#its gonna suck its gonna be rough i do not wanna party after work i want to go home and sleep
kurthorton-moving · 1 year
Im going 2 bed im so tired
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safyresky · 1 year
Crystal Springs Chapter 9: now on ao3!
Give it a read HERE :)
Chapter 9: Coffee and Cocoa
Elle and Jacqueline catch up over cocoa. Letter time proves to be very interesting when Jack barges in looking for Santa to lend an ear. The Man monologues, makes a couple of adjustments, monologues some more, and settles in for a wait...
My god. I'm so behind?????? This one's late as FUCK inCLUDING, but not limited to, the following reasons:
Two very busy weeks @ work, which is apparently where I do most of my writing? Yikes 😬
A brief break from the two week closure for a 3 day seminar in Toronto, followed by a family visit (it was a v cool seminar)
The weekend AFTER that being DOUBLY busy (Husband's grad and brother's bday), AND a bit rough, emotionally
Chapter 24/25 sucked me in all of last week
This weekend was a party day Saturday (friend's wedding!) and apparently I went, uh. a little TOO hard with the dancing because WOW! SUNDAY EVERYTHING HURT! Calves are still hurty today 😵😵😵
BUT! I got it out! finally! Will be adding 10 and 11 this week too, I hope :) The weekend is an extra-long one for me and I am GONNA CATCH UP. I SWEAR.
This chapter ALSO has the mention of the "Clifton Manor Incident", so that'll be thrown up onto ao3 in the next 1-2 business days ;). I'm making it a little series of it's own, it being Smile Shots. this way they all get the love they deserve and can shine on their own!! 😄😄😄
It'll get a post of it's own once it's up-eros. Anyway!
Wanna start Crystal Springs from the top? Read the Prologue: An Encounter on ao3 HERE and ff.net HERE!
Enjoy! Story summary below the cut:
It’s been almost a year since Jack Frost thawed and things are looking…well, not so great. Jack’s powers are seemingly gone. Without them, the Dome that keeps the North Pole safe from the cold and its magic controlled is melting, putting everything and everyone magical at risk.
Unable to hide his power shortage any longer, Jack is forced to admit the truth. Thankfully, there is a solution: enacting the Legate Law, bringing Jack and the sister that he hurt so many centuries ago back together again. But when Jacqueline starts experiencing destructive blackouts, the pair are forced to head back home to Crystal Springs, bringing Jack face to face with the rest of the family.
Needless to say, between getting his powers back, helping his sister figure out what in the FROST those blackouts even were, reconciling with his parents, meeting the two even younger siblings he didn’t even KNOW he had, NOT TO MENTION the ancient threat that’s had it out for the ENTIRE Frost family finally making a move?
Saving Christmas (regrettably) is looking to be a little bit…complicated.
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ceruleanchillin · 3 years
When You're At The Function F***in It UP And Your Man Walks In (Mayans)
Warnings: Implied sexual content, language, fighting
Characters: Angel, Coco, & EZ
You’re on thin ice as it is sis. The little forest-green dress with the the deep plunge front and slit sides, the one that ended up purchased after your friends hyped you into it. That’s supposed to be in the trash according to one Angel Reyes. That, or reserved for private nights in.
Currently, it was wrapped around your form, helping you grab envious/admiring glances from around the room.
Your hips twisted to the layered bass, using the random behind you for stability. Your friend next to you cheered you on, her inner hype man on full display. There’s a breakdown in the song, and you lose yourself in the rhythm. Suddenly, you hear a familiar voice telling you “Superstar mama, say hi for the gram!”.
Your eyes zone in on Gilly, eyes wide. Everyone knew the Mayans rolled deep when they went anywhere. Where there was one, there was the rest. Especially when it came to the three musketeers and their wrangler, EZ.
Like you were busted sneaking back into your room as a teen, you froze. You narrowed your eyes at your friend who shrugged and mouthed sorry before disappearing.
“Gilly fuck off!” You hissed, moving away from the random. Your eyes scanning the crowded den.
Gilly laughed, tucking his phone into his kutte. “Ayy, don’t get mad at me,” he fluttered his eyelashes and fake coughed into his hand. “I don’t feel so good baby, I’m just gonna stay in tonight.”
You narrowed your eyes at his high-pitched mimicry of your last conversation with Angel.
He wasn’t even supposed to be there. Your friend swore she nixed all Mayan related invites, just for that night, on your behalf. All you wanted was to be able to turn up like you did pre-relationship. Normally you could at clubhouse parties since Angel trusted everyone there with his life. Any party outside of that was a gamble, and Angel could referee like he got a check for it.
Your eyes finally met said man’s across the party and a chill and went down your spine. Angel was propped against the wall across the way, eyes on you.
The rest of party fell away as you made your way over to him, schooling your features into your ‘what did I do daddy?’ pout.
“Nah, don’t come over with that lip poking now.” He shook his head, speaking when you were in range of him.
“And what are you doing wearing this fucking pillowcase out here? What did we talk about?” He pinched the thin strings of your dress.
“Nooo, don’t be mad. I was walking through my closet and it fell on me. Besides, you liked it when I modeled it for you.”
Angel scoffed, refusing to even entertain your comments. Coco chuckled from his spot next to his friend as he lit a cigarette.
“I thought you had club shit, I didn’t even know you’d be here.” You cringed as soon as the words left your lips, the shots you’d taken earlier still putting in work.
“I didn’t know you’d be here either. I thought you were sick. There’s some soup in the car that thought it was getting dropped off. Apparently wrong thoughts is the theme of the night.”
Petty by Angel Reyes.
“Soup? Baby, that’s so sweet.” You tried to pet his cheeks, but he was keeping you at bay.
“You aren’t even sick! Imma give that shit to Gilly.”
“Nooo.” You whined again, still trying to get him to let you touch him in some way.
“Get that bitch you were dancing with to buy you soup.” It was his turn to pout, but there was fire in his eyes as he tracked the guy you’d been dancing with. “It’s all he’s gonna be able to fucking eat in a minute anyways.”
“Sorry I blew up your spot ma, I just wanted to see my plug and get out.” Coco opened the palm of his hand not holding the cigarette and revealed a small bag of weed.
Angel snapped his head towards him, expression incredulous. “Don’t apologize to her, she lied to her man! She gave some puto hope! Get on code!”
“I love you hermano, but this is your guard dog-ass fault.” He pointedly ignored his friend’s heated glare as a girl in the doorway caught his interest, slipping away when she positively returned his gaze.
Angel’s attention was claimed by you once again when you pulled his head down towards you. You smothered his cheeks in kisses, to which he was physically unresponsive.
“I don’t know if I want you kissing on me querida.”
You rolled your eyes. Petty or not, everyone knew Angel’s life force depleted the longer he went without touching you. Even in your tipsy state you could see his fingers literally twitched with the need to take their rightful place on your hips.
“I just wanted to dance like I used to, and you don’t dance. Then you beat down guys who want to. You left me no choice, so let me have kisses.” You locked your arms around his waist, successfully avoiding his half-hearted attempts to push you away.
He scrunched up his face. “How the fuck am I catching strays in this situation? I’m the victim!”
“I’ll make it up to you later if you stop being a hatin’ wallflower and let me grind on you.” Your hips found the rhythm of the slow wind song thumping through the room.
His hands encircled your throat, drawing you closer to his person. Your pupils blew at his darkened expression, your lower half squirming with interest. He pressed his lips to yours, and the party faded to nothing again. His fingers flexed around your throat before closing just enough for him to draw the subtlest gasp from you. He felt it more than heard it over the noise, but it was enough.
He pulled away, licking his lips as you tried to remember where you were and if sin always tasted so good.
“You’ll make it up to me right now in the traitor’s car.” he held up keys you recognized to be Coco’s.
You started to protest on principle, but your body was going through withdrawals from a lite touch (for Angel). He could see the wheels turning, but you were letting him lead you out of the room, palm openly covering your ass.
“Who are you texting?” You asked, more annoyed with how his hands were no longer possessively roaming your body than a real answer.
He quickly pocketed his phone and returned his hands to you. “No one baby.” definitely not telling his boys via group chat to handle the random for him. “Stop worrying about anything other than how you’re gonna get around at work tomorrow.”
It was bad enough you couldn’t make it to New Orleans due to work, and Old Lady “responsibilities”, but this petty fight you were in with Coco was the kicker. You couldn’t even remember how it started, but it escalated back and forth until you weren’t speaking and were back staying at your apartment.
Poor Letty had been reduced to messenger girl, especially now that she had a car. A tug of war with your point being “she was my girl first, that’s how we met” and his point being “she’s my kid, blood first ma” had broken out. You didn’t know what was going to wear through its welcome first, your lack of Coco, or Letty’s patience, but they were competing. It wasn’t like Coco was doing any better if your daily updates from Letty were any indication. He was impatient, tense, chain smoking, and was getting closer and closer to going through with the apology call he was openly fighting.
It wouldn’t be long before you were back to getting your back arched out of shape if that was anything to go by. Not a moment too soon if your own miserable habits were anything to go by. You wanted to use the party to distract yourself, hoping Coco would break first the following day. If not, it was sure to be you.
You spent the whole day throwing your frustrations into decorating your best friend’s backyard. It looked like the French Quarter threw up its best years, but it was the perfect backdrop to lose yourself to some bounce music.
Normally, you could goad Coco into being your twerking post, and that resistance (plus his turned on bi-lingual hypeman compliments in your ear) was everything missing at the moment.
You pouted and weaved your way out of the crowd to your friend who was busy playing good hostess.
“Ah ah, no whining. If you wanna really make it Mardi Gras, shake your ass on a dude.”
You narrowed your eyes, annoyed she shut down and solved your problem before you could whine about it. “Coco hates that shit! Plus he’s spoiled me, it won’t even be the same.”
“Coco isn’t here, and it doesn’t have to be the same, it just has to do.” She turned away from where she’d filled two shot glasses for the two of you. “Besides, we both know your ass is gonna be all in his neck crying about how you miss him tomorrow. Do your thing before you go out sad.”
She clinked shot glasses with you, pleased at her accurate assessment and your sourpuss face.
“Fuck you.” You laughed, voice rough from the burn of the shot.
“Save that for Coco.” She smacked your ass, draped one of the many beaded necklaces hanging off her shoulder around your neck, and sent you on your way back to the crowd of writhing bodies.
It was nothing to find dudes to grind on, and you fell into the synergy. You couldn’t count how many fast paced songs you’d thrown it back to, or how many guys you’d danced with. The stack of beads you’d acquired gave some idea though.
Meanwhile, Coco’s skin was alive with the kind of anger he felt. He’d been seriously contemplating coming to your place and forcing out admissions of how his life wasn’t right without you in it. He couldn’t remember who or what started it, but it didn’t even matter when your scent was starting to fade from his pillow, and his touch starvation was acting up.
All of that went careening out the window when he stumbled upon a pouty Letty, huffing and sucking her teeth at her phone. Turns out you, and “everyone in the goddamn world but me” according to Letty, were at your friend’s blowout Mardi Gras party. Coco knew it was your favorite holiday, but it was news to him that you had any plans since you couldn’t officially go this year. News he didn’t welcome at all, since all of the videos he saw you in you were throwing (his) your ass on multiple dudes. Did you think he wouldn’t fight everyone???
He was already on his bike before he’d even registered leaving the house. He sent a quick summoning call in his boy’s group chat, your friend’s address the destination.
The party was louder and wilder than the videos let on. He’d already spotted his boys by their kuttes, mingling in their respective ways, but didn’t seek them out. They’d find him if he needed them to. Coco on the other hand, needed to find you.
His eagle eyes picked apart the crowd until he spotted you twisting yourself to the rhythm. Coco didn’t know whether to shoot the asshole behind you, or take you away to deal with the feelings you were bringing out of him.
You knew he loved when you brought the South to the West Coast with your hips and ass.
He charged into your space, his hands immediately going for the guy’s arm and snatching him towards him.
“Make a choice cabrón. Get the fuck out, or be an expensive bill and sad memory for your moms by morning.” He pressed his kutte to his person, emphasizing that he was strapped.
The guy raised his palms and quickly exited the scene. Unwilling to test what clearly was a warning that Coco would happily make good on.
You tugged on him, trying to get him to move away from the crowd. Scanning those around you to see who saw or heard, you noticed more than you would’ve liked. They wouldn’t make a fuss, noting his kutte, but still.
“Stop it. What are you even doing here?” You hissed, tugging his arm harshly for his attention.
He turned his gaze, wild with adrenaline and arrogance at his victory, on you. “You should’ve stopped yourself before throwing it back on random fuckers for the internet. This is on you.”
“No, this is on you. If you hadn’t done what you did or said what you said…”. You trailed off remembering that you couldn’t recall what had happened, just the frustration.
“What did I say or do (y/n)?” He noted your visible annoyance that he’d chosen to use your real name instead of a pet name, and with a smirk, he walked you backwards until your back gently hit the fence.
Between not recalling what started the fight, and your man looking amazing, you settled on a pathetic. “You remember.”
“No I don’t, and neither do you.” that familiar prickle of intensity sparked between the two of you.
Everything between you and Coco felt like a live wire dancing back and forth. High energy moments usually ended in either great sex, or separation (sometimes by the force of your friends) to let things cool down.
“I know you’re gonna catch a case if you keep moving like that Johnny. Is that what you want?”
“Nah mujer, that ain’t what I want. I want you home where you belong, but you’re out here playing me instead.” Slender fingers tugged sharply at a few of the beaded necklaces in your stack.
You sucked your teeth and turned your head, ignoring the warm cheeks and butterflies in your stomach at his on-brand admission of missing you.
He placed a hand on the fence next to your head, grasping your chin to turn your attention back to him.
“You’re being a drama queen. I thought I was talking to Angel for a second.”
He threw his head back as laughed, and you got an almost overwhelming urge to kiss him. Or at least bury your fingers in his soft curls, they were begging for it at this po-
“Fuck that, he’s still got me beat. Wait til you see the tantrum he’s saving for you for not getting invited tonight.”
“He was, I just told her to can it because of you. He should be mad at you.” You pouted, but your tone was teasing.
“I could put in a good word for you…you know, if you’re done being petty.” He leaned in, running his lips over the shell of your ear.
“Or I could just offer to throw it back on him to make him forget.”
It was your turn to laugh when Coco tensed, and pulled back from where he’d been teasing you with light touches. You didn’t love him no longer touching you, but faltering him made it almost worth it.
“Or you could take me home and we could both forget…” you clutched at his kutte, leaning into him.
He pulled your hands away by your wrists, his thumbs rubbing over your pulse points.
“Nah, if dancing is this fucking important to you, come on then.” He pulled you after him.
“Cocooo,” you whined, more interested in getting him to touch you again. “Take me home already.”
“My lady wants to dance.” He sat on the outdoor wicker couch and patted his lap. “So dance.”
You stood there in confusion for a second, before what he meant became clear. “I’m not doing that here!”
“You didn’t have an issue earlier, move those hips ma.” He looked between you and his lap again.
Could’ve been the way he was biting his lip, or the laid back way he rested against the couch, but that coupled with lack of access to him, had affirmative words running through your mind.
You playfully rolled your eyes, faking like his request was that expensive. “Only because I want to get you home, and I know you’ll never quit whining if I don’t.”
You slipped onto his lap, the action already drawing attention from partygoers just for the potential of what was to come.
He grasped your hips to still you before you started to move, his palm pressing you back to him by your throat. “And don’t half-ass it yeah…or I might do the same when I get you home.”
It wasn’t until Creeper hit his shoulder and informed him of how hard he was smiling that EZ realized his cheeks ached. He couldn’t help it, he loved watching you dance more than anything.
As soon as you heard a melody you liked, you came alive to it, and stole everyone’s attention. You could find the beat on anything.
That wasn’t his sole reason for cheesing so hard though. Tonight had been the first night you brought your closest friends around the club, and he knew it took great trust in him, his brothers, and your relationship to do that. Your family was on the East Coast, so your friends filled that role for you. Coupled with EZ, they were your world and he thanked you everyday for letting him in.
“Gonna stop calling you boy scout if you keep enjoying the show this much.” Creeper took the seat across from him, half blocking his view.
“Oh you didn’t know how EZ gets down?” Angel’s lips formed that mischievous grin, his eyes taking on the same glint. “You should’ve seen him begging me for tales from Angel’s crib.”
“She and her girls look good out there. Might be too much for you junior.”
EZ rolled his eyes at the ribbing from his brothers, his grin still intact. “At some point I’m gonna be patched, I’m happy to make a cage date for that day. Pretty sure I can take both of you.
Creeper and Angel exchanged exaggerated incredulous expressions.
“See what happens when you go easy on the help?” Angel scoffed. “You sound like you’re hurtin’ for work prospect.”
“Could use some more water.” Creeper shook his water bottle at him, just barely missing splashing him.
EZ rose from his seat, empty beer bottle in hand. “Just remember that day is coming.”
Angel and Creeper laughed raucously at that.
“Don’t get your ass beat in front of your woman lil bro!”
EZ shook his head, choosing to ignore his dumbass older brother. and tossed his bottle in the trash. Slipping through the moving bodies until he was near you, he gently patted your friend who nodded and stepped from behind you.
You jumped, surprised at his sudden appearance, but settled back against him.
“Hey baby.” You gently encouraged him to follow the sway of your hips as he placed his head on your shoulder.
“Hey. I’m back on the slave clock, you want anything?”
You turned to him, his arms instinctively encircling your waist. “Hard tea please.”
“I gotta go to the trailer for that, and get the variety hour table over there a drink. I’ll try to be quick.”
“Don’t rush, but remember, you owe me a dance.” You cupped his cheeks and pressed a kiss to his lips.
He grinned goofily, his attention solely yours until he felt your girls draping themselves over him.
“Can you get us some too Zeke? Thanks.” “Preciate it Z.”
You giggled pushing them off him, but you knew he didn’t mind. You guys were a package deal and he’d take whatever you came with. At least their requests came with pleasantries.
“Sure ladies, not a problem. Don’t let anyone take her while I’m gone.”
They laughed, giving affirmative replies while you rolled your eyes pushed him towards the side door.
Once he began his drink fulfillment quest, it was like every brother wanted something from him. It was a full house that night and he should’ve known once he was no longer under Angel’s break protection, he was back to errand boy status.
Every task he completed was met with teasing about how his rushed pace clearly pointed to him wanting to get back to you. He didn’t argue the fact, just moved faster every time you were mentioned.
Finally, he was able to to focus on your request when he stopped being flagged down.
He was heading to the trailer when one of your friends stopped him.
“One of the other charter’s guys is annoying our girl. She doesn’t wanna make a fuss cause’..you know.” She gestured to his vest to signify his prospect status. “But I know she’s not feeling it.”
He could feel the the muscles in his jaw flex in anger, feet carrying him across the crowded yard. People moved before he could plow through them, which was just as well, because he wasn’t fully in control at that point, and didn’t think he could slow down enough to sidestep them.
The clubhouse had filled considerably since his absence. He scanned the room for you, finding you in a crowd of moving bodies. Your friend was right, you had a good poker face, but your man knew you.
He didn’t waste time physically separating you from the Yuma patch member. He gently put you behind his person, feeling your small hands press against his back through his vest.
“I’m good baby. He agreed this was the last dance.” Your voice belied your annoyance despite your words.
“I’m guessing he said that more than once.”
“I don’t mind, I know clu-“
Yuma interrupted you. “See, she doesn’t mind. Go find something to do with yourself prospect.”
“I’ve got a project in mind.” EZ pushed you back a little more to give himself room to work with.
“Be smart bare vest.” Yuma smirked, his eyes saying how much he’d love for EZ to make the mistake he was thinking about.
In the span of the next few seconds, Yuma’s vest and shirt was covered in beer and Coco had appeared at the same time. If the obvious way he was holding the bottle didn’t give away he did it on purpose, his dry “my bad” and shrug did.
Yuma swung on Coco who anticipated it and dodged it, before firing back with a successful punch of his own. A sea of Mayans of mixed charter filled the space and EZ quickly pushed you behind the bar before he lost you in the shuffle.
Understanding what Coco had done, he got in the middle to give the Yuma patch what he’d been asking for while he was covered by the chaos.
It didn’t last long before the presidents stepped in, but it didn’t have to. He was happy to take the few licks he’d received, because he was pretty sure he’d broken Yuma patch’s nose, and would get away with it.
His brother’s words against theirs, and the presidents didn’t feel the need to make it a drawn out issue. He pretended to have played bouncer instead of active participant, and it all ended with a basic chewing out.
His only thoughts were of you once his rage had subsided, and he could think clearly again. Had he scared off you and your friends? Embarrassed you?
He was happy to find that hadn’t. Your friends couldn’t help but fawn over him and how “perfect for you” he was. He especially enjoyed reveling in the jealousy of Coco, Angel, Gilly, and Creeper. Coco slightly less salty when he got praise for his efforts.
He got his admiration from you later when you patched him up in the trailer, soft voice telling him how sexy he looked to you, and how you appreciated him thinking of you in his position. You held his face and gently went over everything you could find, while he said on his makeshift bed content to let you.
He couldn’t stop grinning, the one that always got him mercilessly mocked because it was now associated with him thinking of you.
“Seriously EZ,” you dabbed at the final cut you hadn’t attended to. “Thank you.”
“I want you to feel safe with me, it’s only fair if you can accept all this shit.”
You grinned down at him, hair framing your face, and he had to remind himself to breathe at the sight. “I do, all the time.”
He cupped the side of your face, unwilling to fight the urge to kiss you any longer.
You laughed speaking between kisses. “I’m not done.”
“It’s ok, I’m good.” He chased your lips, unashamed to want you so badly.
“Ok,” you returned his kisses, your fingers dancing down the nape of his neck. “But I’d like to cash in that dance you owe me…you know, before we get too busy.”
He rose to full height, hands finding both of yours. “I can do that.”
I don’t speak Spanish, so if I made a mistake feel free to hop in my messages and let me know and how to fix it please. You’re more than welcome to.
1.) I remember seeing a meme vid about this years ago, and finding it hilarious. I could see this happening with these dudes and their personalities. That, and I just really wanted a lil southern culture in a Mayans drabble. 🤷🏾‍♀️
2.) I did a rewatch of the whole series (including the original), and I’m back on the obsession train. Just tryna to be happy before S4 kicks my shit in.
3.) I kept telling myself I wouldn’t end up writing for these fools and here I am in my Ringling Bros. best🤡.
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please-buckme · 3 years
Bucky Barnes x fem!reader
Words: 2.3k
Warnings: smutty 18+, oral (m! Receiving), cursing, a lot of saliva
Summary: you meet Bucky at Sharon’s party.
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The music thunderously blasts through the speakers as the party raged on. People grinding and kissing while their drinks splashed to the beat. The lights danced around the room, sprinkling around the party goers like confetti at a parade. And then there was you, totally drunk and having the time of your life.
The music ran through your body just like the alcohol you’d consumed. Madripoor was the place to be if you were looking for a good time, innocent or not so innocent. You found your way here after leaving home so many years ago. This was your place, you couldn’t imagine living anywhere else, especially after living here for so long. You’d die of boredom if you ever decided to leave.
Tonight you were at a fellow colleagues party; Sharon Carter. You ultimately came to do some business with her. She had something you wanted and you paid a hefty price to get it. Once you dealt with the matter at hand, you joined the party. Sharon danced and chatted with you but didn't have a drink herself. She told you she had business to attend to later.
Your eyesight was a little blurry when you scanned the crowd of people, but you suddenly had 20/20 vision when your eyes landed on them.
“Who are they?” You asked Sharon.
“Ah, the business I’m attending to later.” She smirked.
“Sharon!” You swatted her shoulder. “Good for you, girl.”
“Oh, God. No. Not like that. I mean, we have actual business to attend to later. You’re disgusting.” She scuffed, cringing at the idea of being with either man.
Your eyes locked with the icy blue ones that stared back at you, almost beakening you to come over. He smirked, his gaze roamed down your body, drinking in your features as you rubbed your thighs together.
“Mind if I introduce myself?” You ask, absentmindedly handing off your drink to Sharon.
“Um, sure. Go right ahead.”
The piercing blue eyes never left yours when you started walking across the dance floor to him.
“Hi.” He said flatly. You giggled, finding his grumpy demeanor kinda cute.
“Hi.” You say back, grabbing his hand. If you hadn’t lived in Madripoor for so long with all the crazy things that go on here daily, you would’ve been shocked to feel the cool metal of his hand against your palm. But you didn’t even flinch, if anything it made you want him more.
“What’s your name?” You asked, still shaking his hand.
“Ah, Winter Soldier.” He said nervously. “Yours?” “Summer Civilian.” Bucky grinned down at you, pausing the shaking of your hands and just held it there between the two of you.
“Ha ha.”
“Tell me your real name and I’ll tell you mine.” You challenge.
“I’m sort of in the middle of something- Ah, I’m undercover.” He released your hand to run his own through his hair anxiously.
“Your secret’s safe with me.” You challenge him again.
He leans in close to your ear, his hot breath fanning over your ear almost causes you to whimper, “I’m Bucky.”
You smile when he stands straight again, “I’m y/n.”“It’s nice to meet you, y/n.” He takes your hand and shakes it again.
“Same to you, Bucky.” You stand staring at one another until the other man breaks the sexual tension that’s blossoming against you and Bucky.
“I’m Sa- I mean Smiling Tiger.” He corrects.
You can’t help but to bust out laughing, “Smiling Tiger. You can’t be serious. That man is one of my biggest clients. I’m not buying that cover for one second. At least Bucky came up with a fake name.”
Bucky huffed out a laugh like sigh. The man claiming to be Smiling Tiger just rolled his eyes and walked away. You giggled staring down at your feet and back up to Bucky. He was gorgeous. He wore an all black suit that clung perfectly to his toned body. His large biceps were outlined to perfection and the pants he wore did his thighs a great justice. You wanted him and you wanted him now.
“Would you like to talk somewhere more.. private?” You asked, hanging your arms over his shoulders. You’d forgotten how drunk you were until you felt the weight of your arms on his shoulders. He didn’t seem to mind though.
“I- I shouldn’t. Like I said I’m in the middle of something right now. I have to stay where they can find me.” He gasps when your lips attach to his neck.
You smirk against his neck, “That’s fine. We can have fun right where we are.” One of your hands slides down his chest and past his toned stomach until your hand reaches its final destination on his crotch.
“Wow wow wow” he panicked and grabbed your wrist. “Are you crazy? We could get arrested for public indecency or something.”
You laughed hysterically, his innocence towards the situation made a warmth bubble up in your chest.
You lean in to him drunkenly as your fingers pad over his chest, “Bucky baby, this is Madripoor. Look around you. Everyone here is doing something that should be considered illegal. I could sink down to my knees and take you each by each in to my mouth and nobody would even blink.”
Bucky groaned at your words. You could tell he’d been deprived of sexual relations just by the way he reacted to your fingers dancing across his chest and the dirty words you spoke.
“Would you like that, Bucky? Would you like to watch me choke on your cock in front of all these people?” You ask. Your fingers made their way back down his body but found his hard cock this time. You gasped, “You would like that, dirty boy.”
“Goddammit” He cursed, pulling at your wrist again as he bulldozed through the crowd on the way to the bathroom. The door was locked when he smashed his way through. Two people had the same idea as you, they sat against the sink until Bucky ordered them to leave. With no hesitation, they ran through the now busted door. “So demanding.” You teased.
“On your fucking knees, Princess.” He ordered, latching the door.
You whimpered, “Yes, Sir.” You did as you were told, sitting on your knees in front of him while he unclasped his belt.
“You wanna suck my dick so bad,” he grunted, undoing the zipper and shimmying his pants down to his ankles. “Then you’re gonna. You're not coming up off that floor until I say. And when I’m done with your mouth, I’m gonna fuck that pretty little pussy of yours, you got that?”
“Oh, God. Yes.” You agree, pulling his underwear down his legs to release him. His cock spring free, slapping against his shirt.
Precum dripped from his tip and you whimpered. Bucky was larger than you’d expected, in length and girth. The veins of his cock pulsed in your hand when you started stroking him slowly. The tip was bright red and in need of release, which you had no problem in helping with that.
Once your lips closed around the tip, Bucky knitted his fingers into your hair and shoved his cock as far as he could down your throat. You gag as saliva collects in your mouth and runs down your chin. He pulls out and thrusts back in hard.
“This is what you want, right? To gag on my cock?” He grunts when you flick your tongue at his base. You just nod and gargle incoherent praise around him.
He starts with rough, slow thrusts, slamming in and out until your throat is nice and open for him. Then he fucks your face properly. You know by this point your makeup is completely ruined/gone due to the tears and drool running down your face.
At one point Bucky pulled out completely just to look at your fucked out state. His flesh hand roughly fingered your mouth, then smeared your own spit over your face.
“God, you’re so filthy.” He whimpered and then lined himself up with your mouth again, “You take me so well, Baby. Rub that pussy for me. Get it nice and ready for me.”
You moan against him and run your fingers over your wet folds. You insert one finger and whimper. You were soaked. Your wetness dripped down your thighs and onto the bathroom floor. You added another finger, hoping to stretch your walls enough for Bucky to glad right in. “Does it feel good, Baby?” He asked in a patronizing tone. You nodded, “Is your pussy ready for me now?”
He released you suddenly and your saliva dripped from his cock and your mouth to the floor. You’d already made such a mess of the bathroom and all you’d done was suck his cock.
“I asked you a question.”
“Yes, my pussy’s so ready for your cock.” You whine still stroking him.
He smirks down at you, grabbing your chin, “I’ll be the judge of that.” He lifts you from the floor with only his metal arm and carries you to the counter.
“Vibranium?” You ask.
“Yeah.” He answers confused as to how you’d know that.
“Nice.” You hustled for a living and vibranium was something everybody wanted. You were gonna get that arm somehow.
He sat you on the counter and positioned himself between your legs. You shimmied your dress up to your waist and lined him up to your entrance. Before he pushed in he grabbed your face and pulled you in for a bruising kiss. His lips felt warm and full against yours.
For a guy that was out of practice, his lips worked your mouth like his life depended on it. They were soft and inviting. His tongue roamed your mouth so delicately that you barely even noticed it was there. This was Bucky, the real Bucky.
He took your bottom lip between his teeth as he pushed his cock inside you. Both your moans filled the room as he bottomed out inside you. He entered you slowly before pulling out and slamming into you. You yelped when you felt him right at your hilt, the knot in your stomach twisting tighter and tighter.
“You're so deep, Bucky.” You whimpered.
“I know, Baby, I know. Just relax.” His thrusts were slower, helping you adjust. He praised you each time he bottomed out inside you, “You’re doing so good for me.” He’d say.
Once your walls relaxed around him, he picked up speed. He was holding back, you could tell, but was still pounding into you. Your hands wandered down to his ass as you coaxed him into going a little rough.
He got the hint immediately. He pulled out completely then slammed back in making your legs quiver. Then he pulled out again and flipped you over the sink. He reinserted himself and fucked you from behind. Somehow he felt even bigger in this position.
“Bucky-“ You moaned just before he brought his fingers down to your clit. “Yes- just like that. Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”
There was a mirror in front of you and he made eye contact with you the whole time he took you from behind.
Bucky owned you in this moment. He was marking you as his with his cock as he pounded into you. And by the way he rubbed at your clit, he was making sure you’d never find another man that fucked you like he did.
Your eyes clenched shut when the knot in your stomach was on the verge of snapping.
“Bucky, I’m- oh fuck.. I’m gonna cum.” You managed whimpered out.
“Cum for me. I’ve got you. Cum for me, Princess.” With that he picked up his pace just enough to push you over the edge. He pulled you up so your back was against his chest, driving his cock deeper inside you. You mewled as your climax peaked. Your walls clenched around him as your warm cum drenched his cock.
“That’s it, Baby. Oh, God, I can feel it, I can feel it. Give it all to me, Baby.” Bucky groaned and rubbed your clit a little more aggressively, making you jolt in his arms.
“You're gonna make me cum, too. Where do you want it?” He asks, still pounding into you.
“Let’s finish how we started, in my mouth.” He pulls out and you sink to the floor and insert him back into your mouth. You taste your wetness along with your cum as you suck him dry.
“That’s it. Just like that- fuck I’m cumming, Princess.” He groaned and stuttered his hips as he busted on your tongue. You hummed as his spend coated your tongue and throat. He had a unique taste. Cum usually didn't taste all that great but his did. He was salty and sweet, like salted caramel popcorn on Christmas.
He pulled out and collapsed on the floor next to you. You looked at each other, breathing hard and smiled.
“That was-“
“Incredible” You finished the sentence for him.
“Yeah” He chuckled.
“I guess you should get going. They’re probably looking for you by now.” You assured him.
“Yeah.” He repeated, “That was amazing, though. You were amazing. Thank you.”
You giggled, “Don't mention it.” You paused, locking eyes with each other for a moment until Bucky leaned in and kissed you again. The same softness from before that made you a little lightheaded. “Will I see you again?” You asked, breaking the kiss.
“Definitely.” He whispered, standing up now and tucking himself back into his pants.
“Good because next time that arm is mine.”
Bucky gave you a wide eyed look, “What?” He laughed.
“I want that arm, Bucky.”
He walked over towards, planting one final kiss to your lips. “You’ll get my arm, just not the way you're expecting.” He smirked before running out the bathroom door to look for the fake Smiling Tiger.
If Bucky did ever come back, you know you’ll never let him leave again.
Taglist: @haydens-moles @valkyrieofthehighfae @aurora-sweet @sebbystanlover-vk @youre-a-wallflower-charlie @nebulastarr @meegggoooo @skylerrae-solo @blondekel77 @notwithoutbarnes @gogolucky13 @buckysm3talarm @heavenlyseb @writersbuck @badassbuchanan @buckyownsmylife @buckysdolls @agent-catfish-kenobi @angelicbabydolll @yippikaiyaymotherfucker @seabassstanownsme
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jaehyunfirstlove · 3 years
I don’t know if this is too specific but can I request for a smut where jaehyun despises y/n for a reason that she acts all innocent and kind infront of everybody when y/n is actually a brat and he wants to see it himself by giving her a rough sex (almost like a hate sex as well?) I really love your works and I spend most of my time reading them, this is my first request ever! thank you if you do ❤️
Pairing: friend!jaehyun x f.reader
Genre: smut (18+ only)
Warnings: hate sex, unprotected sex, teasing, choking, degradation? sort of?
Word count: 1.7k
A/N: thank you for this request, hope you like it :)
“Isn’t Y/N so sweet?” Jungwoo sighed, watching you walk away towards the buffet to get him some more cocktail shrimp.
Jaehyun just watched you, eyes narrowed. He knew better, knew your little act was all for show. “I wouldn’t bet on it,” he mumbled under his breath.
“What are you talking about?” Mark laughed loudly, “she’s the sweetest person we know, right Taeyong?”
Taeyong nodded, before launching into his favorite story about how you had taken care of him when he was sick once and refused to go to the doctor, while Taeil piped up about a story where you had given a homeless man your umbrella. Everyone else nodded in agreement, your entire friend group, save Jaehyun, agreeing that you were an angel on earth.
Jaehyun, however, knew what you were capable of. He was good friends with Yuta, your ex, and Yuta had told him everything about how bratty you were, how you liked to push his buttons, how you would misbehave on purpose in order to get punished. He hated this little act you displayed to everyone, disgusted that all of your friends believed you were some sweet, innocent person, when in reality, you were anything but.
“Here, Jaehyun, give it to me, I’ll wash it for you.”
You were all at Haechan’s house party, and someone had spilled their drink on Jaehyun’s shirt. At your offer, he only shook his head, mouth downturned.
“No thanks,” he said curtly.
“It’s no bother, really, best to get it out right away,” you insisted, holding out your hand to him, “come on, let’s go upstairs and get it cleaned.”
“No really, I’m good,” Jaehyun was positively cold now, his voice like ice.
“What’s the problem? Just go with her! She’s offering to clean your shirt!” Johnny was already a few beers in and unnecessarily loud, which made Jaehyun flinch.
“You can use my room,” Haechan offered, practically picking up Jaehyun and pushing him towards you. Reluctantly he got up, sighing heavily, and followed you up the stairs.
You led Jaehyun into Haechan’s room and closed the door behind him. “Okay, give me your shirt,” you said sweetly, “I can turn around if that makes you more comfortable.”
Jaehyun could feel his blood boiling, seeing your bratty attitude starting to come out as you stared at him cheekily. He bit the inside of his cheek, arousal and anger mixing together inside of him.
“Well?” you questioned, hands on your hips, “I won’t be able to wash it if you’re wearing it, although I guess I could try…” smirking you reached towards his shirt, but before you could make contact he grabbed your wrist.
“I don’t think so, sweetie,” he said, his voice harsh, “I’m calling the shots now.”
He squeezed your wrist harder, making you wince, but riling him up was fun, so you continued. “Is that so?” you asked, eyeing him up and down as he stared at you, “and what shots will you be calling, exactly?”
“You act all sweet and innocent in front of our friends, but really you’re just a fucking brat, am I right?”
You laughed. “Who told you that? I bet it was Nakamoto Yuta,” you scoffed, “he could never keep his mouth shut.”
“So is it true?”
“Why don’t you find out?”
“I intend to.”
He came at you then, pushing you onto the bed and then caging you in with his body. You were loving it, but still you felt the need to push his buttons.
“Took you long enough to get me into this position,” you teased, “Yuta had me underneath him an hour after we met.”
Clearly he didn’t like being compared to anyone, let alone one of his closest friends. The vein in his forehead throbbed, his mouth a thin line, as he leaned his face closer to yours.
“Keep it up, baby, and you’ll get what you deserve,” he growled, breath fanning your face.
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep, baby,” you continued to tease, adrenaline rushing through you at the prospect of what he might do to you. You had to admit, Jeong Jaehyun intrigued you, and you were dying to know if he was really packing down there like you suspected he was.
“Watch it,” he warned, bringing his knee between your legs and rubbing it against your pussy. You inhaled sharply at the friction, and his eyes grew dark as he watched your reaction. “I’m gonna fuck you right now, I’m gonna make you scream my name and forget your own.”
He was making you hot, arousal coursing through your body and turning your limbs to jelly. You were powerless as he started to kiss your neck, still rubbing his knee against your crotch, making you whimper.
“Not so bratty now, are you,” he smirked, sucking harshly on your skin and definitely leaving marks. You squirmed as he continued to rub his knee into you, but you needed more.
“Is that the best you can do?” you breathed, trying to affect a breezy air but it was getting more and more difficult with the way he was teasing you.
He growled against your neck, before he practically ripped your clothes off of you, then pulled off his own. Once you were both naked he leaned back on his knees to admire you, lying bare beneath him. Taking his cock in his hand he pumped it slowly, watching you as you watched him, salivating at the sight.
“I’ll show you what I can do,” he said, his voice low and raspy. You pretended to laugh, and it had the desired effect. His face went dark, eyes hard, and he grabbed your wrists, pinning you to the bed. “I’ll show you what a brat like you deserves.”
He entered you, hard and fast, no preamble, no sweet words and soft movements to coax your hole to open up for him, just his rock hard cock ramming into your pussy. You fought the scream that wanted to tear out of your throat, not wanting to give him the satisfaction, but that became increasingly hard when he started to build up a pace, fucking into you so hard the bed creaked loudly.
“You wanna piss me off, make me angry, well this is what you get,” he said, voice dripping with disdain. You could hear the anger in it, feel it in his movements, in the way he squeezed your wrists as he held you down. His hips were relentless, pounding into you, his cock so big and so deep inside you it felt like he was rearranging your insides. You wanted to moan, whimper, cry his name, all of it, but you fought it, keeping as quiet as you could to rile him up even more.
“Tell me you like it, you fucking brat,” he hissed, letting go of your arms so he could squeeze your breasts and pinch your nipples. Again you fought the urge to cry out as he pinched and pulled at your sensitive buds. You clutched the sheets instead, feeling an orgasm coming on and trying your hardest not to make it obvious. But your body gave you away, your pussy clenching around him, thighs shaking as he pulled an orgasm out of you so strong you could see stars in your vision.
“You don’t have to tell me, your pussy said it all,” he smirked, still railing you, tears pricking your eyes from oversensitivity but still he kept going.
“Still wasn’t good enough for me,” you lied, trying to keep your breathing even, “I’ve had better.”
He tried to look unaffected by your words, but his hips stuttered, giving him away. Without a word he pulled out of you and flipped you onto your stomach, pulling you up roughly by your hips so your pussy was opened up to him. You braced yourself on your elbows as he plunged into you again, the force of his thrust almost knocking you face first onto the mattress.
“You’re really gonna get it now, no more holding back,” he growled, and you wondered what was in store for you if that’s what he was like when he was holding back. This time, you couldn’t stifle your screams as he pounded you so hard and so deep he was reaching places you didn’t think anyone could reach. High-pitched whines and moans left your mouth as he tore you apart, as his cock pumped in and out of you making you come again and again, losing track of the orgasms you were having, his hands rough on your body.
“That’s it, baby,” he wrapped a hand around your throat and pulled you up to him, whispering in your ear, “keep screaming like that, show everyone what a bratty little fuck you are.”
You’d lost yourself to him at this point, unable to resist anymore, and so you did as you were told, screaming until your voice was hoarse.
“Scream my name, baby, tell everyone who’s fucking the brattiness out of you,” he squeezed his hand around your neck, restricting your airflow, and it made you so aroused you gushed around his cock.
“Jaehyun!” you choked out, “yes! Fuck me, Jaehyun!”
He came with a deep, guttural groan, squeezing your neck even harder, his other hand pressed against your lower stomach to bring you even closer to him and push his cock even deeper. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, all of your limbs convulsing as you came again, your mouth falling slack as the lack of air started to take its toll. Just before you blacked out completely he released his hold on you, and you fell limply onto the bed.
You were slowly coming back to yourself when you felt Jaehyun stroking your arm. You turned around to look at him and he was already dressed, sitting on the bed beside you.
“Oh good, you’re still alive,” he said it jokingly, with a smile, but you could see the concern in his eyes.
“Did you prove your point? Am I really a brat?” you asked, your brain still hazy from the mind-blowing sex you’d just had.
He grinned from ear to ear. “Yes, you’re really a brat,” he nodded, “but to be honest, I kinda like it.”
Thanks for 1.4k :)
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quindolyn · 4 years
plz write george smut thank you :)
Anytime || George Weasley
Word Count: 2,201
a/n: I’m so sorry this took me longer than I wanted it to finish. I’ve been pretty all over the place. I hope you like it! After this I’m getting out a Harry imagine I have requested in my inbox and then I’ll start writing whatever you guys vote for!
Warnings: daddy kink, quickie
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It started out innocent. You swore it did, you never imagined that it would get this far, nor was that your intention.
It started off with you not noticing that the top couple buttons of your blouse had popped undone exposing a rather excessive amount of cleavage for the common room. Especially when it was flooded with a bunch of third and fourth years, many of whom were ogling you like they’d never seen a human woman before.
George was torn between giving you his coat to cover you from the less than respectful gazes targeted at you and using it to hide his erection.
Next it was crossing your legs in class when you sat next to him, revealing miles of your beautiful legs that he couldn’t help but drool over as your uniform skirt hiked up dangerously high on your thighs.
Then it was brushing your fingers across his bicep when you were talking to him in class, or sometimes across his chest.
You had no clue how much you had been riling up your boyfriend over the last week or so. Now, it was sort of hard to miss the affect you had on him as evidence of such in the form  of his hardening cock was pressed into your back.
“Georgie?” You craned your head to gaze up at him, blinking owlishly as he stared down at you, practically salivating at the mere sight of you.
You were shocked when he basically growled at you, in hindsight, what you were wearing may have been a little much for a party in the Ravenclaw common room but most of the other girls in attendance were just as dressed up. You all were all young and attractive, why not go all out for the last party of the year?
In a slinky, white slip dress, that could’ve easily passed as modest lingerie you had every eye in the room on you. Some envious, most not as respectful as they probably ought to be, and one pair completely eye fucking you as he was torn between falling to your feet and worshipping you like the goddess you were and pulling you into a broom closet where he would punish you for wearing such provocative clothing. It was too much, all of the teasing, whether or not it was intentional, and now this.
George was desperate, he needed you.
“George?” You called out his name again as he looped his arm along your waist, pulling you into his side as he guided you out of the crowded, smoky room and into the empty corridor directly outside of it.
You were tense, he’d barely said a word all night since you’d met him outside the Ravenclaw common room, and he wasn’t saying anything now either. Which led you to the question, what was wrong with him?
All you received in response was a grunt as he tried to pull you along with him, but your legs were no match for his much longer ones, getting frustrated with the miniscule progress the two of you were making he paused, accessing your figure before huffing and picking you up. It all happened so quickly that you barely had time to squeal as he threw you over his shoulder as though you weighed nothing before he strode off down the corridor.
Your attempts to track where you were going were futile as you lost track somewhere between the third left and second right.
What you didn’t miss, what you couldn’t have missed, was the straining erection pressing against the crotch of his pants.
His off putting silence continued as he sat you down on the ground, rather harshly if you may add, especially considering the sinfully tall stilettos strapped to your feet.
“God George, do you think you could be a little bit more careful? I-”
You were cut off as George took your face in his hand, pressing your cheeks together just enough to make your lips puff out in an exaggerated pout.
“You really wanna take that tone with me Darling? After this past week?”
“What are you talking about George? What did I do?” Your voice was muffled as you tried to speak with his hand, not lightening its grasp on your face.
He cocked his head to the side, his gaze dragging up and down your body before returning to your flushed face, “You really don’t know do you?” His voice was hoarse as he spoke, conveying the arousal thrumming through his veins.
You shook your head, indicating that you indeed had no clue as to what he was talking about.
“Oh poppet,” He cooed, brushing a piece of hair out of your face, tucking it delicately behind your ear, “You really are that innocent aren’t you? S’just everything about you, drives me insane, the way your skirt rides up your thighs, how you brush your fingers against my arm, fuck this dress you’re wearing.”
Your gaze followed his as it dropped to your body, ample amounts of heaving cleavage visible from the low cut of the dress, the hem riding up dangerously high, just as he had described your skirt doing.
“You’ve had me painfully hard for you (Y/N),” He buried his nose in the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent as if it was oxygen and he was stranded at the bottom of the ocean, “Need you, need you now.”
“Need you too George,” You moaned, tangling your fingers in his soft hair, pulling slightly to tip back his head and allow you to mesh your lips with his in a slow, sensual kiss. Nothing was rushed as his tongue slipped from his mouth into yours, exploring the cavity of your mouth.
Flicking your tongue with his he slid his hands under the hem of your dress, letting his fingers slide up the backs of your thighs until they grazed against the swell of your bum. Your bare bum.
“No panties angel?” He practically moaned as he brought your skirt up around your waist, revealing your bare ass and cunt to the chilly air of the seemingly abandoned broom closet.
“Every pair I have you could see through my dress Daddy,” You whined, suppressing a shiver as your new level of exposure.
“So you decided to go without them,” George asked you, condescension dripping from his voice as he cocked his head to the side, gazing down at you as he towered over your frame, “Gonna be the death of me bunny.”
George pulled down the thin straps of your dress, revealing that you weren’t wearing a bra either, the silk ivory fabric bunching around your waist.
“Fuck,” He swore pinching your nipples with the rough pads of his fingers before bending down to capture one of your hard buds inbetween his teeth, rolling it gently before sucking, not hard enough to mark, but enough to have you gasping.
You threw your head back at the sensation, your mouth left gaping at the immense pleasure and before you knew it George had his hands underneath your thighs, supporting you as he pushed you against the door of the room.
His large hands guided your legs around his waist, there your ankles criss crossed, locking you against his body. Your small, nimble fingers quickly found their way to the zipper of his jeans, unzipping them so you could pull both them and his boxers down just enough to bring out his throbbing cock.
He’d been hard the instant he saw you, dealing with his throbbing member all night hadn’t exactly been easy and now that you were here, pressed up against a wall, basically naked, needy for him. George couldn’t deny himself any longer.
A pathetic whimper left your mouth as he brushed the head of his cock through your folds, once, then twice before he fully sheathed himself inside of you. Not taking the time to work in his impressive length inch by inch, he’d been more than patient, he deserved to get to make you feel good.
“Daddy!” You screamed as the tip of his prick brushed at a spot deep inside of you, making you feel deliciously full.
George clamped his hand over your mouth, his gaze boring into yours, “Gotta keep quiet for me bunny, can’t have anyone finding us like this, can’t have them knowing that I can’t go more than an hour without needing to be inside of you.”
You nodded your head, his hand still clasped around your mouth.
“Can you do that for me baby?” He asked, still not moving inside of you, giving you a moment to adjust to his size.
“Yes Daddy,” You answered as he pulled his hand from your mouth, instead using it to stabilize himself against the wall, “Please Daddy, move, need you to move.”
“Okay pretty girl,” He smiled as he began to pull out before harshly thrusting back into you, making you arch your back against the splintering wood of the door.
Your hands grappled for the hair at the nape of his neck to ground yourself to him as he thrusted into you, his strokes were deep and quick. There was an urgency in his motions no doubt fueled by the fact that someone could walk by you guys at any time and become curious as to what was making all of that noise.
Pushing your hips down, you tried to meet his thrusts as he pushed himself up into you, “Want it Daddy, making me feel so good,” You whimpered, clenching your eyes closed as the knot forming in your stomach tightened, slowly but surely as wave after wave of pleasure ripple through your body.
Readjusting his grasp on you George thrusted in particularly harshly, prodding at your g-spot over and over again as he observed how well you reacted to his movements.
Knowing that there was no way he was going to last long, not after the week of torture and night of constant temptation he brought one of his hands down to work your clit. Finding it instantly he began tracing figure eights against it, reveling in the way you writhed against him.
“You gonna cum bunny?” He smiled, speeding up the pace of fingers, “You gonna cum all over Daddy’s fingers? Make a mess for me?”
“Yes Daddy,” You whined, trying to match the volume of his voice, not wanting to be too loud, “Yes Daddy please can I cum?”
Deciding he was feeling benevolent he nodded down at you, pinching his fingers around your delicate bundle of nerves sending you careening over the edge of pleasure.
You didn’t know if you stayed quiet as you should’ve because the ecstasy that overtook you was all consuming, blotting out your vision, as your legs tightened around George’s waist. It was like you blacked out, all you could focus on, all you could feel was the knot in your stomach unraveling, leaving you a moaning, quivering mess.
If it weren’t for the throaty grunts he released as he came inside of you, rope after rope of cum painting the inside of your cunt, but his noises grounded you, bringing you back to the musty little closet.
Taking a minute to collect himself George brushed his chapped lips across your brow before slowly pulling out of you and tucking his softening member back into his pants.
Setting you don’t gingerly on the floor he pulled the skirt of your dress down so that it was once again covering your bum before he pulled the delicate straps of the dress back up your shoulders.
“There we go poppet,” He murmured, eyes raking over you, not in the ravenous manner they had earlier but with a distinctly George tenderness, making sure you were properly covered and okay, “Let’s get you up to my dorm, yeah?”
“But the party-” You began before he cut you off.
“Nope, don’t gotta worry about the party, need to get you cleaned up pretty girl.”
“Are you sure?” You asked, peering up at him, unable not to feel just a little guilty that you were the reason George wouldn’t get to go back and celebrate with his friends.
“Of course I am (Y/N),” His hand found its way under your jaw, tilting your face upwards so that his lips could meet yours, “Not even a question.”
Before you could protest any further he was lifting you into his arms, one supporting beneath your bum, the other under your back. You took the opportunity to nuzzle your face into the crook of his neck as he stepped out of the closet with you in his arms.
No matter how hard you tried to resist it, you were no match for the rhythm caused by his walking as he carried you up to his dorm, being lulled to sleep against your own will. Not wanting to fall asleep before you could say something to him you yawned, “Thank you Georgie, made me feel so good.”
Though you couldn’t see it, a gentle smile tugged at the man’s lips as he gazed down at you, clinging to him as you snuggled further into his arms. “Anytime, love. Anytime at all.”
tagging: @randomoutsiders @weasleyposts @kittykylax @amourtentiaa @superbturtlemakerathlete
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immaculatetfs · 3 years
Hey! I have a story idea. What if a group of bros decide to go cow tipping on a farm and the farmer is a wizard. He stops them and attaches cow bells to their necks slowly transforming them into cows. Their utters produce muscle milk which he sells in stores.
Can do (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)
                                                     Muscle milk
*Animal TF*
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Jaques Caleb and Chad had been best friends since starting school together. All three had been quick to meet on the football field, their loud, immature humour making the trio thick as thieves, all the while making the rest of their classmates dismiss them as egg-headed and obnoxious, stereotypical jocks. This bond between these three only strengthened as they grew into their late teens.They spent most of their time together either working out, playing football or partying. There was a rumour that back in the 50’s there had been a tradition for highschool leavers to go cow tipping on their last day, a practice that had been outlawed after perpetrators had mysteriously disappeared. Perhaps it was this that gave Caleb the notion at the school ball afterparty.
“YOOOOO BROOOO We should go cow tipping Broo” he slured
“What? Nah bro well miss the party” replied Chad as he made out with his girlfriend
“WeRe gOnnA MIss ThE pArTY, nah man. It's gonna be a RIOT. Don't you wanna uphold the Greenfield tradition?” Mocked Caleb
“Nah man, come with us , it's gonna be HILARIOUS” Jaques chimed in
“Ugh you guys are such idiots. Seeya babe” Chad gave his girlfriend one last long kiss and the trio left the party’s smell of deodorant and booming music, their heads swimming  with fireball and beer and mouths chuckling as Caleb made ribald remarks of what they would do to the unsuspecting cows.
They chose a field that was about 20 minutes away from their school that just scraped the outskirts of town. They believed that nobody would be looking out as the last caught tipping was ages ago, but still wanted a quick escape. 
After climbing over the wire fence, the three made their way up a hill to the nearest heftier, a large cow with swollen udders and belly, likely late in the stages of pregnancy. 
“Nah guys we shouldn't do this, it's wrong” said Chad, having sobered up on his walk there, but both of his mates ignored him entirely as they usually did. The two snuck up to the side of the slumbering animal, creeping up until they had hands right against her hide. 
Caleb looked left to Jaques, who gave him a stupid grin.
“STOP” a deep, mature voice commanded. They  froze. Behind them a man had appeared, seemingly out of nowhere
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“What are y’all doing on my property this time’a night” he said in a thick southern drawl
“You kids doin’ some cow tipping?”
They were unable to move, each standing like statues in the cold, night air.
“My bad, y'all can move now” he waved his hand
Suddenly they could breathe again
“Sir, We didn't do anything!” pleaded Jaques
“Yeah sir! Nothing!” Caleb paroted 
The stranger sighed. Well I ca……..
“Well do anything, just don't call the cops on us! I have a scholarship and iy that happens...!” Caleb cried out, interupting
For a moment there Caleb thought he saw a sinister sparkle in the strangers eye, but it  was gone as fast as it had appeared, if it was ever there at all
“Well i've been needing work done round here recently, how's that sound?”
The sobered younger men agreed, reasoning  it was better shovel some hay than get caught breaking the law.
“Great, Follow me” 
He led the group to a large shed, heavy with the pungent smell of animals. They could hear cows mooing
I’ll need y’all to stick these round yer necks” the farmer pointed to three huge, steel cowbells, attached to leather harnesses that laying together on the barn floor.
“What?” exclaimed Caleb
“Put it on or do I need to tell the cops what I saw tonight?” the man said darkly
Begrudgingly, the three men lifted up the heavy metal bells and clasped them around their necks, struggling with the weight. 
“Don't we need better fitting ones? This is almost down to my belly button, and it's so heavy as shit!” complained Jaques
“Oh that's gonna right itself now don't you worry kid” the man clicked his fingers and all three of the jocks began to feel queasy. “Now y’all will stay here now wont you? I need to go get some things.” The man walked out of the barn, followed by an *click* as the door was locked.
The three jocks looked at each other, a mixture of fear and confusion on each of their faces. 
Suddenly, Caleb moaned.
“Oh guys, I feel really fucking weird” he said. He felt his balls tight against the fabric of his underpants, and when he looked down he could swear his bulge was bigger
“Guys, what’s happening?” His bulge was definitely getting bigger
“I don't know, but it's happening to me as well!” Jaques stared in horror as his sack grew with exponential speed until became so large it was visible against his baggy workout shorts 
“Ohhhh” moaned Caleb as his jeans tore apart with a RIIIP and his engorged sack spilled out, exposing himself for all his bros to see. 
Bonus pic
“What the fuck is that!” he exclaimed “It looks like a, a …”
“An udder”
Behind them, the farmer had returned with two buckets in hand. He was grinning
“The fuck is happening? I thought we were just gonna shovel some shit and be done?” the panic was clear in Caleb’s voice
“Never said nothing ‘bout that, told y’all that I needed work done. I ain't had no new muscle milk cows for a while, bout time I got myself a breeding pair or two” he smirked at the terrified jocks
“Speaking of” he looked over at Chad, who was growing a bulge of an entirely different sort than Caleb and Jaques. While their balls swelled to inhuman size, his member was growing longer and longer while his balls dropped lower and lower. His dick’s tip thinned, losing its mushroom-shape and becoming slender and pointed. Chad stared at his new member in horror, “I'm becoming a Bull” 
“There's a smart kid! and what are thems bout to be?”
The stranger walked over to Caleb, grabbed his member and gave it a firm tug. Orgasmic pleasure rolled over Caleb as thick musky cum squirted out his erect cock from his full sack, causing him to moan
“Hear that? yer gonna be a cow. Looks like you two are coming along nicely, rest of yer new nipples should be coming bout now”
And so they did, pushing out of the two jocks swollen new udders emerged round fleshy nipples, each was a size and thickness that made indistinguishable from what had been their loved cocks.
With the udders fully formed, the farmer tugged the two shell shocked jocks over buckets, his skilled hands milking them simultaneously. At first, hot jets of thick white pungent cum squirted out of their udders, but as the rhythmic tugging and squeezing and massaging continued, the content of these spurts became thinner and turned pink until what they excreted was entirely warm, creamy, muscle milk. The farmer dipped his finger into the liquid for a taste. Satisfied,  he then took the entire bucket and chugged, with each gulp his already toned frame grew harder and harder, his muscles expanding. “ ahh always best fresh.” he exclaimed, wiping his mouth of the warm, rich, creamy substance. 
the already muscular jocks began to bulk as well, though not solely with muscle. Their stomachs, pecs and asses swelled bulbously with muscle that was then smothered with a thick layer of wobbling fat. This expansion left the clothes of the men as little more than rags. Their fingers merged together, nails thickening and darkening as their thumbs sunk into their hands, all the while the same was happening to their feet concealed by their worn sneakers. Soon in place of hands and feet, the jocks had hooves 
As his body bulked up further, Caleb’s centre of gravity began to change. For a precious few seconds he wobbled and flailed, until ungraceful falling onto all fours. Try as he might, he would never again stand up. Jaques had better luck, keeping balance until he felt a harsh shove on his thick muscle ass and he too fell on his new hooves, humiliated.
Chad’s bull cock had been hard and throbbing all the while watching this, pumping him to the brim with raging bull hormones. He was overcome by the tide of  testosterone, surrendering to base animal instinct. Nothing mattered save eating sleeping and fucking. Gone was all of his higher brain functions His body expanded thicker and thicker as he grew to a size that put his two  bros to shame. From his head he felt a splitting pain as horns flushed out through his skin. No longer capable of speech, he roared in pain, a sound that deepened as it went on, becoming entirely animal as his vocal chords rearranged. He fell onto all fours, his feet and hands having been replaced with hooves and raw muscle.
As all three stood on all fours, the transformation accelerated. They felt as their organs rearranged in their massive bellies, their stomach splitting into five chambers as to better digest huge amounts of food. They lost control of their bowles, leaving piles of filth behind the widened holes. The taints of Jaques and Caleb sucked into their bodies, changing into the fertile wombs of muscle milk cows. The pheromones that they released drove the new bull into a frenzy and he mounted Caleb, who had only moments before been his best bro.
“I’ll leave you three too it, see ya tomorrow bright an early for milking” the farmer left the barn, not even bothering to even close the door. 
The skin of the young men began changing, it hardened, thickening into a rough and thick hide as short, pink hair sprouted across it. The last thing to change was their heads, noses moistened, becoming wide flat across their faces, eyelashes grew and hair fell from their heads. The men’s ears elongated into cow ears, being covered with the same hair that was now thick across their bodies. Their mouths pushed out, becoming snouts as their screams of lust as they mated lowered to base, animalistic grunts, moans then finally moo’s. Finally, Jaques and Caleb began to lose their minds, Chad having already succumbed to his base animal lust. Memories of being human disappeared from them, lives at school and at home, their crushes, their best and worst games everything was replaced with memories of gorging on grass, being milked (or mounting) and restfully sleeping in the barn. 
Despite this, there is evidently still present a bond between the three .The two new cows are inseparable. The same might be said of our new bull, though his mind would treat anything with a hole as an intimate friend
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The Muscle milk produced at Green Valley farms is the best protein supplement on the market. Made free range, muscle milk cows are cared for in their every want to get the best possible product for you!
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peter-parcoeur · 4 years
Good girl gone bad | (frat!tom)
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request: How about frat cocky Tom at a Christmas party, wearing something that shows off his muscles, and he keeps flirting with y/n, who hates him. Throughout the night, he slowly wins her over, and once he has her in the palm of his hand, he makes her compliment him and then worship his muscles and then get on her knees and suck on him through his boxer briefs and then finally he f*cks her face and he's dirty talking and boasting all the way through :)
disclaimer: Hiii, so this was a request (sadly anonymous but if you’re out there reading this, I hope you enjoy and this lives up to your expectations...) this is my first attempt at fratboy!tom so I apologize in advance if that’s not exactly what you expected from it or whatever. Also I’m french so, some unfortunate spelling mistakes may occur and for this I apologize too! (damn I do really know how to sell myself, don’t I?) Anyway, enjoy your reading and please give it a ♥ if you liked it and a comment if you either really liked or hated it. Annnnd I’m talking too much.
warnings: smut smut smutty smut is to be expected, obviously. includes: brat!tom, braggy!tom, boasting!tom and some serious potty mouth / enemies to lovers (well, more like enemies to fuckbuddies idk) / oral-sex / face-fuck / dirtyDIRTY talk/ fingering / brief mentions of self luuuuvin (that’s masturbation, for you) / dom!tom + sub!reader / I guess a little bit of humiliation and praise kink idk if that’s triggering so just in case... / roughness... I guess that’s it? probably enough already.
« Come on, it’ll be fun! God knows you could really use some fun… » your friend’s voice almost begged over the phone as you safely locked it between your cheek and your shoulder to open the door to your dorm room, your keyrings grazing the piece of metal surrounding the lock with a soft, clicking noise.
“Yeah cause hanging out with complete morons as they get shit-faced on cheap vodka is totally my idea of a good night...”
“ Urghhhh, Y/N please, are you really gonna be a Grinch about it?”
“  Well, it’s a Christmas party so I guess that’s convenient?”
You could tell your friend was getting frustrated by now, the slight change of tone in her voice making her sound desperate. Kicking off your shoes and dropping your books above the mess on your desk, you immediately crashed onto your bed with a loud, exhausted groan as this never-ending day had managed to push every single one of your buttons. You felt completely drained and yet, your best-friend wanted you to join her to some frat-house where, apparently, the “most incredible” Christmas party was about to be held? Uh-uh. No way. Your actual plan for a Friday night (= eating take-out food in front of some true crime documentary on Netflix) seemed much more appealing than the effort your friend seemed to require from you.
“You’re really gonna bail on me? What if something happens to me?”
“Now this is guilt pressure and you’re so much better than this! “ You laughed, “plus… I know you wanna go just so you can make out with Harrison… You really don’t need me for this and truth be told, I really don’t need to see that guy shove his tongue down your throat!”
“Maybe YOU need someone to shove his tongue down your throat “
“I’ll pass, thanks “
“Come on, how long has it been since you’ve got laid? “
“That’s… way beside the point?””
Still, you thought about it.
How long has it been, really?
Well. As far as you could remember, there were a couple (disastrous) tinder dates at the beginning of the semester. Nothing major even though the sex was still okay. Then you had decided to delete the app so you could focus on your studies, thinking that, eventually, life would grant you with an actual IRL, cute boy who could actually work a little harder to get into your pants whereas it had taken a single swipe on a screen for the previous contestants.
But for now, as the semester had come to an end and Christmas break was around the corner, it only occurred to you just how busy you had been, studying all night long and running on fumes and gallons of coffee. Maybe your friend was right. Maybe you truly needed to blow off some steam. Sometimes you wished you were more like her, carefree and less picky when it came to boys and random flings. Like her current crush, Harrison.
Harrison was a typical heartthrob with the face of a Greek God, so it was only natural for him to act like a brat and play with girls as he wished. With his piercing blue eyes and dreamy smile, girls could only wish he would look at them twice. But still, he wasn’t the worst part of Team Jackass, as you liked to call them. Their captain was actually Tom Holland. Football Quarterback, Tom collected girls’ hearts like trophies and held his pride within his questionable reputation. Party animal, heavy drinker and confirmed exhibitionist since he’d been caught fucking a cheerleader in the middle of the football field right after a game, his name was on everyone’s lips, whether they whispered gossips down the faculty’s corridor or muffled into a pillow as he dived into another naïve, besotted girl with the promise of an encore. To this day, all of the girls he had laid his eyes on were still waiting for a call-back.
You pulled a disgusted face at the thought of witnessing his little hunting game one more time. Tom was actually one of the main reasons why you usually skipped any frat party now. There were just so much time you could waste, sipping on some funky tasting “home-made” punch as “Football superstar” Tom Holland bragged about his athletic skills or how many girls he had fucked over the last couple days. Sometimes, it felt like a competition between him and his brain-dead friends. Somehow, you just knew he kept score of his one-night stands. Maybe he’d give you five stars for trying anal, a deep throat would give you another six and god forbid if you flattered his enormous, gigantic cock, well then, by all means, the throne would be yours. There was just something about him that screamed and irradiated praise kink.
“Y/N? Have I lost you?”
Your friend’s voice brought you back to reality as you seemed to have blacked out for a while.
Then, out of nowhere and unexpectedly, the words came out of your mouth.
“What time is the party then?”
For every party, there’s a dress code.
Surely, a “Christmas” party just couldn’t be, without a fair splash of colorful jumpers or any subtle hints at Santa Clause as an excuse for a last-minute theme. Still, standing in front of what could only be Wednesday Addams’ wardrobe, you were suddenly hit by your lack of interest for any piece of clothes that wasn’t a shade between black and white. Was beige even a color anyway?
For a brief second, you considered wearing your infamous Christmas onesie, basically a fluffy one piece with a zipper, an oversized hood and covered with snowflakes and candy canes. The jokes would never end but no one could blame you for being ‘off theme’, then.
In the end, you settled for a rare “colorful” top which, luckily, happened to be whatever shade of green Christmas trees actually were. It was also skin tight and you knew for a fact it made your chest looks twice its size because of the way the velvet fabric enhanced your waistline. It was nowhere near provocative with its long sleeves and turtle-neck so you figured you could be a little bit more risky with the bottom part of your outfit, grabbing the black mini-skirt you’d bought a week before on a splurge, even though you didn’t know if you’d ever find the confidence to pull it off. It was short, there was no denying that as you turned around in the shop’s fitting room to catch a glimpse at your backside, knowing your whole ass would be exposed if you ever dared to bend down even so slightly.
Still, you felt sexy in it and as a girl who happily traded a sexy dress for yoga pants and an oversized hoodie, any piece of clothes that made you feel good about yourself was an instant buy.
Looking down at your final outfit as it laid down on your bed, a pair of nice ankle boots at the bottom of it, you patted yourself on the back for making the extra effort and walked to the bathroom for a well-deserved boiling shower.  Staring at your reflection in the mirror above the sink, you sighed to yourself as the aftermath of a sleep deprived week and lack of skin care routine or basic maintenance whatsoever hit you like a truck on the highway. Your hair had been wrapped into the same messy bun for days and it would definitely take some professional skills to cover up the bags under your eyes.
Maybe this party was the wake-up call you needed, the equivalent of a Judging look from your mother every time you visited her after a while. You could almost hear her complain about how unhealthy you looked and how you should wear more “flattering” clothes. Ironically, you also knew she would never approve the skirt you intended to wear that night. You remembered just too well that frown she’d given you at your father’s 60th birthday and how you had to gulp an entire bottle of red wine to forget about the fact the woman who gave birth to you had called you a prostitute for wearing a dress above the knees. Sometimes it’d be like that. Family gathering were like a plague, somehow, you just couldn’t escape it and it would either scar you for life or make you wish you were dead.
As you entered the cubicle, the coldness of the tiles hit you, covering your skin with goosebumps and sending shivers down your spine. It took you a couple minutes to adjust as you waited for the water to turn hot enough to coat the mirror with a thick foggy layer. Only then did you relax, letting go of this week’s emotionally charged weight upon your shoulders and focusing on yourself, at last.
It was a fairly long shower as you decided to go through your entire haircare routine instead of a brief, one minute shampoo. Not to mention the fact you also had to shave entirely as it felt like it would be a good way to get rid of this nightmare of a semester, like stepping out of your old skin and into a new one. Usually, body hair was probably too far down the list of your preoccupations to even be noticed but you figured, as you felt surprisingly motivated, now was the right time to make your body smooth as a baby. You actually loved the feeling of a soft, freshly shaved skin.
As you rinsed off the soap, your hands fondling the body parts water failed to reach, your mind unexpectedly wandered through some steamy thoughts as soon as your fingertips grazed your slit, taking some shy dip between your folds. It was no surprise that a simple, barely there stroke would instantly strike your arousal, after all, it had been a while. You shamelessly admitted that your studies had taken over your life, up to the point you’d even find yourself too exhausted for some self-love. Somewhere in your chest of drawers, the small collection of adult toys you owned were probably collecting dust in the middle of your socks and panties, wondering when they’d get to take a swim and make you squirm into your sheets as you hold on to the headboard, biting your lip until it turns white so you don’t scream through climax.
What struck you the most was the fact TomfuckingHolland came to your mind the very second your middle finger met your clit, circling it softly as you felt electricity spark through your legs, making it jolt. Why the hell was his stupid smug splattered all over your unspeakable thoughts when he was, by far, the last man on Earth you’d let come close to your naked self? Let alone in a shower cubicle the size of a shoe-box where you’d have no space whatsoever to escape his heavy, muscular chest.
His body looked ridiculously built for a man with the face of a 13 year-old. Sometimes you’d catch him randomly flex throughout the day, showing off his enormous biceps to anyone willing to praise his impeccable shape. There would be no room for these guns in there, you thought as a brief image of these massive arms shielding you from both side, fists tight against the tiles, came immediately to your mind. What took you by surprise wasn’t to actually picture Tom standing in there with you, naked and definitely willing to make that room a lot steamier, but the fact you slipped a finger into your surprisingly dripping core as soon as you imagined him stepping closer so your bare, sticky chests would meet, his obvious arousal poking at your inner thigh, begging to make an entrance.
You stopped before you inevitably came, even though your body craved for that well-deserved relief. You may have been hornier than you thought, but not nearly horny enough to hand your first orgasm in months on a silver plate to a boy who probably stroked himself in front of a mirror on a daily basis. Your thighs squeezed together where your fingers had left a desperate void, rinsing your entire body with a much colder water, hoping it would bring your sanity back.
You looked incredible.
It wasn’t just you boosting your ego through a pep talk in front of your mirror back in your dorm this time, and even if you loved to give yourself an encouraging speech, praising whatever features you thought made the cut in the top three of your best assets as you gathered the strength to go out in public in an outfit pretty far from your comfort zone, nothing could ever beat the look people gave you as you walked into the frat house looking like a three courses meal. There was just something about that short time slot where you caught a gaze and knew what that look was all about.
You knew Liza, the head student with a soft spot for athletes so obvious she probably had the entire football team’s handprints tattooed on her skin, just hated to see you get the attention she usually caught. Athletes loved nerdy, smart-ass girls like her, but to her own despair, you actually happened to be one of those, only with a shorter skirt and thicker thighs.
You knew half of Team Jackass was already staring at you, wishing they’d catch a glimpse of whatever you had to offer underneath that impeccable outfit as the soft fabric of your skirt kept rising up, every step bringing you closer to an unfortunate peek at the plain, white cotton undies you had chosen to wear that night.
But above anything, you could most definitely feel someone’s gaze upon you, burning up your skin like lasers trying to scan through your clothes. Suddenly, you felt exposed and with a simple smirk, Tom-Holland came out, strong as ever, just so he could pop out the comforting bubble you had built around you. Of course, he had chosen to wear the tightest white tee-shirt so everyone could distinctively see each of his six, rock-hard abs. Of course, his sleeves were slightly rolled up to enhance his biceps and if you weren’t familiar with his despicable behavior, seeing him flex just so he could kiss the pumped-up mount irrupting from his upper arm like a fresh batch of popcorn on a stove, you could have barfed immediately at the disgusting sight of a man with an ego the size of a fucking comet.
For now, you simply rolled your eyes all the way to the back of your head and watched as he smiled cockily, his hand reaching out for a redhead girl’s cheek even though his eyes were most definitely undressing you from afar. You could tell the girl had dressed to impress as she was tightly wrapped into the just-slutty-enough version of Santa’s outfit. Basically a velvet red dress with a fluffy white strap on top of her bustier. The way she laughed and twirled her long curly strand of hair as she gazed lovingly at Tom was enough for you to know she would soon join the never-ending list of names on his score board.
Shaking your head at how easy it seemed for him to get laid within the first hour of a party, you made your way to the kitchen where the alcohol seemed to be. As expected, most students were already sipping at some questionable cocktail right from the bowl with a straw and since you didn’t feel like going straight for the strong stuff, you settled for a beer, fiddling with the bottle cap for a solid minute before you heard a voice coming from behind your back.
“Need some hand with that, sweetheart?”
The cocky tone and thick accent immediately sent you off as a long, single shiver ran down your spine from the disgusting thoughts it brought along. It had come to the point you couldn’t even stand his stupid voice.
“I’m fine, thanks” you lied, your first still tightly gripped on your sealed beverage.
“You look like you could use some strength…”
Of course, he had to bring up his impressive, spectacular strength within seconds. Maybe he expected you to slow clap, bow down or throw confetti’s all over him for being strong enough to open a beer bottle. What on Earth would you do without his strong, manly hands?
Grinding your teeth as your tongue clicked against your palate out of pure annoyance, you gave him the most unimpressed look as he grabbed the bottle from your hand, popping out the cap hard enough to make it fly off and hit the table with a soft, metallic thump. Smirking to himself, Tom handed you the bottle back, tilting his head as he obviously expected some enthusiastic reaction.
“Do you want a medal or something?”
“A simple ‘thank you’ would be a good start? “He mocked, raising his eyebrows in a way that made your consider throwing the entire bottle at his face to wash away his stupid cockiness.
“Thanks” you simply blurted out, raising your beer slightly before walking away as you took a couple sips. It wasn’t even that cold or remotely good.
Tom watched as you walked away in silence, his eyes inevitably drawn to the way your hips and that glorious ass of yours seemed to wiggle into that daunting skirt. Grazing his thumb over his bottom lip with a smirk, the eager flame in his eyes made his will to take you to a quiet place grow bigger with each step you took.
The music was getting considerably louder as people were now dancing all over the place, from the staircase to whatever was left of furniture after too many parties hosted in this house.  The constant buzzing sound of chit-chats and laughter was slowly making your head spin as you gulped on your third (or was it the fourth?) Shot of tequila. As expected, Y/BFF/N had wasted no time as she was already clinging to Harrison’s neck, feasting on his mouth like an open buffet. His hands were on her bum, holding on to it for dear life with a strong grip. At least, she was having fun.
Out of boredom and to your own surprise, you had agreed on doing shots with a couple people you knew from class. Not technically what you’d call reliable friends but you always bumped into them at parties where you’d basically chat, and drink. From afar, you could see some people had gathered around a table where Team Jackass had started the inevitable beer pong contest. Nibbling at a piece of lime, hoping it would wash away the burning haze of the tequila, you winced at the sourness as your eyes suddenly locked with Tom’s. He was now holding his arms up on both side, raising one fist through the air as he had clearly won that first round. There was something pathetic about a man in his twenties begging for attention and acting like he was about to claim the gold medal at the Olympics when all he did was throw a feather-weighted plastic ball into a red cup.
All the alcohol in the world would never get you drunk enough to tolerate this guy.
Sometimes, you couldn’t help but think it was a shame to see him act so pitiful when he face was actually okay. Well. He was definitely cute as long as his mouth was shut and his stupid, pretentious smug out of the way. With his soft, chocolate brown eyes, his tousled eyebrows and thin pink lips, he could’ve been a guy you’d be interested in. His brown hair was somehow, always tucked into a snapback or a beanie but you had caught a glimpse of his natural curls once and though it killed you on the inside to admit it, he did look great when he didn’t try too hard to be a complete asshole.
Lost in your thoughts, you didn’t see him walk towards you.
“We’re doing shots now? “
“Impressive” you frowned, “did you figure it out all by yourself?” you chuckled, swallowing what’s left of lime, basically pulp, in one soft gulp.
“You like to act all smart ass around me, don’t you?”
“Correction: I am, in fact, smart… Not that it’s something you’re familiar with so, pardon me if it’s all too confusing for you… “
“Are you calling me dumb, then?” he was frowning now, his enormous self-centered head deflating under the unexpected pressure of your witty come-back.
“Did you hear the word ‘dumb’ coming out of my mouth?”
“No – but I sure know what I would like to see come in that sweet mouth of yours, darling”
The fact he had the nerves to say that kind of stuff right to your face was enough to piss you off but what caught you off guard was his hand reaching for your face as his thumb delicately grazed your bottom lip, pulling at it just enough for you to taste his fingertip.
“Surely, lime isn’t the only thing you like to suck on?” he smiled, cocky as ever as you could feel actual rage building up from your core and all the way to the back of your throat.
“I suggest you keep your hands off me” you snapped, pushing his hand off your face as he laughed to himself, the raspy sound caught in his throat making you throb against all odds.
“Or what? What you gonna do about it, uh?” he teased, confident as ever, his words coming out of his mouth halfway between a threat and a challenge. His arms were crossed against his chest now, making every inch of muscle he owned just pop out. There was nothing sweet about the way his body was built, and was he ever given the occasion, you knew he could break your spine in half with his one hand. You just wished you’d never thought about it as the filthiest images came to your mind, starting with Tom spinning you around over the sink in the bathroom and pinning you down with his palm pressed between your shoulder blades as he pounded hard and fast into you.
Maybe Tequila had gotten to your head faster than you expected.
“I know girls like you” he started, walking backwards until your back hit the wall and you were completely trapped between his arms, one of his leg parting yours so his knee would slowly graze that spot where your thighs met, claiming his access to that precious part of your body you could definitely feel getting damper against your will.
“What about it?” you asked, slightly more provocative than you had intended.
“You like to act all innocent, pretending you have higher standards…” His breath was warm, wrapped into the thickness of alcohol, curving a ball at the back of his throat so his voice would come out raspier and lower than usual, “… but secretly you just want guys like me to fuck the back of your throat until you choke”.
You felt it. Your pussy throb at the single thought of it. You didn’t want to physically react to these obscene images, words coming out of his mouth filthier than anything you’d ever heard, but still, as hard as you wanted to remain cold and unbothered, there was no denying for the dampness between your thighs. You just hoped he wouldn’t get a chance to notice it.
“You disgust me” it took you all the strength you had to spat back at him, and even then, all he did was smile then chuckle softly to himself as his hand slid up your throat, wrapping it slowly until his thumb pressed itself into the crook under your chin, nesting as it was made to be there.
“Please—are you really going to pretend you’ve never thought about my cock filling up your pretty mouth?” his fingers found your lips again, tracing it slowly as your heartbeat increased with each word, “like you’ve never thought about me when you finger yourself at night” he paused, pinching his bottom lip between his teeth as he tilted his head, his mouth coming closer to your hear with a dark whisper “I know you do, baby… I know you touch yourself thinking of me, wishing those fingers were mine, diving into your dripping cunt… Touching spots you could only wish you’d reach… how I would spread those lips open and run my tongue all over your slit….” A warm breeze brushed your neck as a cursed laugh escaped his lips, making you squirm unexpectedly, “I bet you taste so sweet, I would never get enough of that glorious pussy…”
By now, you were wrapped into the intoxicating scent of his cologne. It was strong and manly as expected, yet comforting in a way you didn’t want to think about. You didn’t want to picture yourself wearing that grey hoodie he loved to wear after a game, his perfume raining over your bare chest as you’d lazily ride him on his dorm bed after you’d get bored of whatever movie you’d settled for, pushing your panties to the side as he couldn’t be bothered taking it off completely. You didn’t want to picture him unzipping that same hoodie, palming your boob with one of his strong hands as his mouth sucked on your nipple until your soft, delicate skin turned red from all the biting marks. You didn’t want to feel yourself stretch around his rock-hard cock as he’d lift your legs up to wrap it around his neck, because he’s that kind of jerk who likes to show off even when he’s completely buried inside of you, that kind of complete asshole who loves to remind you just how deep he can go, smirking to himself as he hits your special spot over and over and over…. until you beg for him to stop. That kind of utterly disgusting dickhead who’d never stop, because he knows that, deep down, you just want him to keep going.
“Now you can tell me you’re not already wet… But we both know that’s a lie” he smiled again and as you felt his hand going down, palming you through your top and all the way down to the front of your skirt, you finally decided to come to your senses and grabbed his wrist into your tight fist, stopping him just in time before he’s reached the only approval he truly needed.
“Go to hell, Holland” you snapped, using all of your strength to push him off and walk away.
You didn’t turn back to see him chuckle at the sight of your flushed face.
The coldness of water came as a shock as you bent over the sink in the bathroom, splashing your face until it didn’t feel like your skin was on fire. Grabbing a towel, you patted your cheeks and forehead, staring at the reflection in front of you. You definitely looked flustered, like you had just run a marathon when all you really did was to suffer through your archenemy’s evil little game.
Usually, you would have just brushed it off and that’d be it. But tonight, for some reason, you just couldn’t seem to shake him off your thoughts, his voice still echoing through your head like a curse without a cure. Outside the bathroom, you could hear the muffled sound of music and screams coming from the living room as beer-pong had turned into strip-pong with everyone removing a piece of clothes every time the ball missed the cup. Typical, drunken behavior. Soon enough these parties would turn into a massive orgy and it wouldn’t even come out as a big surprise.
Freshen up a little had helped you settle your thoughts back into place but still, your body didn’t seem to catch a break as the build-up tension and frustration Tom had caused within your core was yet to be released. There was no denying that your toys would have come handy if you were back to your dorm room as it felt like your pussy kept clenching for no reason, like the gaping mouth of the thirstiest man in the middle of a drought. You knew how bad you needed to put it out of its misery but if you thought undressing for a ping pong game was bad, what would happen if anyone walked on you literally fingering yourself in the bathroom of a frat-house? No one would shut up about it.
Tom would certainly not. Shut. Up. About. It. Ever.
You pressed your thighs together, hoping for some sort of relief as his words came back haunting you, thinking about how your hand had found its way between your legs earlier in the shower, the very second you had thought about his body pushing you up against the tiles. Is that what he was to you, now? A fantasy? Would you become another disgusting cliché of a girl begging for the typical frat boy to fuck her at a party because she couldn’t handle his dirty mouth?
Then you thought about your best-friend and how the last time you’d seen her, she was heading upstairs with Harrison, giggling, her lipstick smudged all over her chin after making out heavily on the couch up to the point everyone was starting to wonder whether they should be charged for that kind of peep-show or just roll with it. How she was probably getting fucked in his bedroom while you were standing alone in a bathroom, dripping wet for a man you hated down to the very bottom of your guts.
The door swung open abruptly, making you jump.
“So that’s where you’ve been hiding!” Tom smiled, walking in.
“Can’t a girl have some privacy?”
“I need to take a piss, you’re the one standing out there doing nothing” he joked, walking to the toilets with his hands already fiddling with the zipper of his pants.
“Hum, excuse me?” you spat, widening your eyes as you realized he was genuinely about to use the toilets with you still standing a few meters away.
“I said I needed to take a piss… So either you just stand there watching, which I don’t mind really… or you can get out?” he pointed his chin towards the door, unbothered as he casually pulled his dick out of his boxers.
Both infuriated and shocked, you turned around as there was no point leaving the room now that his whole junk was out and already halfway through it.
“Do you have to be that disgusting? Really you’re such a pig!” you complained as you heard him sigh with relief before the toilet flush broke the most awkward silence of your entire existence.
“Don’t worry darling, I’ll clean it up real nice just for you…” he smiled even though you still had your back turned to him. You heard him use the tap, washing his hands for a considerably long amount of time. At least he wasn’t one of those filthy rats who thought basic hygiene was optional.
“What were you doing by the way?” he finally asked, grabbing the towel to your left, “touching yourself thinking about me?”
You turned around to face his cocky face once more, this time with a furious need to slap it. Hard.
“You know I’ve seen you walking around campus a couple times, Y/N… Those big jumpers and yoga pants you like to wear don’t do that body any justice, but this?” he circled his finger in the air, pointing out her entire outfit “this, I like to see… and if you weren’t being a little brat I would gladly pull up that skirt up to your waist and have you there, above the sink…”
“I’m being a brat?” you scoffed. That was rich, coming from the ultimate king of bratty assholes.
“Well you call it whatever you like but denying yourself something you truly need just to prove a point seems a little childish…” he shrugged, shoving his hands into this jeans pocket and giving you a perfect glimpse at the veins running up his arms and disappearing underneath his rolled up sleeves.
“You think all girls are begging for you to fuck them? Really?”
“Probably, yeah, and who could blame them really? I have a great cock and I’ve never had a single bad review about the way I use it…” he smiled, with the arrogance of a king sitting on a throne of indecency.
“You’re so full of yourself… it’s insane” you shook your head with pure disgust.
“Then go ahead and prove it”
“Prove what, exactly?”
“That you’re not dripping wet as we speak…”
Point taken.
You were, indeed, dripping wet and soon enough, you’d have some serious explaining to do as the thin cotton fabric of your underwear was now soaked with your unsolicited arousal. Even though your head was filled with hateful thoughts and resentment for Tom, it felt like your body would not stop begging for his touch, dragging him closer like two pieces of magnets on a fridge. Unconsciously, you were now standing a couple inch away from his face, so close you could actually smell the soft mixt of menthol and alcohol from his breath. There was no point denying the obvious tension between you two as you looked like you were about to break into a passionate kiss but now it was just a fight between your will for self-preservation and your body, aching to be touched.
And so you heard yourself say these words you never thought you’d say, like you were standing in the audience as your other self was performing on stage, making some questionable decisions you weren’t 100% okay with.
“Which one’s your bedroom?”
You could have fought longer, for the sake of your personal values, but as your feet were swiped off the ground, your back hitting the door as it closed behind you with a loud slam, all of your good sense and respectable choices just vanished as much filthier thoughts buried them for good.
Your legs were wrapped around his waist as his hands had wasted no time and found their way under your top, fondling your breast with the hunger of a wolf. Your lips attached to his, you moaned louder than expected as he pushed himself a little harder against you, the obvious stiffness of his crotch pressing against your aching core. Your skirt had risen up to your waist from spreading your legs a little too wide, flashing your white panties as it was now so soaked you could definitely see the outline of your lips, the thin fabric sticking to your slit. Catching your breath, heavy pants breaking your kiss, you looked into Tom’s eyes only to see nothing but pure, absolute lust in them. As you tugged at his brown locks, a couple strand curling slightly at the back of his neck, you watched as his snapback fell to the floor with a thump, unleashing his brown untamed mane.
Suddenly, he didn’t seem so bad, groaning slightly as your fingers scrapped the back of his neck, your lips sucking on his throat for good measures. With his head tilted back slightly, it felt like Tom was getting soft for a while, caving in so you could take control over him. Unfortunately, that didn’t last long as he suddenly traced a hand all the way down to your inner thigh, immediately pushing your panties to the side with his middle finger.
“I knew it…” he smiled, sliding his finger along your slit as you wrapped it up with a glistening coat of arousal. You knew he had won the minute he felt just how wet you were for him, but when it should have been upsetting, you just didn’t care. All you needed now was to feel his cock filling you up in any way he wanted, “who made you this wet, darling?” he smiled, pulling at your bottom lip with his teeth.
“Don’t be a brat…” you complained as you could see some mischief in the way he looked at you.
“Just say it” he insisted “I want to hear you say out loud just how wet I make you” this wasn’t a request, but an order. And for some obscure reason you didn’t want to figure out, it somehow turned you on even more.
“You…” you started, biting your lip out of nerves, or out of excitement, you weren’t sure quite yet. “You make me so wet, Tom” you almost moaned, pushing yourself a little harder against his hand when he failed to give you exactly what you needed. His fingers. Buried deep inside of you.
“Hmm” Tom groaned, two of his digits spreading your lips apart at a torturing slow pace, “I like the sound of that…” his knuckles were barely halfway when you buckled your hips off the door, begging for more, “what’s that darling? Tell me what you want…” he was whispering by now, slowly pushing his fingers into your desperate slit, “I want to hear you beg for it…”
You felt him push deeper, curving his fingers into a hook every time he reached your g-spot. By now you were so aroused you just knew it would take you more than a couple stroke to cum heavily into his awaiting palm. You could hear the sloppy sound of your own wetness every time he slammed his slick, extremely skilled digits back into your throbbing pussy. His lips curved into a hasty smile as he could feel you literally drip all over his palm and wrist.
“I want you… I want you so much” you barely managed to whimper as he increased the pace, his wrist working its magic between your thighs.
“Hmm hmm? I’m gonna need you to be more specific baby… what exactly do you want?” his thumb grazed your clit for a brief second and that was enough for you to squeal under his touch, making you clench suddenly around his fingers, “say you want my cock” he almost growled as you felt his hard-on twitch against your thigh, begging to be freed.
“I want your cock” you immediately wimped, your own words sending shivers down your spine as you twitched with anticipation, “I want it so, so bad…”
“Good girl…” he hummed, slowing down the pace so he could add a third finger, stretching you out slightly this time, “d’you think you can take it though? It’s pretty big…” he smiled, twisting his hand just enough so he could dig himself a path.
You simply nodded, unable to speak anymore, but as you were about to beg for more, Tom removed his hand, leaving you frustrated and hornier than ever. His face changed suddenly as he watched you pout, his hand reaching up for your lips.
“What about that pretty mouth, then? You think it may fit?” he smiled, spreading your lips apart so you could taste yourself on his soaked fingers. You immediately obliged, sucking at it, one by one, never keeping your eyes off him. When he shoved three of his digits, watching as your tongue twirled around it, cleaning it off completely, you could definitely tell his eyes had gotten darker, filled with unspeakable thoughts you would be begging to hear soon.
“You’re gonna let me fuck that pretty face?” he added, removing his fingers from your mouth so he could give you a soft, cheeky slap on the cheek. You nodded, obedient as ever. “Say it” he commanded, louder this time, “say you want my cock inside your mouth”.
“I want it… I want your cock inside my mouth” you pouted, only because you knew he loved to see you beg like a spoiled little princess. You’d seen it in his eyes, the way he looked at you every time you tilted your head to fake an innocence that was long gone.
Tom stepped back, walking away slowly as he watched you standing there, flustered, your hair all over the place, panting out of lust and frustration. Pulling his shirt off, you watched as his impressive chest unveiled in front of you. Abs like rocks, a thin strand of hair tracing a path from his navel to his crotch, disappearing under his jeans, his impeccable V-line bringing images you never thought you had within yourself. As he pushed his hair back, daunting you with his a look half way between arrogance and disdain, it felt like all signs of dignity had left your brain as all you could think about was to crawl to the floor and beg for his cock.
“What you’re waiting for then, Darling?” he smiled, unzipping his flies as he watched you walk towards him and get on your knees within seconds.
Your hands pulled at his jeans until it finally pooled around his ankles. Looking up to stare into his eyes, you felt both small and powerful, submissive but in control as you were now responsible for this man pleasure. It was up to you whether he’ll get to cum or not. But as you considered edging him as an option, Tom wasted no time in remembering you who was actually in charge.
“Are you gonna be a good girl for me?” he sighed, grabbing your hair into a fist as his other hand stroked his cock through the cotton fabric of his boxers. You could tell he was just horny as you were as a couple pre-cum had already stained his briefs, turning it into a darker shade of grey.
Again, you nodded, removing his hand so you could replace it with yours, palming him through his briefs as he growled against your touch. He was big. Actually much bigger than you expected but somehow, you were up for a challenge. Tracing the outline of his cock with your fingers tips, you felt him push his hands on the back of your head, forcing you to come closer to his crotch.
“I want to fuck your pretty little mouth so, so bad” he groaned as you unexpectedly ran your tongue all over his stiff through the fabric, feeling it twitch as you palmed his balls. By now he was so hard you could feel the veins tracing a dirty road up to his leaking head as Tom started grinding slowly against your mouth, messing up your hair with his desperate fists.
When you pulled down his boxers, you took a couple seconds to stare at his glorious manhood, hard and pressed against his abdomen where it curved slightly, your mouth watering with a thirst you could have never pictured, especially when standing in Tom Holland’s bedroom. And yet, you couldn’t wait to have this magnificent piece of flesh filling up your mouth.
“Like what you see?” Tom smirked, boasting as ever but immediately squinting his eyes with a deep growl the minute he felt your tongue licking at the base, slowly going up until you finally bobbed on his creaming head.
You had always been good at this, giving head. Not that all of your partners would give you a proper review in the morning, pointing out your highs and lows, but there were just things men couldn’t do, like hiding the fact they were just having the time of their lives. And right now, Tom actually looked like there was nowhere else in the world he would rather be than standing here, with his cock in your mouth.
Twirling your hand at the base where you mouth couldn’t go just yet, you started bobbing up and down his shaft, sucking your cheeks in so your mouth would pop every time his dick came out. You had quickly figured out a couple things about Tom, including the fact he just seemed to love it dirty and noisy. You could actually hear him growl louder, his fist tightening its grip into your hair every time he slipped off your lips, only for him to shove it back a little harder and definitely deeper with each thrust.
“That’s it baby… Just like that… you’re such a good girl…”
You were a good girl, indeed. Always had been. Straight-A’s student from day one, the pride and joy of your parents, spending most of your week-ends doing some volunteer work whenever it was needed while being a caring, polite girl who never did anything wrong. Right choices only.
Or so you thought. Obviously, tonight would be always marked as the only questionable decision on your impeccable path to perfection. But still, as Tom grabbed your face with both hands to push himself deeper and all the way down your throat, making you gasp for air slightly, you had no regrets.
You stayed still for as long as your lungs could handle it, holding on to his firm, muscular buttocks as you swallowed him all. Looking down on you, Tom was left speechless as his cock stretched your cheeks out, his balls resting into your palm as you twitched them slowly, making it jolt with both pain and pleasure. When you felt like you were about to gag, you pushed yourself back, gasping for air as you wiped your mouth with the back of your hand. Your cheeks felt numb and yet it missed the feeling of being stretched out already.
“Hmmm baby look at you…. you think you’re ready for it?”
“Yeah” was all you could blurt out. Yes to anything he wanted. You were prepared. You longed for it.
Looking around as Tom started pumping himself, getting ready for you, spitting into his palm to lube himself up so your lips wouldn’t drag along his shaft too much, you just couldn’t believe you were there, kneeling on the navy carpet of Tom Holland’s bedroom, the epitome of the ultimate frat boy. A huge flag from his favorite sports team was hanging above his bed, his never-ending hats collection sitting on wooden shelves by the wall like it was some kind of “frat boy starter pack” Art exhibition. In the corner of the room, you caught an unexpected glimpse at a guitar. It looked fairly new, but never in a million years would you have pictured Tom playing guitar. On his desk, his laptop was still open on a Spotify tab where you’d probably find a playlist based on some typical white boy rap music but against all odds, the room looked neat compared to what you had in mind.
“You look so beautiful” he sighed, out of nowhere, and to be completely honest, had your mouth not been filled with his dick, you would have probably picked up your jaw from the floor. Taking him all in once more, you just pretended you couldn’t hear, sparing you some awkward misunderstanding. Maybe those words were actually directed to his dick. After all, the boy loved himself just that much.
His hands were all over your face, wiping tears from your eyes every time he hit the back of your throat a little too hard, stroking your cheeks, massaging the back of your neck, roaming through your tangled hair as your kept up with his reckless pace, his hips swinging back and forth while you remained completely still so you could take him like a champ.
“God, I love to see you choke on my cock….” He gritted through his teeth “so…so hot…” you could tell he was getting sloppier now, pumping in and out of your mouth abruptly then a lot more slower as a couple twitch from his cock gave you a hint of his upcoming grand finale.
By now, you were a slippery mess, the taste of pre-cum hitting your throat as you dribbled all over his shaft, obscene sounds of suction coming out of your mouth every time he pushed himself out and back in all over again.
“F----uuuuck….fuck baby I’m gonna come!” he grunted, the sudden high-pitch of his broken voice driving you insane as you pushed yourself up a little so you could open your mouth wider, expecting him to fill it up soon enough. “D’you want me to cum in your mouth? Uh?” again, he gave you a little slap on the cheek, not quite hard enough for you to feel any pain. You nodded, moaning whatever came close to a “yes” as every single inch of your mouth was filled with Tom.
You heard him whimper, twitching a couple times, harder with his thrust as his hand fisted into your hair abruptly throughout his climax. Looking up to see his face, your eyes locked with his as he came all over your tongue, raining down your throat with a couple last, sloppy thrusts.
“Oh fuck! Fuck fuck fuck fuuu------“
Your eyes immediately teared up as you tried your best to swallow every drop of cum he had to give, the corner of your lips dripping like an overflowing sink.
Then there was a complete silence.
As you wiped your mouth off the thick, warmness of his cum, you felt him kneel to your side, then sit. Both of you looked completely exhausted, drained from every ounce of energy you had left.
“Well, that wasn’t half bad… for a little brat” he spoke again, and you just couldn’t believe he had gathered the energy to say this when he could have chosen silence.
Laughing quietly to yourself so you wouldn’t slap him across the face, you decided not to fuel him up and remained quiet instead. His hair had gone curlier than heaver, his glistening red face making him look like any cute boy you could easily fall for.
“I’ve got a feeling we’re gonna see a lot more of you at frat parties now?” he spoke again, and though it truly pissed you off to admit it, you just knew this wasn’t a one-time thing. For all you knew, this, was barely a prequel to a long, bumpy story of a good girl gone bad.
All because of Tom-fucking-Holland.
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miioouu · 4 years
Birthday Girl...
So what if I want a suna x reader x terushima for my birthday? I’m gonna write it myself and no one can stop me ok? Ok! Also, I know some people don’t like the whole stoner idea, but…I’m not one of these people so… anyway! Happy (late) birthday to me!
Warning: smut, threesome, anal, mention of alcohol and weed…
When your friends said they were throwing you a party for your birthday, you thought of a small one, just between your closest peers. But obviously, it’s not the case. The house filled to the brim with people, you’re barely able to breathe, faces you’ve never seen before, you can only assume they’re here for the free alcohol and drugs, and you can’t blame them. Music that was definitely not your preferred genre blasting through the speakers, but right now, with all the booze flowing through your blood, drowning you out, you couldn’t care. It’s not always you get to be the center of attention, and honestly you always avoided it, but it’s a special occasion and how mean of you would it be if you didn’t enjoy your friends’ effort and kindness to the fullest?
That’s what you’re telling yourself, when halfway through the night you found yourself grinding against a much taller man; one of your hand in his fake blond hair, the other holding a red solo cup. His, were on your waist, pulling you oh so close you could feel everything. His breath smelled like a mix of alcohol and smoke, his hands large and hot caressing your skin leaving you burning, his eyes, golden brown had you drowning in their artificial sweetness, but all of that didn’t compare to the way his knee was between your legs. Your clothed cunt pressed on his muscular thigh, the rough fabric of his jeans rubbing on your clit had shivers running through your body. You were so close to losing your mind, so close to falling into insanity, if it weren’t for a foreign voice breaking the two bodies apart. “Hey Terushima, having fun with the birthday girl?” He sounded teasing, his words slurring together; you had to concentrate hard enough to understand. The man glued to your side, Terushima you learned, rolled his eyes, mischievous glint in them, taking the joint from the dark-haired boy’s grip, taking a hit and blowing it to your face, laughing as you glared at, but other than that he ignored you, too interested in answering the other male. “Mhm, man, Suna… you should join! What do you think special girl?” Locking eyes with him, red and hazy, though you can tell he’s checking you. Tongue wetting his lips, taking a step closer to you and breath hitting your face making you rub yourself on the leg still between yours. His voice low and smooth as he growled in your ear “I think that will be a fun present, don’t you think?” Without second thought, you nodded your head, it’s all they needed to go for it.
Walking over each other, hands roaming on each other’s bodies, how you made it to a room without tripping was beyond you. Though that didn’t matter right now. The teeth sinking into the tender skin of your neck, cold metal swiping over it contrasting perfectly against the heat radiating from your body. Nimble hands on your sides, brushes of the tips making you shiver in need as he took off your shirt. So lost between the two of them you couldn’t help but moan, quiet yet passionate eliciting something in them that you were just about to discover. Suna detached himself from you, taking off the rest of your clothes, both whistling as they saw the string of arousal stretching from your heat to your panties as they were sliding down your legs. He then threw Yuuji a look that you couldn’t quite decipher, all you knew is that it got your knees weak in lust. Pushing you back till you were sitting on the edge of the mattress, giving you a kiss and blowing smoke filling your lungs, before backing away slightly, moving his hips to the feint rhythm of the music as he started taking off his own clothes. Giggling a bit, though you followed his every move, drooling as he exposed his abs to your eyes, filling you with the need to glide your fingers against him, but before you get up, Terushima pinned you to place, before joining Suna in his lap dance. Humming along, showing you his pearly whites in a smile as he shimmied down his skin tight jeans, tripping a few times, laughing with you whenever he did so and sending Rintaro a sly smirk when he facepalmed at him. The way their bodies moved and twisted, so gracefully to the beat and slowly making their way to you, had you unconsciously rubbing your thighs together, pussy drooling at just the sight of them. Standing tall and proud, just waiting to be buried inside your holes and the idea of it has you moaning in impatience. Rin was the one to lift you up, sitting down only to drop you in his lap. Your back pressed tightly against his chest, feeling ever ragged breath he took, hearing each and every little groan that let his lips. His hands parting your legs, holding the steady as he watched Terushima kneel before him, his piercing shining under the low light at his tongue poked out, licking a strip between your folds, making sure to pay extra attention to your bundle of nerves. His eyes on your face, watching, observing each of your expressions, the furrow of your brows, your teeth digging into your lower lip, trying to keep the moans at bay but failing miserably as they got louder and louder whenever he sucked on that special pearl. Your body squirming and jumping, grinding and pushing back against Suna’s dick, driving you closer to the edge whenever you felt it twitch. His mouth leaving hues of blues and red on you neck and collar bones, his free hand twisting your nipples, pinching and pulling at them. It was the combination of Terushima’s skillful tongue and Rin’s praises that pushed you over the edge, off of the cliff and drowning in pleasure. Reaching your high, your juices dripping from Yuuji’s face, pooling on Suna’s thighs, and as mind crashing as your orgasm was, you wanted more.
It’s like they could tell. From the grin on their faces, the glint in their eyes, their whole aura had your heart beating faster and heat rushing to your core, again. Pulling you up, the blond’s fingers sending shivers down your spine as they brushed against your skin, placing below your ass to lift you up. So gentle, so uncharacteristically from him, it got your heart squeezing in a foreign feeling. His lips on your neck, peppering kisses and bites. His cock twitching against you, making you moan and whine for more pleasure, and you almost forgot that you weren’t alone when you heard the other man chuckle. Before you could even look at him, the sound of spitting resonated through the room, his dick glistening as he pumped it, spreading his pre all over it before he got up and made his way over. “Such a pretty girl… Tell us, you want to have both of your holes stuffed? Wanna have them both dripping our cum. That would be an amazing sight, what do you think Yuuji?” You couldn’t help but whine, begging them to give you more. His words alone had you clenching around nothing, grinding down and trying to shove the pierced cock inside you, but he squeezed you tighter, preventing you from moving. “Don’t worry baby, you’ll get what you want eventually, just be patient!” With that being said, you felt a finger pushing against the tight walls of your asshole. Slowly making its way deeper into you making you throw your head back and let out a cry in both pain and pleasure, and even more when the high boy inserted another one, scissoring them inside you to stretch you open. The ache slowly became extasy, you soon began to beg for more and more, your walls fluttering around nothing, and the tears gathering in the corners of your eyes was all it took for Terushima to lower you on his dick. Sinking so deeply inside you, he couldn’t care when you told him to slow down, too eager to be balls deep in you. Your nails digging in his shoulders, creating blood crescent you bet he’ll be flaunting around the next day. The fingers in your back hole coming to a stop and withdrawing, Rintaro couldn’t help the deep breath he took, the shiver flowing all through his body while seeing your empty hole clenching. His hands on your hips, holding you still for a moment while he started pushing his length in. inch by inch, the pain was becoming too much, your tears rolling down your cheeks, an agglomeration of both their names leaving your lips in a discomfort whine. They both slowed for a bit, giving you time to adjust; the shorter of the two dipping down and pressing his lips to yours, cold metal swiping across your lower lip, granting him access and letting him discover and explore each and every corner of your wet cavern. The other one, the man behind you, looped his arm around you, slipping it between your and the blond’s bodies, travelling south, between your folds and finding your clit. Pressing on it, circling it languidly as way to distract you; and it worked. Your moans getting louder, your body squirming and moving like it had a mind of its own, asking the males to just get on with it. And how could they refuse you; you are the birthday girl after all! Picking up the pace, both of them thrusting into you, rearranging your insides. Still sensitive from you last orgasm, you couldn’t help your walls fluttering around them, tightening around them. So lost in the pleasure, you mind going blank, incoherent string of words leaving your lips and echoing through the room, thank god for the loud music outside or it would’ve been so embarrassing. Mixed to that was their groans and heavy breath, the sound of skin clapping adding to the symphony. And you can’t help it, none of you could. When the knot inside you broke, your eyes rolled back and tongue lolled out, your head thrown back and your nails clawing, you reached your high, probably the most intense you’ve ever had. And soon after, Yuuji came, painting your insides white with praises falling from his lips like a mantra “You’re so good baby, gosh you’re so fucking tight… gosh you got
me going crazy” His words had you whimpering, eyes fluttering you could barely look at him. And Suna didn’t too long, with a moan of your name he reached climax, pulling out to see his seed spilling out of you. “You naughty girl, you liked having both of your holes destroyed? Don’t worry, the night’s not over….. Enjoy your birthday babe”
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sgtjbbhasmyheart · 4 years
Drunk Texting Is(n’t) Bad for Your Health- Chapter Four
Series Summary: Talk about your unconventional meet-cute! Bucky receives a text by mistake requesting he prove he's not Reader's sister. The easy dialogue between Reader and Bucky sparks a natural friendship, but could it lead to more? Bucky still deems himself unworthy of any form of affection or love. Reader is hellbent to prove him wrong. With the help of some (meddling) friends along the way, Bucky may get his happily-ever-after after all.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 2960
Warnings: Itsy bitsy amount of angst, bad language words, mentions of phone sex and masturbation
A/N: divider credit- @firefly-graphics
DO NOT copy or replicate without my permission
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You held your breath after you uttered the name into the phone’s speaker. Your heart galloped at the thought of actually speaking to him. You’d be lying if you had said you hadn’t imagined how his voice sounded. You pictured something deep and raspy but drawled and sweet.
In the last five days, you’d imagined many things about James. Not just the sound of his voice, but his laugh, too. Rich and soothing. And of his scent- distinctly his own or a fresh, citrusy cologne of bergamot and tangerines. You imagined his rough, calloused hands sliding over your skin in slow motion.
And how he kissed. You daydreamed about that, too. Often. You couldn’t count how many times you’d stared at his sorry excuse for a selfie. You found yourself drawn to it daily. It was only part of his face, but what you could see was ruggedly handsome. His lips looked soft and delectable. You pictured yourself nibbling on his bottom lip, deepening its color to blush pink.
A sharp sigh escaped through your nose as you waited for his reply. Maybe he hadn’t heard you the first time? “James?” you asked again. “Hello?”
No response.
You pulled the phone away from your ear to make sure you were still connected. The call-time counter ticked ominously second by second on the screen. You tucked the device back under your hair to find the call was still active.
Did he get cold feet and change his mind last minute? He hadn’t hung up yet, so you weren’t exactly sure why he was waiting. Maybe he was tongue-tied? Or hadn’t expected you to pick up?
“Did you butt-dial me, James?” you laughed, trying to dispel some of your anxiety.
You heard a muffled “ shit” and two beeps. You glanced at the phone’s screen again, and call ended flashed in bold white.
Ignoring the hang-up, you immediately re-dialed James. The line rang and rang. And rang.
You weren’t confident you were going to speak with James, the longer the rings continued. He wasn’t ready to talk to you yet, and that was okay. It had only been five days.
Five days wasn’t long enough to build a bond over stupid Would You Rather? questions or form a simmering crush on a stranger that made your stomach flip whenever he sent you a funny cat meme. Nope. Five days was much too short of time for anything.
A generic voicemail greeting clicked over and rudely beeped at you. You took a deep breath and quickly thought of a reason to be calling someone who didn’t want to talk. “Hey, James. Just calling you back. It’s (Y/N), by the way. I’m not sure if you meant to call the first time or if sneaky ninjas have accosted you and somehow did a crazy pocket dial. Y’know, because of the whole military-trained assassin athlete mchottie thing. I just wanted to make sure you’re okay. And no pressure! If you’re not comfortable talking on the phone, I completely understand. I’m sweating bullets just talking to your voicemail box.” You chuckled nervously. You were starting to babble.
“Anyway,” you continued. “I hope you’re well. And don’t leave me hangin’. I really wanna know if you’d rather sneeze every hour or burp when you saw a pretty girl.” You laughed again. “Goodbye, James.”
You mashed the end call button and face-planted into one of the throw pillows on your couch. You groaned loudly into the fabric, chastising yourself in your head. If he didn’t want to talk before, he most definitely wouldn’t want to now. You shook your head in disbelief. Sneaky ninjas, seriously? What. The. Fuck?
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Hours later, while in the middle of a Say Yes to the Dress marathon (dammit Robyn!) and a self-induced diabetic coma of ice cream and chips, your phone vibrated. You swat at it on the coffee table with a foot, only to realize you lack the limberness or the dexterity in your toes to retrieve the phone. As a result, it tumbled to the ground as you groaned in displeasure. Cursing your luck, you bent forward to pick it up. Awakening the phone’s black screen, a text popped into view.
James Sorry
Your heart lurched for a moment. With every second that had passed since you’d left your voicemail for James, the least likely you’d felt he’d call back or even respond. Hence the pity party with Ben & Jerry and Cool Ranch Doritos.
James My so-called “friends” grabbed my phone from me and led to accidentally calling you.
Ahh, the old “invade-your-friend’s-privacy” maneuver, you thought, shaking your head.
James I didn’t want to hang up on you, but I’m not quite ready to talk yet. I like what we have.
Your heart flopped. You liked what you had, too, but a small part of you- a dumb part- wanted just a little more.
Shaking off the feeling of longing churning your insides, you thumbed over the screen to reply.
You No worries, James. We can go at whatever speed you like.
It was weird to have the guy, for once, want to take things slow. Usually, it was always you pumping the brakes in the relationship. Was this even a relationship, though? Were all the texting and personal questions leading somewhere? Or were you bound to end up friends with an interesting story to tell your other friends?
Not allowing your negative thoughts to curtail the joy of finally texting James again, you quickly punched out:
You I’m just glad you’re okay and not being held for ransom somewhere.
James It would take a whole horde of ninjas to take me down.
You giggled at the confidence contained in this one text, but talking to a girl on the phone threw him for a loop. We are definitely back in junior high, you thought.
You You sound awfully confident for a man who wouldn’t talk to a friend on the phone.
James You don’t want to talk to me.
You pinched your eyebrows together in frustration to form a crease between them. Was he serious?
You Sure, I do. I have a bet going with myself on how your voice sounds. Is it deep and masculine or high-pitched like you sucked in helium?
James Which are you betting on?
You pulled your bottom lip in by your teeth, biting softly. You smirked as you thought of the two options. The former would be nice, but the latter would be pretty damn funny.
You I mean, deep and masculine is very desirable. Listening to the low timbre of a man’s voice is very relaxing for me. But, considering the ridiculous “selfie” you sent me, I’m placing my money on high-pitched.
James What was wrong with my selfie?!
Somehow, you knew that would get him worked up.
You Well, for starters: I can only see, like, part of your face! Did a blind person teach you how to take them??
You And secondly, there clearly wasn’t enough “Blue Steel.” With cheekbones and pouty lips like yours and a chiseled jaw, I’d be blue-steeling the shit out of all my selfies!
A wave of remorse washed over you once you hit send. Had you really compared him to Zoolander? Not only had you objectified him by mentioning how aesthetically pleasing he was (let’s face it- he’s really, really, really ridiculously good looking), but you may have criticized him for his terrible selfie abilities. At that moment, as you waited for the inevitable “fuck off” text to come through, you wished for a giant sinkhole to appear under your apartment and swallow you whole. What were you thinking?
James First off, I’m a selfie amateur. My past line of work limited my contact and/or exposure to the outside world. I didn’t learn what a selfie even was until recently. Remember, I’m also a man of mystery. I’m trying to keep up appearances and can’t reveal too much.
James What is “Blue Steel”? I’m not very pop-culture savvy unless it happened before 1944.
James Did you just call me pretty??
Your cheeks flushed with the heat of a thousand suns. He called you out as you expected him to do.
You Uh...
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You Are we gonna talk about the fact you said you didn’t know about pop culture after 1944?? You are a grandpa!
James Nice try with the subject change! Admit it- you think I’m pretty.
You rolled your eyes. Of course, that would be the thing he focused on out of the whole conversation.
You I have no idea what you’re talking about.
If all else fails--deny, deny, deny.
James Right. Sure about that, doll?
Your pulse spiked.
You never did like pet names before you met James, but doll had a goo-ing effect on you for some reason. Everything seemed to turn to mush whenever he mentioned the word.
You Absolutely. I have no reason to believe that if you weren’t a military-trained assassin athlete mchottie, you’d be a male model. None what-so-ever.
James Uh-huh. I’m going to pretend that you aren’t lying through your teeth and getting back to our scintillating game of Would You Rather?
James I’d burp every time I saw a pretty dame, by the way. I wouldn’t want to take my chances with sneezing in my sleep. Would you rather eat only fruits or vegetables for one year?
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Several nights after the voicemail incident, you were sitting in Penelope with Robyn after work. She wanted to meet up to decide which centerpieces worked best for the reception. Scattered across the table were three samples she and Kevin had narrowed it down to. With your thumb, while playing with a corner of the hand-drawn example closest to you, a sigh escaped your nose.
Your sister’s talent mesmerized you. Each storyboard showed the intricate detail of the flowers and candles themselves and what the tables would look like next to each other with every centerpiece. You were in awe.
“These are so good, Robbie! They must have taken forever to put together,” you said, admiring a different sample on the table.
“Nah,” she replied, brushing the compliment aside. “Just an afternoon’s time last week.”
“Well, shit. I hope they’re paying you the big bucks at work.”
She quirked an eyebrow devilishly as she reached for her drink. “You know it,” she jested before taking a sip.
You laughed at her cheekiness. Robyn had always been a go-getter. One of the many attributes you loved about her. Never took no for an answer.
“Soooo,” she drawled as she set her glass down. “How have you been?”
You looked up swiftly, eyeing her suspiciously before returning your gaze to the storyboard in your hands. “I’m still alive if that’s what you’re asking.” You set the drawing down to take a drink from your glass. “Haven’t been murdered yet, but the night is still young.”
Robyn rolled her eyes at your petulance. “You know I worry about you. Are you still texting James?”
You smiled sweetly. “Each day that goes by, you act more and more like Mom. You know that?”
Robyn scoffed. “I do not!”
She could deny it all she wanted, but Robyn was turning into the spitting image of your mother. You laughed again. “You do too. Even down to the eye roll.”
She folded her arms over her chest, waiting for you to answer her question.
Two could play this game.
You wiped the corner of your mouth with your napkin unhurriedly. “If you must know, yes, James and I are still texting.”
“Has he sent any dick pics or asked for nudes?” Robyn asked earnestly.
“Yup. We engage in wildly pornographic phone sex every night.”
Robyn glanced around the restaurant with eyes wide as saucers, making sure none of the other patrons heard you. “(Y/N), I’m serious! Has he propositioned you?”
You huffed a small laugh. “Nope,” you admitted. “In fact, he’s the one that wants to take things slow. He accidentally called me the other day and hung up from jitters.” Robyn didn’t need to know the full truth.
“The jitters?” Robyn queried.
“Yeah. I even called him back, but he let it go to voicemail.”
“Then, he must be weird or ugly.”
You grimaced at her assumption. “Ew, Robbie. Don’t be gross,” you chastised. “He’s the opposite of ugly. I might even go as far as to call him handsome.”
“How? You don’t know what he looks like,” Robyn questioned.
You took a quick sip of your drink, holding up a finger. “Au, contraire mon frère. He sent me a selfie in the very beginning.”
Robyn looked at you, perplexed. “You know you just called me your brother, right?”
You waved a hand at her to dismiss her accusation. “Ma soeur just doesn’t have the same ring to it.” You pulled your phone out to offer proof.
“You can barely see his face!” she exclaimed. “What if he’s horribly disfigured on the other side? Or missing an arm?”
You shrugged. “Then, he’s missing an arm.” You got a distant look in your eyes as you recalled the last ten days of texting with James. “He’s different, Robbie. He’s smart and funny and caring. Polite. It feels like he has an old soul. He calls me doll for chrissakes!”
“Are you sure he isn’t some crusty, old man?” Robyn gagged at the thought.
“No, I don’t,” you chuckled in response. The faraway look returned after a moment. “To me, he’s just James.”
Realization dawned on Robyn’s face, lighting her up like a light bulb. “Oh, my god. You like him.”
“Well, yeah,” you acknowledged, “he’s my friend.”
“No. You like him like him.”
Your face reddened quickly with the awareness of your feelings. They weren’t real, were they? Shaking your head, you replied, ”Nothing will happen, Robbie. It’s just a crush.”
Skeptically, she agreed, “Uh-huh.”
“I believe that as much as I welcome a cold sore on my wedding day.” She scrunched her nose at the thought of a gross, red blemish on her face for her big day.
“Fine,” you acquiesced. “If I fall head over heels, madly in love with James by your wedding day, I’ll owe you a hundred bucks.”
Robyn raised a sculpted brow in interest. “I’m listening.”
“One hundred dollars. End of negotiation,” you stated. “I don’t have a spare hundred bucks, so it will be a motivator not to fall for James. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.”
She smiled smugly, shaking her head in disbelief. “Uh-huh.”
“Will you stop saying that?” you said, throwing a piece of lettuce at her face. “You definitely sound like Mom.”
Robyn huffed in annoyance, back-handing your shoulder softly. “Shuddup! I do not!”
You chortled heartily at the mini tantrum she was throwing about becoming Mom. You’d say anything at this point to get her to forget about you and James.
In all honesty, there was no you and James. Not really. You were friends, but could you move past that?
He was hiding something.
Something big.
And it wasn’t part of the whole “man of mystery” persona, either. James was holding back.
He had a hard time giving up anything personal to you that went beyond his likes and dislikes, which led you to believe he had found it difficult to trust.
It angered you deeply without really knowing why. Something in his past had sparked the inability. You only wish you knew what.
Deep down, you could really see yourself falling for James, and that scared you to death.
Breaking you from your reverie, Robyn piped up, “You know, James is probably jerking off to your voicemail.”
“Oh, absolutely!” you retorted, both of you dissolving into a giggling fit.
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After leaving Robyn with a clear choice for centerpieces, you made your way back home. After a fifty-minute subway ride, you popped into the corner bodega for some essentials for the coming week.
Sauntering up the stairs to your third-floor walk-up, you steadied your armful of groceries with each step. It had been a long week, and now with the revelation of how you felt about James clouding your mind, a glass of wine, ice cream, and a bubble bath sounded good right about now.
You could barely see over the bags and juggled them precariously. As you stepped onto your floor, you recognized the voice of your next-door neighbor down the hall. He was talking with someone, but you couldn’t tell with whom or what about.
Blindly, you called out, “Hey, Peter? Can you be a lifesaver and help a neighbor out?” You heard the scuffle of footsteps over tile rush toward you.
Sighing in relief, you relinquished two bags to the arms reaching out. “Thanks, Pete! You’re a pe-”
You stopped mid-sentence when your view was finally cleared. Your sixteen-year-old neighbor wasn’t standing before you but a tall man with chestnut hair tied in a knot. Your lips parted slightly as your eyes widened to take in the figure’s full breadth holding your groceries.
Your eyes flicked to Peter as everything came back to focus. He was adjusting your other two bags in his arms.
“Miss (Y/L/N), this is Mr. Barnes from my Stark internship. He’s a friend. He was helping me with some history homework,” Peter explained, gesturing to the hulking man standing outside your apartment door.
“Peter,” you admonished, “how many times-” Last names weren’t meant to be spoken by friends slash neighbors.
Peter winced. “Right! Sorry, (Y/N)!” he apologized. “This is Bucky.”
Recognition crossed your face at the name. Smiling, you stuck out your hand in front of you. “Bucky Barnes, it’s nice to meet you.”
Bucky shifted one of your bags in his arms to reach out his hand. He smiled softly, “ Li-likewise.”  
Chapter Three | Chapter Five
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1997devil · 4 years
deals with the devil
pairing: mingyu x reader
w.c.: 2.8k
includes: incubus!mingyu, mentions of alcohol, unprotected sex, dirty talk & degradation, daddy kink, oral (fem receiving), fingering, creampie
a/n: this is me being self indulgent because that’s what got me 1k after all 🥵😛 i promise i’ll work on requests after this! i just needed to get this out of my system 🖤  also to clarify some things that may appear dubious, the drink the reader is holding is a potion by mingyu that he uses to lure her towards him! a lil fantastical touch i added to upkeep the demon theme lol
you mutter expletives under your breath when the dj hollers and shuffles to the next song on his shitty playlist of trashy holiday remixes. 
you’re only here because your friend had begged you to come along with her, pleading with such vigor she might as well had just dragged you by your wrist. she ditched you the second she set foot in the house, latching her arms around her boyfriend’s neck, the one throwing the party and the one who hired said dj. it really just reaffirmed how your best friend had a shitty taste.
when you entered what appeared to be a bar area someone had shoved a solo cup into your hand, the inside sloshing with a liquid you knew was strong, would blow your mind away from the scent that wafted from it, and would leave you with a killer hangover tomorrow morning. you didn’t dare take a sip from it, though you held onto it so that your hand wouldn’t look so lifeless, hanging by your body.
the shitty music didn’t pound against your still sober mind on whichever floor you were currently on, which you were thankful for. you wander through the house – perhaps the one thing your friend’s boyfriend was good for was the expansive mansion his family lived in – stumbling past locked bedrooms and powder rooms. people who were already trashed, no doubt from the same drink that remained in your cup, lingered about in the hallways. you gingerly stepped beside them, getting further away from where the party was mainly situated, not really having a concrete plan in mind or any sense of direction in what appeared to be a labyrinth standing as a house.
a bedroom you happen to pass by left its door ajar, and something called you from within to look in. it didn’t hurt to take a rest for a bit from the killer heels your friend shoved your feet into. you’d call a cab from there and you’d finally return home, within your safe space underneath your duvet.
there appeared to be no one, and you braced yourself to let yourself in fully. your heels sank into the carpeted floors as you slowly headed towards the bed. it was still clean and neatly made, and you wonder how no one has stepped foot in this bedroom amongst all the other ones you just passed by. you heave a sigh as you gently sat down on the plush bed. you hadn’t had a single bite or drink since night befell and painted the sky pitch black. the cup that’s in your hand still remains untouched, and you take a small sip, the alcohol burning like fire down your throat as you swallow.
something in the corner of your peripheral vision catches your attention, flickering, appearing transparent then returning to opaque in a moment you’d miss if you blink. it appears strange, fascinating, and you sense a stirring sensation throughout your body the more you rest your eyes on it. a voice that begins to resonate in your mind beckons you to come closer.
it feels like you lose all your senses as you face the man standing before you, and your brain eventually feels more muddled when you try to recall just where and you’d seen him before.
“had my eyes on you since you walked in,” the unnamed man hums, stepping closer to you, an arm circling around your waist. it presses you closer against him, letting out a soft gasp. your arms seem to move on their own accord, resting on his chest as he looks down on you. “wanted to taste you so bad,” he mutters, voice dropping to something lower than a whisper like you were the only one meant to hear him.
“w-who are you?” the lump that’s lodged in your throat since you swallowed whatever had been in that cup clears up just enough for you to brokenly rasp out words. you meet the man’s eyes, dark as midnight, glows and keeps your attention on him. you feel as if all your senses are heightened as he runs his warm hands on your body.
“call me mingyu, angel,” he smirks, a wanton intonation lacing his voice, “though you’ll call me many other things later.”
“l-like what?” you whimper when his head drops to your neck, gently sucking on your skin, fierce enough for you to feel but not enough to leave marks yet.
“are you gonna stay to find out?” his lips tickle at your ear, nibbling on your earlobe, placing a kiss to the skin right below it. it hits a spot you didn’t know felt good, a high pitched whine leaving your mouth. you nod frantically, and mingyu lets out a dark chuckle at how desperate he’s already gotten you.
it feels like mingyu controls all your movement, taking over your senses as he leads you around the bedroom and slams you to the door. his hand places itself firmly on your waist, and the other hand goes to circle your neck, almost like a priceless accessory that decorates the clean space of skin, like an empty canvas. it’s tight, hot, and you’d happily die like this, under his hands.
tears line and spring from your eyes, rivulets tracking your cheeks and dripping from your jaw. mingyu laughs, a snarky sound that is lined with fire and hell.
“haven’t touched you at all, pet,” he purrs, leaning closer to you, his tall figure towering over you. it is only fitting that the title of the king and ruler of the underworld is crowned to someone built like him. he commands attention, creates control in any space and room he enters, and right now he was playing with yours. “what’s making you so needy?”
he gently tucks a strand of hair behind your ears, a contrast to just how rough he’d been with you before.
“you,” you whisper in response. the smirk that remains on his lips is taunting. “what about me? i haven’t done anything to you.”
he continues. “what would you like me to do with you, angel? would you like me to make you feel good?”
the affirming nod you give is all the permission he needs as he presses his lips to yours, licks on your bottom lip as you easily grant him access.
“you wanna know a secret, angel?’ mingyu teases, slow and relaxed, unlike you who’s the spitting image of desperation and need for him. he’s been teasing you for what feels like hours now, reducing you to putty in his hands, just begging with whatever energy you have left for him to fuck you already.
you nod, masking your sounds as the pillow underneath you swallows your whine. you feel mingyu’s hand return to your body, slowly tracing a path of its own on your thighs, inching closer to your wetness but not quite reaching it yet.
“i’ve known you since before tonight, darling,” he mutters as his legs bracket your legs, fingers carding through your hair. “i’ve seen and watched you, even when you thought no one could see you.”
his gentle touch on your locks turns into a searing grasp as he pulls you up by your hair, making you stand on your knees. your hands try to grasp at something, until it travels to behind you, pressing your back to his chest.
“even when you thought no one could hear you as moaned and whined until you made yourself cum.” he bites out directly against your ear, hot breath fanning on your skin until the hairs on the nape of your neck arose.
“so damn pretty when you got your fingers fucking yourself fast and hard, hm?” he continues, punctuating every few words with a wet kiss to your jawline. “or when you think that dumb little toy you have can make you come. it’s comical, darling, that you think anything can make you feel as good as i do. you’ll come to know it, angel.” his hand comes down to your ass, gentle for a start, though mingyu knows you’ll beg for him to go harder. you let out a little yelp at the contact, and mingyu just feels even more fired up as he sees the red mark deepen on your skin.
he pushes you back down onto the bed. “m-mingyu-ah, d-do it already, pl-please,” you brokenly mutter, and mingyu delights in the way your voice cracks at every other syllable.
“do what, angel?” your hands firmly grasp on the sheets as you feel his lips travel downwards, tracing down your spine and the small of your back. he moves back just a bit so he isn’t sitting atop your legs anymore, then holds you by your hips to pull you up. your knees are barely strong enough to hold you up, and mingyu scoffs at what you’ve become under his touch.
he runs a finger on your sopping wetness, and you loudly keen at his touch, finally. you momentarily remember that you’re nowhere near your own bed, yet you continue to release loud noises, not caring if anyone can hear you from outside. 
his mouth falls onto your pussy next, accompanying the ministrations of his fingers weaving in and out of you while he sucks and licks until you’re shivering. the anticipation that finally erupted with him pleasuring you produces moans and groans that mingyu absolutely revels in.
“what do you want, angel?”
you keen loudly with your eyes shut, taking deep breaths to not come early even though it seems mingyu wouldn’t even mind.
“w-want you in me, gyu.”
you feel mingyu’s grin deepen as he eats you out. “good girl.”
he lifts his mouth from your wetness, though his fingers don’t pause. he adds another digit, your wetness coating them up to their knuckles, dripping down to your inner thighs as well. you whine, impatient, and mingyu calmly shushes you, his other hand traveling up your body to pinch and play with your nipples.
“need to prepare you first, angel. you need to be able to take all of me, right?” he quickens the pace of his fingers, three of them now fucking you. your response is cut off by a whine. his feels better than when you do it yourself, going in deeper than you ever would’ve reached yourself.
“look at you,” he mutters in disdain, “can barely even take my fingers. d’you think you can take my cock?”
“pl-please, no more teasing, f-fuck me already!” you snap at his teasing, though mingyu seems unbothered, barking a familiar mocking laugh as he slowly pulls his fingers out, sucking on them, letting your sweetness coat his tongue and whole mouth, savoring your taste. he smacks your ass once more for good measure.
“demanding. be fucking grateful i’ll let it slide,” he growls, running the head of his cock on your entrance, as he slowly pushes in. he chokes on his own moan as he can barely push in up to the head of his cock. you’re so tiny underneath him, barely even fitting his dick, yet your pleading drips out of your mouth so easily.
your impatience takes over as you fuck back on him, and mingyu groans at how more of your tight cunt is enveloping his cock, warm and feeling so good. a gasp leaves your lips at how big he is, and mingyu’s hands bracket your waist, seemingly trying to stop you from going further.
“angel, y-you’re too tight,” he choppily huffs, a light sheen of sweat perspiring on his skin.
it appears to be your last straw. “please, please, i need you! n-need your cock,” you gasp once more, “please, d-daddy!”
you don’t even seem to notice the name falling off of your lips, but it reinvigorates the fire within mingyu. all his composure, the control he’d worked so hard to maintain so he doesn’t just fuck and break you, ebbing out of him and traveling far.
“you asked for it.”
he finally fully pushes in, his cock fully inside of you, your ass pressing against his hips. you gently swivel your hips, easing the stretch when it feels like his dick is splitting you.
“sweetheart, you’re driving me insane. what a greedy ‘lil slut, huh?” he grinds up against you once, and your arms feel like they’re about to give out. “getting off on daddy’s cock like this.”
his hands leave your waist, traveling to your nipples, flicking and pinching down on them. your whole body feels like jelly, letting out what you think are the most pornographic moans you’ve ever heard in your life. all your senses have been overtaken by the demon hanging above you, reveling in all the energy he’s feeding off of your pleasure.
mingyu bends over to press his body against yours, then straightens back up, bringing you with him. his hand tangles into your hair, keeping you upright as he finally begins fucking you, building up a pace. the sounds of skin slapping against each other resound in the room that feels larger than life, like no one can bother you.
he feeds dirty praises to you, and every syllable he bites out is almost competing with the noises you make. he tells you he loves how dirty you are, how wet and warm your pussy is, how soft your breasts feel, how you’re such a whore who so easily breaks when daddy fucks her.
his words tether back and forth between praising and mocking you, telling you that you look so gorgeous like this, brokenly sobbing at the pleasure, wetness dripping onto the sheets.
“do you like it, angel?” it is an understatement, and you can only express it through your dirty whimpers. “i l-love it, daddy. love it so mmm-much, ah, daddy, m-mingyu, ah!” you hate how mingyu keeps his composure so well, a sharp contrast to you, ruined and wrecked beyond comprehension.
“fucking you stupid, hm?” mingyu taunts.
then, in a smooth stroke, he pulls out of you, and you gasp at the loss of contact. mingyu leaves no time for regret. he moves back, turning your body around, letting you rest on your back. his fingers wrap around your ankles, pushing your legs up until he’s got you practically bending in half. he enters you again, easily picking up the pace he set beforehand. the new position easily leads him to the spot that makes you see stars.
your jaw falls as he continues to prod at the spot, hitting it perfectly every time. “right there, baby?” you deliriously nod, head lolling to the side.
mingyu’s lips on yours are soft and gently prodding, overwhelming you with the different sensations he’s subjecting your body and mind to.
“f-fuck, break me, daddy!”
mingyu’s lips stretch into a devilish smile.
mingyu slams even harder into you, pushing you to your limits. you see red, hot, and you know you won’t last much longer. you whimper, trying to work your voice up to warn mingyu, though you fail. he reads through you, his pace unforgiving as his hand comes to play with your clit, and you howl at the surge of pleasure that throbs through your body.
mingyu tightly grabs onto your thigh, pressing it down to keep you in position. “where do you want me, angel?”
“mmm, inside. f-fill me up, yeah, feels s-so good,” you’re completely out of it, slurring your words, not registering anything but mingyu’s warm hands running on your body and wetness, completely enveloping you until you’re teetering off the edge, ready to let the winding coil in your stomach burst.
mingyu groans, long and drawn, and makes the tension in your boy snap. you come from him coming, feeling him fill you up with hot spunk and pushed in deeper from how he doesn’t stop thrusting. sparks and sensations overflood you until you’re left with a gaping mouth and dripping pussy, as mingyu finally pulls out.
he coos as he watches you clench around nothing, his come dripping out of you. he bends down, using his tongue to clean up whatever had spilled out of you, then fucking the remnants back in with his finger. the overstimulation makes you keen once more, and mingyu finally takes mercy on you.
his lips gleam in the dark light, coated with the liquids dripping from your wetness. he kisses you again, and you taste the way yours and his come mix together in your mouths. your eyes flutter shut, feeling as if you’re suspended in mid-air as mingyu transforms from the ruthless dominant earlier to something much more gentle, lazily clashing his tongue with yours and pressing his digits down on your thighs to soothe the strained muscles.
it takes a while until he separates from you, and you can barely keep your eyes open as he smirks at you.
(you wake up the next morning in your bed, a sated soreness plaguing your entire body so great you feel like such pain would’ve only erected if you had thrown yourself off of a cliff.
a sigil that would’ve been invisible to anyone else but you brandish itself on your right pinky finger.
a feeling sinks into you, one that tells you he’d return soon.)
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Summary: You meet someone from Negan’s life. Continuation of thirds
Pairing: AU Negan x reader ((female, named Eddie) and others)
Tags: AU Negan, Negan smut, Negan x reader, rough-ish smut
A/N: no proof read. we die like men. also hella long
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Your farewell party was towards its end. Only a few of your friends and family members remained.
You were hanging out by the bonfire sipping on your seltzer.
You glanced over at Negan who was congregating with other adults. He was preoccupied with his phone. He typed a messaged and slide it back into his front pocket before saying goodbye to your dad.
“Hey, Klaus, I’m gonna head out” he said giving him a hand shake and half a hug
“We’ll see you” your dad said
“Bye Frankie, thank you” he gently shook your moms hand with both hands
“Anytime” your mom said gracefully
Negan then approached you across the yard, “Eddie. Good luck out there”
He gave you a very appropriate hug, contradicted by what he whispered in your ear, “Come for your gift later. Back door is unlocked”
You had to have a another piece of him before you left for another semester.
Once the party died down and your folks slipped into bed, you hopped the fence to Negan’s yard.
You came through the back door. Trying to be quiet, knowing the night hours amplified every sound.
After you slid the glass door shut you turned to face the room and noticed a woman standing in his kitchen fixing a drink.
You locked eyes with her. Your heart dropped to your belly.
“I- uh- I’m sorr-“ you began explaining, stepping backwards, your arm blindly searching behind for the door handle.
“Relax Eddie. Negan said you’d be stopping by” her voice surprisingly calming.  
She walked around the corner of the island, two glasses in hand. Your heart pumped harder with every click of her heels. You couldn’t help but notice how her navy blue pant suit hugged her lower half perfectly. Her white blouse teasingly revealing her chest.  
As the distance closed between you you admired her facial features. Sharp jaw, crisp eyebrows, and an average nose on warm ivory skin.
You watch her full long lips move in slow motion “Whisky or wine?”
“Uh- Whiskey” you said softly after the words registered.
“Good, cause I’m Italian” she laughed and handed you your drink.
I can’t be sober right now you advised yourself, and immediately took a swig, keeping a stoic expression as the alcohol burned your throat.
“Whoa! Didn’t even flinch!” she commented.
“Comn lets have a seat” she said as a gentle hand pushed you towards the living room couch.
You sat anxiously. Elbows on your knees, sweaty palms clutching your glass tumbler.
She sat more comfortably, leaned back, her outside leg crossed over her other, and torso rotated to face you.
Before she started any conversation you blurted out, “who are you?”
“You probably should have asked the sooner. Stranger danger, y’know” she joked.
“But who you do you think I am?” She asked curiously. Taking a sip of her wine.
“Uh, I think you’re the main lady, and I’m a home wrecker and I shouldn’t be here” you took another gulp of your drink, trying to dilute your fear.
“Well, I am the other lady-“
Oh god. You immediately brought the drink back to your mouth, but her hand tapped yours, keeping you from drinking too quickly.
“But I know who you are. And you’re not a home wrecker. Negan is my partner and I’m his, and we’re open”
Relief washed over you.
“You know you could’ve have led with that. Not this ‘I am the main lady’ shit” you mocked her, your defenses quickly falling with the new information.
“I know, but you just seemed fun to play with” she giggled.
“I’m Diana”
“So, Diana, Negan has told you about me huh” you were a bit embarassed. Not knowing what negan shared exactly.
Did he tell her you just had sex or did he provide details? Did he tell her how he fucked you in your bathroom with company right outside? Or how he held you down and came on your face?
“Yes. He has”
There was a short streak of silence before you spoke again, “How do you do that?”
She finished her sip, softly smacking her tongue on the roof of her mouth to savor her wine, before clarifying your question, “Do what hon?”
“Be with other people?” You sought guidance on your own relationship
“Well for one, we trust and respect each other. And we’re honest. So it’s not cheating.”
“When one of us sleeps with someone else we tell each other, get tested. And teach other new tricks” She smiled mischievously before taking another sip of her wine.
“But it’s not for everyone” she added when she saw your not so eager expression
You nodded, really listening to what she had to say.
“So how’d you meet?” You asked leaning back.
“I’ve known Negan for years actually. But we didn’t start a relationship until a year and some months ago.”
“I’m a physical therapist and I was working with one of his athletes after ACL reconstruction. And he stopped by well into her rehab program - with her parents of course - to clarify what she could and couldn’t do during practice. So I met negan then, that was about 8 years go”
“I’ve worked with a couple other of his athletes since then. He joins an appointment once in a while to check in on restrictions”
“But the first time we dated was after we ran into each other at a bar. He had just lost his wife and I was fresh off a divorce. We were there for eachother, emotionally... physically.”
“Though we didn’t last the first time. We were on and off again for like a year. We couldn’t stay loyal. We eventually found our way back, when we realized we couldn’t stay loyal to other people either.” She laughed.
“And here we are. Together, happy, understood.”
You nodded, getting a bigger picture of the situation.
“Where is Negan by the way?” You looked over the couch thinking he was hiding somewhere
“He went out to get some wine” she swirled her empty glass before setting it on the table
“Told him to re-stock before I got here. But he didn’t listen. Tells me he was a little busy.”
You knew that comment was a shot at you
Before you could respond you both heard the open and looked over the back of the couch to see negan walk in with a brown bag.
“Hey Eddie! You’re here!” He said excitedly un-phased by his girlfriend sitting next to you.
He walked over to you both
“Hey Dee” greeting her with a soft kiss
It looked so natural.
“Got your favorite,” he gestured at the wrapped bottle, lifting it slightly.
Negan walked into his kitchen and began prepping his glass.
“I’ll get you a refill” Diana tapped your thigh as she stood up and walked with both glasses to Negan.
You heard a quiet conversation between them and thought it best to leave.
“Hey, so I’m gonna head out” you stood up, “nice meeting you,” you gestured awkwardly.
“What! Eddie no, you gotta open your gift first” Negan said while pouring wine into the the two glasses.
“Ah, thanks negan, I’m sure it can wait—“
“Eddie.” Diana interjected.
She walked toward to you, until she was mere inches away. She was shorter than Negan but taller than you. Even without the heels you were sure she’d still have 3-4 inches on you.
“Are you sure you wanna leave?” She lightly put her hands on your hips.
You looked toward Negan. He just casually took a sip of his wine. Then It clicked.
She was your gift.
Your silence was enough for her. She slowly leaned in, giving you an opportunity to pull away.
Your soft lips met hers.
God it felt different. You wouldn’t say better than Negan or other men, but something about kissing this beautiful, grown woman was quenching something you didn’t know you were thirsty for.
Your alcohol infused tongues exchanges flavors but it didn’t stop you from continuing.
Diana pulled away. Too soon for your liking.
“Can I take this off?” She toyed with zipper of your hoodie.
You were completely underdressed but you didn’t expect an encounter with a professional woman. You expected a quick, hard farewell fuck.
You swallowed audibly.
“Yes,” your voice cracked slightly.
You weren’t wearing a bra. Your breasts immediately shifted outside your clothing as your zipper opened up. Her hands dragged up along your ribs, her touch trigged goosebumps causing your nipples to perk up.
“I like these,” she said kissing you again as her fingers pinched your pierced buds. Harder than you expected, not painful, but her force caused your mouth fall open breaking the contact with your lips.
She laughed, proud but not surprised that she was making you act like this. She brought her lips back to continue kissing you.
With your eyes closed, tongue busy, your hands reached to untuck her blouse. Her hands stopped their mannerisms on your nipples and gripped your wrists and pushed them away
“Nuh-uh” she rejected your actions.
Her hands till wrapped around your wrists, she walked you backwards to the couch you were just sitting on. Diana went down to her knees. She leaned to kiss your navel, simultaneously undoing your jean button. She kissed up your abdomen, between your breast. As more of her body made contact with you, your hips began grinding up.
She took a nipple into her mouth. Sucking on it before lightly biting it.
“Ahh” you moaned as she hooked her teeth on your horizontal jewelry and pulled  up - how negan had done the first time.
They definitely exchanged notes. She switched to the other nipple and did the same.
“Take these off” she gripped the hem of your pants.
You lifted your hips of the couch and she helped pull them through your legs. Exposing your wet pussy to her.
“Look at that” she brought her fingers to your womanhood and spread your juices.
You looked down the middle of your chest, Diana between your legs.
Without warning Diana sucked on you clit. Swirling her toungue around it at the same time.
“Oh god!” You whined “fuck!”
She started softly and quickly increased her suction causing you to squirm. Diana swooped her hands under your knees to pin your lower half open to her. Her force spreading your legs was comfortable, enough to limit your movements but not stretching you to your limits as most men would do.
She stopped completely. Pissing you off a little.
“You wanna come?” She asked, already knowing your answer
You nodded.
She returned her mouth to your center. Sticking her tongue out, her eyes locked on yours. She barely flicked your nerve bundle with just the tip.
“Ughhh” escaped you wantonly, your pelvis pushing towards her mouth.
She flicked it little more roughly every subsequent time until she had your whole clit back between her lips. Her tongue working harder than before.
“Mmmhhh!” You groaned intensely. Biting some of the fabric of your hoodie that you were still wearing.
“Oh god- Oh god” you moaned louder and squirmed harder.
Diana’s had to force you down more. “Ugh! Fu- fu- I’m gon—“
“Motheerfuckker!” Both hands pulled downward on the open waistband of your hoodie while your back extended - so much thought it was gonna snap
You rode out your orgasm, instinctively grinding your pussy on Diana’s mouth.
Your eyes closed as your chest continued to rise and fall heavily. Diana gave one of your inner thigh light pecks before releasing your knees from her grasp. She came up to your lips, her hands using the back of the couch as leverage, then you tasted yourself on her tongue.
“You’re beautiful Eddie” she whispered to you.
“Does she always come that hard?” She asked Negan, who you had forgotten was in the room.
“Hardest I’ve seen her” Negan said.
“Though, she’s always sensitive afterwards, which you know I like” he smiled
Diana looked at your eyes, and unexpectedly brought her soft fingers back down to your clit.
You automatically crossed your legs and tried to flip over under Diane.
Both Negan and Diana giggled. You followed suit, really having enjoyed your present.
“That’s cute Eddie” Diana commented on your reaction, sucking on your neck before getting up to walk over to Negan.
Negan handed her a second glass of wine and your whiskey glass.
Diana passed the drink on to you. You took a small swig and set it down on the table and reached for your pants on the floor.
Negan and Diane began kissing each other passionately, not minding your taste between them.
The smacking of their tongues and lips echoed softly.
You pulled your jeans up your thighs with your hoodie remaining unzipped.
Diana noticed you prepared to exit and stopped her kiss with Negan, and tilted her head towards you.
Negan turned to you, “What do you think you’re doing?”
You had a blank stare as your hands froze with your hoodie zipped halfway.
“We’re not done with you sweetheart” Diana added
“She means, there’s more to your present” Negan smiled
“Grab your drink” Diana said as she walked over and pulled on the strings of your hoodie, leading you towards the stairs.
You finished your whiskey as you walked up the stairs, before entering the familiar room.
Diana grabbed the empty glass from you hand and set it on Negan’s dresser along with her half full glass.
Diana led you the bed, “sit.”
she began undressing you from your two garments until you laid completely naked under her. She kissed you and rubbed her clothed body against yours.
Your hands were on her hips encouraging her movements. You attempted to untuck her blouse ignoring your failed attempt downstairs. She didn’t restrict you this time. You pulled her shirt from her waist band and unbuckled her thin belt. Diana stopped her actions to unbotton her blouse and tossed it to the side before resuming to kiss you.
“Dirty girls” you heard Negan enter the room. You could swear you felt your pussy release more fluids at the sound of his voice.
You propped yourself on your elbows and witnessed Negan remove his black shirt and kick off his boots. Diana hopped off you to remove her pants, leaving her in a lacey, beige bra and underwear set.
Negan stepped to kiss Diane, and unclipped her bra. He gripped her breast and eventually her ass and pushed her front against his.
“Mmhhh” Negan groaned when Diana broke the kiss and sucked on his neck down his chest, while a free hand rubbed him through his black Levi’s.
It turned you on, and you did something you never thought you would do.
You brought your hand to your womanhood and began touching yourself, feeing how wet your really were.
“Enjoying the view?” Negan commented.  
Embarrassment coursed through your blood, and you removed your hand.
“Don’t stop” Negan said, “keep playing with yourself darling.”
“Let go” Diana added, kissing down Negan’s abdomen
You brought your hand back to pleasure yourself. Circling your clit with alternating pressure.
Negan unbuckled his belt, and let his member free, pulling his pants to mid-glute.
Diana sensually sucked the head of his cock, Negan tossed his head back. She dragged her tongue from the underside of his base back to the tip. Eventually, taking him entirely into her mouth.
“Agh!” Negan reacted to the deep throat, “that’s it baby. Fuck!”
The sounds of gargling and slobber coming from her pleasuring him brought you closer to the edge. You began rubbing her clit faster, building up release.
Negan caught you getting close.
“Don’t come Eddie.” He said in between breathes, “wait for us”
You were so close but figured that what they would give you would bring more pleasure than what you could give yourself. You willed yourself to stop.
Diana popped off Negan’s dick and came to kneel next to your torso, head opposite of yours. Negan removed his pants and dragged you closer to edge of the mattress.
His long middle finger pushed easily into your wet entrance
“Mmhhh” escaped you.
He pumped his digit in and out while Diana rubbed your clit.
Negan removed his finger and brought his member to your center.He dragged it through your folds, teasing you. Your eyes alternating between Negan’s facial expressions and his cock.
“Fuck” you dropped your head back, desperate to feel him inside you.
“You’re right, Negs, not very patient” Diana laughed, lightly smacking your clit a few times, causing you to jolt in spontaneous directions.
“That’s what makes her fun” Negan explained, continuing to tease you with his manhood.
“Cause she’ll eventually-” one more drag of cock against you...
“Give in!” He pushed himself entirely into you.
“Ughhhh!” you moaned
Negan stilled inside you, you walls beating against him. He leaned down to kiss you, his hips making zero movements.
With his mouth still on yours he pulled out halfway and gave you one hard and fast pump, causing you jaw to open and break the kiss
“What did I tell you about punching above your weight class?” He said rhetorically
“And tonight, there’s two of us” He laughed
He stood back up and began pushing in and out of you at a moderate pace. Diana continued to rubbed your nerve bundle.
“Harder, please” you asked
“Patience” Diana reminded you
“Oh, shell learn patient after this” Negan warned.
He picked up the pace and your release was closer than ever. Especially with Diana working your clit perfectly.
“She’s close” Negan announced.
Diana brought her lips to yours. Negan fucked your harder and faster, you could feel his balls push against you, and the slapping sounds confirmed it.
Your moans were captured by Diana’s mouth.
“She’s gonna come” Negan said through his gritted teeth.
“Fuck!” You yelled into Diana’s kiss, you felt yourself come undone.
You tried to pull your lips away but Diana held you head in place to continue kissing you.
Negan slowed down his pace slightly after your orgasm but didn’t stop. Neither did Diana’s hand.
“Oh god! Fuck! Fuck! Ne— ple—“ You werent able to escape her kiss.
You tried to remove Diana’s hand from your pussy but she pinned it down. So you tried to pushed away from Negan further up the bed, but he pulled your hips closer to his.
You tightly closed your eyes, a few more seconds went by and you felt a second release. You heard gushing sounds matching Negan’s thrusts and felt your thighs becoming wet.
Negan slowed down and remained inside you, as your lower body twitched and squirmed.
“I knew wed get her to squirt” Negan said before celebrating with a kiss from Diana.
“You okay Eddie?” Negan asked still slowly pumping himself into you.
You nodded, your face covered by your crossed forearms.
He flipped your over, legs hanging off the edge, and he picked up the pace once more.
You tried to use the sheets to get gain some distance between your sensitive pussy and negans thick cock.
“No, you don’t” he pulled you back.
You felt wetness over your puckered hole, followed by a finger. Your glutes contracted involuntary.
“Relax” Diana tried to soothe you, “relax for me”
Negan slowed down. You a deep breathe in between thrusts and we’re able to relax a bit more.
Diana inserted one of her fingers in your anus and wiggled it inside you, Negan picked up speed again.
“Oh, already?” Negan exclaimed.
“I know you’re there honey” Negan knowing your were close, “Let us have it!”
“Oh fuckkkk” another orgasm hitting you Followed by a small release of extra fluids.
Negan leaned over your back and sucked on your shoulder and neck before congratulating you “Good job baby, you just might be able to go the rounds”
“Aghhh” you moaned into the bed as he pushed slowly and deeper a few more times.
Negan pulled entirely out of you, your walls pulsating every so often recovering from your intense orgasms.
“Aghhh” you let out softly as you felt Diana’s finger exit your picked hole.
Negan stepped into his bathroom to dry off a bit.
During this intermission, you brought your legs onto the bed, to lay on your side, facing Diana.  
You reached between your tighs to inspect your wetness. Maybe it was all in your head.
“Was that your first time?” Diana asked
“Um, yeah...”
“I’m sor—“ you were caught of guard when she brought your fingers into her mouth to suck on them.
You were mesmerized by her actions
She finished, chuckled, and smiled at you, “What were you sorry for?”
“Um, the—“ You stuttered pointing at the wet stains on the comforter “-the sheets”
“Don’t be sorry. I expect messes from dirty girls” Negan said returning.
“And you’re a dirty girl” he spanked you ass and firmly rubbed it after.
Diana positioned you face up and straddled you. She leaned to kiss you as Negan gripped Diana’s hips and entered her.
He pushed inside her more delicately than he’d ever done with you. You saw Diana’s eye lids flutter with pleasure at her lovers intrusion.
“Ah, Fuck” she moaned into your neck.
Negan fucked Diana on top you. He alternated speed, building up her climax while holding back his own.
While pumping into her, Diana whispered to you, “Touch me”
Frozen by her request you did nothing.
“Touch me” she repeated, reaching for one of your hands that rested on the outside of her thighs.
She brought your hand to her center. You hesitantly began rubbing her.
“That’s it Eddie” she encouraged you “just like that”
Your fingers occasionally bumped into Negan’s dick that was entering and exiting Diana.
Negan leaned over and whispered to Diana, “I need to come now”
Diana turned her neck over to give him a kiss of approval.
Negan snaked his hand in Diana’s hair and pulled harshly, followed by a playful yelp from Diana.
Negan began jackmhammering into her, making growling sounds that never left his throat.
“Ughh” both moaned, coming at the same time, on top of you.
Negan let go of Diana’s hair, and her body weight rested on you. Negan continued to slowly pumping himself in Diana as he softened.
He eventually exited her and flopped himself on the bed next you and Diana, catching his breath.
As Diana reached between her legs, you felt Negan’s cum drip from Diana’s pussy onto yours.
Diana collected some of Negan’s release on her fingers and brought them to your mouth.
You opened and sucked on them. Not breaking eye contact.
“Do you like the taste of me and my boyfriend?”
You nodded, her fingers still in your mouth.
Diana slid off you, to sandwich you between herself and Negan.
“So when are you back from school?��� Diana asked.
“Christmas” you said through a yawn.
“We’ll have to get you another presents then”
Your stomach fluttered at her words as the three of you drifted to sleep, limbs stacked upon each other.
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Aarhus Universitet - Ansuz Raido Ravens (6) - final chapter
Pairing: Modern!Ivar x reader
Description: Y/N is a freshman in Aarhus University and, being the roommate of both Torvi and Margrethe, that gives her some privileges and intel on the university, as it on the leading fraternity as well, Ansuz Raido Ravens, the Ragnarssons’ fraternity. Eventually, she gets engaged up with Ivar, who happened to gather a suspicious reputation among girls.
Warnings: swearings, smut content.
Word count: 2,120
A/N: and it’s finally here, after so many years! I’m so sorry I didn’t finish this fic any sooner, even though I always wanted to. I could never rest if I never posted this final chapter. I hope you guys like it!
When you woke up the bed was empty, Ivar’s side not warm enough. You heard the noise of the shower running. He’d probably be finishing up by now. You roll on your back, feeling the most tired you ever felt, ignoring with all your strength the events of last night.
You heard the bathroom door click and looked to see Ivar wearing a zipped open hoodie, his tanned chest on sight. You bit your lips. “What a great view to wake up to.”
“I thought the great view would be something, you know, a little more downwards,” he said, a playful look on his eyes.
“Actually, that would be a great activity to wake up to.”
Ivar’s eyes immediately went to pure lust, but you raised your palms in protest. “I need to go shower first, loverboy. Last night’s party is killing me.”
“I won’t go anywhere.”
Ivar sits on a chair by the window, observing you.
“Be right back,” you state as you enter the bathroom, closing the door behind you.
Fifteen minutes later and you felt refreshed, ready to start off your day. As soon as Ivar got sight of you, he jerked up from the chair, a lustful look on his face. His canines shone at the sunlight, making your guts heavy.
“C’mere, woman. I’m hungry for some delicious breakfast.”
Ivar shortened the distance between you two, making you step back until your back hit the wall. He held your chin between his fingers and kissed you, rough as always. You lose no time in opening your mouth to welcome him - there was no need to hold anything back, since you wanted him as much he wanted you. His lips were not soft as they usually were - his bruises and cuts were still fresh. You thought about being careful so his cuts wouldn’t open, but who were you joking?, you didn’t want him to slow down.
His tongue dominated yours, which you were glad for - you had no strength to be the dominating one today.
Ivar’s hands traveled all around your body as he kissed and bit your lips. Your hands were firmly tugging his loose, wet hair. “Grip it harder,” you heard him mumbling between kisses. You tugged his hair harder.
Ivar made no ceremonies as he slid his right hand inside your panties, feeling you already wet. “Oh babygirl, that’s how I like you, all wet for me.” His words sent shivers through your body. He started working his fingers on your clit, slowly going up and down, feeling you panting against his mouth. It felt so good that you threw your head back, hitting the wall behind you. You sighed in pleasure when Ivar paced faster, you getting more and more wet.
You had no care for Ivar kisses and suckings on your neck - all you cared and could think about was his hands down on you. “You like that?” He asked. You only nodded in response, moaning. “What do you think of my mouth going there?” You couldn’t say anything at the thought of him eating you out so, once again, you moaned in response.
Ivar sat on his knees in no time, quickly taking your panties off. You stepped your legs aside, opening yourself for Ivar, back tight against the wall.
“Look at you,” he said hoarsely. “It’s a fucking feast down here.”
Ivar held your thighs tightly, kissing their inner sides. You were eager for his mouth in your pussy, but you wanted to play cool. He kissed and licked the insides of your thighs until you grunted in annoyance, anticipation taking over you.
“Someone’s impatient,” he teased you.
You got chunks of his hair with both your hands, pulling it.
“Just fucking do it, Ragnarsson.”
“Do what?”
You weren’t looking at him, but you could hear his sassy smile.
“Eat me out.”
“With pleasure,” he said and went down on you.
Ivar licked your wetness, the feeling of his tongue making your whole body relax. He worked you out, licking and sucking, his tongue inside you, then to your labia and for last to your clit, switching between these patterns. His pace wasn’t steady - he was slow, then fast, and then slow again. The noises his mouth made as he ate you was enough to make you moan, imagine alone what he was doing.
He caressed with the tip of his nose your clit as his tongue went in and out of you. You sighed heavily.
“Faster,” you tried to manage.
Ivar slid two fingers inside your pussy, curling them.
“Fucking thrust me, Ivar.”
So he did it. Ivar thrusted you hard with his fingers, licking and sucking your pussy at the same time. You were so on edge that you felt your legs trembling, having no more strength to keep on your feet anymore, and the wall wasn’t doing any good on keeping you up. Ivar felt your loose body and gripped hard at your waist with his left hand, keeping you up.
“You’re gonna cum on your feet,” he said. “But damn, am I not a weak man? I wanna fuck you so hard right now with my own cock.”
You came at his words, throwing your head back at the wall, making a hard thump. You pulled his hair hard and moaned loudly, screaming.
“Fuck me, Ivar,” you said without a breath. “Fuck me and I’ll cum again, all around your cock.”
Ivar lost no time in getting up, kicking his shorts and boxers away and wrapping your legs around him, pinning you up against the wall. He held you there while putting on a condom and quickly, roughly, he slid inside you. “No mercy,” you told him, and he had none.
He thrusted you fast and hard, going almost all out to go back all in. He already knew your G spot, so he went directly there, making you see stars at his strength inside you and at the feeling of pleasure. You had no idea Ivar could hold such a pace. You tugged your fingernails on his back, feeling the skin opening. That made Ivar grunt and kiss you, biting your lower lip. You felt the taste of blood, but it was only his cut on his lips opening.
You wanted to dirty talk, but you couldn’t find any words, only scream in pleasure.
“Yes, Y/N, show everyone how I make you feel.”
His steady fast pace was doing its job, and you could feel once again your walls clenching - a couple more thrusts and you felt your whole body trembling, relaxing, pleasure running through your veins as you screamed. Ivar thrusted a little more until he, too, came, moaning.
His blue eyes were pure fire and you couldn’t look away from them as Ivar slowly thrusted you after you two came, your walls screaming in sensibility.
“That was fucking awesome,” you sounded like you had ran a marathon.
“I’ll need to shower again, look what you did to me,” Ivar was wet with sweat.
“Let’s go then, I’ll clean you up.”
You hadn’t class today, so you and Ivar were sitting outside, by the shadows of a tree, you comfortably nested between his legs, your back and head resting on his chest as you took notice of the movement on campus.
“I’ve been wanting to ask you,” you start saying.
“What is it?” Ivar sounded like he was at peace.
“About your fraternity names. They usually use Greek letters, but what do you guys use?”
“Runes from the Elder Futhark, Ansuz and Raido. Raido means journey while Ansuz can be the rune related to Odin. My father always told me and my brothers that we descend from Odin, that’s why this choice of runes.”
“But ‘Ravens’ is not a rune.”
“No, it isn’t, but is the animal associated with Odin.”
“So your fraternity is all related to Odin, in the end.”
“One can say so.”
“Well, this is cool, but it’s even cooler to just rest on your chest and take a nap,” you said, nestling more on Ivar, closing your eyes as the sunlight warmed you.
Weeks have already passed - Torvi moved out of yours and Margrethe’s room, moving in with Ubbe, but she always avoided yours and Ivar’s path, staying out of the way. Ivar kept working on his bike, saying that he sensed that soon enough he’d take you for a ride. Margrethe wasn’t on talking terms with you, but she was always polite, apt to keep a chill environment. She had her space and you respected that, even though you missed her.
Until one day you finally made the choice you’ve been thinking about for so long.
Margrethe was at her desk taking care of her studies when you started talking, without giving a warning.
“I’m not going to tell you my whole story, since I don’t want to be a bother more than I already am right now,” you saw Margrethe getting so rigid that she could easily be a statue. “I was in deep shit a couple months ago, and my parents arranged me into college, as part of an agreement between us. I go clean and they help me, as long as I majored in something, anything. They got me three universities and I was able to choose this one.
“I know how much you suffered here and how much is difficult for you to be around, you know, them. Me, even. But I always saw you as and considered you my friend, Margrethe. I deeply, truly care about you, and I never wanted to harm you in any way.
“That’s why I spoke with my parents and called in a favor.”
“What favor?” Margrethe asked, her voice shooked.
“You can transfer all the way up to Aalborg University. If you want to, of course. I feel like I owe you this, at least.”
Margrethe stood in silence for what felt like minutes, but it was only a couple seconds.
“Why?” She finally asked.
“I just said, I feel like I owe you this. In my name and in the name of the Ragnarssons. It would really make me happy if you accept this.”
“A fresh start?”
“A fresh start. It’s always possible, and everyone deserves one. I’m the solid example of that.”
“Do you really mean it?” Margrethe turned over to look at you, her eyes watering, tears coming down through her rosy cheeks.
“I’m serious about it, Margrethe. All you have to do is say yes and I’ll arrange everything out.”
It was a storm that hit you - Margrethe got up from her chair and hugged you, crying on your shoulders, repeating without a stop ‘thank you’. You caressed her hair, feeling relief to have that situation sorted out.
Margrethe deserved a break and a good life.
You were smoking a cigarette by the window of your dorm when you heard a knock on your door, freezing immediately. Did someone rat on you? You weren’t supposed to smoke inside the dorm.
“Y/N, are you in there?” You heard Ivar’s voice and relaxed.
“Don’t fucking knock like that, I thought you were a supervisor,” you said as you opened the door for your boyfriend.
“Damn, what a greeting. Good to see you too,” Ivar pecked you on your lips and smiled brightly, his left hand behind his back, clearly hiding something.
“What do you have there?” You pointed with your chin.
“Oh, this? Nothing but our great next adventure.”
Ivar showed you what was on his left hand and you gasped in surprise.
He held you a jet-black helmet.
“Is this what I think it is?”
“We’re going for a ride, yes.”
You gave Ivar a kiss and quickly shoved him out of your room, excited to go riding.
You were on the roadway without a destination. Your arms were around Ivar’s torso and the wind made the length of your hair go flying all around you. You held on tight, inspiring Ivar’s cologne. You rested your cheek on his shoulder, admiring Denmark’s landscape.
You weren’t thinking or looking for the future with Ivar, but only at the present. It’s not that you didn’t want a future with Ivar - it was just that you wanted to free your head from thoughts and seize the moment, to finally take a break.
Present is all that matters.
Life with Ivar would pretty much be an ugly mess, but at least you wouldn’t be alone.
What would come next was going to be fate, a mere consequence of actions and choices.
Your destiny was already sealed, and all you had to do was go ahead.
Taglist:  @mblaqgi​ @akamaiden​ @dangerousvikings​ @oddsnendsfanfics​ @deepdarkred @irishhiggins​ @tinypuppysoul​ @kingbouji3 @i-war-s-boner @capitanostella​ @loothbrok @noaor​ @thehuntress26​ @sassymcgonagal1651 @hoodirwin5 @attorneyl​ @collecting-stories​ @certainobservationwasteland​ @dreams-in-different-colours @3x5gurl​ @readsalot73​ @action-adventure-and-cheesecake @titty-teetee​ @cutiedaij @austenkingmylady​ @ivarthesweetheart​ @golden-pickaxe​ @lokis-sunflower-anna @bill-istvan @cynthianokamaria​ @hallowed-heathen @fuckthatfeeling​ @huffelpuffers​ @paintballkid711​ @brynhildrx @mariaenchanted​ @wonderwoman292
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jangofctts · 5 years
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Pro·found (The Mandalorian x Reader)
Rated: Explicit 
Word Count: 3.5K
Warnings: Smut, oral sex (female receiving), hand jobs, language, sweet Mando?
A/N: yeehaw hope you enjoy you filthy animals. 
Part one here ---> Quix·ot·ic
He's stuck to you like glue.
After waking up in an unfamiliar bed, swathed in no less than three blankets, it's safe to say you were thoroughly confused. It's only after you roll onto your side, your injured side mind you, that you remember what transpired the day before. It sends a happy tingle all the way down to your toes but knocking your elbow against your wound and then nearly giving yourself a fucking concussion when you slam your head against the bed frame, stamps out that fire real fast.
When you finally manage to roll out of his bed with minimal damage, you find Mando hovering by the door, holding the little green goblin. It wiggles in his gloved grip (you already miss the bare feel of his hands) and when it spots you, it reaches out and begins to coo.
"He won't stop squirming," he tells you, and you reach towards him and sweep the kid into your arms.
You plant a kiss on its tiny wrinkly forehead. "Why didn't you wake me up?"
"You needed the rest," Mando answers. He steps closer until the only thing that separates you is the kid. "How do you feel?"
"Like I've been stabbed," you snort. "And then run over by a pod racer."
He hums in acknowledgment and brings his hands up. Your breath hitches as he cups your face, gently turning your head from side to side to take in your injuries once again. Your lips quirk into a smile. "Am I gonna live, doc?"
"Maybe," he huffs, "As long as you don't make this a habit."
His thumb runs along your bottom lip as you stare up into his visor. "And if I do?"
"Then I'll throw your ass in carbonite and sell you to a coaxium mine for the trouble."
"Oh, ok, wow," you laugh, breaking away. You head towards the kid's crib and Mando follows close behind. "Good to know where I stand."
You place the child into their crib and give those ridiculously sized ears a gently pat and just as you take your hands away, an arm reaches around you and shuts the panel of the crib. You make an irritated noise as it clicks shut and when you turn around he's crowding you into the wall. You squeak as your back hits the wall and you jump five feet into the fucking air as his hands wrap around your hips, thumbs pressing into your hipbones.
He keeps you there, trapped between the unforgiving metal wall and the even harder beskar cuirass. Your heart is pounding against your ribs and you're sure that he can feel it. You're a high-strung wire and he's tugging you even tighter, threatening to snap. He leans closer, invading your space even more, and Maker he's big. Part of you is fucking terrified of this man who could snap your neck like a cracker, and the other half wants to poke and prod at his buttons until he pins you down into submission.
"You sure you wanna throw my ass in carbonite?" You whisper. Plucking up enough courage, you let your hands gently whisper over the top of his thigh. The muscle there twitches and as you brush your fingertips lightly against his inner thigh, a ragged sigh leaves him.
"M'having second..." He tapers off as your fingertips dance along the quickly growing bulge in his trousers. "Second thoughts."
The Mandalorian's hands find their way underneath your shirt. The rough scrape of leather sends goosebumps over the skin of your stomach and he quickly decides the contact is insufficient. He pulls his hands out of your shirt and extends them forward. "Take them off."
You reach for them and he retreats. You flash him a look. "Wha-"
"With your mouth," he clarifies. You can practically hear his smirk as he trails a gloved thumb over the line of your jaw. As it catches on your lower lip, he pushes into your mouth until your teeth lightly clamp down on the fabric and it slips off.
The other glove falls to the floor with a quiet thunk and both of his hands rush to cradle your cheeks. Your eyes flutter shut as the scrape of his calloused thumbs trace the plush skin of your lips and you wonder if he's imagining what'd it be like to press his lips to yours. It's almost melancholic  in the way he longingly skims over them, and you've never in the entirety of your life wanted to kiss someone as badly as him right now.  
It aches how much you want him, but he sweeps his palms down, over the fragile skin of your neck and you're momentarily distracted. You suck in a shaky breath as his palms, the warmth of them seeping through the fabric, hover just above the swell of your breasts. As you arch into him, craving for those weathered digits to dip lower, the cover of the crib flies open. It startles you both and you're tearing yourself away for the little green monster, all pouty and irritated about its surprise timeout.
Though, you can't really complain because when you lean over to pick the kid up, Mando presses himself into the curve of your body and whispers, "Later."
You nearly cream your pants then and there, but you've got a tiny goblin in your hands and that is not exactly appropriate at the moment. You turn around and he's already the climbing the ladder up to the cockpit.
You don't know when 'later' is supposed to be. His later could be days from now and that alone makes you wanna scream in frustration. Normally you're not this impatient, but with him? He's addicting. It's only been a couple hours and you're already craving him.  
You finally get the kid to sleep after three failed attempts, or what you like to call, impromptu hide and go seek, and as you slip into the seat beside the crib a low, buzzing whir echoes through the ship. You stand and when you're halfway to the ladder, wondering what the fuck that was, all the lights shut off.
"Mando?" You call.
There's no response and you're a little worried. You can't see for shit, he's not answering, and the ship is floating in space with no power. Not your idea of a party, but hey, at least the oxygen filter still works.
Figuring that standing here like a weirdo in the dark probably isn't the best idea, you try and shuffle towards anything that feels familiar. Of course, you forget that there's that big fucking tube trailing across the ground, and of course your foot manages to get caught underneath it. You fly forward with a startled yelp, praying that your face won't collide into an edge or something, and then you're quite suddenly not falling.  
Strong arms steady your descent and your brain gets a bit scrambled because there is a person in the dark grabbing you. A scream bubbles out and a hand rapidly slaps over your mouth to silence it. "It's me."
You mumble out a sigh of relief, really glad that it's him and not one of his quarries that decided to reanimate spontaneously. Yet your joy is short lived once you remember that there's no fucking power.
His hand falls away, finding purchase on the curve of your hip. "Why's the power out?"
"It happens sometimes," he says, not at all concerned that this is a regular occurrence. "The wires are old."
"You mean this ship is old."
He hums and pulls you closer. You still can't see him because it's darker than a black hole in here but your fingers can make out the edges of his pauldrons and the corded muscle of his bicep. You both stay there, in the dark, and you're fine like this. With just being held, safe and suspended in time.
And then he murmurs, all sweet and soft, "I wan't to kiss you."
Sparks ignite inside your stomach and it's like a ripcord jumpstarting your heart. That's it—you've died. You hit your head on that imaginary corner and you've died. How else could you explain the object of your fascination wanting to kiss you. A Mandalorian too no less. Wait.
"B-but your helmet."
"It's dark," he says. He seems to have already made up his mind and you're not gonna argue with that. If he's confident about this, then shit, so are you. You feel him shuffle around and hear the jostle of metal being placed on a crate or the ground, you aren't sure, and you tentatively reach out expecting to feel the familiar curve of his cuirass.
Instead your fingers fold over the soft lines of his undershirt. He sucks in a breath, so clear without the helmet, and you can feel the warmth of his skin, hot and alive, and real. He's human, just as you are.
You don't mean to jump as his hands sweep up your neck. You barely get out the first syllable of an apology when his hands slip into your hair, grasp at the back of your skull, and pull you forward.
He kisses you and your stomach swoops.
His lips are velvet and all thoughts are obliterated, turned into dust, and replaced with him. Only him. Your hands scrabble to find purchase, an anchor, and your fingers slide over a stubbled jaw and over chiseled cheekbones. He sighs into your mouth, and tilts your head, deepening the kiss. His tongue slides over yours, licks deep into your mouth, tasting you and then pulling away to nibble on your bottom lip.
Fuck. Why the fuck didn't you get stabbed earlier?
He makes a sound low in his throat when you tug on the thick curls atop his head and kisses you harder. They're feverish and pressing, as if the whole galaxy would end tomorrow, and it might as well because you're in heaven. Your knees feel like jelly and you know he's holding the majority of your weight, but it's impossible to stand upright. His tongue curls around yours, hot and wet, then pulls it into his mouth and sucks.
Your jagged moan echoes through the dark and he raises his chin to break the kiss. He tugs on your bottom lip once again with the blunt edges of his teeth and begins to trail wet, lazy kisses down your jaw. You try to recapture his lips, but one of his hands tightens in your hair and tilts your head back, bearing the fragile skin of your throat for him. The graze of his teeth sends goosebumps down your spine and the gentle nibbles have you whimpering. He laves his tongue over the area and mouths down to the curve of where your shoulder meets your neck and bites down—hard.
You yelp, but the hand tangled in your hair keeps you steady for him. You can't go anywhere like this. He presses soft kisses on the throbbing skin, sure to leave a mark, as if in apology then trails the tip of his tongue all the way up to your earlobe. His warm breath fans over your ear and he lays a sweet kiss over the cartilage. "Lay down."
Stars. His voice is even more rich and honey sweet without the tinny and artificial filter in his helmet. You drop like a fucking rock and it's a miracle you manage not to knock into something on your way down. Your fist clenches the collar of his shirt and you drag him over you, feeling his quiet chuckle vibrate against the crook of your neck. Your legs fall open around his knees and his palms smooth over your thighs and hike them up higher around his waist. His mouth is on yours again, his elbows caging you in as he props himself above you and you feel the growing hardness between you.
You arch your hips, slowly grinding up into him. He inhales a shaky breath and licks deep into your mouth and digs his cock over your clothed center. Liquid heat is swirling in your belly and you and him are wearing entirely too much right now. He seems to get the same memo because his hands are now slipping over the waistband of your pants and pulling them off, underwear and all. You squeak as cool air meets the slick already pooling at your center and he's molding himself back over you.
His head tilts and his tongue flicks across the shell of your ear. He thrusts his hips forward, your cunt surely leaving a wet spot on the fabric, and groans low in your hear. "Shit."
Mando grabs at the edge of your shirt and hauls it over your head, your bra quickly following. His mouth quickly latches on to your collarbone, sucking a mark there then making a steady trail down to your left breast. He hovers just above your peaked nipple and you whine in desperation. His fingertip is swirling a teasing circle over the areola on your other breast and you bite back all kinds of swears and curses, wishing this sweet torture would end. You're aching and desperate and when he finally, finally pinches the pebbled skin between his forefinger and thumb, you're arching into his touch with a silent wail. The hot cavern of his mouth encases your nipple and carefully brings his teeth around it. You whisper his name and he tugs your nipple up then releases.
He mouths a kiss onto your sternum and rests his chin there. "Can I taste you? Fuck—more of you? Please—You—you were so sweet on my fingers last time."
The image of him licking your arousal off his fingers after you passed out the day before sends a wave of burning heat through you. You don't even have to fucking think because a garbled yes is already leaving your mouth.
You feel him smirk against your sternum and he's hurriedly shuffling lower. He hooks his hands underneath your knees and places them around his broad shoulders. His bare fingers trace tiny patterns into the sensitive skin of your inner thighs, coaxing out a shiver and then you feel his thumbs softly part the lips of your soaking cunt. There's a moment just before, his face hovering close enough that you can feel his breath, anticipation gripping your chest, and then he licks a broad stripe from the base of your pussy all the way up to your clit.
His mouth Is searing hot and his tongue feels like liquid velvet as you shudder and dig your hands into his hair. He grunts against you as you drag him closer, all too happy to comply. His mouth encompasses your clit, sucking and tracing circles over the bundle of nerves. He then trails lower, sucks on your labia, and sweeps down to your opening. The tip of his tongue traces your entrance, then down to lick at your wetness that dripped lower, and then back up.
It's good. So fucking good and when two of his thick fingers press at your entrance you nearly go blind from pleasure. The two digits slip in with ease, all the way up to the second knuckle and when he draws them back, they're slick with your wetness. He pushes them back in, then out, a steady pace that he never strays from. It leaves you bordering the edge of madness, the catch of his knuckles and calloused skin along your walls pure torture.
Your hips arch into him, trying to urge him to go faster. Instead, he slowly retracts his fingers and removes his mouth. You gasp in frustration as your cunt clenches around thing air, and you're begging, your words slurred and hardly understandable. You're so close to diving off the edge. You feel his mouth pull up into, what you can only imagine, is the biggest shit-eating grin.
"Please! P-please—I-I need..." You're babbling and he drags his fingers over your thigh, skims over your cunt, and traces a pattern into your other thigh. "Mando. Fuck. You—your fingers. I need—"
He complies.
Two fingers are thrust up into your dripping cunt, curving so deliciously into something that feels like unrefined electricity. His mouth sucks on your clit and with a few more curls and thrusts of his fingers inside of your clenching walls, your body goes rigid. You're flying off that wall a million miles an hour—cumming onto his tongue and Mando keeps licking you through it even as you arch and squirm. Stars are bursting behind your eyelids and heat hotter than a wildfire spreads from your center all the way up your stomach and down to your toes. You're twitching and you hear Mando, feel the vibration of his groan, as a flood of your juices coat his tongue.
Your brain is lost in bliss and fuzzy pleasure as you float back to reality. He's still curling his fingers into you're core and it hurts. You're too sensitive. Your nerves are rubbed raw and you're still throbbing, but you're too fucked out and still riding the waves of your previous orgasm to push him away. He takes the opportunity to move his fingers faster, suckle at your clit that burns from overstimulation, and somehow you're back at the very edge again.
It's razor sharp. Your thighs are shaking around him and as he twists his fingers inside you and curls into that tiny, little spot, your orgasm is wrenched out of you. It's searing—all the way to the fucking bone and you're positive you'll end up a burnt crisp. Your cunt pulses around Mando's fingers, fucking you through it until those burning waves of release eventually relent into a dull throb. You whimper and you have to push at his forehead because he's still licking at your cunt. He pulls out his fingers with an embarrassing wet sound and then his crawling back over you.
Sudden exhaustion weighs over your eyelids and there's nothing more that you want to do beside fuck him, but you're already half asleep. "M'falling asleep again, Mando."
"S'fine," he says. "Just—just a little longer, ok? I won't—won't put it in."
He moves to tug his pants down and you feel a dribble of wetness drip onto your hip. He grabs your hand that's lying limp on the floor and cups it around his thick, painfully hard cock. That's enough to wake you up again.
You swipe your thumb over the weeping slit, feeling it twitch. You curl your forefinger and thumb together, making a circle, and roll your wrist around the head of his cock, tugging and squeezing lightly. His groan is jagged and sharp and the sound causes a fresh wave of arousal to shoot straight to your cunt. Your hand then wraps around him, and gives the hard flesh, a few experimental pumps. His hips stutter into your grip, following your motions as if afraid you'd suddenly stop.
You feel fingers press at the seam of your lips and you readily open your mouth for him. You suck the digits into the hot cavern of your mouth, lick over the salty lines of his palm, and when he's satisfied he tugs them out of your mouth with a pop and smears it over the base of his cock. With your saliva and the steady stream of precum that trickles out like a fountain, it's easy to slide your hand up and down from base to tip, paying careful attention to the ridge of skin on the frenulum.
"Maker," he gasps. "Almost there. Doing s'good. Good—good girl."
He's thrusting up faster into your hand and your bring up your other hand to gently cup his balls. His whole body quivers as you roll them gently in your palm and he's pitching forward to press his forehead to yours. Your nail lightly scrapes over the head of his cock and with one last squeeze to his balls, he's roughly grabbing your shoulders and cumming over your stomach. His balls pull up nice and tight and pulse. Spurts of hot cum gush over your skin and paint your ribcage and belly, his hips stuttering and pushing into your hand roughly.
"Ah. Shit—shit. Prob-bly look so go-good with my cum all over you."
You blush and his hips slowly stop thrusting as the last few strings of cum are milked out and drip over your fist. He's still sucking in air as you remove your hand and lick his spend off the slops of your knuckles. He tastes good—warm and thick on your tongue and next time you want it all in your mouth.
His chest heaves as he lowers himself beside you and tugs you close into his chest. You don't pay attention to the sticky mess on your stomach and he doesn't seem to mind. He brushes your hair from your forehead, tucks it behind your ear and nuzzles into the crook of your neck. He whispers a quiet thank you and presses a soft kiss below your jaw and the ground is suddenly the most comfortable fucking thing in the world.
You drift off to sleep, cuddled into the Mandalorian's side.
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misscorn · 4 years
Day 7
Favorite Series
I think its no surprise that sekaiichi hatsukoi is my favorite series @sihjrweek ❤❤ this has been fun! Thank you everyone for your nice words about my fics which ended up becoming a 'they never broke up' au lmao and thank you @sekaiichis for hosting 💕💖💕
Onodera Ritsu was an easily flustered man. So, it was moments like this when his lover was asleep that he took the opportunity to admire him. Normally, Ritsu wouldn't be able to so blatantly stare without his boyfriend making some sort of comment. So, the brunette had to take what he could get. The aforementioned boyfriend, Takano Masamune, was very handsome after all. Not that Ritsu could ever let him know that. He already had such a big head.
Yes, Takano and not Saga, but Ritsu and his high school sweetheart hadn't suffered a breakup. In fact, his high school sweetheart was the one in bed with him right now. Unfortunately, Masamune's parents had gone through a divorce and Masamune found out the man who raised him was not his real father. Thus, the name change. It had been a difficult time, to say the least. It was not something either of them enjoyed reminiscing about.
Ritsu had been very worried when Masamune told him everything that happened with his parents. He was concerned not only for Masamune's well being, but also for their relationship. Masamune had the tendency to push everyone away when he was hurting.
Ritsu had been afraid of being annoying or making things worse, but he stayed by Masamune's side through the whole thing whether he wanted him to or not. There had been definite moments of tensions, moments where Ritsu thought Masamune might be slipping away from him, but in the end they got through it together.
The habit of carrying all your burdens by yourself was one that both Ritsu and Masamune had to overcome, neither of them used to relying on someone else during rough times, but a lot had changed over these past 8 years. That included Ritsu moving into Masamune's apartment after he graduated from his University. Masamune had offered Ritsu to move in with him much sooner than that and as much as Ritsu would have liked that, Ritsu knew he'd never get any schoolwork done with Masamune around.
Ritsu sighed contently as he watched Masamune sleep, reaching out to gently brush some of his hair out of his eyes. He smiled affectionately, his hand moving down to cup his cheek with a feather-light touch.
Masamune turned his head and kissed the palm of his hand, making Ritsu jump. "Good morning." He greeted gruffly, his voice rough from just waking up.
"G-g-good m-morning." Ritsu went to pull his hand away, but Masamune held on to it and continued to press kisses against it.
"Please, feel free to keep staring." He said between kisses.
"I was NOT staring." Ritsu quickly denied.
"Mm, you're getting better at lying. Should I be worried?" Masamune asked.
"Shut up." Ritsu said.
Masamune smiled tiredly. They both had today off, so he was looking forward to spending the day with the brunette. Both men worked as editors, Ritsu working for his father's company in the literature department and Masamune working for a magazine called Weekly Earth, but both of them were starting to consider leaving their positions due to trouble with coworkers.
"What do you want for breakfast?" Masamune asked.
"I thought it was my turn to make breakfast."
"I don't mind."
"Just say you hate my cooking." Ritsu said, making Masamune laugh.
"Yeah, I hate your cooking."
"You know I'm joking." Masamune gave another sleepy grin. "But if you wanna cook that bad, be my guest." He said.
Ritsu sat up and stretched a little. "I'm gonna shower first."
"Is that an invitation?"
"No." Ritsu rolled his eyes, used to the casual perversion.
"What if I crash the party anyways?"
"Go back to sleep if you're gonna be annoying." Ritsu stood, his words holding no real bite.
Masamune laid there contently, watching Ritsu walk off to the bathroom before he rolled over to grab his phone. He scrolled mindlessly for a couple minutes before Ritsu's ringtone went off. He set his own phone aside to check the caller ID, wondering if it was An or another friend of Ritsu's that he knew.
Masamune frowned and rolled back over to face away from it. 8 years later and Masamune still hadn't met Ritsu's parents. Ritsu had met his mom in high school, albeit it was an accident. Masamune thought the two of them would be alone all night and his mom ended up coming home while Masamune was being very affectionate with Ritsu on the couch.
It had gone okay after Ritsu stopped losing his mind and Masamune had gotten over the embarrassment. Masamune didn't have a lot shame, but no one wanted their mom to walk in on them making out with their partner.
Kotoko had been certainly shocked at first and while she didn't love the idea of Masamune having a boyfriend, she was not going to try to get in the way.
Ritsu probably only saw her once more after that, but it made sense since Kotoko was not heavily involved in Masamune's life, if at all.
Ritsu's mother on the other hand...
Ritsu visited his parents' house about once a month, though somehow he managed to keep them from coming over here, and he got frequent calls from his mother, usually about marriage. That silly engagement between An and Ritsu had ended a while ago, but that didn't stop Youko from trying. She was starting to try to set up match making sessions as well.
Masamune sighed, some of his good mood stolen from him as he stood and put a shirt on. He then slid into the bathroom to brush his teeth, Ritsu already in the shower with the curtain closed.
"I come in peace." Masamune said before he grabbed his toothbrush.
"I didn't say anything!"
"Yeah, but you forget that you think way too loudly. You were definitely yelling something in your mind about me being a pervert." Masamune said, his tone giving away his amusement.
Ritsu just grumbled something intelligible as Masamune brushed his teeth. The older man actually kept true to his word and didn't jump Ritsu in the shower, even if he wanted to. Instead he left to go into the kitchen.
Masamune decided he was too impatient to wait for Ritsu to finish his shower, so he put on a pot of coffee before starting breakfast.
"You do hate my cooking." Ritsu said, coming into the kitchen just as Masamune plated the food.
"I didn't feel like waiting." Masamune shrugged. "You want coffee?"
"I shouldn't." Ritsu sighed. He was getting addicted to the stuff.
"So, that's a yes?" Masamune asked, already pouring the hot drink into two mugs, adding creamer and sugar to Ritsu's and leaving his own black. They sat down together, Ritsu thanking Masamune for the meal.
The two ate in silence, which wasn't unusual, but Ritsu could tell there was something on Masamune's mind. He seemed a little more spacey and there were no attempts to hold his hand or make any flirty comments, which just wasn't like Masamune at all.
"What's wrong?" Ritsu asked.
"Hm? Nothing, nothing's wrong, I was just thinking..." He trailed off, taking a deep breath and bracing himself for the response he might get. "You...want to marry me, right?"
"M-M-Marry you?!" Ritsu was glad he hadn't been drinking or eating at that moment because he surely would've choked on it.
"Yeah, not right now, I want to propose in a more romantic way than that, but like...you do want to marry me, right?"
Ritsu blushed a deep red. Masamune had to fight back a smile at the sight. It was nice to know that after so many years Masamune could still make him blush like that.
"Y-Yes, o-of course I want to marry you, b-but why are you suddenly asking about this?" He asked.
"...Your mom called while you were in the shower." Masamune said honestly.
"Eh?! Did you pick up?" Ritsu asked. Did Masamune talk to his mom? Not only that, but did Masamune talk to his mom about MARRIAGE?!
"No, I didn't, but I know she's always trying to set you up and it just made me start thinking about us." Masamune said. "I want to marry you, Ritsu. I want that more than anything in the world and honestly I want to do it soon. The only thing that could make me happier than waking up next to you is waking up next to you as your husband." Masamune paused briefly before he spoke again. "But, unless we're going to have some sort of secret ceremony...I need to meet your parents."
'A secret ceremony wouldn't be too bad, would it?' Ritsu thought. It sounded like a great idea! He was in no way, shape or form prepared for Masamune to meet his parents! Oh God, Ritsu felt like he was forgetting how to breathe.
"Hey." Masamune recognized that panicked expression, reaching out to hold his hand tightly. "It doesn't have to be today, tomorrow, or this week. It doesn't even have to be this month. And you have to remember that you're not alone in this. We're gonna get through this together."
Ritsu took a deep breath and nodded. As terrified as he was, he knew Masamune was right. His parents were constantly asking to visit his new apartment, his mother was still trying to set him up with women, and Ritsu wanted to take the next step in his relationship with Masamune. None of that would be resolved until Masamune met them.
"Okay...so, what's the plan? For when you meet them."
"I'll dazzle them with my charm, of course. Your dad will be begging to give me his blessing to marry you."
Ritsu laughed, making Masamune smile. "And if you somehow don't dazzle them and this blows up in our faces?"
"I'm serious, Masamune...they could disown me." Ritsu's smile was gone now.
"I know. And if that happens, there isn't really anything we can do about it. But, in the end it's their loss and I think they'd eventually realize that." Masamune said.
"And if they don't?"
"I'm not gonna lie or try to sugarcoat it, it'll fucking suck. It'll hurt. You'll feel betrayed and abandoned and angry, but you won't feel like that forever. Trust me when I say you eventually stop caring about your shitty parents."
Ritsu took another breath and squeezed Masamune hand. "I'm visiting them for dinner next week. Come with me."
"You're sure you'll be ready by then?"
"I'll be scared, but...I want to marry you, Masamune. I've wanted to since I was a kid and I don't want to wait much longer."
Masamune couldn't help but to smile. "I love you."
"I love you too."
Once they were finished breakfast, Masamune insisted on cleaning even though he had cooked.
'If he does this too often I'll get spoiled.' Ritsu thought as he went back into his room to grab his phone. He went to 'missed calls' and dialed his mother back.
"Good morning, mom." He greeted when she picked up. He spoke quickly before she could go off on some tangent about some 'lovely young lady' she'd recently met. "About dinner next week...there's someone I'd like you to meet."
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In honor of Rob's birthday, can you write a Rob character of your choice with reader or an OC of your choice celebrating his birthday? Fluffy and maybe some light smut? Go wild. ;)
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Your Song
Words: 1760
Warnings: Fluff turned smut
A/N: Just inserting Honey and Leon into random awesome points in music history. Cribbed from a scene in "Rocketman," directed by Nathan's freakishly short dad (Dexter Fletcher)
Leon and Honey stumbled and giggled down a path in the woods behind a house in the Canyon. They stopped to kiss under a Laurel tree, laughing when Leon’s hair got tangled up in some branches. Sometimes he seemed to forget how tall he was.
It was unusually warm for early January, but after a show at the Troubadour a party at Mama Cass’s bungalow felt like a serendipitous idea. They held tight to one another’s hands a bit drunk on elderberry wine. Maybe a brownie or two, their first since coming back to the States.
The couple hadn't been alone in several years, not really. Not since Selina was born. They had left her behind in Manhattan with Honey’s parents with an invite from Johnny (who somehow found himself doing far better in LA than he ever did in London.) Away from the snow and slush and post-holiday angry New Yorkers. The Bartucci’s back in their comedy club that Honey bought back and reopened at the start of a new decade. They really could use a vacation. Who turns down Elton John?
Suddenly, today, Leon found himself thirty years old. The 70s weren't much different than the 60s. Rock music got better, the clothes stayed almost the same. Still the same causes for Honey to throw herself into, Leon by her side but with a toddler strapped to his back. Maybe he would never actually be on the moon, but Honey certainly brought it down to him in their little girl.
“We've gotta get back to the house,” Honey lifted Leon’s hand up and brushed her mouth against his knuckles. “I worked a little something out with Elton.” She started to tug him along.
Leon dug his heels into the dirt, and his girlfriend’s arm nearly came out of its socket. “Honnn eeeyyy,” that sexy whine. “You've gone and brought Mr Elton John into it? Oh I'm not big on my birthday, you know that.”
Honey planted her hands on her hips, “Not everyone in our generation is gonna get to turn thirty. There's a piano in the house, and he thinks it's far out. Now c'mon, don't be a spoil sport.” She mimicked Leon's accent.
“Only if he says it's alright. Know how I am ‘bout doing things that aren't my bag.” Still he followed her down to the house, hands in his pockets as Honey literally skipped ahead, bits of bark in her hair.
It all felt unearthly, being surrounded by musicians whose records they had back in The Village. Or how short they all were. Save for John Phillips, the only person who towered slightly over Leon that night. Everyone called him Kubrick in jest, but his cheeks flushed all the same. He perked up straight away when Cass tugged on his vest. The one Honey made. He wore it now over a long sleeved thermal shirt and tight jeans that boot-legged instead of belled.
“Say this is pretty groovy. This is almost flashy enough for Elton to wear.” Her hands ran over the fabric.
“Honey made it. Our first Christmas together back in ‘67. London. Where I'm from. Well no I'm from Greece but,” Leon stammered.
“Relax man. We don't bite! That's Michelle’s job. Your old lady said you've got a kid back East. Me too. Owen, she's around here somewhere.”
You could tell she was whacked out on something. Everyone here was except Leon and Honey. Not really tipsy anymore both down from the brownie earlier. Looking around, the party goers were at the various stages of undress and sex. It was like the couple got rid of Renatis and replaced him with Mama Cass. Except she was so much cooler, her vibe felt truer and at ease.
“Yeah Selina. She's four I think?”
Leon scratched his head before noticing Honey sitting on the piano bench with a guitar. Topless. Elton beside her, also topless but still in his jeans. What a strange fucking life he and Johnny got into after coming here in 1970.
“Like the moon! I get it, Kubrick! Honey said you really love her. Cherish it man, they'll be us soon enough,” she winked. Then Cass affectionately pat his cheek like a mother would.
Leon’s heart would break a year later when she died. Everyone’s heart would. Always touching his face anytime he heard her sing.
For now she was alive and sat down in a chair. Leon leaned against the doorframe as Honey and Elton started to play. Lost in his own world, everyone else in the bungalow faded away except her. He wrapped a finger up in a stray curl that fell from his ponytail, smiling in her direction.
It took him a moment to realize these two people were singing TO Leon and not everyone else. He was so caught up in the way Honey’s fingers moved expertly over the strings. Was this why she asked for lessons? How he always fell in love just by looking at her.
So excuse me forgetting
But these things I do
You see I've forgotten, if they're green or they're blue
Anyway the thing is, what I really mean
Yours are the sweetest eyes I've ever seen
And you can tell everybody
This is the song
It may be quite simple, but now that it's done
I hope you don't mind
I hope you don't mind
That I put down in the words
Later in a loft, Honey and Leon naked on the floor. Leon's lips making their way down Honey’s chest where he stops to take a nipple in his mouth. Sucking hungrily before teasing it with his teeth. Biting somewhere between playful and rough. Alternating between each of her breasts before continuing down over her stomach. Tongue dipping into her navel.
Honey’s back arches into Leon and she moans softly. Her hand lost in his hair as sexual instinct makes her urge him further down. But her brain says through her mouth,
“Wait, it's your birthday. Let me give you head.” The words breathless.
Leon is already diving into her. His tongue snaking deep inside like his fingers often do before going for her clit. Flicking at it a few times, circling it quicker. His hands spread her thighs so he has better access as he works her faster. His head moving up and down the whole time.
Then: “If I wanna go down on you for MY birthday, the only way you're gonna stop me is by saying no.” Leon paused, large eyes gazing up at Honey. His mouth glistening. “Are you saying no, then?”
“Fuck no, I love when you do this. I just figured you wanted to lay back and let me suck you off.”
He smiled and went back to it. Burying his face into Honey further. Then switching from his quick pace, Leon ran his tongue agonizingly slow along her cunt. The entire length of one side, sucking on it, plunging it in to work around Honeys clit then up the other side. Repeating this a few times, tongue manipulating her clit longer and faster.
Honey felt that heat build in her sex. That throb and the contraction. She cried out with that sudden swell of wetness before she came. She was so close but her mouth opened:
“Leon stop!”
Leon sat up and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, “What? What's wrong? Too much, love?”
“No no it was the perfect amount of too much. I don't wanna cum before we fuck.”
“Now THAT'S a bleeding birthday present. Time for me to get a toss over?” Leon's eyes shone with excitement. “Can we shag where someone might catch us?”
He stood up and helped Honey to her feet. Walking her to the railing that exposed the loft to the living room below where everyone had played their music before. A couple was already going at it on the couch not very silently.
Leon put his hand on the thick wood and yanked a few times to check its strength. It was perfect.
Honey situated herself in front of him, back pressing into his chest. She lifted her foot up on the bottom part and jutted her hips back into her partner’s erection. She anchored herself with her arms spread along the length of railing where he had just tested it.
Leon covered only one of Honey’s hands, his arm parallel to hers. The other hand taking the head of his cock teasing her with it. Then clutching the thick of her hip, he buries himself up to the hilt inside of her.
In his excitement, Leon began pounding into Honey madly. His hips hitting her ass every time created a rhythmic slapping sound. No longer needing to brace himself on her waist, he covered Honey’s mouth instead as her mewls of pleasure began.
Honey cried out into Leon's hand. Her body twisting slightly to give him better access. They had rutted this way enough that she knew angling her cunt downwards allowed him to hit her G spot. Something it took them both several years to figure out. Now that they had..
Leon lost himself in slamming into Honey with a speed he hadn’t felt since he did cocaine. The sweat created a shean across his cheeks, neck and chest from the heat they were building. Gut told him it would start forming on her forehead and stomach. What little he was grasping also told him Honey’s tits and ribs were crashing into the railing.
“Steady on, love.” Whispering huskily in her ear. “Yeah. I love being inside you. Never gonna get fucking sick of it. Your twat drives me barking.”
Honey kept on and kept up. That cataclysm in her walls, they flexed around Leon's cock suddenly. She squealed loudly into his hand as she came so hard her stomach muscles cramped. Her body still took to being rammed.
But not long, spurred on by the constriction of Honey’s orgasm, Leon exploded inside of her. Releasing completely but biting down on her shoulder to prevent from yelling out into the stillness.
Honey winced, but her gasp came out closer to another cry of pleasure. Her body cumming again unexpectedly. Leon would use that against her happily in the future.
They untangled themselves and were kissing in the dark. Then from downstairs came a humming. It soon turned into singing. The voice belonged to a tiny Englishman with diamond studded glasses.
“How wonderful life is while you’re in the world."
Tag: @robertsheehanownsmyass @badsext @joz-stankovich @elliethesuperfruitlover @nightmonsters
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