#ive forgotten how to do this ngl
3amsnek · 1 year
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she’s going to break something
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katabay · 2 years
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sometimes I have a caption and commentary but tbh I drew this bc I’ve had this song on repeat all day
society6 | twitter (mastodon) | ko-fi | deviantart
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orcelito · 10 months
So I rearranged my bookshelf a bit for fitting trigun on my shelf...
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Top shelf is still my persona shelf. It's way too established to change that. But I moved my assorted other fav manga volumes to the bottom shelf, leaving room for This...
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It didn't Quite fit all the way, but it's close enough. This shelf is composed of my three top favorite mangas of all time, which are Also the only 3 series that I own in totality. Specifically bc theyre my favorites & I care enough about them to want to own them all lol
It's... really really nice to see them all in one place like this.
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And of course. The trigun ❤️ completely worth the money I spent on them.
#speculation nation#this is nowhere Near the full number of manga and books i own btw#i have. boxes and boxes just sitting in the closet.#but this is my only functional bookshelf. im a little limited.#so i only have the Favs here. at least for manga.#sometime i should go thru all my manga. ive forgotten how much i actually own.#maybe someday i can get some more bookshelves... ive been thinking about it.#for now. this will do.#it makes me so ridiculously happy to see trigun on the shelf. even with it being a bootleg print.#it's honestly pretty great quality for a bootleg. only printing problems i saw were a few of the internal covers were a bit out of order#everything in the volumes themselves were printed Wonderfully#of course dark horse translation so not perfect quality there. but ngl it's almost nostalgic to read that version for me.#that was my first trimax experience. & as much as i value what overhaul has been doing for us#a part of me will always be fond of dark horse's translation too.#and thus why i keep hold of my 'he is reason enough for me to fight' header. i enjoy it Very much.#man. i cant believe i got home 8 hours ago. and ive spent this whole time fucking around with my new manga#but ykno what it's good that it's bringing me so much joy#for how much i spent on it i damn Well better get some enjoyment out of it lmaoooo#but ive read thru them and i will almost Definitely be flipping thru them again in time#i enjoy physically holding manga. it lets me peruse so much more easily than trying to scroll and click thru pages#worth Every Penny........
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vaugarde · 7 months
well i finished renegade. i sure was renegading all over the place
#it was alriiiight.... but man i hate to say it but i think i have more complaints than praises#i DID like florins new execution route and i liked talons deal. the entire end of night spell deal was horrifying and i loved it#i love that genre of horror like ''you die twice when you get forgotten after death''#so seeing it play out here was horrifying in a good way. talon and amber's deaths were both so fucking good like goddamn#they were just as heartbreaking as they needed to be. especially ambers like when you go talk to tesla after#but. man i dont think meta games are for me cause ngl i was sorta just like ''aight.'' to most of the meta here#like that was the one thing about talon i didnt care for. i thought ''everyone i know and love is going to die and god is screaming at me''#was a fine enough motivation to go crazy and become a rift. i thought it was compelling and tragic and a good thing to do#with a new character. but then he started going ''in older versions of the game i wasnt even there i was just a prop for the backstory''#and thats sorta when i started tuning out. like i cant explain why but i feel it made the scene more... cheap?#i think just cause personally ive seen that motivation a lot in meta games before and its gotten old to me#tbh the entire meta angle is whats really dragging this down to me. dont get me wrong i love eizen and his scenes#but i dont see why we have to canonize the game's update cycles as like a critical part of the world#and then theres m2 who i have mixed feelings on. cause i love the character type of ''ive been through so much shit idc anymore''#and they end up being kinda goofy and saying inappropriate/out of pocket things while trying not to discuss The Horrors#ive written more than one of those types of characters. but with m2 its like she doesnt know how to turn that off#like spacea and tiempa's deaths being a tera raid parody where they joke about being in a crashing plane and get bashed by extra melias#it just felt like. unfitting. (also a nitpick but goddamn that scene made my head hurt with how much the screen wobbled)#like really? this is the sendoff they get in the fucked up and evil route? and idk i just dont think m2 was all that funny.#she was more grating than anything tbh. and i just feel like her existence and the bad timeline is just Too Much#like there were already so many plotlines and arcs and do we Really need a new-ish character right before the climax#idk. im hoping v14 is more cohesive in this department#for now im taking a much needed break from this game lol
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trivalentlinks · 1 year
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saw this cute reddit Am I the Asshole post by reddit user tway23421 with peak enemies-to-friends energy and thought my friends here might like it.
Also here's another enemies to friends story from its comment section with a similar energy, but from the rebellious asshole kid perspective (by reddit user D_OShae)
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AITA (Am I the Asshole) abbreviations:
WIBTA = would I be the asshole
NTA = not the asshole
[Image ID
1st image: reddit r/AmITheAsshole
Posted by u/tway23421 11 hours ago
WIBTA for spraying some kid with my garden hose daily after he walks all over our lawn
I (37M) live with my wife (37F) and son and daughter ( 9 and 11 respectively).
Recently, there has been this kid who comes by our house after playing soccer and either rides his bike or walks over the lawn with his cleats on his way home.
It started out as me giving him stern looks whenever I saw him, then it slowly progressed to me asking him to just go around.
The last time I asked him to stop he made a point to stomp extra hard and twist his feet in to the grass to piss me off.
Since then Ive just been hosing him. The first time I sprayed him with the hose he ran off, but then for some reason he just started standing there while I hose him like he enjoys it.
Its now progressed to me sitting on my lawn chair pointing my hose at him, and him just staring at me while he does so. Sometimes we even make small talk.
Im ngl, it started off as a really bitter relationship, but Ive actually gotten to know the kid quite well, we talk for maybe 15-20 mins everyday, and he doesnt seem to mind being hosed down after sweating hard playing soccer.
He comes by daily and we just shoot the shit while I hose him and he stands there for a bit.
Wife told me I need to stop, even after I explained it to her she said Im making us look like childish idiots.
I guess I could stop, but honestly its really funny waiting for him to come by and I see no harm in it. WIBTA?
2nd image:
Comment by D_OShae 4 hours ago:
NTA, and this is actually kind of sweet.
When I was in my teens, I used to visit a small greasy spoon (diner) where my friend was a waitress. This old guy (late 70s) came in every day at the same time and sat in the same booth. He would order one of three meals. One time I sat in "his" booth doing some homework (and drinking a ton of coffee refills). The man came in and told me -- not asked -- that I needed to move. I did. It happened again a couple of weeks later. He called me a little bastard for sitting his both. A couple of days later, I did it again on purpose. He called me a little bastard and told me to move. I moved my books. The man grumbled and sat down.
Over the course of about two months this scenario got repeated. Somewhere along the line I asked him about a ring he wore. The stories started to come out. I learned he and his late wife came to that restaurant for over 20 years to have dinner. I was sitting in her place. However, I kept asking questions, and he kept relaying his stories. This man lead an AMAZING life, and I listened to any tale he wanted to share. This went on for two years.
When he died at the age of 81, I went to his memorial. I met his children and grandchildren. When they asked how I knew him, I told them my tale. His children laughed because he called everyone a little bastard, male and female alike. Then I began to recount some of the stories he told me. His children verified some, but then they heard stories he never told them. I ended up meeting with his children several times to tell them everything he told me.
Mr. Banhke, I am not a believer, like I told you many times, but I still think of you and your incredible life. You are not forgotten.
AITA (Am I the Asshole) abbreviations:
WIBTA = would I be the asshole
NTA = not the asshole
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afterhourswjay · 1 year
HI JAY! Ive been sick for like a week now so it got me wondering... how would Thoma Ayato Itto and wanderer take care of the reader when they are sick? (SFW, HEADCANON) I NEED THE MALEWIFE OR DOTING PARTNER ENERGY 😞😞😞😞❤️❤️❤️
Howdy, Kichi!! That sounds like it sucks! I'm also really, REALLY, sorry for how late this is!! I haven't had the motivation to write as of late (・・;) I've also been kinda sick myself
Drown in soup, but not literally
the reader is sick, and requires bedrest to get better. how does their partner help them out??
characters: Thoma, Ayato, Itto, and Wanderer warnings:
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goes full nurse on you
when he hears that your not feeling well, he immediately ushers you off to bed. you don't need to worry about any of your obligations, as he'll make sure to take care of them to the best of his ability
if you're sick with the flu, then he's making sure that your keeping food and fluids down
if you got a simple head cold, then he's not nearly as worried which is saying a lot
he really loves you and doesn't like the fact that theres only so much he can do to help you feel better
he gets really scared if your unable to keep stuff in your stomach
i feel like you'd be pretty good friends with ayato and ayaka, so they'd be more than willing to contact some of the best doctors on your behalf for some of the best medicine they can afford
ngl, he's super worried about you
if he notices your uncomfortable, tired, or really anything other than rested and comfortable, he'll try his best to help you out
do you need more pillows or blankets? are you hungry or thirsty? are you bored, perhaps??
makes you the best meal when your finally feeling better
probably takes you out for an evening walk as well, since you haven't really been moving while sick
definitely hovers around you a lot more for about a week or 2 after you've recovered before he eases up
he knows that getting sick is just part of life, and that it happens to everyone, but that doesn't mean he won't still worry about you
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Kamisato Ayato
ngl, i feel like his attention is already split between all his responsibilities that he doesn't notice you feeling unwell at first
once he does notice, however, than he's ushering you off to rest for the time being
he doesn't want to see you trying to do any work until your feeling well
you two have been living together as a way to make it easier for him to protect you from any attempts at people trying to kidnap you for ransom
has the staff bring you anything you may need on days where he's particularly busy
he's not the best cook, either, so he has his staff cook the best foods for someone whos feeling under the weather
spends any of his spare time in your room with you
some times he'll even bring his paperwork in with him so that he can spend time with you but also get some stuff done hint: hes too worried about you to work on his stuff
your condition worsens into the flu before you start getting better
by the time your feeling better, you've pretty much got a mountain of blankets and pillows on your bed
he asks you what you want to eat a day or so after confirming with a doctor that you are officially recovered
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Arataki Itto
you were taking a couple days off from taking commissions from the adventurers guild, deciding to spend it with your boyfriend arataki itto
the two of you were running around the whole of inazuma, collecting lavender melons and catching onikabuto beetles
you and itto had gotten caught in a downpour, having to book it across the beach to some makeshift and rather run down huts
why the two of you chose to come to koseki village, you'll never know
but, after the downpour passes, you two head back to your waverider and then back to inazuma city
wet clothes forgotten about due to the rest of the arataki gang having gotten into a little trouble with the guards, you proceed to talk to them while kuki shinobu chews out everyone
eventually, like. close to sundown, your able to make your way to your home to change out of your still damp clothes
you catch a cold the day after, having full body shivers
with practically no word from you for a few days has the whole gang worried for your wellbeing, and they practically break into your home
when you wake up, all bleary eyed from sleep, your met with the group surrounding your bed
after explaining you just have the chills, and are fine for the most part, the most of them leave to go do what they do most days
however, itto sticks around, keeping you company
he does also apologize for the fact that you got caught in the rain a few days ago
you immediately tell him that he has nothing to be sorry about, unless he can control the weather and intentionally made it downpour on the two of you
you then get out of bed, giving him a hug, and then meander off to your kitchen, asking him to help you make some soup
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whenever you start being sucked down by depression, you tend to push yourself to work harder
and, often times, this leads you to neglecting your own needs
he may not be the best boyfriend, what with having to sort through his past and his feelings, but he does try his best
he's also hella observant. while he may not comment on everything, hardly anything is able to get past him
so, he makes a mental note every time you add another commission onto your growing list of commissions
he starts to grow annoyed with you when, instead of stopping to take a break for lunch that, you decide to just eat lunch on the way to your next commission
you don't really know what you did to upset him, but kuni seems to start making what your brain interprets as snide comments towards you sometimes
it isn't until your body decides to rebel against you and you fall sick when you realize that he wasn't really making snide comments towards you, thats just how your tired brain interpreted it
he was trying to warn you about pushing yourself to do more than what your body could handle
kuni doesn't really let you do anything until your recovered from being sick
he puts you back on a proper schedule, making sure you get 3 meals a day, all easy on your stomach as to not make you feel worse than you likely already are
he also puts you on a proper sleep schedule, making sure you get between 8-10 hours of sleep a night
kuni's surprisingly nice while your sick. he knows how much more sensitive you are to his usual comments during times like these so he saves the lectures for when your back to feeling 100% better
its ok, tho. he's back to being mean, and more than makes up for it by basically dragging you all over sumeru and inazuma for ascension materials
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kisaraslover · 5 months
anon kskkasak ITS FINE ILL SAVE YOU OK? here goes:
Scenes from a Kaiba Marriage and Temptation by my blueshipping queen @kisara-kaiba as the opening. the peak of modern life blueshipping fluff, very lovesick, when im reading them its heart full, head empty. youre gonna be lucky to start them now cuz ill be rereading and drawing scenes from them this week👀. itll be like premium fanfic reading.
Enjambment -> this fic might be the single best written blueshipping fic by the virtue of MIRRORING their encounter in ancient Egypt beat by beat, including BOTH of their character arcs and the netflix show vibe of suspense and the sharp, cold and bleak setting is chefs kiss. changed my brain chemistry. still one of my favorite portrayals of Kisara.
Maiden with Eyes of Blue -> Sometimes time needs to slow down and a single scene should be a character study/ hashing out of things you needed acknowledged by canon, the situation is ESPECIALLY dire for Seto Kaiba as ive made my feelings on his writing known many times. This is it. Kisara isnt reincarnated in this one though, but her love for him can be felt in the air. Ngl you could just incorporate this into post canon and it would be fine. canon compliant+ canon enriching.
Shades of Water, Ice, and Sky -> I'm skimming through each fic to see what they were about and i just gotta say: why so heart-wrenching if so short?? theyre in love your honor.
Their Promise: Book I -> ok gonna be honest w you i havent finished this one and the main reason is that i cant go past the SPECTACULAR first chapter. ive started and failed to draw it in its entirety. i open it, i chew on the first chapter like a rabid dog, i close it more often than not. the second reason is it has a lot more angst and heartbreak than most blueship fics do and im weak to that sort of thing. still, if we follow their ancient egypt encounter beat by beat, which is a fantastic way of following and enriching the canon, their first meeting needs to be as kids with him saving her from a cage. chefs kiss.
who are you? -> JUST the right amount of Seto Kaiba immediate fixation obsession on Kisara (which means insanely obsessed)
You Will Crave Your Ancient Roots -> this is so good and so heartbreaking man. Seto and Atem are shot back into ancient Egypt and Seto is only able to slightly alter the events around Kisara. hes fated to fall for that woman every single time and *starts sobbing*
Ancient Rules -> all i gotta say is this Seto Kaiba gives me brainworms. hes chuck full of Passion and Cockiness and Insanity. blueshippers sometimes take out his insanity. he is very unsettling here i love it. Kisara is truly at his mercy..
never forget your first dream -> fem!Set and Kisara in ancient Egypt, this story twists more than just Seto's gender. im a yuri seto truther so its great to have written proof of it. jokes aside, very well characterized Set and Kisara, rich writing.
One in Forty -> pretty short but this one fundamentally changed how i viewed Kisara's canon influence over BEWD cards and her constant and unbendable favor around Seto. canon compliant + canon enriching.
ok so these are the cream of the crop for ME personally, might have forgotten some in my other folders, i might have missed reading some, its probably not all encompassing. but frankly ive liked and saved fics for a single resounding line, single funny joke, one interesting implication about the story or the characters the author wrote up so in my heart theyre all worth checking out, always. fanfic writers are carrying this ship on their backs and theyre all 9 ft tall and im just walking around them, clearing the path, giving them a sip of water and snacks etc. so THANK YOU BLUESHIPPING AUTHORS I LOVE YOUUUUUU
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Oh Ive been waiting to ask (but mostly just ramble tbh) how do you think Andrew would react to a flirt reader in the graveyard pre manor who writes poems for him since he's their muse, I think he would be very moved but also extremely shy and kind of lost on how to react.
They geniunly see a unique type of beauty in him and honestly who WOULDNT, because when youre looking for inspiration and something catches your eyes, theres no stopping. With his red eyes similar to roses or rubies, his skin as pale and shiny as the moon above the skies that sometimes wants to shy away behind coouds just like him, his blonde hair resembeling the ones in the paintings of angels and so on.... They would love to smother him in compliments since the poems never stop coming to him and they get more creative every single time, finding a new detail about him but also disclosing information about them, to let Andrew know that their feelings are sincere and hopefully reciprocated....
Andrew my love I am coming for you
Ngl i love that pls show him body worship!
I love the idea of falling in love in the most unlikely of places or times. In this case, the classic how Morticia and Gomez met lol both going to funeral.
Andrew, from wht i learned is like five layers deep in ground trying to protect himself from the world. He probably thinks this is just another attempt to mock him or berate him.
It will take time but also he is wondering why you hangout at the graveyard. Always at a funerals, you are very strange yet instead of being closed off or hateful, you are /you/. A strange you, a you who keeps their head up despite the whispers or the attempts to outcast you.
The next time he sees you, you at a grave he buried not to long ago, month or two ago. Wiping the grave, cleaning it as you talk to whoever is buried there. Fresh flowers. They call you strange but he is learning you pay respect to the dead. This belief of "those who pass on truly die when they are forgotten" is what you tell him. Andrew stands by claiming he is just supervising, it not safe here all alone.
Slowly, there is a bond between you both. He still gets flustered when you flirt or compliment him. The letters you sent are hidden in the floorboards to be read again over and over when alone. He can smell the perfume/cologne on those letters.
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piraytoro · 1 year
i am ngl i spent a very long time vehemently believing pete wentz was an abuser and a terrible person because of a lot of, for lack of a better word, discourse culture? i found that blog yourfavesareproblematic at like 13 and i swear it altered the way i see human beings so dramatically and horrifically that to this day i still have to spend a long time arguing with myself to justify enjoying art from people who were deemed problematic for some reason or another.
to be completely honest with you, i didnt even know until right now that the survivor of that abuse never named pete, because of how hard the fandom and discourse blogs around me went on insisting it was him. it was presented as fact, and its insane.
ive also forgotten the point i meant to make with this ask but yknow maybe we should all do more research before throwing a black guy under the bus for things done by someone who we dont have the name of and stop treating peoples Alleged (not even alleged bc he wasnt named) actions from Twenty Years Ago as the very core of who they are and what they stand for. like shit, i was an infant in 2003. yall are gonna tell me someone couldnt change in the TWENTY YEARS ive been alive? ive drastically changed in the past 5 months. come on people.
Literally! Why can’t people just acknowledge that “it’s wrong for adults to date teenagers 10 years younger than them, whether or not they’re technically of age” and “it’s wrong for people on tumblr to accuse a Black man of abuse that doesn’t have his name attached to it based on a racist article from a historically racist publication and a bullshit ‘timeline’ they pulled out of their ass” can, do and should coexist. There have historically been too many Black men falsely accused bc they “fit the description.” While it’s absolutely 100% true that women shouldn’t have to name their abusers in order to be believed if it makes them feel unsafe, “so we should just assume who it was anyway and spread that around” is NOT the correct conclusion to draw from it. There is racism at work here that’s being brushed under the rug
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hourcat · 9 months
I have been thirsting over mechanic pierre lately. Do you have any more of that universe coming up?
god bestie this is SO REAL. mechanic pierre...the hottest pierre ive ever written i fear ://
anyway, yes! i still have plenty of deleted scenes to write, don't you worry <33 ngl i have been procrastinating them a little, but to make up for that, here's a sneak peek of the next scene in chassisverse :)
Charles flinches. He’d forgotten Carlos mentioned he was planning to attend tonight, and apparently it’d been too much to hope for that Charles would be able to bring Pierre to his workplace without running into him.
He doesn’t even turn around fully before Carlos is standing before the two of them, grin plastered wide across his face. He’d gone for the classic suit-and-tie look tonight, apparently—it must be his go-to, although Charles thinks it’s a rather boring choice considering their surroundings. “Carlos,” he greets, attempting to keep his voice from wavering as he shakes his colleague’s hand in greeting. “It’s good to see you.” A lie, of course: one that makes Pierre stiffen ever-so-slightly beside him. “I don’t know if I’ve introduced you to my boyfriend—Carlos, this is Pierre.”
Pierre sneaks an arm around Charles’ waist before he shakes the Spaniard’s hand. “It’s nice to meet you,” he says. It’s an impressive acting job, for sure: his fingers are digging into the fabric of Charles’ suit jacket, the heat of his palm burning a brand into his side. “I’ve heard much about you.”
Carlos doesn’t have a clue. “All good, I hope,” he laughs, shaking Pierre’s hand once more before releasing it. “Your boyfriend here is quite the teacher, I’ll be the first to say.”
Charles opens his mouth to deflect politely—we’ve had a lucky class this semester or I’m learning from all the best in the department—but Pierre seemingly has decided to cut in. “You wouldn’t be the first,” he answers, not quite sharp but bordering on arguing-with-a-car-guy-customer in tone. “I’ve seen how much his students love him firsthand.”
Carlos looks…a little startled at the bluntness, although he continues to barrel through the conversation with ignorance. “It’s been great working with him this year for sure. Some of the office hours stints we’ve pulled have been for the history books, eh, Charles?” He elbows Charles’ shoulder amusedly, and Charles can hear the gears in Pierre’s head turning, processing. They really haven’t done anything worth a historical mention together, certainly not in either of their offices, but Charles can’t just refute him. It would be rude.
“It’s been a wild semester so far,” he offers instead, turning towards Pierre. “I’ve told you about some of them, P—”
“Yes,” he says shortly, the grip on Charles’ waist getting tighter. “Charles was going to show me around his office, so I am sure I will hear more about your shenanigans there.” Pierre’s smile is tight, strained. “It was good to meet you, Carlos, but there is much art to look at and so little time.” Charles doesn’t even have a second to say any kind of goodbye before the Frenchman is now in control, leading them back to the now-open doors of the studio space, grip now vice-like at Charles’ waist.
It's…well, it’s hot.
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knightzp · 10 months
heLLo miki how r u?? i need to ask did u have a favourite big time rush song & why. i need to know i am curious. also favourite band member :D ? ive been listening to their songs non-stop for the past few days lmao. theyre honestly super motivating
hi hiii tiaki!!!! im doing good how are you !!
also do you know what have you done sending this ask. since i didnt remember the names of the songs i had to go look them up and obviously listen to them to remember. its been like 2 hours of me listening btr (and still going) and ngl im having the time of my life aldjsks i remembered they were good but GOD i clearly had forgotten just how catchy and motivating they were!!!
ANYWAYS i used to listen to a lot of their songs (from their two first albums) but yes i had some faves!!! i remember i was sooo obsessed with 'this is our someday' (listening to it rn btw) i loved its rhythm since the first time i listened to it and i also really like the lyrics, it just feels very positive and freeing to me, makes me feel like everything is possible! others i also like a huge lot, mostly bc of their rhythm and bc theyre very catchy, are 'paralyzed' 'windows down' 'nothing even matters' 'city is ours' 'til i forget about you' 'boyfriend' 'elevate' and of course 'big time rush' bc the opening of the tv show is such a banger!!!
and my fave member was logan!!!! he was the nerd of the group but still as silly as all the rest and i just loved him a lot <3 also really liked carlos bc how not to??? he was so funny and iconic always with his helmet
now i need to know abt you too!! what were your fave member and songs??? :D
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orcelito · 10 months
Any trigun fics you do recommend/enjoyed?
oh Positivity, yes. uuuhhhh im kind of bad at bookmarking things ngl but i will share A Few. all vashwood bc that's my shit & all
i feel like everyone knows about Figure Me Out but it was one of the first fics i read in this fandom & honestly tangentially inspiration for writing Sentido (that whole tangible inhumanity kind of idea). i should reread it sometime. im very behind on the sequel but im thinking about working on reading it so i can have smth that has good characterization. genuinely some of the best vash characterization ive seen. Sooooooooooo good
theres kinder, gentler WHICH i actually was absolutely ABSOLUTELY obsessed with a giant haikyuu fic this person wrote back in the day, so seeing them get into trigun was an Absolute gift for me. one of the best trigun longfic there are imo with fun characterizations & WONDERFUL writing. one of my favorite instances of Knives Domestication too, aka he's still very thorny and does not like humans but he is Making An Effort (after centuries and centuries of work). this fic rly embodies the spirit of trigun to me tbh, if it was something... well... kinder and gentler. very silly and very sad at times, but also hopeful. what a fic <3
i was very very very obsessed with Trillium and Ivy. read the entire thing in one day. & honestly shoutout to them for writing such a long fic back b4 the trigun renaissance. Dedication. it's been a bit since ive read it but i remember really enjoying how they wrote Vash's disability in a modern setting. not just handwaving away the prosthetic as some super high-tech thing. and also addressing the utter horror that his recovery from such a serious accident wouldve been. honestly i might reread it sometime, ive forgotten a lot of it and it was SO fucking good. genuinely i was obsessed. highly recommend it.
uhmmmmmmmmmmm the other trigun fics i have bookmarked are smut fics lksdjflsdkfj but i'll share them anyways bc if it's in my bookmarks that means they HIT me enough i wanted to save it for later. and thus they are the kinds of smut fics that have U contemplating life and love and ur very existence
i’m here in search of your glory (there’s been a million before me) (what a long title) uh this one. well this one broke me. first half is just pain pain pain pain and then u get ur happiness and Relief and joy and. well. ya kno lmao. this fic rly did hit me so hard tho. i enjoyed it a lot
a kind heart to haunt rancher (& ex outlaw) vash and cowboy wolfwood. western au, very well done. i read this one all in one morning and felt shrimp feelings (in a good way). and the smut is. Also good. LOVE AND LONGING AND uh. good smut. what more is there to ask for
just a holy fool now i'll admit it's been over 4 months since ive read this so i dont remember a lot. but since it's in my bookmarks that means it Hit me. i remember it being the perfect kind of vashwood longing tho So if ur looking for smut with feelings. this one's Pretty Great
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d0d0-b0i · 2 years
(SPOILER FILLED) alrighty, time for some more cohesive thoughts on prime for me (since my last one was written directly after finishing it and now its had time to sit in my brain) (long post btw, i ramble @w@)
overall, i very much enjoyed it! the animation had me positively salivating over the fact that its /actually/ using animation techniques and not just. moving characters from A to B without the time for proper stylization. the overall plot was enjoyable and i am excited to see what the rest of the season will offer.
the fact that it is only one-third of the whole season also makes me a lot more forgiving about certain flaws i found at first, like only showing three worlds and not giving the characters a lot of time to breathe. theres the very high likelihood that such a thing actually will happen, and we might even see more places and worlds, which is an exciting thought! nonetheless, going in i did not know this as i was sleep deprived and had forgotten how many episodes the season has, so i felt a little bit salty, ngl.
Devon Mack does a very good job as sonic, and it makes me feel warm inside hearing his portrayal! every actor does a great job honestly, and it truly feels like they all understand the respective character they voice act(especially considering they have to acclimate the character /and/ voice for each new world. very talented!). the eggman voice actor could use some rerecords at times honestly;; but he does a good enough job that i only notice it sometimes; and he is fun to listen to regardless, and is just a subjective thought of mine.
the different universes also intrigue me! :D i really enjoyed the first one the jungle one was interesting and had beautiful flora models, but it is with this one that a problem of mine arises (but ill get to that later). the waterworld was also interesting, but kind of boring worldwise, since its just. water. (i get that its a pirate world and thats fine! i just cant give a good description of my feelings besides just. water. yknow?)
ive seen that a lot of people think rouge shouldve been the captain in the third world and. honestly. yeah. i think we might get to see why later on? but idk. i hope they have a reason that makes sense as to why she isnt, like if the worlds stick around and dont fuse back, shed be the next captain? weh! (i do love knuckles in a captains outfit though, so bonus points for that!)
now. i only have a few “criticisms”, and although some can be attributed to not being intended for me(and i will therefore not include cus. duh), there is one thing i just cannot let slip by.
(CRITIQUE START) the issue i have is that it feels so empty. new yolk (i refuse the yoke) is populated, but later episodes only really reuse the same five models roughly multiple times and i think had at most like 30? of them at the same time, and obviously could not have had more due to budget and such (which is understandable, but that still doesnt mean i cant point it out).
the jungle episodes! THE JUNGLE EPISODES?? ONLY HAD 5?? CHARACTERS MINUS SONIC (froggy counts) AT ALL TIMES?? and even the flashbacks only show those, probably so as not to imply death but like. come on. not even a few background characters at all? am i meant to believe they will all die out anyway simply by being the last people on this earth? im sorry i just cant get over this. you can make sean mcloughlin, mr jacksepticeye, get a cameo and his own personal character model, BUT CANNOT EVEN FILL A JUNGLE WITH PEOPLE?? did i miss something? if theyd shown even /one/ bg character once in a single frame in the flashbacks, id forgive it but i. cannot. im sorry. im nitpicking but come on! this is like the only issue i have. you only have 11 of the original characters in the first place (sonic. tails. knuckles. amy. rouge. big. froggy. shadow. eggman. orbot. cubot.), and then half of them are pretty much gone most of the time.
i just. its so empty? DO NOT GET ME WRONG I HATE WHEN THAT HAPPENS. I DEEPLY ENJOY THIS SHOW! I LOVE THE CHARACTERS WEVE GOTTEN TO SEE !!! THAT DOES NOT MEAN I CANNOT COMPLAIN ABOUT SOMETHING I HAD TROUBLE PROCESSING. if its gonna be a show about sonic and his friendships. where the fuck are the rest of them? is all we’re gonna get homages to their characters? (jungle knuckles was just sticks. come on now. just put her in shes already canon to the mainline games now) sega, if youre going to make a show about his friendships, why wont you let his friends be there? why can you only license 11 of your characters to the show? please make me eat my words.
and yeah you could say that the reasons others arent there (in-canon, not because of legal issues) is because they werent hit close-up with the prism shatter, but neither was big? he was shown to be down by the hills when it exploded, and i dont know if that counts considering that orbot and cubot arent even in any episode besides the first one, and they werent visible in the blast, i do not know what the blast radius would be to affect anything else. eugh. idk man. this is like the ONE issue i have, and its so small it feels meaningless. yeah yeah the budget the tight grip on characters yadda yadda i get the reasons behind it but it still affects the endgoal and i should be allowed to point it out.                                                                                                                     (CRITIQUE OVER)
that being said. i am in love with the character designs! especially a big fan of sonics gloves and shoes in the pirate world. i fuck w/ that very much <3
anyway, thats it. show good. binge it if possible! we need netflix to know that we like this. and maybe theyll realize that one episode per week for this show would be perfect (im looking at you episode recaps)
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eurydicees · 3 months
idk how I missed all of ur posts about the hq pacrim au until this morning??? but now that ive been exposed im so excited oh my god (I am Very Normal about both of these things)
anyway what does raptor three look like? is it just a crimson typhoon kinda setup? who works on her? (ik u said hanamaki and matsukawa were jaeger techs but these r big ol bots and I can't imagine those two work on All of them especially when they designed Blue Castle so they know her specifically in and out)
also kuroken k-sci division, pls tell me more about kuroken k-sci division🙏🙏🙏
oh my god SO sorry this took me a hundred years to get to! i got busy and lost track of this au…but it has been reborn in the form of my nanowrimo project LOL. you (and anyone/everyone) should continue to ask me about the pacific rim au please and thank you. so many things have changed since my first posts !!!!! 
also this ask did remind me that kuroken were going to be the scientists, which i had lowkey almost forgotten about when i restarted the fic on april 1, so ty ty ty for that. here’s some more about them and the jaegers under the cut ! 
first off, they didn’t know each other before coming to work at the shatterdome together! the only people who knew each other before coming together in tokyo were iwaizumi and oikawa, the rest of the haikyuu characters involved have never met before. there will be no explanation for this
kenma was recruited in his first year of university because he was posting his theories and amateur research online and it caught the attention of people with resources who wanted to see if he could find anything if given access to more tech and info than his dorm room gamer setup 
turns out that yes, yes he can find things if given more resources. he’s the one who comes up with the theory about kaiju attack patterns and the increasing rate etc etc 
kuroo, for his part, became a researcher in the science dept after incessantly sending his findings to whoever he could get in contact with, knowing he was On To Something and needed resources to share it
kenma is one of the people he gave his research to (twitter besties!), and kenma invited him to the tokyo shatterdome to work together
turns out that working together is frustrating sometimes but they love nothing more than to constantly annoy each other <3 but they do respect each other’s work even if they don’t always agree on methods or conclusions 
ex. kuroo’s research was founded on samples he got from the black market; kenma’s research is all too theoretical for kuroo; etc etc 
daichi and suga’s jaeger 
so ngl i forgot that asahi was originally a part of this
he is not longer a part of this
rip raptor three
anyways daichi and suga now pilot a mark-3 together called raptor flight. i’m imagining something like saber athena, which is from uprising but who cares. i can do whatever i want 
most important features of raptor-2: fastest model to date, extremely acrobatic/dextrous/agile, equipped with ionic twinblades (she gets two swords <3 ) that can be synced/combined into one stronger weapon (are you seeing the references i am making. are you seeing them), and an n-16 particle charger (plasma cannon thing) 
i’ve decided that asahi is the main tech for raptor-2 (hey he’s still here! yay!). he was also the main designer and tech for daichi and his sister’s jaeger, ursa juliet, before his sister dies and the model is ripped apart 
daichi is on the right in both raptor-2 and ursa juliet; suga is on the left in raptor-2 
iwaoi’s jaeger
blue castle is going to be vaguely modeled after striker eureka 
trivia fun fact of the day: striker eureka was planned to be the main jaeger in the movie until they were like well actually this robot is too cold and arrogant appearing to be the hero robot. this is deeply funny to me and also why it is perfect for blue castle 
blue castle is a mark-2 and was an experimental design by two intern jaeger tech development scientists, hanamaki and matsukawa (who get promoted to active jaeger techs as soon as blue castle is successfully put into use) - as the years go on, this design becomes a pretty common basis to design off of for future models 
most important features: extremely strong, aerodynamic, stable, and agile, equipped with 4.211 brass knuckles (exactly what it sounds like) and assault mount 3.25 sting blades (two swords attached to arms), missile launcher mounted in the chest, and advanced displays in the conn-pod which allow them a 4-way view of their surroundings
also not unexpected, but worth saying: iwaizumi is on the left, oikawa on the right 
jaeger visuals
ok so i wrote all of that out and then i found the pacific rim: uprising jaeger design maker thingy online here and i decided i’m bored enough to do that actually. these aren’t , like, exactly what i’m imagining, so kinda mush together the canon jaeger references with these generated images lol. i’m gonna try so hard to describe them in the fic. we’ll see how that goes. 
anyways, blue castle to the left and raptor-2 on the right! and below is striker eureka to the left and saber athena to the right. anyways i’m having SO much fun with this jaeger generator from 2018 lmfao can you tell 
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overall. aaaaaa.
im so excited to be coming back to this. anyways more in my #hq pacrim au tag (though much of that is outdated) or eventually also in my #april nano 2024 tag !!!! and pls pls pls come talk to me about it !!!!!
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cosmobrain00 · 11 months
alrght not to get all *gestures arnd vaguely* on main, but do any other fellow writers evr feel so relived when they finally write something for themselves after a long time? im ngl, it was one of the best feeling ive had in a while, n it's not to say I hate writing for st/ motr, but I'd just kinda forgotten how fun writing could be yk? literally was half asleep but got up arnd 6 am to write down sm lines that my sleep addled brain had thrown up, n bf I new it the sun had come up n the idea had taken on a life of its own and I was so happy even tho I knew I wasn't gonna get any sleep. idk. I had just forgotten how it felt tbh
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seoafin · 6 months
Omgawd... I didn't expect u to actually answer that goon yap about sick ripmc LOLL tbh usually I just send in ridiculously hornyy stsg/ripmc rants into Ur inbox cus genetically I act liek those fish that eat plastic n coins in the doo-doo ass corner of the pond I have no sense of impulse control ngl ive forgotten how many asks/which ones I've kicked down there literally brainless asf my sense of object permanence is nonexistent basically like I rlly dek wat the hell I even said anymore
Also..hold awn... by asks in the inbox that u stare at do u mean mine ( *sweats * how does she know its me....) or other anons ... >>... (impending curiosity...)
oh i know :)
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