#its just gonna be innocent until proven guilty
gummigvts · 5 months
I've reached a point where I no longer can tell if a post is just showing a cool item or if its an objectum thing, I'm just gonna assume everything is objectum until proven otherwise
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aziraphales-lawyer · 3 months
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Literally no other way I could describe it right now.
#there are some serious feelings attached to all thats happening#im saddened. im mad. at the end of the day this is how i cope so im sorry if you dont feel like humor is your way out#im disappointed and digusted#personally#neil gaiman#is innocent until proven guilty and my heart goes out to the victims of this whole situation.#i know. i KNOW the right is gonna make it about trans rights and the left is gonna make this about zionism and how these results are#unsurprising due to him being 'either' of these (which im not going into)#because its NOT about those. its the disgusting behaviors he did w those women. consent or not he actively sought out rlly young women.#i hold out a tiny bit of hope but if all things go to shit I dont rlly have anything to fall back on in terms of fandom.#good omens got me through shit. it got me through hell and some my worst times ever.#ive made irreplaceable IRL friends#idk#just some feelings im putting out here. im still gonna 100% support all GO creators (unless they outright excuse NG's actions esp when hes#not yet proven innocent)#but yeah#i havent spoken about this in my other accs and I think this is the only coherent thought I can manage from all of that.#again. really upset. but we got this. were all in this together yk? theres no one side or another to SA but to support the victims.#thats all im rlly gonna say. just remember that Im sending uou guys lots of love. lets get through this <3#[EDIT: I MEANT TO SAY NEIL IS GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT FOR ME !!!!]
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porterdavis · 1 year
She's gonna need that sword
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So the indictments have been released and it's damning. Just as the J6 Committee used 99% GOP witnesses to build its case, this Special Prosecutor has wrapped Trump up with a bow based on his own lawyers, employees, indeed...his own words. Sure, he's innocent until proven guilty, but that's only a question of time.
However, justice will have to survive a scorched-earth assault by the entire herd of yapping jackals on the right. Fear, intimidation, threats, physical assaults are all on the cards.
It is not hyperbole to say democracy hangs in the balance.
Bear one thing in mind -- Trump did it and any result short of conviction and incarceration would be the beginning of the end of the American experiment.
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percistent · 1 year
What would be irrefutable evidence? Video evidence? Because if its just semen, you're gonna say they simply had sex. Not all rapes are violent and end up with bruises. So what's your conclusion then? Rape without bruises isn't rape?
Innocence until proven guilty. That's my stance.
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A curious ask for a criminology student. Which is worse: a guilty man going free or an innocent man being sent to prison? Why?
oh anon i will never shut up now i love this question. prepare for the biggest word vomit you have ever seen lol
okay so first, this question is very vague, because what is the guilty man guilty of? stealing something once isn't as bad as murdering hundreds of people for example (to give an extreme example lol). same goes with the innocent man, going to prison for a couple of years is far less severe than being sentenced to life for something they didn't do (not gonna include the death penalty because firstly my country doesn't have it and secondly im fundamentaly against it)
however, if we take a general view grounded in ethics and principles of justice, many legal scholars and philosophers (such as William Blackstone who famously said "it is better that ten guilty persons escape than one innocent suffer") argue that sending an innocent person to prison is worse. i tend to agree with this because i think the legal system should prioritize protecting the rights of individuals, especially when it comes to something as severe as taking away someone's freedom. the foundation of justice should be built on the principle that it’s more important to avoid harming innocent people than to ensure that every guilty person is punished.
a wrongful conviction doesn't just harm the individual, it also weakens the moral authority of the justice system itself. when the system makes such errors, it undermines public confidence in its fairness and reliability, which can have a ripple effect, causing people to doubt its ability to deliver justice in future cases.
on the other hand, allowing a guilty person to go free could endanger public safety. it can also lead to a sense of injustice for the victims and society as a whole, who expect the legal system to hold wrongdoers accountable. additionally, when a guilty person is not punished, it could send a message that criminal behavior doesn't always have consequences, potentially encouraging more lawbreaking. in this sense, the legal system fails to fulfill its duty to maintain order and deter future crimes.
ultimately, i think it depends on the values we prioritize: protecting society at large or protecting the rights of individuals. both outcomes are harmful in different ways, but for me, the wrongful imprisonment of an innocent person strikes at the heart of what justice is supposed to stand for. a justice system that fails in this regard loses its legitimacy, and without that foundation of fairness, the system itself starts to break down.
if you take both extremes, so a mass murderer going free against an innocent person being put in prison for life, then i think it's definitely the innocent person going to jail that's worse. after all, in many legal systems, the principle of "innocent until proven guilty" emphasizes that it is better to err on the side of letting a guilty person go free than to risk imprisoning the innocent. but if you start thinking about a mass murderer going free vs someone being put in prison for idk 6 months, then the situation becomes more complex. while the mass murderer being free clearly represents a greater immediate threat to society, the question still hinges on how we value individual rights versus collective safety. i think most legal professionals would argue that collective safety in this case is more important. like Jeremy Bentham said "the greatest happiness of the greatest number is the foundation of morals and legislation." from this view, allowing a mass murderer to go free would be a serious failure of the legal system, as it would likely lead to more harm to society and further endanger innocent lives.
which is true of course, but a justice system that consistently prioritizes security over fairness risks becoming oppressive. if the system starts to wrongfully imprison individuals, even for short periods, in the name of protecting the public (the "better safe than sorry" argument), it could create a dangerous precedent. this could lead to abuses of power, where innocent people are routinely sacrificed for the perceived greater good, eroding public trust in the system over time.
so yea i believe that prioritizing the protection of the innocent is critical. if a legal system loses sight of that, it risks sacrificing its moral authority in the name of safety, leading to deeper systemic problems in the long run
disclaimer: this is just my opinion, you dont have to agree with me. i would love hearing other point of views but please be respectful about it
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soudakuwunmoment · 10 months
expressing my take on dream is how i finally get cancelled but tbh im ready.
so i just watched the moistcritical video on whatever bullshit happened on twitter regarding him.
i wanna establish that im not exactly a dream fan. i dont watch videos of his or really anyone from that part of youtube. i dont think hes that great of a person necessarily.
also, i want to establish that i am an idiot 18yo boy. ight? im not some kind of expert on this shit. its literally just my take. its an opinion. and im putting it on the internet. as people tend to do.
okay. recap. dream allegedly sent snapchat videos of him moaning to a minor. there is zero proof that the video was from him, and zero proof that it was sent to a minor. then the fight between dream and gumballva. oh my god. guys. god i cant even with this bit. alright alright ill get to it
im gonna completely fuckin disregard the snapchat thing. theres absolutely no proof. innocent until proven guilty, as it goes.
about the fight between dream and gbva. holy shit stop taking sides. both of these men are immature man babies whos fame got to their head. "it was a physical fight!!!!!!" believe it or not, drunk slapfights happen sometimes. just because the fight was between two famous guys doesnt make it any more important or significant.
gbva was referring to himself as Michelangelo. he was saying how dream is "miniscule compared to him" like the worlds most pathetic dick measuring competition. he mentioned his "intellectual stature" guys. my friend told me about how the gumball va TOTALLY BURNED DREAM and DESTROYED HIM so i had high expectations. but no. the guys just stroking his own ego and shittalking some other guy, and people are hype about it because the other guy is dream and OOOOOOO DREAM BAD GUYS.... and because gumball is pretty well loved as a show. he called dream a slur. like on one hand, it is INSANE to me that a famous guy called someone a slur and twitter cheered. on the other hand its actually not that big a deal. yes, slurs and homophobia are a big deal. but let me reiterate that this is literally just two drunk dudes trying to roast each other and failing miserably. a slur isnt going to end the world. like it isnt cool that he said it, he shouldnt have said it, but honestly what the fuck ever. people are being killed in mass rn and this is what we're arguing about and im part of the problem so WAHOO.
and then theres the fact that dream recorded it. guys its not that fucking weird. im sorry to burst your bubble but recording arguments or recording when someone is aggressive towards you isnt abnormal. was it a little bit dramatic and incredibly childish to post it on twitter? yeah!!! duh!!! this is dream we're talking about. dramatic. childish. but the thing is, and hear me out, hes allowed to do that. insane as it may be, humans are allowed to be dramatic and childish. humans are allowed to brag about their "intellectual stature" in a cab after a night out. humans are allowed to be flawed. no, i dont think he was recording it due to feeling unsafe. i do in fact believe he was recording it to start drama. i believe whole heartedly that dream recorded the argument hoping his teenaged fanbase would run to his rescue. and you know what? who gives a shit!! are you actually surprised? are you REALLY? because dream very obviously has something wrong in his head. im not saying that the shit he does is okay because of it. but i want everyone reading this right now to imagine how you would realistically cope if you suddenly became famous during the fucking plague at the ripe ass age of 21 in the span of a month and then spent the next 3 years being either worshipped by children in mass or brutally harassed by literally the entire world. because believe it or not, 21 year olds are immature and are not normally equipped to deal with a situation like that. its entirely possible that dream already had issues, and its also entirely possible that he FORMED issues in the past 3 years due to the intense stress of his situation. dream is fucked up. dream has issues.
but listen to me. as far as we know, dream is not a pedophile or a murderer or a racist or a homophobe or any of that shit. sure, hes awful at babysitting each and every one of his bajillion preteen fans, but thats kinda not his fucking responsibility??? if a kid is going around doing awful shit in the name of some guy, blame the kids parents. its their job to teach their kid how to act online and around other people. and sure, dream is very very likely a narcissist and seems to be incapable of criticism and needs attention constantly or else he keels over like a scared gerbil and dies. hes kind of a shitty fuckin guy!! BUT GUESS. WHAT. so is like 70% of the population!!!! most of us are fucking awful!!
i know i cant change shit, i know id get bodied by even a single dream anti. i just wish people would stop giving him attention, leave him the fuck alone, and let him get therapy or spend a year in the woods or smoke some fucking weed idk.
seeing the reaction people have to literally just some schmuck makes me TERRIFIED of putting myself out there. can we all just accept that everyone is flawed and sometimes good people have shitty takes or do shitty things. if you had the same exposure to the world that dream did, how quickly would YOU get cancelled? im just. im fucking begging you to look at this guy (and other equally underwhelming schmucks) with a critical mind and context to why you may see them the way you do.
im not tagging this shit i dont hate myself that much. i dont mind if no one reads this i just wanna rant. just leave the guy be.
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randomscropio · 1 year
If Moonflower was in The Bad Guys: part 20
Diane Foxenton lists crimes that the bad guys did {I forgot them}
Professor Marmalade: Diane please-
Diane Foxenton: I am sorry professor but I am calling the chief!
Professor Marmalade: Okay, stay here.
Mr. Wolf: You couldn't help yourself!
Mr. Snake: So I had a moment of weakness! Sue me!
Mr. Wolf: That's gonna be difficult from prison!
Webs: Guys, guys! What do we do?
Mr. Wolf: Time for the charm.
Mr. Shark: Oh yeah, the full clooney.
Mr. Wolf: Governor {other names that I forgot} Diiiianeee!
Diane Foxenton: Do not clooney me Wolf!
Mr. Wolf: What do you mean? I have no idea what you are talking about.
Diane Foxenton: Do you ever get tired of lieing?
Mr. Wolf: Hehheh no! Wait uh fudge! That was a trick question, right?
Diane Foxenton: I gave you all a chance to be more than scary villains! But you're too, gutless to take it!
Mr. Wolf: I'm gutless? Oh ho ho, I'm sorry have we met?! I'm the villain of every story! Guilty until proven innocent! But of course you wouldn't get that. With your little miss perfect power suits.
Diane Foxenton: Is that so?
She pulls out the ring Mr. Wolf had.
Mr. Wolf: Wait how did you?
Diane Foxenton: A wolf and a fox, are not so different.
She flicks the ring to Mr. Wolf and he catches it.
The scene fades into Mr. Wolf sitting in the moonlight and Moonflower joins him.
Moonflower: Hey.
Mr. Wolf: Hey...
Moonflower's frill droops down a little and she tilts her head.
Moonflower: You okay?
Mr. Wolf: Yeah it's just... (sighs) Moon, do you ever wanna be more than villains?
Moonflower tilts her head a little more.
Moonflower: Sometimes but...
She sits down next to him.
Moonflower: It's hard to change people's minds, no matter how many enchantments I make to have them think of something a different way, it isn't them. It's the enchantment. But, there are people who don't view you like everyone else. Like Sam and Diane.
Mr. Wolf looks at her.
Mr. Wolf: Diane doesn't think of us as villains?
Moonflower shakes her head.
Moonflower: She veiws us as misunderstood. Not as villains. She thinks that because we're different we are treated differently. Which is true but, she thinks that we have gotten so used to being treated like we are bad that we became bad. Did I dumb it down enough for you?
Mr. Wolf laughs.
Mr. Wolf: I think you did.
The cat meows.
Mr. Wolf and Moomflower look at the tree the cat is in.
Moonflower: Oh right, it's still stuck up there.
Mr. Wolf: I'm going to change that!
Moonflower: Wolf- never mind he won't listen.
Mr. Wolf gets to the tree.
Mr. Wolf: Hey, remember me? The names Wolf.
The cat meows and backs up.
Mr. Wolf: Yeah I get that a lot. But someone told me that we are only viewed like that, because we have been treated like we are that.
Mr. Wolf holds out his hand.
The cat meows and tries to run away.
Mr. Wolf: No no no! Wait!
The branch the cat is on snaps and Mr. Wolf catches it.
Mr. Wolf: Hey its okay, I understand you're scared I would be too. Just give me a chance.
Mr. Wolf holds out his hand.
Mr. Wolf: Come on kitty.
The cat rubs up against his hand and he holds the cat.
Mr. Wolf: Yeah who's a good kitty? Who's a good kitty?
The rest of the bad guys walk up to Mr. Wolf.
Webs: Uh you saved it?
Professer Marmalade: Yes! It's working!
Mr. Wolf: You recorded that?
Professer Marmalade: Yep! And people love you!
The bad guys cheer.
Moonflower: I'm going to be able to go on a normal date with Sam! With no enchantments!
Professor Marmalade: Wolf, can I speak to you for a moment?
Mr. Wolf: Yeah, what's up?
Professer Marmalade: Soon you'll have to choose between your friends, or the good life...
Mr. Wolf: What? You mean the guys?
Mr. Snake and Moonflower stop and listen to the conversation.
Moonflower nods to Mr. Snake and flashes some scales (the translation at the bottom says, "he won't leave us, right?") Mr. Snake shrugs and the two go back inside.
Mr. Snake: Hey, about going good... it's only for the plan right?
Mr. Wolf: Yeah, why do you ask?
The cat meows.
Mr. Snake: You brought the cat?
Mr. Wolf: Yeah sorry just saving it for latter, anyways continue.
Mr. Snake: Well I'm just, getting worried I mean... you're getting all cozy with Marmalade and.
Mr. Wolf: Hey Snake who made the plan to begin with it?
Mr. Snake moves so that he is looking at Mr. Wolf.
Mr. Snake: You did...
Mr. Wolf: So I'm the one who sticks with it right?
Mr. Snake: Yeah...
Mr. Wolf: So you don't have to worry! Go bad...
Mr. Snake: Or go home. I can't wait for things to go back to normal!
Mr. Wolf: Back to normal yeah yeah.
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lunaticus-platina · 2 years
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I'm only gonna talk about this once in ted tag cuz I don't wanna muck up the tag. Any other stuff related to the whole incident goes to the contedversy 2022 tag. 🚬 Oh almost forgot. Cheers to @verat9c for the awesome tag you go peep.
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Hey folks. I've had a long day. I usually get long days. My days are busy. I come home, stretch my joints, try not to let all the trapped screams inside my lungs leak out of its chambers. Or fall into the sweet temptations of substance abuse. I mean coffee. I ain't a smoker and forswore alcohol a year ago. Tho the urge for a cancer stick grows every week. Especially after smth like this.
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Only other addiction of mine is simpin. I open tumblr as usual and what do I see? Yeah. I peeked into Twitter all those years ago and said 'Yeah-ap. Not staying a single second longer in this hell.' And booked it. This place? At least it's fun here. But I keep forgetting most of social media's the same. But I gave away all my fucks I had in me some years ago........I'm just high on caffeine.
@tedraimisimp If ya reading this. I know you deleted your blog. I respect your decision. And no, what you did wasn't exactly wrong, you just shared your experience and ranted abit. We all do that. But you forgot, that this is tumblr.
I know you didn't ask but just so you know...that wasn't the best move. Deleting a blog after that post. People are just gonna pile on speculations and things are gonna go conspiracy level real quick. I know how it goes. Seen enough drama in my time. They already say you deleted blog because you felt threatened or some shit. You planted a ping-pong ball sized molehill, and look at em building mountain over it!
Every single social media that I've been on. Exact same pattern. Never fails once. Whether popular and well-known platform, or not. Doesn't matter. There's faintest blood in the water........piranhas gather.
What breaks my goddamned heart is a fan who excitedly prepared for an event and shared their sweet experience with us now deleted their posts over this shit. Do people not think about the consequences of their actions these days? No I ain't bashing tedraimisimp I just said what they did wasn't wrong. It's those who are blowing this outta proportion and making ops uncomfortable.
For those of you who didn't have an actual experience with Ted. Shut your goddamn trap. Fucking shut it. Let the ones who actually were there talk. I need more evidences to hear from both sides to decide what is valid or not, and all the noises are not helping.
Now the ones who posted about their actual, real, positve/negative experiences, not the 'oh someone posted and mentioned this this and this' idiots, are getting uncomfortable. Just shut the fuck up for once and learn to listen.
Someone shared their experience. That's all. Op wanted to rant because they thought this fandom was safe to talk about stuff and their concerns. You are not making it safe. Yes I like Ted Raimi as an actor. No accusing him of things when there is no actual proof is wrong. Stop making him sound like a predator.
You don't know how many people got their lives ruined over false accusations. Over here it's hella common. All I need is an evidence and I'll gladly shove all my words down my throat. It's innocent until proven guilty.
I was personally a victim of witch-hunting style bullying. One person started a rumor, things snowballed into 'That kid is mentally disabled and carries contagious disease. An orphan. They are a virus. Yuck! Hope they die so we don't have to deal with them in our class. They also steal stuffs. A thief. Check your bags!'
I never fully recovered from it. I was called a 'plague'. Reason of bullying was simple. I was a quiet bookworm. Never talked much, not smiling much. They called me a psychopath and jokingly said one day I'll bomb the school. My best friend now had a similar experience. Those who throw accusations have no idea what the fuck they are doing. People commit suicide over that shit. Fucking shut it, christ.
Now if any of you personally had an unpleasant experience with Ted. Sorry to hear that. But thx for sharing. I needed to hear more 'cuz no person is perfect and I wanted to know more flawed side of him too. If he really has a darker side, and if it's serious, it'll be revealed sooner or later. You don't get to call him terrible stuffs just because he follows someone on social media or flirted with people. Watch your language, don't say what you don't mean, although now that I think about it, that motto that I live by don't mean much on internet does it.
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God, fuck, gah my social battery is dying. All I wanted was to chill over wholesome stuffs but now I got this. Imma go watch horse feeding or smth cuz this just proves animals are better to deal with than humans. I can't even write fics in this state godhelpme
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relaxxattack · 3 years
Hot take but have you considered that Dream lied to his enemy who was blackmailing him with attachments about having no attachments. Shocking concept I know, a manipulator lying about something I know, but may be worth a thought.
1. its right in my pinned to not send asks with a negative tone. i do actually like being able to debate sometimes though so ill let this one slide, lol
2. tommy did the attachment thing one (1) time and it Failed Massively because of how much power dream holds over everyone and everything. they are not equals or on even playing fields in that situation, tommy trying to "blackmail" him was not only a horrible attempt at getting on an even playing field (with a person actually blackmailing his friends and family's safety) but it didn't even work because dream claimed to not care about spirit (and in the past hes sacrificed spirit for the discs)
now that we've cleared that up, i'll move on to your actual point, which is, in fact, a good one! sadly i have never watched a dream pov stream (lmao) and can't confirm or deny his actual feelings here, but i can try line up what he says with his actions.
i'm gonna attempt to do that now, but smart people feel free to add on or correct me.
"dream's a master manipulator". for starters, how do we, the audience know this? how do we know he's lying about things and not simply being persuasive? well, it's because we as the audience can see other people's actions and confirm that certain things are untrue. this is how we can usually tell when he's manipulating people.
let's apply this.
dream tells tommy that tubbo doesn't care about him -> we see tubbo in NLM asking for/about tommy constantly, and seeming very sad and bitter about not being able to visit him.
dream tells tubbo tommy doesn't want to see him -> we see tommy asking constantly for tubbo, to be able to visit tubbo, and keeping pictures of his friend
dream tells tommy tubbo threw his compass into lava because he hates him -> we see tubbo keeping the compass in his pocket and offhand, literally never taking it off him, and losing it accidentally in a creeper explosion
dream tells tommy mexican dream "died from overdosing" -> we watched dream kill MD in front of tommy
dream tells everyone tommy blew up the community house -> ranboo knows that he did it because his conscious tells him so (this one i'm not so sure about because idk if we can trust ranboo's mind here)
now here's the one you're talking about:
dream tells tommy he cut off all attachments -> he abandons and stops talking to his friends
dream claims he cares more about the discs then tommy does because "they're what allow him to control tommy and his friends" -> dream builds a shrine to the discs in his lair along with places to keep every emotional attachment on the server in order to be able to manipulate anyone
some additional facts i would like to bring to the table include:
1. in a really twisted way, dream likes to gloat to tommy about his plans. he tells tommy among other things that he "does it all because it's fun and he's playing with his food" "no, i just like to cause chaos" "i'm doing this so you can have an origin story. the perfect hero origin" "i can make us immortal together!" we don't have a way to confirm or deny these as true/false since we don't know what dream's thinking, but. sadly they appear to line up with his actions. based on this we can assume dream does tell tommy his real plans. and also:
2. sapnap actually visited dream in prison and dream seemed to care more about using sapnap to get to ranboo then sapnap himself. this is their most recent interaction, not even mentioning all the times he’s intentionally betrayed sapnap’s trust when it came to pets and items
so, as far as we can figure, with all of the canon evidence in front of us, it seems to be that he was telling the truth.
a lot of this is based on dream's actions and actions alone. why? because we don't know what he's thinking.
i am actually fully on board with the idea that dream lied, and that he does still miss and care about his friends! i consider often (because i like angst lol)! when dream finally gets his pov, we might learn about this. because we don't know what he's thinking. he could be missing them every second for all we know! it could all be one master plan to make them like him, or save them, or something.
BUT. that isn't canon yet.
we don't know what dream is thinking, and until we do, we have to go off his actions and nothing else. because that's all the canon info on it we have.
so in conclusion i'm sorry to say: dream is innocent until proven guilty. as far as we can tell, he wasn't lying. and he did cut off his friends.
[ i would also like to say: dream actually caring about his friends would make him a lot more sympathetic imo. but it kind of wouldn't really change how he cut them off and made them feel so shitty in the first place, especially sapnap. even if it turns out he actually loves them, he still treated them awfully by abandoning them as he did. that's just my two cents though. ]
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rosepetalsthings · 3 years
Honestly, i feel like youre the only person who’s take on this whole situation i find reasonable…i mean, i understand people who want to wait for more info but i also just dont know what they’re actually waiting for. Ollie is not gonna face reveal or post his id because this situation is already insane enough as it is, dream could make a statement but then he would have the same criticism thrown his way as ollie (namely that he didn’t provide proof and just said “take my word for it”) and it makes me feel like they just can’t win here. The only thing that might work is the victim speaking on this but i think even throwing that into the room is incredibly disrespectful to them and the trauma they experienced.
And i also completely disagree with the sentiment that ollie has to prove he’s innocent. I hold onto the sentiment that we should believe all victims but if its not a victim coming forward but a random twitter user making allegations based on essentially nothing, i would have hoped that people would have enough critical thinking skills to question this themselves and its sad that that is not happening
Yeah, I've seen a lot of blogs say that they're gonna wait for more info, which is at least a lot better than just believing it straight up. And people don't want to say anything on either side and be wrong, or simply don't want to deal with hate on either side (I was expecting to deal with a lot more hate, even just a follower exodus, considering that at the time of my first post most people in the tags were definitely not of the opinion I was. I'm glad to see instead it made people comfortable enough to share their opinions to me respectfully). Or blogs just ignoring it and staying dead quiet. Which is fair, I think. It's a heavy topic.
I just feel like there is enough info (or lack thereof) to doubt the doxxed info. And I believe fully in innocent until proven guilty, which means that for me it has to be beyond reasonable doubt, and I have a tonne to doubt. A lack of proof is still evidence in my book.
I should note that I was also aware of the consequences when I posted, and that I could be wrong, even if I think that it unlikely. But I don't think I'll regret defending them, because as of right now there isn't enough evidence.
I don't think there is gonna be any new information honestly. But there is a reason I have continuously compared it to the Covid Party. I think that the same cycle will happen here. People get unreasonably mad, take anything the cc's do in the next 24 hours as damage control and evidence, cool down a bit, actually have a think about it and re evaluate the evidence, then probably change their stance and severely downplay how much they overreacted.
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Dream SMP Recap (March 3/2021) -     The Burger is a Lie
Tubbo moves past the denial stage of grief into anger. After creating a grave for Tommy, he decides that someone needs to be held accountable.
It’s time for some good old-fashioned detective work.
[Ponk’s VOD was deleted so unfortunately I can’t recap it since I didn’t see it :( ]
Captain Puffy
- Tubbo walks down the Prime Path with plans to build Tommy a grave in Snowchester. 
- He doesn’t even know why or how it happened. Why was Tommy in prison?
“I want to blame someone -- I’m angry! Who’s to blame?”
- He wonders who set off the TNT to trap Tommy in there.
- Tubbo reaches Snowchester and finds a small ice island just outside the border to set up a gravesite. He makes a patch of grass, a wooden bench, puts down some flowers. He makes the gravestone out of wood.
“Tommy’s favorite block was literally oak wood. (laughs) He was a simple person, chat. He was a simple person.”
- He places a sign.
“In the Memory of Tommy. He was taken from us too soon.”
- He puts cobblestone around, and puts down a jukebox.
“This was meant to give closure, chat. This was meant to just give closure, but instead I’m just feeling more and more mad."
- Tubbo places down some lanterns and a Prime Log. He has a moment on the bench.
“Alright...so...what now? I’m pissed, dude. I don’t know how this was allowed to happen. I don’t know how this was allowed to happen. Receive his stuff from the prison -- no, I’m not going in that thing for a very long time.”
- He decides he needs someone to be held accountable. He wants to launch an investigation.
- He goes under the McPuffy’s and plans to make a little room to gather all the information in one place, and also a place to go in an emergency. Like a panic room or a bunker. No one should know about it until they have enough information to convict someone.
Tubbo starts building.
- He doesn’t even want to go into Tommy’s house, not even for supplies.
- He grabs a lectern for the room and starts writing. A storyline is needed.
The Crime:
- Murder
The Timeline:
- Tommy Visits Dream.
- Bomb gets set off.
- Tommy was Trapped with Dream.
- Tommy is The Crime is committed.
- Start with number two...where? Where were the bombs set off? Because if it was all a ploy, then Sam is the one to be held accountable. 
- Tubbo goes to the prison to check around the perimeter. The sound of the bombs came from above, but Tubbo remains skeptical. That could have been a ploy to cover up the tracks.
- Tubbo finds a patch of the shoreline where a water level is missing. He assumes that someone was just gathering sand there, not that it’s explosion damage.
- Tubbo flies onto the top of the prison and notices that there’s snow missing where the snow biome should encompass. A small area of a few blocks -- they must have been tampered with. Tubbo documents the evidence.
Tommy was trapped inside because of an explosion “outside” ..
Around the outside of “Pandora’s Vault” there was no evidence of explosion damage.
However on the roof of the Vault there is evidence of an explosion. We can tell this because of the snow pattern on the roof of the prison.
However snow can be broken by TNT from inside the Vault. But I suspect that the TNT was detonated outside.
- Now, Tubbo needs to go and find out who has access to stocks of TNT. Who has the majority of the world’s TNT? Well, there was a country that used to exist on this server. And who was responsible for its destruction? 
Tubbo visits L’manhole.
“Technoblade, Dream, and Philza. Suspects number two. We’ve moved on from Sam. Suspects number two and three, sorry -- Technoblade and Phil.”
“Everyone’s a suspect, chat. Guilty until proven innocent, I’ve always said.”
- And doesn’t Technoblade owe Dream a favor? Tubbo declares him suspect two.
- Tubbo runs to Technoblade’s house. There’s not much of anything out of the ordinary.
- He goes inside and looks through the chest, finding one with plenty of gunpowder, about half full. What looks off about it, though? What is missing here?
“Chat, where is the rest of the gunpowder, chat? Where is the rest of the gunpowder? It’s a fair question...Techno uses it for potions? No, no, hear me out. If chest was at least filled up to here, okay, that is four stacks and a half of gunpowder, okay? Each gunpowder is three splash potions. Three splash potions. So that’s over twelve stacks of potions! Potions that are not stackable! And in this establishment, there are not enough chests to hold twelve lots of sixty-four un-stackable potions. Rockets? Yeah, that’s another good call. What else is a good call? TNT. Let’s keep looking.”
- He continues to look through the chests, then exits. Suspect two has all of the materials to commit the crime.
- Suspect three? No sand, not enough gunpowder.
- He starts to leave.
“‘Check Ranboo?’ I mean it’s not gonna be Ranboo, is it? It’s not gonna be Ranboo. Yeah, he has access to all the stuff, but I doubt he even remembers it’s there..."
- He does a quick search anyway. The person who committed the crime must have not been prepared. They gathered the sand outside of the prison -- that’s what the missing shoreline must have meant.
- He notices Ranboo’s plan signs and reads them. He goes down into the basement but the vault door is shut, so he doesn’t find it. He assumes chat is talking about Pandora’s Vault.
“There is sand that has been mined outside the prison. The TNT was crafted rash. Technoblade doesn’t do rash, he does planned and calculated. Suspect two, three and four. I’m gonna presume they’re innocent right now, except for suspect two.”
- Technoblade could’ve supplied someone else with gunpowder. He wasn’t online during the explosion, but who was? Foolish and Ranboo.
“‘Big Law?’ Yeah, I’m back. I’m back in it again. I suppose you could say that...I’m on my A game right now.”
- Was Jack Manifold online at the time? No. Just Ranboo, Foolish, Dream, Tommy and Sam. Foolish lives in a desert. There’s a vast supply of sand in a desert...but was he streaming at the time?
- This does not look good for suspect number four...
- He returns to the bunker to get his evidence straight and places down signs.
Who Caused the Explosion?
Techno Owes Dream A Favor
Techno Has Gunpowder Missing
Sand Disturbed Outside The Vault
Techno Was Not Online @ The Time Of Explosion
Ranboo & Foolish Were Online @ TOM [time of explosion]
Foolish has access to sand
Ranboo has access to gunpowder
Sam lock Tommy In The Vault
Dream is in the Vault
Find out who visited Dream
Interview more players to get big picture
- Who visited Dream? So far, Tubbo only knows Tommy. Who else would ever want to visit Dream except for Tommy? 
- A dono leads Tubbo to realize that TNT can be planted beforehand with a timer. Sam could have planted the TNT with a timer. It could have all been Sam. It could have even been Dream with a contingency plan...but how could he have known Tommy would visit? Because of the favor? Did Techno convince Tommy to visit?
Why did Tommy visit Dream? Closure? Did anyone give him that idea?
- Tubbo decides he just needs more information.
- He sees the McPuffy’s...is it a coincidence that, as soon as Tommy got put in prison...burger shops started popping up on the Dream SMP?
- Maybe this happened because of the BURGERS.
- Could it have been Jack Manifold, wanting the hotel for himself? 
“Nah, Jack’s way too dumb for that.”
“The burger is a lie!”
- Maybe the Egg has something to do with it? Tubbo goes down into the Egg Room and shouts at the Egg to ask for answers. He leaves the Egg Room with no more answers, wondering if he’s about to leave the anger phase and head into bargaining instead.
- Ranboo works on his Conflict Resolution Pit after months, planning to finally finish it at long last.
- Ranboo looks at the chest by the pit and finds...a Manberg war shield? Whose is that? He isn’t sure what the shield means.
[Fun Fact: According to Karl about the banner’s design, the black represents all the colors combined, meaning “Unity.” The red is “the blood of our enemies.”
“It’s unity unless you go against us.”]
- Ranboo continues resource-gathering and building.
- Sam works on his creeper farm! He also answers several questions. Here are a few!:
* Are Sam Nook, warden Sam and Awesamdude all different people? 
Sam Nook and warden Sam are different people, but the warden is not a separate character from normal Awesamdude. They are the same person. Sam Nook is the only separate character. This will be explained more in the future!
* Why is Sam’s pickaxe named “Warden’s Will Breaker?” Does it have anything to do with breaking the prisoner’s will? 
“Mayhaps, mayhaps...”
* Isn’t it a little strange that he’s building a creeper farm? 
“Well, I’m the king of creepers so they should be excited to die for me.”
- Ranboo asks if he can shoot Sam. Sam says yes (in game)
- Ranboo shoots Sam in the face. Sam turns majestically and stops moving. Ranboo is confused and is worried that Sam might not be alive. Sam’s computer is suffering.
- Ranboo tries to get Sam to move.
“Oh my god he’s been completely paralyzationizitated.”
- By Sam’s request, Ranboo tries to push him to safety.
- Sam has been bound to the y-axis! He starts seeing through Ranboo’s stream.
- Ranboo tries to drive Sam in a boat but he starts seeing colors. 
- Sam dies on the Prime Path. Ranboo makes a marker sign in remembrance of where he died by paralyzationizitation. 
Upcoming events remain the same.
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anthrotographer · 3 years
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If Beale Street Could Talk (2018)
Thoughts on the film and novel. I read it before I saw it.
It's a different type of love story, one where the love is absolute. Usually you have a love story where one or more of the characters have to question "is this the one for me"? There is no room to question Tish and Fonny's love for each other. They have truly loved each other since they were kids. The real drama in the story is whether the world is gonna love them back and let them be together. Whether they'll get lucky or not, because it takes luck not to get fucked over by a system that excludes you. Will the racist, white-dominated society ever let up; and if not accept their existence, then at least be uninvolved/unaroused by it? No, they are aroused by it. The white men depicted in the film are just a reflection of reality in 1970s America and present-day. Their superiority complex is so baked into them by historical coincidence that many of them can't sit still nonviolently if a black person comes into their line of sight. And that's exactly the situation Fonny has to deal with in If Beale Street Could Talk. He was arrested by a white cop for a crime that he didn't commit, all because of his actual offense; walking home while black. It is as simple and cold as that. This might be James Baldwin's fictitious story but it's informed by a well sourced history of black oppression.
The big dilemma in the story is Fonny's imprisonment. To make matters more dire Tish informs her love that she is pregnant during one of her first visits at Fonny's jail. As stated before he was just minding his business one night when a cop decided Fonny fit the description for a suspect in a recent rape case. A young Puerto Rican woman was the victim of this heinous crime, but since it happened in the dead of night she didn't get a good look at who did it. The police department rounded up guys off the street and convinced young Victoria that Fonny was the one who did it. Part of the tragedy of Beale Street is the state pitting these two persecuted minorities against each other. The state has no 'real' proof to link Fonny to the crime. Unfortunately, as Tish's sister puts it in the book "We have to disprove the state's case. There's no point in saying that we have to make them prove it, because, as far as they're concerned, the accusation is the proof." Guilty until proven innocent. James Baldwin would probably be depressed but not surprised to find out not much has changed about the justice system in America.
What I find most gripping is the realness of the characters. Not just the young adults Tish & Fonny, but their families too. Tish's family has a crude vocabulary and domineering attitude towards anyone not in their corner. They, like many in their community, are jaded by the world they grew up in. They are just finding ways to cope and not explode. Not explode just for their families sake. For Fonny and the baby's sake. They love one another and to them that means speaking uncomfortable truths, like holding no punches when talking about the sins of white people. And sins not in the religious sense because their family justifiably has lost faith in any grand fairness that religions so often preach. Fonny's biological 'family' on the other hand drinks the Christian cool-aid hard. Well his mother and sisters do. They don't see Fonny's incarceration as an injustice, but as a consequence of his impurity. Impurity of having a child so young, marrying so young, not being pious enough, etc etc. The only family member that truly supports him is his father Frank. Baldwin is showing us through his characters that we're all imperfect. We are products of our circumstances and environment, like the wood Fonny crafts into sculptures. What perfect symbolism by Baldwin.
The innocence of this couple's love is something that really comes through in both the screen and the original novel. I did feel the film relied too heavily on its long silent stares between the protagonists. They're meant to evoke a love that is so powerful it needs no words, but after a while these scenes get too tedious and uninteresting. I think the film adaptation kept close to Baldwin's work though, but since I inevitably compare it to the novel I just feel it came short of being as powerful. Part of it could be just simply that this is James Baldwin’s story, not the director Barry Jenkins' original work (Like Moonlight was, and which I think is a 10 of 10 film). There was however one semi-big detail the film didn't adapt, and that's the presumed suicide of Fonny's father at the end of the drama. In my opinion that omission is very significant. It softens the power of the story. A thought I think now that describes the film overall. Jenkins himself hints at at in an interview with IndieWire that his film was more about the love story. I think Baldwin's original story is about hurt, hurt, and more hurt with love trying to survive it all. And Fonny's father committing suicide after facing the fact that his son is not getting out of prison is a crucial moment of that hurt. Baldwin obviously thought it was crucial because it’s literally the last thing that happens in the book. Presumably Baldwin's final reminder that historically a black life in America never really gets a happy ending.
P.S. My comments ended up being more on the book than the movie because at the moment that I'm writing this I recall the book more.
Also I thought the soundtrack was great and stood out as one of the best things about it.
Rating: 6/10 (Just the film)
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waitimcomingtoo · 3 years
hi !! someone copied your innocent until proven guilty fic and I thought you should know this cause its your work ofc :)
im so sorry this happened stealing ideas and work is never okay :/
heres the link
Thank you so much. I just saw and I’m so upset. I hate when this happens. I’m gonna see what I can do
This is the story if you want to report
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artlesscomedic · 3 years
Well I mean a cell isn't always for those who've done wrong, sometimes its to protect the ones who aren't. Plus how's the man gonna visit, no ones allowed to just walk on in.
- comparison anon
Innocent until proven guilty <3
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zeta-in-de-walls · 3 years
I think I'm just gonna stop watching the Dream SMP
It's been fun, but it just feels so hopeless and I can't agree with the writing.
Techno only cares about being cool and right, no one is believing Tommy, Dream's gonna win again
Tubbo literally said "innocent until proven guilty" in regards to Dream, even though Dream was gonna murder him!
Even if cc!Tommy tries to write a happy ending to his storyline, what does it matter if other people steamroll it?
It's actually bringing me down and at the very least I feel I need a break
I feel you. If this is genuinely stressing you out then definitely take a break. The stream's fresh so its especially frustrating.
I am personally here for Tommy's storyline. I pay much less attention to the rest of the stuff and have been assuring myself that even if everything else is frustrating, I'll still love Tommy's stuff. He hasn't been on the server in ages though and I hope he hasn't simply lost interest but I'm personally here as long as Tommy is.
This stream wasn't focused on Dream at all, in fact I think they were trying to avoid discussing him as much as possible. Dream's recent vid showed him torturing two innocent people so I doubt they'll ever actually redeem him or anything close and I'm confident both Tommy and Wilbur want good endings for their characters and no one's gonna stop that. Regardless of their opinion of him otherwise, every person on the server is in agreement that Dream should stay far away from Tommy. I hope that will remain true.
But yeah, I might be wrong and the writing of this stream was very concerning. This stream was a massive blow to Tubbo's character so Techno could be easily forgiven which is certainly not my favourite angle. It feels contrived and bitterly disappointing. I am not a fan of this direction. I just hope the Sam stuff could be interesting with him now in Pandora as I actually do enjoy Sam.
I miss Tommy's DSMP streams. They were so good. Even if a little angsty, at least the themes and struggle was never brushed over and the characters were consistent and made sense!
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onelonecritter · 4 years
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I was gonna wait until I did a couple more doodles of the common ghosts who work in the courthouse, but I ran out of patience.  Besides, the most important bits are done.
The top drawing:
Judge Etherea Tomb/ Judge Tomb (LM3 OC)
A ghost judge with supernatural powers that focus on finding truth, dictating proper judgement, punishing the guilty, and restitution.  She typically takes on the Criminal cases, but will take on Civil cases if they aren’t resolved within a certain amount of trials.
Primary tool is a pair of enchanted scales that shift based on whether the person called to the stand is telling the truth or not.
The scales are able to levitate on their own, and produce two glowing stars that take on the soul color of the person being questioned at the stand.  The left scale is for truth while the right scale is for lies.
Her gavel can become a massive warhammer that she uses for defense, and/or punishing the ones who are sentenced to being put into the holding cells, but resist arrest.  Any ghost that is defeated by the warhammer is not only temporarily eliminated, but will automatically reappear in a holding cell after 24-hours of being destroyed.
In life, she had a job as a construction worker alongside her education to become a judge before becoming an attorney for a while to get her Judicial Doctorate.  She used to be a big DnD player, and had a character of her own that her spiritual powers are based on.
The character she created was a Cleric judge whose main weapon was a magical hammer that could shrink to the size of a normal gavel, and expand into a war hammer.
Her cause of death was from being killed by a suspect in court, the officer that was supposed to protect her was corrupt, and had a hand in letting the suspect inflict a fatal blow.  This also played a part in her passion for justice even beyond the grave.
Under the cut: A bunch of information about how the courthouse operates. 
This fictional courthouse, along with its rules aren’t going to be enforced/treated as canon unless it is agreed between anyone who wishes to partake in interactions with the courthouse and its associated residents/employees, and the creator of Judge Tomb and the courthouse.  These “rules” are honestly just to establish the system in which the court operates, and to kind of put a bit of logical reasoning behind certain scenarios.  Of course, this is a creation that may or may not be subject to changes in the future, and mostly made for fun without being overly serious. 
The bottom drawing:
The Court of Spectral Justice:
Located between the area where The Last Resort, and Evershade Valley are.  
Generic “enemy” ghosts work there, and pose as the jury.  
Common employees consist of:
Clerks (Support for the Judges) (Greenies, and Goobs dressed in various office costumes and accessories)
Other Judges (Poltergeists, and a few other regular ghosts dressed in judge robes, powdered wigs, and have their own gavels)
Bailiffs (Slinkers, and Creepers; sometimes Slammer and Hammers for less civil debt collecting)
Security Officers (Mostly Slammer, Creeper, Gobber and Hammer ghosts in uniform shirts and badges)
Court Reporters 
Paralegals (support for the Lawyers)
There is also a designated containment area where ghosts who are charged for their crimes are kept until they are deemed ready to be let out, or just stay there. 
These cells are also used to detain suspects who are taken into custody (all officers require a warrant for the arrests) before/after their trial.
The holding cells were constructed by ghosts specifically to contain evil spirits that commit crimes against innocent humans, or other ghosts.  The cell is constructed of layers of iron and silver; the iron has magic runes carved into it that cast a spell to prevent ghosts leaving the cell unless they are let out, and ghosts can’t enter without physically opening the cell door.  The walls, ceiling, and floor are constructed for maximum containment.
The structure of the courtrooms are built similarly to the holding cells to avoid letting defendants/suspects escape during trial/recess.  The rest of the building isn’t as structurally restricting to the ghosts.
There are different judges for various cases:
The overall structure of court law that technically applies to most of the land surrounding Evershade Valley, and the region The Last Resort is established are likely based on a mix of International Law with other laws that include ghosts (even the generic ones without much of a human identity) to provide more rights for the dead.  Surprisingly, you can actually sue a dead person in real life, but mostly for closure if that person is proven guilty of a crime they were accused of committing. 
Characteristics of the “law” enforced by the court:
Bringing justice for a ghost who may have been wronged during their time alive.  Perhaps both sides are dead, or one is still alive. If the ghost who was wronged by the human chooses to murder the human, they can go to court in order to legally be granted a pardon, or they can be pardoned for murdering without a warrant by reason of self-defense.
Maintaining the stance of advocating the rights of the dead (which technically aren’t a real thing in real life), primarily if the case involves:
 Ghost-on-Ghost crimes (these cases are sort of treated as if they were human-on-human crimes, but different stuff applies.  Like murder; this one is mostly dependent on certain circumstances, and intent).
Ghost-on-Human crimes (the ghost has malicious intent on a human who isn’t doing any harm, and is proven to not be doing it in self-defense or coerced into committing the crime).
 Human-on-Ghost crimes (A human captures a ghost, and imprisons them despite the ghost not being a threat.  This usually just results in the ghost hunter being ordered to release the captured ghost if the human is proven to be in the wrong).
Enforcing the rights of ghost workers, and ghosts who are in need of therapy for trauma that went untreated in life, and/or other conditions caused by the trauma of death (Treatments may vary based on the impact death itself causes, and/or how the individual died).  Basically, international labor laws and regulations meant to maintain a safe and stable environment for the spirits residing/working in a particular place apply.
In the case of The Last Resort, Hellen could very well be taken to court for not keeping the establishment up to code, causing concern among the residents, and intentionally endangering humans who she lured into the hotel with full intention of harming them.
Abuse is obviously a violation of this law, even though ghosts don’t permanently stay dead after being killed.  It’s still considered a crime, especially if murder is used as a way to intimidate another ghost into submission.
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