#its time to repeat the glorious history again
random-xpressions · 1 year
Shine before the moon and rise before the sun. Don't look out for the stars to tell you what your destiny is going to be like. Stay ahead of the race. What if I tell you that the universe itself is looking forward to you to run the course of its journey ahead? If anyone forgot to tell you or if the ancient wisdom has not reached you yet, you are at the very helm of this universe: turn the course, pave the path!
Random Xpressions
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a-very-tired-jew · 25 days
A lot of the anti-Zionist crowd reminds me of the Che shirt kids from high school and undergrad.
You know the ones I'm talking about.
In high school they'd talk about how the "system was evil" while purposefully being disruptive in class, would barely pay attention or pass a class cause the material was all "propaganda", and would wax philosophic about their teenage comprehension of Communism and its associated leaders. Any history class would eventually end up with them arguing with your teacher. Yes, they would have some good points, but at the same time their understanding of the material would be juvenile at best.
In college they'd get worse. Some of them might continue wearing the shirts and paraphernalia, but others would go all out and start wearing the black beret and/or associated dress of Che and other leaders. They now have a college vocabulary and use it to drive every discussion towards their political ideology. Almost nothing exists outside of their political framework and talking to them is exhausting.
They're also not seen as a disruption anymore, but more as that annoying Tankie who has to go "um, actually" and then go on a monologue about the CIA in class. Professors will either let them do this or tell them that it's not the time or place and that they have to teach. The former gives a small sense of triumph as they "subvert the system" (and we do this because if we don't you become more annoying), the latter causes them to grumble and complain about being "silenced".
Yes, we're aware of the CIA's actions. Yes, Che had some very good points about the role of neo-imperialism in the Global South. Yes, the USA has done some absolutely horrid shit. But what makes everyone keep these people at arms length and/or ignore them is the refusal to acknowledge the atrocities that the man on the shirt did. It's the black and white juvenile reasoning that colors everything they talk about and putting him and other leaders on a pedestal.
If you talk to anyone in the Cuban diaspora they, their family, or someone they know within the community will refer to Che as a butcher. They will tell you about the absolutely horrific things he did as a leader. They will tell you about how this man that young adults are idolizing would imprison and execute them for any number of things that they enjoy simply because he objected to them. The same thing goes for anyone who has family members that survived the USSR or any other 20th century authoritarian country that called itself Communist.
It's the refusal to acknowledge that the world exists in shades of nuance. It's the refusal to acknowledge that these authoritarian Communist governments would imprison, exile, and/or execute all of them and their friends for being queer, speaking out, their writing, their taste in music, their manner of dress, etc, etc... That countries, governments, leaders, ideologies, and people are multifaceted and not this idealized fantasy that can be argued for with whataboutisms.
We see this same behavior in the current batch of anti-Zionists. Some of them are the newest cohort of Tankies who are just repeating the same behaviors we've seen time and time again. However, in this current situation we all have access to information and are able to address things for what they are. The disruptive misinformation isn't as tolerated any more because Che shirt kids are no longer just marching around on the college green in their Communist LARP gear, but are instead coopting a war and its suffering for their Glorious Revolution accelerationist rhetoric.
The adherence and defense of Cold War era tactics, the almost rabid want to implement them, the use of whataboutism to defend your blorbo and the refusal to acknowledge their atrocities, plus the additional antisemitic laden screeds, all the while the world is attempting to move forward from this is downright regressive and juvenile.
And keep in mind, I'm an old alt kid. I've been part of counter culture for decades now. I have patches older than most of these college Tankies. I remember the Che shirt kids and how we stayed away from them because they often spouted rhetoric that was both fantastical and extremely violent. If you're unaware, Che himself believed that to achieve the socialist utopia that extreme violent revolution was necessary (sound familiar?). Not mentioning the fact that often this process gets stuck at the authoritarian step after the violent revolution.
Meanwhile, we just wanted to be accepted for wearing all black, chains, and just being "creepy". We weren't actually violent as most suburban moms believed. So we often stayed away from people who actually believed in violent rhetoric. Not only would it not look good for the alt community, but it was simply antithetical to what we believed. We wanted to be accepted in society and help improve it, not burn it down (and look where we are now, everyone wants a goth mommy. Mission achieved).
The two groups are counter culture in essence, but extremely different. So when I say the current batch of anti-Zionist protesters are just Tankie Che shirt kids, believe me. I've known their type for years.
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fdelopera · 11 months
Yo Gentiles! Stop trying to goysplain the history of the I/P conflict at us Jews.
We have studied this conflict extensively, and often for years, because we've had to. Because even when we are Jews in diaspora who have never returned to the Levant and never plan to, the antisemitism that this conflict generates still puts us in danger. And as many of you who are paying attention have witnessed, there has been a drastic world-wide rise in antisemitism over the past month.
When you try to "teach" us about it, especially when MOST of you are using talking points that were developed by Neo-Nazis and the KKK, all you are showing us is that you are lazy, patronizing antisemites.
If you actually want to HELP the Palestinians in this conflict (and I think that some of you do), you need to accept that the following 10 things are true:
We Jews most likely know more about the history of this conflict than you do. We have had to study it in all of its nuance, in all of its painful detail, in order to understand the broader Jewish world. We have to understand the broader Jewish world to decode how Neo-Nazis like Richard Spencer and David Duke are using the I/P conflict to coordinate attacks on Jews in diaspora.
We Jews have to know about the I/P conflict for our own safety. But many of you gentiles are learning about it for the first time. And instead of understanding how complex the conflict is, you are turning it into a wargame fantasy where you get to playact as a freedom fighter in La Glorious Revolution. Then you coordinate social media attacks against Jews online, and you go out and attack Jews in person, and you harass us until our mental health crumbles. Great job, goys! Great. Fucking. Job.
You are goysplaining Jewish history at us. Stop trying to tell us a bunch of propaganda that you learned from TikTok, Instagram, and Tumblr memes. It just shows us that you're lazy, and that you've got a lot of Jew-hatred that you need to unpack.
When we tell you that you're wrong, listen to what we have to say. Don't talk over us. Use this as an opportunity to do further research. Otherwise you're just behaving like some Fox News obsessed Boomer raging on about election fraud and vaccines.
The Palestinian people need our help, but you are making a TERRIBLE case for helping them when you base your arguments for helping them on shitty propaganda you learned on TikTok, Instagram, and Tumblr.
Let me say this again: Your bullshit propaganda DOES NOT HELP THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE, and it is easily debunked by just a few Wikipedia deep-dives.
When you spread this propaganda, you sound like the idiots on Fox News that knowingly spread conspiracy theories about Covid. Not only is the bullshit you're repeating easily proven wrong, but you're just showing yourself to be untrustworthy at best ... and at worst, a bunch of opportunistic liars.
When you regurgitate propaganda at us Jews, all you are telling us is that you don't give enough of a shit about the Palestinian people to do ANY research into the history of this conflict, other than looking at some infographics and memes.
You are making us Jews VERY wary and skeptical of you, because most of the "information" you've learned from TikTok, Instagram, and Tumblr is influenced by Neo-Nazi and KKK propaganda, and you are being useful idiots for white supremacists.
Again, repeating fake shit about this conflict DOES NOT HELP the Palestinian people. It just makes Jews distrust you. And it makes us SCARED to get involved in this movement. Because we are NOT going to march side-by-side with goyim that are spreading dangerous antisemitic lies about Jewish history and Jewish people.
Because Palestinians are dying!
So stop trying to tell Jews made up stories about our history.
LISTEN TO JEWISH VOICES ABOUT JEWISH HISTORY. (And DON'T listen to JVP, for fucks sake. Learn more here.)
Accept that we know more about the history of the I/P conflict than you do.
Palestine Children's Relief Fund
Doctors Without Borders
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daniegraceg · 1 year
The Drive in
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A Joel miller smut drabble
Warnings: smut, fingering, 69, cum eating, face riding, exhibitionism, grinding, squirting, public sex, car sex, uummm I think that's it? Lemme know if I missed anything!!
This has been rotting in my brain. You go to the drive in to see Barbie and Oppenheimer. Just who do you meet there? The Miller Brothers, of course. Sexy hijinks ensue.
“SHIT!! We didn’t get first!” Andy yells with a slam of her wrist.
“HA! I told you we wouldn’t. Pay up bitch!” You giggle. “Knew we left too late for first.” She reluctantly hands you a $5 bill.
Nevermind The fact that you were SECOND in line. The best was whether you’d be first in line, do you won.
“Sorry ladies!” A tall, muscular man said, stepping out of the passenger side of the truck in front of you, smirk plastered on his face. “Names Tommy, this here’s Joel. Maybe next time we can all ride together, get there at the same time.” He gives you a wink, earning him an eyeroll in return.
“That’s presumptuous.” You laugh “ you thought that’d work on me?” Tommy shrugs with a chuckle.
“Worked on mmeee” your friend Andy laughs, twirling her hair, giving heart eyes to Tommy.
“Oh christ.” You roll your eyes and sigh. Turning ti Joel, you introduce uourself. “That’s Andy. I take it yall are more here for the 2nd movie, huh?” taking in his distinct lack of PINK in his attire.
“Hmph, yeah. Tommy claimed its “more economical to go ahead seeing it here stead of just seeing Oppenheimer. Think he secretly does wanna see Barbie.” He smiles and winks at you and you’re weak in the fucking knees. You won’t let him onto that though.
“Hmm. I can totally see that. Ain’t nothing wrong with that.” You smile “pretty sure it’s sacrilegious to see this movie without any pink on. The barbie gods may smite you.”
“Who says I ain’t got any on” his eyes trail up and down your body “under my clothes.”
You can feel the heat rushing to your cheeks, hoping he doesn’t see.
He does, egging you on with a smirk.
So, you smirk back.
“Well, I’d love to see proof, but alas, I’m pretty sure it has to be somewhere a PG-13 Barbie can see. So here,” you take out your pink scrunchie, grab his hand, lift it to boob level, and slip it on his wrist, “take this. Should keep you sage from barbies wrath” you give him a wink and see his lip visibly quiver.
“Why thank ya ma’am. I owe you my life.” He says as he repeats the same motion as you did, only this time lifting your hand to his mouth, planting a soft kiss on your hand. Grinning as he drops your hand from his mouth.
Ohh, this will be fun.
You give him a small half grin and raise your eyebrow, head cocked to the side.
He smirks back and god its glorious.
“Guess I don’t need to ask ya which one you’re here for.” Joel says, eliciting a faux shocked gasp in return.
“How dare you sir! I’m into both! I’m a huge history nerd, especially anything revolving WW2 & Christopher nolan fan, And of course I love Barbie – its BARBIE. Plluuss Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling, I mean come on.”
Joel lets out a laugh and throws his hands up “Fair enough, ya got me there. My apologies.”
“you’re forgiven just this once” you wink at him with a smile.
“so, what do ya do when you’re not at the drive in?” Joel asks you, looking a bit nervous all of a sudden.
“Oh ya know, causing mayhem” you joke. “I don’t get a whole lot of free time honestly, I’m a single mom to two kids so they’re a fucking handful. “ you sheepishly rub your hands in your neck, thinking you may have just fucked your chances for a hookup.
“She’s also a fucking DOCTOR. Why don’t you ever lead with that?!” Andy yells, pulling her mouth from Tommy’s long enough to speak.
“OOHHH a doctor? Damn Joel, she may be outta your league, brother.” Tommy retorts with a smirk before their mouths are on each other again.
You scoffed and rolled your eyes. “I’m not like a surgeon or some shit. I have my doctorate in psychology, I’m a therapist.”
Joel lets out a low whistle with a smile, “still hell of impressive darlin. How long ya been doing that?”
“about 3 years or so, got a late start with schooling. But I specialize in children’s therapy. How about you? What do you do?”
“Oowee! That takes a hell of a person to do that . Me? I’m a contractor, uh, both Tommy and I are, nothing glamorous.”
“HM, a man that’s good with his hands..” you smirk at him again and see his Adam’s apple Bob in his throat as you snake a hand up his arm. “you must be good with wood too huh?” you chuckle as you feel goosebumps form under your touch.
Youre too focused on this little game you’re playing with Joel that you don’t hear a few more cars pull in behind you. Apparently, neither does Andy, jumping in the air out of surprise as some women get out of the car behind you and yell “Hi Barbie!” to you both.
“HI Barbie!” You holler back with a big smile on your face. “LOVE your outfit! Did you make that belt?!”
Now Andy is joining you and all the women are talking excitedly about each other’s Barbie themed outfits.
“Are they your kens?” one of the women ask, eyeing Joel up and down with a grin. You feel your cheeks get hot inexplicably.
“Oh, uh, n-“ you start before Joel is interrupting you.
“yup, evenin Barbies.” Joel says while wrapping an arm around your waist, sending heat pooling to your core and utterly soaking your panties.
“Damn, lucky Barbie” she smiles at you with a wink.
“Hope that was OK darlin’” Joel whispers in your ear. “just not interested in any other Barbie tonight..” he says as his eyes roam up and down your body causing your whole body to shiver.
“Fine by me” you smile as you lean your body into him more. “could have fun with it, make up a whole backstop of our love” you laugh.
Joel cocks his head with a smirk and a raised eyebrow. “hm, sounds intriguing. Whatcha got in mind?”
You spend the next half hour making up elaborate story lines, laughing together at the different absurd situations. Finally, the gates open and you each get into your respective vehicles to park.
Joel and tommy park with their truckbed towards the screen, situating right in the middle of thr back row for the best view. You and Andy follow suit right behind them, the back of your VW Hippie bus parked with a full view of the screen as well, right next to their truck.
You all bring out some lawn chairs and set them near your tailgates. It’s still over 2 hours until sundown when the movie starts, giving you plenty of time to talk more before the movie starts.
“ooohh we should get some food before it gets really busy!” Andy exclaims to you.
“yyeesss. Popcorn sounds divine, let’s go” you say back.
“You ladies sit tight, well get it for ya.” Joel says with a smile, eyes crinkling even more under the Texas sun.
The men get your food orders and head off to the concession stands.
“you and Joel should take the van, me and tommy will take the truck.” Abby excitedly says as soon as she’s sure they’re out of ear shot.
“We barely know them! And there’s people around!” you’re not all that shocked at your friends brazen statement, she’s always been more sexually free than you.
“don’t need to know em to let them make us feel good” she replies with a devilish grin on her face. “and the van is enclosed, if you shut the door, their truck has a topper which is more than fine for me. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want, but I wanna fuck Tommy in that truck. I gotta do it soon so once the movie starts I can focus and watch it.”
You gave her a side eye as you said, “thought this was supposed to be a girls night?”
“It still is! Just, wish some extra people! Come oonn, im not gunna he able to focus on the movies if im so fucking horny!” she whined.
You rolled your eyes at her attempt at puppy dog eyes. You let out a long laugh before finally conceding.
“Alright, alright. Enough of that” you laugh.
She let’s out an excites squeal right when Joel and tommy are making their way back to you, prompting confused looks from both of the men.
You awkwardly cough before saying “She’s just really excited for barbie.”
Joel smirks at you as Tommy smirks at Andy, both letting out an disbelieving “mmhhmm”
“Hey joel!” Andy says, face beaming, “you should have her show you how she’s decked out the inside of the van, it’s very cool”
Joel’s cheeks tint pink as he says “uh, sure, if that’s alright with you, darlin’”
“Oh! Uh yeah, absolutely, come on!” you say with a smile to Joel, leading him into your “hippie van”
Before you close the doors you hear Andy say to Tommy, “You. Me. Your truck. Now.”
Tommy replies “yes ma’am.” Before they’re locked away in the truck.
Joel lets out a laugh. “she aint one for subtly, is she?”
“Never once in all the years ive known her have I seen her be subtle” you laugh too.
“nice digs ya got here” Joel says, eyes roaming around the van. “very hippie vibes” he laughs.
“Thanks! That’s exactly what I was going for!” you respond with a smile.
The seats have been replaced with pillows scattered on the floor, blankets, a giant bohemian style pillow underneath the stacks.
“this looks like something you’d see at Woodstock, and it’s fucking amazing. You do all this yourself darlin'?” Joel asks, still taking in the everything.
“sure did! And that’s also the vibes I was going for!” you laugh again, plopping down on the pillows. You pat the spot next to you to get Joel to lay by your side. He comes and lays next to you, so close your bodies are touching and it shoots electricity through your body.
“We uh, still have some more time to kill before the movie starts…” you say as you turn your body to face his.
He smirks and follows suit, turning on his side so he’s facing you as well. His hand comes up a brushes a stray hair out of your face. “Hm. That’s true. Whatever will we do with our time?” he inches hid body just a little closer to yours.
“I bet we could think of a few things” you smile, moving your body even closer to his. You’re close enough to feel his heart beating through his shirt, can feel his jeans tightening at his waist.
“Can I kiss you, sweetheart?” he asks with a look in his eyes like he’s worried you’ll say no.
How could you ever say no to those eyes.
“of course, Joel” you smile.
The next thing you know he’s cupping your face. Enveloped in his large hand, running a thumb a long your jaw before he’s pulling you in for a kiss. Gentle at first, cautious, until you start deepening the kiss, desperate for tastes of him.
You glide your tongue a long his lip, asking for entrance and he accepts, moaning softly into your mouth. His hands move to the back of your head , burying itself in your hair.
You hitch your leg over his and roll your self so you’re straddling his lap. You both let out a moan when your aching cunt runs over his bulging cock just begging to be free from its denim prison.
His hands land on your thighs, squeezing lightly before sliding back to cup your ass.
He swiftly pulls you forward, bringing you impossibly closer, eliciting a squeal of delight from you.
“hush now darlin, you don’t want everybody hearing us do you?” he smiles before placing his soft lips on your collar bone.
He sucks a tender spot on your neck, making you let out a needy moan. “I probably sshouldn’t, bbbuuutttt, it’s kind of hot”
Joel stops what he’s doing and looks up at you, eyes dark with lust. For a moment you worry you’ve said the wrong thing.
Joel’s eyes darken even more and a smirk spreads across his face. “Dirty, dirty girl” he licks his lips as his hand traces further up your thigh, eyes not leaving yours. “You want them to hear you moan? Hear you cum? Hear how well you take my cock?”
his right hand dips below your waistband until its on your pussy, gathering the slick there as Joel lets out a guttural groan. His left hand rounds the back of your head, pulling your head closer to his so his lips are right by your ear.
“Fuck, baby. Answer me. Do you like other people listening to you?” he starts to push a finger inside you, making you gasp. “Hm?”
“yes, fuck. Yes, Joel. I fucking love it” you pant out as your hips grind, seeking the relief of friction.
“mm, s’what I thought” Joel sinks another finger into your pussy causing you to cry out in pleasure. He keeps his hand there, pressed between your bodies, fingers inside you and the heel of his palm rutting against your clit. His other hand slides down you back, expertly unhooking your bra strap before he chucks it to the side.
The thin straps of your tank top are barely enough to offer much coverage, especially now without your bra. Joel makes quick work of pulling your shirt down so your breasts spill over the top.
“God, you are so fucking gorgeous” he says as he licks his lips. With his hand still down your pants he uses his other hand to push your chest closer to his face. “look at these fucking perfect tits” he adds before taking a breast into his mouth, his tongue dancing around your nipple.
You let out a loud moan at the different sensations, relishing in the way his body feels against yours. You can feel how hard he is through his jeans and your mouth waters at the thought of his cock inside you.
“F-FUCK Joel. I’m so close. That feels so fucking good. Don’t stop.”
Suddenly his hand pauses and he releases your nipple from his mouth with a loud pop.
“What the fuck?” you breathe out, trying to catch your breath. You quickly look around to see what reason he would have for stopping.
He meets your eyes with a smirk. “I know you can ask nicer than that sweetheart”
You briefly glare at him before rolling your eyes. “Really? That’s rude” you say as you stick your tongue out at him.
Joel lets out a laugh and smiles at you with a twinkle in his eyes. “Come on baby, ask nicely and I’ll give you what you want.”
You cock your eyebrow at him before finally giving in and asking “please?”
“Now, I know you can do better than that sweetheart.” He puts the smallest amount of pressure back on your clit and starts moving his fingers inside you achingly slow. The movement makes you gasp.
“Oh, fuck.” You moan. “Please, baby, please let me cum” you finally get the words out of your mouth.
Joel resumes the quicker pace with a smile on his face. “course baby, all ya had to was ask”
He skillfully fingers your pussy while still using his palm against your clit. His hands rotate from your hair, to your ass and your tits. Touching each part of you in a way that makes you squirm with delight. He’s surrounding you, you’re drowning in him and its glorious.
“Come on baby, I know it’s right there. Wanna feel that tight little pussy squeeze my fingers like it’s going to squeeze my cock later.” He grabs a fistful of your hair and tugs while he licks, nips and sucks at your neck.
That’s all that you need to tip you right over the edge, loud moan escaping from your lips. He helps you ride through your orgasm, not pulling his fingers out until your panting stops, head falling down onto his chest.
You both let out a laugh “God DAMN darlin, you utterly soaked my hand” he laughs again while kissing your neck. “now I’m going to need you to do that to my face”
“what?” you laugh, but before you can say anymore he’s situating his face under your pussy, taking your shorts and panties with him as he goes. He drags his tongue down your slit, grabbing your thighs and pulling down so you’re sitting on his face.
“Oh my God!” you yell out as you start to grind on his face. You hear him moan from beneath you. You look behind you to see him straining against those jeans. You decide that needs urgent fixing.
You lift your ass off of him enough that you can rotate your body. You situate yourself so you’re now facing his cock. You reach your hands down and undo his jeans. Your mouth waters as his cock springs free.
Joel’s hips rut into the air, searching for friction as his hands keep a firm grip on your thighs. His mouth still eagerly lapping up everything you’re giving him.
You lean down and pepper his soft stomach with kisses. You lips touch him in every place except where he wants you the most. You smirk every time his cock twitches in anticipation for your mouth.
You let a string of saliva hang down from your mouth and drip onto his rock hard cock, spreading it around with your hand a bit before finally taking him into your mouth.
He let’s out a loud moan, muffled by your pussy still rocking against his lips. Your tongue wraps around his head first, tasting his salty pre cum as you groan before taking him further in your mouth. He’s big, nearly too big but you’re not about to stop now.
You Bob your head up and down as his tongue works your clit. After he’s already coaxed one orgasm out of you, it doesn’t take long before you feel that familiar sensation start to bubble up again. You suck on him harder, hallowing your cheeks to take him as much as you can.
His hands snake around you and grab hold of your tits, fingers twisting around your nipples causing you to scream out in pleasure. Your second orgasm rips through you and you feel yourself squirt all over Joel’s face.
The both of you are breathing heavy and you roll off of Joel onto your side.
“fuck, that was so hot baby. You have the most perfect pussy I’ve ever seen, and the best tasting” he says, face in a wide grin as he swipes some of your juices off of his face and sucks the taste off his fingers.
“Now, can I fuck that pretty pussy with my cock darlin?” he asks, dark eyes raking over your body, licking his lips.
“Oh, fucking please put your cock in me, Joel.” You reach behind you to a small container and grab a condom from it. You carefully rip it open with your teeth, gaining a playful smile from Joel. “Come here” he’s on top of you, cock dancing above where you need him the most. You take the condom and unroll it down his long shaft. He let’s out a needy groan as you do.
He kneels down and lines himself up with your entrance. You both let out a long groan as he fills you to the brim.
“Fuck baby you feel absolutely perfect.” He moans out as his cock goes in and out of you, slowly so you feel every inch of him.
“God, Joel you feel absolutely amazing.” His body is totally pushed down on yours , he finally strips his shirt off so his bare skin is pressed against his chest, you tits heaving against him.
He starts pounding into you harder, causing both of you to yell out in pleasure. The van fills with the lewd sounds from both of you and the sound of skin slapping against skin.
You lean yourself up take his face in your hands so you can taste his lips again. He eagerly sucks and nips at your lips, sending a wave of arousal straight through you.
“Joel, Joel I- I need-“ you stammer out in between kisses.
“What is it? What do you do need sweetheart?” Joel asks while still pounding into you.
“I- I need to ride you.”
Joel’s eyes get even darker as he pulls his head back to look at you before smiling “Yes ma’am”
He sits down with his back steady against the wall of the van. His eyes are darting everywhere on you. Drinking up the sight of you while he can.
You sink to your knees in front of him, just above his throbbing cock. You gently guide yourself down onto him, moaning at the feeling of him stretching you just fucking right.
You slide your arms around his neck and take his mouth to yours again. Slowly starting to rut your hips as you do, feeling him hit spots no man ever has before.
“God damn. Look at you pretty girl, taking this cock so well.” Joel mutters in a half delirious state, utterly drunk on you. “I need you to give me another, can you do that for me sweetheart?”
You let out a shaky nod as you move your hips more. Allowing the feeling of his to completely overwhelm your senses.
“Ttthhaatttss it. Atta girl. Make yourself cum on my cock.” Joel’s praise is close to tipping you over the edge again, you can feel it building up but you’re too fucked out to form words. All you can do is moan and whine for him, he plants more kisses on your mouth, swallowing the precious noises you’re making.
Joel reaches down between your bodies to rub at your clit while you ride him. It doesn’t take long before that rubber band finally snaps and he sends you hurtling into your next orgasm, completely soaking his cock and his lap.
“Fuck yes, that’s my good girl!” Joel moans out as he starts pushing his cock into you from below, chasing his own high right behind yours.
When your orgasm is finished you let your head drop to his chest, both heaving. You both stay like that, you sitting on his lap, for a while. Both just holding each other and drinking up that post sex bliss.
You’re interrupted when you hear a knock on van and Tommy’s voice cuts through “hey lovebirds, movies starting in a few minutes”
Your eyes go wide as you suddenly realize just how public you are. And how loud you were. Joel seems to have this same realization, the same look in his eyes mirrors your own. You both let out a laugh at the same time, too.
“Welp, should we, uh, head out to go watch the movies?” Joel asks.
“gotta find our clothes first” you let out a laugh again.
The two of you find your clothes and you try to fix your hair so it doesn’t scream “we just fucked in there” but without much luck. Tommy and Andy already have the blankets and such laid out on the ground between the two vehicles.
“You two sounded like you had fun” Andy says, smiling in that annoyingly knowing way.
You try to hide your embarrassment but it’s no use. “do you think many people heard?”
“Nah, not outside of a 100 mile radius” Tommy laughed, earning him the middle finger in return. Tommy not-so-subtly winks at Joel and mouths “good job” at him.
“Ahhhh!! It’s starting!” Andy cuts him off with a shriek.
Joel’s leaning back against the van so you settle in between his legs, your back to his chest as the trailers start playing. He fidgety with your hand in his, gliding his fingers over your skin.
“So, I was thinkin..” he says.
You turn to face him, smiling wide nd taking his hand in yours.
“Careful, don’t overheat yourself” you joke as you nudge his chest playfully, he gifts you a warm smile in return.
“Ha, ha” he chuckles. “I was actually thinking, maybe one of these days I could take you out. Like, on a proper date. If – if you’d want, that is”
You smile even wider at him now, unable to hide your excitement.
“Yeah, yeah I’d love that.”
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dariusult · 18 days
FFXIV Write Day 6- Halcyon
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-The following is a transcript of an address made to the Garlean IXth Legion by its Legatus: one Vectis van Coronus, following the legion's suspension from its deployment to Othard after the now infamous Yanxia Bay incident wherein Vectis van Coronus earned the title "The Butcher of Yanxia Bay". The recording of this address was retrieved from the wreckage of the IXth Legion flagship following its destruction in Corvos.
"As I gaze out across the brave sons and daughters of the Ninth Legion, I cannot help but feel a great swell of pride in my breast. You who remained faithful to your oaths. You who would neither shrink away from nor balk at your duty. You who can see the shining future for which we strive, and you who dare to walk the thorny path towards that future. To you, I extend my sincerest congratulations.
You have proven yourselves to be soldiers of genuine character. Sons and Daughters of Garlemald true. In culling from our number those of weak resolve we have once again returned the Ninth Legion to its rightful place as a place fit only for those walking the path of true rigor.
Consider not on the judgments of those content to languish, fat and contented, in the capital. Accept not the hollow camaraderie of those pining for faded glory, steeped in their insipid nostalgia. Heed not the spineless criticisms of the Populares, reveling in their weakness and extolling their wretched cowardice as virtue. The bureaucrat, the traditionalist, and the pacifist—parasites, all.
We who walk the true path do not see war as a means to an end as the bureaucrats and traditionalists do. We understand that war is both the means AND the end. Those who seek to reclaim what we once had fail to learn from the mistakes of the past, and those who seek to be contented with what we have now are no better than livestock. War is the purest expression of a people's strength, the truest test of their value and the surest way to cull that which is superfluous. As the craftsman continually hones his craft, so too must a people continually hone themselves in that great crucible of war. To cease this process of continual improvement is to invite stagnation, irrelevance, and death.
History has shown us this with what befell Allag. A great empire fallen not to foes without, but the rot of greed and indolence that hollowed their nation out from within. Garlemald has long sought to emulate once-great Allag, but the Allagan legacy is one of failure. We will not repeat Allag's mistakes, even if our countrymen are content to strive no higher than what has come before, we of the Ninth Legion will never cease our march towards our glorious future, greater than that of any peoples seen before on this star, enduring until the end of all things!
And make no mistake, my friends the end IS coming. When it comes, the Ninth Legion shall rise to answer it! For that great war is what we are preparing for. That great final war that has been prophesied since time immemorial... The war that shall scorch the earth, rend the skies, and boil the seas. Doubt not that it is coming, for it WILL come; and we who have honed our craft with diligence shall reap our just reward: victory and glory everlasting. Omnes Legioni!"
-I find it interesting that some account of the Final Days appears to have survived since antiquity, morphing into this tale of the 'final war' that Vectis was so obsessed with. Further accounts of the IXth Legion, known colloquially by their peers as a 'war cult', seem to indicate that Vectis' obsession began before his rise to legatus. It may be worth searching any archived resources in Noumenon for mention of this 'final war', though research on the Echo as well as notes from the Scions of the Seventh dawn suggest that there may be some sort of shared traumatic memory re: the final days. Further research may be required in these fields. -Archon Deki Lihzeh
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chaosnojutsu · 1 year
i’m thinking about how devastating it must have been for shikadai to find out that boruto cheated in the exams.
put yourself in his shoes.
there’s already a lot of pressure— everyone is watching, this is broadcast on international television, family from out of town is here, everyone knows who your parents are, both your parents were promoted quickly so you’re projected to follow in their footsteps— and on top of that, literally anything is possible at the exams. underdogs rise, prodigies fall, nations attack, some competitors find new friends or rivals or enemies, and yet some find love. that’s the epic love story you grew up hearing about your parents. there’s no telling who you’ll fight today or how they’ll fit into your story. and maybe those thoughts briefly surface as your first competitor steps into the ring, a feisty blonde from suna, and it almost seems as if history might repeat itself. but maybe that last thought never occurs at all because you’re already weighted with the other pressures and you’re in the zone because you have to win.
and then in the next round you’re set to battle one of your best friends. coincidentally, the hokage’s son. there are already minor political implications if you beat him, but you’ve been advised to fight with everything you’ve got, and you’re determined to do so. whether that’s good enough to win or not, you can say it was your best effort. besides, what’s a fair fight between friends?
and then, ironically, history does repeat itself as you forfeit like your father. you pulled out all the stops and really put on an impressive display of skill, but at the end of the day boruto is still stronger. you’ve heard your father speak of his friendship and professional relationship with naruto, and though it’s never been explicitly said, you understand that being friends with boruto means your relationship will mirror that of your fathers. you have a responsibility as boruto’s friend to maintain an implicit level of trust and use that bond to keep his head screwed on. all that so he can do things his way, which would be so much more of a drag if boruto’s way weren’t so mesmerizing. every word teems with authentic conviction and heart, and he’s so damn inspiring that, yeah, if boruto continuing to make the world a better place means shouldering some extra responsibility, you’ll do that. because that’s what friends do for each other.
and then in his moment of triumph, when you could not be any more proud of your unconventional but unfathomably brilliant best friend, you find out he won by cheating.
and this glorious moment is forever stained as your stomach drops and the vision shatters and you realize that everything today could have been— a meeting with someone extraordinary for the first time, a chance to truly fight your weird cousin, a hard-won promotion to make mom and dad proud and stick it to the cranky clan elders, a level-up in missions for your team— was ruined by your best friend.
surely boruto wouldn’t do that to you. then again, he did it to sarada. are you and he closer than he and sarada? regardless, would he have the nerve to betray you?
and when you finally get the chance to tearfully face him and ask upfront if he cheated during your fight, he won’t even clearly answer you.
and in a cruel twist of fate history repeats itself again, and like your father you are the sole candidate promoted. a tainted honor granted in memory of a victory you didn’t secure. and now that stupid vest collects dust in your bedroom because the only way to reshape its connotation in your head is to debut it once the rest of your team has earned theirs, and your annoying old relatives ask every day why you don’t wear the damn vest, and there are so many more important things going on in the village but that is all anyone is worried about as far as you’re concerned. you could have gone into politics like the elders wanted and avoided this altogether. but you wanted to be a shinobi. you’ve made your bed and now you must lie in it.
and time heals your wounds, and that deep trust is slowly rebuilt, and of course you eventually dust off your vest and zip it on for the first time, but you can never really look at boruto the same way.
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dolphin1812 · 1 year
“England and Germany didn’t actually win the battle of Waterloo” is definitely one way to start a chapter.
Beyond that, Hugo then argues that military victory is trivial anyways; a nation isn’t measured by its strength, but by its arts. Hugo connects this to ideas of “civilization” (always concerning to hear from a nineteenth-century writer), claiming that only “barbarous peoples” (again, not a phrase I want to hear from a French writer in the 1860s) measure their worth in military achievements. Giving England praise for Wellington, then, is meaningless when England’s real gift is Byron (I wonder which French writer Hugo wants us to think of here?). 
More seriously, distancing military feats from a nation’s success is one way for Hugo to maintain France’s dignity in the face of this defeat. Napoleon may have been defeated by destiny, not the British (according to Hugo), but making sure that a nation’s value isn’t dependent on wins and losses would be reassuring to the French readership of his time. However, placing a nation’s value on culture, not on individual leaders, also implies a criticism of valuing individuals simply because of their rank. Given that France was under the rule of Napoleon III, another emperor, while Hugo (a writer and cultural figure) was in exile, Hugo may be saying that this government’s return to imperial practices and neglect of its artists is harming French prestige.
Then, Hugo praises (and critiques) England. Wellington remains, in his view, mediocre next to Napoleon. If he can’t be the victor of Waterloo, then another must be: the English people.
“England has been too modest in the matter of Wellington. To make Wellington so great is to belittle England.”
This line is a somewhat comical way of saying this, but to Hugo, the ultimate victory lay with the soldiers fighting for England, not with their fairly typical commander.
“As for us, all our glorification goes to the English soldier, to the English army, to the English people. If trophy there be, it is to England that the trophy is due. The column of Waterloo would be more just, if, instead of the figure of a man, it bore on high the statue of a people.”
Repeating this idea here, Hugo continues to stress the contributions of regular people - namely, soldiers - over generals. However, he also criticizes English society, noting that the idea of the “nation” there trumps the idea of “the people.” Being so hierarchical and class-oriented, the English people “[subordinate] [them]self and [take] a lord for [their] head. As a workman, it allows itself to be disdained; as a soldier, it allows itself to be flogged.” In this critique, he explicitly references the Glorious Revolution and the French Revolution, implying that the people have the power to change this (and, through the reference to the French Revolution, that France has the ability to change unjust social orders as well). Additionally, Hugo comments that British histories can’t praise heroes below a certain rank, thus contrasting his own work (which focuses on the people overall, but specifically many low-ranking officers and ordinary soldiers in this section) with British writings that are required to neglect the lower classes.
I also like that he ends this chapter with the lingering memory of the battle, even if it’s no longer as physically visible. The contrast between the devastating death tolls he cites and the peaceful plains is stark, so it’s easy to see why someone with a more immediate connection to the conflict (like Hugo, as a 19th-century Frenchman) would still feel as though the ghosts of the battle were present there.
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eddysocs · 4 months
The Object Of Desire — Chapter Nine (Just A Little Bit)
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Summary: After their shared moment in the woods, Aerla and Camille begin a clandestine affair, but despite the secrecy, someone knows, and any more risky moves could put an end to everything.
Word Count: 1,447
Warnings: Student/Teacher Relationship, secrecy, tension, angst
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That night, Aerla furiously scribbled down the experience of the day, noting every last detail as she could recall it before any part of it slipped away. The quickness of her hand scrawled some of the words beyond legibility to an unknowing eye. That was probably for the best. She filled three —nearly four— pages of her leather bound journal before she deemed it satisfactory. Her hand ached from the intensity with which she had gripped her pen, but she had to document it. She felt glorious, and this was a day that she wished not to forget.
Sliding the journal under her pillow, which felt like the safest place for it, Aerla turned to see the ever hateful Di Radfield glaring at her from across the room. Aerla planned to ignore her. Naturally, Di would make that impossible.
"Where were you? You didn’t take the meal with us." Di's tone was already accusatory and Aerla wondered why exactly she cared about her whereabouts. It’s not as if she skipped out on dining with friends. Di and her little group had hardly spoken to her, even less so after she officially decided against joining the diving team.
"I’d already taken my tea early, if you must know. I was out getting some air. I don’t know about English girls, but we Irish girls tend to enjoy the out of doors. Though if you prefer this musty old building, then you’re welcome to it." Aerla was done being nice to Di. She’d tried in the beginning, but any time Di spoke to her, she felt as if she were being talked down to, and she wasn’t about to let it continue. If Di wanted to ask her inane questions, she’d be getting snide answers in return.
Di made a face at her, and Aerla remained stoic. She was about to speak again, but Aerla's stone faced stare had taken the words away from her. She doubted that would be the last she heard from Di, but that was the end of it for now. Hunkering down under the covers, Aerla closed her eyes and let herself drift off into a blissful night of sleep.
Morning came and with it the doldrums of its stifling routine. Aerla would only catch passing glimpses of Camille throughout the day, and have a word or two at the midday meal if she were to be lucky. But regardless how much or how little she saw her, Camille remained at the forefront of her mind. Despite her distraction, she wouldn’t allow her marks to drop. That had been one of the reasons she’d been kept an eye on at her previous school, and she did not wish to repeat that bit of her history. She was clever, always had been, and this time, she’d use that intelligence in her favor.
While she did scribble down notes and the odd, small doodle in her journal, during her hours in classes, she did pay attention. It was in between that her mind wandered. And as it did, she knocked clean into the source of her distraction.
She rushed out an apology the moment they’d collided, and before she’d even known who she’d clumsily bumped into. "I wasn’t looking, I’m— Cam—" Aerla stopped herself before her full name came out and she swallowed it back down. "I mean, Miss G. My apologies. I wasn’t looking where I was going."
Camille looked about to see if anyone had seen or overheard their little mishap. It seemed everyone else was too preoccupied to have taken much notice. "That’s quite alright, Miss Grae," she replied with a knowing wink when she felt sure that they weren’t being watched. As she prepared to part ways, Camille carefully maneuvered so that the back of her hand would pass against Aerla's as a final gesture that she had been thinking about her. Aerla felt the deliberate yet soft touch, and turned back just in time to see the smile on Camille's face.
Aerla's heartbeat momentarily quickened at the thrill of being so secretive, yet so open at the same time. The rest of the day she felt as if she were on a cloud. She knew she wouldn’t be able to properly meet her any time soon, but the thought of another moment like the one they’d just shared left her feeling giddy.
The rest of the week she waited for another moment like that one. It never came, but Aerla had rationalized that it wouldn’t always be possible and may even be dangerous to repeat even such a small action with others around. She understood, but that didn’t stop her from wanting more.
Friday night, and Aerla was restless. She’d been thinking of Camille all week, yet hardly a moment alone since that interaction in the halls between class periods. She desperately wanted to go and see her. But was it a risk she was willing to take?
After some time thinking it over, Aerla threw off her bedsheets in a rush and left her bed, careful to make as little noise as possible as she headed for the door. She just wanted to test something, see how much she could get away with. If any of the other girls saw her go, they didn’t say a word. So far, so good. She shut the door as gingerly as she could and she was off down the hall. She meant only to go out for a drink of water, an easy enough task and one quite obvious to explain away. She’d seen girls do the exact same before with no consequences but a word on more appropriate timing.
Yet Aerla's feet did not lead her to water this time, but to Camille’s door. The halls had been clear of any who might have caught her out, and this may be the only time the two of them would have alone.
Aerla rapped on her door at the softest volume her knuckles would allow, and waited in anticipation for Camille to open her door. Finally, the door opened and Camille peeked out, tying a dark, silky robe around her waist. It was clear she had been asleep until her arrival. "Aerla, what are you doing out here so late? If someone were to catch you—" she hissed, but Camille neglected to finish her sentence before she pulled Aerla inside.
"I needed to see you. I couldn’t sleep for thinking of you." To hear Aerla say such things, and truly mean them, ignited a flame of desire within her, but she could not allow caution to be thrown so easily into the wind. She had to maintain control. "Have you been thinking of me," Aerla asked, her eyes searching.
Again, she’d caught her off her guard, but there was no sense in lying to the girl. "I have, of course. But there is a way to handle these things," Camille attempted to reason.
Aerla sighed in defeat. She’d not come here for a lecture. "I’m here now, and I’ll leave as soon as you want me to, but can we not have a moment with one another?"
Aerla was temptation personified, begging Camille to give in to what she’s wanted from the very beginning. Only the cost still outweighed the benefit of indulging her desires. "Aerla," Camille began to gently chastise once more, but Aerla wouldn’t hear another word. Her lips collided with Camille's, knocking her back a step until she righted herself and kissed Aerla back.
Camille's hands went to Aerla's face and neck, holding her for a moment before pushing back. They couldn’t do this now. Not with the thin walls and Miss Niven next door, and not when she wasn’t sure how deep Aerla's feelings for her really went. If this was a passing fancy of hers, then she could not risk it all just for her heart to break in the end.
To see Aerla's dejected expression nearly broke her resolve, and she allowed both herself and Aerla one more kiss, quick but sweet. Enough to tide them over, or so she hoped. "I don’t want to send you away, but I don’t want to lose this either. Trust me to find the right time for us. Please," Camille pleaded.
Aerla nodded. She’d been foolish to show up here in the first place. She was risking another move for herself at best, institutionalization at worst and that didn’t even take into account what she was risking for Camille. Her job, her reputation, everything. She did trust that Camille would find a way for them to safely see each other and that would have to be good enough for now.
Chapter Eight <- 🩵 -> Chapter Ten
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Forever Tag: @baubeautyandthegeek, @kmc1989, @curious-kittens-ocs, @fanficanatic-tw, @gcthvile
Aerla Grae: @athenodora-sulpicia-writer, @ilovehotactresses
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sisterdivinium · 1 year
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Can there be anyone so unwise as to counter the old adage that says knowledge is power? And doesn't the simple view of full bookshelves lend itself to the idea of their owner, keeper or beneficiary in some way being knowledgeable and, therefore, worthy of our time and respect, if not admiration? The burning and censoring of books throughout history does not clearly indicate what power they ultimately possess, how dangerous they can be in the "wrong" hands, to the "wrong" minds?
Books are knowledge are power, true or apparent. The library of Alexandria was built thanks to and in service of an empire; the Bibliothèque Nationale de France traces its origins back to the collections of kings; we may have not known rulers who took to heart Plato's ideal of philosopher-kings, but those who would govern would do well to associate their names with wisdom, as XVIIIth century despots attempted to do. And even if one's pretensions are less lofty, that quotation often attributed to Cicero says it all: "a room without books is like a body without a soul" — if these words have been repeated time and again it is because we recognise in them a degree of truth. A room without books also denounces a "body" devoid of a "soul", it seems to say — and who would want to be seen thus?
It is no wonder that the owners of the mansions JC and his gang break into use books as decoration, just as the man who was in possession of the Medici Vatican catacomb map does: even if these people are mindless and ignorant, they would not want to seem so to the eyes of the world. A handful of books casually organised atop a shelf or on a centre table is enough to disguise the truth and confer on their owners some amount of respectability.
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Others, however, are not content with the crumbs of symbolic power that only a few books here and there provide. Their hierarchical position requires more, much more — and so the likes of father Vincent, cardinal Duretti and Mother Superion are once and again framed by a glorious array of old books when they preside at Cat's Cradle office.
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Their person is made more solemn, their words gain weight which they would otherwise lack if they did not sit here on this chair, in front of this bookcase. Behind their discourses of guidance or their orders stands an unending army of authors, tome upon tome of lore, "old teachings" which infuse these three characters with greater power in the exercise of their function.
Therefore, in these scenes, these books serve as a visual sort of argumentum ad verecundiam. John Locke describes this rhetorical device as using the "opinions of men, whose parts, learning, eminency, power, or some other cause has gained a name, and settled their reputation in the common esteem with some kind of authority" and this would then dissuade the other party from contesting whatever was said, for it would be insolent for them to "adhere to [their] own opinion against the current stream of antiquity; or to put it in the balance against that of some learned doctor, or otherwise approved writer". So it is with these characters who represent each a step in the chain of church command, their authority further reinforced by the volumes at their back; we needn't know their titles or authors as long as we understand that the priest or nun right in front of them embodies the tradition they represent, as an extension of it — and should, consequently, be heard, trusted and obeyed.
The lonesome chair already enjoys the barrier of the table in between its occupant and those on the other side, but the bookshelf deepens the chasm between both subsets of people, strengthening the claim to authority of whoever takes the prominent seat. Were it not so, Vincent and Duretti would not have briefly faced off to have it for themselves.
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So great is this connection between books and power that even Jillian, during her conversation with Vincent, is herself solely framed by a shelf behind her. Vincent, from his position, does not necessarily see this, but we, as viewers, are quite clearly informed of how this place is Jillian's domain, of how she is the authority here, at ArqTech, as if her body language alone were not a sufficiently potent message already.
Which isn't to say the effect is identical to that witnessed in regards to the religious characters: these, in their dark clothing, in their dark room, seem to blend in with the books and their shelves, whereas Jillian Salvius's garb is bright and contrasts with the piece of furniture we are presently occupied with. This could indicate her own individual relationship to tradition, as opposed to how Vincent, Duretti or Suzanne see it: Jillian is aware of it, informed on it, but she is not bound to it as representatives of the Catholic church are. She maintains a distance, without blurring the lines between herself and what a long, astounding gallery of minds has said throughout the ages. This, of course, ties in perfectly well with her refusal to see faith and science as antagonistic, however dissimilar they might be. Jillian recognises tradition, knows it, but does not submit to it without question.
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This conciliatory point of view might be a hard sell for some people, but, to return to the issue at hand, we know of another pair of things that work perfectly in tandem, which is books and power.
Only there are moments when this influence is exercised not by an entire assemblage of books as much as by a single significant volume... A sacred book — not the voices of numerous scholars through time, but the voice of God himself, along with the freedom to act in His name, in His interests so long as one holds such a book close.
As Pope, Duretti is repeatedly seen carrying a copy of the Holy Bible.
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In a time of crisis, he secures his identity and his power as "king of kings" by wielding this particular book wherever he goes. Whether he uses it to assert himself as the first among his peers in a conclave or to justify his torturing of a cardinal in a crypt, what matters is that the Bible in his hands says that this is all permitted. It is the word of God and its power that flows from the book and into the man.
The very ink of a sacred book is holy. If one is already deterred from questioning what a myriad of thinkers has put forth and filled libraries with along the centuries, who will question the greatest authority of all that is God?
Of course Adriel, as powerful as he is shown to be, does not neglect the production of a holy book of his own. The printed word possesses a force like no other. He attempts to build his reign not only with his magic tricks, but with ink and paper as well, establishing it from the ground up with pillars of books with which to support his power.
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Even Mary, as she attempts to reach Beatrice's conscience, uses a Bible to "awaken" her, throwing it on her lap as a concrete reminder of moral duties, of vows taken, of the dedication to her sisters, so she will not simply accept what are obviously absurd orders — those were given with the backing of the Cat's Cradle books, but what do all those sages represent before the Bible, revelation, justice, truth itself?
Beatrice returns the book... But the strategy works. We know it is effective when we see her joining Mary and Ava later on. Perhaps even Vincent is affected by the power of this one book, given how he leaves the church shortly after Mary picks it up; the very sight of it might have compelled him to at least superficially come clean — "I might as well have pulled the trigger myself" he soon afterwards says, all but confessing his part in Shannon's murder.
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Of course books are not relegated just to this "mystical" sort of power. They do truly contain knowledge and it is truly invaluable. Books are how the OCS informs itself on tarasks, on the origins of the order, and even on the capabilities of the halo through the records left by previous warrior nuns. Without this intelligence, they would be stuck and purposeless — for books provide also the power to do, to act, by giving the reader the proper tools to tackle problems and change the world around her.
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If we respect and look to the legacy of literature and tradition, it is because we know its importance is not mere illusion. The connection between books, knowledge and power is no coincidence.
Through books, we learn of everything — science, culture, belief... We may glimpse into the past, know of events that happened aeons ago but still colour the world of today, understand who we are through who we have been. Humanity has been documented, at least beginning with the invention of writing, and we depend on that documentation to guide us, to enlighten us as to the facts perceived and experienced by those who came before us.
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For no, facts do not lie... But what we forget is that, as sister Frances reporting on Ava, the hand that tells the facts might.
The Bible contradicts all we know of how our planet and its lifeforms came to be; the book Vincent has Ava study about Areala is full of misunderstandings, chief among them the idea of Adriel as angel and benefactor; Shannon's account of Adriel's "bones" is revealed to be incorrect... Books contain mistakes, books contain lies. Arthur Schopenhauer says that "the strata of the earth preserve in rows the creatures which lived in former ages; and the array of books on the shelves of a library stores up in like manner the errors of the past and the way in which they have been exposed."
Perhaps some falsities are malicious while others are the result of ignorance which could not possibly be corrected at the time of writing — but the fact of error remains, the fact that people were empowered into action by these errors, into leaving negative marks on the world, remains.
Women as "biologically inferior", the Sun "rotating around the Earth", this very Earth as "flat"... Much of what has been written in books is plain rubbish. The printed word is understood as sacrosanct, but it is nothing but the spoken word of fallible, partial mortals such as ourselves set to paper — and we give it too much credit at times.
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In another essay, Schopenhauer continues to criticise those who base their learning on reading alone: "reading is nothing more than a substitute for thought of one's own. It means putting the mind into leading-strings. The multitude of books serves only to show how many false paths there are, and how widely astray a man may wander if he follows any of them."
Mother Superion, from her post in front of all those books, energised by them, was beguiled, as was Duretti, by Vincent; Vincent himself was deceived by Adriel, as an unwitting Jillian. All of these characters placed next to collections of books were duped. The "old teachings" could not save them from error. In fact, they might have pushed them more strongly towards it.
Even among the dead OCS members we see what is probably a Bible splayed nearby, perfectly impotent in saving the women who were massacred despite all the power it is thought to have.
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It is not only God that inspires blind faith — so, too, can the faith in tradition blind us as a sort of religion and religion is, of course, the opium of the people, as Marx shrewdly pointed out. Dogma is dogma, "tradition" is not all-knowing, also because, Simone de Beauvoir reminds us, it is terribly biased, even more so if we recall the fact that our protagonists are women: "the representation of the world as the world itself is the work of men; they describe it from a point of view that is their own and that they confound with the absolute truth".
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Yet all is not lost.
That books are as imperfect as we are does not diminish their value as long as we understand their limitations. If we ascribe to them that which is reasonable, if we follow Yasmine's example and recognise that there are blanks, missing information, if we refuse to revere them as absolute truth but look upon them with a critical eye instead, they will serve us all the better.
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The book she brings with herself in approaching the surviving members of the OCS is essential to the success of their mission. And, as full of details as it is, including an account that disproves Adriel's goodwill as depicted in the volume Ava had read, it also leaves certain things out. Yasmine knows of the Crown of Thorns through it and that it will prove an inestimable weapon against the would-be angel, but she does not know how it manifests when touched by the warrior nun — peculiar as it sounds, she knows that she does not know and this approach is part of her strength. She is aware of the lack, the imperfection of information, and this allows her to derive the sufficient amount of knowledge which will then be enriched by interaction with the real world.
What's more is that Yasmine, as bookish as she is, also lets herself complement her learning by "reading" directly from the pages of life as she deepens her relationship with the other sisters. Yasmine, as well-read and book-wise as she is, is also still on the path of greater enlightenment; her studies do not make her "better" compared to the other women. They complement her as she complements them — as a reader must complement what she reads.
"Thoughts put on paper are nothing more than footsteps in the sand: you see the way the man has gone, but to know what he saw on his walk, you want his eyes", Schopenhauer tells us again. We should heed our ancestors' warnings and learn from their experiences, but we are all creatures of the present, of our own modernity, and we must all make use of a "modern approach" in conjunction with what we know, lest the failings of our forefathers misguide us.
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Even non-fiction reads somewhat like fiction, for none of us are omniscient. We all make undue assumptions and mistakes. The very root of science is, after all, dependent on proving and disproving theories, searching for the more correct interpretations of the phenomena studied with the aid of material evidence that human development might bring. We are surrounded by "stories", interpretations liable to change.
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And stories do have meaning, they give us a deeper understanding of things by operating in different levels of our cognition, just as Warrior Nun does... But we must be careful in dealing with stories, taking them all for granted.
Knowledge, real knowledge, does not come from mindless repetition of what others before us have said, no matter how much they have filled themselves with the authority of the ages. Thoughtless obedience is not the way. It is necessary to dissect the "stories", weigh the words brought before us, examine and create meaning for ourselves.
"To trust the word of another is one thing; to trust our own reason is a different thing," says saint Augustine, of all people; "to take something on authority is a great timesaver and involves no toil. If this way has any attraction for you, you may read in the extensive writings of great and good men what they thought should be said about these subjects as a safe and easy guide for the unlearned ... But, if you cannot bridle your eager conviction of coming to the truth by reason, you must be prepared for long, hard, and circuitous riding, pursuing the path where reason beckons — that reason alone which is worthy of the name, that is, right reason. Not only is it right, but it is also sure and free from every semblance of falsehood, if man can ever attain to that state where no false argument or specious pretext can make him betray the truth."
This is what Warrior Nun tells us about books, about life. Read, but be smart about it; know tradition so you may challenge it when necessary instead of conforming to whatever it is others would forcefully impose on you through the sheer power of antiquity alone. An appeal to authority, whatever the authority, is never enough if we seek truth.
So when Ava sits where Jillian had sat and is framed by the shelves that framed Jillian, something different is at play. The camera focuses on her, the books are blurred behind her. We know Ava reads, she even mentions Shakespeare in season two, but in this particular moment she is contrasted with "tradition" and highlighted to its detriment. In this particular moment, she is with Beatrice, hearing her story. In this particular moment, Ava must be detached from tradition, outside of it, aware of it but choosing to abandon it as mere background noise, because she does the opposite of what "tradition" would have demanded of her — instead of rejecting and condemning Beatrice, she embraces her fully.
There is still a connection to Jillian's own rupture with conventions in this same environment and disposition, as both women challenge established thought, only Ava does it for someone else's sake, without bitterness. She exits tradition not to fight or exert dominance, but to settle, pacify, love.
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Books are indispensable. Tradition has forged us all, for or against it, and we must learn to take from it all that we can, leaving behind what hinders us.
Without burning anything, however, for even error teaches us and might, paradoxically, set us on the right path somehow. These other books remind us of our mistakes and it is only by knowing them and acknowledging them that we might go forth without repeating them. Better, then, to keep them around, even if in the back of our shelves... But still within our libraries.
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andmyvape · 1 year
Super Secret Potion of Awesome
Set large cauldron to boil, as it heats toss in a generous sprinkling of msg and salt, about a 1:3 ratio. Taste your stirring stick, you will know that your efforts are fruitful if you have to restrain the urge to bite into bamboo-- perhaps maple, or cherry if you're a fancy madman. As soon as the water boils, gently place 13 raviolis in the roiling chaos, do not just dump them in. Raviolis are a vengeful breed, they have not known love before. I have the marks on my neck to prove it. Cook however long the runes inscribed on the fantastic bag of holding things safe against the chill of the freezer recommends, I'm not inclined to argue with ravioli. Again, vengeful.
Now for the alchemy portion. Gather the ingredients: spinach and artichoke dip for the base, olive oil-- for the obligatory nod toward the queer histories, and because you deserve it, you shambling terror-- minced garlic with a measure of accompanying juice that could not possibly be defined as plague-riddled, a draft of white wine vinegar, and a draft of olives in juice. I do not care what olives you use, the whims of fate are not mine to direct, only to whack upside the head with a pool noodle until I'm dunked in the waters of existentialism.
This. This is the most crucial step. Do not forget the dijon mustard. The consequences… Do not bear speaking of. Not sober, at least, and I'm writing this on the clock!
Mix the spinach and artichoke dip with a small measure of dijon mustard, taste it, and add more a bit at a time, mixing between and tasting, enough immoral indulgence for the dip to still taste delicious, but not leave your tongue covered in triglyceride as is often the price the gods demand that mortals suffer for the taste of the universe's love. Fuck the gods, they don't know anyone named Jack or Shit.
Pour olive oil into a small void, or a plastic bowl if you don't have access to the first. Add garlic juice first, then half the amount of minced garlic you think you need to, because the fel spirits that just said to add more lied to you, they know that this is a key process, one that takes discipline and fortitude. Mix the olive oil and garlic thoroughly and taste. Do the triglycerides lurk at your window and backdoor? Waiting for a chance to devastate your lavish hedonism? Fight them back by pouring white wine vinegar into the cap the vessel is sealed with, about half its capacity, and then add half of that into the oil and garlic mixture, drop by drop, you don't want to startle it. Mix vigorously. Clean up the resultant mess before your roommates send for the church to investigate your heresy in pursuit of the delicious.
Taste the concoction. It is bright, too rich, this is clearly too French to be allowed to continue. This is where the olive juice becomes essential. The inverse of a monk adding ashes to a meal to spoil it's grandeur; bitter olive juice will redeem this sad, Parisian, half-finished state of being and make it truly glorious.
Find the tiniest spoon you have, something truly molecular in scale, and add a very little olive juice to to the mixture. Stir vigorously, repeat precautions against theocratic officials. Taste. Continue to add minute amounts of olive juice until you taste it and have to sit down and weep silently into the sink for sheer joy because otherwise you'll be mopping all night.
At some point the raviolis have finished cooking. If you weren't paying attention either to them or your surroundings enough to locate a timer as aid, I honestly don't know how you didn't get killed following the recipe this far. If you read this recipe before you attempted this dark art, I'm proud of you, because now you gain knowledge, and the universe is better for it. If you didn't and you're still alive, I'm still proud of you, but I'm confiscating the demon summoning kit. But if you did think on your feet at the beginning of this enterprise, and kept an eye on the raviolis, I imagine they're draining right now. Leave them there. It is not their time.
However, the cauldron in which the raviolis were metamorphosize'd--without all that slime nonsense, of course. That should be empty. If you retrieved the raviolis with tongs, or perhaps your hands, rather than pour the pasta and water into a colander, I would like to study you closely for an extended period in a controlled environment. In the event that you are less inclined toward cryptid behavior than I am, the cauldron is indeed empty, and you may proceed. Begin by reheating the hearth with the magic device attached to it. Don't ask me how to explain it, technomancy is not my field, that shit is for geeks. Use low heat, explosions tend to result in official scrutiny that gets in the way of alchemic discovery. When the bottom of the cauldron is hot, throw in your concoction of olive oil, garlic, and other unspeakable regents. With great haste and hopefully some dignity, extinguish the hearth, attend the resultant burn wounds, and persist in your quest, it is nearly finished. Let the olive oil and garlic mixture coat the bottom of the cauldron evenly, allow to cook for a few minutes.
Honestly I have not managed to fuck this part up with my cauldron, it disperses heat so quickly that the garlic physically cannot burn before the orichalcum it too cool to cook it further. But I'm sexy like that. It's hard for anyone else to emulate it. If that's the case, be sexy your own way, use dragonbone. Perhaps if you're attempting to evade detection of overblown and pompous so called "government administrations" you can even use mundane metals and still be sexy. I hope you get back to your cave soon, my friend.
Once the vibes of the garlic are right, which is between you and your squeedlyspooch, add the spinach and artichoke mixture that should definitely still include the dijon mustard if you intend to maintain your ownership of your limbs. Reinvigorate your hearth to a low inferno. Up until now you've been too soft on the two mixtures, too lenient, it is time to enforce discipline. Throw them both into the cauldron and inflict fork-based trauma until the result is the new Whump Fiction Protagonist of the Year recipient. Don't worry, it's all part of the process. If your cauldron is big enough, cleaning up the aftermath is much easier than most crime scenes.
Once you've had enough catharting through violence over past trauma, spread the subjugated mixture evenly throughout the bottom of the cauldron. As soon as you hear even the slightest sound of infernal hissing, or unholy bubbling of the oil, turn off the heat, let it sit for like a minute, stir and spread evenly again, and just do that until sniffing the contents of the cauldron makes you regress to a primitive state beyond that of even the eldest homo sapiens.
Add your raviolis, which have been in exile just long enough to repent their crimes of burn infliction upon the skin of your neck. They're crafty little shits, but a time out does them good, they'll be happy to play nice with the infernal and exquisite concoction that has time to fully synthesize into its ultimate form. Mix gently, they've both been through enough. Ladle into bowl.
Tutorial on how to consume this potion without someone hitting 911 on their speed dial to come shortly as soon as I work that out.
Honestly I'm not really sure how this is a potion, I think whatever I was channeling doesn't have many human languages as primary ones, but we made do, and my stomach could not approve more enthusiastically! Here's a picture of my leftovers for lunch today that I barely remembered to stop inhaling in time to acquire photographic evidence!
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fleurcareil · 1 year
Alberta Rockies (1): Canmore and Banff
After saying goodbye to Deborah, I drove out west and soon started to see the first mountains!! 🤩 I read somewhere that out of all landscapes, people are most impressed by mountains and I cannot agree more.. not necessarily for me to live in but certainly to visit!
I had been recommended to do the hike to the Grassi lakes in Canmore as a good intro to the mountains, so up I went together with a few other hundred persons 😜... this was the first time in over the two months I'm on the road that I experienced real busyness, so I was a bit annoyed at first but hey I was there too so couldn't really blame others wanting to do the same 😅.
First view was from a man-made hydro reservoir and there was also a waterfall, but then the two star Grassi lakes showed themselves.. . I must say that initially I was a bit disappointed, is this it? as they're tiny & seemed unassuming at first, but then went I waited until the sun came out I could see those beautiful green colours & agreed that they're stunning. I probably sat on a rock for about an hour waiting until the sun came through, observing the other tourists, rock climbers and even a girl in a fancy dress having a photo shoot 😀. I'm never bored when doing nothing!
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As this was a Saturday evening in August in the Rockies 🙃, it was no surprise that I had had trouble finding a place to stay, so I backtracked a bit into the valley to a campground which turned out to be on a First Nations reserve. The evening prior, I had been asked whether I had ever stayed on a reserve so now I could say yes!
Basically being a big grassfield with a porta-potty it was really not much but it had an amazing view and as the reserve is its own nation, I was allowed to have a campfire whereas the rest of the province had a fire ban, bizarre! I would not have done a fire but that night was the height of the Perseides meteor shower, so I gladly enjoyed the warmth while looking for shooting stars... I saw 13 in total! 🤩
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Next morning, I headed to the visitor centre in downtown Banff to get ideas on what I could do, and although the village looked pretty I was glad to leave for lake Minnewanka for one of the most glorious paddles I've done to date... blue sky, mountains, crystal clear water & no wind... SUP paradise! 😍❤ I had optimistically put on my bikini but this being my first glacial lake I had not fully understood how absolutely freezing the water is, so that swim didn't happen! 😅
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In the afternoon, I drove along the pretty Bow Valley Parkway to set up camp at the Johnston Canyon, whose parking lot was overflowing & mayhem with people, but luckily the campsites were large and quiet.
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When I had first been to Banff in 2010, the smoke of fires near Kamloops (speaking of history repeating itself, see my recent update on BC fires) created zero visibility so we fied Banff within a day, not having seen any of the landscape so I was very happy to experience it now with such perfect weather! 😍 Top of my list was taking the Banff Gondola which is apparently the single largest attraction, so I guess I was lucky to get any ticket at all, even at 5:30pm.... once more TONS of people but I didn't let me distract from the marvelous views. I sat again for an hour or so on a bench, watching the world go by while sipping a beer and taking in the scenery 🤗 PS I know everyone loves their children but OMG what a patience parents must have nowadays!?! 😵
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After all this beauty, I was completely content to have a simple salad (and the last delicious samosa from Calgary's farmers market), make a crossword & dive into bed early.
Wildlife: NO grizzly bears, black bears, mountain goats or bighorn sheep 🤨 I did see 1 elk & 4 deer
SUPs: one at Banff
Hikes: one at Canmore
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🍃🕊🍃 The Holy Prophet (S) Sayings about Imam Ali (as)
It was not only at Ghadir Khumm that the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, proclaimed 'Ali, peace be upon him, to be the leader of the Muslims and his successor, officially and in the presence of the people. In the third year of his mission, when he was commanded to proclaim his prophethood openly, he appointed 'Ali, peace be upon him, as his successor. It is known that for the first three years of his prophetic mission, the Most Noble Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, did not make his summons public, instead calling people to Islam in secret. It was in the third year of his mission that he was instructed to invite his relatives to Islam openly. [1]
He thereupon instructed 'Ali, peace be upon him, to invite forty of the leading personages of Quraysh to a banquet, and forty of the Prophet's relatives accepted.
At their very first session, the nonsensical ravings of Abu Lahab, his raging anger and unbridled arrogance, caused the meeting to break up in confusion. The following day, when again everyone was gathered in accordance with the instructions of the Most Noble Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, first food was served to the guests, and then it was time for spiritual nourishment. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, stood up among his relatives, praised and supplicated the Creator, and said:
"I swear that there is none worthy of worship other than the One God, and that I am His envoy to you and the entirety of mankind. I have brought you the means of felicity in both worlds. My Lord has commanded me to summon you to the religion of Islam, and I give you glad tidings that whoever among you accepts my summons the soonest and aids me in my mission will be my brother (akhi), my legatee (wasiyyi) and my successor (khalifati)."
Those words greatly disturbed those present at the gathering, for their pride was offended, and it almost seemed that the voice of truth and the summons of prophethood would remain unheeded. Suddenly 'Ali b. Abi Talib, peace be upon him, arose and cried out: "O Muhammad, I believe in the oneness of God and your messengerhood and I distance myself from the idol worshippers."
The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, ordered 'Ali, peace be upon him, to sit down. He then repeated twice more his earlier proclamation, but those words of truth made no impact on the hearts of those gathered in that assembly. No one apart from 'Ali, peace be upon him, responded to the call of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family. ''Ali's acceptance of that summons and his declaration of agreement with the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, came at a time when he was just entering manhood. While everyone else sat voiceless and silent, he arose courageously and affirmed his acceptance of the Prophet's call a second time. Thereupon the Prophet turned to the assembly and said:
"'Ali is my brother and legatee and my successor among you. Obey him, follow him, and pay heed to his words." [2]
The reaction of the assembled guests was extremely hostile, for they wished to strip this declaration by the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, of its effect, and they therefore stood up and quit the meeting in the most unworthy and discourteous fashion. This event constitutes one of the plainest and most significant chapters in history, and none of the well known historians has ever seen fit to deny its occurrence, Not even the most narrow-minded among them have been able to excise this historic occurrence from their writings.
At that delicate and dangerous juncture, when the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, found himself alone in pursuing his great and glorious goal, he needed a helper and ally capable of supporting him powerfully and historically. Such a person could only be one who was prepared to devote himself fully to the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, and who had attained the highest degree of sincerity, courage, and obedience to God, so that once he came to exercise the office of successor, he would be a mirror reflecting all the knowledge, wisdom and moral purity of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family.
The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, knew that although some of his relatives might accept his call and come to embrace Islam, none among them would be prepared to commit himself to active collaboration or to confront the various forces arrayed against him, the idolators of Arabia and the People of the Book. Such a commitment would necessarily involve a protracted and merciless struggle against all sectors of Arab society, for none of them was prepared to tolerate the summons to change their beliefs and abandon their idols. The suggestion that they should do so could not fall to arouse their intense hostility, so that a conflict was completely inevitable, a conflict that would lead to the destruction of the possessions of anyone who allied himself with the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family.
Someone who was ready to make himself a protective shield for the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, under those unfavorable conditions and even to risk him own life had to be an extraordinary individual. Without doubt there was none among the relatives of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, who possessed the necessary qualities apart from 'Ali, peace be upon him, who was indeed destined to demonstrate in the bitter and punishing events that were to occur extraordinary and even unique qualities of heroism and devotion.
The significance of the proclamation made by the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, on that day is thus clear. It permits us to understand why he undertook to name as his successor and legatee the one and only person who promised him full collaboration.
Taking into consideration the Qur'anic verse, "The Prophet says nothing out of mere fancy, and whatever he utters is the fruit of revelation from his Lord,"(53:3-4) we must conclude that on that very day, during the earliest part of his mission the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, clearly and unmistakably appointed 'Ali, peace be upon him, to be leader and guide of the people after his death.
The traditions in which this occurrence is recorded furthermore indicate that the question of succession was the direct prerogative of God and the Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, and that the people cannot resolve so momentous a matter in accordance with their own wishes. Indeed, the question was of such significance that the Imamate was proclaimed together with prophethood on one and the same occasion, in a gathering attended by the foremost relatives of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family.
Ibn Hisham, the well known historian, writes:
"'Ali b. Abi Talib was the first man to believe in the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, to pray together with him, and to affirm the veracity of that which God gave him, although on that day he was a ten year old child." [3]
Anas b. Malik remarks: "The Prophet began his mission on Monday, and 'Ali embraced Islam on Tuesday." [4]
Ibn Majah in his al-Sunan and al-Hakim in his al-Mustadrak record 'Ali, peace be upon him, to have said:
"I am the servant of God and the brother of His Messenger. I am the supremely veracious one, and none but a liar shall say the same after me. I made the prayer seven years before anyone else did." [5]
The Most Noble Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, emphasized on various occasions that the question of leadership of the ummah pertained to God alone, and that he played no role in this respect.
al-Tabari records the following in his history:
"A tribal chief by the name of al-Akhnas made his allegiance and obedience to the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, conditional on the leadership of the ummah being assigned to him after the death of the Prophet The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, responded: 'This is a matter that belongs to God; He will appoint to this office whomever He deems fit' The chief in question was disappointed and he sent a message to the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, saying that it was unacceptable that he should toil and exert himself only to see the leadership go elsewhere." [6]
Can it then be permissible to prefer a leader chosen by the people to the one selected by God and His Messenger, or to place that lofty personage under the authority of someone else, obliging him to obey him and follow his command? The Qur'an clearly proclaims: "None has free choice when confronted with the command of God and His Messenger. Whosoever disobeys the command of God and His Messenger falls prey to obvious misguidance." (33:34)
When, therefore, God selects a certain person to be the guide and leader of the people, that person is the caliph." even if the Muslim community does not make it possible for him to exercise governmental authority. It is the same as in., the case of prophethood: if God appoints a person as prophet, that person is a prophet, even if people do not believe in him and refuse to obey him.
Another precious utterance in which the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, emphasizes to the Islamic ummah that 'Ali, peace be upon him, is their leader and ruler is the hadith known as the "hadith of the Rank" (hadith al-manzilah). The circumstances under which it arose are the following:
One day the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, learned that the armies of Byzantium were mobilizing for an attack on Madinah in the hope of gaining a swift victory. Upon hearing this, he ordered precautions to be taken and with a single order he was able to assemble a large force of Muslims to confront the enemy.
At the same time, a report reached the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, that the Hypocrites were also gathering their forces with the aim of causing disorder in the city during the anticipated absence of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, by killing and inciting people to violence.
The Most Noble Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, appointed 'Ali, peace be upon him, to guard the city on his behalf, and he ordered that he should remain in Madinah until he returned, administering the affairs of the Muslims. When the Hypocrites realized that their treacherous plans had been divulged, they began spreading idle rumors in the hope of weakening 'Ali's position. They hinted that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, was angry with 'Ali, peace be upon him, and that it was for this reason that he had not been permitted to accompany him on a major military expedition.
'Ali, peace be upon him, was greatly troubled and saddened by the circulation of these rumors, and he hastened to the presence of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, who had already left Madinah. He told him what had happened, and with a single historic sentence he clarified the special position of 'Ali, peace be upon him, once and for all:
"Are you not content that your relation to me shall be like the relation of Harun to Musa, excepting only that there shall be no prophet after me?"
At the end of this hadith there is a sentence that many Sunni scholars have recorded in their books:
"It is not fitting that I should depart without your being my deputy and successor." [7]
Sa'd b. Abi Waqqas, who was an obstinate enemy of 'Ali peace be upon him, mentions the same hadith in order to demonstrate his high standing.
When Mu'awiyah wanted to have the people of Makkah swear allegiance to Yazid, he convened an assembly of some of the Companions at the place known as al-Nadwah. He began by condemning and criticizing 'Ali, peace be upon him, expecting Sa'd to agree with him at least on this point. But contrary to his expectations, Sa'd turned to Mu'awiyah and said: "Whenever I recall three luminous moments in the life of 'Ali, peace be upon him, I wish from the bottom of my heart that they had been mine. The first of the three came on that day when the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, said to 'Ali, peace be upon him, 'Your relation to me shall be like the relation of Harun to Musa, excepting only that there shall be no prophet after me.'
"The second came on the plain of Khaybar when the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, said: 'Tomorrow I will entrust the banner to one who loves God and His Prophet and whom God and His Prophet love. He will be the conqueror of Khaybar, for he never turns his back on the enemy.'
"The third was on the day when the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, disputed with the Christians of Najran. He gathered 'Ali, Fatimah, Hasan and Husayn, peace be upon them all, around him, and presented them to the divine presence, saying, 'O Lord, these are the people of my house.'" [8]
In the hadith comparing his relation with 'Ali to that of Musa (Moses) with Harun (Aaron), the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, had implicitly designated 'Ali as his brother, assistant and general deputy as well as leader of the ummah, and the fact that he excepted only prophethood indicates the comprehensive nature of the station he awarded to 'Ali, peace be upon him.
If we refer to the Qur'an, we will see that God Almighty granted all the requests Musa made on him, and it was in accordance with one such request that He appointed Harun the helper, assistant, deputy and successor of Musa among his people, and even made him a prophet. [9]Since Harun was the leader of all the Bani Isra'il, the situation of 'Ali, peace be upon him, was analogous. Just like the Most Noble Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, he was the ruler of all the Muslims, and his acting on his behalf as his deputy when he was not present was therefore entirely natural, a consequence of his comprehensive deputyship. Likewise, the deputyship exercized by Harun when Musa went to the place of assignation was not temporary in nature.
Someone might be of the view that 'Ali's deputyship was restricted to the period that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, was absent from Madinah, so that the hadith under discussion cannot be taken as having general significance or as evidence that he was the Prophet's successor.
To this we answer that whenever the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, left the Islamic capital, he would always appoint someone to act as his deputy. If by comparing 'Ali, peace be upon him, to Harun, the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, had intended nothing more than the usual appointment of a deputy, restricted in his authority to Madinah for the period of the Prophet's absence, why did he not use a similar expression for those other favored Companions he would appoint as deputy? Why did he not use the same or similar words to describe the services they rendered?
History provides no evidence that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, uttered these words with respect to anyone but 'Ali, peace be upon him. The simple truth of the matter is that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, made use of the occasion to proclaim the virtues of 'Ali, to appoint him as his successor, and to make plain that he was his sole legatee. If the Prophet had intended to appoint him only as his deputy for a limited time, it would have made no sense for prophethood to be excluded from the prerogatives of his office. The meaning then would have been something improbable like the following: "'Ali, stand ill as my deputy for a while until I return, but you will not be a prophet after me." The exception made of prophethood makes sense only if the various powers and attributes of Harun should continue to pertain to 'Ali after the death of the Prophet.
Moreover, this expression was used by the Prophet in appointing 'Ali as his successor on other occasions as well, not simply when assigning him deputyship in Madinah, as history bears witness. For example, in the earliest days of the Hijrah, when the Prophet caused every Muslim to conclude a pact of brotherhood with another Muslim, 'Ali hastened sorrowfully to the presence of the Prophet and said: "How is it that you have assigned every Muslim a brother, but have not chosen anyone to be my brother?" In the presence of a group of Companions, the Prophet then replied: "I swear by the Lord Who sent me with the message of truth, I delayed the matter only in order to make you my brother. You are to me as Harun was to Musa, excepting only that there shall be no prophet after me. You are my heir and my brother. " [10]
This hadith demonstrates among other things that the barring of 'Ali from prophethood was not because of any unfitness on his part, but only to the fact that Muhnammad, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, was the Seal of the Prophets. Had prophethood not been sealed with him, 'Ali would doubtless have been a prophet.
The Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, called 'Ali, peace be upon him, his brother on a number of occasions.
Thus we read in the Sirah of al-Halabi:
"After the Prophet concluded pacts of brotherhood among the Companions (for example between Abu Bakr and 'Umar, Usayd b. Hudayr and Zayd b. al-Harithah, Abd al-Rahman bn 'Awf and Sa'd b. al-Rabi', and Abu 'Ubaydah and Sa'd b. Mu'adh), he took 'Ali by the hand and proclaimed, 'This is my brother.' Thereafter 'Ali and the Messenger of God were brothers." [11]
On another occasion, when discussing a matter that concerned 'Ali, his brother Ja'far, and Zayd b. al-Harithah, the Prophet addressed ''Ali as follows: "As for you, O 'Ali, you are my brother and comrade." [12]
On yet another occasion he said: "You will be my brother and companion in Paradise." [13]
Let us now see what is meant by brotherhood in this context.
In order to abolish and obliterate all forms of tribal distinction and privilege which were contrary to the norms of divine justice, the Prophet undertook a number of necessary measures, above all by establishing a special type of brotherhood among the Muslims after the migration to Madinah. It was his wish to bring a comprehensive brotherhood into being in the Islamic ummah, not as an abstract idea but as a palpable and objective reality. By the coming together of two adoptive brothers, who were not linked by any ties of blood or kinship but only by closeness to God and belief in the truths of His religion, the new brotherhood of Islam began to blossom in a practical form. Spiritual brotherhood became the equivalent of genealogical kinship. The links between two adoptive brothers, each hailing from a different tribe and town, contributed moreover to a general expansion of friendship and affection between all the members of the two different tribes, so that a network of deep spiritual and emotional links came into being.
The brotherhood of the Most Noble Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, and 'Ali, peace be upon him, had come into being no less than ten years before the Hijrah, when the Prophet convened a gathering of his relatives at his house in order to request their aid. The Prophet's purpose in establishing this fraternal link with 'Ali was without any doubt different from the goal of creating closeness between two tribes or the people of two cities that he pursued in Madinah, not least because no such gap or difference separated him from 'Ali. They were already related to each other as cousins and firm, strong ties already existed between them.
The reason for the brotherhood between the Prophet and 'Ali must therefore have been spiritual and intellectual affinity, a mutual inward attraction. It was 'Ali who more than anyone else resembled the great founder of Islam with respect to his spiritual qualities and knowledge, his devotion and insight. The brotherhood of the Prophet with 'Ali had therefore a special significance that extended beyond this world to the plain of resurrection and the realm of the hereafter. Thus al-Hakim records in his al-Mustadrak the following remark addressed to 'Ali by the Messenger of God, handed down by two separate authentic chains of transmission: "You are my brother in this world and the hereafter." [14]
One day when Abu Bakr, 'Umar and Abu 'Ubaydah were present, the Prophet placed his hand on the shoulder of 'Ali and said: "O 'Ali, you are the first person who accepted Islam and believed in me; you are to me as Harun was to Musa." [15]
Once 'Umar saw a man insulting 'Ali b. Abi Talib. 'Umar told him: "You are a hypocrite, for I heard the Messenger of God say to 'Ali, 'Only 'Ali is to me as Harun was to Musa, excepting only that there shall be no prophet after me."' [16]
A point to be noted in this tradition is that since the Arabic particle innama (only) implies exclusivity, the Prophet cannot have meant 'Ali's deputyship to be temporary, for he also appointed others as his deputies from time to time. 'Umar's words also imply that he understood the Prophet's declaration to make 'Ali his equal in all respects except prophethood, for he told the man who insulted 'Ali, "You are a hypocrite." His hypocrisy was indeed worse than open unbelief.
However high be the rank of a believer, to insult him entails neither unbelief nor hypocrisy. 'Umar and many of the Companions used to insult each other, but no one ever interpreted this kind of behavior as entailing unbelief or hypocrisy. However, insulting the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, does indeed entail unbelief, and it can therefore be said that 'Umar b. al-Khattab understood the words of the Prophet to mean that 'Ali, peace be upon him, had the same rank as the Prophet himself.
The hadith of the Ark (hadith al-safinah) is one more of the well-known and universally accepted traditions found in the books of celebrated Sunni scholars that establish the worthiness of the Prophet's family for assuming the leadership and direction of the Islamic ummah, Abu Dharr al-Ghifari relates the Prophet to have said: "The People of my Household are for you like the Ark of Nuh (Noah). Whoever embarks on it will be saved and whoever turns away from it will be drowned." [17]
With these words the Prophet depicts clearly the rank of his family and their fundamental role in guiding mankind and giving direction to the Islamic ummah. He warns against the perilous consequences of abondoning the lofty and salvific persons of his house, a course that will lead whoever chooses it to darkness and misguidance.
The sense of comparing the People of the House (Ahl al-Bayt) to the Ark of Nuh is that whoever follows their guidelines in fulfilling his religious duties and whose acts conforms to their commands is guaranteed salvation from the awesome punishment that awaits on the Day of Judgement Whoever rebels and disobeys, who distances himself from that axis of orientation, is like the one who sought refuge from the dreadful tempest on the mountaintops instead of in the Ark of Nuh. The only difference is that the latter met his death by drowning, while the former will be submerged in the torment of hellfire and eternal perdition.
The Most Noble Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, said in description of the People of his House:
"The People of my House are like the stars that help men find their way on sea and dry land and deliver them from misguidance and errance." [18]
He said further. "Whoever seeks refuge with the People of my House will be safe from misguidance and ruin, and whoever opposes them will fall prey to discord and divergence and join the party of Satan." [19]
From the traditions just cited can be deduced also the dimensions of the House, for whoever is exposed to the possibility of committing error and sin, of deviating from the clear guidelines laid down by the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, will never be able to save others from falling into the pit of misery and misguidance or to bring about that radical change in modes of thought, feeling and social organization that is needed to ensure eternal felicity.
It would be possible to object against the Shi'ah or to condemn them for the path they have elected only if their obedience to the People of the Prophet's House were inspired by something other than his instructions and recommendations. Such, however, is not the case.
When the first caliph appointed the second caliph as his successor, what word or sentence did he use? Did he use more than one sentence to indicate that the office of caliphate and leadership of the Muslims that he had exercised now fell to the lot of 'Umar? By contrast, there are numerous expressions and sentences from the Prophet, clear and explicit in meaning, concerning 'Ali; do they not suffice to prove his leadership and succession? The words of the Prophet are far clearer and more explicit than those used by the first caliph; are they not enough to prove at least the claim of 'Ali to religious leadership? Fair-minded and intelligent people can judge for themselves.
The scholars and leading figures of the Sunni community have regarded it as necessary to follow the views and teachings of the founders of the four schools of Sunni law, even though there is no hadith from the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, enjoining such obedience. We can therefore discern no adequate reason for these same scholars to ignore the teachings of the People of the Prophet's House, in the face of his clear declaration that the Our'an and the People of the House will remain inextricably linked until the Day of Judgement. [20]
What is even more remarkable is that some of the founders of the four legal schools were themselves students of the People of the House and benefited from their erudition. A leading Sunni scholar remarks:
"All Islamic scholars, irrespective of the school to which they belong, are unanimously agreed on the accomplishments and learning of Imam al-Sadiq, peace be upon him. Sunni Imams who were his contemporaries studied with him and derived knowledge from him. Malik learned from him, as did some of the contemporaries of Malik such as Sufyan b.
'Uyaynah, Sufyan al-Thawri, and many others. Abu Hanifah, whose lifetime more or less corresponded to that of Imam al-Sadiq, peace be upon him, studied religious knowledge with him and regarded him as the most learned man of the age." [21]
Ibn Hajar, another Sunni scholar, relates Imam al-Shafi'i to have said: "The Household of the Prophet is my means of salvation, and they are my means of drawing near to the Prophet. It is my hope that for their sake the record of my deeds will be given into my right hand on the Day of Judgement." [22]
Again al-Shafi'i said: "O People of the Prophet's House, love for you has been made obligatory by God through mention in the Qur'an. Sufficient cause of pride it is for you that whoever fails to invoke blessings on you in his prayer will fail to have his devotions (salat) accepted." [23]
Unlike the views of the mujtahids who founded the four Sunni schools, there is no contradiction or divergence among the teachings of the People of the House, for they were not engaged in independent reasoning on the ordinances of religion. Their teachings are identical with those of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, of which the Imams of the People of the House were infallibly aware. The utterances of the Imams cannot therefore be placed on the same level as the views of the founders of the four Sunni schools.
In view of all this, how can it be justified to ignore and neglect the teachings of the People of the House?
[1] See Qur'an, 26:214.
[2] Ahmad b. Hanbal, al-Musnad, Vol. I, pp. 111, 159. Ibn al-Athir, al-Kamil, Vol. II, p.22; al-Tabari, al-Tafsir, Vol. II, p. 216; Abu al-Fida', al-Tarikh, Vol. I, p. 119; al-Ganji, Kifayatal-Talib, p.89. al-Nasa'i, al-Khasa'is, p. 18; al-Halabi, al-Sirah, Vol. I, p.304; Ibn Abi 'l-Hadid, Sharh, Vol. III, p. 255; al-Suyuti, Jam' al-Jawami', Vol. VI, p. 408; al-Khifaji, Sharh al-Shifa', Vol. III, p. 37.
[3] Ibn Hisham, al-Sirah, Vol. I, p.245.
[4]al-Hakim, al-Mustadrak, Vol. III, p. 312.
[5]Ibn Majah, al-Sunan, Vol. I, p. 44; al-Hakim, al-Mustadrak, Vol. III, p. 112.
[6] al-Tabari, Tarikh, Vol. II, p. 172.
[7] al-Hakim, al-Mustadrak, Vol. III, p. 63; al-Nasa'i, al-Khasa'is ., p. 63; al-Hamawini, Fara'id al-simtayn, Vol. I, p. 328 al-Dhahabi, Talkhis al-Mustadrak, Vol. III, p. 132; Ahmad b. Hanbal, al-Musnad, Vol. I, p. 331; al-Khwarazmi, al-Manaqib, p. 72; al-Ganji, Kifayat al-Talib, p. 116; Ibn Asakir, al-Tarikh al-Kabir, Vol. I, p. 203; al-Biladhuri, Ansab al-Ashraf, Vol. II, p. 106; Ibn Kathir, al-Bidayah, Vol. VII, p. 338; al-'Asqalani, al-Isabah, Vol. II, p.509.
[8] Muslim, al-Sahih, Vol. VII, p. 120; Ibn 'Asakir, al-Tarikh al-Kabir, Vol. I, p. 334; Ibn Kathir, al-Bidayah, Vol. VII, p. 341; al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Kanz al-'Ummal, Vol. XIII, p. 163; Ibn Majah, al-Sunan, Vol. I, p.58; al-Nasa'i, al-Khasa'is, p.50; al-Qunduzi, Yanabi' al-Mawaddah, p. 51.
[9] See Qur'an, 20:29-32.
[10] al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Kanz al-'Ummal, Vol. V, p.31.
[11] al-Halabi, al-Sirah, Vol. II, p. 97. Ibn Hisham, al-Sirah, Vol. I, p.505.
[12]Ibn Sa'd, al-Tabaqat, Vol. VIII, p. 114.
[13] Ibn 'Abd al-Barr, al-Isti'ab, Vol. II, p. 460; al-Khatib al-Baghdadi, Tarikh Baghdadi, Vol. XII, p. 268; al-Firuzabadi, Fada'il al-Khhamsah, Vol. I, p.114.
[14] al-Hakim, al-Mustadrak, Vol. III, p. 414; al-Tirmidhi, Jami' al-Sahih, Vol. V
[15] al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Kanz al-'Ummal, Vol. VI, p. 395.
[16] Ibn , Asakir, al-Tarikh al-Kabir, Vol. I, pp. 360-61; al-Khatib al-Baghdadi, Tarikh Baghdad, Vol. VII, p.453.
[17]al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Kanz al-'Ummal, Vol. I, p. 250; Ibn Hajar, al-Sawa'iq, p. 75; al-Hakim, al-Mustadrak, Vol. III, p. 343; al-Qunduzi, Yanabi' al-Mawaddah, p. 257. Ibn al-Sabbagh, al-Fusul al-Muhimmah, p. 10; al-Sabban, Is'af al-Raghibin, p. 111; al-Shiblanji, Nur al-Absar, p. 114.
[18] Ibn Hajar, al-Sawa'iq, p. 140; al-Hakim, al-Mustadrak, Vol. III, p. 149.
[19] Ibn Hajar, al-Sawa'iq, p. 140; al-Hakim, al-Mustadrak, Vol. III, p. 149.
[20] Ahmad b. Hanbal, al-Musnad, Vol. V, p. 181.
[21]Shaykh Muhammad Abu Zahrah, al-Imam al-Sadiq, p.66.
[23] Ibn Hajar, al-Sawa'iq, p. 108. See too al-Firuzabadi, Fada'il al-Khamsah, Vol. II, p.81.
[24] al-Shiblanji, Nur al-Absar, p. 104.
The prophetic hadiths indecating 'Ali's worth of following
The Prophetic traditions which indicate that Ali should be followed
The prophetic traditions which persuaded me to follow Imam Ali were those I have read in the Sihahs of the Sunnis and were approved by the Shiites, and they have many more. But as usual I only referred to the prophetic traditions that have been agreed on by both parties, and here are some of them:
A. The Prophetic tradition: "I am the city of Knowledge and Ali is its gate."
This tradition [88] alone should be sufficient to indicate the example that has to he followed after the Messenger of Allah (saw) because the educated man ought to be followed.
Mustadrak, al Hakim, vol 3 p 127
Tarikh, Ibn Kathir, vol 7 p 358
Allah - the Most High - said:
Say: "Are those who know and those who do not know alike?"
[Holy Quran 39:9]
He also said:
"Is He then Who guides to the truth more worthy to be followed, or he who himself does not go aright unless he is guided? What then is the matter with you; how do you judge?" [Holy Quran 10:35]
History has recorded many facts telling us that Ali was the most knowledgeable man among all the Companions and they used to consult him on every important matter, and we do not know of any event in which he declined to give his advice.
Abu Bakr said, "May Allah never put me in a predicament that Abu al-Hasan cannot solve. " And Umar said, "If it was not for Ali, Umar would have perished." [89]
al Isti'ab, vol 3 p 39
Manaqib al Khawarizmi, p 48
al Riyadh al Nadirah, vol 2 p 194
And Ibn Abbas said, "My knowledge and the knowledge of the Companions of Muhammad(saw) is but a drop in seven seas if compared with Ali's knowledge."
And this is what Imam Ali said about himself, "Ask me before you lose me. By Allah, if you ask me about anything that could happen up to the Day of Judgement, I will tell you about it. Ask me about the Book of Allah, because by Allah there is no [Qur'anic] verse that I do not know whether it was revealed during the night or the day, or whether it was revealed on a plain or on a mountain." [90]
al Riyadh al-Nadirah, vol 2 p 198
Tarikh, Suyuti, p 124
al Itqan, Suyuti, vol 2 p 319
Fath al Bari, vol 8 p 485
Tadhib al Tadhib, vol 7 p 338
Abu Bakr was once asked about the meaning of the word "Abb" [herbage] in the words of Allah, the Most High:
"And fruits and herbage, A provision for you and for your cattle" [Holy Quran 80:31-32]
Abu Bakr replied, "Which sky would give me shade, and which land would carry me if I say something I do not know about the Book of Allah." And this is Umar saying. "All people are more knowledgeable than I am, even women." He was once asked about the meaning of a Qur'anic verse, and his reaction was to rebuke the man and beat him until he bled, then he said, "Do not ask about matters which may appear bad to you." [91]
Sunan, al Darimi, vol 1 p 54
Tafsir, Ibn Katheer, vol 4 p 232
Tafsir, Suyuti, vol 6p 111
Also he was asked about "al-Kalalah" but he did not know what it meant.
In his "commentary", al-Tabari stated that Umar once said the following, "My knowledge of al-Kalalah is more valuable to me than owning a palace similar to those in Syria."
In one of his books, Ibn Maja quoted Umar as saying "There are three things, if they were explained by the Messenger of Allah, I would have loved them more dearly than anything in the world: Al-Kalalah, usury and the caliphate." God forbid that the Messenger of Allah stayed silent on these subjects!
B. The Prophetic tradition: O Ali! You hold in relation to me the same position as Haroon held in relation to Moses, except that there shall be no prophet after me.
This tradition, as should be apparent to every sensible person, shows the special quality of the Commander of the Believers, Ali, which made him the right person to be the supporter, the guardian and the deputy [or successor] of the Messenger of Allah as Haroon was the supporter, guardian and deputy of Moses when he went to meet his God. There is also the position of Ali vis-a-vis the Prophet which is absolutely equal to the relation between Haroon and Moses, except for the prophethood, which was excluded in the same tradition.
Furthermore, we find in the tradition the fact that Imam Ali was the best Companion, who only came second after the Messenger of Allah (saw).
C. The Prophetic tradition: Ali is the master of all those of whom I am master. O Allah! Love him who loves him and hate him who hates him, help him who helps him, forsake him who forsakes him, and turn justice with him wherever he turns.
This tradition alone is sufficient to reply to the allegations concerning the seniority of Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman to Ali, who was appointed by the Messenger of Allah as the guardian after him of all the faithful. It is of no consequence for whoever tried to interpret the saying as the friend or the support in order to divert it from its original meaning so that the integrity of the Companions may be kept intact. The Messenger of Allah stood up in the terrible heat addressing the people, saying, "Do you witness that I have a prior right to and superior authority over all the faithful?" They replied, "Yes, O Messenger of Allah. " Thereupon he said, "Ali is the master of all those whom I am a master. . . etc." This is a clear text indicating that the Messenger of Allah had appointed Ali as his successor to lead the nation [of Islam], and the fair and sensible person could not but accept this interpretation and refuse that of the others, thus preserving the integrity of the Messenger of Allah before preserving the integrity of the Companions. Those who give an alternative interpretation to the saying are in fact ridiculing the wisdom of the Messenger of Allah, who gathered the multitude of people, in that unbearable heat, to tell them that Ali was the friend and supporter of the faithful. And what do those, who misinterpret the text in order to preserve the integrity of their masters, say about the procession of congratulation that the Messenger of Allah organised for Ali? It started with the wives of the Messenger, the mothers of the faithful, then Abu Bakr and Umar came and said to him, "Well done Ibn Abi Talib, Overnight you became the guardian [master] of all the faithful."
In fact all the historical evidence gives clear indications that those who misinterpret the above tradition are liars. Woe to those who wrote what they wrote, and woe to them for what they are writing. Allah - the Most High - said. "...a party of them most surely conceal the truth while they know it" [Holy Qur'an 2:146].
D. The Prophetic tradition: Ali is from me and I am from Ali and no one can discharge my duty except myself or Ali.
This honourable tradition [92] is another clear indication that Imam Ali was only one whom the Messenger authorized to discharge his duties. The Messenger said it on the day of the great pilgrimage when he sent Ali with Surat Bara'a instead of Abu Bakr, who came crying and asked, "O Messenger of Allah ! Reveal something for me." The Messenger answered, "My Lord ordered me that nobody can discharge my duty except myself or Ali."
Sunan, Ibn Majah, vol 1 p 44
Khasais, al Nasai, p 20
Sahih, al Tirmidhi, vol 5 p 300
Jami al Usul, Ibn Kathir, vol 9 p 471
al Jami al Saghir, al Suyuti, vol 2 p 56
al Riyadh al Nadirah, Tabari, vol 2p 229
There is another supporting tradition that the Messenger of Allah, said on another occasion in honour of Ali, "O Ali! You will show them the right path when there will be dissension among them after me." [93] If nobody could discharge the Messenger of Allah's duty except Ali, and if he was the one who would show them the right path after dissension appeared among them after him; then how could a person who did not know the meaning of "al-Abb" and "Kalalah" be more senior to Ali? This is sadly one of the tragedies that have been inflicted on our nation and prevented it from doing the duties that Allah has chosen for it. We could not blame Allah or the Messenger of Allah or the Commander of the Believers Ali ibn Abi Talib for that, but the blame falls squarely on those who rebelled and changed, and Allah - the most High - said: "And when it is said to them, "Come to what Allah has revealed and to the Messenger. They say, "That on which we found our fathers is sufficient for us. " What! Even though their fathers knew nothing and did not follow the right way" [Holy Qur'an 5:104].
Tarikh, Ibn Askir, vol 2 p 488
Kunuz al Haqa'iq, al Mauawi, p 203
Kanz al Ummal, vol 5 p 33
E. The Prophetic tradition of the House on the day of Warning.
The Prophet of Allah (saw) said, indicating Ali. This is my brother, my trustee and my deputy [caliph] after me, so listen to him and obey him." [94]
Tarikh, al Tabari, vol 2 p319
al Sirah al Halabiyah, vol 1 p 311
Shawahid al Tanzil, vol 1 p 371
Kanz al Ummal, vol 15 p 15
Tarikh, Ibn Asakir, vol 1 p 85
Tafsir, Ala al Din al Shafi'i, vol 3 p 371
The Life of Muhammad by Hasanyn Haykal, First Edition (Section on: And admonish your nearest, your kinsmen)
This is yet another correct tradition cited by many historians at the beginning of the prophetic mission, and considered as one of the Prophet's miracles. However, political intrigues distorted the facts. Then there is no wonder that the oppression which took place then is coming back again in our lifetime. For example, Muhammad Husayn Haykal reproduced the saying in its entirety in his book "The Life of Muhammad", (Page 104, First Edition 1334 Hijri). From the Second Edition onward, the part of the tradition where the Prophet says, "He is my trustee, my deputy [caliph] after me" has been removed.
Also, in al-Tabari's commentary [Tafsir], Volume 19. Page 121, when the Prophet says "My trustee and my deputy [caliph]" was changed to "This is my brother etc. etc", but they failed to recognize that al-Tabari had cited the tradition in its entirety in his Annals Volume 2, Page 319. Look how they change the words and distort the facts ... they want to put out the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah is spreading His light.
During my investigation I wanted to see the truth, so I searched for the first edition of "The Life of Muhammad". and after some hard work - praise be to Allah - found it, although it cost me considerably. The important thing is that I looked at the distortion and became convinced that the evil people are trying the best they can do to remove the facts. because there is strong evidence in the hands of their "enemies".
When the fair investigator comes across such a blatant distortion, he will no doubt begin to keep away from them and become convinced that they have no evidence except lies and distorted facts. They hire writers to whom they give money, titles and false university degrees in order to write for them books and articles through which they insult the Shiites and accuse them of blasphemy, while at the same time they defend the position, even if it is unjust, of some of the Companions who turned on their heels and exchanged right for wrong after the departure of the Messenger of Allah.
Allah says: "Even thus said those before them, the like of what they say; their hearts are all alike. Indeed We have made the verses clear for a people who are sure." [Holy Quran 2:118]
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ahlulbaytnetworks · 2 years
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🍃🕊🍃 The Holy Prophet (S) Sayings about Imam Ali (as)
It was not only at Ghadir Khumm that the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, proclaimed 'Ali, peace be upon him, to be the leader of the Muslims and his successor, officially and in the presence of the people. In the third year of his mission, when he was commanded to proclaim his prophethood openly, he appointed 'Ali, peace be upon him, as his successor. It is known that for the first three years of his prophetic mission, the Most Noble Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, did not make his summons public, instead calling people to Islam in secret. It was in the third year of his mission that he was instructed to invite his relatives to Islam openly. [1]
He thereupon instructed 'Ali, peace be upon him, to invite forty of the leading personages of Quraysh to a banquet, and forty of the Prophet's relatives accepted.
At their very first session, the nonsensical ravings of Abu Lahab, his raging anger and unbridled arrogance, caused the meeting to break up in confusion. The following day, when again everyone was gathered in accordance with the instructions of the Most Noble Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, first food was served to the guests, and then it was time for spiritual nourishment. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, stood up among his relatives, praised and supplicated the Creator, and said:
"I swear that there is none worthy of worship other than the One God, and that I am His envoy to you and the entirety of mankind. I have brought you the means of felicity in both worlds. My Lord has commanded me to summon you to the religion of Islam, and I give you glad tidings that whoever among you accepts my summons the soonest and aids me in my mission will be my brother (akhi), my legatee (wasiyyi) and my successor (khalifati)."
Those words greatly disturbed those present at the gathering, for their pride was offended, and it almost seemed that the voice of truth and the summons of prophethood would remain unheeded. Suddenly 'Ali b. Abi Talib, peace be upon him, arose and cried out: "O Muhammad, I believe in the oneness of God and your messengerhood and I distance myself from the idol worshippers."
The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, ordered 'Ali, peace be upon him, to sit down. He then repeated twice more his earlier proclamation, but those words of truth made no impact on the hearts of those gathered in that assembly. No one apart from 'Ali, peace be upon him, responded to the call of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family. ''Ali's acceptance of that summons and his declaration of agreement with the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, came at a time when he was just entering manhood. While everyone else sat voiceless and silent, he arose courageously and affirmed his acceptance of the Prophet's call a second time. Thereupon the Prophet turned to the assembly and said:
"'Ali is my brother and legatee and my successor among you. Obey him, follow him, and pay heed to his words." [2]
The reaction of the assembled guests was extremely hostile, for they wished to strip this declaration by the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, of its effect, and they therefore stood up and quit the meeting in the most unworthy and discourteous fashion. This event constitutes one of the plainest and most significant chapters in history, and none of the well known historians has ever seen fit to deny its occurrence, Not even the most narrow-minded among them have been able to excise this historic occurrence from their writings.
At that delicate and dangerous juncture, when the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, found himself alone in pursuing his great and glorious goal, he needed a helper and ally capable of supporting him powerfully and historically. Such a person could only be one who was prepared to devote himself fully to the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, and who had attained the highest degree of sincerity, courage, and obedience to God, so that once he came to exercise the office of successor, he would be a mirror reflecting all the knowledge, wisdom and moral purity of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family.
The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, knew that although some of his relatives might accept his call and come to embrace Islam, none among them would be prepared to commit himself to active collaboration or to confront the various forces arrayed against him, the idolators of Arabia and the People of the Book. Such a commitment would necessarily involve a protracted and merciless struggle against all sectors of Arab society, for none of them was prepared to tolerate the summons to change their beliefs and abandon their idols. The suggestion that they should do so could not fall to arouse their intense hostility, so that a conflict was completely inevitable, a conflict that would lead to the destruction of the possessions of anyone who allied himself with the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family.
Someone who was ready to make himself a protective shield for the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, under those unfavorable conditions and even to risk him own life had to be an extraordinary individual. Without doubt there was none among the relatives of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, who possessed the necessary qualities apart from 'Ali, peace be upon him, who was indeed destined to demonstrate in the bitter and punishing events that were to occur extraordinary and even unique qualities of heroism and devotion.
The significance of the proclamation made by the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, on that day is thus clear. It permits us to understand why he undertook to name as his successor and legatee the one and only person who promised him full collaboration.
Taking into consideration the Qur'anic verse, "The Prophet says nothing out of mere fancy, and whatever he utters is the fruit of revelation from his Lord,"(53:3-4) we must conclude that on that very day, during the earliest part of his mission the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, clearly and unmistakably appointed 'Ali, peace be upon him, to be leader and guide of the people after his death.
The traditions in which this occurrence is recorded furthermore indicate that the question of succession was the direct prerogative of God and the Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, and that the people cannot resolve so momentous a matter in accordance with their own wishes. Indeed, the question was of such significance that the Imamate was proclaimed together with prophethood on one and the same occasion, in a gathering attended by the foremost relatives of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family.
Ibn Hisham, the well known historian, writes:
"'Ali b. Abi Talib was the first man to believe in the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, to pray together with him, and to affirm the veracity of that which God gave him, although on that day he was a ten year old child." [3]
Anas b. Malik remarks: "The Prophet began his mission on Monday, and 'Ali embraced Islam on Tuesday." [4]
Ibn Majah in his al-Sunan and al-Hakim in his al-Mustadrak record 'Ali, peace be upon him, to have said:
"I am the servant of God and the brother of His Messenger. I am the supremely veracious one, and none but a liar shall say the same after me. I made the prayer seven years before anyone else did." [5]
The Most Noble Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, emphasized on various occasions that the question of leadership of the ummah pertained to God alone, and that he played no role in this respect.
al-Tabari records the following in his history:
"A tribal chief by the name of al-Akhnas made his allegiance and obedience to the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, conditional on the leadership of the ummah being assigned to him after the death of the Prophet The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, responded: 'This is a matter that belongs to God; He will appoint to this office whomever He deems fit' The chief in question was disappointed and he sent a message to the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, saying that it was unacceptable that he should toil and exert himself only to see the leadership go elsewhere." [6]
Can it then be permissible to prefer a leader chosen by the people to the one selected by God and His Messenger, or to place that lofty personage under the authority of someone else, obliging him to obey him and follow his command? The Qur'an clearly proclaims: "None has free choice when confronted with the command of God and His Messenger. Whosoever disobeys the command of God and His Messenger falls prey to obvious misguidance." (33:34)
When, therefore, God selects a certain person to be the guide and leader of the people, that person is the caliph." even if the Muslim community does not make it possible for him to exercise governmental authority. It is the same as in., the case of prophethood: if God appoints a person as prophet, that person is a prophet, even if people do not believe in him and refuse to obey him.
Another precious utterance in which the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, emphasizes to the Islamic ummah that 'Ali, peace be upon him, is their leader and ruler is the hadith known as the "hadith of the Rank" (hadith al-manzilah). The circumstances under which it arose are the following:
One day the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, learned that the armies of Byzantium were mobilizing for an attack on Madinah in the hope of gaining a swift victory. Upon hearing this, he ordered precautions to be taken and with a single order he was able to assemble a large force of Muslims to confront the enemy.
At the same time, a report reached the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, that the Hypocrites were also gathering their forces with the aim of causing disorder in the city during the anticipated absence of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, by killing and inciting people to violence.
The Most Noble Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, appointed 'Ali, peace be upon him, to guard the city on his behalf, and he ordered that he should remain in Madinah until he returned, administering the affairs of the Muslims. When the Hypocrites realized that their treacherous plans had been divulged, they began spreading idle rumors in the hope of weakening 'Ali's position. They hinted that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, was angry with 'Ali, peace be upon him, and that it was for this reason that he had not been permitted to accompany him on a major military expedition.
'Ali, peace be upon him, was greatly troubled and saddened by the circulation of these rumors, and he hastened to the presence of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, who had already left Madinah. He told him what had happened, and with a single historic sentence he clarified the special position of 'Ali, peace be upon him, once and for all:
"Are you not content that your relation to me shall be like the relation of Harun to Musa, excepting only that there shall be no prophet after me?"
At the end of this hadith there is a sentence that many Sunni scholars have recorded in their books:
"It is not fitting that I should depart without your being my deputy and successor." [7]
Sa'd b. Abi Waqqas, who was an obstinate enemy of 'Ali peace be upon him, mentions the same hadith in order to demonstrate his high standing.
When Mu'awiyah wanted to have the people of Makkah swear allegiance to Yazid, he convened an assembly of some of the Companions at the place known as al-Nadwah. He began by condemning and criticizing 'Ali, peace be upon him, expecting Sa'd to agree with him at least on this point. But contrary to his expectations, Sa'd turned to Mu'awiyah and said: "Whenever I recall three luminous moments in the life of 'Ali, peace be upon him, I wish from the bottom of my heart that they had been mine. The first of the three came on that day when the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, said to 'Ali, peace be upon him, 'Your relation to me shall be like the relation of Harun to Musa, excepting only that there shall be no prophet after me.'
"The second came on the plain of Khaybar when the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, said: 'Tomorrow I will entrust the banner to one who loves God and His Prophet and whom God and His Prophet love. He will be the conqueror of Khaybar, for he never turns his back on the enemy.'
"The third was on the day when the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, disputed with the Christians of Najran. He gathered 'Ali, Fatimah, Hasan and Husayn, peace be upon them all, around him, and presented them to the divine presence, saying, 'O Lord, these are the people of my house.'" [8]
In the hadith comparing his relation with 'Ali to that of Musa (Moses) with Harun (Aaron), the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, had implicitly designated 'Ali as his brother, assistant and general deputy as well as leader of the ummah, and the fact that he excepted only prophethood indicates the comprehensive nature of the station he awarded to 'Ali, peace be upon him.
If we refer to the Qur'an, we will see that God Almighty granted all the requests Musa made on him, and it was in accordance with one such request that He appointed Harun the helper, assistant, deputy and successor of Musa among his people, and even made him a prophet. [9]Since Harun was the leader of all the Bani Isra'il, the situation of 'Ali, peace be upon him, was analogous. Just like the Most Noble Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, he was the ruler of all the Muslims, and his acting on his behalf as his deputy when he was not present was therefore entirely natural, a consequence of his comprehensive deputyship. Likewise, the deputyship exercized by Harun when Musa went to the place of assignation was not temporary in nature.
Someone might be of the view that 'Ali's deputyship was restricted to the period that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, was absent from Madinah, so that the hadith under discussion cannot be taken as having general significance or as evidence that he was the Prophet's successor.
To this we answer that whenever the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, left the Islamic capital, he would always appoint someone to act as his deputy. If by comparing 'Ali, peace be upon him, to Harun, the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, had intended nothing more than the usual appointment of a deputy, restricted in his authority to Madinah for the period of the Prophet's absence, why did he not use a similar expression for those other favored Companions he would appoint as deputy? Why did he not use the same or similar words to describe the services they rendered?
History provides no evidence that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, uttered these words with respect to anyone but 'Ali, peace be upon him. The simple truth of the matter is that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, made use of the occasion to proclaim the virtues of 'Ali, to appoint him as his successor, and to make plain that he was his sole legatee. If the Prophet had intended to appoint him only as his deputy for a limited time, it would have made no sense for prophethood to be excluded from the prerogatives of his office. The meaning then would have been something improbable like the following: "'Ali, stand ill as my deputy for a while until I return, but you will not be a prophet after me." The exception made of prophethood makes sense only if the various powers and attributes of Harun should continue to pertain to 'Ali after the death of the Prophet.
Moreover, this expression was used by the Prophet in appointing 'Ali as his successor on other occasions as well, not simply when assigning him deputyship in Madinah, as history bears witness. For example, in the earliest days of the Hijrah, when the Prophet caused every Muslim to conclude a pact of brotherhood with another Muslim, 'Ali hastened sorrowfully to the presence of the Prophet and said: "How is it that you have assigned every Muslim a brother, but have not chosen anyone to be my brother?" In the presence of a group of Companions, the Prophet then replied: "I swear by the Lord Who sent me with the message of truth, I delayed the matter only in order to make you my brother. You are to me as Harun was to Musa, excepting only that there shall be no prophet after me. You are my heir and my brother. " [10]
This hadith demonstrates among other things that the barring of 'Ali from prophethood was not because of any unfitness on his part, but only to the fact that Muhnammad, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, was the Seal of the Prophets. Had prophethood not been sealed with him, 'Ali would doubtless have been a prophet.
The Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, called 'Ali, peace be upon him, his brother on a number of occasions.
Thus we read in the Sirah of al-Halabi:
"After the Prophet concluded pacts of brotherhood among the Companions (for example between Abu Bakr and 'Umar, Usayd b. Hudayr and Zayd b. al-Harithah, Abd al-Rahman bn 'Awf and Sa'd b. al-Rabi', and Abu 'Ubaydah and Sa'd b. Mu'adh), he took 'Ali by the hand and proclaimed, 'This is my brother.' Thereafter 'Ali and the Messenger of God were brothers." [11]
On another occasion, when discussing a matter that concerned 'Ali, his brother Ja'far, and Zayd b. al-Harithah, the Prophet addressed ''Ali as follows: "As for you, O 'Ali, you are my brother and comrade." [12]
On yet another occasion he said: "You will be my brother and companion in Paradise." [13]
Let us now see what is meant by brotherhood in this context.
In order to abolish and obliterate all forms of tribal distinction and privilege which were contrary to the norms of divine justice, the Prophet undertook a number of necessary measures, above all by establishing a special type of brotherhood among the Muslims after the migration to Madinah. It was his wish to bring a comprehensive brotherhood into being in the Islamic ummah, not as an abstract idea but as a palpable and objective reality. By the coming together of two adoptive brothers, who were not linked by any ties of blood or kinship but only by closeness to God and belief in the truths of His religion, the new brotherhood of Islam began to blossom in a practical form. Spiritual brotherhood became the equivalent of genealogical kinship. The links between two adoptive brothers, each hailing from a different tribe and town, contributed moreover to a general expansion of friendship and affection between all the members of the two different tribes, so that a network of deep spiritual and emotional links came into being.
The brotherhood of the Most Noble Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, and 'Ali, peace be upon him, had come into being no less than ten years before the Hijrah, when the Prophet convened a gathering of his relatives at his house in order to request their aid. The Prophet's purpose in establishing this fraternal link with 'Ali was without any doubt different from the goal of creating closeness between two tribes or the people of two cities that he pursued in Madinah, not least because no such gap or difference separated him from 'Ali. They were already related to each other as cousins and firm, strong ties already existed between them.
The reason for the brotherhood between the Prophet and 'Ali must therefore have been spiritual and intellectual affinity, a mutual inward attraction. It was 'Ali who more than anyone else resembled the great founder of Islam with respect to his spiritual qualities and knowledge, his devotion and insight. The brotherhood of the Prophet with 'Ali had therefore a special significance that extended beyond this world to the plain of resurrection and the realm of the hereafter. Thus al-Hakim records in his al-Mustadrak the following remark addressed to 'Ali by the Messenger of God, handed down by two separate authentic chains of transmission: "You are my brother in this world and the hereafter." [14]
One day when Abu Bakr, 'Umar and Abu 'Ubaydah were present, the Prophet placed his hand on the shoulder of 'Ali and said: "O 'Ali, you are the first person who accepted Islam and believed in me; you are to me as Harun was to Musa." [15]
Once 'Umar saw a man insulting 'Ali b. Abi Talib. 'Umar told him: "You are a hypocrite, for I heard the Messenger of God say to 'Ali, 'Only 'Ali is to me as Harun was to Musa, excepting only that there shall be no prophet after me."' [16]
A point to be noted in this tradition is that since the Arabic particle innama (only) implies exclusivity, the Prophet cannot have meant 'Ali's deputyship to be temporary, for he also appointed others as his deputies from time to time. 'Umar's words also imply that he understood the Prophet's declaration to make 'Ali his equal in all respects except prophethood, for he told the man who insulted 'Ali, "You are a hypocrite." His hypocrisy was indeed worse than open unbelief.
However high be the rank of a believer, to insult him entails neither unbelief nor hypocrisy. 'Umar and many of the Companions used to insult each other, but no one ever interpreted this kind of behavior as entailing unbelief or hypocrisy. However, insulting the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, does indeed entail unbelief, and it can therefore be said that 'Umar b. al-Khattab understood the words of the Prophet to mean that 'Ali, peace be upon him, had the same rank as the Prophet himself.
The hadith of the Ark (hadith al-safinah) is one more of the well-known and universally accepted traditions found in the books of celebrated Sunni scholars that establish the worthiness of the Prophet's family for assuming the leadership and direction of the Islamic ummah, Abu Dharr al-Ghifari relates the Prophet to have said: "The People of my Household are for you like the Ark of Nuh (Noah). Whoever embarks on it will be saved and whoever turns away from it will be drowned." [17]
With these words the Prophet depicts clearly the rank of his family and their fundamental role in guiding mankind and giving direction to the Islamic ummah. He warns against the perilous consequences of abondoning the lofty and salvific persons of his house, a course that will lead whoever chooses it to darkness and misguidance.
The sense of comparing the People of the House (Ahl al-Bayt) to the Ark of Nuh is that whoever follows their guidelines in fulfilling his religious duties and whose acts conforms to their commands is guaranteed salvation from the awesome punishment that awaits on the Day of Judgement Whoever rebels and disobeys, who distances himself from that axis of orientation, is like the one who sought refuge from the dreadful tempest on the mountaintops instead of in the Ark of Nuh. The only difference is that the latter met his death by drowning, while the former will be submerged in the torment of hellfire and eternal perdition.
The Most Noble Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, said in description of the People of his House:
"The People of my House are like the stars that help men find their way on sea and dry land and deliver them from misguidance and errance." [18]
He said further. "Whoever seeks refuge with the People of my House will be safe from misguidance and ruin, and whoever opposes them will fall prey to discord and divergence and join the party of Satan." [19]
From the traditions just cited can be deduced also the dimensions of the House, for whoever is exposed to the possibility of committing error and sin, of deviating from the clear guidelines laid down by the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, will never be able to save others from falling into the pit of misery and misguidance or to bring about that radical change in modes of thought, feeling and social organization that is needed to ensure eternal felicity.
It would be possible to object against the Shi'ah or to condemn them for the path they have elected only if their obedience to the People of the Prophet's House were inspired by something other than his instructions and recommendations. Such, however, is not the case.
When the first caliph appointed the second caliph as his successor, what word or sentence did he use? Did he use more than one sentence to indicate that the office of caliphate and leadership of the Muslims that he had exercised now fell to the lot of 'Umar? By contrast, there are numerous expressions and sentences from the Prophet, clear and explicit in meaning, concerning 'Ali; do they not suffice to prove his leadership and succession? The words of the Prophet are far clearer and more explicit than those used by the first caliph; are they not enough to prove at least the claim of 'Ali to religious leadership? Fair-minded and intelligent people can judge for themselves.
The scholars and leading figures of the Sunni community have regarded it as necessary to follow the views and teachings of the founders of the four schools of Sunni law, even though there is no hadith from the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, enjoining such obedience. We can therefore discern no adequate reason for these same scholars to ignore the teachings of the People of the Prophet's House, in the face of his clear declaration that the Our'an and the People of the House will remain inextricably linked until the Day of Judgement. [20]
What is even more remarkable is that some of the founders of the four legal schools were themselves students of the People of the House and benefited from their erudition. A leading Sunni scholar remarks:
"All Islamic scholars, irrespective of the school to which they belong, are unanimously agreed on the accomplishments and learning of Imam al-Sadiq, peace be upon him. Sunni Imams who were his contemporaries studied with him and derived knowledge from him. Malik learned from him, as did some of the contemporaries of Malik such as Sufyan b.
'Uyaynah, Sufyan al-Thawri, and many others. Abu Hanifah, whose lifetime more or less corresponded to that of Imam al-Sadiq, peace be upon him, studied religious knowledge with him and regarded him as the most learned man of the age." [21]
Ibn Hajar, another Sunni scholar, relates Imam al-Shafi'i to have said: "The Household of the Prophet is my means of salvation, and they are my means of drawing near to the Prophet. It is my hope that for their sake the record of my deeds will be given into my right hand on the Day of Judgement." [22]
Again al-Shafi'i said: "O People of the Prophet's House, love for you has been made obligatory by God through mention in the Qur'an. Sufficient cause of pride it is for you that whoever fails to invoke blessings on you in his prayer will fail to have his devotions (salat) accepted." [23]
Unlike the views of the mujtahids who founded the four Sunni schools, there is no contradiction or divergence among the teachings of the People of the House, for they were not engaged in independent reasoning on the ordinances of religion. Their teachings are identical with those of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, of which the Imams of the People of the House were infallibly aware. The utterances of the Imams cannot therefore be placed on the same level as the views of the founders of the four Sunni schools.
In view of all this, how can it be justified to ignore and neglect the teachings of the People of the House?
[1] See Qur'an, 26:214.
[2] Ahmad b. Hanbal, al-Musnad, Vol. I, pp. 111, 159. Ibn al-Athir, al-Kamil, Vol. II, p.22; al-Tabari, al-Tafsir, Vol. II, p. 216; Abu al-Fida', al-Tarikh, Vol. I, p. 119; al-Ganji, Kifayatal-Talib, p.89. al-Nasa'i, al-Khasa'is, p. 18; al-Halabi, al-Sirah, Vol. I, p.304; Ibn Abi 'l-Hadid, Sharh, Vol. III, p. 255; al-Suyuti, Jam' al-Jawami', Vol. VI, p. 408; al-Khifaji, Sharh al-Shifa', Vol. III, p. 37.
[3] Ibn Hisham, al-Sirah, Vol. I, p.245.
[4]al-Hakim, al-Mustadrak, Vol. III, p. 312.
[5]Ibn Majah, al-Sunan, Vol. I, p. 44; al-Hakim, al-Mustadrak, Vol. III, p. 112.
[6] al-Tabari, Tarikh, Vol. II, p. 172.
[7] al-Hakim, al-Mustadrak, Vol. III, p. 63; al-Nasa'i, al-Khasa'is ., p. 63; al-Hamawini, Fara'id al-simtayn, Vol. I, p. 328 al-Dhahabi, Talkhis al-Mustadrak, Vol. III, p. 132; Ahmad b. Hanbal, al-Musnad, Vol. I, p. 331; al-Khwarazmi, al-Manaqib, p. 72; al-Ganji, Kifayat al-Talib, p. 116; Ibn Asakir, al-Tarikh al-Kabir, Vol. I, p. 203; al-Biladhuri, Ansab al-Ashraf, Vol. II, p. 106; Ibn Kathir, al-Bidayah, Vol. VII, p. 338; al-'Asqalani, al-Isabah, Vol. II, p.509.
[8] Muslim, al-Sahih, Vol. VII, p. 120; Ibn 'Asakir, al-Tarikh al-Kabir, Vol. I, p. 334; Ibn Kathir, al-Bidayah, Vol. VII, p. 341; al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Kanz al-'Ummal, Vol. XIII, p. 163; Ibn Majah, al-Sunan, Vol. I, p.58; al-Nasa'i, al-Khasa'is, p.50; al-Qunduzi, Yanabi' al-Mawaddah, p. 51.
[9] See Qur'an, 20:29-32.
[10] al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Kanz al-'Ummal, Vol. V, p.31.
[11] al-Halabi, al-Sirah, Vol. II, p. 97. Ibn Hisham, al-Sirah, Vol. I, p.505.
[12]Ibn Sa'd, al-Tabaqat, Vol. VIII, p. 114.
[13] Ibn 'Abd al-Barr, al-Isti'ab, Vol. II, p. 460; al-Khatib al-Baghdadi, Tarikh Baghdadi, Vol. XII, p. 268; al-Firuzabadi, Fada'il al-Khhamsah, Vol. I, p.114.
[14] al-Hakim, al-Mustadrak, Vol. III, p. 414; al-Tirmidhi, Jami' al-Sahih, Vol. V
[15] al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Kanz al-'Ummal, Vol. VI, p. 395.
[16] Ibn , Asakir, al-Tarikh al-Kabir, Vol. I, pp. 360-61; al-Khatib al-Baghdadi, Tarikh Baghdad, Vol. VII, p.453.
[17]al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Kanz al-'Ummal, Vol. I, p. 250; Ibn Hajar, al-Sawa'iq, p. 75; al-Hakim, al-Mustadrak, Vol. III, p. 343; al-Qunduzi, Yanabi' al-Mawaddah, p. 257. Ibn al-Sabbagh, al-Fusul al-Muhimmah, p. 10; al-Sabban, Is'af al-Raghibin, p. 111; al-Shiblanji, Nur al-Absar, p. 114.
[18] Ibn Hajar, al-Sawa'iq, p. 140; al-Hakim, al-Mustadrak, Vol. III, p. 149.
[19] Ibn Hajar, al-Sawa'iq, p. 140; al-Hakim, al-Mustadrak, Vol. III, p. 149.
[20] Ahmad b. Hanbal, al-Musnad, Vol. V, p. 181.
[21]Shaykh Muhammad Abu Zahrah, al-Imam al-Sadiq, p.66.
[23] Ibn Hajar, al-Sawa'iq, p. 108. See too al-Firuzabadi, Fada'il al-Khamsah, Vol. II, p.81.
[24] al-Shiblanji, Nur al-Absar, p. 104.
The prophetic hadiths indecating 'Ali's worth of following
The Prophetic traditions which indicate that Ali should be followed
The prophetic traditions which persuaded me to follow Imam Ali were those I have read in the Sihahs of the Sunnis and were approved by the Shiites, and they have many more. But as usual I only referred to the prophetic traditions that have been agreed on by both parties, and here are some of them:
A. The Prophetic tradition: "I am the city of Knowledge and Ali is its gate."
This tradition [88] alone should be sufficient to indicate the example that has to he followed after the Messenger of Allah (saw) because the educated man ought to be followed.
Mustadrak, al Hakim, vol 3 p 127
Tarikh, Ibn Kathir, vol 7 p 358
Allah - the Most High - said:
Say: "Are those who know and those who do not know alike?"
[Holy Quran 39:9]
He also said:
"Is He then Who guides to the truth more worthy to be followed, or he who himself does not go aright unless he is guided? What then is the matter with you; how do you judge?" [Holy Quran 10:35]
History has recorded many facts telling us that Ali was the most knowledgeable man among all the Companions and they used to consult him on every important matter, and we do not know of any event in which he declined to give his advice.
Abu Bakr said, "May Allah never put me in a predicament that Abu al-Hasan cannot solve. " And Umar said, "If it was not for Ali, Umar would have perished." [89]
al Isti'ab, vol 3 p 39
Manaqib al Khawarizmi, p 48
al Riyadh al Nadirah, vol 2 p 194
And Ibn Abbas said, "My knowledge and the knowledge of the Companions of Muhammad(saw) is but a drop in seven seas if compared with Ali's knowledge."
And this is what Imam Ali said about himself, "Ask me before you lose me. By Allah, if you ask me about anything that could happen up to the Day of Judgement, I will tell you about it. Ask me about the Book of Allah, because by Allah there is no [Qur'anic] verse that I do not know whether it was revealed during the night or the day, or whether it was revealed on a plain or on a mountain." [90]
al Riyadh al-Nadirah, vol 2 p 198
Tarikh, Suyuti, p 124
al Itqan, Suyuti, vol 2 p 319
Fath al Bari, vol 8 p 485
Tadhib al Tadhib, vol 7 p 338
Abu Bakr was once asked about the meaning of the word "Abb" [herbage] in the words of Allah, the Most High:
"And fruits and herbage, A provision for you and for your cattle" [Holy Quran 80:31-32]
Abu Bakr replied, "Which sky would give me shade, and which land would carry me if I say something I do not know about the Book of Allah." And this is Umar saying. "All people are more knowledgeable than I am, even women." He was once asked about the meaning of a Qur'anic verse, and his reaction was to rebuke the man and beat him until he bled, then he said, "Do not ask about matters which may appear bad to you." [91]
Sunan, al Darimi, vol 1 p 54
Tafsir, Ibn Katheer, vol 4 p 232
Tafsir, Suyuti, vol 6p 111
Also he was asked about "al-Kalalah" but he did not know what it meant.
In his "commentary", al-Tabari stated that Umar once said the following, "My knowledge of al-Kalalah is more valuable to me than owning a palace similar to those in Syria."
In one of his books, Ibn Maja quoted Umar as saying "There are three things, if they were explained by the Messenger of Allah, I would have loved them more dearly than anything in the world: Al-Kalalah, usury and the caliphate." God forbid that the Messenger of Allah stayed silent on these subjects!
B. The Prophetic tradition: O Ali! You hold in relation to me the same position as Haroon held in relation to Moses, except that there shall be no prophet after me.
This tradition, as should be apparent to every sensible person, shows the special quality of the Commander of the Believers, Ali, which made him the right person to be the supporter, the guardian and the deputy [or successor] of the Messenger of Allah as Haroon was the supporter, guardian and deputy of Moses when he went to meet his God. There is also the position of Ali vis-a-vis the Prophet which is absolutely equal to the relation between Haroon and Moses, except for the prophethood, which was excluded in the same tradition.
Furthermore, we find in the tradition the fact that Imam Ali was the best Companion, who only came second after the Messenger of Allah (saw).
C. The Prophetic tradition: Ali is the master of all those of whom I am master. O Allah! Love him who loves him and hate him who hates him, help him who helps him, forsake him who forsakes him, and turn justice with him wherever he turns.
This tradition alone is sufficient to reply to the allegations concerning the seniority of Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman to Ali, who was appointed by the Messenger of Allah as the guardian after him of all the faithful. It is of no consequence for whoever tried to interpret the saying as the friend or the support in order to divert it from its original meaning so that the integrity of the Companions may be kept intact. The Messenger of Allah stood up in the terrible heat addressing the people, saying, "Do you witness that I have a prior right to and superior authority over all the faithful?" They replied, "Yes, O Messenger of Allah. " Thereupon he said, "Ali is the master of all those whom I am a master. . . etc." This is a clear text indicating that the Messenger of Allah had appointed Ali as his successor to lead the nation [of Islam], and the fair and sensible person could not but accept this interpretation and refuse that of the others, thus preserving the integrity of the Messenger of Allah before preserving the integrity of the Companions. Those who give an alternative interpretation to the saying are in fact ridiculing the wisdom of the Messenger of Allah, who gathered the multitude of people, in that unbearable heat, to tell them that Ali was the friend and supporter of the faithful. And what do those, who misinterpret the text in order to preserve the integrity of their masters, say about the procession of congratulation that the Messenger of Allah organised for Ali? It started with the wives of the Messenger, the mothers of the faithful, then Abu Bakr and Umar came and said to him, "Well done Ibn Abi Talib, Overnight you became the guardian [master] of all the faithful."
In fact all the historical evidence gives clear indications that those who misinterpret the above tradition are liars. Woe to those who wrote what they wrote, and woe to them for what they are writing. Allah - the Most High - said. "...a party of them most surely conceal the truth while they know it" [Holy Qur'an 2:146].
D. The Prophetic tradition: Ali is from me and I am from Ali and no one can discharge my duty except myself or Ali.
This honourable tradition [92] is another clear indication that Imam Ali was only one whom the Messenger authorized to discharge his duties. The Messenger said it on the day of the great pilgrimage when he sent Ali with Surat Bara'a instead of Abu Bakr, who came crying and asked, "O Messenger of Allah ! Reveal something for me." The Messenger answered, "My Lord ordered me that nobody can discharge my duty except myself or Ali."
Sunan, Ibn Majah, vol 1 p 44
Khasais, al Nasai, p 20
Sahih, al Tirmidhi, vol 5 p 300
Jami al Usul, Ibn Kathir, vol 9 p 471
al Jami al Saghir, al Suyuti, vol 2 p 56
al Riyadh al Nadirah, Tabari, vol 2p 229
There is another supporting tradition that the Messenger of Allah, said on another occasion in honour of Ali, "O Ali! You will show them the right path when there will be dissension among them after me." [93] If nobody could discharge the Messenger of Allah's duty except Ali, and if he was the one who would show them the right path after dissension appeared among them after him; then how could a person who did not know the meaning of "al-Abb" and "Kalalah" be more senior to Ali? This is sadly one of the tragedies that have been inflicted on our nation and prevented it from doing the duties that Allah has chosen for it. We could not blame Allah or the Messenger of Allah or the Commander of the Believers Ali ibn Abi Talib for that, but the blame falls squarely on those who rebelled and changed, and Allah - the most High - said: "And when it is said to them, "Come to what Allah has revealed and to the Messenger. They say, "That on which we found our fathers is sufficient for us. " What! Even though their fathers knew nothing and did not follow the right way" [Holy Qur'an 5:104].
Tarikh, Ibn Askir, vol 2 p 488
Kunuz al Haqa'iq, al Mauawi, p 203
Kanz al Ummal, vol 5 p 33
E. The Prophetic tradition of the House on the day of Warning.
The Prophet of Allah (saw) said, indicating Ali. This is my brother, my trustee and my deputy [caliph] after me, so listen to him and obey him." [94]
Tarikh, al Tabari, vol 2 p319
al Sirah al Halabiyah, vol 1 p 311
Shawahid al Tanzil, vol 1 p 371
Kanz al Ummal, vol 15 p 15
Tarikh, Ibn Asakir, vol 1 p 85
Tafsir, Ala al Din al Shafi'i, vol 3 p 371
The Life of Muhammad by Hasanyn Haykal, First Edition (Section on: And admonish your nearest, your kinsmen)
This is yet another correct tradition cited by many historians at the beginning of the prophetic mission, and considered as one of the Prophet's miracles. However, political intrigues distorted the facts. Then there is no wonder that the oppression which took place then is coming back again in our lifetime. For example, Muhammad Husayn Haykal reproduced the saying in its entirety in his book "The Life of Muhammad", (Page 104, First Edition 1334 Hijri). From the Second Edition onward, the part of the tradition where the Prophet says, "He is my trustee, my deputy [caliph] after me" has been removed.
Also, in al-Tabari's commentary [Tafsir], Volume 19. Page 121, when the Prophet says "My trustee and my deputy [caliph]" was changed to "This is my brother etc. etc", but they failed to recognize that al-Tabari had cited the tradition in its entirety in his Annals Volume 2, Page 319. Look how they change the words and distort the facts ... they want to put out the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah is spreading His light.
During my investigation I wanted to see the truth, so I searched for the first edition of "The Life of Muhammad". and after some hard work - praise be to Allah - found it, although it cost me considerably. The important thing is that I looked at the distortion and became convinced that the evil people are trying the best they can do to remove the facts. because there is strong evidence in the hands of their "enemies".
When the fair investigator comes across such a blatant distortion, he will no doubt begin to keep away from them and become convinced that they have no evidence except lies and distorted facts. They hire writers to whom they give money, titles and false university degrees in order to write for them books and articles through which they insult the Shiites and accuse them of blasphemy, while at the same time they defend the position, even if it is unjust, of some of the Companions who turned on their heels and exchanged right for wrong after the departure of the Messenger of Allah.
Allah says: "Even thus said those before them, the like of what they say; their hearts are all alike. Indeed We have made the verses clear for a people who are sure." [Holy Quran 2:118]
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moonlit-archeress · 10 months
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 "History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce." 
— Karl Marx
We tend to tell ourselves, perhaps in a comforting manner, perhaps as not to give up hope, that those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it. But don't we know enough already?
No, those who built their empires at the expense of others know pretty well how history unfolded and that it unfolded to their favor. As a tragedy, history set the structures of their kingdom, wiping out the very own bodies that helped to raise them up; as a farce, it helped and still helps, to maintain these same structures, this same ideology, this same falacy constantly ringing as true.
History repeating itself.
Religion keeps the flames of memory alive, by the constant act of reconnection of its followers. As we approach the blessed Nativity of the Savior of the World, we see He has no place to be born again. Because his homeland was destroyed. And we can't shelter Him in our hearts because the door is closed.
The meek shall inherit the earth, but they also will inherit its doom.
This Christmas I wonder how many Christians are praying for the people and the land where His birthplace took place. How many are remembering Palestine. How many are not aligning with the discourse that Himself preached against when he walked on this Earth.
How many are realizing His kingdom is not from this world and not aligning with the ones that want nothing but building and maintaining the structures of an empire that once again will sacrifice the Savior for a couple of coins.
Where I live, the grandmothers take in cats or dogs in need of shelter, or give them some food, saying Jesus comes in different forms. And we cannot see Him in the shattered bodies and souls of our fellow humans.
"I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not clothe me, sick and in prison and you did not visit me."
Love your neighbor as thyself. God comes in different forms.
This Nativity will set its mood as Easter without the promise of resurrection.
The Via Crucis repeating itself with newborn Jesus.
Jesus as a stranger to us. God as a foreigner, a low class citizen, an irrelevant piece of flesh under crumbs and dust.
God as a child of Palestine. God fulfilling Their mission before Their time.
God as a baby under ruins. Baby Jesus as each child carrying wreckage as the cross, unable to move, to breathe, to see the light of the day. God locked in the tomb that guarded His wrecked body. But the Children of Palestine don't even have tombs to be buried in.
Jesus as a child under ruins, unable to resurrect on the third glorious day.
God as a father carrying his child in pieces, limb by limb, inside bags. God as the child in pieces inside the bags, never being able to fulfill the promise of salvation.
God's most glorious Mother as each mother carrying their child's body soaked in their own blood.
Mother Mary carrying Jesus' corpse in Her arms, again and again and again. Mother Mary crying asking why, why and why. And when will this be over. And when will Salvation come.
God coming in different forms.
God hungry and thirsty — He who gave us His flesh and blood for us to feed on.
God under the wreckage as the Cross — but this time, we don't bother to save Him.
God screaming his last breath — My God, my God, why did you leave me?
My people, why did you leave me as well?
God as a memory being erased — He who said he would be among us until the end of the World.
God as a stranger, naked, sick and a prisoner. And we shunned Him away.
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sepublic · 3 years
The Cursed Golden Motif?
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Random pretentious thought based on another person’s observation, but you know how Eda lost her golden ring? What if this ring, alongside one of her golden eyes and the coloration of her gem... This loss of gold in her color palate is meant to further distance her thematically from Belos, who also has a golden palate and motif, of which his nephew is clearly replicating?
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Especially with the parallels on both being cursed and magical mentors to their own powerless witches... Not to mention the possibility that Eda is a Wittebane descendant as well! Maybe Eda, in her initial isolation and self-loathing from the curse, could’ve been like Belos...
Choosing not to communicate with others. Distancing herself, hating herself over the curse. Of course Eda is a foil in that she blames herself for the curse and isolates, whilst Belos seems to use it as a scapegoat to be as horrible as he damn well pleases.
But with the idea of history repeating with the Clawthorne Sisters, only to be averted at the last second- Maybe Eda’s loss of golden motif is reflective of that? Because both times when Eda has lost that gold in her color scheme, first the ring and then the eye and gem...
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It’s the result of a kind gesture from either sister that serves to bridge the gap between them; With Lilith sharing the curse being a final connecting point, symbolically reciprocating how Eda sacrificed her ring?
So perhaps Gold in this show is a color associated with the corruption of Belos... Whom as Philip Wittebane, presumably had very little of that color scheme. Not to mention how Belos’ most corrupted and closest relative, Hunter, was for a while dehumanized as the Golden Guard, masked and concealed beneath his armor.
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But when he loses that mask and armor, Hunter is given the opportunity to be humanized, to reach out to Luz and Lil Rascal, and learn- And he also has some major, if subtle, growth in Eclipse Lake, where he’s wearing a typical covenscout uniform and has even less gold in his outfit than his casual wear!
The Emperor’s Coven invokes Belos in its golden sigil and triangles, and Gold is basically reserved as a sign of power for Belos and his closest nephew. It highlights wealth and power, and divinity- As well as a cold metal, a gilded aesthetic that when scratched away reveals an ugly interior beneath...
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And despite its luster, Gold is soft- It’s weak and malleable, which could suggest that the Emperor’s Coven is not as resolute as it claims to be, but I might be getting pretentious here- Belos IS rather soft and goopy. Especially since Gold is an earthen element, which connects to Belos and HIS earthen motif, while Eda and the Clawthornes are skybound birds...
Gold is incredibly heavy and would weigh one down, so less of it means Eda is metaphorically freeing herself, same with Hunter? It’s like a casket and restraining weight for Belos and Hunter, too... And Belos being earthen, and also Philip, would contrast him with his brother- Who had a bird palisman, and presumably married into the free-spirited Clawthornes.
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So that’s create a dualism and foil between Philip and his brother, as well as Belos and the Clawthornes, his nephew, etc. Hunter does get more a bird motif himself as his mobility and ties/dependence to Belos for magic is cut- So perhaps there’s some Two Birds of a Feather symbolism going on?
First between the grounded Philip and his free-spirited brother... And then later, as I speculated before, with Lilith and Eda- Only for Lilith to join her sister in flying off? And now poor isolated Belos, tying others to him, ends up pushing them away instead in a self-fulfilling prophecy, not unlike Luz and Vee, or more literally like Camila; As his own nephew, his own attempt at a better brother, a brother but things went right this time, inevitably flies away.
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I could be looking too deeply into it, but who knows? I do love myself a good motif and symbolism here...! And I guess another takeaway from this is that in an AU where Eda takes Belos’ role, she would actually embrace the Golden aesthetic even MORE- Which kind of fits with Eda’s love for shiny things as an owl, her hoarding of trash that could symbolically be likened to a dragon, as well as her appreciation for coin and thievery!
And again, the idea of Belos covering himself up in golden armor to isolate, to put up a glorious facade that is ultimately weak and won’t actually protect him, just weigh Belos down... And how he’s going to armor himself up even more, and include Hunter on this? Hoo knows...
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(Insert some Greek symbolism or AU about Midas, who turned everything he touched into gold after wishing for it, only to regret this cursed gold touch when his own daughter was transformed. Which, Belos-Philip gives me alchemist vibes, the latter looks very Isaac Newton too! Water reversed the gold touch and there’s boiling rain, as well as regular rain that Belos dreams of returning to...)
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agreatbigworldn · 2 years
Her goal, however, was always FC Barcelona
At the age of 7, she signed for Mollet, but the difficulty of fitting into a boys' locker room led her parents to enroll her in the CE Sabadell women's team. Her goal, however, was always FC Barcelona. She convinced her father to sign her up for the summer camps run by the current Barça men's coach, Xavi Hernández, at the time, and at the age of 12 she signed for the team she loved. Later, she left the Blaugrana quarry to go to Espanyol (2006-2011), the city's great rival, due to a problem with the age assignment of the children's categories. At 16, that change marked her debut in the first division. Between 2011 and 2012 she played for Levante, before receiving the call from FC Barcelona again, a squad that she would never leave.
Her father, however, could not fulfill his dream of seeing her play in the first team of her loves. He passed away in May 2012. When he took the stage to give his acceptance speech for the Ballon d'Or, after receiving it from Mbappé, his first words —after, once again, fleeing from all personalism and sharing the award with his teammates with a “I feel that this is an individual award, but without a doubt it is a collective success” they went for him. “If you allow me”, she said with teary eyes, “I want to dedicate this moment to someone very special, I hope I don't get emotional... Someone who has been, is and always will be very special to me. For whom I do everything. I hope you are very proud of your daughter, wherever you are, this is for you, dad.
We return to the present. On March 30, 91,553 spectators gathered at the Camp Nou to attend the Barcelona-Real Madrid classic... for women. It is the absolute record for attendance at a match between women in Spain. "It's one of the best things I've ever experienced. Incredible, I can't tell you more than that, without a doubt one of the best things I've ever experienced”, Alexia recalls with a special sparkle in her eyes. But that crowd at the Camp Nou is just a symptom of an underground movement that is gaining more and more strength. Only a year earlier, in San Mamés, the birthplace of Athletic Bilbao, more than 48,000 people filled the stadium for a Cup match against Atlético de Madrid. The Spanish team, for its part, managed to gather 10,444 fans in a match between Spain and Azerbaijan, played on October 4, 2019. The figures are still far from those of their male teammates, but the takeoff of the discipline seems obvious. And, coincidence or not, it has coincided with Alexia's rise to stardom.
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“I would rather say that it coincides with Barça's project, more than with mine”, Alexia corrects me, losing prominence once again. "I think it's the titles and what the team transmits that make people hook up and this goes further". Last season, in fact, his team made history by winning the League, the Queen's Cup and the Champions League (and, as we write these lines, they are on their way to repeating the feat). Which does not hide the fact that, on that glorious afternoon of football at the Camp Nou, even the relatives of the Real Madrid players took photos with her. Teresa Dueñas, mother of Madrid midfielder Teresa Abelleira, declared the following day: “What we experienced yesterday was spectacular. It was a football party. For my daughter, Alexia is a reference”.
Alexia Putellas herself downplays that reality that would magnify the ego of so many to biblical proportions. “It is true that the fact that Real Madrid appeared much later than Barça means that people who did not have a team to follow as a fan saw more Barça games and had a player as a reference, but in the end each one becomes the photo with whoever he wants and there is no problem”.
2019 is a key date for women's football in Spain. After many months of tug of war, in October of that year the players decided to go on strike to demand an agreement that would allow them to live from their sport. Until then, their conditions were more similar to those of amateur athletes than to those of professional athletes. Finally, an agreement was reached between the Association of Women's Football Clubs (ACFF) and the footballers' unions, which stipulated, among other things, minimum remuneration of 16,000 euros per year for those who were on a full-time basis and 12,000 euros for part-time contracts. Since then, the women's league has done nothing but progress. “I don't know if that strike put us on the map, I think it has had more to do with the results we have been achieving. The strike was an obvious success, not only because of what was won, but because it made it clear that it was necessary that in this profession, and in sports in general, both for women and men, there be labor agreements”.
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The minimum wages, when compared to those of La Liga —155,000 euros of annual minimum wage, although all the players far exceed it— may seem ridiculous, but they are a giant step for, as Putellas herself said, the girls can begin to consider football as a professional career. "This is beginning to be a profession with which you can earn a living," she says. FC Barcelona, which is the club that pays its players the best, has an average salary of around 150,000 euros. Which is not bad at all, unless you compare it with what the best in the world among men, Leo Messi, earned at the same club — some 71 million euros net.” The monetary issue, however, is not the only problem faced by soccer players like Alexia Putellas. If you search for his name on Google, for example, the predictive text will suggest "partner, boyfriend and salary", items that do not appear much less when you type the name of Robert Lewandowski, male Golden Ball. “There is a double reading there”, Alexia justifies. “Perhaps it is that they already know everything about Robert Lewandowski and not about me, that the fans know who his partner is and what he charges. In the end, the truth is, I don't feel that people are only interested in what I earn and who my partner is. What I feel is that people value us for what we do on the pitch”.
Has the time already come —we asked Alexia— that, in these types of interviews, we talk more about football and less about demands? “Hopefully that time will come,” she replies, “because what I like is football, and I love talking about football and I wish I had interviews about footballl. But unfortunately that's not the case yet, there are many topics that they ask you about... I guess the boys are also asked about other topics that aren't just football. But they are still more related to that or to the game and not so much to the claims. What if it's time? Well, maybe it should be like this, that the normal thing would be to talk about football and only claim when there is something very serious, such as when we did not have the agreement or other situations that are very unfair.”
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Alexia succeeds an icon of sports and LGTBI activist, Megan Rapinoe, as Ballon d'Or. Alexia Putellas is full of praise for the American. “She is a player who has been in the elite for many years and has won important tournaments with her National Team. What am I going to tell you about her”, sighs the Blaugrana midfielder. "Well, she is very good and she is proud to succeed her." Is women's football more inclusive than men's? “Without a doubt I agree that it is very difficult to be gay in an environment like the one in men’s football, but something good that women’s football has, and I am talking about our locker room, is that any type of family is normalized that any player want to create. Everyone respects each other, there are no judgements, no insults or anything like that, and I think that's where sport in general has to go”.
We don't know if Megan's life was changed by winning the Ballon d'Or or becoming a mass idol, but Alexia assures us that, for her, everything remains the same. "I'm still the same, I have the same energy, but I am aware that perhaps I have inspired many other people." When we ask her who was the most important authority that congratulated her for becoming the best soccer player in the world, she tells us that she doesn't remember — “I couldn't tell you... I think the King (of Spain) sent a letter. Although I am clear about who has always been there”, she concludes, making it clear that the consequences of success —fame, power, money, recognition or social position—, which seem to be essential vectors in the male world, are almost indifferent to her compared to the love for her sport. Although she understands that every time she jumps onto the field, she doesn't do it just for herself or for her club or for her National Team. “Yes, I am aware that now I represent many more people, people who have not had these opportunities, and I feel that responsibility. But in the end, if you have a responsibility and you don't like what you do, you end up leaving it or you don't perform the same. In the end it is a mix. The important thing is that you do it because you really like it, and then you know that the rest is a consequence of it”.
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Precisely another of the consequences of success is the fine rain of sponsors. Alexia, for example, is now the image of the prestigious Hublot manufacture, which counts among its ambassadors athletes of the caliber of Novak Djokovic, Usain Bolt, Kylian Mbappé and Pelé. “When my agent told me, he made me very excited, because in the end you see the athletes they work with and they are very top athletes. That they consider that I can enter that poster is a source of pride and logically I am delighted”.
Time, he tells us, that time that a clock accurately measures, passes at a different pace when you're a professional soccer player. “I realize every time I talk to people who are not dedicated to this. We lead a super-scheduled life, with very strict schedules every day, I'm not telling you in concentrations with the National Team, which suppose a 24-hour schedule. And besides, our working life is not until we are 65 years old, it is much shorter and faster”. And what do you do to disconnect from your obligations when that time is finally free time? "I don't need to disconnect from football," she says bluntly. “To relax, what I usually do is watch games when there are any. On trips I watch series, I read too...”. If we talk about musical tastes, she declares herself a convinced eclectic. “I have everything on my mobile. From Beyocé to Estopa”. The last series you watched? "Ah," she assures. “No, wait, Hache isn't the last one”, and then she thinks for a few seconds, as if such an answer deserved the same precision as a good cross into the box. “It's not going to come out... Yes, Parot. That one”, she finally answers, satisfied to have found her in her memory. Because she, in addition to being a humble person, always ready to share merits and recognize the work of her colleagues even above her own, Alexia is also a perfectionist. Something that came to affect him negatively, as her self-demand sometimes exceeded reasonable limits. “That happened to me especially when I was young,” she tells us, “ten years ago or so. Until I understood that football is a sport of mistakes and that mistakes are part of the game, self-criticism was detrimental to me, because she did not accept the mistake. It is impossible not to fail, there are goals in football because mistakes are made, if everything was done perfectly there would be no goals. Until I internalized it and accepted it, it was a problem for me”. Isn't life also a sport of mistakes?, we paraphrase it. "Yes, of course," she acknowledges. And we ask her one last question: Who inspires a person like her, who has become the inspiration of so many young people? “I'm inspired by people who are passionate about what they do, even if it's just folding a napkin,” she jokes. "Someone who does what they want with passion, that inspires me." Credits: https://www.revistagq.com/noticias/articulo/alexia-putellas-entrevista?utm_medium=social&utm_social-type=owned&utm_source=twitter&utm_brand=gq-espana&utm_campaign=aud-dev
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