elvenbeard · 2 years
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Ricnan and Elornan live rent free in my head forever!! Two nerdy mages who accidentally adopt a street urchin and from there on things go downhill...
These are two of my original characters from the novel I’m writing atm, if you wanna learn more about them or their story, feel free to ask away anytime! :D
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allenvooreef · 3 years
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Adoven for @elvenbeard
I’m gonna start working my way back through some unposted artworks. Most recently, a gift for Elven, who has become a dear friend ♥️ Adoven is a character from his original story and world, which you can read all about on tumblr @ivendarea , and support on Patreon!
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ivendarea · 5 years
The Nathras
Making the Most out of Life
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Banner art based on and supported by my Patrons ♥
The Nathras are at home by Ivendarea’s north-western shores and islands and one of the more reclusive population groups. Sticking to themselves and feeling a little detached from the events in the south and east of the nation, they are fairly independent, but a warm, creative, and community-oriented people nonetheless. In ancient times the Nathras used to be mostly nomads, but they also had small semi-permanent settlements along the northern shores, one of them developing into the city Westpoint.
Table of Contents:
Culture and History
Cultural Heritage
Language and Dialect
Shared Values
Common Etiquette
Major Organizations
Art and Architecture
Beauty Ideals
Courtship Ideals
Relationship Ideals
Continue reading below or on World Anvil
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Culture and History Isolated in Ivendareas northwest, yet still at the frontier and open to the world, the Nathras make up one of the more unique Ivendarean population groups. Not really fitting in with their own people, still proud of their Nyr heritage, they make the best of any situation and oppurtunity.
Cultural Heritage In ancient times the Nathras were predominantly fishermen. They were also the first to build ships and attempt to set sail to foreign shores (with mixed results). With the spread of Aman’s Teachings and more and more people becoming part of this new religion, the Nathras felt increasingly threatened in their way of life. While embracing any new knowledge, some of the rules proposed by Aman, such as not eating fish and meats, or hunting and fishing for food and leather, the Nathras struggled to adapt without any new means to sustain themselves in the cold north with infertile earth. Groups such as the Wylaai, who also had to deal with a too harsh environment for farming, received and embraced the support of southern communities to artificially create fertile land. The Nathras though were more hesitant to give up on their established way of life.
Until today there are many Nathras who call themselves devout followers of Aman’s Teachings while still continuing their traditional trade of fishing.
Despite their isolation, the Nathras were accidental ambassadors for their whole nation on two occasions. Both the Aapha of Darthonis and the Kitu from far away Drua Shye landed first on their shores. So while they are a little bit detached from the main portion of their continent, they are rather connected to dealings with the outside world and developed into versed traders.
Trade is actually spoken more commonly in Westpoint, the capital of the region, than any other language including Nyrval. Currently Westpoint also calls Ivendarea’s largest trade harbour its own, and to the outside world the Nathras enjoy a reputation of being the most laid-back and open-minded of the Nyr. Language and Dialect The accent of the Nathras is considered “flat” and a little monotonous combined with speaking rather fast. Since most Nathras speak Trade more commonly than Nyrval, elements of both languages are mixed into the other, creating a rather unique colour, sound, and vocabulary.
Shared Values Living conditions in the north are comparatively harsh, with unpredictable cold and storms, therefore it is important to the Nathras communities to be adaptable and keep a watchful eye. Courage is one of the most-taught virtues, and unselfish devotion is the most important service one could offer for the community.
The Nathras have a very relaxed view on life and death. Death is not the end of all things, and sometimes a noble sacrifice is necessary to prevent greater evils from happening. Life on the other hand is meant for joy. While not scared of hard work, a rather laid-back attitude is common in the northern villages.
The Nathras work to live, not the other way around. Also, not many would openly call themselves religious, but subconsciously many of their social conventions are actually tightly connected to the beliefs of the Aman’a Valeethi, and most do believe in the gods. They just don’t make a big deal out of it and don’t tend to pry into other people’s business. Accepting differences in regards to politics and religion is essential to the Nathras, particularly because as a people of traders they often have to deal with travellers and outsiders.
Similar to the Wylaai the Nathras are also known to be rather hospitable, and they enjoy fun and entertainment. Westpoint, the settlement with the highest percentage of Nathras among its population, is home to an arena where people can measure their strength in public battles for the entertainment ofma crowd and some coin. All on a voluntary basis of course.
Common Etiquette As much as the Nathras enjoy being part of a devoted community, they expect everyone within the community to contribute something, even if it is just a symbolic gesture. If everyone helps together to get unpleasant things done, the faster it is possible to devote oneself to the beautiful things in life again. While they have a rather relaxed relationship with death, it is not well-liked to talk ill of the dead. In fact, remembering them in a positive light is very important and if not in the local temple, at least in the deceased’s home a small space or shrine is dedicated to their memory.
Entertainment and hospitality are so important that it is rude to refuse an invitation or gifts. Furthermore, no food or drink should be wasted, it should be shared, re-purposed, or donated, never thrown away. The same goes for basically everything else, too: before throwing it out, consider if it could be of use for someone else or for a different purpose. And should someone unexpectedly gain riches, it is expected of them to invest into the community, not hoard their money.
Major Organizations Less an organization but still one of the major institutions in Westpoint, the Arena is the city’s centre of entertainment. No matter if as a spectator betting on contestants, or by entering the ring oneself, it is also a popular place to earn extra coin without big commitments.
Fashion The Nathras will wear their clothes until they’re literally falling apart - and then they’ll fix them as best as they can, use parts of different articles of clothing to make a new one, or find a new purpose for them. Nathras fashion is rugged and wayward, unconventional at best and questionable sometimes too. Influences from a variety of cultures and eras can be found in everyday clothing, the motto is: do what you like.
While most prefer practical clothing that doesn’t get in the way and is comfortable, there is not much the Nathras would frown upon in terms of colour and material combinations. Compared to most other groups of Nyr across the nation, the Nathras in particular prefer more fitted clothing and trousers over the flowing robes, wide sleeves, and huge scarves seen more often in central, southern, and western Ivendarea. Remarkably they are also the only group that very commonly wears clothing made of animal materials such as leather or bone. They don’t tend to make these clothes from scratch, but if a rich Assadin merchant throws out a still decent leather coat, it is going to be re-purposed and worn rather than wasted.
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A Nathras worker dressed in a colourful mix of clothes from various cultures and second-hand items is wearing body paint and striking piercings. The woollen scarf has seen better days but was decorated with colourful pearls and pebbles found near Westpoint’s shores. The typically Assadin-style riding boots are commonly worn by soldiers and might have been won in the arena. The trousers are a patchwork of different materials, and the warm Aapha coat’s buttons don’t match, but the fur-lining certainly helps against the cold winter winds. 
Art & Architecture The Nathras’ architecture is exactly as patchwork as one might think when looking at their clothing. Building materials are rare, everything is reused several times. Stones of crumbling ruins are turned into the foundation of a new family home, the wooden beams of sunken ships are salvaged, cleaned, and thoroughly dried, then used for building furniture. Driftwood is integrated into the buildings as are rocks dug up in fields. Some houses are built directly into the sides of cliffs where possible. There’s no limit to creativity in terms of housing. In Westpoint in particular nautical elements such as rope and even used fishing nets find their way into people’s homes and gardens. An old steering wheel makes an interesting dinner table.
The Nathras are inventive and creative, and they are known to have an eye for design and beauty. Creating jewellery and all sorts of petty wares and haberdashery from whatever they lie their hands on, their markets are a true paradise for everyone looking to spruce up their wardrobe or buy a unique piece of artwork. Known to have patience and a calm hand Nathras also have a reputation of creating particularly intricate and huge mosaics, incorporating them into their buildings and artwork. They find and create beauty in everything.
Beauty Ideals Individuality is beauty, as is creativity and devotion to a cause... and all is subjective. Colourful body paint and makeup emphasizing the body’s anatomy - curves, muscles, tendons, and bone structure - are popular. Hair is adorned with little trinkets, natural or glass pearls, worn in braids, decorated or held together with colourful pieces of fabric, or flowing freely. A positive outlook on life, no matter the difficulties, is considered attractive.
Courtship Ideals Courtship is playful and passionate. Fun and experimenting are important, experiencing small adventures together and getting to know each other during those times. Directness is appreciated, as well as creativity in the way one is wooed, bold and brave is better than following strict traditions and social conventions.
Relationship Ideals It is rather unusual for the Nathras to begin living in a committed relationship in young years. Exploration and adventure are important before settling down, otherwise unrest might cause tension in the relationship later on. On-off-relationships are quite common, where couples cross paths several times before finally deciding to settle down together - if at all. Many actually never settle down, have children with several partners if they want them, and continue to live life relatively independently. It is very common among the Nathras that children are raised by several adults, related to them or not, rather than specific parents. The community is one big family that looks after each other, and its needs stand above individual relationships.
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worldanvil · 6 years
King Panmorn by elvenbeard, Detailed article, Lovely artwork makes for a good read
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elvenbeard · 1 year
💕 self-love time! talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics) you like the most then send to other creators to do the same 💕
Thank you!! :D I answered this with some of my recent favourite Cyberpunk creations a couple days ago, so I'm gonna take the opportunity to talk about some of my original stuff that I'm very proud of :D
This drawing for example:
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I spent around 40 hours on it, with all the details in the background, their clothes etc. I think this was the last bigger illustration I made for my Ivendarea project before losing steam a bit (I guess it has been my on-and-off project for 10 years for a reason xD).
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I do still really like it though (it basically depicts the night before the actual story starts, three friends heading out to the first important festival of the year, and there they meet someone who will change their lives forever...).
So yeh... If anyone ever wants to talk dark fantasy, (un)lucky coincidences, a queer and diverse cast of characters, and ancient dangerous magic with the potential to destroy or change the world forever, let me know xD I have a sideblog dedicated to @ivendarea - which isn't 100% up-to-date anymore, but gives a little bit more info on what I've been working on over the last couple of years, mostly worldbuilding stuff and such things!
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elvenbeard · 2 years
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Writing Update!! I forgot to post this earlier in the week, but yeh xD last week felt very productive, 11,044 words added to the draft, leaving the total at roughly 63091. Roughly, because I keep going back to previous chapters occasionally to look up character descriptions or timelines and then can’t help myself but edit a couple words or sentences when the muse strikes XD But yes, definite progress are these 11,044 words!
My Ivendarea story will become a series, as I figured in the previous update, so what I’m currently struggling with is redefining where this first part will come to an end. I’ve already determined that some characters that will be important later during the story will probably make no or only a minor appearance in this first part, to really focus on establishing the four main protagonists Adoven, Breella, Ricnan, and Neryssa! 
In my very first attempt of writing this story ten years ago I had done something somewhat similar, where a big time skip happened at about 30% into the story. I think this will probably be roughly where I’m going to end this book, having the overall tale be a duology or trilogy. Just need to find a good cliffhanger for the ending here :3c
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elvenbeard · 2 years
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I haven’t done one of these writing updates in a while! But: a couple of weeks ago I started writing on my novel’s first draft (again), so why not share some updates now and then! This last week I sadly didn’t get any new writing done, I was having sleep issues and woke up way too late to write before work as usual. I hope my sleep schedule will calm down again this week and I get back on track.
Overall the first draft of "The King of Ivendarea" has just recently surpassed the minimum length of a novel with 52,047 words! In a way this is kind of scary - things have definitely happened in the story already, quite dramatic things that will lead to consequences - but I still feel like I'm just starting out the journeys of these characters.
As I'm writing this draft and seeing the wordcount rise I'm realizing there's no way I can fit my story into one book, just given the amount of characters and storylines interweaving... at least not without cutting entire characters or cutting short storylines that could be super interesting if given time and space to unfold.
"The King of Ivendarea" was a working title that served me well for many years - but it is what it is, a working title. I haven't settled on a new title yet, but given what I've written so far, the storylines I can build up upon in the coming chapters, the title currently in my mind would be "The Voice of the Voiceless". The first book of an Ivendarea trilogy or series.
On my Patreon I’m not only sharing these wordcount updates again regularly, but also snippets and wips of what I’ve written so far! Either my favourite scene of the past week, or something else that I enjoyed writing or am proud of.
If you’d like to support my writing, art, streams, and whatever else I’m up to these days, consider supporting me there! It would mean a lot, thank you ♥
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elvenbeard · 5 months
thanks for the tag for the WIP game!! man i wanna know about vince as much as the next guy but i also wanna hear more about your fantasy novel! what's it about or could you give your favorite paragraph, (even out of context would be fun to read!)
OOOHHHHH Thanks so much for asking!!! :DDD
Okay okay okay, where do I start... I haven't rambled about this in a while, but this story has like, not let go of me for over ten years now xD I had the first idea in 2012 just after I finished school and before I went to uni, and ever since it's gone through many changes and iterations and grown and developed.
Basically, it's set on this ancient continent that is deeply divided. On the one side you have one nation (vaguely fantasy humans) that came there as settlers, their leader really not a good guy at all. That was around 500 years ago, a long-ass time even for fantasy humans that live longer than we do, and the current generations are slowly beginning to make amends and try to make up on their ancestors' mistakes.
On the other side you have the natives of the land, amongst each other also divided into subgroups (vaguely fantasy elves and such), and they live super long. A lot of them were there when that original invasion happened, remember fighting in all the wars the humans brought them, and they're rightfully distrustful in the humans' intentions of wanting to make amends.
There is two rulers, the official king (human) who is in charge of the nation with his council and controls the larger portion of the land. On an island separate from the mainland is the other leader, not really a king but something a little more of a spiritual (although not religious - it's complicated) leader, who has no true political power but a very high standing and a lot of respect (usually at least... but his situation is special, too, and getting into details would really explode this post XD).
Then there's technically also a whole third nation who also is at home on that same continent, but they grew into their own people independently alongside for worldbuilding and lore reasons and have little contact to the two factions mentioned above - at least until the human king married one of their leader's daughters (and now it's getting really complicated).
So much to the political climate and general state of the world xD I intended it to be all very full of tension and side-eyeing each other, where you never really know whose intentions you can trust, and a lot of people really fear another war for definitive power over the land coming. But man, it's gonna be so much worse :D
As for the actual story, in the first book of the series (yes, this has gotten too complex by now to put it into one book XD) everything is told mostly through the eyes of two characters and their immediate friend groups/families on either side of the main conflict. On one side is Adoven, who is the son of the native spiritual-type leader, and he is basically an angsty teenager who cannot find his place in the world and goes against everything anyone with good intentions tries to tell him. He ends up becoming involved with a group of revolutionaries that want to incite a rebellion against the human king - or so he thinks at least. On the other side is Ricnan, who is a scholar and alchemy teacher at a prestigious school that actually is very inclusive and non-political in its policies. Everyone from all backgrounds is welcome. Ricnan himself is part of a native minority, but he has no problems with the human king (but he also recognizes that he is in a position of privilige compared to many others). All is well and he's leading a very calm and nice life until one day he saves a frightened young woman from some guards and realizes she has immense magical powers - and then, much to the dismay of his parter initially, brings her home and decides to raise her as his protége and daughter really xD
Shit majorly hits the fan the moment Adoven's and Ricnan's stories meet and basically cause a huge explosion and fallout that really threatens the peace substantially 👀
Apart from that I also have a couple of subplots going on, about soulmates, rebirth, ancient mistakes catching up to the present now, illegitimate children threatening thrones, world-shattering magic, shapeshifting, dragons, and all that fun stuff you encounter in fantasy novels occasionally that add to the already existing chaos xD Also, everyone is queer because I say so xD
I can share some paragraphs, maybe from some different characters viewpoints... Here's Ricnan and his partner, Elornan, sitting at the breakfast table and musing about the strange behavior of Neryssa, the young woman they sort of adopted xD
“What on earth was that?” Ricnan asked after a brief moment of silence, but tried to keep his voice low as he slowly turned to Elornan. Elornan took a bite from his bread and smiled at him slyly. “When I got home yesterday I saw her standing by the mailbox, even more red in her face than now,” he said, “I didn’t say anything, she didn’t mention it. But, oh well…” “I… still don’t quite understand I think. It’s too early in the morning,” Ricnan sighed. Elornan laughed. “Well, let’s say it like this,” he said, leaning in a little closer to Ricnan and lowering his voice ever so slightly, “Maybe she’s not hungry because her stomach is too full of butterflies already.” That woke Ricnan up properly. He looked at the door, to where they could hear Neryssa rummaging in her bag in the next room over. Then he turned back to Elornan. “You really think so? I mean… she never mentioned anyone special, she doesn’t seem too fond of the majority of her classmates even…” “I’m fairly sure,” Elornan said, taking another bun, “You know, I had someone else sitting at my table here quite some time ago, similarly bad at hiding his thoughts and feelings. It’s funny, you and Neryssa are not even related, but still alike in a lot of ways.” Now it was Ricnan’s cheeks to flush pink. “‘Quite some time ago’, I beg your pardon…” he mumbled with played offence. “Aaages,” Elornan continued to tease, “Actual Centuries… but time very well spent I’d say. Wouldn’t have wanted to spend it with someone else, either.” Ricnan chuckled as he cut open another warm, soft piece of bread. In the hallway Neryssa scurried past the kitchen door yelling a quick “Bye!” with one foot out the front door already before slamming it shut. Both Elornan and Ricnan couldn’t help but laugh out loud now. “Oh, to be young again, indeed,” Ricnan mused but Elornan shrugged. “Sure, some things are easier when you’re young, but admittedly, most aren’t,” he said, “Not for me at least.” “So you don’t mind me turning officially old tomorrow?” “'Officially old’,” Elornan snickered, “I’m still older than you.” “On paper, in numbers, yes,” Ricnan said, somewhat more sober now, “But physically, one day I’m gonna catch up and surpass you.” “That is still far in the future,” Elornan said, putting a hand on his arm, “and I prefer living in the here and now, not worrying about what might or might not happen someday.” “I like the sound of that,” Ricnan smiled.
And a very dramatic moment for Adoven:
His heart skipped a beat or two, and he felt like he fell forever, as slowly as a feather tossed into an endless abyss. He could only just make out the shock and disbelief on the open-mouthed face of the soldier standing above him, right before he stumbled backwards and disappeared into the office. He could still feel the rope, even though he clearly saw it dangling freely against the wall of the tower, but its sensation, its fibres had burned themselves into his palms. He fell backwards into nothingness, not even the winds able to hold him up anymore, seeming weak and insignificant compared to the violence they used to tear on their clothes, the contents of the office just minutes before. His distance to the wall of the tower grew, and he gained speed, could see his teardrops sparkling in the air above him as he fell further and further, beginning to question if this is how he'll be remembered. The wannabe-revolutionary that fell to his death from the Academy of Saratheas.
If you wanna snoop around a bit more, I have an (as of right now inactive) sideblog @ivendarea for this project with some stuff, and art and writing and everything else that sort of belongs into this world in its own tag on my main blog here: elvenbeard.tumblr.com/tagged/the%20king%20of%20ivendarea ("The King of Ivendarea" was the working title for this for the longest time until some time in 2022 I decided I will split this into several novels and referring to the first one "The Voice of the Voiceless" from there on!)
Thanks again so much for asking!! :D
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elvenbeard · 2 years
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“Feel the flow of magic around us - in perfect harmony with each of your heartbeats, fueling your own powers...”
Tumblr doesn’t like this format, but I really wanted to draw this “fake screenshot” with two of my OCs Dar (l) and Adoven (r), during a fateful conversation late at night in the woods.
Dar and Adoven are part of my original setting Ivendarea, please don’t tag them as your own OCs or fandom stuff.
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Feels good to have a bigger finished artwork to show again!
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elvenbeard · 2 years
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I’m not very consistent with sharing these here as well, but oh well! Writing Update time!!
Last week was very productive (of course only when Nanowrimo was over already) and I wrote 11,662 words to add to my draft. I surpassed “The Hobbit” in length now, but I actually don’t think (and don’t hope) I’ll reach “The Fellowship of the Ring”. I’m more certain than ever that it’s the best idea to split this story into several books, and slowly but surely I’ll move away from calling this first one “The King of Ivendarea”. It was its title for so long and it’s going to be hard to adjust, but it was also just a working title all this time. 
Over on my Patreon I’m sharing snippets of what I’ve written each week, so if you wanna support my writing and art and other creative projects, consider supporting me there!
As a little treat, a small exchange between two of my favourite characters below the cut:
"What on earth was that?" Ricnan asked after a brief moment of silence, but tried to keep his voice low as he slowly turned to Elornan.
Elornan took a bite from his bread and smiled at him slyly.
"When I got home yesterday I saw her standing by the mailbox, even more red in her face than now," he said, "I didn't say anything, she didn't mention it. But, oh well..."
"I... still don't quite understand I think. It's too early in the morning," Ricnan sighed.
Elornan laughed.
"Well, let's say it like this," he said, leaning in a little closer to Ricnan and lowering his voice ever so slightly, "Maybe she's not hungry because her stomach is too full of butterflies already."
That woke Ricnan up properly. He looked at the door, to where they could hear Neryssa rummaging in her bag in the next room over. Then he turned back to Elornan.
"You really think so? I mean... she never mentioned anyone special, she doesn't seem too fond of the majority of her classmates even..."
"I'm fairly sure," Elornan said, taking another bun, "You know, I had someone else sitting at my table here quite some time ago, similarly bad at hiding his thoughts and feelings. It's funny, you and Neryssa are not even related, but still alike in a lot of ways."
Now it was Ricnan's cheeks to flush pink.
"'Quite some time ago', I beg your pardon..." he mumbled with played offence.
"Aaages," Elornan continued to tease, "Actual Centuries... but time very well spent I'd say. Wouldn't have wanted to spend it with someone else, either."
Ricnan chuckled as he cut open another warm, soft piece of bread. In the hallway Neryssa scurried past the kitchen door yelling a quick "Bye!" with one foot out the front door already before slamming it shut.
Both Elornan and Ricnan couldn't help but laugh out loud now.
"Oh, to be young again, indeed," Ricnan mused but Elornan shrugged.
"Sure, some things are easier when you're young, but admittedly, most aren't," he said, "Not for me at least."
"So you don't mind me turning officially old tomorrow?"
"'Officially old'," Elornan snickered, "I'm still older than you."
"On paper, in numbers, yes," Ricnan said, somewhat more sober now, "But physically, one day I'm gonna catch up and surpass you."
"That is still far in the future," Elornan said, putting a hand on his arm, "and I prefer living in the here and now, not worrying about what might or might not happen someday."
"I like the sound of that," Ricnan smiled.
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elvenbeard · 2 years
That writing moment, when your character goes through stuff (TM) and make a difficult decision that hurts, but is for the best. And then good things happen, and it seems like it was worth the pain from earlier, and they’re so happy and relieved. But you, as the writer, just think “oh dear, I’m so sorry for what’s about to happen next...”
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elvenbeard · 2 years
When writing, I love it when I'm developing a character with a specific goal for them in mind... but then, as things develop, they kind of develop a sense of their own and I start to see what I had planned for them doesn't quite fit... but that what they are drawn to, developing into, makes for a so much more interesting story. So much more drama and uncertainty xD But I'm living for it.
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elvenbeard · 1 year
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I didn’t think I had a pic for each month, but I did after all! Needless to say, this kind of was a rough year for art for me, and I really struggled hard for a few months to get anything done at all. I also felt like it was a year of experimenting though, trying new approaches and shaking up my usual process a little bit, allowing myself more freedoms and fun in the whole art process.
Also, I love purple and turquoise xD I think that is also a noticeable change, looking at how especially during my Dragon Age days my art was often very warm, yellow, reddish, greenish in tone.
All I hope for next year is it to being less of a struggle, more of a flow. I would love to work on bigger commissions again if given the opportunity! Be ready for more Cyberpunk 2077 art, because I feel like this game is going to break my heart, and what better way to heal a broken heart by drawing :D Also, more Ivendarea stuff is in the works as well, as always! And who knows what other great fandoms I might discover or come back to with Dragon Age: Dreadwolf looming on the horizon (barely visibly XD).
Thanks to everyone who reblogged my art this year, who left comments and tags, super special thanks to those of you who commissioned me, bought a coffee, bought something on Redbubble or Etsy, and of course also a big thanks once more to my Patrons who stayed and cheered me on even when I barely had the energy to hold my stylus. It means a lot ♥
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elvenbeard · 3 years
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The Skyreach Mountains are the dominating mountain massif on the Ivendarean mainland - and they are almost void of settlements for a reason. Not only are climate and geography of the mountains harsh, they are also the home to Ivendarea's largest dragons!
Don't be fooled by its lack of wings... all of Ivendareas dragons are capable of flight, some have wings, others rely on magic!
♥ Support my art on Patreon | Inprnt | Etsy | Ko-Fi ♥
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ivendarea · 5 years
The Gaanar
Stronger together, against all others
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Banner art based on and supported by my Patrons ♥
Considered outcasts and refugees in their own country, branded as rebellious subversives, and isolated from the Ivendarean Mainland, the Nyr of Maan Garth are looked down upon by many Ivendareans.
The Gaanar though see themselves as the last bastion that would need to fall to entirely lose their country to the Assadin invaders. They are the last keepers of their culture, resilient, determined, and willing to give everything to hold on to their homeland.
Table of Contents:
Culture and History
Cultural Heritage
Language and Dialect
Shared Values
Important Historical Figures
Common Ettiquette
Art and Architecture
Beauty Ideals
Courtship Ideals
Relationship Ideals
Continue reading below or on World Anvil
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Culture and History
The Nyr of Maan Garth call themselves “Gaanar”, which was the name of the tribe that used to roam the island before Iovana Neron united the nation.
Cultural Heritage
Until the spread of Aman‘s Teachings and their rise to godhood, the Gaanar were predominantly fishermen and hunters, as the rocky island with dense jungles and active volcanoes is not very suitable for farming. That being said, on the formerly green slopes around Panthil and along the southern coastline of the island, farming and animal herding was more commonly practised. Aman teaches though that the consumption of animal flesh is morally questionable, particularly when the creature is slain for this particular purpose and did not die of other causes naturally. It is very likely that Nyr are reborn as animals from time to time, and being hunted as prey by one‘s peers is as traumatizing as the death penalty to the soul. The death penalty was abolished with the introduction of Aman‘s teachings as the nations main religion, and eating meats and fish became a big taboo.
The Gaanar had trouble adapting to this new way of life, but wanting to honor their heritage – Aman being of their people originally – they found different ways to survive. The Giant Goats so commonly seen on Maan Garth are no longer slaughtered for their meat, instead dozens of variations of dairy products are made from their milk. Every possible inch of farmland is used to grow grains, rice, fruits, and vegetables, and scientists put years of effort into creating more farmland out of the seemingly most inhabitable spaces, including the tips of the sharp rocks protruding from deep within the islands surface. Volcanic ash is used as fertilizer, and whatever can‘t be grown on the island is imported from the mainland to sustain the growing population.
Still though, particularly the poor and those living in secluded villages resent the state religion‘s restriction and continue fishing or hunting or slaughtering their animals in times of dire need. Even in Panthil itself there are establishments where fish and meat are served, simply because it is as much the island‘s heritage as Aman‘s Teachings are.
Language and Dialect
While most people on Maan Garth speak several languages, the traditional Nyrval is spoken almost exclusively in everyday life. This leads often to a Gaanar immediately giving their place of origin away when they leave Maan Garth, as most speak other languages with a clearly noticeable accent. The typical dialect of Maan Garth as such also has a harsher pronunciation, relatively fast way of speaking, and a great range of modulation of the voice compared to most mainland dialects and “pure“ Nyrval. Some describe the sound of Maan Garth‘s flavour of the language as passionate to angry sounding, which is more than fitting for the rough islanders.
Shared Values
The greater good of the community is always to be regarded as one of the highest virtues one could strive for. Independence and freedom are valued just as much as honoring history and one‘s ancestors, as well as learning from one‘s own past lives. It is true that a lot of the Gaanar seem to have a rebellious streak, which is something the prophet Aman could already say of themself. “Take nothing as granted“ and “question what you‘re told by your superiors and outsiders“ would be mottos many Gaanar agree to.
Yet, rebelliousness doesn‘t necessarily equal violence. Peaceful resistance – and sometimes a certain sass and disrespect for authority figures that don‘t prove themselves worthy in their eyes – are just as effective.
Definitely the most isolated group of Nyr since the beginning of time, the Gaanar have always felt a little as outsiders longing to be part of the community on the Ivendarean Mainland. Torn between keeping their independence and unique way of life and being a part of something bigger, they are a people of contradictions. Often appearing harsh or cold to outsiders, they are one of the most passionate peoples of Ivendarea in love, life, and conflict. To truly move forward you have to go all – in, and indecisiveness is generally disliked.
Important Historical Figures
Aman: Scholar, Prophet and now one of the eleven gods, born and raised in Panthil
Iovana Brestine: Sometimes referred to as the “Queen of Peace“, who set up a peace treaty with king Zerenda to end the conflicts following the Invasion War. Technically she wasn‘t born on Maan Garth, therefore is not truly of Gaanar origin, yet she spent more than half of her life on the island and her revolutionary deeds carried out out of a passion for the future of her people and nation alone render her worthy of calling herself “Gaanar“. She still resides in Panthil and is an active part of Iovana Panmorn‘s council, despite her high age
Iovana Rava: Sometimes called the “Rebel Queen“, the first and so far only Ivendarean Iovana to be born on Maan Garth, and one with one of the most tragic fates
Common Etiquette
Being direct and open with one another is usually valued more than false politeness. If someone makes a mistake it is talked about very directly and immediately, but still in such a constructive manner, that the one accused can learn from the situation for the future. If someone dislikes someone, it is told to the face of the other person, not behind their back – gossip is not well – liked or accepted.
In a city as crowded as Panthil, unwanted body contact is as much a part of the daily routine as getting dressed in the morning. Therefore, as soon as there is enough space available to put a comfortable distance between each other, bystanders can witness groups dispensing quickly to give each other room to breathe. At least an arm‘s length of distance is very appreciated whenever it is logistically possible, particularly with strangers and in business – or educational settings.
Generally though most of the Gaanar aren‘t afraid of body contact, and especially in relaxed situations with friends and family they will most likely sit close by each other.
The elders of the community are treated with great respect – some of them still alive were born in a time before the Assadin invaded and still remember how life used to be, have travelled to places long lost, and have spoken to individuals Nyr children nowadays only know as historical figures from books and stories. The elder‘s knowledge and wisdom are invaluable – on the downside they tend to look down a bit on the exceptionally brash and overly ambitious youth.
The clothes of Maan Garth are colourful and light, particularly in the warmer months, but everyone has at least one garment made from the wool of the Giant Goats native to the island. The wool is the perfect protective layer against rain, which can occur suddenly at any time and get very intense.
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Most of the inhabitants of Maan Garth consider themselves devout followers of Aman, and therefore they don‘t wear a lot of clothing made out of animal leather. Most clothes are made from natural fibres such as linen, but silk is just as popular. Shoes are made from anything ranging from driftwood over straw to wool. Common motives in clothing are dragon scales, water, and the ocean. Most Gaanar wear their hair long, open, or in braids, although with younger generations more daring hairstyles are becoming popular. Due to the often heavy winds, rain, and stormy weather, headscarves and hoods are a common sight, worn to protect the hair and preventing it from slapping into other people‘s faces.
Art and Architecture
Maan Garth‘s art is inspired and strongly influence by religion, common themes as well are magic, the change of the seasons, and the local flora and fauna. Flowing lines symbolizing water, circles showcasing the cycle of rebirth, and mosaics consisting of thousands of intricate glass pieces demonstrate how every little member of a community contributes to a bigger picture.
The architecture of settlements like Panthil reflects Maan Garth‘s wild but harsh beauty, with most buildings being made from the common dark – grey stone, overgrown with moss and ivy, as well as details made from obsidian and driftwood. Nautical motives are common, such as one of the highest districts of Panthil being called the “Crow‘s Nest“, and handmade, braided ropes serve not only functional but also decorative purposes throughout the city.
Beauty Ideals
Individuality, originality, and tradition are celebrated among the Gaanar. They preferrably grow their hair long, wearing it in intricate braids that demonstrate skill, patience, and craftsmanship. Clothing can sometimes be quite revealing, and is often very fitted to the form of the wearer. Showing off one‘s skin and body proudly is met with respect, symbolizing being true to oneself, accepting of oneself, and proud of one‘s identity as Nyr. Piercings, body jewelry, make – up, and tattoos are also relatively commonly seen and considered as enhancements of natural beauty, accentuating one‘s features.
Courtship Ideals
Long phases of courtship aren‘t popular on Maan Garth. Life is harsh and can end quickly, just one wrong step too close to a cliff or too deep into the jungle and it‘s over. Most individuals prefer directness, stating one‘s wishes from the start, and not wasting time or disappointing the other party by hiding what one truly wants from a potential relationship.
Flirting and courtship are open and direct, can appear almost blunt to outsiders, but the communities of Maan Garth are tightly – knit and most individuals already know each other in one way or another anyway. Being turned down is never taken as an offense, and if a romantic relationship isn‘t desirable, friendship is always offered as an option instead.
Relationship Ideals
Many relationships, especially among younger demographic groups, are usually very casual, open, or of a short duration when new adventures await elsewhere. Casual flings with friends or even strangers are commonplace, which led to the stereotype of the Gaanar being detached from their feelings or peers, irresponsible, or even disloyal.
With most stereotypes, there is a true core even to the worst of them. The Gaanar are indeed relatively solitary and distanced from the Nyr on the mainland, but in regards to interpersonal relationships this is of course not true. Long – lasting relationships are just as common on Maan Garth as elsewhere, but especially in their adolescence, sometimes even until way later, romantic partnerships, friendships, and sexual relationships have not as clearly defined borders as almost everywhere else.
Due to recent events young couples on Maan Garth are currently also encouraged to not have more than two children. Panthil in particular is facing a serious problem of overpopulation, with water and food resources as well as health care and education not being able to keep up with the influx of refugees. So in return this policy of fewer children has lead to a significant surge in polyamorous relationships, where two or three children are brought up in families of three or more romantic partners, which is in line with the laws and allows raising an individual more children than what would be possible in a non – polyamorous relationship.
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ivendarea · 5 years
The Gideya
United in Tragedy, Spirituality, Devotion
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Once one of the largest ethnic groups of the Nyr the Gideya coined the nation’s name: “Ivendarea” - the Cradle at the Green River. Spread far across the vast lands west of the Skyreach Mountains the Gideya have been a people of farmers from the very beginning, deeply spiritual, and fiercely protective of their homes. In passion only rivalled by the Gaanar, and despite not known to be warriors, they bravely fought many battles against Zerenda’s forces during the Invasion War, not holding back and going in with all they had - crowned by success on most occasions.
The most devastating blow that changed their world forever came very recently with the destruction of Maan Ganyr during the Revolution War, a bastion of faith and main homestead to more than two thirds of the whole Gideya population. Spread thin in their original homelands, having suffered great losses, the Gideya now live everywhere and nowhere, still trying to recover and rebuild from utter destruction.
Table of Contents:
Culture and History
Cultural Heritage
Language and Dialect
Shared Values
Common Ettiquette
Historical Figures: Erraia
Art and Architecture
Beauty Ideals
Courtship Ideals
Relationship Ideals
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Culture and History
Cultural Heritage
The majority of the Nyr tribes roaming Ivendarea before the first talks about uniting as a nation were even considered were hunters and gatherers. The Gideya though have been farmers from early on. They had discovered that the valleys and plains west of the Skyreach Mountains are particularly fertile farmland. It was reason enough to stay in the area where the land provided plenty.
Over time, as their population and demand grew, the Gideya developed and invented means to keep food fresh over longer periods of time, making farming more effective with advanced tools, and figuring out ways to increase the fertility of the earth even in areas where growing plants didn’t seem possible at all at first. Their knowledge and achievements in farming later also enabled groups like the north-eastern Wylaai to begin profitable farming in the cold north and everywhere else where it had been unthinkable before the tribes united. The Gideya also have a history of being strongly spiritual. A lot of the good that happened to them in the early days they ascribed to being particularly blessed by the gods. Still calling a rich variety of seasonal festivities to honour the gods and seasons part of their cultural heritage, they also helped shape many of the rituals that are now a central part of the Aman’a Valeethi - the followers of Aman’s teachings. Aman felt tremendously at home in the community they found among the Gideya, who in return felt that Aman was a kindred spirit. Many of the Gideya among their followers who helped put together Aman’s Teachings described a spiritual connection from the moment they first met.
Even after Ivendarea had been united, many of its peoples still had their own religious views and practises, and the Gideya, who were predominantly farmers, already at this point didn’t practise animal sacrifices - or sacrifices in general - to soothe the gods. This resonated strongly with Aman, who had left Panthil amongst other reasons but particularly for the sacrifice practises at the local temple there, as described in the famous children’s tale “Aman and the Sacrifice”.
It is not surprising therefore, that the “cult” shaping around Aman’s teachings had its origins in the area of later Maan Ganyr, and that the majority of Aman’s early followers were Gideya that helped spread their teachings across the nation.
Language and Dialect
Most Gideya speak several languages. Their brand of the native Nyrval tends to be very melodic and a little drawn-out sounding in comparison to the neighbouring dialects that are either harsh and fast or smooth and flowing. The Gideya have a lot of modulation in their voices and their accent - also when speaking other languages - is often described as “singsong”.
Shared Values
The Gideya are known to be gentle souls in general, very connected to nature and deeply rooted in their homes. Spirituality and religion are as important to them as is being a nurturing member of their community. The Gideya value family life and tend to have big, often far-spread families. Many Gideya are also talented mages and alchemists and value knowledge and education greatly. While they don’t see themselves as warriors, they don’t shy away to fight when they need to protect their homes from foreign forces. This goes back to ancient times, when tribes of the Sylai, Wylaai, and Nathras had formed the first ever alliance to attack the Gideya in an attempt to steal their supplies. Completely taken by surprise and not knowing how to fight back against the warriors of these tribes, the Gideya swore to never have something comparable happen again. So while it is true that they have a calm demeanour, therefore being mistaken as peaceful and naive victims, they are actually very calculating and observant of potential dangers to their way of life. Resistance, peaceful or not, is just as much a value taught from an early age as is devotion to one’s homeland, religion, and family.
They did not back down when Zerenda’s invasion forces threatened their lands, and with guerrilla tactics - knowing their lands, the surrounding forest and valleys like the back of their hands - kept succeeding in fighting back the Assadin all on their own for a long time.
During the occupation of Saratheas before and after the Cleansing they helped smuggle former citizens out of the city and into safety and begun small sabotage acts against Zerenda’s forces, making his residency in Saratheas as much of a nuisance and discomfort as possible.
Not causing a war has always been a priority for them. Resistance and disobedience to an abusive government? Definitely. War that destroys homes and families and causes suffering? Never. This is why, despite legendary personalities of Gideya resistance such as Erraia, the Gideya are generally very resentful towards late Iovana Rava, Iovana Panmorn, and the Omrai Omvalis and their sympathizers. Rava and the Omrai Omvalis caused a civil war mainly fought on the Gideya’s lands, destroying ancient buildings dating back to the early days of the nation. Many Gideya fought in the conflict and lost their homes, not exactly because they wanted, but because they had no other choice if they didn’t want to be slaughtered by king Alund and his forces or be driven out of their homes. The Omrai Omvalis caused the war, Rava didn’t stop it from escalating. And, to top it all off, in the darkest hour of the war Panmorn teleported Avon Maan, one of the most important spiritual sites of the nation, out of the burning city of Maan Ganyr to a “safer” location in order to preserve it. The Gideya felt betrayed, robbed and completely hopeless, and they are no supporters of Panmorn’s isolationism and the divide his actions during and after the Revolution War brought upon Ivendarea.
At the same time though, of course, they are just as resentful towards the Assadin rulers who also did nothing to prevent this war from happening. Alund escalated the situation and ravaged the lands of innocents because they happened to be caught in-between the two fronts of the conflict. This is why the Gideya hate to take sides, grim and resentful towards anyone who thinks themselves in the right and superior over others. They believe that anyone having “the best” in mind for the nation will achieve the opposite.
Common Etiquette
Politics is something not to be discussed in casual settings, as it is a sore spot for many Gideya especially in recent years. Also, as a people with a strong sense of community, it is considered rude to refuse offers for help or in return, not offer help when someone else needs it. Sharing resources and workforce are commonly taught, and while personal space and property is valued, too, it is rare to find all doors closed and no-one available to help in whatever endeavours in a predominantly Gideya community.
Historical Figures: Erraia
Referred to as the “mother” of the movement of the Omrai Omvalis, Erraia was originally a peaceful revolutionary who led a small movement of resistance against king Ulden and his abusive government. When Erraia’s movement began to grow and even gained support from Iovana Rava, Ulden sent soldiers to end their assemblies - with tragic consequences for all involved. After a fire started by Assadin soldiers destroyed her hometown, Erraia agreed on a plan to assassinate king Ulden which was partially successful but also resulted in her arrest and public execution a few days later. She has become a figure of legend and a martyr for the Omrai Omvalis.
The Gideya value knowledge and sharing it - not doing so and being overly secretive and possessive regarding, for example, a family recipe, is considered selfish and rude. Openness, the Gideya believe, is essential for the growth of a community, as is owning up to one’s mistakes. Those who obscure a mess-up or mistake made, even if it was something small, are (gently) reproached. Spirituality is important, and joking about it is not well-liked, particularly coming from outsiders of a community. It is also a matter of great joy, and everyone is always invited to join religious festivities, no matter if they are a believer or not. Being a very communal people, the little available personal space is treasured. Usually there is at least one room in each house not open to visitors at all, even closest friends, that can be used as a place of refuge, quiet, and meditation. Temples in the area also have these private rooms, and since the nation was united they have become more common in other areas too. It is almost sacrilegious to disturb or forcefully entering this space when someone is inside already.
Art & Architecture
Being the first people that had permanent settlements in Ivendarea, the Gideya traditionally are referred to as the first builders or master-builders of the nation. This is somewhat true, somewhat not; of course all groups of Nyr have their master-builders today, and not every Gideya makes a great architect. This way of thinking stems mainly from the fact that only with the Gideya’s original input it was possible for many of the other tribes to begin building cities as quickly as they did. The Gideya had the base knowledge about what building materials and ways of construction to use to get stable structures - but everyone else contributed their part in questions of design and developing unique new building types fitted for a variety of purposes and regional challenges. Predominantly Gideya villages to this day could hold on to their small, picturesque farm buildings’ charm of old. Made from natural stone and other regional materials they don’t seem particularly advanced or special at first glance, but are definitely very comfortable. One will quickly learn though that in addition to the endearing exterior all Gideya structures are built with great thought and a very specific purpose in mind, no matter if farm house or temple. The most famous examples of Gideya architecture and design are probably the tower Avon Maan, originally situated in Maan Ganyr, since the Revolution War located in Panthil, as well as of course Maan Ganyr itself and large parts of Saratheas. The city’s circular design is an essential part of Gideya architecture, reflecting their strong religious beliefs and sense of harmony, while the buildings within the city more strongly reflect the bold aesthetics of the Sylai.
The Gideya wear predominantly practical clothing, coming from their background as farmers, but a lot of religious symbolism can be found even in the most basic everyday tunic. A typical outfit consists usually from only 2-4 items that can be worn in at least two different ways, making the same outfit suitable for a large range of weather and environmental conditions or for both every day and festive occasions.
Blue is a very common colour, as it is associated with religiousness. Similarly warm, earthy tones, as well as accents of green, for example in jewellery or as decorative stitching on seams are commonly seen. The fabrics are light and flowing, comfortable to wear in the hot and humid summer months, and during the cooler seasons layers of heavier, thicker fabric are added.
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Beauty Ideals
The Gideya love to let their hair flow freely and among the Nyr as a whole they also often wear it much shorter than other groups, as it is more practical during work on the fields in hot humid weather. Physical strength is considered attractive, as is a warm and welcoming personality. Willingness to work hard and not being upset about having to do dirty work are virtues and sought-after particularly when building relationships.
Courtship Ideals
Courtship can be a comparatively long-lasting phase, to get to know each other well and imagine what a future together would be like up to the smallest details. A more direct approach is often preferred, clearly speaking about boundaries and expectations.
Timing is important, too, and a matter of respect and etiquette. Flirting in religious and spiritual settings is an absolute no-go, as it shows that the one flirting isn’t taking spirituality serious enough. It is also considered selfish to lie about one’s true intentions, for example asking someone for help to work in the fields, in fact though only wanting to spend quality time together in a secluded area.
What is appreciated though is spending time together during work or prayer. Walking to the temple together or bringing each other self-made lunch to work in the fields or forest are small but well-liked and often-seen gestures among couples whose relationships are beginning to blossom as well as between life-long partners.
Relationship Ideals
As many things in Gideya communities, relationships are taken rather seriously and are a spiritual matter. Two or more souls felt a connection and somehow managed to find a way to connect to each other across time and space. Soul-Bonding ceremonies are more common among the Gideya than any other community, predominantly among established but also a comparatively high percentage of younger couples. It is believed that due to the Gideya’s great emphasis on spirituality and high percentage of soul-bonded couples the majority of souls are reborn into their old communities to find each other again. Relationships are definitely meant to last and to build a life together, partners are chosen carefully, and not always something has to blossom from even the most lovingly planned out courtship phase. Like the fruits on their fields, love needs to be treated like a rare seed if something strong and fruitful is supposed to grow from it.
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