the movie. His gaze is unreadable, and since she’s always been able to know his thoughts without him speaking, it unsettles her.
It’s not long before that familiar tiredness descends on her, clouding her mind and pulling her downwards. And she fights it; she keeps her eyes open despite how they itch and shifts her body when she finds herself too comfortable lest she start drifting off. It’s a challenge, not just because of the medicine’s effect on her, but because of Cady’s warmth next to her, promising security and comfort and being there when she wakes up.
And she must have given into it at one point, because she opens her eyes after a blink and the movie is over; Nick and Elizabeth are together again, Annie and Hallie stay with each other forever, happy endings all around.
“What time is it?” Janis asks.
“Nearly five,” Damian explains. Visiting hours don’t end for another two hours. “Are you okay?”
“Me?” she asks. “I’m fantastic.”
“You sure?” Cady’s hand is on hers, slowly linking their fingers together. Janis squeezes her hand, clarity coming into her mind by her own will.
“Of course I’m sure.”
They don’t have to be home for another hour. Home for dinner, that’s the rule. That doesn’t really change. Damian tells her that his mom is thinking about her every day and was beside herself when she heard the news.
“She’s started following more baking blogs,” he tells her. “So prep yourself for a lot of baked goods on your doorstep.”
“I can’t object to that,” she says. “Especially since Val always bakes with love.”
At some point during the hour, Janis pulls Cady into her lap again, or Cady crawls into it, or both. Her head is under her chin and her back against her chest, slotting into place perfectly. Like if she holds her this close, she won’t have to leave.
Wishful thinking, she knows, because when it gets close to six, Cady picks up her jacket and her backpack and there’s nothing but empty air against Janis’ body.
She wishes she could lead them to the door, but her IV catches on everything, so they say their goodbyes where they are.
“Don’t miss me too much,” she warns them teasingly.
“I hardly ever think about you,” Damian replies, his voice thick.
“And you,” she tells him. “Better run lines with me. When’s auditions?”
“Next Thursday,” he tells her. “So I’ll call you tomorrow?”
“Perfect,” she says. “I have treatments at 11, at 2… You know what? I’ll text you them.”
“Okay. And you were right by the way. That med student is a snack.” They laugh, and then there’s a moment of silence before he folds her in his arms, her face burying itself in the crook of his neck and his hand cupping the back of her head. “Take of yourself, okay?” His voice is so soft, so desperate, that it sounds like a plea.
“I will,” she says. “I always do.” Knowledgeable as always, he gives her and Cady space to say goodbye themselves. She rubs her hand on her shorts, nervousness gripping her body in a way she hasn’t felt in a while and she thoroughly dislikes.
“I’ll text you the second I get home,” Cady says. “And can I call you tomorrow?”
“Of course you can,” she says. “As long as you get some homework done tonight, kid.”
“I will,” she says. “I didn’t get the top grade in Norbury’s class for nothing.” Cady takes in a deep breath, her hand fidgeting around her backpack strap and her hair half-hiding her face. Janis reaches out and pushes it back and if she notices her shaking hand, she doesn’t say anything.
Janis actually wasn’t sure what she was going to say there, but it doesn’t matter, because Cady steps up and kisses her. It’s not perfect; it feels clumsy and awkward and they bump against each other, but it’s everything Janis needs. So much so that when they pull away, she doesn’t even attempt to hide the blush on her cheeks.
“Okay,” she whispers, grinning. “I’ll see you soon.” She steals another peck.
“See you later, Janis,” she whispers. They don’t stop holding hands for as long as they can and Janis is still looking at her until she’s out of view, walking back down the hall with Damian, maybe getting lost again. Down the hall, to the right, into the elevator and out the double doors. Bus stop down the street, next stop home. They ride together until Damian gets off and Cady stays on. All the while she stays here, IV in arm and her phone buzzing, talking to them until she falls asleep.
12 notes · View notes
janthonyashtoreth · 5 years
Another big batch of asks!
Answering a bunch of asks under the cut! Most of them are ink and flowers centric. I hope you all are doing well <3
anonymous asked: wait wait hold up Anathema works in Azra's tattoo parlour?? amazing, when i was thinking of making my own florist/tattoo artist au, i also had Anathema be Aziraphale's apprentice :D i like when these two are friends. do you have any more headcanons about Anathema in ink and flowers?
she does!! she was doing an apprenticeship under him but has since graduated to doing her own thing (but she still works at his parlor). i can’t get into the whole plot because spoilers but angels/demons and agnes nutter’s prophecies still exist in the iaf universe, but anathema isn’t her descendant. instead, anathema is a wickedly smart computer genius and her boyfriend newt is an endearing but kind of inept descendent of agnes. anathema was azra’s good friend-turned-wingwoman once anthony shows up. i love her
anonymous asked: concept: aziraphale seeing crowley presenting femininely for the first time how'd you think he'd react? in your flower shop tattoo artist au
anonymous asked: OKAY totally not asking bc i may or may not have been thinkin abt this for like. too long. but would anthony have to like, come out as genderfluid to azra/how would azra react to seeing anthony present more fem for the first time
ooo ive been thinking about this as well! i dont think anthony would necessarily have a “coming out moment”, they just kind of do what they want. if they feel like presenting fem or using different pronouns they would just. do it. and azra would just kind of roll with it. i like to think that the first time anthony presented fem she got all dressed up for date night and didn’t tell azra and azra just Stares bc,,,, wow anthony is just gorgeous like that!! azra’s dead!!!
anonymous asked: You're a cutie pie. That's it. That's the fact.
:’ ) you’re a sweety pie!!!
anonymous asked: i deadass tried for 20 minutes to make the finger heart...... how did your friend do it......
i have absolutely no idea and it hurts my brain,,,
anonymous asked: Wahoo
@alligatorsnbats asked: OK, so what's Oscar's thoughts on Anthony?
oscar LOVES anthony... he’s the worlds most apathetic cat but he actively seeks anthony out when hes around. azra is only slightly salty about it
anonymous asked: Is Anthony cross eyed?
he’s not! i made him a little bit cross-eyed in my latest post on purpose bc he was flustered but i dont know if it came across very well ;;
anonymous asked: not to be *THAT* bitch who comes into your ask box and gushes over your art but i love the way you colour things and your clean line work?? mwah. i wish i could draw like you its just so lovely
bfdkjfdh im cry,,,, just keep practicing my friend!!! i promise it’ll get you where you want to go. the last couple of months have been really nice for me in my ~art journey~ because its the first time i’ve ever really liked stuff that i’ve drawn. ive been drawing for about 7-8 years and this is only just happening and it varies so much from person to person!! some people get to where they want to go in 2 years, some people take 20. just don’t stop practicing!!
anonymous asked: your human!crowley deserves infinite appreciation and the fact that he has coloboma: that right there! is! good shit! he has snake eyes,,,, but as a human. u are a genius good sir and your art is a blessing 👌👌👌
haha thank you!! i think coloboma (i know how to spell it now!!) is such an interesting condition and it’s kind of underused for human aus!!! its so dope!!!
@bolitakawaii-senpai asked: what would crowley's and azi's fav emojies from the cursed emojis??
asking the real questions out here..... i think crowley’s would be the one with all of the teeth and aziraphale’s (assuming he knows what they are in the first place) would be the really cute one with big eyes and the pink hairbow
anonymous asked: concept for the ink and flowers au: something happens to crowley (imma b honest i have no idea) and has a lowkey crisis and chops all his hair off and just. joins his pet snake and snakes around the nursery untill azra comes in seeing crowley crying and cuddling his snake and yeah idk enjoy my the weird shit my brain comes up with
jhuyhaijodfaydgsihfujoi RIP TO THE HAIR...... i love the angst potential (and i can come up with a few reasons for the angst, but i digress) but i dont think i could part with anthony’s hair,,, i love it too much
anonymous asked: I can't handle your ink and flowers Aziraphale. I can't. His hair is TOO fluffy. His face is TOO squishy. He is EXTREMELY friend shaped. His glasses and his eyes are bright like SPARKLES. Every time I see him I want to go feral and show all my friends. I would hug him without letting go of given the chance. 1000000000/10. 💜🐝
anonymous asked: I have a cat just like Oscar (big himbo) and I got him some knit hats for Christmas and he's gonna hate me but I can't wait to dress him up like a little bee so: does Azra ever give Oscar like costumes or footies just for fun? If yes, does Oscar love or hate? 💜🐝
isldakfj im grouping these two together bc im assuming ur the same person anon!! i love your signature!!
you’re correct. his hair IS too fluffy, and he IS entirely too friend shaped. he has the BRIGHTEST eyes. i cant contain my rabid love for him and it spills out into the art. i can’t help it. he gives the best hugs
SLADKFJ YES HE DOES..... IVE BEEN MEANING TO DRAW THIS FOR A HOT MINUTE,,,, as i mentioned earlier oscar is the world’s most apathetic cat so i dont think he would care that much but he’s not super happy about it
anonymous asked: Y'know what? I'm too tired so say smth clever so just know that I love you and your art is amazing 💕💕 PS: i love that you also tag them as Ineffable partners (i guess the point is to be gender neutral)
i love you as well anon,,, and yeah i like the ineffable partners tag! i find that it fits more with their relationship for some reason. though i still tag as ineffable husbands since its such a popular tag lksdfjdfknjbh
anonymous asked: Hello! Fist of all thank you for yor art, you are one of my favorite artists in this fandom and I have Feelings about the Ink and Flowers AU. Second: Don't feel pressured to post daily, we understand that life is complicated and art can be difficult sometimes. Take care! You're the best!
anon i would die for you!!! i never imagined that i would ever be one of anyone’s favorite artists,,,,, im speechless,,,,,,,,
and yeah unfortunately i dont think ill be able to post every other day once this coming semester starts :( i’ll probably have to cut back to once every 3. but there’s more ink and flowers coming at u guys so!! stay tuned for that
anonymous asked: Good omens characters having a game night?
i know this was sent in for the au prompts i asked for but. i dont think im physically capable of capturing the pure chaos that would ensue from this. holy shit it would be so feral. 
thank you to anyone who read this whole thing!! i read all of my asks as soon as i get them and i have a lot that i’ve been sitting on for a while. if you sent me something i promise i haven’t forgotten about it!! if you’ve sent something in that you were expecting a response to and i havent responded, just send it again to be safe in case tumblr ate it
i love all of you! <3
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ladyboltontoyou · 6 years
Arthur Morgan x Reader: Farmer’s Daughter. 3
Ask: OH MY GOD IMAGINE THE READER IS A GIRL FROM A GOOD FAMILY, SHES WITH ARTHUR FOR A WHILE NOW, THE PARENTS WANT TO MEET HIM. THEY’RE HAVING FAMILY DINNER AND THE COWBOY MAN JUST CANT KEEP HIS HANDS TO HIMSELF UNDER THE TABLE oh my god if your request are open and you would write that i would probably, most likely die...oh btw i love the “farmer’s daughter” story OH MY GOD MAYBE THIS COULD BE THE NEXT PART AAAAAAAAH SHIT! okay okay i’m sorry i just got excited! love your writing, have a great day!
Warnings: Cursing, probably. Slightly public sex, ya get fingered at dinner ok? 
Pairing: Arthur Morgan x Reader
A/N: YEEHAW MY FELLOW SLUTS! ENJOY! Also, idk what they called panties back then so I just went with panties, ok? 
Two months later and you had fallen completely in love with the man. You both had told yourselves you wouldn’t let it get that far but it was nearly impossible. Every time you would see each other he had something to give you, be it a new drawing of yourself, wildflowers he had found out in the woods, or some suspiciously expensive jewelry that he wouldn’t talk about.
He hadn’t planned on any of it, really, but multiple times a day he would see something that reminded him of you and he just knew he had to take it. Even the jewelry he had stolen from the folks who were unlucky enough to start a fight with him.
After a while of successfully sneaking around the day came you’d both been expecting. Your father caught him. 
It wasn’t in the way you’d thought it would happen, thankfully. He didn’t walk in on the two of you or catch Arthur climbing up to your room or sneaking out of it. It was more subtle and less suspicious. The two of you, like the fools you were, were out in broad daylight at the stables on your property. You would go out there regularly to spend time with your horse so you knew your parents wouldn’t question you being down there. 
You should have known being that comfortable sneaking around was just asking to be caught. And sure enough, you were.
“(Y/N)? Who is this?”
You fucking twitched. When you turned around you saw your father standing behind you with a look of concern on his face and one of the stable boys watching the whole thing go down. You had given him some money earlier to keep his mouth shut and he sure was getting more than he asked for.
“Howdy mister!” Arthur waved and stepped past you. “Remember me? I stopped by here a while back to ask for some directions.”
Your father squinted and reluctantly shook his hand. Suddenly realization spread across his features as it all clicked. “Oh! Yes!” He laughed and clapped Arthur’s shoulder. “How have you been? Ever find your way?”
“Sure did, thanks to you. I was in town and was asking around, looking to buy some good horses, and a few folks told me you were the man to talk to.” You looked at Arthur with parted lips, in shock at how good of a liar he was. He turned a potential disaster into the most casual and normal interaction without the slightest effort. It was kind of scary.
Your father laughed and nodded, crossing his arms proudly. “You’ve come to the right place, follow me.” 
Arthur tossed you a wink and you had to smile then, dumbfounded by how smoothly the whole thing went.
After your father had whisked Arthur away to the expensive section of your stables you went back home. Your mother was preparing dinner along with one of the ranch hands, which surprised you. When you questioned why he was there she explained he was making his mother’s famous gumbo, your mother insisted upon it after she had sent some over to your family. 
When dinner rolled around your father made it back just in time, a surprise guest at his heels. 
“Jane, you remember this man, don’t you? He was the fellow on the white horse who asked for directions to-”
“Of course I do!” She wiped her hands with a kitchen rag, walking into the main room where the two men stood. 
You stood up from the kitchen table to watch the whole thing play out, locking eyes with Arthur who just shrugged.
“He came down today to buy a horse from us!” Your father said as he closed the front door behind them. “And to congratulate him on his purchase I’ve invited him to stay for dinner.”
Your mother smiled happily, it wasn’t often you had visitors that weren’t your families prude friends or relatives. “Good! We’re having gumbo tonight, Thomas is cooking his mother’s very own recipe.”
“Oh!” Your father raised his brows. “The one she sent over yesterday?”
“That’s the one.” 
“Brilliant! I loved that.” 
The two of them talked for a while before Thomas announced the soup was done and your mother went back into the kitchen to help him serve. Your father excused himself to wash up, telling you and his guest to have a seat in the dining room.
You sat down next to Arthur and gave him a look. 
“What?” When he finally noticed you looking at him he furrowed his brows.
“How did you manage that?”
“Manage what?”
You snorted, rolling your eyes. “Come on. You’re the best liar I’ve ever met.”
Arthur shrugged, taking the glass of water that Thomas set down in front of him.
 “You must not of met a lot of people then.”
“All right, then. Keep your secrets.” 
He chuckled and set the glass back down on the table after taking a few generous sips. “Before we almost got ourselves killed, I was going to give you somethin’.” Another gift? He reached in his pocket and pulled out a small folded piece of paper. “Don’t let anyone see that.” He added with a whisper since Thomas had walked in with the rest of the drinks. 
You smiled at him and slowly unfolded the paper in your lap under the table. Once you had it done you squinted before realizing it was upside down. You flipped it the right way and your face was suddenly burning. Your breath caught in your throat as you took it all in, quickly folding it back up when your mother walked into the room carrying the giant pot of soup. 
The urge to punch him was strong. Why did he have to give that to you then? Why couldn’t he wait? You slipped the paper in the front pocket of your dress and cleared your throat. 
Arthur chuckled and took another sip of water, smiling sweetly at your mother as she started filling everyone's bowls. “Thank you, ma’am.” 
It was impossible to get the image out of your head. It was a drawing of you, completely naked, lying on your stomach with your head resting on your folded arms, your legs kicked up and locked at the ankles. You were looking directly into the viewer’s eyes with a wicked smirk on your face, some of your hair in your face. Once again you looked utterly magnificent, your body drawn in a way that accentuated every part of you perfectly. If it wasn’t a drawing of you, you probably would have gotten off to it. You probably would anyway, knowing Arthur was the one who drew it.
“What horse did you end up buying, Mr…”
“Arthur. The young brown mustang, think your husband called him Taro.”
Your mother nodded and sat down at the opposite end of the table when she was finally done serving. You wished she would let you help with dinner but she was firm in her belief, not allowing you or your father to help her in the slightest.
It was another ten minutes before your father finally joined you, taking his seat beside his wife. “Please excuse me, got carried away with my hair again.” He laughed and eagerly started eating. Your mother shared a laugh with him, chiding him lightly about how vain he was.
Most of dinner was fine, you all talked about the usual dinner subjects such as work, the weather, and town gossip. You barely paid attention though, the image of you drawn naked was stuck in your mind, along with the idea of Arthur drawing it. You wondered if he had done it in the heat of a lust filled moment or if it was just something normal to him.
What finally snapped you out of your thoughts was the feeling of a hand on your knee. You brushed it off at first, it seemed innocent enough, he had done it plenty of times before when the two of you laid together. It wasn’t inherently sexual.
But then he moved his hand lower, brushing his fingers against the hem of your dress. You looked at him with a subtle glance but he refused to acknowledge you at all. 
Crossing your legs you tried to get him to stop but that didn’t deter the cowboy at all. He pulled your dress up just enough to slip his hand under the fabric, then let the hem fall back down over his arm. You wanted to curse him out but you held your tongue and tried to act as natural as possible, taking another spoonful of soup into your mouth. 
“So, Arthur, you never told us what you do for a living.” Your father said after sending one of the kitchen maids to bring out a bottle of wine.
His hand traveled up to your thighs, his fingers gently rubbing circles over your skin. “Oh, well, it’s nothin’ excitin’. I work for a man collecting debts from people. Good money.”
“Oh!” Your father acted impressed, shrugging and exchanging a look with your mother. 
“If that isn’t exciting, I wonder what is to you!” Your mother laughed and so did your father.
‘Maybe fingering your daughter five feet away from you.’ You thought as you shifted in your seat, thankful for how high the table was. If it was any lower surely they would see that the lower half of his arm was extended towards you.
Slowly, extremely slowly, his hand continued it’s journey upwards. You forced yourself to keep a straight face, even when you felt the tips of his fingers brush against your panties. ‘No problem,’ you told yourself, feeling him pull the fabric aside so he could touch you better. ‘No big deal.’
Arthur rubbed slow circles into your clit with a firm amount of pressure, but not quick or firm enough to get you anywhere fast. And he knew it, too. He ate his second bowl of soup just as normally as he did the first, showing no signs of the fact that his fingers were about to be stuffed inside of you. 
You liked to think you looked just as calm as he did. You had finished your soup and were waiting for everyone else to so your mother could bring out dessert, and then you could finally leave the table. If only Arthur would hurry up and finish his meal. 
The small talk carried on and left almost no silence which worked to your advantage. If they were quiet they probably would hear how fast your breathing had gotten, especially when Arthur pushed that first finger inside of you. You had to practically bite through your tongue to keep the moan silenced. 
“(Y/N), you’re quiet, for once. Are you sick?” Your father joked and everyone laughed, including Arthur. That bastard. 
“I’m fine, just like listening to you all talk.” You said quickly, surprised at how even and calm your voice sounded. Almost as if you weren’t being finger fucked. 
That seemed to satisfy them enough and they carried on with conversation.
Normally at dinner, you rarely drank any wine, since you were never able to just have one glass. It always led to two, or sometimes even three, and you would end up passed out on your bed hours before you usually would. But tonight you happily drank, finishing the second glass right as Arthur had two fingers curling inside of you. 
As hard as you tried not to let yourself orgasm you could feel it approaching rapidly. Arthur could too, noting how your chest rose and fell and how you were twitching around his fingers. He slowed down momentarily, allowing you to catch your breath, before he was right back at it, quicker than before. He had a hard-on of his own but with his belt and gun holster in the way, no one would have the slightest idea, even if they looked right at his crotch. Lucky him.
“Are we ready for dessert?” Your mother's voice scared you out of your wits and you jumped. 
“Yes!” You laughed to draw attention away from the fact that you almost spilled your wine. 
She left along with the kitchen maid, directing her to get together new sets of dishes. 
His fingers curled quicker as he sipped on his wine, keeping his eyes anywhere but your father or you. Your father kept up the small talk, allowing you to give yourself the time to focus on having a discreet and quiet orgasm. 
You slowed your breathing as you felt it coming, gripping Arthur’s arm under the table with your left hand as you curled your other hand into a fist around your dress. He looked down at you for a split second, savoring the sight of you as best as he could before he forced himself to look away as to not look suspicious. He gave you a few more deep pumps before you came. The heat and tingles exploded, rippling from your clit and inside your body to your entire form. You bit your lip and looked down, sinking your nails into the skin of his arm. The waves of pleasure that coursed through your body were enough to make anyone scream but you kept your mouth shut and posture still. 
When it finally finished you sat back in your seat, running a hand through your hair as you sighed, wiping the sweat off your forehead when your father wasn't looking. Arthur smirked at you and you threw him the angriest glare you could, but you couldn’t keep it for long. When he chuckled you broke out into a smile and you had to look away so you didn’t laugh.
“Here it is!” Your mother said proudly as she carried the pecan pie into the dining room. “Took me all day!” 
Arthur made a show of looking impressed and your father praised your mother's cooking to no end, telling her that she was the best cook in the whole west. She smiled proudly and served everyone's plates. Thank god you had already came and Arthur’s hand was back where it belonged.
“I’m going to make you regret that.” You whispered to Arthur as your mother talked about how hard it was to find enough pecans. 
“Lookin’ forward to it.”
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momentofmemory · 5 years
fictober - day six
Prompt #6: “Yes, I’m aware. Your point?”
Fandom: Spider-Man (All Media Types/Tom Holland Films)
Warnings: Discussion of Parental Death, Bullying
Rating: G
Characters: Peter Parker & May Parker
Words: 2867
Author’s Note: part iv of a may & peter series, but works on its own. i made a terrible mistake the second i set a 2K precedent on these things, but i’m honestly really happy with how this turned out, so. enjoy. :)
>>Pros and Cons
Peter is ten years old, and whenever May watches him finish his math homework, his mind is so far beyond hers it feels like he should be the one helping her.
She knows he’s brilliant—with parents like his, how could he not be—and his teachers start suggesting they look into science magnets before he even enters middle school. She and Ben try to support his passions as much as they can, but the endowment Mary and Richard left has long since run out, and they can only afford so many expenses at once.
Which is why, when Peter comes home from school with sparkling eyes and a crinkled permission slip clutched in his hand, May feels a familiar sense of guilt creep up her spine.
“Hi May!” Peter chirps, slinging his backpack and the piece of paper down on the dining room table.
“Hi yourself,” she says, picking the bag back up and hanging it on the hook by the door. “Snack’s in the kitchen.”
Peter makes a beeline for the peanut butter sandwich in question—one of the few things Ben allows May to make, mostly because it involves zero actual kitchen appliances—and shoves half of it in his mouth. “You won’t believe what happened at school today.”
“Don’t talk with your mouth full,” May says, picking up the note from where it had fallen.
Peter swallows down white bread and store-brand peanut butter while May flips the permission slip over and reads the summary. Apparently there’s some kind of open lab session at the Museum of Science this Friday, and anyone from Peter’s school who wants to go is allowed to count it as one of their field trips for the year. It also includes an overnight lock-in for all kids ten and over, a cut off that Peter just barely meets.
“Isn’t it so cool?” Peter gushes, his sandwich properly consumed. “Mr. Abrams said there might even be an arc reactor replica in the special exhibit section!”
“I think we agreed to avoid all forms of Stark tech after the last expo you went to.” May hears Peter pour a glass of milk as she continues reading.
“This is totally different, May! No bad guys whatsoever.” He pauses. “Unless Flash shows up.”
“Anyway we get to go for like the entire day and do our own experiments and everything, it’s going to be awesome!” Peter skids back into the dining room and sits in one of the chairs, planting his elbows on the table and his chin in his hands. He stares up at her. “Soooo. I can go, right? Ned said he was going!”
May’s eyes find the dollar signs in the fine print and she winces: all expenses not paid. “I don’t know, Peter… didn’t you have another field trip just last month?”
“Yeah, but that was for the Museum of Math. Totally different.”
May frowns and rubs at her temples.
Peter, sensing her reluctance, launches himself to his feet. “I’ll get the board!”
“Peter—” May warns, but he’s scrambling off to the closet before she can stop him.
The board had been Ben’s idea: when Peter was seven, he’d bought an eleven by seventeen inch whiteboard and drawn a line in permanent ink down the middle, with “Peter” written on one side, and “The Adult” written on the other. The concept had been to help Peter learn how to balance pros and cons, and Peter had taken to it so well that he quickly learned to follow along without the visual. They still brought it out on occasion for added effect—like right now, apparently.
Peter returns from his quest and places the board on the table. He pops the cap off of the dry erase marker, and drawing a tally mark in the section labeled Peter, says, “One: it would be totally awesome. Point for me.”
He holds the marker out to May expectantly. After a moment, she sighs and takes it from him. “You’ve already gone on the required number of field trips for this semester.”
Peter frowns as May draws a line on her side. “I can qualify for extra credit if I go on more, though.”
“You’re at the top of your class, Peter, you don’t need any credit.” May draws a line on both her side and his side. “And aren’t you supposed to be saving money for the end of the year school project?”
Another line.
Peter scrunches up his face in thought, then grins. “Yeah, but I got a whole ten dollars from Mr. Delmar yesterday for helping look after his cat!”
They continue swapping points for the next few minutes, and May has to admit that Peter does have a fair number of valid arguments. The board quickly fills up and by the time they’ve both run out of steam, there are ten careful lines drawn on both of their sides.
Peter stares miserably at the score: Parker rules state that all ties go to the adult. “…Ned will be there?”
May taps the marker against her thigh. “Yes, I’m aware.”
Peter’s eyes shoot back and forth between May and the whiteboard.
She sighs. “…Your point.”
Peter whoops in triumph as May draws the winning line in his side of the board, and she rolls her eyes and makes a mental note to ask for an extra shift tomorrow to make up for her lapse in judgement.
She doesn’t really mind, though. The electricity in Peter’s smile could generate enough energy to light up their entire apartment.
Peter talks about almost nothing but the trip for the next four days, and his enthusiasm is so infectious May finds she’s pretty excited about it, too.
Still, she has to remind him three times to pack his toothbrush and other necessities, and when he starts debating whether he should bring a change of clothes or the circuit board he’s been building out of parts fished from the dumpster, May wonders if he’s ready for an entire night on his own after all. She mentions this to Ben, who gets hung up on the fact that Peter has built an entire circuit board out of parts fished from the dumpster.
May concedes to this argument without having to get the whiteboard out.
Finally, Friday morning comes, and May bullies Ben into letting her drive so she can take Peter to school without risking being late for work herself. Peter clutches his backpack and chatters nonstop about all the things he’s hoping to build, but as they approach the parking lot his eagerness starts to dampen.
May flicks her blinker on and glances at him in the rearview mirror. “Drop off or walk you in?”
Peter runs his finger across the zipper on his backpack. “Walk in?”
“Sure thing, Tiger.”
May parks the car and takes Peter’s hand into hers, and together they walk up the marble steps of the school. His class is meeting outside, waiting for the Activities Bus to arrive, and May can see that several of the kids are already in the drop off area. She stops at the top of the steps and squeezes Peter’s shoulder.
“Got your toothbrush?”
“And that circuit board?”
Peter crinkles his nose and shrugs. “…Maybe.”
May shakes her head, and then gives him a little push towards his class. Peter stumbles a bit, caught off guard—poor guy’s always been a little clumsy—and then suddenly he’s spinning around and May has a ten year old wrapped around her waist.
“Bye, May,” he says, voice muffled by her coat. A warmth that has nothing to do with body heat steals into her chest, and she hugs him back.
“Bye, Peter.” She ruffles his hair. “I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”
Peter nods, and then he’s scampering off, his reticence all but forgotten as he sees Ned waiting for him.
May watches a moment longer, just enjoying seeing him laugh, and then shoves her hands in her pockets and hurries back to her car.
Having the apartment just to Ben and herself when she gets off work does, May will admit, have its perks—namely, having Ben to herself. She can’t help but feel a little anxious about Peter, but her cell phone never rings and there’s nothing in her inbox, so she relaxes and allows herself to enjoy a quiet evening with her husband.
That sense of peace continues until she picks Peter up the next morning, and he refuses to look at her.
She’d thought he’d be bubbling over with stories from the evening, but all of his answers are perfunctory at best and snappish at worst, so May gives up trying to prompt him and just reminds him they need to pick some things up before going home.
Peter says nothing in response, and May knows something is very, very wrong.
It’s late on a Saturday morning, which means the tourists are out in full force when May and a very sullen Peter arrive at the market. May starts weaving her way through the crowd, and when a burly man bumps into her and separates her from Peter, for a heart-stopping second she thinks she’s lost him. The crowd parts and she catches sight of his blue backpack, and she snatches up his hand before he can disappear again.
May is shocked when he jerks away.
He balls his fists and looks away, and another person barges between them because it’s New York.
“Peter,” May repeats, dodging around them. “Give me your hand before you get lost.”
“I won’t get lost,” Peter says, and juts his lower lip out.
“What—? Come on, I don’t have time for this, you need to—”
“I don’t need you.”
May looks at Peter in shock. “Excuse me?”
His cheeks flush and his head turns sharply away, but he doesn’t take it back. And then, so quiet May almost misses it, he whispers, “You’re not my mother.”
 May swallows dry air, and even though the crowd has forced them together, she’s never felt so far away from him.
“Fine,” she says. “You follow me, then.”
May spins on her heel and makes her way to the vegetable vender, and while she’d like to say she doesn’t look back, she does, because she’s terrified he won’t be there.
She and Peter finish the rest of the errands in a similar fashion, responses clipped and Peter avoiding any kind of contact, no matter how incidental—even when she hands him the grocery bag to carry, he goes out of his way to keep their hands from brushing. When they get home, Peter goes straight to his room without even saying hi to Ben. He looks at her in bewilderment, about to head out the door himself.
May shrugs helplessly, and texts Ned’s mom before kissing her husband goodbye.
Fifteen minutes later, May’s staring at a blurry photo from yesterday of Peter hugging May on the steps, with the caption ‘MOMMA’S BOY—OH WAIT, HE DOESN’T HAVE ONE’ written on it. 
After an intense interrogation, Ned admits Flash had texted the photo to the entire class, and had tormented Peter with it until one of the teachers stepped in (conveniently just before the parents arrived). He also swears Flash didn’t get ahold of it until that morning, so Peter really did have a good time for most of the trip.
…Just not the end.
May thanks Ned for his honesty and hangs up the phone. She drops her head into her hands and her hair curtains her face.
Couldn’t Parker luck have given him a break just once?
She sits in silence and wonders how on earth she’s going to fix this. Then she stands, pulls back her hair, and puts the kettle on the stove—Ben isn’t here to stop her—and fixes two slightly scalded mugs of hot chocolate.
She taps on Peter’s door, mugs balanced precariously in one hand. There’s no response, but Peter doesn’t tell her to go away, either. She takes it as the closest to an invitation as she’s going to get.
The lights are off, and Peter’s backpack has been abandoned on the floor, and the circuit board he’d been so proud of looks a lot more warped than May remembered it being. Peter himself is curled up on his bed, facing the wall. He rolls over onto his back when May walks in, though his gaze remains fixed on the ceiling. The tear tracks on his face glisten in the light from the door.
“Ned told you?”
“He’s a good friend.” May sets the mugs down on his bedside table. “I’m going to have a long talk with your teachers about this.”
Peter lets out a long breath. “I should quit school.”
“I think we might be getting ahead of ourselves.”
“Nope.” Peter rubs his arm across his face. “Actually I don’t think I can go out in public again. Ever.”
May looks at him thoughtfully, then walks out of the room. She comes back a few moments later carrying the whiteboard, and Peter groans.
“No, May, come on.”
“Too late,” May says, marking the board. “Point one: never having to face Flash again.”
Peter peeks out from under his arm and frowns. “You put that on the Adult side.”
“Correct. We’re playing Devil’s advocate today: I argue for your side, you argue for mine. Your turn.”
“This seems unfair,” Peter says, but he pulls himself into a seated position and takes one of the mugs. “I… would never graduate or get a job?”
May places two marks under Peter, and then one under Adult. “Counterpoint: lots of people work from home. You could do everything online for the rest of your life.”
“Yeah, but then I wouldn’t be able to make like, friends and stuff. Or go see movies.”
May draws another two marks and Peter scowls. “I feel like it’s unfair that you’re marking down two for me and only one for you every time.”
“Stop making so many points, then,” May replies. “How about this: no friends means no one can make fun of you for having them.”
“I think not having things was the problem, actually.”
May freezes midway through drawing the line. Shit.
Peter offers her a watery smile. “Maybe put that on the other side?”
He seems sad, but sincere enough, so May wipes her finger over the unfinished line and places one on Peter’s. She sets the board down. “Peter, I—”
“I’m sorry.” Tears swim into Peter’s eyes and drop into his cocoa. “I didn’t mean it when I said—I said—” He holds the mug tighter to his chest. “…I just really miss her.”
May closes her eyes, and then sits down on the bed next to Peter and pulls him to her. “Me too, Peter. Me too.”
She runs her hand through his hair. “Did I ever tell you how much you remind me of her?”
Peter looks up. “…Really?”
May picks up the second mug for herself, and as they drink their cocoa May tells Peter about how much she loved the sound of Mary’s laugh. The way she always tossed her hair back and how her entire body would shake, holding nothing back, and the sheer exuberance she had for life—similar to Peter’s, in many ways. About all the trouble they used to get into together, and how happy Mary’d been when Peter was born. How she thought he hung the moon, and how she wanted to give him the stars in return. How much she loved him.
She takes a sip of cocoa and hums.
Peter plays with his thumbs. “…I really didn’t mean it.”
Chocolate coats May’s tongue before gliding down her throat, but it doesn’t feel nearly as warm as Peter’s words. “I know, buddy. I need you, too.”
Peter glows, and May takes the last sip of her drink.
“Now. Since you’ve decided hanging out with me is cool again,” May says, wiping down the board, “wanna go dumpster diving for some tech while I tell you some more stories?”
“Really?” Peter’s thousand-watt smile lights up his face.
May plucks the empty cocoa cup out of his hand. “Really. We might even hit up some of the fancier ones in Manhattan, if you’re really lucky.”
“Whoa, cool!”
Peter races off to get his jacket and shoes, and May smiles. She doesn’t have the foggiest idea what kinds of things to help Peter look for, but she’d spent a night or two playing lookout for one Mary Parker during her wilder years. She was more than willing to watch over Mary’s son, too.
She stands and puts the whiteboard back in the closet, closing the door just as Peter finishes putting on his boots.
Peter nods vigorously, and May grabs her keys as they walk out, locking the door behind them. May starts to walk down the stairs, and then a small hand slips into hers.
May looks down in surprise, and Peter flushes, but doesn’t let go. May squeezes his hand and doesn’t say anything as they walk out onto the streets, because she’s not his mom, and that’s okay.
She’s still his, and he’s still hers, and that’s all they need.
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Here Be Dragons, Chapter 4
If you are interested in reading the previous chapters OR simply would like to avoid the smut that is in this chapter, read it on AO3 - if a chapter has a smutty scene it will be indicated in the notes at the beginning of the chapter. Also, the smutty scene will be in a block quote so you can simply skip to the end (skipping the sex does not take away from the plot). 
Sherlock sat in a dark hospital room, lights shut off and the blinds drawn, as his body was pumped full of fluids…Molly was going to kill him. He had been sent on a mission that guaranteed his demise in six months – his death certificate had been signed. Yet here he was. Moriarty was back, dead yes, but he was back. London needed him and she was going to kill him.
He heard hurried foot falls in the hall and a moment later a breathless Molly Hooper rounded the corner. She stood in the door way breathing heavily, her shoulders heaving, dried tear streaks on her face. She stepped into the room and closed the door behind her, throwing the lock. She walked to him quickly, shedding her lab coat. She pulled her jumper over her head and toed off her shoes before grabbing a bandage and removing his IV.
Sherlock sat silently, his eyes trained on her. When she had finished removing his IV he stood up and discarded his own shirt and shoes. He followed after her, removing his trousers and pants. He reached up and pulled the tie out of her hair and watched as it cascaded over her shoulders.
“Molly,” he breathed but she shook her head and placed a finger to his lips, silencing him. She pushed him back into the chair and crawled onto his lap, one knee on either side of his thighs. She took him in hand and ran the tip of his cock from the top of her slit to the bottom and back up. Sherlock let out a hiss as she settled down over him, letting his length fill her. She sighed and started, moaning each time he filled her again. He gripped her hips as she started to ride him harder, slamming her body down on his as she quickened her pace. He could tell her climax was building and that she needed to find her release quickly. He stuck his thumb between her folding and started rubbing her swollen clit as she continued her downward thrusts.
Molly came with a shout that Sherlock quickly swallowed with his mouth. She leaned into his kiss and settled her hands on his shoulders as his tongue explored her mouth. She started moving again, slowly rocking back and forth and moaned as the friction pressed against her sensitive clit. He pushed her to her feet and stood up. He turned her around so she was bracing herself on the wall and stepped up behind her, rubbing the tip of his cock against her. He slowly guided himself back into her warm folds and enjoyed the string of curse words that left her mouth. He gripped her hip with one hand and used the other to cup her right breast, rubbing her nipple between his thumb and forefinger. Molly dug her nails against the wall at the sensation.
He felt her tightening again and knew his own release wasn’t far off. He gripped her hip tighter as he increased his speed, pounding into her from behind. He ran his other hand down her body, rubbing his fingers over their joining. Molly moaned louder and turned her head into her arm, muffling her noises. He moved his fingers up to focus on her clit and he could feel her legs start to shake as the heat built in her belly again.
Molly’s arms buckled as her orgasm hit and Sherlock held her up, keeping her from colliding with the wall. She rocked back and forth on his cock, his own orgasm just out of reach. She finally settled her forearms against the wall, leaning heavily against it for support as Sherlock continued to pound into her. A string of unintelligible words came from her mouth, tipping him over the edge.
They stood locked together, leaning on the wall until Molly’s sweat soaked body started shivering. He pulled away from her and found tissues to clean up with. She dressed in silence, not looking at him. He sat back down in the chair to pull his shoes on and looked up to see her holding a new IV in her hand. He rolled the sleeve of his shirt up on the opposite arm and let her set it. She checked to make sure his line was clean and then restarted his fluids.
Picking up her lab coat, she pulled it on and brushed her fingers through her tangled hair before pulling it back into her usually pony tail. With her hand on the door she turned to him, tears now streaming down her face again.
“I think it would be best if you continue to stay at Baker Street for a while.” Then she was gone.  
Molly had texted him two weeks after their encounter and asked if he would like to start taking Mina to play school in the mornings. He of course had said yes and asked if he would be able to have dinner with them sometime that week. It had taken Molly a solid ten minutes of rewriting her text before responding, You may have dinner with Mina any night you like, you are her father and that is your right, but I will have to decline your offer for now. He had stared at the text a few seconds too long, drawing John’s questioning gaze. He shoved his phone in his pocket and turned his attention back to the crime scene.
“Oh shit…do you know where your phone charger is?” John asked as they trudged their way up the stairs at Baker Street. “Won’t even turn on.” He waved his mobile as he opened the door.
“Kitchen counter,” Sherlock said as he took off his jacket. He watched John dig through the piles of junk in the kitchen. “I think,” he mumbled as he pulled out his own phone. Forty-three missed calls flashed on the screen. He frowned as he unlocked his phone, barely hearing John rejoicing as he found the charger. There were thirty missed calls from Mary and ten from Molly.
“So, how long has it been since you and Molly have had a real conversation?” John asked, his mobile chiming as it turned on.
“John,” Sherlock’s voice was stern.
“It’s been almost two months, Sherlock, and I…” John’s voice trailed off as he looked at his phone. “Fifty-nine missed calls.”
“We’re in a lot of trouble.”
Molly lay on the couch wrapped tightly in a blanket with her head on Mary’s knees. Mary gently stroked Molly’s hair as she talked.
“I am so tired of not being able to see my feet.” Mary wiggled her toes. “And good lord! Look at my ankles – they are massive!” Molly giggled and sat up.
“My feet were so swollen when I was pregnant that I had to buy new shoes for work and then by the time I finally went back to the morgue I had to give the new shoes away because they were too big!” Molly smiled brightly as she looked at Mary – a very pregnant Mary who had become a rather permanent fixture on her couch at night.
Most nights John was out late, working new cases with Sherlock and Mary had been trying to keep Molly preoccupied. She knew what it was that Mary and John were doing, babysitting her and Sherlock, making sure that they were okay. Normally Molly would have protested, sending Mary on her way and calling John to tell him to go home and be with his wife, but she couldn’t. Not now. Not with what had happened.
She dropped Mary’s gaze and stared at her engagement ring. Most days its felt heavy and awkward on her finger, a solid reminder of what was slipping away from her. When she took it off, her hand felt bare and her chest ached, as if the ring was the only thing keeping her tied to Sherlock. She would spend most of the day slipping it off and on as she worked, relief and guilt flooding her each time the silver band slid over her skin.
“Hey,” Mary’s hand came to rest on top of Molly’s, drawing her gaze back up. “Want to talk about it?” Molly gave her a tight smile and stood up, shaking her head. “You can’t ignore him forever.” Molly picked up their tea cups and took them to the kitchen.
“I am not ignoring him.” She sat the cups in the skin and turned on the water.
“I’m not! I am very pleasant when he picks Mina up in the mornings.” She grabbed the cloth and quickly washed the cups as she talked.
“And the other day, he and I both helped Lestrade on a case.” She grabbed a hand towel and started to dry.
“Molly!” The intensity in Mary’s voice caused Molly to pause, setting down the dishes. “My water just broke.”
Molly sat on the couch watching Mina drawing at her tea table. She was twisting her engagement ring while trying to convince herself to ask Sherlock to stay for dinner but realizing what was stopping her was that she was nervous. Which is ridiculous, because he’s your fiancé…you have a child with him. There is no reason to be nervous! She had been trying to ask him to dinner for the last couple of weeks since Mary had had the baby. Their exchange at the hospital had been good and if they were going to work past the Magnussen stuff, they needed to talk.
The front door opened as Sherlock called out,
“Hello? Oh – ” he paused when he saw Molly sitting on the couch. “Hi,” he said, his hand still on the handle and the door completely open.
“Hi.” She stood up and gave him a small smile. He smiled back and finally stepped inside, closing the door behind him.
“Dad!” Mina yelled as she ran to him.
“Dad?” Sherlock frowned as he picked her up. “What happened to ‘Daddy’?”
“It’s the same thing!” she giggled as she hugged him.
“She’s been calling me mum intermittently…” Molly walked over and scratched Mina’s back. “I don’t know how I feel about it either,” she whispered to Sherlock. He smiled at her again.
“Are we going to dinner?” Mina asked.
“If that’s still okay with your mum.” He looked at her, his smile slipping when he saw the apprehension on her face.
“Oh…umm…of course,” she finally managed to get out. Mina’s face lite up and she wiggled out of Sherlock’s arms to get her shoes on.
“Thank you,” Sherlock said softly.
“No worries…” she said over her shoulder. She stood at the counter listening as Mina struggled into her shoes. She looked down at her engagement ring and twisted it again. “Actually,” she turned around, “would you want to have dinner here? I took out fish earlier.”
“That would be great,” he said, slipping his coat off.
 Molly sat outside of Mina’s room listening to Sherlock putting her to bed. Her head was leaned back against the wall and her hands were resting in her lap, her engagement ring left untouched.
“I miss reading to you, munchkin,” she heard Sherlock say.
“Me too, Daddy,” came Mina’s soft reply. Molly smiled as she listened to the rest of their exchange, realizing just how much she had missed it too.
A few minutes later she heard Sherlock’s footsteps, the light being shut off, and the door opening.
“Hi,” she said quietly as he closed the door behind him.
“Hi.” He reached down and helped her to her feet. “Thank you.” She nodded and turned, slowly walking down the hall towards her room and the stairs.
“She misses you…” She stopped at the top of the stairs, looking at their room. “I miss you.” She felt him stop just behind her. He leaned his head down, his breath warm on her exposed neck and her eyes slid closed.
“I miss you too,” he whispered. He kissed her neck softly. “You smell good,” he sighed as she leaned her body into his. He ran his hand around her stomach and she laced her fingers with his. As he kissed her again, she reached up and threaded her fingers through his curls.
“Sherlock…” she breathed when he dragged his teeth across her skin. At his name he spun her around and pinned her to the wall, capturing her mouth with his until neither of them could breathe. They broke apart, gasping for air, their chests heaving in time.
“You’re beautiful,” he breathed, running his thumb along her jaw. She gave him a small smile before pushing up on her tip tops to place a soft kiss to his lips.
“Maybe we could get coffee and talk?” she asked.
“I would like that.” He stepped back, his hand lingering on her face a moment longer. “I will see you soon, good night.”
“Good night.”
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