#and then i still ordered them in store anyways
idontplaytrack · 3 days
I loved the regressed Janis fic! Would you either be willing to write a part two or just another one?
Feel free to ignore this. I just thought it was too cute!
Milkshakes & Muppets
Janis ‘Imi’ike x Regina George
Warnings: age regression, fluff
Part 2 of Tiny Monkey
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“Baby, what are you doing? Let’s go!” Regina hollers, standing in the doorway of the side door that led into Janis’ garage.
“I can’t find it!” Janis exclaimed, vexed.
Regina sighs softly, entering the garage, “What is it, baby? What’re you looking for?”
“Milo.” Janis pouted, “Monkey, I can’t find that.”
Oh, right. The tiny stuffed monkey.
"Baby, we gave Milo a bath because you dropped him at the playground." Regina reminded, "He's still under the sun outside to dry off."
"Aw, right." Janis sulked.
“Hey, you still have Mack.” Regina held up the other stuffed monkey Janis had, “You can take him.”
“No, that’s…” Janis began, now staring at the stuffed animal that Regina was holding up. Did she want to take such a big stuffed animal out? “Mack is for sleepytime only.”
“Are you sure?” Regina asks for confirmation, figuring that Janis was probably worried about unwanted attention. But they have both seen kids their age openly bringing stuffed animals like this one to school, anyway.
“I don’t know.” Janis reached out for the stuffed monkey despite her reply.
Regina spotted this blue and orange coloured drawstring bag specifically for plushies by Janis’ dresser, “How about…we bring a bag so if you don’t want to hold him for a bit, you can still carry the bag with him in it?”
“Oh.” Janis gasped softly, “Okay.” 
“Alright, let’s go get milkshakes.” Regina grins, unnoticed by Janis as she took her hand and led her to the Jeep. Regina urges Janis to hop on, then she buckled her in before getting into the driver's seat, “Wanna hold on to the bag while I drive?”
“Kay.” Janis agreed. 
“Here you go.” Regina handed her the bag, Janis laid it flat on her lap with Mack resting right on top of it while she cuddled him.
“Okay, off we go.” 
Regina drives them to their usual spot for milkshakes— this family-owned diner about a twenty minute drive away from Janis’ home. Once they got there, Regina found the both of them a nice little booth in the corner. Typically, a server would have to take them to an open table, but they’ve been here so much that whoever works there on that day just let them help themselves. “What milkshake do you want?” Regina asks while skimming through that particular section in the menu, then glancing at Janis.
Janis shrugged, obviously not able to read much. Well, either that or she didn’t want to. “Can I pick for you?” Regina asks after a minute. Janis nodded, chin resting on her stuffed monkey Mack as she hugged it on the table. 
Regina silently decided their orders and called for someone to come over to take the order.
“Hi, what can I— oh, G! Hi!” 
“Gretchen.” Regina’s eyes were wide for a moment, “Hey.”
“Aw, that’s a cute stuffy.” Gretchen remarked. Janis said hi to her by using Mack’s arm to wave at her.
“Hi, Janis.” Gretchen smiled at the gesture, completely unfazed. “Ready to order?” She asks, looking back at Regina.
“Yeah. Two milkshakes— one chocolate malt and one chocolate cherry.” Regina told Gretchen while keeping an eye on Janis in case she objected, “Sweet potato fries with the cheesy omelette. Then…a cheeseburger.”
“Okay, coming right up.” Gretchen confirmed, “Let me just get the menus out of your way.”
“Thanks.” Regina answers. Janis waved to her again the same way, making Gretchen smile. Regina couldn’t help but find herself a little worried about what was going through Gretchen’s head seeing Janis in her current state. Though, her friend didn’t say anything about it and Janis said nothing at all. She just wanted Janis to not be judged. 
“Feeling okay?” Regina leaned closer to ask.
“Yeah.” Janis nodded, now leaning back against the backrest still holding onto Mack.
“Tell you what— let’s go to the toy store after we’re done here, what do you say?”
“Okay.” Janis agreed, perking up. “I’m hungy.”
“I know, I already ordered— let’s just hang on for a little while, hm?” Regina coaxed. Okay, so that’s why Janis was being quiet— she was hungry. 
“What do you wanna do when we go home?” Regina asks again, to keep the conversation going and steer clear of the bad mood.
“Bubbles?” Janis asks hopefully.
“Sure, baby.” Regina shrugs, “Only if you promise to be good and take a shower.” 
“Aw.” Janis pouted.
“Hey, it can’t feel nice to be all sweaty all day long.” Regina reasoned. 
Janis set Mack down and pushed him aside then was grabbing onto Regina’s hands and playing with her rings. “Yeah.” Janis finally agreed, “Okay. I shower.”
“Attagirl.” Regina smiled, relieved. 
Approximately fifteen minutes later, Gretchen came back with their food, then their milkshakes. “Here you go. Enjoy.” 
“Thank you.” Regina and Janis answered in sync, but in totally different tones.
Regina let Janis choose what she wanted to eat, and the girl went for the omelette. “Need some help?”
Janis shook her head, “Uh-uh.” She starts off with the fries, then soon stabs her fork into the omelette— folded. Regina still kept an eye on her, obviously. Just in case. 
“Is it yummy?” Regina asked.
“Yes.” Janis replied, holding a sweet potato fry to Regina’s lips, “For you.”
Regina grinned, parting her lips and biting the fry, “Thanks, baby.” 
After a nice lunch, Regina paid, said bye to Gretchen on the way out and took Janis to the toy store upstairs as promised. 
“Hey.” Regina stops in her tracks, tugging onto Janis’ hand, “Hold my hand, don't run, baby.”
Janis whined, but listened, slowing down her pace. Regina brushes her thumb over her knuckles, squeezing her hand. They enter the toy store, and Janis was the happiest person alive. “If you wanna get anything at all, you gotta let me see it first. Just one thing, okay?” Regina stopped walking to tell her that. 
Janis thought over her words and gave a firm nod, “Okay.” 
“Okay.” Regina said back, “Let’s take a look-see around this place together.” 
As tempted as Regina was, she couldn’t go buying Janis every single thing she asked for. See, Regina could afford it. But spoiling her this way? Regina was a little worried Janis might end up continuously asking for toys and things every single time she regressed because she knew she’ll get it. Anyway, so far…Regina has not contacted Damian one time for help. So she was feeling pretty good about that. 
“Ginaaaa.” Janis called out for her, she notices that Janis was mere few feet away looking at a shelf of stuffed animals. “Yeah, baby?” Regina quickly stood right behind her, “What’s up?”
“Can I get that?” 
Regina focused her attention on whatever stuffed animal Janis was pointing at. $25. Not too bad. Regina took the item from the shelf and checked the tag— it was on sale for $17. “Okay.” Curious George. Regina couldn’t help but chuckle to herself. This girl really had a favourite animal.
“Really?” Janis asked quietly. 
“Yeah, really.” Regina confirmed, “Here, you wanna hold it for now while we look around some more?”
Janis gleefully grabbed the stuffed monkey from Regina then held onto Regina’s hand before they continued their shopping. Yes— another monkey. As they walk through aisle after aisle, Regina spotted a little something that she thought would be fun for Janis— a puzzle. A zoo animal puzzle. She grabbed that without Janis noticing. Eventually, they were at the checkout, and Regina tried to take the stuffed animal from Janis but the shorter girl refused to let go. “Nooo.” Janis resisted. Regina quirked a brow, exhaling in exasperation. “Please? It’ll just be a second.” Regina pleaded, thanking her lucky stars that there wasn’t a line. 
“Hun, it’s okay, I just need the tag to scan it.” The cashier interjected quietly.
Regina nodded, swiftly pulling the paper tag off the stuffed toy’s ear to hand over to the cashier, “Sorry about that.”
“No, you’re good.” The cashier shrugged, smiling lightly as she scanned the tag, then the puzzle box. “Will that be all?”
Regina nodded wordlessly, debit card ready in hand. 
“Alright, your total’s $28.12. By card?”
“Okay, shower time, baby. Let’s go, you promised.” 
“No.” She stood rooted to the ground and looked at Regina, seemingly irritated.
Regina huffs, feeling the annoyance in her bubbling up to the surface, “Baby, if you’re gonna get upset over that I’m gonna have to give you a timeout. Or I’m taking away a toy.” Regina kept it together though, talking to her as calmly as possible. 
But the effort was futile. Janis dropped the new toy and just ran into the garage and dove face first into her bed. Regina had no idea what caused her to be this upset all of a sudden. Now Regina wanted to scream too— she’d been nothing but patient and reaching her limit if this tantrum continues. Regina picked the toy off the floor then took a minute to take some deep breaths and calm down. After that, she knocks on the side door before opening it and stepping into Janis’ garage. Regina saw Janis sat up in her bed, hugging her knees to her chest— still crying. Janis saw her, and started blinking profusely to clear her vision. 
Why was she crying? Regina had no clue yet— but it was starting to upset Regina herself. She hated seeing her sad. Partially because of their history, but also because Regina knew that currently Janis wasn’t too good with describing how she was feeling with words, given the ongoing regression. So she was crying, to release the emotions she needed to release.
“Baby.” Regina walked up to her slowly, not wanting to startle her. “What’s the matter, Janis? Do you feel sick?”
Janis looked at Regina with teary eyes, “No.”
Regina continued, “Are you sleepy?”
Janis exhaled shakily, nodding her head as more tears just fell from her eyes. “Oh.” Regina heaved a sigh in relief, “Lie down, alright?”
Janis did as Regina asked, laying down in her bed without resistance. “Want me to get Milo for you, baby?” 
“Yes, please.” Janis laid on her side now, sniffling. 
“I’ll be right back with you, okay?”
Regina quickly grabbed the small toy and re-entered the house, and finally the garage. 
“Here you are.” Regina hands it over, “He’s all nice and clean.” 
“Thank you.” Janis took it and just held it in her hand. 
“You’re welcome. I brought you Mack and the new one I just got you.” Regina settled down next to Janis, shifting herself to be closer, “Just in case.” 
Janis set the other two next to her head by the pillow, then shut her eyes, allowing herself to drift off to sleep. Regina put an arm around her, patting her side to lull her into slumber. “Nap well, baby.” Regina presses a soft kiss to her shoulder blade, “I’ll be right here if you need anything, huh?”
All was calm again, and they even woke up from their naps right around the same time. “I have an idea.” Regina sat up, looking right at Janis. Janis rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, “What?”
“I think we should bake a cake for dessert.” Regina grins.
“Ooh, fun.” Janis laughed, “I want to.” 
After lazing in bed for a little longer, the pair headed for the kitchen. Regina retrieved the needed ingredients from the fridge and pantry, then all the baking equipment. “Okay, pour that in there, Janis.” Regina nudged. Obediently, Janis dumps the sugar into the mixing bowl. “Okay, you wanna help me mix it?” Regina asked, glancing at her for a beat. 
Janis immediately got the idea to stick her hand into the batter and practically threw it onto Regina’s shirt then smudged it with her hand. Regina being entirely unprepared, only shrieked. 
“Oh, my God, baby.” Regina muttered.
Janis, of course, was finding this whole thing to be super funny and giggling. Regina retaliates by sticking her hand onto the flour and sprinkling some of it into the brunette’s face. Janis squealed, hopping off the counter and ran away from the blonde. “I’m gonna get you.” Regina smirked.
“Nooooo, you’re not.” Janis stuck her tongue out at her, still quite literally doubled over in laughter. 
“Say you’re sorry.” Regina slowed down as Janis ducked behind the couch. 
Janis just kept laughing. Like always, Regina adored that sound, that melodious laughter. Even better now that she was regressed and that laughter seemingly went up in pitch a little. It was so damn cute.
“Sorry.” Janis eventually said it, very cutely too. Regina’s feeling of irritation definitely went away at that. Then, Regina got an idea. “Come ‘ere.” They met each other in the middle, Janis clearly didn’t think much of it, but Regina playfully just hugged her like that so her t-shirt got dirty too. “Now we’re even.”
“Hey!” Janis gasped.
Regina laughed, “Sorry. Let’s get that into the oven then we can order some pizza for dinner. Sound good?” 
At the mention of pizza, Janis forgot about her dirty shirt, “Ooh, really?”
“Are you gonna give me a kiss?” Regina joked. 
Janis bursts into a giggling fit, “Not now.”
“Aw.” Regina pulls an exaggerated sad face, but moved on to pop the cake into the oven just as quickly. Janis leaned against the counter, watching her. “You wanna shower?” Regina asks, truthfully a little nervous about it. Look, she has definitely showered together with Janis before, but actually helping her shower while she was regressed? Never. 
“Yeah.” Janis nods, scrunching up her face, “I can’t wear dis.” 
“I know.” Regina lets a little laugh slip, “I’ll help you, c’mon. Let’s go pick out a new outfit. How about some jammies?”
“Okay, hehe.” Janis agrees, letting Regina hold onto her wrist as they headed back into Janis’ garage. 
Okay, so Regina’s finally got a small taste of how Janis was like when she got more energetic during regression. Was it unexpected? Nope. Damian’s already warned her, and besides, Janis still had that same cheekiness even when she wasn’t regressed. In the moment, she may get a little annoyed or taken aback, but Regina was starting to really adore taking care of Janis when she was in that headspace. 
Their evening ended up being their usual calm vibe, they ate their favourite pizzas while curled up on the couch in the living room watching Sesame Street — upon Janis’ request. Not much was said, just some laughter here and there at funny moments. And though Regina wasn’t sure how long it typically took for Janis to return to her ‘normal’ headspace, she wasn’t too worried since they still had more than a weeks’ worth of days off for Thanksgiving break before they had to go back to school.
“Do you like Elmo?” Regina heard the question.
WIthout much thought, she answered, “Yeah.” While giving Janis head scratches just like she liked. “Elmo’s cute.”
“Yeah.” Janis grins, munching on the pizza slice, “Ernie’s my favourite.”
“Oh, is he?” Regina bit back a laugh. She wasn’t gonna lie, she saw a similar cheekiness in her. 
Like last night, Regina manages to get Janis in bed by 10:30 after dessert. Then she did some cleaning up in the kitchen. FInally on her own and with some quiet, Regina shot Damian a text to give him an update. After the kitchen was all clean, Regina then washed up then climbed into bed with Janis. The next morning, Janis woke up with no recollection of most of the last two days. Until she saw the new monkey plushie staring at her in her bed. “Um.” Janis licked her lips, “So, you— you know, then?”
Regina nodded, “Yeah, I know.”
“It must be weird for you.”
“No, no it’s not.” Regina says, “I understand why it’s used as a way to cope. I’m just…glad you feel safe around me to regress. If it helps you, it helps you. I will take care of you.”
“Maybe…I’ll tell you why some day but, not yet.” Janis revealed softly, “Thank you, though.”
“It was nothing.” Regina smiled, holding onto her hand and giving it a squeeze.
“My parents are coming home soon so I have to…pack everything up.” Janis sighs, looking down and seeing the pyjamas she was wearing, “Including these pjs.” 
“Tomorrow, right?”
“Yeah, but sometimes they come home earlier, so I can never be too careful.” Janis shrugged, walking over to her dresser and stripping the pyjamas off and putting on one of her usual comfy outfits. 
“Would you like to get some gear to leave at my house?” Regina suggested cautiously, “Just for when you’re there and need it. I’d like to be prepared so you’re more comfortable.”
“How are you so okay with this?”
“Because I get it— life is hard as shit.” Regina scoffs, “Don’t worry about it. I got you, okay? It’s just between us, and Damian.”
Janis nodded, beyond relieved it ended up so well. Way better than she could have imagined. 
“Janis. I mean it.” Regina tilted her face so she’d look at her. “I mean it, I got you. I love you— I will always be here for you no matter what happens. You are safe with me and I am so serious about that.”
“I love you too.” Janis teared up a bit, “Thank you, it feels like such a huge weight’s been lifted off my shoulders. Thank you.”
Regina plants a kiss on her forehead and engulfed her in a hug, rubbing her back soothingly, “Just doing what I can, baby.”
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🏷️Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @ludoesartandstuff @pda128
Wound up being a little bit longer than expected, but I hope you enjoyed it😬
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djarinova · 8 months
i had such a successful day today omgg ˃ᴗ˂ i dyed my hair, the jeans i ordered on thurs came and they fit me perfectly and i did some writing!! and to top it all off me and my boyfriend got takeaway pizza for dinner!! tehe
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mildmayfoxe · 7 months
yknow it is crazy to think about how much i have been able to improve my quality of life by selling art as a supplementary form of income. like obviously it's a second job and it's taxing but it's also so rewarding to know how much people enjoy my work and how much good it is doing me to like, feel like i can buy snacks at the store. to be able to get takeout every once in a while. like obviously those are extremely minor changes or things most people take for granted but to me it's huge. having berries in the house when they're out of season and more expensive. buying things for CONVENIENCE??! it feels so crazy to me to have such a sense of luxury which i know says more about the bleak feeling of poverty that's followed me around my entire adult life than anything else but i feel so much gratitude that i am afforded these small luxuries at least in part because of people that like my art. not to mention how nice is is to make things consistently again when, prior to 2020, i hadn't made art regularly in almost a decade. anyway. it's cool!
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br1ghtestlight · 4 months
living alone & sick for the first time and have come across a difficult question: who washes the dishes when you're too sick/tired to do them for days at a time
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bogkeep · 1 year
the way the most recent pokemon games don't let you turn off the exp share or the affection mechanic bonuses is nothing short of maddening. i think they make great accessibility features If Only They Were Optional and the flavour text is cute, but i want to have a fun casual playthrough that's at least mildly challenging without having to make it a nuzlocke or something. i don't want to feed my starter bitter medicines to make her hate me :(
#JUST LET ME TURN IT OFF... PLEASE....#i can't do nuzlockes i do Not have the willpower to stick to the rules and they stress me out haha#anyway i am a fool who's left all of my DS games in norway and i got a hankering for replaying sinnoh games#so i decided to get shining pearl right. figured it might be fun even if ill miss the 4th gren spritework something fierce#what ensued was a needlessly complicated process just to get a copy that was slightly cheaper than full price nintendo blood money#there's a store that listed shining pearl at a lower price. not brilliant diamond - just pearl#i feel like maybe it's by mistake since that's the price of a nintendo DS cartridge. so maybe wires got crossed#the norwegian version of the store does NOT have the price disparity.#anyway i can't order online without a swedish phone number. and the local store is out of stock#so i have several long walks to the store to get them to order it in for me and then to order it delivered to me etc#and then of course another long walk to pick up the mail BUT I HAVE IT NOW. I HAVE VIDEO GAME#and it's very nice and nostalgic with a couple quality of life upgrades#my first pokemon game was pokemon diamond. when i got it i was still learning english and had no idea what was happening at any time#good times good times#obviously no pokemon run is ever gonna be as challenging as my first ever run#it does not need to be! u can immediately tell that a lot of difficulty in earlier games is that leveling up your team was a hassle#and almost always required grinding. i do not miss that at all ! but the remakes seem to be Extremely Faithful#so they're not rly structured around how fast you can level your whole team#or that your pokemon are gonna start doing extra crits or hold on to last HP before u even get to the third gym#OH WELL#you know what's very exciting for me though. i have a misdreavous!!! they're pearl exclusive and not in platinum#ive always wanted to do a sinnoh run with a misdreavous on my team for some reason
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curioscurio · 1 year
Yooooo you worked at Michaels too?
(Ex-Framing department employee here)
YEA LETS GO EX-FRAMING DEPARTMENT they never even got around to teaching me production it was all wrapping and taking orders :/ Idk how it is at other shops but we only had 3 people working the whole frame shop. One person did ALL the frame assembly and us other two handled everything else. Was absolutely not worth $11/hr. man fuck retail. FUCK Design Hub too, if I may
#id come in for my like 4 hour shift and would have to run + close shop which included wrapping#wrapping storing calling for all orders done plus get all yhe frames lined plus unpack and clean up all the new frames coming in all by#all by the end of the night PLUS frame shop had to clean the bathrooms every night#plus actually running the front desk and taking orders and sometimes ppl would take hours picking matts that would cut into the time i had#to have everything else finished PLUS if i for some reason had everything done on time theyd make me run sales floor too#it was insane all the stuff they had me learn for such shit pay like. and#never work michales but never do it around the holidays more important#you will never escape the glitter#all that and my framing manager never got around to teaching me how to assemble a frame.#at least it was nice to hide in the frame shop so i wasnt talking to customers 24/7 but still#customers treat you so horribly like i was sweeping once and this lady comes up to me like saying the bathroom was disgusting right#and i get it. it was always disgusting. but we did clean it every night. anyway its hard when you cant just tell people that 1.#1 we clean them every night so if theres a huge mess in it most likely it was another shopper who pissed on the floor just cuz.#and 2 they only give us a mop and some pine sol to clean the whole 2 bathrooms every night. dont blame me blame michals lol#everything else was just so stupid#i wanna know how many framing department ppl everyone else had because we had 2 part time and 1 full time and i was only there a few months
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anotherpapercut · 9 months
bro what the fuck are they doing with my package
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#fun story#i ordered 3 things from hot topic. they shipped but never arrived so a couple weeks later i messaged them abt it#and went back and forth with them for a while bc their customer service agents cant read apparently#before being told i had to call bc one of the things i ordered went out of stock and i was replacing it w smth more expensive#so i call and im on the phone for like a fucking hour missing the 15 minute window i have to eat between jobs#and being on the phone at work for a while lmao#i finally get it done and the guy fucking forgets my apartment number in the shipping address. it's in the billing address tho??#so i email them AGAIN and im like yo your man forgot my apartment number. they cancel that order and place another#the effect this has is that the $14 payment for the more expensive item is cancelled as well. bc again they don't read#so im like sick i will effectively get these $60 pants for $15 (im very good at sales and also manipulating customer service)#but apparently when they replaced the order they put ny apartment number not in the address‚ but as part of my name?????#so i think its fucking up usps. but it came in 2 packages and 1 has arrived so i still have hope. but thats not the end#yesterday guess who fuckin calls me. its hot topic. my original order arrived to the fuckin store in my local mall#and theyre like i think we fucked up bc we just found this package but it says you picked up your order already. do u want it#and i was like yes? not really sure what package to be expecting and its my ORIGINAL FUCKING ORDER#so once this package arrives i will have gotten 2 of the same shirt‚ 2 kiki sign things‚ a sweater‚ and a pair of pants for $40#and i figure i can return one of the shirts and one of the signs that i have duplicates of for store credit of their full price#so anyway yeah. thats been the past 3 weeks for me.
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sluttyten · 1 year
I’m taking a risk and ordering the Golden Age Collecting versions from kpopusaonline, hoping and praying that they’ll look at my order notes where I’m requesting they give me my bias line since I’m getting multiple copies
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askashapeshifter · 1 year
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Finally an updated Metamorphosis ref sheet, albeit missing some angles that are still in progress. Really. Truly. I also need to fiddle with the two gradients on his wing, I think I might have angled them incorrectly. 
Based on a previous design by @tarajenkins, 2015. 
May 9 2024: special thanks to @askcaffeinehazard for help and input to make the “chrome” gradients look better. (As of May 9, 2024, I have done nothing but teleport gradients for three days.) 
May 20 2024: revised shell coloration after nearly a decade. 
May 21 2024: ...those shell colors are starting to look an awful lot like Chrysalis’ colors. Ah well. It was bound to happen eventually.
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stairset · 11 months
I had Spider-Man 2 mailed to my house when I pre-ordered it and it hasn't arrived yet so I've just been spending my entire day dodging spoilery Youtube thumbnails like Tobey Maguire dodging Green Goblin's razor bats in slo-mo in that one scene.
#honestly i need to stop having games mailed to my house when i pre-order them cause it just makes it stressful to wait for them#like it just makes me nervous that they're just not gonna show up#even though that hasn't happened yet like i did the same thing with jedi survivor and mortal kombat 1 and they both arrived on the day#so like this one shouldn't be any different. ideally.#yet i get nervous about it anyway#i think part of it is these last few weeks in general have been incredibly stressful#two of the jobs i applied for got back to me at around the same time#and i gotta pick which one i wanna go forward with but i don't wanna burn bridges with either of them#so i'm basically just stringing them both along until i can pick one#and i'm still doing the online graphic design course but all the job shit is making it hard to stay caught up with that#AND i got a transaction notification for something i didn't purchase so i had to deactivate my credit card and get a new one#idk who got my credit card information or how or if i can get that money back but hopefully it doesn't happen again#basically i just need this damn game to get here on time so i'll have one less thing stressing me out#also another reason i need to stop having these games mailed to me is they always arrive in the afternoon#abd modern games take fucking forever to download onto the console#so even when you get them on the release day you gotta wait a billion hours to start playing#so when they arrive in the afternoon it basically means they won't finish downloading until well past midnight#so basically you judt gotta let it download overnight while you sleep and start it the next day#so yeah after this i should probably just go back to picking uo pre-orders at the store#especially when i get an apartment i wouldn't want the mail person just setting a $70 game on the floor outside my apartment while i'm gone#shut up tristan
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strohller27 · 10 months
Me: Oh boy! Can’t wait to go to work today!
Me at work today:
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fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
Would it be overindulgent of me if I bought a kindle and a switch on the same day
#things to consider before we begin this conversation: it is my birthday on wednesday#also the kindle is already on its way. i finally accepted that my current kindle is on its last legs and ordered a new one#but. i am heavily tempted to buy a switch as well#i want to play stardew valley. i mean i Have already played it a little and i really liked it#but on mobile it’s hard to properly see and keep track of stuff (for me anyway)#and there are several other games i want on there (i.e. new pokemon games). so.#i was going to buy one when i trade in my laptop bc i can get vouchers and buy used games but then i found out that buying used games and/or#a used switch from this shop would be the same price or only £3-6 less than buying them new from amazon#so i’m like……#it’s not even a small business. if it was a small business i’d give them the extra money but it’s literally a big chain store#selling the same stuff as amazon but used and for more. like. why#but i still haven’t decided#i have the money. that’s not the issue. i’m selling my laptop and the entirety of that will pay for the kindle#and i can afford the switch and a game or two. i just feel weird about buying so many devices all at once lmao#but one is replacing something that’s already broken so?? i don’t think it’s THAT crazy#it’d probably be more justifiable if the switch was also replacing something. but i’m not getting rid of my 3ds any time soon#i literally just bought animal crossing for it#but???? idk#it’s not like any of this is an impulse purchase. there’s also that. i’ve literally been thinking about getting a switch for about 3 years#fuck it. i’m going to order it when i get home. my bank account will probably shit its pants over me making two big purchases in one day#but fuck it#ohhh i did also just realise this means i’m giving myself the gift of setting up two brand new devices and logging into a bunch of stuff#~on the same day~ which is also my birthday. hmmmm.#maybe i will dither a little longer. maybe i will order it next weekend. maybe i will arrange for it to arrive on valentine’s day#i am my own soulmate idc#personal
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silouvertongues · 2 years
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finally finally got the best album that's ever been made 🫶🏼💘
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screampied · 2 months
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𝜗℘ feat. toji, gojo, geto, sukuna, higuruma. how the jjk men eat you out, ‘till the jaw aches
cw. fem! reader, cunnılingus, dirty talk, praise, edging, nose riding, hair pulling ( geto ), slight mommy kink ( choso ), squırting, overstim, p spanking, dumbification, puśsy drunk men, spıt kink, biting, i forgot nanami nuu, sukuna uses his hand mouth.
wc. 4.0k+
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“i’m hungry. spread ‘em,” balmy hot breath fans against the inner parts of your thighs as you sit still. lazily, you lean back against your bed, meeting the feral gaze of a very feral man with dark raven strands running down each sides of his face. there’s an almost pout forming on his lips before he kisses your pretty twitching pussy through your panties.
without hesitation, he ogles as your legs sprawl away from each other. he rests on his stomach, preparing to dig in before you stop him, lightly grabbing him by the hair. “s- sugu,” you breathe, feeling a tingle brew inside of your tummy, mixing along with a fluttering concoction of butterflies. he stares at you with a raised brow before you pull out the sable black hair tie that was secured around his wrist, pinning his hair up into a messy ponytail.
“oh,” he hoarsely hums with a shrug before preparing himself to dig in - licking a long sloppy stripe that forms a sticky wetness against the cottony fabric of your panties. “thank you baby. always so thoughtful.”
geto didn’t have to tell you twice. whenever he came home, he wanted you. whether it was thirst or hunger, the only thing that would clench his thirst and feed him right was that pretty thing between your legs. he’d eat you out for hours, up until his tongue is numb and his jaw is just aching.
“thirsty,” he huffs, and you could hear him swallow every few slurps. your legs were already shaking in dire anticipation. geto’s irregular breaths were gruffly strained—he runs his calloused fingertips against your slick folds before lapping them up with his tongue. “mhm,” dark eyes flicker back toward you and he grabs your wrist that’s dug into his scalp. “pull. harder,” he grunts, instructing you to tighten your grip against his hair. you’d almost forgot it was one of the many kinks he’s told you he’s into. as you gather a good enough feel, you drag his hair by the ponytail, pulling harder and harder until he grunts. a sly smile presses against your pussy before he chuckles. “good girl. better had.”
as he’s shoved face first into your cunt, you notice the shine on his lips were painted a pretty crimson. with his eyes close, lengthy black lashes flap every so often as he’s devouring his favorite meal of the day. of every day.
“sugu, sugu, suguuuu,” you whimper, the sensitivity of the nerves that store inside of your clit making you fail to stay still. he inhales, gathering a decent wad of saliva before spitting right onto your cunt. it’s so nasty, he’s nasty. you watch with wide eyes, feeling yourself twitch even more before he licks it right up with no shame. out of nowhere—you felt yourself blurt out your thoughts you didn’t expect to come from your mouth. at least not so soon. “s- spank it, sugu.”
“spank it sugu,” he mocks your words, rolling his eyes before briefly moving his lips away. “don’t tell me what to do,” and within seconds later, he spanks your cunt anyway. damp droplets of your slick plop onto his palm and he groans. “last time i checked, i don’t take orders from sloppy wet girls so lie back ‘n let me finish eating, yeah?”
“yes, s- suguru,” you pant, the quake within your thighs never subsiding.
there’s another eye roll that comes from geto, and he goes right back to eating you out like a starved man. he doesn’t even need to use his fingers, his tongue was just enough. more than enough actually. orgasm after orgasm, he’s emitting out the most sweetest sounds from you. you’re so loud that it bounces off the walls. he hears the reverb of your voice and it makes him snicker. “louder,” he growls, slurping up a remainder of your saccharine flavored juices. your grip remains in his hair and you bite your lip, preparing to finish yet again. “i wanna hear you. i want the neighbors to hear you. i wanna hear a scream come outta that pretty tight throat.”
and he meant it — your pleasure meant everything to him. with the way he’s sucking, you wouldn’t have lasted a second longer.
the moment you end up reaching your inevitable climax, a potent bawl rips out of your throat raw. he’s munching on your pussy, eyes shut with an innocent smile on his face as if he hadn’t just made you an entire broken mess. “s- suguruuu!”
you’re shaking, panting.
it’s as if every finish was way more powerful than the last one. a breezing squall of wind prises from your full lungs before you fall back. your legs remain spread, mouth formed into a circular shape whilst you’re still making a cute attempt at trying to catch your breath. “c’mere,” a low voice murmurs to you, and he sits up to go toward you. geto’s sweltering body heat radiates against you. he tenderly wraps a hand around your neck before pulling your bottom lip down with his thumb. “open.”
with half lidded eyes, you open, already knowing what’s to come. as you part your plump lips apart, rolling out your tongue, sharp hooded eyes stare down your throat before he leans in and spits right inside. you moan, feeling his free hand toy with your cunt some more, clearly not finished. “uh huh. now, swallow ‘n give me a kiss, sweetheart.”
as his hand squeezes against your pulsating pussy, you whine—swallowing, shutting your heavy eyelids before pulling him into a sloppy wet kiss. beads of sweat from his forehead press against yours before he returns the gesture, tasting yourself on his tongue.
“mhm,” he grunts, now starting to suck on your tongue. it took you a while to realize geto’s eyes were already open, and he was looking straight at you. abruptly, he pulls away and gives your forehead a kiss. “good girl,” but then he makes you lie back, spreading your legs even further.
“but ‘m still thirsty. let’s see if i can make ya squirt this time, pretty.”
“dove, you wanna ride my nose, don’t you?”
a low voice coos at you as he’s reclined back against the sofa. he’s sexily manspread, work clothes still on and unkempt — tie pulled off halfway and he hums, watching your abashed expression grow. “it’s okay, i don’t bite. c’mere.”
and with an usher of two swift finger motions, he tells you to come closer. with your panties still on whilst you’re slowly sticking your own arousal between your legs, you prepare to hover over his face.
you pause, parting your knees apart and on each side of his face before huffing. “a- are you sure? i don’t wanna suffocate you, ‘romi.”
“that sounds like heaven, trust me,” he whispers, grabbing ahold of both of your thighs. it was a secure grip. with two broad hands, he outspreads them - gentle thumbs stroking against your sweet, candied skin. “so perfect. so nice ‘n soaked jus’ for me, huh,” and after about a few seconds, you take your seat down on his face. higuruma gruffly grunts, a low guttural moan escaping from his lips before he smooches against your cunt. it’s slick, not only slick but sweetly sweet. “that’s it, dove. ‘s just you ‘n me, don’t be shy. ride it.”
you whine, biting down on your bottom pulled lip as your pussy grinds against the bridge of his nose. the second you ride against it, the feeling sent your entire body into overdrive.
with your lashes fluttering, you feel the bumpy texture of his hooked nose - it’s rough and gnarled—perfect for riding against.
higuruma lowly grunts at seeing the way your hips leisurely pick up its pace.
you were a natural, moving against his face whilst your hands find their way into his hair. his messy, knotted strands was like a maze. your slender digits entangle through his darkened roots, giving them a firm tug before your head tosses back in ecstasy.
“f- fuuuck, hiromi,” and you start to feel his tongue lay itself flat. you’re rubbing your cunt against his slick-spit lips and his nose back and forth.
over and over, you’re already spiraling,
profusely, your legs shake and jitter before you whimper out a desperate wail. “jus’ like that, ‘romi. p- please,” and as you continue to use his face, he’s meeting your eyes. it’s only been seconds and he’s already pussy drunk. a sly smile spreads across his lips before he slides a thumb down the opening of your cunt. “ngh, fuck.”
“yeah, dovey. ride my face—mphm,” and he’s interrupted by your cunt silencing his words. your taste, he just couldn’t get enough. higuruma’s already got a slippery snail trail of your arousal that’s coating his chin. it’s got an almost glow to it, you yank on his strands until his head falls forward. a throaty chuckle comes out of him before he flicks his tongue against your clit. “heh, easy now. my hair’s one of my best features.”
you couldn’t even laugh because pretty soon, you were about to reach your chilling climax. its shivering, frigid and you felt like you were walking on eggshells.
“fuh— fuck,” you clench your jaw, feeling your legs merely collapse right then ‘n there. it was unpredictable, you were an entire full blown mess and his tongue wasn’t making it any better. as you continue to thrash your hips into his greedy mouth, you’re clinging onto his hair tightly. his nose, the bumpy texture continues to rub off against your swollen cunt before it finally comes.
you come,
it comes all at once - an overwhelming bundle of nerves surge straight out of you, electricity pulsing through your veins as you come undone.
you’re sucking your teeth and you don’t even realize it. as you’re slowing down by default, feeling his lips steadily suck against your tender slick folds, he purrs.
“oh, my love,” he breaks away for a moment to breathe, warm breath titillate against your twitching heat. “made quite a mess out of me, huh,” and with a thumb, he rubs against your pulsating clit, giving the nub one final kiss. “such a good girl. my good girl.”
“baby? c .. can we try this?” and you have a sheepish grin once choso’s showing you a video of a woman getting ate out. however, he’s imagining it’s you the entire time, feeling his mouth water at the pure thought of tasting your sweet cunt for the first time. it’s lewd, probably too lewd for him but he just couldn’t help it.
“sure, ‘cho,” you give him a soft smile. even your smile alone was enough to get him hard.
and it did.
with choso though, despite being over hundreds of years old, he was inexperienced but he was also a very quick learner. he tried to remember the video, the tongue work, how the man made the woman feel. but the second he’s diving into your cunt face first, there’s no prying him off.
you’re laid flat on your back whilst he’s right between your thighs, using a single thumb to trace down alongside your curves. he makes sure to pay attention to every part of your body at least he tries to. heart eyes blow its way into his pupils, dilating as he admires your pretty frame. “y- you’re so pretty, baby,” his voice was so soft and gruff. it almost sounds like a whisper.
not even seconds go by and he’s already drooling right before your pussy. a shimmery coat of saliva pours down the inner cracks of his lips as he gets a view of his meal. god, he couldn’t wait. every few seconds, he’d pull away to coat your slit with a multitude of amorous, sweet kisses. once you wrap your thighs around his face, he’s slurping anything and everything out of you.
you could barely stay still, going into a state of shock of pure pleasure. choso’s tongue was long, he makes it extend all inside of you, not missing a single spot. it curves its way through the inner parts of your cunt, taking time to swallow your taste and moan at the flavor that now lives on his tongue. your flavor. it doesn’t take him long to reach your sweet spot - because once you release that cute squeal, he sucks against it even harder.
“w- wanna make my princess feel good,” he murmurs, already drowning in your slick. your pussy was sopping wet, coating his chin with such ease. every once and a while, he flicks his tongue against his chin, relishing in your taste. “fuuuck,” he whines, feeling a cute tug of your hand drag his ponytail against your cunt. “use my ponytails like handle bars baby, ‘s okay— mmm.”
like a good boy, he slurps you clean, pressing a hand gently on your tummy, brushing a thumb against your navel as he’s happily luxuriating in your taste. “c- chosooo,” you mewl, feeling the intense shake of your legs arise.
it’s like a wave, everything’s preparing to crash down all at once. with the way you sung his name, it sounded like a harmony, a symphony.
his pointed ears twitch at the sound of your voice, the way your hips thrust into his mouth makes him drool for more.
already . . you’re stupefied. he’s drunk from your pussy and you’re drunk from his tongue. “ugh, jus’ like that, baby. you’re doing so good, making me feel so good.”
“i- i am?” his face cutely lights up. choso gives your cunt soft licks, delving his tongue in and out, exploring every depth. choso’s head moves side to side in a quick motion. it’s attractive, he’s already sweating and strands of black hair stuck against his forehead like glue. choso was a sucker for praise, especially whenever it came from you.
he can’t help but creep a hand down between his legs as he lies on his stomach, touching himself. he groans against your pussy, feeling your hips stutter from his erotic tongue work.
“y- yes,” you whimper, grabbing ahold of both of his soft dark ponytails. his eyes lock onto yours and he’s entirely pussy drunk—droopy eyes and that sheepish little grin. he looked so pretty, but the moment he stares down, choso knew that your sweet cunt was even prettier. as he’s lapping up your honeyed taste, slurping against your folds, you rub him against your soaked entrance with a more hastily tempo. “so good, choso. m- make me feel so good all the time.”
“i- i do?” he whimpers, moaning from your taste. he’s trying not to rush, he wants to savor the flavor of your cunt. your praises, it was enough to make him make a mess in his pants.
so much so to where he can’t help but reach down to touch himself. reach down into his obsidian black boxers, stroking his flaccid veiny cock. with choso, he gets off to you, your pleasure was always his pleasure. once he sees you nod, he lowly moans again against your cunt, quickening his tongue work and pace. “i- i do,” he repeats, kissing your folds again, and again, until you end up cumming on his tongue.
hard, it comes quick. it had your mind going for a loop — you couldn’t think nor could you register anything out of your little empty brain. you feel a hard pressure pressing against your abdomen, a pool of heat ghosting on your body and you get euphoric tingles. right away, your legs give out as he’s still dug between them, flopping back and landing with a cute oof. choso’s lower part of his chin was soaked and he loved it. he slides your panties back toward the center before having a soft pout. “are you okay? w- was i like the video?”
with a soft exhale leaving your windpipe—you huff, cupping his face. “even better,” and you lean down to kiss him. he moans into your lips, leaning into your gentle touch, sitting up to press his body against yours. swiftly, your tongue licks against his upper lip, tasting your taste that was lingering on his tongue - it’s sweet. choso could feel his heart racing, and you gasp once he slowly trails a hand down between your thighs. as he’s on top of you, he gives your cunt a gentle feel before licking a needy stripe up your neck. “c.. choso, you want more?”
“yeah,” he whines with a subtle nod, and he doesn’t even realize that he’s humping against your leg. “please— pleaseplease, take care of me now m- mommy?”
“nuh uh, no ya don’t. get the fuck back here,” and a small squeak leaves your throat as he’s dragging you back by the hips. clumps of creamy cum stick against the fat of your thighs - it’s spilling, oozing out and he licks his lips at the sight.
you moan from his touch, feeling his hand caress against your curves. “bend f'r me, yeah,” he whispers hoarsely, witnessing the limp arch your body submits. “atta girl,” he coos roughly, bringing his face directly up close to your ass. “what a fuckin’ mess,” he smacks his fat angry tip against your needy slit. kissing his teeth, toji grunts. “really milked the shit outta me, babygirl.”
indeed you did - as he drags a thumb down the swollen bulb of your clit, he stares at the excess cum that pours out of your hole.
“ngh,” you whimper, feeling his toasty warm breath tickle against your wet folds. the second you feel toji’s tongue lap against your entrance, your thighs only grow weaker. you were already so sensitive from before, and the moment his tongue licks against your pussy — you were over. toji’s nasty, smearing his face all over your drooling cunt with the most cockiest grin on his face. the curving slant of his scar brushes against your folds and your toes curl at the rough texture. “tooojiiii,” you gasp out a sweet elongated hum, slapping a hand over your mouth.
“such a fuckin’ messy girl, huhhh,” he quips, flattening his tongue to slurp you full. your legs shiver as your eyes start to roll back, feeling his thumb tantalizingly plug its way against your puckering hole. “messy baby, gotta fuck you ‘n clean you right up,” and his breath against your cunt only makes you twitch more. you moan over and over until your voice was a broke record.
it feels peculiarly cool, a frigid slick coats against your folds as he latches his lips. you whimper, muffled moans clashing against the soft surface of your palm before he playfully bites your pussy.
“such a crybaby, maybe i should stop hm? ‘s it too much? thought you were a big girl.”
“n- no, please,” you choke out a weak sob, the pleasure practically giving you whiplash. your ass swerves against his face briefly, making an attempt to rut your rear against his face. “i am your big girl—don’t stop, ‘toj. ‘m gonna cum, hngh.”
with a scoff, he continues to swipe his tongue across - flicks turning into sloppy, sultry sucks.
it’s to the point where he’s practically just making out with your pussy, tongue kissing and giving it solid french kisses. sloshing sounds of your wet pussy rings against his sensitive ears before he inserts a single thick digit. with gracious ease, you clamp around his finger and you let off a breathless moan.
“c’monnn, give it to me. all on my fuckin’ tongue, girl,” and as he’s sucking you clean, you heave, feeling the plush of your tummy cave in in rapture. once he gives your cunt a rude abrupt spank with his free hand, you let off a cute whine. he tchs, narrowing his jade blown irises at you. “fuckin’ slut. get turned on from jus’ about anything, huh,” and your thighs jiggle with recoil. your shrilling babbles only pitch and grow louder before he’s nibbling harder against your pulsating nub. you huff, digging the edges of your teeth into your flesh. already, you’re dumb and it’s moments until you cum right on his tongue. “mhm.”
as you blissfully succumb to your teeth shattering release, your chest slumps into the mattress and you’re left stupid - entirely stupid.
your tongue was lolled out and your eyes flickered back to the very depths of your craniums “fuck, fuck, fuuuuck, toji,” you slur your words on melodic loop, chewing on each individual syllable. as you collapse, you feel yourself dampen between the crevices of your thighs.
“allllll clean,” he snickers, giving you pussy another smack. you whine, feeling your cunt all tender and sensitive. toji pries his lips off, licking them clean before dragging his thumb across his scar. it was wet, his stubble was drenched, and toji leans in to give your filthy folds one final suck. you’re too stunned to speak, trying to wriggle your ass away from his mouth but he drags you right back again. “not so fast, baby. ‘m not done,” and before he flips you over on your tummy, he spanks your ass just to see the little jiggle. “but since y’er a good girl, i think you can give me one more, right?”
you’re interrupted with a mean slap to your pussy.
“that’s enough talkin’ baby. ‘s time y’er pussy gets the mic,” and the dark haired man gives your folds a soft, loving kiss. in a low, hoarse whisper, he hums, staring straight at your twitching entrance. “ain’t that right, princess? uh huh, thought so.”
makes you squirt for the first time and immediately gets addicted to it.
“heh, angel if i had a dollar for every time you squirted f'me today, i’d be rich— well, technically i am rich,”
and of course with gojo, not only is he a good eater but he’s a fucking blabbermouth.
he’d literally talk your ear off while you’re riding his face. white thin strands of hair nearly occlude his view of vision. as he’s lying flat on his back, he needs to take a few seconds to dig his hand through his hair, combing the strands back in place. your legs tremor with desirable euphoria.
as you shifted your weight against him — his chiseled jaw all shiny and glistening with your arousal, he simpers as you prepare to speak. “s- shut up, ‘toru,” you repeat yourself for the nth time, eager for him to start up again. his tongue had you craving for more. this was his favorite view of you, without a doubt. just straddling his face, rocking your rickety hips back and forth until you gush out again. sucking in a long breath of air, you bury your shivery fingers into his smooth snowy-rich scalp. “ngh, talk so fuckin’ much just finish.”
“ugh, well excuse me,” he rolls his eyes, pretending to be offended. the white haired male used a single thumb to pry your legs open before he rolls out his long tongue. it’s clean, a pretty pink tongue that’s already watering at the tip. drip after drip. your breath hitches at the sight, he’s hungry for more and so were you. “let’s try with my fingers this time, pretty girl. think we can do that?”
you nod, inching a hand down to touch yourself but with quick reflexes - he grabs your hand only to then spank your pussy, earning a cute yelp from you. “ah ah. words, i was speaking to you, not your pussy, dummy.”
“y- yes,” you hiss, feeling the stutter in your waist accelerate. if it wasn’t for gojo’s hand gripping against your left hip, you’d have surely collapse onto him. “i can take your fingers, ‘toru.”
“fuck yeah you can,” he purrs - hot breath going right up against your slick folds. you whimper, watching with hazy doe eyes as he starts up again. gojo feels your cunt sporadically twitch in his mouth and he groans. he creates a swirl with the tip of his tongue before slowly inserting one finger. one eventually turns into two and the stretch, your legs were on its last final final hinges. you moan at the thickness of his digits curling all around your soaked gripping walls, swabbing up a nice amount of your slick slippery sweet. “yeah, listen to her. she’s got so much to say unlike you.” and his pristine azul eyes were staring straight at your cunt, not you. the wet wet squelches from your own slobbering folds makes your hips jerk forward quicker.
as he’s vigorously plunging two fingers in and out, his tongue continuing to slurp you clean. you whine, tugging on his hair, holding onto it tight for support. a hand claws into his silky strands before you hear the sloppy sluuuurps that slither out of his annoying mouth.
“sa— fuck, satoru,” you sob out, gasping once the tips of his digits locate your g-spot with such ease. he was so quick, his fingers knew exactly what to do. mimicking a bowling ball grip, he fucks his fingers into your swollen cunt, still latching his lips onto your pussy. “ngh, ‘toru. i just finished. satoruuuu.”
“babyyyy,” he mocks your moan in a faux manner, fully exaggerating the way you sounded. you rode his face at a more steady yet faster tempo, already feeling yourself about to collapse.
the stimulation had you floating on an incredible high. white thin brows of his arch into a furrow as he’s melting in your cunt, laying his tongue flat before overzealously sucking against your clit.
“mhm, that’s it. make another mess. awh. don’t be shy, ‘toru’s gonna clean—mmph,” he pauses with a grunt, giving you a half glare as you yank his hair forward. his smug grin returns and he briskly pistons his fingers further into your gummy walls. “as i was saying, ‘toru’s gonna clean you right up. always liked the mess.”
you’re spasming — the only thing you could see was a multitude of bright colors. as your jaw drops right on lewd cue, dangling goofily, you felt a gush of pleasure ripple out of you again. your thighs practically stuck together, the numbness adding its own kind of gripping sting before he quickly snatched his soaked fingers out. now, you’re just a drooling babbling puddle—with huffed breaths, you glance down at gojo who’s got the biggest grin.
as he’s lapping up your mess, you feel the tip of his nose swipe its way against your folds. he couldn’t help but smell you, your heat. you were so hot, in more ways than one. cerulean blue eyes meet yours one more time before he snickers, a tiny pout curling against his lips.
“oh, baby. are you cryin’?”
“no, go on. finish touchin’ her,”
hoarse low words embarrassingly creates a pulse between your thighs. as you stare at sukuna, not only are you knuckles deep into your swollen pussy but you’re also caught red handed.
curses, you knew full well how sukuna wasn’t fond of you touching what’s his. to him, you were his and that included your precious cunt. crimson red eyes bore into you as you slouch back, continuing to pump your sloppy drenched digits in and out. “keh. the audacity.”
you felt a burning heat settle against your skin, its feverish. you take a minute to swallow, a slimy coat coating the entirety of your fingers before you whine.
“kuna,” and he sucks his teeth - staring at you play with yourself right in front of him. with two hands, he spreads your legs, not wanting you to hide anything else. his touch send a feverish thrill up your spine and you gasp once he lightly smacks your hand away. “p— pleas-”
“quiet, woman,” he grouses, using the fat of his thumb to spread your quivering cunt lips apart further. he gets a full face view of how soaked you were. as you remain sat against a fluffed pillow, you gulp at the sight of the demon - licking his lips, forked tongue baring out a single fang the more his mouth stretches opens. within a second, he lolls out his long tongue before getting a sweet taste of your soppy pussy. you whimper, the texture of his pink muscle makes you shiver. “mhm,” he grunts, the low vibrations tickling against you.
but you start to feel an extra tongue glide against your soddened folds. voluntarily, your back arches and you heard a loud slurp before meeting the view of one of his broad hands.
you remember sukuna telling you how he had tongues on … certain other places of his body.
he’s told you about his stomach but never his hands. “s- sukuna,” you whimper, the texture feeling frigidly cold. it tickles at first, his clammy hand smearing back and forth against your cunt. “fuck, fuuuuck,” and your head leans back, all types of emotions foiling at your brain. and your irises slowly became docile. both slippery tongues were forked, long, and slimy. you shudder the entire time, gasping in long exaggerated breaths as your thighs try to stick together from the growing heat. “gonna cum, ‘kuna. ‘m not gonna last.”
“yes you are,” he snarls in correction, the mixture of two fat tongues diverting against your clit sends you pangs of obscene rapture.
he hums in amusement at the sight of your back and how it effortlessly arches for him and only him. another one of his hands creeps between your legs, plucking them open some more. his words were dangerously husky, they stirred something inside the empty depths of your tummy, making you pulse. speaking of, he feels the crazed pulse throb against each tongue, and his slurps become more carnal. “my, what a sloppy cunt. the audacity to be touchin’ her though is beyond me, little one,” and you could hear the possessiveness lingering off his tongue.
within each slurp, suck, and suckle—you just knew it was impossible to last. the stimulation of both concluding muscles against your folds makes you go further and further toward the edge. you’re so close that you could almost taste it on the tip of your tongue. sugary sweet with a sprinkle of saltiness. “sukunaaa,” you whimper, too weak to even pull at his hair.
you were at his very mercy - one of his favorite things in the world. the way you’d murmur out his name in that sweet pathetic voice, a desperate cry for more.
but alas, your words would always fall on deaf ears. he’d edge you ‘till the end, until you’re begging. with your legs feeling like practical mush, your jaw tightens before he finally lets you finish on both jarring tongues. “you’re so dramatic,” he grouses with a scowl, allowing you to conclude at your climax, heaving large breaths every few seconds. even though it was just minutes, with sukuna, he made anything seem like orgasmic long hours. “good girl, thaaaat’s it.”
and he moves his mouth away, allowing his hand tongue to do the remainder of the cleaning. the sensation was unlike anything you’ve felt before. you whimper, achy pipes in your throat all scratchy and hoarse from how vocal you were just a few moments ago. the tongue that rests against his palm sucks you clean—it’s more tender and gentle and you’re a stammering mess, secretly adapting to the strange yet pleasurable feeling..
you’re still trying to recollect breaths, invisible glue sticks and glosses between your legs before you glance up at sukuna who’s got a sly smile. “w- what’s with the look?”
“oh, nothing,” the demon retorts wittily, leaning up to press a soft kiss against your neck. his touch made you shiver and you wrap your arms around him almost instantly.
his cologne as always, was loud and made its name known across the entire room. leaning up against your ear, he licks it - which turns into seductive nibbles before he whispers. “i was just thinking. i think you’d prefer my stomach tongue a lot more, princess. i promise i’ll try not to swallow ya, heh.”
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cozzyplace · 6 months
#im not done bitching#they fucking lied at the start of our relationships saying that they dont want kids#and then 3 years later once i uprooted my enter fucking life and moved 8 hours away from my family and friends#they went oh im so sorry i lied i do want kids i was hoping you would change your mind#like what???#fucking what???#they also kept pressuring me to get a dog i didnt want cus i was so fuckig burnt out from work i knew i wouldnt beable to take care of a dog#but the bought one anyways saying that they would be the main one taking care of it#big fucking lie that was#im the one who feeds it takes it out for walks and plays with it while you literally just stay in your room all day#they fucking work an office job from home where the scroll tik tok for half the day and they dont do shit around the house#i worked as a supervisor at tims where i was on my feet for 9 hours a day and often wouldnt get full breaks#and i still was the one coming home and taki g care of the dog and the house#and they fucking kept complaining to me that i dont cook meals from scratch for them and i should once a week#bitch you dont cook once a week!!!!#i watched you order 6 bowls of take out and store them in the fridge so you can eat them over easter weekend when everything is closed#yet if i order take out for myself at 12 at night when i just got home and was exhausted you would be on my ass nagging me about how i need#to cook more#and they have the fucking gull to say that they feel like they have to take care of me?? because i dont cook?? fuck you#im not the one who impulse bought 5 geckos durning covid and let one of them starve to death because you forgot to feed it#im not the one who leaves food in there room to rot and grow mold#i had to sit you down and do your taxes for you because you didnt do them for the past 5 years#but yeah im the one who needs taking care of#fuck you
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chaepink · 10 months
can u make headcannons on sub!yan’s tendencies in the relationship?
also can i be 🉑 or 🌝 anon?
dating sub!yandere boys hcs ♡
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sub!yandere boys when they date you.
wc: 1.1k+ words | masterlist
dom!fem!reader, unhealthy relationship, mention of killing/murder, both sfw and nsfw!, mention of feminization, bondage
note: yes you can be 🌝 anon!
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— your yandere would be possessive of you, even more compared to when you two were just friends
— well, you thought you two were just friends. he already assumed you two were together sometime earlier during his friendship with you
— he would do anything for you in order to make sure you're happy and safe
— a friend of yours is getting too touchy with you? well the next day that friend is ignoring you and when you confront them, they look at you scared and quickly scurry away from you. did your yandere do something to them? surely not
— a weird guy keeps following you around your neighborhood? well a couple of days later you see on the news that his body has been found near a river and weirdly enough, you havent seen your yandere on the days before the guy's death
— you complain to your yandere about how a teacher gave you a bad grade on something you worked so hard on? suddenly your grade changes to a A and that same exact teacher suddenly resigns from the school
— he'll try his best to know where you are most of the time and try to follow you back home to make sure you're safe (though its really obvious, you don't acknowledge him so he thinks he's actually doing something)
— but no matter how scary and possessive they are of you, they just want to be good for you, really
— its almost as if they're a puppy for you, always there for your beck and call
— give them a simple command and they'll do it immediately, no questions asked
— ask them to buy you a snack from the nearest store? he'll return back with a bagful of others that he thought you would like
— they're super clingy and always want to be near you
— somehow they manage to have the same exact classes that you have and at the same time. maybe you guys are just lucky? little do you know that your yandere hacked into the principal's computer to change his schedule to fit with yours
— if you're sick, they would immediately fetch you some medicine and make so many bowls of your favorite soup that you're not sure you could finish them all
— they would be so sad when you're sick cause that means they can't be as close as they usually are with you :(
— in bed, nothing changes at all. rather, he becomes even more infatuated with you
— they're still so good and obedient for you, always following your commands. its cute
— like what i said with him doing it with no hesitation, your yandere is eager to do what you say
— tell him to get on his knees? say less as he's already doing so, staring up at you with such innocent eyes
— tell him to open his mouth for you to stick your fingers inside? he opens wide and sticks out his tongue in such a sinful manner, hazy eyes absolutely begging you to make him choke on your fingers as drool drips down his chin
— order him to suck your strap and get it all wet? he's quick to get in between your legs and get his hands on the fake dick, his mouth going straight to bobbing it up and down and gagging as it hits the back of his throat. he'll try to subtly grind his hard on against your foot without you noticing but you do anyways but he's being a good boy so you allow it
— and oh my god is he so shameless in public
— no hesitation in telling you what he wants you to do to him when there are people around
— you'll be at brunch with some of your friends and suddenly you'll feel a hot breath on your ear, such sinful words coming soon after
"im wearing lingerie under my clothes, your favorite set too. wouldn't you like to just ruin me right here and now? make me cry and look so pretty while you show everyone im yours?"
— safe to say that you immediately dragged him to the family bathroom and fingered him until he was gripping onto you for dear life, begging and crying out for you to stop and take pity on him (he's lying about wanting you to stop)
— when you're out with errands or just at work, he'll take such sinful pictures of himself to send to you randomly
— the pictures would include his legs spread out, a obvious bulge in his underwear, and something adorning his body whether its lingerie, a maid outfit, or rope that's tied so tightly on him
— if he's feeling like teasing you even more, he'll send whimpering audios that beg you to come home and fuck him and if you listen close enough, you'll hear some wet noises that let you know that he's masturbating
"f-fuck, [name] come back s-soon, please? i-i miss you so much! i- ah! i-im wearing your favorite outfit right now! i'll be a g-good ngh boy waiting for you ♡"
— itll end up with you rushing home after you're finished to fuck him dumb in that outfit, making it stained with his tears and cum
— he knows you can't really get him pregnant but your yandere just loves those straps with cum in them that you can just shoot inside him whenever you're fucking him fast and rough
— that'll make his eyes roll back and head throw backwards as he lets out such a loud mewl at the feeling of your fake cum filling him up
— and afterwards he'll tease you by using his fingers to push the cum thats gushing out of his hole back in before licking his fingers
— although your yandere is a good boy for you most of the time, theres times where he's a brat
— he'll talk back to you whenever you command him to do something or cum without permission
— but just some long edging or overstimulation will break him and turn him into a sobbing mess
— tying his hands to the headboard and keeping his legs spread apart whilst a vibrator is inside him on the highest setting is his favorite punishment
— your yandere thinks you don't know that since you do it all the time but you actually do know it, you just love the way his face is stained with his drool and tears while his chest and the sheets underneath him is covered in his cum afterwards
— such a slut but we love him for it
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ty for reading to the end! ❤ - chaepink
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