#its just so stramge.
autism-corner · 8 months
Contextless posting =w=b
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jrueships · 3 years
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sillyspirit · 5 years
Ok so I just watched the first episode of Welcome tp demon school! Iruma-kun and ho boy its real bad. Its constantly telling instead of showing, it not stops to breathe and characters seem to have both elf ears and aninal ears at the same time which is some stramge strange chatacter design; but for some reason, i loved every second if this train wreck. We gonna have to see where this goes.
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six4tyfour · 4 years
A Fistful of Copper
Being a tale of magical wonder, chilling courage, despicable cheerfulness, mechanical monstrosities, eldritch engines, the occasional damsel in distress, and, of course, money.
[ I ]
"WHAT in bloody Gaia's name is that thing!?"
From his vantage point in the watchtower, the corporal stared incredulously at the shambling, small mountain of loose metal parts and streaming smoke. His men shook their heads, speechless.
It emitted the most atrocious noise. Even from high up in the tower, he could hear the constant screech - not unlike nails being dragged down a chalkboard - the loud clanking, and the jarring jangle of loose metal. Twin plumes of mustard coloured smoke streamed from cracks in its stramge hide, forming a thick cloud in its wake.
By the corporal's estimation, the damned thing was still about two miles distant. And closing, seemingly faster than it looked.
Being along the wilder stretch of the Frontier, vigilance and paranoia went hand in hand. This was regarded as not only an occupational hazard but as a highly desired trait. With that in mind, the corporal started ringing the alarm bell like his very soul depended on it.
Like an overturned anthill, the once still outpost suddenly sprang to life. Troopers streamed from the barracks built into the very walls of the Gellen Pass.
A hooded figure raised their arms, a warm glow wrapping around them. The very rocks of the pass melted, flowing forward to form a ring of high battlements across the pass' mouth.
As the outposts' soldiery ran to their posts, a thunderous roar echoed down the pass. The stable doors swung open on clockwork arms, revealing a pair of colossal machines. Built like humanoid knights of old, the thickset constructs belched smoke the colour of nightshade from long, single brass stacks. Bull-sized, hammer-like fists were sheathed in crackling arcs of bluish lightning and underslung with short barrelled brass contraptions that reeked of ozone. Their armour was covered in engravings of storm clouds and forked lightning, which emitted an eerie blue glow.
The two machines strode smoothly down the road, gears and hydraulic pistons whirring in a purr. Another figure - begoggled, armoured and wielding a bladed stave - stood between the two as they came to a halt in a cloud of dust and smoke. Dwarfed easily by the machines, he was easily overlooked. He ran a gauntleted hand through his messy mane.
As the troopers piled into fortified bunkers and reinforced trenches, and scrambled up to man the completed battlements, the hooded one floated over them and landed just behind machines' chaperone. Pulling back her hood, long auburn hair flowed in waves across her shoulders and down her back. Her fringe covered the upper half of her face, leaving only her pert little nose, cheeks and full lips visible. She cocked her head slightly.
"Can you hear that, Gavin?"
Just above the cacophonous din of the approaching creature, a high-pitched, shrill whistling was barely audible. The whistling itself seemed cheerful.
In fact, much too cheerful. Despicably so, in Gavin's estimation.
Nodding, he replied, "Indeed. Just about barely, mind."
Glancing at him, she stated, "Sounds rather familiar, doesn't it."
Before he could reply, a loud crack echoed across the pass as both of them felt a sudden distortion as the air in front of them was suddenly displaced, streaming past and carrying a sulphurous odor.
They found themselves staring at the huge bulk of a machine, draped with a large and very filled mesh net of metal bits and pieces, just inches from their very noses. They both took a quick step back as Gavin's machines took a step forward, flexing their fists.
A hearty laugh was heard as something dropped to the ground, with a puff of dust, in front of the pair.
They both blinked at what appeared to be a small child wearing a wide brimmed hat and clad in a leather jacket, grease stained vest and baggy overalls bloused into thick shin-high boots.
She pinched the brim of the hat, tipping it, while bearing an ear to ear grin.
"Top o' the a'ternoon to yur both, Sur Gavin, Mistress Saphira. S'bin a long woile, eh!"
A collective shout, equal parts dismay and relief, rang out.
Extra notes:
1 Most mages in this world are called Casters. Eg. Warcasters who use their magic with military purposes, Tekcasters (rare outside of foundry/forge cities) who use their magic mostly for the creation of items and technology (such as it is), Hexcasters who cast curses and huck up aggressive spells (think witches and warlocks), and so on.
2 The halfling is a Tekcaster by the name of Magraudlin "Mags" O'Roark, who's an army veteran, trader, tinker and talented machinesmith. She is possessed of endless cheerfulness, which some think is some sort of unbreakable hex, and an incurable curiousity. She is practically infamous along the Frontier and can often prove to be a frustrating character to deal with.
3 Mags' machine is a siege-grade custom ironclad named Wideload, which is powered by a custom-built V-twin stack 'flashcore' eldritch engine powered by coal. It also has the ability to absorb fire & lightning strikes for use as power/fuel. It is armed with Stormhammer fists as well as a pair of recessed large caliber HEAP (High Explosive Armor Piercing) slugthrowers in its shoulders while being protected by thick layers of armour. Due to its sheer weight, its considered to be slower than most other modern ironclads. However, the custom-built engine not only allows for a short boost in speed, but possesses the ability to 'flashstep', which is a form of short-ranged teleportation. There is a small saddle for Mags so she can ride on it. In addition, the Jack is capable of quadrupedal movement using its massive arms as another pair of legs which doubles its ground speed, and allows it to carry up to five times its own tonnage. Like most custom-built ironclads, its armour is adorned with unique adornments. In Wideload's case, they take the form of engraved clockwork mechanisms and embossed dragonscales.
4 All ironclads are powered by Eldritch Engines, usually a single stack of a rugged, robust nature. Eldritch engines use different kinds of fuel, depending on purpose, maker and model, which can vary from enchanted coal to molten lava.
5 Most ironclads require Casters to control them, though rumours persist of ironclads developing personalities and gaining sentience. These rumours are still unproven, however.
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shootycatfishgame · 5 years
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Its been an increadibly busy few weeks and up until yesterday it had been quite a while since I had last touched development, but by god I had a free day and I wanted to make the most of it and I think I did.
First of all a large take away I got from watching peoples Lets Plays of Shooty and the Catfish Episode 1 (though not in reviews stramgely) was that I needed more specific visuals for the different door types. Now we have Elevator doors, Small Key doors, Key Item doors and Boss Key doors, hopefully this makes progression options more clear for players. I will probably go back to Episode 1 and release a new patch where these changes are implemented as well.
In terms of dungeon design progress, well the first half of the first floor (this dungeon has 3 floors total with one of them also having an outdoor component) of Episode 2s single dungeon is now completed. I had hoped to get the full first floor done yesterday but with the much bigger emphasis on character dialogue within this dungeon it just wasnt possible. Yes, thats right, while Episode 1s dungeon had a bunch of random monsters, every encounter in Episode 2 is a character with a small story (or gag) to tell. There will be significantly less encounters than Episode 1 (and I have no plans to treat the dungeons in Episodes 3 - 5 this way) but I am hoping this will make each encounter more meaningful, time will tell if I am successfull in that respect or not.
And thats unfortunately it for this update. I am pretty flooded with freelance work at the moment so updates will probably be quite inconsistent for the next couple of months atleast, still, every updates another step forward!
Until next time, keep on developing!
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vengergreentag · 2 years
Comedy: Netfliz
By VeNgeR GrEenTag Ya... Ya... GIVE YOUR ORGANS ON THE BLACK MARKET YOU FUCK Yo Swans have one partner for whole life time... Oh men sounds like life sucks it double sucks... I am such a awful person People in wheelchairs have better lifes Than mein Just Sayin I just know Recently I went tobthe dentist... Okay it was today... Oh men it sucks ... If you end up there... You screw up Definetly Whats with selling glasses on the door... Obituary? Another obsession? You get blind and you lose eyes sight? And die? I look in the world .. I want to lose my senses, eyes... Go dark... Hearing... Tasting... Smelling... I am guessing less capricious... I am become life becomes better... Ae least to live definetly as for now all in disrespecting people... Inam against respect for the eldery... Whats wrong eith thise folks? If you see such fuck... Throw a punch... in to his stomach abd say Vietnam... World War 2... PSSSSS... I DON'T CARE I FUCKING DON'T Sucking dick Is stramge I don't get it... Dick has been every stinky place on the planet... It has created stinky places then A girls Comes And say "I WILL SUCK IT"... Whoa is it competion or challenge? Cool girls ALREADY TAKEN LOOKS LIKE PERSON LIKE ME END UPS NOWHERE So much comedians JEWS OVER THE TOP I AM GUESSING THEY DO NOT NEED SLAVES Looks like the last thing you can do... In the dark... Darkness Night time If you pass a girl and say "Hey"... Two sections you can go this whole thing One Rapist, pedophile... Two... Lucky You are with her... Still Hoping to check out Peter Sotos rape section! Oh men People go to beaches... Its July... Oh men I want those fucks to die from air... From not enough air Suffocation... Any thoughts on sad dogs stories? I got one... Next time try to impress me by throeong the dog out of the window... Or cutting it and taking its life... MEET YOUR MASTER Sad movies Girls watch them Irs a fact... But still ehat facts say 2000-2015 life expectancy has increased. Still girls complain and destroy men life Who created those folks I am staying single Its not complex I did not started And I did not finish it I just made a choice Devil with fork... Fuck you!
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