#its the only time i really actually bought into the idea of inquisitors
jedie · 2 years
i know we probably won’t see her but that wont stop me from manifesting trilla into the next jedi game
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frasier-crane-style · 4 years
"It’s weird how so many people keep coming back from the dead.”
That was my mom’s review of The Rise of Skywalker. I ended up seeing it in January, which is very fitting, because it is very much the kind of movie you’d expect Sam Worthington to be in.
-I’m not saying it’s rushed, but I’m pretty sure the Star Wars logo and opening scroll are on fast-forward.
-If I’m following the movie’s math right, we left things off in TLJ with the First Order reigning over the entire galaxy with a huge fleet, while the Resistance was down to twenty or so people. By TROS, they’ve expanded to let’s say a hundred people, a few starfighters, and a blockade runner. Palpatine shows up with a thousand Star Destroyers which he intends to gift to the First Order. The plot of the movie involves destroying these Star Destroyers. Which still leaves the entire First Order more or less intact, until they’re spontaneously overcome by regular people around the galaxy. So, in other words, the entire Resistance vs. First Order conflict was resolved entirely off-screen, with no involvement from the Resistance, as they dealt with an entirely new threat.
-I love how Disney dedicated the entire Rogue One movie to explaining the ‘plot hole’ that the Death Star had a small, easily overlooked, and hard to access weakness--while the Sith Star Destroyers here literally have big glowing red weak spots out of a 16-bit game and are docked in such a way that they’re left totally vulnerable for minutes at end. Who designed these things, Dr. Wily?
-No wonder John Boyega is pissed--the movie really strongly hints that he’s Force-sensitive and has feelings for Rey, but JJ doesn’t bother to wrap up that loose end at all. 
-”Let’s win this one for Leia! She never gave up!” Movie, you just said she gave up on being a Jedi, like, five minutes ago. And man, you’re saying she was basically a Jedi in all but name, and she still sent her defenseless, old man husband out to redeem Ben instead of going herself? I mean, you didn’t see Count Dooku sitting on his ass just because he could get a senior citizen’s discount. He was putting himself out there all through the Clone Wars, repping the Confederacy. I guess Leia is just chickenshit.
-So, umm... how is Palpatine defeated anymore totally this time than he was the last time? Like, what’s to stop him from resurrecting himself again and revealing that he had yet another fleet up his ass?
-And I know the Star Wars canon has played fast and loose as hell with the “only two there are, a master and an apprentice”, bringing in an endless supply of Sith Inquisitors and whatnot, but an entire fleet of Sith, with a cult and special Stormtroopers--I mean, wow. Sure, they’re not Force-sensitive, but where did they come from? Where they around during the prequels? Did Palpatine recruit a billion people and send them off to just start building Star Destroyers, with no one noticing or wondering what was going on at all? Entirely separate from the First Order, which also started up and built a galaxy-ruling fleet with no one noticing? Like, shit, this guy must be the greatest economist of all time. He should be in charge! The Republic can’t even end child slavery and he’s cranking out fleets like there’s no tomorrow!
-And I guess Snoke was an uber-powerful clone of some kind that Palpatine could control, begging the question of why he’s bothering with Rey if he can create Snokes and why he doesn’t just create a whole army of killer Snokes who can Force Lightning whole fleets away? Say what you will about the EU, but it was smart enough to immediately explain why you couldn’t/shouldn’t clone Jedi.
-And if you’ll remember from TLJ, Rey and Kylo Ren can only Forcetime each other because of Snoke creating the connection and him being an uber-powerful Sith Lord. Luke doing it outright killed him. Here, though, Rey and Kylo Ren are able to Forcetime each other whenever they want. I guess everyone involved just forgot what killed Luke Skywalker one movie ago.
-It’s funny that they try to explain away that the Holdo Manuever was a ‘one in a million,’ and then at the end they show that someone has successfully done it again on an Imperial Star Destroyer. So I guess that is a valid tactic now. Great...
-Man, that Force healing technique sure would’ve been handy when Qui-Gon Jinn was dying. Or when Shmi Skywalker was dying. Or when Vader was dying. Padme Amidala...
-What was the point of introducing a new cute droid and leaving R2-D2 behind? Like, why don’t you just stop the movie and have Poe Dameron give all the kids in the audience a special gift code for the Disney gift shop?
-”Never be afraid of who you are, Rey.” Okay, but then she disavows her entire identity as a Palpatine and names herself a Skywalker. It’s not like Luke renamed himself after he found out who Darth Vader was. And Daddy Palpatine and Mommy Palpatine seemed like good peoples. Even if she doesn’t (or does?) remember them, what’s the alternative? She considers Luke her father? Han? Does she consider herself married to Ben? Does she think Leia is like a mother to her even though their relationship was entirely off-screen? So crazy.
-I also like the part at the beginning where Palpatine casually reveals that he’s been the voice in Ben Solo’s head all along. Where we supposed to know that Ben has literally been hearing voices this whole time? Okay, I guess his motivation all this time was... fake mental illness? How satisfying!
-Also find it hilarious that it’s time for Rey’s character arc to end, but they never actually gave her a character, so at the literal last minute, they turn her into Luke Skywalker. Her granddaddy is a supervillain and she’s afraid of going over to the Dark Side. Only obviously she doesn’t give a shit about redeeming Palpatine, she just wants to get revenge for her dead parents, so--it’s like someone watched the OT and said “Wouldn’t this be better without the famous twist in ESB and if we didn’t set up this conflict until the last movie?”
-And the whole movie, they’re trying to find Palpatine specifically to assassinate him, but now Rey’s in danger of going over to the Dark Side, so when she talks about killing Palpatine, everyone’s all worried. “Rey, this isn’t you!” Shades of the Battle of Crait, because--what are they supposed to do when they find Palpatine? Does the Resistance ever actually order anyone to do anything or do they just send people places and have them make it all up as they go along?
-We let Abrams get away with including his buddy Amiable Fat Dude cameo as a character in these movies, but here it really gets out of control, as Jodie Comer and Dominic Monaghan show up to play basically extras, which just ends up being distracting as hell. Imagine if, in Return of the Jedi, Luke took Vader’s mask off... and oh my God, it’s Frank Sinatra!
-For an almost plotless movie, it gets pretty convoluted at times. Palpatine orders Kylo Ren to kill Rey, although he doesn’t really want her dead, it’s just tough love I guess? Kylo is upfront about not caring about that; he wants to turn her to the Dark Side so they can kill Palpatine together. He doesn’t seem to have any real clever way to go about this other than trying to kill her (?) and revealing to her her true parentage, because that worked so well when he tried to do it one movie ago.
-Okay, this is more the fandom reaction no mans land than the movie, but I am mystified, my good sirs, at this idea that Rian Johnson nobly made a point that Rey was a Super-Jedi and a Super-Jedi can come from anywhere, because. And you know, don’t listen to me, I just watched the movie, but it seemed like they were saying she was a Super-Jedi to balance out Kylo Ren or Snoke being a Super-Sith or to make up for the Jedi Purge, even though that wasn’t a thing back in the OT when thousands of Jedi died and Darth Vader, who is vastly more powerful than Kylo Ren, was running around. And I just feel the whole “Rey is a scrappy little nobody making good!” thing doesn’t work if also the Force has arbitrarily declared that she gets such a buttload of magic powers that the ol’ energy field is basically sticking its hand up her ass and working her like a puppet. Like, at that point, she’s a Chosen One in all but name. She’s not winning through perseverance or moxie or anything like that, it’s just that she’s arbitrarily the Superman of the Jedi Order. Her being a Palpatine doesn’t really explain her powers any better, but it doesn’t explain them any worse, for my money.
-P.S. Anyone else get the Barb & Star Go To Vista Del Mar trailer? What a cringey, offputting trailer. Like, instead of explaining the plot or making any jokes, let’s subject the audience to what feels like hours of a horrible little child singing and then act as though we’re finally making a movie about some universally loved icons even though they’re characters you’ve never heard of. I felt like I was in some universe where Saturday Night Live didn’t exist, and then some monster bought over A Night At The Roxbury from a parallel dimension and unleashed it on us anyway.
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pastellarts · 4 years
First Day 9:42 Dragon
Summary: The people of the Inquisition have settled in Skyhold and take a break from their duties to celebrate the First Day at the request of their Inquisitor.
The Inquisitor was ecstatic about being back in Skyhold in time for the First Day. Not only because it meant he would enjoy some indoor warmth after wrapping up the mission in the Storm Coast, but also because it would be the first time in 22 years he would celebrate this holiday without any restrictions. In the past, he had been able to enjoy the day with his fellow mages from the Circle in Ostwick. Good wine and ale from Antiva, local specialties from the Free Marches, and the Templars engaging themselves in their own festivities allowed the mages to indulge themselves in a day of relative freedom and unsupervised joy.
But here in Skyhold, there were no templars overlooking at their alcohol consumption, no fear of accidents from drunken spells, no brawls to break up, no bloody fights.
Well, Sera and the Iron Bull would organize a drinking contest so bloody fights could break out as well.
But those fights – or any fights - will not result in him getting locked up in his chambers early.
He put on a tunic of silk in royal blue and some leather pants that were traditional in Ostwick. For some silly reason he wanted to show up as a Trevelyan tonight and share childhood stories with his companions and other people.
His face broke into a wide smile as he entered the main hall. Dozens of lanterns were hanging from the roof, along with other flashy decorations from all over Thedas, including Ostwick. Food and drink occupied every table and people from the keep were mingling with each other, talking, laughing, toasting, dancing.
“Inquisitor! You look splendid my Lord! I take it you honour your family colours with these pants?”
“Josephine!”, he bowed slightly. “This exceeds my childhood imagination of any First Day parties!”
“Really? I never took you for a First Day enthusiast my Lord. But I am glad you like it. I tried to put together insignia and decoration ideas from all over Thedas, even Tevinter. This is what the Inquisition represents after all.”
“Indeed,” Max added, looking over the swarmed crowd. “I’m glad we have no official guests tonight.” He was beyond relief that Josephine had agreed not to turn it into a big event with nobles and special unknown dignitaries. He desired this celebration to be more of a family affair for the people of Skyhold. Something to spread feelings of hope and gratitude, a sense of belonging and the means to fight the nightmares that still tortured the survivors of Haven.
He bid farewell to his Ambassador and mingled a bit with the crowd and some of his companions. His main daily goal was to drink, dance and sing with no care. Maryden and a few more people were doing a great job so far to keep plenty of partygoers on their toes.
About an hour later Max was enjoying the retelling of one of Dorian’s stories about a failed past First Day celebration.
“I will go fetch my lute!” Max almost yelled to Dorian as the necromancer mage filled his glass with more wine. “Bet Maryden knows a tune or two from the Free Marches!”
“Here, here! Show them how it’s done!” Varric raised his mug as an elated Max walked through the crowd to his quarters.
His stride brought him past the steps near the throne where he paused and turned to take a look at the party.
And there was her.
A simple red tunic and her usual leather pants. Her sword and armor missing. A drink in her hand. She was biting at a roast chicken leg while listening to Leliana, who had also skipped her usual attire for a dress.
Her eyes found his and the world was no more.
All that was left of him was an open mouth, a pair of thirsty eyes taking in her curves, and a heart swelling with every breath he took.
Since the day that she’d described to him the ideal romance in the barracks, he’d wasted no time to start looking for poems, roses and candles. Even if she had asked him to go to the Deep Roads and find a lost treasure, he would have not hesitated.
Cassandra brushed her thumb quickly over the left side of her upper lip – when did she finish her food?-  took a sip from her drink and graced Max with one of those smiles that were rare for anyone but him. And those smiles were not so rare anymore.
Maker, he was a fool in love.
He started for her, ignoring Varric’s yell about that damn lute and Dorian’s wolf whistle.
“Inquisitor, glad to see you are enjoying yourself, as is everyone,” Leliana offered him a cup of wine as he reached them. “This feast is just what we needed in Skyhold,” she tipped her own glass to him and took a sip.
“I hope you are also relaxing a bit Leliana”, Max raised his own cup. “Cassandra,” he said, awe and a bit of desire apparent in his tone.
“It’s good to see people celebrating. The sight of the everyone in a merry mood warms the heart,” Cassandra chimed in with a smile.
They chatted among themselves and with other people that approached them with well wishes for the new year.
“Off to find Josie and turn this into a real party,” Leliana announced and became one with the crowd.
Max stared after her in amusement. “I hope it’s not my undergarments that will end up pinned on any board in Skyhold if our Spymaster has her way with real parties,” he quipped.
Cassandra had taken a sip of her wine and sputtered at his words. Max turned in time to see her spewing some on the coat of the person standing right in front of her and couldn’t stop his guffaw if he tried. Cassandra herself burst into a mix of coughing and laughter and their nearby guests turned to them.
There was no time to spare. Flashing a wild grin Max tipped his own cup and laid a hand on Cassandra’s elbow, guiding her with haste to the doors leading to the garden.
Fresh air filled their lungs as soon as they made their way outside. They sat on a bench, backs on the wall, letting the chilly air and stillness calm their breathing and the lingering redness on their faces from their uncontrollable laughter earlier.
“I was not aware you knew the story about Leliana, Josie and the pinned undergarments.”
“I still don’t know the whole story,” Max pointed out. “And I am not sure I want to know all the details so let’s leave it at that.”
Cassandra closed her eyes and leaned back against the wall. Her fingers played softly with the bracelet she was wearing on one of her wrists.
Max noticed some engraved shapes on it. “Is this from Nevarra?”
“I have no idea,” Cassandra turned her wrist and observed the design. “It has dragons on it so perhaps.”
“May I?” Max raised her wrist closer to his eyes, observing the patterns.
“A gift from Anthony on our last Satinalia together,” she blurted.
“Beautiful and fitting for a Nevarran princess,” Max smiled at her.
“Clearly you have forgotten how much of a princess I actually am, Max,” Cassandra blushed and turned away, looking at the garden.
His eyes took in her mouth, closer to him this time but still not close enough. She had worn perfume tonight and somehow her hair seemed carefully styled.
So beautiful…
Heart in his throat, Max repositioned himself so that their thighs touched.
“I have not. But,” he wet his lips. ”What do you say if we are just Cassandra and Max for a moment?”
She had tried to avoid him, she really had. Ever since their conversation in the barracks, they had seen so little of each other. He’d left for the Storm Coast without her, giving her time and space to think and clear her head. He’d claimed he cared for her. His flirting had been insistent yet respectful. His stares were full of desire but stripped of any salacious traits.
No matter what she responded with to his advances, about their duties, their responsibilities, their roles, him being the Inquisitor, the war against Corypheus, he had not faltered a bit. On the contrary, he appeared even more determined to show that his feelings for her were sincere and serious.
And if she were honest with herself, she wanted him madly. He was not someone who just wanted to boast about getting his way with the Hero of Orlais, no. He was the Herald of Andraste, her Herald, the man who had committed himself fully to their cause, leading them with vigor and faith, fighting bravely with a righteousness that shone in a world of chaos and hate.
He was a great friend, giving her space to grieve for Justinia and Galyan, standing by her side as she grieved for the tragic fate of Daniel, supporting her and her idealistic dreams of rebuilding the Seekers, even admitting to being guided by her.
“I don’t think you are blind.”
He was also Max, a handsome mage from Ostwick who brightened her days with his jokes, his smiles, his kindness, his small touches, his attention, his unravelling desire to discuss endlessly anything with her.
Every time she had confronted him about his attention, he had laid himself open to her, dispersing her fears about whether he truly cared or not, making her hope that he could give her what she yearned for.
She’d chosen this tunic for him. She’d paid attention to her braid and hair, trimmed some loose edges. She’d even bought a perfume that she’d imagined he would like. When she’d met Leliana at the stairs to the hall, her friend had whistled and given her an appreciative once over.
“Someone has cleaned up rather nice today. A certain mage in mind?”
“Nobody in mind.”
“My mistake then…”
The falter in his step when he’d located her in the crowd had broken any remaining reservations she had for him. A man who had just suggested to be simply Cassandra and Max for a moment. Two people who…
She had no time to think. Max cradled her wrist and started to caress her palm with his thumb. Her eyes followed its movement, as it was scattering any leftover doubts upon all the winds.  Using his other hand, Max traced her fingers with his own. The stroke was gentle yet so sensuous, fueling her veins with a surge that ran through her veins and spine and consumed her body and soul.
She burned for him.
Lifting her head, she held his gaze for a moment before he leaned and kissed her.
His lips on mine speak words not voiced, a prayer
Blessed Andraste, his lips were warmer than fire. He broke the kiss and rested his forehead against her temple.
“Cass…I… You’re so beautiful,” he let out a shaky breath and stared into her eyes.
Cassandra let her fingers trace his jawline, his cheek and ghost over his lips. She met his hazy stare, as his hands touched her lower back through the tunic material and urged her closer to him.
She fisted his tunic and closed the distance, kissing him in the brashness of impulse and desire. He moaned and threaded his fingers thought her hair, urging her to open her mouth more.
They broke off to breathe and the door to the hall suddenly burst open, revealing a very drunk Dorian followed by Varric and an even more drunk Sera.
“Maaaaaax my friend… And Cassandraaaaa..! Hiiii Seeker… Maxwell Trevelyan, you promised me a Tevinter ballad with your lute, go fetch it, I will siiiing aloooong…”
Cassandra let Dorian and Sera drag Max away as Varric tailed them. If the dwarf had noticed her swollen lips after her kiss with Max, he didn’t show it.
When she was alone, she brought her fingers to her lips and sighed, reliving the tantalizing memory of his mouth moving against hers. She was in love with Max and there was nothing she could do anymore to pretend it was a simple infatuation.
Perhaps she had a chance to get her ideal romance after all.
A/N: This is my first Dragon Age fanfic and the second fanfic I have written. Inspired by the holidays, I wrote this fluffy one-shot about Cassandra x Inquisitor, my favorite dragon age couple. One of my headcanons is that they kissed before meeting at the hidden grove for the romance cutscene and that the Inquisitor kept flirting with her. 
I want to thank the awesome @whatsherfacewrites for beta reading it and my beloved friend @ludi-ling who has inspired me to write, never says no when I ask for help and corrects my grammar, spelling and American/British English misses. Go check their work, what are your waiting for?
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To Light A Magic Fart
We have been made aware that our latest commentary has elicited a rant.
We would like begin by saying the first half of this rant is not only a misdirect but a lot of personal stuff that is outside our targeted topics of commentary so we shall be skipping that.
“As I type all this, I feel a strange sense of bewilderment. I’ve read very little on liminal spaces, magical theory, mythic time, or Dionysus; and yet I’m sitting here, trying to tell my own story and no one else’s, and finding myself describing something that I somehow, recognize as being intimately connected to all of these things at once. “
We must inform you this is very doubtful.  As someone who has crusaded against actual knowledge and those who teach it, study it, and understand it, you suddenly valuing any knowledge you are adamant against giving any sense of importance, this is a contradiction.  We would like to remind you, you have spent years demonizing those who are academically minded, who would possess the best supply of these topics of information.  We need to remind you, you have chased, and guided newcomers away from these very informed and academic individuals with a very glib and dismissive expressions that they are somehow morally and emotionally defective.
We need to remind you, you have spent more posts declaring how unimportant and meaningless academic resources, information, and knowledgeable people who covet such information, that it boggles the mind how you can sit here now and suddenly have an appreciation for information and knowledge.  We must say that is highly convenient, almost like you are a bag of contradictions and hyperbole.
“ I don’t know. Maybe I can’t know. Maybe knowing how and why this is happening isn’t the point. “
We would like to mention that in every occurrence that knowledge is passed on from a deity it is made obvious that it is given by them.  We would like to remind you, this would be conferred as a minor miracle and the god that granted it would not do so with a cloak and dagger delivery.
“Maybe no matter how strange and fantastic my real life is...“
We can not believe you, as you complain constantly about how you are incredibly oppressed and put-upon by the evil capitalist misogynistic patriarchy, holding you in a death grip of poverty...strange and fantastic is not the picture you spent years painting.  If you’d like to recant those lies and give a more accurate depiction of your life, feel free, no need to keep up the pretense.
“... there will always be some way that I and everyone else can convince ourselves that there must be a perfectly mundane, scientific explanation for everything, that nothing truly magical could ever possibly happen in our actual, physical lives. “
We would like to say this is a gross generalization that disturbs us greatly.  We would like to mention that, something can be scientific and still be magical.  Magical events do not have to be beyond scientific involvement or divorced from the world in a separate sphere.  They are part of the same world, they occupy the same space.  Magic is everywhere, and science just helps us understand how that natural magic works.  We understand the gist of what you are attempting to say but it’s so mushmouth muddled with it loses cohesion.  We would like to simplify, you’re wrong.  --Memphis
Not familiar with the idea that magic is only science we don’t understand yet, are you?  The world is as magical as you make it. --Cairo
“In fact, if I had done what nigh on every single Hellenic polytheist told me, 3 years ago, that I absolutely must do before I was allowed to even talk to any of the Theoi; i.e., devote far more time, money, and energy than I even had... “
You’d have a functional well structured and meaningful religious practice that you can easily make a habit to exercise, in order to have an actual religious practice and not just invent it on a whim while screeching “muh poverty lack of resources”, in a religious practice that has its ancient methodologies of worship and practice well outlined with a knowledgeable community that could inform you of them and help you?  We can see how dreadful that would have been!  Better you avoided any of that ACTUAL respecting the gods with their own religious practices which are time tested and just dump a can of wine on the ground, belch and in tone “amen, bro”.--Memphis
If every single practitioner of a religion is telling you that you do something, perhaps that’s how the religion is actually practiced?  Just saying.--Cairo
”I would still be refusing to accept the very possibility that the Theoi are real, and trying to communicate with me, and weren’t just trying to kick the shit out of me because I ‘m not “humble” enough to be allowed to even casually worship them, or even think about wanting to worship them. That is the extent to which I have been gaslighted by an ableist, sexist, queerphobic world...”
We must inform you this is not gaslighting, and none of this is true.  You’re so buried helplessly in the twisted murky interior of your own ideology that you have bought into all the lies and fables it has generated.  Snap out of it!
“It’s because polytheists are, for the most part, every bit as closed-minded and self-righteous as the Southern Baptists who told me I was an abomination and a Devil worshipper and a degenerate for being a queer witch who talked back to pastors and smoked weed.“
We must inform you, you are confused.  These are your actions which you committed upon every community you attempted to infect like herpes.  Anyone who didn’t bow down to every word of your vapid ideology was to be summarily purged.  You created an entire callout blog (which we parody), to bully, harrass and purge people you deem morally corrupt and a heretic to your divinely sanctioned and holy edicts of social justice that must be obeyed to the letter.  You terrorized this community for years with it, dividing it, polarizing it and demonizing our gods, twisting them into these token puppets you can make spit out any words you want to give yourself the squishy feels. 
The only ones who act like southern Baptists or medieval catholic inquisitors, are you and your friends.  Don’t try to backpedal that YOU are the victim here, you are the bully, the aggressor, the one causing harm. 
Some sects of polytheism have actual ancient records detailing proper practices to how their religion is followed.  While following them in personal practice is largely voluntary, they are the methods espoused to have been prescribed by the gods of their own religion.  It’s just respectful to those gods to follow such practices.
”Because of all this, polytheists are perfectly willing to bully, threaten, gaslight, and otherwise abuse young, vulnerable people in their midst who even for one minute threaten their perceived “respectability” in the eyes of the mainstream and of their favorite Big Name Pagans. They are perfectly willing to ignore the real problems in our community -bullying, toxic groupthink, overwhelming authoritarianism, rape culture and misogyny, TERFS and other assorted trans/homophobes, bigots of every kind, ableism to the point that the first thing anyone says to discredit me is that I’m “obviously hallucinating” when I talk about astral stuff or magic (that’s not how hallucinations fucking work you fucking morons! Read a book every now and then, for chrissake), and goddamn actual Nazis- in favor of whining about how Pop Culture Pagans or “fluffy” people or “loudmouthed brats” are OMG THE REASON NO ONE TAKES US SERIOUSLY!1!!11!!! They do all of these things, and simultaneously fancy themselves particularly enlightened, superior to followers of “”Abrahamic religions””, by virtue of simply “following the old gods” and “being connected to nature”, or whatever.”
We are touched, this is clear vagueblogging about us.  What was it you said...
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Seriously though, you left this on our post as if you don’t care, and then wrote this thesis of how much it bothers you and you do care.  You’re pathetic.
“Because of this shallow, petty, and toxic paradigm that permeates basically every single official pagan and polytheist space, it is almost impossible for most of us to really, meaningfully connect and communicate with our gods. “
We must inform you, this is fundamentally untrue.  You’re reaching again.--Memphis
Citation needed.  This mod has actually heard more complaints that name you, Devo, and your friends specifically as making it difficult to practice, than heard such complaints about other online spaces.--Cairo
“Because of this shallow, petty, and toxic paradigm that permeates basically every single official pagan and polytheist space, it is almost impossible for most of us to really, meaningfully connect and communicate with our gods. Human beings are intimately social creatures; we are constantly, consciously and subconsciously, affected by the social environment that we are in, whether we like it or not and whether we know it or not. It’s basically impossible not to be drawn in by the assumptions everyone around you makes and operates on, even if we’re ignoring thoughtforms and energies and other woo stuff. Polytheists have convinced ourselves that anything we experience that’s in any way out of the ordinary; in any way not exactly what the historical record we currently have portrays…in other words, anything that might realistically be a part of interacting with actual deities and doing actual magic, absolutely will be called a delusion, an attention-seeking stunt, an idiotic act of hubris, an attempt to “start a cult” or gain coercive power over others, an evil and sacrilegious act, or all of the above, by anyone and everyone in our community who wants to discredit whatever it is we’re saying. No wonder even people who have fantastic experiences doubt themselves, or refuse to go public with it; I’m not a particularly sensitive person by a long shot, and I often have to steel myself to be honest online because of the (attempted) bullying and public shaming that I know for a fact will result from it.“
More about us.  You must love us dearly.  We must inform you, again you are entirely wrong.  You literally told Set in that interview post, you would start a cult.  You adhere to a collectivist ideology that operates on the concept of original sin and so everyone of that group must atone for the sins of the group for every instance in history.  You follow an ideology that abhors individual worth and thought over the group opinion and the group’s collective thought, in which any dissent and the individual will be sacrificed to ensure purity of the group.  You operate like a wanna-be cult leader who wants a cult.
You have done alot of evil in this community and you called it righteous because your ideology decrees it must be.  Your every action is dictated by it, your every thought is shaped by it to the point you declared that a god who historically always supported a theocratic monarchy...suddenly fell in love with socialism/communism...an inherently destructive and genocidal form of government and philosophy.  One that has claimed over 100 million lives, and more?!  That is alot ot buy, smarmy, a LOT to buy.  We didn’t even mention how he just outright confirms all your political points, thoughts, beliefs, and heralds them as divinely sanctioned?!  We don’t have to know how the stove top makes the coil red hot to understand touching it will burn.--Memphis  
Others have said it, and this mod will say it again:  It is not that you are sharing your personal experiences that is the problem; it is that you are stating them as being as factually true as peer reviewed historical sources.  You can believe what you want, but it is absolutely dishonest and disgusting to expect and insist that the rest of the community treat it as fucking holy scripture.--Cairo 
“I’m not a particularly sensitive person by a long shot...”
We would like to say, considering you felt the need to write this dissertation of drivel, you most certainly are sensitive.
“If you say you worship Set, but then spit in the face of his ideals in almost every mundane action you take -from the way you treat people traditionally associated with him to the way you think and talk about mundane, real-world chaos, riots, criminals, and political violence- are you actually worshipping Set, or are you just worshipping your own assumptions about Set?“
We are amazed at how unironic you write this and yet, it’s like you wrote this looking in a mirror.
“And if the very fact that someone online who you don’t like has posted UPG about Set condemning your actions and behavior…causes you to post frantic, histrionic paragraphs about how the person in question is an evil, power-hungry, lunatic aspiring cult leader who is “evidently” crazy and lying and trying to manipulate the entire kemetic community and also is in league with the Sn/ake that wants to destroy existence itself, are you really prioritizing your devotion to Set? Or are you prioritizing your own ego, because you refuse to even entertain the possibility that you could be wrong and ought to change your behavior in some way in order to better honor him? “
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Wow again, you gazed in the mirror.  None of our commentaries, nor those of any of your critics, are frantic, nor histrionic, but it is apparent that you are and you do.  They are not the ones fueled by such deep seething hatred and rage for anything outside your own myopic and narrow minded views.  They aren’t the ones demanding slavish devotion to an ideology that history has proven is murderous and dangerous.  They aren’t the ones who profess to be ‘on the side of the angels’ and in the same breath long for violent rebellious war to shred the country and slaughter millions.  You are a hateful person devoid of compassion and an enemy of anything resembling freedom. 
We see you have again mistaken UPG for something provable.  If you had written that interview and stated that you wrote Set’s dialogue intuitively, or you interpreted them, rather then composed the transcript verbatim...we’d have been more lenient with our criticisms.  We point out, every word of his dialogue was verbatim your own, that you have ranted about for the years.  Every bit, from his diction, to his syntax, from tone to word choices was entirely from your own and not from an external source.  The fact it entirely vindicates every word of your political tripe, your beliefs and ideology, to the decimal place, is evidence that it’s not from any external source, or external spiritual entity but from you.  This was a complete fiction.
To state that “anyone who disagrees with smarmy, Set and his people gunna git’ya”, is such a colossal over reach that it strains believably.  We are certain that any god who loves their devotee would say they will defend them against attack, but this.  We must inform you this is something else entirely.
We are quite certain we don’t need to change our behavior to profess your ideals as our own and bow down to accept communism and socialism or even anarchism as the true path forwards.  We don’t need to throw away any sense of actual morality to support systems that have led to more destruction and death then any others in history and recorded memory. 
We are also not above admitting if we are wrong, but when it comes to you and how you abuse the name of the gods for your own twisted ends, we aren’t.
We are however, certain you are.  You are so in love with your own ideological puppetry that you not only profess that a god has endorsed you 100%, promised to smite all who oppose you, promise you power and prestige as his precious prophet of his ideals (which you forced into him).  So deeply entrenched in this ideology and stances of no matter what the cost, no matter how ridiculous, you can never admit to being wrong when facing any dissenting voices or else it instantly negates all of your teachings, beliefs, and words (which it only does because you made them so absolute), that you cannot admit you are wrong and can only dig deeper down this endless trench of foolishness and madness. 
We have no doubts the S/na/ke influences you, it praises you, it agrees with you, it gives you whatever you want, the sense of righteousness that you’re never wrong and always on the side of purity, everyone else is evil, everyone else is impure, everyone else is wrong, everyone else is at fault...That is the danger of isfet and the parasitic spirits that serve it, and you let them in.
“ I believe that gods are huge, ancient, and multi-faceted, so sure, it’s possible that there’s a version of Set out there that likes racist bootlickers and encourages them to follow the law no matter the human cost“
This is among the most offensive things you’ve ever said.  Historical record cannot be dismissed and hand-waved away of how these gods have acted in the past and expect they did a full 180.  We would like to mention, that once again, like any good cult leader, you degrade anyone who dissents.  We would like to state you are completely off the mark, you have no understanding of this god if you honestly think he loves communism and loves nazism and loves racism because ‘there MUST be an aspect of him that likes it’.  We need to remind you, that would make him evil.  This is a complete insult to a god you claim to love and worship.  This is a damning and horrible thing to say about a god you claim to respect.  This shows us you have nothing but sheer contempt for the gods, so you invent a twisted and corrupted idea of them.  We need to remind you, it’s bullshit like this that makes us say your a delusional child aspiring cult leader who is aligned with the sn/a/ke, if you honestly think this about Set.  We are disgusted, you do this noble god, so much dishonor.  --Memphis
How dare you.  How dare you insult a god you claim to be even an outlaw priest of with such a foul misunderstanding of his character?!  Even for hyperbolic rhetoric?!  Can you not have even the barest smidgen of respect for the god you claim to serve or worship?  Or are the words that describe the most basic relationship of priesthood too uncomfortable for you?--Cairo
“ ... to “keep it real” by regurgitating tired and ignorant bigoted stereotypes and acting as though the fact the stereotype exists at all is somehow evidence that you’re right to be a bigot; and believe that “illegals” seeking asylum so that they and their families won’t fucking die are inherently dangerous enough to justify putting them in motherfucking concentration camps. But just because it’s possible doesn’t necessarily mean it’s very likely, now does it? “
We would ask if you ever get tired of making sweeping incorrect generalizations that make you look stupid but we already know the answer.  If you’d like to discuss what we believe regarding various political situations, we at KCFTP would be happy to chat, but do stop shoving words and beliefs into our and everyone mouths that do not apply.--Memphis
Who the fuck is Smarmy even talking about here?--Cairo
“No wonder people react to anyone showing historically common, textbook behaviors of a person being called to spirit work or reacting to being in a liminal space or state of mind, with derision and scorn and bullying. Genuine liminality, one of the main historical requirements for communicating with gods or using magic, is almost universally despised and cursed by modern-day polytheists as heresy.“
We would like to say this literally never happens.  This is a bold faced lie.  We knew you could not help it!--Memphis
That is really fucking weird, every discussion I’ve had with other polytheists and pagans has touched on how to communicate with gods, spirits, and other entities, magic, or other things that require having a foot in multiple worlds.  Everyone usually seems pretty eager to talk about such things.  Unusual for something “universally despised and cursed.”--Cairo  
“LGBT+ people are stereotyped as “special snowflakes” and yelled at about “assigning modern labels to gods” when we say that deities who canonically act as multiple genders or sleep with same-gendered-beings, are queer like us. “
We would like to clarify, no smarmy, that’s just you and your ilk...and it’s by other LBGT+ people...Stop trying to be some martyr, you aren’t.  Go outside, get off the internet.
“ Young people are bullied and publicly shamed on a regular basis if they run afoul of the wrong “Big Name Pagan”, and people smugly tell themselves and each other that it is, somehow, for the kid’s own good because they have to be “taught a lesson in humility” and “being the bigger person” or some other fucking nonsense that sounds like it fell directly from the mouths of actual child abusers and predators. “
So anyone who disagrees with you are child abusers and predators now too!?  We would like to say that is astounding, almost like it’s entirely fiction.  We’d also like to mention, the only BIG Name Pagans around here are you and Devo, and you guys are constantly a problem.  Maybe its you who needs to “be taught a lesson in humility” because you are no where near humble and you are among the most abusive individuals in this community.--Memphis
Said it before, will say it again.  We have seen you and your crew bully and publicly shame far more people in this particular community than any of us.  We’re not the ones who started the Kemetic Callout war, only the ones who have arguably been more successful at it.  And your callout blog only has the people who talked back and wouldn’t bend, it doesn’t count the many who bowed and broke before your bullying or those who left here altogether.--Cairo  
“Until sharing UPG that goes against the more popular narratives no longer makes one a social pariah among their polytheist peers, nobody should be surprised that it’s almost exclusively the heretical, disrespectful punks who are constantly being publicly snubbed and dismissed by their peers, who ever seem to talk about seeing any results or evidence that anything out-of-the-ordinary is actually going on. “
Translation: “Until I can share my UPG and it is believed as absolute fact without any question, and be heralded as the divine truth, the community is a shitshow!”--Memphis
As long as your UPG agrees 100% with your own personal and political beliefs, it will and should be questioned.  Whatever your stance, the gods have a wider experience and knowledge base than we do and will always have a different perspective.  Any spirit that tells you everything you want to hear and flatters you shamelessly is no god and has no good intentions towards you in the end.--Cairo
“Until we all accept that it doesn’t matter if Christians and mainstream secular people think we’re weird and so we don’t need to constantly jump through hoops to seem Academic™ and Serious™ and Normal™, nobody should be surprised that the only public discussions that don’t devolve into nasty name-calling matches are ones facilitated by a handful of holier-than-thou assholes who treat having a PhD in Philosophy as though it’s a permission slip from the gods themselves to be a self-righteous, know-it-all douche, and never really allow any disagreement with them on anything important.“
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Translation: “We need to continue being edgy punk teens who disrespect gods and culture and snub actual belief systems by turning them into comical satires of themselves, until the people smarter then us give up and let us have all the power, while we use our UPG to try and seem way more divinely important then we actually are by assigning ourselves flashy titles and divine endorsements!!! Cause if the gods support US, then we can’t be wrong!”
We would like to remind you that history is fraught with oppressive regimes who used this tactic, one example is the Spanish Inquisition.  Did you agree with them torturing and killing people to force them into conversion?  Another example we would like to mention is the North Korean regimes.  The ones who still have ACTUAL concentration camps. 
We would like to mention, China now has concentration camps where they hold and torment innocent Muslim citizens, and Chechnya who still have death camps where they send gay and LGBT citizens. 
We would like to mention these go entirely against your belief and political structures about LGBT+ issues, oppression, and gay rights.  We notice you never mention those.  We notice you never complain about them and how evil they are. We wonder, is it because it goes against your narrative of “communism is the truth and the way” or do you just not care? 
We would like to point out it would seem like those are true injustices you could fight against and for...not...how everyone needs to behave and believe how you want.
We would like to set the snark aside for a second and say, we’re always up for discussions.  We need to clarify that you always reduce the conversations to insults and calling everyone who disagrees with you “racist bootlickers”, so the issue is not on our side, but with you, so stop lying that we and all your critics are the unreasonable ones.
“And until we care more about taking care of each other than protecting our deities’ reputations, nobody should be surprised when our community remains a toxic, misogynistic, homophobic, Nazi-infested shithole, while everyone is more than happy to spend hours arguing about the particulars of shrine setups and deity name pronunciations and whether or not it’s okay to offer potato chips and Netflix binges to ancient deities who, ultimately, realistically are not that likely to give a shit either way. “
Literal Nazis wandered into our community and your reaction was “meh so what” and continued bullying other innocent people, who you labeled as nazis and racists.  You’re a one tune piano smarmy, and you just keep tooting the same tune.  It wasn’t believable when you were “the holy ambassador, ordained by Jesus, to the hellenics” it is not believable now.
“Until we fix the problems with our collective paradigm, until we fix the way we treat each other, until we genuinely value wisdom, compassion, humility, and courage over our reputations, we are all gonna have to accept that the gods we worship are not all that interested in revealing their actual, authentic, awesome, strange and unexpected powers to people who are determined to believe they are either incapable or unwilling to do so.“
We agree, you should start treating people better, starting with inatier and all the other people you’ve spent YEARS defaming, bullying, berating, harassing, snubbing, and demonizing.--Memphis
Actions speak louder than words Smarmy, and based on yours none of these are your values.  We have seen you bully and cast aside community members who did their research and were willing to share, we have seen your utter lack of compassion throughout your time here with anyone who has the nerve to disagree with you, and the idea of you having humility is a joke.  You worry more about being seen as your edgy, antifa, communist [insert additional labels here} self than about having the courage to suck it up, show some compassion, and value the wisdom of trying to mend the fences you have broken so badly over the years.
Additionally, we have had no problem seeing the many wondrous and varied faces of our gods because we are not hell bent on forcing them into tiny boxes that fit only our own personal beliefs.  If this is a problem you have been having, perhaps you should take your own advice.--Cairo
My colleagues have added much to these particular points of your diatribe, but I’ll add my bit here. While it seems like you may be in a better place physically (despite claiming you know more about psychology and medicine than your previous doctors do), you seem to be going down a dark, dangerous road mentally. You might just find yourself in jail yet, or worse if you don’t reevaluate your thinking.
“The insomnia is what caused my other symptoms to get so bad that they become delusions, paranoia, mania, and once, auditory hallucinations.” So you’re admitting to having breaks from reality, along with your emotional instability. Yet, you get butthurt when people are skeptical to your religious experiences. I’m no psychologist, admittedly, but I don’t automatically trust random people’s religious experiences, much less someone with a history of psychosis. Whether it’s you or anyone else. 
I would also recommend you be very, very careful using THC. I don’t know what medications you’re taking, but THC can interact with several different drugs, including Prozac. High levels of THC can cause paranoia and psychosis as well. 
You’re trying to act as a leader and activist when you’re still dealing with some very serious conditions. This is why so many people recommend to not use magic or occultic practices when dealing with mental health. People are not being elitist or ableist when they do this. The whole purpose is to encourage others to first attain treatment for their conditions. You’ve been claiming your own voice as Set’s, threatening violence to attain your desires in regards to politics, and using magic to harm your political enemies. You refuse to understand the motivations of people who don’t hold the same political opinions - even “centrists”, so that even the politically moderate are your enemies. This is even a symptom of borderline personality disorder, which you say you’re diagnosed with. Clearly, your symptoms aren’t completely managed.
You have a long way to go in terms of healing. You can blame the outside world all you like for not getting treatment or for a lack of progress, but your mental health is YOUR responsibility and you need to take responsibility and fix yourself before you’re in any position to try and “fix” the world with your ideology.
I highly encourage you to take a break and get some further professional help; wherever you are and however you can get it. Your writings are extremely troubling to us here. The last thing you need is to get arrested or committed trying to “punch a Nazi” or “take down the system”. You’re going to really screw up any chances of getting on your feet, getting treatment, and doing something actually meaningful with your life if you continue down this road.
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galadrieljones · 5 years
Dragon Age Question Meme
Tagged by @thevikingwoman and @idrelle-miocovani. Thanks!! ^_^
tagging @pikapeppa @a-shakespearean-in-paris @wrenbee @bearly-tolerable @hidinginthehinterlands @ladylike-foxes @sasshole-for-rent @ma-sulevin @princessvicky01 @lyrium-lovesong
01) favorite game of the series?
Inquisition. It was my introduction to the franchise, and I just have a hard time going back to older games and enjoying them the same? I really liked Origins, but the silent protag, despite my love for Skyrim, isn’t really my thing. I’ve never *actually* played all the way through DA2. Don’t shoot me. I just don’t have the time lol.
02) how did you discover Dragon Age?
My husband bought it for me for my birthday one year, on a recommendation from a guy at GameStop. He said, “My wife loves Skyrim. What are some other games she might like?” Inquisition had just come out like six months earlier.
03) how many times you’ve played the games?
I’ve only played through Origins once. I’ve played through Inquisition in its entirety (including Trespasser) 4 times.
04) favorite race to play as?
Hmm. I’ve played most as an elf, but that’s due to Solavellan. I am not really an elf-exclusive kind of lady. My first two PTs were with Trevelyans who romanced Cullen and Sera respectively. In Skyrim, another game with a million race choices, I’ve mostly played as a Nord, with a couple wood elves, too. So, I like elves and humans equal, I’d say.
05) favorite class?
Rogues, archers in particular. This is pretty much always true for me. Though I play Revasan Lavellan as a two-handed warrior with a great big sword and it’s QUITE fun (in Skyrim, my main Nord is a two-handed warrior, too.)
06) do you play through the games differently or do you make the same decisions each time?
I have mixed certain things up. I’ve done playthroughs in Inquisition where I let the Wardens stay, playthroughs where I exile them. I’ve also gone with the Templars once, though I mostly choose the Mages because I just like In Hushed Whispers better. I like to mess with the opening world state a little in the Dragon Age Keep, too. But there are certain things I always need to be the same, just because I can’t cope with the other options lol. For example, Morrigan and Warden Matthew Cousland are an OTP for life for me, and it’s canon in my brain forever that Matthew would not do the blood ritual with Morrigan, nor would he allow it to be performed with anyone else, so he died saving the world. But they do have a baby together--Kieran exists. But he is not an old god baby in my universe and never will be.
07) go-to adventuring group?
Solas, Iron Bull, and Dorian with Sene Lavellan; Solas, Cassandra, and Sera for Revasan Lavellan. Sometimes, I’ll mix things up a little with Sene (who I’ve played a LOT) and bring Sera instead of Dorian, or Cole instead of Dorian. Sometimes I’ll bring Cass or Thom instead of Bull. I specialize Sera with daggers, actually, so I can have two kinds of rogues. 
08) which of your characters did you put the most thought into?
Overall, probably Sene, since I’ve played her the longest and written about her the most. But I’ve put a lot into Revasan as well. In some ways, I feel I know his code better than Sene’s. 
09) favorite romance?
Solas. But Sera was also lovely.
10) have you read any of the comics/books?.
No. I have “Masked Empire,” but I’ve not read it.
11) if you read them, which was your favorite book?
12) favorite DLCs?
Trespasser. I also like Jaws of Hakkon. The Frostback Basin is a super neat setting with a lot of strangeness and beauty. I love the pink.
13) things that annoy you.
Not much? Mostly I get annoyed when parts of the fandom fixate on things that annoy them. That annoys me, because I’m here for the positive vibes, not the negative.
14) Orlais or Ferelden?
Ferelden. I think it’s weirder. 
15) templars or mages?
Mages. Honestly both factions have problems  in their leadership as far as I’m concerned, but I tend to choose the mages more often, because the quest is more fun in Inquisition, and I just can’t stand the idea of them being enslaved by some Tevinter fuckface. 
16) if you have multiple characters, are they in different/parallel universes or in the same one?
I have two universes: one where Sene is Inquisitor, and one where her father Revasan is Inquisitor. They each exist in their respective universes though and are the same people, just in different roles. Sene is with Solas in both.
17) what did you name your pets? (mabari, summoned animals, mounts, etc)
Warden Matthew Cousland named his Mabari Good Boy.
18) have you installed any mods?
Console only
19) did your Warden want to become a Grey Warden?
No. He didn’t want anything to do with the Wardens. He was sort of like the Prince Hal of the Couslands, causing trouble and being ironic and kind of a jerk and a charmer. Morrigan often casts him as having had a bandit’s sensibility but a good heart. He joined the Wardens because after his parents died he was a mess and didn’t know what else to do or where else to go. I picture him as only having been like 24.
20) hawke’s personality?
I kind of just go with classic purple Hawke lol. He’s a little derpy but brave as hell. His plans often go wrong but he’s very good at improvising. He romanced Fenris. His name is simply Garrett. 
21) did you make matching armor for your companions in Inquisition?
No lol. I like to use knightly colors though. I always use light, silvery metals and then with accents that fit each character’s personality. Sene’s accent color is always a fiery red. Revasan’s is a cold blue.
22) if your character(s) could go back in time to change one thing, what would they change?  
Probably not much. My characters all tend to sort of face forward at all times. Revasan might change things from his wife’s tragic backstory though. He might save her family from the Fifth Blight if he had the chance.
23) do you have any headcanons about your character(s) that go against canon?
Plenty lol. I headcanon my Lavellans as land rich farmers who live stationary, wealthy lives and have for three generations. I have robust headcanons for the Dalish in general, mainly that there is a robust farming tradition among them, and that there are more successful Dalish elves than many humans and city elves realize. Nobility and Chantry officials would be unfamiliar with their culture, but any agricultural and merchant families of Ferelden and Orlais and the Free Marches would probably work often with Dalish farmers. I also headcanon Dalish farmers as being very much in league with the Merchant’s Guild. The Lavellans have a strong, historic partnership with the Tethras family, for example, because of all the business they do in Kirkwall. Varric has known Revasan and also Sene for many years. 
I also reject the barefoot elves thing. I just...for me, personally, it’s too Fantasy with a capital F and I like things to be a little grittier than that. So my elves wear boots, okay? Come at me.
24) are any of your character(s) based on someone?
Nope. Or, well, I mean, Revasan’s appearance is heavily informed by that of Luke Evans. His voice claim is like a mix between Gordon Ramsey and Jude Law. Sene is entirely unique.
25) who did you leave in the Fade?
When it was Hawke or Stroud, I left Stroud. When it was Hawke or Alistair, I left Hawke. Hawke wanted it more. Alistair is too...precious in my mind. I was worried about him. But in my sort of main world state, Alistair is King of Ferelden and not a Warden, so Stroud is actually in the Fade for all intents and purposes.
26) favorite mount?
Lol I don’t use mounts. My party and I run around on foot like children and get eaten by bears like men. 
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rosykims · 5 years
tagged by: @nordxz​ thanks so much !!! *heart emoji* 
favourite game of the series?
origins! although inquisition is very close as well.  inquisition was my favourite for a very time, but like midway through last year i replayed origins and it just felt.....so good. i really struggled with enjoying dao because of the clunky fighting system but an amazing mutual introduced me to a mod that lets u skip fights basically lol, so i was just able to focus on the story/characters/exploration of the game, which just....made me realize how immensely beautiful the game actually is, and i fell in love all over again aaaaa
how did you discover dragon age?
i was a huge mass effect fan ! mass effect was the game that motivated me to make this blog, actually, and obviously through following people i saw a lot of posts from the da community as well. so i bought origins and inquisition (i had NO idea there was a da2 until half way through awakening lmao) and tried to play origins but HATED it gtrhutgrhugtr and then eventually gave it another try like a month later and completely loved it and now here we are
how many times you’ve played the games?
not as many times as some people on here have - i would say origins maybe four times, da2 maybe twice, inquisition three times. but that also doesnt count all the timesw ive created new games and then abandoned them lol bc theres too many to count 
favourite race to play as?
love me some elf booty ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
favourite class?
at first it was rogue dual wielder ! i played as a rogue in every single first-time playthrough and idk i felt that class has always been the easiest/most op. but in the last maybe 2 years it’s changed to mage. ive always been super intimidated by magic classes in every game i play but i LOVE inquisition’s mage classes/specializations and i can never go back now
do you play through the games differently or do you make the same decisions each time?
im so so so bad and i usually end up making very similar choices, but usually bc i just......replay the same characters every time hgtuhgtruhgtrui. i REALLY need to make more da ocs to explore more choices but....i dont want to lol i already have to many. i still havent sided with the templars in a playthrough like i just cant do it 
go-to adventuring group?
i always bring my characters love interest with them no matter what, just bc its cute, but usually i try to evenly cycle the other characters around that. i always try to have a warrior/rogue/mage in every party. but sometimes i’ll go warrior/warrior/mage/mage especially if i need to focus on straight damage and a LOT of healing lol
my favourite parties would probably be:
dao - alistair + zevran + wynne (wholesome and also funny)
da2 - anders + fenris + merrill (SO much chaotic energy)
dai - solas + cassandra + cole (i just love them ok)
which of your characters did you put the most thought into?
ashara lavellan, my canon inquisitor who was never supposed to be canon tghtgurhtrg. my original canon inq was a trevelyan rogue, who was super nice and good. i made ashara so that i could actually play as an evil/mean character without feeling bad lol, oh and i also wanted to see what the deal with solas was bc i had heard his romance was good ;;;;) anyway that backfired and i ended up completely falling in love with her, and i STILL couldnt make the tough choices with her so i was like ok maybe she isnt THAT evil and now shes just..... the way she is now i guess lmao
favourite romance?
trhhtruih okay u guys KNOW its solas. u know. i dont even have to say anythiing about it bc...u fucking know
(alistair’s is very close tho)
have you read any of the comics/books?
i havent :(((( im such a bad fan but i cannot deal with ordering online and thats the only place ive been able to find them. im planning on reading asunder and the masked empire as soon as i get the chance (and the money) tho !!
if you read them, which was your favourite book?
favourite DLCs?
trespasser ! its pretty simple and very plot-driven like u didnt have to worry about side missions as much as u would with other dlcs so idk that was... refreshing. but obviously i loved it just bc it was so beautiful and intense and sad (since my chara romanced solas obviously) and that music score????? unbelievable i’ll never be over it
things that annoy you.
can i say the fandom trghuitgrhutrhui
mostly the thing that pisses me off the most is the grey morality. writers trying to make everything deep and Thought Provoking like..... no jerry, slavery IS bad theres no alternative viewpoint lol??????? also the fucking whitewashing makes me see red. 
orlais or ferelden?
ferelden!!!!! (*blows a kiss* for highever)
templars or mages?
mages <3 
if you have multiple characters, are they in different/parallel universes or in the same one?
i only have like 3 protag da characters and they’re all canon, although emeraude is an au. so ella is my canon warden and ashara is my canon inquisitor, but emeraude does exist in that universe, bc i hc she befriended the warden and alistair when they visited the alienage, and she was very outspokenly angry and didn’t really give a shit that alistair was going to be heir. which alistair really,,, appreciated i guess? so emeraude is made his official elven adviser after his coronation but she also kinda helps out as a royal protector because she’s one of the only people in court they both trust completely lol. also she is....stronk. 
and the only other characters i have for da are obviously side characters who are related to my canon protags so. they’re all canon as well lol
what did you name your pets? (mabari, summoned animals, mounts, etc)
ella named her dog ser bark gthutgrhutghruihtr she thought it was cute ok
emeraude just went with barkspawn since alistair came up with the idea as a joke but she thought the joke was so bad she made them keep it as punishment vjhuightui
i dont really have a hawke oc but.....he named his dog shepard in my playthrough ! like from mass effect ;;;;)))
have you installed any mods?
origins is modded to hell and back and i genuinely couldn’t play the game without mods at this point. inquisition is slightly modded but im in the process of removing them all, and only keeping a few because my game runs pretty terribly with them installed 
did your warden want to become a grey warden?
ella did ! but it was kind of,, a naive childhood dream, she had a really romanticized view of the wardens and she wanted a life of excitement and bravery and adventure, not really taking into consider all the bad things about it (and obviously not knowing the full truth about what it means to be a warden)
emeraude did NOT want to be a warden. she basically had to be dragged out of the alienage because she wanted to stay and protect her community. she never really enjoyed being a warden, although her friendship with alistair was its one redeeming quality 
hawke’s personality?
uh i cant remember the colour/personality thing but he was a combo of funny/ethical. mostly there for memes tho. 
did you make matching armor for your companions in inquisition?
for origins i do ! i always make sure alistair and ella wear the grey warden armour, as well as every warden in awakening. thats like, all theyre allowed to wear lmao.
if your character(s) could go back in time to change one thing, what would they change?
ella would obviously change her family’s murder lol, and emeraude would at least try and change what happened at her wedding, to prevent shianni and the others from being hurt. 
ashara would change romancing solas :((( she was so angry at herself after discovering who he was, and she felt weak and foolish which she HATES more than any other feeling, so she definitely wishes she had never met him for a long time. after she kind of processes it though, and learns to deal with her anger, her answer would be that she wishes she had saved the chargers. it’s the one move she made that actually keeps her up at night sometimes. 
do you have any headcanons about your character(s) that go against canon?
ghuitrhuigtrhugtr so many. canon? dont know her. 
the biggest example would be that i hc king!alistair was at the winter palace during the wicked hearts level. because uh..... celene and the fereldan monarchs had been corrosponding for over 10 years, trying to build up rapport, of COURSE the king would be there to see who the potential ruler/s of orlais would be and whether or not he ought to be worried. like. im sorry but alistair was there lol you can’t change my mind. i also hc he helps ashara with information about the grey wardens during this chapter, because ???? it just makes sense??? im so angry i wish this was canon
are any of your characters based on someone?
ok it was unintentional but ashara reminds me of an english teacher i had in highschool who was very scary but also....really cool and i loved her. it was an accident but,, still counts. 
who did you leave in the fade?
gtiturghtugh okay at the risk of pissing off EVERYBODY who reads this, i left hawke in the fade, even though it was a toss up between hawke and stroud. it was ashara’s fault tho !!! she would have 100% prioritzed an alliance with the grey wardens over like,, some guy. it broke my heart but yeah That happened. 
favourite mount?
i like all the elk mounts mostly ! but i never use them bc they sound ugly af
tagging : @trvelyans​ @f3nharel​ @allisondraste​ @ensevens​ @tethraas​ @talizorah​ @fereldun​ if u are up to it <3 and whoever else wants to do this ! 
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ciathyzareposts · 5 years
Missed Classic: Spellbreaker – The Chase
Written by Joe Pranevich
You’ve heard the classic story: boy meets girl, girl meets boy, boy and girl happen to be levitating rocks on a Tron-esque grid? It’s classic. If I have to say one thing about Spellbreaker, it is not afraid to have interesting and difficult puzzles. And despite the number of times that I have been stuck in this game, I’ve nearly always managed to get myself unstuck by looking at the problem in a different way. As we approach the end of the game, the overall picture is coming into focus. Connections are forming between the areas that the cubes take us, but I wish I did not have to spend the first half of the game feeling like I was playing a text-adventure version of Quantum Leap. Oh boy…
One other thing: this game is long. I’m ending this post at just over 18 hours in, making it the longest Infocom game by far and that does not include any of my time replaying from scratch last entry. The only longer game in this marathon is mainframe Zork which clocked in at roughly double where I am now. No actual Infocom release has taken me more than twelve hours to win. If they had planned to make this the “grand finale” of Zork, I think they succeeded under that metric at least.
Let’s play!
Wow. That looks complicated.
Two Dead Ends
We ended last week having just solved the octagon maze and with a new cube in-hand. I blorple it to end up in “No Place”. It is a lot like a place, except the room description says that we’re not in a place and my brain has no idea how to process not being any place, except somehow there are also exits east, west, and south, presumably to places. The mind boggles, but I head east first. That me to a vault filled to the brim with treasure. Could it possibly be the vault we discovered at the end of Zork III? The only exit from the vault is a locked door with a complicated mechanism although it’s strange that it is locked from the inside. I cannot seem to interact with it in any way. Is there a puzzle here or just a locked door? Rezrov is not powerful enough to open it.
I start to sift through the room for things I might want, but anything I pick up is listed as “treasure” in my inventory without distinction. I can teleport out with no problem, but doing so transforms the “treasure” into “junk”. I either need the treasure and therefore need to exit through the vault door to keep it as-is, or perhaps all the treasure really is an illusion… maybe even the door? I’m not sure where the we are going with this one, but there doesn’t appear to be anything for me to do here right now.
Restoring back to “No Place”, I discover that west is the typical broken exit that we have with each of the cubes while south leads me to a very strange plain.
The 1980s were truly a special time.
Imagine, if you will, a plane with intersecting lines moving in all directions. There are hovering boulders sliding on the lines from place to place. I cannot follow the lines or go any direction at all because the ground is too slippery for walking. Even magic seems to be broken here as spells just fizzle out. I can’t cheat by using the magic carpet either. A green-eyed boulder is nearby and I can talk to her, which is somewhat surprising because she’s a rock. She tells me that I’m not as odd as the last person that visited her. Could that be the assailant from the beginning of the game? I point out a brown-eyed rock in the distance and she says simply that he’s not as pretty as she is. This increases the total number of vain green-eyed talking boulders in adventure games to… one. The good news is that the she’s willing to give me a ride in exchange for some food. All she wants is something high in phosphorus.
Unfortunately, I don’t have any and cannot proceed this way. With repeated attempts, I am unable to find anything different in any of the areas that I already explored. There’s no way through vault door, nor is there anything else I can do on the plain. I am stuck.
A Whole New (Boring) World
I expect that this game is very difficult to follow in written-out chunks every week or so. I’m taking very good notes which I need to be able to sit down and write against later and I’m still having difficulty keeping the whole game in my head. I am especially confused about places where I experimented and then gave up. Did I do that in my current save? Did I not? I don’t remember.
I have a note from last time that I’m not satisfied that I did the correct things with the carpet, either in the way that I bought it with the opal or in what to do with it afterwards. So I head back there and play around. It turns out that you can haggle with the vendor and talk him down to 500 zorkmids. This involves “offering” him different amounts starting from high to low and if you get it just right he’ll agree to 500 after a few tries. In my case, I found that if I started with 300 and increased my offer by 50 each time, he eventually comes down that amount and I can pay using my coin, saving the opal for a puzzle later. I feel better about this solution overall.
What should I do with the carpet? I know that if we fly up from the bazaar, we discover that we’re in the mountains that have the roc’s nest and the guard’s tower. I didn’t map it before, only explored it more or less at random. I’ll take a more structured approach this time. Unlike typical exploration, we have altitude to contend with. I find four separate levels to explore: “above”, “high above”, “very high above”, and “dizzyingly high above” the ground. Any further up than that and it is always the same text, while any lower than that and we crash or land but either way results in death. You can keep going higher and you never seem to die of asphyxiation, but maybe I just wasn’t patient enough. For my part, I concentrate on “above” since we need to be able to see things below us to land on them. I do head up and explore a bit higher, but unless there is a castle in the sky or similar, it is all empty air. I can come back if I get stuck again.
When Aladdin sang his song, he expected more interesting terrain.
There are an infinite number of empty rooms stretching in all directions. Just as before, I locate the bird’s nest and confirm that the guard’s tower just four rooms east. I do not find any way back to the bazaar, the mountain at the beginning of the game, the ocean, or anywhere else. Even so, this is everything I need for a new idea:
I am going to race the roc.
Whenever I come up from the bazaar, the roc is already at its nest. But when I teleport to the oubliette and climb my way up on the ice floe to the guard’s tower, the roc is circling and not at its nest. What if I climb out then immediately jump on the carpet and head west? I try that and it works! I beat the roc home and find the nest unsupervised for the first time in the game. Unfortunately, I arrive just as the egg is hatching and if I stay for more than a couple of turns, the hatchling kills me. I memorize my spells in advance so I just land, grab the cube and the carpet, then “blurple” myself away. I am not going to be a snack today!
Portrait of Belboz from Zork: Grand Inquisitor
Third Dead End
Using the Roc’s cube takes me to the “String Room” with exits to the south and east. Naturally, only one of the exits work but the other takes me to the “Enchanter’s Retreat” where the retired Belboz and other former leaders are retired to a life of quiet meditation. Why aren’t they helping since everyone else is a frog? I guess they figure I have it covered. Belboz, my mentor from the first two games, is there and we can ask him a bit about what is going on. He tells me that someone had visited him a few days prior, impersonating me, but that he knew it wasn’t me because he did not know things that I would have known. So he asks me a question: “Of the Neuromancers, who is the best known?”
Of course, I have no idea, but I do have the manual and the several trading cards that came with the game.
Oysters and fish are not vegetables.
I answer “Berknip” from the cards and he seems relieved that it is me. He hands me an iron key. I ask him about the cubes and he makes them sound impressive, as if the knowledge of them can make or unmake the world, but nothing else I ask seems helpful. I try the key in the vault and that is not the correct place to use it. I’ll have to keep looking.
I am stuck again except this time I do not even have notes that I missed something along the way. I explore more with the carpet. The solution turns out to be going through my spells to see which ones I haven’t used yet. I’ve created frozen icebergs, shrunk giant snakes, put a statue to sleep, repaired a hut, grew out some ragweed, animated a statue, and blew away fog. The only two spells that I haven’t found uses for yet are “yomin” to read minds (although that did provide some hints) and “snavig” to transform into an animal. I try to find things to transform into.
A Fishy Solution
It doesn’t take me that long to find an animal that I can transform into: a fish. If I use the “water” cube and take a splash landing into the ocean, you end up where I fought with a grouper to capture a message in a bottle. That grouper is still there if you return. After hiding my stuff in the zipper, I try “snavig” and am able to become the fish. Swimming down, I discover a cube at the bottom of the ocean. Unfortunately, the fish still eats my cube and I lose all of my stuff because everything sinks. I have to find an alternate approach.
Instead of stashing my stuff in the zipper, I drop everything I am carrying in the Water Room itself. I memorize “snavig” and “blorple” so I can get back, but I take the dive into the ocean unencumbered. That still doesn’t quite do it because the fish will steal the water cube if I am not careful. I can transform and eat it myself, but there doesn’t seem to be a way to regurgitate it back out. I eventually settle for also taking the smoked fish with me and feeding it to the grouper as soon as I see him and before I transform. He ignores the now-sinking cube and apparently is not above a little fishy cannibalism. Survival of the fittest, right?
Casting “snavig” takes a few tries and I restore several times to get a casting that works on the first try, but I manage to swim down to his nest. Unfortunately, I cannot pick up the cube while in fish form and I previously learned that eating it was a bad idea. Eventually, I take the wait-and-see approach. I stay underwater until I transform back into a human, immediately grab both cubes, and swim to the surface. I make it just before I run out of air and now I have a new cube! I’m making this sound a bit easier than it was; getting the timing right took trial and error.
“Don’t try it, Anakin! I have the high ground!”
Hot Lava!
The new cube takes me to the “Light Room” with one good exit, to a volcano. Immediately after I arrive, a fragment of lava falls at my feet. It is too hot to touch, but I can freeze it to pick it up. There doesn’t seem to be anything else to do here so I take the rock back to the strange bounders that I found at the beginning of this section.
Feeding a rock to the boulder is exactly what I needed to do. The green-eyed boulder now allows me to ride her and I can follow the tracks on the plain. Each time I do, the distant brown-eyed rock (which I now see has a cube on its back!) also moves. It’s a bit of a dance, made more difficult because I can’t quite seem to find a way to speed up the green-eyed rock or catch all the way up to the brown-eyed one. He seems to be avoiding us. I try randomly for a long time, but I do not stumble on the solution. Time to get analytical! I ignore my brown-eyed friend and map out our environment:
It’s a document icon!
What I find is a collection of 15 rooms, with north/south or east/west tracks between each room with one exception, a diagonal line in the upper-left corner. I thought initially that going over the same track too many times would rub it away, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. Although we can make some good guesses, the text doesn’t quite let us know precisely where the brown-eyed rock is at first, only whether it is near or far and in what general direction. Once we have the map drawn and printed out, I put counters down to track where I am and where I think the brown-eyed rock is.
I continue to play with this puzzle, but it’s not deterministic. If you save and restore, the rock can choose to move a different way after the restore. But no matter how hard I try, the rock is very effective at always staying a few squares away and there is really no way to trap it. The best you can do is figure out its exact location using the process of elimination.I look for ways that we can block off exits by dropping things onto the track, but that doesn’t work. I try to get close enough that maybe I can jump across even if it isn’t in the same square as me, but even when I get it on a diagonal I still cannot leap across.
Just to give you an idea how to work out where it is, from the start I tried these directions:
I go south and the brown-eyed rock goes north
I go west, it goes south
I go east, it goes south again
I go north, it goes south again
At this point, I am 100% certain that it is in square D4 and I am back in B2. But what good does that do me? Not much except getting us into known spots which allows me to know his exact location for the rest of the puzzle. The trick is obviously something to do with the northwest corner. I thought at first there might be a hidden room, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. I try very hard with dozens of restores to force him to go on the diagonal so that I can catch him, but that doesn’t work. If I go on the diagonal, I still cannot catch up to the brown-eyed rock because I can never get there when it is anywhere close enough for it to matter. He seems too “smart” for me, even when I save-scum.
In the end, I take a hint from the blog and find that I am on the right path. By heading over the diagonal, I’m essentially taking two moves instead of one and this subtly changes the dynamic between the two stones. It doesn’t solve anything immediately and if the brown-eyed rock doesn’t make a mistake, it doesn’t matter one iota. But… I do that and he eventually moves towards me when he shouldn’t. I guess my strange movement disrupted his algorithm. With that, the gap is closed and I am able to successfully maneuver to bump into him in a few turns. As soon as we get close, he is mesmerized by the green-eyed rock’s beauty and I can just jump across and grab the cube. I guess she wasn’t just vain after all.
With that, I will end our session for this week. We had some great puzzles this time and I am ashamed that I needed to ask for help on the rocks when I probably would have noticed the brown-eyed rock doesn’t play perfectly after the diagonal slide. My desperate hope is that I can wrap this very long game up next post. I’m having fun, but it’s still time to put this one to bed.
Time played: 6 hr 30 min Total time: 18 hr 20 min Inventory: 11x white cubes (“earth”, “soft”, “water”, “air”, “bone”, “change”, “noplace”, “string”, “light”, and an unused one), zipper, magic burin, knife, spell book, pruning shears, gold box, bottle, opal, compass rose, magic carpet, iron key Spell Book Contains: caskly, throck, blorpie, yomin, rezrov, frotz, gnusto, malyon, jindak, lesoch, espnis, liskon, tinsot, snavig Score: 415 of 600 (69%)
source http://reposts.ciathyza.com/missed-classic-spellbreaker-the-chase/
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permian-tropos · 7 years
All the symbols for the Controversial Shipping Asks for Star Wars. I'm just so goddamn curious
ALL OF THEM holy moly well thank you very much for being so curious! It seemed like I wouldn’t get any of them at all. But now I get to clear them all out in one go~!
this sure took a long time to write 
Ship that you have as an OTP:🌹
Gallirae. I have a blog about it. It’s called @gallirae​. It kinda deserves this spot.
They’re just endlessly fascinating to explore; I think they represent two polar opposites in terms of Imperial ideology and I think they’re both attractive personalities in their forms of villainy (I swoon over pragmatic, commanding warriors AND extravagant, spooky, self-absorbed pricks). I love exploring their psychologies, I love using all the cheesy-ass symbolism strewn about their storylines, I love making stupid jokes about them, I love imagining serious stories that help me express my own turbulent emotions and suffering, I love making them rethink their twisted worldviews. 
It’s very dark. Darkshipping is not everyone’s cup of tea, and often it’s not even mine. But this isn’t about pure perfect love. To me, it’s a ship about galaxies colliding and trying to devour each other.
Ship that you’re indifferent to:😑
Galennic. I actually have read a few galennic fics that I really enjoyed but what I enjoyed about them was the writing and not particularly the characters. I was more charmed by the interviews the actors did together. I think Rogue One, overall, didn’t steal my heart the way it did for other people.
Also there’s the fact that I have no particular Thrawn ship at the moment? I know he’s an incredibly sexy dude but I haven’t found any ships with him that get me really excited. But then again, I haven’t bought the Thrawn book yet, so I feel my Thrawn experience is incomplete.     
Ship that makes you sad:💔
Obitine! I didn’t expect to like a seemingly shoehorned in love interest as much as I did – the moment I watched those Clone Wars episodes I was like dang I can get behind this. Satine was just so well-characterized in such a short span of time. But I had already been spoiled about what happens so it automatically made me sad.
In the same vein, Obikin and Obianidala, which I also like very much. All sad. Poor Obi-Wan. 
Ship that you find disgusting:💩
‘Disgusting’ is a strong word. I suppose, even though I don’t begrudge anyone who enjoys this, I dislike Hux being depicted as some kind of superslut who got his position by sleeping with older officers. The only actual ships for that I’ve seen are Hux/Krennic or Hux/Tarkin if he’s transplanted into the Imperial era… If that’s your thing, I don’t think you’re disgusting though. Just not my cup of tea.
Ship that you find cute but don’t ship:✌
Any of the Luke mlm ships, like Luke/Wedge, Luke/Biggs, Luke/Lando… I don’t feel particularly invested in them as much as I just like the idea of Gay Luke (or ace Luke!). (True Luke OTP: Luke/Bigger Luke)
Ship that you secretly like:💚
Grand Inquisitor/Maketh Tua: @pileofsith​ all ur fault, I never considered this while watching Rebels but now I think it’s pretty damn charming
Ship that you used to have as an OTP:💙
Kylux: it absolutely used to be an OTP but I just ran out of steam with it, and there were a lot of ways I felt alienated from the larger fandom. 
Ship that you find most sexy:👅
fuckin👌  galliraedea👌  man👌  like I suppose three people means more… combinations… for sexuality…? more butts yaknow and adding Adea into the ship kind of balances things out in terms of the tension (non-sexual, villainous) between Rax and Sloane. In a universe where she doesn’t have to choose between them, she can work well as a mediating presence while thoroughly enjoying her dream threesome. It can be a little more indulgent. Unfortunately I haven’t actually done much with the ship yet. who wants to read my flailing attempts at porn this isn’t a rhetorical question
Ship that you can never see happening:👎
Reylo: I feel like I almost slipped down the reylo path after I watched TFA. I understood the appeal. I’ve also met some reylos who make the ship really tempting! But at the same time I understand the people who are so uncomfortable with it. It seems so unlike Star Wars to depict that kind of forbidden love thing, since it won’t go over well with a lot of its audience. While I don’t think there’s anything wrong with shipping it at the moment, I personally can’t imagine it happening. (I’m taking this question to mean “what do I think won’t be canon” because I have to answer other questions about ships I don’t like, and this doesn’t really fit that category.)
Ship that is canon but you don’t ship:💤
Brendol Hux/Chuck Wendig’s characterization
Ship that is unpopular but you still like:💘
I’ve started reading some of the Star Wars comics and I admit I’m a little interested in Vadaphra, which might be unpopular to people who prefer Aphra as exclusively interested in women. But I don’t really favor that ship over other ones with Aphra, like Aphra/Sana, and Aphra/that Imperial lady she spares because she’s hot (I haven’t gotten to that comic yet but tbh I kinda feel like I’d be super down for a ship like that lmao). 
Ship that is taboo:💦
Brendol/Kitchen Woman counts right?? Adultery is taboo, kinda? Listen. I know we know next to nothing about canon Kitchen Woman and that’s not even who I’m talking about here you all know it’s my goddamn OC lord I just want evil couple Hux parents and I’ll fight all the canon I have to for that, also who wouldn’t want a ship where the aesthetic is like scary ocean things… and I probably wouldn’t ship this as much as I do if it weren’t for my RPs with @honeypothux​ turning what was going to be a pragmatic villain ship into a genuinely moving story of love and tragedy like you had to be there 
Ship that pisses you off:💣
It kinda pisses me off when people (only a few people, in passing) interpret Sloane’s affection for Adea as romantic (like “oh that stuff about daughters is just sapphic subtext”) but then don’t have any interest in exploring Adea’s perspective or motivations. Or acting like the age and power gap between Sloane and Adea isn’t just as complicating and problematic as it is between Rax and Adea. 
The fact that I called the three of them together the sexiest ship proves that I don’t think it’s too problematic to explore. My issue is just when people act like Adea simply belonged to Sloane by default, and was ‘stolen’, because that’s just how Sloane felt. And this was kind of a failing of hers.
Ship you’re curious about:👀
Reysma if it turns out that Phasma really is from Jakku because that’d be a pretty interesting connection between them and could lead into some awesome content.
Ship that needs more love:💖
Gallirae listen I didn’t sell my soul to this ship to be adrift in such a lonely sea but at the same time I’m not ungrateful for the little community we do have because it’s awesome, everyone is A+ and great & I love
Ship that is most misunderstood:💢
Kalluzeb: I only mildly ship it in the sense that I enjoy spectating the fandom, and am interested in seeing their interactions in the coming season of Rebels, but boy is there a lot of virulent discourse from antis… I won’t disparage anyone who finds it uncomfortable but you can’t act like you have a right to accuse people of the most hateful ideologies over this.
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