#its pretty funny how hard this hits cause i have been preparing to her death for years now
thatcharmingjerk · 1 year
I'm devastatingly sad that Aamus time is closing its end
But I'm trying to spin it good way, like she's this angel, this creature who's job was to accompany me to here, and bit further too, she's not going anywhere just yet..! Soon maybe, but not just yet, we have good moments still ahead..! And how many things she has been by my side, so much has changed in these ten years and she has been fantastic little friend and I have learned so much from her!
So yeah, I'm sad that our time is coming to it's end but I'm also happy she's been here and taken me this far 💕
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solaeter · 3 years
Confession - Megumi Fushiguro
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I’m dealing with a doubt spell so writing is kinda hard, but I’ll get past it sooner or later :’) Word Count: 1,670
Warning[s]: None aside from possible errors I didn’t bother to look for. 
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Mutual pining felt like a blessing and a curse. On one hand, feelings were shared without the worry of denial.
On the other hand..
Neither party could take the initiative to admit these said feelings. 
Everyone and their mother could tell that [Name] and Megumi had some serious feelings for one another. You were the only one outside of Nobara and Itadori that he'd hang out with. Hell, he knew you longer than he knew them and tried his best to avoid having you meet them.
Cause as soon as it happened, the bombardment of questions rang through the air. Itadori and Nobara lingered dangerously close, inspecting you and Megumi.
"Since when does Fushiguro have a girlfriend?" Nobara questioned, squinting at you. Her gaze made you shift and her words had your cheeks burning. 
"We're not–"
"Lemme guess," Itadori cut you off and Megumi sighs, "This little lady is the only one who can make the great Fushiguro crumble! Am I right??" He asked, knuckle bumping Nobara once they seen the obvious blush spread across your face and Megumi's.
Now you see why he tried to avoid this meeting, even after you questioned why. They were like pesky little rats, itching for information that wasn't their business. But you couldn't blame them, at least they cared.
"We're not dating. She's just a friend." Megumi mumbled, clearly irritated, if not embarrassed. Deep down he wanted to admit that you meant something more to him. God he loved you, but actually coming forth with that confession felt more difficult than any task he's been assigned to. 
You on the other hand, also wanted to profess your long harbored feelings. Ever since you met Megumi in middle school, you always found him pretty. Especially when he beat up the bullies, goodness it made your heart flutter.
"What he said. We've been friends since middle school." You chirped, offering a smile to the two observers. Nobara crossed her arms. She's watched plenty of romantic dramas, comedies and all the works to know that you and Megumi were hard-core pining. 
"I don't know," She starts, walking around the two of you, "There's something more. Something neither one of you can admit. Don't you agree dumbo?" She looked back at Itadori who blinked at the sudden nickname.
"Yes?" He tilted his head and when she shot him a look that meant death, he nodded quickly. "Yes! Absolutely! I think you two need to have a serious chat." 
Megumi pinched the bridge of his nose. He could only handle so much of these two even though he knew they were right. You also knew what they said was right. But how? How can one admit feelings? Especially if it ruins the friendship? You'd be devastated. 
But for now, you both needed an exit. You pull out your phone and glance at it. Maybe you had an idea. 
"I left something back in my locker that I need for tonight. Wanna join me?" You elbow Megumi, who looks at you as if you were a saint. He nods, grabs your arm and drags you away while ignoring the two behind you. 
"Sorry about those two, they're...something." Megumi decided to be polite instead of rude, after all they did care about him. You hook your arm through his and smile.
"It's fine, you three have interesting chemistry. I think they're good for you since I can't be around all the time." You didn't like that Megumi had to attend a school for his powers, but you were also happy for him. The selfish side of you wanted to keep him to yourself, just like it had been for years. 
"You think so?" 
"Yep, you just gotta open up a little when you're ready. Let them see what makes you so amazing." You gush and Megumi looks away, the praise causing his cheeks to tint with a shade of pink. 
The two of you walk in peaceful silence, arm in arm until you both reach the school gates. Luckily they didn't lock up for another hour, but you didn't really need anything. Megumi wasn't stupid, he knew it was nothing more than an excuse, yet you made the trip here anyways. 
"So.." You break the silence and separate from Megumi, who watched you move in front of him, your school bag hitting the ground with a thud. "Can we uh..talk about something?" 
Megumi felt his stomach lurch and the contents of his lunch threatened to come up. Usually when someone wanted to talk, it could be good or bad. Considering his luck, Megumi only assumed it had to be bad. Yet he remained composed and simply nodded, choosing not to talk in case he faltered. 
"I really don't know how to uh..bring this up." You fiddled with your hands, avoiding Megumi's worried gaze and kicked a random rock into the street. The looming silence that followed felt heavy and nearly made him lose his mind. 
"Bring what up?" He urged quietly, crossing his arms just to keep himself busy for less than a second. His mind reeled and he didn't even consider the possibility of a confession, well at least from you. He's been trying to think of ways to bring it up without looking like an idiot, but he draws blanks after his head says he won't ever get out of the dreaded friend zone. 
"Um..we've been friends for so long. I know everything about you and you about me. I just..after some time I think I might–" 
You're cut off by Megumi grabbing your face, his hands were cool to your warm cheeks and his eyebrows were furrowed as he took a deep breath.
"I love you [Name]." He was straight to the point which threw you for a loop. Your mouth dropped and then closed quickly. The little shit took the words right from you. Granted you were prolonging the confession but you were getting there! 
When you don't answer immediately, Megumi mumbles a quick apology and backs away, his hand rubbing the back of his neck. 
"No, no don't confess and back away!" You pull him back toward you, hugging him once you two collide. His arms wrap instinctively around your figure, even though he was slightly hesitant. He felt like he was treading on glass while you were stupidly over the moon.
"You took the words right out of my mouth." You say shyly, resting your head against his chest. His heart quickly thumped in your ear, much like how yours did the same. 
Megumi's world shifted or so he thought. All his fears towards his feelings vanished and it was like a weight lifted off his shoulders. You shared the same feelings and of course he should have seen it. Others called you both out, especially the two idiots who hounded earlier. Was he really that blind? Or stupidly oblivious? 
Either way, he didn't know what to do now.  
"So we felt the same all this time." Megumi says more to himself and you look up at him. When your eyes meet, he takes a moment to admire your pretty orbs. This was his first time being able to actually look at you without having to sneak glances or be called weird for staring. His cheeks warmed once again and you smiled.
"I guess so. Leave it to us to rely on your pesky friends to actually break the silence." You giggle, adjusting so that your arms wrap around Megumi's neck. He bends to match your height, coming face to face.
The air would usually turn awkward but this time, you both silently stare until you look away with a tiny smile tugging at your lips. 
"What?" Megumi questioned. He didn't know the first thing about romance. Or even women for that matter. But he knew you, like a book. Except at this moment, he felt clueless. His mind ran in circles, leaving him a happy mess inside his head. 
"Oh nothing." You bite the inside of your cheek. His gaze made you squirm and heat shift from your cheeks to your ears as well. Why did it feel so different?? Yet so welcome? "You're just really pretty okay? And I finally get to say it without being looked at funny." You pout, glancing at Megumi who blinks. 
"I– So are you." He responds calmly despite every nerve in his body screaming. You turn your head back toward him and act before you can think by pressing your lips to his for a quick kiss.
Megumi freezes, eyes wide and alert when your soft lips meet his. Though he quickly closes his eyes and keeps you close by cupping your cheek. He didn't think, his body acted on its own and boy did it feel nice. He didn't think he'd ever experience something like this. Something so normal and innocent in his dangerous life. 
When you both pull back, neither one of you can look at one another. Instead you pick up your school bag and drape it over your shoulder. Megumi rubs the back of his neck, fully prepared to face some type of scolding. But it never comes when you take his hand.
"Whenever you're not busy being a badass sorcerer, maybe we can go out or something?" You ask, lacing your fingers through his. Megumi looks down at your intertwined hands before glancing at you. 
"Yeah." He didn't hesitate to answer and started to pull you toward the direction that led home. You hum delightfully and let him lead you without another word.
Did you imagine your confession would happen the way it did? You couldn't say, but you could admit to the hopeless daydreams of romantic scenarios playing out in the most cliché manner. You were swept off your feet by the marvelous, perfect man, yet none of those silly dreams stood a chance at how perfect everything played out with Megumi.
Even if it took two so called idiots to set it in motion. 
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sherlollydramoine · 4 years
Prompt 27: “give me that”
Fandom: The Pacific/HBO War - Modern AU
Pairing: Dad!Snafu 
Word Count: 1154
Warnings: Honestly, this is just pure comedy. 
For my loyal readers, please accept this as an apology for the super angsty piece that I posted yesterday that may have broken a few hearts.
Fun fact: This exact scenario actually happened to me when my son was about four. Oh the joys of parenting!
Special shout out to @edteche2 and @diasimar for the assistance and suggestions. I hope that this is as funny for y’all as it was for me.
Also I only chose this GIF because this is the exact face I imagine Snaf making when he realizes what is going on.
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“Baby girl where are you?” he called out looking for his daughter. They had been playing a game of hide and seek which was interrupted by a phone call that he had to take. Now his daughter was nowhere to be found as she was an excellent hider just like he’d been as a child. He’d searched everywhere that she usually chose to hide. She wasn’t in the living room, her room, the kitchen, or the backyard and he was about to freak out thinking she’d been kidnapped by some creep when the sounds of giggling and an odd buzzing sound hit him which was vaguely in the direction of his bedroom.
As he approaches his room curious to know what could be bringing his daughter so much glee he tries to mentally prepare himself for anything. She was a wild child and the odd noise he was hearing could be from the hair clippers that he kept in the main bathroom; Lizzy was obsessed with them and had cut half of her hair off once with them. 
Upon his approach to the bedroom, the buzzing sound gets louder and is accompanied by the gleeful shouts of his daughter yelling “Take that!” and “Buzz off bad pirate guy!”
The second he crossed the threshold into his room, his jaw went slack as he caught sight of his four-year-old daughter jumping on his bed, her wild curls flying in all directions with her tiara firmly on her head, clutching her mother’s large bright purple vibrator in her tiny hand. There is nothing he could have done to prepare him for this as the shock rolls across his face. 
“What are you doing in here baby girl?” he asks, which startles his daughter out of her fantasy world causing her to yelp in surprise. She stumbles backward and nearly falls off the bed, as he rushes forward to catch her.
She narrows her eyes at her father in irritation as she hauls herself back up to resume her bed jumping while waving her mother’s sex toy around.
“I asked you a question little darling, what are you doing in here?” he asks again.
She glances back over at her father, still bouncing excitedly as she launches into her explanation.
“Arrrrrgh I’m a pirate daddy. I have a magic purple sword. See?” she stops bouncing for a moment and holds up the object that has quit buzzing momentarily so her father could get a closer look. Snafu was truly at a loss for words, not sure exactly how to respond to this. There was nothing in anything he’d ever read about parenting that tells people how to deal with this kind of situation. Sweat began beading on his brow and swipes at his face in embarrassment and frustration as she continues her explanation,” I’m fighting away the bad guys by stabbing them with my magical purple sword that shoots laser beams out of the end. I just have to push this magic button,” she says pointing at the power button on the toy,” and then it activates but you better watch out daddy or the laser beam is going to get you.”
He watches in horror as she pushes the power button on the toy making it resume its vibrations. Lizzy giggles at the sensation against her hand as she returns to bouncing on the bed swatting at the air as he can do nothing but watch in absolute anguish. His sweet innocent daughter, casually playing with a device meant for absolute sin completely clueless as to the intended use for the large purple object.
Running his fingers through his hair forcing himself to take a few deep calming breaths. She’s only four; she has no clue what the object in her hand really is. His mouth turns down into a deep frown until his daughter whirls around on him pressing the tip of the buzzing object into his nose. His mouth falling open into an ‘O’ as the sensations tickle his nose, in absolute shock that his daughter would brazenly press the object into his face. 
“Arrrggggg… I’m Lizzy the Fiercest Unicorn Princess Pirate on the High Seas, and you daddy are accused of high treason for stealing my cookies so you have to walk the plank or die by magic laser beam!”
Throwing his hands up in mock surrender he backs away from her resisting the urge to grab the whirring object out of her hands so that he can put it away somewhere more secure.
“I’m Daddy the Pirate, the Meanest Strongest Pirate on the High Seas, and I demand to know where you got your magic purple laser beam sword!” his eyes sparkling with amusement as he knows exactly where she retrieved it from and he mentally chides himself for not fixing the lock on the drawer when his wife asked him to a month ago. If he wants to get the object away from his daughter without causing a massive tantrum all he has to do is play her game until he can spin things in his favor.
“Arrrrgggghhh… I’ll never tell you that! I’ll die before I reveal my Unicorn Princess Pirate secrets but I will tell you there is a blue one in a drawer that looks similar to this one if you want to fight to the death but the blue one doesn’t have magic laser beam powers,” she informs him, pointing to the bedside table on his wife’s side of the bed, her blue-green eyes sparkling clearly enjoying her game. 
How long was she in that drawer for? Wait, what the hell else is in that drawer? Oh my God! My wife is gonna kill me! I’m fixing that damn lock tonight! 
When his jaw dropped and his hands fell down to his sides, he realized he had to think fast. Somehow his four year old had maintained the upper hand through this little game.
“Arrrgghhh... Hard bargain you be driving there Miss Lizzy the Fiercest Unicorn Pirate Princess on the High Seas, but how about we go to McDonald’s to sign a peace treaty? First, though, all you have to do is give me that pretty purple laser beam sword,” he offers.
Her bouncing stops, as she contemplates his offer before letting out a squeal of delight that nearly bursts his eardrums. His daughter never failing to surprise him tosses the still buzzing vibrator at his face as she jumps down off the bed and sprints out the door. He stumbles backward in pain, clutching at his face hoping that he wasn’t bleeding as the offending object thuds on the hardwood floor at his feet happily still buzzing as it slowly makes its way under the bed. 
Ascertaining that he wasn’t bleeding and his nose wasn’t broken he bends down to pick up the fallen vibrator switching the power off and then hiding it on the top shelf of the closet. His wife was either going to kill him or laugh her ass off at him when she hears about this misadventure. 
“Lizzy you better be getting your shoes on because we’re leaving!”
@xmxisxforxmaybe @ramimedley @stewielover95 @safinsscar @itswormtrain @r-ahh-mi @itslula1991 @w0lfglrl17​ @txmel​ @hazeleyedbeth​ @flipper-kisses​ @itsme690​ @the-real-ramimalekpeen​ @alottanothing​
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theroseandcrown · 3 years
The Rose & Crown: Chapter Eleven (Part Two)
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Rating: M Chapters: 11/24
Summary: The Doctor and Clara come face to face with their kidnapper and uncover a shocking truth about their future.
Read this story on another platform: Archive of Our Own Fan Fiction WattPad
“You have no idea how many years I’ve waited to finally meet you, Doctor,” the hooded man spoke, his robotic voice still disguised behind his mask.
“Ah, well, you could’ve just phoned. I’m sure I could have jotted you down somewhere,” the Doctor replied.
The coachman snickered from under his hood. “Such a wonderful defence mechanism, humour. She said you’d be funny.”
“Who did? How do you know me?”
“There’s not a star in the universe safe from the whispered mentions of your name.”
“How did you know I was going to be here?”
The masked man turned around at the question. “The answer to that will be revealed in due time, my friend.”
“What do you want from me?”
The coachman turned his masked face towards Clara. “Bring me the companion,” he ordered. The soldier grabbed Clara’s arm and pulled her away as she struggled to break free of his grasp.
“No, wait! If it’s me you want, take me!” the Doctor objected before the second soldier hit him in the stomach with the end of his weapon. He gasped as the air was forced from his lungs.
“Doctor! Let go of me!” she screamed towards the soldier as she was dragged to the hooded figure and forcefully thrown at his feet.
The coachman peered down at the fallen woman clutching her stomach and wincing in pain then back to his soldier. He shook his head and tsk-tsked in disapproval. “Manners, my friend. These are our guests. A true gentleman would never harm a lady,” he claimed, pulling a modified nineteenth-century pistol from his cloak, taking aim at his soldier and killing him instantly. His limp metal body collapsed to the floor as Clara screamed in terror. The coachman replaced his weapon beneath his cloak and returned his attention to her. “My apologies.” He pulled the chair next to him and extended a gloved hand towards her, motioning for her to take it. “If you please.” She reluctantly accepted as the man helped her from the floor into the chair. The man slowly circled the frightened woman, staring down at her appearance and stopping next to her. He reached out and took her chin in his palm. “Such a pretty thing,” he admired. She angrily pulled away from his grasp. A small snicker escaped through his mask as he observed her fuller figure trying to hide beneath her dress. “I see you’ve been busy, Doctor. I didn’t take you for a family man.”
“Yes, well,” he started, beginning to regain his breath. “There’s a lot you don’t know about me. We’ve only just been acquainted. Seems unfair. You know who I am, yet I don’t know anything about you. To what name should I be addressing our most gracious host?” He tried to mask his concern over Clara’s well-being as she held a hand to her stomach and continued to breathe heavily.
“Ah, yes. How very inconsiderate of me,” the masked man replied. “I am known by many different names across the galaxy. My enemies refer to me as the Raven. Those who have been enslaved under my command have been called the Shade. I’ll admit, those titles don’t carry quite the same resonance throughout the stars as yours does, Doctor. However, titles aside, the one dearest to me called me... Quynn.”
“Funny things, names,” the Doctor started. “I’ve known more species in the universe than you can even imagine. I’ve been to places you’ve only seen in your nightmares. Yet, in all that time travelling throughout time and space, I’ve never heard of you before.”
“Perhaps your attention has been concentrated elsewhere,” the man suggested, carefully running his fingers between the ruffles of Clara’s blouse. “Tell me, Doctor. Do you know why I’ve brought you here?”
“I haven’t the faintest idea,” he replied, holding down his temper.
The man turned towards the large window and peered down below. The assembly floor was busy with movement. His robotic followers were preoccupied with their duties of uncrating and inspecting several different types of weapons. Soldiers were welding together parts of armour to each other while others were engraving the symbol of a red raven to the upgraded breastplates. “I built this army and everything you see from the ground up. Although, I didn’t do it alone. I had help along the way. Some may call it my legacy, but I see it as an opportunity.”
“An opportunity to do what, exactly?” Glancing to Clara, he watched as she slowly brought her hand to the table next to her while the man’s back was turned and quietly grabbed a sharp cylindrical object, a pen of sorts perhaps. He glared at her, his eyes wide with fear as if to say, ‘Don’t you dare! You’re going to get yourself killed!’ Keeping her eyes focused on the Doctor, she tucked the object into the sleeve of her coat.
“The universe can be so unforgiving. Out there, the rules we set for ourselves don’t apply. A dying star can pull entire worlds into its destruction, destroying millions of lives and bringing extinction to an entire species. Such power. Everything you’ve ever cared about, everything you’ve tried so hard to protect could be gone in an instant. The universe doesn’t abide by the concepts of good and evil. It doesn’t care about lives being saved or lost. You of all people should understand that, Doctor.” The man turned around to face him. “But what if you could prevent the inevitable? What if you could save billions of lives from war and genocide, protect them from collapsing stars and expanding suns? What if you had the power to choose who lives and who dies?”
“I’d say you were describing the powers of a God.”
“Gods are nothing but myths and legends, stories devised to frighten people into submission. I’m speaking of real power.” The man returned to Clara’s side. “I’ve seen countless worlds brought to their knees by superior races hell-bent on conquest. I’ve watched one planet after another fall victim to their planet’s destruction. You might be surprised to know how much a person would be willing to give up, to trade away for their own life or the lives of those they treasured most if they knew you had the power to save them.” The Doctor’s eyes conveyed a deep understanding of the truth behind his words. “And if you were to offer them a choice, swear their undying allegiance to you or suffer their inevitable fate, which do you think they would choose?”
“Aren’t you the mighty hero,” the Doctor’s sarcasm took form. “Saving innocent people from their doom, and in return, you offer them an eternity of slavery. These people, these followers of yours are nothing but the spoils of war. Had they any idea what was waiting for them at the cost of your protection, I think they’d rather take their chances.”
The man snickered. “I would have thought you’d be on my side, Doctor. Isn’t that what you do, what you are known for? Saving lives?”
“Not at the cost of their own free will.” His temper was rising. “Have you thought about what the consequences of saving these people, let alone an entire species, could do to the fabrics of time? Those billions of lives you are sparing from their fate could create a ripple throughout the universe causing it to completely collapse on itself. All of life as we know it could cease to exist. If I could save every single person who was marked for death, be able to alter every fixed point in time with no repercussions, don’t you think I would?”
“So you would have them all die then?” asked the masked man with a hint of curiosity.
The Doctor glanced at Clara, hesitantly thinking about his answer as the faces of those he had let perish or risk tearing the universe apart flashed into his mind. “Yes,” he replied, feeling a sense of shame in his answer.
“My my, how intriguing. It would appear there’s a more monstrous side hiding inside of you after all, Doctor. I dread to imagine what would become of those in your path if it was ever fully unleashed.” The man looked down at Clara, observing her terrified expression at his closeness. Her breathing had deepened, a bead of sweat trailed down the side of her face. Without warning, he forcefully grabbed her wrist and twisted it towards him causing her to scream out in pain. The Doctor felt himself fall forward to rush to her side but was held back by the remaining soldier. The masked man’s other hand gently reached into her coat sleeve and pulled the sharpened object hidden from within, then released his grasp on her. She cradled her wounded wrist as angered tears fell from her face. The man stepped in front of her and glared down at her shaken form. “Your companion seems to lack a few crucial lessons in manners. How disappointing. I just may have to teach her myself. Although, my ways are known to be a little more... disciplined.” He raised his hand and slapped her hard across the face. She cried out and held her cheek as blood formed at the corner of her mouth.
“Stop this!” the Doctor shouted with objection, trying to fight the soldier’s hold on him. “Where is your honour? What happened to a gentleman never harming a lady?”
The man spun around to face him and returned his hands behind his back. “Leave us,” he ordered the remaining soldier still clinging to the Doctor’s arms.
“Sir,” the soldier obeyed with a nod. He released his grasp and exited the room, shutting the door closed behind him.
The Doctor and Clara found themselves alone in the room with the man, neither one of them making any sudden movements to avoid the fate of the dead soldier still sprawled out on the floor. Once it was decidedly safe, the man reached towards his hood and slowly pulled it back to fully expose his dark mask. He released the two clips at the back holding the mask around his face and carefully removed it from where it once rested. The Doctor was suddenly hit with a wave of telepathic abilities emanating from the newly unmasked figure. To his utter surprise, nothing could have prepared him for what he saw standing before him; a woman.
“At last we finally meet face to face, Doctor,” said Quynn, setting her mask on the table beside her. Although her voice was feminine in nature, it had an unforgiving harshness to it that seemed disturbing. Yet something about it was so very familiar, a voice he recognized but couldn’t quite place.
The Doctor stared in disbelief at the recognizable features of the woman in front of him. His mind filtered through the faces of his past trying to determine where he had seen her before. And then the realization hit him like a slap to the face as his memories became more clear. Missy’s assistant. The young woman holding the Comasphere on Prima Nova, it was her. Aside from a few new scars on her face, possibly obtained in battle over time, the woman looked almost exactly as he remembered her that night. “You!” he exclaimed in shock, now beginning to piece together the details unravelling before him. “Of course! It all makes perfect sense, why didn’t I see it before?! The crates, the ones containing all the artefacts. You’ve been heisting them from locations spread throughout the universe. You’re using the Persuaders to force people of power to trade their weapons and upgrade your armies without them even realizing what they were doing.” He observed Quynn’s impressed reaction which further confirmed his accusations. His mind began to connect all his thoughts. “It was you who called the TARDIS emergency line, I recognize your voice! But how is that possible?! The events of the auction won’t be taking place for centuries from now. You claim to have been waiting for me all this time, yet you’ve barely aged a single day since I saw you last.”
“It’s true. I’ve been waiting for you longer than I can even remember, and longer still to trace you to this exact point in time. And now, here we are.”
“Who are you, really? What does any of this have to do with me?”
Quynn smirked at the old man’s humorous ignorance. “Can you hear it, Doctor? The ringing in your ears? The link to your mind from someone like yourself calling out to you? Can you feel the electricity within your fingertips?”
“Yes,” he answered, questioning everything the young woman seemed to know about him. “How can you possibly know that?”
“Because, I can feel it too,” she confessed, tracing her fingers along the edge of her mask. “I’ve encountered countless species with the ability to telepathically link to one another, but only one with the capability to be the most powerful race in the universe. The great Time Lords.” The old man’s hearts dropped at the sound of the name. “Pity there’s so few of us left.”
The Doctor continued to stare at the woman in disbelief, unable to find any truth in her words. “That’s not possible. The Time Lords are gone, stuck in a pocket dimension never to return. I should know, I put them there. Whatever you are is something... else. Which brings me to my next question, the one you haven’t answered yet. Why did you bring me here?”
“I was sent here with a message for you.” A menacing smile appeared on her face. She walked over to the table and pressed her hand upon the top until a view-screen lit up on its surface. She typed a few commands into its interface then removed her glove and pressed her thumb down to scan her print for recognition. A panel slid open next to the screen. She reached in and pulled a small wooden box from inside then set it on the table and slid the box towards him.
“What is it?” His brow raised with curiosity.
“A gift,” she replied, maintaining her position behind the table.
The Doctor hesitantly approached the object, keeping a watchful eye on Clara who seemed to have recovered somewhat from her pains. Returning his attention to Quynn, he slowly picked up the small box and opened it to examine its contents. Inside was a lady’s brooch depicting the profile of the Roman Goddess Flora. Though many women of the Victorian era could be seen wearing a very similar piece, this one in particular was made of a rare type of element known as dark star alloy. When crafted correctly, it was capable of piercing even the strongest of metals. A feeling of dread arose inside of him as he realized the piece he held was one he knew very well. It was the very same that used to belong to him before he gave it to someone he thought he could trust. Someone he knew would not have parted with it so easily without good reason. So many thoughts flooded his mind at the same time. “Where did you get this?!” he demanded. Quynn remained silent at his question, grinning to herself as she watched him become more aggressive with each second that passed. “The woman you spoke of before, the one who told you I was funny. Who is she?!” Quynn’s infuriating silence was even more of a sign his worst fears were validating themselves. “All this talk of doomed planets and enslaved armies, waiting centuries for the chance to bring me here just to give me a message, and now suddenly you have nothing to say.” He began to pace in front of her as he tried to gather his thoughts. Each thought entering his mind caused his fear and anger to take control over him. “You said the one dearest to you called you Quynn.” He approached her as closely as he dared to go. His concern for their safety had become second to his overwhelming desire for the truth. “Was it she who sent you here to find me? Is she the one who gave you this?” He held the brooch in front of him.
“I suspect you already know the answer to that, Doctor.” She could feel his gaze burning fiercely into her eyes as he awaited her answer. “After all that you’ve been through thus far, after everything we’ve learned about each other, knowing all that has been and could be accomplished with you by my side, does it matter who sent me here?”
“Believe me, it matters,” he assured her, continuing to hold the piece in front of him. “Do you have any idea what this is?”
“It’s nothing more than a family heirloom. An offering to persuade you to view things in a different light as we do. I’ll admit, I had my doubts that a gesture so small would have any effect on the outcome of you joining us. However, seeing you this disordered over a piece of jewellery has been quite entertaining. If not a bit overly dramatic.”
“A family heirloom you say? How interesting,” he began, regaining himself. “As in having been passed down through generations. From a grandparent to their future descendants. From a parent to a child. Or, perhaps in this case, from a mother to her daughter.”
“I’m aware of the concept, Doctor.”
“Are you?” he inquired, raising his brow. “Tell me then. After all this time you’ve been waiting for me, spending countless years keeping this safe until the moment I was standing right here, have you ever asked yourself why it was saved for me? Surely something as valuable as this ought to have been passed down to its next rightful heir?”
“It’s not my position to question the orders in which I am given, only to see them out in the manner of which they are received.”
The Doctor could sense a hint of frustration and possibly a slight resentfulness emanating from within her. He felt his strategy of disarming her with his words seemed to be proving effective. “Ah, I understand now. You’re merely a pawn in all of this, just a piece to be played. The messenger who doesn’t question anything, who does exactly as she’s told!”
Quynn smirked at the old man’s words. Cupping her hands behind her, she slowly turned her back on him and made her way to Clara’s side. “I know what you’re doing, Doctor, and it won’t work on me. When it comes to playing mind games, I was trained by the very best. I know every trick in the book there is. So, what do you say we change the rules of the game? Up the stakes a bit, shall we?” she insisted, removing her pistol from its holster and pointing the barrel at his companion’s head. Clara’s eyes went wide with fear. Her body froze in place as frightened tears streamed down her face. The Doctor retained his calm demeanour, unwilling to show any sign of weakness that could be used against him. “I can make this as simple or as difficult as it needs to be,” she continued. “My orders are fairly straightforward. I can offer you a choice. Either you come with me willingly and I spare their lives, or I shoot them now and force you to come with me anyway.”
“Well yes, you could shoot them,” he started.
“You better be joking, Doctor,” Clara warned, flashing him a heated glance. “Surely you’re joking, yeah?” Quynn found herself surprised by his response yet maintained her position.
“However,” he continued, looking to Clara as he fought to keep his emotions under control. He stared at her apologetically for what was to come, for what he knew he had to do to save them. “If you kill them, you’ll be killing yourself,” he affirmed with a heavy sigh.
“Hang on, what?” Clara uttered alarmingly. “Doctor, what are you talking about?”
“She’s our daughter, Clara,” he answered. Somehow the thought of his own words brought a smile to his face despite their current situation.
“I don’t understand,” she admitted as a mix of confusion and dread rested upon her face.
The brief moment between them was interrupted by the sound of Quynn’s unexpected hysterical laughter filling the small room. “I apologize,” she stated, lowering her weapon to her side. She continued to laugh, wiping a tear from her eye as she attempted to compose herself. “I have to admit, I was not expecting that from you, Doctor. If you thought you’d be so bold as to try to make a fool out of me, I’m quite certain you’ve made a great miscalculation of character. I should be offended. However, it doesn’t surprise me that you’d be willing to say anything to protect the mother of your child.”
“I’m afraid it’s true. Every word of it.”
“Seriously, Doctor. What are you talking about?!” Clara repeated, this time with urgency.
“I’m also curious to see how far you’re willing to go with this charade,” Quynn added. “I trust you’ve spent this time devising an explanation to accompany your absurd accusations. Luckily for you, I’ve all the time in the universe to be entertained by any reliable evidence you have to offer.”
“All the evidence you’ll ever need is right here.” He placed the brooch on the table in front of him.
“I’m afraid it’s going to take a little more than a bit of jewellery to convince me. I’ll give you another chance before I come to the conclusion that you’re merely trying to test my patience and I decide to kill all three of you instead.”
“I expected as much.” He leaned against the table and crossed his arms. “The reason the brooch was to be delivered to me is that it wouldn’t have belonged to you in the first place. It was never intended for you. You were sent here with a message, that much is certain. But you didn’t need to spend all this time waiting for me to show up just to give me a bit of boxed jewellery. This isn’t about the gift. This was never about wanting me to join you while you circumvented the universe looking for worlds to save and people to enslave into your armies. I’ll admit, you had me believing you for a moment. That maybe you did hold the answer to cheating all the laws of the universe without consequence that I could never quite reach. I thought that maybe if I agreed to come with you, I could somehow convince you that saving people is its own reward. But then you showed me this,” he stared at the brooch on the table, “and suddenly everything became so very clear.” He gently picked up the piece and turned it around in his hand as if trying to read all of its dark secrets. “You see, the woman who sent you here, the one you work for, I know her very well. You might even say we were good friends once. I was the one who gave this to her back on Gallifrey, so many years ago. It was a gift for her daughter, her real daughter. I don’t expect she’s ever really forgiven me for what happened to her, for what I did, for what I had to do. And for that, I’ll always have my regrets.” He slowly replaced the piece on the table and stood to face the woman eye to eye. “Missy is not your mother, Quynn. Whatever she’s told you about me, whatever reason she had you bring us to Prima Nova, it was all a lie devised to manipulate you into taking her revenge out on me. She didn’t send you here with a message for me to join you. You, my dear, are the message.” The room went quiet as his eyes traced back and forth between the startled faces of the women in the room.
“Tell me, Doctor. Why should I believe any of this?” Quynn asked, trying to fill the empty spaces of his story with her own thoughts.
“Because it’s the truth. Because,” he sighed, “I’m the one to blame. I’m the reason for all of this!” He felt the familiar sense of anger rising within him once more.
“Doctor, what are you saying?” Clara asked, trying to keep up with all that had been revealed thus far.
The Doctor placed his face in his hands and tried to come to terms with what he knew he must confess. The rage was building inside of him. It took all of his strength not to explode with emotion. “Oh Clara, Clara, Clara.” He ran his hands down his face in frustration and looked deeply in her eyes. “I’m so sorry, Clara.”
The uncertainty she felt towards him turned to fear over the unmistakable look of guilt consuming his expression. “Doctor, what have you done?”
“What I had to do.” The look of shame and sorrow passed over his face. “I made a deal with Missy,” he confessed as another heavy sigh passed his lips. “I agreed to trade our child away in exchange for your life.” He could only describe the emotions running over his companion’s face as that of shock and hatred.
“You didn’t. Tell me you didn’t, Doctor,” she asserted, making sure each word she spoke was clearly understood by him.
“It was the only way to save you. She was going to kill you both if I hadn’t agreed. I’ve spent the last few months trying to find a way out of our deal hoping to buy us more time before she would eventually come for our baby.” He glanced at his daughter standing behind the woman still carrying her. “And it would appear as though I will have been unsuccessful.” Clara leaned back in her chair, her mouth agape as his words encompassed every part of her mind.
“I’m quite impressed,” Quynn interjected. “You’ve really thought this all out, haven’t you? One day they may end up writing such magnificent stories based on your tall tales of woe. But until then, I think I’ve heard quite enough fiction for one evening,” she declared, slowly running her fingers through Clara’s hair as if taking one last look at her. “What a shame, she was such a pretty thing. Anything else you’d like to tell your companion before I kill her?” She returned her pistol to the back of Clara’s head and cocked it. Clara closed her eyes, accepting her fate.
“If you kill her, none of this will have ever existed.” His concern for Clara’s well-being was rapidly growing as he felt he was losing control of the situation. “All that you have worked for, all the planets and people you have saved, all that you have accomplished will be erased from time itself. Don’t you see? Your entire existence is a paradox. If you kill Clara, you never would have brought us to Prima Nova. You never would have been conceived and therefore would never have been born. Time will have rewritten itself to its last fixed point before any of this ever started. Is that a risk you’d be willing to take? I’m offering you a chance to start a new life, the life you should have had, with us. Please, don’t do this.”
Quynn stayed silent for a moment as if considering his proposal carefully. “Even if what you say is true, and believe me, I will discover the truth, I see no reason to assume that killing you instead would have any effect on the outcome of what has already taken place.” A smile formed on her face as she changed her target from Clara to take aim at the centre of his chest.
“NO!” Clara screamed, falling forward in her chair.
“No, Clara!” He held up his hand in a peaceful gesture to stop her from standing. “It’s okay. All of this was my fault. If it hadn’t been for me, none of this would have happened. I put you and our child in danger and I’ll never be able to forgive myself for that. I deserve whatever is coming to me. I’ve lived for far too long. This is right.”
“No, Doctor! Please!” she cried. “I can’t do this without you.”
“It’ll be okay, Clara.” He wanted to comfort her, to hold her in his arms fearing this would be the last time he’d ever get the chance to do so. They had already been through so much together. Her life force was deeply entwined in his own. She deserved better than what he’d done to her. He hated goodbyes just as much as he hated endings, no matter their nature. “I know you’re going to be a wonderful mother. Take care of her for me, Clara.”
“Goodbye, Doctor,” Quynn remarked, placing her finger on the trigger. He closed his eyes and awaited the darkness coming for him.
“NO!” Clara screamed again. Without even realizing what she was doing, she flung herself back into her seat with brute force. Using her legs as propulsion, she sent herself and the chair flying backwards straight into Quynn who cried out from the blow. Her shot missed the Doctor by inches before nearly being knocked over. Clara fell from her chair to the floor landing on her side next to the body of the deceased soldier. Without delay, she grabbed the weapon from his dead grasp and flipped around to face her daughter. Quynn, having recovered from the shock of Clara’s unexpected attack, turned her weapon towards her mother to take aim.
“Clara, NO!” she heard the Doctor shout as she pressed down on the trigger and fired off a shot directly into Quynn’s chest. The blast from the rifle sent her flying backwards and smashing through the glass window. She let out a scream as her body was flung like a projectile out of the room and down to the assembly floor far below them. A loud crash was heard accompanied by the startled voices of the soldiers below.
The Doctor rushed to where the window once was and peered down. He could see Quynn’s limp lifeless form sprawled on the ground. Her body had fallen upon several stacked crates, obliterating them into pieces. Several armed guards rushed to the scene. They stood over the fallen body of their commander and glanced in the direction of where she had fallen from, meeting the face of the man looking down at them. At once they began to assemble themselves and exit the floor, their weapons drawn and ready for combat. Moments later, an alarm was heard broadcasting throughout the building. “I think we’ve outstayed our welcome,” he concluded, turning to his companion who was frozen in shock. Thinking quickly, he rushed to the door they had entered through and pulled out his sonic-screwdriver, aiming it towards the lock. The locked clicked and sealed. As the guards from the outside began to pound on the door, he rushed over to Clara and placed his hands on her shoulders. “Clara,” he addressed her, breaking her from her petrified state.
“I shot her.” Her eyes were wide and full of tears.
“Clara, we need to leave.” He tried to pull her from the floor.
“I shot her, Doctor,” she sobbed, placing her face in her hands.
“Yes, I know. But right now I need you to get up for me. That door won’t hold much longer.” He stood and grabbed her by the waist, pulling her to a standing position. Once sure she was able to stand on her own, he rushed around the room to collect what he needed for their escape. He ran to the table and opened the case of perception filter badges. He took out two of them then returned to where he left her. Using his screwdriver, he initiated a complete scan of the deceased soldier’s body.
“Is she dead?” Clara finally managed to ask. She looked as white as a sheet. Her eyes remained wide as fresh tears ran down her cheeks. He raised his brow at the question and continued his work on the badges, placing his screwdriver on the small devices to update their data. “Doctor? Please, tell me,” she pleaded.
“Here,” he replied, handing her one of the badges. “Put this on. I’ve recalibrated its internal circuitry and reversed its projection system to mimic the revised primary data model.”
She stared at him as if he had just spoken to her in fluent Gallifreyan. “Was I supposed to understand any of that?”
He exhaled an exasperated sigh at the question. “If we want to get out of this alive, we can’t just walk out of here appearing human. If I’ve done my calculations correctly, these perception badges should be able to project the most recent image uploaded into its database.” He placed the badge on his lapel and activated it which replaced his furrowed grey-haired form into a replica of the soldier. He helped to place on hers and activated it, changing her appearance from a Victorian woman into an armoured android.
She raised her hands and turned them over to observe their cybernetic features then peered down the rest of her body. Where there should have been a noticeable fullness extending from her middle, there was now an armoured metal plating. She attempted to hold back her grief and shock to focus on what she needed to do to save herself and her child’s life. The emotions flowing through her at that moment were being silenced by her greater need to survive. “Are you sure about this?”
“About eighty-seven per cent sure.”
“Fair enough.”
They heard a loud thud on the door as the soldiers attempted to break it down. “Time to go,” he insisted, turning to the secondary door. “And bring that,” he gestured towards the weapon she used on Quynn. “We just may need it after all.” The alarm continued to sound as he headed to the secondary door and slowly cracked it open, peering outside for any sign of soldiers approaching. Once it was safe, he opened the door to better observe the undiscovered area. The long dark corridor was vacant of any lifeforms to be concerned about for the moment. He motioned for her to step through then used his screwdriver on the door, locking it from the outside. Taking her hand, he led her down the corridor to its end and turned the corner. As they came around the bend, he heard the sound of soldiers making their way down the adjacent pathway. Thinking quickly, he yanked her behind the wall and wrapped his arm around her front to steady her. She yelped in pain and clutched her middle still hiding beneath her armoured disguise. He quickly covered her mouth with his free hand attempting to keep her as silent as possible. She breathed deeply through her nose and tried to concentrate on anything but her pain. Once the soldiers passed, he whispered into her ear. “We’ll wait here. Once it’s safe, we’re going to head for the exterior access hatch. We may have to reach it quickly before we’re spotted and our disguises are uncovered. Can you make it?” The adrenaline pumped heavily through his veins as he spoke. She nodded, her mouth still covered by his hand. From down the corridor, they heard the sound of pounding coming from the door behind them. The soldiers had made it passed the first barrier. “Change of plans!” he blurted, releasing his grasp on her. Taking her hand, he hurried to lead her through the corridor into the adjacent one and searched for anything even remotely resembling an exit of any kind. Spotting a singular door at the far end of the hall, they picked up their pace and headed towards it, pushing it open and bursting their way through. They stopped dead in their tracks, realizing they had found themselves in a loading dock. Several groups of soldiers were arming themselves while others were unloading crates of weaponry from the large vehicles parked within.
“Correct me if I’m wrong, but this doesn’t look like an exterior access hatch to me!” she whispered irritably through her teeth.
“Yes, well, next time I’ll be sure to stop and ask for directions before we begin running for our lives!” he snapped back. “Just remain calm and do exactly as I do.” He headed down the stairs to the dock floor with Clara following closely behind. Spotting the exit, he calmly led them passed the soldiers towards it.
“You there!” one of the higher-ranking officers shouted at them. They froze and turned their attention towards the voice. “Where do you think you two are going?”
“Uh...” the Doctor started, his brain working overtime to come up with a believable scenario. “Perimeter reinforcement! They needed more eyes on the outside keeping a lookout for two escaped human prisoners, sir!” He felt ridiculous having to recite titles to a robot even if it was a matter of life and death.
The lieutenant raised what could only be assumed was an eyebrow as he noticed the Doctor’s defencelessness. “Where is your weapon, soldier?”
“Um... it had a slight malfunction, I’m afraid,” he lied. Clara groaned in the back of her throat after being hit with another wave of pain. He could feel himself beginning to panic.
“What’s wrong with him?” asked the lieutenant.
“Oh, uh, the thought of humans running about disgusts him. Weak servomechanism system I’d say.” He was thankful the perception filter was able to mask his obvious sweating.
The lieutenant eyed the two strange infantrymen which made the old man more nervous than he intended to be. After a moment, he removed the strap attached to his rifle from his shoulder and stuck the weapon in the Doctor’s arms. “Here, take this one. Make sure to perform a sweep of the entire perimeter wall. Call if you find anything. If they have made it out, they won’t last very long in this weather. And don’t let me catch you without your weapon again. Is that understood, soldier?”
“Roger that,” he nodded, keeping his hands from trembling. The lieutenant departed from the pair and began assessing his other troops. The Doctor turned to Clara and cocked his head towards the exit. Making their way towards it, he opened the door to the outside. The cold raw air nipped them in the face as they headed away from the structure. The ground was now completely covered in snow. They approached a large gate used for transport vehicles on the side of the building.
“I can’t believe that worked,” she remarked, attempting to ignore her unsettling pain. They reached the gate to find it was locked, a chain had been wrapped tightly around it. He pulled out his screwdriver and aimed it at the lock. It sparked and unlatched allowing them to push it open and escape from the grounds into the surrounding forest. Once outside the perimeter, the perception filter badges returned them to their original forms. The Doctor grabbed Clara’s hand and hurried to lead her towards the TARDIS. She struggled to keep up, holding a hand under her middle for support. “I don’t think I can make it,” she admitted out of breath and fighting her pain.
He stopped and turned towards her, removing their weapons and dropping them in the snow. Taking a closer look, he could see her face was damp with sweat and flushed. He pressed his palm to her forehead, sensing the beginning of a fever. “Yes, you can,” he insisted. He placed her arm around his shoulder and held her steady by her waist. “We’re nearly there, the town is just ahead.”
As they walked several paces through the dark forest, she stopped for a moment to catch her breath. “I think I need to rest.”
“Clara, we need to keep moving. Once the soldiers figure out what has happened, they’ll be headed this way. We have to get to the TARDIS as quickly as we can.”
“Easy for you to say. You’re not the one carting around an extra passenger!”
“Not at the moment, no. Would you like me to call us a carriage?” he asked, not even trying to hold back his smile. She was not amused.
“Carry on, soldier boy,” she ordered, forcing herself to continue.
The walk through the forest and into the developing town felt like an eternity. The Doctor managed to maintain his grip on her the entire way as the familiar sight of the TARDIS came into view. At last, they made it to the blue box. Opening the door, he assisted her inside towards the nearest seat then returned to the entrance to close it. As he did, he heard the sound of an enormous explosion originating from the direction of the factory in which they had just escaped from. Startled by the sound, he stepped outside to get a better look at the brilliant sight in the distance. The blast from the building arose far above the trees. But, to his shock, it wasn’t being caused by fire. An immense golden-yellow beam emitted from its location sending it soaring into the night’s sky and outwards destroying everything in the vicinity around it. The blinding column of light penetrated the darkness which illuminated everything the area for miles in all directions. He shielded his eyes from its immaculate glow. The electricity he felt emanating from it could have powered an entire continent. Great fear tore through him. There was only one thing that could have caused such an eruption; regeneration energy.
He quickly ran inside and shut the door as his hearts pounded in his chest. He pressed his forehead to the door to steady himself and take control over his emotions. The frightened feelings running through him were being fuelled by the knowledge that his daughter was still alive. Which meant only one thing. They were in even greater danger. Once composed, he rushed to the console. Pushing buttons and pulling levers, he sent the time machine towards its instructed coordinates. The TARDIS bucked and whirred while her passengers held on to whatever was around them.
“Where are we going?” Clara managed to ask, her defeated form gripping herself to one of the few comfortable seats available. It took all of her remaining strength not to fall out of the chair as her fever began to worsen, draining the last bit of energy helping to keep her conscious.
“Somewhere safe,” he replied, keeping an eye on the view-screen as he held onto the console. “We may need a place to hide for a while. I fear they’ve been tracking us for some time.” The sound of the ship’s signature thudded landing was heard as the interior rocking ceased. “I’ve taken us to the Horsehead Nebula. Specifically, the Ood Sphere. Its inhabitants are all telepathically linked to each other by the hive mind. If we remain here, it’s possible we can disguise ourselves under their telepathic field to camouflage whatever signal is transmitting from inside the TARDIS.”
“How long do you plan on keeping us here?” she asked, attempting to sit up. Feeling the pain returning, she winced and placed her hand over the source of her discomfort.
He came to her side and knelt before her to rest a hand over hers. With the other, he placed it above her damp brow and concluded that her fever was worsening by the minute. “I’m not sure. But first, we need to find out what’s going on in there,” he gestured to her belly and pulled out his screwdriver. He scanned her middle and brought the device into view to examine its findings. He then returned to the view-screen to upload the data he had received. After a moment of staring at the readings being displayed upon the monitor, he ran a hand down his face in frustration.
“Doctor? What is it, what’s wrong?” She became nervous at his less-than-satisfied reaction.
“There appears to be a tear in the uterine wall.” His attempt to conceal his saddened expression offered little comfort to his companion. “A separation of tissue, right here.” He pointed at the screen to a position just beside their growing child. He hung his head deep in terrified thought. The tearing had been severe. The scans showed a vast amount of internal bleeding. Her increasing fever was even more of a confirmation that if they did not seek medical attention soon, she would not be able to survive much longer.
“Is she going to be alright?” her voice trembled. His silence worried her even more. “Doctor, how bad is it?”
He turned around to face her. “I don’t know,” he lied. “There isn’t enough information available on Time Lord and human pregnancies to know for certain.”
“But it’s been done before, yeah?” she asked, remaining hopeful.
He stared into her eyes knowing very well that it had. “Yes,” he confirmed. “But not all are the same. There’s no way to know how your body will react to this. Given enough stress, this pregnancy could be fatal to you and our child. I could lose you both.” He hadn’t realized how much that thought truly terrified him until he heard the words spoken aloud.
“So what do we do?” she inquired, pushing her fears aside. If she had learned anything in her time travelling with him, she knew that wherever he was there would always be hope. He slowly approached and knelt before her once more. A heavy-hearted sigh escaped him as he placed his hands on either side of his child. He lowered his head and gently kissed the top of her belly. Closing his eyes, he carefully rested his forehead on her middle as if attempting to communicate with the small being living within her. Clara was conflicted by the feelings flowing through her at that moment. Though a part of her felt moved by his unexpected affections, a greater part of her was still angered and betrayed by his most recent confession of having promised their child away. She ran her fingers through his wavy hair to comfort him. It wasn’t often she was shown the sensitive side of this regeneration he had become. But at that moment, she knew how much this child meant to him no matter what his previous actions proved otherwise. Having heard the stories of his past and the children he once fathered and lost, this was the closest he had come to reliving that title since the day he lost them all. “Is there nothing that can be done?” she asked, trying to fight her tears.
He raised his head and met her sad eyes with his own. “There is one thing.” Leaning away from her, he lowered his gaze to his hands. After only a moment, they began to glow an ambient golden-yellow.
“Don’t you dare!” she commanded. She knew he was offering more than just a part of himself, the essence that made him everything he was, it was a piece of his irreplaceable soul she would never be able to repay.
“What other choice do we have?” He stood and stepped away from her trying to keep himself calm. “What would you have me do, just stand around here waiting for one or both of you die? I’m sorry, Clara, but I can’t-” he sighed, then returned his gaze to hers. “I won’t let that happen.”
“We’ll find another way. We always do.”
“This isn’t just another intergalactic space pickle we always seem to find ourselves in. This isn’t about all the times we escaped near-death and sat around the table having a good laugh about it. We’re talking about your life and the life of our child. Unless we seek medical attention immediately, both of you will die.” The words tore through him like a knife. It took everything in his power to remain strong for her as his world was crashing all around him.
“Then we find help. Surely someone out there can help us.”
“And go where, exactly? Last time I checked, the list of available hospitals in the universe housing a vast amount of knowledge about Time Lord pregnancies seemed rather short.” His sarcasm was getting the better of him. He sighed and returned himself to the situation. “I’ve already caused enough damage. I’ve betrayed your trust, risked our friendship, put all of our lives in danger all because I thought I was doing the right thing. Please, just let me do this for you. Allow me this one thing. A chance to set things right.” His eyes begged her to reconsider.
She felt herself struggling to stay awake, her eyes strained to focus on the old man’s sorrowed face. She could feel her body starting to fail, her vision beginning to fade. The disheartening realization finally hit her that her time was running out more quickly than either of them ever fathomed. She feared that even if they somehow managed to find help, they would be too late. “Okay,” she nodded after carefully considering her limited options.
He approached and knelt in front of her a final time. Bringing his hands in front of him, they began to glow once more. “Are you sure?”
“As I can be,” she answered weakly, then raised her brow. “Space pickle?”
“Shut up.” He pressed his hands on her abdomen and closed his eyes, concentrating all of his energy on healing the tear. Clara was losing the fight for consciousness. She felt her heavy eyelids close and her head drift to the side as he worked to mend her internal wounds. “Stay with me, Clara!” he shouted, trying to keep her awake and alert. Her hands slid off her body and landed limply to her sides as she slipped out of reality. As the darkness took over, she could barely hear the faint cries of the Doctor frantically calling out her name. And then there was nothing.
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Day 27: Ransom
(Protect those you love), prepare to leave it all behind.
Whumptober 2019 Day 27: Ransom
Word Count: 2161
Relationships: Intrulogical
Warnings: Kidnapping, physical violence/weapon (knife), blood and injuries, mentions of torture, threats of non-con to another character, vulgar/explicit language, mentions of drug usage/bad parenting/death of a minor character (not a side), cursing
A/N: hmm... i don't really know what to think of this one, to be honest. it feels weird to write right now, since i'm a bit sick, but i don't know. maybe it's not as awful as it feels like it is. who knows. anyway, have this shit. i'm not really a huge intrulogical shipper, since i don't actually ship remus with anybody (i hc him as aro), but logan fit so here we are.
It’s pretty cold here. Remus knows that being kidnapped and held hostage in a basement however far below the surface isn’t a particularly forgiving situation, but couldn’t his kidnapper give him a blanket or something? It’s too fuckin’ cold for this! And it’s weird, because the guy seems pretty warm himself despite not even wearing a jacket or anything, just a t-shirt, and it makes Remus a little jealous. Remus is always cold, but this place just makes it worse.
He doesn’t even know why he’s here, either. He’s not special, doesn’t stand out, isn’t known for any notable actions or anything. He’s just a simple guy, a dude who lives in a shit apartment and works two jobs in fast food and bartending. He’s pretty common, in society’s eyes, so… why is he here? 
The blow to the head had been delivered from behind, just after Remus has gotten into his apartment after work. It came when he least expected it, which is so not fair, because he would have loved to fight the guy. Have a fun old-fashioned full-out brawl in his living room at two in the morning, show him what he’s got. It could have been a fun end to his shitty night, but no, of course the guy had to take the coward’s way out and avoid the fight completely. What a fucking bore.
Now, sitting here tied to this chair in the middle of the room, Remus doesn’t even really feel the pain from the big knot on his head. There’s better things to worry about, like “Am I out of milk?” and “Will I get back in time to catch the season finale of the television show I’ve been following since the premiere?”. Besides, injuries are nothing new to Remus, having grown up playing only contact sports, so a little bonk on the head is nothing compared to the evenings he’d come home from practice or games with welts and bruises littering every inch of his skin. Before she died, his mom would freak out over the blood and cuts on his arms and legs, but then he’d give her a toothy grin with multiple teeth missing from being knocked out, and she’d just shake her head and clean him up. His mom was super cool, before she became a druggie and too busy fucking whoever was closest to come home and take care of her kids.
Anyway, Remus still doesn’t get why he of all people had to have been kidnapped, because it’s not like he’s some important figure or in any sort of position of power. He holds sway exactly Nowhere, and therefore isn’t exactly the ideal choice when stealing someone from their home for your own gain. Whoever this guy is, he’s kind of a dumbass.
“Listen up. You’re gonna sit here, smile into the camera really pretty, and you ain’t sayin’ a word unless I tell you to. Got it?” the guy demands as he sets up a tripod, and Remus just snickers. His kidnapper gives him a withering glare as he settles the camera into the correct spot, and then walk around to the other wide to line the shot up the way he wants it. “What’s so funny?”
“Just wonderin’ what the video’s for. Who you gonna send it to, my dead grandma?” Remus asks, licks his lips with a grin as he wiggles in his seat. The ropes around his wrists are tight, but definitely loose enough to slip out of if he pulls hard enough. Remus gets to work using his sharp fingernails to slice through through the rope one strand at a time, to try and reduce the circumference and be able to slide it far enough through the knot that he’ll be able to just yank his hands free. Remus guesses that all those years of putting up with Roman’s boy scouts phase weren’t a complete waste.
“Nope. You got a brother, it’s goin’ to him,” the kidnapper replies with a sneer. He’s finally finished setting the camera up, presses a button to start it rolling, and the red light begins to blink. Remus raises an eyebrow as the kidnapper settles back slightly further from the tripod and pulls out a stack of note cards, and it’s with a barely contained giggle Remus realizes that he had to write his speech down.
“Proof of life,” the guy says into the microphone with a much deeper, more gruff voice than before, and it takes so much effort to not burst out into raucous laughter. “If you want your poor little brother here back to you alive, you’re gonna leave no less than 200 thousand in a bag at the address provided. Unmarked bills, no cops. You leave the money, and then you get your ass out of there. If you call the police or try to pull any tricks, little bro here is gettin’ a bullet to the face. Once I confirm the money’s clean, he’ll be dropped off somewhere within walking distance of help, alive. You have three days. If that money still isn’t with me by the time midnight rolls around come Saturday, he’s dead.”
The kidnapper presses a button on the top of the camera and the red light stops blinking with a little click. Just in time, too, because Remus busts out into uncontrollable laughter as soon as the camera stops recording. His lungs and chest hurt with how hard he’s laughing,  but he can’t stop, and the offended, angry look on the guy’s face just makes him laugh harder. 
“Stop fuckin’ laughing!” his kidnapper snaps, but his voice cracks at the end, and Remus is in tears. It’s pretty predictable when the guy rushes him and punches him in the jaw, knocking the rest of his breath out of his lungs in a pained wheeze. Remus barely has a moment to recover before the guy’s fist is buried in his gut, forcing a hacking cough from Remus’ throat. He wants to keep laughing, but now it hurts like a bitch to even breathe, so maybe staying quiet for now is the best option.
“I said I’d bring you back alive, not unharmed. Don’t fucking push me,” the guy growls maliciously, a cold glint in his eyes as he reaches into his pocket. He pulls out a switchblade, flips the knife out in a way that shines the metal’s reflection of the light in Remus’ face. How annoying. The kidnapper presses the knife into Remus’ throat, in the same spot he’s had tracheostomies performed when his airway was blocked, and the feeling of smooth, sharp metal just centimeters away from his trachea is almost comforting in its familiarity.
“Fuck you,” Remus responds hoarsely, spits as much as he can and it lands on his kidnapper’s chin. Remus knows he’s going to be pissed, knows the fallout will be painful as fuck, but he can’t really seem to bring himself to care. He doesn’t regret it, either, not even when the guy yells out in anger and slams his fist into Remus’ stomach again. He doesn’t regret it when the guy mutters something about teaching him a lesson, he doesn’t regret it when he replaces his switchblade with the bigger chef’s knife laying on the shelf in the corner, and he certainly doesn’t regret it when the guy returns with a sadistic grin.
Remus will brag about what happens next for so, so long after he gets out of here, because it’s the funniest shit he’s ever done. The disheveled man brings the knife to Remus’ chest and pushes the blade into his skin, slowly slicing it open as the fresh cut forms a bleeding slash. But Remus doesn’t even flinch, doesn’t even yell from the pain. He just moans, one that isn’t of fear but rather high-pitched and obscene, a mockery of sex that leaves him barely able to hold onto the laugh that wants to push past his harshly gritted teeth. “Harder, daddy!”
And that’s probably the last straw, because the end of the cut turns much less clean in the guy’s lividity. The blade presses deeper into his skin, draws more blood and elicits more pain to radiate from his chest, and it takes more effort than Remus would like to not cry out. As much as he doesn find real humour in this situation, he can’t really afford to die here, so staying the dominant, unafraid personality to this man who obviously fears a lack of control is important. He can’t show fear, because that will just bolster the guy’s confidence and keep his head clear enough to not make mistakes. However, if he’s upset and feeling undermined, his anger will cause him to slip up, and allow Remus the opportunity to turn the tables on him. It does sound easy in hindsight, but slacking off won’t help any, so Remus focuses in on burying the pain below a layer of numbness.
“You know what? Maybe I won’t send it to your little brother. Maybe I won’t return you at all. Maybe, I’ll just keep you here, tied up so you can only sit there as I torture your little boyfriend,” the kidnapper seethes, and his eyes narrow as an even more deranged smile slips onto his face when Remus stiffens uncontrollably. “What, that hit a nerve? You scared for your little boy toy? What was his name… Logan, right? I know where he lives. And I’ll steal him from his bed, bring him here and force you to watch while I slice him up. Maybe I’ll make you watch me fuck him, take care of him better than you ever could, hmm? How about that? Want me to fuck your boyfriend for you? I saw him, y’know, a cute little nerd with glasses. Nice ass, skinny waist… he’s almost like a girl. Maybe I’ll keep him for myself, after I kill you, fuck him every single day while he just cries for his poor ol’e Remus.”
No. No, no, no no nononono. How dare he?! You can do anything to Remus. You can threaten him, make fun of him, torture him, and he’d laugh in your face. But this guy has the fucking nerve to bring his boyfriend into this? No. Unacceptable. This isn’t-- fuck.
And Remus knows he should stay calm, not let his words get to him, but…he knows Logan’s name. And apparently, where Logan lives. What if he does take Logan, does hurt him while Remus can’t even do anything about it, helplessly tied to a chair? What if this guy hurts his baby, hurts his Logan, and Remus could’ve prevented it? It’s far too easy to imagine Logan’s eyes filled with fear, the attempts to stave off tears, muffled cries of pain. All he can see in his mind is Logan traumatized, and for the very first time, the thought of sex makes Remus feel sick to his stomach.
So with an enraged snarl, Remus yanks his hands free from the flimsy rope keeping then locked behind the back of the chair, and then lunges. He relishes in the surprised yelp, the angered fear in his eyes, the way he scrambles to fight back far too late. Because he’s pinned under Remus, and once he’s got someone in his grip, he isn’t letting go. For probably too long, Remus just sits there, beating his kidnapper with shaking fists. The man fell unconscious a while ago, hasn’t been a threat for minutes, but Remus doesn’t have any other way to take out his frustration besides sitting here on top of this guy, pummeling him to hell and back. Eventually, his arms fall limply to his sides, and Remus’ eyes dull as he slouches over. His breathing is light and trembling, and there’s a feeling welling up in his chest that he doesn’t understand, can’t pinpoint or identify. His legs feel like they’re on fire when he pushes himself to his feet, burn when he sways a bit in an attempt to keep his balance. 
Remus doesn’t know where he is, or how far he was taken from his home, but that doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter what Remus has to go through, because as he climbs the ladder out of this cellar and emerges in a long, dark hallway, he knows. He knows as he trudges to the end, as he whips open the door on the other side to reveal an alleyway. He knows as he gets to the road, recognizes the bakery across the bustling traffic, and when he turns in the opposite direction of his apartment. He knows when he sees the green sign at the intersection, sees the familiar name of Logan’s street, when he approaches his apartment complex. He knows that Logan’s going to be okay, because he’s going to make sure of it, and Remus vows that nobody will ever be able to threaten his boyfriend ever again.
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cheemerthelizard · 4 years
Crusader of Life 2: Chapter 11
This is the last one I have queued, but the journey is far from over! This is only the beginning to a very bizarre adventure! (Yes that means infrequent updates I’m sorry about that)
Jotaro peered over the horizon, seeing Kakyoin running over to him, waving.
“You’re really still ready to go?” Jotaro asked. His friend had just lost his only daughter, surely he wasn’t ready to come back and fight. “Nobody will blame you for taking a few days off to grieve Emily.”
“Well, as it turns out, Emily is fine,” Kakyoin answered through heavy breaths.
“What? B-but her body!” Koichi sputtered.
“Yes, that was, indeed, Emily’s dead body,” Kakyoin explained. “But Lily had duplicated her before it was too late, so there was another Emily with only a burn on her hand.”
“That’s a relief,” Josuke sighed. “I was getting pretty downhearted myself. She’s a cute kid.”
“Well, Kakyoin, if you’re really feeling yourself,” Jotaro smirked, “then welcome aboard.”
After telling Josuke and Koichi to stay at the shore, Jotaro started the boat, and they were off.
“Are you sure Josuke can take care of Chili Pepper if he shows up?” Kakyoin asked.
“Oh, believe me, he can,” Jotaro chuckled. “If anyone can take down that Stand, it’s Josuke.”
“I’ll send Hierophant to warn Mr. Joestar,” Kakyoin said. He summoned his Stand, and watched as it shot towards the slowly approaching ship. When Hierophant got there, he saw a familiar face, in an almost pitying state. Of course, he wasn’t expecting much different from Jotaro’s description of him.
“Excuse me, do you know where my cane is?” Joseph asked a Speedwagon worker.
“It’s right there, sir,” the worker answered.
“Ah, I see. Thank you.” Joseph reached for the cane, but stopped when it was carried over to him by Hierophant.
“It’s good to see you again, Mr. Joestar,” Kakyoin’s voice came through the Stand.
“There’s a voice I never thought I’d hear again,” Joseph smiled. “How are you doing, Kakyoin?”
“I’m doing fine, but that’s not important,” Hierophant told him. “You see, there’s a Stand user coming to attack you, and we wanted to warn you before it’s too late.”
“What’s that?” Joseph put a hand up to his ear. “A band member wants to whack me?”
This was not the Joseph Kakyoin knew a few years ago. “Staaand uuuuseeer… coming to ataaaaack yoooooou.”
“Ah, I see now,” Joseph said. “Sorry about that. Anyway, I’ve heard you and Lily have a child now. How are you liking that?”
“It’s hard, especially when Emily’s developed a Stand,” Hierophant laughed, “but I wouldn’t change it for the world.”
“A Stand user?” Joseph asked. “Is it killing her?”
“No,” Kakyoin answered. “Well, not exactly. It is making her sick, but we’ve been limiting her use of it, and she’s recovering really well. I think we can allow her to use Walking on Sunshine by the end of this week.”
“Kakyoin, why aren’t you calling back Hierophant?” Jotaro queried. “Is something wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong, Mr. Joestar just wants to talk,” Kakyoin reassured him. “It’s been forever since we’ve caught up with each other, after all.”
Jotaro nodded. “You did tell him about Red Hot Chili Pepper, right?”
“I did. He doesn’t seem the least bit worried, though.”
“Well, tell him that we’re about to board the ship.”
“Will do.” Kakyoin had Hierophant pass on the news to Joseph, who nodded in acknowledgement. Soon, their little boat was close enough, and Jotaro, Kakyoin, and Okuyasu all got on.
“You know, it’s been nice talking to you,” Joseph continued, “but I wish I could see your face once again.”
“No need,” Kakyoin entered the room, calling back Hierophant. Joseph’s lips curled up into a smile.
“My, how you’ve grown,” he said.
“It’s always a pleasure to see you again, Mr. Joestar.”
“Who’s that young man behind you?”
“Oh, him? This is Okuyasu.” Kakyoin let the boy through, revealing his whole body.
“Yup,” Okuyasu answered. “I’m Josuke’s neighbor, and also a Stand user.”
“A what?”
“A Stand user.”
“Stand user!”
“Ah, a Stand user,” Joseph nodded. Neither of them noticed that Kakyoin had snuck out, and was watching the ship dock with Jotaro.
“This is either gonna be really awkward or really heartwarming,” Jotaro grumbled, “and I’m not prepared for either.”
“Ah, still trying to keep that cold exterior as always, Jotaro,” Kakyoin chuckled. “Although, it will be really awkward for everyone if things don’t go well. I’m hoping that doesn’t happen.”
As the boat docked, and everyone safely made it to Morioh, Joseph emerged from the room he was in, and saw his son, Josuke, who couldn’t even look him in the eye.
“Great,” Jotaro whispered to Kakyoin, “it’s gonna be awkward.”
Joseph slowly walked down the ramp, but suddenly tripped, losing grip of his cane and falling to the floor. That is, until Josuke caught him.
“Watch your step,” he said. “You could fall in the ocean.”
“I’m sorry,” Joseph replied. “I would use my cane, but it seems like it broke while I was walking down here.”
Josuke looked at the cane, which he could easily fix, and sighed. “Looks like I have no choice.” He grabbed onto his father’s hand, and walked him down the rest of the way.
Kakyoin smiled brightly. Looks like it wouldn’t be awkward after all. “So, once we retrieve the bow and arrow and make sure the people affected don’t go mad with power, we should be pretty much done, right?”
Jotaro nodded. “The threat to Morioh will be gone, and if anyone else shows up to cause a commotion, Josuke and his friends will stop them right in their tracks.”
“We can finally go home soon,” Kakyoin sighed.
“Alright, start talking!” Jotaro slammed on the jail bars holding in Akira Otoishi, the user of Red Hot Chili Pepper. With him was Lily, standing by in case he tried anything funny.
“You won’t get anything out of me,” Akira scoffed, “I know you’re not going to kill me.”
“You got it, Jotaro.” Lily summoned Ace of Pentacles, and made a copy of Akira, which Star Platinum punched, and punched hard. Multiple times. When he was done, the copied Akira was practically bleeding out, but not dead.
“We could leave you like this,” Jotaro threatened. “On the brink of death. It’s not dead, but it sure hurts way more.”
“How about we put that copy out of its misery?” Lily asked Jotaro.
“That sounds like a good idea,” Jotaro answered, punching a hole through the second Akira’s abdomen.
“Okay, okay! I’ll talk!” Akira stammered. “Whatever you need to know, I’ll tell!”
“Good, good,” Jotaro nodded. “So, first off, where are you hiding the bow and arrow?”
“What are you gonna do with it?” Akira asked. Jotaro summoned Star Platinum again, and Akira backed into a corner. “My house! My house!”
“How many other people did you use the arrow on, and who survived?”
“I-I don’t know them all! Honest!” Akira squeaked. “I can tell you the ones I know, but there might be others I didn’t list.”
He told the two of them all that he could, all while begging to be spared. When he was done, Jotaro lowered his hat, and left the jail, along with Lily.
“That’s a lot of Stand users,” Lily half-laughed.
“Good grief, we’re never leaving this town,” Jotaro groaned.
“So, how did it go?” Kakyoin asked.
“Oh, it went fine,” Lily sighed. “Jotaro took notes on all of the people who survived getting hit by the arrow.”
“Geez, that’s a lot,” Kakyoin mumbled. “We need a babysitter for Emily if we’re gonna get all of these done.”
“Actually, that’s not a bad idea,” Lily commented. “Of course, her sitter must be another Stand user.”
“They can’t be against us, either,” Kakyoin added. “So someone we know and trust, for sure.”
“And their Stand helping them take care of a kid is a big plus, too,” Lily finished. Both of them looked at each other. They knew exactly who to ask.
“Josuke!” Tomoko yelled. “Get the door, would you?”
“I got it!” Josuke yelled back. He looked through the doorhole, and saw two, no, three familiar faces.
“Mr. Kakyoin, Mrs. Lily, Emily, hi!” he said. “What brings you here?”
“Well,” Lily rubbed behind her neck, “we have a job for you. A job that we’ll pay you for, of course, and one you can turn down if you don’t want to do it.”
“We need a babysitter for Emily,” Kakyoin finished. “We chose you because you meet all of our requirements, as well as meet some extra criteria, but we can choose someone else if you don’t want to.”
“It won’t start today, so feel free to think about it,” Lily added.
“I’d be happy to!” Josuke immediately responded.
“Really?” Kakyoin’s eyes widened. “You made the decision just like that?”
“Well, yeah, I mean, Emily’s the cutest thing, who wouldn’t want to spend the afternoon with her? Plus, me and her get along really well, and I can fix anything she breaks. What could go wrong?”
Kakyoin and Lily looked each other in the eye.
“Well, if you’re really sure, then your first day is tomorrow,” Lily told Josuke. “See you then!”
“Bye!” Josuke called. Tomorrow was going to be the best day ever.
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sftd-official · 5 years
Moments like these, Fal-Mai cursed how little basic knowledge she had.
In an effort to try to get more into this “friendship” business, Fal-Mai had wanted to make tea for her and Eliza—maybe just some for her and Sammy if she lost her nerve. Having at least the knowledge that she should head over to the Mess Hall if she wanted to prepare food of any kind, she found herself crouched down, starting at a variety of machines she couldn’t discern the purpose of. Well, one of them with a glass pot underneath it she somewhat recognized, if a little grimly; she’d seen it in cleared havens before, and it seemed to be a bit of a staple.
Fal-Mai had tea before. She’d just never been taught how to make it. Hot water had to be involved somewhere. Was there a machine for it? Where were their stores of tea? Was she even looking in the right location? Honestly, Fal-Mai didn’t even know where to start, and it was a little demoralizing. Not knowing how to do something as simple as prepare tea was humbling, and told her how little common knowledge she possessed.
“Fancying a cup of coffee, Assassin?”
A familiar voice made her turn her head, watching as Bradford walked up behind her. Looking back to the machine in front of her, she sighed. “I was hoping to make tea for Eliza and I, but... I fear I do not know how.”
“Yeesh. Elders didn’t teach you Chosen much, did they?” Bradford came to stand next to her with an empty mug, setting it down on the counter. He joined her in staring at the machine. “Of course they’d empty my brew and not make a new pot,” he grumbled, before grabbing the glass container under it. “Here. Eliza’s not much for tea—and I don’t know how to make it either, anyways—so I’ll show you how to make the coffee she likes.”
Fal-Mai followed after Bradford as he went over to the sink, putting the glass pot under the faucet and turning the water on. “You’re going to want water, first of all. You’d want to shoot for better quality where can, but, not much we can do about that here.”
“Is the Avenger’s water not filtered?”
“It is,” he said, gesturing, “but enough to make it safe to drink. Lily’s the one in charge of maintaining that, but Raymond’s the one who came up with the filter. Does a pretty good job, at least—haven’t heard anyone complain about the water.” He sighed. “Yet.”
Raymond was an unfamiliar name to her. She almost sought out the Network in order to place him, but decided the source she needed to ask was right here, anyway. “—who is Raymond?”
“Kinda surprised you don’t know.” Bradford picked up the now-full pot, walking back over to the machine. He lifted a top part of it and continued to talk as he poured the water in. “He was Lily’s old man. Responsible for a lot of the features on this ship before Lily got ahold of it. Was there at First Contact alongside Eliza and I.”
Ah. So he was the head of engineering before Lily took his place. “Where is he, now?”
Bradford was quiet for a moment, emptying the pot and putting it back in its place. He responded after a bit. “Gone. I don’t know what happened exactly but he went along with some of our personnel to try to make a difference, out there, promising to keep in touch. We... we lost contact with him after a while, and it didn’t take long to figure out the tower he was keeping holed up in got raided by ADVENT. Nobody survived that I knew of.”
The answer made Fal-Mai hush up with her questions for the moment. She hoped Bradford didn’t see her as a nuisance for asking so many. Eliza had said it herself; how was she going to learn if she never asked? Still, she felt the need to apologize. “I’m sorry. Had I known, I would not have asked so callously.”
Bradford shook his head, reaching up into a cabinet and taking out a clear container filled with dark brown, almost black powder. The label read “DEATH RATTLE COFFEE.” “Don’t be. Never going to know if you don’t ask—and I figured it was the case, anyway.” Seems Bradford and Eliza were of like minds on a few things. He gestured to the coffee machine, bringing her attention back to it. “Before you put the grounds in, check to make sure there’s a filter in there.” That must be the white, thin, paper-like object in the machine. “Seems someone was decent enough to replace it. If you need more, there’s some in the cabinet with the grounds.”
He pulled out a drawer, grabbing a spoon. “You’re going to want to fill the filter up to a certain degree. I don’t know how many tablespoons—I try not to dirty those so the cooks have them clean. After a while, you learn to eyeball it.” He opened the container and started to fill the filter. It was then that the smell of the grounds hit Fal-Mai—the face she made must’ve been funny, as Bradford looked back at her and chuckled. “Yeah, my mix isn’t for the unprepared sort. You build up a tolerance to it—but hell, it’ll keep you awake far longer than adrenaline would.”
Humans were very, very strange creatures. “You would ‘build up a tolerance’ to something like this?”
“Coffee’s got caffeine, Fal-Mai. We need caffeine to stay awake around here, and we’ve grown to the point of needing some very hard stuff.” After a bit of filling the filter, he pointed to it. “You’ll want this much of the grounds in there if you’re making a full pot—which we tend to do, since anyone can stop by and make themselves a cup.” He closed the lid and hit a few buttons, and Fal-Mai could hear mechanical parts in it come to life. “—think I heard Mordenna wanting to tweak this thing so it’d brew faster. I’m all for it, but I’m almost afraid to hand ol’ reliable off to him.”
“He is a competent engineer, if nothing else,” she remarked. Her gun was thanks to him, after all... and perhaps she really did need to hand it over to him so he could tweak it. She owed him that much after pestering him with insensitive questions. “As... interesting as his projects may get, I believe it would be a wise choice.”
“Fair enough. Only problem is that we’re going to be without a coffee maker for as long as he’s working on it, and I imagine that’d cause some people to riot.” An almost-black liquid started to fill the pot, and the smell filled the room. “That’s it for the coffee, really, if you like it straight like I do. Eliza doesn’t, so I’ll show you what to add when this is done brewing.”
Fal-Mai contemplated for a moment before coming at Bradford with her next question. “How long have you known Eliza?”
Bradford whistled at that, scratching his stubble. “That’s a question. We met in boot camp where I had to apologize for one of my dumbass friends for thinking he could pick a fight with a woman like her. Obviously, he hadn’t met Eliza. He got court martialed later for something related, so he wasn’t cut out for it all in the first place. We were pretty quick friends after that before XCOM came around and recruited the both of us to the program.” His expression turned grim. “She doesn’t like to talk about what she did there much, so I won’t either. She got taken at First Contact, and I escaped, but only because of her. To answer your question? Over thirty years.”
Thirty years. Fal-Mai had only known Eliza as she did now for a month or so. Bradford was father ahead of her than she could ever possibly hope to be. Crossing her arms, she looked down. “It must be nice to have known her for so long.”
“To be fair,” he muttered, “twenty of those were apart from her. And...” He sighed. “Eliza was... different, before those twenty. Sterner, to put it lightly. How to put this...” He looked to Fal-Mai, mouth set into a line. “Old Eliza probably wouldn’t have given you guys the chance she has.”
Oh. That was certainly a way to put it into perspective, even if Fal-Mai couldn’t imagine an Eliza like that. She nodded at the information. “I... understand, even if I cannot fathom her being like that. She’s just...”
“Kind? Soft? Has an ear for anyone who needs listened to?” Bradford looked back to the pot, filling up with coffee. “You and me both, Fal-Mai. I was shocked, myself, those first few days of her being out. I’d gotten used to the Eliza of old, so to have her going around, being genuinely kind to Tygan and Lily? Took some getting used to, but I wasn’t complaining.” He gave a tired smile. “She made me look like a fool. I’d built the soldiers up on expecting a tough, no-nonsense Commander, and the first thing she did was sit down, introduce herself, and get to know all of them. Half of them thought Eliza was pulling a joke, the other half thought it was me being a joker.”
Bradford saying that with a smile on his face truly told Fal-Mai she didn’t have the breadth of experience to make such a phenomenon make sense. Then again, when she thought over Eliza... she wanted to smile, too. Even at more somber memories such as her comforting Fal-Mai in the Resistance Ring after what she had learned of her creation. Was Eliza just that kind of person who could make anyone smile?
He chuckled, leading Fal-Mai to discover she was smiling. She looked away, pouting. “Oh, don’t worry about it,” Bradford assured, “Eliza’s got this aura about her that tends to make people feel a bit better.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m pretty sure that might be literal, nowadays, but that’s beside the point. Whatever you thought of Eliza before, with the Elders, I think it’s safe to discard that thinking.” He paused. “Actually, I don’t think I ever got around to asking why you wanted to make Eliza tea. Something special?”
Fal-Mai’s face further heated up. Truth be told, she’d been thinking of Eliza fondly before she had arrived here, and wanted to do something for her. Making tea was about the only thing she could fathom of, since Sammy was the one who introduced her to the idea indirectly. But, as with Sammy’s reaction to reading her fondness for the Commander, something told her that she shouldn’t tell him the actual reason. “No reason,” she muttered, “other than wishing to repay her how I can for taking me in as she has.”
“Good on you.” Seems Bradford believed her. “Always nice to have someone caring for Eliza rather than the other way around. I take pride in my job, but that woman needs to see she can lean on other people instead of having to be strong by herself all day.” He settled his hands on his hips. “Maybe if she hears it from more people outside of me, she’ll start to believe it.”
Yes, Fal-Mai remembered the incident, not too long ago. Even though her brothers had openly—and correctly—guessed that she was there in the Infirmary, she wasn’t going to reveal her hand. Eliza... she hadn’t guessed she could break down like that. The thought squeezed her chest, and made her want to lie beside her as Mordenna had. “I will see what I can do, Central. I... do not wish for her to suffer.”
“You and me both, Assassin. You and me both.”
Some silence spanned between the two of them, and it was long enough that the pot finished filling. Clearing his throat to break the quiet, he grabbed another mug out of the cabinets, as well as a container of what looked like sugar. He went over to the refrigerator, grabbing a gallon of milk. He came back with it and started to pour out the coffee into both mugs. “Eliza never has her coffee straight. Some days it’s just sugar, some days it’s just sugar and milk. Considering she’s negotiating with some havens today, I’d say she needs both.”
Done filling the mugs, he took the milk and poured a bit in, Fal-Mai noting down the exact amount in her head. He then spooned in some sugar. “Three is usually her gambit, and I don’t blame her. If you’re not me or Lily, you kind of need to dull this stuff down to make it drinkable. Got all that?”
She nodded. “I am sure I will remember it for the future. Thank you, Bradford.”
Bradford began to place all the components back, including the coffee pot. “Happy to help. And... far be it from me to say ‘stop worrying Eliza so much,’ but what I do want to say is... I think I’d be willing to hear you out regarding what might be troubling you. The impression of you I get is that you’re genuine, but need to ask a lot of questions to get up to speed, which is understandable. You understand what I’m saying?”
Fal-Mai blinked. It wasn’t as if she was adverse to the offer. Bradford simply did not strike her as the type to care. Perhaps it was the interaction between him and Mordenna that fostered this. “... I do, Bradford, but you will have to excuse me if I do not think you as the kind of person who would be concerned with a Chosen’s worries.”
“Me neither, a while ago. But I think Eliza’s rubbing off on me.”
She nodded slowly. “Eliza... is a good influence, I believe.”
“That’s an understatement if I’ve ever heard one. Still, we have a deal?”
She didn’t think she could fully confide in Bradford just yet... but there was a question or two brewing in her mind that she believed she couldn’t ask Eliza herself. Perhaps he would be a good alternative. “I believe we do. Thank you again, Bradford.”
“No problem.” He picked up his mug, sliding Eliza’s to her. “She should still be in the Resistance Ring right about now. She could probably use the pick-me-up right about now.”
Picking up the mug, Fal-Mai gave Bradford a gentle smile. “I will see to it that she receives it.”
Taking a sip of his own mug, Bradford bobbed his head. “Don’t forget to tell her who taught you.”
Still smiling, Fal-Mai returned the nod and walked out of the Mess Hall, keeping the mug steady. Bradford, despite his appearances, struck Fal-Mai as a kind person, almost in Eliza’s vein of being. Perhaps he was more worn from the passage of years and showed it more than she did, but there was a certain warmth to the conversation they had held. It left Fal-Mai considering his offer further.
She eventually made her way to the Resistance Ring, tapping the panel and stepping on it. The screen at the end of the room was darkened, and Eliza was slumped across one of the couches. Seeing Fal-Mai enter, she perked up. “Oh! Hey, Fal-Mai. What do you need?”
The Assassin shook her head. “I require nothing of you, Eliza, other than to take what I offer you.”
Fal-Mai walked over and offered Eliza the mug. Recognizing what it was, Eliza’s face lit up and she took it, taking a quick sip. “Oh, Fal-Mai, you’re a doll. Thank you.” The praise... certainly was unwelcome, but Fal-Mai had to fight back a blush. After another sip and some blowing on the coffee to get it to cool down, she looked to her. “—I didn’t take you to know my blend.”
“Bradford taught me.”
Eliza grinned. “Aww. You and that man are real treasures, you know that?” More praise? That blush was getting harder and harder to fight. “You know what? Maybe I need something of you, Fal-Mai. Mind sitting down?”
“N-not at all, Commander.” With that, Fal-Mai gently sat down beside her. To her surprise, Eliza softly lifted her arm and leaned against her side, relaxing.
“Oh, good god. Fal-Mai, running relations with havens is a mistake. Don’t do it. You’d think after this long in the war and ‘taking out’ three whole Chosen I’d have more of a bargaining chip up my sleeve but you would be wrong and so much more.”
Having Eliza this close was very distracting, and Fal-Mai’s arm draped over her shoulders was even more so. Still, she did realize what Eliza was doing—she was venting to her. Bradford mentioned this would be a good thing. She nodded quickly. “I-I would think that they would learn some gratitude, but... I am only one year old.”
That got a laugh out of Eliza, who tried to keep her mug straight as she did. “Hah! I wish I had that specific brand of optimism.” She took another sip, face falling a bit. “It’s. It’s alright if I just gripe at you, right?”
Not knowing too much what to do, Fal-Mai found herself patting Eliza’s side. “Of course, Commander. I... believe you could use the relaxation.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I could.” Even as she said it, Eliza didn’t seem to believe it. Still, she remained leaned against Fal-Mai, a smile returning to her face in a moment of quiet. It turned into some form of annoyance as she went on. “Ok, where was I. Right. This joker called Bastion thinks that Edgar is some sort of bargaining tool for supplies! Apparently he’s got it in his head that he’s the one who led us to Edgar, when I distinctly remember it being Edgar’s choice to join up with us. I cannot imagine...”
As Eliza continued, Fal-Mai found herself relaxing in the situation. Eliza’s closeness still stirred something in her chest, and she found herself wanting to know more about these feelings she had. She felt as if she wanted to hold Eliza closer and tell her secrets, or even teach her what she knew of her own weaponry. She couldn’t place anything on what it was she felt, but the feeling made her happy. Eliza made her happy, and that was all Fal-Mai could ask for.
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sparda3g · 6 years
Gintama Chapter 696 Review
The final chapter is almost here. After this chapter, there’s only two more to go. What does this chapter cover? Is it Yorozuya’s reunion? Joui Three versus Tendoshu? It’s neither of them, though there were a little build to them. Instead, it covered the greatest hero of the universe: Madao! If you believe the countdown is a lie, I wouldn’t blame you at all. For now, let’s throw the countdown away and enjoy this chapter as it is, because it was pretty humorous all in all.
While the chapter largely focuses on Madao and his “newly discovered power,” there were other moments that builds up the anticipation of the climax. The final stage is set with Tendoshu landed on Earth as their cult battle against Edo. Despite Kuyou crashing on top of the Altana Terminal, they can still execute their plan as usual. What’s worse is that they can also deploy smaller ships to send reinforcements. Essentially, it becomes a new warfare. It might end up as the shortest war ever if there’s only two chapters left.
What Tendoshu wants is to spread immortality across the universe. On the surface, that sounds fantastic; clearly, they’re the true heroes. In context, it is madness, even if one wants to live forever. We already saw what happened with Utsuro, so you can expect everyone to experience the same outburst. Plus the population growth will be maddening.
Sakamoto continues to be the star of attraction with his words of wisdom. I’m seriously glad Sorachi didn’t leave him behind just because he’s not part of Shouyo’s disciples. He still can offer something for his friends and that is inspiring speeches. The one troubling feeling they faced is choosing the path and instead of leaving them to decide alone, he assures them that their friends will be behind them all the way. Whether they choose to kill or save Shouyo, they will be there to see it through, because this is their fight. His words benefits greatly to the theme of not just the arc, but the series itself.
When there’s a war going on, you can expect Shinseigumi to be fighting. It’s funny that Kondo does have a valid reason to not understand what they’re doing since he’s been with the gorillas for so long. So long that he remixes his words with his native and gorilla’s language. Oh wait, did I say something redundant? Sougo is savage as usual and happy to know that Kondo still has his human mentality left. Like I said, living with gorillas for too long.
It’s always a good feel moment with Shinseigumi; fighting like they are made to do. It’s like what Kondo said in the flashback: Shinseigumi will never disband. All this nostalgia talk reeks the series is ending feel, but it won’t be complete until Yorozuya finally returns. Shinpachi and Kagura already left, so it’s only matter of time for the actual reunion that fans will be satisfied. Unless we get trolled. That’s all for the buildup to the ending side; now, let’s focus on the main superstar, Madao.
From the beginning of the chapter, the news broadcast is recording the war as they are left bewildered if this is all related to the staged Zurump’s assassination. At least we know Katsura’s plan has worked. With that said, they need a hero to stop this madness. It’s been while that we’ve last seen Hanano Ana, but before the series’ end, there she is reporting live. Last time I get to read that punned name. The citizens are now safe from danger, because here comes our greatest hero of all time. Madao has entered the stage and don’t worry, he’s only sweating due to warm temperature.
Joking aside, this is all around hilarious. Not going to lie, he got what’s coming for pulling off the lie he has been living under. That said I’m glad Sorachi didn’t leave him with a false ending. The amount of pressure was getting to him pretty bad, so he begins to stumble. That crummy sword of his is called Unemployecalibur, which is goofy but so like him, and yet he later calls it Neetcalibur. He’s not even trying to hide his false identity. I’ll bet he has plagiarized.
It’s a Gintama fashion with Madao acting like he’s about to kick ass and chew bubble gum, only to be down-struck by a cursed flame; whatever that means. All the lies he’s spouting is so ridiculous, but that’s how he works things out. Too bad it gets worse for him with Samurai arriving to the scene. At first, he play along and act like a citizen, so he must evacuate the area, but then one of the group recognizes him. What should he do now?
He has the nerve to upturned his chin and break his crappy sword like a stick. That certainly feels nostalgic. That sword was made out of Styrofoam. Hey, you don’t know the power of the Styrofoam! It’s stupid enough that he pulled this off, but it actually works on the Samurai. Wow. It almost went well, until another group shows up and basically reset the dilemma. They’re the good guys and they too want Madao to come for their aid. What should he do now?
He hyped up the moment of his dynamic entry to the battlefield; preparing to restore peace in Edo. But before he could do that, he has to tie his shoe laces, even though they’re sandals. This guy is amazing. I can’t say it was working, but they were waiting for him. That is until the army from one of those small ships arrive. Not only Madao is screwed, but his laces broke off. What should he do now?
It’s at this point where the chapter breaks away from Madao and shows what’s happening elsewhere. I already gone over the moments, so it’s no need to repeat it here. After courageous and inspiring movements from the Samurai, the scene shifts back to the news broadcast, declaring Madao has passed away. Even when famous, he still gets “killed off.” The man can’t escape death. Of course, it’s not true, though pretty messed up to jump to that conclusion. Hell, they even killed off Ana. Even when she responded back, they believe she’s on a verge of death, so might as well declare her deceased. Savage news.
How can Madao explain on why he doesn’t fight back? His reason is his go-mode is so dangerous, when he fights, he kills everyone in sight. That includes Ana, and that’s why he won’t fight. I don’t know how much Madao can run his lies, but he’s pretty damn amazing at it. Finally, he hits the tipping point when he’s surrounded by troops. What should he do now? It’s only one way. He does an epic setup for a grand attack. I was a bit hyped honestly. He jumps high in the air and lands hard on the ground in a bowing positon. It’s his ultimate attack: begging for mercy! The best part is it works! I think?
What happens after he apologizes, a random explosion happens, taking out all of his enemies. He does a different pose, apologizes again, and another explosion occurs. This is just plain BS. Hilariously, he comes up with an explanation of his awakening power. Because of the cursed flame or mouth ulcers, it unlocks an explosive power. That’s very logical. Also, Madao isn’t the one that was apologizing; it was the incantation, “Aym Sah Ri.” He’s a national treasure of lies all right.
But the weird part is Ana also unlocked the power when the explosion in front of her happens. That means she too is special, right? Madao devalues her by inserting a new explanation. Apparently, she was able to do one because of his mouth ulcers spreading out its germ to hers. That’s one unnecessary explanation. All in all, Madao is one lucky S.O.B.; escaping with the lie that everyone believes. That doesn’t paint him the right color; it makes him look absolutely disgusting. Fortunately, Sorachi knows how to balance and eventually, redeems his character at the right time.
Despite all the luck he has, he doesn’t want to keep the hero title. Although I disagree with him on not doing anything special in the war, I understand what he meant. What bothered him is he was given all the achievements that Gintoki achieved; thus, giving him the main spotlight. Sure, he gained fame, fortune, ladies, and gourmets, but he wasn’t happy. All he wants is to spend drinking time with his drinking buddy. That’s why he’s still there; waiting to revisit the good old time. Dammit, Sorachi. Stop making them likeable.
Madao finally makes a proper apology because this time he means it. I was so touched that the next explosion will be epic. Well, it does happen, only it takes Madao out as well. Yeah, that’s karma at its finest. This begs the question. Who the hell was causing it? It’s freaking Prince Hata and his servant. What a full circle. To top it all off, they said the phrase of the chapter, “I’m sorry.” This is definitely Gintama all right.
This was a pretty fun chapter. I know a lot of fans are confused or wondering why the pacing remains the same as if the series isn’t ending yet. While putting that aside, the chapter does leave a really good setup for the most anticipated reunion. It’s all around non-sense with Madao pretending to be a hero that everyone wants, but not the one they should have. As comical it was, it also has charms when it reached the ending. Of course, Madao will be Madao when it comes to downfall, but that’s karma for you. Two chapters to go. What exactly is happening?
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klcthebookworm · 6 years
Mission on Mimban 9 of 12
Previous Installments
Introduction, One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven,Eight,
What Happens in the Chapter
Chapter Nine opens with Luke and Leia's chat as they walk down the tunnel. Luke thinks of a new plan, but Leia dismisses Halla as a delusional old woman who wants the Kaiburr crystal to defeat Grammel. Luke brings up having to find it before Governor Essada and his people. Leia shudders, and Luke asks what could have happened on the Death Star to affect her so. Leia does not tell him. They find the linchen-fungi that glows in the dark, so they don't need to use their lumas. The underground is a wonderland of multicolored stalactites, an underground stream, a bottomless pond, a miniature forest of helicites, cantilevered mushrooms, and a tall stand of something resembling paralyzed bamboo encased in quartz that ring when struck.
Just when Leia's come around on her opinion of Mimban "If Mimban is ever settled formally, everyone should live underground," the ground shatters under her feet and Luke has to pull her out of the new pit. They pass on smooching, despite the obvious set-up for it. They continue on with the spelunking, testing the ground with the lightsaber and holding hands as they forge on. The path ends at the shore of a vast underground lake, so wide that they could not see the far shore.
We have a nice bit of problem solving as they figure out how to make a raft out of a leprous lily that grows where the underground steam meets this lake and paddles out of selenite crystals. With those preparations made, they make camp and both pass out from exhaustion.
They wake up after twelve hours of sleep and the concentrates for breakfast now taste good. They slide the pad-boat into the water and start paddling. They hug the wall on their left, where the path had vanished into the water. Eventually Luke's imagined terrors subside and he wonders about Leia if the experiences they'd gone through so far on Mimban had had a mellowing effect on her. Leia's common sense has not been affected as she shoots down Luke's offer to do all the paddling.
Several hours after lunch, Luke calls a halt to the paddling. He's nervous about a pop-plop sound, too erratic to be drip water from the ceiling. Everything goes quiet and they resume paddling. When Luke calls a second stop upon hearing the strange sound again, Leia sees and is rendered speechless by a trail of fat bubbles that was arrowing rapidly toward them.
Luke fights the lake monster with his lightsaber, and falls into the water. Leia gets into a tug-of-war with the lake monster with Luke as the rope. Finally the monster gets tired of lightsaber hits and leaves them alone. Leia has a nice screaming fit after Luke is safely onboard the pad-boat again.
After several more luckily uneventful hours paddling, the far shore finally comes into view.
An ancient dock protruded from the dry ground ahead. While no boats of any kind were in sight, the long finger of metal extending out into the water left no doubt as to its function, its alien design notwithstanding.
Luke had less luck identifying the purposes of the numerous structures clustered all along the shore. Many appeared raised from stone, others had metal walls, and some combinations of both materials. No matter what the compositions, every one displayed signs of considerable age.
The lake is not a new feature underground if the ancient and vanished Thrella built a dock. Leia refuses to get her feet wet when they reach waist-deep water, so Luke carries her the rest of the way. She apologizes for her behavior and reveals she can't swim. They hike through the abandoned city and Luke keeps having the something is watching me sensation. He turns around to follow movement he saw out of the corner of his eye and ends up cutting the Coway behind them in half. Five more block their path ahead. Leia arms herself with a broken stalactite and wields it like a dagger.
Despite the odds in numbers, this is such an uneven fight it's almost funny. Luke slices up two of their spears. Leia dodges the third spear, trips him with her legs, and then stabs him in the skull. One Coway switches to an axe and gets his legs cut off with the lightsaber. Another with a spear loses his spear hand at the wrist. The last one jabs at Luke with his spear so Luke cuts off the spear point. He throws the shaft at Luke and runs away. Leia's last opponent keeps her at bay with his spear and retreats when he sees Luke approaching. Luke takes him out by throwing his activated lightsaber in the Coway's back.
Meanwhile, the smartest of the Coway is running uphill and climbing over a huge pile of rubble from the ceiling. Leia upgrades her weapon choice to one of the axes of the dead Coway and flings it at the runner. She scores a hit on his right shoulder. He tumbles down the other side of the rocks and they climb after him, desperate to keep him from alerting others. The chapter ends with Luke and Leia staring down at what is on the other side.
What I Liked
The water [of the underground lake] was as black as the inside of the Emperor's mind. Yeah, a description that a) feels Star Wars and b) something that Luke would think of! And I do believe this is our first hint that the Emperor is the evil heart of the Empire. To double check my belief, I found the 1976 hardback of the first movie's novelization published by Del Rey Books in my library. I believe my father bought it and it found its way onto my shelves next to the paperback novelizations of the next two that I bought at used books stores. I replaced these copies with a 2015 Books-A-Million edition that put all three in one hardback, but I wondered if they had edited to reflect what we know from the prequels. Surprisingly, they did not change the Prologue between the two editions. Here's the passage that described the Emperor of the Galaxy:
Aided and abetted by restless, power-hungry individuals within the government, and the massive organs of commerce, the ambitious Senator Palpatine caused himself to be elected President of the Republic. He promised to reunite the disaffected among the people and to restore the remembered glory of the Republic.
Once secure in office he declared himself Emperor, shutting himself away from the populace. Soon he was controlled by the very assistants and boot-lickers he had appointed to high office, and the cries of the people for justice did not reach his ears.
Having exterminated through treachery and deception the Jedi Knights, guardians of justice in the galaxy, the Imperial governors and bureaucrats prepared to institute a reign of terror among the disheartened worlds of the galaxy. Many used the Imperial forces and the name of the increasingly isolated Emperor to further their own personal ambitions.
The Emperor we get in Empire Strike Back and Return of the Jedi is not this Palpatine described, and by the time we get to the prequels, the character is a Machiavellian devil. Don't get me wrong, I prefer my Palpatine as the Master of the Sith controlling the whole galaxy brought down low after twenty-ish years of complacency, miscalculating just how hard abused beings will fight back (including Anakin and the Rebellion in that), and failing to factor in the murderbears (Ewoks). I'm also tickled to find evidence of changes in motion, as it were.
No Virgin Alarms go off during this camping scene.
Crossing the lake has more of the in-character moments for me.
Out of excuses, he stared at the lake. "I hope this lake's not as wide as it looks. I don't like traveling on water."
"That's not surprising," soothed the Princess, knowing that on the desert world of Tatooine where Luke had been raised, an open body of water was as rare as an evergreen.
It took 194 pages in my paperback copy for Foster to finally remember Luke is from a damn desert! The resulting fears in Luke's mind are pretty good too, believable from someone who has never seen water like this before.
I like the lake monster encounter and its introduction.
It rose.
A pale amorphous form, shining with phosphorescence, in color it was not unlike the great wandrella. But compared to the lake-spirit the worm-thing was a familiar creature.
There was no face, nothing recognizable in that constantly altering form. It lifted short, thick pseudopods of a whitish substance clear of the surface. They gleamed brightly in the dim cavern light. Luke thought he could see partway through the creature, and strange shapes swirling about it internally.
I kind of hate that ILM didn't take a stab at this kind of monster. Nowadays it would be easiest to use CGI, so I'm curious as to what the old school approach for film would have tried instead.
What I Found Problematic
Given how Grammel treated you, Leia, I would think you'd be on board turning him into a frog. Sure, be skeptical that you can actually do that with the Force, but don't mock the old lady.
Luke asking about why Leia is freaking out over an Imperial interrogation and what happened to her on the Death Star doesn't bother me as much as his reaction. Leia charged out of her cell and took charge of her rescue and then he was thrown into the pilots' ready room. So it's perfectly reasonable that he missed her trauma until she fainted after Grammel told them about the Governor.
She turned memory-haunted eyes on him. "Maybe I'll tell you someday, Luke. Not now. I'm not... I haven't forgotten enough. If I told you I might remember too much."
"Don't you think I could take it," he asked tightly.
She hasten to correct him. "Oh not you, Luke, not you. It's me, my own reactions I'm worried about. Whenever I start trying to remember exactly what they did to me that time, I start to come apart."
And Luke immediately follows Leia's confession with a heartfelt apology for prying. No, that is not in the text at all. Leia changes the subject and they discover the lichen-fungi that glows underground. I'm torn about this characterization, because making the trauma survivor (typically a female) soothe who is prying into the trauma by making it all about themselves is such a common response. It's believable as written (shocker from Foster I know).
This dynamic needs to be drop-kicked into the sun.
So I want to rewrite this with an added apology from Luke. His empathy fueled by his Force Sensitivity should make it a lot easier for him to pick up on how badly Leia is still hurt by the Death Star events. He is in love with this woman, offer some damn comfort. But Leia won't be in my version.
This is the lamest just kiss I have ever seen written:
Rolling away from [the gaping blackness], the Princess caught him with a hand, her weight halting his slide. Now Luke rolled clear, came to a panting stop on her chest. For a long moment they lay like that, suspended in time. Then their eyes met with a gaze that could have penetrated light-years.
Err, is Luke on top or are they on their sides chest-to-chest? Not only am I having trouble visualizing them on the ground, this really needs Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher's expressive faces to make me feel it. Not that I really want to feel the twincest.
Wait a blooming second, where did all this equipment come from? After checking his timer he woke the Princess. You didn't have a time piece hiking to town. Luke checked his tracom. Okay, maybe you had that earlier when you were searching for the beacon, but why wasn't it named? Luke brought water from the stream in a collapsible cup. Why are we just now seeing this stuff when it should have been shown on the first hike in Chapter Two (Did they have incomplete survival packs because these things were not mentioned in the text there.) If they didn't have these things in Chapter Two, where is the text that says these items came from the swamp crawler? Who edited this work and never caught this inconsistency?
Why, Foster, why? I liked the battle with the lake monster, even if I think the lightsaber should have a bigger effect. But then you go and ruin it by making Leia scream after it's all over. Since when is Leia a screamer? Was it just a set up for this?
Her voice rose slightly. "I'm ready to get out."
"Believe me, Leia," he replied, taking her hand in his, "I'm in just as big a hurry as you."
This is Luke Skywalker, who hardly needs an excuse to give anyone comfort and would seize Leia's hand without her having hysterics. If anyone deserves to have hysterics it is HIM, our poor desert farmboy dragged underwater again by something trying to eat him. Hello PTSD flashback to the Death Star trash compactor.
Leia can't swim. This is information that should come up at the beginning of a journey over water not at the end. And even if she can't swim, stop being a wuss and get your feet wet. Because Leia is a lot of things but a wuss isn't one of them.
Interracial warfare, perhaps, or maybe sequential decadence ending in their being overwhelmed by aborigines like the greenies. I'm wondering about what happened to the ancient aliens of Mimban too, but damn the phrasing of this sentence just rubs me the wrong way.
That's not how lightsabers work! They have an automatic off switch. No throwing it at fleeing opponents and expecting it to remain on, unless you are using the Force to keep it on.
What Changes in My Fic
Showing better trauma victim support: Mara's trauma is so different from Leia and with the bond between her and Luke, I don't see this conversation even having the massive misstep of Luke making it all about him. What will they talk about during this hike?
Lumas will be changed to glow rods. And do a better job with explaining where the equipment comes from.
I want a line from Mara about how bad they are at keeping watch when they wake up.
The underground lake is a good opportunity to touch on what swimming lessons the Alliance has given Luke.
The lightsaber effects the lake monster. Unless it doesn't for the same reason lightsabers don't seem to boil water. Research this.
My revision of the after lake monster fight: Luke's clingy because oh-crap-I-could've-drowned! reaction has kicked in and Mara has pulled him back onboard. Mara discovers she's not opposed to clingy or more accurately hugging with Luke.
Plot events time. Helping Writers Become Authors further explains this breakdown. It probably hasn't escaped anyone's notice that the scenes in the past few chapters have not ended up on the outline. While thrilling obstacles to overcome, they have nothing to do with what I have identified as the plot: getting the Kaiburr crystal before Grammel does. When will we get back to that plot? I have no idea, but I decided to fill in these scenes under the Action section.
Hook 1% mark = Crashing onto Mimban
Set-up 1% - 12%
Inciting Event 12% mark = Finding the Imperial mining outpost
Build-up 12% - 25%
1st Plot Point 25% mark = Luke and Leia agree to find the Kaiburr crystal with Halla
Reaction to 1st Plot Point 25% - 37%
1st Pinch Point 37% mark = Meeting with Grammel
Realization 37% - 50%
Midpoint or 2nd Plot Point 50% mark = Prison break
Action 50% - 62% = Wandrella chase, Lake monster fight, Coway attack
2nd Pinch Point 62% mark
Renewed Push 62% - 75%
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bluebirdsingsforyou · 6 years
Coup de Grace  Chapter -1
The Ice was cold this winter, much colder than usual. More hostile one would say.
But, then again many things were.
“I have summoned this gathering here to make all of you aware that we will not rest until this crisis is averted ! In times like these we must trust each other, we must defend the kingdom with all our might. And we must stick together as one , as in this time of suffering and war bonds are tested” they shouted and cheered as a chorus of ‘ Long live the Queen ‘ was spread through the crowd. “ It will be okay , Rose” My mother , ever the optimist. Her soothing voice would help almost in any situation , but I was worried not only about myself but also my people, my family. Aging didn’t hit her hard , her blue eyes with her pink cheeks and her little smile. Oh, how I have missed it ! she had entirely lost her mind after my father’s death but thankfully some of her sisters and her family frequently lived at the court. But, that was the curse and blessing of the Faerie blood in our veins. Our beauty was timeless, we wouldn’t age physically not after attaining a certain age. But, that doesn’t make us Immortal , some die of natural cause and some due to the bag of their pretty lies and ugly truth. In Royal Families you could die of from a stroke of a pen or the axe of a blade. Power was thicker than blood. “ Rose ! Help me out here” she smiled towards me and I marched forward to help her distribute the food and the blankets to the peasantry and the soldiers ,  I picked up the ragged blankets and started handing them to the citizens , the temperature this year had dropped intensely , with more storms and rains. Destruction had prevailed strongly , every kingdom was suffering in there own ways. Diseases which were totally unheard of had claimed the kingdom though we did have enough supplies to provide basic care to our people but the truth was that our people were dying and there was nothing we could about it. My sister  was a victim of the disease as well and she had some months left before she would take her final breath. “Your Grace “ a little girl with two pigtails bowed “ Is there any cure for the disease yet” she was merely older than seven or eight and I had often seen her with her sisters “ No. I am afraid not “ I said as I touched her cheek gently “ But, don’t worry its going to be fine” I said reassuringly as her smile turned sad. After , the function I walked back to the castle , it was old and rusty but it still had golden vines covering the pillars and flowers at every step. The top of the fort was the Wayhan crest, a peacock with red feathers. I walked towards my room , the hallway was silent and cold with nothing other than the thumping noise made by my boots. Usually, the palace had parties every week and it was filled with people but these days it was as if the life had been sucked out of the kingdom. My room was a pale blue color with paintings of the ocean , mountains and gardens. Everything I hope to see before I die , I had claimed the throne since I was seven. Never really had a childhood , that didn’t stop me from imagining it , between my father’s death and me claiming the throne I got lost in this rush. My mother and sister were the only people among who I could find some solace. My father was killed due to a foreign attack most possibly from another kingdom, they tried to kill me too but my father saved me. A sour piano note caught my attention from my room, I peeked in and saw a bunch of black curls falling down and a blue gown covered in snow “ Lily, I told you not to go outside “ I walked in as she threw the piano sheet “ I can’t play this damned thing “ She didn’t look sick , she almost never did but there were small instances when her breathing would suddenly hitch or there would be blood smudged on her dress. “ It’s all about patience” I smiled and sat beside her “ You were amazing today , really “ Her smile could light up the entire world, she didn’t have the faintest idea how her features were similar to father’s. “ You can’t beat yourself up for this” I stopped playing, she patted my shoulder lightly “ I have no idea how to fix things “  I sighed and she giggled “ What is so funny ?” I mocked fake anger “It’s just that you always know how to fix things , I mean you can do anything” I wanted to come up with a witty reply but my eyes wandered to the window , to my kingdom , my responsibility.
The meeting room was buzzing with people many were family but there were many nobles, advisors and council members. The hall was decorated with pastel ribbons and glistening wallpapers, there were no expenses spared though, the kingdom was suffering with a disease but  it still was economically prosperous and that has to be the saddest part of it all we had so much power but we , I could do nothing.  I don’t remember much about my father but I always wished that I looked like him but I looked like my mother more. She had sharp and subtle features with green eyes ,her eyes were big and her hairs were blonde with some black at the end. I had the same  pale white skin ,same dirty blonde hair but my eyes were not the usual colors they had two different shades; Blue and Green they contrasted with my hair. I liked to think I had some resemblance to my father.  I cleared my throat and the room went completely silent, I smiled warmly at the spectators “Welcome, friends, family and fellow noblemen who wish well for this land” a number of ‘Your majesty’ and curtsy bows headed my way as I walked towards the big table and took my seat next to my mother and Lily she squeezed my hand a little. Sometimes it startled me how I was only an year older than my sister ,  I was almost eighteen and she was seventeen. How different would things be if I could have her freedom ?  What would it feel like to not have the weight of a crown on my head? ,  sadly there was a thick line between imagination and reality. “ Today we are assembled here to discuss the catastrophe that has taken our land in a whirlwind. Difficult times have approached us but we, as the leaders of this land must provide protection to our land , to our people” I glance at the crowd and see a hand lifted , Ah! Good old Albert , one of the finest scholar we have “ Sir Albert” I acknowledge he had the appearance of well, a mad man. He had white hair now, some said it was the only sign of a faerie getting old and coming closer to the end. His hair curled up like a blob and his clothes were dirty and tattered “Your Majesty, I may have found a cure to this disease that is haunting us” several gasps were heard and many sat upright on the chair “There is well a plant. More like a tree, that has been heard about in this realm, it’s called ‘Astrid’. You see, thousand years back our ancestors had written about this in this in the middle of this realm, in the exact center-“ A snicker left the mouth of my dear cousin, Lohan. “ And we are supposed to trust this man about a thousand year old tree…this is absurd!” I rolled my eyes “ If you have any other leads I am all ears. Brother” I spat out the last word “ Continue” I indicated “ Your Highness, there is a chance that this might work “ He smiled a little at the end “ We mustn’t give up on hope.” I sighed and looked at my father’s portrait wishing he would tell me what to do “ For hope is all we have”. “ My dear, the middle of this realm is the Kaelian Kingdom…” my mother whispered and the entire hall looked at me with cold stares. Why wouldn’t they? It was a well known fact that the four kingdoms ruled together for centuries until they became hungry  for more power and luxury. Since, then the relations between kingdoms have received a blow , while trade relations may still be there for mutual benefits  but   there is hostility and a certain unspoken aggression between them. “ If there is even a possibility of finding a cure I will do everything in my power to help my home, our home”
“ What in the name of hell were you thinking ?” my mother wailed as she walked to and fro in the room, her blonde hair flying everywhere in the wind. She has been continuing this for the last hour , saying she was tense after my speech was an understatement. “ Rose, you can not be serious !” My mother gasped “Mom, this is the best shot we have” I roll my eyes “ This is not a joke! “  she retorted. Uh-Oh.
“ I believe she can do it “ Lily smiled a little , mom marched towards her “ Lilly ! you are not supposed to encourage your sister to do  this”. “ What other choice do we have ?” She stood up and smiled a little at her, voice composed and calm “ If there is anybody who can do this… God knows its Rose” She giggled at me, leave it to Lily to find amusement in such moments.” I would probably irritate them to death” I smirked “ Rose…” she hunched her shoulders “ We don’t even know if this information is credible” she walked towards the big map at the center of the room “ The last time the four kingdoms formed a relationship it ended with one of the kingdoms getting massacred and disappearing off the face of the realm” There it was, the real reason behind her worries. Sometimes, I forget that she is just as devoted to the kingdom as I am. “ Lets not take it there” I plead “ I am willing to give this a try, and if this plant is  not found in the Kaelian Kingdom then I will come back and it would be like as if it never happened. I can’t sit here and do nothing. I am suppose to be the queen, these people are my concern and so is the well being of this kingdom” I let my anger seep out there, a little “ Mother, you have to trust me …” I appealed , “ I can’t lose you, you and Lily are all I have” She smiles a little as tears are already swelling in her emerald eyes, “ Don’t go all crying on me, now” I smile , she clears her throat “ I will ask the guards to prepare the carriage ” she tucks a loose strand at the back of my ear. The impending heartbreak imminent in her eyes.
It had been two days since we sent our entreat for a peace treaty. It wasn’t as if the kingdoms were constantly attacking each other , but there were always attempts of  attacks on our treasury, among the others. Our kingdom was the richest and prosperous, while the Kaelian Kingdom were rich too but they had an extra advantage of the Outlaw Forest and the Barred River of Hope. There kingdom could provide much more medical care. I was disrupted from my train of thoughts as the sword cut through my elbow, the sweat trickling down my body and some bruises in my knuckles. I started to wipe the sword which was now, laced with my blood and had been over the years. It was my fathers, after his death , I cried embracing the sword with open arms I was merely older than seven, I had no idea of how much of a scar it will have on my body, more particularly on my neckline. It was a pale scar which extended from my chin to my neck line. It was fairly visible in my day gowns, Oh the horror !. So, the first wound I gave anybody with this sword was myself. Always myself. “Your Grace “ A small voice squeaked behind the door “ Come in “ I order as I put up a robe, “ Your Majesty “ she bows down “ Andrea ! “ I smile , she went on a maternity leave months back “ How is the baby ?” I rush a little and hug her. She was almost hundred and had been serving this kingdom for almost eighty years “ The baby is hale and hearty and it’s a he” She looks a little weak but her face is still glowing with happiness “ I am so happy for you “ I giggle, almost forgetting everything happening at the moment “ But, Your Majesty…” her face darkens a little “ That is not the reason I came to see you, it’s the envoy from Kaelian” she gulps a little “ He is here”
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oasisfound · 3 years
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An Afternoon Haze Pg 3 Ch1 The sun was setting and darkness would soon be upon them. And still, he could see the wreckage behind him, too far to turn back, too close to be a decent distance. He closed his eyes, beginning to shake the uncertainty and guilt creeping in... “Come on now, we can't keep our eyes back there, we need to keep going- it was fun! No...don't say that. It still hurts too much” he shuddered and continued onwards. Dragging Ables makeshift sled as he pressed through the ever-deepening blizzard... he had been too afraid to check for a pulse in the last hour...two...three hours?...the sun was moving so swiftly perhaps it was just a few minutes. But his knees ached, now his head hurt...shut up shut up...you couldn't save them “STOP” looking down at his browning petals, he noticed his motion had been slowed so severely to the frost; it had crawled under his jacket and began stabbing through his flesh.He observed the frost..exquisite designs, scorched into his skin...and he started marching on once again. The sun had reached Paradises opening and was casting beams of golden, once hopeful light throughout the snow, Elliot closed his eyes, biting his lip hard...he couldn't block out the memories...he had to relive it, he had to…So... This is how it happened. It was the day we were going to make a point. We were going to speak out against the religious massacre. We were going to bomb the lower storeroom where our parents maintained all the artifacts. It was one bomb one small bomb. Its radius was tiny it wasn't anything it would've barely wiped out the artifacts. We double, triple checked, it even had glitter in it, it was supposed to coat the lower cellar in glitter and ash. But something else transpired.Think…Think…What went on just hours ago… “This one's going to be big. We’ll show them those stupid artifacts are just hurting the people around them” “Elliot I think you’re taking out some pent-up aggression on old collectibles…” “NAH. anyhow it is going to be fabulous. It’ll coat the whole lower cellar in glitter” “oh yeah perfect then they’ll know exactly who did it.” “A bit late I already set it up…” “You- what? Without me.” “I told you my plan, you’ll have no part in it Able, you’ve gotta keep up the perfect child look” “Where’s no perfect child look” “Good good, keep it up, they’ll never suspect us” KNOCK “yEllOW?”  From beyond the closet door came the ear wracking ring of Lady Elizabeth’s voice. Elliots Fiance. “I’ve been out on the balcony all day waiting for you! You just left me standing there looking like a complete fool. You made me look stupid. You hurt me AGAIN. You’re the absolute worst possible Fiance I've ever had that’s lived this long and HONESTLY. I can’t wait for you to bite the dust after all you’ve put me through.”  “Can we maybe put her in the basement-” “No. go talk to her Elliot. You really need to get it together, you know how her father is, keep this up and you won't make it past the first hour.” “Might be the preferable option…” “well would you rather take the pledge of chastity-” “NOPE!” Elliot kicked the door out, spinning around and taking her hand gently “I’m terribly sorry to have left you there, again, on purpose” “At least I'm trying to make this work, you’re a child.” “A child shouldn't be married off~” “Oh, whatever. Just dance with me and look pretty. You’ll be dead by sunrise” “Oooh, fun, I'm sure I will be.” And we danced and danced...and danced...it, was actually nice...I should’ve been kinder to her...I should've seen it from her side, how horrible it to be treated with such distance before death. We danced for hours and I was bored sick. I made it clear too, I hurt her, and at the time I didn't care...we talked so much about wanting each other dead, but she didn't deserve it… The banquet. “I could probably eat all of this in one bite” “Yeah, and it would be disgusting.” “Aaaooooommmmn” “Oh wow look at that, I was right, you’re a pig” “You’re jusht jealoush “  Able couldn’t stand looking at me, heheh… But what was he looking at...no, who. Taking a moment off himself he realized there was someone else in Ables vision, someone that caught his eye not just once but twice...and not in a good way. ...ah, an Ebonwood. Lady Elizabeth family, a father more likely...Able was watching him like a Hawke, probably covering my dumbass as always…Fast forward...who was in the gala, looking at creepy pictures of my uncle...someone id never really seen before, I didn't pay much attention then, but he feels so familiar...brown hair, dead eyes, pale skin, wheelchair...why do I know that? Ugh...whos next then... mom, dad…? “No no no, can’t do it, nope, they’re fine, they’re ok, they’ll catch up.” He started to shake again “This was supposed to help c-c’mon I get it I was an asshole, b-but I didn't cause this I didn’t I just lived I lived and others might've too so did Able, and all the ones with wings, that's like a lot of them, a lot of them lived, it wasn't me” His legs caved and he hit the snow. “N-no c’mon. C-c’mon they’ll be fine” He started to curl up “S-stop it body s-stop it, we need to keep g-going” He felt his eyes shut, flashes of his mother and father coming to the surface. “S-stop s-stop.” The sun was setting...and the frost creeping under his petals. “I can't make it on my own…” “I'm sorry…” his petals began to shift black, he felt the sludge creeping up his throat and down his eyes “Let go~” his petals flared into the sky, he was pulled up by his back and thrown onto his feet. A wave of black swept over the snow and an eye began to open on his forehead “FUCK. OFF.” Elliot punched the eye, sending himself backward, the eye squinted, and shut. “S-stay down.” he shivered, shutting his eyes, covered in freezing sweat, he squinted, looking into the distance...headlights...about six of them...scavengers. Elliot dragged himself to his feet, quivering as he raised a hand to the sky, a beam of light shooting up from the snow reflecting through the final of his shimmering gold petals, and creating a lance. Untying the cord from his waist he took a defensive stance...and watched...seven headlights...tinted green...a gang without a doubt… He stood his ground, prepared to fight. And as they arrived, circling, blaring their horns, flashing their lights. His ears dropped, he winced but stood tall...no idea where they were, his shaking was evident, becoming more violent as they laughed, his petals changing darker once more, he felt the sludge crawling up his legs. A silhouette made sharper before him, a woman, advancing gradually, reaching a hand out “a Zephline all the way out here? So you must know what transpired” “SH-SHUT IT” he raised his spear, and she pushed it aside with ease, she pressed her hand to his forehead. A wave of green shooting out from him as she pulled forth a necklace of emeralds. Grabbing him by his collar she lifted him up, looking to Able. “get that one too” The dark shot up to him like fractures in ice pitch-black arteries filling his skin, petals falling and skin turning white. The eye opened and two thorn horns jet out from his skull “oh that was a mistake bitch.” They dug their sharpened talons into her chest ripping out a chunk of flesh, she dropped them, tumbling to her knees, he kicked her down turning to the men who already had pulled the emeralds from Able. “heheh...back. The fuck. Off.”  He charged, ripping into the first man, while the other stabbed him in the side twice or thrice, sending him down clawing and punching, a third being stepped forth and pressed his hand to his forehead. And the last thing they could Manage was a gargled, defeated laugh.   “The afterlife feels funny…” Elliot opened his eyes, sitting in a field of turquoise, on a mountaintop overlooking hills and seas… “there’s no way I made into the elysian fields.” he looked around with a rising grimace “there's no way Able didn't.” he rubbed his head closing his eyes “no...this isn't okay at all, but wherever I am I'm not ready to wake up yet…” he sat down “so...ill wait till I'm ready to wake up…” and there he sat, playing with grass and blossoms, gradually beginning to sense the dull aches drawing him nearer to awareness. “Did you hear that? I think he said something” “He's just breathing Plant boy, dead people don’t breathe so be glad he's at least doing that.”   The scavenger muttered, putting on tea in her warn down tiny shack of a house, everything compressed to two rooms and dawning two windows with a skylight. She sat by the old wood stove, watching Elliot with narrowed eyes, bandaged, surrounded by warm embers with blankets stacked up, a few poorly put together tubes attached him to a DIY iv. Bandages wrapped around his chest and arms “the frostbites pretty bad, if he doesn't pull through in the next week I'm pulling the plug.” “no, no-no. I’ll pay you” she raised an eyebrow “with what? You’re a nobody”  “you’re a mechanic right?”  “scaven-gggg you know what, yeah sure I'm a mechanic.”  “we’ll, I could help you out with your shop”  “pfff. What shop.”  “We could..make one?”  “I'm not making a shop to keep your brain-dead brother alive.” “then don't do it for him, do it because you want to! and ...also because I really need your help…” “fine~ but like I said. If it doesn't work in one week, he's out. And so are you” Able let out a relieved sigh, sinking back “This is doable”  “PFFT. hah. Sure.” She sat back, pouring tea into a can, and handing it to Able “calm before the storm I guess. Sip up” “no rest for the wicked…” “yeah whatever, so like, do we steam this vegetable or how do you hydrate it” “I could just stick his hand in some water and as long as he gets light he’ll be ok” “Your plants are so...weird. And kind of impressive, if I got cut and just needed some sunshine that’d be-but you plants are usually stuck up so nevermind~” “not all..” “said all.” “point taken, do you have any paper I could use? I have some ideas for your shop” “Already?” “my brother's life is on the line, I’ll be working at this until we get your shop up and flourishing.” “you don’t want to investigate how you got out there?” “what I don’t know can't hurt me, right now is what's important, and right now he’s losing time the less I work” “ok ok desperado.” she scoffed, handing him some paper and a charcoal pencil “thank you…” “uhuh.” she eyed him as he worked, sketching out blueprints and floor plans, signs and locations, he seemed to have a good idea on her inventory “I keep a keen eye out on everything...well...I feel like it's a habit anyways…” 
“is mind-reading also one?” Able bellowed out a deep, gentle laugh. “ I try not to do it too much” Her eyes widened “Ok ok not really, we can't read minds, I don’t think so anyway” “let’s hope not. For your sake.” Able moved Elliot's palm into a little dish of water, and opened a window over him, kissing his brow and heading outside to start demonstrating his ideas to the Scavenger, her back and front yard consisted of a junkyard that Able was determined to organize, build and prepare for selling spare parts and presenting his trash to treasures vehicle repair service.  Their distant voices brought a tiny smirk to Elliot's lips, sitting in this dull dark pain, listening to his brother work, so long as Able was in earshot, Elliot could count on him...and focus on this long patient recovery...hours of sitting, unable to even open his eyes. It was pure torture. But so long as he had Ables voice to guide him...He knew he could pull through on top.
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angstalottle · 7 years
For Keith lunch was over far too soon. The food was delicious as always and he enjoyed the relaxed chatter that came from Allura. If Keith had to be honest when he first joined he had been pretty scared of the tall woman. But after talking to her he found though she was scarily stubborn and driven, but she was also sweet and funny. Keith wished he could have feelings for her. That he could be attracted to the beautiful and amazing woman rather then being unable to tear his eyes away from Lance as he laughed. Being unbelievably jealous of Hunk who had Lance cuddling into his chest as he sat in his lap. Keith kept telling himself that gay was illegal and that even if Lance was a woman he was too young for him. Keith couldn’t infect a child with his sickness. Pining aside it was a loverly time. The sun was shining and the company was pleasant. Soon as Allura stood up and said it was time to leave Keith couldn’t help but feel disappointed. The fact that his butt was still sore from the ride really didn’t help.
“Look out!” Keith whipped his head round from where he was preparing Red when he saw Goldie free from her reigns and running directly towards Lance who didn’t seem to realise he was about to be trampled. Keith’s brain shut down and he went into autopilot as he pulled the knife from his belts holder and threw it at the ropes holding the barrels on the back of Blacks cart. The knife hit its mark, snapping the rope and causing the barrels to go rolling off directly into Goldies path. She bolted away finally coming to a stop a little away by the trees. Lance had jumped back away from the barrels his eyes wide and his chest rapidly raising and falling. For a moment no one moved. They all just stared in amazement and silent horror. Then Hunk ran towards Lance. “Are you ok?” He asked as he helped his best friend to his feet. That seemed to break everyone out of their trance and like a stampede they all moved as one. Some broke away to gather the barrels, some to get Goldie. It was Shiro, Pidge, Allura, Coran and Keith that ran to Hunk and Lance. “Lance! Are you alright?” Allura asked. Lance didn’t speak he merely nodded. “My boy are you sure?” Coran asked in concern. As the circus doctor Coran knew that it’s when they get quiet it’s when they should worry. Again Lance nodded. It was then that Keith realised he was staring right at him. Keith dropped his gaze to the ground, Great he had just traumatised the guy. “That shot was amazing.” “What shot?” Hunk asked, he had yet to remove his arms from around Lance as though he could protect him from all harm just by the power of his hugs. “Keith’s, he threw the knife.” Lance pointed at where the knife was still lodged in the cart. Realisation crossed their faces. “Keith... did you really throw this knife?” Shiro asked as he pulled the knife out. Keith nodded finding being the centre of attention was not all it was made out to be. Shiro exchanged a look with Allura and Keith was sure this was it. This was when he was going to be told to hit the road alone. “Keith.” He flinched as he watched a large smile spread across Allura’s face “guess we found your act!” “Wait what?” “I’ve never seen anyone throw so well! Not even Lance!” Hunk grinned. “Hey!” Lance pouted but was grinning too. “Seriously though, you sure are good with knives! In fact we should do an act together!” Keith felt all the blood drain from his face “t-together?” Lance nodded enthusiastically “yeah I’ve had this idea for years but no one to do it with.” Lance grabbed Keith hands “will you do it with me?” “God yes... I mean yeah sure I guess I can.” Lance suddenly wrapped his arms around him and Keith was sure his brain shut down with his last thought being about how good Lance smelt.
———————— “Ok just throw it at the targets!” Lance yelled. “I know!” Keith snapped. Soon as they had arrived and set up everyone had launched themselves into practising to prepare for the show that night. Lance had pulled Keith away to throw knives at a long and tall wooden board that when up fully almost reached the top of the tent. Across it in a long diagonal line we’re little red x’s designed to be targets for the knives. Lance had explained that the idea of the trick was that Keith would throw the knives to create a stair case that Lance would run up before he jumped from the last one onto the trapeze swing to be caught by Allura. However after nearly three hours Keith found himself exhausted and harder and harder to actually hit the targets. Thankfully Lance was working on his silk act close to the ground rarther then actually try and run up the badly formed stair case and risk getting stabbed. “Hey no need to get snippy.” Lance hugged as he held himself up purely by the strength of his legs. “I know... i know... look I’m sorry it’s just. It’s frustraighting ok? This is all so new to me and I hate that I can’t do it!” Keith sighed as he pulled at his hair. Lance chuckled “well yeah, what did you expect ? To be perfect at your first go? Putting an act together is hard back breaking work. When I first started I fell on my ass more times then I can count.” Keith smiled as he examined the knife he was holding “I know...” “You sure do say that a lot.” Lance teased as he flipped off the silk landing perfectly and putting his hands on his hips. “Shut up.” “No I sharnt” Lance gently poked him in the ribs. Seeing how Keith jumped and the look of terror a Cheshire Cat like grin spread across his face. “Oh, someone’s tickelish!” “Lance no!” “Lance yes!” Lance began tickling him mercilessly Keith falling back to the floor with the younger boy falling on top of him. They rolled around for a moment before Keith ended up on top looking down at the laughing Lance. They lay there for a moment breathing heavily. Slowly Lance stopped laughing as he looked up at Keith. He brushed his hand along his cheek and before Keith could stop himself he was leaning down gently pressing his lips against Lance’s. His lips tastes salty but were surprisingly soft. Keith vaguely registered that Lance was running his fingers through his black hair causing shivers to run down his spine. He wanted this. Oh God how he wanted this. 17. Oh God What was he doing. Keith suddenly pushed Lance away jumping to his feet. “What’s wrong?” Lance asked. “T-this isn’t right... this is illegal...” Lance snorted “so what?” “It’s wrong and disgusting!” Lance rose an eyebrow “you didn’t seem all that disgusted.” He nodded towards Keith’s crouch and he quickly covered his ‘situation’ with his hands. “W-well I’m not some boy whore for your fun! I’m not a disgusting prostitute with no self respect willing to throw himself at you!” A dark look spread across Lance’s face as he stood up and wiped his lips on his sleeve. “Fine if that’s how you feel. But you should know, prostitutes don’t always have a choice, sometimes it’s that or death. So maybe quit acting so high and mighty and stop pretending to be something your not.” Lance turned to leave the tent “I need to get ready for the show.” Keith wanted to yell at him. Ask him who he was to judge him or say that about prostitutes, that how the hell would he know. Then he remembered... If Pidge had come from the asylum, Hunk the gutter... Did that mean Lance had come from a brothel? Guilt stabbed at his gut. He had messed up big time. Keith promised he would make it right. He told himself it was because it was the right thing to do and not only because soon as he had pulled his lips away that it felt like he was missing something. He longed for Lance... If Lance made him feel this way then maybe... just maybe being gay wasn’t all that bad?
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Crusader of Life 2: Chapter 11
Jotaro peered over the horizon, seeing Kakyoin running over to him, waving.
“You’re really still ready to go?” Jotaro asked. His friend had just lost his only daughter, surely he wasn’t ready to come back and fight. “Nobody will blame you for taking a few days off to grieve Emily.”
“Well, as it turns out, Emily is fine,” Kakyoin answered through heavy breaths.
“What? B-but her body!” Koichi sputtered.
“Yes, that was, indeed, Emily’s dead body,” Kakyoin explained. “But Lily had duplicated her before it was too late, so there was another Emily with only a burn on her hand.”
“That’s a relief,” Josuke sighed. “I was getting pretty downhearted myself. She’s a cute kid.”
“Well, Kakyoin, if you’re really feeling yourself,” Jotaro smirked, “then welcome aboard.”
After telling Josuke and Koichi to stay at the shore, Jotaro started the boat, and they were off.
“Are you sure Josuke can take care of Chili Pepper if he shows up?” Kakyoin asked.
“Oh, believe me, he can,” Jotaro chuckled. “If anyone can take down that Stand, it’s Josuke.”
“I’ll send Hierophant to warn Mr. Joestar,” Kakyoin said. He summoned his Stand, and watched as it shot towards the slowly approaching ship. When Hierophant got there, he saw a familiar face, in an almost pitying state. Of course, he wasn’t expecting much different from Jotaro’s description of him.
“Excuse me, do you know where my cane is?” Joseph asked a Speedwagon worker.
“It’s right there, sir,” the worker answered.
“Ah, I see. Thank you.” Joseph reached for the cane, but stopped when it was carried over to him by Hierophant.
“It’s good to see you again, Mr. Joestar,” Kakyoin’s voice came through the Stand.
“There’s a voice I never thought I’d hear again,” Joseph smiled. “How are you doing, Kakyoin?”
“I’m doing fine, but that’s not important,” Hierophant told him. “You see, there’s a Stand user coming to attack you, and we wanted to warn you before it’s too late.”
“What’s that?” Joseph put a hand up to his ear. “A band member wants to whack me?”
This was not the Joseph Kakyoin knew a few years ago. “Staaand uuuuseeer… coming to ataaaaack yoooooou.”
“Ah, I see now,” Joseph said. “Sorry about that. Anyway, I’ve heard you and Lily have a child now. How are you liking that?”
“It’s hard, especially when Emily’s developed a Stand,” Hierophant laughed, “but I wouldn’t change it for the world.”
“A Stand user?” Joseph asked. “Is it killing her?”
“No,” Kakyoin answered. “Well, not exactly. It is making her sick, but we’ve been limiting her use of it, and she’s recovering really well. I think we can allow her to use Walking on Sunshine by the end of this week.”
“Kakyoin, why aren’t you calling back Hierophant?” Jotaro queried. “Is something wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong, Mr. Joestar just wants to talk,” Kakyoin reassured him. “It’s been forever since we’ve caught up with each other, after all.”
Jotaro nodded. “You did tell him about Red Hot Chili Pepper, right?”
“I did. He doesn’t seem the least bit worried, though.”
“Well, tell him that we’re about to board the ship.”
“Will do.” Kakyoin had Hierophant pass on the news to Joseph, who nodded in acknowledgement. Soon, their little boat was close enough, and Jotaro, Kakyoin, and Okuyasu all got on.
“You know, it’s been nice talking to you,” Joseph continued, “but I wish I could see your face once again.”
“No need,” Kakyoin entered the room, calling back Hierophant. Joseph’s lips curled up into a smile.
“My, how you’ve grown,” he said.
“It’s always a pleasure to see you again, Mr. Joestar.”
“Who’s that young man behind you?”
“Oh, him? This is Okuyasu.” Kakyoin let the boy through, revealing his whole body.
“Yup,” Okuyasu answered. “I’m Josuke’s neighbor, and also a Stand user.”
“A what?”
“A Stand user.”
“Stand user!”
“Ah, a Stand user,” Joseph nodded. Neither of them noticed that Kakyoin had snuck out, and was watching the ship dock with Jotaro.
“This is either gonna be really awkward or really heartwarming,” Jotaro grumbled, “and I’m not prepared for either.”
“Ah, still trying to keep that cold exterior as always, Jotaro,” Kakyoin chuckled. “Although, it will be really awkward for everyone if things don’t go well. I’m hoping that doesn’t happen.”
As the boat docked, and everyone safely made it to Morioh, Joseph emerged from the room he was in, and saw his son, Josuke, who couldn’t even look him in the eye.
“Great,” Jotaro whispered to Kakyoin, “it’s gonna be awkward.”
Joseph slowly walked down the ramp, but suddenly tripped, losing grip of his cane and falling to the floor. That is, until Josuke caught him.
“Watch your step,” he said. “You could fall in the ocean.”
“I’m sorry,” Joseph replied. “I would use my cane, but it seems like it broke while I was walking down here.”
Josuke looked at the cane, which he could easily fix, and sighed. “Looks like I have no choice.” He grabbed onto his father’s hand, and walked him down the rest of the way.
Kakyoin smiled brightly. Looks like it wouldn’t be awkward after all. “So, once we retrieve the bow and arrow and make sure the people affected don’t go mad with power, we should be pretty much done, right?”
Jotaro nodded. “The threat to Morioh will be gone, and if anyone else shows up to cause a commotion, Josuke and his friends will stop them right in their tracks.”
“We can finally go home soon,” Kakyoin sighed.
“Alright, start talking!” Jotaro slammed on the jail bars holding in Akira Otoishi, the user of Red Hot Chili Pepper. With him was Lily, standing by in case he tried anything funny.
“You won’t get anything out of me,” Akira scoffed, “I know you’re not going to kill me.”
“You got it, Jotaro.” Lily summoned Ace of Pentacles, and made a copy of Akira, which Star Platinum punched, and punched hard. Multiple times. When he was done, the copied Akira was practically bleeding out, but not dead.
“We could leave you like this,” Jotaro threatened. “On the brink of death. It’s not dead, but it sure hurts way more.”
“How about we put that copy out of its misery?” Lily asked Jotaro.
“That sounds like a good idea,” Jotaro answered, punching a hole through the second Akira’s abdomen.
“Okay, okay! I’ll talk!” Akira stammered. “Whatever you need to know, I’ll tell!”
“Good, good,” Jotaro nodded. “So, first off, where are you hiding the bow and arrow?”
“What are you gonna do with it?” Akira asked. Jotaro summoned Star Platinum again, and Akira backed into a corner. “My house! My house!”
“How many other people did you use the arrow on, and who survived?”
“I-I don’t know them all! Honest!” Akira squeaked. “I can tell you the ones I know, but there might be others I didn’t list.”
He told the two of them all that he could, all while begging to be spared. When he was done, Jotaro lowered his hat, and left the jail, along with Lily.
“That’s a lot of Stand users,” Lily half-laughed.
“Good grief, we’re never leaving this town,” Jotaro groaned.
“So, how did it go?” Kakyoin asked.
“Oh, it went fine,” Lily sighed. “Jotaro took notes on all of the people who survived getting hit by the arrow.”
“Geez, that’s a lot,” Kakyoin mumbled. “We need a babysitter for Emily if we’re gonna get all of these done.”
“Actually, that’s not a bad idea,” Lily commented. “Of course, her sitter must be another Stand user.”
“They can’t be against us, either,” Kakyoin added. “So someone we know and trust, for sure.”
“And their Stand helping them take care of a kid is a big plus, too,” Lily finished. Both of them looked at each other. They knew exactly who to ask.
“Josuke!” Tomoko yelled. “Get the door, would you?”
“I got it!” Josuke yelled back. He looked through the doorhole, and saw two, no, three familiar faces.
“Mr. Kakyoin, Mrs. Lily, Emily, hi!” he said. “What brings you here?”
“Well,” Lily rubbed behind her neck, “we have a job for you. A job that we’ll pay you for, of course, and one you can turn down if you don’t want to do it.”
“We need a babysitter for Emily,” Kakyoin finished. “We chose you because you meet all of our requirements, as well as meet some extra criteria, but we can choose someone else if you don’t want to.”
“It won’t start today, so feel free to think about it,” Lily added.
“I’d be happy to!” Josuke immediately responded.
“Really?” Kakyoin’s eyes widened. “You made the decision just like that?”
“Well, yeah, I mean, Emily’s the cutest thing, who wouldn’t want to spend the afternoon with her? Plus, me and her get along really well, and I can fix anything she breaks. What could go wrong?”
Kakyoin and Lily looked each other in the eye.
“Well, if you’re really sure, then your first day is tomorrow,” Lily told Josuke. “See you then!”
“Bye!” Josuke called. Tomorrow was going to be the best day ever.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Cookbook For Dogs
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/cookbook-for-dogs/
Cookbook For Dogs
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    ATTENTION, dog owners and lovers: Your dog may be in danger. It may be at risk… And you may not even know it.
Find out what this dangerous “feeding” mistake is… and whether you are indirectly harming your dog without even knowing.
Learn proven and effective methods that are used by over hundreds of dog lovers to increase their dog’s lifespan and quality of life.
Discover how to save a ton of your precious time and money when it comes to your dog’s food… and still ensure it stays healthy all year round.
(Read on to find out more…)
Dear fellow dog owner (and lover),
You are reading this because you are a dog owner (like myself), and you want the very best for your dog.
It’s a funny thing really. Sometimes, I get jokingly asked by my friends whether I actually love my dog or my husband more?
And you know what?
I have difficulty answering that question. All the time.
But here’s the shocking truth that nobody ever told you about…
Did you know that most dog owners want the best for their dogs… but yet they are causing it so much harm and pain without even knowing?
Maybe you are making this exact mistake too.
What is it?
Answer: Not feeding your dogs the right kind of foods.
In fact, here’s the truth that the pet food industry will NEVER ever tell you about…
Truth: 90% of commercially available dog food contains potentially harmful chemicals and preservatives that indirectly contribute to a wide variety of health problems and illnesses in dogs… And sometimes, they even result in death if the illness goes un-noticed and is not treated in time.
Stop harming your dog with the wrong foods (I had to learn that the hard way)
I don’t even need to guess.
If you’re reading this, it goes to show that you definitely want the best for your dog, and you want to see it grow strong and healthy…
So that you will be able to spend more quality time with your dog.
I can totally understand… because I have a dog named “Kuma”, and I treat him as if he were my precious child.
My name is Connie Hogan.
I got Kuma when he was just 3 months old, from a local breeder here in California.
It was just love at first sight (something that’s really hard to explain in words. But being a dog lover, I’m pretty sure you can relate).
Kuma meant so much to me, and watching him grow up everyday was truly a joy and blessing.
Watching him go crazy trying to find the squeakers in his new toys…
Watching him gobble down his food in an adorable (and very messy) way…
And of course, watching him jump and bark in glee after coming home from a tiring day at work.
That just makes your day, doesn’t it?
And things were going good…
Kuma was slowly getting bigger and stronger by the day, and I thought that I was doing everything right (in terms of feeding and caring for him).
Turns out… I was wrong!
(Read on for the shocking truth of what I was unknowingly doing to my dog)
What happened next, was totally unexpected and took me by surprise.
One Sunday evening, before Kuma and I were about to go out for our usual stroll at the local park…
My dog suddenly started growling in pain and fell unconscious… and the reality hit me that I may actually lose something that I held so dearly in my life.
And the worst part is… I didn’t even know what had caused this to happen. I thought I was doing everything right.
I immediately rushed Kuma to my local vet… and as I held him in my arms and felt his warm and soft fur…
I honestly thought that was going to be the last time I would be able to hold him.
During those moments while our vet was attending to him, my mind went completely blank and the only thing I could recall was all the times and memories Kuma and I spent together.
Thankfully, after about an hour of treatment and some remedies from the vet, Kuma regained consciousness and was able to move again.
“It’s highly likely your commercial dog food contained harmful chemicals and by-products, which threw off his liver enzymes and caused him to be in pain… And you don’t even know it!”
That’s the first thing that my veterinarian, Eddie, told me after he got out of the treatment room.
He explained to me that I had been feeding Kuma with so much commercial pet food…
And many of these commercial products available outside contain a truckload of harmful chemicals and preservatives that are damaging (and even deadly!) for a dog’s health.
He gave Kuma a full examination, and found that his liver was filled with so much artificial chemicals (from the commercial food that I had been feeding him…
This caused an infection and threw off his liver enzymes.
Kuma was suffering in silence as he couldn’t tell me that he was in pain, and I was slowly “poisoning” my own dog without even knowing it.
If things had been worse… he could have even lost his life, because of the harmful commercial pet food that I was feeding him… and I wouldn’t have known what happened!
It was time to find a solution that would allow me to have full control over what I was feeding my dog.
I wanted something that was not only healthy and clean… but also beneficial for my dog’s health (which can equate to a longer lifespan and better quality of life!)
That’s when I started looking for recipes that would allow me to create healthy, clean, and natural meals for my dog.
I consulted veterinarians, food experts and even dieticians!
And after months of searching for answers, I finally found a solution (read on below for the details).
IMPORTANT: Before I go on to share this solution with you, please take note…
Your dog may not faint (like mine did), and it may not even show any signs or symptoms of pain, or discomfort.
Heck, you may even think that what happened to my dog was overly dramatized, and could probably never happen in real life.
But the point I want to drive home here is not what happened to my dog.
This isn’t about my dog, nor is it about me.
This is about YOU and YOUR DOG.
Your dog may look like he or she is perfectly healthy and strong, with no signs of illness. But beware, the stuff that you are feeding it cannot be seen on the packaging of commercial products.
The additives, chemicals, and preservatives can slowly harm your dog’s health, and they can do nothing about it but suffer in silence.
So… don’t wait till the symptoms appear to realize that it’s too late.
Wouldn’t it be so much better if you can take control of your dog’s diet… and feed them natural and healthy ingredients that is not only more nutritious, but also much cheaper than the typical commercial foods?
The “Cookbook for Dogs” (You will NEVER need to buy another can of dog food!)
“You will be able to create healthy, nutritious, and tasty meals for your dog… with minimal time and effort required.
You no longer need to waste your hard-earned money on expensive commercial pet foods (that are filled with harmful chemicals and additives)…
But instead, you can easily whip up a delicious, healthy meal for fur baby… Anytime you want”
Sounds too good to be true?
That’s what Juanita thought to herself as well, when she first came across the “Cookbook for dogs” recipe manual.
But after giving it a try and seeing the results for herself, this is what she had to say:
“My Dogs Really Love These Recipes”
My dogs really love these recipes. Especially the treats in the Summertime! Its fun to prepare these meals and knowing that they’re good for them too, is a huge plus! If something isn’t safe enough for a human, why would you want to feed it to your dog? Also, thanks for including a list of toxic foods to avoid. It was a huge eye opener! Thanks again for the great recipes and attention to detail!
Juanita P. California
What will “Cookbook for Dogs” do for you (and your beloved pet)?
When you use the “Cookbook for Dogs” recipe manual to create meals for your dogs(s)…
You will be able to massively boost the nutritional content of EVERY SINGLE MEAL that you feed your dog… because the recipes consist of the most natural, healthy, and content-packed ingredients that have been recommended by over dozens of pet dieticians.
You will be able to increase the lifespan of your dog, and watch it grow strong and healthy… with little illnesses or health problems (which can be pretty costly and emotionally taxing on us dog owners)
You will have complete control over everything that goes into your dog’s mouth… and you will know that your dog is eating only the healthiest, cleanest, and highest quality of ingredients (no more of those toxic chemicals or preservatives that degrade your dog’s health)
You can easily create a healthy and sumptuous meal for your dog, even if you know nothing about pet food (the recipes are super simple, and have been created with speed and ease in mind. Even a complete newbie like myself was able to use these recipes to get my dog salivating!)
You can create specific meals and diets for all types of dogs (even if your pet has special diet needs, or is trying to lose/gain weight… You will still be able to find suitable recipes for it. We’ve got you covered every step of the way, with nothing left to chance J)
You will be able to save a ton of money on commercial pet foods, which can equate to massive cost savings over a sustained time period (Why waste money by feeding your dog with toxic and unhealthy commercial products… when you can spend so MUCH less and still ensure your dog has a clean, safe, and nutritional meal)
You can easily come up with recipes and meal plans for any dog… without worrying about specific problems or needs (our recipes are catered to fit dogs of all breeds, shapes, and sizes. Nothing is left out!)
You can easily get your dog to eat his/her meals (without any force or hassle)… because our recipes don’t just focus on being healthy and clean, BUT most importantly… they are tasty and will engage the taste buds of your dog like how a Scooby snack engages Scooby doo!
You will save yourself from a ton of worry and hassle (and also eliminate emotional stress)… knowing that your dog is consuming only the cleanest and healthiest foods, and thus will not be affected by any of those dangerous bacteria or harmful substances found in commercial pet meals.
You will get to enjoy the great joy and satisfaction of seeing your dog feel energetic, healthy, and strong… every single day (To me, this is the best part of being a dog owner – knowing that my actions have helped to make his/her life so much happier and livelier… because of the clean and nutritious food that I’ve made)
You are NOT alone.
Dozens of dog owners have already used the delicious recipes in “Cookbook for dogs” to get their dogs salivating… over clean, healthy, and nutritious meals
“Thank You For Providing Us With Safe, Nutritious And Delicious Options”
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What a fantastic solution to the potential dangers in processed dog food! If Geoff had his way, he would eat Turkey Stew and Bow Wow Biscuits for all his meals and snacks! Thank you for providing us with safe, nutritious, and delicious options to enjoy throughout the year!
John K. and Geoff Milton, FL
“Best of All, She Really Enjoys It!”
After my first dog Mia passed away from cancer, I began looking into healthier foods for my second dog, Gidget and found Cookbook for Dogs. It’s nice to know exactly what’s in the food she’s eating and best of all, she really enjoys it!
Nancy M. California
“The Recipes Are Very Easy To Make”
It seems like everywhere you turn, there is more news about pet food warnings and recalls due to dangerous ingredients. Soon, I plan to adopt another dog and want to make sure that he only gets the best from me. I found that the recipes in Cookbook for dogs are very easy to make and they’re healthy too. Thanks Connie!
Edgar A. California
Alright… you are absolutely serious about your dog’s health and nutrition. BUT, how much is this worth to you?
To be honest…
I didn’t want to make this too affordable at first.
Because I only wanted the MOST committed and serious dog owners on board – people who actually care for their dogs and want the best for them. Nothing less.
This next sentence may scare you (but I’m still going to say it)…
Many of my private customers have paid up to $100 just to get a copy of this “Cookbook for dogs” recipe manual.
And I actually wanted to charge the same price this time.
But, over the past few months, I have actually got a ton of feedback from past customers…
Telling me how they have truly benefited from my “cookbook for dogs” recipe manual, and how it has helped them to see massive changes in their dog’s health, fitness, and wellness.
“I Enthusiastically Recommend This To All Dog Lovers”
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Absolutely love this book! This is such a wonderful cookbook, there are so many very easy, wholesome recipes. I enthusiastically recommend this book to all dog lovers.
Kelley C. California
These are the exact same recipes that have:
Helped dozens of dog owners create appetizing and delicious meals for their dogs… that feeding and getting them to eat isn’t a problem anymore.
Helped several dog owners treat their dog’s dietary illnesses… and become strong and healthy (as if they never had a problem in the first place!)
Helped dog owners to save a ton of money on commercial dog food (which can be pretty expensive if you add up the costs)
Helped dog owners prolong their dog’s lifespan (longer than the average lifespan of dogs their breed)… and enjoy more quality time together with their dogs.
And thus, I have decided to make this available to all the dog-lovers out there… for much much less than the original price.
For a limited time… You can get hold of these recipes to create healthy and nutritious meals for your dogs…
For only $27 (Yes, you didn’t read that wrong. It’s not the usual $100 my past clients have been paying
But that’s not all…
I am going to take away all the risk from you… With my “No worries, No nonsense, and No hassle” money-back guarantee
I know what you’re thinking…
“What if these recipes don’t work?”
“What if I don’t like the recipes and it doesn’t suit my dog?”
“What if my dog doesn’t grow wings after eating this?” (kidding here)
These are real questions that many of my past clients have bombarded me with before they got the “cookbook for dogs” recipe manual.
And my answer is always the same…
If you’re not 100% satisfied with what you learn in this cookbook…
Just shoot me an email within the next 60 days, and I will refund you the full amount of money you paid for.
No worries, no nonsense, and no hassle.
You get your money back in full… with ZERO questions asked.
I want to make this fool-proof for you…and no way you can lose anything from this investment.
BUT… that’s NOT all (More ‘awesome-ness’ is in store for you… AND your dog!)
I want to make this special for you.
Look… I know how much your dog means to you, and how committed you are to ensuring that your dog gets the best treatment and care.
The fact that you’ve read this letter till here only goes to show that you are absolutely serious about your dog’s nutrition, and you want the best for it.
No additives, no chemicals, no harmful preservatives…
ONLY the cleanest, most natural, and highest-quality ingredients are allowed to be in your dog’s bowl. Nothing less.
To reciprocate the commitment and dedication shown on your part…
I am going to be offering 3 fast action bonuses, for the first 100 customers who pick up a copy of my “cookbook for Dogs” recipe manual.
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Remember… these fast action bonuses can NOT be found elsewhere… and I am only going to be sharing them with the first 100 customers.
Once the first 100 copies of the “Cookbook for dogs” recipe manual have been snapped up… these bonuses will be taken off the market. Forever.
So, HONESTLY ask yourself these questions…
“Are you truly serious about your dog’s health, nutrition, and quality of life?”
“Do you truly desire to give your dog the best that you can offer?”
If you answered “YES” to the following questions…
Then you will definitely want to grab a copy of the “Cookbook for dogs” recipe manual, because after applying these recipes… I’m sure you will see a huge positive difference in your dog’s health and quality of life.
So… take action right now, and order your copy of “Cookbook for Dogs”
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“Must Have For Dog Owners!”
Awesome cook book for dogs! Being in the Organic and Natural food industry I love knowing what’s actually in my dogs food now! Recipes are easy and book does a great job of explaining how to make them! Must have for dog owners!
Stephen G. Arizona
Yours truly,
Connie Hogan
P.S. Like I said…
This cookbook is only for dog owners who are truly serious and committed to their dog’s health.
If you want something that can massively improve your dog’s nutrition and ensure it eats better (clean food that’s free of harmful chemicals and additives)…
Then the “Cookbook for dogs” recipe manual will definitely benefit YOU and YOUR dog.
Besides… you are backed by my 60-day satisfaction guarantee…
Just like dozens of other dogs… YOUR dog can be my next success story.
Click here to get a copy of “Cookbook for dogs”, and start feeding your dog with the healthy and nutritious meals it deserves.
(Oh… did I mention, that these meals are delicious too?)
See you on the other side!
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biavenger · 7 years
Let It Rain;
Summary: Bucky Barnes always tried his best to be in control, especially as he adjusts to life free of Hydra. On missions, he comes across almost as bossy as the Captain, only out of love. But this was one thing he couldn’t control, couldn’t plan for.
A/N: Warning for major character death!!!! Also, bonus points if you get the musical reference. Let me know if you have any requests. I hope all you love bugs are having good weeks xx 
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“We have an emergency,” Steve burst into the Tower’s living room, causing a chorus of groans in response to his announcement that their day off would be interrupted by an unforeseen incident. Sam, who was taking a nap on the couch, was shaken away by Natasha as Steve got ready to debrief the team. “There’s a hostage situation in the Czech Republic that’s rumored to be coordinated by Hydra. We need to get over there, get in, and solve the issue with as few civilian casualties as possible.”
Everyone nodded, not paying much attention to Steve’s voice as they dispersed quickly to their respective rooms to prepare for the day’s work. Y/N grumbled to herself as she shrugged off a plush onesie and replaced it with her stealth suit. The thick, protective leather material clung to her skin almost uncomfortably, clinging to every curve of her form. This allowed Y/N to remain agile while fighting her opponents, but it didn’t change the fact that it was hot, sweaty, and often uncomfortable to wear. Not to mention, it didn’t provide much protection from potential wounds, not that anyone could hit Y/N in the first place.
“C’mon, you’re not going to meet the Queen,” Steve banged rudely on her door, “Let’s get it moving!” It was pretty routine for Y/N to be the last one climbing on board the Quinjet, yet the rest of the team was surprised each time by her near tardiness.
Finishing off by slicking her hair back into a bun, she deemed herself mission-ready. 
“You look like a founding father when you wear your hair like that,” Sam teased Y/N as she situated herself next to him on the Quinjet, which took off almost as soon as her butt hit the seat. 
“Ha-ha, so funny,” Y/N tried to sound irritated as she responded, but a smile crept on her face anyway. She regarded Sam as one of her closest friends in the Tower; they were both fairly new to the team, and were often sparring together in the gym at odd hours of the morning to keep up with the more experienced members. They confided in each other a lot; Sam revealed to her his chronic nightmares, the fears that plagued him at night. She told him about her crush on Bucky, and how she feared being too inadequate for anyone to love.
This fear of hers was often affirmed by the way Bucky flirted around with everyone-but her. After acclimating to the dynamics of the Avenger’s team and the modern era, his old personality began to shine through the gruff exterior he had developed since the 40s; ladies fell for it, including Y/N. Sam took every chance he got to goad her, making her regret any instance she had opened up to him about her feelings.
Everyone sat in silence pretty much the rest of the ride, silently brooding to themselves about the lack of time off the team got. Y/N didn’t mind, though. She liked being able to help people who couldn’t help themselves.
Her eyes flickered over each member of the team, observing their moods. Natasha was as stony-faced as ever, gazing out the window and mentally preparing for what was ahead. Tony and Bruce were up in the cockpit, with Bruce behind the wheel; Tony decided it was the best way to let him stay involved without anyone getting Hulk-smashed. Steve was reading over mission notes again and again to himself, determined to minimize any chance of error. Every time he lost somebody- Bucky in the 40s, Pietro in Sokovia- this pre-mission ritual got more and more intense. 
Sam and Y/N sat side by side, not saying much. In fact, Y/N noted that Sam appeared to have dozed off. There was a slight rumbling noise coming from him which could only be his snoring (something she noted to make fun of him for later).
Finally, her gaze rested on Bucky, and lingered there longer than it had for any of the other teammates. His eyes were shut so tightly that his forehead wrinkled, and she knew he wasn’t asleep. On longer Quinjet rides, Bucky tended to get nervous, and had to work twice as hard to remember that he was James Buchanan Barnes, a kid from Brooklyn who loved his best friend, Steve Rogers, and a kid who just wants to be a good person again.
Y/N shrugged Sam off of her shoulder, which he had adjusted to use as a pillow, as she walked across the aisle to take the seat next to Bucky. His eyes didn’t open at the movement, but the way his fingers twitched in response to the noise let her know that he was aware of her presence next to him.
Before, she would ask him if he was okay, prodding him to open his eyes and talk to her about it. Now, though, she learned it was best to just sit next to him in the silence, being a pillar of support without interfering in his coping process.
The jet finally landed with a shuddering jerk, and everyone began to shuffle around as they prepared to make their exit and approach the mission site. Sam still hadn’t woken up, so Y/N took it upon herself to give him a wet-willy to prompt him awake (which got a slight chuckle from Bucky, at least). 
Steve exited first, followed by Tony, Natasha, and Sam. Bruce was supposed to stay unless absolutely needed. Y/N waited for Bucky to exit before her, when he reached into his pocket, pulling out a picture of a beautiful woman with long, blonde ringlets and large blue eyes.
Y/N recognized the woman in the picture as the last girl Bucky had gone out on a date with. She remembered how her heart ached as she helped Bucky pick a tie that matched the rest of his outfit, and assured him that of course, this girl would love him. What girl wouldn’t?
Apparently, Y/N was very, very right.
Y/N shook off the horrible feeling that crept over her as the moment ended with Bucky tucking the picture carefully back into the breast pocket of his stealth suit, stepping off the Quinjet and onto the rough, coarse gravel.
One thing Y/N never got used to when it came to fighting was the absolute chaos of it. She was easily distracted, trying to be everywhere at once. The main reason she was recruited by S.H.I.E.L.D in the first place was her ability to teleport over any distance, which came in handy when one member of the team was being overwhelmed. 
Currently, the fighting was in the Avenger’s favor. Tony was blasting bad guys out of the way as Steve and Natasha rushed towards the building where the hostages were supposedly held. Sam was currently trying to get a visual on the inside, although most of the windows were blacked out, anyway. Y/N and Bucky were helping to provide cover for everyone as Hydra reinforcements flooded the area. 
“Maybe there are no hostages,” one of the boys said over the comm system, although Y/N was too distracted to decipher who, “Maybe this was just an ambush.”
Y/N silently agreed as exponentially more Hydra soldiers descended upon her and Bucky, although Bucky was taking the brunt of the fighting. Usually, the enemy didn’t label Y/N as much of a threat, which was good for her. She was the only member of the team not to have been shot or stabbed so far (Natasha was winning with four in each category). 
No one could have seen it coming.
Y/N was frantically teleporting back and forth from place to place, trying to help out where she could. The fighting was getting thick, but Natasha and Steve needed more time to find a safe way into the building. No one had confirmed if there were even really hostages yet, but the Avengers all agreed to treat the situation like there was.
However, in terms of injuries, this was probably their best mission yet. Usually by this point, at least one or two members would be down with some kind of injury that took them out of the fighting. Wanda was their last casualty, and was restricted to the tower for two weeks after being shot in the foot. 
All of Steve’s planning was paying off; every foreseen complication was addressed and handled adequately with no negative consequences on the team.
But again, no one could have seen it coming. And its the things that no one prepares for that come back in the end.
Bucky was struggling under the brunt of the fighting, and so was Y/N. She kept her eye on him, though, in case he needed her assistance. At any moment, she was ready to teleport and save the day.
He was handling one Hydra soldier and about to finish him off when another crept up behind, about to stab a knife through the thin gap that Bucky’s armor didn’t quite cover.
Y/N caught it too late. Usually, she would be able to teleport in time and kick the guy’s ass. This time, she only had a moment to teleport in between the knife and Bucky. It struck her right between her ribs.
Bucky’s adrenaline was high as he finished both men off. He didn’t quite process what had happened, even as he looked down at her, seeing the blood pool and the knife that was still jabbed into Y/N’s body.
He kneeled beside her, gently readjusting her so that her body was cradled in his arms. Y/N’s hands reached up to pull out the knife that was uncomfortably in the way, but Bucky grabbed her hands to stop her. 
“Don’t, you might cause more damage,” Bucky ordered gruffly, although he knew no amount of damage could make things worse. Y/N was dying, and they both knew it.
“Is everything okay?” Steve questioned over the comm, “Nat and I have secured the building- there are no hostages, we’re clear to search the perimeter.” 
“Fine-” Y/N tried to choke out, although it didn’t come through clearly on the comm at first, “Everything’s fine out here. We’ll be that way in a minute.” Bucky opened his mouth to protest, but quickly closed it. He understood that she didn’t want the entire team fretting over her. 
It had begun to drizzle over them, causing Bucky to start to try and shelter Y/N’s fragile body with his own. This, he thought, is the last good thing he can do for her. 
“Don’t, Buck,” Y/N assured him, “The rain can’t hurt me now. You’re here- that’s all I need to know.” The way she was looking at him with loving, trusting eyes made him want to tear his own heart out. He knew how much Y/N loved him, he just never felt the same way. But now, watching her body shudder and tremble as it processed what happened to it, he wish he could have. 
Blood had already begun to pool in her mouth as her punctured lungs gave out, and the rest of her organs followed suit. Tears flowed down Bucky’s face and dripped onto hers, leaving clean trails where dirt used to be. Bucky hoped Y/N couldn’t tell the difference between his anguish and the rain; he needed to be strong for her, in these moments.
Leaning forward, he kissed the space between her eyebrows gently. Her entire body relaxed in his arms as she did so, and he forced himself to choke back a scream as he realized Y/N was really gone.
“What’s going on?” Sam asked, landing near them, “Steve asked me to check on what was taking you two so long and- oh my god.” Sam cut himself off mid-sentence as he finally grasped the scene before him. 
He rushed forward, kneeling next to her body and brushing the hair that had fallen out of her bun off of her face- he knew how much Y/N hated having hair in her eyes while she was working.
The rain started coming down harder, washing away the evidence of what had happened there, and concealing the tears of the two men you loved the most.
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kpopgerapitico · 6 years
EOYR 2017: K-Dramas Part 1
I couldn’t do all the dramas I wanted to talk about (in depth) in one post. So here is the first one.
For this list, these dramas are decent. They are not the cream of the crop, and they all have issues. But for some reason (hint: it’s usually chemistry), at the end of the year looking back, I still love them.
So here, in no particular order. I decided to make a different format than my song stuff, because of course I should. So I borrowing a little bit from Dramabeans, and a little bit from Josei next Door (both of whom (or whoms? since Dramabeans is a bunch of people) do great work).
Strong Woman Do Bong Soon:
In A Sentence: Do Bong Soon is super strong, thus shenanigans ensue (and maybe some romance).
Steer Clear If: You cannot suspend disbelief (cause oh boy) or if you expect this to be your new feminist drama. It is not.
There are some extraordinary parts of this drama. Namely Park Hyunsik throughout, though the lead Park Bo Young does some good work too. The romance is squee worthy in a lot of places. And it hits the notes you want from superhero dramas. It is really fun to have a beta male who is so in love with the lead, and doesn’t fear her strength quite as much as get turned on by it. Again, Park Hyunsik kills it, his face in this whole drama is both meme worthy as well as an epiphany for his acting skills. Some of the humor is also really good (the sandbags always get me, as well as the high school gang), and if you like low brow humor, there is quite a bit of that as well. Also, the soundtrack has the superpower girl sound, which is great, is one of the few songs that I remember from a drama well enough to sing it in my head without any prompting.
Then, there is the rest of this show. Boy is it a train wreck. There is a serial killer plot line that could be really good in a different super hero show (maybe Blade Man?), but is absolutely jarring. Jisoo plays a second lead that is never more than half-dimensional character. There is a caricature of a gay man played only for humor. There is some very possibly manipulative behavior from the lead guy to the girl. There is mentioned abuse between the mother and father, which is also played for comedy. There is a whole lot of stuff that makes me very unhappy with this show.
But then I remember how much I was crying while Ahn Min Hyuk refused to leave Do Bong Soon on the roof to die. Or how much it hurt every time Ahn Min Hyuk’s family was mean to him. Or how much I loved how confident Do Bong Soon was, and how much she fell from that, every once in a while.
And it reminds me that for all its faults, this show still managed to make me care. And that this year was quite a feat.
Age of Youth 2:
In A Sentence: The girls are back (for the most part), with more of the hi jinks of college, and life just after.
Steer Clear If: You like dramas that don’t disappoint you at the last possible second. Or you haven’t seen the first season (do it, it’s better).
I love a lot about this series as a whole, and this season kept a lot of that up. Even if I had to fight with everyone else for subs. Han Yeri’s plot line still makes me very happy, even as she navigates another incredibly hard job this season. It makes me wonder why she isn’t in more dramas every year with how well she does. Han Seung Yeon’s character got her happy ending and it felt deserved. Kim Min Seok was the treasure we all know and love from Descendants of the Sun, this time cuter and more honest. Lee You Jin was also an epiphany this season, doing better in the role of awkward and uncomfortable in your own body than I think Onew would have. Choi A Ra’s character was one of the more background characters for me in remembering the show, but stands out for how she related to Kim Min Seok.
You may have noticed some names missing. The first, the first year couple from the first season, suffered from a recast and a re-characterization that also made no sense to me. No wonder he broke up with her as she went straight down the line to crazy town (she was literally being a stalker/overly attached ex through half the season).
Then comes my biggest gripe. There is AMAZING chemistry for the whole season (and a lot of last season) between Im Sung Min (Son Seung Won) and Song Ji Won (Park Eun Bin). We have all been waiting for them to get together for 2 WHOLE SEASONS!!!!! And what did the show do? Dangle the relationship in front of us, and leave us with NOTHING at the end. NOTHING!!!!!!!!
In the end, there is a lot to love about this show. I think this season especially gave us incredibly relatable women, and quite a few swoon worthy men as well. It enforced the community around the first season and helped it grow (my favorite part of the community is the subber who does the English subs on the JTBC Drama YouTube channel, they are amazing). And it showed us that everyone has similar problems to us, and deals with them just as poorly as we do.
While You Were Sleeping:
In A Sentence: A girl can’t stop the future deaths she sees in her sleep, but maybe with some help she can.
Steer Clear If: You expect things to always makes sense (cause they don’t) or you expect a procedural to keep you interested in the week to week plot (it really isn’t all that great)
While You Were Sleeping is two different shows smashed into one. One of the shows, the rom com starring Suzy and Lee Jong Suk, works always and forever because their chemistry is adorable. The other show, a crime procedural about a girl who can the the future deaths of others? I really really really want it to work, and it is a bummer that it doesn’t really work all that well at all.
The plot is convoluted as all get out. And more importantly, it’s sort of boring in a lot of parts. Or maybe it just isn’t for me. Maybe I just don’t care about the inner workings of law in Korea.
But, if you leave the plot out, and instead look at the directing and the characters, it is a good drama. There is a whole lot of great emotional punches, most if not all of which hit. There is a great plot about brotherly love. There is a great plot about a guy and a girl just being friends, and the guy for the most part doesn’t get bent out of shape about the fact that she doesn’t have feelings for him. And most of the show, he really doesn’t have feelings either.
And there is Suzy and Lee Jong Suk’s characters, whose personalities are both half confidence, half embarrassing misunderstandings. It makes for prime rom-com territory. I especially like all the times they put their respective feet in their mouths. It had me laughing every time.
And the emotional hits do well too, with tears when it was appropriately sad, and laughter when it was funny. What more can you ask for from your entertainment.
Suspicious Partner:
In A Sentence: A lawyer in training becomes a murder suspect, but it’s a rom com.
Steer Clear If: You get annoyed when plot becomes more important than characters.
I rewatched most of this show in preparation to write this. And at first, I could not realize why I remember only liking this show. It was so good. It hits all my favorite rom com notes: witty banter, respect between the two leads (both of opinions and often emotions), characters that call each other out (or even themselves in the case of the lead women stalking the lead guy), and everyone else shipping them too.
But then the 3rd act happens. And there is a whole lot of crap. There is noble idiocy. There is characters holding things back from each other. There is Ji Chang Wook being a badass (the only highlight of this section). There are characters suddenly acting differently for no other reason than it makes the plot work. It goes off the rollers.
But the first 30 or so episodes? They are pretty amazing. There is a friendship between a guy and a girl! And there is never a crush or love line between them! And they use that closeness to make the main guy jealous! Hell, he gives her chocolate for that purpose, or maybe just because he is legitimately nice.
Also, the funniest thing I have seen in a drama this year happened in this drama. There is a scene (mild but obvious spoiler) where the main couple reveals themselves to the moms. And the best friend and office guy (he has more personality than that I promise) pretend to be shocked. And I watched it over and over again, giggling every single time.
School 2017:
In A Sentence: It is hard to succeed in a high school ruled by money and grades, but damn it Ra Eun Ho is going to try!!!
Steer Clear If: You aren’t a fan of the school series, or high school dramas in general, because this uses all of the tropes, good and bad.
School 2017 is a return to form of the School franchise after the train wreck of 2015 (I didn’t watch 2015 because I waited long enough for it to have bad reviews and thus stop me from watching). And boy does it do the return well. It has the romance you want from a school drama, adorable and cute in every way, as well as the bromance we all loved from School 2013. It has the wonderful discovery of Kim Sejeong in a role that she absolutely destroyed at, and most of the rest of the young cast also doing super well (I liked Kim Jung Hyun a lot and Min Sung Wook was rudely underutilized).
My one and only problem with School 2017 is that it wanted to do just a few too many plots. It meant that they couldn’t go very deep into any of them. I loved most of the plot, but I can’t fully get behind a series that never gets the full depth of everything. I especially didn’t like that the best friend got super shafted in her plot line, especially since she had some cute buildup in the beginning where they could have made some astute commentary about fan culture, and then they threw that away because they didn’t have time for it with the main storyline getting so complex and large. It was a waste of what could have been a cute part of the show.
But, School 2017 is still a good show, with endearing characters. It reminded me of Sassy Go Go in the best way possible. It made me remember high school fondly, which is hard to do, and exactly what I want from this franchise.
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