#its just a day trip tho so no big deal
beansnpeets · 2 years
I love that Sprocket is a good adventure buddy. She's fine in the car. A wee bit restless on the way to, but good on the way from. She's so friendly and happy and easy to take with when we go somewhere. I love being able to bring her into pet friendly stores. It's so nice having a solid and confident dog. I just wish Oscar could enjoy doing all these things with us, too. I'd love to be able to have him with.
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cinnamon-bunni · 4 months
💙💛🧡123 Headcanons🧡💛💙
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bc I love them so much........they are everything to me your honor dhushadhhsjajdhsjai am so normal about these three
These three have the best dynamic to ever your honor
we have the Tired Mom, the (not) Cool Older Brother, and the Loser Older Brother (that you forget is technically an older brother). what else would you ever want?
like??? Lucifer needs to put the two on a leash whenever they go out shopping. i mean he has to do that for all of his brothers but its upsetting that he needs to do it for these two as they should be the most well-behaved
but Levi is on the verge of summoning lotan because he didnt get a limited time figurine of a sanrio x ruri-chan crossover and mammon is currently trying to start up what appeared to be a pyramid scheme, so no these two were not to be trusted alone
But most days are good days though! Mammon behaves sometimes because Lucifer says if he's good then he can get a special treat; and Levi behaves majority of the time outside, but that's often because Lucifer handed him a tablet before leaving the car and he's been on it and not paying attention for the whole trip, just trailing behind Lucifer
In a similar vein, I think while Lucifer is trying to catch Levi up on the details of an important student council meeting he missed, the second he sees Levi's eyes start to wander he's quick to pull out with a subway surfers video or smth to keep his attention to the matter at hand (he also keeps a small bag with grimm in it to jingle in front of Mammon; it has the same affect)
Lucifer often looks at his brothers and is like "i expect more out of you two," and Mammon is like "¯\_(ツ)_/¯" and Levi responds by insulting Lucifer with so many internet slang words that Lucifer only knows half of at most but he knows he should be offended
You know how most people know a trend/meme is dead when the older generations get their hands on it? yeah that's Lucifer. Mammon cringes so hard whenever any internet term leaves his older brother's mouth. Levi cried once when Lucifer used the word "poggers"
(Lucifer, of course, is very much aware of this, and uses this to his advantage. He does his best to pay attention to the types of terms Levi uses, but they change like everyday and Lucifer is still always somehow a few years behind
Speaking of embarrassing older brothers: Mammon is such a col older brother and brags and boasts about this fact all the time and Levi is soooooo embarrassed by him its unreal. Like how the hell is this scumbag, who isn't even a tenth as cool as Lucifer is, his older brother. how did this happen
Obviously the label of "older brother" is used less the younger they get--Lucifer is The big brother; Mammon is an older brother but often isn't viewed as one (despite desperately wanting to be seen as one bc he loves his brothers soooo much he wants to protect them so badly I could go on for forever about it tbh); and Levi is more of "oh right i'm older" sort of older brother. he's like a babysitter than anything else
These three definitely get together in Lucifer's study to get drunk and talk tho you know they do. They all have to deal with so much shit from the younger four (most don't respect them as older brothers, don't listen to them, don't heed warnings about cursed objects (that necklace is cursed Asmo don't put it on stop putting it on-)), and so the three just get together and complain <33
They also coo a lot abt their younger brothers! Either when they get together and drink, or in their group chat. i mean, this is a bit canon already as the three talk about their brothers in their groupchat, but thinking about how they talk abt their brothers behind their backs (in a positive way) is sooo cute <3
also thinking abt how the three work very well together when needed! need to work on a larger chore together (grocery run, errands that need to get done either for their own reasons, for Diavolo, or for RAD)? usually lucifer and levi get the most work done when paired together! lucifer is often good at making sure levi stays on task, and is able to deal with his possible whining without making it worse
if mammon and levi usually leave with an 80% of either getting off track, or not getting anything done to begin with. on a good day they'll take an hour longer than needed
lucifer and mammon can get a lot of work done as well together! lucifer just has to keep a tight leash on mammon <3 but mammon, despite how much he gets on lucifer's nerves, steps up a lot when it's just him and lucifer
like, lucifer can trust mammon with just about anything...like yeah, hes annoying to all hell and back, but he's loyal and trustworthy. he's his brother, who lucifer can trust to keep him in check and go along with his plans when things go awry. they trust each other so much even when everything has gone to shit <33
and you know that even tho levi is big brother himself, lucifer and mammon still tease him bc he's still a little brother in their eyes <3 and the both are always just so incredibly proud of him when he learns and grows and gets out of his shell after they all fell
lucifer cares so much for all of them, and hes so proud of mammon and levi of what they've become. theyre responsible and caring and so full of love for the rest of their brothers and the people in their lives?? like. even after everything he's put them through, the pain he cause, the two still held up their heads and helped their younger brothers when they needed it. lucifer couldnt ask for better brothers
and levi and mammon?? following lucifer to the ends of the earth. hes done so much for this family and yeah, hes such a pain in the ass sometimes that it gets on their nerves, but they know how much he cares. how his heart bleeds for his family. he would do just about everything for this family, and mammon and levi would be right behind him with it
the three clash and get on each others' nerves often but like. those three? their bond is stronger than anything in the Three Realms. they all have each other's backs and would all just do everything in their power to protect their family and have them all safe <3 and really thats all the three of them could ask for
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useless-catalanfacts · 6 months
No question. Just rant. I love your page. And sorry for chaotic story time vibes, but I don't think I'd realised how crazy this anti-catalan thing really is until I travelled to southern Spain. My Spanish is not great, but I took a course in Catalan in high school (long story on why this was available in my city but it also included a human tower party at the end and it was brilliant even tho I almost died) so when talking to people I casually threw in some Catalan words to help my Spanish. I am Norwegian, and I thought it was kind of like... as if someone was trying to speak Norwegian but casually threw in some Swedish to fill in the gaps. Like we would totally have joked about it, but overall we would just be grateful they really made an effort to be understood. But no. IT WAS NOT THE CASE. My host was literally offended. Like offended offended. I didn't really get it, because it's not like the Catalans have oppressed him and I'm coming here speaking the tongue of the oppressor (its kinda the opposite). But no. My host acted if I was the most ignorant person ever. He basically sat me down and explained that I have to show respect and speak castillian (or english, which was apparently fine, even if he understood about 1% of it), and then I asked if he would speak Catalan if he visited Barcelona and he said he would never visit Barcelona because he didn't like the people there. And then I said that if you hate them so much, why not throw them out of the country, get rid of them, and let them have their own state? It sounds like a win-win. And he looked as if he was gonna hit me.
Ah 😬
I wish things like this surprised me, but I have family from Andalucía and Extremadura and have friends who also have family from Andalucía, and so I've heard this and worse... It also reminded me of a few weeks ago when there was a scandal because a train in Málaga (in Andalucía, southern Spain) gave the announcements in Catalan instead of Spanish (turns out the train had been programmed in Catalonia during the COVID-19 restrictions and later moved to the Málaga train system, but for some mistake this day it was showing COVID-19 precaution in Catalan from 2020 now in 2024). It was such a scandal that it was on the news and politicians were making such a big deal of it, the PP (the most voted party in Málaga and of all Andalucía) also said it was "offensive" and that Malagans were being "laughed at" by the trains. Other errors in public transport that actually mean people can't travel in time don't get reported as much as when one train's screens tell you in Catalan to wear your facemask. 🤷
The last part of what you say, absolutely right. I never understood it either: if they really don't like us, then shouldn't they also be interested in not having anything to do with us? Why not just kick us out? I never really understood it until some years ago when I heard the words of a right-wing Spanish journalist (I think was Federico Jiménez Losantos?) who said something along the lines of "if Catalans want to leave, then leave. But Catalonia is ours." Meaning that Catalan people, individually, we can leave and migrate abroad. But the land is a possession of Spain, our homeland is their property. I think that sums up that view. It's not about being annoyed at having to share a state with a culture you despise, it's about wanting to keep domination.
I'm sorry you had this experience. Your effort to communicate should have been valued, and pulling the words you know from a language from the same linguistic family was a good idea that would have worked great, they wouldn't have found it offensive if the language you knew instead of Catalan was Italian, Portuguese, etc. Thank you very much for sharing your experience, and I hope you could enjoy the rest of your trip (Southern Spain, outside of situations like this, is a beautiful place), and I'm very glad to hear you enjoyed the castells party (and didn't die in it)!
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catcze · 1 year
Okay so we all know wriothesley looks like a wolf/dog right? Therefore it's only natural that his s/o would think about maybe putting him in a collar. Just saying. (I feel like he'd be kinda into it too tho)
OOOH he would be !! Okay okay i'll keep this sfw for now, but i do think he'd be into it. I mean, a black leather collar / choker definitely matches his aesthetic, don't you think ?
So it would make perfect sense if you, while you're shopping around in the city, see a pretty leather collar in the window of an accessory shop and you think, hey, I think he might like this! so you go in, purchase it, and even pay a little extra for a red box with a black ribbon, just to give his unboxing experience a little extra oomph, you know?
When you're done and you get back to the fortress, it's a bit later in the evening, towards the end of the work day, and Wriothesley is mostly just finishing up on some things that shouldn't take too long. You stride into his office, box in one hand with a big grin on your face.
"Hey," you tell him, perching yourself on one end of his desk clear of papers. Wriothesley smiles, dropping his pen to take your hand in his.
"Hey yourself. You find anything interesting?"
"Yeah, actually." The box jingles just a little bit when you shake it, and his eyes are on it, curious and assessing what could be inside. "It's for you, truth be told." His interest piques at that, and he's quickly diving back into his work, wanting to finish up first so he can give you his full attention.
Once he's finished, he hefts some non-urgent papers into an empty drawer to deal with tomorrow, securely locking it up before turning to you with barely concealed interest. He's not unlike a big dog, curious and interested, but awaiting for your say-so before diving for his present. It kind of makes you want to laugh.
You cut his suffering short and hand it to him, watching with bated breath as he opens it and pauses upon seeing the collar.
"I saw it earlier when I was walking. I thought you'd be able to pull it off well so... I thought you'd like it."
He's still saying nothing, looking at the leather accessory as if it held the answers to Teyvat. You're just about to wonder if he hates it when he gingerly plucks it from the box, undoing the buckle in front.
"Can you put it on for me?" Wriothesley asks, startling you. He's already holding the collar out in the palm of his hand and tilting his head in a way that makes it easier for you. You acquiesce easily, gently wrapping the leather around his neck, careful when you buckle it and asking with nearly every motion if its too tight or if he can breathe. When you finish and buckle it up, you don't miss the way his breath hitches.
"All done," you tell him, stepping away for a second to get him a mirror. He looks pleased when he glances at himself in the mirror, touching the collar as he moves his head this way and that, testing out how it looks.
"Not half bad," he says, in a tone that tells you that he actually likes it quite a lot. If not for the way he says it, you can see it in the slight quirk to his mouth that he just can't tamp down. "Thanks for the gift, sweetheart."
He presses a kiss to the palm of your hand, and it has you chuckling. "I'm glad you like it," you tell him, your hand reaching down to play with the collar, running your fingers along the cool leather.
"I do. Though..." he trails off, smile turning sly. "I think I'd like it more if we could get a little tag for it with your name on it. 'Property of', you know? Something to let everyone know that I'm yours."
And when you splutter, falling backwards in surprise so fast that you nearly trip and he has to keep himself from laughing at you, he doesn't once take his words back.
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sankttealeaf · 2 months
crying my eyes out at the parents!ruetash things. it all makes so much sense!! the DRAMA. ok but i'm still curious so if you feel like talking about them some more - did they plan to have kids or was it more accidental? i know rue had some real issues re: pregnancy in the fic, how did she ultimately deal with it? and since she was afraid of hurting their kids, do you think there were ever any close calls? sorry i. love them
i am ALWAYS down to talk about parent!ruetash especially because theyve been on my mind lately!!! <3 thanks for indulging me :D
it was purely accidental, these two are NOT safe when it comes to getting it on. when rue finds out she's pissed and doesnt tell him for like a tenday while she tries to come to terms with her options. ideally she would like to remove it, but then if it were to ever get out people may try and turn it into a Big Deal and she doesnt want the hassle
she tells gortash eventually and he is both overjoyed (woo he gets to continue his legacy) and kind of concerned because rue is being Too Calm about this. he wants this, she feels trapped in it but sure, he'll indulge in his little happy families fantasies - when their kid tries to kill him one night she wont stop them. its his fault for fucking a bhaalspawn
rue, despite how against children she is, uses her pregnancy to her advantage. gets her way all the time. loves the power trip. "gortash, you have to get me the imported fruits from the south. the babe wants it. i cant help it" or "im not moving from this chair my back hurts so i need you to feed me - this is your kid, pull your fucking weight"
calls their children "his problem". he wanted them so he has to deal with them. i think the actual act of giving birth is hell for him specifically and gortash is forced out of the room because she is trying to kill him for putting her through this (sorry rue, you do it again in a few years time)
i think theres been a few close calls. some nights gortash wakes up and rue is just. standing over the crib watching their child sleep. he has to coax her back to bed and on nights she feels really bad she's locked away in one of the guest rooms. (i like to think the reason she Is That Way is she sees their kid as a threat to her position in the temple of bhaal. even tho they are tiny and cannot kill her, one day theyll grow up and maybe discover their bloodline and try and kill her and she cant have that. best rid them early on)
its also why she distances herself from them. cant harm them if she isnt around them, right? its not until they have their son does she realise that she can feel when her urges are worsening, she's able to control herself. its fine.
when their kids grow up and none of them have tried to kill her, i think she becomes a better mother to them. thinks back to her foster family and how they treated her and tries to do the same despite being in a far better position than they were.
also slight tangent but the kids are like, a spitting image of gortash. i like the idea that there's no "tiefling" traits in them (because rue isnt a tiefling) & the only trait she passes down are the odd patches of skin discolouration or the freckles or maybe little flecks of white in their hair. bhaals flesh doesnt translate well, because the whole point (to me) is to blend in with the world. so when rue is stuck looking after the children she's always remembering her own childhood and Not Having A Good Time :)
i love to make her suffer. girl i am sorry.
THANKS for the ask!!! i love rambling about these two and ive had them on the brain a lot lately!! one day ill name these kids. we'll see
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anjelicawrites · 2 years
Come with us on a little spin I
Paring: Aemond Targaryen x reader x Osferth. Implied Aemond x Osferth
Synopsis: filling this request from lovely anon: “what about an aemond x reader x osferth where all 3 decide to do a road trip and the whole time the guys are just loving on reader and giving her TONS of affection” 
Warnings: Smoking. PTA parents being the worst. Some suggestive themes but SFW
A/N: the setting up of the road trip wasn’t supposed to be this long but here I am your honor. Part II with the actual road trip will come out in the next few days, I just need to re-read it again and be happy with what I have churned out.
Osferth loves camping. Loves the freedom to just pick a spot to sleep, to read by the fire and to listen to scary stories while darkness looms. He is a big fan skinnydip and has convinced you many times to make love in the water. He loves to hear the wind rustling through the leaves and there's anything better than 'smores? You had gone with him many times but you are not precisely a fan; you had listened to too many true crime podcasts to look at the shadows without at least a little chill, even though you know Osferth is more than capable of protecting you. 
Aemond is the polar opposite. He doesn't get to go on vacation often, he mainly travels for his family’s company. In any case he always chooses five star hotels, where he doesn't have to deal with anything that is not work and has the possibility to eat in his own room without the hindrance of dealing with other people. You had gone with him as well and always felt a bit out of place with all these posh people around you and the servers always around the corner; you were certain that they could smell you are from a working class stock. The feeling of making love in those luscious sheets tho? Priceless. 
You are a mixed bag when it comes to travel. You didn't mind the shared rooms in terrible, awful hostels in your youth and now you mainly travel using AirBnB. More than once the idea of owning a camper van has crossed your mind, but you can't afford it now and it just lingers somewhere, pinned on the board of dreams at the back of your mind. 
You are having a stressful year at school. Two of your classes will have their final exams, on top of that, you are the liaison with the families, charged with organizing the various meetings and to keep on top with PTA parents. You love your job, teaching is your life, but sometimes it feels like you are doing more paperwork than preparing for your various classes.You have already told your principal that you are dropping the liaison role next year; one can endure PTA parents only for so long and you are already beyond your tether.  The more the end of the year looms close, the more you chain smoke and stress eat. You can see how much both the men of your life are worried about you and your health, but you don't know how to keep your head over the rising water in any other way. You just need to endure for some more months and then everything is going to be ok, you keep telling yourself and them. Just a handful of months. 
Coming to talk about Aemond and Osferth, you know they are planning something but you can't really put your finger on what that is. Of the two Aemond is the one who has the best poker face, but you are a teacher, your bullshit detector is at its finest and you have mastered the art of having eyes behind your head. When you try to breach the subject, they both change topic, but Osferth looks cutely guilty and stammers a bit. Cats out of the bag: you are curious and anxious and it is nagging at the back of your head. What are those two doing? Jealousy doesn't even cross your mind, you trust Aemond and Osferth with your life, it's just that you need to scratch the hitch of curiosity every single time they look conspiratorial at one another when they think you can't see them or use excuses for the fact that they are coming home later than usual.
You decide to try Osferth who, of the two, is the one more likely to tell you. So you corner him against the fridge and just start firing questions, trying not to stop when he looks at you with pleading puppy dog eyes
"Please!" he says trying to move you away
"Oh come on! Spill the beans! What's going on?"
You know Osferth will never use his strength against you, so you plaster yourself against his frame, your breast almost spilling from the neckline of your shirt and you can see his eyes moving there on their own
"Nothing is going on!"
"You are a terrible liar. If you tell me, I'll be super nice with you” you say, kissing his cheek softly, eyeing him like you want to eat him
"Don't make me ruin it, please!" 
It's the desperation in his voice, which you usually hear after having either overstimulated or denied him orgasms for a long time and the way his hands grab and shake around your waist, that makes you remove your body from his, opting to cup his face
"Osferth?" you have overstepped, you have been too much of a cunt, you should have stopped
"If you keep up I won't be able to keep my mouth shut and I don't want to ruin it - he looks so sad you just want to slap yourself - it's great but you have to wait!"
You just hug him tight and promise him you won't push the subject again, he reciprocates and hides his face against your shoulder, kissing your neck apologetically and then your lips, slow and delicate. Your beautiful and brave Osferth who loves you so much and you are so undeserving of him. You are so tightly strung by your job, that you are realizing only now that your obsession with whatever they are doing, is just a way to release steam. You have just used your beloved Osferth like you would a stress toy, something you had promised yourself long ago you wouldn’t do. You are not your mother and the people you love are not your stress relief, most of all the two men you love more than life itself.
"That was uncalled for"
It's almost 3 in the morning but that's time zones for you. You are Skyping with Aemond who is away for work. Osferth is asleep in your shared room, too tired out by your heartfelt excuses to stay awake.
"Trying to push Osferth like that. You know he'd feel awful if he'd folded"
You crave a cigarette but Aemond is already unhappy and he hates when you smoke. Even the sapphire in his lost eye seems to be unhappy with you 
"That was out of line and I already feel like I've kicked a puppy, thank you very much - you grab a pen and start munching on it - I am hanging by a thread and my anxiety is skyrocketing. You know how much I hate surprises and I hate being kept in the dark" you pout, hoping to be adorable enough to be forgiven, at least by him, yourself? That’s gonna need some more time
"I know, but you have to trust us, you already do it with so much - there’s a genuine smile on his lips - and you are the one who loves telling me how patience is a virtue" he says smugly. 
If he is smug he is not mad at you, not really. You are projecting your own self loathing on him, you should stop; your relationship with him deserves better.
"That applies to you not me, and you love being denied"
"Correct - you see him adjusting his loose pajama pants - I miss you"
"That's low. I miss you too. I can't wait for this school year to be over"
"Do you really have to do after school work? Can't they hire someone else?" he looks even more done with you principal than you are
"We all have to. I'll probably end up helping with the new purchases for the library. Not completely PDA moms free, but less paperwork and no WhatsApp groups"
"That's a terrible way to conduct business" you can just see the manager in him rearing his head
"Let's not go there - instinctively your hand reaches for the screen, wishing to be able to touch his face - how was your day? What are you doing so far away from us?"
Aemond visibly relaxes against the headboard and starts talking. You miss him terribly. How long has it been since you had the time to sit and relax with the men you love? No bitching about work but just enjoying each other’s presence? It feels like years and the only thing you crave now, is the warm embrace of Aemond and Osferth.
Since your incident with Osferth, your anxiety levels skyrocketed, by the end of the school year you are managing to sleep a grand total of three, maximum four hours each night. You would go to bed with Osferth and Aemond, but they would wake up without you, since you would be already awake and working in your study, trying not to tell Karen the PTA mom supreme to go fuck herself. They would coax you to the kitchen and one would have you seated on his legs, while the other would feed you the breakfast you would have skipped, opting for something sugary and of no nutritional value. You would usually find yourself working next to one of them (you are pretty sure Aemond has worked a schedule so that they can be with you and still be productive parts of society), one of their hands would be on your tight, just there, showing support and when you'd feel like you need a cigarette, one of their knuckles would be there for you to delicately munch on.
During this whole ordeal, you know they are still working on their secret project, what you don’t know is that they are doubling their efforts. You were supposed to receive it after school closing, but you are so tightly wound up that they have decided you need to see it as soon as possible. You can’t use it if you finally snap and kill the Kares in your school, or so they hope.
It is one of those wonderful late May mornings, when the sun is shining but it is not awfully hot and just being outside on the porch, watching the dogs play as the cats roast themselves on the patches of sun, is all you want to do. Thanks to your insomnia, you are finally on top of the work and you can use the weekend to just relax a little. You can’t turn your phone off, because PTA parents know no break, but the paperwork is done, the last homeworks are marked and you are positive that all your pupils will pass their tests, some with flying colors, other not, but you are proud of the work you have been doing with all of them.
You see Osfeth’s blond mop move closer from your right. He is already dressed and showered and looks like he can barely contain himself
“I thought you were still asleep!”
“My lady” his smile is infectious as he bends to kiss your nose
“Gevie - Aemond is behind you and you almost headbutt poor Osferth, he has scared you - good morning” 
Okay, something is going on. Aemond not dressed for work on a Friday? He takes one of your hands to help you on your feet, as he kisses the back of your neck.
You feel the electricity passing between your two loves, the air is pregnant with something you can’t really name but is good energy you decide. You are taken aback a little when Aemond presents you with one of your scarves
“Trust us?” he smiles that special way that tells you he is truly content with something
“With my life” but you heart pounds a bit faster as Osferth delicately wraps the scarf around your head, treating you with a love you still feel like you don’t deserve, after your stunt
“Ok, care to tell me what’s going on?” you can feel their excitement, but it is not sexual, of this you are sure
“Take our hands” says Osferth on your right and you just give in.
Aemond’s softer hand grabs your left, Osferth’s rougher palm wraps around your right. They slowly start walking and you follow them to the stairs of the back porch, where both their holds become stronger as they help you down the steps and try to fend off the exuberant dogs. 
With your makeshift blindfold on, you are not sure of where you are going, but you think is behind the patch of wood in your property, judging by the way the terrain slopes a little, the one you are managing with the local conservationists. You try to peak, because you are that curious but Osferth closes his hand tighter around yours
"We're almost there"
"Behave of I'll ask Osferth to spank you"
"Promises promises Aemond" you smile, but your heart is hammering in your chest. What have they organized? You are sure there's nothing there, at least up to yesterday, when you went on a walk with the dogs. 
You are surprised when your walk comes to an halt, your feet skip a little and Aemond has to grab your shoulder to stop you from falling on your ass
"Now would be the worst day to hurt yourself" Armond chastises you
"If someone hadn't blindfolded me…" your rant stops when callous fingers grab your chin and you feel Osferth's forehead against yours
"Are you ready, love?" You can feel the excitement coursing through him
"Yes!" Your hands go to the knot but Aemond is already there, undoing it with skilled fingers. 
For a moment you are not capable of speech in any language you know, you can't even breathe: in front of you there's a van, the door is open and you can see it is camperized. This is the moment you start crying, ugly sobbing and hands on your face. You feel, more than seeing, your lovers' hands on your shoulders and the only thing that you can do is try to hug them both at the same time while the tears keep on coming. 
They are panickingly asking what's wrong, to please stop crying and you can't, a fresh wave of tears falls as you messily kiss both their faces. You are not sure what causes you three to fall on the grass in a mess of limbs, has one of you lost balance? Was it one of the dogs? You don't know and you don't care. With the two of them under you is even more simple to try and smooch them, your lips falling aimlessly on their skin as their arms envelope you tight. 
When you finally manage to calm down, you scuttle backward to sit cross legged on the grass. Your face is probably a mess, your eyes puffy and red, but it feels like all those unruly, negative emotions you have been feeling for such a long time, are finally gone, washed away by your tears. 
"I am going out on a limb here, but I think it's safe to say you liked it?" Osfeth exudes sassiness
"I love it! You two are completely crazy! It must have cost a fortune!"
"Not really - Aemond smiles - we've gotten the van through Sithric, I designed the renovation and Osferth put everything together, with my help"
"Minimal help, I like your fingers where they are" they exchange a heated stare and you are almost sure they are going to start snogging for your viewing pleasure
"Not now - Aemond grabs your hand - Helaena is almost here"
"Wait, what? Why?" 
"She's going to pet sit for us" Aemond says nonchalantly 
"We are spiriting you away for the weekend, lovely lady" Osferth smiles.
You are absolutely speechless. How long have they been planning this?
"Months - Aemond, as per usual, is capable of reading your mind - you have no idea how hard it had been to keep you in the dark"
"Oh, I think I know" you smile at Osferth who just beams back at you. 
By the time you have showered, Helaena has arrived and is sitting cross-legged on the sofa, Santanico Pandemonium, your almost feral cat, happily purring on her legs; Helaena is the only one who can pet her, everyone else is at risk of losing a limb. 
You really like Helaena. She is smart and lovely, she had happily helped you when you had to put together a class with the biology teacher and your students were overly interested in her explanation of how different bugs had received their Latin name. You and Osferth have never met the rest of Aemond family, but know the whole dynamic is beyond complex and Aemond fears you and Osferth would somehow be used by his family against him. Helaena is another thing, though. She is half of Aemond's heart and she is the only one he trusts with the knowledge of your existence, which is a great thing, if you have to pet sit a fucking dragon. 
Your friends or Uthred and the others would happily keep an eye on your personal zoo, but Vhagar needs to be handled by a dragon rider and she doesn't like Uthred, Sithric or Finan, since that one time they bought a hurt Osferth home during stormy night. Voiced had raised that night, threats had been shout out on the front porch, until Vhagar had popped her scaly head from the side of your house, growling deep in her throat, looking like she had wanted an appetizer and everyone had just frozen on the spot, until Aemond had commanded something in High Valyrian, Vhagar had seemed to ponder on whatever he had said and decided to curl back where she was before. You had seen Aemond's shoulders visibly relax
"I think you should go" you said, still shook, no one complained. 
“Are you with us?” Osferth rouses you from your reverie. 
Your almost monk of a boyfriend is always capable of pulling a Fleabag from you. 
Aemond has been driving, back straight and hands in the perfect ten to ten position, while you are sitting between him and Osferth, busy between exploring the dashboard and kissing your boyfriends. This feels so unreal
“You know I am going to explore this once we arrive, right?”
“I wouldn’t expect no less from you” Aemond smiles but doesn’t lift his eyes from the road
“There are so many things for you to discover” Osferth is so proud of the hard work they had poured into remaking the van
“Aemond, my dragon, is this the reason for your unexpected week-long work trip some months ago?” Osferth laughs next to you and you elbow him
“Yes, you would have asked too many questions about my fingernails” Aemond looks a bit uncomfortable, the way cats do when they make a mistake and people can see them. You move to his side as much as the seat belt allows you and put your head on his shoulder
“What happened?”
“Aemond discovered the hard way that baking is better than handiwork to express frustration”
“Snitches get stitches Osferth” Aemond smolders the other man and you can feel the sexually charged energy passing between the two of them
“You haven’t christened the van without me, right?” you pout
“No - Aemond responds and you smile - but I think Finan will never look at his work bench the same way again”.
A bolt of unadulterated sexual desire travels through you. For a moment you want to ask Aemond to stop the van and have your wicked way with the two of them here and now
“Scratch the exploration. I am going to thank the two of you thoroughly once we arrive” your voice has deepened and you can see the goosebump blossoming on Aemond’s skin
“Good - you feel Osferth move behind you to hug you - we need to check if we did the math right. It would be a bummer to find out we can't make love together here”.
They didn't fucked up their math and your lovemaking fits, spectacularly so, as you three find out that same night.
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myvirtuallove · 2 months
Koko’s birthday || random thing i thought about ft @cleverchildblizzard ‘s oc
this is my second time having to write this because my internet is ass and the first time took extremely long so im hanging off a thread rn
koko’s birthday is on the twenty first of june
“birthday weekend” girlie. she does it big everytime for her b-day, no exceptions.
will have a day to celebrate with her family, a day to celebrate with friends, and a day to celebrate with darnell
makes sure everyone can come, no excuses. she wants all her friends to be there :3 you WILL be attending. she plans like a month ahead because she knows its gonna be sumn big 😭
lots of gifts. established that shes a spoiled girl so yes she will most likely have a bunch of gifts from family and friends, which she appreciates so much. so sentimental when it comes it gifts, she still has gifts from years ago. even if she can’t use it she makes sure it’s in good condition
WILL have a birthday outfit, it’s just mandatory ‼️. noone gets to see until the big day—except for destiny. she always wants destiny to go with her to pick out her b-day outfits. she’s also one of the only people koko will trust to get good pictures of her because they are so close.
“make sure you get my good side girl (flips hair)”
“all ya sides are good.”
“…u right”
besties :3
“…sooo…can jay come to the party?”
“…he can.”
“ur warming up to him, hm?”
“don’t push your luck ✋🏾.”
this probably one of the most stressful times for darnell 😩 poor ting
“what do you get the girl that has everything” typa deal
its in vain tho cause she doesn’t really care what he gets her and will appreciate it regardless because she cares more about him being there in the moment with her than anything :)
read a headcanon awhile ago that said darnell wears thick silver rings and i personally think thats so true soooo…i’m putting it in my headcanons—he would get her and him matching rings, sort of like promise rings but not exactly(she would prob sob like a baby and tell destiny about it and how much she loves it and how much she loves him)
kinda sorta unrelated but they would probably have a good amount of matching stuff, for ex; shoes, hoodies, keychains, etc.
anyways, back on topic. darnell would take her out for her birthday, ofc. the day is gonna be packed to thee maxxx. he wants his girl’s special day to be fun. their night is a little more tame, just chilling at home eating a little mini cake (ice cream cake cus it’s koko’s favorite) and would just be chillin’…if yk what i mean
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das it
might draw koko’s birthday outfit(s)
imma trip out if ts dont post
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gideongrovel · 8 months
rambling vent (still on my trip tho, sorry for the inactivity for those who didn't know)
Last full on my trip rn but i am feeling exhausted,,,, 😭😭😭😭 Tomorrow will be heading home,,, thinking about all the airport stuff has me stressed (not the flying part, I like being high up, its just like the security and people stress me),,, 😓
The trip has been fun mostly,,, but not relaxing in the slightest 😓😓😓 Its been nice to see my older brother since we can geek out about OP together in person, and he like gave me some gifts for it,,,,, but without getting into it,,, there are reasons i dont like being around him either,,, so its a mixed bag 🫤 and my dad is such a misogynist and bigot having to hear the shit he says and not being able to leave when he says it is infuriating 🙄🙄🙄🙄
I am such a shut in, and normally leave the house like maybe 5 times a month if even that,,,,, so going out and about for 9 days straight is alot for me- i know thats nothing to most "normal" people,,,,, but for someone in my life/situation it's alot,,,,,,, being around people and being active so much has me drained completely 😓😓😓😓😓 Im feeling such burn out,,,, and I miss my cats (especially my lil baby ET,, she is very codependent towards me so I've been worried how she has been holding up 😢), also since i was scared of them getting broken or stolen on the plane- i didnt bring my Chop or Brook figures and i miss them too!! I need my wife and bf 😭😭😭😭 Not bring my main comfort items was a big mistake,,, but the stress of something happening also was too much- so I couldn't win either way,,,,
I always feel awful when I get this level of burn out / sad feeling on a trip,,,, they're supposed to be a good time but I've held back from crying a few times now,,,, I just wanna be home in my own bed, shower where im familiar with, being able to do stuff on my own pace, just like my regular routine stuff in general 😭😭😭😭 At the same time going back home means having to deal with some family i dislike being around- which I am not looking forward to,,,, 😓😓😓
Burnout sometimes will put me in depressive episodes, and feeling emotional highs my crashing is always bad,,,,,, 😓😓😓😓😓😓😓😓
ALSO I MISS GETTING ON HERE!! IM MISSING SO MUCH NOT BEING ABLE TO CHECK ANYTHING 😭😭😭😭 tumblr crashes too much for me to check anything on my phone,,,, i really hope yall are doing good,,,, like idk if my absence has been noticable or cared about? (/nm) but i do miss yall alot,,, miss seeing your creations and ships 😭😭😭 it will be too much to check 9days worth on everyone pages so i am sorry for everything i missed
But anyways just have to make it though today and the flights tomorrow 😭 then things can go back to normal
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wooahaes · 1 year
Maybe Jun and getting locked in for the plot game?🫶
so ur on a trip with jun and several of his buddies (i wanna say 96z + 97z) and renting a place with enough rooms for most of u to just comfortably pair up with you + jun getting rooms to urselves by luck of the draw. no big deal, ur gonna enjoy having a room to urself teehee
and it starts like. not so subtly. mingyu asking if you're single (you say yes), seokmin subtly asking if you'd ever date someone here, minghao suggesting jun... wonwoo just watches like. ur all so dumb. i love my dumb friends. soonyoung does jump at the opportunity to be like 'ohh you and jun would be cute :))' and ur like hmm idk
which begins operation 'get these two idiots to fall in love.' it starts w them just pairing you two up for things casually (neither of you mind--you're pretty close and everyone knows it), or ditching the two of you sometimes, etc. and one night theyre all drinking (you and jun arent, alongside jihoon and maybe wonwoo who is literally just here to watch shit go down now), and eventually you step into another room to take a call from a family member
and a few minutes later, jun comes in to check on you bc he knows some stuff has been going on at home and he just wants to make sure ur alright. you tell him its all good--just your dad calling to check in on you and give you updates. he kisses your forehead and you thank him for worrying, and the two of you are like 'yknow... maybe we should just tell them?'
except the door is locked. its either soonyoung or mingyu's fault, maybe even both. you kinda just try to yell at them to let you out, but it doesnt work. so u and jun kinda just sit down and recount... literally everything that the others have been doing while missing the obvious the entire time. the fact that jun will come into your room at night to talk and cuddle (which soonyoung straight up walked in on once, didnt blink an eye because its legit so normal for the two of you to cuddle even though jun had just barely pulled away from sneaking a little kiss in time), or the way that the two of you hold hands not-so-subtly.
(literally wonwoo + jihoon + minghao have all noticed by now. wonwoo and jihoon literally told y'all about the plan. you figure you can get free dinner out of mingyu for this shit and jun's on board w the idea)
honestly the two of u would just straight up stage a fight until mingyu opens the door, way more concerned than before, until it ends with you and jun kinda just laughing and stealing a kiss and the two of u just being like 'we've been dating for months u dumb dumbs' and soonyoung being like WAIT SO YOU TWO WERE KISSING THAT DAY??? and suddenly u feel like the two of u are one of few adults in the room as the boys lose their collective minds over how the two of you have kept this secret
and then you literally give mingyu and the rest of the ones involved w this plan shit for not letting you and jun tell them naturally. it absolutely ends with a drunk mingyu on his knees, begging you to forgive him. good news tho! you have meals for the next week (mingyu), and are now owed favors by the rest of them. you'll decide what you want when you want it.
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j2zara · 1 month
HI! here to play with dolls! (also good luck and safe travels on your road trip tomorrow! I'll be on the road too, so I'm with you in spirit.)
honestly, going off those vibes: we've been talking some about the clone basement situation, but to go the opposite direction briefly....what's the world like where all three of the clones (+ jaceporter or without jaceporter, in either iteration) do have to go on, like, an extended trip together for The Plan? I'm thinking something like going to deal with matters in the Mountains of Chaos or the former Forest of the Nightmare King. just in general being removed from the basement-and-Elmville-specific flavor of the torment nexus and now in a new environment with different things (such as all the minor trials and tribulations that pop up when traveling for a job, or roadtripping together. traveling by car, potentially. staying in hotels!!) would this fix any of the dynamics. would it make any of them worse. who's mad at whom. who's hooking up with whom. does it depend on where they're going and what they're doing. does it depend on if jaceporter are present or absent off doing something. gimme all the thoughts!
The fact that the preface for this is “good luck on your road trip” sorry I should be killed with hammers for letting this sit so long but it was too juicy. ANYWAY. I’m tired of banging my head against the wall trying to make my latest wip work. LET'S GET THESE CLONES OUT OF THE BASEMENT. ALso sorry this is definitely unfinished but my brain is broken. if i think if anything else i’ll definitely add to it
 Some cursory thoughts:
I think if they were to do a road trip, J4 would really really really try to convince jace to let her drive. She doesn’t like that the world has built itself to be so car-centric but also on a personal level. she got behind the wheel of a car for the first time and can’t be responsible for how she behaves. (She’s me coded) She likes the freedom of it (they have teleportation but like. still). She’s also Porter-coded b/c she secretly kinda likes big cars so she can be a menace on the road the intimidates other people. They are NOT letting porter drive tho (if porter comes. Which he really should. I think everyone should join. It would be so much fun)
The problem is that nobody else wants to drive but J4 insists on only listening to her music and her weird podcasts while she drives (I don’t wanna believe its true crime but it’s probably true crime). Which. Is fair that’s usually how it works but also J4 only listens to bands that play every tuesday in the parking lot of the black pit so her taste is borderline unlistenable to everyone else, especially Jace. Blue can tolerate it bc he’s blue he can endure anything and also thinks its fair and J3 whines a bit but also will be ok with it b/c its Ellie. After people keep complaining is FINE i’ll change the music but J3 gets to choose. And his club music is worse
Her other strategy is that she will turn the music off but i need someone to keep me awake so she’s employed j3 to talk to her the entire time which is almost as annoying as if it were her music. It’s good for a little while bc they do get along but also this does sometimes devolve into petty arguments
Jace is like FINE i will take a shift if it means we can change the station and what was supposed to be a three hour break ends up being like an entire day of jace driving so that he can catch a break. Ellie is fine with this b/c this means J2 or Porter is now in the passenger seat. She gets to be in the back w J3 (depending on the seating she might even be able to nap on his shoulder)
J3: “I want to listen to music” J4: “well i want to listen to a podcast” J2: “Why don’t we compromise! We’ll listen to a podcast that Ellie doesn’t like :)” [puts on the Dry Guys] (I stole that bit from the simpsons)
I am. Compelled at the thought of getting little J2 out of elmville b/c i think getting to meet people who are not Jaceporter would be very good for him. By this point his brain is already cooked so who is to say that it’s not too late and he isn’t weird and offputting to most people but i don’t think he’s a lost cause. It must be remembered. He is also very very very very very very cute. There must be people willing to humor him or shoot their shot!!!! And i am a proponent of this. LJ3’s responsibility is to make sure blue doesn’t piss too many people off by talking the way he does like he’s about to recruit them for an mlm but also make sure he doesn’t get roped into an entirely new cult for himself. I do think it would be good exposure for him as long as jaceporter don’t find a way to twist it and be like “look this is how dangerous and scary the world is which is why we are the only ones looking out for your interests” which. Is probably what would happen. But i don’t want to believe it
I do think. Being out on the road would maybe ease some of the like. Tension of being stuck in the gothic romance haunted townhouse basement, overall. But make some problems worse. Jace is obviously trying to herd the clones like cats (aka unsuccessfully) and this is very exciting for me just b/c i do think getting them out of their element is very fun and they’re all very ravenous but compelled by different things. J2 is probably the one that is easiest to wrangle tho just b/c he’s such a goodboy. J3 is excited to meet new people but J4 i think is machinating how she can get her hands on as many magical items as weapons as possible.
Something something motels and there was only one bed oooooooooohhhhh. If we’re talking about who is sleeping with who, this is an LJ3 test and. Like. I do think there is some There Was Only One Best LJ3 like they start off closer than ever but also at each others throats. Obviously j3 meeting new people is a bit of a. Stressor for Ellie, but i genuinely think none of that is as bad as either the J3porter or j2j3 blip. Poor blue probably has to share a room w/ them but like. To be fair sometimes he’s with Porter and Jace (again it depends on if Porter is with them. If its not then like. Lets be real j2jace are also gonna have to And There Was Only One Bed about it and im not complaining)
Leviathan Specific Thoughts
Speaking of meeting people. We need to get the clones to nasty dirty pirate island. I think. J4 is in a constant tug of war between reveling in nasty dirty pirate island and being like. Oh you guys really are lawless freaks. I do think she could thrive but also get into some real trouble. But she’s making plans to come back later maybe so she can take it over from the inside. And J3 would clean tf up. He deserves a vacation to the gold gardens, i’ve been saying this for forever. (He’s gonna climb james whitclaw like a tree if it kills him, and it nearly does get him killed) It would maybe piss off Ellie but also if there’s one place where she’d be like alright whatever have your fun see if i care its nasty dirty pirate island (sorry i keep calling it that, i just think its funny when Ayda says it). (J4 is gonna hit it off with cathilda while he’s busy anyway. Who said that)
I could be a bit of a Garthy x J2 truther tho. I just think. Garthy has this like. Commanding presence but they’re  also fairly easygoing and calming and not exactly gentle but you know what i mean? Like i think they’re close enough to the jaceporter wheelhouse of their Vibe that J2 could maybe see the appeal. I need Garthy to spoil J2 a bit and have a good time. J2 deserves the strap. Who said that.
J4 and J2 i think would be very very into the Compass Points library. J2 b/c he genuinely enjoys research, J4 because its additional resources to add to her pepe silvia How to Get A God To Grant Us True Life stringboard. J3 would not give a shit. I’ve joked about this before but i think Ayda would. NOT like Jace b/c i think she would find him stressful to talk to and insincere. I think she would feel kinda similarly about J3, but could get along better with J4 and J2 who are the more up-front ones of the clones. Even tho she’s not the nicest, I think Ayda would appreciate J4’s directness. 
If Aelwyn is at the Compass Points, this is the perfect time to mention my “Aelwyn has an adolescent crush on J4” agenda. I’ve talked a little bit abt what i think Aelwyn’s vibe is with the clones but. Aelwyn as a former fellow teacher knows Jace and has neutral to negative leaning feelings on jace but J4 is like hey weird girl. I like your hair and Aelwyn is like. Jace is. Hot now? This is it. This is the person that is beautiful and mean and nasty that Aelwyn always dreamed of.
Meanwhile to J2 she’s like. Bullying kristen about her wranglers coded. Look. I know i’m a librarian but. Why are you dressed for the job that I have, what is your excuse? You’re twenty seven and dress like you’re seventy (He was actually born sexy yesterday but also fifty but also in half elf aging that’s like maybe 30-ish?. It's complicated but still no excuse)
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hajihiko · 2 years
Do you think Soda has PTSD from his dad?
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(Wonder if u two are mind linked lol)
Short answer: I'm not sure about flashbacks or other PTSD symptoms since Im not an expert on it; *I* dont usually have it in mind per se, but objectively it's very possible and understandable.
(Warning: gonna talk about parental abuse. Obviously. But only in the context of the effects it might have, no real descriptions of violence)
Long answer: I think Soudas relationship with his dad is one of those messy, awful, complicated ones that you might not really understand until years later, when you've gotten some distance.
I think he says that he used to stay home during field trips and class events, because his dad was kinda poor and Souda didn't want him to have to field the expenses; but instead of just saying that, he just kinda. Didn't go. And got beat for it. So he might have not felt safe just saying "I'm gonna skip school because it's cheaper" (not to generalize but, Fathers and feeling like they're not considered Head of House / Full Provider, amiright). A little bit of "I gotta do things right and if I dont do them right then it's bad news but it's fine because I'll just do it better next time".
I think he wanted, generally, to have a good relationship with his dad and be helpful- trying to save money, helping out at their workshop/garage, just kinda hanging out, etc. Like he actually wanted to and thought he could have a great father/son thing going on if he just tried a little harder or did things a little differently, changed himself a little, never really thinking of talking it out or telling anyone- because it's not so bad and he can totally handle it! And it's not like he gets his ass beat every day it's only occasionally (when he fucks up) and in between, they actually have a good time together sometimes! His dad is like, almost his friend! And his dad does keep him fed and clothed and supports his passion (and his very good at reminding Souda that he should be thankful) so it's NO Big Deal. Just like his ex-best-friend throwing him under the bus was no big deal, just as long as no one starts ignoring him or leaving him out or kicking him out of the house its FINE.
That's why he talks about it so casually, because it's fine, and its only once he has enough distance from the situation and gets to hear different perspectives that he's like, oh, that was messed up actually.
Like, Hajime and Sonia both seem shocked, but they come from such a different background so its okay that they dont get it- but Fuyuhiko gets furious about it too, and while his parents sucked they never actually beat him- and Akane has been through A Damn Lot but even she seems really uncomfortable with the idea that okay yeah Soudas dad beat the shit out of him a few times (it's the Big Sister in her).
And just like, with time and good friends around, I can see Souda having moments where he just remembers something he used to think nothing of and goes "wait that was fucked up actually??" Like, they're just fishing or something, and he goes "hey... did your parents ever try to convince you something didn't happen when it probably definitely did?" And depending on who he asks the answer is different, but generally its "nnnno?" and he's like "oh ..... that's kinda messed up isnt it?" Yes, Souda, it is messed up.
And he might have reactions and ideas that he didn't think about too much when he was still in his home situation, like his general fearfulness and jumpiness, being convinced people might turn on him, being kind of a people-pleaser sometimes, flinching excessively around certain noises or movements, being quick to cower and cover his head, etc, quick to latch onto people who are any kind of nice to him. Stuff that's just kind of his personality by now, but he probably got it from somewhere.
I'm not an expert tho and I won't armchair diagnose or anything, this is just my personal interpretation.
(According to A Therapist that stuff is not classified as PTSD symptoms if it's not accompanied by flashbacks or painful memories / stuff you actively try not to remember, but what do I know)
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kalliyen · 2 years
Kiss Kiss Fall In Love ! ♡
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Pairing: Haikyuu!! x GN!Reader
Featuring: Suna Rintarō, Shoyo Hinata, Kuroo Tetsuro, Wakatoshi Ushijima
Genre: Fluff, Slice of Life
Reader’s Pronouns: They/Them
Warning: none
Disclaimer: ⚠️ ONLY A WORK OF FICTION!
Part: ( 1 | 2 | 3 )
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𖨆 Suna Rintarō !
It’s only one sided tho, only you ‘hated’ him
Suna always thought of you as the sweet and responsible class president, and he really liked you
You ‘didn’t like’ him because was always asleep in class, always asking for help with the most minute stuff, and he just gave of the ‘bored high school student’ vibe.
Now, here you are, stuck with him, in the library, and you swear to god you can see a mop of faux blonde and grey hair. The Miya twins, if you remembered correctly
You were stuck with Suna in the library because your teacher asked you oh so sweetly to help him with his chemistry homework, because he was falling behind with all his matches and all
You reluctantly agreed, your teacher promising to give you some extra credit, and of course you couldn’t say no to that.
30 minutes into your catch up lesson with the cat eyed boy, you notice he isn’t even looking at the book, he was looking at something else.
He was looking at you. But why? Was there something in your hair? Did your breath smell? (You hoped not, that would’ve been very embarrassing)
You got so pissed, you quickly wiped your head up to look at him, and when you did, your faces were just a hairs away from each other. Hot breath fanning each other’s faces.
You quickly look back down to your book, and start clearing your throat, while Suna is just chuckling menacingly.
“Why are you laughing! It’s not funny, let’s just get back to the lesson.”
“Whatever you say sweetheart” he says while lifting your hands and giving them a soft peck.
You’re gonna have to re-evaluate your thoughts of this boy.
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𖨆 Shoyo Hinata !
You were his little sister’s tutor
Of course, he would like to tutor his little sister to, but we all know this boy only has volleyball in his head.
And when he first saw you, he added you to the only things he’s thinking about. Besides Volleyball of course
You were sitting in the living room, teaching and helping Natsu with her English grammar.
Hinata almost tripped on Natsu’s bag, but he quickly caught himself.
He let out a yelp, and you lifted your head from Natsu’s homework to Shoyo
Quickly getting up and helping him, asking him if he’s alright, if he’s hurt
All he can do is look at you, dumbfounded and Natsu was just snickering from the back, because this is how her older brother acted around pretty people.
You quickly snapped Hinata out of his daze and he finally said ‘No, no I’m okay, really! It doesn’t hurt at all!’ And then just bolts to his room
You leave it at that and go back to helping Natsu with her other homework.
Hinata sees you AGAIN the next day, in the gym, talking to Yamaguchu and Tsukihima
“Why are they taking to Suckyshima….” He felt a lil jelly teehee 🤭
He not so subtlety eavesdropped and your conversation, but Tsukishima quickly notice him.
“Hey Hinata! Are you spying on us? You creep!”
You just look back and in fact see Hinata go red in the face when you make eye contact
You dismiss it, no big deal, you were just asking your classmates about the homework your teacher gave you
One more time, you’re tutoring Natsu, and when you call a break time, she suddenly blurts out “you know, onee-chan really likes you, he keeps on talking about how attractive and nice you are, it was sweet at first, but it’s getting really annoying now..”
How could a kid just say that so nonchalantly 💀
Before leaving the residence, you wrote your number down on a piece of paper and a ‘call me’ was written next to it, you stick it on Shoyo’s room table, and waited for fate to do its thing
JESUS THAT WAS SO LONG i got carried away hee hee
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𖨆 Kuroo Tetsuro !
Both smart, both captains of school sports, (He’s the Volleyball captain, you were the captain of the Badminton team), both attractive, both school heart throbs
People would think you’re best friends, but no, whenever you’re both in the same room, people could feel the tension, so thick you should use a chain saw to cut through it, if you dared.
One day, the teacher you both didn’t like (the only thing you could both agree on really) paired you both for a project, and you both tried really really hard to convince her but she was set on it. So there was nothing you could do about it
Working with him for the first time was just as you expected.
He was loud, rambunctious, always talking
But after a few weeks of doing the assignment with him, you actually started to like how talkative he was
He’d talk about anything and everything, like your own personal podcast
After you passed your assignment to your teacher, she saw the obvious improvement in your attitudes toward each other
She was ur Cupid fr fr
After the assignment was done, you both decided to stop arguing
You both hung out more often, and maybe they evolved into dates 👀
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𖨆 Wakatoshi Ushijima !
You were a new student
New student in the middle of the 3rd year?? So Y/N material ikr (can u tell I’m running out of ideas)
He didn’t really care (yowch) and didn’t think of you much (ouch)
Until his bsf, Tendo offered to give you a tour of Shiratorizawa
Ofc Ushiwaka had to join because he was forced to by the energetic red head
After spending more time with you, Ushi noticed the little things about you
How you twiddle your fingers or play with the hem of your shirt when your nervous, how you tuck your hair behind your ear when your frustrated, how pretty you look under the sunlight
So basically the boy is DOWN BAD
Alexa, play daydreamin’ by Ariana Grande
That’s so crazy I’m listening to that song rn
He asks Tendo and Semi about these weird feelings he has, cause he’s never had a crush on anyone before
Tendo was looking at him like ‘😮’
Luckily Semi had an answer for Ushijima
‘Dude, you like them. Like, have a crush on them’
‘Really?’ ‘Yeah dude, it’s pretty obvious with the way you look at ‘em’
‘Alright, I will tell them how I feel.’
Semi and Tendo were surprised ofc, but we’re supportive nonetheless
He confesses the next day
‘Y/N. I like you. Would you be interested in going on a date with me?’
How could you say no to the tall cutie 🥰
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-End- Tysm for reading!
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taylorscrows · 2 years
Rant (dont read the post if you dont like rants especially if its about parents. There is also a bunch of swearing so be warned)
I honestly dont know wtf is wrong with my parents like theyre over here making me feel like im a stupid dumb bitch lmao. Like when the fuck will i ever be enough for my parents like literally when??? They already cant even understand me and ive always accepted that but the least they can do is make me feel loved....thats literally it and ill be happy for the rest of my life. My dad is such a fucking hothead and my mom can never fucking face reality and tries to pretend that everything is fine even tho its not. Anytime i try to tell them that im feeling hurt by them all they do is guilt me until i fucking cry like bro-. Why is my dad's number 1 go to thing to do is get mad at me like what did i ever do to you. What sort of started this post is the fact that we got our report cards today and they keep on saying that they dont care what fucking grades i get as long as i tried my best and yada yada and i come home feeling so happy cause even tho i didnt get perfect grades i got relatively high grades but that wasnt enough for them and they told me that if i get something lower than a vg ( which stands for very good since we have a different grading system in our school) then im practically fucking worthless wtf (its not like they got good grades as well there was literally a time when my dad kept on talking about how he cheated on his exam and bla bla bla). And all they care about is me protecting their fucking image around relatives and other friends even tho ive been signaling to my grandma like yo all my dad does is get mad then one day i finally snapped and cried in front of my grandparents and my grandpanl fucking shouted at him and he kept on saying that he didnt do anything wrong (they are the best grandparents btw❤) and when we got home of course my mom will ultimately take his side cause i know fot a fact that my mom is terrified as shit of my dad so of course anything to make daddy happy. Also including the fact that instead of helping me figure out myself all they fucking do is keep me away from that. They are also so homophobic as fuck which realy hurts me cause i am part of the lgbtq community. Tumblr is literally my only escape from things. I hate them so much they also deteriorate my self confidence and self esteem( tho most of that deterioration is from my teachers but they just make it worse) fuck them honestly. I could literally just trip and fall to the ground and they would get mad at me and complain. I could literally be having a full blown panic attack and they would get mad at me saying that "big girls dont cry" like what kinda shitty thing is that. Also back them my life was such a mess that i was dealing with suicidal thoughts but they obviously didnt help with anything they just made it worse
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couriernewvegas · 2 years
i hope im not late to the mutual secret spilling bc i got a good one. its not really a secret anymore but one time i was staying over at my aunt's and it was just me and my big cousin. i was 10 and he was like 14 or 15. i was in my aunt's room using my laptop and he was in the living room using the computer there. our moms were out doing groceries with my bigger cousin (aka his older brother). i cant recall exactly what i needed but i know i called out to him and he didnt respond. weirded out, i went to the living room to see what was up. i vividly remember walking up behind him on the computer, headphones on and having the nastiest porn video on display. i cant remember wtf he was watching but i know it was embarrassing enough that he begged me to not tell anyone. and i said sure as long as u do whatever i tell u to. this was a big deal because before that we were constantly kicking and biting each other like rabid dogs. and it was also the biggest power trip 10 year old me knew til then. and so he agreed. for the remaining month of my stay he did everything i asked him to including making me food. my aunt and my bigger cousin were understandably weirded out but didnt say anything. then on the very last day as i was set to go back home w/my mom and my big brother, the whole family was gathered to say their goodbyes (including other aunts and uncles and cousins) and i outed him to everyone mercilessly. everything he did to keep my mouth was in vain. to this day this was the most perverse thing ive done in my life and also i consistently use that as solid proof that kids are MEAN. thank u if u read this far i find this story hilarious and its like one of the 10 vivid memories i have of my childhood.
UR POOR COUSIN .. honestly tho it is very funny to me when kids are a little evil they deserve a little plotting and scheming
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uh-oh-its-bird · 3 months
I'm seeing all sorts of articles about how "some flight attendants confess to having to sleep in cars because they can't afford a home" and "flight attendants find out they qualify for food stamps" etc. Etc. And I keep going yeah lmao duh before I remember that like. Oh. Right. That's a bad thing.
The thing ab being a flight attendant is they say that they pay you 27-30ish an hour (american airlines numbers there) but they only actually pay you that specifically for flight time (aka once the plane door is closed and locked)
(Yes that means boarding time does not count, nor does it count the hour you're supposed to be at the airport before that, or the hours between your flights when you're still stuck in the airport waiting for your next job— whether it's bc that delay between work was scheduled or because had weather has you trapped somewhere for hours)
Otherwise you are literally making upwards of $1.50 an hour. That is an actual number. I, as a flight attendant, am payed $1.50 an hour for my time away from base.
They're actually very squirley about saying what you get paid for what— they like to brag about that 27-30 number but when you realize its for flight hours only and start asking stuff like, "Ok well then how much do I get paid for standby (staying at the airport as a potential substitute for flights if smthn goes wrong, usually either in 6 to 8 hour shifts depending on your company (mine does 8 hours rip)) or while boarding the plane" they just straight up don't fucking answer you. I had multiple trainers dodging this question and none of the flight attendants I've thought to ask know either.
On top of that they can legally make you work for 14 hours a day!!!! 14 !!! Hours !!!! Nonstop!!!!! And you might only get paid for 3 fucking hours of it depending on how that day goes!
Oh right! Also there are no lunch breaks. Nor are there mandatory periods of time where they have to give you some room to breathe within flights. Hahaha yeah. They can schedule you for back to back to back flights with literally not a single minute between boarding and you just kind of have to deal with it.
You can call in to request a lunch break to try to find food at the airport— but only for the big boy bases, like Dallas or Miami. That's bc they'll send people to board your flight for you, so you have the time to get your food. But oh, right, they will often keep you on hold for upwards of 20 minutes at a time, and again, only possible at the big bases, so even if you can do it it's often too fucking late bc now everyone's on the plane and if you leave it'll stall the whole flight from leaving and then your ass will risk getting fired
(Also there's this odd guilt of doing it?? Like you really have to go out of your way to beg them on the phone to send a pre boarder. It makes me feel bad and guilty even tho it SHOULDNT)
(ALSO also, that's considering the airport youre in even HAS food that's a) close enough to get quickly, b) affordable to your budget, or c) something you can eat if you have diet restriction)
That's not even STARTING on the hell that is trying to pack a lunch that can last you potentially an entire week (all while being safe to eat after days of being in a hot plane) that also isn't having to pack the same meal for every single fucking trip + having to deal with lugging it around + like, you're going to want fresh food. But that means money.
There's literally a joke about "the flight attendant dinner" where you eat literally nothing all day other than the chips and cookies in the snack basket because its all you fucking have and you aren't in the position where you can buy food (either bc there is physically no time or place to get it or you're genuinely too poor to afford it)
(There have been days where I've legit eaten nothing other than 3 bags of chips and some preserved olives and soda)
People are always like "Oh wow a flight attendant!! You must make sooo much money" girl I qualify for food stamps and if things keep going the way they are I think I'm gonna have to go for it
That's not even STARTING on the living situation, holy shit yall don't even want me to start on that trust me. I've heard so many horror stories about crashpads (flight attendant specific houses that usually rent out by the bed) and know multiple FAs who not only live in their car but brag about it, because "its sooo much better than a crashpad" (and honestly sometimes they aren't wrong!)
It's soo bad and when you complain about it or the actual physical pain it's been causing you to friends and family they just go "oh... but have you been to hawaii yet tho 🥺" GIRL IM TOO PHYSIFALLY EXAUSTED TO GO FUCKING GROCERY SHOPPING IM ABOUT TO FALL OVER AND DIE !!!!
The economy is in shambles and some of our most glamorized and romanticized jobs are in fact just as fake and shitty as the rest of the "good jobs" out there
Anyways, all of that is to say this;
As a flight attendant, they can have me work 14 hours a day, then only give me either 6 or 5 hours to sleep (depending on whether I choose to waste time eating dinner + shower and change) before I have to wake up at 3am for a 4am shuttle to the airport to work another 13 hours that day.
And then only get paid $200 for it.
(The worst days of my life have been working this job)
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dcpbybia2024 · 6 months
DCP day 1-2
March 18-19
arrived yesterday morning, my check in was supposed to be 0815 but I was late and didn't end up getting to check in until like 0900 but that wasn't a big deal at all.
met a girl in line, she was nice and we exchanged instas so I hope i get to keep in touch. Check in was basically:
a form that I filled in off a QR code from the housing company
then they put us (~100ish of us?) in a room to watch the housing policies/intro video.
getting my picture taken for my account
received my welcome ticket for the parks
received my room keycard and parking pass (I registered/paid for the parking pass in advance when I registered for housing)
the next thing on my agenda was the background check, which was super quick they just scanned my ID and took my fingerprints.
then i began to move in, i was by myself so it took a few trips to get my stuff from my car to my apartment, but it wasn't too difficult. I brought a folding beach cart thing which was a lifesaver and I would recommend.
i got to my apt and there was nobody there, so i just moved my stuff into my space (I have a 2x2) and found my roomie had left me a sweet little note and some candy/snacks for me, which i really appreciated.
i was free to move in until 4, when i was scheduled to go to Making the Most of YOUR Program, which was pretty much what it says on the label, about 40 mins of tips and guidelines alongside some inspirational/curated videos on how to use the resources in the program.
afterwards I met my roommate, and she showed me around the apartment and gave me the low down on how things work with the program.
my mom arrived later in the evening and i grabbed dinner with her and we went for groceries and stuff at the target and tjmaxx nearby.
last night my roommate invited me to meet her friend group at the hot tub so i hung out with them for a while, then took a shower and went to bed to get up for my swim test the next morning.
this morning i got up around 0645, made some eggs and ham for brekky (yum) and went down to the buses to go to Mickey's Retreat for my lifeguard swim test. i met some people on the bus but didn't exchange info but i hope i can catch up with them :/
the test was pretty straightforward and consistent with other coaching/lifeguarding assessments i've done prior. the deep water test was as follows:
200yd continuous swim
10lb brick retrieval from 8ft depth
2min tread no hands
hearing test (they blew a whistle)
vision test (read from an eye chart)(you can keep your glasses/contacts on)
they said we will test again on location, and i got my training schedule for the next couple weeks which includes a 3 day lifeguard course back at Mickey's Retreat which i suspect will align with the standard guard classes i am familiar with. the schedule has some costuming info included, but i'm not sure if i should be wearing a guard suit underneath or what bc its a shirt/shorts combo. it includes shoes tho so that's cool.
after i got back i checked out the gym in the community center and it looks really nice! i went on the treadmill for a little before coming back to the apartment and putting up the rest of my decorations.
I meal prepped some greek salad/rice and then accidentally knocked out and napped for like the entire afternoon (oops)
after I woke up I came back to the community center to putz around on my computer and that brings us up to now and I'm about to go back to the hot tub with my roommate's friends and hang out :)
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