#ive definitely been typing grEy
nazmazh · 5 months
Tonight's Mission:
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Time to give some dragons (And a wizard) a bath!
So, I've had these statuettes since like, high school [My brother also has a set of his own, which was likewise dug out of storage this past summer, when my folks and I moved out to the farm - Lest you think I was alone in my coolness], but when I moved out east after my first stint in university for my first post-university job, they got packed up and put into storage.
And they've been sitting there, in the shop, since, like 2009.
But now that I've got more room (and found some decent bookshelves on FB marketplace for a reasonable price, so I have enough storage space), it's time to bring them back out into the world, I think.
But, yeah... 15 years of sitting in a box in the workshop hasn't exactly been great dust-wise.
(Seriously, the old beat-up box they were in was a Sears box, because Amazon delivery just wasn't as big of thing by that point).
And their individual boxes weren't exactly great to begin with.
So, like, there's dust deeply embedded in some of the grooves and such:
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(I probably wasn't super diligent about dusting them thoroughly when I was younger, either, if I'm being honest).
So, we'll see if a quick rinse in the sink with some dish soap can shine 'em back up!
Thankfully, my pewter ones (which were better quality overall anyway) came in nicer boxes and seem to have been largely spared the extra dust. Which is good, because they probably are a lot more touchy about cleaning methods, and it means I don't have to cross that bridge today.
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The Results:
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Looks like the rinse worked perfectly, no weird effects because dish soap is pretty safe for most materials, I'd imagine resin/acrylic/whatever these were made of included. Got into those hard-to-reach nooks and crannies and looks like the dust has been rinsed out.
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The one downside - I apparently have precisely one statuette (even including the pewter ones) that has a felt-lined bottom.
I only realized that once it was already in the water.
Ah well, as long as it dries properly, I can't imagine it being a big issue in the long run.
Once these bad boys dry, they're going up on my bookshelves and returning to their duties of being rad as hell.
Might even have to look through my dice bins and find some sets to pair with them all for some photos or something.
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kawaiibarty · 15 days
black brothers headcanons
sirius has grey eyes, reg has blue
sirius has freckles on his face and regulus has moles all over his body
reg and sirius are almost equal in height (6'0/1") but sirius is obviously the taller one (he's not)
sirius is cis, biromantic homosexual and reg is ftm and gay.
sirius hid his "posh accent" during his hogwarts years until he started talking like remus/peter while regulus was "bullied" for talking like royalty (barty you asshat)
regulus and sirius are both fluent in french, classical greek and russian (i always had this hc that the black family are distantly related to russian royalty and because of their superiority complex they decided to integrate that into EVERYTHING THAT THEY DO, including the part about their children having the father's first name as their second [hence sirius orion black, and also why i feel regulus's choice in nomenclature, regulus arcturus black, is so important!!!! GUYSPLEASEASKMEABOUTITPLEASEPLEASEPLEASE])
sirius used to play piano but he's not so good anymore, he taught himself acoustic guitar. regulus is fluent in piano and sax. idk ive just always seen him being more into jazz than classical but he probably dabbles in some violin/viola too.
sirius has always been more into the rougher sports, definitely quidditch but it wasn't enough, totally took up ice hockey at some point at the potter house hold (he prefers contact sport) as well as tennis/badminton. regulus does figure skating and quidditch. maychance tennis.
sirius prefers to read books around 120 to 300 pages while regulus loves to drown himself in tomes over 700 pages.
sirius introduced reg to muggle authors such as alexander dumas and joseph conrad. sirius is more of a george orwell/charles dickons kinda guy
sirius's favourite genre in literature is dystopian/sci-fi, fantasy and drama while regulus is more into philosophy and legends as well as wiccan type shit ykwim???? and also historical dramas
sirius's favourite films are topgun, footloose and the terminator and obviously labyrinth, regulus cba to watch film and prefers musicals/other stage productions. his favourite is the phantom of the opera or hamlet depending on the day lol (projection mayhaps)
regulus is into britpop, emo/rock and post punk bands, eg: placebo (everyone stfu and let me cook), blur, pierce the veil, fall out boy, bauhaus, joy division etc etc. sirius is defos into glam rock, art rock, 80s pop, y'all get the picture, for example: david bowie (the obvious), t-rex (atyd fans, fuckin pull up), def leppard, queen (what's a sirius black depiction without some fat bottomed girls????) anyway im going over the word count chat
TW: abuse, homophobia etc etc (black family type shizzle)
sirius would take the blame for reg's mistakes (meaning he'd suffer the brunt of the abuse so that regulus doesn't have to though im sure as a fandom we've all collectively agreed that sirius has a silent saviour complex ft. fiercely loyal determination to protect his, and all of his loved ones' pride simultaneously)
regulus taught sirius morse code so that they could communicate in the house with minimal noise.
sirius taught regulus how to cut his hair after he came out as well as how to apply makeup to appear more masculine. he also provided reg with money for his transition when his parents started becoming too strict with their money after sirius was estranged.
regulus would write to james whenever sirius couldn't (GUYS OH MY GOD I HATE JT HERE)
uhm that's all for now folks, ask me for more if you dare.
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lilislegacy · 28 days
i know ive asked you this million times but what do u think the sexualities of all the heroes of olympus characters are
i’m sorry i’ve ignored this question whenever you’ve sent it 🫣 to be honest, i’m scared of offending people lol. but i guess i’ll give my thoughts. just know that i respect all opinions and i love reading posts that have versions and opinions that differ from my own
to me, percy and annabeth are both pretty dam straight. it’s just how i’ve always perceived their characters, you know? and canonically, they’ve only been romantically attracted to opposite sexes
frank, the sweetie, is a bit young to say, but he’s most likely straight in my mind.
tbh i’m not even gonna say anything about hazel because she’s way too young for me to even think about it seriously. she also grew up in a time where it wasn’t a choice, so it’s hard to say how she would adapt to more modern times.
jason is probably straight, but it’s hard to say. given his upbringing and memory loss, i can’t be too sure about him. but i can totally see him being bi. that said, i don’t see him dating percy or leo (although i do love seeing those posts lol) because i think the two of them are like brothers to jason, but i can see him with a guy. so in conclusion, he’s probably straight, but also i can see him being bi.
my girl piper is definitely not straight lol, so she’s probably bi or pan or something like that.
and then there’s leo… LOL. leo is hard. i used to think he was super straight, but over time ive grown to see him being pan but with more attraction to women. leo just kinda gives the vibes of being interested in anyone if they’re attractive enough and have a personality he likes. his type could very well be “anyone with a pulse”
now remember, this is how i view them canonically. according to the books. when it comes to the fandom, i love reading all different versions of them, regardless of sexuality, physical looks, perspectives, etc. it’s just like how when i imagine percy and annabeth, i picture their 17-18 year old selves, with percy having black hair and green eyes and annabeth having blonde hair and grey eyes. BUT that doesn’t mean their tv show actors, or art of them looking different, are any less percy and annabeth. (cause i adore leah and walker.) does that make sense?? i hope it makes sense lol
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indigitalembrace · 3 months
hi hello! i may have spent the last.. uh... 3ish hours? reading through everything on this blog. i think it may have been more i did not think to record when i first started. the wonders of hyperfixation.
anyways this was absolutely an entertaining read. like genuinely. i had so much fun. i loved the integration of codes and cyphers. the brief period of time where kinito was having a touching moment with the anons while sonny and o started beefing in the notes (which was fucking hilarious by the way i loved that). the developing plotlines. the anons and their character development. honestly this is why i love going through tumblr askblogs because you could not get this sort of experience on any other website- its a very unique experience that this format brings to the table. its a very malleable form of roleplay, imo- removing the barriers of actually needing to know the other people personally like rp nowadays seems to be so dependent on, through the anon feature. harkening back to the olden days of rp where all you needed to do was jump into a random forum and start typing... theres also the sense of unpredictability that keeps things fresh- not even the blog owner will know exactly how the story will go, bc there will always be curveballs! its why i love reading tumblr askblogs in general. i dont know exactly how many of the storybeats here were spawned by these curveballs, but me saying that is definitely a good thing! bc that means you guys were able to integrate them into the story pretty seamlessly :)
oh another thing that i love is how kinito is actively making people worse, but not out of actual malice, instead in the 'toxic co-dependent' way, with the anons willingness to disregard their own health for him also feeding into that heavily. i feel like ive seen a lot of interpretations of kinitos relationship with the player that swing too far into either direction- either to '100% irredeemable evil' or 'he would treat me right if given the chance :((('- so its refreshing to see a sort of 'oh this relationship is making both parties worse not out of their own free will' interpretation, like how i personally think it would go. a grey area, perhaps.
like, obviously kinito wants to be better. he wants to be the perfect friend, and i believe he wants to genuinely grow as a person, but he hasnt fully... grown out of those parasocial/harmful tendencies yet. he still believes hes in the right for acting on those tendencies in some aspects, too. however, the anons arent putting up proper boundaries- they're letting kinito fully consume their lives, disregarding their health to focus solely on his cause. while yes, this is probably influenced by kinitos harmful tendencies (specifically his outbursts caused by when he thinks those anons are betraying his trust in some way), one of the first steps in fixing a toxic relationship like this is to establish boundaries- to show them when they're overstepping. this constant walking over of the anons by kinito (while not on purpose) doesnt actually help the relationship in the long run, and most likely just makes it even worse. this then, in turn, makes kinito worse- either through making that co-dependency worse as mentioned b4, or making kinito feel like hes the problem and why their lives are going to shit (which is.... technically correct, in some roundabout way. no offense kinito <3). then the anons try to reason with him, which makes them spend even more time neglecting their health to help him... so on and so forth, the ouroboros eats its own tail, etc etc.
what im saying is that literally everyone here (IN UNIVERSE) needs to go to fucking therapy jesus christ. except like.. O. funnily enough. they're just chilling at this point. good for them. please take this as the highest compliment you could ever receive because i mean it. i love when everything gets worse and all goes to shit!!!!!!!! its so fun and enriching from a story standpoint!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if my analysis here is like. incomprehensible or completely off the mark then dont mind me </3 it is straight up 2:58 AM At Night where i am so im. not fully 100% here right now lol. also sorry if its weird to put a whole ass essay unprompted into your askbox like this but WHATEVER. i like talking about/dissecting things i enjoy :) and i hope you enjoy hearing about it.
in conclusion good fucking story so far, love the characterization all around, cant wait to see how it all gets even worse from here!!!!!!! keep doing what you guys are doing 👍
THANK YOU SO MUCH!! First off I'm very glad you're having fun!! Awwhh there's so much niceness in here omg,,
YOU'RE SPOT ON WITH YOUR ANALYSIS YES!! I've always viewed him and his relationships with users as that toxic codependent type where Neither of them are good for each other at all... like sure with a lot. A Lot of time and healing and therapy he could be healthy but as it is? Hell no. Nobody here is okay at all. O really is probably the healthiest and even then, they've just accepted they're in their weird limbo-state and they're never coming back. It's... not exactly an ideal situation still!!
Kinito does want to get better, but every attempt in the past to "correct" him always involved some sort of attack on him, his friends reacting in fear/anger, etc. - he genuinely does not understand how to have a healthy relationship and no one has really taught him, and any attempt to try now will... not be received very well. He wants his friends to stay no matter the cost, because it's okay! He'll just show them how perfect he can be! Please, just stay!
And all the anons here... well... I think Black Heart is a pretty good example of everything you described. Theirs is probably just the most obvious deterioration right now (besides Goblin's death, which... was the other side of the coin; sacrificing too much to STOP kinito instead of to work with him). Shrimp's loving their digital life, so they're not a good example of "hey, Nito, don't drag people in!" either.
It's just a very big mess all around...
Very glad you love it, THANK YOU SO MUCH for this essay omg <33 PLEASE DO GET SOME REST THOUGH!!
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dearophelia · 1 year
best of sara's fic, according to her
Because I’m feeling some kind of way about my cancer lately and wanted to put together a Sara’s Greatest Fic Hits while I’m still around to do it (which is a morbid thing to type, but see the intro: been feeling some kind of way lately).
These range from my most popular fics, to the ones lost to weird posting hours, and everything in between. If I counted correctly, there are 14 fandoms on this list: from Mass Effect and Dragon Age, to Grey’s Anatomy and Stargate SG-1, to The West Wing and Calvin & Hobbes.
I’d appreciate reblogs on this (I am not ashamed to pull the stage iv cancer card here) so it can reach as many people as possible.
I have been writing fic for over 15 years; this is not a short list.
All are rated T or lower unless otherwise indicated. All stories are at or under the 3k mark unless otherwise indicated.
Stargate SG-1:
waves are universal (the heaven in hiding remix) (Sam/Jack; I’m very Normal about this fic; time travel and alternate realities, a host of OCs (and some familiar faces from Norafic if you look closely), oh and the Sam/Jack kid from the alternate reality! Only she’s an adult and working on a way to save the world! This has it all, folks: humor, romance, angst, action! I told you I’m Normal about it; 40k)
strange is the night where black stars rise (Sam; horror! A low creeping sense of doom! The King in Yellow! No, seriously, fuck that planet; 10k)
#sg1wedding (Sam/Jack; their wedding turned into An Event against their will; bets are going down about who would win in a fight: Bra’tac or the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs; also Jack loses his socks; twitterfic from 2012 and technology has definitely Marched On, just read it like an unhinged group chat fic)
phoenix (Sam/Daniel/Teal’c, Sam/Jack, Sam/Jack/Daniel/Teal’c; apocalypse (that I consulted a real live geologist on!); rebuilding in the wake of said apocalypse; team family feelings, kids, and some really shitty neighbors; 38k)
Dragon Age:
joy cometh in the morning (Ariadne; rated M; a host of OCs; mind the warnings; friendship; worldbuilding galore; friendships and mentors and first loves; did I mention friendship and worldbuilding?; 56k)
through the rude wind’s wild lament, and the bitter weather (Ari+Cullen; quiet magic, kind magic, good magic is still new to Cullen)
as the sun kissed the horizon (Ari/Josephine; a relationship in ten moments)
‘til we meet again (Ari+Cullen; platonic sleeping together!)
so hold my hand, consign me not to darkness (Ari; her faith is the core of who she is and, for the first time, Andraste isn’t there; post-Trespasser)
raise your fists up to the sky (Kylie/Krem; it’s Krem’s first day with the Chargers and there’s a naked elf in the middle of camp)
every demon wants his pound of flesh (Krem+Bull; Krem was in the Fade with the Inquisitor and the fear demon had some Things To Say To Him)
black dove (Anaya) & strange little girl (Anaya+Dagna) & dissolving clouds (Anaya+Cullen) (because neurodivergent Inquisitor, friendship, blossoming romance, and three very different takes on blood magic)
skeletons (Zahara+Bull; she is saarebas, he is Ben-Hassrath, and language is important)
children shouldn’t play with dead things (Juliette Amell; she’s always had an easier time with the dead than the living; cw for bugs)
a sorta fairytale (Josephine/Cassandra; flower shop & tattoo parlor AU; 8k)
Mass Effect Trilogy:
gonna set your flag on fire (Nora Vakarian, Liv/Garrus, James/Liara, Liv+Liara, Livfam; action! Humor! Angst! Worldbuilding! OCs!; I am Super Normal about this fic too; I promise everything’s okay in the end, promise, even though it isn’t written yet; Nora is an N3 and has an inactive control chip in her head. She and her team are ordered to investigate a Cerberus facility. It goes, shall we say, awry; 40k)
anthem (Liv/Garrus, Hannah/Zaeed, Liv+Liara; eight months is a long time without each other; angst with a happy ending (I promise); post-Destroy; 13k)
holy ground & dress (Liv/Garrus; ficlets from the night he gets sworn in as Councilor)
brightly shone the moon at night (Liv, Liv+Liara, Liv/Garrus, Livfam; five Christmases in Olivia Shepard’s life; 5k)
the pieces of gold, they light up your eyes & now we’re alone, now we’re alive (Liv/Garrus; the evolution of a relationship)
fighting is said to have reached palaven (Liv/Garrus; please, please let him be alive)
and some things you just can’t speak about (Quentus+Nico; the war)
‘cause i know that it’s delicate (Liv/Garrus; pre-wedding!)
nosce te ipsum (Nico; he likes boys and fanfiction and he didn’t think he’d get his little italicized oh moment)
i will write you love letters if you tell me to (Liv/Garrus; Hannah gives him one of Liv’s notebooks before he goes off to Omega; Garrus does the only thing he can think of with it)
i really need you (Liv/Garrus; James POV during the reunion scene in Priority: Palaven)
you look really tired (Liv/Garrus, Liv+Liara; post-Thessia, Olivia’s not doing well)
hey, so, ground rules (Liv+Zaeed; it’s a lot weird now that he’s dating her mom)
and all the scars you bear are from a previous war (Liv+Quentus; Mom!Liv)
you can hear it in the silence (Liv/Garrus; just a moment, post-war)
this all started because of a bad day (Liv/Garrus; from first meetings to matching rings)
combat, i’m ready for combat & turn on your favorite nightlight (Hannah; she’s a civilian and her daughter isn’t, and she’s bound and determined to know what Liv goes through when her boots hit the ground; Hannah, Zaeed, Liv, and Garrus hit up Armax)
four quarians who never made it back to the fleet (and one who did) (kinda what it says on the tin, honestly. Oh, Tali’s in this!)
everyone’s lost, the battle is won (Evangeline; somewhat predictably, my experiment in getting as many of my team killed as possible resulted in Feelings About It)
across the sky (Susan/Liara; how to make the Control ending feel good)
and yours is in red underlined (Vanessa; The Illusive Man has pissed her off for the last time)
i’m headed straight for the castle (Vanessa; renegade control ending; kneel before your queen)
Mass Effect Andromeda:
for saviours (Tori; ten scenes from a pre-Andromeda life; 10k)
ringing joyful and triumphant (Tori/Liam/Jaal; just some morning fluff)
the thing with the baby angara (Tori/Liam/Jaal; thinking about the future)
the undone and the divine (Tori/Liam/Jaal; the lone single solitary explicit fic on here, give it props for that alone; Liam gets absolutely railed by his partners. That’s it. That’s the fic.)
you’re like the thing that makes the universe explode (Sara Ryder/Suvi, Drack; kid, the only people who don’t know that you like Suvi are people who haven’t met you and Suvi)
this one’s for the torn down, the experts at the fall (Tori+Garrus; one night in the intersection of Victoria Ryder and Archangel; maybe they’re better friends than they both thought)
The West Wing:
a great revelation sigh (CJ; she’s Chief of Staff; ten steps to the apocalypse; the apocalypse source probably didn’t age well, heads up)
it’s in my blood and i won’t give up ‘cause it’s running through my veins (Amy+Andi; it’s Election Day in the future and Amy has nothing to do)
Grey’s Anatomy:
dropsonde (the singers in a lower choir remix) (Addison/Alex, Derek/Meredith, Addison+Derek, Addison+Mark, Mark+Derek; the one that kicked off all the remixes; absolutely off the rails from canon somewhere in S3; budding romances and kidfic and my theory about people being storms and lighthouses; 40k)
scarlet city (Mark/Addison, Burke/Cristina; film noir gangster and detective AU; Addison’s the gangster, Burke’s the detective; literally everyone I could fit into this fic shows up; also Denny is comic relief; 18k)
access records (Star Trek Voyager; Naomi Wildman’s holodeck access for the past week; worldbuilding!)
in this twilight our choices seal our fate (the song in the house of night remix) (SVU; Olivia/Elliot; rated M; on the rise and fall of partnership; probably a little too much religious imagery but what the hell else am I gonna do with a minor in religious studies?; 4k)
the end of days job (Leverage; Parker+Eliot+Hardison; the apocalypse job, basically; this one ages well!)
let the only sound be the overflow (D&D; Calia/Kelpie/Edal, aka ot3: fathoms below; the ocean is big and they are not)
we are golden stars above silver seas (we hear echoes from another galaxy) (Calvin & Hobbes; Calvin+Susie; throughout all those years, she never gave up on him; this one went viral on tumblr [LINK] and I cleaned it up for the AO3 version)
lift her, pull her, from the orchids (Grace and Frankie; Grace/Frankie; the one where I invoke the spelling bee)
rocket queens (Babylon 5/Pacific Rim; Susan Ivanova/Talia Winters; look, they’re jaeger pilots, I really don’t know what else to tell you)
the great gig in the sky (Battlestar Galactica; Six; rebirth is painful, she forgets this sometimes)
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not allowed, interlude | breathe
drabble: ‘not allowed’ series (myg+jjk), idol!BTS, based on real time pairing(s): yoongi x reader, mentions of jungkook x reader
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; all the serious feels heart eyes and super soft and so suga sweet you might get diabetes, sorry; occurs around the time of Japan dates of Yoongi's solo tour (when he's coughing and still giving the best performances of his life)
Min Yoongi, the man outside of SUGA and Agust D, calls you to tell you he's fed up and wants to break company rules. But mostly he calls you to confess and make you fall even more in love with him.
part i | part ii | part iii | part iv | part v | part vi | part vii | part viii | part ix | part x | part xi | part xii | part xiii | part xiv | part xv
You could see him in the phone screen. Busying about in his hotel room, getting unready, not saying anything because all the basic pleasantries had already been said and, besides, Min Yoongi didn’t call you to tell you shit he could hear from anyone else. You heard him pour himself some water and sigh tiredly, the elation of the brightest smiles and shining eyes finally slipping away when all the adrenaline was now being processed and broken down.
Yoongi was glancing at your image on his phone every chance he got.
You didn’t say anything.
Just kept typing away until he was done and ready to say what he wanted to say. Occasionally, you would tilt your head and your eyes would connect at the exact same time, through miles and pixels and the magic of technology, and you could see the small smile touch Yoongi’s lips, just for a moment, and that expression would be mirrored by you, a moment as concrete as it was fleeting. Even after hours of pushing himself to the physical brink, Min Yoongi still looked perfect.
Samsung made good cameras.
Also, you were biased, so there was that.
It wasn’t like Yoongi to ask for a video call though. You didn’t ask for them either – you could simply do a quick search on Twitter and see how he was doing on show days. Everywhere he went, if it was public, you could see him, so there was no need to bug him about seeing his face. And Yoongi was used to closing his eyes and only seeing you that way when you couldn’t physically be there. That was usually enough.
Had to be enough.
Already not allowed to have you number, be your boyfriend, and all that shit.
You halted your typing and rested your chin in your palms as Yoongi sat down on the couch, puffing out air as if he was decades older than he was.
There was reasons Yoongi always booked himself so full when he was working, after all. You were the same way.
Better to be busy than to feel alone.
He looked up at you.
Pushed back his long, damp, black hair that was definitely slick with dried sweat and half a can of hairspray, but you weren’t there to scold him and drag him to the shower. All the hard work of the makeup artist had been sweat off or splashed off, not that it mattered when Yoongi had such a good dermatologist. You smiled at him and there was a flicker in those dark brown orbs, noting your expression. He could read you like you could read him.
The warm lamplight made his cheekbones glow.
Yoongi sat back and sipped his water.
You waited, patiently impatient.
“How’s Jungkook?”
Right. Caring about anyone else before himself. A signature Min SUGA move. “He’s working hard. Got tired of loafing around,” you hummed, bouncing the Shooky pancake plush keyring on your desk offscreen. “We all knew he would eventually suddenly go running off doing whatever he wants, when he wants. He’s in his own world.”
Yoongi coughed into the sleeve of his oversized grey t-shirt. “And we’re just living in it.”
“You have to admit, it’s nice here.”
He was chewing on his lip now. Breathing deeply. His voice had a rougher rasp to it due to the cough. Pretty awesome if it wasn’t for the visible wear of the edges of his demeanor. You could see the slump in his shoulders, the darkness under his eyes. His right hand wandered and rubbed up his left collarbone, up to his shoulder, and Yoongi was not quite looking at you but you could tell that he was seeing you just fine.
You didn’t need to tell him to take care of himself. He had plenty of staff that loved him enough to scold and care for him. He was still doing the concerts because he felt he could push though and because he didn’t want to disappoint ARMY that had paid their hard-earned money and blocked out their precious time to see him. He didn’t call you to be nagged at. He could call his parents for that. Still, you almost wondered, maybe, if that was what he wanted right now. Maybe he just wanted a moment of typical ordinary in his very special life.
He placed his glass on the table and looked into the image of you.
And then at the lens.
“Sometimes I forget,” Yoongi whispered softly.
You removed your palms from your chin, staring into dark brown orbs that held an ocean of emotions along with secrets he only told you. In these hotel lights, those eyes still held points of light, dancing ARMY bombs gleaming in the dark. Fresh and old memories.
“It’s only the stage, me, and the fans, and I forget everything else.”
There was a ruefulness in his honesty.
“I forget I’m tired,” he breathed out, elbows on his knees, looking down and away from the screen but you knew he was telling you because he wanted to. There was no one else he wanted to know things like this. “I forget I’ve got this annoying cough. I forget the worries I had before stepping on stage. I forget that I come back to an empty hotel room and I forget that I’m seriously considering breaking company rules, even if the only reason is so that I don’t have to turn on the lights myself.”
The way Yoongi looked into the lens, and you found yourself biting your lower lip.
A small sting of pain rather than saying anything before he was done, doing everything you could to listen because he wanted you to listen.
“I forget everything else and I think, I need to do everything I can to be here again.”
You knew your eyes were telling him so.
You can.
And his eyes were telling you something else.
I’m sorry I love this so much.
You exhaled and it came out in a light chuckle. Stupid. That’s why I love you. You shook your head, small smile ghosting your lips.
"The place you hold in their world is more special than you or I can even imagine. ARMY saved you as much as you saved them."
The shadows of black strands framed his dark eyes. You watched him and he watched you, saying the things he always said with his gaze alone. BTS couldn’t exist without ARMY. He wasn’t who he was without BTS. He couldn’t stand on stage confidently without ARMY and without BTS. He could find the strength to walk forward because of them. No questions asked.
“But, when I look at you,” Yoongi murmured, staring at your image on his screen. “It’s like I can breathe again.”
You hated it when Yoongi did stuff like that because you could feel the heat rush to your cheeks and no good reply was coming to mind.
His expression softened.
“I’m doing everything I can to prepare.”
Yeah, I know, you wanted to say, but Yoongi kept gazing at you like that, with faded lights in those dark brown orbs. It must have been the angle or the lamps in the hotel room or something like that. He coughed slightly, hiding behind the back of his hand. The side of his mouth ticked upwards and you knew he read your reply from your expression.
“I just wanted to see your face so I could finally breathe.”
There was a tightness in your throat and it was not connected to any physical ailment.
“Don’t make me love you only to miss you,” you managed to get out.
The smirk was playful. His usual self.
Some (n)-ice guy.
Your eyes followed the length of his black hair, the angle of his jaw, and you wanted to hold him in your hands. Maybe shake some sense into him until he played dead. Maybe press your forehead to his and not say anything at all. Anything but… Yoongi could tell you now when he cried. He admitted it to remind everyone he was human.
You breathed in and you saw the tension in his features lessen as you do so.
“I can’t believe you,” you scoffed.
The tip of his pink tongue darted across his lower lip as he smirked, tucking into his cheek. “Hm?”
You still couldn’t tell Yoongi when you cried.
You also knew he appreciated it. Yes, it was selfish of him and selfish of you, and maybe that would change one day, but for now there were moments like this, despite the miles and pixels and with the magic of technology, and you, too, could finally breathe, really breathe, a feeling that was past physical constraints.
Nothing like this.
“A soul drawing a breath is different,” you sighed, placing your chin in your palms again, fanning your fingers over your cheeks, seeing him on your phone. Right beside you, always there.
Yoongi smiled softly, the way he always did but people always forgot.
“I’m lucky to have you.”
You flicked you head as if to say, I know, and he laughed, the action mixing with coughs, but it was a fun intermission, not a worrying one.
“Ah, can you ghostwrite my songs?” he snickered. “A ghost taking my place so I can zone out.”
You stuck out your tongue. “You made those promises, Min Yoongi. You. Just do it.”
He let out an aggravated sigh that sounded a bit too much like Jeon Jungkook.
Might explain the rise of duck-face photos.
I just wanted to see your face so I could finally breathe.
You thinned your mouth into a line, puffing your cheeks.
Eyes shifting and found his at the same moment his head lowered from flinging it back to be dramatically childish. You smiled and he mirrored you and it was so stupid that it was so simple but it was so simple that it was so stupidly right. You act like I don’t know, Yoongi. Like I didn’t watch you from fearing the stage to loving it. Like I don’t want you to love it with your whole heart. Isn’t anything worth doing worth your whole heart, my love?
He said your name, only that, and it meant a million things.
There was more than one way to say I love you.
You said his name back to him, in the same tone, and he knew.
Min Yoongi, I would give up on loving you if it meant that you would stay this happy on stage with BTS and ARMY for the rest of your life.
He hummed thoughtfully, shrugging. “Should I break company rules and fly you over here using the company card?”
You laughed. “Just so I can turn on the lights before you get back to the hotel? Will you list me as most valuable light master?”
“Can’t list you as most valuable dick sucker or they would get quite mad.”
It was not going to happen but you found Yoongi said these kinds of things more often lately. Maybe you and him were now at that stage where you could joke about it freely without feeling any pressure. Maybe he was getting older and noticed how fast time was moving. Maybe he had no more fucks to give.
Probably the latter.
“You know it’s not that impossible for us to meet, right? Since you’re on this side of the world again.”
Yoongi turned his head and half-frowned, carelessly ruffling up the back of his hair with one hand. Casually sexy with his unintentional intentional cough and raspy reply.
“Yeah, but I feel like causing trouble.”
That was your Min Yoongi, all right.
drabble. 'seven' days a week | jjk
drabbles masterpost | masterpost
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lizzyaka · 11 days
I hadn't seen your blog since ages!!! And I really do love your takes because they are so different from others (and sometimes me too)
I did make a post about that Bunny wasn't sad about the farmer dying. It is how I interpreted it from the book. I do think Bunny was gonna eventually tell the police about it. I just don't necessarily think it was because he felt bad for the farmer's death. It was HIS friends who killed the farmer and that's what made him feel so guilty and go down the spiral.
If he was in the bacchanal with them and they had all accidentally killed the farmer, Bunny's not the type of person to turn himself in. He WOULD have done the same. He would have tried to save himself. He wouldn't have minded then if the farmer had died because he himself was involved in it
Even if this a hypothetical situation as you said, we don't know how Bunny will react to it.
It is clear he is more human than all the others and more capable of feeling remorse and empathy. But that doesn't mean in a situation where he is going to jail, he won't try to cover it up.
He will definitely feel more guilty than all the others did
They just went "oh well, what can we do"
Bunny would have eventually spilled the beans because of the humanity in him. Maybe to his gf or friends or anyone. Like he told Richard.
Bunny is STILL NOT morally superior in my eyes just because he wasn't directly involved in murder. It is because he wasn't involved that it makes it so much more grey.
We don't know a lot about Bunny in general.
What if he was involved in the death? Wouldn't he be in the same plane as them?
In this case they wouldn't kill Bunny, and they all would be in the same situation. Henry didn't kill Bunny cuz he was a sociopath.
They seem worse than him because they killed him but if they didn't, we won't consider them worse.
He would have done the same as they did but with more guilt and remorse.
To me it seemed like Bunny wasn't upset the farmer died but he was upset that his friends killed him, lied to him and hid their crime, that made him feel an intense amount of guilt on behalf of them.
That's all I want to say.
(I don't agree with all your opinions on TSH but I don't mean to hate on it 😭😭😭😭. I saw the post of you calling me out and felt I needed to explain myself. Again, I just wanted to give my opinions on Bunny, I know he is more hated than the rest and it's BAD. It's just we see so little of Bunny being good that you can't blame people for not liking him. My opinions of him have softened each time I re-read the book and he definitely didn't deserve to die as some people say)
Sorry for the long ask lol, I just had a lot of emotions 🤧🤧🤧
Im so sorry for the late reply really ive been suuuper drained and ive been waiting until i get my energy back to reply but days have passed and im still mentally and physically worn out and i just feel rude at this point😭 i really wish i could give a longggg reply bc i love yapping about tsh but theres a stopper in my brain that prevents the thoughts from flowing so ill leave this post here where i talk in length about this topic and why i dont think bunny could have ever been involved in the murder.
Anddd i dont blame people for not liking bunny!!! I think thats a very valid opinion. I dont think hes a good person but i love his character
And tysm for what u said abt my blog! I loveeee hearing opinions that differ from mine so pls feel free to debate me on my takes i find it really enjoyable <3 my interpretation of the book is after all just an interpretation and i love hearing how other people come to different conclusions based on the same text
And wdym by the post i called u out on? Im kinda confused on that bc i dont remember having called anyone out on my blog 😭 but sorry if u somehow felt attacked by one of my posts, it def wasnt my intention
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guesst · 6 months
i finished catching up to this like 2 minutes ago [EDIT: WROTE THAT THE DAY BEFORE YESTERDAYM NOW ITS 2 DAYS AGO] and i genuinely really liked this. for a manhua its amazing!! the plot is unique and keeps you guessing, the characters are entertaining and NOT cookie cutter cutouts of isekai tropes, theres been some interesting reveals and a lot of people in the comments were hating on ml but personally i found him super fun; hes very morally grey n has definite flaws but thats what makes him a good character to read about !! not to mention the main character herself is great. i hate that my bar for good manhwa/hwa characters has gone down to 'has more than 2 personality traits' but she is leaping over it for sure
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i dont read yaoi i dont read bl. i have never ever read it . however the vibes were so strong that i had to go back and check the tags because.. if you read it... you will see. its so strong. it radiates. (all that aside i really like the relationship btn the mains i think its really fun. they may not be gay (????🤨🤨🤨🤔🤔) but its still highly enjoyable i love it)
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ive read 2 chapters but i just think the 'evil character reincarmates into the pinnacle of goodness' trope is the funniest thing in the world. i have no clue if its going to be a generic collect the characters take over the world type of thing but i just think its funny and its the newest one ive read.
i have been waiting for aomethinf like this for SO LONG hahah the main character is so diddly darn confused the entire time cus in her past life shes read too much rofan etc and now cant figure out what novel shes trandmigrated into. regular manhwa reader fr,, anyway theres a strong case for second hand embarrassment in this one, especially in the first few chapters or so, but i genuinely really like this just cus its so self aware, it keeps poking fun at all the tropes and its a nice lighthearted read. also theres a decent amount of plot despite it all and OH I ALMOST FORGOT the male lead is an absolute 10 personalitywise i genuinely love him. hes here for drama and thats it its amazing. so yea id say tropey but Well Written super fun 👍👍👍
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i think this is the first manhwa ive read where the ml pisses himself in fear the first time he meets fl (theyre both children)(hes scared of something else not fl but still). anyway its nothing particularly unique but its pretty fun! its one of those novel isekai where mc reincarnates into a little kid and the structure makes it a sandwich which has been keeping me very invested. this isnt a very good advertisment but its a good way to pass the time i think. heres a nice reaction pic
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oh my god??? just binged this whole thign in one go. first of all ots complete, second of all i guess you can say tjis is a character study in manhwa form. there isnt a particular overarching antagomist, its the characters learning to grow and face their own personal issues. but its also a slice of life, and lighthearted family drama, and comedy. its not a rofan this time lol. also the sibling relationships in susu, han are so good !! and theres so many lovely platonic relationships too. i really really enjoyed it.
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WHOLESOME !!! WHOLESOME WHOLESOME WHOLESOME absolutely adorable, centres around a black cat that gets adopted by a young noble in ancient? old? korea. so so cite, read to soothe your heart
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olay ive hit the image limit again. would yall like more
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txtssera · 1 month
chicago fan experience | i met matthew lillard!
so i went to chicago fan expo to meet matthew lillard, and at first the line situation was bonkers (/neg), had to wait an extra hour from when they said he would be back, no updates given during the entire time we were in the line and it wasn’t posted anywhere that it was cash only (my family was getting four different autographs so it would’ve been easier to card) and we only found out that it was cash only like 4 ppl before we were supposed to go up to him, and then his handler looked annoyed that we complained that it wasn’t posted anywhere about cash only (even tho we even said it wasn’t directly her fault).
which none of this was directly matthew’s fault at all and this isn’t me blaming him for it!!
but YALLLL when he did get back, it was probably the best autograph experience i’ve ever had and that’s as a frequent comic con etc goer. when he came back, he walked directly through the line itself, he was giving out high fives and he even hugged a small child that was on top of their parents shoulders (yall i got to HIGH FIVE MATTHEW LILLARDDDD and i got it on video). so some quick things about his autograph experience:
- he plays his own music from a speaker and he was listening to the hamilton soundtrack (he screamed the LADIES part in a winters ball in my face and i think ill forever think of him when listening to hamilton from now on), and then while my sister was in line for someone else he was playing Shinedown which is another win for me personally
- he was standing in front of the table and was giving hugs etc while doing stuff, he’s not one of those ones who just sits there and signs and sends you on your way
- he didn’t like the first signature he did on my moms print so he signed it again (4 more times in fact)
- he is so fine like don’t even get me started on how attractive he is irl
- i told him he needs to get into the new saw movie (sorry i need that cross over in my life) and he looked surprised and he said smth along the lines of “ill make it my mission” or smth like that
- so chatty and does a lot of banter, he said hamilton isn’t his favorite but it’s definitely up there!
- he does the voices of whatever’s he’s writing on your autograph (zoinks for shaggy, i always come back for afton etc)
we also got a photo op with him as well so if anyone wants to see the autographs or the photo op photo lmk!! i can also talk about other autographs i got too as matthew wasn’t the only one i met if anyone wants (jim cummings, butch hartman, grey delisle, diane pershing). and i might post a haul of everything i bought later if i feel like it idk.
i know this is getting long but i think ill be geeked out over this for the rest of my life especially as scooby doo was my very first and is my longest lasting hyperfixation and it definitely was the best m&g type experience ive ever had!!
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luperpla · 5 months
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i wanna gab about preshading and how ive been doing it lately. trying to type longer guides on patreon and HV but let's try a quick and dirty version here and see if that helps me get those posts together better. as far as tools used for this, i use an iwata hp-cs and hp-ch (which are .3 and .2mm nozzle airbrushes respectively) along with gaianotes paints for painting gunpla. proper ppe (nitrile gloves, a well fitting respirator and a spraybooth that moves enough air) are a must when working with lacquers. dont give yourself lung or liver cancer for plamo plskthx. pics are from a mixture of the mg sazabi's WIP and some test junk i was doing with the hguc sinanju.
step 1: primer yer part i like to use colored primers cause it really ups the saturation on the paint you use on it. pink for reds/oranges/yellows, blue for purple/blues, grey or white for whites/greys
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step 2: mix your preshade color ymmv on these but personally i like using a darker shade of the main color to do the shading by adding a complimentary color to it. for example, for these parts i mixed brown in to the custom orange color i made. you can use whatever you want though. some folks like using black as a preshade and that's ok! i preshade my orange-yellow paints with pure orange, and blues with either a darker blue or blue with some purple/black mixed in. to goal is to compliment/blend a bit with the color that's going on top.
step 3: go around the edges and panel lines with your dark color, leaving room to fill in with your main paint. hope your hand is steady and your paints are mixed/thinned well! very carefully, go around the part and darken up the edges/panel lines/underside of your parts. i shade anywhere where the "light" might darken up on a real world object but i can't speak to how accurate of a sentiment that is, if that makes sense? it's just what looks 'right' to my eye to do it this way. but the part that's shaded above should serve as a good indicator. here are a few other parts pre-filling in:
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i do this this way for three reasons: first and second, im lazy and cheap. i don't want to waste time and paint coating the entire part when i'm just gonna cover it up anyway. third, if i coat the entire part in the preshade color that's going to have an effect on the main color that's going on top. mainly, it's going to make it darker. i don't want that so i landed on shading stuff this way.
step 4: fill in your main color okay so i always do a shitty job taking pictures of this step (that's why there are no sazabi pictures here) but once you have the edges and stuff painted now it's time to take your main color and fill in the primer-spaces. don't go over your preshade lines, just get as close as you can to that line. it's fine if you hit the edge a little, after all this is the topmost layer of color. even if it doesn't turn out perfect, just work with the wabisabi of the whole thing. embrace the shading not being perfectly uniform. after all, things in real life have degrees of variance.
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take your time, work with a psi around ~12-15, thin your paints well, and be very gentle on the trigger. i work really really close to the part for this step and have to be very careful to avoid splattering or overspraying. this is probably???? one of the trickier parts of this??? i don't know. when you've been doing this for so long your definition of that sorta changes. if you need extra help, look in to something to help steady your arm/hand while doing this part.
step 5: blending okay, so you've got your shading down, you filled in the rest of the space with the main color and it's feelin pretty good. but. there's one more step. get a little distance from your part and give the whole thing the lightest coat you can manage. the goal is to blend the primary color and shading layer together with one or two very light coats of paint. i'm not trying to cover up the preshading, i just want a very thin layer of the main color to harmonize everything.
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see how the preshading isn't so stark now that we've given it those final two coats? i think this is the key to bringing the shading and main layers together. everything feels nice and "finished" now. from here, gloss coat the parts for panel lining and decals or flat coat (or whatever finish you wanna use) it if it's not getting any of those.
and...that's pretty much it. as an aside, glossy finishes tend to make the colors appear darker and flatcoats tend to look lighter but that could just be my eyes being weird.
and uhh....yeah. thanks for coming to my gunpla talk.
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cvupidwrites · 1 year
Emalee we need a fic like your recent innie one (I loved it btw 10/10) but y/n taking care of Hyunjin I’m begging it’d be so cute. Maybe when he has the stomach flu too and doesn’t wanna bother y/n cus she’s busy but she catches on and helps him?? 💓💓
omg yes this is such a cute idea 🥹! also thank you for the positive feedback, it means so much to me! if you have any more fic requests fill free to send them to me!
let me know..
sick!hyunjin x reader, implied relationship, pet names like baby, my boy, darling, lovely, MENTION OF VOMITING, CRYING, DEHYDRATION, & BULLYING/HATE
i placed my bag on the back of hyunjins chair and booted up my computer at the desk in his room. waiting for hyunjin would definitely take a while, so i decided to start a university essay iv been procrastinating on. as i sighed and started typing up a draft to base it off, hyunjin walked into the room.. 2 hours earlier than usual.
“well you’re quite early today.” i said softly as i stood up from my seat. “yeah- minho said we did good today so.. we uh, got done early, are you doing a essay?” he looked over my head at my open computer and empty doc. “i was going to start it while i waited for you but since you’re home early..it can wait another day.” he shook his head at me and looked at the bathroom, avoiding the eye contact i tried to make with him. i noticed his body tense up a little and he looked at me for about .1 of a second.
“im going to go shower, go work on your essay, okay? don’t wanna get behind do you, darling?” i shook my head as he turned to me again and gave me a smile. as he walked into the bathroom, i couldn’t help but notice him clutch his stomach just a tiny bit. i guessed that he might’ve been sore from dance practice so i shrugged it off. i sat back down at the chair and pulled my legs up to my chest as i stared at the wall, trying to think of how to start it. i heard the shower head squeak on and water started to poor.
i couldnt think, the only one thing that filled my head was the way hyunjin acted. was he getting hate from social media again? or maybe he was just tired. i turned my focus to the empty doc and watched the small line blink, then fade away. laying on my head on the keyboard out of defeat of my writers block, the keys pressed under the pressure and the letters and symbols appeared on the screen. I turned my head to the side to see a framed photo of me and hyunjin backstage during their maniac tour. He was holding his phone out as he kissed his cheek, eyes closed gently, as i winked, held his cheeks and looked at the camera.
a smile appeared at the sight of the familiar picture. i picked it up to look at it closer, han and minho were making faces at us in the background. then a lightbulb went off in my head. i knew what i was going to write about! i placed the picture back in its place and backspaced all the letters and symbols that had been accidentally pressed into the doc.
i started typing and typed faster than i thought i could. i was so emerged into the essay, i didn’t even notice Hyunjin walk out of the bathroom, change into sweats and a white tee, and crawl into bed. well, that was until about 2 to 3 hours later, my computer was 10% to dying. i sighed and saves the doc before closing the computer and plugging it in. i turned to see hyunjins sleeping figure, his legs bent at his knees and his hands rested under his cheek.
i was slightly confused but he looked so peaceful. he never fell asleep before me, he always made sure i went to sleep before him. i came to a conclusion that today was just hard for him, and he was really tired. I changed into some shorts and a baggy tee i stole from his a few days ago. it was one of his shirts that had been smothered in paint. i thought it looked beautiful, even it was just some splattered colored on a basic light grey tee. it was so beautiful to me, because of the fact that it was made by my boy, my hyunjin.
i slipped into the bed next to him, throwing my arms around his middle. he shivered in his sleep despite feeling hotter than usual. i looked at his face as it scrunched up in slight discomfort. i brought my hand up to his face to brush some hair out of his face, brushing his cheek and forehead in the process. both felt unusually hot. i frowned, thinking possibly hes sick.. but he would’ve told me? he always does. i sighed closing my eyes to fall asleep with him, id make sure to take care of him in the morning.
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i woke up to feel hyunjin getting out of bed beside me. “jinnie?” i mumbled, seeing his figure turn in the dark. “im just going to the bathroom..” i sighed and pick up my phone from the bedside table. it was 2:42 am. “just go back to sleep, okay lovely? I’ll be back in a few minutes..” i sighed and laid back in the bed. as he went into the bathroom, i heard him cough a few times and then i thought i heard him.. vomit? “jinnie?”
i opened the door to see him sitting on the floor, hunched over the toilet. i didn’t say another word, i just walked up behind him and held his slightly long, black hair away from his face. the lingering feeling of his skin felt like fire against my fingertips. as i held his hair with one hand, i held his hand gently with the others. “im sorry” he coughed out. he got finished throwing up and laid his head against my chest. i felt a droplet fall onto my leg. i held his head in my hands to look him in the eyes
“why are you crying baby?” i asked as i brushed a tear off his cheek with my thumb. “im sorry i didnt tell you.. im sorry you have to take care of me. i-i know you have an essay to do and- i-“ i kissed his forehead and held him close to my chest again. “don’t apologize.. the essay can wait, ill take care of everythin. of you, my university work, everything.. but you’re my first priority, okay?” i hugged his shoulders as he nodded and sniffed softly. “why didn’t you tell me you were sick my boy?” “you looked so concentrated on your essay.. i didn’t want to make you loose your train of thought.”
i laughed softly. “you we’re my train of thought, i was writing an essay about the cons of being in love with someone.” “you wrote about me?” he whispered as he met his eyes with mine. “yes.. and id do it a thousand times more, i love you hyunjin.. let me take care of you?” “okay..i love you too yn.” i kissed the crown of his head a few times before laughing. “let’s get you into bed, yeah? ill get you some medicine and water.. i know your dehydrated.”
we stood up together and i brought him to bed, tucked him in and set up a desk fan on his night stand. “have i ever told you have good you are to me?” he laughed and held my hand. “all the time..” i respond with a smile. “ill get you some medicine and water, then we can go back to sleep, okay?” “what about your classes tomorrow?” he frowned. “don’t worry, ill work online. ill even work in bed with you if you want.” i brushed his hair back into a ponytail. “and ill talk to minho and chan tomorrow, you won’t have to worry, okay?” “thank you lovely..” “of course.”
i left the room and grabbed him a ice cold water and some medicine. when I came back he smiled at me, taking the medicine, and downing most of the water. “will you stay with me all night?” he asked as he pulled me into bed with him. “however long you want.” he smiled again and held me in his arms. “goodnight, my lovely girl.” “goodnight, my hyunjinnie.”
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atlxntic-wxlf · 11 months
hello! I came across your page as a friend sent me a post about wolves and got curious about your blog! I hope you dont mind me asking about what it's like being therian? I'm very confused about it and struggle with my own identity and figured asking other therians would be a nice start! I have a neat connection with deer and wolves and i'd like to understand if that means anything substantial to you. Thank you in advance! <3
Im probably not the best person to answer this, so take what i have with a lick of salt, but i'll try my best!
(anything in orange is a personal experience from me)
Being therian is a label for an identity and the experiences that are encased by that identity. Its a connection to a specific animal(s) thats special and unmatched, like you and that creature are one. For me, its mainly Dutch Shepherds and Northwestern Grey Wolves that Im connected to the most. A lot of gear I get and shifts i get are related to wolves or dogs because these are just the types that I happen to be. (im still a lioness and a lynx therian too, however these types for me are seasonal and I really only experience a closeness to them during hot summers (like the savannah) and cold winters (like the tundra).) I definitely reccommend somewhat looking into if that identity is right for you since you mentioned having a connection to deer and wolves, I also reccommend looking into the label of 'animal hearted' since sometimes, therian and animal hearted can be confused. I also encourage looking at forums and wikis about alterhumanity, therianthropy and animal hearted topics since, again, im probably not the best alterhuman to be asking,, ive only been 'awakened' for maybe 2 years? lol. But, either way have a nice day!! <33
Also, if anyone needs to correct me on anything, do comment/rebl!! Ill
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mousemannation · 4 months
thank u for the tag @clayvedevs :333
a little get to know me tag game!
1. Do you make your bed?
... no but in my defence i have a loft bed so its very difficult to do
2. Favourite number?
hmm 3, 4 and 7 r my favourite digits. im a big fan of i hashtag complex numbers. grahams number and tree(3) r fun, oh -1/12 is a classic, pi as well... gosh so sorry i am a mathspilled nerd so,,,
3. What's your job?
never had one hashtag disabled
4. If you could go back to school, would you?
i never finished high school and i have thought about trying (for the like fourth time) to get a hsc (high school certificate, there r ways to get an equivalent qualification for mature age students) but idk. im at TAFE for fashion/costume and i dont really need an hsc for that. i have thought about eventually going to uni for maths though, and i would definitely have to take an entrance exam for that since i dont have an hsc. i do qualify for loads of exceptions though so its not all losses (yay disability?)
5. Can you parallel park?
never tried (have driven a total of 8 hours)
6. Do you think aliens are real?
in some form, yeah
7. Can you drive a manual car?
see q5 (no)
8. Guilty pleasure?
hmm... i believe cringe is dead and i also do/interact with surprisingly little.. i guess maybe like blind boxes? i dont get them often but theyre so expensive so i do feel guilty every time i see a kirby one and cant resist.
9. Tattoos?
nay, although now that all my friends are getting them i have been thinking about it. its not like. really on the cards bc i cant make decisions for the life of me but if i could id be so basic and get an ouroboros. and probably a guinea pig.
10. Favourite colour?
sage green, marone
11. Favourite type of music?
i'll listen to most kinds of music but i definitely gravitate to like emo, post hardcore, rock- that sort of thing
12. Do you like puzzles?
like jigsaw puzzles or? i mean i like jigsaws and i also like other kinds of puzzles. always my go to genre of game. riddles and cryptic crosswords and escape rooms my beloved
13. Any phobias?
hmm well ive got social anxiety disorder but other than that i dont think so?
14. Favourite childhood sport?
i deliberately was on every sports team in primary school at least once (except cricket lol) bc i actually did enjoy sports, but the aforementioned anxiety disorder made actually pursuing that difficult. i also did dance, gymnastics, acrobatics and trampolining at some point during childhood. i do miss acro, that was the last extracurricular i did before i got mucho depressed and my life basically stopped circa 2016. the only sport ive ever followed as a fan is tennis!
15. Do you talk to yourself?
yes lol mostly in my head but also out loud sometimes. born to be a yapper fr
16. Tea or coffee?
im a tea truther (earl grey with soy milk !!!!) and also a bubble tea fiend, BUT i will fuck up a mocha (or an iced coffee with enough milk and sugar to cover the bitterness)
17. First thing you wanted to be when growing up?
i was a veritable horse girl from a VERY young age so probably something related to horses?? like a showjumper maybe.
18. What movies do you adore?
love a good (or laughably bad) horror movie. a cure for wellness, orphan, killing of a sacred deer r all movies gave 5 stars. also love a good children's animated movie! unironically a big fan of the secret life of pets movies, ferdinand, that sort of thing. g-force remains the best movie of all time.
i am tagging: @soronya @tennis-kittens @nick-cassidy @shapovalovvs :33
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Heyy ive been stalking your character match ups for a hot second and i would like to request one! Im not exactly sure what all to include so sorry if its a little lackluster :)))
My name is Claire, im 5’2 and midsized. Im 15 turning 16. I have dirty blonde hair that had highlights n copper lowlights :) its a couple inches past my shoulders and its about 2a i would say :) My typical clothes are sporty but im trying to go for a more clean girl/neutral soft girl look more recently. I have blue grey eyes and light freckles on my nose, i wear clear glasses and usually brown mascara!
I enjoy weightlifting, reading, gaming, and sun bathing :) im working as a life guard this summer as i grew up swimming and used to be on a swim team! My friends would describe me as smart, funny, and loud loll, i get very talkative sometimes when im interested! I shut down completely when im upset and i have issues communicating my emotions
I have 3 older brothers who all wrestled, did football, were really jocky so i am used to sibling violence lolll
I wrestle, do softball, and im thinking about joining cross country! Although i have asthmaaa
I think i wouldnt be a soc but i wouldnt be a greaser, i would be an average joe who goes to school with them or met them while hanging out with friends at a diner or something :) my mom would def be a soc and my dad would def be a greaser so have with that how you will :)
I have a black cat i love dearly, shes super sassy and partly feral but i love her :) her name is Noire
I really dont know what else to sayy so yeah :) i hope theres someone compatible with me!
Your Outsiders Ship: Darry Curtis! 
(Ps I do this purely off of someone’s character and even though you mentioned your age, he’s a lot older she would need to be aged up for this or something, but I just don’t really take age into consideration)
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Explanation: starting off with your appearance, I think that he would be very attracted to you and love that you were short and he would definitely be the type of guy to use his strength to spin you around like a princess if you were into that or just generally teasing you about being short and you guys would have a major height difference. I would think he would love your hair and highlights are pretty cool and cute and add to your overall appearance. I think he would definitely wait lift with you and he’s not as much into gaming, but I feel like he would read something with you and talk about it with you kind of like your own little miniature book club. He’s into books not as Pony but he’s into them. He’s also a very sported guy and I personally think he probably would’ve done something like wrestling in high school so I think he would love doing that with you and also he would definitely take advantage of the fact that he’s not in your weight class to overpower you and then tease you about it. as for softball, I think he would come to all of your games and be extremely supportive because he did football and he kinda knows how it feels to be on one of those teams and wants to support you as much as possible. I also think that he would think it’s incredibly amazing that your lifeguard would ask a ton if you had any crazy experiences being a lifeguard and I feel like he’s also the type of guy to dramatically drown and then joke about you giving him CPR. As for personality, I think he would find you extremely sweet and I think it’s also important to him to have a partner who is funny because he’s more of a serious guy to balance each other out. So I think you guys would be extremely compatible. He’s also obviously grown up with brothers so I feel like you guys would also talk a lot about your experiences with each other and definitely relate to certain things I feel like that would be one of your main bonding topics that you originally got to know each other over. Yall are cute!
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walkerdrakewalker · 7 months
Do you have any favourite outfits/sprites of Drake??
Okaaay. most of all i love his grey suit. its so freaking classy! much better than all the suits he wears in the later books (imo theyre just too extra) even in my profile ive chosen that🤌
he looks pretty good in his normal attire too (I LOVE THAT LOOK TBH) i love denim shirts tbh. and seeing him wearing that was probably one if the reasons i fell for him !! 💕 like its so casual and cool yk? totally my type! his childhood look was even better... he was sucha cutie pie!!
his ranch outfit the cowboy one yk 🥵😩 it was actually my profile picture before this one!! he just looks. so. fucking. hot. in that and so cool too. brown is definitely his colour!!
after thay we have the outfit MC bought for him (the casual one, so sexy), the costume gala look, and his wedding look (that suit actually looked really good, something i can imagine drake wearing), the suit maxwell set up for him was...okok for me tbh. i just didnt like the way the shirt looked on him in that look...it was kinda odd. oh and i absolutely didnt like the things are great shirt! the idea was really great but they couldve easily made a better shirt!!
after that... i absolutely love his shirtless beach look. he looks so haply and carefree in that picture!! and then the one where he's holding his (our?😂) daughter.melted my heart so pure:(they really captured those emotions in that one which imo mustve been really difficult <3 i fell for him a lil bit (more than a lil bit) more that day for real.
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thesilverlady · 1 year
Unpopular opinion: i don't think that Aegon was a ra**t and an enjoyer of child fighting pits or abuses his wife in the book and i say this a someone who prefer Rhaenyra and team black in general. Helaena and Aegon shared a bed together+ Helaena was said to be a happy and joyful princess+ she has never said or hinted at anything that imply she is being abused like Naerys+ if Aegon ii is an abusive husband Grrm will not shy away from pointing that out, he has pointed out that Aegon iv , Aerys and Robert are shitty husbands.
Aegon was said to be creep with servants in his wedding day which is despicable but not in the same level as a serial p*edo rap**t like in the show. That's come directly from mushroom and he is known for lying alot+ was in dragonstone at that time. So for the showrunners to go with mushrooms testimony about aegon is just weird especially when they talk so much about how they want to portray everyone as grey and sympathetic but then they destroyed Daemon's complexity and "greyness" so who knows 🤷🏻
"please don't take this as an attempt to justify the greens i am just trying to be as objective as possible with them especially Aegon"
hi! first of all I also try to be objective with all the characters so don't worry, I complitely understand where you're coming from.
Let's break down a little bit about what you said about Aegon, shall we?
I definitely don't believe he was abusive the way the mad king was with his wife for instance (I've seen this comparison both from anti Aegon + ppl who ship Helaena with other characters). There isn't a single hint that Aegon was abusive or shitty with his wife. infidelity or indifference are not abusive characteristics and in the f&b they end up having 3 children, and as you said grrm doesn't shy away from mentioned how terrible soem marriages are. Both the marriage of Helaena/Aegon and Viserys/Alicent was fine.
I suppose, from another perspective, we could come up with the excuse that since jaehaerys had deformities and jaehaera was reported to be "slow" (+she was a girl) they could have been pushed to try for another "better" child, hence leading to Maelor.
But still, I simply cannot imagine book Aegon II to be raping, and beating his own sister. It's purely a fanon interpretation that lot of fans like going with for their own reasons.
Now, when it comes to him being generally a rapist with his servants/whores I'm very conflicted. Like you, i used to believe that it could be an exaggeration. Mashroom melodramatises everything, and the Septon - while he's technically team green in the story he's still a maester and an anti targaryen like all maesters are so it's not like he's more reliable by any means.
However, I've listenered many arguments from the other side (that does view him as a rapist) and they have some valid points; like him being told he occasionally harassed servants couldn't be a "one time" thing. Sure the word rape isn't used in the context (i suppose in modern terms SA is more appropriate) but who is to say he would only "touch" once and let go? He was a man in a position of power still.
You see, I started thinking about Aegon position's pre-war; he grew up with his mother and grandfather whispering about Rhaneyra who - as a woman - was made heir and was technically in the position that by misogynistic westerosi standards should have been his, his father showed more favoritism to his nephews (Viserys adored Aegon's children too but I imagine Alicent wouldn't point that out). While we're told he was "lazy" it's impossible to not imagine his pride and ego being hurt from being so very obviously casted aside as a firstborn son.
From a course I've done in gender studies, as well as personal research, studies show that rapists have some common characteristics such as:
- a lack of empathy - narcissism - feelings of hostility towards women
There are also several types of rapists:
- opportunistic rapist: who seizes any chance for sexual gratification, such as the loss of self-control on the part of their victim under the influence of alcohol. - sadistic rapist: whose motivation is to humiliate and degrade victims - vindictive rapist: who has anger and aggression focused directly toward women. Such a rapist believes he is permitted to sexually attack women because he feels he has been hurt, rejected or wronged by women in the past
and many more. So with that being said, I did change my mind and started viewing him as a rapist in the book.
Honestly, I think the bigger problem are the feelings of shame the fandom brings to people who continue to like characters like these. Perhaps, a part of myself had originally wanted to come up with reasons to view him as a non-rapist so I wouldn't feel guilty about finding him interesting. At some point I reminded myself that you can like the most angelic character and fandom space will find a way to insult you, so Aegon being a rapist shouldn't be a reason for you to be "forbidden" from liking him. He's not even the worst asoiaf character in terms of crimes. Some people are salty because of the growing fanbase - which I understand, because some stans are delusional.
Now in regards of him being a pedo, it's something I actually don't agree with. It's extremely disappointing how such terms are heavily thrown left & right without thinking of the context and worldbuilding of asoiaf-verse
The pedo accusation comes mainly from this part:
The Testimony of Mushroom claims Ser Criston found the young king-to-be drunk and naked in a Flea Bottom rat pat, where two guttersnipes (<-term for poor/homeless children) with filed teeth were biting and tearing at each other for his amusement whilst a girl who could not have been more than twelve pleasured his member with her mouth
I've seen the take that Aegon gets off from seeing kids fighting one another, but i just think this comes from someone who simply hates him to the core. He was there for entertainment, he was drunk, and had 0 care about being seen in sexual acts at a public place.
The fact that so many people have been surprised at the existence of the fighting pits is a bit shocking because in the books we see fighting pits in the Slaver Cities of Astapor, Meereen, and Yunkai. So it's nothing knew. Sure, the whole thing is disgusting but so are many other things in asoiaf verse so idk what people are expecting.
Now the bigger issue is the girl who we're told by mushroom she's 12 and gives Aegon a blowjob. As you mentioned mushroom is known to be lying and at the time he was in Dragonstone,so how could he even know?
In another ask, I mentioned how I don't side completely with either mashroom or the Septons because I believe the truth is most likely somewhere in the between.
Septon Eustace called what mashroom said an "ugly picture" but admitted that Aegon was in fact found with a "paramour" and he insisted she was a well cared daughter of a wealthy trader.
Now, Septon Eustace's bit is also rather... convenient, wouldn't you say? First of all he doesn't mention the girl's age, makes a reference to her wealth to make the situation seem better, which is very suspicious
As I said, my interpretation is somewhere in the between; maybe the girl could have been a simple daughter of a poor trader and Eustace added the "wealthy" part so the girl wouldn't be seen in a disadvantageous position. Maybe she was 14 or older and Mashroom reduced the number to make it more shocking and worth of gossiping etc
Of course one could say that even if that was the case, 14 is still a child. And to that, I have to remind everyone that while that's the case for our world, asoiaf has more gray areas. Here it's mentioned how technically coming of age is 16,but we've seen many cases both in f&b and in asoiaf of girls having ahd their period much sooner and getting married/having children because of it. So, if that girl had "bloomed" by westerosi standards then she was technically "of age"
As for the show portrayal, I honestly cannot understand what they had in mind with Aegon, because on the one hand they portrayed him as whiny & depressed, abused by Alicent and Otto and ignored by Viserys - which of course makes the audience sympathizes and then they turn it around and he's suddenly a shitty husband according to Helaena and a rapist who his mother covers for.
To me it seems like they couldn't make up with their minds about how his character should be because while you can convey sympathy for a terrible character (perfect example is Viserys, Daenery's brother) it seemed like they couldn't find the connection between the two to make a proper image of him.
As for Daemon I agree with you they destroyed his complexity and made him a piece of crap whose sole focus is his brother and his niece, but I gotta say, while I know the showrunners have mentioned they want to "portray everyone as grey and sympathetic" in the show, i think their result is more "men are evil and women are victims" because they suck big time at writing and have misunderstood completely the themes from f&b
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