#its so important to me that he is allosexual while being aro
feelingthedisaster · 6 months
i believe in aroallo leo valdez supremacy
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chrisemrysfics · 3 years
What I always loved about Wangxian is that you can headcanon what you wish about their gender and orientation, and the ways their dynamic can go, because the very basis is the unconditional they give each other. However they present as, whoever they are, their values are what truly make them, and it is through these values they connect, bond, find this deep pull, and learn to make it healthy, all without conditions.
If someone shift the values, it can still be Wangxian, because the dynamic can mirror the canon one, and it is simply the values that changed. Not everyone might feel like its still Wangxian, but others will find something they enjoy from this.
So back to gender and orientation: I don’t know if MTXT did this purposefully or if its an unexpected result of the mix between their values, and their dynamics, but I find that, however you headcanon them, you can find canon reasons behind it.
Al “block” canon gives us is that we see their masculine bodies, so its in theory “not canon” to view them as trans men... unless you make believable that there is surgery, Xianxia-style.
Another “block” is that we seem them be physically intimate, implying that purely canonically, they are either sex-positive or sex-neutral. They also both have their kinks and shown with libido. However, libido is actually different than attraction, it isn’t because you can day-dream and dream and feel aroused by something, that you will enjoy the reality of it.
So at most, they are sex-neutral or sex-positive ace spectrum, have libido, and simply didn’t separate their libido from attraction, and so tested out their libido-desires and found it pleasant. In the same manner, while they’re rather strongly shown as romantic, they might also still be aro spectrum, and have such a deep, platonic bond, that they assume its romantic, especially if they do enjoy physical intimacy and emotional intimacy.
In term of gender, they are comfortable with who they are. Wei Wuxian has no issue making himself more feminine, because he knows it does not de-valuate who he is. Whether he is cis, trans, non binary, agender, etc, he’s comfortable with who he is, and the same way, Lan Wangji show no issue with it. He’s also shown to not mind “feminine roles”, for example, he is directly mirroring Jiang Yanli has a cook, and cooking for people they love. Wei Wuxian dreams show Lan Wangji in “roles” more often seen in the wife, and yet, it is Wei Wuxian who jokes that he is the wife/can get pregnant.
In addition, for all that Lan Wangji is seen topping, I would argue that Wei Wuxian is the dominant. He’s the one who riles Lan Wangji up, and directs everything, he’s the one speaking, deciding the scene he wants. He does seem to enjoy being in the vulnerable position, as if he has no control and its all given to Lan Wangji, but it makes him both dominant and submissive, the same way Lan Wangji end up both submissive and dominant.
In short: I view Wangxian as actually outside any gender or orientation.
Somehow, someway, the way they are written, the way their dynamic work, they can fit any gender and orientation you give them.
If MXTX meant to do this, or at least, to show them as not fitting the traditional hetero-norm, it worked, maybe more than MXTX might have hoped or realized, and if MXTX didn’t mean to, it means the basis of their dynamic and the dynamic themselves were so well written, that it transcends the “headcanon” of MXTX for her canon.
As for my person headcanons that just resonate with me the most:
I see Wei Wuxian as pan-romantic demi-sexual, with libido and sex-neutral. I also view him as either a man who doesn’t mind femininity in his masculinity, or he doesn’t really care about gender, and he likes his body, so he just goes with it, but also he goes with what he likes.
I see Lan Wangji has demi-romantic grey-sexual, with libido and sex-positive, and similarly to Wei Wuxian, he’s either a man who has no issue with anything seen as feminine, or isn’t really caring about gender and is simply comfortable in his own body.
To give a few words of how this formed for me: out of the two, Lan Wangji seems to be the one who is the first to seek the physical intimacy, which can mean he’s more sex-positive than Wei Wuxian, who seem to enjoy the idea of it (libido) but doesn’t actively seek it (sex-neutral).
Wei Wuxian as demi sexual is because he only truly show active attraction once he’s formed a deep bond with Lan Wangji, and has become aware of his own feelings (has stopped being in denial, I do also headcanon he wasn’t oblivious but rather in denial, which can end up making him half blind himself). Meanwhile, Lan Wangji as grey is because he pretty much went from “nope” to “yes” but for a single person. He could have worked as demi, however, personally I view demi as needing that bond (which he wouldn’t have at the start), while I view gray as more “rare but it happens” (without a bond first, the way allosexual can feel attracted physically very early on, sometimes right from meeting).
Lan Wangji being demi romantic is because he did need to let himself develop a bond toward Wei Wuxian (acceptance to his attraction), before he felt love. He was attracted, he felt drawn, but he fell in love once he allowed it to happen, and its through the bonds they formed. Potentially, grey-romantic can work, or homoromantic too, if we consider he might just not have met anyone he had felt drawn to. However, his reactions to his initial crush/attraction can imply he never felt like this before, and so, Wei Wuxian is the first to actually make him feel attracted, be it romantically, sexually, or both.
I’d say Wei Wuxian can be called bi romantic or pan romantic, it depends how you view the terms. As Wei Wuxian is not faced with someone he realizes is non-binary/agender/etc, we only see him show consideration for feminine people/women, and masculine people/men, he might only show attraction toward Lan Wangji, however, to me its both that he thinks his appreciation of a man’s beauty has nothing to do with attraction (which can also link with his demi sexuality!), and that he’s sort of “stuck” in hetero-normativity.
I’d say for Lan Wangji, what happened with his parents might have broken any “rainbow and sunshine” he had about the hetero norm around him, he knew het couples can be miserable, and in addition, the Lan actively separate men and women, and adding the roles, I’d say a result is that the Lan children and teen are not exposed to het couples, and rather can only ever be exposed to their own parents. So Lan Wangji only truly had his own parents example, and his non wedded Uncle.
On the other end, Wei Wuxian had het parents who loved each other (so an example of healthy hetero couples), the Jiang leaders (an unhealthy het couple), Jiang Yanli’s example (for him she deserved to be loved as she is), and speaking of Jiang Yanli, while it is purely familial, she did show him unconditional love. So Wei Wuxain actively had example of both healthy and unhealthy het couple, and has been shown unconditional love... which Lan Wangji didn’t get to have or see!
That’s why Wei Wuxian is actively comfortable following his own values and being himself: he understands het couples can work or not work out, and he understands from Jiang Yanli what it means to be loved without conditions. Meanwhile, Lan Wangji has been taught the values of self control and righteousness, yet he’s never had healthy couples presented to him, and anything mature was pretty much only meant to be dealt with if he got engaged and left for wedding night and after. If he never felt attracted, he potentially assumed he would never marry, or be politically married.
Meanwhile, Wei Wuxian had no rules that prevented him to explore, and its important because this explain why he flirts and yet we can see he doesn’t pursue: he understands he likes the idea of it, that he does enjoy feminine bodies (and potentially he does see men beauty), but he realized he doesn’t actively seek it. He realized he want to save himself up, including kissing, for the person he will actively want to share his life with. In short: he’s basing himself of his parents and the idea of unconditional love.
That’s why he only truly accept his own feelings in his second life: Lan Wangji didn’t know how to show he loved Wei Wuxian unconditionally (be it platonic with sex in it, or queerplatonic, or romantic), so Wei Wuxian didn’t realize Lan Wangji was someone he could find what his parents had and have it be unconditional. However, the moment Lan Wangji showed unconditional love, Wei Wuxian was thrown off guard, and started to notice how he felt all over again, and he realized “hey maybe its possible after all”.
Before, in his first life, he denied himself because he thought Lan Wangji hated him and/or disapproved of him, which mean Wei Wuxian thought the love was conditional. Because of Wei Wuxian self esteem issues, he didn’t see any blame, because Wei Wuxian himself viewed himself as not worthy of Lan Wangji unconditional love, thus he wasn’t surprised by not receiving it (or so he thought), but here is where we can see how important it is for him to be loved unconditionally: because he perceived he wouldn’t be loved unconditionally, he did not pursue Lan Wangji.
He had feelings for Lan Wangji, but be it subconsciously (oblivious) or somewhat consciously (in denial), he refused to sacrifice his own values behind a partner (unconditional love), because he did know he could be loved unconditionally (by a sister), however he also considered that he had lost his worth (or maybe even didn’t have any, and only Jiang Yanli could love him without condition as his sister, almost mother).
So its only when Lan Wangji showed love without condition, thus also implying he sees worth in Wei Wuxian, but never asking anything out of him, that Wei Wuxian subconscious finally allowed the consideration of Lan Wangji as a romantic partner.
Both of them, funnily enough, knew what they wanted: Lan Wangji realized he wanted Wei Wuxian, while Wei Wuxian knew he wanted a partner who would love with without conditions.
So Lan Wangji had to learn to express himself properly and show he would love without conditions (which is exactly the growth he had to go through!), and Wei Wuxian had to see and realize that Lan Wangji loved him and it was unconditional (which is what happened!).
And it is as I’ve said: it transcends the gender or orientation you assign, because at the core, its all about unconditional love, one character seeking to express themselves and learn to show its unconditional, and another character seeking to receive this and share this with someone capable of unconditional love.
In the end, they both are capable of unconditional love, and that’s why they are so in tune with their own values: regardless of their self esteem/worth, they actively see their own values and accept these unconditionally, and seek to apply them. Lan Wangji struggled a bit more with public opinion, which is due to growing in a space that assigned punishment and wrongs a lot more than the rest of the world they lived in, while Wei Wuxian struggled with how much he allowed, due to growing up being blamed for things he knew, deep down, he wasn’t the cause of.
Lan Wangji then had the pro side of knowing the punishment/wrong were “alright right to give”, while Wei Wuxian grew up knowing he only had his own moral compass to follow, since he would get punished unfairly. Thus, Lan Wangji had to break free of a “moral compass” that proved faulty eventually and for his own (that still kept what worked of the old one), while Wei Wuxian always followed his own.
This, again, played a part in Lan Wangji needed to learn to express and show his love as unconditional (because he needed to figure things out after he realized what he grew up with didn’t fit him anymore) and Wei Wuxian staying true  to his heart, including that he wanted a partner that offered unconditional love, while also thinking that he had no worth, or at least fewer worth that others (and so that anyone “more worthy than him” would “of course” not show him unconditional love).
I love Wangxian so all of this, because it shows both finding and following your own values, and unconditional love. They show there is no shame either behind waiting for the one you feel is the right one for you, but also that you can still want them to show unconditional love. And they also show, as a bonus, a healthy physical intimacy, which include being able to face your own desires without judging yourself, and the absolute trust between the partners.
And that’s all happening side by side with their growth as people, learning to communicate more clearly and honestly, forgiving themselves while also knowing where you actively hurt others (did “wrong”) and where people put on your false blame (Wei Wuxian says it, he’ll accept his own faults, but he doesn’t allow others to blame him for what he didn’t do), learning and knowing their own values, and following these.
That’s why, regardless of what they did, MXTX has called them good people: everyone can make mistakes, however, it is how you deal with them that is the truthful indicator.
They both are able to recognize where they are truly at fault, and where there false blame, and when they perceived they are at fault, they seek to correct these (apologize, seek punishment or accept punishment, which is acceptable in their system, do what is needed to correct it). Meanwhile, if they see injustice, they seek to correct that, and the issues they face is because of the lack of fairness and objective thinking from others, for example black and white mentality is based on not being able to be objective, as you need to be objective to deal with the “grey” areas (its also a matter of an extremely judgmental system that will view as not even human and worthy of anything, anyone who they consider “wrong”).
Their values, their hearts, are in the place of fairness, justice, the “good” place, and its because of the outside system that they face issues, both due to how the environment raised them, and the ways people reacted to them as they try to be true to their own values and hearts.
And that’s why, when they find each other, they feel so drawn to each other: they recognize, subconsciously, that they match. Its only once they learned to go past the issues caused by how they grew up, and go past any worry about the system around them, that they realized how the other felt, and allowed themselves to become a couple, and stand together in the values they share.
And the most beautiful factor, what really make me so happy with this story, is that they have a happy ending.
Its so easy, too easy, to see fictions end up harming or “punishing” or de-valuating people who are trying to be true to themselves, or pushing an agenda on what is “right” or “wrong”. Its too easy to find bittersweet and bad ending, or that happy ending are so often hetero-normative or are, sure, great to see if you like the people involved, but rarely show an happy ending for actual unconditional love.
But here, we have a couple that transcend the hetero-normative speech, who faced mob mentality and extremely judgemental people, who faced the scars of their childhood, who found each other, recognized their equal, and who were able to know their own values, and follow their heart, while learning from their mistakes, and being capable of seeing their own faults, and who found unconditional love together, also showing it to a child that is considered their own in their heart, and they have their happy ending, where they promise each other for life (and beyond), and live the way they truthfully want.
This story packs so many things that feels so important, so is it any surprise how much we can love it?
Its just sad when we forget or don’t see all the reasons its such a lovely story, but I’m glad for every single person who find MDZS because, subconsciously or consciously, it says so many things that need to be seen and heard in our own real life, that anyone who touch MDZS will seen things that will speak to them, whether they realize it or not.
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oflgtfol · 3 years
forgot to sign that one as loservenom but as you may have concluded from the spam likes [sorry for that] its me. when i find someone who likes two (2) or more of the same things i do i go wild im sorry. do you like star trek. tell me more about din i am begging you you have SUCH good thoughts
i do like star trek!!! however unfortunately i've only ever watched like the first half of tos and that's pretty much it LMAO. but i do want to get into it more it's just.... sooooo much so i just admire it from afar LOL. maybe one day....
i guess i will use this opportunity to dump more aro din thotz cause now it's on my mind LOL and i don't think i ever publicly posted these???
so if the word "aromantic" even exists in star wars, i don't think din would actively identify with it. i don't think the thought would ever really cross his mind really, that he would NEED an identity/label for what he experiences
i think like cara or someone would bring aromanticism up to him, like hey have you heard this word. is this you? and he'd just be like. whatever. like he just does not care
part of this is because he just keeps his head down and minds his own business and is a solitary person anyway so like he doesn't give a shit what's going on really
another part of this is that i think in mandalorian society, especially within his own covert, family and platonic relationships in general are valued so much more over typical romance. obviously romance still exists between mandos but i truly don't think it'd be so all encompassing as it is in like, modern western society irl. the bond between parent and child is highly cherished regardless of whether said parent has a partner to help out, and so single parenthood is like a Staple of mando culture. and also i love the idea that mandos raise children communally like yeah parent&child bonds are cherished but, due to aforementioned frequency of single parenthood, just. it takes a village y'know!!! especially for a community like din's covert where it's very tight knit and insular i think communal raising would be huge. so just, in general, the importance of Community and Family really lessens the expectation and subsequent burden of monogamous romantic love and so, long story short, i don't think amatonormativity like. really exists among mandos (or at the very least, among his covert where he was raised). enough so that din doesn't even realize that him being aromantic would be considered abnormal by other standards. it's such a normal and unquestioned thing so he just never really had to examine it enough to NEED a label for it
if there are labels, i do adore the idea of "solus" or whatever it was being the mando'a word for "aromantic" which i've seen in a few fics over time, HOWEVER. that implies the sense of being single which like... describes more of a behavior than attraction?? so while i love the idea of a mando word for aromantic i just. hm.
which brings me to the idea of mandos not even really labeling sexuality but instead, yeah, labeling behavior instead. WHICH LIKE, for most people that DOES align. if you are solely attracted to men then you will most likely only ever enter relationships with men, etc. BUT, there are people who abstain from relationships even if they are alloromantic/allosexual, so in that sense "solus" would also describe them as well, no? additionally, not all aspec people abstain from relationships, which makes them NOT "solus."
and while i do firmly believe din is aromantic 100%, i do think he could be somewhere on the aro-spec. i particularly adore the idea of him being demiromantic. so again "solus" is a bit limiting. AND ALSO, even if he's 100% aro, again not all aro people abstain from relationships, and i don't necessarily think he's nonpartnering....
basically i think "solus" is a better term for the general phenomenon of being nonpartnering which is not aspec exclusive nor does it include every single aspec anyway. i'm not quite sure if there is a better mando'a word for aromantic though, based on the current extent of the mando'a dictionary. but again, maybe they don't even need a word for it
sorry this morphed into yet another exploration of mandalorian culture instead of focusing just on din but. many thoughts y'know
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arocharacteradvice · 5 years
I'm demiromantic and recently wrote a sci-fi novel with an aro main character. I partially based his experiences off of my own, but I'm worried that it's not clear enough that he's aromantic. He's gay aromantic and has had a number of romantic/sexual relationships, but values his platonic bond with his best friend more. He realizes he's aromanitc during the book as he's in a romantic/sexual relationship, but there's a mismatch between his and his partner's (who's allo) feelings. (1/2)
(2/2) He's social and physically affectionate, so he thinks of romantic relationships as friendships with sex where you're allowed to be more affectionate. It's the difference between his and his partners feelings that makes him realize that isn't how it is for everyone. It hurts their relationship. His partner and others accuses him of being cold and he faces arophobia, but later he gets an apology and people around him validate him as loving and aro. Are there pitfalls I should be aware of?
Oh, this is another one of the two-part ask about the aromantic main character in my sci-fi novel from the demiromantic writer! I was hoping to make this a series and have him end up with the partner I mentioned in the last ask at the end, but with the understanding that he's aromantic and while he does care about his partner its not in a romantic way. They go into it openly knowing their feelings are mismatched. Do you think it's okay or still amatonormative to have him end in a monogamous qpr?
So, first off, I really love that the character eventually gets an apology from his friends. I’m sure lots of us on the aro spectrum will find that very satisfying to read, myself included!
I also think your story has potential to be a really interesting portrayal of an aro piecing together how he’s different to others, as if I’ve understood properly it’s not a lack of feeling but a difference that makes him notice his aromanticism, and that’s another thing I’d love to read because we’re in desperate need of coming out stories and media that examines how aros question seeing as we’re realising a lack rather than a differing attraction. As you’re someone on the arospec who does experience attraction, I imagine pulling from your own experiences will be very useful in this case, though you can of course always ask aromantics to compare and contrast experiences if you need to.
As for making it clear your character is aromantic: I’ve written a post about this topic here, but the tl;dr is that you can just use the word. Explaining what this means for the character in the text is always good, but don’t feel like there’s anything stopping you from hitting your readers over the head with the specifics of what your character is and isn’t. 
It’s difficult to think of specific pitfalls with what you’ve described. That doesn’t mean your writing has no awkward phrasing or dodgy implications, because I haven’t read it, but it seems like you’re covering bases by doing things like actively presenting arophobic characters as wrong and needing to grow. If you’re asexual, I would recommend following a few allosexual aros and maybe asking for further specific advice about writing a gay aro’s experience of a romantic/sexual experience, but that’s about it.
Whether or not it’s amatonormative to have an aro end up in a monogamous qpr is really about the specifics (again) of that situation. It’s far from inherently arophobic, as it’s the reality for lots of aros, but I agree that it’s something to be handled with care.
 The biggest things that stick out for me are that a) the aro character is intended to end up with a previous partner who was arophobic to them in the past, and b) that you describe the two as having mismatched feelings. The first thing here means that you’re going to have to put a lot of work into showing how the alloromantic partner has grown and made it up to the aro, because otherwise as a reader I would struggle to feel convinced that the relationship would be healthy for the aro, and would likely have my romance repulsion triggered.
This isn’t to say it *is* unhealthy to write a relationship like this, just that I’m on high alert for situations that might trigger an aro character’s repulsion, especially as they are the character I’m likely to identify with, and I imagine that’s the same for a lot of romance repulsed people. If you decide you do want to write this relationship, I think you just need to sit down and go over the eventual relationship dynamic you’ve written like it’s a contract, and look for ‘loopholes’ that might lead to a reader not being convinced the aro is safe. And then fix them. 
The second thing just concerns me because you can take ‘mismatched’ to mean they have different or unequal feelings towards their relationship. I think you may just have meant they have different base feelings about each other (romantic/platonic), and if so that’s fine and obviously fairly standard, but if not you may need to tweak a few things to make sure both characters are going into this relationship with the same intentions and ideas about what they want it to be.
Really, what I think you need to do is consider *why* you want the characters to end up together, because reasoning and intent are I think very important aspects of what makes something amatonormative. Does the idea of either character ending the series single make you feel sad or guilty? Do you feel that their relationship is just how your story would be expected to end? Do you not actually know why you want to write it? If yes to any of these, it might be amatonormative. Hopefully you figure out what’s best for you and your story.
Best wishes,
- Mod Kaladin
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kitkatt0430 · 5 years
Aromantic Headcanons
Here’s a handful of characters that I eventually want to write fanfics exploring my aromantic headcanons for.
Ezekiel Jones - The Librarians Ezekiel is easily my favorite character on the show, which considering there’s also Cassandra who is canonically wlw that just goes to show what an impressive scene-stealing thief Ezekiel is.  All his best moments on the show are platonic - connecting with Cassandra over feeling untrustworthy, showing the lengths Ezekiel will go through in the time loop episode to keep his friends alive, the episode with the alternate time lines where everyone was in love with Eve except for Ezekiel who’d cared for her as the mother figure he’d desperately needed as a teenager... Basically, Ezekiel is aromantic and I .  The closest the show ever gets to a love story for him is a rather uncomfortable episode where a love potion (which they acknowledge is more of an obsession potion) affects everyone but Ezekiel.  Textually they say it’s because Ezekiel already cares about the person who made the potion, but all Ezekiel has to say on the matter is that he felt compassion for her when she was humiliated on a reality tv show.  (Which, compassion can be seen as a rather powerful type of love, so in that light the episode isn’t as bad as it otherwise could’ve been.)
Phryne Fisher - Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries Phryne Fisher is a Lady Detective in Australia who’d been a nurse during WW1.  The show itself is fiercely feminist and incredibly well written and I’m extremely excited that it’s getting a follow up movie next year.  Phryne herself is something of a thrill seeker, a big believer in justice and that the law isn’t always right, and beds whomever she pleases without needing a romantic entanglement to go with it.  Which, her being sexually active is never once treated as shameful.  Phryne does eventually wind up in a romantic relationship - third season - but that’s only after she and Jack developed a friendship and working relationship built on trust and mutual respect first.  (Jack clearly develops feelings for Phryne before she does for him and he never expects, or assumes, that she’s obligated to return his feelings.)  Because Jack’s basically the only character Phryne shows romantic interest in - platonic, sexual, and alterous attractions abound, but Jack’s the only real romantic interest she has during the show - I headcanon Phryne as being demi-romantic or grayromantic.  
Eliot Spencer - Leverage I headcanon Eliot as being aromantic allosexual.  He has a lot of sexual conquests mentioned throughout the show, is a charming flirt, and certainly knows how to be romantic when the occasion calls for it - or when Hardison and Nate are being inept and need help - but he never seems particularly interested in being in a romantic relationship himself.  He did nearly get married once, but he was apparently more invested in being a good soldier than a good fiance and that ended his relationship with her.  Ultimately his most important relationships in the show are with his teammates.  He’d sacrifice anything, and everything, for their well being and I tend to headcanon that while Parker/Hardison are together romantically (which is canon) they’re also Parker/Eliot/Hardison QPR wise.  He’s definitely not involved with them romantically, and probably not sexually either, but there’s an intimacy and mutual emotional support going on between the three of them that even with Sophie and Nate retired together its easy to imagine Parker, Eliot, and Hardison living out the rest of their lives together well beyond the end of the show.  (I mean, the three of them even run a pub/micro-brewery together.)
Velvet Crowe - Tales of Berseria I view Velvet as being an aro lesbian.  In the prologue, her three strongest relationships are with her little brother, her father-figure brother-in-law, and her best friend (another girl) whom she wants to always live near.  She teases her little brother about having a crush but can’t conceptualize the idea of having a love interest for herself.  She’s just so relatably aro in the prologue.  The rest of the game she shows zero romantic interest in anyone, though she sort of becomes a parental replacement to an abused child she sort of... kidnaps early on in the game.  She winds up in a sort of co-parenting situation over the kid with another female character and honestly the lesbian subtext writes itself as easily as the aromantic subtext.  
Sora - Kingdom Hearts I know canonically it’s Sora/Kairi.  But we see so little of her and her personality can change entirely based on the game. (KH1 and KH2 were at least recognizably the same character but KH3 Kairi’s personality seemed to have disappeared entirely.  She was The MacGuffin and Designated Damsel in Distress and that was about it.)  So it’s a lot easier for me to understand where Sora/Riku shippers are coming from than it is for me to figureout how Sora/Kairi works.  But, honestly?  Sora’s motivations are all about his platonic feelings.  The love he feels for his friends that connects their hearts together.  So my headcanon for Sora is that he’s aromantic and misunderstanding what his feelings for Kairi are.  Ideally I’d like to write a story about the three of them - Sora/Kairi/Riku - being in a QPR together and being badass Keyblade Masters.  But I’m a little burnt out on their arc after the mess that was KH3.  So I’m more likely to write more about my aromantic Ienzo headcanon (minor Kingdom Hearts character) than delve into what’s happening with those three.
Colette Brunel - Tales of Symphonia I’ve already written one story exploring my aroace headcanon for Colette, but I want to go back and expand on that further.  Maybe a story about Colette discussing her aromanticism with her grandmother, whom I headcanon as demi-romantic, or maybe Colette mending fences with Sheena, whom she had a falling out with in the previous story.  While Colette is the canon love interest for Lloyd - the main character of the game - the two of them have what feels like more of a sibling relationship and the game has a bit of a ‘choose your own adventure’ thing going on that allows scenes to change based on who Lloyd’s got the highest ‘relationship values’ with.  (I like pairing him with Zelos, so...)  So the canon relationship doesn’t really mean a whole lot when you’re playing and any romance seen in the game is lowkey enough that most of it can be interpreted platonically. Of course, i can always veer away from canon entirely and finally write that Jurassic Park fusion that’s been lingering in the back of my head where Colette and Lloyd are paleontologists and QPPs, Zelos is a weird chaostition, and the velociraptors are probably actually utahraptors.
Aziraphale and Crowley - Good Omens While I enjoy reading romantic pairings about these two, I personally see them as having an ongoing QPR.  Life post-apocalypse being more of them respecting each other’s boundaries, living apart because they need the space but spending their days together because they make each other happy, and just generally making all their important decisions together.  And maybe co-parenting Warlock some more because that’s the kid they’ve actually been god-parenting for all those years.  (I like the idea of Warlock and Adam deciding they’re brothers now too.)  
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