#its the Same Hat meme but Same Trauma Response
vatyrie-avaris · 3 months
Astarion and Vatyrie at the beginning of their relationship is basically
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Vatyrie lets Astarion drink his blood and seduces him, so if his identity as a demi-devil ex-noble is revealed, Astarion will want to keep him around and might convince the others to not send him away. Astarion does his thing with seducing Vatyrie for a similar reason: protection and ally-ship. Vatyrie realizes first that he is falling for Astarion around the end of Act 1 (though he honestly starts developing feelings shortly after their first night together).
Then in Act 2 when they realize they have real feelings for the other, it comes with The Guilt of worrying that they've just manipulated the other person. Astarion realizes his feelings much later but he is the first one to bring it up in the Act 2 confession scene. And What a fuckin RELIEF it is for them to realize they not only feel the same but also have both been stumbling around feeling guilty about "manipulating" the other. To know that they won't lose the other or be pushed away for doing what they thought they had to to protect themselves, for a mistake made when they didn't know any better.
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unpretty · 3 years
astielle chapter 27 ask dump!
@ivylaughed asked:
The thing that keeps getting me about Chapter 26 is Leonas in the dream. He's finally got privacy. He can be himself unobserved. And he's soft and he's tentative. And it's okay! He can take it slow because no one is going to take that time away from him! No time limits, just however long they travel and dream together! The way he's slowly almost leaning into Karzarul's chest makes my heart clench. I love the contrast between how he can be in his dream and his waking self. <3
that conversation gave me A Lot of trouble until i figured out he could not have it around minnow (for the same reason he makes her cover her ears later)
anonymous asked:
I'm sure the rest of the chapter is going to be great but I had to stop 6 paragraphs in b/c OW. WHY.
anonymous asked:
the willow tree!!! the willow tree!!!!!!!!!
anonymous asked:
Kitty, the cabin with the tree. omg, the cabin and the freaking tree. Was that Vaelon's? Did Karzarul build it for when he "came back"? I was not prepared for the whiplash between trauma moment and face-fucking bondage, and I still have not recovered from the freaking willow tree moment.
@gentlyouttatime asked:
leonas immediately recognizing the willow tree and getting them to leave was so good!! the hand squeeze train was also very cute
violet and leonas are like the same hat meme except it's 'avoidant trauma responses' and also karzarul's wearing the hat over his eyes so he can't see shit and violet is spotting for him
anonymous asked:
Boyfriend (transitive property)
@hehehe426 asked:
*communism bugs bunny* our boyfriend
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@purple-hel asked:
"I'd know if I was hungry" "You think you're tired and mad all the time for no reason" Listen, ma'am, I did not ask to be called out like this!
@cannedinternets asked:
“I’m not even hungry.”“You’re always hungry.”“I don’t know why you keep saying that,” Leonas said. “I’d know if I was hungry.”“No,” Minnow said. “You think you’re tired and mad all the time for no reason.” Hey uuuuuh this just took me out at the knees like a tripwire. Good news tho i ate a sammich and feel better now.
loving how many people felt dragged by this
@makadragontamer asked:
The goddesses had to nerf leonas with low self esteem cause he'd be too powerful and sexy otherwise (also all of that was kinks I knew I had and it Still felt like a revelation good job)
anonymous asked:
LEONAS ALLOWED TO DIRTY TALK PROPERLY FOR THE FIRST TIME AND HE DOES THAT. I knew this chapter was gonna be good but I was not prepared
it has been on his mind for. A While.
@sailor-lady asked:
Somewhere Vi is *smirking*
@opalescent-potato asked:
fucking superb, absolutely sublime facefucking, thank you.
@ghostly-squid asked:
What ARE monster horns for if not to provide convenient handles?!? Congrats to Leonas to figuring out Karzarul's got a praise kink despite his attempts to convince himself that of COURSE the Monster King doesn't have a praise kink! (Also, I'm laughing at Leonas being all "of COURSE you have more sexual experience than me!" Wait til he hears about the Real Life pirate orgies!) ... as much as I love cheese, a cheese-based diet is not... nutritionally balanced? The whole "too much Sunlight is bad for you" makes it seem like a weird religion-centered explanation for something people figured out by "what kind of diet doesn't cause health problems" OR Leonas's dad made it up, in which case, too much Sunlight is maybe good for Leonas??? He is solar powered, but does sun bathing give him a boost or something? That would be fun! It would also make the whole "locked in a tower" thing Magically Worse, again!
@adorkable1291 asked:
Sooooo fucking hot omg!! Everything about this was so lovely and cute and sexy and HOT! Love their dynamic, the chats they have through it all! It’s so nice to see the convos/mistakes/checking in too. Makes it really feel like actual people. Your writing is awesome!!
anonymous asked:
I love how much fun and humor you add in your sex scenes - the moment where Karzarul projects his voice because he doesn't realize Leonas is trying to be sexy and everyone's reaction to it was so genuinely delightful, as well as the running "your boyfriend/ourboyfriend" joke. It's so fun and makes the rest of the scene shine even more
@justconstantly asked:
"she can hear what I don't say" "I've begun to care about you very much, which does not mean I like you" *SCREAMS* vulnerable Leonas hours but then we immediately pretend it never happened amiright Also shiiiitttt was that house they went to first where Ari raised that kid hero? I gotta go reread apparently. Another great chapter as usual! Thank you for writing
the willow tree has come up before, but never the cabin!
@rose-and-bones asked:
“When she’s biting me, she’s your girlfriend.” There are too many perfect moments! I'm dying!!! And it makes me so happy to see Karzarul being treated with love and care. He deserves it <3 <3 <3
anonymous asked:
"It also occurred to him that trying to get Minnow to act like she lived in a society since they were young may have negatively impacted his sense of what constituted an acceptable thing to say to a person while his dick was out." Holy shit I'm dead this line has murdered me I love your writing
we can only imagine the extent of the crisis he had the first time they had a teacher-student moment that was also a massive turn-on
@revirag asked:
Trauma hits Karzarul in the face like pies hit clowns. Sadly I can't add a gif here, but I hope the idea still gets through Other than that: very sexy threesome, Leonas being a Dom makes me feel things. And imagine how hot Lynette and Karzarul would have been, you know, if they ever got over antagonizing each other. Or maybe even without it.. I am not supporting BDSM as therapy, but come on, it might have worked for them. Other than that: i love Minnow caring for both of her boyfriends. So soft
the au where lynette got over her hangups and just fucked the monster would solve a lot of problems, and create a lot of new ones. maybe karzarul would even have dealt with that thing where he lowkey thinks of 'tall woman with a sword' as its own distinct and terrifying gender
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tally-kiza · 5 years
Horrorswap and Horrorswapfell Headcanons
So I decided to make Horrorswap and Horrorswapfell headcanons. There’s not a lot of stuff out there for it, so I wanted to throw my hat into the ring, and see what I could come up with.
This isn’t typical scary Horrortale, btw. These are soft-Horrortale inspired by popatochisssp’s HT skeletons.
(this is slightly edited and revised as of 02/25/2020 so if things seem different than before, thats why)
Horrorswap Sans (Boston)
- The famine was particularly hard on him. Alphys’s abuse really injured his head, and combined with the effects of starvation, Sans was eventually diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. His brother was always so worried when Boston started spending days in bed or sprinting throughout the underground setting up violently painful puzzles and traps, shouting about humans, but having an explanation assuaged his worries a bit. At least then he knew how to help. 
- Speaking of Alphys, when Sans became captain of the Royal Guard and bore the brunt of her anger, it left permanent damage to his bones and teeth, leaving them cracked and crooked, with strange blood stains on them (his own marrow/blood, not a human’s).
- Despite everything, he's still Sans. He’s sunny, but less so than he use to be, and even when he’s feeling miserable, he tries his best to be friendly and cheerful. ...It’s difficult though. It’s so tempting sometimes to just curl up and forget about the world, but... even though he does do that occasionally, he never stays like that for long. He keeps going through the day, trying his best to live and forget about the past.
- On better days though, he can be pretty cheerful and friendly! He likes talking to other people and hearing what they have to say.
- Boston goes to therapy regularly to cope with his trauma. He tries to convince his brother to go too but Citrine’s been stubborn so far.
- During the famine, one of his favorite things to take his mind off the stress was creating things. Like drawing maps of what the stars in the sky look like, and designing diagrams of spaceships that he likes. Very space-oriented things usually, since he’s always loved it so much. It’s... very difficult to make these though most of the time. His concentration and focus is basically nonexistent when he’s starving, so he can mostly only create when he’s recently eaten. Making them is his favorite hobby on the surface.
- Adores farmers markets. There's so many possibilities! Buying cool new foods, selling the things he’s made, meeting and talking to cool new people! He loves them, they’re so fun.
- Uses the fruits from his brother’s gardens to make preserves! Saves jars of jams, jellies, and other preserves in the cabinets for whenever he needs to use them when he cooks. They’re delicious and he always has a lot of fun making them with his brother.
- Has a collection of lava lamps! They’re so satisfying and relaxing to watch. He loves them, and they always help him feel less stressed.
- Along that same vein, he likes stim videos! Pretty much all kinds of them. they’re very relaxing to him.
- He hates the silence... It reminds him so much of Snowdin during the famine. Cold, empty, devoid of life and joy... He cringes whenever there’s too long of a silence. Boston will almost always have some kind of noise on in the background, whether it be music or tv show or an audiobook. It really eases his fears.
- Stars, he loves food. So much. He loves watching stress-free cooking shows and learning new recipes to cook. Trying something new and making food for him and his brother is one of his favorite things. 
- Awkwardly genuine. He tries really hard to fit in on the surface and be a good person to make up for what he's done. Every so often he’ll say or do something really dark and completely forget he can’t do that anymore on the surface. Sans will berate himself really hard afterwards, so he really appreciates the reassurances he gets that it’s okay.
- Admittedly, he had lost hope of ever seeing the stars... He thought they’d be stuck underground, starving to death forever... But when he and the others emerged out of the Barrier in the middle of the night, he finally saw the infinite blanket of stars twinkling above them. He’s never been quite so happy in his whole life, as he collapsed on the ground and sobbed with the pure relief of finally being free and finally seeing the stars.
Horrorswap Papyrus (Citrine)
- After getting into a big fight with Alphys and interfering when she tried to hurt Sans, he ended up with a big bad hole in his skull. Sans had to use all the healing magic he could find to save him. When Citrine woke up, his skull was throbbing and he could barely remember what happened.
- Very apathetic at times. It’s hard to care about stuff when he’s stuck underground and feels like they’re going to die soon... It'll take a lot of years on the surface for him to be anywhere close to normal again. Also doesn't have the energy to be nice to people sometimes. So he just isolates himself and doesn’t interact with them.
- That being said, it is possible to befriend him. It’ll be a long journey but With the right circumstances and if you’re good to Boston, Citrine ends up being a pretty great friend.
- Pretty touch-repulsed unless he’s close with someone. After many years of being friends with them, he can be pretty cuddly. If you’re lucky, he’ll drape himself over you like a cat.
- Like the other lazybones, the hole in his skull gave him memory problems but not as severe as the others'. Still has all his long-term memory, he just forgets recent things (like where he put his keys) ver easily.
- Since he has no suckers to chew on during the famine, he chews on sticks as a replacement. It's left his teeth chipped and scraggly. He gets them fixed on the surface, and hoards all the suckers, honey, and pocky he can find.
- Loves plants. Has a mini garden on the surface. Grows his own food and everything. Boston is so supportive of him and helps him when he’s struggling with it.
- Probably has a slight case of osteoporosis? And maybe the other horror!skeletons would as well. So his spine is kinda bent, unfortunately. 
- Still really loves puns. Dark ones make him kind of uncomfortable (he doesn't like anything that reminds him of the underground) but his favorites are plant and music puns. They're perhaps the quickest way to get him to warm up to you.
- Still appreciates memes. Doesn’t outwardly show a positive reaction to them, but they make him chuckle inwardly. Will deadpannedly meme at you when you least expect it.
- Has an unfortunate case of MVRSF: Monotone Voice and Resting Stony Face.
- Pretends he’s fine when there’s clearly something wrong. Refuses to accept help and burden anyone. He just... doesn’t want to cause any more problems. He insists he’ll be alright....
- Stars, he just? loves Hozier’s music?? so much??? It’s so ethereal and chill and it always calms him down when he’s stressed. And music! Just music in general is his one true lomfve. He can’t get enough of it. Starts learning to play the kalimba on the surface. It has such a lovely sound. He’s a little rusty at it, but he tries hard. Hozier songs are his favorite songs to play on it.
Horrorswapfell Sans (Knox)
- Like Horrorfell Papyrus, after the famine began, he sobered up. Sans didn't have the time nor energy for all his usual grandiose. Like with all the Fell skeletons, he blames himself that the human killed so many people, and it's really taken a hit to his ego. His self-esteem is a lot lower than it used to be.
- Didn't take of any of Alphys's shit, and refused to let her abuse him. They fought quite a bit however, resulting in chipped misaligned teeth and long scars on his eyesocket and side of his face. The eyesocket with those scars lost its eyelight, so hes unfortunately blind in that socket now. Scraps with Snowdin-folk have left scars and marks all over his and body, but nothing too deep, luckily.
- An incredibly responsible and capable skeleton. Like, he gets shit done. Insanely productive at times with laser-like focus. He was basically the only reason his brother survived during the famine; Knox motivates Clover to get out of bed and live.
- Mildly paranoid on the surface. He's worried that something bad will happen and is lurking around the corner, so he's incredibly suspicious everything. Especially people he doesn’t know.
- In addition to being mildly paranoid, he also is easily stressed, and has anxiety and depression. He has... a lot on his plate, to say the least. The famine gave him a lot of trauma, but frequent therapy helps a lot, once he’s comfortable opening up to strangers. His brother Clover is a great help, he’s the most helpful, supportive brother and friend he could’ve asked for. 
- Oftentimes he wears a dark cloak that makes him look like the Grim Reaper. Enjoys scaring people with it and making them think he actually is the Grim Reaper. It’s one of the great joys he has in life.
- Favorite type of music is opera and classical. He likes how quickly it can go from soft and peaceful to fast and dramatic and dynamic.
- Secretly likes baking, especially baking cupcakes, but sshhhh! No one can know. ...Mostly just because he’s new to baking and not very great at it yet, so he’s self-conscious. But! He hopes knows he’s gonna be great at it someday. And his brother is always there to cheer him on and nom all the sweet treats happily.
- He's very sly. Makes the most subtle, hidden, and deady traps out of all the skeletons, and with his silvertongue can easily turn people's words against them. 
- But... once you have his trust and his friendship, he wouldn’t dream of doing that to you. Knox isn’t someone who takes friendship lightly, so he’d never dare manipulate your words or hurt you in any way.
- Also very formal and serious. Not much of a casual skeleton, and doesn’t like letting down his walls. It’s part of his distrustful nature. Makes him pretty difficult to befriend, honestly. But it is possible, in the right circumstances.
- Sans isn’t passionate for many things on the surface, but sewing is definitely one of them. He got into it when he was younger, and starting sewing and creating more during the famine like Boston to keep himself distracted when he wasn’t working or patrolling. He enjoys it so much on the surface, that he starts doing tailoring and sewing commissions. Probably even becomes a tailor or something similar eventually. Altering clothes is the one thing he feels like he hasn't failed at, so he likes it.
Horrorswapfell Papyrus (Clover)
- Animalistic. The famine probably hit him the hardest out of all of them, mentally at least. He started acting more and more dog-like over time. Nothing extreme, he just has bad habits that he’s picked up. Hostile and distant towards strangers, growling at people with too high LV, whining if you won't cuddle him. It's pretty cute tbh.
- Once hen him and Alphys got into a fight over Sans, she threw her axe at him, and left a pretty big cracked hole in his skull. When Sans saved him with the DT, one of his eyelights became enlarged and beaming red. The other eye "overloaded” in a way from the influx of magic so it became basically unusable. Even though there’s no physical damage to it, keeping it uncovered hurts sometimes so he keeps an eyepatch over it.
- Wears beanie hats! Clover’s self-conscious about his crack, so he covers it with adorable beanie hats. He has a whole collection of them of many different types. He also likes how they make him feel cute.
- His slitted pupils make him look so adorable when they dilate when he's excited.
- Basically a cat. Drapes on top of his s/o for cuddles. Naps in the sunbeams. Complains when you don't pay attention to him. Kills pests for you. Just a 7 foot tall teddy bear kitty skeleton ;w;
- Looooves chicken nuggets. They’re his favorite food and nomming them after a bad day always makes him feel better <33. Calls them chimken nuggies.
- Also loves love songs! Especially the soft and sweet and heartfelt ones. They're so nice and calming to listen to. He really likes to hum along to them when he's drawing.
- Pretty quiet. He didn't talk a lot underground so as to not draw attention, so he rarely talks anymore. Doesn’t speak much around people he doesn’t know in public, but in private with people he’s close too he’s more comfortable talking. When Papyrus does talk, it's rather slow and his voice cracks occasionally.
-  Before the famine, Clover ate hard candies. But after he ran out of candies when the famine started, he wanted to have the same sensation so he started chewing on sticks and pebbles. It's left his fangs misaligned and cracked. They're partially repaired on the surface, but there wasn't a lot the dentist could do. So he just replaced them with more gold teeth. He has four now, instead of one.
- Has a panic disorder. He's terrified of going back underground. Only his brother and his s/o can calm him down from his panic attacks. Also has generalized anxiety. If he’s in front of strangers, he’ll try to hide it with aggression out of fear of looking weak.
- Papyrus used to love reading, but after his head wound, it was difficult to concentrate and understand what he was reading. So he stopped. But on the surface, he discovered the magic of audiobooks and uses them all the time! He can often be found wearing headphones listening to audiobooks in the background.
- Him and Knox eventually get two sweet darling therapy cats. They’re the most helpful nicest floofs he’s ever known and he loves them to bits. The cats are incredibly sweet and helpful when the skellies are having a bad day, and always makes them feel so much better.
- Works as a commission artist when he gets to the surface! He tried other jobs before, but they were always so stressful so he never worked there for long. He never lost his passion for making art during the famine, even though remembering how to was difficult sometimes. But once he relearns all his skills again, he loves working from home as an artist. It's the best job he could've ever asked for.
-He’s just Babey. A wonderfully sweet, wholesome, precious babey skellie ;w;
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defensematrix · 5 years
Ooooo!!!! You don't have to like justify it or anything but as someone on the spectrum I love ppls take on Hanzo being autistic
ok! so first of all i want to say i headcanon hanzo as being raised female until he was around 14 years old, and theres a disparity in how autistic children who arent cisgender boys are treated/whether or not theyre diagnosed, which is why i hc that even at 38 years old, hanzo still hasnt really figured it out for himself (also being introspective is Scary when you have so much trauma to deal with)
being undiagnosed is a very frustrating experience, especially when youre under pressure to be the Best Son and also the future leader of an entire yakuza clan. i feel like hanzo grew up angry and irritable because he just wasnt getting the help or attention he needed, and even as an adult his needs arent really being met, which is why he can be like. Angery. yknow?
which isnt to say that i only think that hanzos an asshole cause hes neurodivergent fjkdljfl im just saying that like, sensory overload and stuff like that personally makes me angry as hell. anger is one way that anxiety and distress is expressed in a person and i think for hanzo, being angry and loud and mean was the safest way for him to express this distress, because the alternative is being Vulnerable, and its likely he was rewarded for being aggressive when he was young too 
so like, with all of that out of the way, i guess i could start listing some specific examples of things hanzo does that makes me go “same hat!” or fit in the criteria for asd in some way
(bear in mind that a lot of these are definitely Reaches but when we know so little about the ovw cast as a whole we can really think whatever we want lol)
hanzo saying “i sense a kindred spirit” to symmetra is really one of the  biggest things tbh. symm is canonically autistic and hanzo says this in response to her saying that order and discipline are the most important things in life
he seems to like doing things the same way/sticking to a rigid schedule. an example of this is him going through with his mourning ritual in the dragons short even after learning that genji is still alive. the way that he places the incense and feather is very careful and speaks to him liking things to be a Certain Way
also: “we drink when the job is done” is said Very firmly in junkensteins revenge
his interaction with mccree implies that he doesnt like hard liquors like whiskey and prefers “sophisticated” tastes. being picky about food, especially things with a high sensory experience like drinking alcohol, is very common in asd
also him eating an entire cake (or two) by himself isnt necessarily an autism thing but its something i would do too lmao so im putting it on the list
he is like.. socially awkward in a way where he doesnt really think hes being awkward fjkldf i dont know how to explain it but just listen to his heroes of the storm interactions. he can be very loud and abrasive and says whatever the hell he wants and i love it tbh. his hots voicelines are golden
i dont know how to explain this without it seeming like im saying that autistic people are rude jklgfg i think that HANZO is rude and that the asd makes him have like no filter for what he wants to say
also relating to hots, having poor volume control/difficulty modulating voice is another aspect of asd (i personally am on the other side of that and have trouble raising my voice even when i try really hard gfjklfgd)
he likes pokemon and pokemon is autistic culture
a lot of his voicelines are references to japanese culture and memes that, in 2070, would classify as “old as fuck” and implies that hanzo has a particular interest in vintage manga and movies, and you could definitely argue that this is a hyperfixation/SI of his
theres probably some stuff im forgetting but this is the gist of it and WOW this came out embarrassingly long
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