#ive been inactive recently it is why
little-soldiers · 2 years
finals wee k (lying dead on the ground)
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skrrtscree · 2 months
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Woe ryomina dump be upon yee 💙💛
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imkazz · 3 months
Pink and Green Hair (trendy in the taisho era)
We all know that Mitsuri ate a crazy amount of it to get her signature pink-green hair, but just how many would she have theoretically eaten?
To start, we have to look at the numbers. She ate 170 mochis per day for 8 months straight.
It's already crazy enough of a number, but imagine just how much that the Kanroji family would've spent on that mochi even before Mitsuri was a part of the Corps with her own salary, not to mention the fact that hashira can choose how much money they recieve. We can prove this fact by Mitsuri having her hair at a pre-pubescent age, when she beat that sumo wrestler at arm-wrestling.
First, since all months but one (mumbleaugustusmumble) have 30 days, we multiply it by eight for the eight months she spent eating the mochi. Then, I estimate by adding 4 for half of the months having 31 days. Since this is a bare estimate, these numbers can't be perfect.
244 days. This is, according to Mitsuri/Gotuge, how long it took until the Kanroji family started to notice Mitsuri's hair turning pink OR when her full transformation ended.
Now. We can multiply those days by how many sakura mochi she would eat in one of those days.
If you wanted anime hair from eating a sweet, that's an estimated amount of how many sakura mochi you would have to eat.
Since this is unreliable information because there's not enough data given about this, and Mitsuri herself wasn't keeping track of this specifically, there's not much of a way to tell how many sakura mochi to actually eat, and this is also really unhealthy because duh it's a dessert that any normal person who isn't a girlboss like Mitsuri should eat more than three.
We also have to think about the actual sakura mochi. This sweet is made with pickled sakura leafs, which are edible, along with anko (red bean paste) and glutinous rice coloured pink, the same as sakura blossoms. Sakura are already notorious for only blooming for a week or two before fading for the rest of the year. This is why this wagashi (sakura mochi) is only designated as a spring treat.
Of course, it can still be eaten year-round. It's simply customary to eat in springtime, late March. You would just have to have loads of ingredients all the time in order to make it. Since, as I talked about Japanese tradition of only eating this in spring, it's probably that the Kanroji family would pickle their own sakura leaves, in the same way that they also make their own honey. Yet another way of telling us how well-off they are.
Other than that, anko (the filling) and glutinous rice (along with the pink colouring) is relatively easy to find because other types of wagashi are served year-round, and I believe that many of them have those two core ingredients (such as ohagi or manjuu). The main thing that makes sakura mochi special is the pickled leaf that can only be harvested in springtime, hence why it's only really served in the time that there are blossoms.
And finally, it also happens to be that I'm currently in Japan in middle-late March. I got to visit a (romantic) love temple nearby, prayed that I would find a Mitsuri gachapon before I leave Japan (because that's what you do when you go to a love temple, pray to see the love hashira), then it so happened that three doors down, there was a wagashi store!!
They also happened to serve ohagi (despite that being an autumn wagashi, in spring ohagi would usually be called botamochi), mitarashi dango (which will totally calm Haganezuka-san down), and of course, the reason for this post, sakura mochi!! Three character's favourite foods, so we obviously got some!!!
Taste test.
Mitarashi dango, as per usual, is amazing. I love warm mochi and the sauce is always great, especially when it's served fresh or you can watch the storeperson dunk the mochi into the sauce. I also got to have a huge version whilst exploring Odawara-jou, and before that too.
Ohagi, I was very excited to try some, but surprisingly, out of these three, it was my least favourite. That's not to say it wasn't good, but I don't think I really liked the anko being on the outside. Thinking back, it's probably unhealthy for Giyuu to hold it out to Sanemi with his bare hand.
Finally, sakura mochi. The leaves are edible, and they don't give any sort of taste or reliable texture, they seem to more be there as an ornamental piece, it was just the stem that could be a little pokey. The glutinous rice is light pink and on the outside, wrapped in the leaf. It's sweet! A bit sticky too, which is probably the reason for the leaf-holder. The anko on the inside is also very sweet, and this sweet was my favourite out of the three types of wagashi that we got. They are relatively small, maybe 10cm from a rough estimate, but they have a lot of density from being packed tight. While I really enjoyed this, I don't think I could ever eat 170 in a single day, much less for eight months.
I also forgot to mention, but there's two types of sakura mochi. First is the type with glutinous rice, the type Mitsuri is shown to be eating in the manga and anime, and the one I just tried. Second type is made with a pink pancake wrapping the anko, which is also wrapped in the sakura leaf. I think maybe two or three days after the first type's taste test, I got my hands on the pancake ones, but I was so tired that it got stuck in the fridge overnight. Let me tell you. Those pancakes were solid. If anyone has a taste of the pancake sakura mochi, feel free to give your actual impression!
Since, as I've already said, sakura mochi is the main type of wagashi served in spring, in the sakura season, there's loads of shops selling it nearby. I even got to try this taiyaki with sakura mochi filling instead of anko, which was... interesting, I suppose, but not terrible.
So try some sakura mochi if you're ever in Japan for the March season! I'm pretty sure that people sell this wagashi for the entire month, for more sales. (unfortunately, the sakura will only bloom in the week after i leave japan) (talk about a letdown, i always have to leave japan the week before they bloom for school)
Unfortunately no photos, but I did get to go on a train called the RomanceCar!! I immediately thought of Mitsuri with this, and I did get photos of that! Then, I searched up why it's called that, and the only reason is that there's two seats side-by-side with no armrest between, which gives room for couples to cuddle. Imagine modern Mitsuri with Iguro or Shinobu on one of these!!
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bitterconfusion · 1 year
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i made a clay figure of my oc :)
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cptnleviackerman · 2 months
my queue is empty.... i feel naked and vulnerable rn....this is WEIRDD
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dearhargrove · 1 year
Summary Ethan knew Quinn was going to attack his friends - but the deal was to keep you as unharmed as possible. Unfortunately Quinn had never really liked you.
tags violence, wounds, blood, spoilers for scream iv, fem reader
word count 1380
a/n first time writing for scream! Recently watched it cuz of jack and wow…. Such a great movie like what. Anyway I decided to write this and I hope it's not all too bad :) enjoy. For the ppl that follow this account I'm so sorry I've been so inactive, I'll try post more <3
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It had happened quicker than you would've thought - in the span of a few seconds Tara and Sam's roommate (whom you didn't know well) is being shoved out of her room, blood splattering over the floor and Anika, who was pulled to the floor with the - now - dead Quinn.
She screeches as Quinn's dead body pulls her down with it, landing on her back on the hard floor. Everyone's screaming for yelling, but nothing registers in your mind as the infamous masked killer looks behind the door.
You're frozen, you've never been directly attacked by Ghostface, you've only heard about it from your friends who've been the victims before. "Go, go, go!" Sam yells and you nearly miss the sight of Chad dragging Tara behind him in a hurry to leave the apartment, their steps vanishing under the noise.
Sam is pushing against the door but with one harsh shove Ghostface is standing in front of you again. Sam runs to the kitchen, yelling something about getting knives, and you're left with the two other girls and whoever was under the mask.
Mindy's upper arm is slashed and bleeding profusely, "Shit, we gotta-" while you're all distracted trying to find a way out Ghostface manages to get in, knife raised. "Fuck!" You curse when Anika doesn't hesitate and pushes the killer to the floor.
They gather themselves quickly - too quick for Anika and Mindy to escape. They seem to almost completely disregard you as they charge for Mindy. You had no idea why they were focusing on her but you used it to your advantage.
With fast steps you're clinging to their back, arms around their throat to hinder them from hurting your friends even more. God, how you wished Ethan was here right now.
"Go, get out of here!" They look at you with conflicted faces but Mindy was in pain and could barely stand by herself. "I'll get back as soon as I can!" Anika whimpers.
When they leave the killer chuckles, "They left you all alone. Great friends," you're thrown off by the voice and the comment, your grip loosening. They seemed to have expected it and they rip your arms away, pinning you to the wall behind you.
"Fuck you," you growl and try kicking somewhere it'd hurt. You don't see the knife until it's in your abdomen and a painful scream rips from your throat.
The pain is hot white, searing through your body as they push the knife further upwards slowly, your blood oozing past their hand.
Your head is thrown back against the wall and you can almost feel your consciousness slipping from the numbing pain.
"Not today!" Sam suddenly yells and hits Ghostface over the head with something you can't decipher. They distinctly groan and fall to the floor again, you slumping over only barely holding onto the table next to you. Sam calls your name but you can barely move your hand from where it's pressing against the big wound.
"Fuck," she curses under her breath, "We gotta get out of here."
She helps you lay your arm over her shoulders and you try your best to walk with her, but the killer gets up again. You just cry out when you have to hide in Quinn's room.
There's blood on the floor - probably from when she was stabbed earlier - and Sam helps you sit on the bed as she hurriedly pushes a dresser in front of the door.
You're aware that the only way out is now blocked and you're close to giving up when Sam gasps. Looking up you see her reaching for something until she pulls- a ladder? forward and into the room.
She hurries to you and grabs your face in her bloodied hands, you recognize it as yours, "Okay, you'll have to climb over, the others are there, okay?" Everything is blurry when she pulls you over to the window, the ladder looking way too unsteady to safely get anything across this 10ft drop.
"Sam…" she's busy pushing the dresser back in place so you speak up again, "Sam, I won't be able to do this." She shakes her head and tries to interrupt but you stop her, "You go first. I'll be right behind, okay?" You manage a shaky smile and she's conflicted but there's shouts from the other apartment, her boyfriend and your friends waiting for you to make your decision.
She groans in frustration but nods, "Right behind me." She emphasizes and climbs onto the metall.
Your head falls down to your chest in exhaustion again, your blood staining your entire lower body a dark red.
You can hear the creaking from where Sam was climbing over until there's a shout of relief and soon your name, "Climb!"
It takes at least a minute to even walk to the window and by the time you've moved half a meter the dresser is pushed and the door is close to opening.
Your heart is beating so fast you're afraid it'll just completely stop any moment now, but with the encouragement and the thought of your boyfriend at home you manage to move across halfway before they reach the window.
Your friends go suspiciously quiet so you look up, "What?" That snaps them out of it and Chad yells for you to hurry up.
You catch a glimpse of someone storming into the apartment as well, and then curly hair and brown eyes are all you see as Ethan reaches towards you, "Grab my hand!" You whimper but the killer seems to have gone quiet on the other side so you remove the hand that was clutching your stomach and reach out.
You're shaking but manage to grab his hand and he pulls you through the window and into his arms. You feel tears leak out of your eyes and fall down your cheeks onto his shoulder before your head lolls to the side and your vision goes black.
When you wake up there's people moving around you and your head feels woozy. "She's up," one of them says and people are moving out of the way as someone rushes to your side.
"How are you feeling?" He asks and you turn to him, your eyes clearing to see it's Ethan. His eyes are wide and he doesn't know where to put his hands, awkwardly hovering over you.
A smile breaks out on your face and you grab his hand, feeling better than before. "Like I got stabbed?" You joke. He huffs but looks relieved and puts a hand on your cheek, thumb stroking under your eye.
"Do you know how scary it was when Chad called me and said you were trapped with Ghostface?" His voice is still a little shaky and you can see he was terrified. "Well I'm fine now," you offer.
He grunts and shrugs, "Sure you are." His hand falls from your cheek to your abdomen where a thick bandage is wrapped around. "They said you almost died because of the blood loss." He whispers, more to himself than to you and his hands are shaking.
"Oh, Ethan," you mumble and pull him closer with an arm around his neck. His shoulders are shaking and you can feel his tears against your neck. You keep him close to you, one hand buried in his hair. You smile at Tara who was standing a bit further away with the others.
Mindy had her arm wrapped in bandages and the others were seemingly discussing something. Tara nudges Chad with her elbow and he looks at her before his eyes move to you and his roommate cradled in your arms.
He smiles before smirking and taking his phone out and taking a picture. You chuckle and roll your eyes, holding your middle finger up, smile not leaving your face.
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stitchwraith-stingers · 5 months
godd i hate fazbear frights so much they ruined the lore ://// whats next, fazbear frights tumblr dash simulator??? fuck this
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🌙 motts-talking
i swear to god my brothers little pets are so freaky they ate my fish and made him into them, like spontanious mitosis or something and now im trying to get rid of them and i swear im so afraid of accidently drinking them
🌙 motts-talking
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🔎 detective-larson
just got called into work today and they want me to look into this case and they think its associated with the stitchwraith... why do i work here 🔎 detective-larson
its been 3 months since i last posted and i may or may not have not known what i was getting into
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anonymous asked:
can you stop posting about your werid doll thing i get it ur like rich and shit now but its so hidieous and ugly it almost makes me want to unfollow and vomit
🍀 luckiest-boy-blog
i LIKE my ADVICE DOLL its just this little thing i like and you REJECT IT. YOU HATE IT BECAUSE I LIKE IT
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🎀 dovewing-kinnie
sorry ive been so inactive on this account, lets just say my mental health has been doing better! :) got some help from a family friend, ill be back to posting soon
🎀 dovewing-kinnie
the junkyard
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anonymous asked: aita for accidently indirectly killing my friend?
sorry for any spelling mistakes, im still shaken up by the whole thing
so i (14F) and my friend, who ill call P (14F) have recently both gone on a school trip to some werid factory (wont bother specifying which as to not doxx me), now i was known for being kinda, i guess "rude"? and while we seperated from the group and P was already slightly nervious about that, we went onto the catwalks and despite her pleading i decide to walk to a sign that said "NOT SAFE" or something along those lines
surprise surprise i fell, near me was a vat of boiling hot sauce or whatever and me, having somehow survived the fall, i decided to play a little prank, i would stay hiding in there for afew days, i think i managed to stay in there for 3 days? before i got kicked out
now first i visited my boyfriends house to tell him that im alive and whatever, and then i went to P's house, knowing it was like 2 am or something, i rang like three times i think and then i heard something fall
as it turned out, P had fallen off the roof of her house (i have no idea what she was doing in the first place) AND HAD SNAPPED HER NECK, i obviously screamed, who wouldnt, now i went from being the most popular girl in school to an outcast because of this
❓ aita-official
What are these acronyms?
🥀 the-ravens-death
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🐩 useless-dog-lesbian
utah is so werid, what do you mean people have an urban legend about a werid tall thing that has a trashbag with them at all times and can kill people with just a single touch
🥨 pretzel-liker-173
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💡 yuri-ka
the stitchwraith is 100% funnier if you imagine theyre two kids in a trenchcoat with a halloween mask just trying to clean the planet, like ive seen it but it avoids people like the plauge
🐩 useless-dog-lesbian
what the fuck do you mean youve seen it
10,027 notes
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⚡ chucks-vent-blog
are you really living life if you havent gotten an expirience where your older sibling just dissapears or dies
⚡ chucks-vent-blog
like when i was younger my brother had these reaccouring near freak-accidents of him almost loosing an eye or an arm and i was trying to tell him that maybe he had annoyed this one animatronic he tried to freak me out with and he yelled at me and then told me to come find him after school and then it turned out he got hit by a car, i wish i could explain to people normally about this without ti sounding werid
🎫 silliestlittleguy
how normal is this expirience? not my brother but my cousin just dissapeared suddenly, i had saved up so many tickets just to get him a gift from the nearby arcade! :(
🍬 horse-sona
god this is so true, i had a step-sister who dispised me because i was getting all the attention and just out of spite ate my candy that was specifically given to me by the place we were visiting, the next day we found out she had snuck out and the car was taken elsewhere with no sign of her, we figured she ran away or something but its been so long we decided shes dead at this point
🐟 fish-enjoyer
my older brother tried to flush my pet sea bonnies down the toilet because he apparently saw them eating his fish or something, never saw him again after that and the only witness just said he looked blue, i still have no idea what that means
⚡ chucks-vent-blog
i did not expect this to be more common then i thought what the fuck
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🍂 phineas-taggart-official
hello tumblr! sorry for not posting, ive been working on getting some stuff for an experiment and they finally arrived, will keep you updated
🌱 gregsexperiments
phineas taggart had died afew hours after posting this, detectives believe this is the stitchwraiths doing
🦋 restingatdawn
frankenstein behavior
28,275 notes
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🐇 bnuuygirl
just saw a girl in the school cafetirea disintigrate into trash, cant have shit in utah
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🥀 the-ravens-death
i just witnessed my crush talk to some basic girl all lovey dovey in the school and i just ran back home while all i want for christmas is you was playing.. im so tired i fucking hate everyone i hate my life i want to die im so tired
🦇 vampire-girl-shelly
guess all he wanted for christmas is her huh
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🦉 justanothermiddleagedguy
my collgues are such assholes man first i hear them just kissing in the game testing room out loud for some reason and then when its my birthday and they do some werid freaky birthday surprise they misspell my name, its not hard to spell jeremiah correctly i promise you
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🥈 scrap-metal-enthusiast
might fuck around and kill someone else idk
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ramsywasalittlelamb · 3 months
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cover up and say goodnight, say goodnight
a batfamily agere fic! 2.7k words, fluff! warnings for mentions of nightmares and fear toxin, never goes in depth!
hello!! ive been super inactive as of late for a multitude of reasons, but mostly bc ive gone back into spy mode of having an online existence lol enjoy the fic! (better to read on ao3 imo!) lmk if i need to add any warnings!
pinterest photo links 1 2 3, title from this must be the place by talking heads!!
First it was Tim.
He had been taken off duty mid-patrol after a dose of fear toxin had been administered to him and possibly Jason. Even though he argued that he was fine, he took an antidote, and they should be more worried about Jason, Bruce persisted until Tim resigned for the night and retreated back to the cave.
He would never admit that his hands trembled with the scenes flashing in his mind on the back of his eyes each time he blinked for a second. 
He would never admit that the hug he received from Alfred upon arriving made him tear up underneath the mask.
He would never admit that in the middle of the night, the lonely openness of the room and the creak in the hallway floorboards began to scare him enough to not sleep, prompting him to go to Bruce’s room because Bruce’s room was safe. Because Bruce was safe.
Bruce squinted in the darkness of his room when a weight dipped his mattress, beginning to sit up to ask what was wrong or if someone was hurt, but soon settled back down when he saw a teary eyed Tim crawling into the bed with Aurora tucked between his arms in a tight hug, thinking he hadn’t woken Bruce up.
Bruce would never admit that Tim woke him up.
Next it was Damian.
He had come home later than Drake but earlier than the others for school purposes, getting enough sleep the night prior was valued for the loud and noisy classmates he had to put up with for a majority of his day, along with getting his homework done on time for the next day.
He had finished his schoolwork, freshened up, and followed his usual routine for the weekdays, ready to sleep.
Except.. something was off.
He had traced back everything he did, and everything he did was in the correct order and routine…
Oh, his pacifier was missing from his bedside table. He must have left it in father’s bedroom from the previous night.
He folded back his covers and trotted down the hall, narrowly avoiding the loud spots on the floor and opening the door to father’s room, only to see Drake and father slumbering.
He continued forward, passing the empty and inviting spot on one of father’s side to grab his pacifier and return back to his bed.
But he paused, eyes and mind darting between the open slot on the mattress and the half open door, revealing the nightlights placed throughout the hall.
Bruce would never be able to explain the selfish disappointment he felt when he heard the door close, only for a burst of joy to replace and erupt in his chest when he felt Damian snuggle against his side, the pacifier knocking against his shoulder in a rhythmic motion.
This time, it wasn’t Jason.
He had been having nightmares on repeat— as if that was new,— the way he had been carrying himself and working the past few nights had been concerning at the very least. Everyone had noticed, but didn’t bring it up, until Dick came over from Bludhaven and took him aside.
Jason had admitted to not having great sleep recently, but had argued that, once again, it wasn’t new to him. He could work it out, push through. And once the nightmares have made their run, everyone can carry on their merry way.
Of course, nothing ever worked out that way for anyone in this family.
His head felt full of just.. a feeling of disturbance, followed by the fact that he was distracted by how his left arm and right leg weren’t cooperating with him, one of scarecrow’s men had whacked him square in the head, sending him to the ground.
The rush of cold air flowing through a crack on his mask hit his face, everything felt so far away. Why does everything feel so fuzzy? Why is someone yelling in my ears? Why are there so many sounds?
The hands under his armpits dragging him from his spot on the floor cut him out of his thoughts, his eyes burning along with his lungs, the loudness in his ears was just too much. He struggled against the hands dragging him, effectively flipping on his stomach and away from the person.
He blinked heavily up at the person, his vision swimming as he squinted at them. Dick? Tim? Bruce? None of those options sounded great to deal with right now.
Next thing he knew, he was jolting awake with panic and fear seizing in his chest, an overwhelming feeling of everything crashing into his system. He wasn’t in his room, he wasn’t even in a safe house, this was the manor.
With remnants of the nightmare leaping around in the fog of his mind, he clutched the sheets closer to him as he tried to move off the bed, but his limbs didn’t want to cooperate. His knees hit the cold floor with a whimper leaving his mouth, tears filling up his eyes quickly as he sat in his own misery.
Then it was Cass.
She almost always sought someone out for cuddles during the night, regressed or not. It was comforting being wrapped up in someone’s arms, but just like tonight, sometimes it was because it just got really cold and lonely in the manor.
Tucking her big bird plush in her arms as she wrapped her fluffy blanket around her shoulders, she ventured out into the hall.
Her hand was on the handle of Bruce’s door, when something felt.. off… There was an icy ache of worry forming in her chest, something in the back of her head to look around first.
Listening to her instincts, she checks all the rooms, some of them missing their owner, making her smile knowing she’ll have more people to hug tonight.
Two rooms, side by side, had light coming from underneath the door. Dick was awake, which was no surprise seeing as he slept until five in the afternoon, but Jason being awake set off the alarms in her head.
Opening it slowly to let him know she was entering, and thankfully not receiving a request to leave, she saw Jason sitting beside his bed with his face hidden by his arms resting on his tucked up knees. The blankets tossed around and his pillow shoved between the wall and mattress. Clearly not a restful night.
She sat beside him, at a distance for his comfort, allowing him all the space and time he needs, but letting him know she was there. She would always be there for them.
“Nightmare.” Jason grumbled, his voice muffled by his position. She hummed, nodding even though she knew he couldn’t see it. She knows how terrible nightmares can be, she also knows how badly they affect everyone in the family differently. Some had gotten used to them and could shake them off easier, meanwhile others couldn’t even close their eyes without an image of the bad dream reappearing.
“It sucks and— and it’s frustrating! I know I get them, and they still get me shaken up when it happens, and it sucks!” He says, throwing his head back against the mattress, letting his arms fall to his side.
Hm, regressed.
She takes big bird from her arms and places him into Jason’s lap. If he helps her take her mind off bad things, he should help Jason do the same.
“Big bird? What am I supposed to do with it?” He wipes his nose with his sleeve with a small scowl and questioning look at the plush.
“Him.” She corrects, “Hug.”
He pauses, looking between Cass and Big bird, before picking up the stuffed animal and hugging it, releasing a breath of what seemed like relief.
“Come.” Cass says after letting Jason have a moment of peace with big bird, standing up and reaching a hand out for Jason to take.
He takes it, the two of them walking hand in hand a little further in the hallway to Bruce’s room. Jason pauses at the doorway, but Cass pats his hand, nodding with encouragement.
Cass lays with her back to Tim, scooting as close as she can to make room for Jason— though that’s not too hard with how large Bruce’s bed is. Jason shuffles hesitantly, tucking his head under Cass’s chin and allowing himself to be hugged by her, whilst hugging big bird in his arms.
She won’t be cuddled tonight, but she’s always willing to repay what the others have given her.
“G’night, love you.” He whispers to her, nuzzling further against her in search of comfort.
“Love you too.” She murmurs back, a smile etched on her face as she drifts off.
After hearing a few doors and very quiet talking, Duke decides to get up from his bed of misery.
He had tried making it more comfortable over the time he’s been here, but sometimes nothing would shake the feeling of homesickness he still felt.
Plus, that fuzzy feeling— regression, he reminds himself— keeps making it hard to do anything but lay down and cry in his own sadness, curled up with his all too cold blankets and in want of a hug.
But it’s late, everyone is probably settled back down for the night and— and he couldn’t just bother anyone for a hug anyway. He’s new to this family, the dynamic, and he just.. he didn’t slide in perfectly like a puzzle piece yet.
Sure, he was close with them and he talked to them like family, but everything was still new and he continued to find out more things. Not only about them, but himself too.
And right now, he just feels small, tired, and homesick.
Though.. Tim did tell him that if he ever felt in need of a hug, no matter the time, Bruce will always be willing to give one to him— Perks of being the new kid, Bruce couldn’t really get angry with you, Dick added. And Bruce did give some good hugs.
It wouldn’t hurt to try.
He picks himself off the bed and goes down to the end of the hall to Bruce’s door. He can hear Bruce snoring on the other side, the sound of the sheets rustling every now and then. Maybe Bruce was just an active sleeper.
He opens the door and…
Pretty much everyone is already in the bed, like a secured spot dedicated to each and every one of them. Ouch.
His bottom lip begins to wobble as his eyes well with tears. It’s not that serious, really, but seeing all the others so adjusted and comfortable to do this like it’s a routine, meanwhile he still feels like he’s intruding on everything.. It’s isolating, to say the least.
He doesn’t know how long he stands there, staring at the absolute cozy and familial scene in front of him, watching like an outsider, like it’s a paused screen.
Dick hears the door to Bruce’s door open for the umpteenth time tonight, but he never hears it close. 
He clicks off his phone, peeking his head out quietly to investigate and Duke is standing at Bruce’s door, teary eyed, fidgeting with the frayed hoodie strings.
Alarms go off in his head immediately. Duke never seeks out Bruce in the middle of the night like this, and he certainly has never seen Duke come to anyone crying, so something must’ve happened.
He walks over, his steps unintentionally quiet until he purposefully makes a floorboard creak under his weight. Duke jumps at the noise and stares wide at Dick.
“Hey, what’s wrong? Did something happen?” Dick whispers, bending over a little to get more eye-to-eye with Duke, reaching over to pull the bedroom door nearly closed to block the sound of them talking.
Duke glances between Dick and inside the room through the small crack, biting on his lip before shaking his head, wiping his tears away with the sleeve of his hoodie. “‘M fine.” He says wetly with a sniffle. Very convincing.
“Duke, if something is wrong, you can let me or anyone one of us know. We won’t judge you or tell another person.” He assures, trying so hard to get concern across and not worry and panic in his expressions.
Duke hesitates, “I’m jus’ not feeling good. Sad.” He says, his bottom lip quivering as more tears well up. “Jus’ wanna hug.” He says in such a pitiful way, Dick thinks his heart just got torn then ripped out of his chest.
“Oh, lightning bug, I’d be more than willing to give you a hug— any of us would be.” He says, opening his arms for Duke to crash into, to which he promptly does. Tears soak through Dick’s shirt, though he doesn’t really care at the moment because his baby brother is sad, and he can’t have that.
“Did you want a hug from Bruce?” Dick asks after a few beats, he needs to figure out why the kid was just standing there. Duke nods against his chest. “Okay, so why didn’t you go in and get one, bug?” Duke hesitates again, holding Dick tighter.
“Didn’t feel right. Everybody is asleep ‘n cozy and.. I’d just be bothering them.” Duke says, muffled against Dick’s chest. “It’s scary being the new kid.” He says, moving his head to look up at Dick with a nervous look and tears steadily streaming down his eyes.
“Duke.. bud, I know it’s scary. You could never bother us though, especially if you’re upset.” Dick says with a frown, sorrow filling his voice as he runs a hand over Duke’s head comfortingly. “How about we go in there together? If you feel uncomfortable then you can leave or hug me tighter, how does that sound?”
A small and shaky— but still!— smile breaks onto Duke's face, making Dick smile back. The two walk over next to the side Damian rests on, seeing as the other was quite packed. Dick shuffles under the covers, Damian snuffles for a few moments, both Dick and Duke freeze until he flips over and nuzzles against Dick, who just combs his fingers through his hair.
Duke shifts on his feet for a few moments, then slowly climbs next to Dick, adjusting himself comfortably under the blankets and curling around Dick, who runs a hand up and down his back.
Within moments, Dick is the only one awake, smiling to himself as he looks over all of his siblings and his dad bundled together in peace. A giddy feeling fills his chest, a childish glee tugging at his mind. He holds Damian and Duke closer as he closes his eyes, happy to be sleeping surrounded by warmth and love.
Alfred checked all of the kids' rooms after nobody showed up in the midst of his cooking— let alone once it was done. No footsteps, no laughter, no tired groans from the ones who stayed up all night.
It was suspicious.
Nevertheless, he carried onwards to Bruce’s room, opening the door quietly, ready to start the daily routine of many years, until he saw Bruce already awake, surrounded by a pile of sleeping children.
“Good morning, sir.” Alfred whispers, a smile tugging at his lips at the sight.
Bruce huffs a breath in reply as he tries to sit upwards, shushing Jason when he whines at the subtlest movements or sounds, petting down his hair.
“I believe you might be stuck on the bed for the day, Master Bruce.” He says above the children, careful not to disturb any of them. Bruce chuckles quietly, “I guess I am. Not the worst situation to be stuck in though.” He says fondly, his eyes full of admiration and love for all his kids.
“Definitely not the worst.” He agrees, moving towards the bed to readjust Bruce’s pillow, seeing as the man couldn’t really move to do it himself.
Stepping away to leave the room, he pauses at the door. “I’ll come back with breakfast, perhaps a bedroom picnic is in order.” Alfred says, a twinkle of happiness shining brightly in his eyes as he leaves.
It may be Bruce’s bedroom, but the bed certainly does not hold one owner.
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taocc-updates · 22 days
hellllooo guys!! soup here again!!
wanted to. apologize and explain recent inactivity . ive been sleeping a lot more often (not sure why, im just very very tired) and also. School !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so Yeah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i will resume activity very very soon though. !!!! yahoo!!
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lustale · 10 months
Hello everyone! Thank you all for almost 50 followers!! :3c All activity has been on my main account @morguemaw, so if you want more direct content of Lusttale shoot me a ask about it!!!!
So, abit has changed over the few months and i have a update, coupled with info for all you new guys who found this blog!
1) AU is decided to be 16+. Its suggestive, no NSFW will be posted/shown as i want whatever content i MYSELF to post to be accessible to everyone within a comfortable range! There will be light sexual jokes, however if at any point it reaches too much, please tell me! I know the AU itself should obviously be considered a Explicit Rated AU, however i know there are people who enjoy the AU without the sexual aspects.
2) This AU is not a fan AU OR variant: This AU was made with the plan to 100% rewrite Underlust, i will explain below!!
Why the rewrite?:
I've loved Underlust since i joined the Undertale community, and others have too! However, the owner WAS involved and DID create content involving fontcest, a nazi Chara, Frans content, and was friends/mutuals with others who also created gross content like BlogTheGreatRogue and Lizherubones. This disgusted me and made alot of others feel the same. The AU was left off on a confusing as shit note, from the disgusting writing of Lust MTT to the messed up relationship between the brothers. I want to erase this the best i can. Alot of characters have also 0 content (Such as Lust Alphys) and although i will mostly focus on Sans/Papyrus/Frisk still, i WILL be creating content for mostly every character to again ensure the AU is fully fleshed out for as much enjoyment as possible.
Wheres the creator/owner?:
Awhile back, the owner, NSFWshamecave/Niel, left the internet and the AU for personal and mental reasons and bounced between owning and not owning the Au. They have since been MIA(Missing In Action) from the internet and AU, i doubt they will return or be involved at this point. The AU is considered fandom owned, which if you prefer that i support it, but do not interact with my blog as im basing everything on a rewritten POV with the entire intent to overhaul the AU without being too different or too similar.
What about the Underlust domain name?:
Lusttale CAN be called Underlust, BUT i prefer Lusttale to separate it as its alot easier, HOWEVER i have no issue with it being called Underlust! (Just still please credit/tag me, id love to see any content!)
What about fan AUs or others who make their own Variants?:
Keep going! I support these ten fold. Ive seen so many creative AUs overall, including a recent aroace one that has such adorable designs and is why i want to refresh myself and explain this blog to anyone new who might mistake me as a fan account. If you want to consider your variant a version/variant of my Rewritten AU, please tag me! Id love to see your AUs, your Varaints, EVERYTHING!!
HOWEVER. I do NOT support a single soul who ever uses my AU for Frans, Fontcest, or akin. Dont tag me OR interact with me, its public knowledge how the community feels about those, and im one of the many who don't like that content and wish for my AU to not be used in it. Self inserts, OC/Y/N x Lusttale, or etc is the same, id love to see it!!
What about Swaplust/Lustfell/AUs?:
Swaplust is also inactive: I have had my own interpretation of Swaplust since i found the AU when it was first made, Lustfell however i dont know, if its requested i will create something but i dont want to just claim every Lust AU out there. Not saying im claiming ownership of Swaplust, im saying that the Swaplust i want to make will be considered canon AU and it will be the ONLY Underlust AU i will ever claim, Swaplust has the same exact permissions. (Swaplust too had a very close Frans suggested ship, that is my reason for it)
To clarify if needed, im not forcing the view of me owning the AU onto every Underlust created content, im just saying if you yourself, the community, support what i do, i will continue, hence why i say tag me! I love to see it!
What about headcanons/outdated info like Sans being shorter?:
RN, Sans is the same size as Gaster Sans (i think 5' something?) however im fine with people drawing him short! ^^
Head-canons are also fully fine!!! Tell me any you think of, id love to hear. As long as you respect that i have my own plans, id be overjoyed to read whatever you guys think of or have.
So, to sum it up, Underlust has had a MIA owner since 2019/2020. Because of the history, and the way its loved, its a massive honor if i could step up and help give the community a AU with a solid backstory, solid characters with fleshed out personalities, and a structured plot that will replace something that was/is beloved. The best i can explain it, is my goal is to structure the AU but still keep support for the community as the AU was indeed considered Fandom Owned, again, you do not have to support me wanting to claim it, just do not bash me for it, as im absolutely not considering Lusttale a variant or AU, im considering Lusttale canon.
Questions are welcomed, if you have any concerns i can also explain! (Anon/Off Anon preferred so i can have it be public accessible incase others have the same questions)
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sluttyminghao · 6 months
halaaa i wanted to ask you why you've become more inactive? like i remember spamming you with knock knock jokes and you replying to them (knock knock) but lately I've noticed a drift so like, are you okay pookie? :(
hello friend!
honestly ive not been well recently, physically or mentally. my chronic illnesses have been flaring up like never before and I've been so focused on my job as well (and additionally picking up hours while people are away etc) that I haven't really had time to write :( and when I see how many asks are sitting in my inbox it gets kind of daunting? like there's so many and I know people get impatient waiting for their asks to be done and just thinking about that gets me overwhelmed and I don't end up answering anything :")
im trying my best to be a little more active nowadays but it probably wont be much better until after the new year! sorry for the disappointment :(
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pan-magi · 6 months
I see that youve been a fan of magi for a long time, how do you cope with the lack of content and pretty much dead fandom? Ive been a long time fan or magi too and ive been trying to get my friends into magi.
Hi, Anon! I guess I have. It doesn't really feel like it though? I got into Magi early 2017 sometime and ran this blog for about 6 months or something until I vanished. This was meant to be my hyperfixation dump blog. The first one was Magi, and it... stayed Magi, lol.
This becomes very long but the tl;dr is Magi was more popular once upon a time and you can track down and return to older stuff with the lack of new content. And be honest to your friends about the ups and downs of what you like or what they could like about the series and keep conversations going with them.
At the time, I'll say Magi content was fairly active. The manga was ongoing but wrapping up, the main anime had ended but Adventures of Sinbad was only a year out or so. It wasn't anything to do with the series of why I left. More so I found new shiny things to focus on -- I had recently graduated college, yes, I'm old -- and fell out of love with tumblr more so than Magi and soon was not producing the content or consuming enough to stay interested in the series after it wrapped.
I'd love to give some great advice to stay interested in less popular series because I feel honored you asked. I can't claim to be good at it myself though. I got back into the series when I was sick late 2021 and binged everything. I re-watched the anime and then reread the manga when I got better.
You can try promoting it to your friends as good binge material. Magi does deal with themes you can sink your teeth into but it isn't super heavy. You don't realize how much you've gone through until you have.
I apologize for such a long answer. Let me try to get to your main point. I don't really think of it as something that's inactive or dead. The anime may be incomplete but the manga is done with. I don't think Ohtaka has much more to say on it, and that's why she has moved on to Orient. The series is wrapped- for better or worse. I'm not here to dissect how good or not the final arcs are. This is long enough and getting off topic XD. If you only have/can watch the anime then that's understandable. Accessibility and availability options are different for manga. For me, knowing the author has a complete version out there in some form and having access to it makes it easier. Content will come and go. Yes, I want more. I at least have a full course meal even if part of the dessert has disappeared into the ether.
Another thing that helps is that Magi is a young series. Not in the age range it appeals to but in how long it has been around. 14-15 years? Baby isn't old enough to drive in most places, lmao. The majority of fandoms I've been in are older or about as old as I am (30s). I am used to droughts in content and things coming in and out of popularity. Both in my ADHD-wired brain and by the fandom at large. I don't mean to say that younger fans are too fickle. As I said, I'm awful at it myself. There's a large gap of time (late 2017-2021) where my interests and priorities were elsewhere. I've only been active in the fandom for a few years at most.
I will say to help out try to explore the backlog of content if you have the chance and haven't already. New fan content may not be the most plentiful. Out of all the fandoms I follow the most relate to Magi and all of the tags are the quickest to breeze through what's new. It's sad. I haven't been active in this fandom for years, and there's stuff in its peak that I haven't gotten around to seeing that is still there for me to find. 14 years may not be that old in the grand scheme of things but that is still a long time for various fan art, fic, and other content to have been put up. If there's not enough new stuff to interest your friends, recommend older stuff you are aware of. Tumblr does not have the best search option and in my experience tags dry up after going back far enough even though I know older stuff exists. That is annoying and don't have a good counter on how to combat it.
Remember the old when you don't have enough new. Cycle through your favorite things at different intervals. Not for Magi specifically, but I reread some of my favorite fic that were over a decade old at the point of me discovering them. Now they're almost twice that age. One day go through one artist's backlog, then the next do someone else's, or read the fic that got you to love the fandom in the first place. If you get tired of older things or seen the same old too often- no worries! You can take a break or watch/read the series again (accessibility or availability again to be determined and yeah that majorly sucks). Scribble your own ideas down, regardless if you want to post them. Scratch that itch for you and no one else.
That is the best advice I can give. Try finding something else you haven't seen before or let yourself enjoy stuff you have. For your friends, this may sound counterintuitive but one thing I do when recommending stuff is give them a heads up as well on stuff they may not like. Like, mine is that I despise Aladdin being a little pervert. I've mentioned before how it turned me off the manga when I first picked it up at random. Don't try to catch them off guard by saying how wonderful something is and leaving out something that may turn them off. In my experience, that leads to annoyed friends. Give them the full picture, with spoilers being whatever you guys agree to, and let the strength of what you enjoy outweigh the caveats they have. Sometimes something is just not for them, and that is okay too. If they do start getting into Magi, keep the conversation up, ask them their favorite or least favorite thing, ship, how annoying and annoyingly charming Sinbad (or anyone) is, etc. Be someone to talk to about it even if they can't find new good shit to enjoy. Be that for each other. I dunno. I don't have friends irl who like Magi. If I did that's what'll I do. *shrug*
I am so sorry for the length and I don't feel as if I have been very helpful. I tried to edit it down and be as concise as I could. I can't do that on short notice or not being able to save drafts on asks. I hope this was a fun anecdotal read at least.
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memerataphor · 2 months
Why can I not boop you? This hurts me and I'm a lesbian so you basically hate lesbians
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xxl1ghtxx · 1 month
Chill relax take your time my mootie
that's why we are open to everyone because not alot of people can draw daily so take your time!
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xx0l1ver95xx · 2 months
new art style bitch :3
Tumblr media
Redrew my sona in my new art style anyway i recently got into bsd so yea thats why ive been so inactive fr wanna be on here more its just whenever i go on here all i see is hairy vagįnas like no joke ifk wtf Tumblr is on but whenever i go on this site all i see is that anyway hope u has a good week month year and ill be staying up until 2 am like a deranged bitch :3
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sillygooseun · 2 months
now that i have inevitably finished my stalking, i would like to inform you all that this is a PSA as to a) why i have been inactive and b) just infodumpin.
so basically i realised that with only two years left of high school i need to be consistent with my work (im not the greatest at keeping up with everything because i get burnt out very quickly) and also ive been working a lot lately. anyway im going to be dumping a bunch of stuff about my life recently! trying to stay my usual positive self!
so uhh my bf broke up with me recently, that was no fun, but i’m okay. i think.
my brother has since visited from college and i absolutely broke down in the driveway when i saw his car (nobody told me he was coming) and i realised how much i missed him.
my best friends dog died and i went to the service. she’ll be okay, but it was hard.
it’s just been a lot of low points recently for me, so i haven’t been very online as i usually am, because sometimes the brainrot from being chronically online isn’t good for me (or so i’m told). but im okay, it’s a little hard to be my usual bubbly self but im really doing my best i pinky promise.
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