jurnaldeoltenia · 2 years
MESAJE de CRACIUN 2022. Texte frumoase cu URARI si FELICITARI de Sarbatori pe care le puteţi trimite celor dragi
MESAJE de CRACIUN 2022. Texte frumoase cu URARI si FELICITARI de Sarbatori pe care le puteţi trimite celor dragi
FELICITARI DE CRACIUN. Fie că sunt scrise din suflet, fie că sunt mesaje haioase preluate de pe internet, toţi ne bucurăm când telefonul ne anunţă că avem un mesaj nou. Cel mai adesea optăm să trimitem mai ales prietenilor mesaje sau sms-uri personalizate pentru fiecare amic în parte. Urări pentru sărbători de Crăciun prin care le transmitem celor dragi gândurile noastre bune sau de împăcare.…
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nebunulcusentimente · 11 months
“Am obosit să alerg un maraton de sentimente”
- Iubita mea - Cristian Porcari
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sonicnurse · 2 years
ohh nebun de alb de adrian paunescu were really in it now
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tragedygf · 4 months
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epauzaklub · 9 months
Mesaje de la multi ani pentru iubita, de ziua numelui
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danutzadaniy25 · 2 years
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blood-red-ocean · 10 months
Alcina Dimitrescu X Sick (Fem) Reader
As requested by @alcinaslittlemaid! I hope you feel better soon ♥️
(I wrote this on my phone at volunteering so please excuse any typos/formatting/grammatical errors! I'll fix it at home if I need to.)
Genre: Fluff/Comfort
Category: F/F
Relationships: Alcina Dimitrescu/Reader
Word count: Approx. 1000 words.
Summary: You've come down with one hell of a flu, and you find yourself plodding to Alcina's quarters for comfort. Fluffiness and soft Alcina care ensues.
The Lady's bed dwarfed you as you lay in the centre of it, drowning in blankets and your own misery. When you'd awakened that morning, you felt like you'd been used as a chew toy for a Lycan, every muscle and joint in your body aching. You barely remember waking up in your own bed and miserably trodding out of your room and down the halls, blanket wrapped around you as a cape - what you did remember was your surprise when you entered the Lady's chambers, crawled into her bed, and were met with no strict words or resistance, only with an arm draped over you and a surprisingly soft voice. 
"Oh, draga... You truly aren't faring well, are you?" She had said, her voice breaking through the sickness-induced brain fog and prompting you to nuzzle into her embrace. She chuckled softly and you vaguely mentally registered her brushing some of your hair away from your face, tutting as her fingertips brushed your forehead. "You're positively burning up... We can't have you roaming the Castle in this state, now can we?"
You shook your head and coughed a little, wincing as your lungs protested the action. The Lady had tucked the numerous blankets around you as you hid your face your face in her embrace, her fingertips alternating between running through your hair and running up and down your spine. She hummed thoughtfully, murmuring to herself as you slipped in and out of a light doze. 
"Miranda, maybe...?" She paused. "No, Miranda wouldn't work. Donna, perhaps... Draga mea?" She was speaking to you now, and you didn't lift your head, just made a small sound of acknowledgement. "I need to retrieve something. It's of... Vital importance. Be a brave little thing and stay here, yes?"
If you had been more present, you would have noticed the lilt in her voice, and pieces together that she wasn't going to retrieve something for herself. As it was, you were exhausted and your mind was consumed by brain fog, and you could only whimper as she pulled away from you. She shushed you and caressed your cheek, whispering to you. "Do not fret, Iubita mea. I will return before you realise I've left. Be a good girl and stay here, for me."
And stay there is exactly what you did. The blankets covering you were heavy and soothing, the scent of the Lady's perfume making your senses come alight - or at least as well as they could, with your nose blocked. The crackling from the fire in the corner echoed around the room, gently lulling you back to sleep every time you woke up. Your sense of time was shaky in your sick state, and you weren't sure how long it had been since the Lady left the room. Just as you were thinking maybe you should drag yourself from the blankets and back to your own bed, the door swung open and the familiar sound of her heels on the hardwood floor blessed your ears. The sound came closer and there was a shuffling, followed by the bed dipping beside you. You distantly felt her hands patting the pile of blankets on top of you gingerly, and suddenly you felt them slip under you, pulling you from your little cave. 
"Now, now," she murmured in response to your indignant grumbling. "None of that. Come here, draga." 
She pulled you into her lap, where you curled up into her, your hand gripping the collar of her nightgown to keep her there. You closed your eyes and pressed your face into her, but not before you caught a glimpse of what she had brought in with her. Beside the two of you on the bed was a wooden tray, bearing an assortment of pastries, fruits, some honey and two cups of tea. One of them looked like regular herbal tea, and the other seemed to almost shimmer. You made a confused noise in the back of your throat and looked up at her. 
"That, dragostea mea, is a concoction of Donna's own creation." She lifted the cup to her nose and inhaled deeply. The sight of the teacup in her larger than ordinary hands made you smile weakly. "It is a combination of healing herbs, some roots, and some berries for sweetness. Come, draga." She held the cup to your lips and added, "It will make you feel better. You have my word."
You placed your hand over hers and obediently sipped the steaming liquid, blinking in surprise as the mixture of spices and sweet, tart berries exploded on your tongue. You kept drinking, the Lady rubbing your back and murmuring to you in Romanian as you did so. When the teacup was empty she pulled it away and replaced it with a sweet pastry, which you nibbled on thankfully. True to her word, you started to feel better, your mind clearing along with your sinuses. You realised with renewed clarity where you were and you blushed deeply, attempting to sit up. 
"I-- Thank you for looking after me, my Lady. But I--"
"What did I tell you about calling me that, prințesa mea? You can call me by my name. It's okay." 
"Alcina," Using her name felt powerful, intimate. "I really should be returning to my quarters, I should rest--"
"Nonsense." Alcina held you closer to her, her grip around you tighter. She smiled sweetly at you. "You have a raging fever, ursuleț. No, no, I really do think you need to stay here. You need to be properly taken care of." 
You didn't have it in you to argue, or even think about leaving her arms. You closed your eyes and let yourself slump against her, and you felt yourself drifting off again as she ran her fingers through her hair and rocked you, singing a lullaby in soft Romanian - singing you softly to sleep. 
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loserboyfriendrjl · 10 months
love affairs update!
bad things he did:
left me in delivered for fifteen hours
left me in delivered for seven hours
leaves me in delivered a lot actually
is dry through text
kissed me to prove his friend he has the balls to
good things he did:
kissed me two times ever since then and neither was a dare, he just did it
is a good kisser
i really like kissing him
told his friends we’re a couple and probably the majority of the school knows
is nice to me
makes me giggle and kick my feet
tags me in ngls about his relationship
trusts me
gave me sweet messages on tiktok and instagram as well
gave me his phone number
asks to call because he knows he’s dry and hardly answers
came to see me while i was over at my grandma’s
comes to see me in school (he’s on the lower ground floor, i’m on the first floor)
hates the same teachers i do
gave me his ring
wears the ring i gave him
comes to see me every day
is affectionate with me (rubs my arm, hugs me every time he sees me)
calls me iubita (love, darling, sweetheart, but in romanian)
told me he likes that i’m kind (among other things)
held my hand when it was cold
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fara-posts · 8 months
Ce NE...colosal ,iubitule -iubită....[28.01, 13:45] Ioana: Daca te chem sa vii ,daca plec sa ma ții,daca te caut sa stai ,daca adorm sa ma ai ,daca te doresc sa mi soptesti ,daca te visez sa mi rostesti,daca te alung sa revii ,daca taci,mangaiere sa mi fii ,sa aud glasul iubit ,atavic ...in mine turbinion ametind ,tumult....sa te mpresor sideral,sa cad la pamant ca un val ,sa imi topesti nesfarsirea cu gesturi micute ,delicate...iubirea ...si primul om imi esti tu ....de atunci ...eu sunt un altfel de eu fara tu...in care tot simt pasul tau ,n o sa ma satur sa ti spun... esti cel pentru care ma nclin si adun flori rare ,nestemate,topind, mocnind in taceri ,vise si doruri cu gust uimitor....la capat de lume,de dor.... si ti doresc ancestral o nflorire cu mine,un val, cu gust nelumesc,ireal...la capat de drum cand vom fi gandul la tine ,la mine ...sa aduca etern ,miros de trezvii ...si te iubesc ...cum n o stii ...pentru tine am scris poezie ,o carte in dar necitita ...doar titlul ...si n rest....nerostita ...aceasta infinita ... iubita...un nu stiu ce...nerostita ...
[28.01, 13:47] Ioana: Ce NE...colosal ,iubitule -iubită....
La multi ani si sanatate ,un pic de iubire in toate, drum drept si lumina ,o cale ,un vis sa va tina si n rest scanteieri de lumina ,miros ,trandafiri si o mana intinsa mereu peste timp ,caderilor noastre ...rastimp..
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arhitectul · 2 months
ce să-ți mai scriu, iubita mea?
când toate cuvintele mă dor
și duhnesc a macabră tăcere.
ochii tăi ce mai fac?
în ce ochi necunoscuți s-au pierdut?
brațele tale în brațele cui au căzut?
și pe sânii tăi ce om nebun și-a așezat capul noaptea?
ți-aș spune atâtea
însă tot izvorul meu de gânduri
ar secătui
în ultimul moment de luciditate.
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mihai-florescu · 2 months
Ce nu-mi place cand lectii de viata Nu e ridicol. Alo? Eu sunt aici pt ploturi ca acela cu sotia care vrea sa incerce noncon si sotul plateste 2 prosti sa o rapeasca, vine politia, se desparte iubita de rapitor, ce nu se intampla in episodul ala sincer
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confesiunianonime · 4 months
Iubirea pe care am simtit-o pentru ea la inceput s-a intensificat cu fiecare zi care trecea. Mi-a deschis ochii in multe cazuri si am iubit fiecare celula din corpul ei. Imi e imposibil sa traiesc o zi fara sa ma gandesc la ea, nu la trecut, ci pur si simplu ce insemna ea. Era o fire atat de imperfecta si cu toate astea imperfectiunile ei erau atat de perfecte. In ochii mei era aceasi blonda vopsita cu ochi caprui plini de speranta, ea a fost speranta mea atatia ani.
Cu toate astea, e atat de greu sa vezi cum speranta ta incepe sa isi piarda lumina care ii lumina ochii si zambetul. Nu stiu ce s a intamplat in sufletul ei, dar si a pierdut stralucirea, iar cu timpul, ne am pierdut si noi.
Nu ne am pierdut pentru ca am vrut, fiecare a luat o pe drumuri diferite cu alte harți, dar inima mea incearca incontinuu sa gaseasca drumul ei pentru ca drumul meu fara ea e plin de gropi si balti.
Si avea o vorba a ei “daca soarta ne va desparti, iubirea noastra va sta acolo sus, scrisa intr o stea”
Asa ca, draga mea iubita, asteapta-ma, ajung imediat frumoasa mea. Te am iubit atunci, te iubesc acum si te voi mai iubi inca o viata si dupa❤️
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nebunulcusentimente · 11 months
“Pierdut într-o cascadă de amintiri cu tine”
- Iubita mea - Cristian Porcari
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Ce faci?
- Mă gândeam la tine, dar tu?
- Pot spune același lucru. Tocmai îmi apare acum în minte momentul pe care l-am avut acum ceva timp.
- Aş da orice să fi acum aici, să îmi săruți sfârcurile întărite, apoi să mă răsfeți cu săruturi peste tot.
- Ce porți pe tine acum? iubita mea.
- Aceeași rochiță pe care ai sifonat-o mai devreme, iubitul meu.
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Râd la acest apelativ folosit de ea, căci din Daddy nu m-a scos până acum, dar îmi plăcea.
- Ridică-ți rochița. Imaginează-ți că sunt acolo și fac asta în locul tău. Masturbează-te pentru mine! Vreau să-ți aud gemetele pe care le ador atât de mult. Îmi spune că a făcut tocmai cum i-am spus, ceea ce mă bucură.
- Desfă-te și tu la pantaloni, daddy!
Imaginează-ți cum mână mea este în jurul tău îți provoacă plăcere. Cum, apoi îmi apropii gura de capul tău roz. Cum, fără rețineri îți ling lungimea. Îşi iau membrul în gură și continui cu mişcările limbii. Tu, mă tragi de păr și îmi spui ce gură fermecată am. Te tachinez și te scot din gura mea, apoi te bag la loc. Ştiu cât de mult te aprinde asta. Continui cu mișcările du-te-vino și ești foarte aproape. iți dai drumul in gura mea păcătoasă. Doar imaginează-ți toate astea, iubitule. Imi imaginez ceea ce spune, și fără să îmi dau seama, fac mişcările din ce in ce mai rapide, dar mă opresc..vreau să ne dăm drumul în acelaşi timp.
- lar tu, iubito, imaginează-ți urmatorul scenariu: eu, un animal flămând, te gust fără ruşine. Încep cu sfârcurile pe care le tachinez minute întregi. Nu mă grăbesc, căci meriți tot timpul din lume. Continui cu săruturile pătimaşe, oprindu-mă pe abdomen. După care, fără rețineri, cobor spre zeița ta. Încep cu săruturi mici, ca să te aprind mai tare decât eşti deja. Te ling, te gust, te sug..iar tu gemi foarte frumos. Mă opresc la centrul plăcerii, clictorisul. Il iau între dinți și îl tachinez. Limba mea se mișcă circular în jurul lui in timp ce două degete intră si ies din tine. Îmi strigi numele cât poți de tare și mă tragi de păr. Te simt udă, moale si excitată sub gura mea. Limba mea continuă cu mișcarile ei păcătoase..măresc mișcările.Te strângi în jurul degetelor mele când îți dai drumul. Ca orice bărbat care-şi iubeşte femeia, îmi duc cele doua degete la gură, doar ca să te simt că ești mereu atât de dulce. lar atunci, îmi dau seama că ești întotdeauna atât de pregătită pentru mine, eşti pregătită să te fut. Imaginează-ti asta, baby girl.
O aud cum geme în urechea mea și îmi dau seama că acum, degetele ei lungi îi provoacă plăcere în lipsa mea. Am nevoie doar de imaginea asta și deja îmi dau drumul. Ființa asta mă omoară. Este perfecă pentru mine!
- Te aștept acasă să mă fuți cât poți tu de bine, daddy!
- lar eu aștept să vin acasă să te fut cât pot de bine!
lar cu astea apelul nostru se încheie 🔞🖤
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tragedygf · 6 months
i miss fiona gallagher
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sotogalmo · 10 days
i was listening to my fav international songs and I stumbled upon "Nebuni de Alb" (romanian song, it's sooo amazing and the lyrics are actually beautiful)
and the lyrics "I-aud prin bătălii din vreme-n vreme, Ostașii gărzii tale ţi se-nchină, Iubita mea cu foarte mari probleme, Cu chip slavon și nume de regină"
translated: "I hear them through the battles from time to time, The soldiers of your guard worship you, My beloved with great problems, With a Slavonic face and a queen's name"
"my beloved with great problems" GEHSHSHGSHEHHJDHHSJDHSJHS I find that very funny;; ough. But yeah yes.
Sevonne, to a T.
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