#its iconic to me now <3
hexcia · 1 year
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we got an update!
something about Hex!Ink's first design was not clicking with me and I realized it was the colors and how. saturated they were.
also I wanted to give Hex!Blue a bit more so I gave her a hat :)
Error's the same they're perfect already <3
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Helpless in Her Hold
//The Drow twins' proposition of Tav surfaces some insecurities for Astaron. Hurt/Comfort, angst but happy ending. CW: Unhealthy relationship to sex/sexuality, identity issues. Not edited... Song Rec: Supposed to Be (Acoustic) By Icon for Hire//
Astarion x f!Tav, Canonish, Act 3
Astarion watched, helpless, with his dead heart in his throat as the drow twins propositioned Tav. His Tav. He want to growl it and glower until no one else in this pleasure den deigned to offer their services.
Why did she have to be such a lure for elven whores?
Astarion leaned back against the wall, hardly resisting the urge to fold his arms and sulk in plain view of the whole party. He wasn’t a child whose toy was being played with—and yet, the brightness of her eyes and the laugh on her lips had him wanting to pout and whinge like a toddler.
“I appreciate the offer, I do, but I must decline.” Tav shook her head. Though personally the vampire thought she could be a little more rude in her rejection.
Because the damn twins were were still giving her looks that were far too inviting. Not that Tav saw, because her eyes had landed back on him, and Astarion was just thanking his lucky stars he’d perfected the mask he wore.
“Is that your partner?” The female drow asked, her smile making disgust creep up his spine—it was easy to see where this was going. “We’d be happy to have you both.”
“My dear, I’m afraid you’d be the one parting with your gold.” A high laugh slipped from Astarion’s lips. “And, I do doubt you could afford me.”
He saw the twins’ mirrored expressions of bewilderment turn to glee for only a flash before Tav was excusing herself from them. Swiftly stepping over to him with—that damnable look on her face.
Oh he knew those eyes, so drawn with her concern and on the verge of pity. Tav looked like that when she was about to do something so dreadfully kind it might make him wretch.
And he could not be the broken toy when she was being offered two shiny new ones.
“Astarion—” Tav began in that tone, and he had to preempt her.
“I know pet, tempting as it is, I simply must decline.”
“Yeah?” Tav utterly confounded him with that lifted smile. “That’s good.”
“Good..?” Astarion asked, his mind trying to race ahead. Find the traps and disarm them before they sprung.
She’d preached to him over and over again about his choice, and what he wanted and how that mattered to her for some reason.
Only for him to make a decision about the drow for her.
It was a test. It had to be. She respected his choices, now he was expected to reciprocate.
“Ah I see.” Astarion inclined his head to her, a salacious smile on his lips. “You haven’t had much attention lately…it has been a while for us.”
Tav blinked, and then those bright eyes were on his, searching him out. The pale elf would cling to the façade by the skin of his fangs, if it meant he could keep her.
She turned, and Astarion prepared for the feeling of a stake through his heart.
“Well, if my partner isn’t interested, neither am I.” Tav brushed off the twins’ advances with as much grace as one could muster. Until they finally had the tact to move to other potential patrons.
She was already leading the way out of Sharess’ Caress before Astarion had recovered from his shock.
The cold night air near Baulder’s Gate finally woke him.
“You could have gone with them, you know.” He blurted, wondering why in the Hells she hadn’t. It wasn’t like he was satiating her hungers.
Astarion felt Tav shrug her shoulder through their linked hands. “I’m not interested in any little tryst if it’s at your expense.”
She said it so simple, so easy, as if it were hardly worth a second thought.
Astarion’s mind was still reeling, but he put on a smirk. “Stop being so kind to me; it almost makes me want to return the favor.” 
As if it were a debt he could ever repay her.
Hours later, Tav lay in her darkened room, sleep evading her. The soft click of a lock being picked made her tense, hand instinctively grasping the dagger beneath her pillow. But the familiar silhouette slipping through the door made her relax.
"Hello, my darling," Astarion purred as he approached, her darkvision letting her see how his ruby eyes glinted. “Haven’t you gotten accustom to me creeping into your bed?”
"It has been a moment since you came looking for a cuddle?" Tav teased softly, tilting her head. His appearance at this hour had her wondering. The dark of night and hushed voices already strummed tension in the air between them.
“I do seek…something akin to that.”
Astarion perched on the edge of the bed, long fingers skimming up her bare arm and leaving goosebumps in their wake. Despite all her thoughts trying to tame her reaction, for now.
"I merely wished to express my gratitude, my sweet. For standing by me, even knowing what I am. What I've done. And what I haven’t."
“What you…haven’t?” Her half-awake mind might be jumping to conclusions, surely. Twining their fingers together, Tav brought his hand to her lips, pressing a soft kiss to his knuckles. "You never have to thank me for that."
Astarion's eyes shimmered suspiciously in the darkness before he blinked it away, his trademark smirk back in place. "I want to thank you," he purred, “Won’t you, let me?”
He moved then, pressing her back into the soft pillow she’d been having trouble sleeping on after so many nights spent in the dirt.
Though the familiar weight of him was already making the bed more appealing. Now, just like every time he fed from her, he cradled her skull and tilted her head back so tenderly. It was comforting, it was an intimate moment she was happy to share with him.
His eyes didn’t meet hers as he ducked his head. Usually he lingered, to make sure Tav was alright before his fangs pierced her flesh. So why did she feel lips caressing her neck?
Her fingers slid into his hair, trying to get a grip on herself as much as she was on his curls.
“Star, what’s going on?”
The chuckle he gave was at the base of her neck, lips and tongue teasing at her collarbones in a way that made her skin tingle.
“Returning the favor.” He purred. “You deserve it.”
Tav swallowed under his clever mouth, trying to hear what her mind was screaming at her before it could be drowned out by the sweet words and sweeter lips.
Suddenly his face was swimming before hers, still not letting her catch his eye as he cupped her cheek. “So very few people get what they deserve—you, as always, should be the exception.”
Astation, with his ethereal beauty and perfect words, had her stunned. It wasn’t until he lowered his mouth to hers that her mind caught up.
“I don’t deserve anything you don’t wish to give.” Tav managed against his mouth, giving a gentle tug to his hair to get him to pull back.
“My sweet…I very much wish to give.”
That silver tongue slipped right past her protesting lips.
The elf was certain he had her when those hands slipped from his hair to cup his face in her palms. Her thumbs stroked over his high cheekbones.
“Astarion, wait.” Tav breathed.
He stilled, pulling back, fear flickering over his features as he was sure he’d somehow hurt her—when he saw it.
That damnable look in her eyes.
“Wait—we’ve done nothing but the waiting.” He snapped.
And Tav, damn her, gave a softer look still. “I’m willing to wait longer, as long as it takes.”
Astarion's posture stiffened, his back becoming an iron rod as he sat upright. "Is that how you see me then?" He couldn't keep the defensive edge from seeping into his voice. Drawing it like a blade when he felt his throat was bared.
"All shattered on the inside? Some broken doll you no longer play with? Am I to be put on a shelf and never touched again?"
“Astarion, you aren’t—” She moved to touch him, but he rose abruptly, evading her reach.
He didn’t even know why he did it. But the way her hand fell back to the bed, dejected, hurt him just as the pain he saw on her face.
"I know you aren’t fragile," Tav said with conviction, eyes pleading for him to understand.
“Then what? Am I some charity case to you? Is that what you get off on?”
Astarion hated it the moment he said it. But, the fangs showed whenever vulnerability crept up on him.
She stayed silent, and he had to fill that void before it consumed him.
“I’m not some delicate boy with a broken heart. I have wants. And I can see that you have them too. So, why not?”
“Is that what you want?” Tav smothered his outrage like a blanket over a campfire.
His shoulders sagged under the weight of his uncertainty.
“I don’t know.” The words barely escaped his lips before they broke apart into whispers of self-doubt. “Gods, I don’t know how to do any of this.” A frustrated hand raked through his white curls.
He wanted her. He wanted to see her looks of want and he wanted to be the one to fulfill her desires.
He wanted to keep her.
She sat up, legs hanging off the bed. And his eyes were drawn to the bare skin of her thighs exposed by her loose sleep clothes.
“Astarion, what do you want?”
He stared down at her, red eyes probing for a hint of the right answer. What did she want him to say? He would say it.
But Tav held without giving an inch.
“Why do you always ask the most difficult things?”
"I’m sorry." she whispered back.
"Don’t. I want—no, I need to know that I am still wanted by you." The confession fell from his lips like a plea. "You who’ve given me so much and seen broken I am. You who’ve made me wonder if I do indeed have any pieces left of my own soul…” The words were on his tongue, but his throat constricted around baring his neck one last time. “Do you still want me?”
“I will always want you.” Tav’s reply came without hesitation or doubt.
Either he had gotten to sloppy to see it—or there was simply no guile in her.
Tav reached out, her hand finding his where he stood frozen. He could feel the tension coursing through him—an all too familiar vulnerability that he constantly tried to suppress.
“Then let me give you something in return.” He dropped to his knees before her, desperation etched into every feature. .“Please, Tav.”
She lifted the hand she held, cupping it in both of hers, before she pressed his touch against her chest. And he had a moment to hope, that maybe, she would just let him give a fraction of what she’d given him.
“You’ve given me everything already, my heart.”
A scornful snort burst from him, everything in him prepared to banish her romanticized drivel with a dose of reality.
“This,” Her fingers tightened around the fabric of his shirt over his chest. “Past the petty armor you wear. Beneath the pretty face and clever tongue,” She yanked him close before he could quip back.“That is what you give me; parts of you that you’ve given to no one else.”
When he looked at her then, he had no idea what she might see, even if he could use a mirror.
“Your kindness, your hurt, your wants. The truth of you. That’s what I want.”
“I can’t give—“ Astarion couldn’t get this damn silver tongue of his around a his words. “I don’t know what that is…who I am.”
“Then we can both find out. That’s all I ask of you.”
He swallowed hard as her words left him parched and speechless. The notion that he might still have something to offer, a piece of himself that was untouched.
Astarion found himself staring at her, wonder and disbelief battling for dominance in his gaze.
A gentleness tugged at Tav's lips. And for a fleeting moment, Astarion dared to believe that perhaps he could have this.
He moved up, but only to wrap his arms around her. To engulf her in his embrace. Just as that night when she wrapped her arms around him, and first showed him that there was affection, there was closeness, without the expectation of more.
Astarion would be just fine if he was helpless in her arms.
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lavalamphoarder · 26 days
lord have mercy I FINISHED IT YAYYY🎉🎉🎉
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Some fanart of @blackkatdraws’s Narrator, Black!! I’ve been wanting to draw him for a while and got smacked with some sudden motivation this weekend, so here we are! :] His color palette and design are so nice, I had a blast with this
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Blorbo's Eepiest Soldier
Thank you everyone for your kind words, I'm doing better and am back to it <3
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daneol · 5 months
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I LOVE THESE TWO SM AHHH i attended a con literally yesterday and saw two cosplay duos COSPLAYING THEM IN MY CITY AND LEGIT ONE OF THEM PERFORMED ON STAGEEEE AHHHHHH it sparked my interest for velvet so baddd (and esp veneer)
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im just gonna say it. what is love? is the new poker face
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suntails · 1 year
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epel cheeb for a friend >:D
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mayoiayasep · 24 days
random tag game sponsored by the fact that i love seeing people ramble about music in the tags: name your favorite voice actor/character from a musical anime/music project/etc and why you like them so much!
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Okay so I've been eating your art for a few days? Weeks? Months? Ever since I found you through my Welcome Home hyperfixation help it has me in it's death grips and just, admiring all the details you put into your pieces?
Like, I can't tag every little detail I come across and like from what you post, because I would be too distracting from the contents of the post and my gushing and speculating derived from that alone, but I see and like them even if I don't say too much about it.
For instance, don't think I didn't see the grime at the edges of Frank's frown and mouth in your Lights Out AU post! It is such a small detail to notice, but it really sells the idea of the puppets becoming grimy, scruffy, and dirtier as time goes on and they are stuck in the dark with little to nothing to clean themselves. I feel like it is most noticeable with their hair, as my gosh do they all need a hair brush by the time we see the group interactions of the unlikely four, but I enjoy seeing their disheveled selves as they try to go through life in the dark. While I won't pick up on every little detail, the stuff I do see is really interesting a think about, that you didn't need to add it but you did because you enjoyed making it l, and it's pretty heartwarming in a way for me you know?
Anyways, as a fellow artist, it's both cool and concerning because I get the gist of how much time and energy it can take to make stuff! I enjoy and adore your art and thoughts a ton, just remember to take care of yourself and not to push too hard on yourself to make stuff! Stretch and drink water, etc etc etc, and remember there are always people who will like what you make, be it dragons, welcome home stuff, and oc thingies!
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WHY ARE ALL OF YOU SO NICE!!! MY STUNTED EMOTIONS CANT HANDLE IT!!!! no but seriously i had to take a break reading this to walk through my house and Simmer Down bc man... the reaction pic is accurate.... i made Several dying animal noises!
i'm beyond happy that the details are being Noticed and are Enjoyable! i like to include as many as i can (when i Think of them, which happens less often than i'd like). i rarely have it in me to scribble Full Things, so i try to make up for it with the little things! it seems to be working, yippee! and it Is fun to include them, yeah <3
you take care of yourself as well! actually, get some water as soon as you read this. All Of Ya's. im takin a hefty sip rn so you all better get hydrated with me. no diedrating on this blog no sirree!! but yes um thank you so much for the very kind ask! mentally i am printing it out and pinning it to my wall! i will be thinking about it every time i Add Little Details!
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opikiquu · 2 months
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im going to be so annoying all week
#agghagahah HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH HYYESAAHHHH#★ arin rambles#BRO BRO PLEASLE#PELASE#my apology for everyone. I have to make it now . Sorry. If youre following me destroy that notif button you dont wanna hear how worse i will#get#actually no just Unfollow entirely#ITS THE ADHD#PLEASE. HE IS SO . COOL. his trailer is so awesome IVE REWATECHED IT 3 TIME SNOW.#I LOVE HIMMMMMMM SO MUCHHHHH#I LOVE HIM SO BAD I JUST ADORE HIM PLEASE#HES SO PRETTY. JAW DROPPING. ICONIC. LIFE CHANGING. THE TEARS IN MY EYES. GENUINELY SOBBING RITHT NOW IT S SO OVER#aventurine likers hold me. Nobody understands. Everyone is scared of me im too crazy#actually its everything wrong with me . Hes ruining my life#i dont struggle as an aventurine liker i actually excel at this its my full rime job now#‘9 to 5’ no i work 9 to 9. Every hour is dedicated to him#im glad uguys agree with me thannk uou i was starting to think i was a freak#Well i am but im glad someone else agrees hes cool#Hes so pretty im so happy#I CAMT WAIT RILL WENDENSDAY PLEASE IM GONNA FREAKIFN BLOW UP#I LOVE AVENTURINE. I LOVE AVETURINE.#i get so happy when i see him i get a little violent its unsettling .#like im like shaking my hands and jumping around my room and then u blink and im bashing my head against the floor#its carpet. Im ok. But like not but i am#DUDE. I LOVE. THIS GUY. EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM#i needto. Just. Okay brb gonna watch ir like 20 more times ill see u guys next year im going into a Aventurine induced coma#this makes me realize people read my tags. Oh dear. Sorry everypony#i apologize for my behavior. I will get so much scarier.#HES SO COOL. HES ACTYALLU SO COOL. LIKE HOW CAN SOMEBODY BE SO COOL.#oh god OH LORERDRDRDDDDDDD WHEN I GET YOU BOY WHEN I FIND YOU. WATCH OUT. WATCH OUT I WILL GET YOU.
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forgot how good the bsd dub is 😔😔
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vldlance · 2 years
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happy halloween, klancers! here's to a month of ~spooky~ celebration 😈🧛👻
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softavasilva · 1 year
You know what… Beatrice has got me feeling some type of way. You know the scene where Bea finds Father Vincent after Michael takes him out and Father Vincent says “looks like Ava has a new protector”. You know that had to have been just an absolute knife to Bea’s heart. Because she has been Ava’s protector from the beginning, all the way back in Cat’s Cradle when she hugged Ava when Mother Superion accused her of killing herself all the way through Switzerland where she was entrusted by the entire order to protect the warrior nun, train her and make her stronger. But the sting of losing Ava, not protecting Ava has to be so much stronger in this moment because not only did she fail to keep the halo safe (her job) but more particularly she failed to keep Ava safe (her pleasure). And instead Michael of all people was the one to rescue Ava. That must just absolutely eat at Beatrice every single day
"because not only did she fail to keep the halo safe (her job) but more particularly she failed to keep Ava safe (her pleasure)" ... first of all how dare you. second of all how the fuck dare you that one sentence father vincent so rudely blurted out really just stabbed her heart twisted it around and put more salt in her wounds. it proved all her insecurities about her duty/job and the value she holds in this particular obligation of protecting the very thing she gave her vows/life to. Like she probably is reliving all the times her parents have been disappointed in the way she uses her existence without a "purpose". and now that shes joined the ocs and has a set objective - failing at this is her biggest fucking fear and regret. more so because she knows failing the halo bearer isnt the worst part of it all. its failing ava silva - the girl she first handedly saw live a life only beatrice would dream of for herself. selflessly helping the girl experience wonders for the first time unwillingly knowing ava was also giving beatrice that exact same thing. Falling in love with ava made her guarded "duty first" mindset tainted with emotions that was sinful to have - so she did everything she could to protect the warrior nun because she thinks thats the only version of ava she could have. bc no one will question and judge her for constantly having to protect her. thats just her job right? - so having a man be accused of doing this exact thing just brings back all her self sabotage ways of thinking about how a relationship between her and ava would never work bc yes she has a new protector now and its a man and it would be so easy for them to develop something from more than a "leader"(warrior) and a "follower"(sister warrior) dynamic.
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alienintrees · 6 months
Just watched the trailer for the next series
also those bug monsters look so cool!!!!!!!!!! also the regency episode looks super cool!!! also the shot of Ncuti running from the 60s episode looks awesome also Ncuti and Millie's outfits look amazinggggggg
omg omg omg the beatles
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silverislander · 7 days
i kind of want to post pics of myself on here again but like. 1. i still very much do worry abt this blog outing me and 2. in the days of a/i... i Have to be scared of what people will do w my face
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floorpancakes · 2 months
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its about perspective dont look at me
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