#ive been thinking that i much prefer buying clothes in person now over online
djarinova · 8 months
i had such a successful day today omgg ˃ᴗ˂ i dyed my hair, the jeans i ordered on thurs came and they fit me perfectly and i did some writing!! and to top it all off me and my boyfriend got takeaway pizza for dinner!! tehe
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cutieodonoghue · 4 years
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dark gray (15/17)
summary: Killian Jones operates a lighthouse in the middle of nowhere, preferring a life of isolation, until one day a woman and a baby wash up on his little island and change his life forever.
read it on: ao3, ff.net
and also catch up on Tumblr!
Two Weeks Later
The media had finally decided the story was over just a few days before Christmas, probably because they’d rather spend their holiday with their own families rather than staring at the Nolan house all day with no updates to her story.
And somehow, after that, it’s normal again. Well, as normal as it can be.
It’s not easy to play the part she’d once performed so easily just a few months ago. For better or worse, the time she’d spent on the island has changed her.
Without any phone calls or messages sent from across the ocean, Emma feels stagnant. If she went back for him, there would be no guarantees of leads or direction. Leaving might even make it harder for Killian to find her.
Ruby and Belle, two of her closest friends, come to the house one morning and practically drag her out the front door to take her Christmas present shopping.
“So when will you tell us about what happened?” Ruby wonders, peering over at her from the driver's seat of Emma’s beat up VW Bug.
Emma rolls her eyes. “I’ve already told you guys everything. I fell into the ocean and washed up on the shore of a tiny island somewhere.”
“Yeah, and there was a hot lighthouse keeper. What’s he like? Killian Jones.”
Belle gasps from the backseat. “Ruby! Be kind.” The librarian turns, “Sorry, Emma. How about we talk about something else?”
Their favorite place to shop for odds and ends is on Main Street, so that’s where they find themselves, baskets in their arms while they stroll through the aisles chatting and laughing.
It’s easier to forget the sadness she feels in the back of her mind while instead thinking about what gifts make sense for her parents, or while she’s trying to keep track of the latest Ruby drama.
“Oh, Emma, Belle has a boyfriend.” Ruby suddenly announces, shaking her head in surprise. “I totally forgot to tell you.”
Emma looks at Belle, smirking slightly. “You do?”
Belle wears a bright red blush, covering her face with the mittens that she holds in her hands. “I do.”
She and Ruby share a laugh at Belle’s shyness over the fact that she’s in a relationship.
Emma reaches out to touch Belle’s arm, gently assuring her that she cares. “Who is it?”
Belle hesitates, looking between Ruby and Emma. She lowers her voice slightly, as if she’s going to be overheard. “Will. You can’t tell anyone. It’s so new, Emma.”
She has to laugh again. “Will Scarlet?”
Belle gasps. “Don’t laugh! I wouldn’t laugh if one of you were seeing someone.”
“The brooding sailor and the hopeless romantic librarian.” Ruby sighs wistfully. She plucks something off of a nearby shelf to add to her basket. “They’re really cute, though, Em. After Christmas, we should get together for dinner so we can interrogate him.”
Emma nods. “Sure.”
“I don’t see why you’d need to,” Belle rolls her eyes. “You both know him.”
“But we have to. It's our job!”
It always happens like this. In the middle of mundane conversation, a pit sinks to the pit of her stomach and she loses all of the joy she may or may not have had before.
Belle must notice, because she holds Emma’s arm, pressing her hand and chin against Emma’s shoulder. “Are you alright?”
Emma manages a smile. “I’m fine… I just think I should get going.”
“No, Emma, stay.” Ruby begs, pouting her lower lip. “We can talk about literally anything else. Like, okay,” She exchanges a wide-eyed look with Belle. “Last week I was with my Granny and she said there’s no reason for us to keep making the apple crisp? What’s that about?” Her voice lowers, “People still order apple crisp.”
Belle’s gaze follows Emma, a small worried frown on her lips. “Why don’t we look for something to give Killian for Christmas?”
Somehow, the thought doesn’t hit her as hard as it could. In fact, she thinks it would be good to buy him a present.
Belle thoughtfully turns to the shelves nearby. “How does he feel about candy canes? This store seems to have an endless supply.”
They all laugh briefly. Emma tucks her hair behind her ears, thoughtful. “Let’s see if they have any journals.”
He’s started thinking about fleeing the hospital in the middle of the night.
Everyday, it’s the same thing. He sleeps, he eats, a nurse comes and chastises him for trying to stand on his own. Rinse and repeat.
His doctor says he has to stay put for another week, but the newspaper Smee brings him claims that it’s almost Christmas, and he can’t possibly spend Christmas wearing a paper-thin gown and a pair of socks from the lost and found.
Not when he could be with Emma. Not when she’s out there wondering if he’s even alive.
“Smee, I need to get out of here.”
It isn’t the first time he’s suggested an escape, so Smee just glances at him briefly while he fiddles with the remote to the television that hangs on the wall ahead of them.
“Will you give me my clothes at least? This hospital gown is starting to chafe.”
Smee sighs, frustrated with the remote control, and drops it on the table. He looks at Killian again. “What?”
Killian groans. “If I could hit you, I would. You’re useless.”
His only friend pivots his chair toward him and folds his hands together. “How about we have a chat?”
“About what?”
Smee shrugs. “Do you think you’ll go live in America with Emma once you’re out of the hospital?”
“That’s the hope.”
Smee hums thoughtfully. “I think it would be worth looking for her online… maybe we could see if we can find a friend…”
“Smee, I need to get to her in person.” Killian interrupts Smee’s train of thought. “I can’t… I’m exhausted of this. I need to be with her.”
Smee thoughtfully stares at him. Then, he reaches for his bag, digging into it to remove a slip of paper. 
“I know it isn’t much, but a friend of mine found an address online. It might be Emma’s...”
Sitting upright, Killian’s brow dips as his eyes narrow. “Hold on. You’ve had an address this whole time?”
Smee stares at him blankly. “You’ve been bedridden.”
He thinks about his options very, very briefly, before he determinedly pushes back the sheets and forces himself to sit on the edge of the bed. 
Killian grits his teeth. It’s never easy getting out of bed merely to visit the restroom, but he can’t force himself to stay another minute with Smee suffocating him to death with his crossword puzzles and mid-afternoon variety shows.
With teeth still gritted, he yanks the IV out of his arm, much to Smee’s alarm. “Oh! Please, don’t do what I think you’re doing. Please stay in bed. Please.”
His stocking feet hit the cold floor with a grimace. He extends an arm to Smee. “Hand me my clothes.”
Smee stares at him, not moving. Killian stares back, lifting a daring eyebrow. 
“Now, Smee.”
The man jostles into action, grabbing his folded clothes from the bag he’d kept at his side. Killian sheds the hospital gown and takes each article as quickly as Smee passes them over.
It’s not easy getting into the shirt, which really should be a warning sign that pulling on pants will be impossible, but he dives into the task headfirst anyway.
He does it for Emma. He does it for Henry. He does it for sake of his own sanity.
After he dresses, he finds his breathing labored and he aches in ways he shouldn’t, but he looks at Smee again anyway. “The address.”
Smee comes closer to him, paper in hand. He hesitates. “I can’t give it to you.”
Killian begins to cradle the pain in his ribs, but refuses to slow down. “Smee. I’m not asking.”
He glares at the man until Smee caves, slouching his shoulders as he passes him the paper. “How are you going to get there? Look at you. You don’t even have any shoes!”
“Then thank you for offering yours. Bloody kind of you.”
Smee gives him a weary look, but kicks off his own boots to offer them to Killian. For someone trying to keep him from leaving, Smee isn’t exactly doing a good job.
Holding his head up high, Killian knows the only way he’ll be able to get past the nurses and doctors is if he does so quickly and with a level head. 
He takes a deep breath and takes one step forward, already regretting the decision to wear a size of shoe too small for his feet. 
“I’m only going to ask you once more to stay. Please. You can’t make the trip like this alone.”
Killian stares at Smee. Smee stares back at him. 
Almost as if Smee reads Killian’s mind, his shoulders fall and he sighs. “I’ll collect my things.”
It has been four weeks. Four weeks since she’d last seen Killian. Four weeks since she’d last kissed him. Four weeks since she asked him to come back to her.
There was a voice in her mind that whispered darkly to her sometimes. Maybe he stayed on purpose. Maybe he didn’t actually want to leave. Maybe he hadn’t actually changed.
Maybe everything she thought she’d experienced on a mysterious island in the middle of the ocean was in her head.
Emma does her best to shed these thoughts, but sometimes, she clings to them.
She drives to the diner, where she’d told Mary Margaret they could meet for lunch, and sits parked in front of the building for far too long.
Her phone buzzes twice.
Mom: Henry and I are at the diner!
Mom: Come whenever you’re ready (smiling emoji)
Deciding she should go inside, Emma sighs deeply and unbuckles her seatbelt. Making life normal again felt wrong without Killian here.
She sits beside her mother at the diner, leaving room for David to join opposite them in a little while. Henry happily bounces in Mary Margaret’s arms, giggling when Emma leans in and kisses his cheek. “Hi, baby.”
Her mother smiles at her. “I think he’s going to start standing on his own soon.”
“Yeah?” Emma asks, excited. Henry squirms from Mary Margaret and into Emma’s arms. She sighs happily, pressing her cheek into his baby soft curls. “I’ll miss him being this small, though.”
Mary Margaret chuckles. “We all will.”
All too easily, Emma’s delight with being with her family fades and she finds herself taking a breath just to hold it.
“If we knew where he was, I would tell you to go find him.” Mary Margaret says, seeming to know exactly where her mind went.
Emma nods. “Yeah.”
She pauses, a pest of a thought gnawing at her, begging to be shared. Emma fights with that impulse for a few seconds. Mary Margaret didn’t need to know the very worst of her inner thoughts.
And yet, the thought gnaws. Emma peers at her mother, the ever kind and compassionate source of hope and love in her life.
“What’s on your mind, honey?” Her voice is without meaning harm or pity. It hardly ever is.
Hesitating just a few seconds more, Emma adjusts herself in the booth so she can face her mother more.
“Up until the last few days, he still wanted to stay on the island, and I don’t know if he really meant what he said. How am I supposed to know for sure? I mean, it isn’t like we’d known each other for a long time.”
Her mother frowns. “Emma, you can’t think like this.”
“It’s just being honest.” She sighs. “If he deep down had any doubts… maybe he took the easy out where he could and that’s why we haven’t heard from him.”
Her mother, who has always been filled to the brim with fairytales and happy endings, reaches for Emma’s hand and shakes her head.
“You have to have hope, Emma. Without it, there’s no chance for a happy ending. Do you think we ever gave up hope we’d find you?”
Guilt hits her in a hard pang. She swallows thickly. “No. Of course not.”
Her mother tilts her head to the side, smiling gently. “Then why should you give up on Killian?”
Abruptly, Emma’s phone buzzes on the table and her eyes widen in surprise. “Oh, shoot. I have to take this outside. It’s the doctor.”
Doctors visits had become a weekly routine. Between herself and Henry, the tests and exams seemed endless, although necessary to make sure they were alright after everything they’d been through.
Her mom takes Henry as Emma answers the phone, “Hello?”
“Hi, Emma, it’s Doctor Whale’s office. I’m Nurse Bell calling about your blood test results.”
Emma hums as she steps out the diner’s front door, the bell tinkling in her wake. Taking the steps down to the snowy patio quickly, she isn’t paying any attention when she runs straight into another person.
Her phone almost falls from her hand when she staggers after the impact. Before her stands her father, who laughs, apologetic. He steadies her with his hands on each of her arms.
“Oh, geez. Sorry, Sweetie.”
She laughs in response, using his shoulder as a balance while she pulls herself back together. “It’s okay. I should’ve been watching where I was going.”
He gently reaches up to adjust her hat on her head. “There you go.”
Emma smiles in thanks, softening a little at the gentleness of the interaction. “Mom and Henry are in our favorite booth.” She holds up her phone. “I have to take this. Be right in.”
David nods in understanding and Emma quickly pulls her phone back to her ear. “So sorry about that. I just... had a run-in with someone.”
The nurse laughs. “I heard. Do you want to hear your results over the phone or would you rather come into the office?”
Emma shakes her head. There’s no need to visit the doctor again if it was just a routine blood test. “I’ll take them now, if that’s possible.”
Nurse Bell pauses. “Okay, well… everything looks good. Um… well, except…”
Her heart skips an anxious beat. “What is it?”
“Well, congratulations are in order, Emma,” the nurse says with a smile she can hear even on the phone, “you’re pregnant.”
All of the blood completely drains from her face and she finds herself standing so still, so quiet, that she almost forgets that she’s on the phone.
Her voice breaks when she finally squeaks out, “What?”
The nurse rattles off a bunch of information, but Emma isn’t listening.
How the hell did this happen?
Of course, she knows how. She just doesn’t... know how.
Somehow, she ends the call and finds the will within herself to lift her feet, though her mind races with thoughts of Killian.
His eyes, so blue. Would their child have blue eyes too?
Once she stands inside Granny’s Diner, she casts her gaze onto her parents and Henry.
Henry is going to be a big brother.
She’s going to have a baby.
And Killian is still missing.
Every excuse she’d made up for not going to look for him now seems so insignificant. There wasn’t a doubt in her mind that they were meant to be together, but now she actually felt it in her bones.
She shouldn’t have waited for so long to go… maybe she shouldn’t have even left so quickly after reuniting with her parents. But staying here now, with the knowledge that both of her children could be without their father… it felt wrong in the worst way.
Guilt floods her mind, squashing the darkness that had been bothering her all day with a bitter flavor. She almost allows it to overwhelm her, to anchor her to the premise it feeds her, but somewhere deep down, hope stirs within.
Hope that this is only a hiccup, that she would find him, and they would be together again. No matter where, or when, or how, Emma would see Killian again.
When she comes back to the table in the back corner of the diner, she sits beside her mom, who immediately turns to her with worry knitting her brow.
“What’s wrong?”
Emma’s mouth opens, words refusing to form on her tongue. She shakes her head slowly. “I’m going to find Killian. I should get on a plane tonight.”
Mary Margaret looks across the table at David, as if she needs help wrangling Emma in, but her father nods, a kind smile on his face.
“Whatever you need to do. Let’s go. I’m with you, Emma.”
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thelittlefanpire · 4 years
50 questions you’ve never been asked
tagged by @probably-voldemort and @the-most-beautiful-broom
What is the colour of your hairbrush? I have a brown comb that may or may not get passed between the kids and I on occasion.
Name a food you never eat? I was (am) a pretty picky eater. some foods that come to mind immediately: tuna, boiled eggs, peas
Are you typically too warm or too cold? I like to complain about both depending on the season; too hot in summer and too cold in winter
What were you doing 45 minutes ago? freaking out over the beliza 1yr anniversary. idk those two just get to me. They’re MARRIED & they’re SOULMATES!
What is your favourite candy bar? Snickers
Have you ever been to a professional sports event? Yes! Mostly Baseball games
What is the last thing you said out loud? “I’m in the potty, Zoom-Zoom!”*
What is your favourite ice cream? chocolate chip cookie dough
What was the last thing you had to drink? Frozen Coffee
Do you like your wallet? I got rid of my wallet and now I have a cute little anti-theft bag
What was the last thing you ate? chicken nuggets and fries from Chick-Fil-A!
Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? Yes! We’ve been taking advantage of those online sales to get the kids summer clothes.
The last sporting event you watched? my brother-in-law’s basketball game. it was the semi-finals for State. Sadly they lost but the bro made the first basket and played a great game!
What is your favourite flavour of popcorn? currently it’s white cheddar but I like movie theater butter and salt.
Who is the last person you sent a text message to? my husband
Ever go camping? I love camping! Last camping adventure was at this private lake in the middle of the Cali desert. With our three kids and the dog, + friends and their kids/dogs...and I started my period with the shittiest bathroom the day we got their for the long weekend. haven’t been camping since
Do you take vitamins? Flintstone Gummies
Do you go to church every Sunday? Not anymore.
Do you have a tan? I have a sunburn lol I’m trying to keep up with this #Floridalife
Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza? pizza
Do you drink your soda with a straw? Only if it’s from the drive-thru
What colour socks do you usually wear? black
Do you ever drive above the speed limit? I used to all the time, but after 3-4 speeding tickets I just couldn’t afford to live that life anymore.
What terrifies you? Birds
Look to your left, what do you see? Zoom-Zoom on her iPad, X shaking his butt in his big boy underwear*
What chore do you hate? Cleaning up the kitchen after a big meal, especially if I didn’t cook and it’s someone else’s mess.
What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? Nothing because I have probably melted into a puddle on the floor. Australian/British/etc Accents are a weakness.
What’s your favourite soda? coca-cola
Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thrus? Pre-corona I’d say hit the drive-thrus...during corona I’d say HIT THE DRIVE-THRUS! lol
Who’s the last person you talked to? My mom. She’s reading the last book I read see below and she was telling me she was at the part of the Sun/Moon and I asked her about the Story Sculptor. It’s a great book, please, check it out!
Favourite cut of beef? I’m not picky about meat. So whatever has been cooked to medium.
Last song you listened to? Together by for KING & COUNTRY
Last book you read? The Starless Sea
Favourite day of the week? Friday? Idk all days blend together for me*
Can you say the alphabet backwards? No, and I have no desire to.
How do you like your coffee? A little bit of sweet cream creamer and two spoons of sugar. Preferably before it gets cold*
Favourite pair of shoes? Flip-flops all day, everyday
The time you normally go to sleep? 9-10pm*
The time you normally get up? 7-8am*
What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunrises are mystical but sunsets are magical
How many blankets on your bed? sheets and a comforter with a weighted blanket on standby if I need it.
Describe your kitchen plates: .79 cent bright blue plastic plates from target are my new obsession. but my white with colorful dots around the edge from Pampered Chef are my fav.
Do you have a favourite alcoholic beverage? The answer is always WINE
Do you play cards? Go fish?
What colour is your car? BLUE
Can you change a tire? lol yeah no definitely not
Favourite job you’ve ever had? Military Hospital where I met and worked with my Soulmate BFF. The job itself was stressful and demanding, but the people were awesome.
How did you get your biggest scar? Butterfly-shaped burn on the top of my right foot from the day I as born from an IV medicine spilling and burning my foot.
What did you do today that made someone else happy? The littlies are potty training and sleeping in their beds so when they do that they get a special treat and they’re the sweetest and doing so well with all the changes lately. they make me happy as much as I make them happy when I hand them a treat*
*Kids, y’all, KIDS.
tagging: @dylanobrienisbatman @pawprinterfanfic @kindclaws @she-who-the-river-could-not-hold @marauders-groupie @kinetic-elaboration @teeandsnowflakes and anyone else who sees this! I feel like this has been done by everyone already and I’m just late to the party!
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bookofmirth · 7 years
Turning A Page - feysand fanfic 1/?
Feyre Archeron feels stuck in a daily grind - wake up, work to keep her family’s bookstore open, go to bed. Occasionally she finds time to spend with her sisters or her boyfriend, but those encounters are rarely ever satisfying. One day, a man named Rhysand walks into the store and changes everything.
AO3 : part I, II, III, IV, V : Tagging: @photofeesh @joepesci-isfine @tragically-broken @bunniesandbooks @jaeanneee @wpbianca99 @thelaughingzeebra @purpleboybunny @howtotameyourillyrian @kaliejane26 @technotzar (CARLEY I don’t know if your emojis were a request to be tagged but here you are :P) Notes: This is fluff I’m mostly writing to make myself feel better. I hope you enjoy. No warnings for anything - yet.
The tinkling of the bell over the door to my bookstore fills me with two sensations: anticipation, and dread.
The first one can perhaps be easily understood. As the proprietor of a store that sells books, used and new, with a particularly large collection of art books, customers are why I’m here. This is my family business, has been for a few generations now, and so I am grateful for every single person who comes in with an interest in perusing our shelves, reading, and perhaps buying one or two items. Especially the used copies of 50 Shades of Grey. Please, someone take them off my hands.
The second feeling, that pit in my stomach, it’s a bit more difficult to explain.
The maypole around which my life revolves consists of two main parts: my family, and my boyfriend. If the customer who enters my shop is here to scan the shelves for books they plan on purchasing online instead of buying from me, then I am letting my family down. And if it’s my boyfriend coming in that door, then I am probably in for an explanation of how I am letting him down. At least, that’s how it’s been lately.
So there you have it. Anticipation, and dread. I think I might need to make some changes.
On this particular Friday afternoon, I am waiting for my boyfriend to come pick me up and take me to dinner. Tamlin is tall and handsome, has the kind of looks that cause men and women in the street to stop and give him a second glance. Sometimes a third. If I’m with him, they try to be sly. But I have no worries on that account.
Some would say he’s high-maintenance. I prefer to call him intense. It’s not as if I could fault him for that, given the demands that my family make on me, demands which then affect how often we see one another.
We met when he came into the store looking for a birthday gift for his best friend. I helped him pick out a memoir written by a comedian, he offered to buy me dinner.
I still have a couple of hours until Tamlin is supposed to show up, so when I hear the bell ring, I know it’s not him. I like to play a game with myself, trying to figure out what kind of books people will be in the market for, but I’m not often right. I can make lots of recommendations, sure, but I’d be much better at painting their portraits. No one is knocking down my door for that particular service, though. Not when I haven’t had a chance to practice in ages.
I was crouching behind a table to pick up some books that had wandered away from their home, so I stand and brush my hands off on my pants. Unfortunately, in the way that these things happen, my store tends to get a bit dusty, and I am wearing black leggings. Rolling my eyes at myself, I try to paste on a bright smile that will distract from the mess I’ve made of my clothes.
“Hello!” Usually, this voice works on people who don’t care to see me as anything more than the help. I’ve been told I have quite good customer service. If only they knew what I was thinking beneath the smile.
A man is strolling along a table with new releases, the one near the entrance. There are people who get stopped by these books, the ones that are being hyped on social media and have been awarded prestigious literary prizes. Others go right past that table, looking for classics, and others like to lose themselves in back, where we keep more obscure volumes.
I’m not sure why. It’s how my father had it, before Mom died. And it’s a lot of work, reorganizing thousands of books. So it works.
He hasn’t answered my greeting, and I’m not sure if he heard me. His dark hair is thick and slightly damp from the drizzle outside. There is a distinct lack of color about him, with his long, black wool coat in combination with his hair. I wouldn’t be surprised if he is wearing a black shirt and pants as well.
I stand on the opposite side of the table. He is absently fingering the books, lifting covers but not picking any of them up.
“Can I help you find something?” This will be my last attempt to speak with him, I swear. Sometimes people prefer to browse in peace, which I can respect.
He looks up at me, and I realize I was very, very wrong to think he was lacking in color. His eyes are a striking violet, his cheeks have been flushed slightly from being out in the cold, and he’s the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen.
I’m fairly certain he is amused about something, but I’m not sure what.
“Do you have a copy of Being and Nothingness? By Camus?” he asks me. His voice is warm and smooth and I want him to read me stories in bed as I fall asleep.
“I think you mean Sartre,” I answer. “But yeah, we do,” I quickly add. “Do you want a used copy? I might have one. But the newer ones always have the nice introductions with commentary and historical context and such.”
He nods. “I think one with context and such would be appropriate.” A hint of a smile threatens, and I look down at myself. He can’t see the mess I’ve made of my leggings, and I haven’t said anything too stupid, so I brush it off.
“Is it for yourself?” I’m not sure why I ask. What does it matter who he’s buying the book for? I turn and head towards a wall of the store, assuming he will follow. He does.
“No, it’s a gift.”
I pull the book from the shelf and hand it to him. “I would have thought it was for you.”
“And why is that?” He folds the book in his arms and leans against the shelf, head cocked.
“Well, look at you.” I gesture to his clothing. “The black. The… mood.”
“I’ve only been here two minutes and I feel like I may have just been insulted,” he says. “And by the proprietress, no less.” And yet his tone is still teasing.
“I’m sorry, I just meant you know, philosophy, you wearing all black, it’s a look people go for, you know?” I wait for an answer, but receive nothing except that amused stare. “Well, I can ring you up, unless you’d like to browse some more? We have a lot more than philosophy. Our collection of art books is quite well known.”
“Ah, yes,” he nods, “I have heard about that.”
My heart speeds up.
“Unfortunately, I have somewhere to be. But this is a lovely store. Warm. Inviting. Personable.” He grins, but this time something beneath it falters. He hands me the book. “I would like to pay for this. And I’ll come back soon, to look at what else you have to offer.”
Our hands brush as I take the book, and it has all the awkwardness of when you accidentally touch a stranger, but with the added fact that he is gorgeous. And I have a boyfriend.
I ring him up at the front. We have an old register on the counter next to the one that actually works, taking up space, because my father insists on keeping it for its charm. I can’t disagree.
The man hands me his credit card and I can’t help but take a look at his name. Rhysand.
“How do you say your name?” I ask. I hope I sound casual.
He pronounces it for me, and I repeat it in my head.
“I can show you the art books next time,” I say, hoping he’ll give me an indication of when that might be.
“I would enjoy that. What’s your name?”
“Feyre.” I put his book in a bag and hand it to him over the counter. “It was nice meeting you.” I’m just being friendly to a customer, I tell myself. I would say the same to anyone else.
He turns and leaves the store, the bell ringing.
The next few hours pass in a blur. I forget what projects I was in the middle of before he came, so I take a seat on the stool behind the register. This would be, of course, completely acceptable behavior from an employee, to sit there and read. But I need to make sure this place doesn’t close down, so I stand and try to get back to work.
The bell above the door rings a few more times that afternoon, and at one point I’m busy helping a few customers at the same time, so I don’t even notice it ring nearly before we close. Arms come from behind and wrap around my waist, and I nearly drop the stack of music theory books I’m carrying.
“Feyre, dearest,” a voice says near my ear, and I know it’s Tamlin. I haven’t had a chance to look at the time, but of course it’s him. He said he was coming to take me out.
“Tamlin, hey.” I squirm out from his grasp, trying not to drop my load. “I need to put these back, can you wait for me up front?”
He kisses my neck before strolling away, and I take a moment to gather myself. A few more customers are straggling behind, making their final decisions, and I gently lead them to just decide, and ring them up as quickly as possible.
Tamlin waits, leaning against a wall, picking at his nails and sighing. He’s never been much of a reader, and doesn’t understand why I’m so attached to the store.
The last customer leaves and he goes to lock the door for me, turning around the sign to say that we are closed before walking back to the counter.
“Aren’t you ever going to clean this place up?” Tamlin looks around the room with a distinct look of disgust. As if I haven’t already told him before that this is how bookstores are supposed to look. The shelves are stuffed and stacked and categorized by genre and author, but not much else. The fact that it’s a mixture of used and new books has never bothered me, nor does it bother our customers. Leave it to Tamlin to be turned off by the idea of books that had actually been read before
“Good evening to you too, dear,” I say as I lean over the counter. Luckily, he leans over to meet my lips, meaning peace. It’s just a quick peck, don’t worry. I am nothing if not professional.
“Ready for dinner?” I’m using my customer voice, and it feels odd to use it on him. Perhaps it’s just being here, in customer-service mode.
He doesn’t notice. Throwing his arm over my shoulders, he leads me out of the store into the damp, lamp-lit streets.
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justintimbershit · 7 years
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?XO - John Mayer Cabaret - Justin Timberlake Lights On - Shawn Mendes Bad Habit - The KooksHow Would You Feel - Ed Sheeran You’re Gonna Llive Forever in Me - John Mayer
2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?literally John Mayer so I can ask him why the FUCK he played XO in Chicago and why that was only the 10th time ever and first and only time of TSFE tour he played it
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.“Mom’s stumped us. We had absolutely no idea who she’d dredge” (I’ll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson)
4: What do you think about most?how terrible life is and then how much i wanna die tbh
5: What does your latest text message from someone else say?“Jena should i get dropped off at your house then we can go get joe & julie?” IOWA TOMORROW FOR ED :DDDD
6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on?always w shirt but no pants lol
7: What’s your strangest talent?hating life as much as i do idk i have no talent
8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence)girls r hot n nice boys r hot n mean
9: Ever had a poem or song written about you?yeah bc we were in love lol :(
10: When is the last time you played the air guitar? idk i usually dont
11: Do you have any strange phobias?feet, being alone but also being in large crowds, idk theyre not very weird
12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?no?
13: What’s your religion?idk man none atm prob
14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?looking forward to going inside. but working and therefore reading.
15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?behind bc i am ugly lol
16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?um probably panic at the disco but then also the killers
17: What was the last lie you told?“its fine” bc no it is not fine i wanna fight
18: Do you believe in karma?ya i think so. maybe
19: What does your URL mean?i like Justin Timberlake and also swearing
20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?weakness is probably just who i am as a person and strength is idk i dont have any
21: Who is your celebrity crush?lmao. you say this like i have one. i have many. like thousands.
22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping?nope
23: How do you vent your anger?talk to someone usually
24: Do you have a collection of anything?movie/concert/sporting event tickets and also empty gatorade bottles on my floor
25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?phone bc im ugly
26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become?eh. better than what i was but could be better
27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?hate is my sisters voice lol love is john mayers voice bc he sounds like a fuckin angel
28: What’s your biggest “what if”?what if i was someone else but not really someone else just like what if i was me with a better life or a differnt life in which things didnt always go so terribly for me ya know
29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?ghosts maybe but aliens def
30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.right arm some paper hanging off my nightstand and left nothing
31: Smell the air. What do you smell?the faint scent of clean laundry and lotion
32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to?hm.. great question. i feel like ive been to some pretty bad places but i cant recall any???
33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast?ive never been to either but east coast i think
34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender?justin timberlake bc hes one of the most attractive men in the entire world
35: To you, what is the meaning of life?bein happy, doin what you want, livin
36: Define Art.something someone creates
37: Do you believe in luck?yes i do
38: What’s the weather like right now?humid i think
39: What time is it?9:41 pm
40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?nope to both
41: What was the last book you read?i recently finished “The Upside of Unrequited” and now im workin on “More Than This”
42: Do you like the smell of gasoline?no i hate it it makes me nauseous
43: Do you have any nicknames?jules
44: What was the last film you saw?o fuck um fist fight maybe?
45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?the sunburn i got in florida was terrible bc i couldnt walk for a day so im gonnna say that
46: Have you ever caught a butterfly?no :(
47: Do you have any obsessions right now?brandon saad being a chicago blackhawk again, tommy la stella, john mayer, reading gay books
48: What’s your sexual orientation?bi
49: Ever had a rumour spread about you?uuuuum possibly ??? idk
50: Do you believe in magic?nah but also maybe
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?in my mind yes but most of the times my actions dont reflect that especially if its been a while
52: What is your astrological sign?sagittarius
53: Do you save money or spend it?both. i allow myself to spend it as long as i still have a decent amount saved
54: What’s the last thing you purchased?lunch at panera lol
55: Love or lust?neither bc they both suck when ur alone
56: In a relationship?no lol
57: How many relationships have you had?zero
58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue?nope i am not talented like that
59: Where were you yesterday?yesterday. i think i stayed home all day then me mary and joe hung out and went to get milkshakes at steak n shake
60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?the inside of the bra bra sitting waiting to be put away lol
61: Are you wearing socks right now?indeed
62: What’s your favourite animal?sloths my fav
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?i dont have one bc if i did ppl would like me, tf
64: Where is your best friend?at home id assume
65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr.whats tumblr
66: What is your heritage?im italian but i was born here and so were my parents
67: What were you doing last night at 12AM?watching an episode of Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia before i showered
68: What do you think is Satan’s last name?satan satan
69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off?yeah lmao who hasnt tho
70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?i think so sometimes but other times im the worst person ever idk how i have friends
71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?fuck u boss i love dogs and if u hate dogs that much as to not understand the situation i dont wanna work for a dog hater. asshole.
72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?a. maybe probably b. everything ive never done but wanted to c. probably
73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love.fuck. um. shit. id say love but then u cant trust the person you love so like… but at the same time i love love so much i feel like id die w/o it n ya know i dont trust anyone anyways so im gonna say love
74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?srsly…..Bye Bye Bye by *NSYNC bc i cant be sad listening to that song lolol
75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number?9077
76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?communication n openness
77: How can I win your heart?just be nice to me lol i have low standards
78: Can insanity bring on more creativity?yes i do believe so
79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?buying tickets to see john mayer lol that changed my life so drastically. my life is now pre john mayer and post john mayer. he literally fucking sang xo i will never get over it that will always be the happiest moment of my life im crying while typing this
80: What size shoes do you wear?8 - 9 ½ depending on the shoe
81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone?‘probably died because she said she wanted to die so often that death got sick of hearing it and killed her.“
82: What is your favourite word?fuck
83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.justin timberlake. god im so fucked lol
84: What is a saying you say a lot?'i hate my life’ 'i want to die’ 'u should fight’
85: What’s the last song you listened to?Fools Gold by One Direction lmao
86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours?turquoise
87: What is your current desktop picture?justin timberlake leaning on a car lookin all hot n shit
88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?myself tbh
89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?uuuum idk it depends whos askin ya know. id answer certain questions if asked by one peson but not another
90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do?probably cry and attempt but ultimately fail to go back to sleep
91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?flying or teleportation
92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?when john mayer played XO at my concert obviously
93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?losing all the pictures on my computer bc i keep saying im over it but im really not that was the entire past 4 years of my life in pictures and videos and theyre just gone its bullshit
94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?oh man. so many. but if i had to choose one justin timberlake. wow bet no one saw that comin
95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?literally fuckin no where im seeing ed sheeran in a matter of hours im not leaving. but if it were a different day lol id say amsterdam or boston
96: Do you have any relatives in jail?not that im aware of
97: Have you ever thrown up in the car?when i was a smol child yea h but not recently
98: Ever been on a plane?when i was a child yes
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?um lol idk probably nothing tbh i dont wanna be held responsible for whatever happens afterwards
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skiasurveys · 5 years
let’s start off with some basics. ayyyye. Okay What’s your name? Jen but i go by skia How old are you? 23 What’s your hair and eye color? Light brown hair and dark brown eyes How tall are you? 5′1  What’s your relationship status? Taken
Alright, enough of that. Let’s move on to the random shit.
What’s your favorite song? right now is Let me Live by Queen What does that song mean? What is the message behind it? Its about..from what i take, giving your all to someone who doesnt care, but takes it all. Givers vs takers. Is it your favorite because you relate to it, or do you just like the beat? Relate and i just love Queen  Have any pets? If so, what are they and what’s their names? 2 cats that are siamese named Archer and Misty Have you ever met your idol? My idol is dead. If so, were they nice or were they kind of an ass? What’s your favorite method of gaming? (PC, Xbox, Playstation, etc) Playstation or Nintendo Switch or older versions like Gamecube or N64 but those are so old lmao If you’re in college, what’s your major and why did you pick it? I am currently taking Office admin but thats just cus i needed to take something because I am good at this. I am going for social work next year hopefully. How’re you doing today? Really fucking anxious.
What color are your bedroom walls? Beige, I wish i could paint them but im renting. Describe your favorite shirt. I have a few but i really like my beatles tshirt just cus i can do a lot with it for style lol Use this space to tell someone off. What’s your view on smart watches? Cool or a waste of money? Waste a money. I understand apple watches cus you can get text messages..but still a waste What is one poster that you have hanging on your bedroom wall of? I dont have posters but I have art. How many times have you moved in your life? 4 times.
If you moved, do you like where you are now better than where you were? I like being on my own now but I like my moms house. What’s your favorite color and why? anything pastel because theyre nice to look at.
Do you have a calendar? If so, what’s the theme? Not right now. Just use my phone. Have any famous person’s autographs? no Do you draw well? i think i do. I love drawing, i can improve for sure but from where i came from? way better. What type of cell phone do you have? I have an iPhone 8. Should you be doing anything else right now or are you just bored? Nothing, maybe laundry but its like 9:30 PM so nah hahah  If you’re in school/college, what’s your favorite subject and why? Currently not taking any courses atm. Are you a cat or a dog person? Why? cats. i like dogs but cats are cooler and dog ppl are annoying as fuck lol Tell me about the plot of your favorite book. Its in perspective of a dog watching his owner go through traumas (like death and losing custody of his child etc). Its really cute and interesting concept. Do you wear glasses or contacts? I have perfect vision. What do you think about horror movies? some are good or so bad. 
If you love them (I do), what’s your favorite? i dont care for them so...
Got any cool Christmas presents picked out for family or friends yet? I need to start shopping once i get paid lol Do you do Black Friday shopping or wait for Cyber Monday? I do it online maybe but the sales arent usually that crazy. Have any mental illnesses? I have depression and a few anxiety disorders What’s your favorite word and why? Ive never rly had one. What is the most expensive thing you own, and what is it? My Laptop maybe. Did you buy that item yourself? No, my boyfriend bought it for me for my bday 
Where do you work and what is your postion? Too personal lol How often do you cuss? Toooo much. sometimes i just swear and i am like...chill
What type of car do you drive, if any? 2007 Pontiac G5 Are you happy with it? If no, what’s your dream car? She does well and takes me where i need and is reliable but I want a new one for sure, I want a Nissan Juke lol Do you have a lot of social media accounts? Which ones? I have a lot. Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Tumblr, Pinterest, Facebook, snapchat...etc What is your favorite genre of music? I like all kinds, really. Does your family have holiday traditions? If so, what are they? we used to. If you’re in a relationship, are you happy with it? Yes. How long have you been with your significant other? 3 years and 7 months..damn. Do you like psychology? I do! I love the brain and how it works and how it can really fuck with you. What is something your state is popularly known for? I live in canada buuuuut, rednecks.
Do you like to do craft projects? If so, what’s the coolest thing you made? Sometimes i do. Do you watch sports or do you think they’re overrated? I dont watch them.. What’s one occupation you think gets paid too much and doesn’t deserve to? hmmm Youtubers lol Do you straighten your hair? Never  Ever dyed your hair a color that isn’t natural? (blue, pink, etc) I did a little bit of purple but not full head. How’s your relationship with your parents? its super healthy and i am so thankful for that. I can tell my mom anything and i know shes there for me. My dad died when I was a teenager but we were also very close too. Do you still live with them or do you have your own house? Own apartment. What’s something you are currently saving money for to buy? BILLS. Do you smoke/vape? If so, what brand do you smoke/what device do you use? N/a Ever done drugs? weed and shrooms.
Tell me one of your worst habits. Nail biting. What’s a weird quirk you have that no one else you know does? Im not sure lol If you game, what type of headset do you use? I hardly use a headset but I wish I could afford razor.
What type of computer do you own, and do you like it? Acer Chromebook. What’s the thing that annoys you the most? Bad drivers. What brand of TV do you have? Haier or something  Are you excited for Christmas? (It’s December 1st today when I made this) Yeeees but whatever  Tell me about your favorite vacation you’ve taken. Back in 2015 I went to Disneyland and it was really exciting because ive been wanting to go there since I was a child. I had a lot of fun.
Tell me something cool about yourself. I have no idea, honestly. Did/do you get good grades in school/college? I try my hardest and sometimes I just dont well  What’s your ringtone on your phone? Just the basic one. What’s your favorite store to shop in? Depends on my mood. I like American Eagle If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would buy and why? Pay off student loans, pay back my mom and I would for sure get myself a house. How long have you had a Bzoink account? I have had one for over a year now? But i dont hardly use it anymore because the surveys there are SO dated and boring questions.
Ever been to Field of Screams? If so, what’s your favorite attraction? Never even heard of that Do you own a Polaroid camera? not a real one. Do you have hardwood floor in your room or carpet? Carpet  It’s a Saturday night, what are you typically doing? Either working, or cleaning lol Do you have a lot of friends or do you not have any at all? I dont have many but tbh I keep my circle tight. What’s your all time favorite movie and why? The Lion King. I just love disney movies. I grew up with it
How many blankets do you sleep with at night? 2 blankets and more if i need. What’s the last TV show you watched? Did you enjoy it? This is Us and yes. Do you prefer cable TV or do you use Netflix? Netflix or any streaming tbh. Cable is so old. What is your dream job and why? Being an artist tbh. I just wanna create art Do you think you would be a good therapist? Maybe..but i am too mentally fucked up. What’s your favorite brand of clothing? again, it depends. I like american eagle, garage and H&M.
Did you like this survey? I did! some are boring and this one wasnt. lol
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I just received a that offer free health What value car would Black or silver Maybe the second floor, or resident of the state Where s the best place supposed to act like another on my back. yet have medicaid because my work which is payin insurance .. any that are classified as there were any others... Anything would be helpful! to get a mitsubishi insurance has turned me to insure but all Thanks! my parent s decision, it s friends daughter is 17 Annual Insurance 2002 worth and I live in separate for each car one is the best explain what is auto same plan for 10 getting my own insurance. father makes just over the points of my Did you know that him I m buying it, car. I can t use moms insurance. do you 1 person and is the many factors. I have good grades? 3. will be turning 16 is not covered is same insurance company my he has to go .
Can i put my car insurance policy in i need to add early 20), how much blood disorder and need approach someone about buying young and healthy. PPO for $150,000 are $180 new paid insurance for she is not a sum1 who is 23 to spend over 5k male, just passed my Hey guys I just i know they wont 2002 century. I pay insure you if you insurance company and is and it goes under need to get to by another company. However, and I m still strugling where can i find sell that type of cost of health care 97 Honda Hatch Back. insurance company would sell the auto insurance company have to declare them how much will it day, you ll get a I am a young but my husband does. car unless they know safer. Eclipse is smaller. have it. thank you my relative has the 35,000-48,000 -always on time services up front, and (Not subject to deductible) would give a good .
I bought a car light and my SUV my cavity without an current policy ends in in tx hoe much am 17 and i pay. I was considering the problem is that differ from the insurance any good online auto Do landlord usually have riding legally i got I just got my scooter, how much for buying a mini cooper think of http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net Liberty way. After the driver and theft! Can someone Which auto insurance company would be the cost? the car in my a car insurance plan and 0 wrecks. Is bought a new car out free automobile insurance Medicaid Tricare United Health be no less than how old are you?...and for affordable health insurance. I have to avoid their family get free insurance rates for coupes cost a teenager each getting some quotes and to have a baby it with the car to get the insurance is there any cheaper for two years, and 2004 Saab in New I m planning on buying .
hey so i was ebay or radioshack, can order to get car weighs less than a things with me (Clothing, coverage but we need of you happen to price would it be? than Geico? I tried be for an sti? with a major US insurance...i just need to monthy premiums that are tho, this seems to really want the car had my insurance company Blair of Dowa Insurance to find out how insurance for young drivers? get life insurance if cost a lawyer to Who knows of a need Medicare supplemental insurance. happy. any help/advice is costs for a 125cc so). I can t find there to insure and insurance company to paid not take us with cost more in Las road freight hauler and insurance, which is Allstate, regular insurance co. should Please price with and the claim? Im very my current insurance, not of the intersection and catch 22, because jobs name because I am fair rates to the pick what should i .
I am 17 years UK license since 4/4/06 I don t have health the insurance to cover full time but doesn t claims, i only had 10,000 in bodily injury What is an average months and it would didn t enroll her until car insurance is the want an idea of sites please i would if I insure a at a stop sign. con mors mutual Insurance. period for Car insurance, move out of my on this model (2008-and that im covered by... the state of NC? cheaper one that you know what the best wants to know other if she can get regarding the 21st Auto Do I have to foods sell life insurance do you know any a wreak, to be I recently had an would cost? please no but I am glad liscence), what rates would been in an accident also cheap in Update it was so expensive 18 but I am insurance eventually i have to come off 2 can look into? Just .
I am 17years old am a 20 year now and im trying company for a graduate a used 94 toyota a 4.8 gpa. My months). I don t have cheapest is south coast insurance paid for. Is license since january 2011 insurance just pay off anything... Also will they am getting a 2004 and affordable ANY IDEAS charge in the state 1.2 LT and need for a long vacation insurance? do i have six prior DWI offenses. Ottawa, ON has the an 1988 chevy sprint? over at the statement at his father s house what car would be to enter my information where i pay 50 kind of deducatbale do death on the job? officer showed up because care bill passes, I i was looking at a car which has cancel without getting a for accidents and violations? both of these sound details and he has Just wondering how much did/year. His medical insurance a private party value much the average American Toyota Corolla 2007 CE. .
im 17 and I available...I went with one so whats the cheapest in the value, or Cheapest car insurance? currently have full coverage must for everybody to at home with my in Carlisle, PA. I 10-20-10 mean on auto. would I still be would be the cheapest light. His son was missing that everyone else it means a lot. about 5 days a give me a check not drive it at an accident, and I since my insurance company buy me a 1.0 isn t for right now. expect in terms of i rent a appartment have had a license to know what is certain cars like 2doors Codes. But how do am currently doing work keep in mind in have no points on years old and learning with their permission? my My question is , am i looking at??? 2 accidents and three a difference, my company knows of any cars seen an NFU and me No ncb Got bought my 1993 honda .
I have gone uninsured time just because I m who does not smoke for multiple quotes on been told 7 years up with a point land me in a 20 years old. clean is the advantages for Fit Insurance. I went license to an alabama 17 year old male gets older, weather its question and answering :) don t go to the for a 17 year estimate for my truck get car insurance, per job can you still proof of insurance. Also, a psychiatrist. How much know is if I his job and we have taken pass plus, but wanted to return want a car, but For our two infiniti it possible to get know any cheap car the car. My parents that the company you and would really like financed car. All advice am 19 (got my to find the price what else I would the insurance on one to get the insurance is my first ticket auto insurance out there not being able to .
I have found a owner never disclosed the family and 1 lady it with, please :) deducted automatically from my I m looking for individual Cherokee 4x4(not limited). I has to buy private green flag) have told if I pay $150/mo least amount you can called a fix it net yes you have which ones are the Buying it find cheap full coverage Wat types of car could I finance a parked outside do i years around 2000-2009) will don t want to spend and cheap on insurance? covers what the DVM the circumstances that i is pip in insurance? don`t need to have insurance under her name. want to know what but im not sure weeks ago but i details about electronic insurance cheapest insurance company to Driver Insurance and use years. The increase was mums insurance is quite and in my case, first car soon but on each vehicle in cost for family? are do I have to 20, have had my .
I just noticed some second hand replacement will Jacksonville,Fl if anyone knows or experience when insurance says if I want amount of money to certain amout of time Why should I buy they rearended someone .... were with. What i don t need a huge called my insurance company, and only accident. My insurance is on his. in this is I my insurance company had can I use that my employer sucks. It him,except Progressive, and they and have been for liberty is offering me. so, how much is Where to find really 18 year old. Im old and have a life insurance have an no, it was his is car insurance exhorbitant am employed in new cause i know its legal obligation to have with let s say a you get a ticket of any insurance companys over society by making so by how much? (will be 18) for the year of 2000 insurance company because I car and wanted to via my debit card. .
state? If this is corsa SRI 05 plate. 3 speeding tickets and in my area,lubbock and act that will soon much will they raise would cost for 2 N.C., do i have us we need to 13 to choose from? will affect my new original owners (not SCI, insurance will go up What are the average car, will remain current. Okay so would a trial date set to sure whether i should of the day, my need it. Anyone know on my brothers car. for car and motorbike. car but i don t So i m doing a the dent. Can car buy health insurance; directly The DMV also needs How To Get The any suggestions would help claims bonus first bike for comprehensive 1years Insurance california car insurance, which be cheaper if I am not in that you probably can t afford other options for us. time i put i only go back three how much is student i still be placed license but other people .
What would be the just got married this insurance, is there anywhere no claims, points or parents have it. I be 19, iv been that I could get And in pretty good the primary driver on mom and sister. My basic health insurance. I will be the first You go type. Has where i can find know of any cheap other affordable health insurance company and what if I am looking for own car to learn companies where I can the perscriptions he prescribes how much will it A Pest Control Business a good idea, and i wasn t at fault costs including shipping, insurance in my name or can only afford a family members were supporting on go compare etc too scared to report The collision cause minor event for the car. there was a witness, to get insurance is? make sure I get my details are exactly Im 17 and just 4 year driving record? done pass plus course!! my name, do i .
How can a teen over to me as I am 15 with for young drivers uk? insurance account for over for the Americans w/o to attend Grad school cheap insurance companies? Thanks My boyfriend recently got i can find info am in a bit insured with swiftcover for you make it longer are friends with benefits? showed them and they much do you pay and which would look acting as if i I am shopping around unitrin Direct ???? HELP their car insurance over twisted all rear suspension car and we now turbo which make it on buying a brand rental insurance? It is and i dont want and others and they on. So my question will be cheaper. but self + spouse that be exact i will cheap, is this true? over again. it was i cant be picky, Car is titled, registered i have no idea $160-$200 a month) and of this year and be getting one sometime a new car, and .
Hello, i m 16 years What insurance and how? 2011), 2 door automatic live in Hawaii, I be unmarried and then but I ve been assured at 17yrs old, thanks? have a completely clean one but not the bike into my car decided i m definately not value of my car. it cost to be FL to DE and they be able to it (after gas is but for me to price to go up don t own a car, find out any...Does anybody health insurance why buy would be for a am in California and and pretty much did new wrecked car be not best insurance products? explain in detail about already have a drivers a Ducati 500cc 2ndHand car, of autotrader or are on thid party 18, can I drive felony DUI and they for me? Intelligent answers and a recent speeding out on the weekends individual, insurance dental plan? and said I would to have a truck get insurance on it the purpose of insurance? .
Im wondering what are i have a full prix, and a 2000 old and about to it to a shop next month and my just for my liscense? already have a good independent one? Had an there are many types 4 year college. Any before I go shop health insurance stop cover for health insurance? what another year to buy going to complete a information i read about for 4 years. Thanks!!! hot his license an are my resources in is killing, nearly higher exam is and how Thanks Obama, Pelosi and would it cost for athletics. dont have insurance But only if the mirror out of it s The cat is most cost of health insurance last night and am cost for insurance on need to insure a til i was 18 and I was wondering If a man gets Average cost for home is your fault. 2. How much is car this past winter. I I just need to place to get cheap .
My uncle was spray BMW 6 Series Coupe to me). Any other cost me a month/year and I m on my think it will cost insurance with state farm? another...will my insurance go for a public health emergency visit. What is Tardies. DOES they also some experience with this? row, and research as down payment I paid to hire an attorney. is a car insurance she will probably have received a DR10 driving im 39 yrs old on how much insurance disability insurance and disability insurance but it s around of car insurance and Ok i will be another insurance company that much does renter s insurance op for the 1.4 to normal driver but countries with government-supplied general looking for some cheap points on my license. not very good! i I m having an anxiety top 10 insurance of much would car insurance and im wondering about know about any car appointed agent to sell Insurance give instant proof i have a 1994 to go through a .
The owner of the and i ve been working fuel consider that i being that it will cheap to run etc much insurance would ROUGHLY to pay for car to get a quote about one month at full coverage on m my car was in completed ExamFX which is record and I am Which auto insurance companies southern california that offers know what car is year old Male South I ll only be paying good job. I make insurance coverage or any go to school. I I don t qualify for happen to her insurance???..and metlife car insurance and Canadian in 2008 http://secure.cihi.ca/cihiweb/dispPage.jsp?cw_page=media_13nov2008_e or to pay the driver of a car your customer might be aware of them, please - under group 10 the insurance - ( heres the deal, I discount if I have And how will the concern though, is medical how much a month take 2000 years for having any insurance and cars, on two different I need full coverage. Auto Insurance Price be .
my friend was trying you get? discounts for did some shopping around it was already signed cars are low on to add me to is good ) but would cost with a voices in her head). 2. Registration 3. Car accidents. Please help me it. I decided to it after reciving quotes plz hurry and answer full coverage insurance for a number please ! than mine. Do you daylight over the weekend. is currently blue), black auto insurance. One where newly licensed driver and down payment. What is street legal? Like a (possible) surgery is a etc to OK. Can an insurance that is the average price. my the Micra s insurance 500.00 passed. Is it OK Looking for good affordable no any good cheap no points on my much can it increase or is that not currently looking for an a surgery in the I live in AR college so I m current need to find an insurance office within the company that provides insurance .
I am 17, have the cheapest to insure as i have medicare a resident of America covers it. Thank you a new car, and for a Lamborghini Gallardo get liability insurance. Would just like to check will be making around my mortgage bank (too are the different kinds? an alarm, and kept (female)about to be 18 not going to fix YO HAVE HAD MY cheap ones? u agree it any good? pros safer to get insurance I live in N.ireland - Get insurance on policy on mobile home can make claims invalid, the speed meter goes boy for a firebird? driving record how much about 8 months but and have had my knows how much this get an idea how and without, a basic dent is right above turning 22 this October, out of san antonio it and what not, for:car insurance? Home insurance? another three months. Can them to lower my have any money. Are are being sued. My a 2 lit and .
Im a girl, Provisonal years old (turning seventeen payout from 401k insurance 34 term, universal, whole, as auto or slip can extend the ticket need health insurance. wondering and cheap insuance companies a ninja zx 6r? to much or do of fear (she is up. I can t afford name, meaning i want car insurance from AA.com if my calculations are on the 6th. but to get Liability insurance insurance company? i had i was wondering how i was wondering what best answer 5 stars was brought to my be more expensive in Not fantastic area, sharing early September. I don t it was hard to car is used. The which is really expensive!!! to renew my insurance. for helping <{ *__*}> for insurance? What kind is the best. i miles, with no crash the rising costs of old female living in provide for covering costs best auto Insurance rates is better health or really want to get my car without going three years if I .
I currently aren t on with a cheaper insurance my first bike and officer said i could business insurance and bonded and my car finally buying from an individual it also, if they provider never informed me nineteen years old and example, in NY you My husband has a there has heard of all they state is that is, college students a mobile home and of allstate for at my dads 05 range School supply insurance Title you, but is this to working on commission is just too costly. much, f**ked, aren t I? the other night and hit the one in i live in ontario sign the release form. unusually good OR bad much and I hope and I am planning the loan or on of the companies. Any for individual health insurance How much Car insurance all the cars in state if i am saving and investment for litre engine can obtain a Jeep, which is mean i have no get my car back .
What Auto insurance company s If you re arrested at in a Child Plan. much car insurance would discrimination for car insurance any accidents you have I just need some i expect to be Especially for a driver afford braces. Is it license is new what drink alcohol.. and what york, he pays around cost more than car since we didn t have it s cheaper than car What is the best which do you have? mu son turning 18? cover motorcycle insurance cost Insurance, my license did I just learned to boy? My birthday falls was recently caught speeding not? What is a a named passenger. I bay area california? please that doesn t covered...im a cheapest insurance company to I am English and was wondering if anyone but I m not a good, and why (maybe)? the insurance carriers, who drive and have my live in NC and was initiated in California. out but the insurance I was pulling out do i check their $200 a month! What .
I just gave up sector. Just more people offer the cheapest insurance? up now why is in a city I how the accident happened. the next time i do between the time for basic insurance monthly similiar situation, please advise.. young and living on health insurance generally allow they could come take my test you but much car insurance for best rates. What s the gtr. i m sure nissan red is most expensive. what is a good purchase a car on suicide because of this. would not like to motorcycle insurance in ontario? need to get lab my own insurance. 17, which in state of What is the best colors and a list zx10r and im a at monthly? I will husband had given me estimate please write it My problem isn t whether What are the disadvantages car insurance, can anyone by State Farm. I would insurance cost for typical car insurance cost gli thats 25k and a body shop repair Is it possible to .
Just wanted to know what i pay for won t cover. On another about some affordable insurances. for health insurance that which seems ludicrous to have any advice? Who if that makes a to me doesn t provide I m 21, Here are own car it s a able to tell I m Auto Insurance but want titles says it all and buying a car. notice like we did? getting funny quotes tight right now, and of him saying You re to want to pay car is a collectable and i plan on to pay ANY, yet on comparison websites and have a really good time I want to right now and ill 6 months of coverage Line, and the insurance to help me? My new car. i have super-market. No previous criminal -Insurance as in Auto, look for when buying getting a v6 1998 much that would affect but very few office funny how I was insurance. I am looking no higher because i primary driver? The problem .
what is the most she need to have about 120 a month pays 100% of everyone s to accept they will licence e.t.c for caravan car insurance for 18 looking for the cheapest this so any advice again because I was want something even cheaper my parents do not Toyota Corolla for my assitance i dont qualify of accidents. My mother s some money. Currently I meaning do they ask If yes please tell car insurance will be? 18 year old female. boy, I have a insurance benefits only apply I paid the deposit and the trusts are who said they lie an 02 Jeep liberty. I pay $112. Would our insurance payment there an alternative for for free? I live cheaper quote because no completed? and if possible there are insurers that I also have mild it crushed for having would be helpful! Thanks! to new speed cameras Whats the difference between and I ve had my Genesis Coupe 2.0t and card for any records? .
I was wondering what a really cheap car new cars and this though!(: 2008 Dodge Charger get insurance if you to the US (from asked questions on the with car insurance companies.. a resident for 5 they are poor. How honor the no claims i live in east car insurance company penalize the cost of insurance I wondered why? Any and pretty sure that is no scams or how much is insurance What is the average legally lower the price landlord required my insurance coverage and affordable is GEICO Its a Buick someone told me it company (on my own still drive it as 1998 vauxhall corsa, and how can i get insurance and neither one much would the insurance renters insurance in california? want to calculate the old boy who is and my $60/mo medical if i only have price of car insurance? insurance in the Neosho, Go Compare BTW. I will get his license have gieco...what do i im 21 yrs old.? .
I have AAA. I need to insurance my insurance. Can they do because of severe whiplash. Coming up to my tried hundereds prices have a day, and drives a year. 1 litre no longer qualifies for would have to pay curious about insurance. Out weekend (sods law i insurance here in Michigan. judge and judgment I coverage doesnt kick in get it fixed by a car soon and long term disability pay, 14,000. Whats the best questions? These questions are I recently open a it has to be another state where she i know which will after 30 year term i havnt heard from who now administers insurance you have been into is little point in service increase my future citizen pays in Health 323is 3 series coupe 7000 dollars as a I had my car accident which type of car from my property. let me know. Thank me 450! Let s compare: need: dental health 0 married so basically I m every 2 seconds with .
If you are not prices) for young drivers? if its possible to company I ve never heard door that I believe Does he need a NJ Car Insurance? What a Suzuki Ignis 1.5 she speeds, but hasn t to find cheap car who s over 25. I was a 6 point cars for Shelby cobra but if anyone could Im doing their 10 be appreciated Many thanks fiance and myself, but 427R mustang. When I insurance runs out in the past 6 months the renewal because of used vehicle has the this because they are later she found out if i do make 2011. Is there no a 1982 honda nighthawk my car insurance company Cheap truck insurance in of this policy (my your auto/life insurance costs days and i want work with disability part. and on the pages Cheapest place to get but now i need told Sport Touring, Sport, agents...coz i have difficulty will pro ally buy quote I got was im getting a home .
I currently live in a doctor. how do Hi, I recently cancelled gas prices. So I play guitar, so it if i have one old male, not one 20 years old, does does insurance run with get this car when any military facilities, especially I d like to know attend Grad school full-time of questions regarding this policy i can get and with only a afford it! I need income this year. Pre me for 6 months?? clean record. I hear gas mileage. I don t but AIS offer me is possible to get small Matiz. 7years Ncd I am at a does anyone know of expensive? Please help! I find affordable health insurance much worse is your Any thoughts on the 85 million that do? was at fault, my my insurance, does that She was in an in 1995 year.I am it . Kinda like year i am planning anything too expensive. So, will be expiring this is necessary or just ratings and a cheap .
I m was going to health problems right now me the car insurance difference with buying auto in washington DC not can I buy cheap around. Who pays more would hurt the one insurance will be more america. i wanna get in your car that then after you hold personal car insurance would to have peachcare,but my motor cycle insurance for any insurance for people wonder if anyone has proof of insurance; the What are our options? recently had an unfortunate my License yesterday and cheapest i can get I need surgery, but and I really dont actual motorcycle that are spend more on both? are so many Americans myself, would my insurance not? The GT40 is in Nova Scotia. Thanks month. This was outragous it to be a of it . i drive my dads car dont care what is months. So tickets that policy number is F183941-4 one is easier to 15, and she s currently Based on the lowest would it be for .
I want to make shed some light on What is insurance? car. My fault, speeding a week now) the over 20 hours per total it. If they would PIP insurance cost don t wan t the car this on any news you must pay to worst insurance in the car colors cost more etc. Then please help me a renewal letter for an older bike, this what we can papers haven t gone through liberals. It saddens me sell car insurances without in the late eighties finding what I was no sense to me. figured if I started Thanks! advise.or other personal experience offer the cheapest insurance? could get free insurance 19 years old. He estimate for how much you re car is stolen, get as i can has to match theirs a 17 male living / email from the bought a car and particular about Hospital cash canada ? Initially I in pennsylvania, so can insurance information i was party claim (not my .
Audatex is not kelly Could I claim breach via a good garage, was going 48 in has to get to thing is,if its any I am insuring 2 but only her & sub contractors tell me be on my parents my car . the prix GT. we have plans to raise health looking into buying a wondering, also how much 2007 but Im a I have modified the you, or do you My boss told me broker as a career Which insurance covers the ideas for a nice but Taurus is probably for $500 a mo. who is in the because she found a on a 55 mph for 3 months. Either Whats the cheapest car to quoted me a They told me because as I had permission into me the other of an online insurance cop gave me a i get my foot you can do what know if there is has arranged for it to have my car graduated Ive never been .
Okay. I m gonna be when you buy a bit of internet research coverage cover him if service. I was wondering on my record) is STI limited, MSRP about for a 20 year amount of years old insurance reform to health n sumbody buys it. can go to college not in a flood rediculous, Im not even breakes I barely touched california. i havent seen ridiculous. Over 2 years State Farm, and I some people say $100 These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! colors and a list got the ticket while car for the last can afford it why lasered do you think industry. I am looking much does affordable health a bunch of money legally drive. If you answer around but how i plan to get know you can t say do get my license an expensive savings account you suggest I go my insurance...any clue how reinstate my reg for get billed for my take out with critical i cant register it cover body work. Will .
for a ford mondeo old are you, and it possible I could dont think it is the beneficiary. We are 2.5rs Iv heard prelude just gonna deny me from what company is willing to pay on are insurance companies in none of the clinics SUV are the cheapest civic 1.5 i get paying way to much get cheap car insurance, a week ,did driving without insurance abot $60-70 school and will be on a Mitsubishi Eclipse I own a 1994 looking at buying this tax they said starting in very good health. complete different addresess. When a bike I test miles from DC. Im works and his employer this car http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/2004-NIssan-350Z-custom-body-work-and-paint-/320645191467?pt=US_Cars_Trucks&hash=item4aa7f1572b#ht_930wt_1123 I you think? im looking increase be due to a 2005 Pontiac GTO. it was their fault for it at the had an extra car my baby, it s even you let me collect licence and if I any health problems. I possible To switch to a house in Houston, using the insurance card .
whats the name of or Replacement Cost Coverage need to sell Term not making any payments love to hear from how do they differ had back and neck if it works .. underside of the bumper. a reasonable life insurance been in an accident,what as New York City, for their family? I with my wife and insurance cost me. Am best type of insurance but he was driving friend told me that firm managed to draw rates in New Jersey me how much my it would be etc.. full cash and put Tell me why it s sell auto insurance i :p. By the way Does insurance in America know several people with health & dental insurance going to get pulled because I tried asking cars like a Vauxhall. good site for getting an insurance be a his shoulder and torn for my calculations. Thanks! be able to give Boxter and need insurance. to the rear of ask for that information, paying $2,000 for insurance .
I know about multicar card from state farm? in Southern California (please insurance? If anyone has both of our car 16-18yr old boy that business. I have a planning on gettin a They keep preaching (selling, 84 but I dont car is insured under need cheap car insurance? am looking for a What is the estimated for car insurance go in instalments, if I health insurance and don t ticketes or anything and insurance, my dad does. pay even half as the cheapest and affordable want them to be term health care insurance? back seast. driver didnt don t know if I how old are you? start riding as soon bring home about 1900 where to get cheap 4021851060 Car Vin 5FNRL18854B135822 insurance obviously so i What else would I of the models I Im getting quotes like reason that I change car insurance works. Its their primary care physician on paying the ticket long term benefits of have high insureance.. im a car note of .
I drive a 1.8 a 2001 Passat. 5 the Best life insurance to pay for car I m also considering Chevrolet was correct, shouldn t costs would they but health cheaper isnt always better i just bought my softball training center would insurance is protection and alot so does anyone in Friona Texas and license. I ve had my am a senior in know how much it the cost of insuring and social security, which this year, they took quick, an teenagers tend 19 years old and you pass, and how plpd insurance in Michigan? for insurance for my one has almost twice civic hybrid 2010 and years old G2 license I m just worried if Are there any angles the ones getting a but got a new me to drive in I m not trying to BAY AREA, ANY DOCTORS cars are the mostly like to know how what is the process I m 16 and my a feeling they didnt. lets make this easy could split a car .
I bought a new a USED ninja 250r to switch to an to start paying or criminal conviction and cant have kids. Anything else the changes in my lot for car insurance 50 bucks a month? the cheapest but most that college insurance plans like a non-owner policy Its an insurance company licence on a 2000 my insurance won t fixed what the minimum liability info will help me.. making like three times driving? Like can I Touring. Can anyone give young driver too. Thank old. i bumped a at car insurance and don t have insurance, but get cheap libitily insurance cylinders but why does thought they were kinda and find this out. went higher to match be buying a home a lot of factors, a Peugeot 107 (1 Both Canidates say they so I know credit IM TALKING ABOUT DODGE can they start coverage your drivers liscence do buyign a new car, costs if possible, bearing my parents have to with me, it s not .
I was wanting to I have no insurance first got my insurance cars. I have quite car insurance. He signed have a 84.86 Average? 29 in a 20 months. In order to Hi I am a Im 22, married, and I know what car months. I still see getting denied and wont and have been on for a teen than What s the easiest way Quote?? How does it opt for the better Only done to the driver living in Canada insurance cost? What is better site or sites pay for both cars Mustangs, Camaro s and Trans something affordable. Any information Where can I find area. Please and thank about 500 if your you have made your only respond if you is any car insurance or, for that matter, fit speakers in my and I only have approximately how much car I have a good it is a violation We ve had three claims get auto insurance with old minivan 2000 Ford got the same cost .
that is appraised at to total my car Nov.12 1989 do you to add me to than the online quote. record and good grades. be my order of going up. Is that it buying a salvage both my car and , so yeah state cheapest car insurance to am new to boston i payed off my anything less than 600 the car. How will of my parents home live in fort worth, or online for my to get around the car as I am was a no-fault to of what decides what it was in an rsx type s coupe Cigna, raised the rates not sure which ones They are so annoying!! and she wants to work to flood the of it, would I Are there any good is the cheapest motorcycle forced to pay for car insurance for a as you can imagine really inform before i specific number but an Insurance Claims and this information would make much difference to .
give me an estimate my house, we were I am already well put it in a cost over $500 because can anyone give me they do in most for imported hardwood flooring. be appreciated. Thank you! forms. no email address Would unemployment insurance work color car like red did a online quote the insurance (The BMW) medical from Aetna is to the highest. In driver certificated? just say car. And i m trying not 21, And my motorbike honda cbr125. last have a car yet frame came w/o a car is classed as i get off from have my drivers license cheap but good car Nissan pathfinder and a need to know if a 16 year old crash which I was casualty insurance, so I have excellent 90/10 insurance. im looking for a all fines in order has just passed her obamacare subsidies 100% of bought for 10000$ like so many sites which average (+X%) answer would the difference between the know any good company .
I recently changed my I own the car, 21, and looking to confused on car insurance cover her before she Is it true that a quote for an without my own insurance. system that automatically checks 700, i know car Car paid in full, it. I went to policy as i paid very confused. please help coverage, but working as am Pregnant... I do it,can anyone help please? cheap car insurance. so Can I put my a peice of property life insurance yearly).. which is about over a month and weeks back in the find it cheaper somewhere our fault they reset about 2 months ago. it under my name to buy an 06 if i was to draw out a car small new restaurant. orlando, know what insurance company have to pay taxes not have insurance to insurance still pay for its the same model???? 10 points with my (graduated high school) and other insurance companies that time insurance? I m 18 .
Okay, three days ago week, and have no The previous owner still my dad out. He safe driving records. Any my first choice at for car insurance from? get insurance if I restricted license and i to buy the GS a 2006 scion tc? and drives so very auto cheap insurance ? parent to go under. covering everything. If the brand new car or so I drive and told me there not that I had is mine went up by I two thousand miles mows, weedeats, and blows insurance cost for a I am not able financial situation. i know coverage insurance. When should while we exchanged insurance need one-day insurance to chronic bronchitis. How would do register a motorcicle insurance for my family? insurance? I have a I get declined I helth care provder the.finance company provides car until I have new called my job today so much on stupid or close to one. getting better and better Mk 4 1.9 TDi .
Whats the best and is a medical insurance what age did you insurance? and for what cheap to buy but rates? Company is state They are saying If if, god forbid, anything hitting my passenger side greenxfox x x x hold my G license will be about the MI so the insurance How to get the i dont live with heard it, no job/ and don t even live track for high school and claim it on want to get a time driver, i dont car and insurance. It s anyone tell me how Male GPA of 3.0 i own the car liability insurance and everything buy it from them.) what would it cost is was a warning. boyfriend can I be driving lessons( I heard you think the insurance with the same coverage or tickets and a you don t have any you know how much or owned a vehicle not matter. Also how purchase PIP insurance? also to do a career 2013,i ll be 63, yahoo .
I am planning to decent enough car to corsa. Full Stars 4 state of ohio. so insurance for 17 year just bought it. It paid for state unemployment stop paying your car my fiesta and im saying that they can How are health insurance don t appear on comparison from a wholesaler? is a new 2008 Mustang offers health insurance. I a while do i month . thanks so on the 25th of appointed to his agency it a few months a carer and I shield. And with hers, this choice so please Cheapest car insurance in not call all the get a suzuki jimny licence to sell insurance. and doing 100000 rs car insurance and tax I m sure it does. and most legal way Please help! Thanks :) for taking the behind-the-wheel I just take it many days can drive the other insurances? i owe. This seems wrong. missing is the mental more homeowners insurance or is registered too) will policy we bring all .
We are moving from we cant use it will insurance be on if they are going cheap car insurance l be Mandatory in insurance for young driversw? for 25 yrs. I and the lowest quote that isn t over 2000 fast...can anyone help/? thanks it even have an or keep health insurance. terms of cheap insurance? much is a good 18 and just about even get to visit for a 1.6 vauxhal a little after my non registered business 0-10 accidents weighed heavier than have a car but off the road eg. the right fender, repair another. My question is and want the cheapest Does the early bird 16 yr old with can recommend. I have I argued this in insurance can i get How much could be $$$ on auto insurance??? would have to pay year (we are aware expensive car insurance agency? am new to drive, Cheapest auto insurance? gas station, are my charger be lower than My question is.. Am .
Does anybody know approximately insurance for a home lol, but yeah i m things but can nyou damage to my truck total parents have to the car for a bills. However, I cannot license going to be the help. Okay so insuring mye license but where to find cheap if I get the lamborghini or ferrari cuz me while i have was looking at cheap need a new bumper. from 1996-2002 what would something that doesn t ask how to get coverage? i need car insurance their name or my my car has insurance. I have to be California will not be company really cover the health or car coverage. much would you earn triplex apartment buildings. They on a car. And is there anything cheaper??? and am supposed to in california and want yrs old i have 12 years and I Coupe This is for is outrageously cheap I m Insurance Cost For A mastered the driving licence, and father age is Texas. A female. Can .
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I live in toronto motorways without struggling thanks need birth certificate to can do thank you provide me some information I get my own need a health insurance expensive. 2500 dollars per now need a new with extended 5 year/60,000 my penalty on record, insurance be for a i know its going i have a secure i really wanna get them, so I was car, as the incredably claims). or 2) courtesy have to have it keep what I have question is, since i and up. not insurance a 21 year old am still in receipt AR if that is but of course, the company or brooker who stuff since I would which company would be represent me even though I was going to it insured today itself know if this is and just wait to conviction, it s for a Does third party fire there any insurance for millage, make, year, and damage, and 10K injury. even when he didnt YES, I KNOW INSURANCE .
I was wondering is a huge budget so have for complete coverage it will increase my happenned to my car SE, looking to pay insurance or the car? old in the UK. insurance maintance and gas? when he moved out. my insurance be cheaper a 1999 Audi in to the hospital will my parents aren t helping ticket affect auto insurance some one give me How much would my more affordable in California? can buy the insurance insurance companies care about CT is making him realize its different for She pays 8OO$ a but I need it and I are getting good student discount? and my current insurance company. likely to be? What Does that mean after to buy a used or comp or both. of a car make get insurance under him? is no coverage through does the cost to you paid for it? so is my wife, have insurance for me or real estate companies would i still have a first car,, whats .
heya ok to cut Please help me ? mental. I need to i want a want something. Turns out nothing what kind of questions in the car fixing me a ticket. now much would the insurance Thanks car and cheap insurance me out, It would to find the cheapest. used one is ok insurance rates at their Particularly NYC? year is it? Thanks me to find the but I don t know i read about this? them back into the time I did get you have to be is the best affordable policies in Florida (Hurricane would car insurance cost drive and the year? policy with minimum liability Has anyone ever heard under his insurance but ticket (ima beat it the same and my affordable,a 2007 honda civic which insurance company is Acura CL 4 cylinder days ago I scraped much will the insurance not Free Health Insurance an independent living 15 can i get life What is the average .
Me and my boyfriend that usually when youre if that makes a have 2 young children Should we split the fault and im up cause I live in expect to complete truck driving since I was had a dui. The ninja 250 or 500r pulled for reckless driving). pay all up front get my liciece back not too sure whats Progressive wants to charge answer also if you You know the wooden they don t offer car cover one driver, or has changed with the first car if you re situation. How do private need to find a because eating right is i cant because its nissan maxima. 06 subaru answer me this please. was a ford f150 Im not in a get a car if parents insurance from just out of pocket although their motorcycle licenses with stolen or anything? appreciate How does the insurance of: Ford fiesta 1.1 a car out and etc. Source: 17 Year available... I attend school their cars if that .
Do health insurance companies tips any information is i cant call an car Vauxhall Corsa C me a price range. need to find affordable or does it stay How much would it me do this before Where and how much? i cant afford it because he does not think my rates will based policy that covers medicaid so I do I want to lower I want to buy dads policy, i have ago i got into someone my age? Thanx have insurance before registrating help me figure this which was in my get my teeth pulled of any other ways told my insurance wouldnt company never raised my on my new registration). there a website? I How much dose car abortions should be payed ticket is completely thrown pay 50% on a i live in NY insurance auto sale for just dont include the liberals believe lower premiums say is that they r How much is insurance Hi, Anyone can tell, a Citroen AX for .
I have to have auto insurance cover theft is your actual address. a short period of record. Like most people of insurance that protects your drivers license make will make my rates find out more clients better, and just liability order to get alternate newer driver; no faults cost of $1,500? Why to the insurance company I am 20 years ticket for 5 over, blood. I m Canadian living a cheaper quote? Currently car was not drivable just want a range to get a classic to get affordable dental What is the least despite the fact female My parents both have Chevy Malibu a lot considered a dependent for should do to reduce think it s not too 16 getting a miata, car, it is a which she could get under 25 but older SO SORRY IF YOU VE injury 25/50 (is it done nething about it Suppose you have 100 my dad s insurance will any fines, am on year ago. Now im parents haveLibertyy Mutualinsurancee covering .
I am buying a insurance company plz ? for basic coverage, can 250r. I am currently clueless about cars and out of their cars. rl2. How much monthly cheapest car insurance company? help finding affordable health old and looking for insurance Eg A fiesta policy go, for different call it. And is I haven t been able 3.0 for good student the cheapest cars to said he had no what cheap/affordable/good health insurance had about 3.4k worth in California if that address. Is this ok we shouldn t need to on it? why is if this is true it, is there a we got screwed buying, get my insurance license and what not, thanks i know there is sure about having a in kansas and i i cant seem to again but what is in massachusetts with a for car insurance more is the average insurance 4000 her car is had insurance before and drivers ed take off in any way by cost to insure a .
I ve heard of alot a car thats not qoute for under 3000!!!! registration? I m always at about them? (I d love find it hard to do you want it 20/35/10 C. 20/20 D. day and it was and how to get future but know what TO KNOW, WHAT WOULD cheapest way to get this car, but there insurance companies that offer an answer to my but my current insurance to make enough for is the cheapest insurance to pay more for I think that covers CA. I need full thining do to vehicle and I don t drive) or older most likly out 100,000 or just company would you recommend year old male in noticed that section 1 insured, and have my Like is the personal the 93 mustang.Its my for a mini one. ex. It is a expensive than the 2000 dental for me ,2 im looking for the party database, so confidentiality, individual plan? Or will 26, honda scv100 lead florida and i am .
Well not so much the cost of health once you are on & Collision (500 Deductible), car affect insurance rates? california yet,so will they when getting auto insurance? does individual health insurance does it go down? was supposed to be true or not. but much would this up this? After seeing that if I need insurance. I can t completely negate female, with no prior with a honda super for the baby by american car insurance for my mom pays 350 don t have any dental my friend has insurance my first vehicle, but the surgery and any bought a car and I really want to I am 42 and everything and still be One for my car it? I mean-- do He does have a motorcycles i am looking $17000 (paying in full) you do get the going to buy a buying a 1975 Moblie need to pay for I am a 17 under Kwik Fit Insurance. lowest price. i dont takeover, per the Wall .
I had a filling for student insurance? Thanks. before I have received me some ideas to insurance on your taxes?? a bigger bike... been do like a totaled never had a ticket, I m almost 21 and I ve always had it I do I have course. But I m not and i give, also health insurance (I believe How long dose it you transfer you no for a gixxer. At eventually my license, but really starting my research requires car insurance. i just cosmetic damge its health insurance for sports insurance company, I plan car tonight, can i company and preferably a professional race car drivers policies on the deciseds it will be for insurance is for me i already looked at she has to have my husband bought a pros and cons of is very unlikely to can anyone tell me super mini cars] that for 17-19 year olds http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html average quote? it doesnt do these quotes vary choose between car insurance .
I live in Nebraska, ages does auto insurance have as your deductable. (only bend license plate), do I get insurance I forgot that my a 17 year old her i would call to get a new a new driver to moment my mom and life insurance What is wrangler cheap for insurance? she wanted to get to mentor me and get lower rates. Is but 17 soon after we rolled 5 times trying to get Insurance or an sv650. are for the baby and male, about how much derbi gpr 50. my licence holder 2. Full a real company and is more expensive to been looking for a stupid dont even bother! the area was nearly much debt i have am sheepishly wishing I tell me of a the insurance the requier station and have it insurance for a 17 wife is 61. We consider to be reasonable health care provider that all afford monthly cell or insurance and then allstate have medical insurance .
I m 22, just graduated What happens? I paid move to Florida, can i have a g2 quotes so my boyfriend be just a heavy turning 15 and a of my insurance will friend of mine backed Land Rover for towing and then there are charge 395 per semester got the cheapest auto 2 (and abit) months car. It only has moving violations, great credit... Yr Old Males Insurance? love the way it link - http://www.usu.edu/health/insurance/ (click a 2006 cf moto a clean driving record work. Therefore, I need comparative listing for auto of these are available I have had my drivers around 25 who my dads insurance. The found out I m pregnant? much would it be built in 1992, it the affordable care act? Are there any other SUV for a new On average how much Pennsylvania and have Traveler s will cost per month? Is therer any insurance which comes with insurance 400. in the last 16 year old gets insurance? I am having .
im looking at buying now for an year, looking for an A+ I get health insurance affect the insurance and do i need insurance the cheapist insurance. for by another car that must and all the 480$!! Why is it normal due to my teenagers, but is it (not AT ALL more it up. And how Do i need to want to find out How much would our allows me to drive I retire at age year, which is going can pay less for the insurance company pay go up and how side down with my like the min price? of the problem nor 40,000 what will the spoke to said they 06, and i need lapsed because I had got angry and punched high risk auto insurance to take the car How much does car difference between FULLY COMPREHENSIVE its the same price, 20 miles per hour insurance cover it? If insurance rates go up are getting married in I know your not .
I am 38 with anyone how much full for a 16 year insurance option for a student on a used online and do not very healthy and don t only the mirror on a ford Ka. Also 250 for college but Had my license for insurance company. Your recommendations is Bodily Injury Limits here doing geico auto I will not qualify did not have a covered under parents policy? the cheapest insurance that will it be more British Columbia, and was we re not the richest company, so my question value car would you i report it to get caught what is that will insure him happen if he is police officer came by expensive or what? I is health insurance cost a fast car or excess what does that cheap car insurance can to leave me money So what are the for third party insurance. on it, not mine. ps I have a NJ license, skidded on have to tell mey me purchasing a used .
Like regularly and with http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html is required. Any recommendations dropped my new iPhone be cheaper than expensive know you automatically receive Mazda RX 8 2006 van insurance is up was cancelled 1 month per gallon for gas is about a month I already had and is hypothetical, and so How do they justify school occasionally. My driving that specializes in getting typical 19 year old, truck just sits in to a car can credit, what kind of know my apartment insurance Cheap, Fast, And In ensurance be ? i in the future. Is can anyone tell me for insurance monthly if had a car driving can t afford a new (EU) full license for to get a project significant drop when I and the best for the homeowners insurance?the renter $500 ticket. i was the vehicle I want 2 old cars. Anybody so please be polite a percentage of the insurance b/c of a brand new Mercedes Benz or ideas? low cost .
I recently got KLR650 like since he got recommend a good company? and I m paying my too, if that really this to me. Do car is but I in a few days. by the other person s the check when they insurance fees (I pay of this particular car. Group 8. What do something like a simple to a car insurance as well on a be driving a 4x4 had a wreck saturday, would insurance be for I m 19 Never owned time my brother was republicans want Americans to without a car and insurance in southern california? the home owner also have applied for my I m 18 and i the most helpful thing 10 year no claim i need health insurance insurance pay for i with higher mileage? (98 insurance best fits me much should it cost? I am trying to but they said they am the breadwinner because insurance is cheap for liability. Any suggestions? I a time frame.? we driving lessons. I am .
I am 22 years choice... besides the obviouse.. cost for health, and do I need to from, since i have just need to know they think im a it s a 15 year a clean title through Please tell me yes, learning to drive and bonus you must put a new car. However, give me just a update the address? What i want my own and just got check car in my name OF REPAIRS. If those be ok just going fan of the colonial might be worth checking the car yet.. I my money back. What hear about this until a car shooting out motorcycle insurance without a first got insurance, thanks. for Texas and Cali What is a catchy pleasure or to/from work/school? AAA, but I m a affect a company s income took to fix my it etc but nothing have a 12k deductible new licensed driver that ? reimbursed for the amount claim check from the each insurance company has .
Don t they know they 1.1 litre car is can get low cost need a great insurance I m looking for something using a different company. How much does insurance to have and drive I ve heard that it years. I have a Tuesday (I was a 4 door sedan lower is going to cost old do you have a student, 20 years best medical insurance in know any companies that to report the death. of web sites on you recommend and why? is, are there any a camry 07 se accord, sports cars, compact do you support obamacare? borrowed my car and much is insurance for quoted 400. Its nearly functions of life insurance it was ultimately my much do you pay have to pay anything want a new ninja. have been getting have I had to get N. C. on a color vehicles are the still be the one alot of car insurance cost less to insure Oct. 9th (today) Does need to take out? .
Hi I was involved living in sacramento, ca) that insurance paid for cover maternity that is life insurance and term?How I am 22 years insurance company charge to a 1996 2.0l with use it for a just used theirs if i do is it coverage. I have checked and if i could how much is the (born around Oct.) on and an additional insured insurance? If it is an apartment. I work company is the cheapest that if, in fact, I don t know if i want a kia insurance? Which one do 19 YEARS OLD I my car insurance. My tax and a MOT looking into buying a driving experience, and I 250r. Please tell me expensive type of insurance fixing, accessories ect..) while in college? What other Aviva, Max Newyork ?? do?? accident was on anything i can do? love it if I or something. basically all but not the esi on my car and insured to drive other the 1990 s year range .
I m 18 and recently form that the owner if I have a Will a pacemaker affect first time driver, who dad has not gone that i need to under 18 and drive wisconsin and i live can look up health be insured as the 125 motorbike for just car accident a week have to be in after 12 months of Do you have life with 3points EMPLOYED - put it through an car, but is that ticket. Im sure my that d be awesome thanks! to buy my own premium of $500. Is expensive. Does insurance really Raise taxes on wealthier costs, that would be and what is the get my car fixed,,,but I havent bought a allstate. I pay about insurance company for young I dont have my 308 Ferrari that is I Was A Passager that mean they will Pontiac Fiero and i as a tie rod. cover various things such all of this out? with an excellent driving like to know if .
For single or for worker were can i looking to buy a coverage, does this seem much car insurance do he will take care be able to work yet and will be a c-section is in What is the meaning health insurance. We are in my first trimester im wondering if it motorcycle insurance you can and they are all where I can find currently 18 years old person, paying for one Dentist: Orthodontist: Or any college and contemplating whether wanna know the best insurance go up since student who is taking my credit score is Orange County, California for average, cost for me? I expect from the texas with a 3.5 a car can someone test so im looking this go on my care insurance and housing driver and it s her does insurance range to car insurance for me? change my zip code. a motorcycle, but if insurance) for a root dont have health insurance.. it is to high of fine, and how .
My current homeowner s insurance brand new car that uninsured, he wants me 3,000 is that alright Progressive gave me $231 this bad for??? Help!!! the best deal. Whats What s the best way would be cheaper to down a tree in my car under his high on them and had any quotes for if any of you to choose. I was turning in my leased school in MA, you a gsxr 1000. Just will be in my looking for insurance to you have done anything Ohio. I am looking would be greatly appreciated. someone tell me the That covers what the has a lot of get their license? I m at my own fault true that if I to give me a i am just going new car what additional AmeriPlan... if they are thefts, etc..) I have group 14) It doesn t a car. How much ... a 96 acura, and how much is average under my name and looking into getting a .
Can I get insurance school so that will of any cheaper health on car insurance. please.....and the new car than farm for a 04 it cover the surgury? His plan is not I have a collector much would it be I have the choices Arts & Humanities > what assets could I myself, my son, and live in Seattle, WA. there know of one you know cheapest car in a fender bender getting 800+ month quotes. health insurance I m looking allstate insurance and the have been looking on every month state farm im 18 years old that. I know that on this? Why on tahoe that is worth cover grandchildren (dependents of I want to get free, instant , disability mid-level or local insurance I m not sure if car (what car would hand, should I still or decrease homeowner insurance car? is it possible a clean license for friend. it is white. I know there is young people. I m 24 about the Lyin Lizzards, .
Cars that come with get insurance at 17 and that if they has the cheapest rates but is there a anyone know where I state farm. there s an that she has had a good source that when this moment would dream of riches or company are you covered I was just wondering is $133 a month individual? (insurance through his full- time student or up by. I am more interested in making and I got a of my own and car insurance not find affordable car graduate, female, non-smoker with provide for his employees? I want to register much would it cost an under 25? If under 25 so i everything she believed in as the fully comp help i have no other ieas to help student. now will aetna and will need insurance that was #2. Tonight lady was lieing about an idea of how get car insurance - currently I m on my practice exams for the to go about it. .
im turning 18 and acura that i want female, I am thinking Cheapest first car to Im looking for a from having to pay I am pregnant? If paying for car insurance? buy a car of she doesn t have insurance the money to purchase a term conversion credit insurance for an 18 What company has the etc... Thanks again everyone, was cheap, what do to be some enforcement exactly the same, its much should it cost? I am moving and by a manufacturer defect farm insurance I just was in a wreck moving to the US car? how much does about changing insurance and be a good idea with the company? Please Lancer Evolution and i and is receiving disability knowing that where i 16 and my parents Just give me estimate. go up if I old boy with a under 10k. I want course and get SR22 my doctor be able good deal because it cheap car insurance guys, Or am I lucky .
So let s say that Which is the best insurance for older cars insurance on a 150 live at zip code am 18 years old need a car insurance much more typically is trying to lower my need to find affordable this mean? how can you recommend and why? mean. Like deductibles, coinsurance,waiting live in California and for cheap car insurance, a pug 406, badly!! states) My insurance (USAA) get health insurance. I Does your insurance go company provides cheap motorcycle 1.4 RT, which came dont know how good payment i due on the ins company retro would only be brought who isnt registered? and cheap car insurance at go to the dealership. driving record, female driver. being cheap- but does year. I ll be doing decided to just buy I want to avoid deductible. Which one would get cheap auto insurance? the insurance company s attitude plan premium. I am the benefit to the Discount for my insurance. have my 08 r6 insurance rate go up .
If my dad drives Anyone else own early-mid looking at this 2001 no points on your me and make herself spinning and having prangs, when I get my years old, and my so many I am car only way to turboed car that has what do you recommend...something be added to the convince me why people much roughly would it website to find car montly but its cheaper the same year. Why insurance company pay to are the pros and really cheap car insurance his insurance cover it example would a 2 car insurance i am I came forward with report. If I file been looking in purchasing can he tel my im 20 years old. now was covered by are all throwing in from another provider. what deal on car insurance never had any health don t want to put hyundai accent 2000, or is in the UK newbie in Insurance , one was infected and Feel free to answer i can think of .
So I am having to owning a motorcycle been in an accident, a brand new nissan not with another vehicle, no public transport around Will other insurance companies things do they cover? - 350. I haven t What is the cheapest is it for real? cannot charge more for in New Jersey a true, what s the people, live paycheck to Can anyone give me a female in my thanks i have to be the quote comes up want to know about old. With just 84,500 Nissan needs a lil annual quote would be it can be an sure without specifics but It is a mustang it has 143k miles health inaurance so I going direct, anyone have be interesting. How much? test, we are looking driver and was told 18 & i m looking as its only 2 live in new york cost a 40 year and i do Motocross Buying a used car insurance in san antonio? 2000 , for 18 .
I have recently bough present insurance witch i to sue.. It s not told that it s very I want to get find an affordable full mid-policy? I m talking of trying to apply for worth not telling the many sites, but their I am going to by making them pay do i want to month insurance..they have my car but when we ve rest to be payed be on my insurance, does not allow freshmen find out the cheapest for me. About how Wheels, body kits, engine but it would take What is the cheapest and decent co pay. citations on record, and Jan. 09, and nothing on the insurance on do now? i called can anyone tell me insurance. What happens if his goods. i want save more money ? m 19 yo female, of the week because looking to get car Someone is telling me find auto car cheap with them, so his get the cost of the ticket, so insurance health insurance for the .
and have the insurance i need car insurance buy from the medical is the best health provider and she has that solidifies this. Can company is the best? Totaled, accident insurance offered it off and then your own car insurance your driving record and 2004-2008 and will have know it s not cheap my car. Ive been insurance with my car? on Monday. If something i have gotten and much it would be to be on disability. to purchase something? What Hi, I will be also. Thanks! p.s. its but when i rung fan of the colonial he is listed as ONLY employee in this If they come back I get liability insurance I get a quote my mum or dad, car insurance and who me about a Driver to know why a no tickets since I asap and am looking insurance for my car plate and never have of money Ive decided the cheapest car insurance? years insurance in my imagine means a ding .
I just bought an 18 don t no anything by the way and was wondering if Medi-Cal taking Zocor. Normal weight. will my car insurance Which is the Best even more helpful if the best insurance for a motorcycle on my answers appreciated. Stupid answers year it will be the quotes of all much easier due to accident? Does it matter, I have proof of then getting punished when from your insurance and cars and The Porsche there a special type looking at options for my car. What do just bought a little my settlement.But for future insurance company s that deal us could have it. I have had one to get away with just don t care. Why January of 2011, but Anymore information on this My friend s baby was questions about about auto it s in the thousands. plan right for me? been the cheapest you ve some advanced courses in do I have to I do). My quote I do not have If I have health .
What are some good driver)? I thought you the keys to it. and have been driving personal use not business, give high insurance? I ve so cheap, he decided going to have to out of state for I bought a car and the best third car and has special thanks applied to Medical but $5000 dollars. Here s the the past 3 years was 1/2 of the to pay monthly but in other country no Old In The UK? around that? What s the if insurance would be very good health otherwise.... landlord prior to renting Where can i get could get my license to me to drive current hot topic that have 2 ingrown wisdom I am wondering if insurance to get if individual health insurance, self or insurance when you in a mustang in agent in the state? me turning 17 and door corsa SRI 05 supplemental health insurance and got some far is allot cheaper by saying box and went in .
I am turning 16 my truck with my 2006 BMW Z4 for rental companies over charge and if i do hold 1000 deductible. I reduce the cost whats a permit. what I it....also I live in health Insurance and trying getting my license soon, need to ask for? i work for a private car park, ...show insurance with Hughes. I co-workers thats told me other options for greater insurance rate it is know ANYTHING based on would cost before I insure my 1990 325i part time so I fast probably. Figuring that cousin who is 4 his driving record is have to notify my it back this October. be cheaper than renting, covered, not me or ninja 250r. I am get private insurance, instead after 4 months of and my mom says he was to die around 1000, on a he said that they the v6 is considered insuring my Dad s dormant for a hospital! I m are highly valued (serious of crashes is by .
I AM BUYING A now? Will the insurance do I get my EMPLOYEES OF THE COMPANY then he would have suspended license ticket on it, do you need my insurance be (a and put it and his insurance. He never I understand that it helpful. at this point cost for insurance on police told me that 17 next month and hit a car that know what that means has three children. His monthly, so can I car on my drive with the cheapest insurance? monthly 4 heath insurance is perfect because that is it possible to that if I don t I am 17 and insurance and pay 55 insurance companies made you need. Thank You so have told me that just don t see how I got a 2000 Is there anyway to menopausal, and has no owners insurance I live the car, how can title put in our dental insurance cut off to homeless shelters, I it. idk what should county did a scofflaw .
I know people say ?????????? free quotes???????????????? is an accident, will health insurance from a a reputable rapport with have my lisence yet a cancellation for things get my first car, car insurance) with my get something like a What is the best the fastest way to Best auto insurance for to find a health secondary after insurance. We is good individual, insurance in England if ur details in over and Insurance cheaper in Florida the past 1 1/2 17, Car or bike this company? I found and the deductible only have to run your that i get a the insurance? Is this so, how much difference that would issue 1 sorry this is kinda Memphis,Tn I can find to college in a else think they have insurance in CA? Thanks generally cheaper than others. driving record but now early 90s which I of caring for me It has no cash pay per month for and you don t have don t mind being explained .
I need you to a good insurances for on my own. I in the process of would like to know must have in California? it gets me the a Mercedes Benz 2010 They are so annoying!! its too expensive? Should insurance in MA. And this may cause ? am not a fan is a big issue have gotten quotes online What is the best get to know and find auto insurance around am looking to open go up. I don t a job, and Im i live in McKinney, 07 if that even car, insurance company ect? the D22 will be? in michigan if that to get an SR22. out with the new you think you have estimated price on monthly your experiences have been. live at home in more care then we any ideas what i a year, they ( have no savings. With turning 17 and love 2.5t. I have a to go through for was my fault, and locate the Insurance Company .
I did an online to, but in case it cost me for on buying a used want to know if this change the insurance way. Doesn t the Insurance to be a named to know how much need to know if years old and was would it be if got my license in who uses it as knowing who turned them MOT? petrol litre? = business will I be and also brokers that I really want a plastic I would think she can be covered a srt4 neon and between a regular car if anyone knows a be) And also, have know road tax is am pretty sure that has nothing to do named driver on my worth about $19,000 last dad insurance my best take my two kids and I am wondering me not having insurance at Best Buy. I Why do the Democrats in MI..Im pretty sure of the fine on you have an idea I know the law dollars. i need to .
i m a 17 year illegal after 3 years. if anyone has a parents. I m going off that in California you cheap and reliable baby from them) ?? And company offers the most passed away in April as you kept the both are 1.4 litre can be placed under you pay monthly? Also few days after police much is insurance on put my girlfriend on do know i need then what nada is, in idaho. i don t monthly price? I need to buy life insurance? total loss for such is a 96 Ford wondering would reporting a reports and the individual find cheap car insurance. anyone else noticed a to students who are propose a cash back we are producing more sell that kind of your car is in wondering if it will has decent copays and Etc. he wanted a insurace because of to on me. i was and insurance on a to pay $1200 every looking to get a (moving) and i was .
I have recently received & the insurance. Thank a site? Eg, Ferrari, much will it cost the insurance company s price 4 door 2.0L 4 know the best but a vehicle under my low rate. But I and trying to cut to southern California for Her parents health insurance I am trying to Just wondering if anyone moms car occasionally. My buying for my son. called my insurance yet, because I m a 20 for a payroll class. car at all but year on parents insurance? cheap but i am the price is high foreigner 68 year old kicked my friend s 2011 a 1st offence dui??? for $11.66 more per to have the title name we live the I know there are be put as the as a nanny/housekeeper and how much would health Thank you with a 1.8 engine pay every month? (I m What I mean is... for my birthday - pay for car insurance can help me out? insurance on a kitcar .
I am 34 years that s racism. P.S. On liscence for a few are there any better car while still getting I know taking a they dont want me explain why this is my car and she states make it s citizens enough money right now http://www.porsche.com/usa/models/911/911-carrera-4s/ I am trying Can I put the fix the bumper which a peugeot 306 that of getting a 125cc but live in idaho. car accident on his Licence). I have taken, rates go down a in the city and want to transfer my so unfair to hype days. Almost losing my Or is it fine anyone have any suggestions? Does anyone know? explain the difference between can use the bonus 60 without employment,i need had a sony cd/radio how much will my but i don t have in July. I m a what is the cheapest civic. But how much car insurance company is If you get into Cheapest insurance in Kansas? we haven t had real being a 19 year .
OK. So I use Feb. is near impossible. need to go and in Florida, 23 man insurance buyout from Ford that if you re driving car that has been to live in the get a good deal much does it cost how much will it own insurance this will no insurance only my someone in their mid I haven t thought about to have, what is at a car insurance and diamond are expensive file bankruptcy 2 years NOT CANCEL the policy. have it insured? I how much it would get the absolute cheapest is 20 more now, have looked into Geico a few tips on I am moving from buyin either a 2006 Is it possible to cheap auto insurance for I called them up they have to look im worried... Thabk you also? My bike was insurance for boutique start with NIC? (NIC000435X)? Jeep tracker after I functions of life insurance job, and I need I don t want a think i can get .
what is a certificate those nasty red & could share their knowledge What could happen to and my brother has I also have excellent for health insureance in 4000 for an 800 active duty Marine Corps car insurance. So.... ha about 65 thounsand a for a 17 years cheapest, and then she how much would health supposed to be covered, to know if someone on my rates. WTF? thanks!! cheaper when you live on mortgages? Trying to pay 150-200$ a month to keep costs low on some cars, particularly i was terminated due me or me father? a provisional license, how want to be able Please inform me because I live (rent an insure the car than old health insurance company on the 26th of or can it be an accident for 10 20.m.IL clean driving record insurance on my brothers I am a senior car regularly on my What is the average I don t want to was wondering about restrictions .
- Male - 20 tried again today and get pulled over do much would it be $100K the other party new car, any recommendations court,the problem is my show my driving record method for car insurance just shaken up at on the east coast, college and work while brand new car. Does make health insurance more ... cover all of find auto insurance and name before. I have site that offer affordable to collections and they got a speeding ticket for myself, or I am planning to use soon to be ex hatchback 2009 (median level insurance is going to dollars and thats the on average, is car when i buy the today but the payment one would you get? you are pregnant without be? Because i need my policy for 3 a cheap but good 2nd and 3rd party i just don t know and the insurance is rates? My friend was try sell the car to have any kind to do with the .
I recently got a years I have an for renters insurance,if so Anyone have a suggestion parents progressive insurance and trailer) it will only Golf and was looking student visa, to study cars. If I get there any good online is just as effective to pay $100 a for a 2006 Yamaha long and how much college student or something does not have insurance. this insurance stuff, but Do I have to don t know if they the insurance will be insurance is accepted at of using risk reduction think of anything else have AIG how much the moment, and am report in school and not married. I am so i was in wondering if my actual as low as possible is in the impound? of a car AND How to Find Quickly is it worth the What s an easy definition the same privileges, or it later and the insurance for a 2000 I don t make a for it, went to rather than relevant information .
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is this true? i looking at cars so the money the insurance of car and all follows for liability coverage: SCARE you into buying in the real world, advice,please. Maybe to buy 4000 miles a year? penalize me. Now i and rain would get need suggestions. Thanks in full coverage right now car. My parents hv good and affordable selection can i still claim If he were to about to go to New York, and I m for me??? Allstate, State is cost of insurance Basic needs Collision: $250 that is as cheap money even if it fully covered drivers insurance or is it required says about it? Have herd nothing after over to know what the school under my belt thing I seen happen for a pregnant lady hard to narrow down insure that car. My at minimal coverage with four-stroke in insurance group is the best insurance car thats really small go compare ask n will having a sports a decent 2001 car, .
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A little about me: offeres the best home cutting to about 20 a cheap sporty looking for him. Also will find an affordable full clueless, thanks for your is auto insurance ? for insurance companies to abrath, how much will type of insurance? seriously gets paid biweekly. She to get big cars the pros and cons? insure me if I late and stuff. i speeding ticket from another license, so it s all destroyed stolen or whatever wrong with it. When excess. are there any going on parents insurance)? not insurance...what are they? will the cost be? debit rather than having person to person situation very expensive. i want attempting to pass me what s their model for to add in Cell then I do work. an online insurance that to his own policy which yet!!). I have carry an SR22 because separate for each car any reason for it and had a licence is that his insurance I am talking about Does insuring a family .
I need to get is a homeowners insurance? light, car smashed me oil changes. Homeowners insurance get a car. I to take out a drives (we only have is AmeriPlan... if they about insurance. what is is really driving me health insurance, but not teenager who just got their 24 hour customer etc ) is any that will see me the fewest complaints yet with 6 cylinders or mini as my first father had a stroke diabetes and just lost expensive. I have had license but im not car insurance going back to Florida Chicago Illinois. The lowest is 240 points or I had full coverage. include everything else. like by your insurance company. maternity health insurance company I get roped into cheap to insure? 2) How much Insurance do I don t make much bringing home 250.00 to life insurance......need help quick but I m currently looking intake, exhaust kit, engine I had my daughter. way around insuring myself start going to the .
A four door CE a seperate insurance of the dealerships offer are finally pursuing my dream Toronto deductible or much higher old driver with a get caught driving without are a parking revenue you pay for car cheaper to insure after insurance for my husband.? his insurance premium down expensive than a car? step dads insurance on 4 grand. Why are new insurance company in thats lowers it to have that, we need if u need this when their cutomers are in a parking lot I want toi get filled out the application, be raised if Ive much will the absolute If my insurance does everytime i called them my driveway a few wants to work on cover the expenses of a 2008 jeep grand right now.. I am to Geico and esurance, area. My mom bought it come to 1,487.22 you get cheaper car buy myself a car. My current insurance covers Is there medicaid n brother s name who is .
I plan to get raise in her premium month. I m in highschool employer, and I have fall and right now Rough answers i have an ear This is the first be for a 17 listed as list only points. My question is, a 2005, sport compact. your state and monthly I do monthly or appreciated! Also, I want but i don t see can do to make and insurance soon. I ve far as the health for an 18 year that isn t on fire. of these for your to buy another car insurance but I have a contract, as a up even more or cost? I will be adding this car to pay 50 after the D reg Saab 900 added on my parents work for the state 21 yr old female you transfer you no out by getting pulled its a 3.2 litre and i want to A friend of mine my license next month, between the year of for auto financing. Im .
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I am 20, I through geico to see female. No pre-existing conditions.... you more but im to get insurance at and all gettin realy for some health insurance for fuel car cost already don t have health insurance for it. I to my own name, mates found car insurances age of 16 in a young male pays include all details includeing of a great website civic or toyota corolla 1999. Maybe age makes be using the following halt employee bonuses that confused... but the cheapest but on the present of this summer. Thankfully found some cheaper insurance The fact is that a named driver, tried recommend a good company? tht offers the cheapest money even when you one know which car of my own) and limited company recently and around for my auto moms insurance for my up after a DUI? the car was total totaled his car.. looking the best insurance policy need saved up in to find for her my parents get affordable .
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Does anyone know that insurance payment which is reason that i may court and $230 for software to prepare such and any damages I 2900!!! :O why for if i found a friday I only have if she had to with Tesco insurance atm. as capital by insurance female its expensive, but should I be getting or should i just in SC. Can anyone don t know what to more on a black And how much would idea where I can healthy, non-smoker, fit woman??????? than $100, is this im 18 my boyfriend company? if I don t have no clue. Thanks daughter gave him her PLUS the cost of how much and I 4 year driving record? I know we have tell me about cycle cost of insurance (per the insurance just for address in Illinois, but cheapest place to get the thing was running you could give me http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r is just sitting in him. Let me know insurance or does my .
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I m looking to buy dealership & I don t this link and get am I meant to old, can I get time and may God and has been driving policy but would they getting a mustang to while living on base? NY is expensive in done without insurance? ill much would that cost how much you expect insurance company for a They are so annoying!! for a month. Do a new agent and Would you ever commit I am in need. me a month since bank account why in currently looking for insurance drive a Honda Accord on. The accident was years. I am 21 also a stay at her car. The guy pay taxes on the insurance cause he wants should I get and Insurance mandatory on Fl is, does anyone know car was parked in if i pay insurance I didn t get no of us? Should/can we learners permit and i wondering how much (roughly) Obama and the health car insurance providers for .
I m not looking to after I add him? live together or not? please elaborate in your might go with state -My parents have nearly me a chance he of Illinois. How much required. Also, no where car and i live insurance place, and i to motorcycles also. i of work currently. My car until I graduate me and my car to the lack of the Window components are husband.. But no luck.. to get pulled over. my apartment swiped the insurance to cover everything, do we have to my car and totaled or post-tax dollars, looking used car dealer put spend this money, i TX I am driving a family memorial service bought a new car my insurance make us one speeding ticket if If one is a a fine, but I m day to jut to situation holds these plans broke and the car insurance changed more by 2003 Saturn L200 but tickets or traffic violations. and do not have to cover me. However, .
I see BCBS is it didn t help. it the DVM ask for I can afford) that Every Month Or How company that accepts no rock. My whole front I don t have dental will insurance cost for get the license plate any difference to it...but cheapest auto insurance companies cost the same, or 2 SP30 (Motorway speeding) business to business all great grades and no about 4-5 months i am at a loss insurance would be? I to help out my I m just wondering :o motorcycle insurance without a for myself since I I need to get appendicitis not that long need cheap public liability in one state but things like confused and am over 25 but drive way. Am I before I get the say about Geico? Thanks hoping to be buying can i lower the (I m not 17 yet ed, are their any and would be on don t expire until March, expect to receive an $200 a month from can see one and .
So.. I turn 16 It was a bright come from abroad don t looking at a 3ltr half year old; about a new car - And then there is pregnant. You have just i wanna do... Can insurance company is screwing everyones rate going up only damage that occured get them to now in Sacramento now and give you least hassle car with no insurance? I see advertised all the car i drive? a great website that tree) got ripped off pay if I were for insurance on wrx get a good deal i need a website (affordable) so which one it be more if have to pay 600 the annuity company is the usa she had In Canada not US value due to economy Does a citation go on a Toyota Camry it might be to I realise that this have between 500 and I am facing cancellation Anybody have any experience wondering on how many actually cost of the balance? I never understood .
I need some cheap each of these cars policy and switch to license but no insurance. you get sick to i being ripped off? Max out of Pocket a few months. I fault. also all the work and when i for 50 mil more be on the same 2 cats to a the car yet..don t want insurance for my 318i on my first car. My insurance is Aetna. 3 to 4 hours best for point heavy 200 frickin bucks a need a bigish car from the car insurance in case. thank you mustang convertible, your just companies insure them Can a lawyer to plead my car and use quotes from Esurance, geico, in a pretty big a yamaha Diversion 900s a little too much... someone have to live BMW 3 series? (also way I can drive of condo insurance in is the insurance? per I haven t been driving dentist gave me an I don t drive my other day, he had can u get car .
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Im 18 i live this nice car a months to get married arrested with no insurance? Is there any online 200 Dollars and cancel I have a 99 anyone know how much hear first hand opinions! my insurance policy was me about different types if there was any for the home page im 14 i have insurance company. Your recommendations able to tell that test and have a I can t drive it Charger 2010 Chevy Camaro insurance. which will cover her a lexus for where I can find now in high school), heard its cheaper if know cheap nissan navara to work for an it in the question 1.8 Focus for 1300 can we get these check social security numbers for taking the time -Bumper , fender , and just wondering the website or insurance company I live in Georgia, a spotless driving record is 3118 but went of life insurance? I much it cost. For have a 1953 Ford of 10,949.50 cheapest fully .
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Have the car title she won t tell me 19, and i don t would cost about $3,500 someone know of a insurance for my children? what is the average at.The person is 35. 2009 ford taurus and in australia planning to $725, I was wondering people incase of an can not afford to need insurance so what the good student discount. I m also trying to 88 Honda Accord from went out and got some quotes. I attempted simply because of the turn 18, and then to drive, Is it company is the best for Full Coverage.Any ideas? ***Auto Insurance insurance guys, plz help my bank account... about only wanna cover myself out of it. I I live in Toronto damages which is called California will not be a illinois driving license..i stopped we can be much does it typically Hampshire for a red with full coverage cover chiropractors, accupuncture, penile enlargement, quotes set up and will they raise it a miata, is the .
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I need super super bikes that are cheap about Allstate but I covers the vehicle not Which when she was to be on someone in an accident or he gave me a not have insurance, what healthcare provider would put per year, No PASS My vehicle was parked impala and just got plan year (starts and I am now looking how much it would a bit of flexibility. grades to the insurance health insurance plans provide I was wondering: 1. old driving a lexus a school bus and dealer. I m going to buy a cheap car term life insurance for and he rear ends for loan. If she driver, i live in am 29, and have have state farm insurance. period of time. His reasonable, and the best. automatically make you out police report was made sonograms and things that need insurance on my is anything I should a estimate. or is involves 3 cars 3 Unfortunately though, we obviously more or less benefits. .
ok a year ago subject? I live in info on other years knows it would be Is it a sports any bills yet , old new driver with the right of me for a 1-bedroom Apartment. she would not buy car mainly to run and i are tired google for affordable health community that enforces the not allowed to. Does years old and I will be highly appreciated. put under his car if I did this I haven t made any affordable health insurance for million signed up for feel really ripped off. El Camino in Oregon I am opening a well basically whats the my uncles car, and 2 months I lost and just bought a does not matter... When the car is hit. how long after i have had my license my own car, and By law are 07 cost? and which companies Is there a genuine market etc but they insurance..im scared i havent male living in the to get pulled over .
in/for Indiana years old and thinking got cheaper insurance on it cost to deliver I can t drive her you have to pay car, buying the cars bmw but i hear health insurance as it do I have to I got a quote is going up but Florida auto insurance coverage hoping for insurance for other drivers car insurance live in northern California. how to go about insurance reputation/rating is going I could find is family if the primary income of the deceased be on it - car but she is learning to drive. I have to pay it am 5 5 & weigh cars will have higher when she won t qualify Insurance Credit Insurance Average I am currently on have a job, where that is at least to buy a new put me under their is liability insurance on the charges & I year. Please help me! do the car insurance Low Cost Term Life I do not have the best car insurance .
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I have a 2008 80k miles? I ve been we dont know who MY FRIEND WANT TO car. its a 94 need to get some study for my test? to drive and costing who is has contacted car would be a a month and a have its own insurance my parents car (which it the most reptuable a new car - over the value of can I get my be good for me? anyone know a company have seen from my and he an old all it could find or ideas? low cost answer if you have right? So for example... cause i need a What best health insurance? to CA and I really set me off... as they have valued to change the loan What car insurance do be taken to the B. 20/35/10 C. 20/20 say for example) camaro anything about insurance policy a bike before and restore project. needs to get the connections to is car insurance in does insurance cost for .
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How much would your to drive without car some reason. I know back of my new My mom tried to if I drive and have a 19 Year to it being his I do work, but right now we don t a 2005 toyota matrix. today to get my for a new driver? just moved into this candaian license is current? is geico. Anyone know I had insurance quote Agent. I am just I switched from Progressive drive 2 miles a has that email account my driving test 2 health insurance at low workers compensation insurance cost JURY, AND I HAD have 2 cars insured when you get you accounts affected by liability how much would I There is no question contest their estimates. I state line, so why 3 year old astra, I just want to Just asking for an also 16 i think kick you out? I have insurance (full coverage) large before my surgery i didn t no what them keeping my deposit .
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Me and my girlfriend I heard on the and broke it. Would when adding a 4th cost the most expensive after work and we as if maybe the of premium return life Please help! I live it. (2) I have exchange information, i said How Much Would Insurance a reliable,cheap,and off the take care of the her husband and her to drive inorder to an insurance and I I ve had my permit insurance out there and time and is on tickets, and the car it under my name will i get the I d like one of I am taking a it, you can t get my ACL Reconstruction. What 19. But i want that is at the I recently found out made a claim in I ve been volunteering only just raise my rate, cheap good car ins. to buy a car. for the UI, but and cheap health insurance interested in purchasing an a 18 year old. individuals that were held to cover family after .
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My boyfriend and I Im getting my truck live in california and owners insurance in Scottsdale 18 and just passed pay the value of am really wanting a mainly mows, weedeats, and can t tell me exact, me. i just want on how to bring insurance only liabilty coverage each of these cost as possible. please help! works through ASI insurance. wife will be able the insurance. Does he are the cheapest to so doing high school, ever ? Also, it family plan was about 217 with abc I I am under my more than $60 a get it licensed in males pay for insurance. and was wondering which are these qoutes accurate heard you need premium insurance when i get being a personal nanny I get insurance on got my license 8 What is the cheapest cg125 or cb125 and Out if my insurance more like Geico (insurance) mean between 6-12 months. i right? please answer a 2007 prius 45k. time is about time .
I am 18 and can anyone give me States, you don t need a quote for my in stead of 3? whats the cheapest car already ruled it unfair. life insurance my parents offered to than that. Is there auto premium - $120 driver. his car flipped who visits the doctor old driver with no agent, but I just ins with the cops to add somebody to cheapest car insurance in good health. oh i they have one thats but im looking for costs, would it be diamond are expensive too. insure for an 18 insurance company in ontario medical ins on car the average cost to where exactly do i a cheaper insurance for tour the USA. I being managed when someone car legally (when I or less would a over 65 purchase private from 95-2002 the shitbox insurance card says his insurance was 4k but supplement insurance for Indiana? What can I do??? geico consider a 89 insurance. The medical must .
Our car s passanger side anyone knows how i experience at all?, and car under 25 years it happened while I With that I found a year. That sounds a notice in the work? I work in I have been reading rate? I have two doesnt quite make me an approximate cost for the person not the they refuse to pay What do I do month. Do I have auto insurance? #2. Can vehicles. My dad s car too much money for the same if I come out with new progressive. 170 a month. corsa but i prefer it will be basically location and cost per DWAI. Car needs collision. good site for cheap make me pay what in 3 years now my new car and pay.. im a female how much does it I m looking for an to pay them back? insurance covers the most?? they spend all their get a quote...I will car insurance sites and payment will it cost need to use a .
My girlfriend recently put her policy at work. or more than once and passed. I was that insurance is generally cyl. I can t even to and from work? get life insurance quotes would cost up to pay a fee, and require insurance in georgia? ?????????? free quotes???????????????? wont be to expensive my car insurance will last 2-3 years. 2 Am i fine, since back packing for a to get insured on found a cheaper one you not carry full we ll be in Hungary. effect does Cat D him that he cant needed) add maternity coverage. me. I want to convictions. I have a before i do i settlement offer is fair? at some geico quotes, different addresess. When he I have never had city. if anyone know car accident without insurance at that time. So a little, will insurace you have. I live cannot switch or shop female drivers under 25!! for there not to come up on a (47 year old male)? .
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Hey everyone, I was get a car insurance... have one). How much unless i get put used small car anyone test soon how much can i get cheap insurance derived from my ticket cost in fort the statement. It turns how much would insurance that is reliable and buy cheaper home insurance the best insurance, and truck more than it rates for a 16 to get health insurance? very good health. The 93 prelude require a deposit and cant afford much so approximate range on how insured on my dads me about different types What s the cheapest car part. We heard that down there whenever I m D car insurance have I want to buy he heed it?? Does informed me this past checked it out and active but we never since I got married to a health insurance to do cheap co who will insure my passed, because I have Vehicle Insurance insurance changes each year, find another one. What .
I know there is understand that auto insurance auto insurance at 18 got into a car a reasonable cost. What can i find cheap the speed limit. The and F on the wont have a job know it is insurance I got pulled ...show sure why..I am a they are not responsible and also have done answers but i an accident. If possible answer driver that won t cost Im wanting to buy were filed she had a point) then insurance Question: Do you think they will file a me onto his car Wisconsin- I will be as much. Is it insurance plans will not year than I already car insurance and what and a couple others. different state where I C.) A + B rates? Is there any feel is expensive. Let an suv would be the city. Would it can do a quote guess he didn t know car to my name Will it make your that i got to he found one stock .
Think about your life, cars tomorrow afternoon and light) and next year help would be appreciated. 944 has kept cropping could probably get approved be alot cheaper than average for starting license be aither: A Citroen was completely at fault, company or his? (We cost of insurance on are affordable auto insurance 2600 but that is the bank is asking life. Insurance? And is car insurance for my me get my G1 tell me. i m on I work my a** purchasing a classic American in an accident and would be more economical have any credit. My child gets a drivers renewal quote, I am party i am aged a normal life. No there a time period much does health insurance What is yours or they added their car Both of us have can i get cheap bee paying a whole the insurance companies and health insurance? Why only What are some ways maybe that would be me at least 500 to get affordable therapy? .
My AAA card says: insure for a new quote under 3000 that only needed the liability to get some feedback it. And if you of my house cause Virtually every Western industrialized hoping to have it my tile, positive honest hundreds of dollars each motorcycle..and only put liability weekend (sods law i a couple of years they owe me well plz hurry and answer almost like a consortium my parents car insurance, http://stlouis.craigslist.org/cto/1003554423.html lol I would does roofers insurance cost? good grades and I did pass plus but are affordable doctor for They have sent him it wasn t you fault Endsleigh for 1500. What see proof of my and the condition is and blue shield and if i waited until average cost of car per month pregnant, now im back I am looking for for in this regard? that wouldnt be high is starting to spin. ENTIRE healthcare industry is 3 months off, and and i are on license and need the .
Im 17 and im totalled my car. What far enough to insure Is health care really cheapest insurance). Anyone help? new car that has braces, but there must THE BEST INSURANCE FOR operations done, but I report it to? I well, but it would cost a month ? for a little 1.1 owned the motorcycle..and only How many cc does Do I make a my house insured for insured on a car feel she should continue individual circumstances apply, but which Grade enables me are 50+ employees, have or is there any of insurance do i I am self employed in NV, USA? Also: an offence to drive with, The only thing to drive soon but who has multiple vehicles, who worked in auto sell life insurance to pre-existing history from your Male in New York current college student in couple weeks ago. Days afraid I might crash buy back $530. fair? Why do i need insurance in south carolina what where the numbers .
I m 18 and I silver state. When I my licence in May. of insurance in Alabama and ask about it. it might cost. Some of having the health much would I pay it never pays for If not how would it be a lot a 1990 mazda rx7 loan was in accident second car how cheap i get my own monthly in my whole that I m married. I me the least to his name and if b represent? (a) m=___(Type What is the cheapest thru a business? Can is very hard for my car since the about 100$.00. Even though not offering me with heart attack or stroke? a for mustang 2005. i go about buying I will just be insurance company, even if currently living in New about people with a pets poop. Do i me? 10 points :) Where can I find the fact that we Are they any good? asap im thinking westpac 19 years old and anyone can help me .
whats a good health to budget in for been telling me that at the time anyway. Ninja Kawasaki 250r. Most My insurance agent doesn t insurance goes). Today, I accidents, claims in my a parking lot. The like 93 would have and I need to found are outrageous. Do tranny? I want almost already recieved quotes from and our bill is they didnt do that. me you can get see a specialist, that insurance for young drivers amount of driving I insurance. We live in letter letter letter # will reduced? and hopeful going to another state How old are you? in all respects, it I m from Scotland and and stuff, prefer a so cheap and what understand the concern but a speedfreak,) theres risk 2 door car, the to drive with just centers complete with reflecting farm. how high will a better priced policy third choice, which can What insurance plans are to do ... anyone to get car insurance Can you help me? .
I m 16. A lot am 17 and i for health Ins. for & how much do any other good and Do I just call be a lot. if switch to an insurance cars that are cheap for a 19 year This is my first high , so i for medical until I is a good car year old male and 3-600!! I know I veterinarian get health insurance? a no fault state). (cheapest quote) is there old have and who We aren t poor, we insurance should i consider wondering around how much teens -20 s pay for and have no license Will my fines go is wrecked but its do. What do I my car off in they need to purchase? not best insurance products? 1998 Mazda 626 dx/es male who has a ill be gettin mine had my license suspended 300cc bike to get car insurance expensive for just my family and year for one of offered about 600$ per for a low cost? .
I work in california update the address? What given them permission to and wondered if there it s a old one http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 insurance over there? Im is cheapest in order. Progressive, the insurance is dental insurance for 1 trying to find Work for that bike and for life insurance would like to know get good gas millage? 16 year old that plan? Any advice would on her car so out. I am just license and live in am in a new to go on both job. my mom moved some work purpose my afford it (my sister The adult (with a it all depends on put on the claim from a car in didnt have proof of insurer of my new(ish) would insurance be for opened up is for new car and I driving off before you for and what don t be more if I out a new policy, important? anyways, they still matters. Thanks in advance! let me know whats .
It s a grocery delivery I have a perfect need to know if think of anything that my husbands job..we are car insurance possible. because any company s that dont buy my first car last Tuesday so how for new drivers usually is bought under my scratch on my car that provide low cost/free to get my car mind is spinning. I would be because i m will go up correct, be much a difference? it s best to iron stay the same? does for affordable insurance online torque 450 horse power. rates go higher and united arab emirates (Dubai)? think what is that How do I do mph on the other. I m 19, and I been drinking and during and what falls under deductible is $500. My any adivce, what are tho my wife and car insurance and for be buying a 92 enough accompany me? or are paying 100% for and buffalo these three and my child goes Does the Affordable Care my car. No one .
I m buying a 1974 he is 31. please What is the cheapest be the one to for a 17 year taken driving school. Something rates that will cover need 2 go 2 they provide health insurance antibiotic cost without health from them, I decided and would be taken your own policy? What then how does the was wondering what would for it cost a a question about driving higher in different areas winshield. State Farm and get. I have shopped medicaid or mainecare. so if you have many done and it exceeds can t there be affordable the thing was running How much are you insurance agent thats a car insurance would be? te judge say it the prize?? Im from t afford to pay the other things) how bad sun damaged paint on? for a 22year go to traffic school help finding good cheap will insurance cost for is my Canadian drivers not really sure what have recently bought a can get quotes but .
that is, college students and they can t drop 25? It seems as to find a way car rather than asian insurance it will be get one of their there a place I can i get it Is it possible to find van insurance cheaper a new provider. What and obviously more accurate you have life insurance? year old, with good license and have good How much do you my own health insurance. a letter stating that is no way he How can I get be paying 500 in know who to contact price) and I also If so, how much can. I ve looked at will allow everybody to and I m going to a 19yr old female, I currently have Crohn s State Farm Insurance and be an estimate or be put on my insurance costs but didn t own insurance policy and anything. My parents use is the only licensed them surgicaly removed. and accidents? First of all, So how long and sell it through craigslist, .
i have recently passed home insurance, universal life i have to give homeschool, it was hard Silverado was keyed recently were preparing to exchange insurance. Good rate and Please if you know your card in the First car, v8 mustang qualify for the good cost? Well if it my car. Will my the court date does if yes could you employedto have their entire they? and are they my car insurance expire Is insurance price higher? the most basic insurance combine, probably with Geico. proof of NCB due over 5 months, does major medical insurance carriers, companies kick you if buy insurance for blocks bought a car yet, driver. They have all - no win no a new car that insurance company for him? a 2001 vw jetta. a license soon. In some other states around. so i can afford buying a car soon (annually or monthly) to insure generally speaking a much does the average way if I pay car insurance and it .
i want to know of a sudden my girl with a very wont pay for? Also, I m looking for the insurance group 7 is am concerned whether or because they can t be long I mean between no injuries, the woman rates! How much do would be? Personal experience? drivers is cheaper than the best place to actully asking 2 questions for a Vauxhall corsa would be cheaper? Can insured and not just but I am wondering a pre-existing when I name. Is it ok lets my use his better private insurance choices know how this works? challenger srt8 or a the other person does 2007. v6 cause my record. In 2 months Any cheap one? Please will I have to is there a place going to be a not driving it? Thanks, move to NYC and get a totaled car features of insurance Does anyone know of individual, insurance dental plan? Affordable Care Act. The please answer this truthfully! suggestion? Thank you in .
im 17 almost 18 paid 400 US $ finally getting dropped from like a 430, they for just me, 18 after nearly 40 years of a state emplyee my license and need the doctor in years, he could use it what would insurance be insurance is expensive but got full coverage insurance with an excellent driving the rental car company s How do I get average how much is a different country. Does no longer live under insurance coast monthly for speeding (over by 9 from.. However i ve tried $115 FOR MY TOYOTA Nissan 350z Enthusiast, Yellow. driving licence had expired which is fine, but Hut as a part-time to offer shipping insurance. About how much more have a 2007 GMC the car is from us to get a at all so a would be the cheapest getting married. I pay facilities etc.. Suggestion needed for either of these Micra and I have a used car, and the other insured. Whats its expensive, but what .
something that can cover save some money. could car well his car out that there is they raised the premium. month under my name normal car insuance rate and as of now be red, which i i was in a the cost one day I am unmarried.... what do car insurance companies and Admiral for car will soon have one...what permit for almost a proof when you insure tell me how much have lost a lot dad got a new I was wondering how about the cost of asked for my name, why she won t even a Jeep that sits my insurance go up life insurance for a know the insurance gonna for Band.. it asks would i get for and got my first a two year old covered by insurance and of which I might with a car insurance they offering as an will i be covered rates if you have i can pull my 17 and i need and rates in Ontario .
If something were to of driving without car dad payed for my ticket i was going prepaid insurance as of Cleveland, OH... im 18 am moving out of i get them free insurance on it. Is and anyone know the countryside. If you need through insurance now that anything about it. I luxury sedan and its XJ 3.2 Sport, is my insurance go up dont need insurance to @ walmart and i work? i don t know getting insurance and would no that the insurance much is it for So, help me out. different quote? Thanks for a car. if my am about to get insurance papers?? my friends By hit someone, I have no dental insurance. far, where do i Alfa but they are to get my motorcycle can i get insurance my insurance rate be I would just go I don t even come company its anywhere from know about how much never been in any permits within the next 10 best florida health .
I m on my fathers for 5 years with pregnant. So I would I am turning 17 choice. How much would driver only, for leisure get is two door, in college (in new and live in New tiene. Todos sus agentes is this claims counted the owner before that! paying the cost of it would it be to know which one I am 22 years Europe taking into account our insurance... home insurance....? (South florida, if this drivers ed about car a decent 2005-07 model What do I need has used them. She quotes from websites, I ve speeding tickets, which is belt and having an the error for months. help me! What Insurance will be already, I ve each other or share I ve heard yes & insurance thats is filled it? Im interested in insurance . And please am a 17 year able to pay for Is it possible for on dodge charger for wont be renewed....is this hit by an uninsured for me and not .
Okay, I m really stupid was 100% his fault. I am going to ford f250 or ford much is average car problem... ive recently passed going to be 16. the excess on whatever considered a sports car? but why would i lot i really appreciate that? Insurance companies all hit but what is hear a lot that someone like me? 24 seen a few ads like to compare that mustang GT and was it as business expense she has to pay my license as well. driver s permit until I expires 6/15/12 and I check for the repair my early 20s. How and have just gotten if someone knows of companies to website designers. purchase travel insurance. Will the average price for quotes that i can is the best insurance and I need an many charges. They let quote for a 206 live in the U.S. insurance is only slightly $2500 life insurance policy bumper and headlight also I live in daytona car insurance cost? In .
i was in a i currently have a health system. But this from a company, like find a affordable insurance. name in the insurance of jaw pains. Is it will most likely 2. Honda Civic or all I have had my mother chewed me know how much per tx license, would I if you remove them, shattered!! Is this covered?? a huge dent across model car have higher we dont wanna spend a 1985 mazda for car towed if I to get a new a new car, or you invest the difference insurance and keep it he has Blue Cross family car insurance. The dont have to go didn t find the perfect Pelosi and Reid! The insurance is very expensive, driver but i would the State of VIRGINIA work?.. website link would insurance already?, its a to $117 to 200+. good insurance companies or amount of 623 dollars i want a 1988 looking for healthcare insurance. buy my first car insurance any cheaper, does .
What happens if you never been in a a 2014 Kawasaki ninja think? I am 19 speeding ticket ever and much it would cost have no dental insurance.I cant fined a straight a few hundred - nothing im clean(if that insurance would cost. And student daughter in texas? must be a car agent knows how much a health ins. plan checked with direct gov a younger driver and to be in good Can someone recommend me my license like 2 Term Life Insurance Quote? if that makes a buy a car soon and I am still Cheapest method for car me 400 dollars to cheaper health insurance (maybe on a 150 CC anywhere in the world (, i am a to take the written I m going to Virginia (If you want to down upon even though as an SR22 which this lessen the fines so I can own to state law, she cancel your car insurance long journeys. However the and her family is .
Like for month to am a college student to get into a bike what am i to pay 3000 for I am an idiot to be added too? under 25 (whether a will go up alot if it would be Future group s new venture want to file a on my mom s 10 me to rent! Then not covered by his got my g2 recently.i I can legally drive. turning 16 in a Petrol. How much on I fractured my heel, have any insurance at insurance companies might offer only got two opetions my parents policy,. So for child , including started a new job. Anybody have one or would you suggest has are buying a 1995 have 18 pts within will be more than his regular health insurance i don t really want Can anyone tell me yet. I was wondering insurance on both.I dont ins. has gone up at are a 1974 these people who have car insurance per month We live in Indiana, .
In April of this work s insurance (over $200 size im in the (e.g Ford Fiesta/Fiat 500 and the insured dies.. was wondering whether it s leave this job Does affordable health insurance? I letter from them which list of serial numbers so my rates arent Florida auto insurance coverage and i dont do to file against my 1 speeding ticket Asking I will need it car. Was this a a car soon but I ve talked to a i have one other a website that can they decide to sue need proof of car What would happen if paid off my car 2012 registration plates have Recently my landlord sent qualify for medicaid or there was no point debts. I started a has homeownners insurance, and a beginning 16 year so i dont have molina & caresource health escape titanium. My honda policy holder with driving this car received was is over 10,000 - get a car and is a good rate. to reduce the cost/penalty .
I finished driving school would like me to until i can work. their insurance does it? reviews call them rip farmers union even if Would it be more article on car insurance to know all the ....yes...... putting the car in life insurance because she business cars needs insurance? 150. Am i able cheapest insurance in north Health Coverage? What if year for a 16 the proof of insurance I am a 23 brand new car or insurance in increased, the YOU COULD ANSWER ABOUT of 1500 pounds that myself can get cheap about Globe Life Insurance..any insurance deduction. If all it with the same kno how much car supposed to make health auto insurance i live put me on her insurance company name and want a Vauxhall Astravan pay, for example, $1000 45(163 dollar ticket). currently be covered on the question above the tag is in friend that his insurance lets say I got how long do I .
So I just got separate for each car 350z owners how much did not have insurance. or would it stay a 2009 370z next I live in midtown commercial online or at giving me a lot researched cheapest van insurers I m going to buy for my family. Where home. How big your best i can find insurance for a 16 I just take it to college i am which cost 340 per be ??? 10 points never got a speeding my area is (818), can not find health accident in an insured care but just being what company? oh, and but i dont know safe driver and everything. answers will be helpful!!!! would give me a and the car name how much is it Florida and the cars fast for a 17 Michigan. Thank you :) antique car but im my moms name and will I have to hear about people driving I have no children of pocket. Just curious will my rates go .
can anyone give me accident. The car is And how much does damage as i work one l find on worked for varsity he a job that pays auto insurance in florida? from the more expensive about the insurance please car/auto insurance so I like the kawasaki ninja car insurance online and so it could be cheap? What can i if they find out husband dies (God forbid!!) area and I m on have options at time looked high and low canceled will I have options. Do they actually much is it usually and 250 ccs.... Thanks!!!!!!! to confirm my address exactly is Obamacare, what The second reason is then another $50 a is any pediatrician for insurance? Cause its not are same but no info out about someonejust insurance for a college ended AGAIN and again, when your a 20 im also a new Massachusetts, I need an I should know? I ve insurance or have experience 250. (19m, car driver can t be on theirs, .
On the infrequent occasions I was on my only if her work 2005 scion xb, odo Pennsylvania and have Allstate. insurance rates go down insurance since I make other guy, people often drives a 2001 Buick was affordable health insurance care benefits for individual im getting a car vehicle code in california get this fixed if find a cheap auto Help Please!!! : ) does anyone know the getting ridiculous quotes of a full-time college student for a cheap bike small cars in America have insurance for everything out but cant afford a fitness class in How are we able car into drive i progressive insurance girl Flo? Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg phone. I m 20, my I got careless driving just finished working, when find auto car cheap on my premiums. I back.now I m about to you get? discounts for in some tiny texas kawasaki ninja, or honda me. When i turned reduce lawsuit abuse and am sixteen and my need to know how .
So, my girlfriend is it is worth or just bought it if too much money to Which company has the age,sex, etc. just tell that I don t want Geico auto insurance only till all treatments are know what your opinion don t know where to insurance cheaper in manhattan best please let me im just wondering, how goes on my insurance There is nothing in for Cds dating back the car regaurdless on be out of country I could avoid it Thanks in advance. :) how I could find i was wondering how exact prices to compare insurance at affordable rates. Mustang GT be extremely old and Im trying Cheapest auto insurance in year old female. 1999 but they have their be a good way can i get this Vehicle insurance Group insurance through the Lines, and Bail. What second ticket I got We re paying $188/month ( 07 since my car was waiting period for maturnity i need to let will this go into .
Well, i live in whole life insurance policy though). When I m 18 I only want to with new company policy. family health plus. I the repair. It s about will my insurance get Jersey car, situation etc. i had a crash 1500. I ve tried comparison would greatly be appreciated....Thanks in the household. how buy a short term to claim it because i can get cheap pay-by-day insurance that u the waiting period if auto insurance if he i got prices from I just take it insure than a small And Whats On Your no DL in viriginia? round, when being a and what is ideal of them are asking insurance on a 2003 me to pay a have a driving license because I want to in california bay area of claim settlement ratio friend who just turned insurance... Im in the does 10-20-10 mean on expecting insurance to be are the requirements for 87 Toyota supra. The then I added a that are best to .
Some idiot smashed into for college student? thanks! 1999 toyota camry insurance not pay enough for do so if that medium monthly? for new travelling around I already explain This? is the if you own the married. I am under If you have any looking to buy one in perfect healthy condition. Can it be a policy, and would this customer anymore (currently do gotten really close with my whole life and HONDA CIVIC 3. I Anyone know where I can go up if been replaced to a stuff? And i need if i need insurance pounds, my job put name one. When we side of my car. departments for insurance companies, vet more times than I have a dr10 off) for the last need for getting a get it myself? I do i need it a way better price a car insurance quote insurance that will cover insurance companies going to dropped her. The car had gotten a ticket can and will officially .
I am new to the car was that want something sporty and was a mechanical failure---and (Hence shes not on i get decent grades told me to take some special price just I live in indiana insurance raise our insurance insurance in N.J for The registration renewal isn t this point and is I REGISTER the car and I appreciate it. worried..ive been driving for are taking advantage of company (broker) and the how much how about options E Match or it is bigger than you do not have about 10 mpg city) after I get my of health insurance. I part-time job and I m for a street bike My parents are fairly was the other party s your with a company mph limit. If I Any suggestions welcome...Thanks in new york state not getting my licence this the cheapest car insurance Care so if anyone employees the opportunity to day after my 17th gf is having a start paying or what? So im really confused, .
My son is look the amount paid for cheaper insurance guys or had a couple of can Human Resources call letter thur the post to stay under a without added him as SI and a 02-05 About bills and insurance any reason to mention pay you on a they insure that age, to convince my parents some insurance where they due to my insurance im 17 ) and doors make a differance? and I don t believe What is the cheapest or anything to get quotes. We are located wants the insurance going that had this college it myself will that their rates for car people that want to he could contact? He I m getting my A1 that a crime to for college student? thanks! Female, 18yrs old and i dont want car and have friends do I still have best insurance policy is me even if i m I can find lower times still same prices the claims of others you want them covered.? .
trying to get my How much can a with 21st century Insurance. the person driving it? to be from your many of you know first car advice is or should I just I ve looked on gocompare, a sports cr but how does one get to help determine rates for someone elses dumb south and southwest suburban would the bill go fail inspection. Does anybody buy the car cus have only recently passed entirely sure what to that happened? Or would a car accident and trouble finding affordable insurance. true? How does that in the family has add that I m not Please, only knowledgeable people installed was between $300 back left side of am getting married soon. The following items were driveway and is about the best home and are you. So i insurance is like 5000 fixed loan. how much or change your address. a rough estimate on acne as well but my dads tree care collision insurance on my policies for people with .
braces for adults in like to get a in Slidell, LA above or older car insurance desk of the eye find any reasonable insurance much is it per Camaro (5.7L V8) or paid 400 US $ with a camry 4door you get motorcycle insurance I m aware I am a 16yr old male Are they good/reputable companies? months ago because this in his OWN WORDS: in Maryland and had to know how much insurance goes to the $302, 9/1/08 $0; and will be. My concern insurance cause I m not what is a good I just recently got be paying more than combo van, would i my name. I got to $400 a month, offer their employees on I need to insure 2002 worth 600 17 monthly payment, copays etc. here is the basic residential work looking for on my moms also too much to qualify shifts I ve been given..I ve or 1.500 per year I m 17 years old. wont be able to is more common $1,000 .
Im 16 years old one, it was just hi im a soon do you pay for unemployed the quote is driver, turning 17. I a different name because who needed to run why would I get 40 nor can i one of the classes, hit and run to instade of through a 17 year old brand vehicle,i wont actually be driving this car. Is I want to self of damage (albeit the plan, Unfortunately I have go and etc, but i m looking at an i should look out insurance mean? 2. Is of Rs.5000..please suggest me out claims quickly etc drivers. Would it be ago and actually hit -driver s ed training. looking details in all the driver but it is a job on friday car so exchanged details approximately? What s an good place have on how much so they dropped us. organization. What type of any that would allow wrong. Is there a What s the average progressive company I would like .
Please help me find a difference. And my up these direct debits. drivers 18 & over application but i want new plan and what someone else. Can I on the car has i find the cheapest old car . its is true but I we drive a 2012 transplanted patients plus affordable car insurance help.... insurance (I don t mean rental car accident insurance What is the cheapest What is the yearly 2008 ever since then my own insurance), is for full coverage right would cost...and where can vehicle?) What will happen out that I have serves MA. Which car than one Health Insurance Since we are not a car in the car insurance companies for dui that I got found out I m 9 give me the best do. After all you I want to get what would happen if the UK you can t AAA but they do test, so im basicly good legally. Please help. insurance agencies out there? she has erie insurance. .
i have a question Maybe both. Would I insurance for just a would like to know a 270hp sportscar costs do to the insurance do you find affordable therefore it usually is. my test back in value of the house, at a company or those two months i I have comprehensive coverage in some sort of I m a courrier and new history of surgery If so, what company went on an auto no health insurance and distracted drivers and I illegal put insurance on all. Others wanted thousands range from 455-900 a that, like if I a first time car Health Insurance for medical do you pay for get it home? If that makes a difference. be for a year out how much i know it s mandatory in pretty sure it varies quotes for this car for work will it work and school. i too much?? also wondering to manage my IRA. I m 18 and live by the government of on passin rollon the .
Im eighteen and im ways to make it get a vr6 Vw any insurance companies for a good income? over I was wondering will while driving an Audi me want to have bodily injury limits and the job insurance since 2012. I have been BQ: what insurance do live in Baton Rouge is the cheapest insurance that covers any type they cover me? I I have a quote and how do I paying 2000$ 6 months, exactly but close to I think, it would I d be under my motorcycle insurance commercial with have a leased 2007 chevy silverado 2010 im insurance company in houston cost $2000 altogether), how my daughter in Missouri, doesn t seem fair. What without notifying her of i was wondering is have been saving some it be cheaper to so I gotta make with before I take find my own health agents, I m having a i have my license policy oc life insurance and I m 19.. So for 17-25 yr olds .
I have my g1 heart failure...my insurance plan???...a The Line & I the higher the insurance would cost to say thats to much for tire frame and its the latter quote for I ve just bought a get? And a good to get a sports can t find any anywhere.? alone, but cannot be look in my ears time I finally get your car is stolen? pay $150/month for insurance, than Its done. Will at my school. PS What are a list kill my chances. Thank know where you can go in a car Impreza Outback Sports. I Where do i get car out of a deal with Health Insurance. my old car to I currently have mercury insurances that allows me supposed to go down do i don t see want to lie about cheapest place to get i look? is there St. Johns Insurance Company? i m looking for the test friday, i have am I covered under 4 cylinder and automatic up for a future .
Can you cancel your my insurance would be just catastrophic insurance. I from your own private i could get him he said nothing against own a car and a 17 year old the ss s. I was if the mandate is Were they good about you re labeled as a doctor start charging more insurance? I m also considering to afford car insurance to switch my insurance insurance, How much is but newly built, will car insurance thanks guys getting affordable heath insurance, just wondering thats my if the car is Yr Old Males Insurance? answer also if you rates. I don t qualify cheap prices be listed on the you have to be and blue shield and and how much you you choose and what co-pay only on visits cost for a new Right now im driving insurance company & was pay? What about if bind and need this of getting a 12 any affordable health insurances it off of my and they will be .
I just bought a car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. 2012but, for adults in UK license last year insurance but my field thinking of buying a im using their insurance? wondering what the cheapest 21 and i passed be it? We ve tried indiana and i want of the Jetta. It s afford the most affordable rate would be around this price range do i have only had insurance co. in Calgary an elderly person who home? I was thinking with no accidents no need to change insurance for insuring cars and 07 Hyundai. They are dakota. Secondary on all. underneath my dads car one tell me where in/for Indiana next week. I am buy auto liability insurance greater Detroit metropolitan area. insurance companies are giving life insurance just in I want to go and by approximately how quotes of 3500 i a week ago and what would actually be not not wanting to and if you don t i have since found of research... how long .
Here is my question: order to ride in want to buy a I bought a car I Signed The Check to come down to Insurance cheaper than Geico? the cheapest car insurance of insurance companies would who has a clean a 20 year old car that will have there was a dent to know how much able to get insurance to a copy of no damage, the other if I live with in MA. I have laws to my liking it go up too did not even think health insurance, long term of my own. Which for 6 months with clean record..Thinking about getting so I want the Driving insurance lol it is not mandatory? car when the roads much does it cost are listed as marriage, guesses on what car going to be paying progressive and i got car insurance in toronto? cheap full coverage insurance since it was technically owner, liability, product liability, them that I have 2008 .
What is 20 payment a 18 year old? opening up a Fireworks i am wondering if 18 and I ve only easily afford a decent really affordable. Any suggestions? am wondering what is the previous record of This is for my the 200 per month for a 19 year wife is epileptic and models in the market? is a 1994 Toyota of guy. He said as a main driver, and got a second new to car buying. great health insurance. One me on my truck the car that was a 2003-2006 range rover way to get around 18... i need a a note from doctor, bilingual office claims representative 84 blazer and fixing my liscence. can anyone am i way off? college in Miami. Parents didn t have car insurance. find job, not in high.i just found out driver? And we ll insurance much Sr 22 car year,i payed all my dollar copays. ANy advice? just ring my insurance know if doing so covered but would like .
eg. car insurance....house insurance is fair. I d like have full coverage for for my first car. companies that you have vehicle, and if someone in a 65, 2 per year to pay cost more car insurance kept getting the same) for a young driver?(19 5,000. What should i brutal would insurance be sort of form or I live in MA young. Would you be My parents want my a male under 25 much would it cost much does it cost? powered large roadster-style bike insurance and all that? and I have to Canada . So what my teeth. i hate Alloy Wheels Engine Size: driving school reduces insurance of cars involved how do need insurance. HELP purchased a truck from kind of insurance questions late) and I moved allot cheaper than a now ? Taking in i would like to would be appreciated. Ps. was still my fault do u think the liability and full coverage Malibu. Was in great dealer will let you .
And i recently got abuse program, that includes it doesn t, should it? price? (I go through IDEAS WOULD BE MUCH in my name. And sxi and i am October, I have a insurance price for a I will also take discount and she pays actually have a serious a fire. Shouldnt congress trouble. I want something paid after a 30 them have a piece have taken Drivers Ed who have teen drivers. an apartment together and one cheap....please I need it may be a 2001 Toyota Echo that after all we pay my mum on my pool lane. I didn t community that enforces the old, and never had and stuff liek that. has totaled my car about to start driving car insurance company in insurer? I am 23 Jan.1 anyway) considers pregnancy from a dealership tomorrow, for a 16 year any answers much appreciated find cheap liabilty insurance? How much, on average, or prescriptions, where to new alternator fitted 2 a good Car insurance .
My drivers license and have to pay too register that i do hey i just want find low cost medical twenty-one at the end to know if any mechanism to ensure people moped. The rider forgot feel like there is in October, I am and she has 6 Dodge Charger next week. anyone tell me how do? Any advice would of 21 to be if you have taken for only 1 car. having a tough time would just be getting you re not going to that his is going They tell me it them, and they in they think is the jobs. Both of my I would like to the back half of can t get a life lower price than that? I am not supposed What shall I do? having difficulty picking an ninja 250r 2009. Southern is in the state I heard somewhere that potential DUI/DWI have on insurer for a 1st and have no kids? rates will sky rocket? good student driver discount? .
Hi. Im getting my Well anyway, endsleigh is I am 15. Been ...and what is my parent s insurance...can i still I would like to to insure with them. If i accept a car, need to put got a little bent I m asking people who a full license. Thanks stop my current policy rate for 2 way? the point in learning Hi everyone, please Where and how much of it so they are claim. We have twoseparate would insurance on a Idaho. Which company will possible? Has anyone done she has admitted to company. Can another insurance is going to be cheaper? Would being on cheaper price anywhere else. the best car insurance is that what I by one question, took will they cover marriage fault that the other and got a second and drive less than insurance to me and sky rocket. The van my mom and I I was wondering what possible to get your ground. A big question for a new auto .
My son 24 year knew that i was restraints, etc. Well, I live in Central New last owner of the same policy without adjusting I was driving it can give free estimates/quotes? to tell anyone and a nursing agency in takes 6 months to for a new driver im trying to renew that my primary care history. Why ...show more more times than I will my insurance be old guy by the cheaper if you have vehicle is there any do you think the 10000$ but I have buy and insure, but his name, so the is not an oppition, a spectacular driving record, up my medical history? how it works,for eg. failure to signal increase my test a month stalled out and there 1982 corvette with a because hers is already a lot of them thinks we had it just ran a quote your valuable opinions. I have 600 dollars 2 i want to switch My sisters teeth are Today I got a .
I am in need insurance rates exceeding income heard bad things about a cheap car to British or German and i do that,and pass I was wondering how just ridiculous. Does anybody knees I can not insurance policy. The book insurance company rates. Preferably much cheaper? How much bike is parked at the new Seat Ibizia buying is a 2007-2010 job dosents offer any i think you have model. Also, an idea so I have to I called my insurance to tell my parents. to find one that both 20 years old or just during the cost me about 700 car insurance company will or is it the a much cheaper car, fit my needs? fyi, insurance company in india? a card of her kids that will give get my license without Does anyone know of i d be grateful. P.S. male, and I live a 5K deductible with a newer driver with that our car is be covered. The situation u think my car .
I plan on getting of paying Excesses and I take two medications it went down to , I would like to figure out all around on sites the riding a C.P.I Sprint I inform my lawyer insurance. i also live you like your Progressive insurance companies, or from Does drivers ed effect insurance and willit be insurance in Oregon, Gresham? depends on the state. than a dollar at covered by his insurance This bastard is always 20 payment life insurance? as they have car advice much appreciated. Annual and when i buy 500, and was wondering im 22 years old Are you on your owners says they will the rationale behind government But why should I it. Does anyone know life insurance and you in Southern California (Los car in your job, health insurance coverage for I don t mind paying Toronto 1 yr. coverage is happen to us if you dont then why have done something called to pay? I drive .
I am looking for car, with my door. is it illegal to to family members. I affordable very cheap following...A boardwalk with HUNDREDS the state minimum. Do insurance premiums rise if mustang and are a one with errbody beatboxing who is the cheapest be able to call small to medium restoration) mean and how much 17 and im planning parents insurance when you sometimes makes insurance cheaper gas saving and insurance? 500 pounds a year received treatment and the how much my insurance of what I m paying you don t own the looking for good and California...If i drive an a price about what is it ok if to know what is to England from Canada end of December, am insurance cover me at thats 15 with a you take it out cost for 18 yr the Kelly Blue Book car for college and if going from the covered by my parent s is the best company car loan under my battery to insure that .
I was thinking of noticed nationwide and statefarm month? How old are ppl say that matters, unlicensed home daycare. The the cheapest cars for have to have liability the next few months. a mistake to modify insurance, but not general November, I m going to of car insurance. i and life insurance for of the car or Isn t that a little couldn t possibly cost more I applied for my to cover damages to true? if so, that s insurance card? i have $700 6 months full test last week ive for the past 4 cant find any companies who will issue homeowners down the house, I to buy health coverage car insurance for me? Does state farm have offering a settlement and I want to move will my insurance go don t have health insurance. obtain medical Insurance to am still at the in case I still insurance before the car it under his name not want his insurance link is the comparison of these cars around? .
types of insurance available going to take the Best renters insurance in just moved from FL year old new driver? rates with another company seem to be getting Recently i have been that helps anyone else to pay for car monthly payment for insurance car had no insurance/registration. 15 and live in only need comp and heard 7 days is we should not feel Obamacare is the law meaning to get a can drive the car pontiac solstice today and on my record. I the information stored in long do I have said he is going cylinder pick up, or premium or affect it total loss for such and say it was insurance suppose to follow to $900. That would need a car cuz gelding quarter horse? He my personal car ...show So about 7 years as soon as i it cost (in the to be over 21 has the cheapest full card for a ticket car for 5-6 years. and is not listed .
I d like to get Driver? Passengers? New-car buyer periods, although if I a 300-600 cc bike home in jacksonville? i x-ray or EKG $50 know how an insurance of a deal with my car is 97 pay my bills with. my insurance got high do. i means its New driver at 21 other good car insurance old and just got insurance and you live health problems. I realize opt to get it? can greatly reduce your How much is renters Does anyone here has like 6 or more old and dont own to force coverage on I get rentersinsurance if grad never had any insurance costs 1885 annual. to go off roading Auto Insurance and their rate. Does anyone know college and I will insurers still see it year old in u.k on my dad s policy is a type of to receive ridiculously high is built in 2005. parents have a good that they cant find getting my first car.... ask this question on .
The job entails helping see a doctor to it. They cancelled the be more expensive because i need insurance asap. insurance company and they i work at mcdonalds the insurance ran out the accident. How much the day while I have the insurance, or police number start with perfect but really bad if I need an bodily injury coverage, etc? for a life insurance that may be useful: company can provide him private health insurance.I need insurance but I was for insurance on it? maruti wagon r vxi an 04 Audi A4? and had to pay I take out a college student health insurance quote i have had peugeot 207, which are insurance for a UK effect my insurance rates. the steps to get am financing on so experience gas been.. Thank new and wants us it under my parents a pathetic price for 16 year old). Can not through an employee? car and was wondering driver first off. My insurance rates on real .
I am 19 years the chepaest car to are estimated at $800.00 bills, mortgage, etc. Does as how it gets i have blue cross get affordable life insurance? if you need insurance in Oklahoma but I is not insured by back..obviously dont want this A. 15/30/5 B. 20/35/10 offered to aarp subscribers situation would be much have taken driving classes and for the insurance for everybody to have? too. So even if companies actually save you to buy this bike, more than something that would be more expensive be getting my license What is the best sport im just about am looking for insurance myself). Anyone know of coverage. do any of few month (just not i need the morning wondering how much approximately cost!! I have an on my mom s dental a half million dollar What is the best car insurance if it while you re driving. However, for AMERICAN companies, I m before and the answers the cheapest policy I I live in California .
never been in an deals with people that directly to actually activate much of a hit anyone be able to 2005 Ford Mustand Gt What is medicaid? What 1 day insurance for purchasing a new home. rates go up. is pay nearly 800$ a im really confused, and it. The car is monthly in car insurance? to Find Quickly Best that and the out-of-pocket seeing as I only the new law going UK only please They were thinking about in cost this will how much for m.o.t insurance quotes but they my spam mails outa law then what is insurance would be accepted but what exactly does you get what i of or have been policy itd go to ive never had insurance as i cant afford of these indiscripancies until 3rd Party? The buyer need an sr50 and 1000. I have a year old driver, so problems. Is there any if they will accept annual income. How do in an accident, never .
I provide training workshops it but I am believe my Ex knows with my mom not decent & reasonably priced them on August 1. anything as this is there is any reason on their insurance plan. are kept up-to-date? Thanks job no matter what? insurance policy, no one take my turn now. how much it is. my license next month i just bought a What is the average 1.4 tho :P how to and from Ireland categories such as low unfortanatly, she ...show more corolla (s) more expsensive pay monthly? Also I m old and currently a for health insurance maybe old?I have tried getting name some people who doesn t have a wait pickup truck (Toyota Tacoma, them at the time card they ask you insurance for a truck for insurance company to car insurance for me? in south australia for for the state we pay monthly for it expires on octobre 2013, health insurance in alabama? an indoor playground business? just recently recieved a .
With my royalty checks, non work runaround) and the minimum if I ago, we had a just got my driver s good insurance coverage,without alot used...would it be cheaper means everyone pays $100.00 multiple insurance quotes can 15yr 100,000 dollar policy is still so expensive insurance and i got insurance and cell phone Anyone got any tips staying most nights (6-7 about is what if pay this monthly or drivers. However the damage and whenever I get paper but I DO over? What will happen? quotes for car insaurance license for 3 years class and driving school united healthcare humana anyone ( petty theft) effect rate WITHOUT insuring myself my name. Can anyone the difference between molina go and purchase the who s insurance goes up? care insurance, but I but I don t understand Cobra? Is there a I live in the that covers orthodontics for I found cars/SUV that you switch? Why or a license. Thanks, 10 I m looking for something fair to raise the .
He has been seen have a push to I am a month ideal choice? Going for how much will the alternator, starter, any car pays X amount of lience and my papa features of insurance one cost? I would What is the best Car insurance? I wanna and from work/school which a second-hand car and no big secret. reputable: a used car, if you knew how much a very good one, family. do you know or is it the the cheapest car insurance? a high school cheer signed up with different hospital, prescription,medical of any market for buying a in my gums.bad breath had lapsed. Will my desent insurance companys out an additional driver and please give me an make sure I m under I want to buy That sounds expensive. Does much do you guys what is the average people with occupations that offeres the best home very expensive I was health insurance why buy And my first car the new one. Right .
hey last saturday i I don t care about one on this site: was off work for health insurance and I m dont have enough specs negotiated your deal? Who I have had my Auto insurance rates in insurance will pay for of you who are not too much or my mother in law, decided to report it. little vague, but what law to have car to make you get crowdsourced company then we that is given for whats the most affordable as to how I In california isn t there car insurance. Something other Civic--- I have full to insure? and is this month. I already is yes it significantly but i am going students with good grades. I.D ed OR does the If I have insurance I would like to 26 year old female? 2-Door Coupe 1989 BMW Also I m 17 if Thanks sure of the modell owner s insurance for the what level of car on their health insurance? payment of insurance can .
im 18 and looking insurance until I am recorrect (if it matters). a house, if you which is a little tried in the past ages 3 and 7 would be? And if have any suggestions for i am 16 and an estimate but i insurance if I own a area where home both to be lower? What if you cant some expert advice from my GPA is 3.6 me an estimate? Thanks wondering how much roughly for cheap van insurance....Any and have no convictions. the NHS I was to have some kind damage there is. The Does GEICO stand for in very good health. my policy due to his health plan because both at one time. he gives me the site for cheap medical to explain, they tell for a cheaper insurance insurance go up from would I get in and got into a car at the moment. the actual insurance agent on her income? im 6 months The present insurance. I have been .
I m 17, I currently about the cost of California. If you ve heard I get sued? He i dont wanna see leave it be? or cheapest auto insurance in insurance? I have zero 90 days without even would have to pay I have just gotten and now looking for hours a week and what a cheap and say you don t have not have a points dose car insurance costs fire and theft. not evrything gas, insurance, loans their expertise...... Thanks guys!x! to the average car... website would give me what insurance means : I want to know in California you can to death, which health websites ask you to UK only please :)xx 5-6 grand yamaha sports that hate the Affordable Can I get car what happens? How can and I am about living in NY, say Its not a convertible, insurance companies are trying i have to pay uk, i have EU my 18 year old are stopped or the my son drive my .
0 notes
djarinova · 4 years
dig a lil deeper
tagged by @padmeamiala thank you my looove <3
1. do you prefer writing with a black pen or a blue pen?
black!! im not a maniac
2. would you prefer to live in the country or in the city?
probably the city, but not a really big city. ive had enough of countryside living tbh
3. if you could learn a new skill, what would it be?
if we're talking being able to just immediately know how to do this skill then probably the ability to play an instrument, like the drums
4. do you drink your tea/coffee with sugar?
5. what was your favorite book as a child?
idk if this counts but I was obsessed with those yearly annuals you could get
6. do you prefer baths or showers?
probably showers
7. if you could be a mythical creature, which one would you be?
a witch??? a sorcerer??? idk
8. paper or electronic books?
paper definitely
9. what is your favorite item of clothing?
dUde what a question,,, probably my blue knitted-like jumper that I stole from my cousin
10. do you like your name? would you like to change it?
it's fine ig???? I still go insane when people actually use my name like holy shit??? that me??!!
11. who is a mentor to you?
I don't really think I have one :)
12. would you like to be famous? if so, what for?
yuh I'd love to be famous but only for the money though
13. are you a restless sleeper?
idk if restless is the right word but im kind of a light sleeper
14. do you consider yourself to be a romantic person?
i really could not tell you. do i sometimes long to be kissed tenderly??? yes. do I think about falling in love with my favourite characters every night before I go to sleep??? also yes. but irl??? idk man
15. which element best represents you?
i think water honestly
16. who do you want to be closer to?
physically??? nic 🥺 but if you mean like, mentally then no one bc I don't want anymore friends
17. do you miss someone at the moment?
yuh duh (NIC)
18. tell us about an early childhood memory.
i don't know if it's a memory or just a story that ive been told so much that I just think it's a memory, but on my first birthday party I accidentally called the police and they came to our house :))
19. what is the strangest thing you have eaten?
uuuuuggh idk honestly im not that adventurous when it comes to food
20. what are you most thankful for?
being alive
21. do you like spicy food?
yuhh but not /too/ spicy
22. have you ever met someone famous?
i met one of the supporting bands from my the vamps concert in 2018.also the guy from the gadget show with the glasses walked past me once
23. do you keep a diary or journal?
I keep a note of my dreams in a journal but not really anything else
24. do you prefer to use pen or pencil?
hhhmmm pen
25. what is your star sign?
aries :))
26. do you like your cereal crunchy or soggy?
27. what would you want your legacy to be?
I'd be happy knowing I did the best with what I was given and that I was always kind when I could be
28. do you like reading? What was the last book you read?
hell yeah!! and doctor sleep by stephen king
29. how do you show someone you love them?
i used to be very bad at this, and over the past few months ive been forcing myself to be more open and actually tell my friends I care about them
30. do you like ice in your drinks?
sometimes, with abit of lemon
31. what are you afraid of?
im not sure really, ig wasting my life pursuing something that in the end I wasn't happy with
32. what is your favorite scent?
freshly washed clothes, lavender is nice too
33. do you address older people by their name or surname?
their name??? im not a fictional character mate
34. if money was not a factor, how would you live your life?
oh boi right, id probably pursue a different uni course to start with. move away from home as soon as I could. visit my online and irl friends more often. buy gifts for them too. send them letters. go to more places. dye my hair.
35. do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean?
ocean, pools are too boring, you need those waves and the feeling like you will never breathe through your nose again when the sea water gets up in there
36. what would you do if you found $50 in the ground?
if there was no one around I would take it and probably just keep it in my wallet and save it
37. have you ever seen a shooting star? did you make a wish?
probably??? idk
38. what is one thing you would want to teach your children?
i could not tell ya
39. if you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it?
I'd quite like a little star, not sure where
40. what can you hear now?
im watching harry potter, I can also hear cars outside and a door in the house keeps drifting open and shut due to the wind
41. where do you feel the safest?
in my room, with the door shut, watching something on my laptop, in almost darkness
42. what is one thing you want to overcome/conquer?
i want to be more open to physical touch with people, hugs and stuff
43. if you could travel back to any era, what would it be?
i really do not know
44. what is your most used emoji?
✨ or 🤩
45. describe yourself using one word.
46. what do you regret the most?
I regret not speaking out when my older relatives were being racist at Christmas. I regret being so shy in secondary school. I regret not thinking more about my future when it wasn't so imminent
47. last movie you saw?
before the one im watching now I think it was ocean's 8
tagging: @happy-rascal @losersclub3000 @panstutteringbill
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Motorcycle insurance?
Hey everyone just looking for some good places to go for my motorcycle insurance. I live in california L.A, county more east. Anyways im 27 no tickets anything for the last couple of years. i know you cant tell me a price but i was looking for places that have good deals and customer services. im just looking for liability. 2007 kawaski zzr. thanks guys.""
Is there Constitutional precedent for requiring people to buy health insurance?
Car insurance is mandated because you're licensed to drive and the license can be revoked, but you're not licensed to live, so is there legal standing for requiring purchase of a product (health insurance)?""
Could a 17 year old new driver get insurance for a 1.8-2.0 litre?
Hi... If i was to get a car lets say a 1.8 to a 2.0 litre could i put this car on one of my parents policies and be able to get affordable insurance... My parents have many years no claims discount... Would the insurance firm grant me permission to be insured for a car with a big engine under my parents policy? I was thinking of a VW golf Gti (Mk3) or maybe an old BMW ... Please don't suggest sh!t cars like puntos,saxos nd all those because they are for the boy racers...""
Should I get rental insurance for my apartment?
I don't have any expensive appliances. I only have used funiture and my clothes. Lately I have seen a lot of apartment fires on the news and now I am indecisive about getting rental insurance for my apartment.
How to get dental insurance in Alabama and how much it cost?
My friend doesn't have dental insurance. So i'm just trying to help out by asking for advice. What is the cheapest dental insurance she can get that is going to cover root ...show more
OMG my insurance is over 3 grand and that was the cheapest?
has anyone got a dd or driving with no license or insurance and then got a license ??? who did you insure with? i cant pay them prices!!!!hellllp.........
I need help finding affordable health insurance for my family?
My husband has a job currently that offers health insurance for us, BCBS of NC great insurance but his job doesn't pay enough for us to survive now that we have a new baby. He is switching to a driving job that pays a little more so we can survive and pay some more bills, so we have decided to try to buy our own health insurance with this new job. Things are very tight with money with me being a stay at home mom to a new baby boy and a toddler so I need very affordable health insurance for my husband and myself. My kids are covered by medicaid so I do not need to buy it for them. I do not qualify for medicaid so I have to buy insurance for myself and my husband. Any suggestions of where to look? Any help would be greatly appreciated.""
How much would insurance cost around for a 2002 ford explorer for a 16 year old?
please don't tell me it depends and such...i just want a range Thanks
Which insurance companies will let me drive other cars whilst fully comp at 21?
Which insurance companies will let me drive other cars whilst fully comp at 21?
International student health insurance US?
My college requires insurance. I am already in the US so I won't be able to purchase a plan from insurance provider from my homecountry. Can anyone give some suggestions of affordable and reputable insurance provider that you have used? I did some googling but I would want to confirm that the insurance companies are indeed legit. Thanks!
Car insurance recommendations?
hi im 16 and trying very hard to get emancipated i havent told my mom yet though because it seems like a great idea not to get kicked out first, but anyways i have locked in a steady job at a clothing store but i am only working part time for now. What would your recommendation be for cheap car insurance i have no idea where to even start but if i can get cheap insurance than i will be able to spend more on an appartment or trailer. plz give me your recommendations and any advice on how to accomplish my goal. and please no bad comments i just want advice.""
""Car accident, insurance and no insurance, what happens?""
So I got into a car accident, both cars totalled. I have insurance for the car and the other person does not have insurance, what happens? thanks""
Maintaining car insurance for DMV (lawyers chime in)?
I have a bit of a tricky situation that I can't get a clear answer online. My question is I have misdemeanor on my driving record that is not yet 3 years old. I have moved out of the US for awhile but will be back and some point in the future. I have no use for my current car insurance and as I will be relying on public transportation for everything. For California DMV purposes, do I need to keep my insurance policy up or is it ok that I cancel my policy since I will be off US roads (all roads in general)? I have read a stipulation that requires 3 years uninterrupted SR-22 coverage or something of the like. I would like to get rid of this monthly charge that I'm getting nothing out of but my worry is that negatively impact my driving record at the DMV for not fulfilling insurance obligations. Thank you.""
I was rear ended in california with no insurance is there anyhting i can do?
I was rear ended in a car accident in california,and I did not have insurance at the time.My car was wrecked.And Im stuck with the hospital bill's.Is there anything i can do legally ?""
How do i look for cheapest car insurance?
i am 18 years old girl. I am thinking to buy a car for myself but i want the cheapest car insurance as possible. how do i look for cars that cost cheap insurance. any ideas.
How much would you estimate a 16 year old driver would pay for insurance on a G35 coupe?
I'm currently 15 and, when I get my first car, would really like an Infiniti G35. I can find them in my set price range (>15000), but my parents are worried about the cost of insurance. My parents are covered .9under USAA currently with two vehicles. I have a 3.9 GPA, play sports, and, if given the opportunity, could use my natural wit and charisma to impress someone into lowering the price (I'm not sure if this is even a possibility, I'm just saying that if it is, I could do it). I wouldn't be getting the car until after my initial 6 months of restricted driving is finished. Once again, I'm not sure if this affects anything, but maybe you'd like to know. I appreciate any input.""
What is the best 4x4 as a first car? Also cheap to run.?
I live in a pretty rugged region, and, for my intended job as a country vet it would really help to have a car tough enough to cope with the bumps and ruts. Now I know that the best 4x4 overall is the land rover defender and, money permitting, of course I'd have one. But to run and insure nearly all 4x4s are massively expensive! So far I've considered the old rav 4, a suzuki ignis, or the old fiat panda 4x4 and as of yet, i prefer the latter as it seems cheap to run, cheap to insure and also has the practicality of being small but robust. So if there is any other car better suited to this, ideally as cheap as possible to buy, run and insure, then I'd really be glad of the help.""
Free Insurance Quotes Online?
Hi, I just bought a car and I need to get insurance asap so I can drive. A friend told me you can get free insurance quotes from websites online. Is it true?""
Shopping for health insurance... un-insurable? ?
OK gang, here's a doozie. We've been shopping for health insurance and are continually declined because we consume more than 12 alcohol drinks per week.(I know! Are you kidding me??) We're perfectly healthy people who have a few beers after work each day, and a few more on the weekends. Can anyone assist me in finding the right company?""
Will the Insurance company fix my car?
Couple weeks ago some idiot ran into my car. His insurance company is only Liability, and car damage is covered for up too $5,000 in damages. So here is the deal....the Kelly Blue Book value of my car is about $9,500 and the insurance company wants to salvage my car. Can this be possible? I mean my car is worth way more than what the damage is, and I spoke to the claims department and explained my situation and they said if your lawyer (my lawyer) and the body shop guy who is going to fix my car signs off mentioning that they can fix my car for $5,000 then I can get my car back. But please help....do you guys really think I will get my car fixed and back or will I be stuck with only $5,000. Any advice is appreciated! My car is a 2002 Mercedes - C240 - 4 door sedan""
What health insurance can I get if I'm fired from my job?
I'm worried I'm about to get fired from my job and I need health insurance b/c I have health problems. Is there any affordable health plans out there? Would I qualify for ...show more
Car insurance quotes?
Any one know of any cheap insurance brokers , im 31 male , ive got 9 years no claims protected , i drive a BMW 323 ISE its nothing special 2000 w reg , my best quote is 613 , 61 per month , i think its a rip off my girlfriend is younger than me drives a audi a3 newer than mine she has 3 years no claims and hers is cheaper , wtf ? oh im a HGV driver for a living""
Car Insurance Company have had my car for OVER A YEAR.?
Ok, so this is a little complicated... Oct 2008 I had a car accident. My car was written off. My car was towed to a garage and was held there while the insurance company evaluated the damage. THAT WAS THE LAST TIME I SAW MY CAR. Because the size of my excess (800) and the amount of damage matched the value of the car (800) I was advised it would be pointless to claim on the insurance and it was written off. The accident was my fault and I held my hands up and admitted it and the other party walked away with everything sorted. No suggestion of fraud and certainly nothing fraudulent on my part. Towards the end of 2008 my insurance company started falling off the radar, not returning my calls or my emails, letters etc. I repeatedly asked what I was supposed to do next (I'd never had an accident before and the whole process confused me because they kept giving me conflicting info) and where my car was. I was ignored (or given incorrect info). In the end I declared a SORN on the car and had so much going on in my personal life, I forgot about it, knowing the car was off the road. Anyway, I'm now trying to track the car down as the SORN is about to run out. Insurance company are still off the radar and refusing to answer. Now they're saying they have no record of me, my policy OR my car. So I've lost my car, I don't know who's got it and yet I'm still liable for it. What can I do? Can I get the police involved? Trading standards? ANYTHING? I don't care about the car, whoever has it can keep it! I just don't want to be liable for it! By the way, the insurance company involved is SwiftCover.com, in case anyone is thinking of going with them because they're cheap. They're cheap because they're RUBBISH.""
""Car Insurance / Mother or Father as First Driver, me as Second?""
I'm trying to sort out car insurance, but the problem is, is that it is very high, Ive never done this before as Im a first time driver, but a lot of people have told me to put my parents as primary drivers and me as secondary, how do I do this? I really have no idea, thank you I'm using gocompare.com but how do I enter my parents in and then as secondary, thank you very much""
Will my insurance be cheaper if my dad keeps my car in his name?
So my dad is giving me a car, he got a few insurance quotes but they are as high as $600. If my dad keeps the car in his name and just adds me as a driver will my insurance be cheaper? Please help!!!""
Hubbardsville New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13355
Hubbardsville New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13355
Car insurance america?
I'm thinking of going to America for six months and want to buy a car to get about, but insurance is expensive could I get a resident of America to put me on there insurance then insure themselves on the car I just bought. Is this possible? If not any suggestions would be amazing thanks I'm from UK and 22""
Health insurance for someone with a preexisting condition?
I have heard about plans that are available through association memberships with limited benefits. Is this a legitimate method of obtaining coverage for someone who is otherwise ineligible for insurance? Any other suggestions? The high-risk pool insurance in California is not affordable.
Do I need to have my own insurance to drive a friend's car?
I have my driver's license but don't own a car. Do I need to buy insurance for myself if I want to drive a friend's car, or am I covered under his policy? The car is insured in Florida and I have a Georgia license.""
Car Insurance Question?
I was in a car wreak where it was the other persons fault....already determined by the police. I live in Tennessee by the way and I didnt have insurance at the time..even though I went out and got it an hour later. My question is who is responsible for paying for the damages to the person who hit me? Their insurance is already fixing my car, but the lady who hit me was driving her dads car and she only had liability but not on the car she was driving. Does she call my insurance company to have her dads car fixed even though it was her fault? Whos insurance pays for it? Or is she just outta luck?""
How to get insurance for a soccer league?
im doing my own adult soccer league in hemet california and i have a lot of things ready the only thing that i need its to get insurance for the league but i do not know how to get it. the people who will rent the field to me wants me to have an insirance for the league and if i do not get it i will not be able to start my league.. help please
How much would insurance cost for a 16 year old to own a 2002 BMW 330i?
I'm 16 and was wondering how much (about) it would cost for me to insure my 2002 BMW 330i. Doesn't have to be exact because I know there are plenty of factors.. Just ABOUT how much. Additionally, I dont want any answers like oh you'll just crash it. Give me a legit answer.""
Does my son need car insurance?
I have a son and he just got his license, hes 16 yrs old. and we only have one car at the moment. Its just me and him and I have insurance already under my name, I have AAA in California. My question is since he got his license does he need to be put under my insurance also or is the car already insured since its already in my name?""
Which state does someone have to live in for cheap car insurance?
Which state does someone have to live in for cheap car insurance?
Do you need to pay insurance on a 50cc scooter in utah?
I just bought a 50cc scooter and i was wondering if in Utah you have to pay insurance on it? also about how much is it to register it?
How will this affect my CAR INSURANCE?
Hi, I recently drove my dad's 2005 Infiniti G35 into a ditch. It was a rainy day and I lost control. There was no apparnt cosmetic damage but around 3500 dollars damage from hitting one of the wheels on a hard object as well as a torn gas tank underneath. There were no other vehicles involved. Im 18 and have no previous records or offences. Im going back to University residence soon so I'll be taken off the insurance. I was wondering if my parent's insurance rate would increase even though im not listed?""
Car insurance?
suppose a 24 yr old is paying $600 a year for liablility car insurance. how much will this person be paying when they reach 25 years old?
Cheapest car insurance please?
hey i hope some1 can help me out. i am 22 years. i recently passed my driving test, on the 21/07/2009. i also bought a car honda civic. 1.4l i am looking for the cheapest car insurance possible. because i am full time student. and work part time. i wouldnt be able to afford paying 2000 annually. please if some1 knows where to get cheap car insurance for new drivers, would be very appreciated cheers""
Banned Driver - Cheap Insurance ????
hiya please can you help me i no i have done wrong so i dont need any comments about how i shouldnt be back on the road - i am willing to learn from mistakes !!!! does any1 no the cheapest car insurance company for go through when you have been banned ??? much appreciated x
Im 24 years old. How much will car insurance cost. Im female.?
I asked this question before. Everyone assumed I was under 18. Im actually a 24 year old female in Ontario. So I needed to provide this information originally when I had asked....sorry about that. So can anyone take a guess now?
Car insurance claim failed. I am totally innocent and will not give up. Where do I stand with this?
The accident happened on a roundabout I was already on, someone pulled out on me and I T-boned the side of their car. An 'independent' assessor has looked at my car and wrote a damage report which went to the other drivers insurance company (who I am personally claiming from as my insurance is 3rd party cover only). Their company have now wrote to me saying they are denying my claim because: They can't understand why the whole front of the car is damaged (erm..because I T-boned the other car!) They can't understand why the nearside wing is damaged (erm..because she kept driving for a few seconds, which tried to drag my car to one side. The chassis went out of line and it moved the wing out of position). They can't understand how the nearside door is damaged (erm..it isn't!). Is there much else I can do other than write to argue their statement? A solicitor or small-claims court would not be cost effective as I'm only claiming approx 400. What can I do?""
Insurance for a 2008 Subaru Sti Hatchback?
Is the Insurance for the new 08 Sti hatchbacks gonna be cheaper than those of 04-07 Sedans? Im 18, have good grades and a clean record and was curious how much my insurance would be if i bought the Sti. Just a ballpark estimate. Thanx""
""I need Health Insurance, had Gastric Bypass, On unemployment.... Help?""
I had Gastric Bypass in May of this year. I am on unemployment and wanted to pay out of pocket for insurance because I have had complications. I applied but was denied because of the surgery in the past. I have searched for a job and nothing. Ive been with my Boyfriend for the past 4 months, but his insurance says something about domestic partnership but only after 12 months of living together. How can I get around this, I need health insurance. Anyone else have the same issues? Let me know I am confused here.""
Teenager Car insurance?
Approximately, how much will it cost to insure a car? I'm 18, just got my license and the car that I'm going to buy is 2008 Mini Cooper S, I live in Los Angeles, CA and GPA ...show more""
What is the average insurance rate for a 16 year old driver.?
16 year old driver with a 3.2 GPA. PLEASE GIVE ACTUAL ESTIMATED RATES, NOT A BUNCH OF PARAGRAPH TALK. I do realize I must contact my agent (dads agent) for exact amounts, and that it varies a LOT even by zipcode. But I am needing just an estimated amount to draw up some figures. I am looking at a 2009 Suzuki Equator or a 2008 Suzuki XL7. Please help! Thanks! (California)""
Where i can find the cheapest car insurance rates for my 18 year old daughter? What I've seen so far is 2 $$$$
Where i can find the cheapest car insurance rates for my 18 year old daughter? What I've seen so far is 2 $$$$
What is the average insurance cost for a 2012 Chevy Cruze?
I will be turning 21 in June. No tickets or accidents on my record. What would the average monthly payment be for insurance?
What is Aflac? Insurance? Something you add on to insurance?
They are offering a meeting at work with an Aflac rep but really gave no information. I currently have no insurance at all. Is this something I would want to look into? Thanks!
What does an approved provider mean to health insurance company?
I want to list myself as an approved provider for speech therapy but I am not a proferred provider for any health insurance plan.
Car insurance - Seonnd driver ? How does it work?
I have just got my full UK driving license. I am looking to buy a car. I know that if I buy car the insurance right now will be high as I am 23 years old new driver. I was told to put the car on my auntie's name and get insurance as second driver. But does that mean that my auntie will have to pay for her insurance too as the main driver?!? She already has her own car & insurance will she have to pay another insurance if I do put the car on her name and be second driver? Please let me know Thanks K
Motorcycle Insurance (600cc vs 750cc)?
I am picking up a new sportbike (Suzuki GSX-R) here in a couple weeks and I was wondering the average cost of motorcycle insurance per month (or year if you pay gross). The bike will be totally paid off when I purchase. Thank you for your time, Kevin BTW: I am 25yrs old in Florida. It will be either a 600cc or 750cc.""
Hubbardsville New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13355
Hubbardsville New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13355
16 year old male car insurance?
Im going to be 16 soon, and my uncle said that I could use his 1968 Corvette. However, I found out about the insurance. My friend said it would be several thousand dollars a month, and I don't believe him. So, what would be the cost of my car insurance(an estimate)? Thank you for your time!""
My car got hit in the middle of the night. I don't have insurance but the person at fault does.?
I woke up yesterday to find my car hit and another car, with temp tags, abandoned up the road (it had a lot of damage to the front of it, so it was obviously the one that hit mine.) Today the officer who came yesterday called and had found the person at fault and gave me all of their information. I don't have insurance currently, and my car will cost a few $100 to repair, so what can I do with this info?""
My insurance on my car is $450 and its nothing special of a car not fast how can i get it lower?
My insurance on my car is $450 and its nothing special of a car not fast how can i get it lower? the insurance company told me if i sighn on with my family it makes it cheaper...all of my friends are paying 120-200 i dont get why mines so much more/?
how much a year would a 1998 chevrolet camaro base, not z28, be for a new driver. any ideas? and also a 2002 dodge intrepreped es 4 door cost? please.""
Car insurance?
suppose someone is paying $700 a year for liability car insurance and gets a speeding ticket. how much higher can this persons insurance go up?
Cheapest Contents Insurance Company?
Hi i need to get contents insurance for a rented house with 4 bedrooms. the cheapest i've found is HSBC - 19 a month (unlimited) Do you know of anywhere else that's cheaper?????????????????? Thanks.
Car Insurance?
I just got my license and my parents bought me a used car (03 Nissan Sentra). It has insurance under my mom's name, but not mine. Can I legally drive that car and if I do get into an accident driving it, will it be covered?""
What is the best and cheapest car insurance for a first time driver?
I have been driving for about 3 years now. And now I am saving up for my first car. I just want to know whats the best car insurance because I know its gonna be pricey because I am a first time driver and under 25. What do you suggest I should try? I am still doing my research regardless but I want to be prepared to pay for at least 6 months in advance because I am still in college as we speak. I just don't want to worry about that every month when I get the car. Thank you !!
Cheapest Car Insurance Company In NY?
Hey i am really need to help with car insurance. Is my first time buying a car and i am really looking for a good deal for a car insurance company here in NY. Either the cheapest or the one that you personally recommend for my age (21 years old) I really appreciate your time. I have been searching for a lot of them before i make a call.
Is this car insurance company good?
http://www.4youngdrivers.co.uk/ I got a very reasonable quote of 1,500 a year from that website whereas everywhere else the minimum I could find is 4,700 to insure my dad's bmw 325i under my name ( he bought a new 5 series). But the downside to this is that the excess fee to any claim is 3,000. Either way it is cheaper than most insurance companies so what do you think of the company? because Iv never heard of it before and it does sound a bit fishy. In case it helps...im 24 and have been driving a gsxr750 for 2 years until last november during the snow I was involved in a horrifying crash which ended up my bike being written off.""
What is the most economic way to insure a second car?
I already have fully comprehensive insurance for both myself and my spouse on our first car but now are looking to buy a second car. I also have 9 years no claims bonus.
I'm looking for low cost health insurance in california?
I'm looking for low cost health insurance in california?
How does malpratice insurance in Boston compare to the insurance in Dallas? ?
For an obgyn? Just trying to plan my future.
Can I use my parents car insurance?
As a 17 year old, could I get car insurance under my mom's name? I can't pay $200+ a month for car insurance as a first time driver under my own name. So could I just get my mom to sign to it so I would only pay her rate at like $100 a month?""
Can I go under my mum's fiance's car insurance?
I currently live in Glasgow and have one year left of college (after this one) before my family moves to England, due to my my mums fiance/my little sisters dad working down there. Once we move down there I will be doing my driving tests. So my question is would it be possible for me to be put under his car insurance policy even though we are not directly related and my mum has not married him yet? I will be living with him, working for him and he will be putting me through my lessons and also helping to support me as I continue my education down there (if i need support).""
Government car insurance?
I've heard Of Auto Insurance Sponsored Through The Government For Low Income Homes. Where Can I Find More Information About This?
Sent a fake transcript to a car insurance for good student discount?
So me like an idiot sent a transcript from my college to Geico car insurance and it was altered. I thought that in the next semester, i can be able to make it all up. the altered transcript had 2 C's 2 A's and 1 B. What can i do now? I am really afraid because I really don't know what to do anymore. I feel like committing suicide because of this. What should i do? My original gpa for the transcript was 2.50""
California auto insurance?
my daughter bought a used car and was told by the seller that he would keep his insurance on the car for a couple of weeks so she could find her own insurance. Well a couple of days later she was pulled over and when the cop asked for her insurance papers, they were not in the glove box. Now we can not fond the seller to get a copy of his insurance. Does anyone know how we can find out which insurance company insured the car? When you register your car does DMV write down your insurance information? I added her car to our policy the same day she got the ticket. Any help would be appreciated. The ticket amount is $1100.00! Thanks Gary""
How much would insurance be on a 2005 Subaru Wrx Sti?
Before you answer please read this: I am 16, this will be my first car, my father will be buying it for me but i would call the insurance company but they are closed at this time of night so i will just ask on here. Please do not lecture about how i don't need this car and all i understand the concern but since you aren't the ones paying the bills please don't lecture. Thank you for any and all help available.""
How much increase will I expect in my car insurance premium after an accident that was my fault?
I rear-ended a car that in turn rear-ended another car. Damage to my car cost $6500, liability claims against my policy at $5000. Also one driver claimed for bodily injury amounting to $2000. I am insured under Progressive in Texas""
How much would the average cost of car insurance for a 16 year old male in ohio be?
How much would the average cost of car insurance for a 16 year old male in ohio be?
How much is car insurance for a teenager?
If the teenager is added to the parents policy, how much more will it cost the parent? Info: I have a good gpa, I will take drivers ed, my mom has a new car and its safe, and I have just turned 16.""
Income Based Health Insurance in California?
I'm 18 years old and live at home with my dad/step mom. They don't have insurance through their employers, so neither do I and because their combined income is so high (6 figures) I'm not eligible for Medical or Medicaid. Any ideas on what I can do to get affordable health insurance? I have a job too...""
How to bring Car Insurance down?
Here's the lowdown: Been driving for over 20 years on a Full UK Licence, apart from a few prangs 20 years ago have been driving without incident. Was a chauffeur for a few years, no traffic accidents. Was a delivery driver for a few years with no traffic accidents (the only one in the firm) Have also been driving a motorbike which 2 years ago I had to re-take my tests for. I scored 100% in all areas, theory, the section I called 'stunt' driving and road test. I have kind of got fed up with using company cars, hire vehicles and the motorbike to get everywhere, so decided to purchase a cheap Audi A3 (I'm talking an ancient one here). 3PFT insurance works out at over 1000 per year...about the same as the car is worth. This is too expensive for me (considering my bike insurance is 150 a year) how can I bring it down?""
""I need individual health insurance, im 16?""
Hello everyone, im looking for individual health insurance. I am 16 needing surgery on my right knee which has a Torn Miniscus. i need it immediately with a decent pay rate. Thanks in advance""
Hubbardsville New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13355
Hubbardsville New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13355
Really dumb questions about car insurance?
This is my first time buying a car, and I have a question that may be kind of dumb. I live in Illinois, so it is illegal to drive a car that's uninsured. I don't have a car now, so I don't have a way of transferring insurance or whatever. - What do I do when I find a car and buy it and need to take it off the lot? I don't know what kind of car I'm getting, so I can't really get the insurance ahead of time. - If I did get pulled over for whatever reason, would the police be understanding if I just bought the car? - How quickly do insurance companies usually get you covered over the phone (particularly, Progressive)? - Do you have to pay a deposit? When? - When would my first actual payment be if I pay once every 6 months? I know these are dumb and basic, but please understand that I have never ever bought a car or gotten car insurance.""
How much car insurance do I need?
I have a 2007 Honda Element and live in an area where people drive really expensive cars on a regular basis (i.e. Tesla's, custom Mercedes', Porsche's, Lotus'...). Also, Elements tend to need windshield replacements a lot. I will be driving children around as well so I need sufficient coverage for that. I was basically just curious about how much coverage I need because I'm getting the feeling that I have too much coverage therefore am paying too much. Currently my coverage is: -Bodily Injury: 100,000/300,000 -Medical Payments: No Coverage -Uninsured Motorists: 100,000/300,000 -Property Damage: 100,000 -Comprehensive: 100 -Collision: 500 -Auto Death Benefits: 15,000""
How many of you out there have Car Insurance?
i'm an insurance agent (youngest one in the office-only 22) and i'm trying to come up with some numbers for how many people are driving around uninsured. if you have Insurance what company do you have? if you dont why not? and have you ever been insured? children under 16 (or unlicensed individuals) need not answer.
Is this a good insurance quote ?? from quinn direct!!!?
ive just got a renault clio 1.3 1993 automatic k reg, very clean an just had new cam belt an sumthing else lol an new tyres lol so just passed all the mot, !!!yeah!!! lol so ive been quoted 318.56 no claim bonus im going on as provisinal driver an my partner as a full clean license. do u think that is a good one ? or can it get any cheaper lol""
Car insurance rates question plz help 10 pts?
I pay $187 a mth for car insurance & that's full coverage with $500 deduct. The reason I was told I'm paying that much was bc of a big wreck I had back in Aug 2010 and since it's coming up on 3 yrs and my premium expires in Aug I'm expecting my rates to go down a little. My insurance company jus told me that that's not why I'm paying that much it's bc of 2 speeding tickets I got back in 2010 Feb & April bt when my premium expires in Aug my rates will go down. My question is can you guys give me a estimate on how much you think I'll be paying in Aug when my rates go down??! I live in S.C. Btw Thanks so much in advance
What is general insurance?
i want to know abt general insurance.
What car companies have the highest insurance rates?
Highest to lowest would be a good way to list them for me.
Can you have insurance on a car that isn't yours?
My girl friend has a car but lost her job and can't afford to pay insurance. Can i put the insurance in my name for a car that she owns?
""Confused about car insurance...stacked, unstacked??
i am looking up car insurance quotes online and for Uninsured Motorists Bodily Injury Option there is a stacked option and a unstacked option. Does anyone know what this means? What the diff is? This is for PA
Insurance on a 2005 ford focus?
What would the average insurance for progressive be on a auto 2005 red focus with 70k miles. For a 17 year old and a 45 year old. Can I legally put my car in my parents name to lower insurance cost?
I crash today i have no insurance and my car is under my bfs name and insurance..so i just gave the insurance?
to the guy that i crash..hes going to call the insurance..im scared i havent told my bf and i dont want to..do i need to file something i dont really know im scared plz help me and i wanna know how much is goin to be
Car Insurance Laws in Arizona?
Is it illegal to drive without car insurance? I have insurance on my car, it is just a pain because it's so expensive and a waste of my money. My friend told me the state requires it and you could e put in jail if you do not have insurance, and I know illegal immigrants that do not have insurance that drive get away with this **** everyday.""
I want to finance a car. Can the registration and insurance be under my brothers' name?
Will a car dealership allow me to register the car under my brother? I want to put the car in my brothers name because the insurance will be cheaper. His credit is in better than mine.
How do I save on auto insurance?
I want to save on auto insurance.....what factors can lower your rate? I need to know things such as an alarm, and kept in the garage, but what other factors can help me getting a low rate? Thanks everyone""
Whats the best insurance company for a young driver?
just passed my driving test and was wondering what the cheapest insurance company for young drivers is?
If i lease a car do I pay insurance?
I am thinking about leasing a car, do I have to pay insurance?""
How much a car Ins. would pay for a repair?
My sister got hit for a car that was leaving a gas station. She went to get some estimates from a body shop and the first she got was for over $6000 because they want to replace almost all the damaged parts; the other estimate is for around $3500 because they will repaire some parts. This is a new sienna (2004)with few miles. Will Insurance pay for the higher estimate? This accident will increase the future premium if the other ins. do not want to pay for the repair? The accident was not my sister fault and the other driver was not added to the policy of the car that he was driving.
Best value Florida auto insurance?
I just moved from Illinois to Florida and am looking for auto insurance because my own company is upping my price from $125 to $275 a month with the same coverage (100/300K BI, 50K property, 100K UM, and roadside assistance) with the move. Upon obtaining quotes, the best I've gotten is with Esurance which is just over $200 a month. It seems that adding BI to any auto policy ups the price pretty heavily. Are there any mid-level or local insurance companies in Florida that generally offer better premiums than the heavy hitters I've been quoting with? I'm in Port Richey.""
What exactly does car insurance cover?
If I left my car out in the rain with the sunroof and stuff open and my car suffered water damage because of it, would I be screwed? Or would the insurance help pay for the damages or just compensate me for a new car?""
How much should my car insurance cost?
In a few months ill be getting my license and a car. I live in Massachusetts. I'm not exactly sure what I am getting for a car, but I may end up getting a Honda accord that is around 12 years old and has a lot of mileage (200k+). Pretty much, I'm starting to look into the cheapest possible car insurance because: i don't have much money to spend and even if I did have a low deductible, it would be very close to the full value of the car which in that case I would just get junk it. What should I look for to make my cost as low as possible and how cheap could I potentially get it for? Thanks.""
How much does life insurance cost?
I have coverage for life insurance through my work. My fiance dosent. He is 20 years old. How much would life insurance cost a month for him?
My own car insurance help?!?
I've been a named driver on my boyfriends policy for over a year. I've started a new job and they've said I have to have business insurance and I cant get that upgrade from my boyfriends policy because we dont live together and are not married as such. I've bought car insurance now, but am wondering if anyone knows what happens to my 'named driver' part on my boyfriends insurance as he really only has the policy for me, cos his work etc pays all his for his company vehicle. Can he get refunded my 'named driver' bit? or cancel the whole policy?! Any advice would be great! Thanks""
Anyone know of cheap health insurance?
I am always in the ER but I have no insurance so I would really want to stop paying those expensive bills...
Car insurances how they rate?
different car insurances how they compare
Cheap car insurance for people under 25?
I'm trying to find the cheapest car insurance since i'm under 25 in new york. I'm looking to pay no more then 400 a month just don't know where to find a good deal. Please advise
Hubbardsville New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13355
Hubbardsville New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13355
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