#its like 3am
wolfythewitch · 9 months
Hey i dont know if this makes sense but i love your bibleposting because it actually humanizes the bible and the people in it? I was raised in a fundamentalist christian church where everything was untouchable and there was no room for interpretation and ive been trying to deconstruct and idk after being told youre nothing because youre just human its so nice to see interpretations of the bible that are about people as much as they are about god
I guess im trying to say thank you for doing that and thank you for being cool lol also your art fucking rocks
Ahh thank you <3 I'm about to go on a slight rant, but I think that's where me and my parents fundamentally disagree about it haha. While it is a sacred text, it's also a historical/ancient book that's been cowritten by many different authors in a language I -- and I can probably guarantee my pastor-- don't speak. It's been translated and rewritten several different times, and has been cherrypicked through by men who are now probably dead to determine what's canon and not. It's fine to regard it as a holy text, but it isn't above discernment or interpretation. The pastor tells us his interpretation of it, and suddenly every other reading is wrong? That isn't a discussion at all. It's a Bible study not a Bible lecture. The bible and its scripture should not be untouchable, to claim it so is to speak for god
Okay rant over. I love humanizing characters! If the authors of the bible were so touched by their encounter with god that they wrote down pages and pages of it, then I find it fascinating to explore their experience. Not to bring up good omens but I just finished watching it so I will, but when they bring up that job loved his children, they were right. Did Job not love his former children? Did Isaac want to die? Didn't Moses feel anxious having to return to Egypt? Elijah was afraid. Jesus didn't want to die. Jesus was afraid. Exploring the humanity in these stuff is so interesting because in reducing a man to a myth, you make it so they are no longer a man. We can't live up to myths. We're human
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dottsdraws · 5 months
finally drew the meme
paul is my actual comfort character but i dont believe either him or miles would suggest killing someone, so i used infected paul bc i love him as well <3
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doctorcanon · 5 months
A little obsessed with the potential brotherly dynamic between The Captain and Mask. I know there are lots of other characters from the series in HW but hear me out okay?
Imagine being The Captain:
You take the strangest kid under your wing during the war. He's mostly unobtrusive. Mature for his age, quiet, but generally churlish. Can barely read (ill explain this HC one day) but fights like a demon and is clearly immensely troubled but doesn't know how to express himself.
You eventually connect over a shared burden and become rather attached to the kid. You're the only one he actually speaks to. Moreover, people have started calling you "the twins" even though he much younger than you. You teach him practical things like improving his reading, clothes mending and social graces. He teaches you about the natural world, herbalism and orienteering. You even give him a nickname "Mask" that he reluctantly answers to. But as the war wears on and the battles get harder, the boy has to rely on his masks more and more. Save for the one he calls Oni. He says its his failsafe and mentions nothing else.
Until one day, during the penultimate battle, you and your battalion are overwhelmed. Grievously injured, you call for Mask to get to safety. The next thing you remember is hearing "dont worry, captain, I'll protect you, i promise." Then flashes of a hulking demon laying waste to the battlefield with a helix shaped sword. You also remember a great and terrible silence and the sensation of being carried.
When you wake, Zelda informs you that the battle has been won but Mask along with several others, are missing. Even when the war is won and over, you search that battlefield, all surrounding areas and lists of the dead for any sign of Mask. You find nothing and eventually your duties as Captain must be seen to.
Three years later, you follow up on reports of an aberration found around the area Mask disappeared. The portal drops you unceremoniously into a Hyrule you don't recognize. You meet 8 others just like you, all named Link, each bearing the Mark of Destiny and honestly kinda sick of all this shit. The Oldest One - face heavily scarred and blind in one eye - holds your gaze for a little too long. When you ask him about it, he only apologizes awkwardly.
Needing some space during a particularly raucous night, you decide to check up on your party's resident Old Man who just so happens to be reorganizing his things. And you see it: Oni, the Fierce Deity; the War God that nearly won them the war but not the little boy who carried it.
"Where did you get this? Who gave it to you?" You ask. When he doesn't give you an answer, you insist. "That mask is one of a kind, and only one person I know had it, what happened to him."
The silence that follows is so thick, not even the Master Sword could cut it. The Old Man - Time, they call him - is taller than the rest of them, but his stature is bent by bone deep weariness. The scars on his face pull his features in different directions, the bridge of his nose is split, the remains of his empty eye socket droop painfully without his eye patch, the left corner of his mouth peel back to show more of his teeth - two of which are missing. But his remaining eye - bright, alert and unnervingly blue - pleads with him and the realization dawns on him before Time turns away, almost timid but mostly ashamed.
"He kept fighting, Captain. He kept fighting until he couldn't anymore and kept going. Until..."
You embrace him before you can stop yourself. He's just as surprised as you are. But he doesn't throw you off or scold you. Instead, he sinks into the hug with a long, shuddering sigh of relief. He's so tall now, he nearly bowls you over. Then quietly, through tears Captain can't see, he says
"I'm sorry...I thought you be disappointed." Your heart that was frantically picking up the piece just a moment ago breaks all over again. You can still hear that little boy buried in somewhere the gruff baritone you've grown accustomed to. Something bittersweet festers inside you, a melange of emotions you can't possibly unpack in this moment. But not one of them is disappointment. You pull away, taking him by the shoulders and giving him a little shake.
"You are so much more than I could've ever imagined. Whatever you've done, you survived and I couldn't be more proud."
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flaming-trash-can · 1 year
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madame-mongoose · 9 months
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Playing with a new brush I found
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g0blinwitch · 4 months
Not to get controversial on main or whatever but while yes, I do generally believe that people should be able to ship whatever the hell they want and not get harassed, I will still never call my self a proshipper. Like sorry man I'm not associating myself with a bunch of people who chant "Kill the cop inside your head!" with zero irony, take over POCD spaces with their fucking discourse, refuse to listen to victims of sexual assault/incest, and turn their heads at every shred of evidence that no actually, fiction can in fact affect reality. Like yeah don't get me wrong I've heard my fair share of stories of antishippers doing kind of shitty things, but I'd rather align myself with supposed "puriteens" than a group of immature people who chant that "they get off from the haterz bc degration kink!!1!!!111!!" over actually responding to criticism.
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fungerhead · 4 months
The new neighbor design is so freaky, stop standing up get back on the ground
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sappymix1 · 6 months
Interesting to see that the ccs who are on dreams side and are friendly with him are the ones who have had huge hate trains against them and are under constant scrutiny from the twitter crowd
And the ccs against dream are on a nonstop clout chasing route who need other peoples fame to be relevant like hmmmm i wonder whos in the 'right' here 🤔🤔🤔
yeah pretty much
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snowtst · 2 days
me definitely not making a spreadsheet instead of sleeping
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trashgremlendoesart · 14 days
What the actual fuck do they put in maccas food whyYYY CANT I SLEEP
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huntingofbeasts · 9 months
Happy 1.1 Update everyone~
As promised, here we go. Good lord this is a whole chunk of an update. Everything that's changed will be under the cut cause hoo geeze we're gonna need it chaps
So off the top of my head:
Stats Screen, Get!
Glossary, Get!
Refined dialogue for Morose, Sula, and Forlorn to reflect the slight change in plot
Some sneak peeks into Alia and Akio's introduction
Some branching in the Wrath Route
General refinement of content, as well as more content in general
It looks prettier
Forlorn rewrite to be more accurate to her actual personality
Some WIP gap filling
Bug fixes, and more customization variables
And probably a ton more that I simply lost track of. Enjoy everyone, I'm gonna go icepack my hands lmao
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panda-janai · 2 years
Gojo’s confession
It’s like 3am right now so random thoughts but I’m like, lowkey convinced that gojo said, “I love you” to Geto during that one panel in Volume 0 and in the movie itself.
For the movie, that scene was WAY too intimate bro like I swear everyone in the theatre could feel there was a little more going on in that scene, especially for anime onlys. Like even the creators of the film themselves did a little changes in comparison to the manga (e.g., having Gojo crouch down to eye level) to bring it more across. 
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Ik theres still no proper screencaps of the movie rn but damn that 240p quality
Especially this scene, like they could have easily just showed the sky or something and then have Geto’s reaction after but they had to show it like this, where we could see him saying something but its not audible to us as well as his eyes being hidden in this scene which is a pretty common thing to happen in anime especially when something emotional is happening. ★ Also I’m not sure if this is true or not, but I’ve heard that some people were able to read his lips and think he said I love you but I’m not really gonna go solely based off that since something like that probably would’ve blown up by now.
And then we go to the manga..
To be honest for the manga, I thought Gojo said something along the lines of “Welcome home” or something but I immediately threw that option out the window after reading that one interview with Gege.
First off, during an interview with Gege about volume 0, the interviewer asked them what Gojo said to Geto during that panel in Volume 0 to which they said that Gojo had already said it in the volume 0 manga. So the only two things I thought of that Gojo probably said would have to be associated with either:
 1. “[Geto] he was my friend, my one and only.” 
2. “Love is the most twisted curse of them all”
Now I know you might think yeah, Gojo definitely told him, “You’re my best friend” or anything around that
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But with a reaction like THAT doesn’t seem too fitting for when your ex-bestfriend from 10 years ago tells you they still see you as their best friend since it is a little too much of an overreaction, especially considering Geto didn’t react so much as in shock when Gojo told him that he still trusts him which is equally as surprising considering everything he has done up to that point.
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But instead he just laughed it off, more like something along the lines of a ‘Wow I can’t believe it’ kind of reaction either because its simply amusing to hear that Gojo still harbors trust for him after all that hes done, or he just finds him foolish.
But Gojo telling Geto, “I love you” just seems....fitting. In a way his love for him (whether you view it as romantic or familial) was sort of like a curse when you think about it. It prevented him from killing him during his confrontation with him after his first massacre (KFC breakup), it prevented him from going after Geto for the 10 years after that leading up to the events in volume 0 fully aware of his malicious actions, and it prevented him from having Shoko properly dispose of his body after he killed him-- which in turn has led to Kenjaku having access to his body thus leading to the events that are currently happening in the manga.
There also is a bit of a melancholic feel when Gojo meets pseudo geto for the first time, which ultimately lead to his capture
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His gay ass fr froze up not even for a whole minute in his head but mans really had the entire 3 years he spent with him flash before his eyes like pack it up nojo
aswell as his reaction when he found out who pseudo geto really is
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Anyways, Gojo’s reactions coupled with his actions and the things he said to Geto make me think he probably told him he loves him in volume 0, but the only true way of knowing (if we’ll even get more proof or a whole confirmation) is if we’re able to see Geto again and or have them encounter once more since it sort of already has been hinted at that Geto might potentially come back with the way Kenjaku had to grab his own neck after Gojo triggered something in their last meet.
But yeah these are my thoughts ✨
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spectrum-system · 1 year
I feel like the concept of M.A.D. is often misinterpreted. Its a responce to undesired information.
An alternate could simply exist in your space without giving you M.A.D. it just depends on if its speaking or not. And even then, it would only happen if they are telling you somthing you /do not/ want to know.
Its not simply somthing you get just by being around alternates. Its only when they are targeting you.
In vol. 4, thatcher doesnt get M.A.D. just because he has an alternate around him (ruths alternate). He doesnt seem to get M.A.D. at all actually.
Anyway, thanks for reading my rambles.
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bugsnatchh · 2 years
the guy driving behind delirium and dream in brief lives
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doctorjohcoy · 1 year
Staring at you.
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um . can i fucking help you.
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