#ive been working on a sequel to that fic i wrote a little bit ago and all my free time is spent thinking what to write for her i love her s
emulation-0 · 1 year
wAIT OR RITSU KAGEYAMA if you’re in a mp100 mood lol sorry for two asks feel free to ignore whichever or both wjbskwmslshdhwb
blirbos feelings (i love giving✨options✨and forgot to option in the first ask also lowkey sleepy but not sleepy tehe <3)
wait you know what (sorry am sleepy and just had a blorbo breakdown lol) what blorbo(s) are you having immense feelings about lately? who has consumed your mind?
ahh dw ab two asks :)) i hope u dont mind its a little silly
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angelmichelangelo · 1 month
GIVE US THE 2/4 OF THE FIC 😢😢/lh /np
or is it a rlly long oneshot?? if so pleaseee give us fic spoilers human au my beloved <3
haha i’m tempted but alas i shall hold out until it’s fully complete :’) and no it’s a multichaptered fic. im drafting up chapter 6 and im aiming for it to be about 16 chapters long? so ive made some progress at least :)
it’s actually a kind of sequel, follow up fic to this one i wrote not long ago. i have like. an entire whole lore to this fic that’s been brainworming in my head for the last year haha so being able to just punch out most of it so quickly has been pretty fun :D
so whilst i can’t post what ive already written so far for you, i can give you a little sneak peek :)
“I could kill you, Mikey.” His brother yells, fists curling tight around the wheel, making his knuckles glow red. “I could actually kill you.”
Mikey gulps. He finds the frayed edge of the cuff again and tugs on it, like if he yanks hard enough it might unravel his whole being, and he could just turn to nothing on Raph’s passenger seat for the rest of time. “I was just the driver,” is what he offers up.
That apparently was the wrong thing to say, evident in the way Raph’s eyes go comically wide, and his jaw twitches at the strength of which he clamps it shut.
“Alopex had to bail you out,” he tells him, so angry and raw his voice cracks. “She used her money she’s worked really fucking hard on because you can’t fucking help yourself.”
The cop station parking lot gets a bit of foot traffic around where they’re parked. A young mother strolls on by with a child skipping at her side whilst a group of teenagers bounce past them, laughing as they swap phones to no doubt share videos.
“I’m sorry,” Mikey says, voice impossibly small. “But. But you knew what Hun was about, don’t– don’t act like you didn’t work for him too once upon a time.”
Raph’s hands slam against the wheel as a frustrated growl crawls up past his lips. “Jesus, Mike, is that going to be your excuse every single time?”
Mikey can’t look at him, so he stares at the dashboard. There’s the remains of a torn away sticker, something he vaguely remembers putting there himself years and years ago when this car was Leo’s and he was small enough to still have sticker books.
When he doesn’t answer, Raph keeps going.
“I made my mistakes, Mikey,” he says, voice suddenly calm and level. It makes the temperature in the car drop about ten degrees cooler. “I made my mistakes with Hun and the Dragons but I owned up to them. I fixed them. I turned my life around.”
Childishly, Mikey feels tears spring behind his eyes. He fails to blink them away in time, so he resorts to scrubbing his face with his sleeve – Raph’s sleeve technically.
“I can help you,” Raph says, he says it so tiredly yet it holds so much weight still. “Leo can help you, Mike. All we wanna do is help you.”
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kingsofeverything · 1 year
Hiiiiiiii - don’t mind my spam liking and reblogging of everything in your TSHU tag on your blog askshajdkfhs hahah but I obviously just finished reading (after binging the whole fic in less than 24 hours while I’ve been home sick from work)
BUT HOLY SHIT! That was an absolutely mind blowing, incredible fic. I’ve read quite a bit of your work lately (finished heading for limbo a few weeks ago and late night talking probably like a month or so ago) and I’m obsessed with all of your work! Can’t wait to keep reading more!
The story and plot and emotions and relationships were so dynamic and complex all throughout and I was constantly on the edge of my seat unable to stop reading because every turn there was some new revelation that made me gasp. Such a clever clever story and way to fucking knock it out of the park on the timetravel and loops, my brain was working overtime when the pieces of the puzzle all started to come together. It was fun trying to keep up and figure it all out while reading and simultaneously freaking out about whether or not everything was completely different because his messed up time hop changed it or if it was like that before the time hop and then trying to wrap my brain around the idea if zayn purposely messed up the time hop for him so that this all would continue happening on an endless loop!?!? Talk about my brain being on overdrive lmao but I loved every second of it!
Also I can totally understand why you never wrote a sequel time stamp because I agree, having to read through the hurt and agony that harry would have gone through during those five years would have been so depressing even though we know how it ends, but the little emails were cute!!
Here’s my two cents (you can totally disregard) on a potential sequel if you ever wanted to write one *cough cough* now that um, ahem, it’s 2023…. And the sequel could pick up right from when Louis returns in 2023 and they reunite and then figure out their life going forward from there and how they’ve changed being apart from each other? Idk just a thought 😘
But thank you again for this gorgeous fic! You are so so incredibly talented! Mwah 💋
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :)
i keep meaning to respond but mannnn i haven't had the brain space for making words lately.
thank you for liking/reblogging all those posts! thank you for sending this ask! and thank you for understanding where i'm coming from w/r/t that sort of sequel.
i'm so glad you liked tshu and hfl! i hope you like my other fics. i miss writing! i wish i was writing! i have so many feelings about writing right now and i just can't put them into words. but i did want to respond to your ask and say thanks for making me incredibly happy every time ive read this ask since you sent it!
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newtedison · 4 years
my thoughts on the crank palace
i touched about this a bit on twitter (@newtedison_) but i figured i would Try and touch on my points more here (spoilers obv) again, its sort of lengthy
1. im gonna start with talking about the ending because i need to get it out of the way. either i havent read the books in a while and i forgot some canon (which could very well be true, i literally forgot that Bliss was a thing) or this ending makes no sense and is (somehow) setting up for a tdc sequel? so first off, newt was shot in the Head with a Bullet and somehow didnt immediately die? i know that that can happen in real life but it just seems so unlikely that not only would he not die, but he would survive long enough for someone from WCKD to transport him back to their labs and try to revive him. and who the fuck was he talking to? did thomas get newt’s journal at some point and i just dont remember? like i said, either im forgetting stuff or this ending doesnt make sense and is setting up a sequel which...i’ll get to later
2. why was this written? like, what was the point? i understand that this wasnt going to be all sunshine and rainbows but i feel like i was reading torture porn. like, literally all that happens is newt gets tortured (which is described in detail) by WCKD soldiers, has bouts of insane-fueled rage where he KILLS MULTIPLE PEOPLE, and then he dies. ??? what did this contribute to the canon? what was this trying to accomplish? truthfully, i never really wanted a newt-POV...well, anything except for maybe those little nuggets he wrote some time ago. but even if i HAD wanted a newt-POV novella, this is not what i would have wanted. he KNOWS that newt is almost universally the most loved character in this franchise. you can tell because he constantly uses him as a way to get fans in his good graces again. so why on earth would he take that character that so many people love and write a novella where its torture porn and a descent into madness before death? i am not interested in that At All. i’ve read fics (and even written a drabble) where newt is a Crank, and those were more respectful and easier to read than tcp. the parts where newt is having bouts of the Flare were literally exhausting to read; it was described in such vivid and torturous detail that it made me sick reading it. and it didnt help that newt is a character i care a lot about. i didn’t need to know what becoming a Crank felt like. the way it was described in the other books (and even the movies) told me everything i needed to know. the way thomas and everyone found newt at the crank palace in tdc and hes described as obviously not well, but not knowing what exactly happened to him...thats good enough on its own. the mystery of what exactly newt had to endure is part of what gives his journey more emotional depth. not everything needs to be written out and explained. not every gap needs to be filled in. 
3. me saying “the characterization felt off” is going to make some people roll their eyes because ‘duh, sami, the characterization will be off because he’s going insane’ to which i say...exactly. we weren’t really reading a newt-POV novella, were we? even if he isn’t past the Gone in the beginning, hes clearly not the same person we knew him as. the whole novella felt like an uncanny valley situation; i knew i was supposed to be reading about newt, but it felt like i was reading about someone else who looked like him. and that is part of what made this such a disconnect and made me lose interest at parts. not only that, but the world building and lore is inconsistent. newt makes a comment about how it used to rain in the glade, and apparently (as ive been told) that is simply not true. keisha having somehow working cell phone that magically connects her to her family also doesnt make sense. how would they have each others’ numbers? what are the odds that they BOTH found working cell phones in an apocalypse? i get that its a novella but you cant just throw something that crazy in there as a plot convenience. actually work on your plot and world building in a cohesive way, please. and another thing that doesnt make sense...
4. ...is newt finding out that sonya is his sister. if there was anything i would have wanted from a newt-pov novella, it would have been this. him finding out that not only is sonya his sister, but he already knows her post-WCKD. something that would have made this novella actually captivating, contributing something worthwhile to the canon that i would actually want to read, is if newt found out while in the crank palace that sonya was his sister; the Flare would remove that part of the Slice in his brain, and he would realize it was her. then, knowing that he couldnt go past the Gone before seeing her, he would try to find a way to get back to her. he could learn this after thomas and everyone originally see him, so it could match up with the canon. and then, by the time 250 comes along, hes lost all hope of that actually happening, and lashes out to thomas in a fit of rage. the journey of him trying to find his ACTUAL sister would have meant more to me than the story of keisha and dante. trust me, i love a found family trope as much as the next girl. but this series is FULL of the found family trope. it pretty much is the backbone of the franchise. so to see a blood family dynamic would have been a refreshing change of pace that i actually would have been interested in reading. also, the way that newt DOES find out about sonya is...underwhelming. he just randomly says “you remind me of my sister, sonya” to keisha in the WCKD truck. first of all, sonya is not the name you would actually know her by. you would know her by her birth name (which is lizzy? elizabeth?). second, why does he act like he didnt already meet her in the series? when the WCKD doctor tells him sonya is his sister and is alive, hes so surprised. wouldn’t he have known that already? why is there not more emphasis on the fact he already met her? that would have been a really interesting dynamic to explore, and im sad they didnt
5. the pacing and dialogue of tcp is so dragged out. i remember specifically there was a section where newt goes to talk to keisha after she starts abandoning dante, and i swear to god there was a page and a half of text before anything ACTUALLY happened or anyone ACTUALLY said anything. dashner described a launcher at one point as “the energy dependent electric firing projectile device.” that’s SIX words to describe a stun gun. a fucking stun gun! we know what it is! why did you have to use six words??? it just felt like everything was dragged and stretched to the longest it could possibly be and it added to the exhaustion i felt while reading it
6. okay i cant end it without talking about newtmas. its very obvious by now that newtmas is a VERY large part of this fanbase. its clearly the most popular ship and what keeps a lot of people interested in this series. even the marketing team for the MOVIES used newtmas as a advertising tactic (i.e.; using thomas and newt standing face to face as a thumbnail for the trailer, emphasizing newtmas based questions in interviews, even making a fucking facebook memories video for them. yes that last one is real). not only does dashner use newt as a way to lure fans in; he also uses newtmas. the parts that were sprinkled into this were so obvious that it didnt feel authentic. i cant speak for the original trilogy; i dont know the culture around ships back then, and i dont know how much it influenced his writing at the time. but the scenes in those books felt more genuine than tcp. by genuine i mean; he wrote scenes without a relationship in mind, but the chemistry had noticeable subtext that, while unintentional, was largely agreed upon by the larger audience. the parts of newtmas he added into tcp felt artificial and forced, likely as a way for people to take snippets of and use as a free marketing tool for him. one example you might have already seen; “he had already gotten used to his post-thomas, post-WCKD life.” the fact that dashner SPECIFICALLY used the phrase “post-thomas” rather than “post-his friends” or something similar shows that he is using newtmas as a hook on purpose. not only that, but to make newt’s last thoughts as he died “tommy. tommy will understand...” is...wow. first of all, i never wanted to know what newt’s dying thoughts were, but thanks, i guess? and second, when we all initially thought newt died underneath thomas with a gun to his head, i was pretty much inferred that newts last thoughts would probably be about thomas; they would sort of have to be, given the circumstances. so adding that in gives me the same feeling that “i’m coming for you, newt” at the end of the fever code gave me. not as offensive, but written very much on purpose. and the ending is implying that there will somehow be a sequel where thomas gets newt’s journal from...someone. at this point, i can only think that this sequel will retroactively make newtmas canon somehow. now that newt has been confirmed as gay, it could happen. which brings me to my last point...
7. hearing dashner confirm newt is gay was already mind-boggling before. now that i’ve read the crank palace...im angry. im very angry. i think its safe to say that newt is the character that suffers the most in this series. you can argue with me but hes definitely high on the list, if not #1. so; you take this character. you give him a horribly sad arc in the original trilogy, then decide to expand upon it and tell us, your largely QUEER fanbase, exactly how painful and torturous his last days were, in detail. and then you tell us he’s gay. something that is never mentioned in the canon, only in an offhanded reply to a tweet of someone calling you out. on a base level, i can understand why people would be happy. representation (i guess), seeing themselves in the character, having their headcanons be confirmed. great. but what i see is you telling your largely queer fanbase “hey, you see the only confirmed gay character? im going to literally write torture porn about him before killing him off and offer it to you like im providing a service to your community.” how fucked up is that? “hey, kids, if youre gay, you WILL be violently tortured and become violent and a danger to the ones you love. then you will die and your love will never be reciprocated.” what a message! and if he DOES end up retroactively making newtmas “canon” in some weird sequel...i will start foaming at the mouth. THIS is an example of how not all queer representation is good or genuine.
i’ve definitely forgotten some points but this is long enough already. let me know if you agree or if theres anything else you want to add! im interested in what you guys think
(8. I JUST REMEMBERED!!! if WCKD needed to study newt so bad bc sonya is his sister and is immune while he isnt, why did they let him run around the crank palace in the first place??? you cant test his vitals or anything you’re literally just watching him. what is the point????)
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amphipodgirl · 4 years
fic writer interview
Thank you to @omgcmere for tagging me!
name: Chris. I have two fan fic posting names, Ampithoe for General and Teen rated fic and Gammarus for Mature and Explicit. If you ever see an AmphipodGirl on some other social media platform, it’s probably me. 8^)
fandoms: Carry On is my first love, my fandom home, the only fandom I’ve written for (not counting some crossovers). I really love reading TRC fic and hope to write some eventually, and there are also some RWRB fics that I love. I’ve recently become obsessed with Alexis Hall’s explicit mlm romances (the Spires and Arden St. Ives series) and would love to see more fan fics written for those!
where you post: AO3 -- it’s the only fan fic site I’ve been either a writer or a reader for (yes, I’m a newbie!)
most popular one-shot: The Courtship of Princess Agatha, a cute little fairytale AU, almost a fable.
most popular multi-chapter: Parent-Teacher Association I had been really loving some slow-burn non-magical AU fics, so I gathered up my courage and wrote one of my own. I don’t think I really nailed the “slow burn” part -- I’ve learned some stuff since then -- but I do love it dearly. They say “write what you know” and I don’t know anything about working in a coffeeshop or a bookstore; I know about IEP meetings and chronic illness -- so Foster Dad Simon and Crohn’s Disease Baz were born.
favorite story I’ve written so far: I’m awfully fond of PTA, but my real labor of love was Mi Chamocha (Who Is Like You). It has Baz as an Egyptian scribe and Simon as a Hebrew slave living (and eventually loving) through the tumultuous events of the Biblical Exodus. I really enjoyed digging deep into Exodus and I also feel like I really made the slow burn work.
fic you were nervous to post: I don’t usually have a lot of nerves about posting a fic, but A People Pet was my first smut fic and that had me kind of uncertain. 
how do you choose your titles: Usually something comes to me at some point while I’m working on the fic. I’ll feel stuck for a long time, but then something will just hit me, and I’ll be like “Yes! That!” I was so happy when I came up with the title for Mi Chamocha, which had been a WIP for months under the name Exodus AU.
do you outline: A bit? I usually spend a while thinking about the fic and jotting random notes, which include different things that could happen in the story. Eventually I pick the ones I want to use and put them in some order and that’s my very simple outline. I’ll then write each one up as a chapter, and rotate between chapters as I write -- going back to put more detail and polish on each one. Cycling between chapters helps me keep my brain fresh. I have one current WIP that’s pretty complicated -- four important characters, and I want to be sure that I’m covering feelings and character development for all of them -- and my old, lightweight outlining style isn’t going to be enough. I’ve downloaded Scrivener and I’m hoping that will give me the ability to see all those dimensions and keep track of all of it.
complete: I have 14 published fics between my two accounts -- three are multi-chaptered and the rest are one-shots. I wrote all of those this year -- I published my first (short and slightly pointless) fic at the beginning of March.
in progress: I’m working actively on the complicated 4-character piece I mentioned above. I’ve also got a few other WIPs: one with the working title “cuff smut”, one where Shep first meets Blue, and The Longest Time, which is the sequel to PTA. I definitely want to finish The Longest Time; whether I finish the other two remains to be seen.
coming soon: A couple of days ago I wrote a sweet fluffy one-shot for the Carry On Winter Flash Exchange. I’ll probably post that on 12/23, which is the first day of posting for the exchange. I’m really happy with what I wrote and I hope my recipient likes it!
prompts: I don’t really solicit prompts; I’m not confident about being able to just come up with something for any given idea. When I looked at the prompt list for this year’s Carry On Countdown, I only had ideas for a few of the prompts, and I only ended up finishing and posting two of them. 
I tag @banjjakbanjjak @flammable-grimm-pitch @im-gettingby @arca9 @super-duper-twelve @gampyre @carryonsimoncarryonbaz @thehoneyedhufflepuff @captain-aralias and anyone else who would like to ramble on about their writing life.
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My Fanfics - Master Post
Completed Fics
Chained (part 1 of the Bound Trilogy)  - Rated M 
Kylo Ren/Rey, Kylo Ren & Rey, Kylo Ren, Rey (Star Wars), Luke Skywalker, Armitage Hux, Snoke (Star Wars), Ezra Bridger, Sabine Wren, Leia Organa, Poe Dameron, Force Bond (Star Wars), creepy kylo, Tough Rey, Luke is a complex character, Everybody is damaged it just is a matter of how much, Slow Burn, First of a Trilogy
Canon compliant through TFA, my exploration of the idea of a force bond between Rey and Kylo. Funny thing, I really didn’t think they’d do it in canon, so this is one of my few fics that actually have a force bond between them.
Trigger warning for an attempted dream rape sequence and child abuse in a Rey flashback dream. Canon typical violence.
Kylo Ren has found himself fixated on the girl he captured on Takadona. The girl who had somehow managed to best him on Starkiller. The girl who he now realizes is the one from his dreams, the girl in the veil who he has endlessly chased and never catches. The girl that he now appears to be strangely linked to, able to feel over light years of space.
If there is one certainty in his life, it's that this girl will be his, that he will capture her and she will submit to him
Rey survived Kylo Ren and escaped Starkiller, only to find him haunting her. Whispering in her head and finding her in her dreams. Sent to find Luke Skywalker, Rey finds herself training, learning to use her powers, soon realizing that she was being hunted by the monster she defeated but left alive. The monster who's mind now seems linked directly to hers.
Chained together by a force bond, the two adversaries begin to understand the potential and dangers of this link between them.
Snare - Rated M
Kylo Ren/Rey, Kylo Ren & Rey, Rey (Star Wars), Kylo Ren, Leia Organa, Original Characters, unnamed-background-Resistance-members™️, Luke Skywalker, Chewbacca (Star Wars), Han Solo, Finn (Star Wars), TFA flip script, And less in a toss the pages in the air kind of way and more of a I put the script in a blender, Dark!Creepy!Luke, Neither side is black or white, everyone is morally grey, characters that are just slightly out of character, On Purpose, It's hard to explain, you'll understand once you read it, Slow Burn
A flip script of TFA that has a Resistance ambush set up in Tuanal and let’s the story deviate from there. Lots of turning themes and arcs and scenes from TFA on their head, so the story feels familiar, but you still just never know for sure what to expect. 
Kylo walked into a trap set up by the Resistance when the First Order raided San Tekka's village. He's now found himself alone in the desert, on a planet crawling with Resistance and Resistance allies and a bounty on his head that is going to have the locals all interested in capturing him.
Pro Forma (Part 1 of Pro Forma Universe) - Rated M
Kylo Ren/Rey, Kylo Ren, Rey (Star Wars), Armitage Hux, Leia Organa, space ball
Written using this work of @elithien​ as my prompt. A space ball in neutral territory where Rey and Kylo once again cross paths.
Did it even matter? He had been a boy still, the last time he’d been in the same room with his mother. The last time he heard her voice, they hadn’t talked over a com either since then. They had written, there was that, though he had written far more than she wrote back. Dutiful son and Jedi padawan that he had been, he wrote faithfully. She wrote back when she found the time, which, as it always had been with finding time for her family, had been rarely.
Hux swept his way towards the group surrounding the Vice-Chancellor, puffing himself out. He had seen Organa, that was certain. His motives for joining whatever conversations were taking place was certainly to kriff with her. It was what the little prick did best.
Why was he even still standing here? He needed to move, needed to get out of sight. If she looked over at Hux as he approached them, she would see him. Surely, there was nothing good that could come from her knowing he was here. Taking a step back, he began to turn when another figure stepped next to his mother.
Her. The girl. The scavenger.
Six of Swords (part 1 of Arcana)
A little post TLJ angsty force bond ficlet I wrote for  ceallaigheirinn for the underated Reylo secret santa. Became the first in what will hopefully be a Tarot inspired ficlet collection.
Six of Swords - A regretful but necessary transition. Being forced to let go of something to which you were attached. A journey that is necessary to leave turmoil behind and find calmer waters. Reversed, limbo, being unable to move on, let go of baggage.
Works In Progress
Something to Love - Rated M - Ch 14/?
Kylo Ren/Rey, Finn/Rose Tico, Kylo Ren, Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Rey (Star Wars), Leia Organa, Finn (Star Wars), Poe Dameron, Jessika Pava, Rey and Kylo ran away together, Sadly they're not going to be able to live happily ever after, Just when they think they were free they get pulled back in, Reylo babies, These two love each other, War's a bitch, six years or so later, General Finn, Admiral Poe Dameron, Commander Jessika Pava, Snoke is still a creep, The Resistance are kind of assholes too, General Finn Tico, Angst, So much angst
A runaway AU and a Reylo Baby AU, where Kylo and Rey ended up both abandoning the fight and running away together. Be prepared for angst and to hate characters you didn’t realize you could hate. Seriously, this fic is kinda non-stop emotional abuse of my readers.
Six years ago they ran. For four years they've been living in peace, away from the chaos and the war that continues to rage.
Rey and Kylo have built a family and a home on an isolated moon in wild space. For four years with no conflict or run ins with either the First Order or the Resistance, they've allowed themselves to relax and breath, thinking that maybe both sides of the conflict have decided to leave them behind. But the war isn't done with them yet, and when they find themselves forcibly dragged back into the fray, Rey must choose to fight again to protect her children and the man she loves.
Apathetic Synergy - Rated M - Ch 15/? 
Kylo Ren/Rey, Kylo Ren & Rey, Rey (Star Wars), Kylo Ren
I really need to up my tag game on this fic, lol. This is an AU where Rey is captured at the end of TFA by the First Order and is put under Kylo’s care. 
She twisted on the bed, bending as much as the restraints would let her, ignoring the pain of her still healing side and tuning out the steady, irritating beep of the medbay equipment. Her focus was on the clear line running down to the connection to her vein. The medics had come again, added the drugs to IV bag without any acknowledgement of her before leaving. It’s effects were already starting to be felt. Soon it would sweep her away into an unfocused daze.
If she let it.
Catching the line on the guardrail of the bed, she twisted her arm against the restraint, pulling the line taut, biting her lip against the pain of the catheter twisting in her vein. With a slow, steady pull, she felt the needle of the line slip out of the catheter, just enough that the drip would run off and not into her body. The line was close enough that she could use the force to push it back in when they came to check on her, or when the bag was empty and the worry about the drugs were no longer a threat.
Bloodstock - Rated T (for now anyway), Ch 6/?
Kylo Ren/Rey, Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Rey (Star Wars), Han Solo, Chewbacca (Star Wars), Kylo Ren, Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Phasma (Star Wars), Armitage Hux, Snoke (Star Wars), Amilyn Holdo, Poe Dameron, Rose Tico, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, equestrian AU, Hunter/Jumper AU, Equestrain book and movie tropes abound, Dark side of the horse industry, Some inspiration from real events and crimes, Millenium Falcon is a horse, As is Kylo's TIE Silencer, Rating subject to change
The equestrian AU no one asked for, where I can combine my horse obsession and my star wars obsession all in one place!
Featuring washed up former champion trainer Han Solo, spunky girl from nowhere Rey, champion jumper rider Kylo Ren who works for Snoke's First Order Stables. Trigger warnings for some violence and animal deaths.
Whatever Rey had been expecting when she began hitchhiking her way westward across the United States with an expired visa, no money, and next to nothing to her name, ending up working and riding for former champion horse trainer and rider Han Solo had not been one of them. Yet that's where she's found herself, living and working on Han's farm in rural Minnesota with Han, Han's friend and stablehand Chewie Bacca, and the gruff trainer's six horses.
When Han gets himself into more than a little bit of trouble, Rey presses him to bring his old jumper—Millennium Falcon—out of retirement and to let her try to help win the money the man needs. The three travel to Illinois, where the hunter/jumper show world is dominated by First Order Farms, owned by the shady Silas Snoke, and home of champion jumper rider Kylo Ren. Rey soon finds the horse industry is a far darker and more dangerous place than she ever could have expected.
Bonded (Part 2 of the Bound Trilogy) - Rated M - ch 13/?
Kylo Ren/Rey, Reylo, Kylo Ren, Rey (Star Wars), More characters to be added as we go along ;), Slow Burn, Grey Jedi, Force Bond
Another I have to up my tag game on. Sequel to Chained. 
Kylo Ren finally has his scavenger, an agreement for her to travel with him for the next year in trade for information he provided the Resistance on the First Order, yet she remains resistant both to him and to being taught by him. With the First Order and Supreme Leader Snoke hunting for them to punish him for his betrayal, he struggles to win Rey's trust, trust he needs if the two of them are going to survive.
In a journey that leads them through the edges of the outer rim to the unmapped reaches of the wild space, the two find themselves following old legends as they attempt to find a better understanding of the Force. In taking on this journey, they will find more about themselves, their feelings towards one another, and the connection that binds them.
Low Places (part 2 of Pro Forma Universe) - Rated M - ch 8/?
Kylo Ren/Rey, Kylo Ren & Rey, Dopheld Mitaka/Phasma, Kylo Ren, Sometime after the events in Pro Forma
This takes place after the events in Pro Forma, on a sketchy bar in a neutral world, where Kylo and Rey once again cross paths. The Pro Forma Rey/Kylo are possibly my favorite variations of those characters. It’s a far more, I don’t know, lighthearted than my other stuff? I mean there’s stress and angst and pining, but there’s just something adorable about these two. And this fic can be borderline cracky but not in an unbelievable way. 
Slowly, deliberately, he folded his arms across his chest, cocking his head before speaking in with a tone of dry humor, “Come now, that’s no way to talk about General Organa.”
The mob of Resistance muttered among themselves, not getting the joke. Likely because no one realized who was in the room with them.
Even though the audience that got it was limited, he still thought the joke was a good one. And judging from the flash of annoyance in Rey's eyes, she got it. She’d laugh about it later when the tension in the air wasn't so smothering, he was sure if it.
But right now, Rey was looking around with a panicked desperation in her eyes and he sighed inwardly, taking pity on her as she tried to figure out how to keep the peace and not let things continue to spiral out of control. It tugged at his heart in a way that only she seemed able to inspire, and he forgave her for her concern for the traitor. Forgave her for any and every trespass she’d committed and was still to commit.
Force, she had him. He was completely and irrevocably hers. He would forgive her for anything.
Remnants - Rated M - Ch 7/?
Kylo Ren/Rey, Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Rey & Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Kylo Ren, Ben Solo, Rey (Star Wars), Poe Dameron, Canon Divergence - Alternate Timeline, Flip script, Takes place over the same time as the events in TFA, But Ben never turned against Luke, But the First Order still destroyed the academy, And Luke still ran off and vanished, Ben and Luke are the only survivors of the new Jedi, These tags are complicated
Another flip script of TFA. This one with the idea of Ben never turning against Luke, but still with the new Jedi order being destroyed and Luke vanishing. 
Six years ago the First Order attacked and destroyed Luke Skywalker's new Jedi order, leaving only Ben Organa and Luke as the survivors of the massacre. His uncle having vanished, Ben now serves as the last remnant of the fallen order as the threat of the First Order continues to grow. Doing his best to aid the Resistance and help stop the rise of the First Order, the weight of legacy heavy on his shoulders, he finds himself torn between light and darkness as he searches for his uncle along with darker answer to the events of the past.
Word comes that there's a map that could finally help lead him to his missing uncle, after six years of fruitless searching for clues. For the first time in a long time, he finds hope that he might finally be able to find Luke and bring him home, and finally shed some of the burden that had been left on him in his uncle's absence. Hoping for the best, he heads to meet up with Poe Dameron on the desert planet of Jakku to find this map and keep it from falling into enemy hands.
Arcana - Rated M - Ch 2/77
A little project of mine to create one ficlet for each card in the tarot deck. Each chapter is one card and ficlets are not linear or necessarily within the same timeline.
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incaseofjeon · 8 years
hellooo i just finished reading lucky strike and i really like your writing!!! it's the second thing of yours i've read :) for some reason i can relate a lot to JK?? in his decision to run away i mean HAHA really interesting style too especially at the beginning, when i was starting to get into the plot. i look forward to reading your other stuff! :) a few questions though (and i'm sorry if this has been asked) but 1. what was jimin's power?? 2. what are your fav books? yay! thanks!! -c
omgg THANK YOU SO MUCH ;A; im so so so happy that you read that fic and enjoyed it ahhhhdhsfjds ;__; though ohh i wonder what the first of my fics you read was 👀? hahfbds
and im glad you found his character relatable ;;;; when writing it his story was also the one sort of closest to me personally? so im really glad that other people found him relatable too ahhfjddsj so jUST. thank you!!! thank you so much, for reading and for taking the time to tell me this T–T im really happyy
as for your questions! here ill put them under a read-more bc i just know im gonna get rambly omfgdf
ok so, jimin’s power - I’M ACTUALLY SO GLAD YOU ASKED, because it’s a part of the story that almost no one’s asked about even though it’s kind of a big deal for jimin. which is….jimin doesn’t have a power lmaO. almost everyone in that au has superpowers; its the norm to have one, but fic!jimin just..doesn’t. it’s something he’s probably felt odd about growing up; in his growing years he probably tended to feel like he had to work extra hard to be sort of special or noticed and stuff T-T that’s also part of the reason he originally was drawn to jeongguk in school after the dictionary incident - by that age he’d kind of started to guess that he wasn’t going to develop a power, since it’s really rare for it to develop any later than teenage years, and jeongguk was the first person he’d known to not like his own power ;; so to jimin it was kind of eye-opening to realise that the power he’d always been upset about not having could possibly bring harm as well as good ahjsbdsjhd..so yeAH!! im so so glad you asked this omdfd i feel like..im finally doing fic!jimin justice in telling his unwritten story T–T
and MY FAVOURITE BOOKS. omfg there’s so so many im just going to list as many as i can think of off the top of my head:
1. The Raw Shark Texts (by Steven Hall)
this one is one of my all time favourites, and a HUGE huge huge inspiration in writing that’s left an impact on me for a really long time ;; IT’S SO UNDERRATED but it’s super gripping and interesting and experimentally fresh, and has really well-written themes of like love and loss and unfaithful memories and losing memories and a lot of cool internal/mental things like that! the ending is super cool to me, too ;;; the writing style is like nothing ive ever really seen anywhere else and is just super compelling in the way the author selects and arranges certain simple words in un-simple ways? and there are many parts of this book that are ambiguous in what exactly happened; that’s exactly why i love it? idk i jsut - i get super super excited about this book pleasE READ IT 
2. The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake (by Aimee Bender)
actually, i have loved about every single thing by aimee bender that i’ve read, but this is the only novel of hers ive read so far so i’ll go with that hjsbdjhsf…her short story collections are super lovely too, some of my favourite short stories by her are Job’s Jobs, Appleless, Death Watch, Motherfucker, I Will Pick Out Your Ribs (from My Teeth), and Faces. Aimee Bender is really one of my favourite authors ever, she has a really distinctive style and flavour thats creative and poetic and charmingly matter-of-fact all at once, that makes the most mundane stuff seem magical and the most magical stuff seem mundane. like. idk. IM REALLY IN LOVE with her writing ;;;;; ahdsbfjhbfds please check her out if you can!!!
3. A Wrinkle in Time & its sequels (by Madeleine L’Engle)
this whole series is just..really lovely in its ideas and hopeful and really gave me a huge sense of wonder the first time i read it? and there are some scenes in it that were just so beautifully magical (even though it’s actually sci-fi) and moving that i’ve never forgotten them to this day ;___; even though i first read it when i was 11 lmaO. but really, this is so soso osos o lovely idk if youve ever read it but i hope you have/get to read it some day abfdf
4. The Tale of Despereaux by Kate DiCamillo
jhasgfjhs kate dicamillo is another of my all time favourite writers, i grew up hunting library shelves for her name lmao her writing is just..really beautiful in its ideology and style? there’s something very pure and innocent and whimsical and so so poetic about the things she writes and the way she tells stories, i always tend to read her stuff in one sitting bc it’s just so hard to stop ;;; i love her work so so much 
5. Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
i actually…can’t remember the exact story of this anymore BUT I DO remember that when i read it, i was completely blown away by the power of the writing style? bradbury’s writing is just…really distinctive in a heavier kind of way? like it’s poetic but kind of grips you around the heart idK im not sure how to explain it. i’m always stunned at the way he chooses his words and crafted his world in this book ajhsfbjd i love it sooo much ;;; i want to reread soon sdhfds
6. The Monstrumologist series (by Rick Yancey)
THIS ONE IS SO UNDERRATED i love it omg..it’s more gory and dark than most the things ive mentioned but the gore never feels like..needless? idk. i just love it so much and the kinds of ideas like the blurring of lines between man and monster, as well as the changing relationships of growing up - the book series just handles that so so well and with a really exciting gripping plot too ahdgsd i love it i love iiit. my fav book in the series is probably the lsle of Blood; there’s a line in there about a plate that haunTS ME ALWAYS 
7. Skellig and Kit’s Wilderness by David Almond
david almond is another writer i grew up reading ahhHH it’s honestly been too long for me to exactly remember what i loved about these 2 books - BUT I LOVE THEM
8. The Seas by Samantha Hunt
i actually am reading this book literally right now, so i havent reached the ending and im not sure if ill still love it as much as i currently do by that point, but so far i definitely am loving it SO much!! the writing and metaphors and characterisation are so damn beautiful and interesting and the writer has a lovely flow and really fresh way of arranging words and delivering ideas ;; it’s just really prettily and freshly and creatively written ;A; plus, i have this…Thing for the ocean so i love that a central part of this book is about the sea ahhH 
9. Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami 
I WISH I HAD MORE HARUKI MURAKAMI THINGS TO TALK ABOUT but this is the only of his books ive found so far - and I LOVE IT TO DEATH. i actually read norwegian wood and the particular sadness of lemon cake in the time period when i wrote my latest fic (thought you knew) and they really ;;; damn, a double whammy of inspiration omfg. norwegian wood is just…really really interesting and deep and real without being too heavy-hearted in the way it talks about things like relationships, devotion, alienation and loss? idk, it’s just- i love it so so so much, especially the ending paragraph ahhhh
10. Cathedral and A Small, Good Thing (by Raymond Carver)
THESE ARE TECHNICALLY SHORT STORIES, not books. but i just love them so much i have to mention them ;;; i honestly love raymond carver and his way of writing a lot, he just..he says so much with so little? he’s a huge inspiration i look up to like crazy especially when it comes to crafting dialogue ahhh. i also really love his poem Hummingbird!
11. The Devotion of Suspect X by Keigo Higashino
idek where to start with this one..THE PLOT IS JUST. FUCKING BRILLIANT and it’s a really interesting take on the idea of devotion, especially devotion to..um..unhealthy kinds of levels? idk. it’s just….so well thought through and super cool i was Mind Blown™ when i read it kasjndskdf
12. Bunker 10 by J.A. Henderson
this is another one in team BLEW MY FUCKIGN MIND ahhh ;; i read it super super long ago but the plot is so so good? it’s the kind that’s a bit confusing at first, but then everything gets revealed and i’m completely shook and eye-opened and want to read it again with the new knowledge, you know what i mean? just- i cant remember what the writing style was like but the PLOT and setting was soo so so cool T—T
and that’s…all i can think of at the moment ajhbfjsdhf IM SORRY YOU PROBABLY DIDNT EXPECT ME TO BE SO EXTRA AS TO GIVE SUCH A LONG ASS REPLY but im just…..very very very passionate and invested in the books i love, ok. im so. akjsfbjhdsf
anyway yeah!! thank you so soso soso SO much for reading my writing and liking it and making the effort to let me know ;;;; im really so happy reading and replying to your message, it means so much to me T-T i hope you have a great great day ilY anon c!!!
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