#its wc
decideroffacts · 1 month
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not active in the wc fandom here but sometimes they say cool shit
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jorenilee · 7 months
warrior cat designs based on those fuckass ultimate guide color palettes
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Swatch diagrams made by @/Sunnyfall , please look at them because what was happening behind the curtains that lead to cinderheart being blonde and ivypool brown
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tobyisave · 2 months
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hammock negotiations
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melodystep · 3 days
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weird girl moonpaw has a crush on a pond
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meroaw · 7 months
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squirrelstar and ivypool !
these two will be free stickers in any order on my store, yes. any order. please just dont order from etsy!! i am trying to move sales. this also includes ten's items - ANY orders! i will give you free stickers. just put thunderclan if you want both, or squirrelstar if you just want squirrel!
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airoarts · 27 days
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"yellowfang? what are you doing in bluestars den? well its none of my business" -fireheart, probably
[ID: a digital painting of Bluestar and Yellowfang, two battle-scarred gray cats, from Warrior Cats. They are cuddling in loaf positions in a den with sunlight streaming in, looking towards the entrance with slight smirks. The image is drawn in a semi-realistic art style with soft colors and shading. End ID]
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r3xter · 1 year
my favorite thing about warrior cats designs is that everyone has their own little take on each character but graystripe is always this
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shummthechumm · 1 year
“she’s not dead!”
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a silly scenario for my rewrite (more info under cut)
some silly au thoughts ive had for a while. in my rewrite dove and ivy are born around eclipse/long shadows, mainly because it gives the story plenty of room to foreshadow dove being a prophecy cat (instead of holly). this scene would take place inbetween sunrise & TFA
truly a "kids say the darndest things!!" except lion blaze is deeply unsettled by this infant playing into his denial over holly's death.
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woo-wahhhh · 1 month
[ too much energy ] "kaji..."
"did you seriously just walk into my shop, before class, and already injured?" you scowled back, rolling your eyes as you regarded his relaxed figure in the doorway. a part of you marvelled how he looked perturbed by your disbelief than he was of the blood freshly running down his arm. "you have way too much energy this early in the morning, dude."
"look, clown me all you want, but let's get one thing straight," he grit out. he jabbed a finger vindictively at you, followed by the insanely loud clacking of his stupid lollipop against his teeth. "i didn't get into a fight."
"colour me impressed," you couldn't help but quip sarcastically, though you motioned him to come closer to where you were rummaging under the counter. you were grateful that being so early, no one had come into buy flowers yet, since it would be a bit of a jump scare to find a man bleeding out.
"shut up," he hissed, glaring perpetually while he took a seat behind your counter, and sticking his arm out. it was amusing, how someone could look annoyed yet so charming in the same action. you almost wanted to comment on the his childish appearance, but you had a feeling he'd slap his headphones on and dash out if you did.
"well?" you prompted, pulling out a first aid kit and setting it on the counter. "what happened to your arm then?"
you could feel his hawkish gaze trail after your every move, scrutinizing each action with such intensity, you couldn't tell if he was pissed off or if he was under an enchantment.
"that granny lost her cat again," kaji said simply.
this boy, you cursed internally as you pulled out disinfectant and bandages. "and?"
"what do you think happened?" he scowled, canines flashing as he grit his teeth at the sting of the ointment. "it fucking scratched me when i caught it." he shook his fringe out of the way, perhaps to properly express his annoyance.
"you look much more handsome when you're angry," you blurted out, reaching up to push his hair back without thinking too much– after all, he was your boyfriend. but more importantly, it was much to his incredibly visible chagrin– by habit, he flinched, automatically trying to grab at his headphones, but he couldn't shake off your grip on his arm, leaving him to clutch one side like a damsel in distress, eyes wide and horrified.
but he calmed down quickly enough when you didn't pay him mind, too accustomed to his shenanigans, humming lightly as you focused on the bandages and keeping the heat from dancing up your spine. there was a simmering tension between you; unspoken, though his eyes were dead set on your nimble movements, the distinct weight of his gaze telling you he wouldn't look away, or more properly, he couldn't.
once you finally looked up from your finished work, you noted his eyebrows were knit together, the permanent glare on his face still written in stone, but his tone was somehow gentler than he let on. "look me in the eyes if you're gonna say stuff like that."
silence ensued, of course, your eyebrows quirking up as the obvious dangled from your tongue.
"kaji, you just looked like you were about to bolt outta here,"
"well, yeah, how else am i supposed to act when you say that?"
"i- i don't know," you stammered, suddenly hyperaware of how he wasn't looking away, how his eyes were practically tracing over every contour of your face with the intensity that could burn. "maybe- maybe act a bit more touched?"
"touched?" he echoed, a bit of incredulous sneer in his voice as he hopped off his seat. the abruptness of it all startled you as your back unwittingly hit the counter, and before you could make your own grand escape, he placed an arm on each side of you, effectively caging you in.
the sudden change up from the incredibly flustered kaji to this steamrolling behaviour made your head spin as you gaze up at him with wide eyes that were only met with a grey, smouldering gaze with the intensity of a storm.
"here," kaji swiftly popped out the lollipop from his mouth, holding it to you. you hesitantly took it from his hand, the question of "what the hell, dude?" bubbling at your lips when without a warning, he grabbed your face and kissed you.
short and sweet, but somehow still awfully fierce for that early in the day– you expected nothing less from ren kaji.
"now what was about?" you giggled as you pulled back, dotingly reaching up to smear your lip gloss onto his chapped lips. an act of giving and receiving, one could even say, since he'd left you with the sickeningly sweet taste of caramel on your tongue. "do you like it when i call you handsome?" you teasingly chimed.
"shut up," kaji grumbled once again, pushing his hair back and pressing his forehead against yours. "you looked cute and i just felt like it, that's all." maybe to someone else, that wasn't a fulfilling response, but you knew how straightforward kaji was, and that he wouldn't lie about something like that.
"well, if you're feeling like it then," you whispered, your lips bumping into his as you spoke, "you should kiss me again."
"demanding," kaji huffed out, though he hoisted you up onto the counter anyways without breaking a sweat, a small, but cocky smile on his face when you grabbed onto his shoulders for dear life.
"oh my god, at least warn me!" you complained. maybe you really should have kept an eye on the door, but with his figure before you, and slotted between your legs and the his hand gently coaxing you forward by the nape of your neck, it was hard to care.
"you have way too much energy to yap in the morning," he chided indignantly, but the way he was already leaning up suggested otherwise.
"hey, you're the one who–!"
"morning, (name)! did kaji already pop by– oh,"
"w-w-we'll just– uh– s-see you at school, k-kaji!?" enomoto managed to croak out before they both scurried away with mildly red faces, reminding you less of the teenage gang members they were and more of children.
you almost fell off the counter, had it not been for kaji's reflexes, but the damage had been done, and the lollipop he'd entrusted you with fell to the floor with a dull thud as enomoto and kusumi blinked at the two of you with horrified expressions.
"hey boys," you greeted casually with a wave.
"oh my, we've made a scandal, darling," you joked– regrettably, or so you thought later in the day when the rest of the tamon team's second years started cooing at at poor kaji. perhaps it was a lesson to not be so energetic in the mornings from then on.
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spotfurfan · 3 months
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My sister... I won't get to see her smile ever again...
@barrenclan hi again
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libbydd · 3 months
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blue eye challenge 💙
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billystorm · 6 months
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some paintings of my cat. his name is andy
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thewisestdino · 1 year
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Me and my grandma best friend (yellowfang and firestar)
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dawn-clan · 7 months
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petalpaw has graduated!
bleakpaw had a huge argument with petalpaw
petalpaw never realized how much they love spending time with bleakpaw
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marblerose-rue · 6 months
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click for better quality!
your friend here thought he could control us. he was wrong.
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meroaw · 5 months
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firestar's ceremony
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