lookinghalfacorpse · 4 months
i think i remember your pandora symptoms fic was in general, canon compliant to ITWALL and tbh i have been curious, has phil ever been "sucked in" into one of dreams nightmares like techno was?? (if the "dreamon chapter is even canon to itwall of course lol)
i forgot about this headcanon! i imagined it as a part of his admin powers that he hasn't mastered yet-- a way to communicate quickly with the players on his server. i think philza would recognize it.
/dsmp /rp
Dream dropped himself into the kitchen chair, letting it creak loudly under his weight. Phil didn't even know he was awake already.
The arctic had settled into a slow, soft routine; Philza was usually first to wake, and he'd start breakfast as Dream and Technoblade joined him at their own pace. This morning, he had deep pockets of purple under his eyes and he seemed unable to hold himself up. His head drifted into his hands as he sat at the time. His hair was a mess.
Philza chuckled at him. The old man hadn't slept too well, either, but he was chipper as always as he tried to make food quickly. He put a kettle on the stove to get Dream's tea started. "Mornin', mate," he said, "I guess Techno really wore you out yesterday, yeah?"
"I'm surprised you didn't sleep in more."
"Couldn't sleep," Dream said as he rubbed a hand groggily across his face. "I'm so sore. I don't wanna look at firewood ever again."
"Ah, nothing a warm bath and some pain meds can't fix. You must've pushed yourself too hard."
Phil continued with breakfast. He opted for bagels that morning-- it was quick and easy, and made up for lost time since he was moving slowly. He also had apples on the stove for some homemade applesauce, and it made the whole cabin smell absolutely lovely. He mixed them occasionally, checked on the bagels, and peaked over his shoulder at Dream. The poor boy was nearly falling asleep again.
He jumped when the kettle started to whistle. Phil prepared an English Breakfast tea for him in his favorite mug, with milk and sugar.
"Thanks," Dream croaked, his thin fingers wrapping around the mug, cradling it delicately in both hands. Phil watched as he raised it to his face, sniffed at the air, and moved his hair aside so he could blow cool air on the surface.
"You didn't tell me that Sam poisoned you," Philza said.
Dream froze, green eyes darting to Phil's face.
"How did you know that?"
Phil turned his attention back to the apples, turning his back. "I had an odd dream last night."
Dream put the mug down, his back straightening. "Tell me what you saw."
"A part of the prison I didn't recognize, with chairs. I saw scraps of food on a table-- all potatoes, I think, but maybe not-- and I heard Sam asking questions. About Tommy. But I-- you-- felt so sick, the room was spinning. Could barely understand the questions at all. Dream, I asked you if Quackity did all of the damage, and you said yes." "And I didn't lie. Sam didn't-- Sam didn't hurt me. Not really. None of these scars are from him." Before Philza could voice a protest, Dream continued, "Listen, I-- I'm sorry. I don't know why I keep doing this. I did it to Techno, too, I-- sometimes I can control dreams on purpose, but more often I just... force people to witness random things that I don't even want them to see. I'm really sorry, Phil. I'll try to stop."
"No, no," Phil started, "I think this explains a lot. I've seen something like this before." "You have?"
"Mm-hmm. You projected a memory to me. If you can harness this, I think you'd be able to communicate to people even when they're awake. Sounds convenient, yeah?"
A way to communicate privately. Dream liked the idea.
Phil continued, "I'm angry about what I saw, don't get me wrong. Pissed off, really. But I'm glad to have discovered this. We can work on it."
Dream ran his fingertips along the handle of the mug. The glaze was smooth and cold, and it fit inside his palms neatly. He saw Phil watching him, waiting to find out if he would drink.
He drank.
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chrysalizzm · 1 year
on killing butterflies (for @lookinghalfacorpse)
phil watches, sometimes, fingers laced under his chin and elbows braced on the sill, as dream holds out his hands and laughs through the cloud of colors that smothers him. even though dream doesn’t need the constant surveillance anymore, at least this pair of eyes is one he doesn’t mind showing his back to, even if it’s off-putting at times. techno made his opinion on the butterflies clear; phil’s centuries older than him and has insect-eaters for company. not that dream would begrudge phil’s beloved flock a snack, but the proximity between chats is a little worrying at times. 
“they’re lovely, mate,” phil offers once, shooing a curious crow away from the horde with a searching look.
dream hums. “they are,” he replies, emptying his voice deliberately, because: this isn’t a matter of loveliness, or even of preference. his butterflies carry his messages and watch his server. their beauty is one that predicates survival, blending into thickets and splaying owl-faced among the branches. though he may not have chosen them, they’re his now, and they folded down into his prisoner’s garb, his pools of blood, his oversized netherite chestplate. they melted down sam’s body for him. 
phil’s eyeing him again, feathers rustling against the cold, like he knows what he’s thinking. dream lets a bright green butterfly crawl imperiously all over his face and bolts his mouth against his smile. 
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nestavadavat · 1 year
Was doing some volume stuff in art class and decided to do Dream's hand from ITWALL by @lookinghalfacorpse
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justcallme-ange · 10 months
Do you have any itwall au sketches or drawings?
Not from itwall specifically at the moment (it’s on my list of fics to illustrate) however I draw quite a bit of inspiration from it when I have the doomsday trio interact.
Once I’m done with my big project it’s one of the next on the list. (I also have to be mentally prepared- cuz that fic makes me cry so much XD)
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swordfright · 7 months
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reread itwall on the plane
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elmhat · 10 months
(Deleted your ask on accident so i'm just putting this here....)
itwall ??! Sounds like something a loser would write... 🤔🤔🤔
Lol ty!! I'm actually a little embarrassed about how much of the gappleduo blog will just be my content. I promise it wasnt a self-promo scheme!
I heard of aac but haven't read it and didn't know if the Guys interact much, so I actually really appreciate the rec! I'll queue up loyals post.
Your fic blog has already been helpful tbh!! You can expect some reblogs :) You're the best.
YOU are the best! I also feel weird about putting my own fics on the recs blog lmao, but it is what it is. Anyone who likes c!Dream and c!Phil would Easily want to read your writing. Definitely not speaking from experience or anything.
You're too kind ❤️❤️
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tekinapp · 2 years
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traitor9traitor9 · 2 years
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morning-sun-brah · 7 years
Lookie what I finished…
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jucelinoluzposts · 3 years
It-tmiem tal-umanità huwa diġà determinat fuq il-ġebel tal-kuxjenza, l-ewwel parti
It-tmiem tal-umanità huwa diġà determinat fuq il-ġebel tal-kuxjenza, l-ewwel parti
It-tmiem tal-umanità huwa diġà determinat fuq il-ġebel tal-kuxjenza, l-ewwel parti Tista ‘saħansitra tiġi evitata bl-evoluzzjoni edukattiva u bl-użu xieraq tal-intelliġenza tagħha. Homo sapiens deher mill-inqas mitt elf sena ilu, u ċ-ċiviltà, imbagħad, madwar ftit eluf ta ‘snin ilu. Dawn il-perjodi huma ħafna itwal mill-ħajja ċkejkna tagħna, u f’galassja ta ’14-il biljun sena, huma iżgħar minn…
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lookinghalfacorpse · 5 months
You don't have to respond to this one, but @ your last tags on the found family trope post, I can't say I haven't been curious if anything like that was ever the case. You've been so careful in painting everyone's relationship to be on trust and healthy reliance on one another in times of need, and Techno + Dream definitely have something more intimate and close going on (which I deeply appreciate btw- I couldn't bear it if someone tried to stick itwall!Dream as a brother to Techno, or put him in alongside Wilbur as a son figure to Phil :shudders:), so I'm VERY curious how detailed those thoughts have gotten at any point in time /lh /but genuine
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(talking about my semi-cursed tags on this post)
yes i can talk about this all day !! i think the dynamic that doomsday trio brings is fascinating, and i don't blame those who see it as a nuclear family dynamic because i think the comparison does work in some places, but it's more complicated than that. i touched on it (in vaguely poetic terms) in this post, but i can give more detail here.
c!philza is an old man and an experienced father, and his instinct as a guardian is strong. this is the closest we get to a nuclear family format in itwall; phil definitely calls on some of his skills as a father when he helps dream, but it's a bit more complex than that. phil recognizes that dream is an adult in human years and doesn't need to be babied (hell, he doesn't even baby Wilbur, his own son who's around the same age!). dream needs care, he needs a mentor, and he needs a better self-preservation instinct before he kills himself. i think their relationship is closer to ancient grecian mentorship than fatherhood/sonhood, the only difference is that the mentee is on death's door for a while and needs some extra attention. phil sees himself in dream, dream sees phil as someone he might like to be, and there's a level of mutual respect there.
i also think that techno and dream have a sense of brotherhood, but in the same way that two athletic teammates have a brotherhood. they have a long history of trust between them, with room for playfulness and teasing. there's a lack of touch aversion (which is HUGE for dream), and dream initiates more of their touches (as opposed to phil, where he tends to be more submissive) (i'm thinkin about ch 12 & ch 19).
and, of course, techno & phil have a complicated relationship of their own. i'm always annoyed by headcanons that techno is phil's son-- we see plenty of interactions where they mutually worry over each other and care for each other. the will is Not written like a boy talking to his father. these two are lifelong partners, and that letter is written to someone who techno knows will understand him and trusts to carry out the more sentimental, intangible tasks, like talking to niki and ranboo, with very little instruction.
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highly oversimplified but this is the idea. Techno and dream have similar relationships with phil but it's not really sonhood. all built on trust. they've proven to each other that they will keep each other safe.
and honestly.. none of those relationships would have to exclude sex or intimacy. equals/partners can have sex. comrades can have sex. mentors/mentees can have sex (i think people feel weird about this one, but again: think Ancient Grecian). i have Quite A Few scenes in my head about how their sexual relationships might work (especially in the early days when dream isn't feeling good...). i guess in light of everyone being more open about shipping i would consider writing them, i'd just keep them here instead of ao3.
i think both phil and techno consider dream to be heartstoppingly lovely. i think dream would love to be loved. i think phil&techno and techno&dream may have had some encounters Before the start of itwall, so it would just be a matter of tying it all together.
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chrysalizzm · 2 years
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me, when in the wild all lessons last by @lookinghalfacorpse
(ft scenes from chapter 2 and chapter 18, as well as just a small cozy scene of em and her boy)
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2. Abdülhamid’in Mohikanları Yok Olmaktan Kurtarmak Hayali! (2. Abdulhamid's Dream of Saving the Mohicans from Destroying!)
2. Abdülhamid’in Mohikanları Yok Olmaktan Kurtarmak Hayali! (2. Abdulhamid’s Dream of Saving the Mohicans from Destroying!)
Tarihimiz boyunca Osmanlı İmparatorluğunun asırlar boyunca nüfuz ettiği toprak sayısını arttırıp sınırlarını genişletmesinin şüphesiz en büyük payı nüfuzlu ve kararlı hükümdarların varlığıydı. Osmanlının yıkılış dönemlerinde ise padişahlar artık çok daha dikkatli kararlar alıyor ve oldukça stratejik adımlar atıyordu. Onlardan en akıllı ve stratejik zekasını en etkili kullanan padişahlardan biri…
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justcallme-ange · 2 years
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WIP for a thing I impulsively started partly inspired by Itwall, and partly because I’m still crying in the club.
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swordfright · 10 months
ok well yall veto’d bones in the ocean like nobody’s business so we’re moving on to itwall i guess
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lookinghalfacorpse · 2 years
-c!philza is literally 8k-10k years old. he might be older. he doesn't keep track anymore.
-c!technoblade is about 500 years old, and has been with phil for 450 of them. the first 50 years of his life were hellish. phil helped him get out of there.
-c!dream is... 25 at most.
-phil is baffled by this. what do you Mean dream has lived 1/400th of his life. 0.0025%. this number is Ridiculous and frankly too small to comprehend.  phil doesn't remember being 25. he remembers a series of bad decisions and ambitions he associates with that era, but nothing too specific.
-techno Does remember being 25.  he remembers it very vividly, actually, having entered adulthood during the worst period of his life (if you ask him about it he’ll just start rambling about governments and authority, as he often liked to do).  he remembers feeling like he was all-powerful.  he remembers feeling completely powerless.  he looks at dream and he Gets It
-really!  he gets it!  at 25, you’re not a ‘young adult’ or whatever anymore, you’re a full-fledged adult and you’re kinda new to it, but you’re making a life for yourself and your brain is fully developed and a lot of the Dumb Hormone Shit has stopped.  you’re very different than you were just a few years ago and there’s plenty you don’t know, but you’re strong and you’ve already experienced many hardships and you’re independent
-techno thinks about this as he humors the “”rivalry”” between them.  techno also thinks about this as he carries dream to the water cauldron of Pandora’s Vault, too weak to walk across the cell to get a drink.
-phil searches through old books and journals, but everything from his early adulthood has been lost.  dissolved in floods, destroyed in fire, or buried with old friends.  he ties dream’s hair back for him, and he thinks that he might’ve worn the same style, too, once upon a time.  
-”he’s a child, techno.”  
-“i know.”
-it took techno 20 years to heal.  he wonders how long dream will take. (phil will help him get out of there)
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