#i went into the store 4 times before i gave up finding these jeans in my size
djarinova · 8 months
i had such a successful day today omgg ˃ᴗ˂ i dyed my hair, the jeans i ordered on thurs came and they fit me perfectly and i did some writing!! and to top it all off me and my boyfriend got takeaway pizza for dinner!! tehe
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planetaryupscaled · 5 months
Best You Ever Had
Male Reader x IVE Yujin
Tags: 10k, anal, age-gap, cheating, creampie, oral, squirt
The story is not ours, we alternate the original story to match our desired settings.
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“What do you mean you hooked up with Sungho?”
“Keep your voices down!” Wonyoung barked at her teammates, Yujin and Gaeul. The three idols were on set working on their next album.
“What do you mean you hooked up with Sungho?” Gaeul asked in a much quieter voice.
“I mean, we had sex,” Wonyoung replied.
“Why?” Yujin asked. “He’s kind of cute, but he didn’t seem like he’d be your type.”
“He’s not.”
“So then why do it?” Gaeul reasked the question.
“Because…because…I…” Wonyoung tried to think of an acceptable answer. She hadn’t meant to tell her friends that she had hooked up with the newest staff member working on their MV. Now she had painted herself in her corner, and she couldn’t think up a good lie, so Wonyoung did something crazy. She told her friends the truth. “Because I fucked his dad.”
Yujin and Gaeul froze in shock. They looked at her and then at each other before turning back to Wonyoung and both shouting “WHAT!?!”
“Quiet!” she snapped back at her two friends.
“No,” Yujin answered back. “You can’t tell us you had sex with Sungho’s dad and not expect us to react.”
“Seriously. Why? How?” Gaeul added.
“Okay, fine. Let’s go back to our dorm and I’ll tell you both everything.” The three of them picked up what was left of their lunches and retreated to their dorm. Wonyoung told them how she was out at a grocery store and ran into a guy she recognized from the set. They started talking as they shopped as they went to pay at the register he asked her if she wanted to get dinner at a place across the street. Wonyoung said he was handsome and she liked talking with him so she agreed. She enjoyed having dinner with him and the next thing she knew she had invited him to their dorm and she was pinned up against her bedroom wall making out with him. The two had sex all night long and she barely got an hour of sleep before she needed to head to set.
“When was this,” Yujin asked.
“Remember that early morning shoot like three day ago when you asked me if I was still drunk from the night before when you saw me?”
“Yeah,” Yujin answered.
“Well, turns out I was drunk. Cock drunk,” Wonyoung laughed.
“Wow,” Gaeul laughed at Wonyoung’s joke. “Um, wait you said you thought he was part of the staff member? Who is he?”
“He’s always on set, usually in jeans and a t-shirt or like a henley. Sometimes has a hat on. He’s got dark hair and like a scruffy beard.”
“Oh, I know who you’re talking about,” Gaeul said. “He’s Sungho’s dad? He looks like he’s almost my age.”
“Turns out he had Sungho when he was in high school.”
“Wait, so you knew he was Sungho’s dad when you had sex with him?” Yujin asked.
“No, I didn’t find that out until we were taking a break the next time.”
“Next time? So this happened more than once?” Yujin asked.
“Yes. We did it like 4 or 5 times. The sex was really, I mean really amazing. I wasn’t going to just do it the once.”
“So how did you go from having sex with his dad, to fucking Sungho?”
“I felt bad about hooking up with his dad, and I felt weird about our age difference. And then I began to think if maybe his dad has this big cock and is amazing at sex, maybe Sungho was too. So then, one day after filming I invited him back to our place and we did it.”
“How was it?” Yujin asked excitedly.
“Honestly?” Wonyoung said while trying to think about how honest she wanted to be. Finally, she said, “He has about 50% of the dick as his dad with maybe 25% of his skills.”
“Oh,” Yujin said disappointed.
“Don’t get it wrong, when I say 50% Sungho isn’t small or tiny. His dad’s just really hung.”
Wonyoung gave a few more details about her sex with Sungho and his dad. It was then time for the three of them to get back on set. As they worked the three idols checked out the 6’2” guy in jeans, a hat, and a scruffy beard standing off to the side of the set. As they looked over at him, both Gaeul and Yujin had to admit to themselves that he was a handsome guy in good shape. Neither could believe he was old enough to be someone’s dad.
It was a few days later while Yujin was at the craft services table looking for a snack when Gaeul moved up close to her and said, “Wonyoung was right about Sungho’s dad.”
“What?” Yujin said in shock. “You had sex with him?”
“No,” Gaeul said while looking around to see if anyone had overheard Yujin. “No, we didn’t have sex. Not yet anyway. But I did give him a blow job during lunch break today. And she was right. He’s hung and he cum in bucket loads.”
“Oh. So are you going to…”
“See if he is as good in bed as Wonyoung claims?” Gaeul finished Yujin’s question. “Yes. I invited him over tonight. Don’t tell Wonyoung.”
“My lips are sealed,” she told her friend.
The next morning Gaeul once again informed Yujin that Wonyoung was being accurate in everything she said. Telling her that if she had not stopped him they probably could have gone all night and that even though it had been hours since he was last inside of her, she could still practically feel his cock inside of her.
As Gaeul gushed about the details of her night, Yujin was starting to feel a ping of jealousy build in her. Yujin was used to being the hot one on the show. The one who internet perverts and men in real life tended to drool over.
It wasn’t until three days later that Yujin made her approach, seeing him standing alone, on his phone, standing beside the craft services table. She walked over to the tape and got herself a bottle of water, and then took several steps toward him.
“I heard a rumor that you’re Sungho’s dad,” she said as an icebreaker.
“You heard correctly,” he looked up to see her standing before him. “I’m Minho.”
“Yeah, I’m aware,” he said with a chuckle.
“So, I have to ask, how are you his dad? You look like his older brother.”
“I knocked up his mother the summer before my senior year of high school.”
“That’s young,” Yujin said as she began doing the math in her head of how old he was, and realized he must have only been around 36. “Was she your high school sweetheart or something?”
“Not exactly. More, like my best friend’s older sister.”
“Wow, that’s a twist. There has to be a story there.”
“There is,” Minho replied.
“I would love to hear it,” she told him. Minho hesitated for a little bit, and then the two walked over to a corner and he began telling her his story. How during the summer before high school, he had gone to his friend’s house after a party and after putting his drunk friend to bed he ended up watching TV with his friend’s sister who was home after her sophomore year of college. The two ended up hooking up on the couch that night.
Then a week later when his friend and his parents went on a road trip to tour colleges, Minho and his friend’s sister spent most of the week having sex. The result was her accidentally becoming pregnant with Sungho, and the two of them reluctantly got married after he graduated high school.
Yujin asked if he had married the first woman he had ever slept with. Minho corrected her and told her how he had lost his virginity the night of his school’s junior prom. Once they were married, they had remained faithful for a while, or at least so he thought.
The two were never a good match for one another, but they faked it for Sungho. The only exception was in the bedroom, in there was the one place where they got along. And since they were both so young and didn’t have the most experience outside of each other, they experimented and tried a lot of new things in the early years.
It was 10 years into the marriage that he found out that his wife had been having an affair with someone in her office. He had been having suspicions for a while, but he didn’t have it confirmed until he saw them kissing in a back hallway during a company party. Minho had been faithful since they got married up until that night.
When they got home, Minho volunteered to drive their babysitter back to her college dorm. In the car, he began to vent about his wife to the 18-year-old college girl, and then the next thing he knew he was parked on the top level of one of the campus garages with his babysitter in his lap, riding his cock. It was two whole days before he broke his wedding vows again, and a week before he broke them with another different woman. This time it was with his babysitter’s friend who sometimes filled in for her babysitting for him.
It was not long after that, while staying together for Sungho, they were just openly sleeping with other people. There was no animosity towards each other, they were just more like friendly roommates (who still occasionally fucked) trying to raise a kid. They did not get a divorce until two years later when his wife and her mom came home early from a spa day and found Minho having a threesome with the babysitter and her roommate.
After that, the cat was out of the bag and they saw no more reason to pretend. After the divorce, Minho would alternate spending weekends at his new place taking care of Sungho, and other weekends often sleeping over at a sorority house living out the college fantasies he never got to experience after high school.
“Sounds like you have a problem with college-age girls,” Yujin said after she had dug pretty deep into questions about Minho’s sexual past and found that many of his stories.
“I wouldn’t say I have a problem at all. If anything, I’d say I have a real talent for bedding women” he replied somewhat proudly.
“I meant more like you’re drawn to them.”
“I am sure a doctor would say that there is some deep-rooted reason with me feeling like I skipped over those years by having a kid and getting married, so now stuck perpetually making up for those lost years,” Minho said. He then leaned over toward Yujin and asked, “But you know what I think?”
“What’s that?” she asked intrigued by where this conversion was going.
“I think I am just a guy who likes sex and enjoy having sex with hot women.”
“Like Wonyoung and Gaeul?” Yujin asked, implying that she knew about their hookups for the first time.
“Yup, exactly,” he said, not missing a beat. He was not surprised at all that Yujin knew about him bedding her teammates. He was anticipating that she would.
“You know, most people think you’re on set to keep an eye on Sungho and to help him. I wonder what people would say if they knew you seem to be here to bed the idols,” Yujin said daringly.
“I can do both those things at the same time, I’m quite good at multitasking. Though maybe we should keep the second part of that to ourselves,” he told her. The tension and flirtatiousness between the two had been building for some time. It was not unexpected for Minho. One thing he had learned in all those nights at the sorority house was, if you wanted to hook up with the top girl in a women's friend group, the best strategy isn’t always to go right for her.
After a few days on set, Minho could see that Yujin walked around the set with a sense of entitlement and acted like she was the queen bee. He had not planned to sleep with Wonyoung that first night, but after getting with Wonyoung and then also Gaeul, he knew it was just a matter of time before Yujin started circling him. So, when she came up to him today, he was not surprised. What did surprise him was the next question that came out of her mouth.
“Have you ever done anal?” Yujin asked very frankly.
“What?” Minho asked, taken aback by her question.
“Have you ever had anal sex with a woman?”
“Yes, I have. A number of times. Why?”
“My boyfriend wants us to try it,” she told him. “We’ve done just about everything else, but neither of us has ever done that.”
Minho wasn’t sure if he truly believed her. Not about her and her boyfriend having never done it, but that Yujin was still an anal virgin. He’d always been pretty good about reading people and his gut told him that the idol had already done a wider variety of sexual things in her life. Still, he kept playing along. “And you’re nervous about trying in it.”
“What? No.” she retorted, “I just don’t want it to be bad. My experience has been if at least one person knows what they are doing, the sex is SO much better compared to when neither knows.”
“So, I want you to teach me?”
“You want me to teach you how to have anal sex?” he asked once more for clarity.
“I flattered, Yujin, I am. But I’m not sure how to teach something like that. In my experience, the best way to learn something like that is by doing it.”
“The same for me,” she said suggestively.
With that, Minho got the clarity he had been looking for. He pretended as though he was still contemplating what she was asking of him, but he already knew he was going to say yes. After a bit more back and forth, he thought he might see what else she might have to offer. “So, I do you this favor and teach you about anal so you can perform for your boyfriend. What do I get in return for doing you a favor?”
“You’re getting a night where you get to direct me around and have me do what you want, and you get to live knowing you took my anal cherry, and you want more?” Minho quickly back peddled and agreed to help the idol out by becoming her teacher. “Just one more thing,” she added.
“What’s that?”
“How do I know what Wonyoung and Gaeul have said about you is true? You could have put them up to it. Have them tell me stories.”
“To trick you into bed with me?” Minho asked.
“Something like that. You wouldn’t believe some of the things people have told me they’d do just to have me touch them.”
“So, you want proof?” he asked. Yujin looked him in the eye and shrugged, her eyes then darted down to his crotch and he saw the idol’s tongue quickly swipe across her lips. Minho looked down, and while he knew he was not fully hard, there was a definite bulge in his pants. Looking back up at Yujin, he told her, “I’m not going to pull it out right here right now, but I can get you some proof.
Minho reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. He tapped on his phone and asked Yujin for her phone number. He tapped on the screen a few more times, and then a message notification went off on Yujin’s phone. She took out her phone and opened the messages. Her eyes went wide as she looked at them. The first picture was looking down at the body of a naked man with a naked Gaeul sitting on his legs and a large naked cock sticking straight up and pressed against her stomach. The second picture was of an open-mouthed smiling Wonyoung, with her tongue sticking out. She looked to kneeling on the floor looking up at the camera. Next to her face appeared to be the same hard cock as the first photo. Her chin was down at his balls and the tip of his cock was up by her forehead.
“Proof enough?”
“It’ll do for now,” she told him. She then clicked around her phone and when she was done, Minho’s phone chimed with a new notification. “Just so we’re even,” she told him.
Minho checked his phone and he had received a picture. It was a bathroom mirror picture of a woman. Her head was cut off, but in one hand was her phone and the other hand covered her naked breasts. Moving down her body, she did not have anything else on, but she positioned herself so the countertop cut off right where her slit would begin. She was completely shaven.
The two agreed to meet later that night as Sungho was going to be filming some night scenes for another member. She agreed to come over to his place at 9 PM. After they left each other, both were pretty worked up. The flirtation had gone pretty high, and the photos they shared had both of them ready to tear at each other’s clothes. Minho considered texting Wonyoung or Gaeul to see if either wanted to meet for a quickie, but decided to save the load for later that night. Yujin on the other hand went back to her dorm and fingered herself to a big gushy orgasm. For the rest of the day, the two tried to be discreet as they checked out each other from across the room. When they wrapped on the day, Minho stopped by a store on his way home to pick up a few things for the night.
It was a little past nine at night when there was a knock on Minho’s door. He answers barefoot wearing a t-shirt and jeans.
“Hi, old man,” Yujin said with a seductive smile and then stepped into the house. Once she was in and he shut the door, she spun around, “Or should I call you a professor? Since you’re going to be teaching me tonight.”
“Just Minho is fine,” he told her.
“We’ll see about that.” Minho, not sure how comfortable she’d be with him taking her right to his bedroom, led her to the living room.
“You look pretty comfortable tonight,” he commented regarding her outfit. She had on a cotton belly shirt and matching cotton shorts under an oversized button-up shirt, long white socks, and white sneakers.
“I thought about dressing up, but then I figured I might as well wear something that comes off easily since I probably won’t have it on for long.”
“Just how easily does it come off,” he flirted.
“See you are a dirty old man.”
“I’m not that old.”
“Old enough to have a son about my age.”
“True, but I’m still young enough that I have a libido that rivals most teenagers,” he said as he took a seat on his couch right in front of Yujin.
“We’ll see about that,” she said as she stepped up to him and stood over his legs.
“Feel free to start testing out my claims whenever you want.”
“I would, but I’m here so you can teach me about anal. So, I think you’re supposed to tell me how the lesson is meant to begin.”
“In that case, lose the shirt and come here,” he said patting his lap. Yujin quickly threw off her button-down shirt and in one motion she got on the couch, straddled his lap, and pressed her lips against his. The two of them spent the next few minutes with their mouths locked together and their tongues intertwined. As they continued making out, Yujin began wiggling and moving around in his lap. He was getting ready to break off the kiss and ask her what she was doing until Yujin finally found the spot she was looking for. Instead of straddling his lap, she now straddled one of his legs, and her crotch was pressed right down on top of his hard cock encased in his pant leg. She was now grinding her crotch right against his hard shaft. Even through his pants and her shorts, he could still feel the heat radiating from between her legs.
“How many guys have you made cream their short,” Minho asked after a few more minutes of dry humping.
“A lady never tells,” she said with a blushing smile that let him know that the real answer is probably a decent amount.
“That's why you like guys with experience?”
“It’s nice being with someone with a little extra stamina and know won’t let a load go to waste in their pants.”
“Okay. Wanna know what else is nice?”
“If you had taken off both your shirts earlier.” Yujin smiled and quickly pulled her tank top off, exposing he braless breasts. Minho sat back and took in the sight of her breasts, taking a series of mental pictures to memorize before wrapping his arms around her back and pulling her towards him. He then began kissing, licking, and sucking on her tits. Yujin was enjoying the attention being paid to her breasts, so much so that she didn’t realize he was pushing his hand into her shorts until she felt him push a finger into her.
“You seem to be enjoying this,” he said as he pulled his hand out from her shorts and showed off how wet his fingers were. She didn’t answer his question. She just took his hand into hers and brought it to her mouth so that she could suck his finger clean. “Maybe we should take this to the bedroom?”
“That sounds good,” Yujin told her. She got off his lap but she stood close enough that Minho could not stand up right away. She then pushed her shorts down and stood in front of him in only a pair of socks. It was only once she was naked that she then took a step back and gave Minho the room to stand up. His eyes immediately went to her glistening wet pussy that was totally devoid of any hair. “Lead the way,” she told him once he was on his feet.
He led her to the bedroom and Yujin immediately jumped onto the bed when they got in the room. She sat up on her knees with her legs spread apart. She then beckoned him over to join her on the bed.
“Not yet,” he told her. He pulled off his show and then he picked up a shopping bag off his dresser. “I picked up a few things for you on the way home.”
He handed her the bag, and she pulled the items out one by one. First was a box of condoms, then a bottle of lube, the next two items were packages of the morning-after pill, and the last item was a chrome buttplug with a heart-shaped red jewel at the end.
“Is this what I think it is?”
“If you think it’s a toy that is made to go in your butt, then yes.”
“I thought we were going to have anal sex?”
“We are, but that is going to help stretch you out a bit.”
“But first, we’re going to have to get your body to relax so I can put it in.”
“And how do you suppose we do that?”
“You’re going to layback and I am going to show you what it is like to have your pussy licked by a man who knows what he is doing.”
“You think you're better at eating pussy than most guys? That’s a bold statement.”
“I think you’re used to guys licking you just enough to advance things to get to sex. You’ve never had a guy eat you out simply because he wants to eat you out?”
“What’s the difference?”
“If you’d stop asking questions, you’ll have your answer within the next five minutes.”
“You seem pretty sure of yourself,” Yujin said as she moved to lay on her back on the bed. Propping her head up with pillows so she could look down at her naked body. She watched as he got down between her legs, lifting each over his shoulders and wrapping his arm around her thighs. He gave her one last look and gave her a wink before diving between her legs. Yujin rolled her eyes in response. Five minutes later, Yujin’s eyes were rolling again, but this time they were rolling back while her leg was also up in the air twitching.
“OH MY, FUCK, YES!!” Yujin yelled out as her pussy spasmed. Minho happily licked up the juices from her squirting pussy as her juices soaked his face.
“Wow,” Yujin said as her orgasm subsided. “If that’s how they eat pussy, maybe I should only boof older guys from now on.”
“I can’t promise you all older guys are that good.” He let her take a few more breaths before asking her “Ready to go again?”
“Again? Really?” Yujin asked. The excitement in her voice was all he needed to hear. He didn’t even bother with an audible response. Instead, he just wrapped his lips around her clit and began to suck. Yujin was once again putty in his hands, which is exactly what he was hoping for. He wanted her relaxed and distracted. Her focus was on his tongue and lips, and while they worked her folds, his hands were busy popping the lid off of the lube bottle and smearing the gel all over the buttplug that was in his other hand. All the anticipation seemed to have played a factor in how quickly Yujin came that first time, as Minho was having to work handed this next round of oral to get her right where she wanted him. He even had to put the plug down to that he could use his fingers to rub her g-spot as his mouth worked her clit. When she began moaning that she was close and telling him not to stop, Minho grabbed her hips and lifted her so her ass and lower back were off the bed as he sat up and kept her hairless pussy up to his mouth. He kept eating her out and waited until once again she had another orgasm. He drank up her juices until he felt her body go mostly limp after climaxing. As soon as her body felt like it relaxed, he quickly pushed the buttplug into her. Yujin was taken so off guard that she didn’t react until her ass had been penetrated by the toy. She let out a gasp as she felt the toy invade her body.
“You fucker,” Yujin scolded him. “Give me a little warning.”
“If I did that, you would have gotten in your head and you would have clenched up.” That reasoning did make some sense. “You asked me to give you a lesson on anal,” He reminded the idol.
“True, but still,” she said as she reached back and rubbed her ass. Being careful when her fingers touched the end of the toy. Minho suggested that she take a look at it in the mirror. Yujin got off the bed and stood in front of a large full-length mirror. She turned her back to the mirror and bent over. She looked at the chrome toy protruding from her ass. She reached back and touched the toy, she then gave it a slight tug, and then twisted it around.
“How does it feel?” Minho asked as he admired Yujin admiring her own ass.
“Weird,” she told him.
“Weird as in good or bad?”
“I don’t know. Just weird.”
“Does it hurt?”
“Alright, well come back over here and just get used to the feeling. I’ll help you take your mind off of it while you adjust to it.” Yujin moved quickly to get back into the bed. She could not believe that a man was willing to go down on her three times in a row before even exposing his cock to her, but she was not complaining. Minho even would have done it a fourth time, he was enjoying himself so much making the idol’s body tremble in orgasm after orgasm, but when he attempted to go for it a fourth time she had to stop him. Her clit was too sensitive at the moment and could not take the feeling of getting touched again. With her too sensitive for him to orally please her, he decided it was finally time for him to remove his clothes. He got off the bed and stood at the foot of it.
“It’s about time,” Yujin said as she saw his hand move to undo the button on his jeans. She scurried around so that she lay on her stomach on the bed with her face by the end of the bed. She eagerly looked on as Minho continued removing his pants just a foot away from her face. Yujin’s eyes went wide and her mouth opened in a wide smile as she dropped his pants and his hard cock sprang free.
“Oh my,” she said as she reached out and touched his cock, “It’s even nicer than it looked in the pictures.” She rubbed her hands up and down his cock before taking hold of it. “You have a great-looking cock,” she told him.
“Thank you.”
“I knew you’d be bigger and thicker than my boyfriend, but I don’t know how but it’s also prettier than his.”
“You’re not the first to tell me that I have a pretty dick,” he told her confidently. “I am also told it tastes really good too,” he said as he while taking a step forward. Yujin looked up at him with a happy smile and licked her lips. When her eyes left his, they refocused on the cock in front of her and she moved forward with an open mouth. She took two inches into her mouth before closing her mouth tightly around it and then slowly dragged her lips back until only the tip remained in her mouth, giving it a hard suck. She worked her tongue around the tip for a bit, and then popped his cock free of her mouth. She then worked her tongue up and down the shaft, getting it nice and slick for her hands to later use when she pumped her shaft and her mouth worked the top half of his dick.
Minho appreciated Yujin’s oral work on his rigid member. While it felt good, it felt a little like she was holding back. She was working his cock with her mouth for her own enjoyment rather than wanting him to get off. He also noticed when she moved her one hand that was off of his shaft down her body and between her legs. Her mouth and tongue worked his manhood with a building urgency the longer she played with herself as she blew him. He was finally really starting to feel some pressure building in his balls when the idol’s still clad only in socks, pulled his dick from her mouth.
“I can’t wait, I need you inside me,” she announced as she spun around on the edge of the bed. “I’ll make it up to you later,” she said referring to giving him a blowjob, “I just can’t wait anymore.”
Minho hardly moved before Yujin had spun around with her pussy right at the edge of the bed. She even spread and lifted her legs in the air, her arms grabbing behind each knee to make sure they stayed up and spread. Minho thought about teasing her, rubbing his cock along her wet fold and bumping against her clit until the young idol was shaking in anticipation. However, she looked so good like that waiting for him that he could not control himself much either. So, he just stepped into position and pushed his cock forward He had a little resistance before Yujin hairless cunt finally split open for him and his cock began sliding in.
“Oh wow, that’s a fat cock,” Yujin moaned.
“Wait till you feel the full length.”
“Bring it old man,” she dared him. “Fuck me.”
Minho had watched her enough around set that on the outside Yujin had a sweet yet entitled personality, but he always knew that underneath it all was very sexual and thirsty girl. He was glad to see that that side of her was now on full display as he pushed his cock inside of her. While she was tight, she was also so wet that he did not have too much difficulty bottoming her cunt. He started off slowly, but Yujin let it be known that she wasn’t into that. He started thrusting harder and faster, which got her moans going louder. She let go of the back of her leg and instead move them up onto his shoulders and crossing her feet behind his neck. Her hands now went to her breasts and squeezed them as she continued to encourage Minho to hammer her with his cock.
“So good. You have such a good cock.”
“Better than your boyfriend’s?” He asked wanting to see if she would actually answer.
“So much better,” she answered.
“Better than whoever it is you are secretly fucking?” he didn’t know for certain that she actually was hooking up with anyone else, but based his interactions with her today he felt pretty good about it.
“Yes. Fuck. From now on you’re my go-to dick.”
“I like the sound of that,” he said as he picked up the tempo of their fucking even more.
“We’ll see. I am going to drain you old man,” she told him. At first Minho really despised her calling him and old man. He wasn’t even that old. Though as she kept calling him it as they did more and more sexual things, he was starting to get into her calling him that.
Based on how desperate she was for him to stick his dick inside of her, Minho had no doubt that she would orgasm before he would. And was proven correct. Yujin grabbed hold of the mattress as she squirted and her legs trembled. As she climaxed, Minho slowed down to long slow strokes inside of her, but it felt so good to have sex with the starlette that his body refused to let him stop moving completely.
“Let me get on top,” Yujin finally told him as she came out of her post orgasmic fog. Minho pulled out and got on the bed. He had barely had his ass hit the mattress before Yujin was climbing on top of him. “So big,” she moaned as she sank down on his hard dick.
As she began riding his dick, Minho reached up and started playing with her bouncing beasts. While still perky, they did have a considerable amount of shake to them as she bounced on his cock. After a few minutes Yujin leaned forward, so she and Minho were face-to-face and her tits were pressed against his chest. She gave him a kiss as she continued to rotate and grind her hips along his cock.
“It’s a shame you wasted so much time. First by not making any move and then spending weeks with Wonyoung and Gaeul instead of me,” she told him between kisses
“Jealous?” he asked.
“No, I’m mad.”
“Yes mad. You’ve been walking around set with your great cock for months, and then when you finally do you it you waste it on them?”
“I wouldn’t saying wasting it,”
“We could have been having phenomenal sex for months now if I knew what you were hiding in your pants. And just admit it, I’m better in bed then them,” she spoke to him while looking directly into his eyes.
“I admit nothing,” he responded playfully.
“We’ll see about that,” she told him before giving him a deep passionate kiss. After the kiss she sat up and took her ability at riding his cock up another level. In his head he did admit that she was better than her friends, but seeing how competitive she was being about it, that was something he would never confess audibly to her.
“Get on all fours, I want to see that ass of yours before I wreck it,” Minho told her after a some more time with her on top had passed.
“Promises, promises,” Yujin mused as she dismounted his cock and got into position. She got on her hand and knees and he moved behind her. He gave her full ass a slap before grabbing her hips and trusted back into her. Pulling her cheeks apart, he could see the toy he had lodged inside of her. As he did her from behind, her took the end of her plug and twirled it around inside of her ass. While it felt a little strange having the toy in her ass be moved around, she did not mind the feeling at all, though that feeling didn’t compare to the feeling of Minho’s dick working her pussy. While he was doing her from behind, he was angling his thrust at a slightly downward motion causing his cock to brush against her g-spot with each thrust. The two of them kept going for as long as they could. They were near the end and it was a race to see who would finish first. Yujin ends up having her climax first but between the feeling of her pussy walls contracting and the sounds of her loud moans was enough to make Minho right at the brink.
Minho let go, a small grunt escaped his lips as his cock began erupting into the teenage idol. Yujin moaned as she felt him shoot his cum inside of hers. He did not put his whole load in her, he pulled out about halfway through and shot the remaining cum her had around her ass.
“Why did you pull out?” Yujin asked with disappointment in her voice when he finished.
“I had my reason. Why? Are you disappointed?”
“Yes. I wanted you to fill me to the point that your cum is overflowing out of me,” she told him. As she did, Minho could see her moving her hand down her body and begin rubbing her freshly fucked pussy.
“Maybe next time,” he told her. He then reached for the present he bought Yujin, and without warning he extracted it from her ass. He then began to use the buttplug to wipe the cum he had strayed onto her ass and began wiping it around her hole.
“Is it the time?”
“It seems like a good a time as any.”
Yujin was filled with nervous and excitement. Minho had her get the condoms and lube. Yujin then bent down and gave a few long hard sucks on his cock, making sure he was fully hard before putting on the condom, using both hands to roll the latex down his full length. Minho then had her to apply a generous amount of lube to his condom-encased manhood. He had her get at on all fours and had her look straight forward at a full-length mirror across from the bed. When she was in position he squirted some lube onto the entrance of her back door. He then used his cock head to smear the lube around. She was a little jumpy when she felt the tip of his cock brush against her back entrance.
“Just relax he told her,” and he reached under her and began fingering her. He watched as she closed her eyes and moaned. “Just concentrate on my fingers,” he told her. She was doing just that and he could feel her getting wetter. Once he could tell she was relaxed and not paying attention her gave a quick thrust, moving before she could react.
Yujin let out a squeal, surprised that her ass had just been invaded by the tip of Minho’s cock. Her ass immediately tightened around the head of his dick. He got her to relax and slowly pushed more of cock into her.
“Fuck you’re big,” she moaned.
“Just relax and it will start to feel good soon.”
“Easy for you to say, you not the one being split in half by a massive cock.” It took a little bit of time for Minho to get his full length into the Idol’s ass, but Yujin refused to quit until she had the full thing wedged inside of her. Once it was fully in, he let her sit with it inside her, letting her adjust to the feeling for a minute. He then began making small slow thrusts. Minho watched her face through the mirror, he saw how slowly the grimace on her face began to dissipate until finally, he heard a pleasurable moan.
“It starting to feel good?”
“Yes,” She answered, “Ohh, I like it.”
“You ready to take it up a notch?”
“Give me everything you got, old man,” she dared him. He didn’t think she knew what she was asking for, so while he started making longer faster strokes he was still holding back. It did not take long for Yujin to figure out that he was holding back. “Come on, harder.”
“You sure about that?”
“Either give me a real fucking or I’ll find someone else who can,” she told him as she looked him in the eyes through the mirror. With that, Minho slowly up to his tip and then slammed his full length into her ass. Yujin’s legs kicked up and her mouth went wide but no sound came out. From that moment on he gave it to her like an anal veteran and to her credit and to Minho’s surprise Yujin took it like a champ. Even when he gave her a few spanks, those were only met with grunts and moans of pleasure. With the way she moaned and the way her eyes appeared to roll back, Minho thought Yujin might have even had a small orgasm.
“OH GOD GIVE IT TO ME!” Yujin cried out.
“Yeah, you like my cock in your ass? You like having your ass fucked?”
“YES! So good! Soooo much better than I thought!” Yujin said as she dropped down to her elbows and began thrusting her ass back into my dick. She then asked, “Have you done this with Wonyoung or Gaeul?”
“Not yet,” he told her truthfully.
“Don’t bother, those batches can’t take it like I can. If you want an ass on set just come find me,” she told him.
“You have a very high opinion of yourself,” he commented.
“If I’m wrong, then tell me,” she told him. He didn’t say anything, he only gave her ass another smack in response. “That’s what I thought.”
Minho told her that he wanted to show her another position before he finished. They both let out their own groans of disappointment as he pulled off his cock from her ass. He then got off the bed and told her to roll over onto her back. Once she had done that, he grabbed one of her ankles and pulled her over to the edge of the bed. He pulled her so far that the majority of her ass was mostly hanging over the edge. Still, with her ankle in his hand, he lifted her leg up and held it out to the side. He then took his cock in and buried it back into Yujin’s ass, much to her delight. Using his other hand, he took her other leg and lifted it and spread it wide. Yujin was now on her back with her legs raised and spread eagle on the bed. Her body was on full display for Minho as he slammed his hips into her repeatedly. After a little bit, Yujin’s hand moved down her body and she began playing with her pussy as she got her ass fucked.
“This is amazing,” the idol loudly moaned.
“Starting to feel good now?”
“Tell me what do you like better, having something in your ass, or do you just like my dick that much?” Minho said with brazen arrogance.
“Fuck, I can’t tell,” Yujin said as she fingered pussy.
“I guess we’ll find out after you show your boyfriend what you’ve learned,” he said. “Though I’m not sure he’ll believe you when you tell him he’s your first.”
“Why’s that? You plan on stretching me out that much?” Yujin flirted right back at the older man she had inside her ass.
“Put it this way, you might let him use it from time to time, but your…ass…will…forever…belong..to...me,” he informed her, slamming her hard on each of his last seven words.
“Yeah, old man? Is that…is that…ooooooohhhhhhh wowww,” the Damsel actress had her own words interrupted by her body as she climaxed once again. Soaking her hand as she stopped playing with herself. Minho smiled at the fact that the 20-year-old came with a thick cock buried in her ass. As he continued to work his mind was brought back to a moment where Yujin was having a bit of a diva moment on set, and he overheard one of the staff quietly say to other “How big is the stick up that girl’s ass, do you think?” If only those two could see her down.
He did end up letting go of her legs, which Yujin put one up on his shoulder and the other she wrapped behind his ass. He then bent down to kiss the idol, before moving his now free hands to her breast to play with. As they kept going, he thought about seeing if she wanted to try anal cowgirl, but he didn’t have a ton left in him and thought he’d hold off on that until the next round.
“Almost there,” Minho groaned as he continued to pummel her ass. He could feel the cum beginning to bubble up from his ass. It was only a matter of time now.
“Oh, yes. Then give it to me,” Yujin moaned.
“Yeah? You want it?”
“Yes give it to me.”
“Oh, I’ll give it to you,” he told her. Minho then pulled his cock out from her idol’s backdoor, yanked off the condom, and dove his full cock back into her wanting pussy. He then stopped holding back and injected her with his sizable load. It was unclear if it was him stuffing her pussy with his dick or the feeling of him filling her with his jizz that made Yujin orgasm once again, but regardless she let out an orgasmic cry and the body shock as he shot blast after blast of cum inside of her. He did not pull out until his cock had deflated a bit.
“You came inside me,” she said as she rubbed the reddened cunt. Pulling her hand away she saw her fingers were sticky with his cum on them. “You came a lot inside of me.”
“That is what you wanted?”
“Yeah, I did. I love that feeling when a guy does it. Ugghh, wow, and you came so much,” she said as she felt his cum leaking out of her.
“If you liked it that much, I’d happily do it a few more times tonight.”
“I’m sure you would you dirty old man,” Yujin said cheekily. She then asked, “What time is it?”
“A little after one,” he informed her.
“I need to get going.”
“Really? Tapping out already?”
“I should, but tonight was amazing. I can’t believe I took your whole cock in my ass. Hajoon’s going to be in for a surprise later this week.”
“Happy to help,” he said, “and if you need a refresher course before he arrives just let me know. I’d love to be of assistance.”
“How selfless of you,” the idol said sarcastically. “Do you mind if I shower before heading home?”
“Only if I can assist.”
“I knew you were going to say that,” Yujin said as she got up from the bed. “Just no sex, or else I might never leave.”
“As far as deterrents go, that’s not much of one,” Minho joked as he led Yujin to his bathroom. He turned on the shower and as Yujin tried pushing some of the cum out off her pussy, Minho went back into the bedroom for a moment and then went back into the bathroom and joined the idol in the shower. He grabbed his loofa, poured some body wash on it, and began washing Yujin. Starting with her shoulders he then moved down and began washing as well as just flat-out playing with her breasts, before taking a knee and washing her legs. He then handed the loofa over to Yujin and she washed him. First his back, then his chest, and then down to between his legs. At one point she stopped pretending with the loofah and just used both her hands to stroke his cock.
“So big,” she said softly with her eyes fixated on his erection. She then looked up at him in the eyes, and told him, “Your cock is truly lovely to look at.”
“Thank you. Your body is quite the sight to behold as well.”
He then told her to turn around. He stepped out of the shower for a moment, before getting back in behind her and taking the loofah, and reapplying more soap to it. He made no effort to keep his erection away from her. Instead, he intently pushed it against her as he reached around her body. He then began to wash her back, eventually moving down to her ass.
“Put your hands against the wall and bend over,” he told her. Yujin looked back at him and gave him a look. He reassured her, “I’m not going to fuck you, I promise.”
He then proceeded to wash her ass in-depth, reaching under her and washing her pussy. He spread her cheeks and dripped some body wash from the bottle down onto her rectum.
“I will tell you, if you really do want to make sure you are ready to surprise your boyfriend, you really should keep wearing this,” he said. He then picked up the buttplug he had snuck into the shower and pressed it against her ass. Yujin gasped as she felt it enter her. It did fit inside her much easier now than it did the first time he put it inside of her. She also enjoyed the feeling of having it inside of her much more. With the plug in and her still bent over, Minho reached under her ass and stuck two fingers and her tight warm cunt. As he fingered her, she leaned over her and said into her ear. “I promised I wouldn’t stick my cock in you, but didn’t say anything about my fingers.”
“So true,” Yujin said before turning her face and kissing him. “Finger my pussy, old man.”
“You like older guys don’t you?” he questioned her.
“Not especially, I just like guys who know what they're doing,” she confessed.
“Well, I do know a trick or two.”
“Yes, you do.” Minho then spun Yujin around so they were facing each other and the two made out while he finger-blasted her against the glass of the shower stall. He hooked his fingers and rubbed her g-spot while his palm brushed against her clit. Yujin also made use of her hands, reaching down and stroking his cock. The two were in a race to see who could use their hands to get the other off the fastest. Minho had a head start so he was able to get Yujin to cream all over his hand first. After her orgasm subsided, she pushed Minho backward, giving her the room to comfortably sink to her knees on the shower floor.
“I bet you’re just like every other guy out there and want to climax all over my face,” she said to him as she began using both hands to stroke his cock.
“Yeah, I am.”
“Then do it,” she told him. She looked up and maintained eye contact with him as she frantically jerked him off. Her eyes never left his as she worked his cock. Even when he said he was about to cum, she aimed his cock head directly at her face and kept her eyes open until she felt his first blast hit her on the mouth and nose. As he kept cumming, she could not help but smile as she felt it rain down her face. When she finally stopped feeling his cum, she opened one eye and then moved in and sucked the tip clean of any remaining cum. Minho just stood there and admired the pretty actress's face as it was covered in his spunk.
“How do I look?”
“All those guys who said wished they could give you a facial don’t know what they are missing out on. It’s quite a beautiful sight.” Yujin smiled broadly at his compliment. She licked off some of the cum that had landed on her mouth, and let him admire her face for a little while before she cleaned her face off under the spray of the shower. They each give themselves one last rinse off before turning off the water. Getting out of the shower they toweled off and wrapped themselves up. He kept an eye on her as she dried off and noticed that the idol never made a move to remove the plug in her ass. He then moved back to the bedroom with Yujin following a minute or so later.
“Are you sure you need to leave,” Minho asked as he sat down on the edge of the bed with her throbbing erection at full mass between his legs. Yujin looked down at his hard-on and instinctively licked her lips as she looked at it.
“The girls were right, that thing doesn’t quit, does it?” she said referring to his cock.
“You complaining about that?”
“Hardly. But, I do need to go. I need to get some rest before filming tomorrow,” she said. But then she undid her towel and let it fall to the floor. “But I suppose it would be cruel of me to walk out on you in that state.
Yujin then dropped to her knees and took his cock into her mouth. She began sucking on her tip and then brought her lips down along the side. “So, tell me,” she asked between slurps “Do you feel bad about sleeping with girls my age? Especially since Wonyoung and me are closer to your son age than yours.”
“I’m fine with it. I felt a little bad when I slept with his prom date during his graduation party.” He admitted. Yujin nearly choked on his cock in surprise when that happened.
“You what?” she asked.
“You heard right.”
“There must be a story there,” Yujin said as she stroked his cock.
“Her older sister was one of his former babysitters, one of the ones I frequently hooked up with, and the older sister told the younger sister about our adventures. So, the younger sister asked my son to prom, and after a disappointing prom night, she cornered me during his graduation party a few weeks later and demanded I give her what her sister had bragged to her about so many times before. So I did. And then I did again a few more times before we moved out to LA.”
“You are so bad,” Yujin said to him, and before bringing her lips back to his cock she added, “and I don’t believe you feel bad about doing her at all.”
“I did feel a little bad afterward doing that behind his back. But the sex itself did feel pretty good in the moment,” he admitted.
“Better than me?” She asked.
“You can’t let anyone win, can you?”
“Nope,” she said before sinking several inches of dick into her mouth. He let the actress suck his cock uninterrupted for several minutes before he spoke up again.
“Let me ask you, do you feel bad about cheating on your boyfriend with me?”
“This wasn’t cheating,” she said matter-of-factly.
“What we did tonight wasn’t cheating?” he questioned her.
“Nope. You were teaching me about anal so I could do it with my boyfriend this week. This was a learning exercise.”
“Okay, sure,” Minho could not help but chuckle at her reasoning.
“When we fuck again next weekend, that will be cheating.”
“Next week?”
“Yeah, my boyfriend leaves on Friday. My manager mentioned how he was leaving Thursday night to go visit his mom, so that means we have a few days where no one is going to be looking for us and checking in on us. So, what better way to spend it than in bed having an obscene about of sex?”
“Are you sure you can handle all that?” he asked her with cocky confidence. “I mean were stopping after only two rounds tonight.”
“That’s because tonight I was just testing you. Seeing if you lived up to the hype. You obviously passed,” she said and then stuck out her tongue and slapped his cock against it. “Next weekend I’ll show you what I can do. After next weekend you’ll be saying I’m the best you’ve ever had.”
“Oh really? So you’ve been holding back this entire time?”
“Yes. Probably 50% effort,” she told him.
“Yeah right, I highly doubt that.” Yujin simply smiled in response and then suddenly she took a majority of his cock into her mouth and did so with a casualty that showed she had been holding back a bit. She deepthroated him for a minute before pulling back and leaving just an inch or so in her mouth. She continued to work his cock, but now the way she moved her hands along his shaft and the way her tongue worked the underside of his dick showed that she had been holding back and she was much more skilled than she had previously shown. She was also now not stopping to talk or make any chit-chat. She was showing a determination to show the older man that the she was better than other more experienced women he had been with. It only took a few minutes until he blew his load down her mouth, and despite the amount, she was able to swallow it all.
“See, and that was just the tip of the iceberg,” Yujin bragged as she stood up and began picking up her discarded clothing. “If I were you, I would take it easy this week. You’re going to need all the energy you can store for next weekend.”
“Sounds good,” he said as he watched her naked body walk around the room. “I’ll see you next weekend,”
With her clothes tucked under her arm, Yujin said “See you around the set tomorrow,” before blowing him a kiss and strutting naked out of his bedroom.
It was two days later that Minho would see Yujin walking with her boyfriend, Hajoon, around the set. Yujin blushed a little when she caught eyes with Minho from across the room. When Minho saw Hajoon walk away, he quietly maneuvered himself around the stage until he was standing next to Yujin.
“So, have you given your boyfriend his gift yet?” Minho quietly asked discreetly.
“I was planning on giving it to him tonight,” Yujin quietly replied with a smile.
“Does that mean, you’re wearing that thing I gave you?”
“Why do you think I haven’t sat down?”
“How does it feel?”
“Good. Though I may need to upgrade to something bigger,” she told him and gave him the biggest devilish smile he’d ever seen before she walked away.
The next morning when he woke up, he texted Yujin asking how things went last night. He did not get an answer right away. It wasn’t until about an hour later that got a reply. She messaged him saying it went well. That was followed up by a close-up mirror photo, with the message saying he could not get enough of it.
The photo was of Yujin’s ass with her cheeks spread apart and some cum trickling out of it. He then asked her if the photo was from last night or if she didn’t reply to his text right away so that her boyfriend could fill her and she could then send him a photo. She replied asking him if he really thought she’d have morning sex with her boyfriend specifically so she could send a teasing picture afterward. As soon as she said that, he knew that is exactly what she did.
Minho got some disappointing news later in the week when Yujin had to cancel their weekend plans. Her boyfriend had surprised her with plans for a weekend getaway trip. She told him she’d make it up to him, and then send a dozen nude pictures of herself, some full body and others close up, to ‘hold him over’ while she was gone. Thought that rain check was probably not going to happen when on Monday morning Yujin put out an Instagram post announcing that she was engaged. Minho congratulated her the next time he saw her on set and jokingly whispered, “I didn’t know he loved you giving him anal that much.” Yujin laughed at that.
He assumed that was it. He thought Yujin was off the board for him. And while he still enjoyed Wonyoung and Gaeul, he was a little disappointed he only got the one crack at the idol. That disappointment went away the Friday after the announcement of her engagement. Sungho had left to go out with several other staff for the night shooting, leaving Minho home alone. Not 15 minutes after Sungho left there was a knock on the door. Minho opened the door and was surprised to find Yujin standing there.
“Hi, old man.”
“Yujin, what are you doing here?” He asked with surprise.
“I told you I was going to make it up to you.”
“I thought that that went out the window when you accepted that ring.” He said looking down at the rock on the idol’s finger.
“I made a promise to Hajoon when I said yes to him, but technically I did make a promise to you first. And I always keep my promises.”
Once she said that Minho stepped aside and let Yujin into the house. “What was that promise again?” he asked playing dumb.
“I believe it was that I was going to show you that I’m the best in bed you’ve ever had.”
“What about Sungho? What happens when he comes home and finds you here?”
“I’ve taken care of that. Wonyoung owed me.”
“I believe you promised me an entire weekend of demonstrating your talents.”
“Wonyoung owed me several IOUs,” she informed him. “Now, why don’t you stop wasting time and take that cock out of your pants?”
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aclaywrites · 6 months
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Oh Lordy this is a saga. For a super duper long time I didn’t care and just wore whatever. Jeans and t-shirts , it was the 70s and early 80s. I remember a pair jeans I had with rainbows on the back pockets, and a long sleeved ocean pacific shirt that everyone made fun of because they said it was a knockoff and not a real OP but it totally was. I had long hair that I didn’t cut and didn’t even pull back and it just hung around my face like Carrie. In 8th grade I got totally into wearing headbands and had 4 or 5 including one that was puffy and red like a ring of Saturn around my forehead. I can only assume this is the costume of a girl who isn’t interested in getting boys to like her, though it wasn’t that conscious in my mind just yet.
The last time I switched schools was 1985, just before my junior year. That’s also the summer I met Jessie and saw the Hunger, so it was time for a change. We went goth/punk 1980s Oklahoma style. I remember three wardrobe standouts: a pair of ballet flats with hieroglyphs on them, a black sweatshirt I cut the collar off, flash dance style and would wear over everything, and a tight, short skirt that was one continuous print of that 50s photo of people watching a 3D movie. I wore that until all the elastic went out and I couldn’t keep it on my ass any more 😂
Jessie and I split up when i went to college. I stopped dying and crimping my hair and let it grow out long again over the course of some years. I stopped trying to hard to be alternative looking, but I still liked black clothes, lots of ruffles and layers. Legit I had a black velvet cloak I wore when it was cold. I had a barrette shaped like a bat and used it to pull my hair back, on the days I didn’t braid it and pin it up Masterpiece Theater style. Dress like this and go sit in a tree and read Jane Eyre with zero irony. WHY DONT LESBIANS WANT TO DATE ME?!! 🤣🤣🤣
When I started teaching in the early 90s I had to go to the (thrift) store and buy adult looking clothes. Lots of jumpers (American meaning) and cardigans. This evolved into dresses and cardigans, I liked short waists, big skirts, no buttons, and a pair of Birkenstock Mary Jane’s which I still own. My off work style was kind of similar. Dresses and skirts and cardigans. I started wearing more colors, but it was still boho chic. Linen, velvet, the occasional Indian find with mirrors embroidered onto it. I cut my hair into the curly bob I wore for the next 20something years and continued to have very few dates.
After my kid was born and I was a stay at home mom, I let my hair grow again and plan to keep it long. It’s easiest for me, and I like the way it looks. I still prefer dresses and skirts, natural fabrics. I still only shop at thrift stores, and am interested only in pleasing myself, so I love to find odd pieces. I started wearing scarves around 2007 and now they’re a part of my look to an almost ridiculous degree (my kid was teasing me about thrift shopping the other day and said ‘yeah you gotta go to every one! What if you miss a scarf!) but I don’t care because they’re gorgeous and warm and dress up an outfit and frame my face while hiding my old-lady wattle 😂
One of the moms on car duty the other day was dropping off her daughter and gave me a long appraising look, then said critically “What does your husband have to say about the way you dress?” I was so shocked all I could say is “Mr Frizzle loves it.”
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univvrse · 6 months
we're in all the magazines (chapter 2)
chapter title- trust your mechanic to mend your car?
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hawks x dabi
There were four members of the band 'Puncture'; each with deeply buried secrets. Dabi, Hawks, Shigaraki and Mr Compress.
Each about to find out things about eachother that will change their relationship as band mates forever.
previous can be found on my masterlist
on my ao3 if you'd prefer
1k words
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After a more or less silent meal of egg fried rice, reheated from the night before, the 4 retired to their respective rooms. They were always halfway shattered after gigs.
Keigo woke up first. He almost always did. Despite spending most of his time with the others, he felt as though he were an imposter. He saw the way Tomura looked at him when Dabi introduced him to the band. Dabi said he generally takes a while to warm up to people, but in the 5 weeks that Keigo had spent as part of Puncture, Tomura hadn’t seemed to even make an effort in accepting Keigo as one of them.
This didn’t mean Keigo wouldn’t do everything he could to win Tomura’s acceptance. He liked waking up this early because it gave him the opportunity to make breakfast for the others. A quick look in the fridge told him the direness of Puncture’s grocery situation. Keigo flipped a piece of fan mail over to write a quick note on the back announcing that he was just off to the store and would be back shortly. He didn’t imagine anyone would be worried that he wasn’t there when they woke, but it felt like a nice gesture anyway.
There was a small convenience store about a 5-minute walk from their place. It was a lovely little shop run by a sweet old married couple. Keigo picked up most of the domestic work when he joined Puncture, so he was fairly familiar with this couple, often stopping to have a chat with them as he shopped. Today was no different. Keigo placed his basket down on the checkout counter and said hi to the old man, who began to scan his purchases. “It’s gorgeous outside today! Perfect day for a stroll through the park. The Sakura trees are finally blooming.” The old man smiled wistfully as he spoke. The skin around his eyes crinkled, a testament to the years behind him.
Keigo hummed in response, “It felt like winter would last forever.” He smiled, “We had another show last night. I think it went well! The crowd seemed to like it.” “Ah, soon you will outgrow this city. What will Mae and I do when you’re too famous to stop by for our chats!” Mae was the man’s wife. She was always dressed in floral patterns with her hair meticulously styled. The old man was called Kenji. They were the picture of love, everything any couple dreamt of becoming.
As Keigo opened his mouth to reply, the bell above the door rung. He turned to see a tall young man walk in. He looked to be maybe a few years older than Keigo, possibly in his mid to late twenties. He had cropped black hair, mussed up as though he had just rolled out of bed. His jeans were slightly wrinkled, as was his t-shirt. Keigo’s mouth fell shut, his mind blanked and he entirely forgot his response.
“Dad!” The young man strode over to Kenji, casually opening the gate to allow himself behind the counter, “I got leave from work so I could be here for your birthday.” Keigo knew it was rude to stare, but he couldn’t seem to pull his eyes from the handsome boy before him. “Yuto, you mustn’t take a holiday for something so trivial.” Kenji half-scolded the boy as he pulled him in for a hug, “Ah, Takami, this is my son, Yuto.” Yuto smiled and nodded to Keigo and extended a hand, “Nice to meet you, Takami. Sorry for interrupting.” Keigo shook the offered hand and smiled almost sheepishly, “It’s no problem at all.” He looked down, hiding his eyes from the attractive man’s face. Kenji cleared his throat from behind the counter, breaking the slightly awkward silence, “That’ll be 593 yen please Takami.” “Oh yeah sure,” Keigo replied, pulling out his card and swiping it.
He turned on his heel and left the shop, heading back to the apartment.
The 5-minute walk home passed quickly as he breathed in the crisp spring air. When he arrived back at their apartment Dabi was in the kitchen, sat at the counter typing away busily on his laptop. The dark-haired man looked up to the sound of the door closing, his signature
smirk painting his face.
“Hey, you got groceries?”
“Yeah picked them up for you guys, thought I could make you breakfast?” Keigo said, putting the fruit and bread he had bought down on the counter.
“That’s okay you don’t have to.”
“Yeah I know, want to though. Also figured it would help me win over Shigaraki.”
“Don’t worry about him, he’s always been a cunt,” he chuckled.
“Would be nice for him to at least be chill with me though,” Keigo replied, putting the milk he bought into the fridge and slamming the door shut on accident.
Tomura walked into the room, headphones on his head, his music was playing so loud it was audible by the other two men in the room.
“Speak of the devil and he shall appear,” Dabi muttered to himself, not expecting anyone else to hear. Keigo laughed quietly to himself, he always thought that Dabi was unintentionally funny, that was one of his favourite things about him; among his many other attributes. Tomura picked up an apple off the counter without a word, storming back to his room, not sparing a glance at the two men. Though Keigo swore he heard him mutter, “fucking gay people,” before he slammed his door closed. He brushed the comment off, picking up a few slices of bread and putting them into the clearly neglected toaster. The lighter haired man turned back to Dabi.
“Do you want any toast?” “Yeah toast’s cool,” he replied, not looking up from his laptop. “I think we should start writing our own music.” he stated cooly, like it meant absolutely nothing. “Wait really?” “Yeah, seems like a good idea- I’ve been working on a few songs.” “Oh sick, would you- um maybe wanna, you know, wanna like show me sometime?” Keigo asked, trying and failing not to let his awkwardness come across. “Sure.”
It was no mystery to the group that Keigo had a huge thing for Dabi. Hell, he’d been a huge fan of the group before he joined, and more than that; a huge fan of Dabi.
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A/N- tyy for reading. i'm sorry if it seems like it's starting slow but it should speed up pretty soon <£
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ritualoftheancients · 9 months
Chapter 4: The Werefox
by Roan Rosser
This is a chapter of a complete vampire novel with a trans-masc main character and a gay romance subplot. New Chapters are posted every Sunday. If you like the novel and want to support the author, ebook and paperback copies can be purchased here.
The address Jack’s boss sent us to turned out to be a Target store. Jack parked at the back of the nearly-empty lot in front of the closed store.
“So, what can I do to help?” I asked, getting out as I scanned the little patch of trees at the edge of the lot. The rain had stopped and the clouds were starting to clear.
“You can wait in the car,” Jack said as he went around to the trunk and popped it open, hiding him from view.
“I want to help. I can help.” I walked to the rear of the car and stopped abruptly. Jack was shirtless, the curves of his muscles under his brown skin accented by the pale moonlight.
He unbuttoned his pants, then smirked at me as he unzipped them. “Could you give me a little privacy?”
I blushed, but didn’t move. “What’s with the floor show?”
Jack paused with his thumbs hooked over the waistband of his jeans. “It’s the fastest way to confirm if this fox is really a fox or shapeshifted human. Remember what we were talking about in the car, about scent?”
“I get it. In your jackal form, you can sniff out the fox faster than us beating around in the bushes.”
“I’ll also be able to tell as soon as I find the fox if it’s a shapeshifter or not.” At that he pulled his pants and underwear down in one motion. He stepped out of his jeans, already barefoot. Jack finished stripping off his pants and then lifted them up, sadly hiding his assets from view, to dig around in the front pocket. He pulled out his keys and tossed them to me.
It looked like the keys were moving in slow motion as they tumbled through the air; I had all the time in the world to lift my hand up and catch them. As soon as my fingers closed around the keys, time seemed to snap back to its usual speed.
Jack lifted one eyebrow at me. “Ha, between this and the way you outran me in the apartment, it looks like you’re getting the hang of ‘vampire speed’.” He tossed his jeans and underwear in the trunk over his shirt and shoes, and then slammed the lid closed.
“... thanks.” I could not tear my eyes from Jack’s naked form. I was sure my face was bright red now, even if I didn’t feel flushed. Jack was gorgeous, it was true, and it didn’t help that I hadn’t been on a date in years, but it felt a little rude to be staring like this. Still, I couldn’t pull my eyes away.
“I shouldn’t be too long. You’re welcome to turn the car on listen to music while you wait, but don’t answer the phone if it rings.”
I opened my mouth to protest, but before I could, Jack’s form started to shift, getting blurry on the edges as he sprouted fur and shrunk. A moment later, a jackal stood on all fours in Jack’s place. The jackal gave me one long look, as if to say “get back in the car already”, and then trotted off into the underbrush at the edge of the parking lot.
Feeling useless, I stuffed Jack’s keys in my pocket and got back in the passenger seat. During the ride over I’d been focused on talking with Jack. Now that I was just sitting here, idly tapping my fingers on my knees, my thirst seemed to grow worse by the second. I wished I had my phone, or a book, or one of my art magazines to distract myself.
Bored, I looked around Jack’s car. Scratches and tears covered the fabric of the back seats, yet the rest of the car was neat and clean. Traffic went by in the distance, more than I would’ve expected given the late hour. Everything seemed so normal, so calm. My whole world had been turned upside down and inside out… yet the world continued on as it had been.
A scratch at the door of the car brought me out of my reverie. I sat up and opened the door. Jack’s jackal form stood there, giving me the side-eye with one ear cocked back, and holding a struggling fox in his muzzle by the scruff of its neck. When the fox caught sight of me, it began shrieking. The high pitched scream that came from the fox sounded more like a human child in pain than an animal.
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I winced and covered my ears. For some reason I always thought foxes barked, like dogs, not this horrible screaming. “I take it the fox is a shapeshifter?” I yelled over the noise.
Jack nodded and then jerked his head towards the back door. The jackal backed up enough to let me get out of the car. I opened the back door and the jackal hopped in, still holding the much-smaller fox in his mouth. I shut the door behind them and was moving to get into the passenger seat, when I paused and looked back at Jack. He couldn’t drive like that, not while restraining the fox in the back seat. I poked my head through the open passenger door, leaned into the car, and looked at the pair. Jack was trying to hold down the squirming fox, but was having a hard time of it.
“Do you need me to drive?” I yelled over the fox’s screams, pulling Jack’s keys out of my pocket and holding them up. “I don’t have a license, though. I mean, I know how, but my license was in my wallet, which was stolen.”
Jack growled and shook his head. He managed to get the fox underneath of him, pinned under his much bigger bulk so he could let go of the fox’s scruff. “No. There’s a CD case under your seat. Get out Music for Meditation, turn the car on, and put it in the player.” Like earlier that night, it was very disconcerting to hear a human’s voice coming from a jackal’s muzzle.
“Why isn’t it talking, like you?” I yelled back, covering my ears.
“Takes practice to talk in animal form. Now, CD, please? She can’t turn back until she calms down.”
The case was right were he said it would be. I put in the CD and moments later, soothing piano music filled the car, although it could hardly be heard over the fox’s continued screams. In the back, the fox clawed and snapped at Jack, but the angle was wrong and mostly it tore more holes in the seat. Jack leaned over it, mouth next to its ear, whispering something too low for me to catch.
“So I guess it’s a myth that weres only change on the full moon?” I asked as I watched them. The music didn’t seem to be helping the fox calm down at all. At least it finally stopped screaming.
Jack didn’t answer, so I sighed and sat back to look up through the windshield at the sky overhead. A few dark clouds obscured some of the stars—the last of what remained of the rainclouds from earlier—but they were quickly being blown away. We were far enough outside Portland that I could see a few twinkling dots over the light pollution. Half a crescent moon hung high in the sky, shining brightly. That was answer enough to my question, I supposed. Movies had gotten that wrong about werewolves—or in this case, werejackals and werefoxes—and that made me wonder what they’d gotten wrong about vampires. I guess that was why Jack had warned me to stop thinking in those terms.
The CD played through twice before the fox calmed down. A few times I tried to ask questions, but Jack didn’t answer any of them, focused on whispering to the fox, so I eventually fell silent, nervously looking at the sky in the east, watching for the telltale glow of coming sunrise. Without my phone, I couldn’t research what time sunrise would happen at.
Jack must have seen the direction of my glances, because he said, “Don’t worry, we have time.”
A few cars drove past us in the parking lot, coming from behind the Target. They glanced curiously at the car and me, but no one stopped to bother us.
I licked my dry lips, trying to ignore my growing thirst. I began humming along with the piano music, making up lyrics in my head to distract myself.
Finally the fox shuddered, its form twisting. Jack sat up, moving off the fox to crouch next to it as it changed back. Its fur pulled back in and its limbs grew until a naked, young, blonde woman sat crouched on all fours in the seat. She flushed and curled back into a fetal position, pulling her legs to her chest to huddle up against the back driver’s-side door, as far from Jack and me as she could get. Her eyes welled and tears began falling silently down her cheeks before she buried her face in her knees.
A warmth hit my face from her direction, and I wanted to close my eyes and bask in it. I couldn’t keep my eyes off her. It was like feeling the bright sun for the first time after a gray Portland winter. I sat up and knelt in the seat, leaning into the back. She seemed to pulse with life, and everything else in the car fell away. I traced the red lines under her skin with my eyes.
Someone was talking. I registered the sound, but it had no meaning. Something cracked across my face, snapping my head to the side. My eye contact with the girl was broken as my face was mashed against the driver’s side headrest. I was halfway into the back seat, kneeling on the center console, but I didn’t remember moving.
“Everett, stop!” Jack yelled in my ear.
I screwed my eyes shut and took a deep breath to calm myself. That was a mistake. Jack’s musky sweat filled my nose—almost, but not quite, overwhelming my sense of self again. I could feel something in my mouth growing and pressing down on my lips. Two tiny pin-pricks of sensation. I took another shuddering breath, breathing through my mouth this time, before trying to speak.
“I’m okay now. Please, let me go.” I slurred a little around the new fangs. I ran my tongue along them, wondering why I hadn’t noticed them earlier. Although I had been a little—no, a lot out of it at the time. I barely even remembered biting Jack, only the warmth and taste of the blood. Thinking of that was a mistake; my thirst increased, my mouth so dry I felt dizzy.
“Are you sure?” Jack’s voice was hard, but I detected a hint of worry underneath the gruff tone.
I nodded, or tried to, but Jack’s hand on my face stopped me. “Yes. I’m good now. I’ve got it under control.”
“Alright, then.”
Jack’s hand withdrew, and eyes still closed tight, I backed away and turned around to slide back down into the passenger seat. The back of my head and the left side of my face felt warmth still coming from Jack and the woman.
The back seat creaked, and the car rocked as Jack moved back. “Do up your seatbelt too, Everett.”
Jack didn’t trust me to not lose control again, and I didn’t blame him. I didn’t trust myself at the moment. I sighed, but did as I was told. Jack’s warmth shifted, accompanied by the sounds of movement from the backseat and the thump of something opening.
“Here, you can put these on,” Jack said to the girl. “And I’ve got tissues, too.”
I practiced my breathing, doing meditation exercises that I’d learned in PE class in high school. The pressure on my lips lessoned as I calmed down, and my fangs retracted.
“Thanks. My name is Emily,” the woman said, her voice quaking. There was a pause, and the sounds of a person getting dressed in a tight space. “What’s his problem? And what was wrong with his eyes? ”
Eyes? Nothing was wrong with my eyes, was there? I sat up, opening my eyes, and flipped down the visor above my seat to look in the mirror there. My eyes, so dark-brown people mistook them for black, looked back at myself, framed by a few wisps of my short, messy, black hair. That I could see myself shot down another myth that vampires didn’t have a reflection.
“And I don’t smell it now, but before, when I was smaller, he smelled wrong. It scared me.”
Shrugging, I closed the visor, catching a quick glimpse of Jack and the girl on the seat behind me as it closed. Jack had on jeans and was just pulling on a T-shirt, and the girl now wore a very baggy black sweatshirt and pants. A box of tissues sat in her lap. Her eyes were puffy and she was dabbing at her face with a soggy tissue. The center of the back seat was down, revealing a hole through to the trunk, which explained where they’d gotten the clothes from.
I was tempted to look back and glare at her, but just that one glimpse of her in the back seat in the mirror had caused my jaw to tighten and ache.
Jack said something under his breath in a language I didn’t know, but from the tone I guessed it was a swear.
“This night,” he muttered under his breath. Then louder, he said, “Yeah, sorry about that. It’ll be easier to calm down to change back next time, when he isn’t around. Normally it isn’t quite that difficult. But he’s here because, like you, he’s a supernatural who also just discovered what he is tonight.”
“At least I can’t smell it anymore.” Disgust dripped from her words.
I was tempted to respond with a jab about foxes and their ear-piercing screams, but my fangs were back, pressing down on my lower lip.
“Speaking of which, Everett, you good?” Jack asked.
I closed my eyes again, clamping my jaw shut. “No,” I whispered.
“Shit,” Jack hissed. The car creaked as he moved, and something cool and round tapped my shoulder. “Here, drink this. It will help tide you over until I can get you something at the office.” I took the bottle, recognizing the distinctive shape of a Gatorade bottle.
“Gatorade, really?” I laughed, even as I unscrewed the cap by feel and began chugging it. The cool liquid felt good on my parched tongue, but the taste made me gag. Like drinking rotten fruit. Still, I downed the whole thing. Jack and Emily were talking in the back, but I was so focused on the sweet, cool bite of the beverage easing my thirst that I barely heard them.
A door slammed, and a moment later the driver’s door opened and the car bounced as Jack got in. “Here,” he said when I lowered the empty bottle. “Lay this over your face while I drive. It will help.” The empty bottle was pulled from my hand and replaced with a dry cloth.
“Where are we going?” Emily asked from the back seat, her voice shaky.
Jack replied while I leaned my seat back. “My office. I work for PCA, the Paranormal Creature Alliance. We help people like you and Everett here who are new to the supernatural world.”
“Oh.” Emily fell silent and Jack started the car.
I kept my eyes closed and leaned back against the headrest, placing the fabric—I suspected from the smell and feel that it was one of Jack’s T-shirts—over my face. Immediately I was enveloped by Jack’s musky smell. Smiling, I put both my hands on it and pressed it into my nose, inhaling deeply.
I relaxed back, letting the warm piano music, the roar of the tires on the road, and the scent of Jack lull me into a doze.
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yepthisiskay · 2 years
James is an idiot; a short story that I scrapped.
(Zombie apocalypse au)
James was not an idiot. Other people may tell you otherwise, Karen at work once complained about how James blew up the coffee machine, or that other time when he was in the supermarket and the cashier asked him for 20 dollars and he gave them 40 then told them to keep the change. In James defense he was distracted by his dad's phone call, when you don't get a call from your father for over a year and he randomly calls you on a fine sunday evening you're bound to get distracted by it. James wasn't an idiot, yeah he did idiotic things but he wasn't an idiot.
So when they announced a new virus spreading across the nation killing people left and right, James laughed, shook his head and went about his life like his neighbor didn't just die from this new virus. When James co-worker Sharon ran into the bathroom and never came back, James ignored it, blaming it on illness that was not the “new virus.” James knew better than to believe the preposterous lies the government shared with them, of course James did have a nagging feeling in his gut that this virus (Which isn't real) may be worse then everyone is leading it to be.
James begins to notice the shift in mood one day he just got home from the supermarket and was bringing his groceries in when his neighbor mathew ran out of his house shrieking like a madman, his eyes were on fire, his hair tousled like he stuck his hand in an electric socket. James watches him run and scream towards the end of his driveway. mathew then crumples to the ground fresh tears could be seen on his face. James looked closer noticing how pale mathew was, his deathly pale complexion and crazed eyes weren't James only concerns, when mathew sat up his eyes scanned before locking on James, he growled and stood up running at him. James eyes widened he ran inside slamming the door shut behind him locking it swiftly with his free hand. He heard mathews screams from outside his door, then it was quiet no more screams no more stomping silence. The silence was oddly scarier than the previous screaming. James peaked through the peephole to no longer see mathew standing at his doorway.
After that strange occurrence with mathew nothing odd happened for a few days, James went back to his regular life putting the whole situation behind him, his neighbour mathew was a crazed monster who had a couple to many cups of coffee he was still living in his house playing minecraft until 4 am with his friends, James went to the point to make himself believe that he hallucinating the whole thing. Usually after a traumatizing experience like that you would find a therapist or do some form of self reflecting over what you just experienced but no James just shoved it away locking it in a box that would never be opened.
After a week of no new strange occurrences James started to believe he was hallucinating that was until the crazed lady at the store striked. When James first saw her he knew she had definitely had to many cups of coffee dark eyes bags, a rumpled blouse and skinny jeans this woman looked like she just got done at the night shift, which James could have thought was reasonable except it was midday on a tuesday afternoon. James reached up grabbing a can of peaches, setting them gently in his basket when he turned to see the woman's eyes glossed over a crystal sheen before she slumped over just as mathew did. James set his basket down, rushing over to her and flipping her onto her back. Jamess cpr knowledge consisted of that one class they made every junior take but James was going to try. He bent down checking for a pulse, it was faint but still there James wasn't sure if he should risk the trying cpr if she still had a pulse, James would rather risk it then have this random lady die because James was doubting himself.
He got in position ready to start the best compressions when her eyes shot open snarling she jumped at him knocking Jamess glasses from his face the round flames slid across the floor hitting his unattended basket. James screamed hoping anyone in the store would hear him, the lady walked forward grabbing James collar and pinning him down by the neck. He was slowly losing consciousness when out of the corner of his eye he saw a lady with pink hair slam her bag into the crazed lady's head knocking her off James. James sat up blinking stars from his vision trying to thank the woman before darkness overtook his body. When James woke up it was dark. The store had been closed for hours and James was the last one in the store, the crazed lady and pink hair were no were to be seen. Damn the janitors must really suck if they didn't notice a random guy passed out in the middle of aisle 8, he blinked rubbing his eyes before sitting up and reaching for his glasses. That's when it all comes back to him the crazed lady pink hair girl, James freaks out he stands up rushing to the exit pushing the door open the cold air nips at his ears he frowns looking up at the sky the moon brightest James has ever seen it casts shadows along the sidewalk, James doesn't wait a second before hopping in his car and driving home.
When James makes it home he begins to pace, not only did that woman disrupt his shopping trip and try to kill him but she made him forget his peaches. He frowns sitting on the couch running a hand through his hair.
“Jesus fucking christ what the hell just happened.” He mumbles leaning his head back on the couch. He reaches for the remote turning on the tv hoping that maybe the news (Very reliable source) will have answers to whatever the fuck just happened. He watches for a bit zoning out as the man speaks about weather and when you should expect rain, the screen flashes red and Jamess attention goes back to the screen. Breaking news covering the screen in most circumstances James may of found it comedic how aggressive the font choice is but he was shaking his knee bouncing, sitting on the edge of his seat. The breaking news faded away showing a woman standing outside mayor marcus house.
“Hello citizens of New york we have received news that mayor marcus has sadly.” James scoffed. Sadly, that man was a bitch everyone hated him. No one is sad about anything relating to him except when he raises taxes or forces curfew laws then people are sad. “Has passed away.'' James laughs which in most cases seems very rude and impolite to be laughing over the death of someone as “important” as the city mayor but James cant help himself. Hey, maybe for once in this city's long pathetic reign they will get a good mayor. One could only hope.
James knew after the death of the mayor the city would slowly fall apart. No matter how much of a fucking idiot the former mayor was he had an impact, James wasn’t the first to admit that. Maybe James jinxed it not even two days later the government enacted an immediate lock down forcing all citizens to stay in their homes until further notice. People of course didn’t listen and left their homes anyway.
James was out collecting the mail when he heard a scream coming from down the street. Now normal people would go into their homes lick the doors and hide in the closet but James wanted to investigate. He was sick and tired of sitting in his house day in and day out hoping for all this shit to wash over. James grabbed his backpack and walked to the edge of the street peeking out from behind a house he saw them. A hoard of people screaming and yelling slowly walking down the street, straight towards James. James ran back the opposite way rushing into his house grabbing a knife, money and more supplies shoving it into his backpack. He ran through the house sprinting out the backyard and through the side gate.
James looked around for any other survivors to warn them about the hoard coming, based on the size of the hoard and the smashed windows James was worried he was the last. He sprinted to the city's exit. Running down the highway probably wasn’t too safe in case people were still driving but it was either that or walking in the tall grass that lined the highway. He slowed down when he was sure the hoard and city were far behind him. At the edge of the road there was a giant cliff he leaned over the edge looking for anyone who may have jumped into it to escape from the creatures.
James was a skeptic but he knew the only way to survive whatever the hell was happening would be to toughen up and face whatever the universe threw at him.
The farther from the city James travels the fewer hordes of zombies he would come across, there is the occasional rogue zombie wandering around by itself but even then it is easy to run away from one zombie. After James is sure he is safely away from the city and any threat he wanders around an abandoned gas station grabbing food, water and energy drinks, who knows when the next time he will be able to rest may be even if it's soon he will need the energy drinks for traveling long distances with no stopping. He has no idea where he is going but he knew if he stayed in that city even a day longer he would've been killed and turned into the monster cursed to roam the earth for all eternity.
James travels another 30 minutes reaching the end of the highway he follows along the less beaten path of the two leading him into a small town, glass shattered doors let open and streetlamps bent the town has been left abandoned for a while. Why was Jamess city not in such poor condition that it took so long for everyone to turn in his town. He wandered through the town newspapers blowing in the wind, he stopped walking when he came across a motel six now usually James would be like eww motel six what am I an animal but at this point James would take whatever he cant get. If he had to sleep on a 60 year old couch cushion in the middle of an abandoned Walmart he would. He walked through the door broken grass cracking beneath his shoes, he cursed under his breath praying that there was no one in the motel six that could've heard the glass cracking. He heard a loud thud coming from the backroom of the check in desk. Now normal people would leave not go risking their lives and find another place to stay for the night, but this was a once in a lifetime experience the zombie apocalypse James not going to fucking cower. James kicks open the door, his eyes widened in shock
James found a kid.
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daddyy333 · 2 years
Secret | Eddie Munson x y/n
if you’d like you can reblog my original work, but please don’t post it without credit. if you take inspiration from my ideas please tag me, I’d like to see how someone else would write it
Word count: 1.9k
Part 2
summary: Eddie and you have been secretly dating sorta on accident, and the gang finally finds out and are in shock, especially since Dustin knew too and didn't say anything
(Lets just pretend Eddie's style and hair was the same at 15 and like when he was a bit younger)
"What's a pretty girl like you doing here?" Young, nervous, 15 year old Eddie said. Jeff dared him to see if he could get your number, considering that he couldn't stop staring at you since they got in the store. You chuckled and said "just trying to buy overpriced clothing"
His knees damn near gave out when held up your arm with a Metallica shirt and a few more band t-shirts that he recognized. "Yea, this place is expensive..." he said and you chuckled, looking over at the jewelry section.
He took a deep breath and said "I was wondering if I could uhm...could get your number? Maybe we could be friends...o-or more?" You shook your head, he was so cute and nervous.
"Give me your hand," you said and he held his hand out. You grabbed a pen out of your pocket and wrote your number, with your name and a heart underneath it. "Right, names. I-I'm Eddie," he said and you smiled.
You raised his hand and said "I'm y/n," "That's a pretty name...I'll uh...I'll call you later" he said and you nodded. You kissed his cheek and walked over to the register. He blushed beet red and ran over to his friends, freaking out that he got the number off the hottest girl he'd ever seen.
It took 3 weeks for him to ask you on a date, and you guys went to lovers lake and skipped rocks across the lake, talking and hanging out. By the end of it you were on his lap whilst you two made out, your hips rolling against his, a boner forming and straining against his jeans.
You stopped him though, you knew you were not ready to go there after only knowing each other for 3 weeks and this being your first time even kissing. And quite frankly, neither was he. I will say, the orgasms you two had when you went home and got yourselves off to the thought of each other were unreal.
2 more weeks, 6 more dates, 4 more make out sessions and finally you were his girlfriend. He eventually realized that the reason he'd never seen that pretty face before was because you had moved at the beginning of the summer, and was glued to Eddie's side the whole school year.
When you found out about the bullying, you didn't want to do something that would make Eddie upset or uncomfortable so you just comforted him to the best of your ability and fought the urge to punch his bullies in the face every time they breathed around you.
No one actually realized you were dating, they just knew you were close. Mostly because you guys weren't super intimate outside of his trailer and your house, and sometimes in the woods behind school.
When you guys were 10 months into your relationship, you said "I love you" first and were super anxious about it, but you had to tell him how you felt. He froze, his breath hitching and his grip on your waist tightening. "R-Really? Me?" He asked softly and you nodded, kissing him softly.
You took a deep breath and he said "I love...I love you too," you knew this was scary for Eddie, since he only had two friends, and a hard working Uncle who was more of a guardian and provider than a parent and no one had really said "I love you" to him before.
"You mean that? I don't want you to say it yet if you don't mean it. I don't need you to say it back I just need you to know that's how I feel about you" you said and he wrapped his arms around you, kissing you gently.
"I-I mean it. This...this is just a little scary for me, you know? Cause it's gonna really suck now if something happens to our relationship" he said and you shook your head. You ran your hands up his arms comfortingly and said "nonsense," and cupped his cheeks and kissed him again.
When he turned 16 he started getting into weed a lot more, he'd smoked it before a bunch of times but then at 16 he started selling and buying and became a bit of a stoner. You finally smoked with him for the first time the first day of spring break junior year and it was just overall funny for him to watch, and absolutely adorable when you fell asleep on his lap after.
When you were both 17, you made love for the first time and it was incredible. He almost forgot how to breathe when he saw your boobs for the first time. He fingered you first, so confused as to how you had gotten so wet so fast.
Seriously, it had spread all over your inner and his fingers thrusting inside you made delicious wet sounds. You were on birth control by then so he damn near busted right then and there when you said he didn't need a condom.
You were moaning and whimpering each other's names, your tight pussy straining to handle all of him, all 10 inches of him filling you to the brim. You both had never cum so fast in your lives, probably waking up the whole neighborhood with your moans.
You didn't care that he didn't pass senior year the first time, you barely passed yourself. However, after giving him the best blowjob ever and riding him so well he nearly cried because of how good the orgasm whilst on a date at lovers lake for his 18th birthday, he asked you to marry him
Still bouncing on his cock, chasing each other's second orgasm, you started to slow down, realizing he was serious. He chuckled softly and said "I'm serious...marry me," "yea- yes! Yes, yes!" You said and chuckled, started to ride him hard and fast. He gasped and moaned, squeezing your hips.
By the end of that week you were Mrs. Y/n Munson. October 19, 1984. The best day of your life. You had already been living at Eddie's before that, Wayne was glad Eddie had found someone like you to be with him and to love him. Your life was amazing, you two were so in love you couldn't handle it sometimes.
However he slowly realized that during his 3rd senior year, while hanging out with Mike, Dustin, Steve, and Lucas, hearing Mike talk about his girlfriend made him think about you back at home, realizing no one had any idea he was married.
He completely accidentally hid your relationship from them. There was only one ring on his left hand and it was the wedding ring you both saved up to buy, and could easily be passed off as any other regular ring. It made him nervous, would they feel offended that they didn't know?
When Dustin randomly showed up at the trailer he shit his pants, realizing your bra, panties, shirt and shorts, as his clothes were still scattered all over the living room from last night and you were in his bed naked. Dustin's eyes widened when he saw the clothes. He fake gagged and Eddie ran to grab everything, throwing it in his room.
"Ugh, that's gross. Ew, oh my god I can't sit on this couch now knowing what you did on it" he said and Eddie chuckled nervously. He took a deep breath and said "we moved to the bedroom before anything actually happened. We weren't even naked on the couch"
Dustin groaned as he sat down, feeling like he was gonna get an STD from sitting on the couch. Dustin just chilled with him, coming up with a new campaign and watching a movie. Eddie didn't hear the bedroom door open, and he deeply regretted it not 30 seconds later.
You came out in one of Eddie's white undershirts and lacy black panties, you looked like a walking porn magazine cover so Dustin was in complete shock and looked at Eddie with his eyes as big as a dinner plate. Your hands were shielding your eyes from the light since you were slightly hung over and ended up not noticing Dustin as you wrapped your arms around Eddie, kissing his neck.
"Jeez, I'm so hungover and sore from last night. Every time I ride you I feel like death the next day" you said and chuckled. Eddie cleared his throat and said "sweetheart we have a guest" Your eyes widened and you looked at Dustin, clearing your throat.
"H-How old are you?" You asked and he cleared his throat.
"14" he said nervously and you scoffed. He turned around and turned Eddie around, shoving him harshly. "Jeez, you know you have a weird amount of underaged friends" You said and Eddie shrugged and Dustin gulped.
"You do realize you're not wearing a bra and those panties don't leave a whole lot to the imagination?" He said and you chuckled, going to put more clothes on. He slapped your ass as you went back into the bedroom. "how the hell did you manage to get a girl that hot to sleep with you?" He asked and Eddie blushed.
"I asked myself the very same question," Eddie said and you came back out, clothed this time. You hadn't done laundry and couldn't find where Eddie had thrown your bra so you were only in his hoodie and a pair of shorts.
"Hi...child. I didn't know you were here, or coming today or I would've made sure I had clothes that actually cover me" you said and looked at Eddie, who failed to mention anyone was coming over today. "No, yea whatever...I'm sorry it's just...you slept with Eddie? On purpose?" He said and you smiled. You shook your head and said "yea, yes I did,"
"Huh...well I'm Dustin, Eddie's friend from sc- uh, uh work. His job" he said and Eddie chuckled, at least he knew his small friend would have his back and not embarrass him in front of a girl. "I'm y/n" you said, not mentioning your relationship in case Eddie didn't want that.
He went to shake your hand but then pulled back. "That hand has probably touched Eddie's penis and I just don't think I want to touch your hand knowing that informa- Eddie- holy fuck, she has a ring- you slept with a married woman?!" Dustin said and you laughed, whilst Eddie's heart was pounding.
"Ok, I wasn't gonna say anything but I'm not just a one night stand, I'm Eddie's wife" you said and Dustin damn near passed out. This was a lot of information and a lot of stuff being thrown at him all at once. "Wife? Why?" He said and Eddie took a deep breath.
You chuckled and said "I ask myself the same thing" "Why the hell didn't you tell me you were married?" Dustin asked and you raised an eyebrow. Eddie handed him a sandwich and said "I just uhm...well I mean we've been together so long I just forget that I have to actually tell people I'm in a relationship and they don't just know automatically. I didn't mean to, but now I'm scared to tell everyone because of how they'll react"
"But you have a wife, Eddie! Like rings and everything!" He said and you and Eddie both laughed. You moved to the couch to watch the breakfast club for the 8,000th time. You chuckled occasionally when you heard little moments of their bickering.
When Dustin eventually left you said "imagine doing that times 7 with the rest of your friends" "I should've just told them" he said and you shook your head. You ran your hands through his hair, wondering why it never bothered you that his friends didn't know about you. You never really had friends, just Eddie and your grandma, so you didn't see a reason to care that Eddie hadn't told his friends.
this ones a bit weird, but I liked the idea
pt.2 coming soon, let me know if you want to be tagged for pt.2
I’m not really sure how taglists work cause I don’t interact a lot on this app I mostly read stuff, but just dm me with the taglist you want to be added to (because soon enough I’ll be posting other characters/people)
Eventually I’ll be writing for
Eddie Munson
Joseph Quinn
Jamie Bower
Steve Harrington
Robin Buckley
So just dm me the taglist you want to be added to and I’ll add you :)
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adezahnae · 4 years
While Mommy’s on a Little Trip (Part 3)
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A/N: HELLOO!! TODAY IS PART 3!! sadly this mini-series will be ending soon🥺 I hope you enjoy☺️
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 2.5 | Part 3 | Part 4
Warnings: NSFW, smut, cheating, secrets, angst?, oral (fem. receiving), public sex, dirty talk, spanking, squirting, creampie, fingering, stepdaughter!student!reader x dilf!stepdad!mathteacher!jaehyun ft. dilf!boss!doyoung
Tagged Ppl: @softieekayy @seungmoomin @keeach @seoyutayong @whoreforshuaaa @mrg-jjh
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Your POV
I felt someone poking my cheek making me scrunch my nose. “Baby...Baby wake up..” I heard Mr. Jung whisper. I opened my eyes to see his beautiful smile. I smiled back. “Good Morning..” He said in his morning voice, making me shiver. “G-Good Morning, Daddy..” I said. He kissed my forehead. I turned over to see the time 10:23am on the clock. I gasped. “Daddy! School we’re-“ “Baby, it’s Saturday.” He said.
I breathed out and laid back down. “Then why did you wake me up? I was dreaming.” I pouted. “About me and you, I know.” He said. I cocked my head. “How?” I asked sitting up. “You moaned in your sleep the same words you said when we first fooled around.” He smirked. I blushed and looked away embarrassed. He laughed at me. “Aww Princess, it’s okay. I still think about that day as well..” He said pulling me into his lap. “Really?” I asked. He nodded his head. He put a kiss to my lips but I back away, scurrying off of him.
“What’s wrong?” He asked. “I have Morning breath..” I mumbled. He smiled at my cuteness. “Well, go and get ready. I’m taking you out for the day.” He said getting out of bed. “Where are we going?” I asked. “Firstly, for food because I’m starving and then, wherever you like.” He smiled. I squealed and jumped on him, hugging him.
“Thank you!!” I said. I jumped off of him and ran down to my room. “Daddy loves me!!” I yelled going down the halls. After I got dressed, I went downstairs and grabbed my bag. “I’m ready!” I said. He was already by the door, looking good as ever. He wore a black T-Shirt with black skinny jeans and black shoes, along with dressing it up with his sliver necklace and watch along with a black hat.
“Come on, Princess.” He said opening the door for me. We got in the car and fastened our seatbelts. I was about to kiss him on the cheek, but he turned his head, making me kiss him on the lips. I giggled and hit his arm. He smiled and pulled off. We rode pass many buildings on the city watching the sun reflect off of them. Just me and him. No one to stop us from loving each other...
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“Doyoung..yes...” I moaned gripping his hair. He hummed against me, sending vibrations through my body. This is so wrong...lying to my daughter and husband about going on a business trip, knowing that I’m here, sleeping with my boss. He looked up at me with such lustful eyes making me forget about my guilt. He pulled away and came back up to kiss me. He then looked away. “What’s wrong?” I asked sitting up.
“Are you thinking about him?” He asked me with his jaw clenched. I stuttered. “N-No, I-“ “Then why do you have the look of guilt on your face?” Doyoung asked. I looked away from him, sighing. “Do you love him?” He asked now looking at me. I avoided his gaze. It’s no secret that I love Jaehyun. He’s a great father and husband to me and my daughter. I know he wouldn’t do anything to hurt me, but I’m hurting him. By cheating on him with his best friend.
Doyoung scoffed got off the bed. “Doyoung wait.” I said grabbing his hand. “What, Mia?” He replied back. “Don’t leave me...I need you..” I said. “Then if you need me, say it.” He said sternly. He gripped my chin and looked at me. “Say it, Mia. Tell me that you want me and that you need me..” he ordered. I looked in his eyes, taking his thumb in my mouth, sucking on it. I pulled away and told him. “I want you and I need you, Doyoung. I love you, only you...” He placed a kiss on my lips and laid me back down. “Good...” He mumbled against my neck.
“I’m taking you back home tomorrow and you are packing your things and coming with me.” He said. I breathed out. “Okay..” I whispered. He laid down on the bed pulled me on top of him. “Show me how much you love me..” He smirked. I smiled back and leaned down to give him a kiss. “Yes sir..”
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Your POV
“Do you like this one, Princess?” He asked me holding up a red dress. I walked towards him and smiled. “I do, but don’t you think you’ve bought enough?” I asked. He chuckled at me and grabbed the dress anyway going to the cash register, ready to check out of the store. “Daddy!” I said following behind him. “I can never spend too much when it comes to you.” He said pinching my cheek. I huffed and grabbed my allowance.
“Here.” I said handing him the money. He looked at me confused. “Sweetheart what’s this?” He asked. “My allowance for the past month. It’s $105. Just use it to pay for it.” I said. He scoffed and smiled. He took the money and pulled out his wallet. He pulled out 5 $100 dollar bills and handed it to me along with my allowance. “Here.” He said.
I looked a him with disbelief. “Dad-“ “You take it and go find two more pairs of shoes or whatever you want to spend it on.” He said. “But I-“ “Princess, are you going against Daddy’s orders?” He asked in warning tone. I shook my head. “No Daddy..” He replied. “Good, now go and get what you want.” He smiled. I hugged him and ran off to the shoe aisle.
As I was looking at shoes, I heard someone calling me. “Hey! Hey Y/n!” They said. I turned in the direction the voice came from and seen the same boy from my class who tried to give me his number. I sighed. “What is it, Adam?” I asked looking at shoes. “What are you doing here?” He asked. I looked at him. “Adam you need to go, like now.” I said. “Why?” He asked getting closer while looking around. “Because I’m here with my dad now go! You know what he said in class! He doesn’t play about that stuff!!” I exclaimed, nervously still peeking in his direction. He was too busy looking at more clothes so he couldn’t really see me. Adam laughed.
“What? I can handle our big, buff and bad teacher.” He said exaggerating his voice. I laughed at little at his joke attempt. “Oh! A smile..I finally made you smile.” He said smiling back. We were then having a small conversation until I heard footsteps behind me.
I turned around seeing that it was Mr. Jung. I gasped. “Daddy I-“ “Come here, Y/n.” He said calmly. I rushed to his side and seen him approaching Adam. “Dad, he’s okay.” I said. “Adam, where’s your phone?” Mr. Jung asked completely ignoring me. Adam felt around for his phone, not getting a sign that his phone was on him. Mr. Jung pulled Adam’s phone from his pocket. He then looked at the text messages and showed them to me. I took the phone and read them.
Adam: I’m gonna get Y/n you just wait!
Ethan (Friend): You still haven’t gotten in her pants?
Adam: No! But I will!
Ethan: No you lost the bet! You haven’t fucked her yet so...
Adam: I will! Just give me two more days!
Ethan: Fine. Time is ticking😈
I looked at Adam with disbelief. “You tried to just get into my pants?!” I asked walking up to him, but Mr. Jung held me back. “Y/n! I wasn’t trying to-“ I threw his phone at him. “Go to hell Adam! Don’t you ever talk to me again!” I yelled. I walked off away from Adam. “You bitch-“ Before he could finish the sentence, Mr. Jung punched him in his mouth.
I ran over to grab Mr. Jung and pulled him away from Adam. “Let’s go, Daddy! Come on!” I said going to the cash register. I put the boxes of shoes on the top, letting the cashier scan the clothes. “$1,295 dollars and 56 cents.” He said. Mr. Jung pulled out his credit card and handed to the cashier.
The cashier looked at me and smiled. “That guy back there was for sure wrong..” He said. I nod. “I know.” I replied. “If you were my girlfriend, I would never let that happen to you. Ever..” He said grabbing my hand. I smiled but then I froze and looked at Mr. Jung, who was burning holes in his eyes. Mr. Jung took he card back, along with the clothes. “Excuse me, but we’re not done shopping.” He said.
He took my hand and led me to the back where the dressing rooms were. He pushed me in the room and closed the door and locked it. “What’s wrong?” I asked. “Pull your pants and panties down, don’t make me tell you twice.” He said pulling off his hat and shirt. I pulled down my pants and panties waiting for his next instructions.
He walked up to me pushed me again the wall. He kissed on my neck and made his way down my chest. His hands went to my button up shirt and ripped my shirt open half and half. I gasped. “Daddy-“ “I’ll buy you a new one Princess.” He mumbled against my chest. He made his way to my heat. He took my legs and put them on his shoulders. He gave my clit a kiss, flicking his tongue over it. I gasped out and grabbed his hair. He made patterns with his tongue and licked a long slow stripe along my entire heat. He took two of his fingers and teased my hole, then pushing them in.
“D-Daddy..so good...” I whispered. He sped up his pace, bring me closer and closer to my high. He looked up at me and sucked on my clit. “I-I’m...Ohhhh!” I moaned. I reached my high and he pulled away. He stood up and tapped the back of my legs. “Jump.” He ordered. I jumped and his picked me up, placing me on the wall again. He unbuckled his pants and pulled them down just enough to let himself free.
He slammed me down on his member, making me scream out. Luckily, it was just me and him back here. He started at a brutal pace, making me cry out. “Wait! I-It’s too much!” I said tapping his shoulder but clearly enjoying the pace. “It seems like my Princess needs to be reminded that she’s mine and no else’s.” He grunted going harder than before. He took my arms and pinned them against the wall above me. I whimpered out at the pace.
He put me down and turned me around. “Hands on the wall.” He ordered. I put my arms on the wall and arched my back, the way he liked it. He gave me a smack on the ass and re-entered himself, still a brutal pace. He groaned out and gripped on my hair, yanking it a little. “Harder! Yank my hair harder!” I begged. He yanked my hair harder, making me clench around him, signaling that I was close. He bent down to my ear. “Don’t you even think about cumming right now. I mean that.” He ordered in a low voice.
I whimpered and pushed myself back on him, wanting it more harder than before. He slowed his pace really, really slow. I whined. “Daddy~” I said pushing back. He smacked me on my butt. “Beg for it.” He ordered. “I want it!!” I whined. “That’s not enough, Princess. I need more.” He smacked me on my butt again. “Please! Oh please Daddy, I need it. I want you to fuck me hard! Harder than before, please!! Plesseee!!” I whined shaking my butt back onto him. He spanked me again and went at a hard and fast pace. I whined out in pleasure.
“I’m so clossssee!” I said. “To whom you belong to?” He whispered in my ear. “Daddy! I belong to you daddy! Only you!” I ranted. “Cum.” He ordered. He kept hitting my spot as came, causing me to squirt. I cried tears as he continued to slam his hips against mines. He came after me with groans and growls. He rode out our highs and pulled out. Once he did, our cum ran down my legs, causing me to shake. He kissed me on my back and shoulders giving praise. “Good job, Princess..good job..” He mumbled.
My body stood still, shivering at the littlest touch. He looked in my bag and pulled out tissues. He cleaned up the mess on my legs and pussy and on the floor. He placed them in the trash can and grabbed my clothes. He placed my legs in the panties and slipped them on me along with my pants.
He dressed himself back up, looking as if he didn’t just have sex in a dressing room. “Stay right here.” He said. He walked out of the dressing room and grabbed a pretty black button up shirt from the rack, went to the cashier and paid for it and came back to me. He put in on me and buttoned it up for me. I gave him a weak smile. “Thank you...” I mumbled. He kissed on my forehead and smiled. “You’re welcome.”
He fixed my messy hair and he picked me up and put me on his back. He grabbed my bag and clothes, carrying me to the cash register. She rung us up to over $1,000 dollars. He happily paid and I grabbed the bags. And us leaving the store. I giggled as he ran down the sidewalk with me on his back.
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deleteddewewted · 3 years
Ok, this is my last request, I swear and scout's honor...I'm sorry for bothering you and being annoying, please forgive me!
Uhm...how about a fic or headcanons on Monoma with a female s/o who's short (as in, 4' 11"...I think our boy is 5' 7", but I could be wrong) and is a coffee-addict, and it gets to a point where Monoma's worried for her addiction and health, so he tries to keep it away from her for a few days, please? He can also like, tease her about it and play the height bully since she's a shrimp compared to him when she tries to get her coffee back?
Like last time, I don't mind if what you write is sfw or nsfw. I just need more blonde copycat boi in my life, lol! Thank you! 😊 I hope you have a good day/night/weekend!
I’M SO HAPPY YOU CAME BACK!!! Don’t ever feel like your annoying, i love hearing from you.
It took me a bit to make this, sorry about that. Hope you enjoy!
Caffeine Rush
Monoma x F! Reader
Note: H/c (your hair color)
W: Mentions of NSFW, Monoma Being Absolutely in Love With You
TW: Vomit, Addiction
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Monoma’s favorite thing to do each morning is to wake up to your beautiful face. You always tell him that it isn’t but he gladly disagrees with you because you’re wrong. He would watch you sleep for a few minutes, hours if the day before was truly exhausting for you, and just sigh like the lovesick fool he was. That peace becoming disrupted when the alarm in his phone would go off indicating the beginning of the weekday.
“My love, wake up.” Monoma leaned down to shower you with kisses, even as you swatted him away with your hand. The attempts that were made to cover yourself with the blanket didn’t stop him from attacking you with hugs. Warm and inviting rest but quickly changing to panic as he lifted you from the bed and walked out to the common area blanket included. Your other classmates were already up doing their usual morning routines. They found your relationship with Monoma adorable, concerning but adorable. The way Monoma brags about you and your achievement was sickening.
“Nei! Put me down, please. I was comfortable and warm.” Monoma laughed at the whining and placed you down on the couch.
“No can do my love. You need fuel in that body of yours. A healthy meal makes a healthy body. A healthy body makes a healthy mind.” You rolled your eyes at your boyfriends’ poetic speech and made yourself comfortable on the couch, laying down and covering yourself again with the blanket he wrapped you in.
“What do want for breakfast, my love?”
“Give me coffee, no sugar. If there are any muffins, give me one please.” Monomas posture deflated a little to the request.
“Coffee, again?” He questioned. You nodded your head and drifted back to sleep. The rest of the class watched as Monoma begrudgingly made the coffee you requested. The entire time he was mumbling something under his breath, something about how you loved the tar drink more than him.
You thanked him once he handed over your drink while Monoma sat down next to you with his meal. He leaned into you and ate in peace. He kept grumbling from time to time and chewed violently when he took another bite.
“Monoma? What are you doing?” You asked him.
“Nothing.” Was his only response before continuing to shovel food into his mouth. Once finished, he took your empty cup and his plate to the sink to wash. You on the other hand had other plans.
“Neito, I’m going out. I’ll see you later.” Monoma said goodbye to you and let you go. He knew what you were planning on doing and he wasn’t happy about it. Honestly, it was ridiculous how much you seemed to depend on it. It was the weekend, so there was no harm in leaving campus.
You got dressed back in your dorm room and said your goodbyes to your classmates who were still in the common area. As you headed into the city you went straight to your favorite shop. It was a small business run by a college kid who had too much money and too much time to burn. You weren’t about to complain, the coffee was good and the environment was pleasant to be in. Once there you ordered your usual coffee variant and sat down to enjoy it, not being aware that you were being watched the entire time.
Monoma was fuming. Another cup of coffee right away? You just drank your first a few minutes ago, why would you need another one? It wasn’t like you didn’t work hard, that wasn’t the problem. You were dedicated to training and your relationship with him. He understands that he could be a hassle sometimes and he’s very grateful for the opportunity to be with you, but this was just ridiculous. He didn’t want to destroy your piece but it had to be done.
“Y/n, what are you doing?” You turned towards the voice and watched as your boyfriend walked up to you. He was marching, an interesting choice but he was him so it wasn’t out of character.
“Hi, Nei is there a problem? Also, why did you follow me?” You asked amused. Monoma didn’t bother to sit down once he was next to you instead, he opted to bend down to look at you. He wasn’t happy.
“I followed you to see if you were going to buy another cup of coffee. Do you want to guess what happened Y/n? Hmm?” You giggled at him and took a sip from your drink.
“I bought coffee.”
“Yes, you bought coffee!” The other customers in the shop turned to look at the scene Monoma was making and the sudden attention filled you with embarrassment. You didn’t think Monoma would make a huge deal out of something so meaningless.
“Nei, cut it out!” You whisper yelled at him. You tried pulling him down so he would sit, instead, Monoma grabbed your cup and your hand. He dragged you out of the shop and walk with you to the train station.
“Where are we going now?” Monoma didn’t bother to respond to you. He just stared ahead of him and kept your coffee cup away from you. Once the train arrived he practically picked you up and took you inside. It was a bit empty so he was able to find seats for the both of you, he wrapped an arm around you as he kept the cup in between his legs and out of your reach. He pulled you up once you got to the correct stop and took you to the entrance of the mall.
“Whats this Nei? A last-minute date?” You teased. Monomas face flushed and just ignored your stare.
“We haven’t gone on a date in some time-”
“We had one yesterday.”
“So I thought that this would be nice and I also get to spoil you, so don’t complain.” He took your hand and brought you inside.
It was bustling with life. People walking around looking for things that they need and buying others that they don’t. It was a pleasant scene yet your body would disagree with you. The throbbing that you felt in the front part of your skull wasn’t pleasant but it was constant. It’s been like this for a few weeks. You read that coffee could help with easing it, something about it probably the throbbing being due to some visual exposure. Monoma had taken your drink so that was no longer an option. Knowing him, he probably takes a small sip and then spits it out while berating you on how your taste buds must be dead if you didn’t react as he did.
“So where to?” You asked him. Monoma laced his hand with yours and walked you to a clothing store. He looked at different articles of clothing and asked for your input. Most of the things he picked out were simple in design or minimalist, nothing that needed consideration. Yet he asked and you being the ever caring girlfriend gave some input.
“This would look nice with um, with some light blue jeans” The throbbing in your head was beginning to get worse and it wasn’t helping that the bright light within the store was the only thing to look at. It was too much for you.
“Hey, Monoma. I need to go to the bathroom, ok?” You left Monoma in the middle of the store as he just watched you go. He spoke to you but you couldn’t hear him.
He had tried reaching for you but you were already too far for him to grab. Monoma. You called him by his last name instead of his first. In the times that you both have had arguments, you always called him by his first name no matter what the situation was. You’ve been acting odd for some time and it was worrying him. He was aware that you drank more than the recommended when it came to coffee, so it wasn’t surprising that you felt ill. Monoma was no stranger to bad habits, he was being too clingy and overly competitive. You reassured him that he wasn’t clingy and that you found it endearing more than anything. Regarding the competitiveness, he could tone it down a little bit when it came to arguing with the other hero course. He felt like he was annoying to you and that you only started dating him because you felt pity for him after he fell on his face as he was running up to you. His nose was bleeding but that didn’t stop you from kissing him on the lips and accepting his date offer. He loved you, he’s known this since his first year. Seeing you sick was upsetting, he felt like a lost boyfriend for not helping you. He tried, he hides the coffee grounds, he hides your wallet sometimes and even started having you sleep in his dorm to ensure you slept.
Monoma waited outside of the store for a moment, waiting to see if you would come back once you were done in the bathroom. You never came back which lead to him going towards the bathrooms. He was met with a line of women waiting for the bathroom and a few people waiting outside of the all gendered bathroom.
“Hello. I’m sorry to interrupt you but did you by any chance see a woman who looked ill come by here?” The person turned around to look at Monoma.
“Was it someone with h/o hair?” Monoma nodded his head and the stranger pointed at one of the bathrooms that were occupied. Monoma thanked them and knocked on the door gently.
”Y/n. It’s me, are you ok?” You tried answering but the sound of gagging and something liquid hitting the toilet was indicating that you wouldn’t answer him. Monoma quickly asked around to see who had a quirk that allowed him to help you. He found someone whose quirk allowed them to change their fingers into any key, interesting quirk, and he opened the bathroom door. When he closed it he saw you slumped over the toilet throwing up.
“Nei- I can’t- breath.” You hiccuped. Monoma pulled your hair back and rubbed your back in a soothing motion.
“It’s ok, I’m here.” You continued to throw up everything in your stomach. Almost everything that came up was liquid and smelled heavily of stomach acid with a touch of coffee. Monoma watched in horror as you emptied yourself. He felt useless. He couldn’t do anything other than making sure that your clothes stayed clean.
“Y/n, let me take you back to the dorms. You need to get checked by Recovery Girl.” You felt too dizzy to protest and just lifted your arms and had him carry you out.
On the train, Monoma draped his jacket over your head, hiding you away from any light that could worsen your headache. He kept you close, your head laying on top of his shoulder and his hand on the side of your head keeping you steady as the train rocked. Once off, he picked you up and carried you to Recovery Girl. She asked him a multitude of questions about what happened and asked him to step outside of the infirmary. She sent you to your dorm to rest with a bottle full of medicine and Monoma picked you up again to make the trip easier on you.
At your dorm, he laid you down on your bed and went down to the kitchen to get you a glass of water. You sat yourself up on your bed and took some of the liquid medicine. It was bitter yet sweet, it soothed your aching throat and helped ease your agitated stomach. When Monoma came back he crouched down in front of you, handing you the glass of water he had gotten for you.
“How do feel?” His face was showered with concern. This wasn’t uncommon for him when it came to you or any of his classmates. He didn’t like seeing you hurt nor sick, so this was overwhelming his heart a little bit.
“My throat burns a bit but I’m ok.” You smiled weakly. Monoma didn’t believe anything you were telling him but he also didn’t want to start an argument.
Monoma decided to pull you into bed and lay next to you. He covered your body with his arms around your waist as he tangled your legs with his own. He gave you a quick kiss on the lips, then placing his chin on the top of your head.
“Rest my love. You’ll feel better tomorrow.” You didn’t attempt to argue with him. Your head was hurting badly and your body was still tense from the vomiting you did earlier. You made yourself comfortable within Monomas chest and used him as an anchor. He was warm and welcoming, how couldn’t you take advantage of this.
The morning came and so did the sunlight that invaded your room. Monoma woke up ready to look at your beautiful face, a smile already forming as he imagined how you would look that morning. Ethereal as always he believes. Yet, when he opened his eyes you weren’t comfortably placed in his arms. You weren’t even in the room. He shot up from the bed and went rushing down to the common room.
“Y/n! What are you doing!?” Monoma watched you as you were seated on one of the tables. With a cup of steaming coffee. Again.
“My head hurts, the coffee helps it feel better.” Monomas eyes widened as he walked towards you.
“I understand, but couldn’t you have taken some pain medication or have at least told me?” He stood next to you and looked at how much coffee you still had left in your cup. It was at halfway. He made an executive decision and grabbed it from you.
“Neito, what are you?” You tried to reach for the cup but it was immediately raised above you.
“Nei, that isn’t funny. Give me back my coffee!” Monoma only grinds at you.
“No, it isn’t my fault you’re the shortest person in our year.” You used your quirk to try and inflict some damage onto him but to no avail. He just raised it higher.
“Nei! I swear you’re all legs and arms. How are you this tall!?” Monoma could only laugh at your silly attempts to reach for the cup. He leaned down enough for your faces to meet.
“I’ll give it back if you promise me something.”
“Sure, what is it?” Monomas grin softened around the edges. His eyes looking briefly at your lips and back to your eyes.
“For one, limit your coffee intake.” You frowned at him.
“Didn’t you just hear me? It helps with the headaches.”
“And for two,” He got closer to you. His mouth inches from your own. “For every time you minimize, ill give you whatever else you want.”
You cocked a brow up and returned the sly grin.
“Oh, like what exactly Neito Monoma?” He shivered at the mention of his full name. A tint becoming present on his cheeks.
“I don’t know, maybe kissing.” He leaned closer. Your lips touching but just by a little.
“Or maybe something more.” He added in. You decided to take the lead and closed the gap between the two of you. His lips were surprisingly soft, must be because of the religious chapstick use.
He became impatient and pushed his tongue into your mouth. He sighed into the kiss and pull you in closer by placing a hand on your lower back. You kissed back with fever and played with his tongue a bit. You made him moan, the hand holding the cup lowering to place it on the table. You quickly snatched it from him and backed away from the kiss you were sharing. A  wet popping sound made itself present once you parted from him, a light string of saliva attached to your once connected lips. Monoma looked confused, his eyes hazy from the euphoria of kissing you.
“What?” He asked confused. You just giggled and walked away with the cup of the now lukewarm coffee. Monoma quickly trailed behind you, hand reaching out to take the cup. You walked to the sink and dumped all of the coffee down the drain.
“I know I should stop. I know.” You turned towards him and place your hand on his cheek. You admired him for a moment. His face was still red and his chest was still expanding slowly trying to get more air in. You gently caressed his lips with your thumb and quickly gave him a peck on them.
“But I’ll only stop because you asked me to.” You kissed him deeply. Monoma wrapped his arms around your waist, holding you in place.
“I love you Nei.” Monomas face flushed deeper and he hid his face on the crook of your neck. He had to bend down to do so but it was worth it.
“I love you too Y/n.”
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celestialrry · 4 years
more than a melody
7k (longest I’ve done so far!)
summary: You and Harry are roommates, and he finds himself crushing on you, even though he really shouldn't be. (college!harry au)
warnings: nothing, just incredibly cute 
When Harry had put out a listing for a roommate for his apartment, he remembered putting how he didn't prefer the gender of his roommate, and well, because he was a boy and he lived in a heterosexual-normative world, he had assumed another boy would contact him. 
That is where it went a little off-course. You had approached him where you both worked, the record store (Harry had just gotten the job a few weeks ago), and you had asked about it. The two of you talked about it for a while, and after you toured the flat, you both decided you would be his new roommate and move in that week. Of course, you were cautious about moving into a flat with a man you barely knew, however charming he may be. You had watched enough Criminal Minds to be rightfully nervous, and it seemed Harry read your mind when he gave you his friends numbers, Sarah and Mitch, to talk about it. You had met up with them, and your worries had soon faded away, and well, you had a lock on your bedroom door. 
Once you had moved in, over the next few weeks the two of you had made a little routine. You both had morning shifts at the shop, Wednesday through Saturday, and morning classes almost every other day of the week but Sunday. It started when the two of you had a shift you needed to get to and found yourselves standing in front of the only bathroom in the apartment.
“G’morning.” Harry mumbled blearily, and you responded the same, trying not to look anywhere but his face, as he was clad in only a pair of black briefs and a black t-shirt. You checked the time on your phone and cursed in your head, only 15 minutes until you needed to leave to get to work. “Let’s just brush our teeth together really fast and then we can do everything else after, yeah?” You had suggested, to which Harry agreed and opened the bathroom door for you to walk in first. As he walked in, he grabbed his pink toothbrush out of the plastic holder and after putting toothpaste on it and wetting it, he began to brush his teeth. You found it ironic that the man who solely wore black skinny jeans and band t-shirts had a pink toothbrush, but found it slightly adorable. 
You grabbed your green one and did the same, and soon deciding to multi-task. You reached around Harry’s torso for your hair brush, and brushed through with one hand, the other still brushing your teeth. Suddenly Harry felt as if he should be doing something else too, and decided to simply run a hand through his curls, that were beginning to reach his shoulder, as brushing them out would make it far worse.
He then began to run the water and spit out his toothpaste, cupping a hand and filling it with water, bringing it back up to his mouth and swishing it around before spitting it out again. As he reached for the little folded hand towel on the counter he used for this and patted his mouth, you did the same as him. 
It happened nearly every morning, you would both say a quiet good morning, then brush your teeth together in silence, and of course, Harry ended up putting on pants before the restroom, but his shirt had been lost along the way. It was never awkward or anything, and you oddly got a lot of joy by seeing him almost every morning. On this particular day you had stayed up until 4 a.m. studying for a test you had in the morning, and Harry had picked up an extra shift at the record store because a co-worker had called in sick. As you both walked into the restroom, Harry watched as you began to brush your teeth and close your eyes for a minute while doing do, swaying a bit so you won’t fall down. 
It was painstakingly obvious you were tired, but Harry found your actions endearing. He was able to freely look at you because you couldn’t see him, obviously. You looked adorable, mouthful of toothpaste, and your arm wrapped around your waist. He just wanted to kiss you all over your face to wake you up and- he shook his head, eyes darting back to himself in the mirror. He couldn't think like that. He barely knew you, and you lived together.
It wasn't like the two of you never talked, when you had work together you would usually switch off drivers and carpool.  But not once had you had a conversation truly getting to know one another and its already been 2 months. Harry had yet to see you as friend, not because he didn’t want that of course, hell, he wanted to get to know you more than anything, but neither of you had yet to suggest bonding time. 
When you both were done brushing your teeth, you had splashed water on your face in an attempt to wake up a bit more. It didn’t work as you pat your face dry and sighed, looking into the mirror at your puffy eyes, rubbing them a bit with a pout.
Harry was positive it took everything out of him not to wrap you in a massive hug and and kiss the pout off of your lips. This would be the death of him.  He immediately turned away, walking back out and into his room to calm down. This was just a harmful crush that would go away in weeks time, he was sure of it.
Harry was wrong.
About a week later, the two of you had yet to connect, but every time he laid eyes on you, he wanted you more than anything he could possibly think of. It was terrifying, but it had been a while since he felt this way for anyone. It was like he was in the honeymoon stage of a crush, but instead of it being bliss, it was embarrassment every time he opened his mouth.
Harry was utterly tongue-tied every time he spoke around you and his cheeks flushed a pink tint. Luckily for him, it seemed you were absolutely oblivious to it.  You were so oblivious, in fact, that you thought he didn't even like you as an acquaintance or roommate, considering he rarely ever spoke to you.
Things would soon change for the better, you both hoped, and eventually you got tired of waiting. “Harry?” You asked one morning, after you spit out your toothpaste and wiped your mouth. 
He stoped running his hands through his hair and his head almost snapped towards you. “Yeah?” He asked, pretending like his heart wasn't beating out of his chest.  He was actually quite afraid you would see it, as he wasn't wearing a shirt this morning, or any other morning after he has started wearing pants and well, it took a while for you to not drool after you saw his bare front, littered with tattoos, on his chest, tummy, shoulders and arms. It really didn't help that his abs were prominent, and every time he leaned down to wash his face, you could see his back muscles ripple under his skin-
“Um,” You shook yourself out of the trance you had gotten into and continued. “We should like, hangout and actually get to know each other-you don’t have to at all-but I mean, I wanna get to know you, we’re living together, you know?” You suggested, trying to calm yourself down and accept the response of “I don't want to.”
Instead, Harry had bit his bottom lip to stop his smile from reaching his ears and he nodded. “I-I think we should too, when, um, I mean, uh, what do y’wanna do?” He mentally cursed himself for stumbling over his words, he was such a fool.
You hesitated for a second, looking down his body involuntarily as your gazed reached the floor. “We could just make food together and then have dinner here one night? When are you free?” You said, looking back up at him. 
He flushed as your eyes ran up and down his body. He didn't feel insecure, just a little more exposed than he should. He was shirtless in front of you all the time, it truly made no difference and you didn't seem to mind. “Um, yeah, that sounds really good, I-I can do tomorrow night actually,” He spoke slowly, his arms wrapping around himself. “What would y’like to eat? I can go to the store this afternoon.”
“Oh! Perfect, Saturday night is free for me too,” You grinned. “I really don’t care, as long as its decently easy to make, you choose.”
He confirmed a meal with you before nodding and stepping out to change before walking into the kitchen to grab his car keys and waiting for you. It was his turn to drive the two of you to work. You popped out in some jeans and a t-shirt, grinning at Harry as he opened the front door for you. 
Today was already off to a great start, he thought as he watched you hop in his car and ramble about some new artist you had found called Edward Rags. What a stupid name, Harry Styles thought. 
Soon enough it was Saturday night, and you had both agreed there was no need to dress nice, you’ve already seen each other in pajamas so there was no point, and you showed up in pajama shorts and a t-shirt, whereas Harry went for sweatpants and a t-shirt as well. He had turned on his playlist, with an awful lot of older music and you both started cooking dinner, singing along to some parts and moving around to others. 
The two of you had talked about family, what you were both studying in uni, friends, what you did in your free-time, and got into a particularly long conversation about how you believed the Notebook, the book, was astronomically better than the movie. Harry disagreed, and tried to keep himself civil without popping a vein in his neck. “It’s a cinematic masterpiece!” He had exclaimed, resulting in you rolling your eyes, and going back to stir the food in the pot. “The best movie in the world would be nowhere near as good as the best book in the world, Harry.” God, he loved the way his name sounded coming from your mouth, imagine what it would sound like if you moa- another head shake. Harry’s imagination was getting out of control. 
Before he had the chance to respond, Jealous Guy by Donny Hathaway started playing and you looked over at Harry with a large smile on your face. “I love this song.” You simply said, turning back to the pot. Harry mustered up the courage and tapped you on your shoulder, his hand out, and body partially bowed. “Would y’care for a dance?” He asked, his dimples showing. 
You grinned and took his hand as he brought the two of you into a slow dance. 
I was dreaming of the past,
And my heart was beating fast.
I began to lose control, 
I began to lose control.
The two of you swayed to the song, looking at each other resulting in the two of you bursting out laughing. His hand held yours up, with his hand lightly placed on your waist. “I’m just a jealous guy.” You both softly sang, grinning wide. After more laughs and singing along, the song was over, and harry let go of your hand, his own slowly moving from your waist. He would give anything to kiss you he was sure, but instead opted to comment on your dancing skills and received a swat to the bicep.
Soon, dinner was made, and the two of you sat at the dining table for four, talking about everything you both could possibly think of. It was never awkward, which you were extremely grateful for, and after a few hours, it seemed as though the two of you had known each other for years. You had found yourselves sitting on the couch, facing each other, your legs on top of his, and his arm resting on your knees. 
“So once I’m more stable I’m gonna ask to have Evie, she loves me way more too, how would you feel about living with a cat?” Harry asked, his eyes boring into your own. If he could paint, he was positive you would be the only thing he ever painted. 
“I’d love that, I can’t wait to meet her.” You smiled, yawning. Harry took notice of your yawn and looked at the clock. Almost 12 a.m.. “We should probably get to bed.” he suggested, moving his arm off of your legs, allowing you to swing your legs off of his own. You nodded, yawning once again, Harry catching it and yawning after you. You laughed a bit, and stood up, stretching before facing Harry, who now stood in front of you. 
“Okay,” You said, looking up at him, “Goodnight Harry, I had a lot of fun.” You said, about to turn around. “Me too,” He said, hesitating a bit before wrapping his arms around you in a hug. Your eyes widened, you weren't expecting a hug, but after feeling it, you wouldn’t want anything else. “Goodnight, sweet dreams.” He mumbled, pulling away slightly and then gently pressing a kiss to your forehead. You smiled and the two of you parted ways, walking to your respective rooms. Little did the other know, the two of you were both feeling the same way.
It had been a couple months since that dinner, and it was safe to say the two of you had grown incredibly close. Harry seemed to always find a way to touch you, whether it be grabbing onto your hand to drag you somewhere, putting his hand at the small of your back to guide you through a crowd, making sure his thigh touched your own whenever the two of you sat next to each other, or wrapping an arm around your shoulders as you walked somewhere. He just wanted to be near you, and you felt the same. You could call him one of your best friends and he could do the same. Now that he knew you though? It just made his little crush a thousand times worse, and he found himself thinking of you more than anything else throughout the day.
In addition to wanting to feel you all the time, after he kissed you on the forehead, he quite literally got addicted to kissing you. All over your face, he had kissed your cheeks, nose, but never your lips. He found himself thinking about that a lot, what it would be like to actually kiss you. If he enjoyed kissing your cheeks this much, he knew that if he kissed you on your lips, he would never stop. But his consciousness stopped him from making a move, because the two of you were roommates. What happened if you started dating, then broke up? The two of you would have to move out, and make what would just be a breakup, so much worse. 
It never stopped him from daydreaming though. He had picked up another extra shift at the record shop on Sunday, the day the two of you were both free, and was driving back to the flat, where he knew you would be studying. He passed all the familiar buildings, until one shop caught his eye. A flower shop, and in front of it there were bouquets of all sorts, but the sunflowers entranced him. He quickly got into the other lane and turned into the parking lot, getting out and making his way to the shop. He looked at the sunflowers, and thought of you. You were probably frustrated because of your class and scrunching your nose at the questions you didn't know the answer to. But you were like his sunflower, bright and beautiful, and the flowers might help your frustration. He grabbed the bouquet and paid for it, driving back to the flat with the flowers in his passenger seat. 
He opened the door, bouquet behind his back, where he saw you on your laptop on the couch, running your hands through your hair. “Hey lovie, what’s goin’ on?” He asked, walking up to you. You sighed, looking up at him from your uncomfortable position on the couch. “Studying for this stupid test that really doesn't matter, but apparently to Professor Eden it matters a lot.” Harry pouted at your distress and brought the flowers into view. “M’sorry, let’s take a break. Also, thought this would cheer y’up a bit, they reminded me of you.” He mumbled, looking anywhere but you. 
Your eyes widened as you saw the sunflowers and tears of overwhelming emotions threatened to spill out of your eyes. You scrambled up and took them out of his large hand, gently placing them down on the coffee table before practically jumping on Harry to give him a hug. “Oh my god H, thank you. You’re too sweet.” You said, pulling away from the hug to kiss him on the cheek. He flushed and just smiled, telling you it was no big deal.
You had put the flowers in a vase and set them on the kitchen counter, and during the next few days, you couldn’t stop the smile on your face when you saw them. On Tuesday you got back from your morning class around lunch time, and walked in the flat to see Harry in a t-shirt and plaid pajama pants, baking what looked like cupcakes, and humming to some song that was playing that he had showed you about a week ago.
“Harry? Whatcha doing?” You asked, and he jumped, turning around to see you setting your bag on the counter. “Jesus,” He said your name. “Scared the living’ shit outta me. M’just baking cupcakes, felt kinda cupcakey today.” He shrugged, going back to frosting them with yellow icing. “Cupcakey?” You raised a brow at the term.
“Cupcakey.” he confirmed, giving you a dimpled grin.
You just nodded and walked up to sit on the stools the two of you had placed at the counter, facing Harry and watching him look down at the dozen cupcakes, his tounge sticking out a bit in concentration as he carefully made swirls of icing. 
“Can I try some?” You asked, sticking your finger out so he could put a dollop of icing on your finger. He looked up and nodded, doing as you expected him to before getting back to work. You looked at the untouched icing on your finger before looking back at Harry, your brain encouraging you to put it on the tip of his nose. You grinned to yourself and called his name, and as soon as he looked up you reached your finger out and wiped the icing on his nose. His eyes widened and crossed a bit as he looked down to his nose then to you. You laughed, and he thought it sounded like the most gorgeous melody in the world.
“You’re gonna regret that, love.” He said, wiping a bit of the icing off his nose but not all of it. You just laughed again, your eyes closing for a split second, and in that split second, Harry had gently pulled you off the stool and taken you back into the kitchen. “No! Please, please, I’m sorry.” You laughed, begging as he held you tight by the waist and used his other hand to hold the piping bag, slowly starting to squeeze it and holding it above your face. “Are you really? Doesn’t seem like it, pet.” He teased, the icing coming out of the cut plastic. 
You shook your head and looked up at him, spotting the icing on his nose. “Let me make it up to you.” You said, holding onto his arm that was holding the weapon of sunshine-colored icing. 
“How?” He asked, raising a brow. You leaned up and pecked his nose getting most of the icing off, before licking it off your lips quickly. He froze, and your eyes widened. He didn’t want that, you thought. As you opened your mouth to apologize he dropped the piping cone onto the counter and held your jaw with his free hand, leaning in and finally kissing you. Your lips slotted perfectly with his and he never wanted to stop. When the two of you pulled away his cheeks flushed, “I’m so sorry, I should’ve asked-”
You cut him off by kissing him once more. “It’s okay. Better than okay, actually.”
He smiled wide and kissed you once more, “M’never gonna get tired of this, Sunflower.”
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memer-the-miner · 3 years
I heard you do techza prompts? Could you do immortal philza and techno, but techno dies and reincarnates but doesn't have his memories :D? But he slowly gains them back and falls in love with philza once again :]?
Idk if this is quite what you meant but I still hope you enjoy it. (Also I assumed this was a writing prompt)
Writing is long so it's under the cut-
Techno and Phil, Kings of the Antarctic Empire, were fighting off an ambush from a rival kingdom. So far they’ve killed most of them; only three remained. Techno was fighting one, Phil was fighting the second, the third was somewhere, injured, between the two kings. Techno slayed his opponent quickly, and he heard Philza kill his attacker too. Before he could turn around, his whole world stopped.
The sword pierced his chest in a single blow from behind. Techno heard the final soldier laugh. They were cut off by the sound of their own gurgling and the loud thump of their body hitting the snow packed ground. Before Techno fell, two arms caught him and held him close.
“Phil-“ he breathed out, barely able to focus on his love.
“I’m here, we can heal this, we have potion-“ Philza rushed out before Techno interrupted.
“I won’t survive Phil,” he said bluntly, he could taste the blood pooling in his mouth already. He spit it out before continuing. “Remember I’ll come back, maybe in 10 years, maybe in 100. But I’ll come back for you my Angel.”
Techno reached and put a hand on the side of Phil’s face, who pushed into the contact. Before Phil could say I love you, Techno’s hand went limp.
Technoblade was walking to the convenient store a block from his apartment. His roots were showing and wanted to get more pink dye before his hair went fully brown.
He walked in and pulled his leather jacket a little tighter around his body. Why the hell do these stores need to be so cold, he thought to himself.
As he walked through the aisles, bee lining to the hair dye, a person caught his eye. It was an older man with blond hair, he wore an aviator jacket with some simple jeans.
It’s not like he was doing anything interesting, actually he seemed to just be debating on what type of soda to buy from the freezer in the back.
Techno doesn’t know why, but instead of getting hair dye like he wanted, he goes to talk to the man.
He learns a couple things; 1. The man had beautiful blue eyes, 2. He had a charming British accent, 3. His name was Phil, and 4. Techno wanted to talk to this guy again.
Techno and Phil would meet up at parks or arcades, Techno was competitive and Phil seemed to like indulging him in competition. Somehow he always knew what Techno was going to do before he even did it. But that wasn’t Techno’s main concern.
Ever since he met Phil, he had been having strange dreams. Sometimes he was a King, in charge of a great empire, and sometimes he was a gladiator, fighting in the arena. But in each and every dream Phil was there. Techno never dreamed about people like that, actually he barely had dreams period. Either way Phil was the cause and he was going to get to the bottom of this.
Phil and Techno were talking and walking at the park for their tenth time, Techno hasn’t brought up his dreams; at this rate he doesn’t plan on doing so. That’s what made it so much worse.
The incident.
Phil had mentioned something about disliking winter and Techno had replied with, “if you didn’t like the winter why make an empire in the Arctic?” As soon as he said it he went to back track but Phil was staring at him in a weird way. Techno didn’t know if he thought he was weird or not but he wasn’t going to find out. Before Phil could say anything, Techno took off running.
Techno had been having weird scenes flash into his head. He’s a king, he’s fighting, he’s dead. That’s some of them, the rest are… different. He’s dancing, he’s laughing, he’s in love. They feel so much like memories, but they definitely aren’t.
But maybe they could be. While Techno was googling his symptoms of being a weirdo with weird dreams, an article about reincarnation popped up. Being curious he decided to read it.
Maybe those dreams weren’t dreams at all.
Techno found himself walking back from the convenient store when he ran into a familiar face, one with blond hair and a British accent.
“Why did you run off?” He asked.
Techno hesitated, before settling on the truth
“Look I know you’ll think I’m weird but I’m pretty sure we met in a previous life where we were kings in the Arctic which why I said that weird line and you probably think I’m so weird and-“ Techno’s rambling was cutoff when Phil grabbed his wrist.
“How much do you remember?” Phil asked, his eyes brimming with hope.
“Not a lot,” Techno answered truthfully.
Phil smirked, “well, we should fix that shouldn’t we?”
It’s been a few months and Techno still hasn’t remembered everything but his past life, but he’s getting there. He and Phil moved into the same apartment, Phil suggested it may bring back more memories, which it did. Every few days Techno will unlock a new memory. But as exciting as that was, Techno got to spend time with Phil every day. He got to learn new things about him. Apparently where Techno reincarnated, Phil was immortal, Techno loved learning about the past from someone who actually lived through it all. And that he really loved crows, which Techno though was more important; mainly because it gave him ideas of gifts he could give Phil.
Either way, every day Techno falls in love with Phil a little more in two different ways. One time through the memories he gains from the past, where their married, in love, and powerful. And another time through the new memories they create together, where Techno learns about all the new things that Phil loves, and can love him in a new way.
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your-world-with-nct · 4 years
Tumblr media
— @doyoungcore ty for the inspiration for this post joyce 🥺 consider this a very belated bday present hehe (also apologies for the late post, i hope this longer blurb makes up for it 🙈)
💌 • 4:56pm
browsing the clothing racks for items that caught your eye, you sighed as you checked the price tag of the pair of jeans you’d been considering getting for a while, groaning at the fact that it hadn’t gone on sale yet.
you dragged your feet to the next aisle, looking down at your worn-out sneakers and heading for the shoe section instead, immediately spotting some reasonably-priced stylish boots along with your favourite shoe brand’s name splashed above the display.
“hey, excuse me, hi, do you have a minute?” you would be lying if you said that the man standing in front of you panting and swiping at his forehead wasn’t the most beautiful person you’d ever laid eyes on, your throat drying up at his unbelievable looks.
“oh, me? yeah, i have a minute, are you okay?” you questioned why this man who could pass off as a model was acting as desperate as those people in the town centre who passed out flyers that nobody ever paid attention too, pausing to take in his breathtaking physique.
“i’m so sorry to bother you, but my name is doyoung, and my ex is here with her new boyfriend. i was wondering if you could just pose as my partner for a bit, y’know, until she’s gone,” stranger!doyoung nervously smiled at you, his eyes flitting all over as, you assumed, he was searching for his ex, “if i’m interrupting your shopping, i-i’ll go but, i, i just don’t wanna look pathetic in front of her.”
the request shocked you, but there was a small voice in your head that wanted to go along with it. not only because you felt sorry for doyoung and you didn’t want him to embarrass himself in front of his ex, but also the fact this gorgeous boy thought that you were believable enough to be, well, in his league and dating him, inflated your ego and you had to repay him for doing wonders with your confidence.
“no, no, that’s fine, doyoung! i’m y/n, by the way, and don’t worry, you’re not really interrupting anything,” you grinned at him, trying not to scream when an adorable gummy smile appeared on his face, “just do what you need to do, i’ll go with it.”
contrary to your statement, you couldn’t hide the shock on your face when doyoung went straight for your hand and interlocked your fingers, leading you to those shoes you’d been eyeing, while gazing at you with his twilight orbs, “how about those, babe? i remember you saying you needed more shoes to go with those pants you bought last week.”
considering how jittery doyoung was when he approached you, you were beyond amazed by how easily he transformed into an endearing ‘boyfriend’, helping you reach shoes on higher shelves and asking employees for your size, all whilst making light-hearted conversation with you and calling you the cutest nicknames.
within a few minutes, you were immersed in your role, completely embracing doyoung’s kindness, and even forgetting that it was all an act at times, especially when he tidied away the shoes you didn’t want and wordlessly handed your sneakers back to you, as if it was his silent way of showing affection.
except… it wasn’t; he was just trying to save himself from embarrassment and it meant absolutely nothing to him, whilst, you, on the other hand, basked in the undeserved attention he gave you. the feeling of being cared for was so unfamiliar to you that the slightest acts of service from a handsome stranger had you melting.
it had been almost ten minutes since you were parading around as doyoung’s lover, yet you still hadn’t seen his dreaded ex nor her new boyfriend. seeing as he was currently too focused on picking out his own shoes, you examined the adjacent aisles, looking in all directions just to find that there was quite literally no other couple in sight. either his ex had already left the store, or doyoung was the smoothest man you had ever met.
the new discovery had your brain running at a hundred miles per hour, eventually deciding to keep playing along with doyoung’s little game, you know, have a little fun before you went back to being single and lonely.
“hey, doie, not to alarm you, but i see a couple on their way over here,” you whispered in his ear, coming up behind him as he was returning a shoe box to its rightful place on the shelf, “is that your ex over there?”
doyoung didn’t know if it was your statement or the close proximity that had his heart racing, clearing his throat in an attempt to soothe his erratic pulse, “oh, is it? i-i don’t wanna risk checking though, let’s just–”
taking a page out of the romcom protagonist book, you smirked as you stepped closer to the blushing boy, forcing him to take a step backward against a wall of branded trainers, cocking your eyebrow when you noticed the coral shade spreading across his face, “let’s just stay like this for a bit, i’m sure she’ll hate seeing her ex like this with someone else, huh?”
the confidence oozing out of you had doyoung in mental shambles - when he tried the elaborate pick-up ploy on an unsuspecting you, he didn’t think it would go this well, and now he felt obliged to tell you the truth, although that would mean he was risking rejection and, judging from what he learned about your personality in the past fifteen minutes, possibly an emotional response.
however, it occurred to him that, if he played his cards right, he could walk away today with your number, and a date at the cafè his best friend owned, all he had to do was not to react, which was proving a difficult task right now as he felt your hand on his waist and your breath ghosting on his collarbone.
“okay, okay, fine, there is no ex!” doyoung blurted out, not being able to last any longer with your intense gaze on him, “i-i made it up as an excuse to try and talk to you because, well…”
“because what?” you sat down on one of the small sofas to give doyoung some space, scattered with abandoned shoes that had no pair.
your nonchalant reaction had him furrowing his eyebrows in confusion, brushing off his bewilderment to answer your question, “i just, i thought you were really pretty and i wanted to talk to you. how was i supposed to know you would go along with, all that, so quickly and easily?”
doyoung couldn’t explain the relief he felt when you began giggling, as he let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
“it was easy enough to pretend, when you’re probably the most likeable person i’ve ever met,” you chuckled, the shyness from before evaporating the longer you stared at doyoung’s beauty, “since you basically tricked me into hanging out with you, how about we actually go do something? y’know, where you don’t have lie to me about what we’re doing?”
“wait, really?” doyoung’s eyes widened, surprised that you still wanted anything to do with him.
“yes, now, let me pay for these and we can head to your friend’s cafè down the road. unless that was a lie too?” you both broke out into wide grins, as you took his hand and led him to the counter, whilst he balanced your purchases in his arms.
you couldn’t explain where that courage cane from, nor why a mere twenty minutes with a stranger made you feel more content than ever; but meeting doyoung was like listening to a song for the first time and immediately knowing it would be your favourite.
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Where We Stood Was Holy Ground
Pairing: 9th Doctor x Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 3,485
Summary: The Doctor takes you, Rose, and Jack to a heritage garden on some distant planet. One of the (apparent) perks is that the pathways constantly change, and after repairing them, you have to test them out.
Request: Hey there, do you write for nine? Cause I'd really love a fluffy nine fic, maybe using fluff prompts 4, 26, and 38 from your first prompt list? Thank you so much 😊😊😊 
Prompts: “Kiss me." | You’re really warm.” | “You owe me.” “Fine, whatever you like.”
A/N: Yes, I know, I created a bunch of elaborate plot points with no follow through (shout out to the giant scorpion crabs of yesteryear), but please enjoy the pretty national park and an alien dust I only realised halfway through writing this was eerily similar to a certain medical nanite tech
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The water was black, all inky as if it were truly oil. You leaned over the railing and ran your fingers through it, it was cool under your touch, and the water shone, sparkling like it had turned into golden and silver glitter, as if creating its own night sky.
Rose was standing by your side, resting her head in her palm, and watching the pink fish swim in circles near the bridge you were both standing on. They looked like catfish, which you supposed was pretty alien. “D’you think you can drink it?” She asked. “The water, that is.”
“I don’t know,” you said. The water felt like any other water, there was a bit of a give and take, but it was light and smooth. “You probably can, it’s water, after all.”
Rose hummed, and then gave you a cheeky grin, locking eyes with you as you pulled yourself back up. “Maybe we should get Jack to try it.”
You laughed brightly; Jack would most totally try it.
You turned around to ask him, but he wasn’t there. Neither was the Doctor. You frowned slightly, and you grabbed at the bannister behind you, holding it so you stayed upright as you leaned forward. You swivelled your head up and down the pathway, but you couldn’t see either of them.
You turned to Rose, raising an eyebrow. “Where’ve they gone?”
She skipped off the lower railing she had been standing on, and came to your side, looking either side of the path, just as you had done. She turned back to you, shrugging. “I dunno. Maybe they were taken a different route? D’you have a map?”
Oh – right. The map.
You pulled it out of the back pocket of your jeans, opening it up. At first you had thought it was an average paper map, but you found that, as the paths changed, so did the map. That’s what this place was, it was a national park on some random planet (you’d already forgotten the name of it), which had pathways that spontaneously moved and changed directions. Apparently, once you decided you wanted to leave, the paths would take you to the exit, but, until then, it was a free for all.
It hadn’t caused any issues, and, as you had wandered under trees with glowing blue leaves, and plants that shone silver in the light, you had even liked it. It was nice to just walk, with no idea where you were going.
Now though, spilt from Jack and the Doctor, the path wasn’t what you would call convenient.
You pathways shifted on the map, and it showed four green dots. Two of the dots – you and Rose, were on the bridge, the other two were only a few pathways away, slowly blinking further along the path, as though they were walking. Those two had to be Jack and the Doctor.
Rose pulled out her own map and you compared the two. They lined up with one another, and you watched as the path Jack and the Doctor were walking on shifted, making it closer to you too.
You were thankful you had all done maintenance on the paths earlier, which was the whole reason you had stuck around. You were testing it, making sure the giant scorpion crabs of yesteryear weren’t still manipulating the paths anymore, luring helpless tourists toward them as their prey.  
An hour in, and it was working out.
“Should we go find them?” Rose suggested. “Meet them halfway.”
You pocketed your map. “Might as well,” you said, and you gestured down the bridge. “That way?”
Rose nodded, and the two of you took off.
You were both using Rose’s map to guide you, keeping you on track towards the other two. You wondered if Jack and the Doctor were doing the same, using a map to find you two. Knowing the Doctor, he was just probably wandering around, Jack in tow. Maybe he’d found a plant he adored, one he hadn’t seen in several centuries.
You could picture his face, pulled into a small frown as he studied it quizzically. Perhaps the plant was pink or a bright orange, and glowed like the trees did, sparkling against his blue eyes.
Rose nudged you and tripped for a moment, stumbling over a stone on the pathway. You turned to Rose in shock but she was grinning at you. “Thinking of the Doctor?”
You flushed, and could feel the way your face went hot, from your cheeks, across your nose, and up to your ears. “It was that obvious?”
Rose’s grin, which you hadn’t realised was possible, grew. She began to tease you lightly, her voice lilting up and down like a teenager during a sleepover. “You get this sort of dreamy look on your face,” she said. “And then every time you do, you get this sort of lovesick smile.”
You felt your face grow even more hot, and the flush went down your neck. You nudged her side, and said, only half petulantly. “Shut up.”
Rose laughed, but her face grew more sincere. “Aw no, it’s really sweet,” she squeezed your arm, and then mouth reformed into a familiar wry smirk. “Especially when he gives you the same look.”
You stopped in your tracks, looking at Rose in shock. “What?”
Rose laughed in delight, and began to jog away, she turned, so she was running backwards, and shot you the cheekiest grin you had ever seen. “You heard me!”
You stumbled after her, your brain trying to process what Rose had said.
Especially when he gives you the same look.
Did the Doctor hold those same feelings for you? The ones that you kept bottled up inside, so afraid they would burst.
Rose went around a bend and you chased after her. When you arrived to the bend though, she was gone. You sagged on the pathway, glaring at the new, empty path, which went a complete different direction from where Rose had went.
These pathways loved messing with you.
You hoped Rose was okay.
You pulled your map out of your pocket. There was one dot further down this new path, and two dots a few paths away. You ran your free hand through your hair and watched as the single dot came closer. You weren’t sure who it was, it could have been any of your friends, but you resolved to move forward.
As soon as you started walking, the dot stopped, frozen in place. You narrowed your eyes at the dot, trying to place why – whoever it was, would do that.
Then it hit you, they were waiting for you.
So you kept walking.
The park felt magical. The tree’s glittered with deep blue light in the leaves, and when they swayed in the quiet breeze, the parts that touched the wind shone a bright blue. It reminded you of a stadium concert where people wore those light up wristbands, and the stadium would be awash of bright, pulsing colour. The lights in the leaves almost seemed to dance, as if in tandem with the wind.
Under the blue light, the various shrubbery that made home for the various alien animals that lived here, shone silver. They were eerily metallic, as if they had been painted that colour. It was surreal, and utterly beautiful in a haunted sort of way that you couldn’t quite describe.
The purple sky which hung above you created a soft backdrop, as if some higher being had painted the area on a planet sized canvas, and had spun the colour wheel to find the perfect sky. It was a dark maroon, so even though you knew that logically, it was the middle of the day, it still felt like it was dusk, with the last sun-rays shining in the distance.
It didn’t take you long before you saw him – and you knew it was a him. He had a tuft of dark hair, which Rose certainly didn’t have, and he had a much broader build than she did.
He was crouched down, as if inspecting one of the plants, but you weren’t close enough to tell. You took a wild stab in the dark, it was probably the Doctor.
“Doctor,” you called out, and you jogged towards him.
He looked up, and sure enough, it was the Doctor. He gave you a surprised grin. “Oh Y/N! Fancy seeing you here.”
 You came up beside him. “What, in a park where the paths keep changing?” You said. “Who would’ve guessed,” you crouched down beside him, letting your knees bump against his. Small indulgences. “What’re you looking at?”
He nodded to the small plant, and you almost laughed out loud. This was what you had been picturing, the Doctor eyeing a bunch of plants.
It was one of the shrubs you had seen littered around the place. It had brown leaves which looked silver under the blue light from the trees, and held bright orange bulbs, as if they were storing something.
It made you want to touch it.
“Asclepios Tubrosa,” the Doctor said. “That’s the scientific name. Your lot would call it Orange Fluxroot.”
You considered it for a moment. “What’s it do?”
The Doctor gave you a look. “What’s it do?” He repeated. “Y/N, it’s a plant.”
“Yeah,” you said. “And loads of plants do stuff,” you countered. “They produce flowers or food, or just sit there and look pretty. Plus, you’re looking at it like it can bend the laws of physics or something.”
The Doctor gave you a considering look, and you knew he was taking what you said on board. You’d been travelling with him long enough now to recognise his little looks. “That’s what I was trying to work out,” he turned back to the plant. “I recognise it, but I can’t remember from where.”
You still wanted to poke it. “Can I touch it?”
“Dunno,” he said. “Could be dangerous.”
“Everything with you is dangerous,” you replied, and the plant thrummed. You desperately wanted to poke it. “I’m going to touch it,” you decided.
The Doctor raised an eyebrow at you. “Alright,” he said, and he gestured to the plant.
You reached out your hand and poked it, right in one of the orange bulbs.
Nothing happened.
You deflated slightly, you’d thought something would happen. The plants here were so different, so alien, that you were sure that this would be too.
“Huh,” the Doctor said. “I guess it’s not the plant I was thinking then. It might be a Pleuresie Har-”
You tuned the Doctor out. The plant was swaying slightly, except, it was swaying the opposite way from the wind. On instinct, you threw yourself over the Doctor, shielding him from the plant as it exploded.
And covering you in orange pollen.
You leaned your head into the Doctor’s chest, coughing slightly as the dust settled, twirling into the air. You rubbed your free hand on the back of your neck, and, when you inspected it, you saw that it was the same bright orange that the bulbs had been.
You let out a startled, yet delighted laugh. “Okay,” you said. “That wasn’t what I was expecting.”
You turned down to the Doctor, your laughter subsiding as you looked at him – truly looked at him. His eyes were so bright here, and they sparkled under the complimentary blue lights from the tress above. You loved this face, with its big ears and soft lines, and imagined all the stories that had been marked on this skin, every laugh, every frown.
The Doctor watched you, as if he was looking at you for the first time. You felt his pulse underneath you, wild and erratic, faster than any other pulse you had ever felt – which made sense, he did have two hearts.
But even for the Doctor, his pulse was fast.
He spoke softly. “You’re really warm.”
You swallowed nervously, and in a jumpy burst of energy, scrambled off of him. “Sorry about that, I didn’t mean-”
“No,” he said, and he held his hand out, pausing you in your tracks. “It’s not a bad thing,” he ran a finger through his hair, which didn’t fully work since it was cut so short, and let out a small, irritated groan. “Sorry, I’m not good at this stuff.”
“This stuff?”
He jumped up. “You humans,” he said, but he wasn’t looking at you. “You’re so… complicated, with all those needs packed up in tiny, squishy little bodies.”
You pulled your mouth into a small, annoyed frown. The Doctor was notorious was deflecting, but it didn’t make it any less irksome. “I don’t know why you’re calling us tiny, you’re about the same size as the average of any other human bloke.”
He looked at you aghast. “I’m not like any other human bloke.”
“You’re not,” you agreed. “You look it though.”
He grumbled at you slightly, but whatever he said was lost to you. He straightened, and suddenly the mood was dropped. “Where’d Rose and Jack get off too? Any idea?”
“I lost Rose just before I found you,” you stood up, wiping your hands on the side of your jeans. It left bright orange streaks, reminding you of paint. “And I’m assuming you’ve lost Jack.”
The Doctor pulled out his own map. “Ah, right,” he said. “Well, there’s two dots near the exit, they must be together.”
You nodded. That made sense, you guessed. Split you all up only to throw you into different pairs. That seemed like the sort of thing recently fixed half sentient pathways would do.
Anything was possible.
The Doctor eyed you for a moment, then broke out into a wide grin.
You looked down at your person, and then back to him. “What is it?”
“You’re orange,” he said.
“Yes,” you replied, not really understanding where the comment came from. “I jumped in front of the weird orange pollen explosion. It’s sort of the natural consequence.”
“It’s just…” he paused, trying to find the word. Then, he brightened. “Unexpected.”
You raised a confused eyebrow. “Pardon?”
He made little grabby hands toward you. “C’mere, would you.”
You stepped towards him until you were almost nose to nose. He was so close, you could see the way tiny specks of gold were flecked in the blue irises of his eyes, could feel the heat radiate from his body. His hands hovered over your frame, momentarily unsure. “May I?”
You swallowed nervously. “Yeah, sure.”
He took your hand and raised it, then spun you outwards. You twirled, stumbling slightly as you gauged the movement. You watched as the orange fell off of your body, falling into the air. The Doctor pulled you back in and you stood still, watching as the orange dust hung in the air.
Then suddenly, it glowed.
It was brilliant. The dust shone like individual pinpricks of bright golden light. It danced around you, as if holding a mind of its own, and it swung in between the two of you.
You watched in wonder as the dust seemed to shift, pulling the rest of the bright orange off of your clothes. It felt like you were standing among fireflies, and the area felt all warm and cosy.
The Doctor let out a delighted laugh. “Orange Fluxroot,” he said triumphantly. “The dust glows when you do something unexpected.”
“Like dancing,” you suggested.
“Exactly,” he grinned at you.
You watched the golden dust, and marvelled in the way it seemed to move with the breeze, swaying to and fro. “How does it work?”
“No one really knows,” the Doctor said, and he was still so close. His arms were resting over yours, and his head was so close you could feel him speak. He began to sway you both side by side, and you realised for a moment that you were dancing. You twisted your arms around his neck, and held yourself against him
The Doctor continued. “We don’t know if it’s sentient or not, could be murderous for all we know,” there was a cheeky glint in his eyes as he said the last part, and he knew it wasn’t true.”
The golden dust spun around you, lifting away the gravity. They twinkled above you, and it cast you both in such beautiful light. The Doctor smiled at you warmly, but also shyly, like he wasn’t quite sure what he was doing.
“Ah,” you said, going along with what he had said. “So I saved you,” then you added, like an afterthought. “That’s a nice change.”
The Doctor gave you a quizzical look. “How d’you mean?”
“Well,” you said. “I got you away from the murderous orange pollen.”
His grin grew, becoming more sure, less shy, and you loved it. You loved that smile, he deserved to smile – he certainly didn’t do it enough.
“You’re amazing,” he said, so suddenly that you stumbled over your feet, stepping on the Doctors toes.
“Just…” he thought about it for a moment, how to describe it to you. “A place like this, for me it’s old hack. I know half this universe like the back of my hand, but for you, it’s all new. I love seeing the universe through your eyes,” he said. “It’s like rediscovering joy. You remind me why I love this.”
That was, well. You weren’t sure where to begin there, but his words made you feel all warm and fuzzy. It curled into your toes and to the tips of your fingers.
You smiled softly and absentmindedly chewed on your lower lip, trying to think of what to say. You noticed the Doctor’s gaze flicker down to your mouth, and you cocked your head to the side with all the subtly of a bull in a china cupboard. He blushed, his face going a fascinating rosy colour. You weren’t sure you had ever seen the Doctor blush before, and you wondered why he currently was.
It took you a moment.
Then another.
And you realised, quite starkly, why he was blushing, and what he was thinking.
Then, you decided to be entirely bold.
“So,” you said. “Because I saved you and all, I think you owe me.”
The Doctor gave you a small frown. His face was still delightfully pink. “I do?”
You nodded sincerely, and the Doctor twirled you around the dirt path.
The Doctor gave you such an earnest look, that, for a moment, you found it jarring. "Fine,” he said. “Whatever you like.”
You poked your tongue against the back of your teeth, trying to will your nerves into letting you say what you wanted to say. You studied his face for a moment, he really was so close, all it would take would be a slight turn of your head and then…"Kiss me."
His eyes widened, and then flittered around your face, as if trying to gauge if you were serious. You felt your heart thunder away in your chest, like at any notice it was about to hammer its way out.
The longer he took to respond, the more you noticed. Your palms felt sweaty, your head felt a little dizzy, as if it were going all fuzzy and cloudy. You stumbled over your feet again, but, mercilessly, missed his.
Then, very slowly, the Doctor gave you a delighted grin. “Yeah?”
You nodded. “Please.”
And he pressed his lips against yours.
The golden dust was gone, so was those trees with the bright blue leaves, and those infuriating paths that changed direction. It all left your mind. The only thought you had was him, was your Doctor, and the way it felt to be kissing him.
It was like… fire. Your brain lit up, and your body went warm all over. You were hyperaware of him, where his arms were, where your body was against his, and what you were doing with your hands. The Doctor’s hands were wrapped around your waist, and you ran your fingers into his hair pulling yourself flush against him.
You were the one to pull away, your human lungs weren’t as capable as his, and the Doctor chased for your lips. You breathed heavily, and gave him a delighted smile that probably came off as slightly insane.
The Doctor grinned, brighter and harder than you had ever seen him before.
You rested your head against his chest, and the Doctor began to sway again. It wasn’t really like a dance anymore, the way he held you, it was like a hug, like he was protecting you from the rest of the universe, holding you safe.
After a moment, you spoke, your voice soft. “We should find Jack and Rose, shouldn’t we,” but the suggestion was hollow. You weren’t really ready to leave yet.
“Let’s stay here for a little while longer, yeah?”
So you stayed, for just another five minutes.
And you danced.
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impalas-r-important · 4 years
Love of my Life - (7) Stick around
Summary: A little bit more back story about Y/N as she shares her story with Dean.
Warnings: N/A. Mechanic Dean?
A/N: I just want to say thank you to everyone who has reached out to me with your love for this series! Ya'll are the best! If you haven't heard Love of my Life by Queen, then go listen to it. Such a beautiful song.
Series Masterlist
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I was up before Sam which almost never happens, but I was determined to get coffee and muffins to take over to Y/N and ask her if she wanted to come with us to Montana. Walking up to her door, I kept reminding myself to take deep breaths and not act like an idiot. I knocked on the door and I heard a faint “Come in.” Slowly pushing the door open, I see Y/N folding her clothes to pack into her suitcase. She had her hair up in a ponytail, with jeans and a hoodie on and I couldn’t help but smile when she looked up at me.
“Hey Winchester.”
“Hey!” That sounded too eager, tone it down, Dean… I cleared my throat and continued. “Do you always leave your door open for people to just walk in? That’s not very safe.”
“I just forgot to lock it this morning after I got back from the ice machine. I figured it was you or Sam knocking, but I have this bad boy ready just in case.” She reached over the bed to her nightstand and held up a large knife.”
“That’s not going to do much good if someone were to barge in here with a gun.”
Y/N raised her eyebrow at me with a doubting look on her face which made my heart jump a little. “Most of the time, bringing a knife to a gun fight is a bad idea. But most people aren’t me.” She spun the knife in her hand and set it down on the bed next to her.
“Whatever you say, sweetheart.” I teased and held up a small brown bag with blueberry muffins inside. “I brought you some breakfast.” My gesture was interrupted by the bag being ripped from my hands and pinned to wall just behind me with a knife. It took a second to process what just happened. “Did… Did you just throw a knife at me?” Maybe I should be concerned, but more than anything I’m beyond impressed and a little turned on.
Y/N sent a devious smile my way as she walked over and pulled the knife from the wall, catching the bag before it fell to the ground. “You sounded like you were doubtful of my knife skills so I figured I’d prove it to you.” She stuck the knife in the back of her belt and opened the bag, pulling out a muffin. “Oh, blueberry! My favorite!” How this girl can go from terrifying one second to completely adorable in the next is beyond me, but I can’t get enough of it.
I sit on the bed and she joins me, pulling her feet up and sitting cross legged by my side. “So, you got any plans after this?” I ask as she pulls a muffin from the bag and hands it to me.
“No, I don’t think so. Find a case somewhere close by, I guess?”
“Well Sam and I found one in Montana if you want in. We can always use the backup.”
Y/N’s smile fades as she pops the last bite in her mouth.
“I would love to, but I don’t know if I can…”
My heart sinks. “How come?”
“My stupid piece of crap car can barely make it fifty miles without over-heating. The trip here really did a number on it and I don’t know that it would make it all the way to Montana.”
“Well, lucky for you, I know a great mechanic.” I wink at her and dust the crumbs off my lap. “I’m good with cars. I fix my baby up all the time and keep her running like new. Let me take a look at your piece of crap and see what I can do.”
“Wow, a personal compass and mechanic who brings me breakfast first thing in the morning. What am I supposed to do without you, Dean Winchester?” I knew Y/N was joking, but all I wanted was to tell her that she never had to be without me.
“I’ll tell Sam to get a head start and scope the case out. I’ll stay here with you and fix up your car and we can meet him there. Deal?”
“Dean, you don’t need to do that.”
“I want to.”
Y/N looked skeptically at me, so I reached over and grabbed her hand, squeezing it for reassurance.
“Thank you.” She said softly.
All I wanted to do was lean in and kiss her and it took everything in me to stop myself.
“I’m going to go update Sam. Be back in a sec.”
After giving Sam the low down, I met Y/N at her car. It was a simple jeep, nothing too complicated and I figured it would be an easy fix.
“You wanna pop the hood?” I instructed. She got in the car and pulled a lever. I pulled the hood up and began looking. It only took a few minutes to find a large crack in her water pump.
“Figured it out.” I said as I shut the hood. “Your water pump is busted. Let’s take her to that auto parts store a few blocks down and I’ll have her up and running in no time.”
“My knight in grungy plaid!” She joked as she walked to the passenger side door, which I opened for her before hopping in the driver’s side.
Y/N walked across the street to the gas station and bought some snacks and drinks while I quickly changed the pump, then we headed out on the road. Sam had only left a few hours before us and I sent him a quick text letting him know that we were on our way.
We were looking at a fifteen hour drive ahead of us, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t excited to get to know Y/N more.
“So, where’d you learn to throw knives like that?” I asked.
“Well, that’s kind of a long story.” She muttered as she shuffled through CDs, looking for one to pop in.
“We have time.” I was genuinely interested in knowing everything about her. I would sit in this stupid car for a whole week if it meant I got to be with Y/N.
I knew she could sense my sincerity and tried to repress a smile as she looked at the floor. “Well, you remember me telling you that my family died when I was little?” I nodded. “I kind of bounced around between hunters who raised me and taught me the ropes. I never really stayed with anyone for that long, though. Bobby kept me the most. I’m sure I was a burden on him, but he’s the only one who didn’t make me feel like I was, and I love him for that. But I always wanted to feel like I belonged with someone, you know? Like I just wanted to stick with one person and not have them dump me off with the next hunter who was free to look after me. I quickly learned that the more useful I was on hunts, the longer I’d stay with someone, so I decided that I’d learn how to throw knives. Bobby gave me this little guy,” she reached down and opened the glove compartment, pulling out a decent sized pocketknife, “and I practiced in every free minute I had. Eventually, I upgraded to bigger and better weapons, but this one holds a place in my heart.” She folded the knife back up and put it away. “Anyway, long story short, I got pretty good at throwing pointy things.” She chuckled.
“Did you ever get to stick with someone?”
She pursed her lips. “Not really, no. Once I was an asset on hunts, people would keep me around for longer, but never permanently. When I turned sixteen, Bobby set me up with one of his old cars and I went out on my own.”
I couldn’t fathom how anyone in their right mind wouldn’t want this amazing person around. “I’m sorry.” I shot her a sympathetic side smile.
“You don’t need to be.” I was surprised at her response. “People tell me all the time that I had a crappy childhood, but I didn’t know any different. I learned a long time ago that I can’t let myself feel deprived or angry about the past because that doesn’t help with anything. There’s enough bad that we deal with in our lives and I’m not going to make it worse by throwing a pity party for myself.” She cleared her throat and quickly shook her head, bringing a smile back on her face and changing her tone of voice instantly as she reached into the shopping bag full of treats. “Jerky or ding-dongs?” She asked.
“Jerky. I’ll leave the chocolate for you.” I remembered our conversation from the diner, how she told me she had a big sweet tooth.
“Good answer.” She beamed.
“So, your family,” I started between bites, “what were they like?”
“From what I remember, they were wonderful.” Y/N gave a sweet smile and reminisced as she gazed out the front window. “I was six when they died, so I don’t remember a lot, but I do remember my mom being patient and loving and my dad could make me laugh even on the worst days. I had 4 older brothers who were very protective. I looked up to them a lot. I’ve got some pictures at Bobby’s place. I’ll have to show you someday.”
“I’d love that.”
When Y/N showed me this side of her, it was hard to picture her as a hunter, even though I had seen firsthand how badass she could be. She seemed so vulnerable and kind, and I couldn’t understand how she could be so genuine after what she went through. I hated that she never had a true place of her own, and I wanted to tell her she had found one with me. It had only been a day and a half, but I couldn’t picture the future without this girl by my side. I wanted to tell her that, but how do I say something like that without coming off like an obsessed crazy man?
Y/N asked about my life, and I filled her in on everything. Our mom dying, our dad dying, me going to hell, and even things about myself that I wouldn’t tell Sam. I trusted her. Hours had passed and we had to stop for gas. It was getting late, and she volunteered to drive so I could shut my eyes. She had a blanket in the back seat that she gave to me and I wadded it up to use as a shield between me and the cold window.
Y/N played some music but turned it down low so she wouldn’t wake me. She must have thought I was already asleep and began to softly sing along to Love of My Life by Queen. I kept my eyes closed tight and listened to her, hanging onto every word.
You will remember
When this is blown over
And everything’s all by the way
When I grow older
I will be there at your side to remind you
How I still love you
As she sang those words, my head flooded with pictures of the two of us sitting on the porch of a small secluded house, watching our kids play in the front yard with a big old dog. I had never pictured a future like this for myself, but the minute I met Y/N, I felt a new door open for me. I had always thought that I would die young in a blaze of glory, but now all I wanted was to get out of the hunting life and live a simple one. Maybe not today or anytime soon, but someday. Was it crazy that I felt like this after knowing her for barely two days? Yes. Did I care? No.
My life had very few moments where I felt completely at peace and content, but this was one. One that I would remember every day, and the one that made me realize that I was one hundred percent head-over-heels in love with this girl.
Sam had already spoken with the police and the families of the victims by the time we got there. We quickly figured out who the wolf was and had him taken care of by the end of the day. We made a good team. I convinced Sam and Y/N that we should celebrate at the local bar, and the three of us were sitting at a table. Y/N volunteered to buy the next round and left her chair to go get it.
“So…” Sam started as I watched Y/N joking with the bartender. “You gonna tell her?”
“Tell her what?”
“That you like her, or whatever.”
“We’re not in high school, Sam.”
“Okay, fine. I just mean, I’ve never seen you like this before, and you need to make up your mind. We’re done with this case and she’s taking off in the morning if you don’t do something.”
I sighed and played with the label on my beer bottle. “I know…”
“I think we make a good team, the three of us.” Sam added. “Why don’t you, invite her to come hunt with us for a while?”
I looked at him skeptically. “You’d be okay with that?”
“Dean, she’s one of the best hunter’s I’ve ever seen, she actually helps with research, she’s fun, and you’re much more tolerable to be around when she’s with you.”
“Yeah, okay. I’ll ask her tonight.”
You, Sam and Dean had been having the time of your lives at that bar. You couldn’t remember the last time you had ever felt like you fit in with anyone like this. Sam was so easy to get along with. You teased him, he teased you, and you both teamed up to tease Dean. He felt like a brother to you. Dean, on the other hand, was so caring and interested in you like no one had ever been before. You had been fighting back strong feelings for him since you had first met him just two days prior; feelings so strong that they scared you. You had heard stories about him from Bobby and other hunters about how he would reel women in, use them, and leave them, so you left your guard up a little. But you had a hard time believing he was that kind of a person. For some reason, you trusted him like you had known him your whole life and it was rare that you trusted anyone at all.
Sam was telling a story about the food Dean used to try and cook for them at motels when they were kids and couldn’t get through a sentence without splitting his side from laughter, which, in turn, made you and Dean belly laugh as well. The ringtone of your phone broke through the cackles and you pulled it from your pocket. You excused yourself and stood up from the table, walking outside where you could hear better.
“Hey, Y/N, it’s Mitch”
“Wow, hey Mitch. It’s been a long time. Everything okay?” You had worked a few cases with Mitch in the past few years. He was a decent hunter. Young, like you, so you got along with him better than older hunters who looked down on you.
“I’ve got a case in Idaho that I can’t seem to figure out. You free?”
“You’re in luck. I just finished up something in Montana. Text me your address and I’ll be there tomorrow.”
“Thanks, I owe you one.”
You walk back in the bar, disappointed that you have to leave the fun. Dean smiles the second he sees you come back inside. You sat down next to him and he put his arm on the back of your chair.
“I thought you ran away, sweetheart.”
“I figured you could foot the bill.” You teased. “No, I actually got a call from a hunter in Idaho needing some help, so I think I’ve gotta call it a night and find a motel to crash at. I told him I’d be there tomorrow.”
Dean’s face dropped as you pulled out your wallet and set some money on the table. Sam gave Dean a knowing look which you caught. As you pulled on your jacket, Dean grabbed your arm softly.
“Wait, Y/N. Uhm, Sam and I were talking, and we’d love it if you’d let us stick with you for a while. If you’re okay with that, that is…”
You couldn’t fight the smile that crept up on your face. “You guys want to come with me?” Sam and Dean both nodded. “Well come on then. Let’s go get some sleep.”
The boys popped up, paid their part of the bill and Dean put his hand at the small of your back as you walked out, trailing Sam. Once you were outside, he moved his hand to grab yours, lacing his fingers between yours, which took you by surprise. “Is this okay?” He asked. Your heart was fluttering and your stomach doing flips. You nodded and smiled, squeezing his hand in response.
Chapter 8
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quickspinner · 4 years
Month of Miracles - Dressing Up 1
Okay, well, obviously this month didn't go anything like I planned, but I'm at least gonna finish the Hallmark AU! It's mostly written, I'm just finalizing it and taking care of all the boring stuff I always skip when I write the first draft! So never fear, we'll finish it before February. I think we have...three, maybe four pieces left to go (famous last words).
This is actually part 1 of 2--partly because I realized that what I had planned for this prompt worked better as two separate scenes and partly because I haven't quite finished part 2 yet anyway, so might as well split it so I can publish this part!
This was partly inspired by The Best Christmas Pageant Ever
Find the prompt list here!
Hallmark Movie AU Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 (end) | Read Month of Miracles on AO3
Marinette was sure she would never get used to this small town thing where people popped by without warning. She gave a slightly mournful glance at the pot of coffee that had just finished brewing, and went to get the door with a sigh.
Luka Couffaine stood on the other side, one hand in his pocket and the other holding a bouquet of multicolored flowers. He had that same look of longsuffering he’d worn when he’d come with his mother, but it softened into a smile as he saw her. 
“Um, hi,” Marinette said, suddenly breathless. Why was she nervous? It was just Luka. She just...hadn’t expected to see him again so soon, after she’d cried all over him. She felt both embarrassed and oddly shy. 
“Hi.” Luka gave her a lopsided smile and offered her the flowers. “Rose made me buy them and told me not to come home until you’d forgiven me for upsetting you last night.” 
Marinette’s mouth dropped open as she took the flowers automatically. “But you didn’t do anything wrong,” she protested weakly, looking up at him. 
Luka shrugged. “It was easier not to argue.” 
Marinette giggled a little at that, and Luka’s smile widened for an instant before he looked down. “To be honest,” he began, shoulders curling inward slightly, “I wanted to see you anyway. Make sure you were okay, after all that. It got pretty intense and...I didn’t mean to put that on you.” He straightened and met her eyes again. “I am genuinely sorry about that. I wasn’t intending to upset you so badly.” 
“You didn’t,” Marinette told him, laying a hand on his arm. “Really, Luka. It wasn’t you. And I appreciate that you showed me something so…” she hesitated. 
“Raw?” Luka supplied, with a half smile, and Marinette hunched her shoulders a little in embarrassed acknowledgement. “Sorry if it was too much.”
Marinette shook her head, looking down to play with the stems of the bouquet. “I understand why you did it, and I feel...maybe flattered isn’t the right word, but it’s as close as I can get. I appreciate that you showed me that even though it was hard for you. I do feel like I understand you better now, and…” she shrugged. ”It was worth it.”
Luka glanced away, but he was smiling. “It wasn’t as hard as you might think. Not when it was you.”
Marinette blushed, not at all sure how to respond to that, and there was a moment of awkward silence before Luka cleared his throat. 
“So, um…” he winced. “Rose kind of needs a favor, and so after I groveled at your feet,” he grinned, and Marinette huffed a quick giggle, “I was supposed to ask if you’d be willing to come over to the library and take a look at what she needs. I can take you now, or you can swing by later, whatever works for you.” 
“Oh,” Marinette blinked. “Uh...sure, now’s good I guess. Just—let me put these in some water and get my coffee in a travel mug?” 
“Yeah, sure, no rush,” Luka said, backing up a step. “I’ll get the truck warmed up.” 
He retreated with quick steps, and then climbed into his truck and started it up, holding a hand over the air vent. It had gotten most of the way warmed up on the trip over, but the air blowing from the vents was still a bit chilly. 
What am I doing? he asked himself, and then sighed. He really didn’t know. He just...he felt his expression soften as he glanced up, watching Marinette come out of Gina’s door. He hopped out to open the other door for her. It was a big step up for her into the truck, and when he took her coffee and held her arm to steady her, she turned a warm smile on him that he felt all the way down to his toes.
Okay, he definitely didn’t know what he was doing, but he knew he had to do something. These feelings weren’t going anywhere, and he was starting to feel like a liar, hanging out with her as friends without telling her he was beginning to have deeper feelings for her. 
Way past beginning, if he was honest. 
Well, he thought as he handed back her coffee and closed her door, I was always good at winging it.  
“So what is it that Rose needs?” Marinette asked, as he got up into the driver’s seat and closed the door. 
“Well,” Luka said, flashing Marinette a quick grin, “it seems that there was a mishap in the storage of last year’s pageant costumes, and Rose is hoping you can bail her out.” 
Mishap, he called it. Marinette stared in horror at the costumes Rose had laid out. They were moldy, and stained, and moth-eaten—no, that couldn’t have been moths, did they have rats? Ugh. Marinette’s skin crawled just looking at them.
“Do you think you can save them?” Rose asked, hands folded together in a pleading pose, huge blue eyes staring at Marinette over them. 
Marinette winced. “Rose...I don’t think there’s any salvaging these. I don’t know what got to them but…” She looked back at the tattered cloth and shuddered. “I think you’d better burn them.”  
Rose’s eyes widened and filled with tears. “Oh no!” she whispered, both hands covering her mouth. 
“But I can try to make you some new ones,” Marinette blurted, and then winced. Oh no, why did I say that??  
“Really?” Rose squealed, bouncing several feet in the air. “Oh, Marinette, you’re the best!”
“Hold on,” Marinette cautioned, even as Rose threw herself into Marinette’s arms. “Rose,” she tried again, patting Rose’s back reflexively. “I said I’d try, but…”
Rose ignored her, seizing her hand and dragging her over to a small crowd of children and teenagers sprawled in, on, and even under some of the library tables.
“This is our cast,” Rose said, throwing out her hands with a proud grin. “So you can get whatever measurements you need right now!”
“I don’t—” Marinette began, but fell silent as Rose kept talking, making one-sided introductions that Marinette was absolutely not going to remember. Still, it made her look at the children and... 
Marinette had to admit, she could see both why these children had not been picked for the traditional pageant and why Rose was offended about it. The two tallest wore black and slouched their shoulders, hands shoved in the pockets of long coats as they peeked at her through the hair falling in their faces. A shorter girl had pads on her knees and elbows and a sideshave with pink tips on the long side, and was listening with a slightly bored expression to a bubbly redhead who had piercings all up the shell of one ear. A boy sitting next to them, reading a book with his feet propped up on another chair, had pierced ears, killer eyeliner, and a multicolored ombre manicure that made Marinette envious.
The whole crowd was like that, and some of them looked more...mainstream, than others, but they all had something that stood out about them that didn’t exactly say ‘host of angels greeting the holy family’ in the strictly traditional sense. 
“Normally nobody really cares about appearances, but they get stubborn about Christmas and the Christmas pageant,” Rose said with a shrug. “Nobody says it outright, but it’s no coincidence that the traditional kids get picked every year, you know?” 
Looking at the little crowd of kids, Marinette saw a disparate set of personalities, both clinging to stereotypes in an effort to find an identity that worked for them, and breaking out of those stereotypes in new and interesting ways, and she would have loved to follow them each around for a day just for the ideas they sparked in her. 
This wasn’t the time for that, though. 
“I’ll need some materials,” Marinette said doubtfully. She’d already been to the only fabric store in town and it was closed, the owner having gone on vacation somewhere warm and sunny for the month. 
Rose frowned as well, and opened her mouth, but was interrupted. 
“I can help with that.”
Marinette jumped and turned, looking up as Luka gave her a smile. “Hi,” he said, amused, and Marinette blushed. She’d forgotten he was there. 
“I have racks of clothes from my shows in the attic.” Luka shrugged, as if he didn’t notice her discomfort. “Jagged always has a clause in his contract about getting to keep his tour clothes, so it ended up in mine too. You’re welcome to scavenge it for anything you can find.” 
“O-oh,” Marinette blinked. “Well...it’s a start, right? If you’re sure.” She frowned. “That’s probably some really expensive clothes though.” 
Luka shrugged, indicating the hoodie and jeans he wore. “I’m not exactly using it. Might as well go to a good cause.” His gaze softened a little as he looked over her head at the kids. 
Marinette smiled, and looked back as well. “Okay, Rose. Let’s go over what you need and who’s going to be using what, and I’ll get whatever measurements I need.”
“Great!” Rose chirped, bouncing as she clapped her hands. 
The next little while was a bit of a blur, as Marinette tried to take notes on Rose’s chatter while meeting the kids a few at a time. They all looked a little hesitant at first, so Marinette put on her best, most reassuring smile, the one she used with inexperienced models who were nervous about their first big fashion show, and asked them cheerful questions as she took their measurements. She kept the topics light, asking them about their pins or patches or hair color, and most of them had mostly relaxed by the time she was finished. She surprised one or two with her knowledge of video games and laughed when one of them challenged her to a mech strike duel. She wrote her handle on a slip of paper and gave it to him with a wink, and managed not to laugh in the poor boy’s face when he blushed. 
“I think that’s everybody,” Marinette said, waving to the last one, and turned around, blinking. “Where’d Rose go?”
“Hmm?” Luka had been sitting nearby at a table, chin in hand. He blinked like he was coming back to earth, and Marinette felt a twinge of guilt. No surprise he was zoned out, he must have been so bored just watching all of this. She should have let him know he could leave. Surely he had work to do and she could have walked back or gotten a ride with Rose. 
“Oh, I bet I know where they are,” Luka said, rolling his eyes as he got up.
“They?” Marinette echoed, following him. 
“Juleka showed up a little while ago,” he told her. “You were busy at the time.” 
He led her around a bookshelf into a little reading alcove, and Marinette stopped dead, hands flying to suddenly red cheeks. Luka knocked on the bookshelf next to him with an amused, slightly exasperated smile. “Hand check, ladies.” 
Juleka was standing there curled over Rose, her long hair partially hiding the shorter girl from view, but it was plenty clear what they were doing. The sprig of mistletoe in the middle of the decoration hanging over them removed any doubt. 
“What?” Juleka said, annoyed, as she raised her head from a very kiss-bruised and blushing blonde. 
“I’m, um, finished,” Marinette said, embarrassed, waving vaguely back the way they’d come. “You can get on with rehearsal now.” 
“Oh, yay!” Rose perked up. “Thanks Marinette, you’re the best.”
“You have lipstick on your face,” Luka said helpfully, holding back a laugh. Juleka flipped him off, but Rose just linked her arm through Juleka’s and sniffed. 
“Hmph. You’re just jealous because you wish you could kiss Marinette under the mistletoe. Come on, Juleka.” She dragged her smirking girlfriend off and around the shelves (though she did wipe most of the lavender lipstick off her mouth as she did so).
“Sisters,” Luka muttered. “Just my luck I’m gonna get stuck with another one.” He looked at Marinette’s blushing face and grinned. “You okay?” 
She began to splutter, and Luka couldn’t help laughing. “I’m gonna take that as a no,” he teased.
“How can she say something like that!” Marinette groaned, ducking her head and covering her red cheeks with her hands. 
“Well.” Luka licked his lips, and debated for maybe half a second before he went on. “It’s not like she’s wrong.” 
Marinette’s insides froze. Her head snapped up to look at him. Luka gazed back at her, looking calm though there was a tint of pink in his cheeks that hadn’t been there before. He glanced up, and with a crooked smile, took her hands, pulling them gently from her face. 
“I really would like to kiss you,” he admitted. He stepped back, tugging her lightly along with him until he paused and looked up. Still stunned, Marinette followed his gaze, up to the mistletoe decoration hanging from the ceiling. Oh. 
Butterflies took sudden flight in her stomach. She dropped her wide-eyed gaze back to Luka, only to find he was watching her.
“Only if you want to kiss me, though,” he said, with a slight shrug. He threaded his fingers through hers and tugged her a little closer. 
He held her gaze as he bent purposefully towards her. Luka bent until his nose was just brushing hers, head tilted just so, waiting, still watching her through half-lidded eyes. Heart hammering, senses suddenly full of him, of his rough hands in her and the evergreen scent that hung about him, his face filling her vision with those eyes so soft and yet so intense— 
Impulsively Marinette raised her face just enough to let their lips brush together. He didn’t move away, and Marinette did it again, pressing in a little more this time, and then Luka leaned into her and they were really kissing...lightly, but fully. 
It was...electrifying. Their hands untangled as they moved closer together, and he was so solid and strong and warm where she leaned on him. Her hands found his shoulders as his slid up her back, and it felt so good to be held, to feel wanted by anyone, let alone someone who was sweet and kind and down to earth while also being so... exceptional. But...even as his lips moved over hers she couldn’t push aside the fact that she was leaving. She had barely a week left, and then her whole family would descend on the town for Christmas dinner at Gina’s house and then...then she would be gone, and what...what would she do then? What was he expecting her to do? She had commitments and a career and he didn’t want that kind of life anymore, and— 
Luka pulled back with a soft click, his eyes staying closed just a moment longer than hers, before he opened them and smiled softly at her. “You’re thinking awfully hard for someone who’s being kissed,” he murmured. 
“It’s a terrible habit,” she said shakily. “I wish I didn’t.” 
“Then don’t,” he said, his hand coming up to cup her cheek. His thumb caressed her gently. “It doesn’t have to be about anything but the here and now, Marinette. Just let the moment be what it is.”
“That’s all well and good,” Marinette sighed, “until the future is the now and you have to deal with the consequences. Luka, I’m leaving.” Unconsciously her fingers played nervously with the fine hairs at the nape of his neck. 
“I know,” he said thickly, and cleared his throat. “Maybe I’m just not as efficient as you,” Luka grinned. “But personally, if the outcome is the same either way, I’ll take being deliriously happy for a week over moping around crying in my cheerios until you leave.” 
Marinette burst out laughing at that, and Luka chuckled along. “I’m not trying to pressure you,” he told her, leaning back and lifting a hand to cradle her face, rubbing his thumb over her cheek. “I’m just saying...I’ve come to care about you a lot, Marinette. More than just friendship. I hear you. I know where you stand. I’m okay with whatever you’re willing to give me, whether that’s just this and nothing more, or a couple of dates, or...whatever. You don’t have to worry about leading me on or giving me false expectations. I just want to be with you while I can.”
Marinette sighed. “How can that be enough for you, though? If you really—I mean—”
“I do,” Luka told her softly, tilting her face up to look at him. “I really do, Marinette. Please don’t doubt that. And it’s really not enough,” he admitted, with a sigh to match hers. “If more than that were on offer, I’d gladly take it, but…” He shrugged. “What do we have to lose?”  
Marinette looked at him, caught between conflicting realities. She liked him—she hadn’t even realized until now how much she liked him, but—what was he even asking her for? A week long fling? She...she didn’t do that kind of thing, she wasn’t sure she could, and...she didn’t know if she wanted to take on the pain of losing him, and wasn’t it better to just...just be friends for the time they had left? Could they even be friends after this?
Luka, watching her again, stepped back and dropped his hands back down to hers. He squeezed her hands gently, bringing her focus back to him. “Listen, we’re still friends. If you decide you’re okay with being more than that for the time you have left, you let me know.” He sighed, but cut it off and smiled. “Come on, if you’re done here, I’ll take you home.” 
He dropped one hand, but kept a gentle hold on the other, squeezing it lightly before he dropped it so she could pack up her things. Marinette packed her kit mechanically, glancing at him. Luka appeared perfectly at ease, chatting with one of the kids, and he didn’t so much as look at her. Trying to make things easy, she supposed, as he always did. Giving her some space, maybe, to absorb the sudden shift in her reality.
The reality where Luka—who was also Luke Stone the rock star and that was definitely too much for her to think about right now—liked her, as more than a friend, and told her so, and kissed her, and oh my I kissed Luke Stone, Alya would freak —
She knocked a coiled up tape measure off the table and it bounced and exploded into a tangle on the floor. One of the kids scrambled over to pick it up for her, and she managed to thank her with a smile, and just stuffed the whole jumbled thing into her usually-immaculate kit.
Her hands were shaking as she snapped it closed and looked for Luka. He smiled at her, and made his farewells to the boy he’d been talking to. He walked beside Marinette to the door with his hands in his pockets, and opened it for her. It was a stupid thing to blush about but Marinette did anyway. 
She still accepted his steadying hand to get up into the truck, and the smile he sent her was reassuring. She relaxed a little. He didn’t seem angry or hurt, and her nerves eased a little bit as he climbed up in his seat and started up the truck. 
Neither of them said much on the way home, and Marinette was grateful, because she was sure she would start to babble if she opened her mouth at all. Luka turned on some music, and Marinette smiled slightly as she realized it was Jagged’s latest album. She ventured to ask a question about one song in particular that she had always wondered about, and Luka answered her easily with a tale about the night on tour when Jagged had been inspired to write the thing. Marinette felt a little better by the time Luka dropped her off at home. Maybe this was okay after all. Maybe he was right and they could still be friends from here. 
“You can come look at the clothes whenever you’re ready,” Luka told her as he held her kit while she jumped down from the seat. “The farm’s effectively closed for the season since pretty much everybody has their tree now. Just come on over once you’ve got an idea what you need.” 
“Okay,” Marinette tried to smile. “Thank you, Luka.” 
Luka chucked her gently under the chin. “Don’t make me something else you’re worrying about, okay? You don’t have to tell me what’s going on but I can see you’ve got some things weighing you down, and I don’t want to be one of them. I’m just...I’m here for you. However you want me to be.”
Marinette’s smile was maybe still a little wobbly, but much more sincere. “Thanks, Luka.” 
“Sure.” He let her take her kit back, and watched her until she was inside. Then he turned and climbed back up in the truck.
Luka was very, very good at keeping it all together. He didn’t freak out, he didn’t panic, and he didn’t get upset—on the outside. His hands shook a little bit right before he gripped the steering wheel, but otherwise he was completely normal, right up until he shut the door in his own room at home.
Even then, all he did was bury his hands in his hair, slide down the door to sit on the floor, and sigh heavily. It was done, after all. He’d made his move and now he had to live with it. Luka didn’t regret it, exactly, but...he wished things were different. He really did. Maybe he should have talked to her instead of going straight to kissing, but...
He let go of his hair and thumped his head back against the door. He needed something to do. 
Well, the attic was probably a disaster. Might as well go up there and see if he couldn’t make it less of one before Marinette came over.
Fiction Master Post | Month of Miracles
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jesuisgourde · 3 years
love your collages! any tips on how to make them? do you print any of the material or you find them all in magazines etc?
Thank you!
A have a massive collection of clippings (4 XL accordion folders plus a few smaller single slot folders) that I've amassed. Most of the images I use are from magazines or art/photography books that I buy from thrift stores or used bookstores. I really only print things when there's something really extra specific that I'm looking for (like when I was working on @lesmiscollageproject and wanted specific things for the scenes I was interpreting). For a long time I only had one much smaller folder that I used, but in the last couple of years I haven't picked up my camera as much, and I started getting more into collage than photography. Last year I went on Craigslist and put out an ISO post for National Geographic magazines. I ended up buying 9 boxes of magazines from the 60s-80s for about $20 from a couple who were moving. It’s bougie as fuck but there’s this magazine called Kinfolk that has really cool artistic photos in it a lot of times, so I sometimes buy that. I also keep my eye out for anything interesting on the ground, which has been surprisingly lucrative. I also work in a used bookstore, so some stuff that I have comes from clippings or postcards or notes that people leave in books they sell to us. In each of my big accordion folders, I also have a smaller folder where I only keep clippings of text, just so I don't have to hunt for all the tiny clippings I have of like a single word or sentence.
(Extra sidenote: now that my collection is so large, my folders are separated by what type of clipping is in each. So I have one for black & white photos of people, one for color photos of people, and then one each for color or B/W photos of scenery/abstract images/any image without people.)
Before I moved to Chicago, the city I was living in had a "maker store" called Tinkertopia that was basically a creative reuse store. The guy who owned it sold all sorts of weird industrial scraps or bits and bobs that people would use in projects, like scraps of felt, or a whole barrel of corks, or keys, or color chips, or pieces of piano keys/hammers, or old photo slides, or bits of broken jewelry, etc. So I also have a lot of stuff from that shop that I use, although most cities don't have a shop like that. (Random story: When I moved across the country I learned that it's impossible to sell a piano, so instead my housemates and I smashed it apart and gave the guts to the Tinkertopia owner because I knew he sold piano parts.)
In terms of actually making the collages, sometimes I sit down with an idea already in mind (the one with all the flowers is based on a Jean Genet novel, for example) but usually I flip through all my clippings until something catches my eye and then build from there. Sometimes I go through my text folders and pick out a line or two and build from that instead of an image. The "patina of roofs" one was a phrase that popped in my head the first week I moved to Chicago, so I made that collage based on it. But usually my collages are just dictated by the whatever first image catches my interest, and then what I build off of it.
Also, in terms of tools, I have a cutting mat that is great because it's plastic, which means I can wash all the glue or paint off of it (but I didn't own one until last year and mostly just used a piece of cardboard when I was gluing things). Matte mod podge is your best friend because it dries clear and not too glossy and you can brush it on and be really accurate. And Exacto knives are also great if you want to get really accurate cut-outs. I do the majority of my collages in my journals, but I've also done collages just on printer paper/construction paper, on a random piece of baseboard I found in one of the houses I moved into, on a brick I found by the train tracks, on canvas, etc. I really like collage because you can pretty much use what ever you want and whatever you have!
But yeah! My collage materials collection started out very small, just photo/text clippings from some Nat Geos and a couple of old photography books and maybe a few random nonfiction books from Goodwill. That's a really good starting place!
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