#lol you managed to get me in my most thought provoking mood
gillianthecat · 4 months
Books Tag Game
Thank you for the tag @littleragondin! I've actually been reading books again these past few weeks so I have answers now lol
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hardcover or *paperback* (i am but a weak little woman and those hardcovers are heavy) // bookstore or *library* (probably I would usually say bookstore but I was going to many different libraries to study at towards the end of the semester) // standalone or *series* (really depends on my mood, but the most recent books were a series) // nonfiction or *fiction* (fiction is an indulgence, and while I'm interested in a lot of non-fiction, reading it usually feels more like work) // thriller or *fantasy* (I've never been into scary stuff) // under 300 pages or *over 300 pages* (otherwise it goes by too quickly!) // children's or *ya* (i have not connected with the YA I've read in recent years but at times I have devoured it) // friends to lovers or *enemies to lovers* (there are some amazing friends-to-lovers I adore, but I'm compelled by even mediocre enemies-to-lovers) // *read in bed* or read on the couch (either but recently it's been all in bed) // *read at night* or read in the morning (through the night and into the next morning) // *keep pristine* or markup (I don't try to actually keep books pristine, but I also never bother to mark up anything but textbooks) // *cracked spine* or dog ear (historically I read most books on one sitting, but if not I'd just search for the page again/use a random receipt as a bookmark)
Currently Reading:
I'm not in the middle of anything, but I've read more in recent weeks than I have in a long time. (Well, technically I'm in the middle of Solomon's Ransom by Corey Kerr, because I read the sample and now am waiting for the book to be released in a few weeks.)
Several months ago I got from the (physical!) library a (physical!) copy of She Who Became the Sun by Shelly Parker-Chan, and I finally finished after the semester ended, and then found an ebook of the sequel, He Who Drowned the World. (Compelling, though I think the ambitiousness of the project inevitably meant that parts of it didn't quite work.)
Then I read a bunch of romance ebooks, and even found a m/f one that I liked! Jodi McAlister's Not Here To Make Friends. (It was also the reality dating show romance I had been low-key hoping would exist.)
I also read RF Kuang's Babel: An Arcane History (which I appreciated and was provoked by, but didn't exactly love), and then read that she was inspired by/responding to Donna Tartt's The Secret History, so I reread that. (When I read it years ago my reaction was, I'm too old for this. It felt like a book you need to read in your teens or early twenties to get swept up into. My thoughts this go around were pretty much the same.) Then Kuang's Yellowface, which was also compelling.
Speaking of enemies to lovers, quite enjoyed The Sorcerer's Omega, also by Corey Kerr, which is why I'm awaiting her latest release. (The other two books in that world are also good, just not catnip for my tastes in the same way.)
And your post reminded me—I too read Love in the Big City, which was good and also unsettling in that way of most autobiographical novels about the authors fucked up twenties. Now I can go and unblock the tag and see all the fascinating discussions y'all had in your book club.
I have no idea how they'll manage to turn it into a BL (which is what I think I read is happening?). Although it's about relationships it's very much not a romance. Are they just pulling out some random plot points and building a whole new story around them? I hope they don't try to smush it into BL shape at all, and just tell the narrator's melancholy story as written.
(Oh, technically I'm in the middle of Mari Kondo's The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up, but I'm not sure if I'll read any more. Other people's advice can be counterproductive at times.)
(Most most recently was a bunch of Untamed and Drarry fanfic, but I'm not counting that.)
I'm not sure who's done this already, but I'll tag @lelephantsnail, @petrichoraline and @tungtung-thanawat.
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rosepetalsthings · 3 years
Honestly, i feel like youre the only person who’s take on this whole situation i find reasonable…i mean, i understand people who want to wait for more info but i also just dont know what they’re actually waiting for. Ollie is not gonna face reveal or post his id because this situation is already insane enough as it is, dream could make a statement but then he would have the same criticism thrown his way as ollie (namely that he didn’t provide proof and just said “take my word for it”) and it makes me feel like they just can’t win here. The only thing that might work is the victim speaking on this but i think even throwing that into the room is incredibly disrespectful to them and the trauma they experienced.
And i also completely disagree with the sentiment that ollie has to prove he’s innocent. I hold onto the sentiment that we should believe all victims but if its not a victim coming forward but a random twitter user making allegations based on essentially nothing, i would have hoped that people would have enough critical thinking skills to question this themselves and its sad that that is not happening
Yeah, I've seen a lot of blogs say that they're gonna wait for more info, which is at least a lot better than just believing it straight up. And people don't want to say anything on either side and be wrong, or simply don't want to deal with hate on either side (I was expecting to deal with a lot more hate, even just a follower exodus, considering that at the time of my first post most people in the tags were definitely not of the opinion I was. I'm glad to see instead it made people comfortable enough to share their opinions to me respectfully). Or blogs just ignoring it and staying dead quiet. Which is fair, I think. It's a heavy topic.
I just feel like there is enough info (or lack thereof) to doubt the doxxed info. And I believe fully in innocent until proven guilty, which means that for me it has to be beyond reasonable doubt, and I have a tonne to doubt. A lack of proof is still evidence in my book.
I should note that I was also aware of the consequences when I posted, and that I could be wrong, even if I think that it unlikely. But I don't think I'll regret defending them, because as of right now there isn't enough evidence.
I don't think there is gonna be any new information honestly. But there is a reason I have continuously compared it to the Covid Party. I think that the same cycle will happen here. People get unreasonably mad, take anything the cc's do in the next 24 hours as damage control and evidence, cool down a bit, actually have a think about it and re evaluate the evidence, then probably change their stance and severely downplay how much they overreacted.
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Sorry it took an age! Here's the D&D Modern Star Wars AU with bonus Jango x Obi since you gave free reign with parings.
Obi-Wan was not quite sure what to expect when he had been invited to Anakin's 'campaign'.  He'd understood his little brother had began playing a role-playing game once he started college and had been happy to see how it helped Anakin bloom in confidence and his moods mellowed out as he befriended his 'party members'. Obi-Wan had gone to a game shop and the young woman working there had happily helped him purchase some dice and books for Anakin when he'd realized his brother was not going to let this hobby go anytime soon. Seeing Anakin beaming when he opened the presents had made the disbelief and judgement of the worker's worth it. Apparently Obi-Wan did not look sufficiently 'nerdy' as the teenage worker, A. Tano had explained. 
Obi-Wan was fairly certain nerd was supposed to be an insult. It certainly had when he was younger, but the girl had said it with pride and he'd seen the merchandise bearing the word. So perhaps he was just out of touch.
When he'd received Anakin's invitation, it had been a text that had been followed by 'only if you wanna', 'our DM really wants some new blood', 'we don't see each other much any', and 'IGNORE THAT IT WASN'T FOR YOU'. Obi-Wan had spotted the obvious lie and felt instantly guilty. They had been spending less time together with Obi-Wan's new book and promotions for the movie and Anakin being at college and with his friends so often. It would be a good structured way to see each other each week. Anakin had tried to be nonchalant when he'd said yes, but Obi-Wan knew he'd been grinning and vowed to make sure it was a good game and threw himself into research. 
A. Tano, who finally introduced herself as Ahsoka, had been happy to help and had turned out to be a player herself, explaining classes and races and lore to him as they looked through dice and The Player's Handbook. She'd offered to just send him her PDF's of the book, but he'd declined though it was sweet. He preferred physical books and enjoyed being able to tab and write in them. Although he did accept the many websites she directed him to that were quite helpful.
All in all with a few texts to Anakin, who sounded more and more wary of his specific game related questions, he felt quite confident in his character and emailed the DM, whose name Anakin had failed to supply, his typed up storyline and sheet for approval.
The man, presumably one of Anakin's classmates, and it was an odd thought to have a 20 something with some authority over him, had approved it and complimented his storyline with something along the lines of, 'It's always nice to have another story and roleplay player in the group. I was concerned Anakin had invited another Murder Hobo, but you will do nicely Kenobi.' Anakin had sent him a long line of 'lols'  when he'd asked what a 'Murder Hobo' was and promptly forgot to explain it as he instead asked for romantic advice. 'For a friend.' After she'd finished laughing, Ahsoka had, yet again, proved much more helpful in explaining and managed to get Obi-Wan to buy another set of dice, a lovely blue shade that glimmered and had gold numbers. He had yet to play and he was becoming quite fond of collecting the different colored sets. His first one had been 'Lawful Good' at Ahsoka's insistence.
All in all he felt confident as he drove to the address Anakin had texted him and the DM, who never signed his emails, had confirmed. He'd been expecting some first time apartment or perhaps, at worst, a dorm. Instead his GPS led him further and further into the countryside outside the city Anakin went to school, until he was turning down a gravel driveway. The road was covered in trees on both sides that bent over it, cutting off the sky as the outstretched branches blended together and pretty soon he was going up a small hill, into the large forest he had spotted from the freeway. Obi-Wan was somewhat nervous, but his GPS assured him this was correct and then he was pulling into a large lawn spotted with cars and staring at a beautiful sprawling cabin style home with a full wrap around porch, garden out of a fairytale and picturesque pond with a small pier.
That was not a college student's home, but he could clearly see Anakin on the porch talking enthusiastically to an older looking young woman with a besotted look Obi-Wan recognized. Perhaps it was one of Anakin's friends' parent's home? Obi-Wan realized he was suddenly nervous at the realization that besides Anakin, his neighbor, and his agent he hadn't really socialized with anyone since they'd moved here two years ago. That was a bit embarrassing. 
Before he could consider it too long he parked beside one of the other vehicles and saw Anakin look up and grin like the sun at the sight of him. It made Obi-Wan relax. He would be fine. For goodness sakes he was a friendly grown man he could socialize fine. He'd even been called charming on more than one occasion. 
It would be fine.
Obi-Wan hurriedly collected his binder and then grabbed the cloth bag containing the snacks. Ahsoka had insisted that snacks were a must for any game and helped him select a collection beyond Anakin's favourites. Obi-Wan got out and just managed to brace himself in time for Anakin to launch himself at Obi-Wan and wrap him in a tight hug. Obi-Wan stifled a laugh into his brother's shoulder and returned it one armed only protesting when Anakin tried to pick him up. The boy, young man now, laughed at his protest but dropped him. He looked up into familiar blue eyes on a tanned face framed by a mess of long curls and felt something inside him soften.
"Anakin," Obi-Wan said, full of affection and then to distract from it reached out to gently tug the curls. "It's gotten even longer."
Anakin rolled his eyes pulling away, grumbling but still grinning.
"Qui-Gon's was longer," Anakin pointed out,  the same argument he'd used when he said he wanted to start growing it out. "And it's nothing compared to your mullet."
"It was not a mullet," Obi-Wan protested by rote and was surprised when there was a soft feminine laugh from behind Anakin.
Obi-Wan looked over Anakin's shoulder to find a lovely young woman a few years older than his brother. Her brown hair was done up in a lovely curling style and she smiled brightly. She wore an odd dress that was deep blue dress frames with black lace with odd white square patterned corset that resembled windows on the waist. There were swirling shapes in the blue and he could see up close that the top of black bodice said "Police Box" in white lettering.
"Oh, hello there," Obi-Wan said, slightly surprised. Anakin looked askance at the greeting which made Obi-Wan want to roll his eyes. Instead though he smiled and side stepped his brother to offer the woman his hand, shifting the handle of the snack bag to his wrist. Anakin had the absurd idea that Obi-Wan was an unconscious flirt, which was ridiculous. He may have bantered with others on occasion, but it was all very lighthearted and he hadn't pursued a flirtation in years. As it was he was suspecting he had become too much of an odd hermit to be all that appealing despite Anakin's insistence of 'seductions'.
He was even convinced that Obi-Wan's neighbor had some kind of crush on him rather than a strangely intense hatred and disapproval.
'Hello there' was not his 'signature move' despite what Anakin liked to claim.
"Obi-Wan Kenobi," he said, ignoring Anakin's betrayed look as the woman shook his. Her hands were small but strong. 
"Padmé Naberrie," the woman returned with a dimpled smile of her own.
"Queen Amidala?" Obi-Wan asked, startled and Padmé looked just as surprised but then beamed laughing.
"You follow my blog?" She sounded torn between flattered and embarrassed. 
Obi-Wan nodded. "Your analysis is very thoughtful and it's been helpful for developing my more political character's thought processes as well as provoking me to consider my own--How did you put it, 'civic duty and impact on my government and holding them accountable'?"
"Oh," Padmé said with a smile and her face sharpened with interest. "Anakin mentioned you were a writer. You're focusing on something political?"
"A bit of alternate history fun," Obi-Wan admitted lightly. He was very much not thinking on the stacks and stacks of posted notes covering his desks, hours of recorded footage from documentaries, and books that were more sticky notes and highlighting than text. He was ignoring the hours and hours of time thrown into research spirals.
"What are you changing?" Padmé asked, eyes bright and interested. 
Obi-Wan opened his mouth to answer but was cut off by a loud clap beside them. They both turned to find Anakin standing there hands together looking embarrassed and vaguely panicked. Obi-Wan stared, confused as his brother went pink and started speaking, rushed and stumbling.
"Alright. Don't wanna be late for game!" Anakin choked up and ducked between them grabbing Obi-Wan's arm. "COME ON OBI-WAN YOU CAN SIT BESIDE ME."
Obi-Wan allowed himself to be dragged, stunned by this but Padmé laughed lightly behind them. He noted the color on Anakin's face deepened at the sound and he felt something inside him soften. He had not imagined the besotted look then and he had most likely found the one behind the advice for Anakin's 'friend'. 
Obi-Wan hid a small smile as he followed Anakin inside. It was loud, though the noise seemed to be coming from down the stairs to the immediate right. The first thing Obi-Wan saw was a very comfortable living room with some weapons hung on the wall, one wall reserved for what appeared to be an album's worth of family photos, a large TV, and several glass cases that seemed to contain figurines and models. Children's toys were scattered haphazardly throughout and this along with the colorful quilts, the homework and crayons spread out on the coffee table, and baby pen folded in the corner seemed to soften the room.
Obi-Wan's smile stayed firm until he looked at the man in the middle of the room who was collecting the scattered toys to place in a box. Clearly older, closer to Obi-Wan's age and likely the parent of Anakin's friend. Obi-Wan opened his mouth to greet him only for the man to look up and for Obi-Wan to come face to face with familiar brown eyes.
His words died.
The man looked just as stunned--even more handsome than when Obi-Wan had last seen him, part of him pointed out--half bent over, one hand wrapped around a stuffed dragon and the other stabilizing the toy box he was carrying. He was slightly rumbled in soft worn-in sweatpants that clung to his thighs and a white tank top that fully displayed his arms. The outfit was finished by a lopsided crown of dandelions and wildflowers, resting on his head. He looked so much softer, older of course with wrinkles around his eyes and a few small scars, but there were smile lines and he looked so much more in his element in a way that made Obi-Wan's heart squeeze and a worry he'd carried for two decades unfurled.
"Obi-Wan?" Anakin's voice knocked them both out of the staring. Obi-Wan jumped and turned to Anakin to find him frowning and then flickering a quick look to the man. "Do-do you know Jango?"
He sounded so baffled by the concept.
Obi-Wan honestly wasn't sure how to answer or how much was his to share.
"We're old friends," Jango said smoothly stepping forward to offer his hand and a smile as he met Obi-Wan's gaze.
Obi-Wan took it, feeling the warmth and calluses of his palms without quite believing this surreal moment was happening.
"Yes," Obi-Wan confirmed, voice thankfully not showing the strange mess of his thoughts. His eyes were focused on Jango's taking in the color he'd used to know so well. "Very old ones."
The warmth lingered as the broke apart and Obi-Wan felt strangely bereft at that and curled his palm closed as if to keep the memory of the sensation from fading.
"Time for game," Jango said, firmly and Anakin looked ready to protest, but a soft touch on his shoulder had him following Padmé down the stairs leaving Obi-Wan alone with one last suspicious glance.
Alone with Jango. Who he hadn't seen since he was sixteen and completely besotted.
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raptured-night · 5 years
Hi! I’m part of the lgbtq+ community and Severus is my favorite HP character and I was wondering (if you have the time and feel obliged) if you could please give me a few examples of how he’s queer? It’s been a few years since I reread the books, and def before I came out, so I’m a little in the dark here lol Thanks!!
First of all, I just wanted to apologize for how long it has taken me to properly respond to your ask. I’ve been dealing with some ongoing health issues that have turned me into something of a moody writer. I’ll get random spurts of energy and inspiration and then hit a wall of absolute writer’s block assisted by a major case of executive dysfunction every single time I try to respond to the multiple asks languishing in my inbox. Fortunately, I found myself involved in a discussion just today that addressed your ask so perfectly that I wanted to share it with you.  In the very least, that discussion has also managed to shake off my writer’s block temporarily so that I have found myself in the right head-space to finally be able to give this lovely ask the thought and attention that I feel it deserves. 
Although, in regards to the Snape discourse I linked above, I feel that I should warn you in advance that the discussion was prompted by an anti-Snape poster who made a rather ill-thought meme (I know there are many in the Snapedom who would rather just avoid seeing anti-Snape content altogether, so I try to warn when I link people to debates and discussions prompted by anti-posts) but the thoughtful responses that the anti-Snape poster unintentionally generated from members of the Snapedom (particularly by @deathdaydungeon whose critical analyses of Snape and, on occasions, other Harry Potter characters is always so wonderfully nuanced, thought-provoking, and well-considered), are truly excellent and worth reading, in my opinion. Also, as I fall more loosely under the “a” (I’m grey-ace/demisexual) of the lgbtqa+ flag and community I would prefer to start any discussions about Snape as a queer character or as a character with queer coding by highlighting the perspectives of people in the Snapedom who are actually queer before sharing any thoughts of my own.
In addition, I also wanted to share a few other posts where Snape’s queer coding has been discussed by members of the Snapedom in the past (and likely with far more eloquence than I could manage in this response of my own).
Along with an excellent article in Vice by Diana Tourjée, in which a case for Snape being trans is convincingly argued. 
Importantly, you’ll notice that while some of these discussions do argue the possibility of Snape being a queer or trans character others may only discuss the way that Snape’s character is queer coded. That is because there is a distinct but subtle difference between: “This character could be queer/lgbtq+” and: “This character has queer/lgbtq+ coding” one which is briefly touched on in the first discussion that I linked you to. However, I would like to elaborate a bit here just what I mean when I refer to Snape as a character with queer coding. As while Rowling has never explicitly stated that she intended to write Snape as lgbtq+ (although there is one interview given by Rowling which could be interpreted as either an unintentional result of trying to symbolically explain Snape’s draw to the dark arts or a vague nod to Snape’s possible bisexuality: "Well, that is Snape's tragedy. ... He wanted Lily and he wanted Mulciber too. He never really understood Lily's aversion; he was so blinded by his attraction to the dark side he thought she would find him impressive if he became a real Death Eater.”) regardless of her intent when she drew upon the existing body of Western literary traditions and tropes for writing antagonists and villains in order to use them as a red-herring for Snape’s character, she also embued his character with some very specific, coded subtext. This is where Death of the Author can be an invaluable tool for literary critics, particularly in branches of literary criticism like queer theory. 
Ultimately, even if Rowling did not intend to write Snape as explicitly queer/lgbtq+ the literary tradition she drew upon in order to present him as a foil for Harry Potter and have her readers question whether he was an ally or a villain has led to Snape being queer coded. Specifically, many of the characteristics of Snape’s character design do fall under the trope known as the “queering of the villain.” Particularly, as @deathdaydungeon, @professormcguire, and other members of the Snapedom have illustrated, Snape’s character not only subverts gender roles (e.g. his Patronus presents as female versus male, Snape symbolically assumes the role of “the mother” in the place of both Lily and later Narcissa when he agrees to protect Harry and Draco, his subject of choice is potions and poisons which are traditionally associated more with women and “witches,” while he seemingly rejects in his first introduction the more phallic practice of “foolish wand-waving,” and indeed Snape is characterized as a defensive-fighter versus offensive, in Arthurian mythology he fulfills the role of Lady of the Lake in the way he chooses to deliver the Sword of Gryffindor to Harry, Hermione refers to his hand-writing as “kind of girly,” his association with spiders and spinners also carries feminine symbology, etc.) but is often criticized or humiliated for his seeming lack of masculinity (e.g. Petunia mocking his shirt as looking like “a woman’s blouse,” which incidentally was also slang in the U.K. similar to “dandy” to accuse men of being effeminate, the Marauders refer to Snape as “Snivellus” which suggests Snape is either less masculine because he cries or the insult is a mockery of what could pass for a stereotypical/coded Jewish feature, his nose, Remus Lupin quite literally instructs Neville on how to “force” a Boggart!Snape, who incidentally is very literally stepping out of a closet-like wardrobe, into the clothing of an older woman and I quoted force because that is the exact phrase he uses, James and Sirius flipping Snape upside down to expose him again presents as humiliation in the form of emasculation made worse by the arrival and defense of Lily Evans, etc.). 
Overall, the “queering of the villain” is an old trope in literature (although it became more deliberate and prevalent in media during the 1950s-60s); however, in modernity, we still can find it proliferating in many of the Disney villains (e.g. Jafar, Scar, Ursula, etc.), in popular anime and children’s cartoons (e.g. HiM from Powerpuff Girls, James from Pokemon, Frieza, Zarbon, the Ginyu Force, Perfect Cell, basically a good majority of villains from DBZ, Nagato from Fushigi Yuugi, Pegasus from Yu Gi Oh, etc.), and even in modern television series and book adaptations, such as the popular BBC’s Sherlock in the character of Moriarty. Indeed, this article does an excellent job in detailing some of the problematic history of queer coded villains. Although, the most simple summary is that: “Queer-coding is a term used to say that characters were given traits/behaviors to suggest they are not heterosexual/cisgender, without the character being outright confirmed to have a queer identity” (emphasis mine). Notably, TV Tropes also identifies this trope under the classification of the “Sissy Villain” but in queer theory and among queer writers in fandom and academia “queering of the villain” is the common term. This brings me back to Snape and his own queer coding; mainly, because Rowling drew upon Western traditions for presenting a character as a suspected villain she not only wrote Snape as queer (and racially/ethnically) coded but in revealing to the reader that Snape was not, in fact, the villain Harry and the readers were encouraged to believe he was by the narrator she incorporated a long history of problematic traits/tropes into a single character and then proceeded to subvert them by subverting reader-expectation in a way that makes the character of Severus Snape truly fascinating. 
We can certainly debate the authorial intent vs. authorial impact where Snape’s character is concerned. Particularly as we could make a case that the polarizing nature of Snape may well be partly the result of many readers struggling against Rowling subverting literary tropes that are so firmly rooted in our Western storytelling traditions that they cannot entirely abandon the idea that this character who all but had the book thrown at him in terms of all the coding that went into establishing him as a likely villain (e.g. similar to Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights, Snape is also coded to be associated with darkness/black colors and to represent danger and volatile/unstable moods, while his class status further characterizes him as an outsider or “foreign other,” and not unlike all those villains of our childhood Disney films which affirmed a more black-and-white philosophy of moral abolutism, such as Scar or Jafar, the ambiguity of Snape’s sexuality coupled with his repeated emasculation signals to the reader that this man should be “evil” and maybe even “predatory,” ergo all the “incel” and friendzone/MRA discourse despite nothing in canon truly supporting those arguments; it seems it may merely be Snape’s “queerness” that signals to some readers that he was predatory or even that “If Harry had been a girl” there would be some kind of danger) is not actually our villain after all. 
Indeed, the very act of having Snape die (ignoring, for the moment, any potential issues of “Bury Your Gays” in a queer analysis of his death) pleading with Harry to “look at him” as he symbolically seems to weep (the man whom Harry’s hyper-masculine father once bullied and mocked as “Snivellus”) memories for Harry to view (this time with his permission) carries some symbolic weight for any queer theory analysis. Snape, formerly portrayed as unfathomable and “secretive,” dies while pleading to be seen by the son of both his first and closest friend and his school-hood bully (a son that Snape also formerly could never see beyond his projection of James) sharing with Harry insight into who he was via his personal memories. For Harry to later go on to declare Snape “the bravest man he ever knew” carries additional weight, as a queer theory analysis makes it possible for us to interpret that as Harry finally recognizing Snape, not as the “queer coded villain” he and the reader expected but rather as the brave queer coded man who was forced to live a double-life in which “no one would ever know the best of him” and who, in his final moments at least, was finally able to be seen as the complex human-being Rowling always intended him to be. 
Rowling humanizing Snape for Harry and the reader and encouraging us to view Snape with empathy opened up the queer coding that she wrote into his character (intentionally or otherwise) in such a way that makes him both a potentially subversive and inspiring character for the lgbtq+ community. Essentially, Snape opens the door for the possibility of reclaiming a tradition of queer coding specific to villains and demonstrating the way those assumptions about queer identity can be subverted. Which is why I was not at all surprised that I was so easily able to find a body of existing discourse surrounding Snape as a queer coded or even as a potentially queer character within the Harry Potter fandom. At least within the Snapedom, there are many lgbtq+ fans of his character that already celebrate the idea of a queer, bi, gay, trans, ace/aro, or queer coded Snape (in fact, as a grey-ace I personally enjoy interpreting Snape through that lens from time-to-time). 
Thank you for your ask @pinkyhatespink and once again I apologize for the amount of time it’s taken me to reply. However, I hope that you’ll find this response answered your question and, if not, that some of the articles and posts from other pro-Snape bloggers I linked you to will be able to do so more effectively. Also, as a final note, although many of the scholarly references and books on queer coding and queering of the villain I would have liked to have sourced are typically behind paywalls, I thought I would list the names of just a few here that I personally enjoyed reading in the past and that may be of further interest should you be able to find access to them.
Fathallah, Judith. “Moriarty’s Ghost: Or the Queer Disruption of the BBC’s Sherlock.” Television & New Media, vol. 16, no. 5, 2014, p. 490-500. 
Huber, Sandra. “Villains, Ghosts, and Roses, or How to Speak With The Dead.” Open Cultural Studies, vol. 3, no. 1, 2019, p. 15-25.
Mailer, Norman. “The Homosexual Villain.” 1955. Mind of an Outlaw: Selected Essays, edited by Sipiora Phillip, Random House, 2013, pp. 14–20.
Solis, Nicole Eschen. "Murder Most Queer: The Homicidal Homosexual in the American Theater." Queer Studies in Media & Pop Culture, vol. 1, no. 1, 2016, p. 115+. 
Tuhkanen, Mikko. “The Essentialist Villain.” Jan. 2019,  SBN13: 978-1-4384-6966-9
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parknoonseob · 4 years
Secret Checkmate summs
The English cut out the mature scenes, so the English and Korean chapter numbers don’t match. Ch 11 summary is ch 11 in the Korean raws, but ch 10 in the English. 
Ch 11 summary:
Soo actually gets to see Euns painting up close.
Soo asks himself why Moon still has this art piece. Like most people, Moon must have felt some good will toward Eun if he kept the painting. Moon says he remembers the noise/news surrounding the piece. Moon says Eun was filled with talent and doesn’t know why he did that (ruining the painting). If he had just kept quietly listening to Moon then Moon would have paid more attention and doted on him more. Eun was the student Moon wanted to teach the most. Moon says: It’s quite a shame. I miss those days. When I look at the things Eun left behind at my house, I think about him often.
Soo is surprised to learn about their relationship. Moon said they spent hours talking and it was easier for Eun to sleep at Moon’s house than go home late at night. Eun would spend more time at Moon’s house than his own. But things have changed now and Eun doesn’t respond to Moon’s texts or calls. Soo says isn't it a given that he's ignoring you? You are not as close as you once were to Eun. Moon says… well, i guess so. Soo ends the interview there.. Soo realizes he messed up. He shouldn’t have asked so many personal/emotional questions so early in the interview.
This is Soo’s feelings about Eun/the motivation for his actions- he despises Eun’s rise to the top. Eun’s someone who is praised by accomplished and influential people, which makes E. If Soo cant manage to catch Eun and match Euns level, Soo will drag Eun down to his level.
He’s back at his office. His sunbae can tell Soo didn’t get any good info from the interview. “The moment you get tired is the moment the game ends. Keep pestering. Reporters don’t stop. If you do, the thing you want will be in your hands. The deadlier person is the one who wins.” Soo thought he was deadly, but apparently not. “How much more of a crazy boi do I have to be for you to fall into my hands?”
Eun is on the phone with a likely current pupil of Moon’s. The friend says they hate their situation, but can’t do anything about it because Moon will make them successful if they do as Moon says.
The person on the phone:  It’s better than losing Moon’s favor and my path forward being blocked. Are you doing well now that you ran from Moon? Your source of income got cut off, they’re accusing you of being a thief, all this makes it hard for you to return/make a comeback. I don’t want to live like you. You can do plenty of other things besides painting, Me, not so much. Don’t think badly of me. I just can’t afford to help you. It isn’t just me, everyone is tired.
Eun gets annoyed and sarcastically (?) says that he wishes the person the best.
Ch 12 summary:
Soo is at the door. Eun says you’re at another man’s house fully knowing what he’ll do to you, but then tells him to leave because Eun isn’t in the mood to talk to Soo. Soo keeps ringing the bell and Eun gives in. Eun asks if Soo is there to finally make a mess of him (sekshually). Soo is being kinda docile (?) which is unlike him and throwing Eun off. Soo repeats what he learned from his interview with Moon, that they were once close, but Eun threw it all away. He says Eun is incredible for throwing away a sure thing. Eun asks if that’s anything to praise. Being doted on by an old man made his skin crawl. Soo asks if Eun also has bruises on his body like the other pupils do. Eun says it’s been a long time since he left and that his body is perfectly free of marks. Eun has had enough of the boring talk and wants Soo to make a mess of him (again, sekshually).  Soo is suspicious of Eun rapidly changing the subject. Soo says if he goes inside, Eun will immediately lay Soo on his bed. Eun tells him to learn from Eun. Soo says he has no intentions of learning anything from Eun. Eun says if it’s a shame bc he likes Soo’s face, but if he isn’t there for anything (sex) then they have nothing to talk about and slams the door. Soo shoves his hand in before the door closes and yells at him to open the door now!
Ch 13 summary:
Eun looks nauseous and Soo asks if he’s ok. Eun yells at Soo for being reckless and tells him to write what he wants and leave him alone. Soo comes over countless times and Eun’s supposed to tolerate it? He accuses Moon of sending Soo to Eun to provoke him, drive him insane and deliver Eun to Moon. Soo asks if he’s so upset bc Moon did something similar to him (injure him) and Eun says no. Eun drags Soo inside and shoves him onto his bed and takes off his shirt. Eun wants to end things right now. Eun says Soo can do whatever he wants. Soo can play with him and throw him away. Soo is surprised to hear that. Throw Eun away? He doesn’t want to do that. He says he can help with the thing Eun wants most- cutting off all ties/connections to Moon.
Ch 14 summary:
Eun says that isn’t a subject for Soo to go near and asks if it’s that hard to end whatever Soo and Eun have right then. Soo thinks it would be a shame to end it and refuses to give in to Eun. Eun unbuttons Soo’s shirt and tells him over and over to have sex with him and gets angry at Soo when Soo keeps refusing. Eun looks at Soo with a pained look on his face and Soo revels in it. Eun compares Soo to all the other people in his life, who use him to get what they want and even if he gives them everything, they’ll complain that he should give them more. Only when Eun is finally unhappy will they stop demanding things from him. They say Eun has it all, but where is the person who has everything, Eun asks.
Soo knows that there are plenty of people just like him, people who hound Eun to get what they want and they do it because it’s Eun.
Ofc Soo doesn’t want to tell Eun this and just says they must have some good reason for their actions, but Eun wants to hear none of that. Eun is visibly upset as he asks Soo if he has some good reason for hounding him too. Seeing this side of Eun turns Soo on. Soo never imagined he would get hard from seeing Eun without that care-free expression on his face.
Soo is turned on from seeing this different side to Eun. Soo says there’s one thing he wants from Eun: Eun’s when where how and what. Soo will decide all of it (basically dictate what he can do). Even if Moon gives Soo 100k$, Soo won’t give in to Moon. Eun says Soo isn’t an ordinary psycho, he’s an [advanced psycho]. Soo then says if Eun knows his response to Soo’s request, he should come over and blow him lol
Chapter 15 summary:
Soo says if Eun turns down his offer, he’ll go right to Moon. Eun figures that Soo’s kink is seeing Eun cry while Eun is blowing Soo, but Eun’s preference is the opposite. Soo wants Eun to be submissive, but Eun won’t let Soo have that. Soo says if he tells Eun to do something, then he should just do it. Soo pulls Eun’s arm, shoves Eun’s face into Soo’s crotch and tells Eun to blow him. Eun does a terrible job and bites Soo’s dick on purpose, which makes Soo ask if they should disregard the deal and let Eun keep being toyed with by Moon. Eun sucks harder. Then it’s Eun and Soo going back and forth about the deal. Eun eventually relents and agrees to the terms, but in return there can’t be any records for anyone to find.
Eun gets a creepo message from an unnamed person, saying there are students at the university that remind the unknown person of Eun, but Eun is one of a kind. The person continues on, writing that they miss Eun’s body and asks Eun to contact them again.
Eun says the most important part of the deal is Soo being undeniably on Eun’s side. Soo needs to prove it by telling Eun about the intimate details of his life (awink wink). Soo then asks Eun if he wants Soo to take nudes. Soo’s already used to being naked in front of Eun so no biggie. Eun didn’t mean it that way. He wants Soo to wear his glasses instead of contacts the next time they meet. He knows wearing contacts all the time must be uncomfortable for Soo and asks Soo to wear his glasses when they next meet. It’ll be just like the old times.
Ch 16 summary:
Soo wonders if Eun knew they went to the same high school from the start but was acting dumb, and him bringing it up now is Eun looking down on Soo again.
Soo starts biting his nails as he rattles off the things that come to mind: how Soo was only focused on his grades, how Eun remembering who Soo is surprised him, and why Eun didn’t mention it earlier. Despite not knowing the exact reason why, Soo agrees to wear the glasses. Eun tells Soo not to bite his nails anymore bc of his injured hand and Soo tells Eun not to touch him. Eun doesn’t know why Soo is being so pricky and asks if he wants to have sex. Soo asks why Eun is always so horny and Eun tells Soo that it’s because he knows Soo hates it. Soo wants to understand the reasons behind Eun’s actions and tries to pry more, asking if Eun slept with Kim Seojoon too. Seojoon being the guy over at Eun’s house in ch 8. Soo demands to know why Eun is doing this to him, asking if Eun sees him as some toy. Eun only replies that he finds Soo’s hatred of Eun very cute and starts fingering Soo. Soo once again threatens to throw Eun to Moon if Eun doesn’t listen to Soo. Eun gives in and agrees to do as Soo tells him to do, under one condition: Soo is to write an article stating Eun is ready to make his (re)entry into the art world.
Moon has an unknown man on his bed, the man’s hands and mouth tied with tape (tied with? idk) and a vibrator inside him. Moon stares at his phone, reading the article about Eun’s potential return with curiosity and excitement.
4 notes · View notes
Fate/Zero 1 - 25 (FINAL)
Most of these notes stayed intact during Fate/Stay Winter posts, but I’m releasing them in an unedited version here (aside from the dotpoints and read more, of course).
Fate/Zero 1
For some reason, I have it recorded that I’ve watched F/Z ep. 1, but I don’t remember it!  I only remember Saber fighting someone…that’s why I have notes for this ep too.
Ewwwwwww…what’s that in the Macedonian box…?
Oh! Heaven’s Feel is the name of one of the movies that came out this year or last.
LOL, the grandparents of Waver literally refer to him as “Waver”. I thought it was a title. Is it really his name???
I’m very good at making connections between seemingly disconnected things using only the things I know. I predict Kariya’s in for a verrrrrrrry bad time and will probably die in this Grail War, if not go bananas. I already know Rin, Ilya (the Einzbern child) and Sakura are already part of the Fate/ canon, so they’re probably going to fight in a Grail War as well.
Ahhhhhhh! B*stard Archer (that is, Gilgamesh)! He’s hereeeeeeeee!
What’s that counter on the ep title card…? Is it the time until the Grail War…?
Fate/Zero 2
I’ve seen enough spoilers being bandied about that I already know Rider is Alexander the Great.
Like, seriously, why do we call the dude “Waver Velvet”? What’s his real name?
Kiritsugu acts as Ilya’s dad, but…I’m pretty sure he isn’t her dad. Kiritsugu’s surname is Emiya, right? He’s Shirou’s dad, as far as I know. Then again, I only know what I know from being around Fate/ fans for so long.
LOL, there are far too many dragons in this name – Ryuunosuke Uryuu.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh! Is this Giant B*stard Archer???? Is this Giant B*stard Archer??? (i.e. Gilgamesh) Oooooooooh! No wonder people like Gilgamesh, even though they call him a giant loveable b*stard.
Fate/Zero 3
Thy don’t call Rider that for nothin’, eh?
I wonder how Saber managed to get a passport…? She’d need one, eh?
Oh…CGI car…it’s burning my eyesssssssss! (although I do believe Troyca didn’t do any better with El-Melloi’s Case Files)
“Hotel in Fuyuki” – They couldn’t be any more explicit with this stuff, could they…?
“…Highness.” – I can see why Saber is so popular with the Fate/ fans now.
Huh? I seem to remember the battle that comes next! Damn *bleep* <- (censored name of anime club manager responsible for the anime marathon that caused me to go from the beginning of F/Z in the first place)! I definitely remember Saber fighting Lancer.
Fate/Zero 4
(sorry, seen this one! That’s where the confusion was! So no notes here!)
Fate/Zero 5
Berserker looks like Goblin Slayer covered in smoke…LOL.
…Well, they don’t call that guy Berserker for nothin’ either.
Rider would make a great Santa Claus, LOL.
Fate/Zero 6
Isn’t there a Joan of Arc in the Netflix Fate/ (Apocrypha)?
Dang, that Kayneth is an evil b*stard, alright!
Kirei is basically Wolverine…?
No wonder you never hear about Caster when people talk about Fate/…he’s neither hot nor a waifu…so nobody gives a s*** about him.
Fate/Zero 7
Is that a Gantz?
Wait, y’mean Rider is motivated…by pants? *spits* Hahahaha…
You can see Ufotable’s much-praised CGI at work here, too.
I can definitely see why Ufotable was chosen for Katsugeki and why they chose Izuminokami for their protag.
Had to google Jeanne to remember what she looks like in this universe, but yeah…she does look like Saber.
For some reason, I had a fleeting thought that Lancer would be the one to be on the mountain alongside Saber…I was right.
So basically, the entire Fate/ series is this: who would win? A mage or an assassin? (Or something like this.)
Fate/Zero 8
I still think Kirei is basically Wolverine.
Kiritsugu = “to cut and tie”.Update: It’s “to tie” and “to inherit”, apparently.
F/Z 9
I wonder…just what is Lancer’s motivation for the Grail? Surely, Servants have their own motives…
I literally covered my eyes when Sola-Ui bent Kayneth’s finger back…it was almost as bad as seeing Nozomi get tortured (Magical Girl Spec-Ops Asuka)…*gulp*
“Not well” is an understatement, Sola-Ui.
I had to google how old Waver was in this Grail War…he’s 19, apparently, so right in my strike zone right here, so to speak~.
Beleaguered Waver is what you cool kids would call the 2020 Mood…and yes, I’m watching this on the 1st of January, 2020 (but you’re reading this after I put it up later in the month), so I’m keeping the comment.
“What kind of moron would go busting in?” – *facepalm* It seems Rider would.
What the heck is Rider riding his chariot over on the floor, anyway? What’s up with these sewer creatures ? They’ve got tentacles…!
F/Z 10
Rin reminds me of Asuka (NGE)…*gulp* That can only mean bad things for her.
Zenjo? I’ll make a note of that name.
That one glowing sign says “Fuyuki Station”.
Rin no Bouken = Rin’s Adventure. I don’t see why the subbers included “Big” in there, tbh.
F/Z 11
Uh-oh. Why do I get the feeling Saber’s going to get very, very drunk…?
Gee whiz, the great b*stard is a narcissist…
Well, sometimes I forget I had “Archer = Gilgamesh” spoilt for me ages ago…probably because he’s all over Babylonia, not to mention he seems to be one of the more popular characters precisely because he is the great b*stard.
“I wish for my homeland’s salvation.” – An interesting thing to say, considering Brexit.
What the f*** is a Gordius…oh, okay. So that’s Rider’s chariot.
How many Assassins are there??? I thought there was just the one, but there were 4 last time.
This discussion is interesting…no wonder Saber got mistaken for Joan of Arc back in the day.
Welp, Assassins gotta assassinate…*shrugs*
Eyyyyyy…there’s this one guy who looks basically like an older Waver Velvet! That explains a few things, I think.
F/Z 12
“Ramasonic” (sic).
I still think Gil-I mean, Archer’s snakeskin pants are hilarious.
I feel like last episode was a lot better in regards to how good Fate/ could be. This episode is just Ufotable animating talking Gilgamesh and Kirei heads.
Why do I get a bad feeling something bad’s going to happen to Maiya…again?
Kirei trying to look bada*s while leaning against a wall…it looks sort of funny, to be honest with you…because he bends his neck at a funny angle.
F/Z 13
This is the end of the 1st cour, apparently…according to AniList, at least.
“…5 billion people.” – I think the number is 7 billion now, but okay.
Never leave your Servant unsupervised, amirite?
I saw one of the bookstore’s shelves has science fiction on it…hmm, in a show with magic, that seems ironic…or was that non-fiction? Also somewhat ironic.
Oh, this “Don’t you want to do anything fun?” from Rider to Waver is an interesting parallel to Kirei’s episode (the previous one).
Dragon guy’s off his rocker…seriously.
Paraphrasing here, but “…if you want to use the Grail to make yourself taller…” – then stick to milk and other calcium products, Waver…LOL. I mean, other anime characters do.
Even Saber Naruto runs! There are no aliens here…but that car does have gull-wing doors (<-had to google what the doors were called), so…is it a DeLorean or something? Then someone could time travel instead.
I thought one of the previous commands from the overseers was to defeat Caster…?
Fate/Zero has become a kaiju movie, LOL.
Scared Waver is also a 2020 Mood…LOL.
F/Z 14
What’s this “Giant of Light” business…?
Geesh…If Ufotable did a Godzilla movie, I would watch that…(now that this monster makes me think of that possibility.)
This is a small quibble, but is it “Diabolo” or “Diablo”?
Somehow it didn’t even hit me until the fight was halfway over…but does Gilgamesh control a flying airship as part of his Noble Phantasm?!
Pretty scenery or not, talking people standing still are just that…not very entertaining, for sure. It’s basically the only flaw of this series, aside from the fact it hasn’t plumbed the depths of its themes yet.
Ufotable’s clouds look kind of like Gainax’s in Houkago no Pleiades, huh?
Tokiomi seems to blame Kariya for the whole sister vs. sister thing. Hmm, it really just shows how demented the guy is.
F/Z 15
Berserker is only ever in CGI, huh? No wonder Ufotable was given the job.
“That’s…from King Arthur’s legend…” – Can I please interrupt with the Excalibur song? (I’m annoying like that and want to ruin your level of immersion, that’s why.)
Hey, who knew? We get to see Joan in this anime, too. Thank you, Ufotable and Type Moon for saving me a Netflix subscription.
F/Z 16
“Things have been rather hectic this evening.” – Well, you don’t say…
*Saber and Lancer start their fight * - I detect signs there may have been people shipping Saber and Lancer at this point in time, what with their mutual ideas of honour and such.
Kayneth is kind childish, LOL – he’s like a kid peeping at his parents while they complain to each other about a hard day’s work or something.
Uh, this curse from Lancer here is definitely gonna be relevant later, right…?
I was muttering, “Oh goodness” (<- I’m self-censoring here, but you get the point) a few times over when Kiritsugu and Maiya finally got around to killing Kayneth, Lancer and Kayneth’s fiancee. By the way, were those two ever married…? Also, this makes me wonder…what would happen if you got a completely useless Servant? Like “King of Fools” or something. It would sound like the Familiar of Zero, sure, but it would be an interesting exercise in making a compelling narrative.
F/Z 17
Dangit, B*stard Archer. Disappearing just after you provoked Kirei…
Oh! I found the Avalon scene confusing at first, but now that they explain it, it makes a lot more sense.
“As I live and breathe, Kirei!” – Sounds mighty ironic for a meant-to-be-dead historical figure to say that.
F/Z 18
We jump to someone else’s story…or do we?
For some reason, I think this beach place is based on Okinawa. (It seems like the best match.)
“This isn’t a game.” – Seems highly ironic, given his current situation.
I know Kiritsugu is probably looking into Shirley’s eyes, but all they show is the boobs downwards, so I imagine it to be fanservice.
That shaking was just to disguise the bad animation, wasn’t it…?
…and suddenly, zombies!
Well, that’s great, Kiritsugu. You ended up burning down a village by association. Good job…
“Vampires.” – Well, that wasn’t the word I was expecting…
For some reason, I think this new arrival is a woman, but now that I get a proper look at their face, they kinda look like the Great B*stard (Gilgamesh). Update: It looks like they have cleavage, but then they also kinda resemble Samatoki (Hyp Mic)…so, uh…I dunno. Update 2: Okay, she’s a woman…Natalia, to be precise.
The houses on fire look a lot like the ones in Katsugeki, come to think of it.
F/Z 19
Wait, what’s a Mystic Code again…?
Oh, I didn’t think this show would do it, but there’s a good few seconds of recap. I know, because I had to skip it.
Oh, the reason Kiritsugu doesn’t seem to ally with the Association or the Church is because Natalia wasn’t part of either. Right…I’m so dumb.
Am I just reading into Kiritsugu’s pose here too much, or does he look like Christ the Redeemer a bit…?
There’s something oddly pretty about Vorzak. Then again…it’s too bad he’s designated to be dead.
I could tell Kiritsugu was CGI for a second…but he was in fog. Dangit, Ufotable. You know how to disguise your CGI well.
…Okay, those bees were very CGI. Scrap what I just said.
Bees on a plane. What a way to die.
I’ve noticed Kiritsugu’s eyes don’t have any pupils in them. They’re always kind of dead, but not in th same way En’s (<- from Boueibu) are.
What happened to Kiritsugu’s mother…?
The extended flashback seems to be the best way to my heart, assuming you can pull it off properly.
What’s with that “sometime, somewhere”?
F/Z 20
There hasn’t been a proper OP since 3 episodes ago.
Was Maiya ever interested in Kiritsugu as a woman? This vague pseudo-harem sorta annoys me, which is why I need answers.
The crows in this show aren’t very fluffy. Not that I have a problem with that…it’s just a bit random (and I’m saying that as I operate without much sleep and will have a huge period of getting up early in my near future, so you’re probably going to see even more randomness coming from my brain).
Modanyaki. Never thought I’d be googling a Japanese concept for this anime.
This sleeping bag Waver reminds me of Aizawa, but this is at least 4 years too early for that.
That cloud in the top left is shaped funny…like a knight, maybe? (There’s a triangular bit that looks lik a helmet.)
I believe the bird is a bush warbler (uguisu), based on the colour.
So this is where you learn what the f*** a Gordius Wheel is…right.(sounds a bit pissed)
Seeing Kariya squirm…it makes me thank my lucky stars I had the sound off. My imagination makes the scene worse, though.
So fakers beget fakers and killers beget killers, huh? Not surprising.
“I’ve always told him he was doing the right thing.” – Because you didn’t know any better, huh, Iri?
F/Z 21
“Knight on Two Wheels” – What would that knight be riding, a bike…? (somewhat sarcastic)
…A motorbike. Close enough. (not sarcastic anymore)
The motorbike’s plate says “Fuyuki - Te” – instead of a licence plate combo, Japan has a single hiragana.
Well, at least now I know why you never hear of Kariya outside Fate/Zero much…those worms don’t give him long to live.
Isn’t Tokiomi dead though…?
Holy s***, Kariya, you just got framed! *yells in the tone of voice as if Kariya got owned…which he did, in a sense*
*brow furrowed* What’s up with the framing of Aoi’s killing that makes this seem like attempted rape…?
Kirei looks all dead inside. (LOL) I know it’s the animators’ fault that they didn’t bother with him in that scene, but…he has the eyes of a dead fish there, y’know? I can’t help but laugh.
F/Z 22
Never in my life have I seen a grandpa want to talk on the roof.
The grandpa reminds me of Rider…that’s probably where part of their relationship comes from.
You can see the lack of sleep is getting to Kiritsugu right now…his face looks a little sunken…
…Fate/ is apparently pretty infamous for treating its women badly from a feminist persepctive and I think I get why now…(referring to the death of Aoi and now Kirei’s treatment of Iri)
I think the scariest part of F/Z is watching th emotionless guy learn how to feel…kinda like Equilibrium, y’know?
Hmm? I wonder how this show will choose to end, since it’s signalling its end from 3 episodes out?
I predicted Rider would say something along the lines of “…befitting of the Rider class” and lo and behold! He did!
So Rider can summon a single horse as well as the entire chariot? *Saitama face* Okay then.
Number of Times Waver Appears: 1, Number of Times Waver Cries: 1, Number of Times Waver Blushes: 2
Come to think of it, even though I had that weird “Ohhhhhh! Great B*stard Archer!” reaction at first, Gilgamesh has shown up in most of the worst scenes of this show so far (basically, most of the “talking heads” scenes where he talks shop with Kirei). Then again, my change in feelings probably because I’ve had to keep a special eye out for Waver and knew Saber was the poster girl for the entire series.
The counter appears to be “time until the Holy Grail War”…well, that or its final conflict.
F/Z 23
I like how Waver’s joining in with Rider’s yelling.
I have the sound off, so now I’m just mentally narrating Sakura with this creepy child voice and it’s spooking me out…the Urobutcher could really go toe-to-toe with Stephen King if it weren’t my imagination…(LOL…?)
I feel sorry for that car’s owner…the car wasn’t meant to be wrecked…
I fully expect Berserker to be Lancelot or some other guy in King Arthur’s canon, judging by Saber’s reactio-hey, who’s Arondight…? Update: Oh, f***. It really is Lancelot. Turns out Arondight is the name of Lancelot’s sword. How did I know? There’s that upcoming Camelot adaption, isn’t there? Connect the dots.
Oh, f*** me – I feel conflicted. On the one hand, Lancelot’s hella handsome (and his dark hair is exactly my kinda thing), on the other hand…doesn’t he look like he came out of Castlevania or Vampire Hunter D or something??? F***in’ vampires!
Oh, f*** again, I stand corrected. Lancelot was handsome, before he became a Caster-looking…thing.
*bursts into spontaneous laughter* The new Lancelot looks kinda like Tsukasa from Dr Stone, LOL.
Number of Times Waver Cries: 2
Wait, isn’t Bucephalus Greek??? Update: No, he wasn’t. He was Alexander the Great’s horse. That explains why he’s Rider.
I was wondering how Waver managed to live long enough to be El-Melloi II when he was stuck in a battle to the death. Welp, that’s how he did it, folks! *points at screen*
Number of Times Waver Cries: 3…but…anti-climax, much, f***in’ Gilgamesh???
Uh, what’s up with Psalm 23:4? (I had to google that snippet of the Bible to find out its citation.)
LOL, Kirei and Kiritsugu have very similar faces. Didn’t realise that until now.
F/Z 24
It’s weird seeing Kirei full of fighting spirit…He’s still frickin’ Wolverine, though.
Is this taking cues from the Matrix? I bought it from the charity store the other day because I haven’t seen it yet, but I know Bullet Time from TV Tropes.
Now Kirei is channeling Bruce Lee, LOL.
Ouch…the bullet to the hand reminds me of the nail gun scene in The Island (which still freaks me out to this day). (…and now I’ve gone and done it – every time I think of that movie, I get the song The Island – part 1, at least - in my head as well.)
I can almost see Sakaido (from ID: Invaded) in some of these scenes instead of Kiritsugu…trust Ei Aoki and associates to do that.
I went to dump a screenshot in Paint and one of my Fate/ backgrounds from one of the previous posts was set to my background! (I have my backgrounds set to rotate every 12 hours and I have over 600 pictures for that purpose.) *sighs happily and incredulously* Well, whaddaya know…sometimes the stars do align.
I almost expected Shirley to appear, but it turns out it was Iri instead.
Kiritsugu still has his Command Seals so he’s still connected to the Grail War somehow…hmm…
C’mon, I predicted Gilgamesh would compliment Saber when she was down and bleeding.
F/Z 25 (FINAL)
Who’s Lord Justeaze?
Sakura has the same eyes as Kiritsugu. Dead, lifeless eyes.
Did Kariya just throw himself to the worms???
The Great Naked B*stard Gilgamesh.
A priest is a zombie, huh? How ironic.
Isn’t Gilgamesh annoyed by his lack of clothes…? Update: Never mind. He gets a cloth soon enough.
Wait, if Saber destroyed the Grail, who won…?
Huh? The timer ran out.
Aw, even Waver’s growing up.
One of the books says 零戦 (reisen) which apparently means “Zero Fighter [Plane]”. One of the sets of books says “William Shakespeare”, who I know is a Servant somewhere in the Fateverse.
The Bible verse is Job 19:25.
Lancelot’s head doesn’t disappear when the rest of him fades away…It’s pretty poignant.
Jubstacheit is the head of the Einzberns. Update: Think I had to google that.
“Becoming a hero has an expiration date.” – As much as I know that in my creative heart to not be true, my adult heart says yes, it’s true.
Welp, that’s the end of one series. Time for another.
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laboratorioautoral · 6 years
Lol i got hit me with your best shot stuck in my head now, so how about a chance meeting at a club with it playing? Preferably with missing each other and not instantly realizing who they are dancing with?
I guess I got a bit too excited about this plot and things got…Hotter than I expected. So…This is M rated for security reasons. Not sure if that’s what you wanted, but I hope you’ll enjoy it nonny.
Itwas claustrophobic inside the club, but she wasn’t going home thatnight without being completely wasted. Arya grabbed a shot of tequilabefore she could try to reach the stage and listen to whatever bandwas playing.
Ithad been Myrcella’s idea and it was surely a bad one. Cella’sbreaking up with Trystan wasn’t even something unusual, but she haddecided she would have a girls’ night and picked the lamest club intown.
Thesongs were old rock’n roll. Something nostalgic and loud, all aboutrebellious youth and booze. It reminded Arya of one of those musicalsSansa was so fond of. Rock of Ages or something…Well, at least TomCruise was worthy of her time and patience, and the music was dope,but Arya honestly wished Cella had a better sense of fun than a GunsN’ Roses cover, or something just as bad.
Tequilawould have to help Arya to get through the night. Maybe she couldfind a cute boy and have some fun. Preferably forget what Robb hadtold her earlier that day. This is not the time nor the place foryou to think about him! Her mindscreamed over the noise in the room.
Jonwas back in town. That was no big deal. He was just a guy. One ofRobb’s mates and surely not better than Theon…Just another guy,except that he wasn’t. Not for her.
Somecrushes are embarrassing, but that in particular should have turnedto smoke a long time ago. It was ok for them to be friends. When Jonleft town Arya was probably too young for him to think about her asanything but Robb’s little sister. She was probably in the friendzone – if such a thing existed – or maybe in an even morefrustrating position. Arya was probably placed in an altar among anydeities he might worship. Some genderless being.
Thatwas probably why they kept talking along the years. It was harmlessand Jon missed home. They had always been close and they talked abouteverything, until they didn’t talk anymore. Since he found anotherto date. A real woman for sure and a red head to make it worst. Thatwas too much for Arya to bare and she had been the one avoidingcommunication for most of the time.
Ithad been a good decision and she was fine with it. She even datedsome guys along those years. IfJon appeared right in front of her, Arya wouldn’t even recognizehim at that point. She was incollege now and she was way more confident than she had been in thepast. Nothing could possibly make her lose her cool, or so shethought until that morning when Robb told her that Jon was in townand had asked about her.
Shewas a mess ever since and at least Cella, the loud music and thebooze would keep her away from doing something stupid…As long asher cellphone was out of herreach.
Afterthe second shot Arya decided that she would need more than alcohol tokeep her entertained. She need a guy. Someone to flirt with and havesome kisses. Casual sex was also a possibility but she doubted thatshe would be in the mood since the only thing inside her head inbright neon lights was Jon’s name.
Aryalooked around and tried to find someone worthy of a second glance.Like a she-wolf sniffing the air looking for a prey, Arya tried todistinguish between the shadowy figures all around. A dark and smokyroom surely didn’t make it easy and the alcohol seemed to improveeveryone’s looks around her.
HitMe With Your Best Shot wasplaying and at least that song spoke to her soul in a very particularway. Arya couldn’t help moving her hips a bit as she walked aroundthe club and leaving Myrcella behind. It was a discreet attempt atdancing, but she wouldn’t give away her talents so easily andcertainly not in that place full of guys dressed in black leather.
“Hey!”Someone shouted behind her, trying to call her attention, but Aryacouldn’t hear until the guy touched her shoulder. “Hey, you!”
Aryaturned to face whoever it was. Maybe something had fallen from herpockets and the guy was trying to return it to her.
Ohmy gods! It was the only thingher brain managed to process about the stranger standing in front ofher. Dark curly long hair,a full and well cut beard,lithe and elegant even all wrapped up inside black jeans and leatherjacket. Oh baby…You had to be exactly my type, hadn’tyou? I think we could be friends tonight.Her mind at this point was roaming among all of her wildestfantasies.
“Hi!”Arya answered simply. “Can I help you?”
“Maybeyou can.” He said before flashing a sly smile at her. One of thosemeant to start that game she liked so much. Small talk, sensuousmoves, slow hands and clothes falling all around if she was luckyenough. The guy offered her his hand. “Will you dance with me,Miss?”
“Idon’t dance!” Arya shouted so he could hear her over the loudmusic.
“Ithink you do!” He replied insistently. “C’mon! Just a dance.”
Wellyou’re a real tough cookie with a long historyOfbreaking little hearts like the one in meThat’sokay, let’s see how you do itPutup you dukes, let’s get down to it
It was just a dance. It couldn’thurt and he was handsome like the devil. She had a thing for a shortaffairs with tall dark strangers and that guy was surely her type oftrouble.
Arya accepted his hand and theystarted to dance in the middle of the club. Nothing too complicated,only some random moves dictated by the alcohol and the lust. He was aterrible dancer, but she could overlook that as long as he made it upfor her with a mind blowing kiss.
Hitme with your best shotWhydon’t you hit me with your best shotHitme with your best shotFireaway
Aryaspin around and turn her back at him. That certainly felt like aninvitation for him to come and chase her and at least the guy got thehint. His arm held her by the waist and pulled her body closer tohis. Arya swayed her hips in the rhythm of the music, just to teasehim a bit.
Heburied his nose in the curve of her neck. His beard tickling hersensitive skin and making her shiver in anticipation for a kiss thatdidn’t come for a while. His hips tried to follow hers and hesmelled of cigarettes, bear and post shave cologne. Something in thatsmell was inviting and familiar, but Arya couldn’t tell why.
Youcome on with it, come onYou don’t fight fairThat’s okay,see if I careKnock me down, it’s all in vainI get rightback on my feet again
Thatguy was a gentleman through and through. He teased, he provoked, butnever once tried to cross a few lines, like kissing her neck orsliding his hand under her pants. He was waiting for her to make upher mind and go down that road with him. She had the wheel, she wasin control and the gods knew she loved it.
Aryaturned around again and looked directly at him. His hand restedagainst the small of her back and pulled her closer once more. Theyforeheads touching and their breath entwined as they flirted with thepossibility of making of that dance a one night stand.
FuckJon! I already have company tonight!Her mind finally decided and Arya threw her arms around his neck andkissed him hard. That guy wasn’t much of a dancer, but with a kisslike that she couldn’t care less.
Hishands got bold and grabbed her ass covered by her tight jeans. Thatwas a kiss you only get to experience once in a life time, when youeither think you are gonna die or when you are so high that the worldaround you might be ending.
“Wannago somewhere quiet?” He asked in a low voice close to her ear.
“Can’tgo for long. My friend is waiting for me to take her home.” Aryaanswered lazily. Why did she agree to give Cella a ride?!
“Wecan be quick.” He replied sensuously. “Or she can take an Ubberback home.”
“I’ma good friend, ya know?” Arya grinned at him. “You’ll have togive me one good reason to leave Cella behind.” The guy smiled ather as if he was the catthat just ate the fucking canary.
“Iwant to suck you until your toes curl.” Oh gosh! If that wasn’t areason good enough for her to tell Cella to find another ride backhome, than Arya had no idea of what it was.
“FuckCella! You lead the way.” Arya answered.
Theywalked out of the club and got inside an old black Camaro that wasparked outside. He pressed her back against the car and Arya closedher eyes to receive another kiss. His hand unzipped her jeans andslid under her pants to rub her clit.
Hewas good. He was verygood.
Herbreath became labored as his fingers played with her body. He kissedher neck as Arya got half way to paradise. If that was just theforeplay, she could barely wait for the real deal. It was only fairthat she would repay his gesture and to feel him hard, thick and hotin her hands made her feel the most powerful creature on earth. For amoment his fingers stopped as he gasped for air.
Heheld her wrist after a few strokes, making her stop completely.
“I’mnot doing this in a parking lot.” He said with difficulty. “I’mstaying at a hotel a couple of blocks from here. Not fancy, but ithas a nice bed.”
“Ifwe are doing it tonight, you should at least tell me your name,stranger.” Arya grinned at him.
“Ladiesfirst.” He insisted before getting his hand out of her jeans andtry to recompose himself.
“It’sArya.” She said lazily.
Fora second there was utter silence between them as they stood in a darkparking lot. Arya sensed a change in the air. Something between shockand panic.
“AryaStark?” He asked breathlessly.
Hitme with your best shotWhy don’t you hit me with your bestshotHit me with your best shotFire away
Thatwasn’t what she had expected to hear. Yes, there was somethingfamiliar about him, but Arya was pretty sure she had never seen thatguy before. Long hair, full beard, leather jacket…He looked likemost of the guys inside the club, exceptfor the white wolf emblem on his chest.
“Jon?”Her eyes were suddenly wide open and she thank the gods for thatfucking parking lot being too dark for him to see her bright redface.
“I…Ican’t believe it.” Jon was clearly in panic at that point. “How…?You are a kid! How did you get inside this place?!”
OHGREAT! After getting his hand under her panties now he wanted to giveher drive license a look! Arya was pretty sure that some deity up inthe sky was having a great laugh at her expenses.
“I’m21.” She said as a matter of fact and pretty annoyed by his suddendistress. “In case you haven’t noticed, I’m a grown woman.”
“No!You are Arya!” He insisted in the middle of his panic attack. Thatcouldn’t get any worst, could it? “You are Robb’s little sisterand I should…I should probably take you back home before eitherRobb or Ned come for my head.”
“Gosh!I forgot how dramatic you can be at times!” She rolled her eyes asshe tried to straighten her shirt and fix her hair. “It has beenwhat? Seven years? I wouldn’t stay frozen in time waiting for youtocome back and mess up with my hair.”
“Arya…Idon’t…I don’t know what to say!” Jon answered exasperated.“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!”
“Well,guess what?” Arya looked directly at him and this time the tequilaand the sheer need for him took the best of her. Sometimes all thatyou need is five seconds of insane courage. “I’m not and I’mstill waiting for you to suck me until we both forget our names andI’ll not pretend that I haven’t dreamed of this for most of myteens so…You either get your shit together so we can continue withwhat promises to be a hell of a ride, or you go joying the church andembrace celibate, but if you turn your back on me you’ll have tolive with your conscience and all the “what ifs” inside your headforever.”
“Whatthe fuck, Arya?” He looked at her scandalized for a second.
“Youwere with your hand inside my jeans to not say something moreintimate, so…We are going to hell anyway.” Arya said as a matterof fact. “It’s up to you to decided if you are going to enjoy theride or not. Robb doesn’t have to know what we do in dark parkinglots.”
“Fuckit!” Jon growled and Arya prepared her spirit to turn around andpretend that night never happened. She just wanted the ground to openand swallowed her whole so she wouldn’t have to look at his faceever again. “Get inside the car.” Jon commanded angrily andkissed her one more time before the night got wild.
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houseofgriffons · 6 years
Ok, so it was quick to review and comment on all Kdramas I’ve watched because I’ve only fully watched 10. I have hover watched 22 in total, but the remaining 12 I’ve only watched halfway or a 3rd of the way.
This can be explained by my very low attention span and also by the fact that I’m a boring person who only likes romance and uses Kdrama to rub my itch for cheesiness. As such I usually stop after the romance gets resolved and at the first signs of the final Drama™. Or the romance wasn’t interesting enough so I just lost interest.
I will then be reviewing the 10 dramas I’ve watched completely, which are all good and that I like otherwise I wouldn’t have watched ‘til the end. Then I’ll give a quick look on the ones I haven’t watched ‘til the end cause you might like them. I’ll also tell which ones I want to watch, and give you some nimes of popular dramas that look kinda cool but probably won’t retain my interest. Also tell you about the 4 korean movies I’ve actually watched rofl
All of that under the cut !
Part 1 : The good (aka. Things I could watch all the way)
Loosely ranked, but the last 5 are my absolute favourites and I wouldn’t really be able to rank them from 1st to 5th. Chief Kim isn’t in there although I love it because it’s not as deep.
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Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo
About a collegiate weightlifting student (Kim Bok Joo, played by Lee Sung Kyung who is ♥ ♥ ♥) and a collegiate swimmer (I only remember two names in that drama, not his lol. The actor is Nam Joo Hyuk and he’s also bae). It’s kind of a slice-of-life show, but it follows their struggle both as athletes and as people. Deals with eating disorders in a pretty underwhelming manner. There’s also my wife in it, Lee Joo Young who plays Bok Joo’s best friend, Sun Ok (the only other name I remember). While it was funny and heartwarming, and the characters were interesting, it was lot of drama on top of drama, and miscommunication and lies are often used as plot devices (it is VERY often the case in kdramas I’ve noticed) and that’s just annoying to me. I basically sped through the last 4 episodes cause I just wanted to be done with it. It was very popular though, and it’sstill a good watch.
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Love in the Moonlight
It starts with my favourite plot: a girl who has to dress up as a man. It also has my least favourite plot point: main guy has a gay scare because he thinks girl he likes is a man. But that’s just me. The heroine dresses up as a guy and finds herself enrolled as a eunuch in the palace, where she starts serving the prince. Shit happens and there’s stuff about rebels and all. I wasn’t really paying attention. I think it’s visually lovely, there lots of beautiful scenes. It also has Kwak Dong Yeon who’s one of my fav. I mean. Get a load of this :
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How was he not the protag ? Anyway, it’s a nice watch but like a lot of other dramas I think it suffers from unbalanced pacing. The change of tone from the last arc compared to the beginning of the show is also kind of disturbing. The thing is, when you start watching a sweet romance thing with light themes you’re not really in the mood for a heavy political/action plotline by the end, you know ? I rushed through the last episodes cause I just didn’t give a crap lol
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Witch’s Court
We’re getting to the good stuff. I didn’t even have to take a break before watching the end of that one !
Yi-Deum is a prosecutor. She’s a selfish and ambitious woman who would do anything to get ahead. But one day she does like one good moral choice and it leads to her being demoted to a new unit which deals in sex crime. As such the show is pretty heavy, but I thought it handled the themes pretty well. She becomes partnered with a newbie who’s a former psychologist. Her mom also disappeared when she was like 16 so that’s something.
Although there are overarching plots, it’s usually a one cas per episode/2 episodes type of deal, which I think helps to keep a balanced pace, while not undermining character developpment.
Character development is HUGE in this show by the way. Cause Yi Deum is a BITCH. And when I say that I don’t mean “Booohoooo she’s mean to the cute guy :’(” no I mean she’s a heartless money grabber with no morals and no empathy AT ALL. Even when she does something good, she does it in a “bad” way. So it’s really enjoyable to see her slooow progress towards being a worthy protagonist. Love her.
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You know, Take On Me’s music video ? Yeah.
Oh Yeon Joo is an intern in surgery, and the daughter of the famous author of the webcomic W, which tells the story of Kang Chul, a prodigy olympic shooter who was wrongly accused of the murder of his family and turned a new leaf after being proven innocent. He then became a millionaire by creating a crime solving network channel and he catches bad guys yada yada yada. Anyway, he’s not the real star of the show, Yeon Joo is. One day, the two world start overlapping as the forces of two different creative minds collide.
I have found that Korean Dramas are really good with mind bending concepts, and they make for very smart and thought provoking plot points. I watched this with my best friend who got me into Kdramas (it was the secon drama I watched). My friend and I thought the ending was very disappointing though, but I’d say the journey is worth the mediocre destination, and well, opinions might differ.
Yeon Joo carries the show. She’s one of the greatest heroine I’ve ever seen. She’s smart, brave, resourceful. She’s not a ditz but she still retains a girly charm, and she’s got such a strong spirit. It’s a delight to see her and Kang Chul interact, mainly because they’re on equal grounds most of the time. She doesn’t let herself be intimidated by him at all, and she saves his ass as much (if not more) as he saves hers.
Also her and Lee Jong Suk are so fucking hot like omg what a power couple. The good thing is that they are always honest with each other. Because of the fact that the comic is a thing, there is no reason to lie, and even when it’s not because of the comics they remain truthful with each other and I don’t remember miscommunication ever being used as a plot device.
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Chief Kim
This one is not about romance at all, it’s about accounting and frauds. It’s hilarious. Kim Sung Ryung is a small time accountants, expert swindler, who works for small town mafiosos. He manages, somehow, to get hired as the director of the accounting department of a large company after the former attempted suicide and ended up in a coma. At the same time, former prosecutor Seo Yool (played by my ABSOLUTE FAVE OF ALL TIMES LEE JUNHO), specialising in frauds, start working as a director at the company, ready to cover all the dark dealings of the company, despite accountant Yoon Ha-Kyung’s effort to uncover the truth behind the suicide attempt. 
How does something about accounting manages to be so funny and still full of suspence ? This got me on the edge of my seat all the way through, and still managed to make me laugh my ass off. The acting can be a bit over the top sometimes, as it is still a comedy show, but Junho and Namgung Min are incredible as a duo. It’s very rare to see a friendship or rivalry take the center of a show instead of a romantic one but their interactions are always so fun to watch. 
I really liked it, I don’t know... I like office stories. The female lead is super cool. She’s smart, level headed, soft hearted, empathetic, and her friendship with Sung Ryung is the kind you rarely see in dramas. 
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Page Turner
The shortest drama on the list. It’s only 3 episodes long and IT SHOULD BE LONGER. 
Yoon Yoo Seul is the daughter of a piano teacher, and attends a musical high school. She’s a prodigy pianist rivaled only by her mother’s former student Seo Jin Mok, a rich spoiled brat who hates Yoo Seul bc she’s just that good. Because of an accident, Yoo Seul may have to give up on her mother’s dream of her becoming a famous pianist. Meanwhile, promising athlete Cha Sik faces the same situation and gives up on ever becoming a professional athlete, but he starts considering the piano instead, although he’s never touched a piano ever in his life.
It’s heartwarming, it’s beautiful, it’s raw and soft and it’s hopeful. It’s short so I can’t say much without spoiling stuff but if you need to watch something, watch this. 
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While You Were Sleeping
Lee Jong Suk always has good romances. 
Nam Hong Joo (Suzy the Bae ♥) has always had dreams where she foresaw the future. She lives with her mom, who runs a pork restaurant. One day, they get new neighboors; Jae Chan, a newly appointed prosecutor, and his younger brother. AAND honestly I won’t say much more than that because the first episode alone is such a RIDE that it would be spoiling it.
The three main characters are AMAZING. They are funny, resourceful, quirky in unexpected ways, honest and good. And because premonition is a thing, lying and miscommunication is rarely used as well ! The characters are honest with each other, and their relationships develops naturally and “organically” without stealing the thunder of the main plot.
As I said in W, they use the concept perfectly and intelligently. It keeps you on edge and you’re excited to see what will happen next. Also, Jae Chan being a prosecutor, there’s a bit of that case-by-case element going on that I like which helps balancing the pace. I watched it in one go and did not even take a break at some point !
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If you have ever looked at the Kdrama scene, you’ve probably heard of Goblin. That show’s been a huge phenomenon. I’ve seen it referenced in other dramas a lot, and it’s basically become a cult. And it deserves the praise.
When General Kim Shin was slain by the king he was serving, he became Dokkaebi, a powerful and immortal entity which can only be killed by the goblin’s bride.
900 years later, Ji Eun-Tak is a high school student (she’s 19-20, the age at which korean usually finish high school !) with the ability to see ghosts. Her mother died when she was 10. On that night, she met the Grim Reaper.
And as you can expect from me presenting this to you in such a way, Eun Tak is the Goblin’s bride, though she does not know of the duty that comes with that role. 
The show is funny, beautiful, heartwrenching. The characters are PHENOMENAL, and not just the main protagonists, but you’ll see what I mean. The concepts presented in the show are so interesting ! Especially their vison of death, reincarnation, redemption... It’s an incredible and emotional journey all the way. It doesn’t shy away from sadness and tragedy when it is needed or expected (unlike W *cough*)  and yet manages to leave you elated and smiling (through the tears). A classic that you NEED to watch. And that I wanna rewatch too.
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Scarlet Heart : Ryeo
I’ve just noticed that my top dramas are all super sad. 
It’s based on a chinese Drama. After a terrible break up that left her in a ditch, emotionally and financially, the heroine almost drowns during an eclipse. She wakes up in the Josen period as Hae Soo, a young lady in waiting to the wife of one of the 8 princes of the kingdom. As she gets accustomed to this new and strange setting, she gets to know the princes, the schemings of the court, the rivalries and the dangers of that period.
Lee Ji Eun (aka IU) is phenomenal. I think this was her second or third role ever, and her first big role and holy crap she is incredible. Her character is just perfect and it’s really great to see her evolve, grow and try to keep up against this cruel time.  I don’t want to say much about it because i really don’t want to spoil anything.
The story spans over like 15 years if I remember correctly. And what might seem like a cutesy quirky romance period drama turns into something darker and heavier while never losing its spark. It will make you cry, but like, in a good way. That was the first drama I watched with my best friend and it’s awesome and now I kind wanna rewatch it.
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Just Between Lovers/Rain or Shine
Rain or Shine never pretended to be cute or happy. It deals with trauma and survivor’s guilt, and it also involve disabled characters. Lee Gang Doo (JUNHO!!!!!) and Ha Moon Soo were both involved in the collapse of a shopping center as teenagers. Now grown up, the experience still haunts them and those around them. Now the site of the incident is going to get rebuilt again, and they will have to face their past.
 I binge-watched this so hard I barely slept. The characters are incredibly human and vulnerable. They bare their soul to the viewer in a way that leaves you completely shaken. And yet amidst all that, what I remember from it is softness (and tears, lots of tears). I think Gang Doo is the most outstanding male protagonist of all the dramas I’ve seen. He’s vulnerable, like. SO VULNERABLE. He’s a coward, he cries, he runs away from his problems, he keeps everything to himself. Moon Soo seems like she’s just a quirky shy girl but she turns out to be so strong, she’s the exact opposite of Gang Doo in a way, but somehow they work together so well. 
As a sidenote, I’d like to add something that striked me when I watched it, pleasantly so. The disabled characters are mentionned retain their agency. One of them is an autistic man, although he might seem like he’s infantilized during the series, in the end he still retains his agency as a person and as an adult and I thought that was really great to see, especially in a Korean drama. The other is a paraplegic woman, and she’s incredible. Despite her situation, she isn’t completely desexualised, she still retains romantic and sexual agency and she is also completely independant, as a successful webcomic artist.
I had a hard time deciding between that one, Scarlet Heart and Goblin for my favourite, but I think that one is closer to my heart. It really touched me in a way I didn’t expect, and I felt so close to the characters, because they were so well written.
Part 2: The Bad (aka Not really, I probably just got bored bc of the aformentioned reasons)
A Korean Odyssey (AKA discount Goblin): it’s an interesting take on the tale of the Monkey King. woman sees ghosts, woman meets weird magical entity. There’s someone killing someone else involved. It’s a bit cheesy, it’s kinda funny. I stopped because it was just drama atop drama and quiproquos and “I’m not gonna tell him/her because I wanna protect her/him but that’s just gonna make it worse !!!!” and that sort of stuff. In my mind it was kind of cheap plot devices. Interesting concepts though, and you could definitely make a nice mash-up with Goblin.
Radio Romance: It’s a cute romance, the cast is good, the heroine is cool, the male lead is cute. I was watching it weekly and at some point I just lost interest. I don’t know if I’ll ever finish it. Girl wants to be a writer for the radio, famous actor agrees to hos her show. Drama happens. It’s cute you should watch it if you have a longer attention span than me.
Temperature of Love: Woman meets a guy. She wants to be a writer, he wants to be a chef. One day he disappears, she becomes a writer, he becomes a chef. They meet again. It’s very cheesy, BUT it’s super hot. Yang Se Jong is super cute and he’s really popular atm. I just didn’t care enough to watch completely but I don’t have any real complaint.
Hospital Ship : I ALMOST watched til the end, until there was like a ridiculous plot point because we can’t just let the protags be happy, it needs DRAMA. I love medical dramas. My favourite show is actually Grey’s Anatomy. I love when there are different cases every episode and having the characters try to figure things out. Like, the medical is my favourite part of Medical Dramas, the drama not so much. So I bailed when it was TOO MUCH drama for me. The heroine is cool. It’s a bit on the cheap side, but it has a nice feeling to it.
Doctors : The heroine is a kick ass (litterally), but I didn’t like the romance, and it focused more on the drama than the medical imo. Lots of people like it though, and Park Shin Hye is a phenomenal actress.
School 2017: SCHOOL’S OUT FOREVER. Apparently School 20-- are a popular series and each season as nothing to do with the other. This one was great imo, it adressed the pressure in the korean educational system, the corruption, the privilege of rich students, adult indifference, abuse, bullying... And the main protags are great. The heroine is cute and hilarious and strong willed, the male lead is hot, awkward... I didn’t finish it because ... I don’t know, I just interest. Also... Yeah ok spoiler ! So I learned that there wasn’t actually a kiss between the main couple in the show (which has probably to do with the fact that the actress is an idol. Ugh) and so I was like “UHM WHAT’S THE POINT THEN ???” I’m shallow like that
My Secret Romance: Girl has a one night stand on the beach, leaves the guy naked in a car and bails. 3 years later he’s her boss. It’s hot, but SUPER cheesy and SUPER cheap. Like honestly the only reason I watched it was for the romanc but DAMN BANG SUNG HOON IS SUPER HOOOOOT. But hotness can only keep you going for so long and when the plot devices you would expect in a cinderella story happen you’re just like “ugh bye”.
Ms Perfect: I need to finish it. A mom of 2 gets fired, she learns her husband is cheating on her, the mistress dies mysteriously, and also a weird psycho offers to live in her house. I need to finish it but I guess it just got a little too much for me. There’s Sung Joon in it, he’s really cute, i like him a lot. He’s also in the two next dramas.
Madame Antoine: A woman pretends to be a medium channelling the spirit of Marie-Antoinette and teams up with a psychologist (Sung Joon) who’s also conducting an experiment on her. Cheesy. Not that interesting, but the case they study are interesting sometimes. There’s Hwang Seung Eon in it, she’s super hot.
High Society: Basically about the korean Jet Set. Watched for Sung Joon initially. It’s an older one, and I think it’s a bit tacky. It’s also a lot of clichés, and I don’t like the heroine. I love her best friend though, and her relationship with Sung Joon’s best friend in the show, played by Park Hyung Sik. But yeah, it’s not a high IQ show.
Strong Woman Do Bong Soon: this also has Park Hyung Sik in it. I think he’s really cute. Bong Soon was born with super strength and she wants to work in the video game industry. She meets video game company CEO whatshisname (Park Hyung Sik) and he hires her as his bodyguard and huh stuff happens. It’s cheesy, but somehow super creepy as well cause there’s a serial killer who kidnaps women in it and he’s soooooooooooooooo creepy. But it’s also infuriating cause it’s like “Oh no, a young woman got kidnapped for the fourth time in that area ! *cut to another young woman not giving a shit and walking around that area at night also the police doesn’t patrol the area for some reason*”. It was really popular, but I didn’t really like it.
Tomorrow with you : guys can travel in a few years in time by using the metro, and he tries to set things right using this power. It’s a bit of a mindfuck and it’s kidna complicated to follow. I need to finish it !!!
Hwarang : There is no use watching this. Don’t. The cast is great but that’s just not enough. Terrible pacing, terrible romance, the side characters are way more interesting than the main ones but they get easily sidelined. The pacing is terrible. It has the dumbest death I’ve ever seen, and it was used for shock value.
Shopping King Louie: Fashionista and heir Ji Sung/Louis loses his memory in a failed assassination attempts, and ends up living with country bumpkin Bok Sil, come to Seoul to find her missing brother. I stopped watching in the last lap, basically the final obstacle was showing its head and I was like “yeah that’s enough for me”. It’s really cute. 
I almsot forgot
Hit the top: artist from the early 90s travels in time to 2017 and starts living with a young man who dreams of becoming an idol who is actually his son. Didn’t like the way the romance went. Like. I really was against it. The male lead is annoying. Minjae is better.
Hip Hop Teacher: it got cancelled but FUCK IT WAS USPER GAY IT HAD LEE JOO YOUNG IN IT AS A TERRIBLE MUSIC TEACHER WHO RAPS AT NIGHT AND YURA WAS LIKE jdsiughergegreg there’s only 2 parts but watch them if you can cause it makes my wlw soul live
Part 3: The pretties, aka things I wanna watch
My Mister: just because IUs in it. She looks incredible.
Mr Sunshine: it has Kim Tae Ri !!!! Aka the handmaiden from The Handmaiden !!! It takes place in 19th century Joseon ! It adresses japanese ccupation !!!! Rebel princess !!! Korean victorian drama !!! The hot dad from Memories of the Word is there !!!!
The Great Seducer: Minjae just looks super hot in it idk but I bet he doesn’t get the girl and I’m gonna be mad.
Memory and Wok Of Love cause Junho’s in it lol.
The Ghost Detective, Something in The Rain, cause it jas Lee Joo Young in them
Part 4: Things you might want to watch
These are pretty popular, but I’m not that interested myself, you might like them.
Juggles; office romance, looks kinda steamy, the male lead is super hot
The Bride of Habaek; based on the comic Bride of The Water-god. Reallyyyyyy hot. Has Nam Joo Hyuk in it. IDDK I heard it’s good
Fight for my way: i have no idea what it’s about, but the main characters’ relationship looks cute
Legend of the Blue Sea: modern take on the Little Mermaid. The male lead is a swindler who uses hypnosis, the heroine is funny because she looks very mature and hot but she’s a mess of derp
Descendants of the Sun: it’s about a female doctor who gets sent to Afghanistan I think ?????? Everyone always praises it
Part 5: the movie
Royal Tailor: the tailor of the royal family seeks the help of an innovative tailor who usually works for prostitutes. It’s not a happy movie. Beautiful
Pirates: You wanna see kickass women kick asses ? This is for you. Your more typical martial arts movie
Memories of the sword: If you like women kicking ass too, but you also want to cry. It has Kim Go Eun, and also Junho !!!!! And the guy from Mr. Sunshine. Loved it. But super sad. Not a happy movie at all. But very cool and visually pretty.
The Handmaiden: I mean I don’t even need to explain it. If you haven’t watched it, just know that, as Park Chan Wook movies tend to, it is VERY WEIRD and unsettling. 
The Last Train to Busan: ZOMBIE MOVIES !!!! It has the main actor from Goblin in it !!!! It is super cool because it’s not just “UGH zombiiiies ! Smash heads ! Violence ! Scary ooooh !” it is also a critic on greed and selfishness (and not as something stupid like “yeah zombies are actually a metaphor for consumerism”) it makes you think, it keeps you on edge, it’s not overly scary but it’s still manages to give you good scares and has some very tense moments. LOVE IT.
WOOOOOOOOOH I AM DONE. This took me 3 HOURS TO WRITE can you believe it ??? I hope this was helpful. Don’t take some of my critics to heart, I’m harsh when it comes to that sort of stuff, and very particular. If you need to watch somehting. Go for my top 5 ! Thank you for trusting my opinion that much <3
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no-ur-spam · 7 years
001 | custodial matters
A/N: Hi! I’m trash and I can’t come up with my own ideas so I figured I’d use other people’s concepts and make them into stories. I might oneshot some of them or I might turn them into way too long sagas, all depends on my mood. This based off of a concept by @lucifer-is-a-bag-of-dicks which you can find HERE. Hope you enjoy! I’d appreciate comments but tbh no one will probably read these so I’ll get lit by myself rereading these when I’m thirty and lonely.
(and lol I spell-check but I don’t really proofread so bear with me)
“Well… don’t mind if I do!” a woman’s slurred voice paired itself with the sound of the opening door. She leaned her body against the frame and casually took in her surroundings. The room was warmly lit with a gentle afterglow that was probably more from the vodka than anything else. She ignored the man staring at her in astonishment, not having the motivation to greet him yet. Anna, you’re being impolite, she admonished herself, but then quickly retracted her statement with a scoff. The door appeared in her living room. The door interrupted her blissful drunken Sunday evening. If anything, the door should be compensating her for her time. She sighed and rubbed her eyes, trying to clear her blurred vision. While she allocated Sunday as her day of inebriated nirvana, sometimes it wasn’t enough to sate her utter loathing for the world. Her bloodshot eyes and subpar vision were a result of too many nights reading while intoxicated. As a result, she failed to notice the two horns protruding from the man’s head. To be honest, she hadn’t noticed the wings or the tail either. The man stood up slowly and moved as if to approach her, but thought better of it. He motioned to the empty seats positioned around a low wooden coffee table. Anna repeated herself as she plopped into the proffered seat, “Well… don’t mind if I do.”
The man’s voice was warm and inquisitive, obviously he didn’t see this drunken and spongy woman as a threat. If squeezed, her alcohol saturated body would’ve definitely deflated. The man concealed a smile with the back of his refined hand. Besides, this would save him the trouble of finding a suitable host for his child. Her magical aura seemed strong enough to withstand the burden of producing a hybrid child. She might even survive the birthing process. He smiled wickedly, he would make this woman his, manipulate her into bearing his child, and then rip the newborn out from her arms and watch her drown herself in her misery. If her alcohol consumption was any indication, this woman would definitely drink herself into numbness and eventually wither away. His smiled widened as he contemplated the ways she would despair. Wait… I don’t actually care, he thought to himself as he cupped her cheek tenderly. He admired the softness of her skin and the euphoric look in her eyes before placing a gentle kiss on her lips. No response. He knew she was conscious. She blinked, breathed, and shifted her body at random intervals. Perhaps she couldn’t comprehend her situation. He sighed, almost pitying her utter ignorance. He kissed her again, more passionately than before and wound his fingers through her hair. This time, she tilted her face upwards and pressed her mouth into his. He pulled her closer and deepened the kiss before finally releasing her from his captivating touch. Of course this simpleminded woman would be no match for the demon king, he praised himself, not like it mattered in the end.
Demons were laid-back and naturally lazy folk. With their immense magical power and their enhanced physical capabilities, they felt no need to dominate neither the human nor the supernatural worlds. They remained in their vast underground paradise and ruled with law and intelligence. Physical fighting was tedious and since their race rarely came into contact with one another, the laws from centuries ago still readily applied. Despite his avid interest in magical research, the demon king Lucifer was no exception. Wanting to devote the rest of his life to his studies, but unable to find a replacement demon king, he resolved himself to producing a child. He would use human parenting methods to convince the child to become an upstanding member of society and take over the administrative work of managing the demon world. Then, he could retire, enjoy the patronage of the demon king and research in peace.
He allowed his summoning circle to determine their landing location. He only needed to find a woman with adequate magical power, not one of specific socioeconomic status or special physical appearance. Frankly, Lucifer couldn’t understand the human world’s standards of beauty. The constant manipulation of natural appearances defied his innate lack of extrinsic motivation. And since this woman had walked into his own home, he also needn’t bother himself with the pesky entrance ritual. Demons tended to stay away from the human world because of the restrictions from ancient times. In the days of religious fervor and satanic lust, the protectors of humanity (perhaps they were called saints or gods… who cares to remember) cast a safeguard that repelled demons from entering anything belonging to a human unless they received permission to do so. Negotiating and basic social skills were too much of a hassle for the demons, and their natural lassitude prevented demon invasion just as effectively in modern times. This woman entered his place of residence, effectively bypassing the need for the antiquated protection charm. His slipshod plan progressed quite nicely. If he cared enough to be surprised or pleased, he might have expressed it at that moment.
She knew the man kissed her; she was painfully aware of how pleasant his warm lips felt against her alcohol stained lips. Then again, alcohol and kisses always tasted delightful together. Usually kisses couldn’t stand without the astringent bite of vodka. She considered herself somewhat of a connoisseur. The unsweetened Hemingway daiquiri is paired best with the sweet kiss of a thought-provoking lover while the Moscow mule served as the best complement to ginger flavored goodbyes. What currently coated her tongue wasn’t unpalatable. In fact, it tasted like opportunity.
“What’re you doing?” she asked abruptly as the man attempted to put a gumball sized sphere inside her mouth. He seemed taken aback at the sudden lucidity of her remark. She smirked, “Did you really think I was that drunk?”
He sighed tiredly, “I have prepared remarks since explaining would be extremely bothersome.” He handed her a sheet of paper with only a few lines of writing.
“One, my name is Lucifer and I am the king of demons. Two, I am looking to relinquish my current position, but need an heir to do so. Three, since demon women find the position of queen or queen mother troublesome, I needed to find a human woman. Four, you will be the host for the child. Five, it will be like a normal human pregnancy and I will claim the child when it is born. Six, I will grant one wish in return for this service,” she read out loud. Hehe, this must be my lucky day!
“So? I’ve distilled the child producing spell into this sphere and all you need to do is swallow it. Then, just do whatever you do for nine months and I’ll be back for the child,” Lucifer flicked his tail impatiently.
“Oh? And earlier you were going to place your child inside of me without telling me of these terms? I think that violates one of those breaking and entering rules that the demons fellow?” Anna’s knowledge of demons was a bit rusty, but she wasn’t going to let him know.  This was her time to turn her lousy situation into profit. When there were things to be gained, she never allowed herself to be complacent.
Lucifer eyed her suspiciously, but decided it would be troublesome to find another woman. She didn’t seem taken aback by his character reveal. Perhaps demons had become mainstream in the human world? He hadn’t heard of any demons venturing outside, but then again he hardly paid attention. “Umm, I guess so? But since you’re cogent, we can probably get on with it. What do you want in exchange?” Anna positioned herself more comfortably in her seat, all signs of drunkenness gone. The change in demeanor made Lucifer anxious and he flicked his tail nervously. Humans generally wanted immense wealth or tried to ask for infinite wishes. Some attempted to gain magical powers or enslave him. He eliminated most of the troublesome ones. The immense wealth wishes he could easily grant while he refused the infinite wishes one. On a whim, he had granted some magical powers, but he rarely gifted any useful ones. Since he didn’t want to find another host, he would most likely grant her whatever she wanted. He could always deal with her later.
Anna cleared her throat and pulled out her cellphone. Pulling up a document from her cloud, she showed it to the demon king. He peered at it curiously, and read the first line: “In the event of a demon encounter…”
This time, it was her turn to smile wickedly.
“What’re you looking so surprised for? I gotta be prepared for everything, I’m a fucking contract lawyer.”
Read: Chapter 2
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btsfanficss · 8 years
Stay Professional! Part 7
Work AU! Fluff, Angst and Suggestive smut: Jungkook x Reader
Part 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6  (Part 8 Coming soon!)
Summary: You came back to the hotel before the rehearsal dinner even finished- in Jungkook’s arms. He spends the night with you in the hotel room and you were sure of your feelings for him. The next morning he left due to an ‘emergency’ and you were left to attend the wedding alone in a pissed off mood. You decided that you were wasting your time and coincidentally, you get a job offer from one of Jungkook’s ‘friends’. 
A/N: I felt like I didn’t need to mention this but- the previous owner of this blog gave this blog to me (Alex) so, you might notice the writing styles will be different. Just fyi, I’m in charge of Stay Professional :) so it’s my fault if I don’t update regularly. Also I don’t normally write smutty kind of stuff so bear with me if it’s awkward lol.
“I want you Jungkook.”
He processed the candy-like words that tasted sweet in his mind with an undeniably attractive smirk across his lips. He had fantasied hearing those words from you and when it finally happened, it was all too good for him. He continued to investigate your body by trailing butterfly kisses up and down your neck and once he found your sensitive spots, he made sure to spend extra time making you squirm beneath him. 
He indulged heavily in the small mewls of pleasure that escaped your lips that he didn’t even notice you had stealthily slid off his coat and popped off the first few buttons on his white dress shirt to reveal such jaw-dropping collarbones.
His dreams that he pathetically dreamt of were becoming a reality and it was an indescribable feeling that he’d never experienced before- all hell broke loose in his stomach as butterflies flew around in tornado-like patterns. But all he knew was that, he loved it. He loved the scent of you, the taste of your soft skin, the sounds you produced and the way you squirmed under his cool touch- submitting to him completely. And at that point, he could barely control his animalistic instincts that pushed him to rip off your clothes and fuck you senseless. He suddenly flipped you over so your stomach was against the mattress. The sudden action made you jolt in surprise. 
Jungkook’s beautiful hands were something that you’d always admired since your first encounter- and to think that those very hands were unzipping your dress had you completely and utterly weak. You felt the air hit your bare skin as he zipped the dress down all the way. You flipped back around and shimmied out of the dress slowly, teasing Jungkook with a shy smile on your face as he stared in awe and cursed an inaudible ‘fuck’ under his breath. You let the dress fall past your feet and revealed yourself to Jungkook, unable to look at him properly. 
All he did was stare at your body- examining the galaxies of purples and blues he had left behind on your neck. His eyes moved down to your matching lingerie set of a black strapless bra and lace panty that he instantly fell in love with. 
Within seconds, he practically jumped onto you, smothering you with kisses that were a little rougher this time. He was losing himself, and so were you. His kisses trailed down your stomach, stopping every few seconds to compliment your body. 
“You’re. kiss. so. kiss. fucking. kiss. beautiful.” He cursed to your surprise. You continued to run your fingers through his dark locks that were once swept neatly to one side, messing it up completely. But man did he look so sexy, lip-stick stained and messed up hair- your piece of work that had you feeling hotter than the sun. 
Then he went at your thighs, oh your soft thighs that he had no mercy for- he made sure to leave bruises to remind you that you were his. He was skilled in teasing you as he kissed all around the area, he avoided the core you desperately wanted some friction on. Heck, of course he was skilled, after all he was the Jeon Jungkook; famous cold-hearted boss whom was the heir to one of the most successful companies in South Korea. 
“Jungkook stop being a tease.” You managed to puff out, your embarrassment of sounding so needy caused your face to go an even darker shade of crimson. 
“Why are you calling me Jungkook now?” He gently kissed your inner-thigh with a smirk and exhaled his warm breath slowly over the area making you groan in frustration. He loved teasing you. 
“Wasn’t I always ‘Sir’ to you? Hm, Y/N?” He spoke in a low voice. You saw him with a raised eyebrow and that smirk. That signature domineering smirk. 
“Please.. Sir.” You begged subconsciously, submitting yourself to the dominance that defined Jungkook.
“Tell me what you want, Princess.” He whispered into your ear with an arrogant tone- asking for you to beg. And god it was that nickname. The first time he called you that, you didn’t know how to respond and now it was happening again. 
“I.. I want you to make me yours.” You confessed, somehow turning completely shy under his vision as you hid your face in-between your palms. There was no turning back now. 
“Why are you hiding from me? Let me see your face.” He chuckled, gently moving your hands away from your face before locking your wrists above your head, his grip was tight and held you still- yet the gentleness of his smile had you running for the hills. He loved seeing you, blushed up and smudged makeup under his masculine body. 
“Do you remember when we first met? And how you threw yourself so recklessly at me in that elevator? Hm?” He murmured in between kisses as he once again interrogated your neck with gentle and painfully slow, soft kisses. He couldn’t get enough of teasing you- but you had enough and you were going crazy under his touch. 
“No.. I.. Please Jungkook stop being such a tease. I can’t wait any longer.” You pleaded, tears almost forming in your eyes as you desperately begged for more of his touch. The begging further provoked his already inflated ego and he finally started to unbutton his dress shirt with one hand whilst the other kept your wrists in place under his grip. You feasted your eyes on his impressive chest, toned muscles and abs that looked like a delicious chocolate bar. 
“I’m going to make you forget your own name tonight, Y/N.” He whispered into your left ear whilst his fingers skilfully undid your strapless bra. After that, you didn’t remember what happened next in detail but all you remembered was, you were above cloud 9. He was rough, fast, and exceptionally skilled. It was much better than you had imagined- and it was also the same for him, possibly because of the way you sounded so needy, encouraging him to further destroy you. Cloud 9 would be an understatement regarding how good he made you feel that night.. 
After the intense session, you were breathless- literally. You found it difficult to breathe as you were so fucked out and everything was starting to hurt. Sleep washed over your eye-lids as soon as he was finished and he could tell you would be unconscious before you were properly cleaned up and clothed for bed. Jungkook disposed of the condom in the hotel’s luxurious bathroom before quickly glancing in the mirror to see you curled up into a small ball, breathing softly and transcending to sleep. He smiled, and took a note of how his fringe stuck to his sweaty forehead. It had been long since he’d felt that good. 
Jungkook came back into the bedroom with a bathrobe thrown on carelessly, his toned muscles still shined brilliantly underneath. He was holding another white bath-robe for you in his hand along with a warm damp cloth. 
“Y/N.. Was I too rough?” He stroked your back softly. The sound of his voice was comforting as he was genuinely concerned at your wellbeing after seeing you flat-out unresponsive after the intense session. 
You couldn’t process his words clearly so you just let out a small “mmm” in hopes that he would make sense of it. He let out a small chuckle and found it absolutely adorable at the way you were curled up on his mattress, somewhat sweaty and kind of breathless. You felt his warm hands shift your body, and then a warm sensation in between your legs as he cleaned you up with the damp cloth he was holding previously and you “mmm”ed with a small smile in response of his loving actions. After he finished wiping, he went back into the bathroom to wash the cloth and came back to put the bathrobe on you. You didn’t move an inch despite his attempts at making you sit up. So, Jungkook gently sat you up-right using as little force as he could incase he woke you up completely and clothed you with a matching white bathrobe provided by the hotel. 
Another small smile appeared across your sleepy face as a sign of gratitude for being such a gentleman, closed eyes and soft breathing- Jungkook was practically weak at how cute you were being in his arms. 
“Thank you.” You managed to whisper, whilst he laid you down properly onto the mattress and lifted your head so it could sink into the fluffy pillow. He pulled up the covers over the two of you and then suddenly, you felt a soft pair of lips press a gentle kiss on your forehead. It was so affectionate and loving, you were beyond happy. For sure, you liked him. Jungkook casually threw an arm over your waist, pulling you closer to his body. You could feel his breath warm on your neck as he hid his face into the crook of your neck. You would’ve never guessed that Jungkook was the cuddling type, but now that you knew- more reasons to fall in love with him. There was no doubt that you had feelings for him and from the looks of it, it was mutual for Jungkook too. 
Or so you thought, until the sun rose and it was the day of the wedding that you were supposed to attend ‘together’. You felt your senses come back to your body as the birds chirped close to the window, waking you up peacefully. You let out a small groan as you felt around the bed in search for Jungkook’s presence. You kept patting around the bed, your eyebrows soon furrowing in confusion as you felt his absence. It was just mattress, there was no scent of Jungkook, no sign of Jungkook and so you opened your eyes to check for yourself. 
You were right, he wasn’t in bed cuddling next to you like last night. Disappointed, you slowly got up and panned the hotel room with blurry vision to search for him. You looked down and noticed that you were dressed in a bathrobe, completely nude underneath and was reminded of what had occurred the previous night and how he completely dominated you in bed- making you turn a little pink. 
You stepped off the bed and slid your feet into the slippers Jungkook had purposely left for you. You smiled at his kindness. 
“Jungkook?” You called out, voice slightly husky from just waking up. 
“Are you in the bathroom?” You asked and walked over to the bathroom to knock. 
There was no response nor any sounds of showering so you assumed he wasn’t in there. You checked around the luxuriously decorated hotel room by walking around aimlessly until you realised, he wasn’t in the hotel room at all- which left you to think, where could he have possibly gone. You walked back into the bedroom and noticed a white enveloped that camouflaged with the white bedsheets. 
“I’m sorry I left so suddenly. There’s a problem back at the company and they require my assistance. Please attend the wedding alone today, I’ve left your plane ticket in this envelope. Safe travels and enjoy yourself. Jungkook.” You read aloud, eyebrows furrowing by the second. 
“What in the world?” You mumbled. You opened the envelope wider to find a single first-class plane ticket sitting snug in between his annoyingly short letter. 
You sighed, an angry and frustrated one from the toxic thoughts that clouded in your mind as you questioned if what had happened last night was only for his pleasure. Of course, you were bound to become angry at him. 
“Did he just use me..?” You chuckled, an angry frown was visible as you assumed the worst of the situation. 
You stared at the clock that stuck to the cream coloured wall and noticed that it was already quite late in the morning- it would be wise to get ready for the wedding. But as you were sluggishly getting ready for the event you were supposed to attend together with Jungkook, your virulent thoughts dragged down your mood by the second. Toxic questions that made you feel suffocated constantly ruined your day despite how good you had done your eyeliner. 
“Did I just get played..?” You whispered to yourself, momentarily stopping the brush from swirling deeper into the rose-coloured blush before applying it to the apples of your cheeks; a forced and plastered smile that didn’t look convincing at all reflected upon the vanity mirror. 
You changed into the dress you and Jungkook had bought together, grumpy and dissatisfied- it was harder to pull up the back zipper compared to usual. The dress was a loveliest shade of pale pink and had white lace that enveloped around your waist. You insisted to him that this dress would been ‘too much’ for a wedding as it was taboo to overdress the bride but he reassured you and said that it definitely wasn’t. Sincerely, he loved the way you looked in that dress, elegant as ever and so damn beautiful he physically had to hold himself back when he first saw you in it. But your simple, noxious mind had to forget all the good fluffy stuff and convinced yourself that you were played by him. After all, he did leave you right after he fucked you- which made you think that you were merely just another one of his ‘toys’. And damn was that thought so damaging. 
“You must be Y/N. I’ve heard about you from Jungkook. I’m Jimin, Jungkook’s friend and senior executive of Kim cooperation. We go way back, I’ve known him since he was a toddler.” An attractive man with a devilish charm smiled slyly at you, reaching out his hand for a handshake. Your cheeks were starting to hurt from having to greet the people you had met last night and you were already exhausted, mentally- from the thoughts of having to continue for the next few hours. But you tried your best and smiled at him as sincerely as you could.
“Nice to meet you Jimin, I’m Jungkook’s personal assistant, Y/N.” You shook his hand gently, your eyes turning into crescent moons as you smiled at him again. 
“Where is that boy? What was he thinking, leaving such a gorgeous lady to attend a wedding all by herself. I should’ve taught him better.” He took your hand and kissed it softly, bowing his head to charm you- but it didn’t work. It had only reminded you of Jungkook- he was disturbingly similar. Were all of them like this? Flirtatious to win over hearts just to make business run smoothly? 
“Do you know what’s happened? He left so suddenly and didn’t specify why.” You couldn’t help but sound grumpy and Jimin being sharp, he could tell you were kind of frustrated.
“Beats me, it’s okay cupcake. If you’re feeling lonely, I can keep you company.” Jimin chuckled, his flirtatious nature would’ve naturally charmed other women but not you, you mind was filled too much with irritation to notice his pet names and smooth talk. 
“It’s no problem, Jimin. I’m a big girl. Thanks for the offer though.” You smiled before stepping away to seat yourself amongst the silk covered chairs that sat neatly aligned along the wedding venue that was extraordinarily decorated. 
After a couple of hours, the wedding had finally finished. The bride looked absolutely stunning in her million dollar dress. The groom looked divine in his million dollar suit. The venue looked picture perfect and so much laughter and happiness was shared on that day. Everything about the wedding screamed ‘money’, ‘money’ and more ‘money’ and it made you feel segregated- sitting in an expensive dress bought by Jungkook with a jewellery set fit for a Princess on your neck, you felt out of place. 
You could no longer maintain a smile on your tired cheekbones after hours of smiling torture and all you wanted to do was go back home, not even the hotel because that reminded you of him- and drown yourself in wine and a bubble bath. But obviously, the trip wasn’t over until you stepped on the shaggy Welcome Mat back at your apartment. 
“Thank you for celebrating with us everyone! Now if you would kindly follow us to the after-party, we’ve assigned limousines for our guests so don’t worry. It’s not all over until someone gets drunk and collapses.” The groom joked, making the audience chuckle with laughter. 
And at that point, you melted into your chair. Just when you thought it was finally over, there was another event you had to attend to- pretending to be the person you weren’t. 
It had been a couple more hours and the after party was coming to a finish as most people were drunk off expensive alcohol and singing on the tables. You on the other hand was still in a shit mood- surprisingly sober, now evidently grumpy as bad vibes radiated off your body. Jimin slid into the seat next to you at the bar and watched as you swirled the glass of golden champagne in your hand. 
“Having a hard time? Surely, I’d want to cry if I had to attend these without knowing anyone here.” Jimin chuckled, a somewhat genuine tone prevalent behind his inflated ego. 
“Truthfully, I am. I never thought that I’d go to a wedding without knowing the bride and groom’s names. Let alone a wedding in Greece! What am I even doing here at this after party?” You said in a strained voice, annoyed at anything and everything. 
“You’re doing pretty well. This is a good opportunity to meet important people, Y/N. I suggest you use it to your advantage.” His sheepish smile reappeared. 
“I heard you’re working as his personal assistant because you got fired from your previous job. Why don’t you look for another job while you’re here?” Jimin said bluntly, making you taste the bitter words as you processed them inside your head. 
You raised an eyebrow in response to his suggestion. Your short-temper always seemed to peak through the night-time especially during times of tiredness. 
“I’m just saying. If you find a job that’s not completely different from what you used to do before you became Jungkook’s PA, it’ll be easier for you because you have experience in that field and it’ll be good for Jungkook because he won’t have to have an inexperienced personal assistant.” He convinced, the facts felt harmful to process but the truth was the truth. 
“Are you saying I’m a burden to him?” 
“Nothing like that sweet stuff, heck, he’s lucky to have you but I’m merely suggesting an option that could make both of your lives easier. Tell you what, I’ll be the first one to offer you a job then- I can find a job for you under my branch that’s similar to the one you had before.” His eyes formed half crescent moons as he handed his business card to you. 
Your heart was yelling at you to decline his offer but your mind won the battle and you took his card, stealthily putting it inside your clutch with mild hesitation. 
“It’s up to you at the end of the day but if you think logically, it’s a win-win situation for both parties. It’ll make both of your lives a whole lot easier. Think about it Y/N.” He voice sounded smooth like butter and he had reminded you a whole lot about the man you were so upset at. 
“You remind me so much of Jungkook.” You said absentmindedly, your eyes focused on the slow tornado that formed in the thin champagne glass.
“Because I taught him everything he knows- from wooing girls to how business works.” He laughed, a manly sound vibrated from his within his chest as he poured himself another class of wine. 
“I must say, you’re quite different from the other girls he’s been with.” The comment was branded into your brain and it further provoked your upset feelings towards Jungkook. Different. Jimin’s comment kept you at your wake, unable to sleep through ungodly hours making you even more grumpy. 
You arrived home and finally stepped on the welcome mat that was glorified. You often sighed to yourself as you were reminded of the situation you were in. Truthfully, you didn’t want to face Jungkook because you knew you would probably break down and bombard him with questions. You were leaning more towards Jimin’s offer but your heart insisted that you go and see Jungkook first before making any decisions. 
And so it happened, the Monday morning came quicker than you dreaded. You opened the large wooden door to see Jungkook, sitting comfortably in his black leather seat; legs crossed and a Mont Blac pen swirling in his hand. He looked up from his pile of paperwork to greet you unusual coldness, making you confused as to what you did wrong when he was in fault.
“Good morning Y/N.” His face was firm, no usual radiant smile or a flash of his pearly whites in your direction. 
You coughed unconsciously due to nerves and greeted him back with a firm expression he also, was not used to. 
“Good morning, Sir.” You walked past his desk rather quickly before immersing yourself into the paperwork the was piled onto your desk. The atmosphere was tense- you couldn’t figure out why he was being so silent and that seemed to take up most of your time thus made you more unproductive. 
An hour or so passed in the office, the tense atmosphere growing stronger by the second as there was no exchange of words between the two of you. Instead, the office was filled with a mixture of sounds- angry pen scribbling from Jungkook and loud clacks of the keyboard from your laptop. Then, Jungkook suddenly broke the torturing silence by calling for you in his strained voice. 
“Y/N, can you come here. I need to clarify something.” His voice was weak, a hint of irritation was clearly prevalent. Your heels clacked rather loudly as you walked in-front of his desk, clueless as to what he was about to say.
“What is it, Sir?” You asked, staring at the papers that were sprawled out across the page. You took note of the way his handwriting was messier than usual, random crosses and unusually dark ink leaked through the papers. The way his words looked fuzzy made it appear as though his hand was trembling with fury, angry about something- but what? 
He pulled out something from his desk drawer and placed it onto his desk. 
“It appears that you had left your clutch behind at the wedding. Jimin was kind enough to send it back.” He pushed the clutch forward, into your reach. You picked it up with a puzzled expression. Was this the reason why he was mad? Because you left your purse? 
He suddenly got up from his seat and turned his back towards you as he looked out of the window that was shined to perfection. He was clearly annoyed at something and you just couldn’t figure out what it was. Weren’t you supposed to be the one angry? He left so randomly right after he fucked you. 
“Thank you Sir. What was it that you wanted to clarify?”
Jungkook turned around slowly and took the clutch that was in your grip out of your hands. His long fingers worked gracefully to open it and take out Jimin’s business card. He flipped over the business card to reveal a message you had no idea of before. 
“Please consider this job offer. You may contact me whenever you wish but just remember- the sooner the better.” Jungkook read aloud the message through clenched teeth. He suddenly threw the clutch onto his desk with a loud ‘bang’! It was bound to leave some scratches on his expensive mahogany table. You winced at the sudden sound as it scared you half to death. He looked furious.
“I leave you alone for 1 day and you’re thinking of leaving me entirely?” He spat out, voice trembling from the betrayal he felt as his hands clenched into tight fists.   
“You’re misunderstanding, Sir. He simply offered me the job saying it was better for the both of us. Truthfully, I’m not trained for this job and I might be a burden to you.” You explained, trying to calm Jungkook down. It was the first time you’d ever seen him so angry. His breathing was unsteady and you could hear this loud exhales through his nostrils. 
“Bullshit. I took you to Santorini, bought you everything you wanted, made sure you were comfortable and you repay me by leaving my side?” His voice was raised and you could feel your eyes start to water. Why were you the one getting yelled at?
“Sir.” You hid your trembling voice, faking a stern image that could shatter at any given time. 
“Did you just assume that I’d take up his offer? Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if I did- especially because you suddenly left right after you used me.” Your professionalism smashed. There was no point in trying to stay sane at that point, your emotions took over and you had no control over what was coming out of your mouth. 
“Used you? Shouldn’t I be saying that?! You’re the one that used me to get better connections! God! I didn’t ever think that you were like that, Y/N.” He slammed his fist down onto the desk with another loud BANG. The tears you were holding back were uncontainable at that point. They felt hot down your cheeks and you couldn’t help but groan in frustration at how unreasonable he was being. 
“Why are you the one that’s yelling at me?! You’re the one that fucked me and left like nothing happened! You didn’t even tell me what the emergency was! You just wanted to fuck me and throw my out of your life didn’t you?!” You yelled as hot tears flushed down your cheeks. Jungkook was taken aback by your sudden crying- his muscles tightened even more at the sight of your tears. 
“I bet you hired me purely to get in my pants. I knew you were nothing more than a selfish prick! You always used people in the past! I was stupid enough to think that you would actually change!” You confessed, wiping away the tears that tasted salty on your tongue. 
“Is that what you think of me, Y/N? You think I hired you to just sleep with you? I left the next morning because there was a stock market crash. I didn’t leave because I wanted to- It was because I had to. And you had to assumed the worst of me didn’t you?!” His voice bellowed powerfully, the sound bouncing off the high ceilings. He had made you cry even more- possibly some tears were of guilt but most because he was scaring you with his yelling. His reason was legit and you knew it but that didn’t stop you from being stubborn.
“Then why didn’t you answer me at the beach when I asked you why you specifically chose me? And how was I supposed to know it was that important? You could’ve mentioned it in the letter! Jimin told me you’d been with a lot of girls before me. How do I not know that I’m not another one of your ‘toys’! You fucked me and just left- think about what I might’ve felt, Jungkook! You’re being so unreasonable!” You yelled back at him with a strained voice. 
“You’re the one being unreasonable! I can’t believe you would even consider his offer after what I’ve done for you!--”
“--And I can’t believe you think I wouldn’t after what you did to me! I’m thankful for the whole trip but please don’t forget that you’re the one that left so suddenly the morning and you used me for your own selfishness!” 
“Because of a stock. market. crash!” The truth made you want to rip out the hair from your scalp. You were being so stubborn and  it was driving him crazy. There was a small silence that interrupted the yelling, peace for a few minutes before it started again. 
“Can’t you understand that I didn’t leave because I wanted to?” His voice was hoarse, probably from the yelling he had done previously. You were hiccuping in tears and you couldn’t stop them from overflowing. Your body felt hot from the rage that boiled in the pit of your stomach. You were too caught up in the moment to process Jungkook’s reasoning- although in the back of your mind, you knew that he wasn’t at fault. You just couldn’t bring yourself to admit it after he yelled at you so loudly. 
Before you could answer, a loud knock interrupted the heated conversation. You immediately wiped your eyes and forced yourself to stop crying- as if that’d change anything, your red eyes would immediately give away the fact that you were crying. 
“Are you in there Jungkook? It’s Jimin~” A familiar sing song voice sounded muffled through the door. Talk about terrible timing. What could he possibly want now? 
Part 8 is finally here!!!
354 notes · View notes
m0rgansux · 8 years
Have you ever been scolded by a mall cop? NO HOLY SHIT 
How often do you catch yourself daydreaming? Not as often as you would think if you know me at all
Is there anything that you want to do, but won’t because you’re too afraid? Literally most things I want to do 
Who was the last person to yell at you? My mom
Who gets up the earliest in your household? The latest? Usually my dad gets up earliest for work, and I get up latest 
Have you ever had a pet walk across your keyboard while you were typing? YES AND THEY ALWAYS GET YELLED AT 
You’re going to your favorite foreign country; what landmarks do you go see? I don’t know what my favorite foreign country is 
What is the longest amount of time that you have spent away from your home? A week or 2 
Did the last movie you watched have any emotional effect on you? ...yeah weirdly enough because it was a stupid animated movie 
What motivates you to go to school? My mom making me 
How much caffeine have you consumed in one day? I drink a lot of black tea and sometimes soda 
Are you more hyper and up-tight, or laid back and relaxed? I’m uptight as hell 
When was the last time you heard someone talking about you? My mom was talking about me earlier today 
How did you pick out your last outfit? I wore the same leggings I wore yesterday and just grabbed a random sweater out of my closet 
When buying shoes, what do you look for in the product? If I think they’re cute 
What happened to cause the last mess you made? I was in a hurry 
When was the last children’s b-day party you attended? I have literally no idea there are no children in my life 
Are you good at reading other people’s body language? No
If you’re sick, do you go to school or do you stay home [usually]? Usually I stay home, it depends on what classes I have 
Does chicken noodle soup really make you feel any better? I guess 
What is one meal that you like to eat while sick? Ginger ale and saltine crackers 
Think of the last survey you filled out; did you enjoy it? It was very personal
Have you ever fed bread to ducks or geese? YEAH MAN I LOVE DUCKS 
Is it hard to imagine you were ever as small as a 1-2 year old? Yes because I’m HUGE
What set the tone for your mood today? I got my favorite breakfast 
Have you ever set out to ruin someone else’s day? No
Has you ever felt like the whole world was against you? Yes I think
The name of the last video game you played? If Sims doesn’t count I have no idea
The name of the last board game that you played? .....The Big Bang Theory Clue okay my dad got it and he was excited 
What was the last thing that you told yourself? "YOU’RE GONNA GET THIS WORK DONE” I did not
How many times a day do you wash your face? At least twice
Do you remember your D.A.R.E. officer’s name? I did not do that 
Someone throws hot coffee on you; how do you react? I have no idea I would probably just cry 
Is there a high school or college that you would rather be attending? Any other school
Have you ever lived in an apartment or duplex home? No
Has anyone ever commented on your weight? Yes
Where do you stand when it comes to sexual intercourse? I don’t have a stance 
Name a show from the 90’s that you miss? Daria 
Who provokes your sarcastic side the most? My mom
Have you ever thought about joining the military? No
When you were little, did you ever stare at disabled or “different” people? ...I don’t know 
Could the contents of your bedroom get you in any trouble? I don’t think so 
Do weather patterns sometimes have an effect on your health? YEAH BOYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY HEADACHES GALORE 
If it snows a lot where you live, do you experience cabin fever? It doesn’t snow here very often 
When was the last time someone disapproved of something you were doing? Idk but an old man gave me a really dirty look yesterday 
How good are you at getting along with other people? I don’t not get along with people, but I never connect with them 
Do you consider yourself to be approachable? No
Do you know anyone that’s a little emotionally unstable? Me lol
Have you ever felt like you were going out of your mind? YES
Has anyone ever suggested that you might need “help”? Yes
Do you take offense to things easily? Sometimes??? It depends on my mood tbh
Do you like to give people a taste of their own medicine? No
How was the service at the last restaurant you visited? It was good 
Are you ever jealous of happy couples? Yes, how dare u not fear intimacy 
Describe a thought that is sticking with you today? I’M LONELY
Lately, who has spent the most time on your mind? I don’t feel like answering this
In a car: air conditioning, or roll the windows down? AC
When was the last time you did anything to your playlist? A week or 2
Is there a new song or band you’ve discovered? On Hold by The xx is my favorite song right now 
What teacher gives you the most homework? My management professor 
What type of personality do you find most annoying? Loud and obnoxious 
Are you punctual? I try to be 
Have you ever howled at the full moon? ...probably 
Have you ever seen yourself on camera? ...yeah???
Do you give any consideration to what’s said in your horoscope? Yes even tho I know it’s stupid 
0 notes