#its been almost a year since I did something for this au Xp
kitty-kura · 3 years
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kannymaei · 2 years
The Perfect Girl - Prologue (Kamisato Ayato x Reader)
Author’s Note: First, yes, I play Genshin Impact and have been obsessed with this man xP. Second, I haven’t been updating my Gojo Satoru x Reader fanfic since I’ve been completely busy with my real life and! It’s stuck in my drafts. Sorry for the delay but I’ll start updating different parts of the fanfictions gradually~ REBLOGS AND LIKES are very much appreciated! Thank you!
Author’s Note 2: Please be reminded that this fanfic is Modern! AU and Highschool! AU and none of this are canons to the actual lore of Genshin Impact. I do not own Genshin Impact nor the characters that belong in the game!
Synopsis: You were a graduating high school student who somehow got involved in unfortunate events and transferred to another school, Teyvat International School. Due to your “complicated” physical features, you became the main target of the school’s “bully”, Kamisato Ayato! Together with his friends, Diluc Ragnvindr, Tartaglia, and Arataki Itto.
TW: Mentions of death
Word Count: 888 words
Next -> Chapter 1
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”I’m sorry for your loss Y/N...”
“My condolences...”
“Poor girl, she lost her parents before she enters college...”
You gaze at the night sky before looking back to your parent’s caskets being buried in the ground. After the ceremony, you see yourself packing up your things before leaving this place that you once called home. 
“Lady Y/N! It’s in your parent’s last will for you to study at Teyvat International School. Even in the afterlife, they still wanted you to live a good life.”
Aren’t International Schools a little complicated? People with high statuses or people who came from rich families were studying there? I am, in fact from a rich family but why did my parents choose this time after their deaths to enroll me in a school like this? Can’t I just graduate from my local high school? What’s so special with this school anyways?
As soon as you finish packing up your things, you looked back from your home for the one last time and recall your happy memories from how your father taught you how to ride a bike to your mother teaching you how to bake your favorite smores cookies. No one knew that on this day it finally came close to its end.
(Goodbye...) You thought to yourself before looking back to the maid who’s also your second mother.
“Ready to go Lady Y/N?”
“Yes...” It’s good that you didn’t shed a single tear, after all, life goes on no matter what. 
You got inside in the backseat of the car while the servants pack up your things in the car’s trunk. How long has it been since your parent’s died? Perhaps it may have been a week already. 
It’s quite worrisome that you weren’t able to say goodbye to your friends at your local high school and knowing the fact that they aren’t going to be in the school you’re about to transfer to is another problem.
(How am I supposed to make friends when I’m a year left before graduating?) You honestly don’t have any idea how would you socialize with your soon-to-be classmates. These thoughts were cut off immediately when the car started to move. You combed your hair and tied it to a messy bun, after that you reached out to your nerdy glasses and cleaned them before wearing them.
“Lady Y/N, kindly look to the window on your right, we are almost near Teyvat International School”
You leaned towards the window to your right and to your surprise, this school is quite huge! It’s like the mansion you used to live in before except it got multiplied to fifty. 
(It’s exactly how it was advertised on TV. This school is something not even a middle-class family would be able to afford) The building is so perfect as if the architects who designed this were genius. 
The car stopped at the school’s gate which automatically opened after it recognized the vehicle. 
“You must be Miss L/N, I’ve been waiting for your arrival.” said the man that looks like on their 20′s and is quite... short, he’s a little taller than you. The end of his braids has a little shade of fading green, based on his approach to me and my maid, he’s the kind of person that is jolly and easy to be friends with. 
“Come, come! Miss L/N, Mr. Zhongli, and Ms. Ei are waiting for you” said the man as you followed him while walking through the school’s corridors. Large windows with a huge amount of sunlight passing through casting two shadows from you and the man you’re following. 
You seemed to caught someone’s attention while passing through one of the hallways. Both of you shared intense eye contact, this said person is very tall and has blue hair and a girl standing next to him seems to be someone the same as your height, and her hair is colored pink. Not noticing your surroundings, the man intentionally tripped you over his feet making you fall onto your knees.
“W-what was that for?!” You said looking up to this man and the girl beside him who seems to be laughing a little bit.
“How dare you look at me like that? And what do you mean ‘What was that for’? Are you blind?”
“You intentionally made me trip over your feet, stop lying!” You held the collar of the man even if you were small for him and now the students are staring at you and the student.
The man held your arm that you used to hold his collar, “I don’t know who you are but you have no right to hold me like that” You loosen up your fists and let go of his collar while he fixed it with an angry face. As soon as he was about to punch you in the stomach-
“Miss L/N! There you are! I thought I lost you” The man from earlier just saved you from being hit by this student. 
“Miss L/N are you okay?”
“Y-yes I am, I came across with some inconveniences” Before looking away, you smirked at the man that you just now called an inconvenience.
(L/N, so that’s her name. I’ll be making sure that she’ll remember who I am in her mind and her heart) Kamisato Ayato thought to himself. 
Next -> Chapter 1
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devintrinidad · 4 years
So Uhm, CAW anon here. I haven’t been into Hetalia for years. But I feel like talking about a few things I noticed back in fandom a lot that I didn’t see at all in the canon manga/anime (though Hetalia itself is just a fanfic of history. I’m only focusing on character and relationships present in the canon series). 
Ok a lot has probably changed since the last couple of years in fandom. But back then I saw a lot of depictions of the FACE group: England and Canada not having much of a relationship. France and Canda being the closest while France and America aren’t close at all. America and Canada having a strained if not dysfunctional brotherly bond. Canada having no backbone and being a sad sack all the time or just being a pure angel with no flaws. America being too childish.
I’m going to try to remember all the canon bits to back me up. But I’m mostly curious if there’s anything off and your (most likely much more up to date and informed) thoughts. 
Canada and England have a pretty good relationship from what I’ve seen. We’ve sen plenty of material of England being present in colony Canada’s life. He used to cook for him too (poor Canada) and Canada spent almost about the same amount of time with him as America did. Later on Canada chose Enlgand over America when the colonies revolted. He didn’t want to pick a side but in the end he did. He fought against American troops. Was there when England was heartbroken over the fighting. He even acted as a strategist, using his knowledge as America’s twin brother to use America’s weaknesses against him (sending surrender papers inside a basket of food. America was so hungry it took George Washington telling him to resist to not take the bait).  Later on when America and Canada were trying to mend their relationship. Canada would get so nervous and have England talk for him all the time instead (which only confused America). England did it without any fuss despite any issues he and America might still have. Overall Canada recalls having a good childhood and England was a part of that. The two might not be as close as America and England are, but they have their own history and bond both are very comfortable and happy with each other. 
America and Canada. Fans I ran into often focused on America and England’s dynamic history. But the North American brothers have a lot of their own turmoil and strength to them as well. While Canada might,moan about being invisible and such. Canada also remembers having a very fun childhood with America. So much he remembers how sad he was when America grew up much faster then him and couldn’t play with him all the time like he used to. When Canada told America he didn’t want to fight, only to choose England, America felt betrayed. He loved Canada and wanted his twin brother to fight for freedom with him. Their relationship went pretty sour for a long time. But the two did end up trying to be mature later on in life and congratulate each other despite how annoyed they are at how different the other is. 
From there we only get brother goodness. They can bug each other a lot. Canada takes for granted everything America has done and gone through, things that have also been good for Canada. While America likes to mess with Canada and act pushy with him. They do like to horse around and spend time together. Despite their differences, they’re probably the closest siblings in the world of nations. They’ve gone through their bitterness and still chose to be close brothers in the end. They like to play sports together. They like to use their appearances to mess with England who can’t tell them apart like France can. They call each other on the phone a lot. They have a joint Search for Santa Claus operations every winter. America respects Canada’s opportunity and ability to easily get along with others. He also takes Canada’s concerns very seriously and offers reasonable and helpful advice such as how to help his citizens get along. Canada’s opinions must mean a lot to him since Canada is the only individual to make America cry in despair when he went into his 3 hour insult rant against him. Despite his complaints about his personality, Canada looks up to America as a big brother who he always goes to for comfort or help. He respects and admires America a lot and trusts him as his closest confidante (after his polar bear. Not that that bear is ever helpful). Overall America and Canada have their downs like every sibling pair has. But they also seem to have a very strong and stable connection where they can act like brothers and best friends. Sometimes I think it’s easier to imagine America is closer to Canada then he is to England. 
America and France. Back then these two didn’t get a lot of attention. Which is strange because there’s tons of material of them interacting throughout the centuries. France used to cook for America when England wasn’t around (I bet when Colony America said English food was as good as French food, some thing broke inside France. The reason America started disliking English food is because France made it his mission to salvage some of his tastebuds. Xp). France has been the only FACE member to stay by America’s side without conflict. Both of them obviously had a close bond since France gave America Lady Liberty and you could see teasing and ruffling America’s hair like a big brother. The two hang out a lot. They go to Maid Cafes together. They seem to have lunch together all the time at conferences since France is always looking for America to go eat together. They apparently also have sleepovers a lot and like to compare different genres of movies. Whatever issues their people can have with each other never seems to affect their personal interactions. France is the big brother of love and that’s sometimes a running gag for jokes. But he really seems to be like a normal big brother figure for America. He often worries about America and Russia’s scary relationship and chides England for raising America to be weird. In a deleted strip, France is preventing America from drinking alcohol because he’s too young (being physically 19). It also gets a bit heartwarming when you recall the Joan of arc strips where France meets the reincarnation of Joan and she’s an American. Almost like America is now taking care of Joan and giving her the opportunity to be free and happy in ways she couldn’t before. 
Also while it’s not part of their dynamic. It’s always interesting that when the author wanted to show the Nation’s personal relationships with humanity. He always chose America and France. The supposed happy go lucky airheads who often gain a affectionate yet somber (to even downright tragic) experience from it. 
Overall America and France have a nice quiet and stable relationship. You could say while England raised America as a colony. France was among the mentors to America on how to be his own Nation. 
I think that’s it. Again my memory might be foggy but that’s what I can recall. =P
Okay, I’m going to prioritize this ask/submission thing first because wow, you’re a Hetalian and Hetalia has a special place in my heart. First of all, I’m kind of flattered that you think that I’m up to date for this, hahaha. I’ll have to tell you, while I do know a lot about American history, I’m actually more of a fan of the Itabros, hehehe.
A few tumblr people that I know specialize in Hetalia and have already posted FACE dynamics a lot in the blogs are, but not limited to: @historihet  @stirringwinds and @ellawritesficssometimes. I’m not sure if Ella is still active, but there’s a lot of content that you can browse through if I’m not thorough. Also, again, the list of tumblrs that have been associated with FACE are definitely more than I can imagine, those are the three that I follow and know off the top of my head.
To @historihet @stirringwinds @ellawritesficssometimes, I love your interpretations and love for history! If I say anything inaccurate or something you don’t find to your liking, please inform me! I don’t want to spread misinformation and I’m just so excited to talk about Hetalia to my dear Anon Friend :D 
If you’re reading this, I hope that you all have a wonderful day! And keep up the great work with your own analyses/fanart/fanfiction/etc. You guys rock and keep the fandom alive. :D
Anywhoozles, what you said here is fairly accurate. FACE definitely has its up and downs. Assuming that you haven’t been active in the fandom since... let’s say 2012-2014ish era, you might have noticed that the common bonds are Canada and France (platonic), France and England (rivalry/lovers/enemies), and the most concerning relationship America and England (brothers/rivals/lovers???). What you said in your analysis really applies within the sense of what is considered to be manga/anime canon, not necessarily historical canon. 
In historical canon (if you want to go down that route), FACE is one dysfunctional mess if you want to consider it as one family unit. Every one of them at one point has been at each other’s throat at one point (whether it be at war or just snubbing the other because of politics). 
We have:
1. The Revolutionary War (England vs America)
2. War of 1812 (Canada/England vs America, with special emphasis in 1814 because Canada burned down America’s White House if I remember correctly)
3. The XYZ Affair (I’m pretty sure it was a snub in diplomacy??? which actually started a war???)
4. The fact that American promised to help France in their own revolution, but Washington said no because we’re still a new country and all that jazz (...I know this because of Hamilton IF YOU’RE ALSO A HAMILFAN I WILL CRY)
5. And like the entire history of France/England is just its own thing
As you can probably tell, FACE... I think was just a  term for the fans to make this makeshift family dynamic that is cute in some respects if this was like a human au, but definitely a cluster of effs if you imagine them as eldritch abominations that were brought to life because of human imagination. 
Like, the dynamics can go in so many directions if you want to choose one aspect of history over another. 
In @stirringwinds, they often write/draw about America as this Prodigal son who happens to be like the Crown Prince succeeding his once proud father. (America turning into a superpower after the World Wars and the English Empire just kinda dismantling itself because of everything.... OF COURSE THAT’S AN OVERSIMPLIFICATION, PLEASE DON’T KILL ME FOR INACCURACY!
Whereas for another tumblr, @historihet they portray the USUK relationship as more of a ship. Like, the whole brother relationship that is skewed in the anime/dubs/subs (this is due to the fact that some fans take the whole older brother thing too literally because in Japan, you call your elders/peers that happen to be older than you via polite endearments) is more of a... I’m not gonna say paternal, but it was more of a mentor thing? I’m not sure, I haven’t interacted with them much, but I’m pretty sure they ship it. Plus, their art is so amazing and they’re obviously a fan of history because wow, their head canons and their art is so beautiful and detailed.
As for the whole France and Canada relationship, I think this can be further elaborated via @ellawritesficssometimes. I remember reading that France and Canada, while having a similar relationship to England and America, it wasn’t that close or as heartwarming as many fans make it out to be. If you follow Canadian history, I’m pretty sure Canada was under French rule for a sort time before becoming part of the English Empire. Like, Canada was part of the Empire for a longer time than under France. This means that France wasn’t always there, England was. You can further read between the lines about the English/Canadian relationships, especially if you consider the fact that America fought an entire revolution to get away from England because of neglect on England’s part and on Canada’s part.... all he had to do was ask. 
Overall, I’m glad that you told me that you were part of the Hetalia fandom. It’s nice to see that the fandom is still alive and kicking, hahah. That reminds me, I’ve got to finish my series concerning Italia Veneziano, oops. Just wondering, but why did you want to talk about this? Not that I mind, it just seems out of the blue... 
Thanks for the analysis and your chat! I hope that you have a wonderful day! :D
Please don’t tell me you want a FACE fic, hahahah. XD
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fleetingfigures · 4 years
|| 2020: A Retrospective ||
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With the year coming to a close soon, thank god, I thought it’d be cool to take a look back and see what’s transpired in FFXIV as well as this blog! Anyone also reading this, I invite to do the same, if you have time of course. It’s always nice to close out the year thinking of the positives. Though, without further ado let’s goooo~
- Actually, well, started using this thing! Met a lot of cool peeps and had the chance to actually break out into the world RP thanks to it.
- Almost hit 100 followers, just 5 shy! 
- Top 10 Posts of the Year!
1). Promise Me You’ll... 116 notes - Aug 19 2020 
First and only post I’ve had reach 100 notes! Mighty proud of the posing I pulled off for this, and who knows, I might make a sequel in due time. WoL!AU’s are still very much my weakness. And G’raha. He’s a weakness of mine too, if it wasn’t readily apparent already.
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2). LFRP - Saerno Glista (Balmung/Crystal DC)  75 notes - Jan 28 2020. 
Ah... My old LFRP. I even updated it, but I feel the need to change it again, especially given the fact I’m Giving my Carrd a complete overhaul. Might do the same to this blog too lmao. New Year new me as they say, but in actuality a lot has occurred for a certain catboy and things must be adjusted.
3). I Was Busy Thinking ‘Bout Boys  70 notes - Dec 5 2020
I was surprised this even got the attention it did lol. Seems NPC-related content is my most popular stuff. Also I am highly disappointed no one could recognize Arnott from the HW anima weapon quests. Y-yea he’s a very minor NPC, but I think he’s a cutie.
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4). Black Mage is a Fun Class 51 notes - May 6 2020
The first of my fun class series! Originally wasn’t supposed to be a series at all, but I decided that every class in the game deserved some love! Also can I just say how much I love staves? Oh and the pagos bandana. It fits oddly well Sae imo.
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5). Eden’s Promise Eternity 46 notes - Dec 18 2020
One of my more recent posts, and one not all too involved in the posing. Though, like I said in the post, the MOMENT I saw that arena, I fell in love with its lighting. OST is also a banger. Glad that people enjoyed random glamour shots with Gshade improving the already good lighting.
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6). A Guide to Arcanima 42 notes - Sep 28 2020
The post I put the most time into... Photoshopping became so tedious at some points, but it was well worth it! I’m proud of the result and the opportunity to share some of my views upon the RP-flexibility of Arcanima.
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7). Random Shower Thought 32 notes - Feb 9 2020
...I genuinely do not remember making this post.
8). Astrologian is a Fun Class 31 notes - Nov 30 2020
My old healing main, but still without a doubt the most beautiful class in the game. I wish Tumblr didn’t restrict gif sizes, but I understand the need for people’s devices to not implode when loading resources. So much grain could be reduced and more detail could be added, but alas. The screenshot at the end is still my favorite screenshot of Sae I’ve taken, even if it’s not IC.
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9). Crystarium Coat of Scouting 29 notes - Mar 20 2020
And I still stand by my statements today. Since last tier is a patch behind us now, I could spare some augments to finally dye the coat. And, like a basic bitch, I’ve made Saerno’s ninja Rogue glamour jet black as far as the eye can see; all leather, of course. What is a rogue really without their leather?
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10). 26 notes - Nov 16 2020
One of my first gifsets next to my Ninja ones! It Showcases the wonderful land of La Noscea, Sae’s only true home, and highlights some of his personal favorite areas! Hence why Limsa is barely pictured. He likes the city, but growing up in the country makes one appreciate the more natural side of La Noscea.
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(Created by TumblrTop10)
- Levelled all classes to 80! Though it does feel a bit hollow not being able to get xp for doing stuff now...
- Started Raiding... Well, seriously. I used to be a scrub and only do e1,e5 and e6 savage in PF, but a friend’s static needed a healer and they all but convinced me I was good enough to join. It’s been a hell of a ride, I’ll finally be going into e12s soon, but my experiences thus far have been awesome to say the least. I feel like I’m actually getting the most out of this game now that I both savage raid and take the time to RP.
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God was the release of the new wards hella stressful. Stayed up all night, logged on the second I could, booted up next to the ferryman. Didn’t get my ideal plot, but got the neighboring one. I finally got to house something with more than 100 slots, and for that, I am eternally thankful.
- Finished those goddamn Shared Fates. And all so I could get a piece of music and possibly make a few million gil selling other SHB area themes. Crystarium night theme is the GOAT and you cannot tell me otherwise.
- Actually RP’ed outside of my circle of friends! Now I haven’t had the time recently to seriously go back to it like I once did, but the things I’ve learned and the people I’ve met... I wouldn’t trade it for the world. With this upcoming new year, and me taking a small break from Uni, I think I’ll begin in earnest again! First I’ve gotta update all these damn sites first to better reflect where Saerno is now.
- New Plotlines realized, old ones closed up. It’s cathartic and oh so satisfying, in a way, to see your OC go through legitimate change and to have them put a cap upon a phase of their life, slowly moving on to the next. While Saerno is still as brash as ever, he’s begun to realize just how fragile his life is. To slow down, to sit back, rest, to think about the direction his life is headed, that is the essence of his new arc.
- Secrets to uncover. To keep things brief and without many spoiler, Saerno has made the transition from Arcanist to Summoner, but with it comes its own host of problems, ones that Saerno has to grapple lest things take a turn for the worse.
- Potential Alts. Well, now that I have money again... I may actually follow through on one of the many alt ideas I’ve had, some tangentially tied to Saerno’s own story, others completely unrelated. A tailor with an unrequited love that’s inspired him throughout his hardships? Perhaps the prodigal daughter of a family whose cunning nature only fuels her desire of pure freedom? Or maybe the son of Doman liberators, trying desperately to gain the approval and praise of others so that his parents’ name do not die out completely. So many choices... 
And, well, that’s all! So far while 2020 has been quite terrible, at least I have these moments to look back upon fondly. Thanks to any and all of your who have been here this year, and here’s to hoping for a wonderful 2021! 
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psychosistr · 6 years
Wait for You- Part 2 (CaeJose Dancer!AU)
Like I said in the last chapter, this is where you’ll see the inspiration song for the title coming into play. It’s literally all I heard in my head while writing the scenes with Caesar. Hope the happy ending to this part makes up for the light angst XP
Caesar was more determined than she gave him credit for, Joseph quickly learned.
Every day at class he tried speaking to her, only for her to brush him off without a reason why. He constantly sent her text messages and tried to call her to the point that she ended up blocking his number. It all culminated in her coming home one day to find him standing outside of her apartment complex.
“What are you doing here?” Joseph asked as she took off her helmet and stepped off of her bike.
“You blocked my number and refuse to talk to me in class, so I figured this would be the only other place I could find you.” Caesar said as he watched her park her bike in the apartment’s designated zone.
She sighed and put her helmet away before trying to walk past him. “Well, you wasted a trip because there’s nothing to talk about.” His hand shot out and grabbed her wrist before she could fully pass him. His grip was firm enough to stop her but not hard enough to harm her in any way. “Caesar-” She started in a warning tone.
“Please.” Caesar cut her off. His voice was heavy and tired and sounded so sad at the same time. He turned to look at her, a frown marring his handsome face and his eyes pleading with her just as much as his voice was. “I know you’re angry at me for something, but I cannot make it up to you or apologize if you do not tell me what I did wrong. So..please..” He gave her wrist a gentle squeeze before letting it go. “Please tell me, Jojo. I don’t like seeing you upset. Please…”
Her wrist felt warm where he’d grabbed her, the feeling so similar to how he’d made her lips feel when he’d kissed her before. “……” She shook her head and kept walking towards her apartment. She kept quiet because she knew if she talked she’d end up crying and she didn’t want to do that in front of him.
“So now you won’t even speak to me?” Caesar asked her as she retreated. When she didn’t give him a reply, she heard him walking away and she was sure that was the end of it- “Jojo!” She, reluctantly, turned her head to glance in his direction and saw him standing just outside of the apartment’s property line across the street. He stood on a patch of greenway next to a metal bench under a streetlight and locked eyes with her- his tone as resolute and serious as the expression on his face. “Until you are willing to talk to me again, I will not move from this spot! I will be right here waiting for you whenever you are ready!” He folded his arms over his chest and leaned against the streetlight as if he was settling in for a long wait.
She sighed and rolled her eyes, but otherwise remained silent as she walked into her apartment complex’s lobby. She took the elevator up to her floor and looked out the window in her living room. From there, she had a perfect view of Caesar still standing in place under the street lamp.
“What an idiot…” She mumbled as she watched him shift his weight from one foot to another. “He’s just trying to prove a point.” She said to herself.
She knew she was right: Calling her constantly was one thing, but there’s no way he was serious enough to ACTUALLY stand out there 24/7. He was bluffing and Joseph was going to call him on it.
He’d give up eventually...
When Joseph got up the next morning to start her day, she went to the window in her living room to have a look at the weather. She saw some clouds in the sky, wind rustling the tree tops a little, Caesar standing across the street-
Wait, what?
She blinked and rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn’t seeing things, but, no, she was right the first time: Caesar was still standing in the same spot as last night and still seemed to be wearing the same light blue jeans and gray shirt as yesterday, suggesting that he hadn’t gone home last night.
Joseph almost allowed herself to be impressed before she quickly reeled it back in. “Hmph..what a show off..” She heard a familiar knock on the door and pried herself away from the window to it. “Hey, mom.” She said before the door was even half-way open.
Lisa Lisa looked up at her from over the rim of her usual sunglasses. “Jojo, do you mind telling me why one of my best students is standing outside looking like he hasn’t slept in over 24 hours?” She let herself in and walked to the window that Joseph was previously occupying.
Joseph shut the door and followed her with an irritated sigh. “Beats me. It’s a free country, after all- maybe he’s just exercising his civil liberties or whatever.”
“You two had a fight, didn’t you?” Damn it, she was always way too good at seeing through Joseph..
Joseph rolled her eyes. “No, it’s more like I’m not talking to him and he’s being a big baby about it.”
“Uh huh.” Her mother raised an eyebrow at her slightly. “And why, pray tell, are you not talking to him if you two didn’t have a fight?”
Joseph folded her arms and shrugged, not willing to give her mother an answer at the moment. “……”
Her mother huffed a short sigh and adjusted her sunglasses. “Fine, you don’t have to tell me.” She glanced back out the window one more time before walking back towards the door. However, she did stop once her hand was on the handle and spoke one more time without turning her head to look back at Joseph. “Be careful, Jojo..sometimes the things you choose not to say will haunt you more than the harsh words you let slip, and you may find yourself looking back and wishing you had the strength to speak up when you had the chance instead of having to hold those words in until it’s too late.”
Joseph frowned slightly at her mother’s words. She knew the story well, even if she’d had to grow up hearing it from her grandmother and her uncle instead of directly from her mother:
When Joseph was a baby, her parents had a fight. It wasn’t anything grand or disastrous, not anything worth ending a relationship over, but her mother was as stubborn as she was and refused to budge on the topic they were fighting over. Her father, deciding they both needed some time to calm down, went out to pick up a few things from the corner store. Unfortunately, he happened to be there during an armed robbery. He ended up getting shot while saving a little girl from being taken away as a hostage. By the time her mother got the call from the hospital, it was too late and her father was dead. Her mother struggled with depression for a while after that and Joseph spent her early years being raised by her grandmother and her uncle until her mother felt capable enough to take care of her again.
Joseph looked down at the ground, arms still crossed over her chest. “..Yeah..I got it, mom…”
Her mother left without another word. Once she was gone, Joseph looked back out the window at Caesar standing across the street.
He was just bluffing, she reminded herself.
He’d give up eventually..right…?
Eventually was certainly taking its sweet time, Joseph thought as she leaned against the wall by her window while sipping some hot tea from her favorite red and blue super hero themed mug.
The weather was terrible today and she really had no desire to go outside in it. It had been raining nonstop since three in the morning and it was now well into the evening. Most sane people, such as Joseph, were relaxing inside with hot beverages and lounging around in comfortable clothes like her green pajama bottoms and extra soft over-sized brown tee-shirt.
Then, she thought with annoyance, there were people like CAESAR who were stupid enough to be standing outside in pouring rain with a 28 degree wind chill.
It had been four days now that Caesar had been standing out there under that streetlight. Every morning he would be out there when Joseph woke up. Every day he’d be there, watching her expectantly whenever she left and came back. Then, every night, he would still be right there when she went to bed. Or, at least, that’s what it looked like.
Joseph wasn’t convinced that he would ACTUALLY do something so stupid. He had to leave at some point, right? She left occasionally on errands or to go to her dance troupe’s rehearsals, and of course she slept, so he had plenty of opportunities to sneak off somewhere without her knowing. He probably had a car parked nearby that he could sit down in and eat or sleep for a bit before she got back just so he could maintain the illusion of never leaving.
That’s what she wanted to believe, because accepting the idea that he’d been standing out there twenty-four hours a day for four days straight would mean that he…no, she reminded herself, that couldn’t be the case.
Still, he did look pretty bad standing out there. He was soaking wet, still wearing the same clothes from his first day out there. His hair hung damp and limp around his head and his headband and little feathered clips were so wet that they were practically plastered to his hair and skin. He had his arms folded around himself and was shivering pretty badly.
This would be what did him in, Joseph told herself. Caesar wasn’t that much of an idiot to stay out there in freezing rain in nothing but a tee-shirt and jeans. Any minute now he would stop playing this stupid little game and go home and-
And he was starting to sway on his feet. He had a distant, far off look in his eyes as his arms slowly started to lose the tension they had from his shivering.
Then, to Joseph’s horrified shock, Caesar fell over.
Her heart stopped in her chest as she watched Caesar sway before falling forward, his head impacting the black metal of the bench hard enough to bounce off of it in recoil before landing face down on the muddy ground.
“C..Caesar..” Joseph’s voice was tiny and afraid. Then, her heart started pounding again and her voice was louder once more. “Caesar!!” She took off like a shot out the door and down the stairs, jumping over several of them at a time to cut down on her time. She reached the ground floor in no time flat and sprinted out the lobby doors and across the street, not caring that she was barefoot and in her pajamas in the middle of a rain storm. She reached Caesar and knelt down, picking him up and turning him over in her arms to see his face. “Caesar?! Caesar, wake up!” Her stomach churned when she saw blood start seeping out from under his headband to become diluted by the rain that hit his unconscious face, his skin cold as ice. She held his weight easily in her arms as she ran back inside and up the stairs just as quickly as she had before. She reached the door of her mother’s apartment and knocked rapidly and desperately. “Mom! Mom, I need your help!!”
She looked down at Caesar’s bloody and unresponsive face with a feeling of panic. She remembered her mother’s words from a few days ago and prayed that it wasn’t too late to say what needed to be said.
“He’ll be alright after some rest.” Lisa Lisa said while standing up from the couch. “He will need to stay bundled up until his chill breaks. Just make sure he gets enough rest and plenty to eat and drink and he should be up and moving again in no time.”
Joseph’s sofa was a sectional with an extra-long lounge on one end that she often took naps on or laid on to comfortably read her comic books. That part of the sofa was now Caesar’s make-shift bed where he was lying on his back underneath every spare blanket that Joseph had at her disposal.
Joseph let out a relieved sigh and sat heavily on the opposite end of the couch. “Oh thank god…”
Lisa Lisa stood in front of Joseph and looked down at her with a stern expression. “You were lucky this time. Whatever is going on between the two of you, I suggest you try resolving it rather than challenging his resolve again.”
Joseph nodded and rubbed at the back of her neck, shrinking a bit under her mother’s piercing gaze. “I will mom. Promise.”
She meant it, too. She couldn’t live with herself if she pushed Caesar to do something stupid and crazy like that again…
Her mother nodded, apparently satisfied with her answer, and left without another word.
Once she was gone, Joseph looked across the couch at Caesar silently. “……”
She moved closer and gently ran the back of one finger down the side of his face. His skin was still cold, but it was slowly regaining some of its warmth. Now that she was looking at him up close, she could see little details she’d missed from the distance the window provided:
There were bags under his eyes, as if he hadn’t slept in days. When her mom had opened Caesar’s eyelids to examine his eyes properly, they were bloodshot. His hair was matted as if it had been unattended for days on end, his headband currently replaced with rows of bandages that were covering up the nasty bruise and slight gash on his head from where he hit the bench. And his clothes, which were currently drying over the shower curtain rod in her bathroom, on top of being completely soaked also had several days’ worth of mud and dirt on the pants.
‘Caesar..’ Joseph thought sadly as she moved her hand down to squeeze his own. ‘Why couldn’t you have let me be right? Why did you have to be such a show-offy, chivalrous bastard? Damn you..’
She squeezed his hand again, trying her hardest not to cry over what idiots both of them were.
Joseph distracted herself with cooking while waiting for Caesar to wake up. She was no gourmet-level chef, but she was a decent enough cook and could at least prepare some homemade soup (okay, mostly homemade- she was cheating a bit by using a pack of frozen pre-made tortellini’s, but seriously, who has time to make that stuff from scratch anyway?). He would need to get his strength back and she figured the hot soup would help warm him up.
Her attention was drawn away from the simmering pot of soup on the stove by a tired groan in the direction of the couch- her open concept living room and kitchen giving her a clear view of the sofa. “Caesar?” She turned down the heat on the stove top a little and walked over to check on him. His eyes were open slightly and he seemed dazed. “Hey, Caesar, can you hear me?” She asked while sitting next to him on the couch and reaching down to touch his face. Still a bit cold, but he didn’t feel like death’s leftovers anymore, so she counted that as a good sign.
He looked in her direction, his eyes widening and narrowing a few times as he blinked slowly to focus on her. “Jo..jo..?” His voice sounded gravelly and strained.
She gave him a small smile and touched his cheek tenderly. “Welcome back to the land of the living, Caesarino.”
She got up to get him a glass of water once it looked like he was going to stay awake. “W..Where..?”
He started coughing and Joseph rushed back over with the glass of water. “Hold on!” She sat beside him and helped him sit up enough that he could drink the water without choking on it. He drained the whole glass in one go but seemed to breathe easier after that, so Joseph helped him lay back down afterwards. “You’re in my apartment. How’re you feeling?”
Caesar turned on his side so he could face her while remaining under the blankets. “Tired..sore..and freezing..but alive..”
“Well, one out of four isn’t bad, I guess.” Joseph said jokingly while placing the glass on her coffee table. “Now that that’s out of the way..” She took a deep breath in through her nose before slamming her hands down on her legs to show how frustrated she was, her hands moving around animatedly as she spoke. “What the hell is wrong with you, you idiot?! Who the hell would be dumb enough to stand out in freezing rain all day?! Answer- YOU, damn it! I mean, HONESTLY- what were you trying to do, catch pneumonia?! Well, congratulations, ‘cause I’m pretty sure you’ve got it by now or are damn close to it!” In the middle of her ranting, she noticed that instead of looking mortified or embarrassed for his actions, the jerk was actually SMILING. “And what the hell are you smiling for, you feather-brained jerk?! You could’ve drowned in the mud if I didn’t go out and grab you!”
His answer was a smile that started out as simply content, but soon grew into a look of pure joy as he managed to wriggle one arm free of his blanket prison and found Joseph’s own hand nearby. He squeezed it gently with a soft smile. “You’re talking to me again.”
Joseph found herself blushing. Damn it, she still wanted to be angry and chew him out for being so stupid, but it was hard to be mad when she finally got to feel his hand on her skin again. “Yeah, well..” She looked away, her cheeks burning hot as she blushed more. “I figured you earned it by now..”
“Then it seems nearly drowning in a mud puddle was worth it.” He tried to sit up more, working his other arm out of the blankets in the process, but stopped when he realized he was no longer wearing his shirt. He looked down at himself and blinked slowly. “Jojo..am I-?”
Joseph quickly cut him off. “You’re not naked, don’t worry!” She blushed a little more and glanced away, remembering the sights she was treated to while helping her mom earlier. “Your clothes were soaked, so mom and I got them off of you- except for your underwear- and I loaned you a pair of my pajama pants.”
“I see.” He seemed appeased by her explanation, if a bit embarrassed. “Now, can we talk about-” He looked like he was about to ask for a conversation she wasn’t ready for, but Joseph was saved by the bell. Or, rather, Caesar’s loudly growling stomach making him look away uncomfortably. “Mie scuse..” He muttered as he released her hand. “It’s..been a while since I ate..”
Joseph grinned, thankful for the distraction, and stood up. “Well, lucky for you, I’ve got just what the doctor ordered.” After helping him into a proper seated position while making sure to keep the blankets around him as much as possible, Joseph returned to the stove and ladled the first batch of her soup into two bowls (hey, she was hungry from smelling it the whole time, only fair she got some too!). Then, for a little surprise, she pulled two eggs out of a nearby carton on the counter and cracked one on top of each piping hot bowl, allowing the steam and hot liquid to cook the eggs slowly. She garnished them with a quick grating of Parmigiano-Reggiano and grabbed two spoons before returning to the couch. “Here, just be careful ‘cause it’s still pretty hot.” She said while carefully handing off one bowl and spoon to Caesar and taking his glass to the tap to refill his drink before joining him on the couch again.
Caesar smiled gratefully and took the bowl. “Grazie.” He lifted the corner of the barely whitened egg curiously to peek at the yellowish broth and its fillings beneath and his eyes widened slightly. “Is..Is this..stracciatella??” He moved the contents around, looking at the shredded chicken, tortellini, and assorted greens with streaked broth.
Joseph grinned proudly as she poked the egg on top of her bowl with her spoon, allowing the still runny yolk to burst before mixing it all together with the chicken, tortellini, and various green vegetables in the soup. “Yep. My mom actually spent some time in Italy and picked up a few recipes. But, since I’m such a genius, I made this one my own by adding the extra egg on top and a couple drops of hot sauce to the broth. Go on, try it!” She said encouragingly before taking the first bite of her own soup. Damn, she loved that taste!
Caesar mimicked what she did with the egg then tried a bite curiously. “…?” His eyes grew wide as he chewed and he was staring at her by the time he was finished. “Dio mio…” He said softly, a tone of awe in his voice. “Penso di essere innamorato…” He then started scarfing down the contents of his bowl, barely taking the time to cool down each bite. Wow, guess he really was hungry.. “Is there any more?” He asked after emptying his bowl and drinking the broth down to the last drop while Joseph was still only halfway through with hers.
“Good to see someone appreciates my cooking- mom said I made it too spicy!” She joked as she grabbed his bowl and stood up from the couch. “And yeah, there’s plenty more, so help yourself.” She refilled his bowl and cracked another egg on top before plopping down next to him on the couch and resuming her own meal. “Geez..” She whistled as she watched him wolf down his food with as much enthusiasm as before. “Either I’m a better cook than I thought or you were practically starving.”
“Mh..it’s a bit of both, really..” He commented between bites, grabbing the glass of water that Joseph refilled for him a little while ago and draining half of it before eating some more. “This is probably the best stracciatella I’ve ever had..and I haven’t eaten in a few days, so-”
Joseph nearly spit out the broth in her mouth before looking at him in alarm. “A few DAYS?! What the hell, Caesar- you weren’t eating out there either?!”
“No.” He answered simply around a bite of food before swallowing it. “I had no way to get any food and I told you I wouldn’t leave that spot until you talked to me.”
“Yeah, I knew that part..” Joseph pointed her spoon at him with a frown. “But you still could have ordered something on your phone! Hell, I thought you had a car parked nearby and just went in there when I was asleep or something to sit down and eat- you know, like someone with a BRAIN would.”
“First of all,” He began as he finished the tortellini in his soup. “I do not own a car. Second, my phone died within a few hours of standing out there so I had no way to order take out. Third, I am a man of my word and when I say that I will do something, I see it through to the end. I told you I would wait there until you decided to talk to me again, and, though it did not go quite as I wanted it to, I kept that promise.” Having finished what he wanted to say, he brought his bowl to his lips and drank all of the broth like last time.
Joseph looked down at her soup, the bowl pretty much empty except for a couple of greens and a little broth. “……” She set her bowl and spoon down on the coffee table with a frown. “Why would you go that far? Seriously- you starved yourself, went days without sleep, stood in freezing rain to the point of making yourself sick..for what?”
Caesar set his own bowl and spoon down by hers and looked up at her. “What do you mean ‘for what’? I went through all of that for you- because I did not want to lose you.” He reached over and gently took her hand in his, holding onto it while lightly stroking the back of it with his thumb. “You are important to me, Jojo. It hurt me to know that I did something to upset you without realizing it and I decided that I would do whatever it took to win your trust again.” He brought her hand to his lips and kissed the back of it sweetly. “I care very deeply for you, mia bellisima angela.”
Her cheeks flushed and she stared at him for a moment before looking back down, that nagging feeling at the back of her mind reminding her why she was upset in the first place. “Really? I didn’t think I was your type..”
Caesar tilted his head, looking honestly confused by her statement. “Why would you think that? I thought I made my intentions and feelings clear every day, so why on earth would you think that you’re NOT my type?”
Joseph’s frown turned into a mild scowl, but it was hard to be too angry when he was still holding her hand and stroking it with his thumb. “I thought you’d be more into cute little blond Italian girls..”
Caesar still looked confused. “Blond Italian…? What…?” He seemed like he was trying to piece together what she said. “But..the only blond Italian girl I know is Suzie Q..” He blinked as the pieces seemed to fall into place and looked at her in surprise. “Wait! You thought I was going out with SUZI?”
“Well, yeah, duh- you two totally looked like a couple sitting at that café and-” She jumped when Caesar started laughing like a madman and suddenly pulled her into a hug. “H-Hey! What the hell-?!”
“You thought I was dating SUZI! Of all people!” Caesar gasped for breath between his fits of laughter and only held her tighter when she tried to get away. “Hahaha! I-I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” He managed to gain some control of his laughter and looked her in the eyes again, his own eyes bright with amusement and grinning like he was just told the world’s most hilarious joke, but simultaneously had the weight of the world removed from his shoulders. “I was so worried..I thought I crossed a line when I kissed you and it made you uncomfortable..”
Joseph looked away from his bright, smiling face, feeling a bit embarrassed by the whole situation. “No..that..that was fine..I just..thought you had a girlfriend and I was just..well..” She shrugged, not really sure WHAT she thought she was to Caesar, but the thought of being anything like a side-piece frustrated her.
Caesar gently guided her face to look back at him, his smile softened in understanding now that he knew what was bothering her. “Suzi is an old friend from Italy. We grew up together- she’s practically a sister to me. We came to America at different times for different reasons, but we reconnected when we discovered we lived close by. She did me a favor recently, so I was treating her to lunch as a thank you.”
Joseph narrowed her eyes at him. “You’re serious? That’s all it was?” She didn’t feel like he was lying to her, and she wanted to believe him, but it was hard to doubt what she saw with her own eyes- or, rather, what she THOUGHT she saw…
“Yes. That’s all it was.” He responded, his smile and the look in his eyes tender and genuine as he moved one of his hands up to brush his fingers through her hair. “I told you I was having lunch with a friend, and that was the truth. I’m sorry you got the wrong idea when you saw us, but please believe me when I say that she really isn’t my type.”
Joseph gave him a deadpan look with a raised eyebrow. “A cute, short, blonde girl with big sparkly eyes and nice curves ISN’T your type?” That had to be nearly every guy’s dream!
Caesar chuckled and shook his head. “While she is cute, I stand by what I said- she isn’t my type. For starters-” He twined a lock of her hair around his finger for emphasis as he spoke. “I prefer brunettes over blondes when it comes to women.”
Joseph felt her cheeks heat up at that and glanced away. “Most guys prefer girls that are shorter than them…”
Caesar slid his hand down to trace along her cheek and jaw. “I don’t mind dating a girl that’s taller than me- it just means I get to look up and see her gorgeous face more often.”
Her heart was beating rapidly and it felt like even her ears were burning. “Most guys like girls with big boobs like hers..”
Caesar shrugged slightly as he looked her over. “While breasts are nice, they are not my favorite part of a woman..” His eyes traveled down below her waist and he had a seductive smile on his face as he eyed her long, muscular legs. “If I’m being honest, I’m more of a leg man..I like women with good, strong legs that I can feel wrapping around me in certain..situations..” The implication was not lost on Joseph.
“……” She leaned forward and buried her face against his blanket covered chest, mumbling something that was swallowed by the multiple layers of fabric.
“Hm? I’m afraid I cannot hear you down there, signora.” He teased lightly while patting her head.
She turned her head to the side, her voice quiet as she spoke a little more clearly. “Most guys prefer girls that are..y’know..cute…”
Caesar’s smile softened again and he gently lifted her face so they were looking into each other’s eyes once more, though they were physically much closer than they were last time. “I know. Cute girls are fun, but the thing I love in a woman above all else is PASSION. I love strong, passionate women who do not care about what others think of them and are not afraid to show the world who they really are.” Both of his hands rose to cup her face, his touch giving her that warm, tingling feeling again coupled with something else..it felt almost..safe..like he was protecting her from anything- people, public view points, her own thoughts- anything that could harm her in any way at all. “For quite a while now, there has only been one woman in my life that has managed to catch my eye: She’s a strong, passionate, gorgeous brunette. She has a bit of a temper, as well as a mischievous streak, but she’s also intelligent and sweet when she feels like it. She can go on for hours about her favorite comic books and movies, but I enjoy listening to her talk with such enthusiasm. She’s the most amazing dancer I have ever had the pleasure of sharing a dance with and certainly has a nice pair of legs to show for it.” He winked at that last remark, making her snort and try to hold back a laugh. His thumbs stroked along her cheek bones tenderly as he pressed his forehead against hers, gazing into her eyes. “Also, despite what anyone thinks, she IS cute.”
Joseph chuckled and finally moved to wrap her own arms around him. “Well, I almost thought you were talking about ME, but I’m not cute. Beautiful and gorgeous with a sexy pair of legs, hell yeah- but not cute.”
Caesar rolled his eyes and lightly pinched at one of her cheeks. “You ARE cute, Jojo. You walk around in comic book themed shirts and wear flowers in your hair when you dance. Also, the way you smile when you blush is the cutest thing I have EVER seen.” When she grinned and looked away with red cheeks, Caesar kissed her flushed cheek with a grin. “See? Cute.”
Joseph was blushing, but she still couldn’t stop the grin practically splitting her face. “You really find a six and a half foot tall girl with a muscular chest, who doesn’t wear make-up, and can easily lock you in a full-nelson cute?”
“Yes. I do.” Caesar said while planting another kiss on her cheek, causing her heart to flutter. “And, if that lady is interested- I would like to take her out on a date before anyone else figures out that she is single and steals her away from me.”
“Weeeeellll…” Joseph tilted her head away like she was thinking. “I suppose she MIGHT be free this Saturday.”
“Then I will be waiting for her with high hopes.” He said smoothly before placing a sweet kiss to the corner of her mouth the same way he did that night before this whole mess began.
The difference this time, though, was that Joseph was able to react despite the fluttering feeling in her chest. This time, she bravely shifted her head to the side and lined her lips up with his and kissed him back. “Mh..!”
“Hmh..?” Caesar seemed surprised by her enthusiasm and initiative, but he still tilted his head to kiss her back properly.
It was her first kiss, and she prayed it didn’t show too much. She worried that she was being too rough or too stiff. How long was she supposed to hold her breath again? Regardless of her own uncertainty in the act, she knew that she still LIKED it. Kissing Caesar was amazing- his lips were as warm as his hands and sent just as many pleasant feelings tingling through her body and she honestly didn’t want to stop.
Unfortunately, air was still a necessity for her and she ended up having to pull away and catch her breath. “Th-There..” She panted out. “Couldn’t let you have..have all the fun, Casanova..”
Caesar chuckled in amusement and held her close to him. “I have absolutely no problem at all with this.” He kissed her forehead before laying back on the couch with her in his arms.
Joseph snuggled against him happily, enjoying the feeling of just lying wrapped up in Caesar’s loving embrace. She was so glad she didn’t ruin her chances with him by being an idiot. She wouldn’t make that mistake ever again- from now on, for better or worse, she was going to speak whatever was on her mind. She couldn’t stand the thought of losing Caesar again, for any reason.
‘I’ll do things right this time.’ She thought while closing her eyes and relaxing in Caesar’s arms. ‘I’m gonna sweep this Casanova off his feet!’
She couldn’t wait for their date on Saturday.
<-Part 1 Next Story->
-From the Beginning-
Bonus translation for Caesar’s Italian: “Mio Dio...”  “Penso di essere innamorato…” - “My god...” “I think I’m in love...”
2 notes · View notes
Jungkook Fanfiction- BTS Mafia AU
Heyya :))
@atricksterwithwings requested a beautiful BTS mafia au, and I loved writing this for her. I’ve split it into three parts. Scroll down for the first and for the link to the latter. 
A/N: I’ve mentioned Zhang Yixing in this fanfiction aside from the other BTS members. Its totally okay if you dont know who he is...although you probably do, he’s like such a popular sheep ;) Find information about him here . 
Tell me your thoughts on this fanfic, Id love to receive any sort of feedback on my work and I totally think that likes and reblogs are recognition too :) Have fun reading, I know I really enjoyed writing this :) Its like 12 pages long on a word doc...idek anymore xP Jungkook is gorgeous. :) 
Also...there is cursing in this, mention of the mafia from different nationalities and part two and three are rated M (its smutty xP) Reader discretion is advised if any of these things bother you. 
Lots of love :) <3 - Enjoy :)  
PART 3 (final)
Jeon Jungkook stood at the 77th floor of Euphoria, the headquarters to the largest crime syndicate east of the Pacific Ocean. The height was dizzying for most, but not for him.
Jungkook had no fears; or so was assumed.
The man himself, was built at an impressive 6 feet and constituted of raw muscle, protein and a rather cynical approach towards life. Outwardly, the leader of the most legal crime syndicate was cold, intimidating and the type to burn you to ashes with a glare from his heated eyes.
Inwardly, he was exactly the same.
He was well aware of the effect he had on his employees, men and women who knew exactly of his affiliation with the Japanese Yazuka and the Italian Camorra yet pined to work under Jeon, the sheer power of his company bringing everyone to their knees with respect.
Euphoria was a giant.
It had dealings with government run telemarketing firms, banks, real estate agencies, alongside finance and technology markets. An easy way to convert money earned through extortion, gambling and trafficking to its pure and pristine form. The corrupt politicians whose elections he had funded didn’t complain. No one cared where the money came from and no one dared to ask otherwise. The cause of the founder’s formidable aura wasn’t a secret. Everyone knew how he had been tortured by his father, abandoned on the streets by a mother who seemed to love Heroin more than her own son. The story had been plastered all over the internet, and Jungkook would never deny reading through its many exaggerated versions. They were entertaining and did well to remind himself about how important money and power were, without those weapons, he too would be sitting in a room, writing about a life that belonged to someone else.
Materialism was reality and wealth- it’s currency.
‘’Sir, your coffee…’’ you said, walking through the office doors, a skip in your stride. There was no knock. No hint of awkwardness, no aspect of fear in the way she spoke. If anything there was the undertone of coercion, almost coaxing the man to leave his billion dollar thoughts in the gutter and focus solely on the warm drink.
Your playful extortion had worked, he was focused. Just not on the coffee.
Three months ago, Euphoria had issued an internal opportunity- PA to Jeon Jungkook. The post received 3 applications from his 20,000 employees. Min Yoongi, his chief of finance and operations took to appointing the least qualified of the bunch, a woman- aged a mere 22 years. The pitch to his ever frightening boss had been simple. ‘’You’ve let down 30 men in the last 6 months. I am done handling my job as well your shit. Those Harvard lunatics are too busy tending to their stupid resumes and I don’t have time for the garbage they throw at me when you fire their sorry arses. You’re settling with the woman, she’s got sick parents to feed- she won’t give a damn for ego as long as you pay her on time.’’
Jungkook could only snarl at the curses, the audacity of the man to speak in the way he did. Anyone else and they’d be lying in a pool of their own blood within seconds of the first word spoken against him. But Min Yoongi couldn’t be touched and this was a fact.
Jeon Jungkook was putty in the hands of his elder brother.
Today, he sent thanks to his sibling, for his aggressive outburst and daunting approach. You were priceless and the best decision ever- professionally of course.
He gave no reply to your request, not even a glance spared in your direction as your placed the drink onto his desk. There were just a series of footsteps, the man walking over to his maple work table, ready to do as he was told.
You had no idea of the prerogatives you held, and at that point, neither did him. The slight tease in your voice had mellowed down completely- replaced with the air of innocence and obeisance. Jungkook groaned at the sight. 
‘’So I was thinking…it’s Christmas Eve tomorrow…and well…’’ you said... Shuffling your buckled black heels.
‘’You aren’t leaving early.’’
His abrupt command had no thought behind it. Other than the fact he couldn’t let you out of his sight for more than a few hours, often paging you unnecessarily just to make you think of him.
He doubted you ever would if he didn’t.
‘’I am not…my parents are flying in tomorrow…it’s a small get together at my place with a few colleagues. I figured since you didn’t have anything planned…you could join us?’’  
Your apprehensive feet clicked across the hardwood with anticipation, the weightlessness behind your request holding the air in a trance.
‘’You’re my personal assistant, not event manager. You do not handle my private affairs so don’t think for a second that I care about your stupid Christmas dinner or the family I saved from crumbling.’’
It wasn’t what he had intended to say. Rather, his mind had flourished a thought he needed to keep locked away. He wanted to tell you that he’d love to join your family, share potato salad and amusing anecdotes across the table... All the while pressing his hand into your thigh- a subtle promise of sinful satisfaction later that night. But he wouldn’t dare to voice his feelings. You didn’t need to get involved with his shit, the scars that graced his back or the life full of gluttony and gambles he had chosen to lead. It was compulsion, to remind you every second of every day that the apartment which he bestowed upon you just 3 floors below his office- was a gracious boon, a gift given to improve your petty life. You had to be reminded of your father and how had been released from Jail after almost overdosing on the crack he had envisioned to peddle. Jeon Jungkook had to remind you of how ugly your tear stained face looked as you begged on your knees- begged for him to save your family.
There was simply no other way.
If you weren’t reminded, you’d crawl your way into his heart and sit there- encasing it completely.
He was just a damned moth to your flame.
‘’I know…and I am trying…I am trying to repay you. Please. Come over. I won’t waste your time.’’ You said. The words articulated with a purpose, were laced with meaningful sorrow but you couldn’t help the small smile that graced your lips.
He hadn’t declined.
Jungkook noticed how your full lips turned upwards, noticed how you had bent your head downwards, trying to hide your amusement. He knew he hadn’t said no, he knew inside the pits of his soul that was going to attend. Your reaction publicised his private notions completely.
It wasn’t hard to hate you.
Rather, it was the easiest thing in the world. His life had been built upon layers of lies, fear, judgement and mistrust. You tore everything apart with one look. He despised the hold you had over him, envied your purity and tried his best to tarnish it with his own two hands. Even if it meant burning your entire persona to ashes. He was well aware of the impact his audacious remarks on your large heart, knew just how much you wished to throw your small fists at his chest in rebuttal- he could see it in your eyes. But he knew you’d never break.
‘’Get out. I don’t have time for you.’’
Why couldn’t he just say no?
Probably because the thought of abjuration had never once crossed his mind.
11 pm saw him standing at your door, a bouquet of Lilly’s in his hand. The flowers had almost wilted away. What the hell was he doing? Why was he even here? There was no noise from behind the oakwood and why would there be?
Your offer had been for dinner, not a midnight snack.
He wasn’t going to come, prove you wrong and act smug about the ordeal. However he had shown up, at 7 pm, flowers fresh and suit prim. Ready to tap onto the door and shimmy himself into you…your apartment. But his confidence dropped as he heard your laughter, it was beautiful, natural and something he had never experienced before.
Jeon Jungkook had never made you laugh, but had every thought of hearing you scream.
It wouldn’t have mattered to him if you were any other woman, but the lack of knowledge frightened him, made him think there would be another man who would have the pleasure of witnessing both sounds.
Every. Single. Day.
His heart beat erratically, edging him into a state of worry and insanity. What the fuck was wrong with him? It would be a complete lie if he said he hadn’t just stood in front of your door for 3 hours, praying he didn’t hear sounds of men. The silence at 11 pm provided comfort and he walked away, only after dropping the Lilly’s inside the vase at your desk.
You had been pleasantly surprised the next day, and you knew exactly who they were from. The flowers- drained from their pretty colour -were beautiful nonetheless and you couldn’t help but run your hands over their soft petals.
They were perfect- just like him.
‘’See that guy over there…he’s checking you out hon.’’ Lisa, the American-Chinese intern, stirred her tea at an exceedingly sluggish pace. Her eyes were glued onto the 27 year old accountant who stood in the corner of the room, photocopying his work and humming to himself. She’d been a temporary employee at Euphoria Inc. for a bare 3 weeks but had done well to pair 4 couples with her self-praised matchmaking skills.
3 of said relationships had broken up within 24 hours. And thus, It was only natural that her impeccable track record attracted many an employee to her small cubicle, ready for her to set them up with dates and one night stands.
It seemed that you were her next target.
You sighed and turned to look at Jamie. He was tall, considerably well-built and had this collegiate boyish charm to his appeal, his long-slightly raven locks sat faultlessly over his glasses.
The image was so immaculate it made you uncomfortable.
However in your opinion, the man on the 77th floor was nothing short of perfection. His ruffled hair didn’t need to be waxed and placed as it were; it fell naturally and it made you want to run your hands through it. His rugged and damaged personality sheltered his otherwise kind heart and you saw right through the vile facade. You didn’t hope for him to change. Didn’t hope for him to suddenly become a goofy cheeky soul; the kind who would sit and chat with his workers.
You loved the man as he was. A little broken but a hell of a lot confident.
‘’Lisa…I don’t really want to date him…’’ You mumbled, eagerly emptying coffee beans into the machine.
She laughed at your reply and peeled her eyes away from the man. ‘’Who said anything about dating love? I just said he was checking you out.’’
It was hard not to grimace at her words but as crude as they were you had to smile politely. Offices were run on brutal honesty and cut throat depositions. There was no room for pleasantries or hospitality and any that appeared were a courteous formality. You hurried in your steps and brewed the concoction with ease. It was 8 am and he required his morning fix, even though he never actually asked you to prepare it. You had just finished placing his black on the tray and had turned around to deliver it when a firm body crashed into yours, spilling the brew all over your clothes and the floor. The heat burned through your blouse and scorched your skin, it had been hard to not curse at the pain but you dealt through it, eyes shut tight in response.
‘’Oh my gosh! I am so sorry!’’ said the voice. It was a man, sharply handsome, his cheekbones were protruding and you were sure his skin glowed. It didn’t take long to recognise him.
Kim Taehyung.
He had been a prospective fiancé, from a year ago.
From a time when you had no viable job, no future and the money the Kim Family offered in exchange for your hand in matrimony, had been a welcome surprise to your household. They were staunchly against same sex marriages and Park Jimin had been banned from their home with immediate effect. The marijuana had inflected your otherwise gentle father and he had agreed in seconds to the proposal, not once considering your opinion. You had declined Taehyung in private, and he had hugged you in thanks. The man was humble and docile in more ways than one, and his heart had been taken years ago- by none other, than his childhood piano teacher. There was no way Taehyung would’ve agreed.  
‘’Tae!’’ You screamed, surprised yet elated at the discovery.
‘’Hey there fiancé. Glad to know you remember me…but really, why do we always meet in the worst of situations.’’ He walked over to the counter as he spoke, grabbing up as many napkins as he could find. His gentle hands took to patting at your chest, handing you the tissues while doing so and it didn’t take long for to dry up your blouse.
‘’I thought you’d be more respectful than that. Letting your fiancé walk into my building and displaying yourself open for the man. Tch Tch…I guess a lowlife is always a low life no matter what her circumstance.’’ Jeon Jungkook stood against the door, leaning onto it with a posture that screamed indifference. But in all reality, Jungkook was seething.
The small Glock tucked into his suit was ready to fire and destroy Kim Taehyung and maybe even leave a flesh wound inside Jamie the accountant.
However in that minute, his primal desire had been to destroy you. How dare you hide the news of your engagement? How dare you wear that damned pastel pink blouse to work, and let another man touch you so unabashedly? How dare you smile when you saw your betrothed? He hated you for everything.
And he hated himself for falling for you.
‘’And who the hell is this Joker?’’ Taehyung turned around to look at Jeon, the tissues in his hand soiled from the spillage. He had been invited to the corporation by Min Yoongi, a dear friend who had promised him help with TaeMin Designs, an upcoming entrepreneurial, founded by his beautiful husband. It didn’t occur to him that he’d meet you, but he was pleased that he had.
You were wonderful.
If it hadn’t been for your confidence, he would have never proposed to Jimin, never left his awful family and never been as happy as he was now. He owed you his life and his prosperity.
‘’Tae…he’s my boss. I’ll talk to you later. Please. I’ll call you hmm?’’ you tried your best to nip the fight in the bud. Taehyung was cool headed but an agitated version of the man could lead to the emergence of fists and blood. You were lucky he understood your pleas, and he grunted towards Jungkook while exiting the room, the daggers leaving his eyes were filled with venom and anger.
‘’I’d like you to pay attention to your job. Not to every single man out there. Why don’t you just do as you’re told? I don’t care what you do and who you do it with when you’re out of here.’’ Jungkook straightened himself against the wall and pocketed his hands. He told himself he enjoyed watching your eyes brim, told himself that his anger was justified. But god knows how much he wanted to cradle you and whisper apologies until you were forced to believe them.
‘’Let’s keep your sluttish acts away from the office hmm?’’
It was a harsh blow, enough to cause the first tear to slip from their confines. Why did he have to behave like that?
Why did you have to love him regardless of the way he did? 
‘’How long is it going to take you leave? It’s pretty simple. Take the bag to KM Constructions, drop it there and leave. What’s so hard? '' Jungkook’s anger had sky rocketed ever since the incidence in the cafeteria and he didn’t even understand why he was asking you to be a bag drop. Never once in a career spanning 6 years had he ever made a woman a part of a deal. But it seemed that you were an exception with everything.
‘’I am just leaving Sir.’’ You said, buttoning up the grey pea coat.
He noticed how inappropriately dressed you were, how feminine and vulnerable. He knew how lecherous men could be, knew it wasn’t safe. But annoyance clouded his senses and he threw the thoughts away. It was simple enough, no interactions. You’d be fine.
If only he knew.
Part 2
Part 3 
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spootiliousrps · 6 years
Little Shop of Stanner
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like tony/bruce, and science bros.
Stranger: [I'm aware this prompt is silly, but I'm doing it anyway, don't bother bitching at me about it. In which Tony has decided to dabble in bioengineering a la Little Shop of Horrors (since he may have watched it for the first time drunk one night and thought Audrey 2 was a great idea), and his plant has gone completely out of control. JARVIS is sending a mass text with an incorrectly called Code Green - incorrect because, last your character checked, the Hulk was relatively calm. J can text anyone you want. Tony's going to get hurt.] Warning: Code Green, level six laboratory. J Please remain calm and evacuate the surrounding levels immediately. J
You: ((reading))
Stranger: [[Hey, thanks. (: ]]
You: [[Np! Idk why anyone would bitch unless their just assholes. I think it's super cute :3]]
Stranger: [[Haha, thanks. :3 I've literally been told "It's not a silly prompt, it's just trash" and I'm like ????]]
You: [[Do you have a preference on paragraph lengths once we're out of text?]]
Stranger: [[I'd prefer more than one-liners, just so I have something to respond to, but I'm pretty flexible past that.]]
You: [[Well, I doubt they offered up any prompt now did they? So, they can suck my big toe XP]]
You: [[NP, babe I got you! Replying now!]]
You: Bruce was surprised by the text, glancing down at himself just to be sure he hadn't lost his mind and gone green some how. Nope, still the same nerdy pale he usually was. Which... was actually a bit more concerning than if he wasn't. What could Code Green mean if it wasn't the big guy? He typed away on his phone quickly, already moving for the door. What's going on, J? What's Code Green? B
You: [[I know right?! I had a Dragon Age AU that I just HAD to have and got the same reaction. -.- ppl are just pricks.]]
Stranger: There's a crash from downstairs, and a shout followed by what could only be described as a roar - and Tony dodged behind a car as a long vine reached out to try and grab him, tearing into the hood of the Beemer he hid behind. "Goddamnit--You piece of shit! Calm down!" Why had he thought this was a good idea? He couldn't even teach the thing to talk. I am uncertain as to how privy to Tony's recent bioengineering attempts you are, Doctor Banner. J But Code Green was the only protocol I had that I could offer out to keep others away from floor six. J He has not written a protocol for a large plant. J
You: Bruce gave a snort of laughter. Large plant? How dangerous could that be? It was the wrong question to ask. Tony was always so self destructive the thing could have released some sort of poisonous gas or its possible it was eroding the foundations of the building with accelerated growth; the possibilities were endless. The thought had Bruce's amusement fading instantly. Where is Tony now? B
Stranger: In the lab with it, sir. J Tony jumped back as two large vines from the plant snagged the car that he was behind, flinging the car into the wall nearby before it was starting to slink forward, snarling and snapping the opening of its pitcher portion open, revealing large teeth. "Oh, fuck," he breathed, eyes widening. It was learning movement before it could talk. /Great./ "J, give me the suit, give me the suit /now/--" Before it could unite with him, though, he was grabbed by another vine by the leg and slammed to the ground, a smaller flower with sharp teeth budding on the vine and biting into his leg as he howled with pain.
You: "You could have led with that." Bruce grumbled under his breath, shoving the phone in his pocket and breaking into a run, heading for the lab. Surely, JARVIS would have asked for assistance if Tony needed it... Then again, Tony probably programmed him to make sure everyone else was safe first. The stupid Playboy was self sacrificing like that even if Bruce was the only one to think so. Regardless, he wasn't going to allow his friend to deal with whatever it was alone. How bad could one plant be? A bit of trimming and they'd be done, right? He took the stairs two by two, bolting through the door labeled 'level 6' and heading for the lab.
Stranger: JARVIS warned that Bruce was coming - and Tony shouted "No! Goddamnit, fucking--lock him out!" before the plant lunged forward, wrapping a vine tightly around his torso and squeezing as another flower budded, snapping into his side and blood blossoming into his clothes. "Ow! Shit--" He groaned in pain, twisting and fighting against the vines as the giant pitcher plant started to pull him in, teeth gnashing and pitcher opening wide.
You: Bruce slammed into the metal and plexiglass door as he came to a stop and took in the sight before him. Tony wrapped up in moving vines that were obviously constricting around him squeezing him. The living plant seeming to take small bites out of him. It was straight out of those Hentai videos Barton put on his computer as a joke, only with more clothes. It had taken Bruce weeks to get the virus off his laptop. Regardless, it was obviously not going well. He gave a small curse as he punched in the code to open the door and he was informed that an override would be needed. He spat out another four letter noun before punching in his override code and gave a frustrated growl as he was locked out once more, anger growing. "I swear to god, JARVIS if you don't let me in right now I'll wipe this whole system and you with it!" He threated, already working on getting the panel off to do just that. He focused on his breathing, doing his best to calm himself, knowing that the green had already invaded his unusually brown eyes.
Stranger: Gasping for air, Tony writhed as he was pulled into the air, the plant letting out an inhuman growl - and as he was brought into the pitcher he was able to kick out, collapsing part of it and causing the plant to throw him sharply to the ground. He bounced, blood splattering where he hit, and he gasped for breath he just couldn't catch as the plant skittered forward, vines wrapping around his legs and pulling, making him howl in pain, before he was thrown into the air and against the wall nearby. All JARVIS did, as opposed to arguing with him, was quietly unlock the door and slide it open - and when the plant heard the movement, it froze with Tony dangling in the air again, snarling and almost seeming to watch the door.
You: Bruce gave a sigh of relief as the door slid open and he straightened, moving cautiously forward. Taking stock of what he knew about the thing. It was carnivorous; most carnivorous plants preferred thin soil, with almost no nutrients, specifically nitrogen. They tend to like sunlight and a lot of water. Something tickled the back of his mind... something about ammonium and pH levels. "Tony. Are you alright?!" Bruce called, gaze on the plant as his mind continued it's calculations. Typical plants would die when given too much water... but he knew that wasn't the case with most carnivorous species... So what? What could he do? Too much nitrogen wouldn't do it... The ammonium popped into his head once more but he still couldn't place why it was important and he cursed his scattered mind. He was too concerned for his friend to really focus.
You: [[Gotta love Wikipedia]]
Stranger: [[Right?? I love carnivorous plants anyway. I had a venus flytrap for a long time that I named Ferdinand. He died after being shocked when he was repotted, lmao]]
You: [[OMG thats so cute! Also RIP Ferdinand.]]
Stranger: Tony, panting for air, shook his head quickly and closed his eyes tightly. "No," he croaked, blood dripping towards the ground. "Bruce, you've gotta get out of here. Why the fuck did I think making an Audrey 2 was a good idea?" he managed, hissing in pain as the teeth ground into his thigh where the plant had bitten him, blood staining the flower's teeth and petals. "It's gonna eat you, dude. It's been trying to eat me for almost an hour, now." [[RIP Ferdinand T-T I want a pitcher plant next, though. I'm told they're easier to take care of, so.]
You: [[I was given an Aloe plant last year... I killed it within the first two months ^^;... I was given another one as a grad gift a like six months ago... I've replotted it since then and it's still alive and well... It truly is a miracle... I am not good with plants.]]
Stranger: [[I'm not either, so I feel you. xD That's awesome though! I love aloe plants, too.]]
You: "You should have asked for help." Bruce snapped before bolting for the chemical cabinet and yanking the door open, praying he got to the ammonia before the plant got a hold of him... or Tony for that matter. "Just hold on! Keep it distracted!" He called, shoving the large bottles aside hastily, back to them both. [[I do too... They're also suppose to be difficult to kill... but... idk about that.]]
Stranger: Tony wriggled again and gasped as he saw a vine go straight for Bruce - and he yelped, a third flower biting into him again as he tried to warn Bruce that the plant was going to grab him. Before he could say anything, though, the vine wrapped around Bruce's torso to lift him into the air and pull him away from the chemical cabinet, the vines on Tony pulling him back in towards the pitcher once more.
You: Bruce grunted as he was yanked away from the cabinet, hand still clutching the bottle he had managed to find. One of those same flowers dug into his arm and he grunted an pale green infecting his skin briefly at the sudden danger. He managed to fight it down as he kicked at the vines desperately. He had never been that athletic and the struggling was quickly wearing him out. The adrenaline that pulsed through him made it difficult to think however but he finally dug the pen from his shirt pocket and stabbed the thing repeatedly, trying to force it to let go.
Stranger: The vine recoiled momentarily before it tightened around Bruce, pitcher opening again and more of the flowers attacking him on the same vine - but Bruce wasn't the one, yet, that was being pulled in. The plant threw Bruce against the wall, slamming him into it and pulling him back into the air again to try and get him to stop stabbing the vine. Tony, meanwhile, was gasping sharply for air as the vine tightened, his legs being forced into the pitcher as he hissed weakly in pain, trying to kick at the inside of the pitcher where all of the teeth were. He was quickly losing air, however, and he slumped forward, quickly fading into unconsciousness as the teeth started to close around his body.
You: The hit against the wall would have broken a few bones if Bruce had been anyone else but the green guy wouldn't allow him to get hurt. His vision faded for a moment at impact, the pain coursing through him. Somehow he managed to keep his hold on himself as he forced his eyes open, pain pulsing through his head. The image of Tony, slumped unconscious as he was being dragged closer was finally what broke him. His body went slack, Bruce surrendering to the anger and pain that was a constant in his life. A moment later and he was crying out, his body feeling as if it was breaking and rearranging it's self as he was pushed aside to watch with the eerie since of presence of body with lack of control. He grew larger and larger, head hitting the ceiling as an inhuman scream echoed in the room and he watched as the Hulk burst forward, ripping away the vines that had held him without a single thought.
Stranger: The plant recoiled when the vines were ripped away, breaking from the main pitcher and writhing for a moment as they hit the ground before they grew still. It snarled, then, teeth gnashing and grinding into Tony's body, and that seemed to wake him up again before he was grunting in pain, pushing at the teeth and trying to get the pitcher back open again. Coughing heavily, he could feel the digestive juices of the plant making the bites he'd already recieved burn as he grit his teeth, trying to pull himself out of the pitcher once more.
You: It only took a moment for the Hulk to reach him. His large hand gripping the plant and practically ripping it in half, spilling the juices to the floor. He tossed the chunks of plant aside as he reached down to pick up Tony. His fingers curled around the small man's body as he pulled him up, his free hand yanking away the vines that had curled around him before tossing Tony aside as well, as if unconcerned by him. His attention was wholly on the creature before him as he began to rip and tear and pound and pulverize the entire floor shaking as he turned the beast into a green gooey pulp.
Stranger: The plant tried valiantly to fight back, screeching and trying to attack the Hulk even as it was being ripped apart - and Tony hit the ground hard, gasping weakly for air as he curled in on himself, feeling his ribs ache with every gasp. He bled and his body hurt, but he was still alive - and he had to push himself back, away from the pulp that leaked over the ground as he closed his eyes tightly.
You: Bruce sat at the back of the Hulk's mind, allowing him to have his fun. Besides, the beast was difficult to control when he was so focused on destroying something... Not that Bruce had much control anyways but he had managed to sway the monster here and there over the years. It wasn't until the plant was unidentifiable that Bruce pushed at the beast's mind. Tony. Tony. Tony. Tony. He chanted, banging on the sturdy walls that was the green consciousness. The Hulk gave a huff of frustration but finally turned to glance at the 'puny iron suit man'. The image of Tony curled in on himself bleeding and cough panicked Bruce. His alarm apparently started the Hulk as he jumped toward him. The giant peered down at the Playboy curiously. Bruce felt the Beast's mind consider squashing him, making Bruce scream at him angrily.
Stranger: When he heard the Hulk over him, he grunted and opened his eyes slowly, looking up at the Hulk before he offered a faint, wavering smile. Everything hurt and he could feel bruises blossoming where he hit the wall - but at least he was alive, and the smile communicated that. "Thanks, big guy," he managed, hoarse as he finally sat up slowly, fingers shaking and body bloody as he looked up at him. "I don't think I was gonna get rid of that otherwise.."
You: 'You think?!' Bruce yelled in annoyance making Hulk grunted as it sank down into a seated position, slamming his fist into the floor. 'What the hell were you thinking?!' Bruce demanded, knowing Tony couldn't hear him as he pounded on the confines of his prison. "You stupid, ignorant-" He continued, causing the Hulk to slam his fists down with each insult.
Stranger: [[Fuck, I'm so sorry, I gotta go to work! Thanks for this. :) If you see me with this prompt again - because I guarantee i'm the only person with it - flag me down and we can continue!]]
Stranger has disconnected.
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