#its ok though i deleted it again xoxo
ticklishfiend · 4 years
Pure Gold (My Hero Academia)
Lee!Mina / Ler!Bakugou ⚠️PLATONIC⚠️
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A/N : haven’t posted a fic in a while cause my laptop broke but hey!! i fixed it!! so here we go. i wanna make a sequel to this with the sleepover mentioned at the end, so if ur interested or have any ideas, lemme know!!
Summary: Mina catches Bakugou in a very incriminating circumstance, and of course, records it (cause how could she not). Unfortunately for her, Bakugou doesn’t think this is as funny as she thinks it is, but decides to make her laugh with his own methods anyways.
Word Count: 3084
. . .
Mina rolled onto her right side for what had to be the millionth time tonight, nothing ever feeling comfortable enough to just loll her into the right sleepy headspace she needed to get some goddamn shuteye. She’s never really had many problems with falling asleep before, so why tonight she had to be burdened with this temporary insomnia was beyond her. 
Mina threw her arm out behind her back towards her bedside table, fingers fumbling around for her phone before finding it connected to the charger. Detaching it from it’s plug, she brought it towards her, face flinching at the sudden brightness before her eyes adjusted to the light. She groaned as she scanned over the time, 1:02AM, far later than she would typically still be awake. Sure, it was Friday so she didn’t have any classes to worry about the next day, but it was still frustrating to get off her normal sleeping schedule so suddenly and for seemingly no reason. She had to fix it soon before she pulled an accidental all-nighter.
Whining and groaning the whole way, Mina threw her legs out over the side of her bed, dangling her feet for a moment before slipping them into her cute fuzzy panda slippers she kept on her bedside. The girl figured her best bet for now would be to drink one of the soothing teas that Momo kept lying around in the kitchen for anyone to use. She dragged herself towards the door, allowing her arms to stretch over her head with a yawn before grabbing at the cold metal door handle and slowly creaking open the entrance. 
She was careful to be quiet, turning the handle before shutting the door as to avoid any unnecessary clicks. She’d be damned if she made any of her light-sleeper classmates go through the same sleepless night she was currently going through by waking them up so late in the night. She walked heel to toe through the carpeted hallway, finding her way to the elevator finally and breathing a sigh of relief as the doors closed without a dinging sound.
After what felt like a treacherous journey, she finally made it to the corner that would lead her to both the kitchen and common area. But, before she turned the corner, she saw a light illuminating off the walls coming from the commons. Her brow quirked, not expecting any type of light to be shining from the area.
No worries, she thought. If someone accidentally left a light on I’ll just turn it off real quick so no one gets in trouble, easy peasy! She finally made it around the corner when it finally dawned on her where the light source was coming from in the first place; the TV.
Her eyes met the muted TV that seemed to be playing a...romance anime? The subtitles were on and the volume was completely turned off, so whoever had been watching it was obviously aware of how late it was and was trying to stay quiet for the rest of the class like Mina had been.
The pink girl watched the screen for a moment, reading the subtitles to find that one of the characters had apparently just confessed their love to someone else in some heroic fashion. It was super cute, and she’ll definitely have to look up whatever this is so she can watch it in her own time. Before she could make her way towards the action to turn the TV off, however, she heard...is that…?
She paused, her ears perking up at the sound just in case she had imagined it. Then, no more than 3 seconds later, she heard it again. Sniffles, this time accompanied by a little groan of what sounded like endearment. This is so cute, she thought to herself, bringing her hand to her mouth to cover up any giggles that dared to escape. Someone’s crying about a romance anime right now, and it definitely sounded like one of the boys too! There’s no way I can’t find out who this is.
As quietly and sneakily as the acidic girl possibly could, she made her way towards the back of the couch, crouching down just slightly as to not alert them with her shadow. She finally allowed her eyes to peer just above the top of the cushion aaaand…
Mina could hardly believe what she was seeing. Was she complaining? Absolutely not, this was pure gold, it was just surprising! THE Bakugou Katsuki, curled up on the corner of the couch swaddled in a fluffy All Might blanket, tears pooling at the corners of his eyes with an actual smile on his face. He stuffed his mouth with popcorn before wiping his tears with the corner of his printed blanket, muffling a small “Finally,” into the fabric. 
There was no chance in hell Mina was going to miss this golden opportunity.
Like a spy, Mina quickly but quietly snatched her phone from the pocket of her sleep shorts, opening the camera before pressing record. She zoomed in on the romantic scene displayed on the screen, before slowly panning down to the still sniffling Bakugou, the light from the TV bright but his smile even brighter. She hit the off button before stuffing the phone back in her pocket with a grin, quietly making her way towards the kitchen.
She went to take a mug out of one of the top cabinets, purposefully shutting it louder than she needed to to alert the blonde on the sofa. He jumped at the noise, whipping his head around towards the girl before throwing his arm towards the coffee table to snatch the remote and turn the TV off with force.
“Why the fuck are you in here, Pinky?!!” Bakugou whisper-shouted from across the room, and though the light from the TV was now gone, Mina could just tell he had to be blushing from embarrassment. She grinned widely.
“Oh, y’know, couldn’t sleep,” She smirked, not looking Bakugou’s direction while filling her kettle with tap water. “I’m guessing the romantic buildup had to be pretty intense to make THE Lord Explosion Murder shed a few tears, huh?”
Bakugou froze before his body started to shake with anger, launching himself over the back of the couch and lunging towards Mina, grabbing her by the shoulders and digging his fingers into the flesh aggressively. He was seething, his jaw clenched and eyes white with anger, and though Mina was a little shaken up when he initially grabbed her, she couldn’t help but giggle when remembering what she had just seen moments ago.
“I WILL KILL YOU, YOU ALIEN FUCK!” He almost-shouted, and it was obvious he was still cautious of waking anyone up so Mina wouldn’t be able to tell anyone about what she had witnessed. “You keep this shit to yourself, got it?! Cause I’m not scared to fucking kill you!”
“Oh I know that, Blasty,” she smiled up at him, unable to suppress another giggle. “It’s too bad I got your little cry-sesh on camera then, huh?”
Bakugou’s face fell, his eyes wide before he squeezed even tighter into her shoulders. “You...you WHAT?!?!” Mina had meant to let out another laugh at his expense, but it turned into a yelp as she was aggressively hoisted up over his shoulder. 
Mina kicked and laughed, hitting at his back to no avail as he stomped towards the couch and unceremoniously threw her down onto it, pinning her against the cushions, her hands now laying flat underneath his knees that were thrown over her waist.
“Woah, take me out to dinner first!” Mina’s eyes were wide as she let out a nervous chuckle. She tugged at her hands, but they weren’t going anywhere under his weight. She even tried kicking a little against the cushion, but yet again, nothing.
“Not into you like that, Pinky,” He aggressively pointed towards her face, the angry scowl never leaving his now wrinkled expression. “And you’re gonna delete that fucking video, got it?!”
“Are you kidding me?! I could never delete that! It’s gold and you know it!” Mina exasperated, shocked he could even consider that a possibility. 
“NO IT’S FUCKING NOT!” He whisper-shouted into her face, moving his hand even closer to her face until it booped her nose, her eyes crossing down to look at it. “Delete it, Horns...or I’ll fucking make you.”
Mina uncrossed her eyes and looked up to Bakugou, whose face remained angry and undeterred. She sighed, “Ok, first of all, they’re not horns; they’re antennas. Secondly, you were too cute in the video to delete it! I’m sorry, Baku, but I can’t do that.”
Bakugou just grunted, moving both of his hands down now to grip at her waist, making her eyes widen with a sudden knowing fear. “I am NOT cute, and you WILL delete that fucking video, Pink-Fuck! You always give in to this shit,” Bakugou couldn’t help the smirk that rose on his face as he squeezed her sides once, making her jump and yelp.
“Nohoho! Bakugou, please, not thihis!” Mina couldn’t help the giggles that left her lips even if he hadn’t properly done anything yet. It was just the knowing of what was to come that caused nervous laughter to bubble from her chest and into both their ears.
“It doesn’t have to be this way, moron,” Bakugou said, eyeing down at her waist before noticing the phone-sized bulge in her shorts pocket. He smirked, reaching down and pulling it from its hiding spot. He looked at the screen before huffing, turning it to face her eyes. “Gimme the code. Now.”
“No way! You’ll just delete the video!” Mina said before yelping with another jerk as he pinched at her side again. “Dohon’t!” He sat her phone down on the arm of the couch before wiggling both his hands over her belly, the sight alone making her shriek and let out a flow of giggles.
“You’re gonna wanna give me that code, loser,” Bakugou grinned, jerking his hands down towards her stomach without touching her and bringing them back up, making Mina jerk aggressively with another yelp. “I haven’t even touched you yet and you’re already freaking out! This is gonna fucking suck for you if you don’t let me delete that damn video!” 
Mina just pursed her mouth shut tightly, shaking her head “no” while letting little huffs of suppressed laughs escape from her nose. Bakugou just sighed, raising his wiggling fingers just slightly higher before a wide, sadistic grin cemented itself to his face.
“You asked for this.”
Before she had time to retaliate, wiggling fingers came down to pinch up her sides and into the dips of her ribs, sending her into a cackling fit. She kicked uselessly from behind him, tugging at her trapped hands to no avail.
Bakugou used his right hand to dig his fingertips into the bottom of her ribs, while skittering his other nails over her quivering belly. She sucked her stomach in as much as possible, but with each laugh it was brought back up, practically tickling itself on his fingers.
“Bakugohohou! Plehehease! Nohoho!” She squealed, her eyes squeezed tightly shut as he continued his relentless but playful torture.
“No what?” the blonde teased, using his index and middle fingers to vibrate into her tummy. She let out a shriek at that, jerking violently while trying to smush her face into the cushion beside her. “Ohoho, that bad, huh? Pretty effective method if I do say so myself,” Bakugou then used his two fingers on each hand to vibrate into her lower ribs, a spot he knows all too well is absolutely unforgiving. She screamed at this, shaking her head side to side as laughs poured from her gut. “I always get what I want, Pinky, and this isn’t gonna be any fucking different.”
Mina couldn’t help the loud shrieks and squeals that left her body, tossing herself from side to side with no effect whatsoever. “GAHAHAHA! Plehehease! It tickles too muhuhuch!”
“Not my fucking problem,” Bakugou went back to his squeezing method from before, this time bringing one hand down to pinch at her hip. Mina jolted at the touch, screaming and cackling at his relentless squeezing. “The code, moron, lest you forget about what got you here in the first place.”
“Nehehever! I cahahan’t!” she laughed before gasping in a breath of air as his hands let go of her body for a moment. She hesitantly opened one of her eyes to look at her tormentor, who was yet again wiggling his fingers over her tummy. She shut her eyes again tight at the sight, a new bout of giggles leaving her from anticipation. “Nohoho!”
“You can never handle being teased, can ya?” Bakugou grinned, before bringing both his hands back down to lift up her nightshirt up to her bottom ribs.
“No! No no no! Please! Bakugou, let’s talk about this!” Mina spluttered out nervously, opening her eyes to see him just ghosting his fingers over her still quivering belly. She tossed her head back with a giggly whine, kicking her feet behind him like a child in a tantrum.
“Nope. You had your damn chance, and you blew it,” He smirked devilishly, bringing his fingers down to gently skitter over her now bare belly, dissolving her into a fit of high-pitched giggles. “Now you’re gonna get-” BZZZ! BZZZ!
Bakugou paused his previously wiggling fingers, his head whipping up and eyes making contact with the now buzzing phone resting on the arm of the couch. He groaned when he read who was calling on Mina’s FaceTime, resting one hand on his knee while reaching out and swiping the phone from it’s resting spot (though his knees were still pressed firmly against Mina’s trapped hands- he hadn’t yet planned on stopping her torment.)
Bakugou pressed the bright green button on the screen and stared blankly at the dark screen as Denki answered. The boy had obviously been trying to sleep, evident by the fact no lights were on in his room.
“Bakugou?” The boy asked groggily on the other end, and even though Bakugou couldn’t technically see his face, he knew he had to have the dumbest expression printed all over it.
“Yes, what the hell do you want Pikachu?” Bakugou growled at the screen.
“Can you tell Mina to quit screaming? I could tell it’s her, her laughs are always the same; just so fuckin’ loud,” Denki chuckled, and Bakugou could hear his sheets shuffling. “What’s got her laughing so hard anyway? You aren’t exactly the funniest person on the planet.”
“I’M FUCKING HILARIOUS YOU DUNCE!” Bakugou shouted angrily into the phone, gripping it tightly as Mina just prayed he wouldn’t crush it with his pure fiery rage. “And that’s none of your fucking buisness!” Bakugou paused, looking down at Mina who had a sheepish grin on her face. He sighed. “She’ll be quiet now. Just go to sleep so you aren’t dumber tomorrow than you usually are,” Bakugou huffed, hanging up without allowing the blonde on the other end to get any word in. 
The explosive teen threw Mina’s phone down beside her on the couch, hoisting himself off her with a scowl on his face and a roughness to his movements. Mina couldn’t help but feel a little guilty as he jerked his blanket out from under the girl aggressively and began making his way away from the couch. She quickly sat up and snatched his wrist, pulling him back slightly and making the boy grunt, looking back at her with tense brows.
“How about a compromise?” She proposed, a small grin on her face. He looked at her through squinted eyes for a moment, questioning her request. Finally, he rolled his eyes with a huff.
“Hit me with it,” he didn’t look at her in the eyes, but she celebrated internally at the fact he wasn’t too visibly angry at her.
“I’ve got a sleepover tomorrow with all the girls, and we’ve been dying for a special guest,” She bit her lip with a cheek-tearing smirk as his brow somehow managed to furrow even deeper. “Hang out with us for just a few hours tomorrow night; you don’t even have to sleep over, just stay for the fun parts. I’ll delete the video as soon as it’s over.”
He continued to stare at her questioningly, obviously not convinced nor happy with this compromise. She needed to give him more.
“I promise I won’t show a soul the video if you promise to go tomorrow. No one will even know it existed before it’s already gone,” she said, before deciding to finally pull out the big guns. She pouted out her bottom lip and lowered her wide eyes, eyebrows piercing upwards like a sad puppy. “Pleeease Bakugou? I promise it’ll be fun!”
He paused, staring at her sad little face and feeling himself go slightly soft inside while staring at his friend. He squeezed his eyes shut tight and jerked his arm out of the girl’s grasp with a loud groan.
“Fine...as long as this shit stays between us...I guess I’ll go,” Bakugou nearly whispered the last part, as if the words had to crawl their way out of his throat while being tied down from his sheer stubbornness alone. 
Mina couldn't help the shriek of excitement she let out, her mouth quickly getting covered by Bakugou's large calloused hand while his other planted an index finger on his own mouth towards her. “Shut the fuck up Pinky, we already woke Dunce up!” She just smiled behind his hand, nodding up and down quickly.
Bakugou let out a sigh as he moved his hand from her face, using his fingers to squeeze at the bridge of his nose. “You are so fucking annoying, y’know that?”
Mina just giggled, standing up and giving Bakugou a hug so quick he couldn’t pull away from it. He stood in shock for a moment, before shoving her shoulder and making the girl fall back on the couch with an oof! followed by her giggles. He just rolled his eyes with a, “Tch,” throwing his blanket over his shoulder and walking towards the hallways.
“Night, Blasty! Get ready for the night of your life tomorrow!” She whisper-shouted towards the exiting boy, who only flipped her off as his body finally disappeared into the shadows of the shared hallways.
. . .
A/N : hope you enjoyed!! i didn’t rlly proofread this so if it’s terribly written i apologize lmaoo, again if ur interested in a part 2 lemme know!!! much love <3 xoxo
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ilguna · 3 years
i had a whole message written out butit deleted. ok i hate thyme now. i would have knocked her out so fucking hard her teeth went down her throat. ALSO ITS SO OBVIOUS THEYRE TWO TEENS IN LVOE IM SORRY BUT ITS SO ANGSTY AND SAD AND HEARTFELT. finnick is 100% dauntless ( or so it seems ) because he hasnt taken a step back to appreciate gallows or even see all the physical, emotional and just everything she gives to him. she's given herself to him completely in their friendship and even in a love way ( when she's jealous of thyme BYE ) but even though she doesnt see it or notice it and understand it, she still does and he's taken complete advantage of it. they're navigating their feelings for the first time because of abnegation and its super interesting and sad to watch. they're only 16 and both have so much to learn but i know they're endgame so it doesnt even matter! i hope thyme becomes factionless tho xoxo. im really interested in how they come together again bc obviously they're soulmates but last time it was bc of the games but im excited to see what it will be now. you've literally outdone yourself and finnick is an asshole #ihatefinnickrnclub and ugh i just adore everything about this chapter, also probably gonna rebinge all of your finnick writing just because! thank you so much for the chapter and im sorry for such a long response. ill probs be over analyzing the chapter again when i get home so i can catch all the details i missed
okay i love all of this!! the way you analyze everything is perfect! 
also, as the author, i never liked thyme. thyme is the worst
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dark-and-kawaii · 6 years
Soooo....Kakashi, Minato and Itatchi...what kinks/turn ons dya reckon they have? 🤔💭
A/N: I got so scared for a minute because i thought i deleted this by mistake!!! ಥ_ಥ
*wipes forehead* Phew!! I’m glad i found this!!! I’d love to do this!!! And i’ve been waiting for the right moment where im inspired so it turns out good!!! 
Please Enjoy and i hope you like it / agree with me!!!
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Kakashi is all about that lingerie life!!! Especially if it’s in the color red, there’s something so spicy about it and it really gets his blood flowing... To his cock... Hehehe don’t worry he still finds you extremely attractive in any color lingerie but red is his favorite. It makes your skin glow, and the way it makes your eyes pop... Absolutely stunning for him. 
When it comes to the lingerie Kakashi doesn’t mind what type of fabric it is made out of so long as there’s lace hugging your hips and other areas. To him the lace is like a tease, granted your basically naked in these types of get ups, but the lace is like a steamy window... You can see a little bit, but not all of what it covers. It’s almost like unwrapping a gift, he can’t wait to unwrap you and see what is concealed. 
You wouldn’t think it, but Kakashi actually likes being bossed around in bed. He doesn’t mind when his partner takes control, hell Kakashi doesn’t mind the least bit if you were wanting to tie him up and have your way with him. He’s all for it and he likes trying new things.
So as you can guess, with the whole tied up situation, Kakashi likes to relax and enjoy his time with you. He definitely can go at a fast pace and make your eyes roll in the back of your head, but he much rather take his time and make you orgasm over and over again when he is in charge. 
When Kakashi does take charge he likes to get into the whole pet play. Putting a color on you and some cute fox/dog ears... Oof, you can basically see a small stain in his pants from the pre-cum. He enjoys calling you “pet”, saying things such as “Good girl (or boy)” And every now and then he likes to add a leash to your collar so he can tug at it while pounding you from behind doggy style.
Being blindfolded is a 100% kink for him, whether it be you or him. It heightens the senses and his favorite is when he’s reading a book of his and you sneak up behind him and blindfold him. He’ll place his book on his lap and see where you take things. But most the time you leave him where he is and slowly pull his pants down so you can suck his cock. Gripping onto whatever it is he is sitting on, Kakashi’s toes curl as he focuses just on your lips around his cock. 
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*arches eyebrow* Must i say what he truly like to fantasy about? Minato, HANDS DOWN.... Is all about that breeding kink. Seeing the woman he loves walking around with a swollen tummy get’s him hard in seconds. He’s not sure why really himself, maybe it’s pride, maybe it’s his way of being possessive, but he just loves watching you walk around with his child growing inside you. At a young age it took a lot for Minato not to get your pregnant hehehe.
Minato is a romancer, he will do anything to set the mood, and like Kakashi he much rather take his time with you than having a quicky. When it comes to setting the mood, Minato will send you away to the store or some errand that gets you out of the house so he can prepare everything. Candles, Rose Petals, and he’ll even have oil ready so he can massage your back before he begins pleasuring you. Whenever you get back from your silly errand he sent you to do, Minato will grab the bag from your hand and place it on the floor so he can have full access to your hand. Taking your hand in his, Minato will tell you to close your eyes and then lead you to your shared bedroom. “Open, ____.” Standing in front of you with a cheesy grin and pink blush, Minato shows has his hand out showing you what he had done for you. As if in a fairy tail, he slowly lifts you into his arms and places you on the bed that holds many rose petals in variety of colors. 
He doesn’t mind quickies, and if you were to do it or come up with the idea he likes it when you show up spontaneously in his Hokage office. He knows what’s about to go down, maybe? Sitting back in his chair he greets you with his famous smile. Swaying back and forth you come up to him and place your hands on his shoulders before sliding them down to his pants. Licking your lips, you hide beneath his desk and suck his cock. Not caring if someone were to show up, its a fun game for you, and even though it shows on his face that he is dying, Minato always comes up with an excuse, “I- I uh feel fine! I’m just... It’s uh, i’m really hot today is all!”  
A turn on for Minato would be coming home to you cooking a homemade meal for him. Seeing you work hard and taking care of his and your home is something he cherishes because in his eye’s it shows that you wish to live with him for a long time. He’s sentimental and this just is a cherry on top. 
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This poor guy, Itachi used to love spending all his time with you until well... Ya know... He became apart of the Akatsuki. Itachi used to be about pleasuring you all night long. Massaging your thighs, working his mouth up to your sweet spot... It was such a turn on for him to watch you crumble before him...
Now though, as someone who must keep his distance from the village, when he shows his face to you he makes it quick. But you know it’s not because he wants to, you know he wishes he could take his time, it shows every time he rests his forehead on yours as he slides his cock inside you. 
When Itachi is willing to risk it, his kinks are tying you to your bed and torturing your clit with his teeth. At first he will gently latch on to it and grind his teeth slowly, its torture that feels heavenly, and once you’ve cum he will bite down harder and harder until you’re screaming his name and begging for him to release you. 
Kunai play is another thing Itachi enjoys, it’s a trust thing, he likes knowing that you trust him with such a deadly weapon. So i guess you could say trust is a huge turn on for Itachi. He never thought you would trust him after all he’s done, but you believed his every word, and you would never allow someone to talk down about him in your presence. You trust him and his actions, and this alone is something Itachi can cherish and relish in.
It takes a lot out of him, but using his Tsukuyomi on you is SUCHA big turn on for him. It always makes him pass out since he is in fact ill as well, but watching you wither in pleasure is such an enjoyment while fucking you. Knowing he can give you threesome without sharing you with another man *ok emoji* 
Itachi is another one who has a breeding kink, it’s not as big as Minato’s but it’s there in him and he’s always wanted a family. Sometimes a turn on for him is whispering in your ear that he’s going to get you pregnant and cum inside you. That there isn’t anything you can do about except accepting your fate as his forever. 
Blowjobs, Itachi loves them and he enjoys coming to your place collapsing down on your couch. He knows you’ll give him a special treat for making the journey to you, and he can’t ever wait. Sometime’s you’ll walk into your living space and his pants will already be down. Though it’s rare since he isn’t very demanding usually. 
~ Love Kiwi xoxo 
Ahhh!!!! I hope you liked these!!! I have so much more to say about these guys but it was getting a little long ^-^;!!!
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distancebeauty · 7 years
Brand Review: Tooth & Nail Cosmetics
I don’t normally do this...not to indie brands, anyway. If anything, I like to support them, uplift them and make sure to give them a fair advantage when trying them out and reviewing them...but when a company fails to even attempt to satisfy their customers while standing by their brand, I can’t sit back and let people fall into the same trap over and over again. As unbelievable as this is, I bought $66 worth of makeup while asleep. I tend to sleep with my phone right next to me in the bed. This is so when my alarm goes off in the morning, I can get to it before it has the chance to go off again or wake anyone else. I’ve texted people in my half- or full-sleep state before, so I’m not surprised that I actually bought makeup in my sleep.
I sleep-bought makeup from Tooth & Nail Cosmetics, an indie brand I never heard of. I don’t know how or where I found them, but I woke up the next morning and while checking my email, saw a receipt for a purchase I had made earlier. I opened it and saw that I bought a couple of highlighters (The Nightmare Before Christmas themed), some kind of eyeshadow or something and a couple of other things. I was floored. How did I--uhh... So I checked out their website. OK. The stuff I picked out looked kind of nice...and it was *only* $66...I’ll let it slide. Besides, who will believe me when I say I shopped in my sleep? A couple of weeks go by and I never received a package or any other notifications of the order. In fact, I even forgot about it until I was deleting emails and saw the initial one I had opened from PayPal. I decided to email them. A day or two later I got a response from a girl named Hannah Foote who asked for my order number so she could look into it. I replied to her a couple of days later and another week passed.
A little frustrated with the lack of communication, I emailed her again using the same contact email address. Finally on Easter, she emailed me back apologizing, saying she had been busy the past couple days and that she’s spending Easter with her sick mother and that my order was supposed to have been sent out before she left. Normally I would feel bad for being a bother and tell the person it’s okay, but mind you, my order was placed almost a month prior with zero communication on tracking or its whereabouts. She also was throwing a guilt trip in there, which I didn’t appreciate. Yes, I 100% understand when life gets in the way, especially the sick parents thing. Both of mine had cancer and I helped take care of both. I put my entire life on hold both times, with the second time resulting in me losing my father. So I do understand that sometimes, you just have to focus on what’s important and everything else can wait. HOWEVER...if you’re an entrepreneur with an active business, you need to take steps to ensure your business won’t suffer while you’re taking a hiatus or trying to juggle your busy life. This includes hiring a trusted person to be you in the business when you can’t, finding ways to stay in touch with clients when it’s important and making sure your jobs/products get pushed out in a timely manner. If that’s not doable, then you need to speak up, own up and figure it out.  So I fired back. As a fellow entrepreneur of sorts, I know how this all works out. So I thanked her for the guilt trip (bitchy, unprofessional move--I know) and reminded her that as someone who owns/operates a business, she needs to figure out how to get her clients taken care of in the event she cannot. Of course, I told her this in so many words and assured her that this wasn’t a personal attack, but rather one entrepreneur looking out for another. She, in the email, said she had her partner back home taking care of everything and that she’d walk her through the process in case they needed to resend my order (which was never sent out in the first place), but I am pretty sure she has no partner and she’s running this show solo.
After my reply, I heard nothing. While waiting, I did a little research and found nothing but negative posts and comments on this business! All stories seemed to be the same: packages never received and no to very little communication or packaged received with damaged items, little to no communication and no replacements offered. It seems, though, the one thing Hannah and “her team” are on top of is issuing refunds.
Growing tired of this debacle, I waited a few days before finding them on Facebook and tagging them in an edit to a post (if you follow us on Facebook, you may have seen it) I made asking if anyone has ever purchased from Tooth & Nail Cosmetics. She immediately commented and told me to email her personal email and she’d take care of me. I told her that I was actually waiting for a response from her on her business email and what do you know? Still no answer.
Finally I gave up. “Only $66″ turns into “that’s $66″ really fast. I messaged her through PayPal and told her firmly that I wanted a refund. The next morning I woke up to a processed refund and no message whatsoever. Mess cleaned, I guess.
The point of this post is simple: please beware of businesses like Tooth & Nail Cosmetics. It’s hard when you’re dealing with indie brands (and even larger brands), but just remember to do your research first and maybe even reach out to the owner to get a feel for who they are and how strongly they stand by their product. It will also give you an idea of how they might be with customer service. Kind of like a Try Before You Buy idea.
I have no products from this business to test, swatch or tell you about and that sucks. The next indie brand I find, though...I’m going to research them and hopefully be able to grab some goodies that I can test and share with all of you! I do not recommend this brand due to the headache I, and apparently a bunch of others, endured just trying to support, but take all of this with a grain of salt and check them out for yourself. 
http://www.toothandnailcosmetics.net/ XOXO Michelle
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yurisdictional · 8 years
get to know me tag!!!
tagged by: @makkeuga thank u bae <3
Rules: Answer the 20 questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better.
Nickname: i mean,, @savey0uback calls me babycakes sometimes and @makkeuga gives me all kinds of nicknames and changes them sporadically AND some people call me jamie sometimes but idk i don’t rlly have a consistent nickname used by everyone unless “dissappointment” counts as a nickname
Gender: gender is a strange concept that doesn’t make sense but i go with male pronouns
Star Sign: gemini
Height: 170cm (i’ve grown!!!) 
Time right now: 7:52 pm
Last thing I googled: “misunderstood teen and mom stock photos” don’t ask
Favorite Bands: bts, got7, mamamoo, bigbang (i rlly like other ones as well but i wouldn’t consider them my favourite) 
Favorite Solo Artists: troye sivan, alessia cara, jon bellion
Song stuck in your head: im listening to music rn so “Tic Tic Tok” by got7 (what a bop) 
Last movie I watched: ok this is embarassing but it’s “50 shades of grey” i just wanted to see what it was like and i...really didn’t like it, it was v boring to me -50/10 do not recommend 
Last TV Show I watched: i watched the last ep of “weightlifting fairy kim bok joo” and i’m,,,in tears it was perfect and so beautiful (i highly recommend that show, it’s amazing and the scenery and colours are so pretty) 
When did you create your blog: i think in 2015 but i had tumblr since 2013 and i properly started talking to people and posting stuff like a year ago 
What kind of stuff do you post: mostly bts and got7 (i wanna start posting other bands though), aesthetic stuff, occasionally animals and textposts
When did your blog reach its peak: idk my blog isn’t big so idek if there’s a peak but i gained the most followers during the past year?
Do you have any other blogs: i have a really old and shit aesthetic blog that i haven’t used in ages, i should delete it
Do you get asks regularly: nooo like never
Why you chose your URL: bc guimauve means marshmallow in french and idk i like marshmallows and i suppose i am a bit like one idk and i replaced the “i” with a “j” bc..my name is james
Following: ~461
Posts: ~68705
Hogwarts House: slytherin!!!
Pokémon Team: mystic!!!
Favorite colours: white and pastel pink 
Average hours of sleep: during the night+throughout the day 7-10 hours maybe? i’m a sleepy guy
Lucky Numbers: 7 and 1234
Favorite Characters: harry potter, bucky barnes, miranda priestly, newt scamander, sherlock, professor x annddd i can’t think of any others 
What are you wearing right now: olive green short shorts under a totoro onesie whose sleeves i’ve tied around the stomach so i can wear it as pants, a danisnotonfire shirt and slippers! 
How many blankets do you sleep with: two, sometimes three
Dream job: actor, fashion magazine editor, writer i want to work as a project manager at a big company and travel the world :)
Dream trip: ok i just want to go to helsinki bc of @makkeuga but i’d really like to go to london, seoul, tokyo, hong kong and new york with him and i’d love to go to paris and berlin again and sigh i’d like to go anywhere really 
i’m breaking the rules and just tagging @savey0uback and @dansuga have fun guyz xoxo
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