#iwaizumi and the cat he didn't want
monstrsball · 5 months
Iwaizumi doesn't know what to think when he finds his boyfriend in the entry way of their apartment, soaked from head to toe and clutching his jacket to his chest.
"I'm home." Suga says with a sheepish grin while he clumsily tries to get his shoes off without using his hands.
“You’re soaked,” Iwaizumi frowns, pushing his wet bangs back out of his face and eyeing the barely noticeable trembling of his shoulders. “Why aren’t you-”
Suga’s jacket meows.
Suga frowns down at the jacket in his arms. “You were supposed to let me do the talking first.” He says lightheartedly, his words are met with another slightly more indignant meow.
“Koushi, we talked about this.” Iwaizumi says.
“It’s raining, Hajime. The poor thing was soaked, I couldn’t just leave her out there.” Suga says, his tone soft. “Can we just keep her here for tonight? Until it stops raining? And then I’ll take her to the shelter.”
Iwaizumi wants to stand firm but his resolve slowly melts away when he looks at the cat again. She’s shivering just as much as Suga, the now soaked jacket likely not helping her keep warm. She’s nuzzling into his chest in search of warmth and it tugs at Iwaizumi’s heartstrings. 
He glances back at the door to the balcony. Still raining. 
“Okay,” Iwaizumi relents. “She can stay for tonight. Until it stops raining.” 
He has a nagging feeling that ‘for tonight’ is going to turn into indefinitely but the pure joy lighting up Suga’s face distracts him from this fleeting thought. 
“Yeah, yeah. You need to get out of those clothes.” Iwaizumi reaches out to take the cat from Suga’s arms. She's oddly compliant for a stray. “I’ll dry her off and get her some food and water. I think we have some canned tuna in the cabinet.”
“Ooh,” Suga whistles, gently depositing the little tabby into Iwaizumi’s open arms. “You hear that, baby? He’s spoiling you.” He coos. 
“It’s the only thing we have,” Iwaizumi rolls his eyes, readjusting his grip once he has the cat safely in his arms. She nuzzles into the newfound warmth immediately.
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thisisxli · 3 months
Hajime x tooru's twin sister!reader who is bold president of a science club in school headcanons?
OOOOH this is a MUST
Miss the old haikyuu 2020 days fr. And man is this my best work yet trust🙏
Hajime Iwaizumi x Fem!Reader(Tooru's twin)
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Rs: Hajime Iwaizumi x Fem!Reader (Tooru's twin sister)
Warnings: ANGST, a little bit of bullying, awkward talks of teenage sex, sexual depictions, suggested themes, nsfw(lasts for a sentence or two), disorder mentioned, implied death
Tags: sad.. Bittersweet, fluff, hajime is so cute, hajime acts soft around reader, childhood friends to lovers, high school sweethearts, old age, marriage, a little smut
Recommended song: (play by the end)
wc: 1.5k
a/n: this made me feel nostalgic and pretty sad to write imo.
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How you met/first impressions:
You met each other through your brother, Tooru. Tooru was snarky and keen on keeping his best friend to himself but you were even more petty. When Tooru was distracted on trying to set a ball, you would quickly grab Hajime by the wrist and drag him to your hiding place. Occasionally, it would change because your brother would somehow find it.. always.
To Hajime, you had to be one of the prettiest girls he's ever seen in all of his six years of living. You.. also became his first heartbreak. He proposed to you with a ring pop and you refused. "Pee-yew! I don't wanna marry you, Iwa!" He was left super dejected and sulked until Tooru was forced to distract him to get his mind off things. Ever since then, he was always teasing you and making smart ass remarks at you.
He was a odd boy. What made you like and wanna hang around him like Tooru does was that Hajime was adventurous. He seemed strong too. And you wanted two boys to look up to anyways to treat you like queen so you tried your best to boss both Tooru and Hajime around. You entirely started to acknowledge Hajime when he comforted you after Tooru hit you in the head with a volleyball.
How you start to like each other:
Hajime has always liked you since you were little kids. Obviously. But he made sure it wasn't obvious to you or that you were merely someone he stole answers from for science class. Someone who was just his best friend's twin sister. It wasn't like he was gonna stay like this forever... He just didn't know how to approach you. And he has his doubts. He's basically like Paxton Hall Yoshida only that he didn't sleep around and he wasn't that dumb... He just sucked at science. So he goes to you but he makes fun of you for it.
You realize when some random jock drops all the books in your hands on purpose, laughing and high-fiving with his friends. "stupid- STUPID SHITFACE!" Your shout literally reaches everyone's ears. Including Hajime's.
For some reason, the jock gets offended and goes up to you, chest to chest. Except his chest was much larger and higher than yours. "The fuck d'you say?" You nearly recoil when you feel his hot breath hit your face. "I said-" "betta' keep that mouth shut, sweetheart," he cuts you off immediately, wincing when he shoves you against the lockers. People are already crowding and pulling out their phones. Great. But before anything else happens, the jock is roughly jerked back and lands on his butt. And there stands your prince Charming, Hajime Iwaizumi. You notice that his ears are red. Steams were also practically steaming out of his ears. He stomps his way over to the jock that stood up with a small stutter. "Better keep that mouth shut, hm?" Hajime stares the jock down. Clearly, the boy wasn't going to back down so he scoffs, rolling his sleeves up. The jock's eyes quickly widen and murmur a 'my bad ' and takes his leave along with his friends, a few applauses and cat calls being earned from the crowd.
"You okay?" Hajime barely grasps your fingertips in his, looking at you with concern. Your heart was quite literally about to explode over what just occurred.
How you confess:
The tension was awfully SO obvious.. Matsukawa was frantically complaining about the faint flirting and playful teases. But neither you or Hajime did or said nothing. Matsukawa basically face plants at that but he sorts out a plan with Hanamaki and Tooru. Tooru was almost against it but he did have to admit, he literally knew everything about how the two of you felt. And it was painful to watch you and Hajime, it cringed him out LIKE JUST GET TOGETHER ALREADY!!
Tooru had sent you a text that he was already home. So it was just you and Hajime. You both left the school in silence. Started walking in silence. Entering your neighborhood in silence. Before you thought another moment was gonna be filled in silence, he tugs you by the wrist. He confesses and pours out everything he knows and feels about you. How long, when, where, etc. You confess too, a smile adorning your face when he looks away all flustered. You kissed him on the cheek before you went in your house, leaving him alone with a hand on his cheek and a slack jaw.
How you get together:
He was waiting for you outside the door after your club meeting ended. He seemed nervous but you knew what he was trying to get at. So you simply do the job for him. "Wanna be my boyfriend?" He gives you that signature head scratching smile, giving you a nod. You both walk home together that late afternoon, holding hands the whole way.
How you kiss:
They're very sweet and slow. Hajime respects you enough to not over step your boundaries unless you ask of him. He gets very wary when you do. "Are you sure? Are you reaallly sure? I don't know.. Suure? Okay, okay- fine, c'mere."
Sometimes things get heated. The way his tongue glides over yours seems like they almost suggest something. You would smirk against his lips and push yourself on top of him to get him flustered on purpose. Or you would... at least try to pin him against a wall. "(Y-Y/N).. We- we can't yet.. not yet.." This would get you very pouty but he kisses you through it and holds you so you don't catch a fit.
What he loves about you (Adults) :
He loves that you stayed through all this time. He's known you about twenty one years and you both have dated each other for nine years. Obviously when it becomes your tenth anniversary, he's gonna propose.. He just doesn't know how... And he seriously did not mean to wait that long..
He loves to kiss your pulses and your eyelids. He thinks those are really intimate to do and he just really loves that you're alive and breathing.
He loves when wrinkles start to spawn whenever you concentrate. It makes him think he'll grow old with you.
When you're married: he loves it when you cling onto him for life on your honeymoon, screaming his name when you're bouncing on his shaft. 'Give me your babies' you chant. It makes him giggle at the thought.
Awkward discussion with your kids:
One of your kids get a unusual.. and awfully weird offer. Luckily, they came to you both about it for advice and for curiosity. "Why do people have sex?"
Honestly, it was like you were ready for this question but you were unprepared. You knew how high school could be very.. Ratchet. Especially with all the drama, sex, hormones... You were sure things were worse for their generation. But you thoroughly explain and answer with all you can to your child's questions, trying not to cringe halfway.
Your husband was NOT prepared at all. He wasn't ready. He wasn't even really expecting this conversation until LATER. man, he thinks. 'Their generation would really bring us all down.' He stays and tries to answer though.. It's mainly just you talking and you seem completely fine and cool with it which he doesn't understand at all.
After an argument:
Usually, a child sulks and becomes completely depressed when their parents fight but oh no, not your child. Your child absolutely loves to step in between you and Hajime's arguments. Your child was basically the anchor, almost. Keeping you two steady.
Hajime would realize his mistakes and so would you. So you both make up to each other and show each other your love, hugging each other and never letting go, falling asleep in each other's arms once you do.
Who gets Dementia?
You, you do.
It's a sad thing, really. Old age was really hitting you both, you especially. It saddened you both but you both knew it would be okay all as long he was next to you and you were next to him.
It would hurt Hajime whenever you would forget his name and slowly how he looks like. But he never gave up, nor did he ever pressure you into trying to figure out who he was. That's also how you knew that man was someone you loved. Every time you would remember though, everything suddenly became waterworks. You would cry about being young again and experiencing so many things with each other without a problem in the world.
Last moments?
"Hajime?" You murmur, reaching out for his wrinkled hand. He turns to look at you, eyes glossy and sullen looking because of his droopy skin. He rubs his thumb across your hand, kissing your knuckles. "You're beautiful."
You smile warmly, closing your eyes just as you tell him so, "take me to the moon."
Fun Fact:
As young adults, Hajime was suffering without you in California. He immediately made sure you never left his sight when he went back to Japan.
At the ages of 6, Hajime had nursed your scraped knee. When he gave you a Disney Princess band-aid, you kissed his cheek politely and he happily accepted it.
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mania-sama · 2 months
iwaoi, but's it's iwaizumi who had always wanted to leave japan. he found his every day life in miyagi stifling. he hated seeing the same classmates over and over again with their disagreeable opinions and close-minded worldviews, hated the way the people in his neighborhood all knew each other and their business, hated the way it rained and hated the way the sun rose every single day. he hated the very idea of staying in miyagi more than he had to.
he talked to oikawa about this regularly, ever since they could form thoughts that ventured outside of their little realm in japan. first, he told oikawa he'd move out of miyagi. he'd find an apartment in tokyo, or a job as a farmhand in hokkaido, or anywhere else that isn't miyagi and the life he's had to grow up in. then, as he got older, he went a step further.
china, he'd mumble oikawa during the first class of the day in middle school.
the phillippines, he'd shout at oikawa while peppering a volleyball.
somewhere further, he'd finally admitted to oikawa while walking home from a late-night home court game, his gaze trained on the ground with the most vulnerability he'd shown in years. like america. i've applied to a college in america.
oikawa had laughed at him on most times. iwaizumi knew oikawa liked life in miyagi; he got along with his classmates fine, girls liked him, he loved his family and their neighborhood, loved the sunrise and the rain. iwaizumi knew this because oikawa had always disagreed with him on those subjects.
but liking life wasn't enough when oikawa's goals were set further than what he would be constrained to at home. loving japan wasn't enough when japan didn't love him.
argentina, oikawa had whispered, miserable, to him for the first time near the end of their first year in high school. he'd seen kageyama around. he'd seen the way his serves had gotten better and better and better.
their planes left mere weeks from each other. oikawa first, to argentina, with tears in his eyes and a sharp call to not be stranger. iwaizumi left second, wishing his family a farewell with his heart full to finally leave.
iwaizumi had liked california enough. he was entertained, if not occasionally confused, by the manner of young adult americans. he had thought, originally, that he wouldn't miss japan. maybe he'd miss his family and the two friends he'd left, but nothing else. he thought the pang in his chest when his american roommate and newfound friends went out for a chicken wing restaurant and not onigiri, when they spoke exclusively english (sometimes spanish) and not japanese, when there were beds and air mattresses and not futons, that he was missing familiarity, is all. he only missed not feeling out of place.
oikawa had shared with him, over their many calls, his own struggles with homesickness. but, oikawa had told him over grainy Facetime, my team has done everything to make me feel at home. spanish isn't as hard as i thought it'd be! i'm going to make this work. even if i miss you and japan. i just... i need this. i need argentina.
both he and oikawa managed to make it home for christmas after only a few months into their respective journeys into the americas. they arrived at different times, though, so iwaizumi made the trip home from tokyo alone. he took two trains, then a taxi closer to his house. he saw the billboards in his own language. he watched people that looked like himself. they went to restraunts with onigiri. their seating would be chabudai and not high tables and booths. he saw familiar streets and familiar faces in his neighborhood.
he came to his house, where he knew exactly where the patch of grass his childhood cat was buried in the backyard. he could see phantoms of himself riding his bike up and down the road. he could see where he caught butterflies, where oikawa chased him with a handful of worms.
he came home, and his family was waiting for him. it all rushed over him, when he saw them again. all the anxiety of not being able to get to them fast if they got into an accident. constantly wondering what he'd be doing if he was in japan and not at uc-irvine. thinking about how much he preferred his home culture to the strangeness of the united states.
he met with oikawa next, who regaled him on his adventures in argentina as if they hadn't talked nearly everyday since their planes took them away from home.
i'm going to stay, oikawa told him during a late evening stroll after dinner, his eyes alight with happiness and success. i love it in argentina. it's everything i want and need.
iwaizumi was happy for him. but, iwaizumi knew he would not be content doing the same.
i'm coming back home after i get my bachelor's, he told oikawa after a second's pause, letting the coldness of the evening wash over him, watching the sun set in the way he'd spent hating his entire life. america is nice, but japan is where i'm meant to be.
he found that he didn't mind the rain when he was no longer seventeen and hating his classmates. he didn't mind staring out the window of the house he grew up in when he wasn't sixteen and desperate to leave. he'd been to the other side of the fence, and the grass simply wasn't any greener.
and he knew he'd be okay with that, eventually, even if a part of him wondered if he was giving up. even if that part of him wanted to riot and rage and scream at the idea of staying in the place he'd always told everyone he'd leave.
oikawa looked at him, then, with his eyes still bright but shining with a different kind of light. and that's perfectly fine, oikawa said to him, his voice low and earnest.
there was not a hint of condescension. nothing that said, you gave up. you are worth nothing. you will be nothing. oikawa meant it when he said that it was fine that leaving wasn't all iwaizumi had chalked it up to be. his tone said, in every way, nothing has changed. you will be just as good here as you would be anywhere else. you have not given up. there is nothing wrong with letting yourself be happy.
somehow, that was more reassuring than any of the faux comforts he'd been trying to console himself with.
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alienaiver · 2 years
"scoot over."
iwaizumi looks at you as a confused grunt leaves him, his body unmoving from where it's settled in the nest of your pillows. you pout, "scoot over, haji."
"hah?" his eyebrows raise as he sits back up on his elbows to look at you, your head resting in your palm as you're turned towards him. he wants to admire your pyjama's and settle his beating heart from going into overdrive, wants to have an emotional reaction to you using his first name (and a nickname) for the first time, but your unusual demand is keeping him from it, "don't you wanna cuddle?" he asks then and you sigh before you let your head hit your pillow, "bacon sleeps on that part of my pillow."
his eyes widen at you. really? you're sleeping next to the each other for the first time and you're worried about the cat? iwaizumi accidentally scoffs and prepares a gruff joke but the glare you immediately send his way stops him. "he doesn't like you very much to begin with, i think you should be careful about hogging his spot, too. he's very particular."
iwaizumi lets his head hit the pillow too with a sigh and it isn't until you hear the all too familiar sound of iwaizumi's rival, bacon, enter the stage. you coo at him as he crawls over iwaizumi (he didn't need his ribs, anyways) to settle. the cat stops and sends a curious gaze at the situation in front of him. if iwaizumi knew cats better, he'd say it was challenging him. you laugh and push at iwaizumi, "c'mon haji, scoot. he's waiting."
he gives the cat his best glare before he grumbles out unintelligible words and moves towards the edge of the bed. the cat wastes no time in crawling over to its designated spot and settles with you scratching its back. to iwaizumi's surprise, bacon settles with his face turned towards him, his eyes unblinking and unmoving as they watch iwaizumi. as if waiting for him to leave. what a deeply unsettling cat.
iwaizumi hears you giggle as you blindly reach for his hand, "i'm sorry. i promise he'll get used to you soon enough. if it's any consolation, he'll probably go for the foot of the bed in a few hours."
a few hours.
how wonderful. iwaizumi grips onto your hand as well and squeezes, "you're lucky i love you."
and then there's silent. he's unsure if you already fell asleep, straining his ears to listen after your breathing. he's about to say your name when your breath hitches and you punch his hip, "you can't just say it like that so casually! oh my god i stopped breathing for a second!"
iwaizumi's eyes are wide as he tries to make out your silhouette in the dark. he can faintly see you hiding your face in the fur of your cat as its now your turn to mumble unintelligible sounds.
then it dawns on him and he can't help but laugh from the bottom of his stomach as he holds a hand to his own face.
you're the first partner he's ever said it to.
the cat jumps up and leaves the bed. he didn't need his organs either, he faintly thinks as it uses him as its jumping point to leave. you scoot to hide in iwaizumi's chest, "i love you too, y'know."
he wraps his arms around you and kisses the crown of your head, trying to control the happiness and warmth inside of him at your words.
he can live with bacon, if he gets you.
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atsukinakae · 1 year
Could you do a ftm!reader x oikawa and iwa (or whoever you feel like writing) where he wishes he could play volleyball but cant due to medical stuff (or due to being transgender, where i am sadly it is illegal and the only thing stopping me, that might go into too angsty tho) but likes to watch their practices, and brungs stuff for theur teammates constantly (aka food or lil charms. You get the picture)
And games?
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Oikawa x manager ftm reader x Iwaizumi
I am really sorry about the fact that you can't and hope that someday you could play,also have some virtual warm hugs and kisses⊂⁠(⁠´⁠・⁠◡⁠・⁠⊂⁠ ⁠)⁠∘⁠˚⁠˳⁠°
Where I live it is frowned upon for a trans boy to play as a team and I have not met anyone with a similar situation.
I wish I could play...
Due to the fact that you were a trans guy you couldn't play volleyball and that made it worse,but not everything was going to be angsty and sad,you had your team with you and your partners by your side.
The shock that was in everyone when they found out that they were having a manager,A MANAGER?!😦
Yeah,nobody including the couch never thought that someone will ever agree to be Seijoh's manager but still they were happy.
"You can come in", everyone's eyes on the door,just watching.You got scared about the fact that everyone's were on you but still acted calm."Hello,i'm m/n and I will be your manager from on,nice to meet you"you bowed.
The first and second years were too stuned by your charms that were just staring,the third years introduced you to everyone and explaining the rules and you had to do,except for the brown haired boy who was just sobbing after a black haired boy smacked him.
After a few months of being their manager you had learned how much this boys loved and cared about you especially Iwaizumi and Oikawa.
~ Being their manager meaned to fill the bottles,writing notes,cleaning and helping on everything that you could but also giving them forehead kisses,hugs,head pats and a lot of compliments and comfort for they loosed.
~ The whole team going to your house to spend the afternoon playing games, watching móviles and having sleepovers.
~Gosh,you loved theses boys and your partners,but that pissed you was that everytime Oikawa's fangirls see you will immediately surround you, you're just stading there,body freezed not knowing what to do,just trying to find your boyfriends or anyone on the team.Luckely the couch came to save from those girls,"thanks couch I was too panicked by them".Poor boy,after what happened your team saw your panicked face and tried to find out the reason while you were just trying to calm yourself down."M/n what happened?" "Oikawa's fangirls surrounded me again".After that incident the boys were more protective being around you so the girls won't make you uncomfortable ever again.
~"I'm done with this team,you don't even listen to your captain"said the setter while dramatically walked towards the gym door.
"Go wherever you want but m/n and Iwaizumi won't be going with you"That was Matsukawa's response before he left the gym.
When you entered the gym after changing to your manager uniformnyou saw that everyone was there except Oikawa,it surprised you a bit,he rarely missed practice."You know were is Oikawa?"you asked the first years,"He left the gym just before you came,saying we don't listen to him".A few minutes later Oikawa entered the gym and runned towards you hugging."I thought that you would never come back"you said with a smile on your face."How could I leave my pretty and adorable boyfriend behind"he said while buring his face on your neck for some comfort
~On days where you didn't have practice,you will play volleyball in the park with the first years,go on dates with your boyfriends,like a picnic under the blossoms trees,make homemade food,go to a cat cafes,etc.
Eventhought the fact that you were trans made the situation worse and couldn't the thinghs that you liked of fear of being judged,your team would do anything for you to see that pretty smiled on your face."M/n san,can we go to the park on saturday to play volleyball,please?"asked Yahaba with Watari by your side waiting for your answer.In the end you accepted and you more fun that what expected.
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bowandcurtsey · 2 years
congrats on 1.7k!
i was wondering if you could to Hinata Shoyo, Kageyama Tobio, and Iwaizumi Hajime w/ a Gn! reader whos not easily flustered with a Royal au where the boys are princes and the reader is the royal librarian? (no specific trope in mind but you can add one if you wish :3)
hope you have a wonderful day/night!
p.s. love your writing 💕 keep up the amazing work!
{1700 event}
Helluuu Ryker, firstly apologies on the spam of the reblogs because ze cat was on the keyboard while I was away. (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)
Next, thank you for sending your request in and I'm happy that you love my writing huehue o(≧▽≦)o
Lastly, I'm sorry that you had to wait so long for this! But here it is, happy 2023!
AU: royal AU Characters: Hinata, Kageyama, Iwaizumi x gn! reader
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Hinata Shoyo
Hinata came in one day, looking for a book on anatomy. His "boke" friend, Prince Kageyama told him he needed to know how a human body works in order to play volleyball well.
So, he asked you to find the books for him. And you were just so unfazed and chatty with him, it felt like a friend instead of a subordinate.
And my, did you know a lot about the books, Hinata found himself being fascinated about the library and it's books instead.
Once Hinata fixates on something, he'll be full on focused. He came daily, asking you to show and recommend more books of different variety. Some had different types of paper, some had hard covers, some were read from right to left, up to down. The books itself had a story and they all held different knowledge within them.
Hinata thought that you were super smart. You seemed to know about every book in the royal library, while hinata would doze off once he started reading a boring book.
Hinata enjoyed spending his time with you because firstly, it felt like he didn't need to read the book to know what it's about. you would tell the story in such a fascinating way anyway. And secondly, you didn't treat him like the royal prince. For once, he didn't feel lonely in the castle, and had a companion with him.
It was as though you could talk about any topic under the sun. Once, he invited his friends over and they were all very amazed by you, which made Hinata swell with pride.
"y/n's our trusty librarian with superpowers! They know so much!" he exclaimed proudly.
Hinata has always been a happy go lucky boy, and he lived his days from day to day, making everyday to the fullest. Thus, he seldom sat down to think about what you really meant to him. He only knew that he was looking forward to see you everyday.
Until one day you were scheduled to leave the royal library. And Hinata straight out refused. "NO! you can't move y/n out of the royal castle!!"
And when the queen asked why, Hinata found himself thinking. For once he thought about what you really meant to him. He thought all night about it.
He thought about not being able to see you anymore, to chat with you anymore, and that made him really upset. He wanted to bring you to many places on your day off, show you many more things in the royal castle.
Hinata ran. Ran to the library to grab you, and dragged you half way across the castle to meet the queen.
The rest was history.
Kageyama Tobio
Kageyama hated books. He hated reading. He was forced every single time he went to the library.
In order to encourage him to read books more often, she hired you, a librarian plus someone to read with him and discuss the books' contents.
Initially he was cool and quiet. He just sat there to read and sometimes you could tell he was dozing off. But you were chirpy and jovial, and you kept asking him random questions like how was his day, what did he eat, what was the rest of the castle like.. Slowly you asked him about the genre of books he liked and you started introducing books to him.
You realised he like books that weren't too draggy, some that had shorter storyline, books that captivated it's reader with every page.
Tobio found himself not dreading to go to the library daily now. Sometimes when you found the right book for him, he even brought the book out of the library, so he could read whenever he had free time.
Afterwards, Kageyama was representing the country to play volleyball, there was a lot of pressure on him, seeing that he was the prince of the country, he had to work extra hard to ensure he performed well in every game.
The queen cut down his daily library sessions to a few times per week. But because you always found good books for him and that he kinda enjoyed reading now, he always looked forward to library days, so he could share with you about the book he was reading.
somehow, he was also looking forward to sharing about his day and his life with you. From a librarian, you became his confidant and his friend.
Similar to Hinata, when he turned 18 and the king and queen started introducing partners to him, but soon, he realised he didn't want to be with those princesses / princes and neither could he see himself being with anyone else other than you.
Tobio was a straightforward boy, so he just told his mom one night: "I want to marry y/n in the future."
The queen knew that once this boy was set on something, he was never going to change his mind. You were a lovely person anyway, so the queen had no complains.
He asked for your hand on your 18th birthday.
Iwaizumi Hajime
Oikawa had his eyes set on you the moment he met you. He dragged his brother, Iwaizumi to the library everyday "to do work" so he could chat with you.
He tried all ways to flirt with you; pick up lines, gifts, flowers, chatting with you, everything to get your attention.
But you were so unfazed and your nonchalant reaction always made Iwaizumi laugh at Oikawa.
One day, Oikawa officially confessed to you, asking for your hand. Nobody could understand where did Oikawa find courage to do so, but he really made an entire event out of it.
You had no choice but to apologise to Oikawa and reject him. You told him that you already had someone else in mind. But you refused to tell him who.
Somehow, Iwaizumi was curious to find out who was the person you had your eyes set on. Oikawa has never been rejected in his life, people usually drool and faze over Oikawa so Iwaizumi wanted to know who you thought was better than him.
Somehow, the idea of you being with someone made Iwaizumi unsettled as well. He felt that you deserved to be with someone that was nothing short of amazing, like you were.
No matter how much Oikawa pressed on, you refused to tell him who it was.
One day, Oikawa had to accompany the queen for a lunch meeting and Iwaizumi had nothing to do, so he visited the library.
"so... I'm really curious who you rejected Oikawa for?" he found himself asking. "I have to make sure the person is worthy to be with you."
You laughed, which made Iwaizumi even more confused. Did you just make things up so Oikawa would give up?
"It's you," you said shyly.
The burst of emotions Iwaizumi suddenly felt that day was indescribable. Shock, surprise, happiness, relief, embarrassment, shy...
He didn't know how to react except blush madly. "oh." was all he could manage.
After he regained his composure, he said, "I like you very much as well y/n."
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wheredoipunch · 5 months
kuroo x kenma
(the italics are song lyrics or emphasis, don't worry you'll be able to differentiate)
Kenma had been playing video games all day long.
Kenma loved video games. 
Kenma also loved Kuroo.
But Kuroo didn't need to know that.
They had been best friends forever, and he didn't want to ruin things with him. He cared about Kuroo too much to lose his friendship. Kenma loved Kuroo so much. He loved the way Kuroo looked at him, his dark eyes full of adoration, slight amusement, and something else he couldn't quite recognise.
It sort of looked like love.
But Kenma was probably delusional.
From the background, his playlist blasted out of his phone. 
'I wanna ruin our friendship'
Suddenly, his door burst open, and out of it came Kuroo, in all his dark, tall glory. Kenma almost had a heart attack. He also hadn't noticed he was screaming.
'We should be lovers instead'
"Kenma! You've been inside the whole day. You're coming with me, whether you like it or not. I'm dragging your ass out if I have to." Kuroo said, loud and obnoxious as ever. Meanwhile Kenma was still hyperventilating on the floor. "House…keys…Kuroo…" he wheezed in panic. "You gave me spare keys, remember?" Kuroo said, smirking.
"And I regret it immensely."
"As you should."
'I don't know how to say this'
"Okay, you're coming with me."
"Where though?"
"Bokuto, Akaashi, Oikawa, and Iwa are meeting us at that new karaoke place in," Kuroo paused to look at his watch. "Ten minutes ago. Okay, get up, we're late." 
"I hate you." 
'Cause you're really my dearest friend'
"And turn that damn music off." 
To this, Kenma obliged. He didn't want Kuroo to hear the simpy playlist he had made dedicated to him. He ran upstairs, threw on his best (and tightest) pair of jeans, and a random t-shirt with a cat on it. He hurriedly came back down, where Kuroo was waiting.
Maybe he was just imagining Kuroo's expression change for a second. 
Maybe his mouth didn't hang open and his eyebrows didn't raise in surprise.
Kenma was imagining things.
They reached the karaoke place in around fifteen minutes, where they were greeted by their friends. Oikawa ran up to them. "Kuroooooo you promised it wouldn't take you too long to drag Kenma out todayyyy." he complained, pouting. They hadn't noticed Bokuto creep up behind them until he slapped Kenma's ass and said "Damn, Kenma, those jeans are tight as hell. You tryna seduce Kuroo?" 
Kuroo went red. Kenma rolled his eyes.
"If you must know, there's another girl I've got my eyes set on."
"Ooo~ Kenma's gonna get a girlfriend tonight~" Oikawa smirked.
Akaashi dragged Kuroo, who looked severely confused (and slightly constipated) away to get food and sign in so they could play.
"Who's the girl?" Oikawa nudged Kenma. "Tell us everything."
"You really wanna know?" Kenma asked.
"Tell us or we make you sing first." Bokuto said.
"She's…your mom." Kenma said, and sprinted away as fast as his legs would carry him. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, he ran right into Akaashi, who managed to spill all six of the open Coca Cola bottles on him.
Kenma, now drenched in Coke, opened and closed his mouth like a goldfish. 
"How did you manage to drop all six onto me?" he sputtered.
Oikawa and Bokuto were cackling in the background, Bokuto holding onto Oikawa's arm for dear life as he wheezed so hard he cried. Iwaizumi shook his head, but laughed along with them.
Kuroo was giggling wildly as Akaashi apologised profusely, also grinning like a mad man. 
A few seconds later, Kenma joined in, shaking with laughter.
After they had all finished teasing Kenma, Kuroo pulled him aside, and silently tugged him to the bathroom. He pulled off his hoodie and handed it to Kenma, his hand awkwardly touching the back of his neck. "Your shirt's drenched." he said, smiling softly.
"Oh yes, I wasn't aware of that." Kenma muttered.
Kuroo's face lit up in a grin. "Who would've guessed."
Kenma took his shirt off quickly, rinsed his hair in the sink (he doesn't know how he managed either), and put on Kuroo's hoodie. 
It was ridiculously huge on him. 
"You…you look cute." Kuroo said, eyes slightly widened.
"Thanks." Kenma's blush extended to his shoulders.
They left and had a concerning amount of beer with their friends. They all thought it tasted like trash, but they did it for, in Oikawa's words, "the plot". The plot of what, god knows. 
"I love you, Kenma." Kuroo slurred, putting his arm around Kenma's shoulders.
"What?" Kenma asked, ready to spontaneously combust.
"I love you. I've loved you for a long time now." Kuroo muttered. 
"You're drunk. I'm drunk. You don't mean that."
"I'm a coward, Kenma. Alcohol gives me the courage to say things I can't say when I'm sober. Do you love me too?" 
"I love you so much, Kuroo Tetsuro."
And then Kuroo kissed him. 
Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Bokuto, and Akaashi cheered in the background, but they barely noticed them.
This was their moment.
"Wanna get out of here?" Kuroo asked against Kenma's lips.
They booked a cab and went back to Kenma's house, where they made out a bit more and Kenma beat Kuroo at Mario Kart more than Kuroo would ever admit. 
He didn't mind losing to Kenma, though.
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seineko · 2 years
there's two things about kageyama that karasuno is absolutely sure about:
1. kageyama can't smile
for the life of him, he just cannot smile even if he tries his best. it just comes out so awkward or just straight up weird. (my boy has an insecurity about it too :()
2. animals don't like kageyama
it's not his fault, really, he just naturally scares them away without even knowing how. he loves them and would like to, at the very least, pet them because, for him, owning one is a far fetched dream regardless of how much he would love to have one.
karasuno has made a bet about the first one: the one who makes kageyama smile first gets off their gym cleaning duty for 2 months (yes, even tsukishima. at first he was blackmailed into it but later his he continued due to his own curiousity and interest, you didn't hear this from me cause i do not want to die at the hand of a salt shaker).
at first it was only karasuno but slowly, it spread across every school from miyagi to tokyo and even inarizaki joined in when atsumu invited himself into the challenge.
the closest anyone had gotten was yachi, who didn't have the bet in mind when she bought him a new pair of knee pads as a thank you for fending off a creep from her class. sure it wasn't exactly a smile, but no one has ever seen that expression on kageyama's face, it at least deserves an honourable mention. (oikawa sure tried way harder after that for someone who claims to hate kageyama.)
the second one was akaashi during their trianing camp in tokyo. not knowing how to compliment the 1st year setter, akaashi just patted him on the head and muttered a 'nice toss.'
sugawara got so pissed off at the expression on kageyama's face (not because of the expression itself, but because it wasn't him or anyone from their team who was responsible for it oikawa kinnie much?), he literally dragged back kageyama to practice tosses with him instead of akaashi and kuroo.
but the one who actually achieved the ultimate surprised pretty much everyone involved.
almost everyone had expected hinata to be the to make kageyama smile.
if not hinata, maybe sugawara or at least iwaizumi.
but no, the one who did was one of the least expected person, if not the least.
kenma didn't really care about the bet much. he wasn't close to kageyama and the chills that ran down his spine when he first met the setter were enough to make him stay away from him.
he never really tried to participate in it, though he could definitely see the appeal of not cleaning the gym for 2 months. (other schools had different rewards, but nekoma had unanimously decided to copy karasuno's.)
it was during a break after one of the practice matches between karasuno and nekoma.
kenma had gone out to find a spot where he could peacefully (read: without a kuroo to annoy him) play a few games before the next match started.
however, as he neared the stars, he saw a very familiar calico looking up at him with eyes so adorable, it would be a crime not to indulge the little thief for a while.
but as soon as kenma had picked up the cat, he felt goosebumps crawl up his spine. he turned around to see kageyama staring at him (at the little bundle in his hands particularly) pretty intensely.
the black haired boy didn't seem to do it intentionally because his gaze didn't flatter even when kenma moved a bit towards the door to possibly run towards a staircase near one of the club rooms.
noticing that kenma cleared his throat, which seemed to snap back the other setter into reality. his eyes widened a little before he instantly bowed down.
in a low voice, the words that left his own mouth surprised kenma, 'd-do, er, you want to pet it?'
it seems as though it surprised even kageyama as he stood back up and blinked a few times in confusion before speaking, scratching the back of his head, 'animals don't like me much.'
'i'll hold it up, you can pet it then,' kenma was at disbelief at himself today. why was he so insistent on getting the setter to pet the cat that he had unofficially adopted.
all that thought had vanished though. 'really?' the shine that glazed kageyama's eyes and the small quirk of his lips upward made kenma want to reach out and pet him on his head.
kenma just held the cat up as a reply.
there was a hesitation present in the way kageyama lifted his hand up, but slowly and steadily he moved forward and placed his hand on top of the calico's head.
the purr that left the cat seemed to shock kageyama for a few moments before a big, innocent and a happiness inducing smile broke onto his face.
when a series of gasps made their way to kenma, he realized that they both were being watched. so it wasn't his fault really, that his jump had scared the cat, kageyama and himself.
the calico just jumped out of his hand and ran out the door while kageyama was still looking at the place the cat was there just moments ago.
kenma wasn't really interested in the challenge, neither had he tried, nor planned, at least once to participate in it.
but he wasn't complaining about the final outcome. especially the gym cleaning duty that was off his hands for 2 months.
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©2022 by seineko @ tumblr
just a drabble that popped into my head :P headcanon in a way i guess?
i will protect kageyama tobio with my life. he's way too precious.
didn't proof read it because right now im in the bus to return back home so if you happen to read the whole way through and find any mistakes please do point them out!
also i did not intend any of the relationships here to be romantic, everything was written with platonic interactions in mind.
peace out! (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
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burningthetree · 2 years
I LOVE ASK GAMES! please talk to me about your year in writing! okay for ao3 wrapped! Would you pretty please answer numbers 3, 6, 10, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and/or 29 😇
I realize I am being unreasonable but I cannot help it :) please feel free to skip any or all
YES CAT OMG THANK YOU <3 i love talking about my writing let’s go!
(if you know me irl don’t you dare read under the cut)
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
Either of my longer fics. I always had trouble writing longer stories (which is fine! Shorter stories are just as great, but I always wanted to write something longer and never seemed to be able to) so I’m just proud that I somehow managed to tell a story that is unreasonably and unnecessarily long. I specifically have forget me not in mind, but also safe and warm because I feel like my initial plan for that one is just as big a lie as my plan was for fmn and it’s going to be over 100k again I fear. But that’s something I’m proud of! Starting out with a small idea and then realising it’s going to evolve into something bigger than I’d anticipated, and then still sticking with it to see it through to the end, even if it gets overwhelming sometimes.
6. Favorite title you used
safe and warm! I struggled with what to pick for the title at first, but then felt relatively content with it. And I don’t want to base my satisfaction on outside validation but the people that did comment on the title pointed out the exact things I had in mind for it and that gave me a boost in serotonin
10. What work was the quickest to write?
I’ve been struggling with literally everything this year LOL I don’t think anything was quick to write. Especially after writing forget me not last year within four months everything just feels painfully slow. Albeit not quick per se, safe and warm is the quickest in comparison to the rest I’ve had lying around for months lol
12. How many WIP's do you have in your docs for next year?
So many 😭 let me go count them. I think it's seven. Yikes. But I'm currently only actively writing two. And one of those two will be finished in December, so currently it's eight but 2023 it'll be seven 'only'.
16. What's your most common "Additional Tags" tag?
My gut feeling says Hurt/Comfort and Angst. Let me go check. Yeah, it's definitely Hurt/Comfort. All my fics except one have that tag. I just…vibe with it a lot. As does everyone I know.
17. Your favorite character to write this year?
Kuroo! I genuinely think he’s my absolute favourite in all of Haikyuu!! and I’m having such a good time writing him, though I was very surprised because I always thought it'd be Akaashi or Oikawa. But writing him gives me so much joy and I find it relatively easy (though whether or not my version of him is accurate in relation to the canon-version is debatable). I'm also having a lot of fun with Kiyoomi and Atsumu, they're both such little shits it's a delight to write them.
I'd be a fake if I didn't mention Hawks, though. I find him very easy to write as well, and I had a lot of fun! Some of the whumptober prompts (I haven't forgotten about the collection, I promise, I will finish it one day!) went by really fast because they were Hawks-centric, even though it was my first time writing him. But I don't know, I enjoyed it a lot.
18. The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year?
Iwaizumi. I swear to god. I keep including him in my fic for the sake of IwaOi but sweet jesus he is driving me INSANE. I’ve never had this many issues with any character and I’m losing my goddamn mind because I don't know how to fix it. Also Edgeshot. I hate that man (I don't, but I do. I really do. I don't).
19. What's one pairing you want to explore next year?
YakuLev! I’m not the biggest fan of Lev because I find him really annoying but I’ve had an idea for them for the longest time now and I’ve started writing it a bit but it’s nowhere near done, so I’m hoping I get to finish it next year at some point! Also I've had an idea for SunaOsa for a while now that I've been meaning to write but haven't been able to get around to yet. So hopefully 2023 will be when I'll get to it!
I've also started to get a little invested in Aizawa/Mic so I've been thinking about them a little as well, also Levi/Erwin for some godforsaken reason lol (kudos to that one person on TikTok making constant videos about them and dragging me down that hole). So maybe I'll explore them next year, who knows, but I don't know if I'm well-versed enough in these fandoms to write something I'd be happy with regarding quality, but we'll see.
20. Which work of yours have you reread the most?
Probably forget me not, purely because it’s the one long fic I’ve ever written. And I didn’t have any trouble writing it at all, with barely any writer’s block or creative block, which has been an ongoing issue with my current bokuaka that I just cannot seem to continue atm. So I'm looking at it for the character dynamics and set-ups of the scenes to get some inspiration and to revisit how I did it in the past in a way that works for me, and to see if I've changed anything without noticing that makes it work a lot less. Also just structure-wise it’s nice to revisit an older work that is relatively long to see what can be adopted into the new fic and what wouldn’t work.
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
On my way to reread my writing to find something! Okay, as much as I always complain about writing Iwaizumi, some of the IwaOi bits I've written are my favourites. This is from Chapter 5 of safe and warm so spoilers if you haven't read it yet, but I had a lot of fun writing this star-crossed lovers bit, and it's a little long so my apologies, I just didn't know how much to include in this post and where to cut off. So it might seem a little odd out of context, but oh well.
Walking up the stairs to where Tooru had been hiding for a long time – they had both lost count of how long it had been – Hajime started to doubt everything about their plan, even though he had been the one to come up with it in the first place. Though he’d had the idea, that didn’t mean he had to like it, because he didn’t. If there was a different way, a way that would ensure Tooru’s safety and keep him close, Hajime would choose that, without hesitation and without a doubt. But there was no other option. There never had been. Not for them. Their love had been doomed from the start. And Hajime had walked into it head-first, fully aware of the pain he’d encounter on the way, and yet he hadn’t been able to stay away from Tooru. The same was true for the other man. “Hey,” Tooru greeted him in a serious tone that he rarely ever used. The grimness of the situation had finally settled in, and Hajime longed for the times when he used to get annoyed with Tooru’s usually playful and obnoxious tone. Hajime didn’t greet him back, didn’t find it in him to say anything, not with how tight his throat was feeling. He was sure that if he opened his mouth now, he would end up crying, and he wanted to avoid that at all cost. Because if he did, he knew that Tooru would object to ever leaving, and he couldn’t risk that, not if he was already risking everything he had by simply coming here. “Hajime,” said Tooru, approaching him carefully as if Hajime was a frightened deer that could be set off at any minute. He wasn’t scared for himself, he really wasn’t. It wasn’t like he was particularly fond of his life anyway, not when he remembered how many people were scared of him for following his father’s footsteps. Not when he remembered how scared Akaashi Keiji and Bokuto Koutarou had appeared earlier as Washijou thought it necessary to injure their friend in such a pointless manner as well. “Hajime, look at me,” said Tooru and walked up to him, cupping his face with gentle hands. The warmth of Tooru’s palms against his skin was filled with love, and it helped him calm down a little bit, to stop his thoughts from spiralling out of control. Hajime did as he was told, and Tooru’s loving brown eyes were set on his, his eyebrows creased in worry even as his lips gave him a smile.
It was a rare sight, having Tooru express such genuine emotion without hiding it beneath a layer of pretentiousness which Hajime hated and that he could see through as if it was a clear window with the curtain withdrawn. Only when they were alone did Tooru allow him to see his real emotions, and even though Hajime could always tell when his boyfriend wasn’t being sincere, he appreciated his honesty and transparency whenever it was just the two of them. “I have to go soon,” said Hajime as he took Tooru’s hands in his. “They are going to the palace soon, to try and find Sakusa and Kuroo. Most of us will go there, so take these.” He handed Tooru the tickets, who took them hesitantly. “It is your best chance. The sun is setting soon, so escape in the dark. Go to the train station, take these, and leave.” “Hajime, I–” Tooru started, but Hajime interrupted him. “There is no time for objections, Shittykawa,” said Hajime, pressing the tickets into Tooru’s palm with such urgency, he almost tore the paper as he did so. “I wasn’t going to object,” said Tooru, faking disappointment and something that Hajime couldn’t quite pinpoint. “I was just going to say that I love you, but I guess you don’t want to hear that, so–” “Shut up,” said Hajime. “I want to hear that.” “What now?” said Tooru, and Hajime could feel the familiar annoyance rise in him at Tooru messing around with his emotions, fully aware that Hajime had a horrendous understanding of his emotions and a hard time dealing with them. “You want me to shut up or tell you that I–” “I am begging you,” said Hajime, “to quit teasing me so. I need you to tell me. Please.” “You’re annoying,” said Tooru. “You’re grumpy and you insult me all the time and you are the sweetest and best person I know. I love you, with all my heart, and after
There you go! This was the first passage that came to mind because this drama has such a chokehold on me, and I cannot wait to dive into it deeper. Thank you so much Cat, I absolutely loved rambling here <3
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theheightofdishonor · 2 years
i forgot houndoom had a counterpart so i'm calling it now that Futakuchi has the matching Manetric and Fukunuga has the Mismagius to Enoshita's Honchcrow
Other counterparts in this totally separate au include
daichi and suga's matching nindoking/nindoqueen
i wasn't going to give suga more but oikawa's got the sableye to suga's mawile
oikawa and hajime also respectively have a milotic and gyrados (oikawa's sooo pressed that him and noya have the same pokemon and is endlessly trying to compete to see whose is better)
Semi and Shirabu have a Zangoose/Seviper who are bffs which is funny because Zangoose and Seviper are known enemies. Semi's always trying to convince his Zangoose to stop being friends with Shirabu's Seviper. which are known enemies except theirs are friends and Semi
This isn't a counterpart pairing but Shirabu and Goshiki both have Arboks.
I was debating Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan for the twins but actually, Appletun and Flapple would be so good for them. They're two possible evolutions of the same pokemon and I think it'd match how the twins started out similar and then chose different paths. (Atsumu's Flapple, Osamu's Appletun)
Tanaka gets Hitmontop (balanced attack/defense), Yamamoto gets Hitmonchan (higher defense) and and Kyotani gets Hitmonlee (higher attack) Hinata's got a Tyrogue and only Tanaka's suprised when it evolves into Hitmontop too (the same way Hinata inherits Tanaka's number in his third year)
Kyotani's also got the Turtanator to Tanaka's Drampa to ramp up that rivalry.
Ushiten's got a terrifying Hatterene/ Grimmsnarl pair and a less terrifying yet still complimentary gloom/weepinbell. Honestly, I think i'd give perfectly complimentary teams to any pair, it'd be ushiten so why not also give them a gliscor/weavile and a sirfetch'd/cursola
Kuroken is Glameow and Stunky
Gonna give Kuroo a Persian too because you know man's gonna stick hard to that cat theme and Daichi gets the complimentary Primeape.
Bokuaka is Starmie and Cloyster because Starmie's core gem signs as brightly as a star and Cloyster's unshakable.
Udai and Asahi both have 1 pokemon in common. Which one is up for debate but i'm currently going with Torkoal.
Suna's got Obstagoon to Osamu's Mightyena.
Oikawa's got a Gothitelle and Yahaba's got Duosion.
Not complimentary but our top 5 aces all have at least 1 great fighting type. Ushijima has Buzzwole, Kiryuu gets Conkeldurr , Bokuto has Medicham, Sakusa has Blaziken, and Aran has Terrakian. (Asahi has a Bewear and Udai has a Pangoro)
I wasn't going to do this but Tooru can have Buzzwole's counterpart Pheromosa, you know, as a treat.
Udai's got a Dustox to match Akiteru's Beautifly
I wanted to keep Hoshiumi with mostly/all flying types but alas, he gets the Rampardos to Tsukki's Bastiodon. It's the ultimate spear for our spear among shields.
Aran has himself a Pinsir Heracross pair
Iwaizumi and Kiyotani both have Mightyenas.
There's no non-legendary counterpart pairs that i like for kghn so they get to break the realism laws of the pokemon universe and get tornadus and thunderous, hinata is tornadus. This was the closest I could find that mirrored their relationship the way I wanted it too, where they were complimentary but didn't necessarily need each other but were also rivals.
Perfect, unwavering, scary Kita gets Lunatone to Aran's Solrock.
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imagineanime2022 · 11 months
If it's okay can I please ask for haikyu
But what characters from the series that would be best paired with kianna
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I think that she would match well with Iwaizumi but she didn't meet him first, infect Oikawa was the one to seek her out first, he had noticed her in class, quiet and eager to blend into the background, Oikawa took to annoying her, enjoyed the angry words that she would shout at him until one day Iwaizumi smacking in the back o the head and told him to get it together, that was the day she met Iwaizumi.
Only a few days later did she meet your other friend and offered the chance to be the manager of the Aoba Josai team, it took a while for her to warm up to the rest of the team each of them loud and proud however Iwaizumi was easy to get to know, he said what he meant and he stuck up for his friends while also telling them when they were in the wrong.
Iwaizumi didn't wasn't loud or aggressive unless he was around Oikawa, so she found herself safer around him than anyone else, he was protective and watched carefully, he knew that she could take care of herself but he often reminded her that she didn't have to. If he ever sees anyone that hurt her before they would regret it no matter who they were.
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I also believe that she could match well with Kuroo, he would have seen her in the back of the class and worked at becoming her friend the same as he did with Kenma, he'd likely introduce her to Kenma who became a good friend of hers connecting on their interest in gaming.
Kuroo himself matched her in intelligence both emotional and academic, he loved science and she loved maths, Kuroo who being her sweets all the time and given her love of cats she'd love the symbol of the school. Kuroo is soft spoken most of the time and no matter what he says it usually comes from a good place, he wants to helped people.
Kuroo is protective as all hell when she's just his friend but when they start dating and he finds out more about everything that happened to her, he understands the limits of her physical and emotional capabilities and even tries to help her get better at it if that is what she wanted. Kuroo is very reactive, if she wanted your old aggressor to suffer he'd help her with that but if not then he'd protect her from anything that tried to get to her.
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sigaldria · 2 years
omegaverse | (onesided) shiraoi | ushioi
Mature | 1.5K | complete
It had been difficult to endure the weekend training camp, but it had finally ended, and Shirabu felt like he could breathe again. Almost, not quite yet, since he still needed Seijoh to leave to regain his inner peace.
But he could see the light at the end of the tunnel. As soon as the Seijoh bus left the school ground, Shirabu could start to forget about the sweet flowery scent that had distracted him all weekend.
"Ushiwaka-chan, stay away from me. Your awful scent is giving me nausea!"
"Stop calling me that, Oikawa. And don't lie, I just showered."
Shirabu could almost laugh. Ushijima and Oikawa were practically the textbook definition of what an alpha/omega couple should be like. Or that's how he saw them, at the very least.
It was funny how Oikawa pretended to reject Ushijima all the time, yet every time he was close to him, his aroma was more potent, sweeter. Oikawa could do everything to stand out (not that it was hard for him to do so).
And Ushijima would fall for it. His eyes were glued to the omega as he paraded on the court, his jaw tense as he did everything to control himself when Oikawa was teasing him while standing close to him.
"I don't care," Oikawa stuck out his tongue. "Go away."
Ushijima sighed, pretending to be annoyed. When actually, he was happy to entertain their cat and mouse game they loved to play.
"See you at the next tournament, Oikawa."
Oikawa replied, sticking out his tongue again, pulling at the skin of his eye.
And Shirabu laughed at that. He laughed out loud at the childish yet charming reaction of Oikawa. Both Oikawa and Ushijima turned to him, making him feel like an intruder (which he was).
Oikawa's friend came to collect him, rushing him to get on the bus that was about to leave. Ushijima did a 180-degree turn and walked back to the dorm building.
Shirabu stayed in his place, so he was the only one to notice when Oikawa's wallet fell to the ground after Iwaizumi had dragged him away.
Acting like a good samaritan, Shirabu picked up the wallet and ran to the Seijoh bus before it left.
Oikawa, that had one foot on the bus stair, turned around to look at him with such an incredulous face that made Shirabu's heart skip a beat in embarrassment.
"You dropped this," he managed not to stutter.
"Thank you."
And Shirabu could almost cry when he felt Oikawa's hand brushing his. He vowed and then went away without saying anything else.
"What did you need to tell me in private?" Shirabu asked.
Goshiki's face distorted into an awkward expression. Well, fuck.
Shirabu had seen that same expression from other alphas a couple of times before. Goshiki wanted to confess. It was cute in its own way, yet Shirabu couldn't be any less interested.
"Please don't say it," Shirabu interrupted, trying not to sound rude. "Please don't say a word if your question is unrelated to the team or school work."
"But I like you…" Goshiki said in the tiniest voice.
At that moment, Shirabu hated himself. He didn't mind rejecting some stupid alpha that had laid his eyes on him and decided they could start dating and be mates. Goshiki was not only his teammate but his friend as well.
And he knew Goshiki was a lovely boy and a good alpha. Shirabu was sure he'd make an omega very happy one day. But that omega would not be him.
"I'm sorry."
Shirabu groaned, curling his fingers inside himself. He moved his fingers in and out in the quickest way possible while his other hand played with one of his nipples.
With his eyes closed, he could see the picture vividly.
Oikawa's furious smirk after doing one of his hellish serves. He looked so hot with his perfect hair and determined eyes on his opponent.
Shirabu tried to imagine Oikawa fingering him. His fingers were probably longer and more dextrous than his own.
Maybe Oikawa'd suggest doing it in the 69 position, so he could have Shirabu eating his cunt as he did the same. Shirabu moaned again; he could almost taste Oikawa's slick on his tongue: sweet and addictive.
Oikawa wouldn't have a knot to give him, but it was fine, Shirabu didn't need any knot. He needed him. He shifted in bed in an attempt to push his fingers even deeper.
Would Oikawa want a knot? Maybe. Or maybe not if Shirabu sucked on his clit really well.
He opened his eyes to see the photo on 'Monthly volleyball' once more.
"Tooru, Tooru, Tooru," he chanted in a whisper, feeling his climax getting closer.
Shirabu came picturing Oikawa above him, whispering sweet nothings in his ear.
He laughed in the cold darkness of his room. Probably Ushijima was doing the same with his own tome of 'Monthly volleyball'.
When Shiratorizawa beat Aoba Johsai again, Shirabu didn't feel like celebrating it immediately. He is distracted by hurt eyes and a sour scent on the other side of the court.
"I'll talk to him," Shirabu heard Ushijima saying to Tendou.
"I don't think Oikawa'd be thrilled to see you right now," Tendou wisely explained.
But I like you, Shirabu could almost hear Goshiki again.
"Don't go for a battle that's impossible to win, Wakatoshi."
The Shiratorizawa team left the lockers, ready to see the next match and find out who'd be their opponent. Walking in front of them was the Aoba Johsai team.
Shirabu saw the third year walking without Oikawa, and Iwaizumi turned his head, looking concerned. Without saying anything, Shirabu walked back on his steps to enter the rival changing room.
Oikawa was sitting on the floor, hugging his knees to his chest, face hidden from the world. He was reticent and still.
Shirabu almost gasped at the hateful gaze Oikawa was giving him. He had seen those eyes many times but had always been directed at Ushijima. Even if he was an omega, Oikawa was very intimidating.
"Leave me alone."
"I… Are you okay?" he asked stupidly.
He really didn't have any business being there. Shirabu had never talked to Oikawa before, not any of other Seijoh members. What did he think was going to happen.
"Just peachy," Oikawa barked.
"Your scent is very sour," Shirabu felt himself unable to keep silent.
"This is funny," Oikawa said with a maniac smile on his lips. "First my moves and now my scent. Fuck off."
"Maybe I…"
"Shut up," Oikawa stood up. He was trembling in anger. "Shut up! I don't need any advice from an amateur."
"I didn't mean to offend you."
"Of course, you didn't. Now be a good little omega and go back to your alpha. I'm sure Ushiwaka misses you already?"
Again, Shirabu couldn't help it, and he laughed a little. Oh, Oikawa was adorable. Why had Oikawa been jealous of Shirabu when Shirabu only thought of him?
Obviously, Oikawa misunderstood his laugh. In the blink of an eye, Oikawa was gripping the collar of his jersey, baring his fangs at Shirabu's face.
"Don't you dare," Oikawa said in a hoarse voice. "Don't you dare to laugh at me."
Oikawa was not petite fragile omega, he was tall and strong. But so was Shirabu. Shirabu grabbed Oikawa's wrists with enough force to hurt.
"I'm not laughing at you."
"I hate you. I hate everything that you represent. You're not even that good, you know?
Happens to be Ushiwaka is ridiculously good at scoring with every shitty toss you give him. But he won't admit that to you, will he? He has to praise his cute little omega if he wants to fuck him, right?"
"Shut up!" it was Shirabu's time to yell. He pushed Oikawa to the wall. "What have I ever done to you for you to talk to me like this?"
"Get off me."
Shirabu waited for the pushback. He waited to be the next one crashing into the wall. But Oikawa's hold on his jersey ceased. And suddenly, Shirabu had a crying omega in front of him.
Instead of going away, Shirabu hugged him. Letting out as much of his cinnamon scent as possible to calm him down.
"I hate you," Oikawa said in a breathy voice as he clung to him.
But I like you, Shirabu replied in his mind.
The next time Shirabu saw Oikawa was in his first year of Uni. But it didn't happen as a random encounter on campus.
No. It was at a Shiratorizawa reunion party hosted by Semi. Shirabu witnessed the bond marks on Ushijima and Oikawa's necks.
Shirabu laughed.
Ushijima had always wanted that sweet flower scent for himself. It had been just a matter of time until he could possess it.
Oh, Shirabu was envious. He was envious of the perfect couple they made. The epitome of alpha with the epitome of omega, together for the rest of their lives. Probably beyond that.
"Look who's here!" Goshiki announced, dragging him so he could greet everyone.
It was funny the way Ushijima re-introduced Oikawa as his mate. He looked so proud about it. And Oikawa would smile. Oikawa would beam at him all sweet and in love.
It was funny how disgusting Shirabu found everything.
"I owe you an apology," Oikawa told him when they were alone.
"Don't worry about it, Oikawa-san," replied Shirabu with a fake smile. After all, I like you.
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xxmaddyxx · 2 years
Haikyuu Boys poking your rolls for funzies
boys included: Kuroo, Oikawa, Iwa, Ushijima contents: fluffy fluffiness and wholesome shit, a lil bit of swearing, A/N: this literally popped into my head randomly bcs i was sitting down poking my rolls masterlist
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You were sitting on the bed, watching tv.
Your stomach rolls were poking out under your crop top and Kuroo was laying next to your thighs.
He looked up and saw your stomach (he thought it was the cutest damn thing ever)
bcs they were
you were distracted because of the climax of your fav tv show and you didn't even notice Kuroo shifting his head onto your lap
he began to lightly poke your tummy
it was like a mf cat and a toy
the way it poked right back out when he moved his finger just entertained him so much
a few moments later, you looked down and he was still doing it
"babe, what are you doing?" you smiled at him
he looked up at you "your tummy's so cuuute!"
"hehe thanks." you ran your fingers through his shiny black locks
"wait, lay down." so you did and he laid his head on your stomach
he just buried his face in your warmth, leaving the occasional kiss as you continued watching your show
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you sat on the couch, just scrolling on ur phone, yk yk
Oikawa came over and laid on your lap, resting his head right next to your exposed skin
he had a brilliant idea
this bitch took a bite of your stomach roll adding a "nom" sound effect
you yelped and flicked his forehead
"owie, what was that for?"
"you bit me? what did you want me to do, bite you back?"
"i would've taken that, yes." He kissed where he bit you. "better?"
"yes, i forgive you." you kissed his forehead
a few minutes later the two of you shifted and you were laying next to him with his arm around your neck
hehe rookie mistake
you bit his forearm and said "nom bitch."
"AH! hey i didn't bite you that hard!"
you kissed the red spot "better?"
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he was reading a book on your shared bed and you sat next to him, turning on the tv
he put the book down and looked at your tummy
he loves you, and your body, and you looked so mf adorable with your roll poppin out
he laid next to you watching the show with you
"oh, sorry did i distract you from your book bby?" you placed your hand on his cheek, rubbing your thumb on his skin
"no, just thought i would join you."
as usual, you got sucked into the show
and iwa turned his head and poked your roll
"squishy baby." he used his baby voice
oops didnt mean to say that out loud
"what?" you giggled and looked down at him
"you so squishy and cute!" he wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed your roll
"i love you."
"i love you too."
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the two of you cuddled for about half an hour and you needed to shower
"ushi, i gotta shower, I'll be back."
"okay, love." you kissed his forehead and went to the bathroom
afterwards, you came back with a bra-type-shirt and pj pants (they were his, so they kinda drug on the floor)
"i'm back! u wanna watch that movie you were talking about?" you sat next to him
"sure, yeah." he put on the movie and laid his head next to your thigh and you held his hand
now, ik what you may be thinking, really? ushijima doing that?
this is a few months into the relationship, so he's gotten a bit more comfortable
he saw your tummy poking out and he starting to poke it
a soft smile appeared on his face
"whatcha doin there babe?" he looked up and met your e/c eyes.
"admiring my girlfriend."
"oh, okay, well continue if you like."
"i think i will."
and he did, he occasionally poked your stomach with one hand, and kissed your knuckles
this bby loves u so much
okie dokie, i wanna do another part, possibly do one for each hq boy that i can do (especially suna n bokuto that would be so mf cute) so yeah. i hope you liked it :) &lt;3
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chaoticevilorange · 2 years
Haikyuu x reader
How he spends his rainy days with you
Rainy days
He pouts looking out the window, there is so many things he wanted to do outside! Like his daily jogging routine, take you out on a date or maybe have a nice picnic or something, sighing heavily he decides to look for you around the house, that's when he spots you on the kitchen. He looks over your shoulder "what are you doing babe?" He asks wrapping his arms around your middle, chuckling you reply 'hot cocoa' and invite him over the couch to cuddle, maybe wasn't a bad day after all
Hanamaki, Hinata, Nishinoya, Goshiki, Yamamoto, Bokuto, Koganegawa
He takes this opportunity to have a lazy day with his favourite person in the whole world, that's right, you, so he kind of left the house earlier to have you both prepared for whatever you or him have planned, his initial plan was getting snacks, watch a movie or play videogames if you wanted. When he arrives he sees you on the couch wrapped on a fluffy blanket, when you spot him you open your arms inviting him to cuddle with you, he crushes you while you giggle kissing his cheeks
Iwaizumi, Sugawara, Ennoshita, Satori, Kuroo, Suna, Futakuchi
This guy didn't even let you left the bed, first he didn't want you to get up, he placed his arms around you not letting you go, then he make you breakfast and took it to bed, when you both grew a bit bored you started to plan lunch, since was a bit earlier and you both were lazy you both decide for a take out, you both arrive an he starts to help you to undress and tossed a towel chuckling at your shivering form, he finally wrapped you both on a fluffy blanket to cuddle while you both wait for lunchtime watching a movie
Matsukawa, Daichi, Asahi, Yamaguchi, Semi, Yaku, Osamu
Rainy day? It's a normal day, this guy I not even bothered by a bit of water, no, he has plans, big plans and he is going to make it whatever the rain stops or not, because he is not letting anything to stop him from his daily--- yet, soon as he sees you smiling at him with two mugs of hot cocoa, taking sit calmly on the couch patting softly the spot besides you, he knows he is going to stay, why won't he? You look so warm wrapped on his hoodie, and that smile of yours, he knows he won't be going outside, just for today
Oikawa, Tanaka, Kageyama, Ushijima, Lev, Atsumu
Ah yes, rainy days, he loves the rain, calms him down, is the kind of person who hears this rainy day apps when is sunny outside, he is enjoying his current spot, lying on top of you, his face comfortably against your chest while you play with his hair watching something on the TV, you don't need a cat, you have your loving boyfriend. After a while you can hear his soft breaths knowing he might have fallen asleep, kissing his head you get comfortable getting ready to get a bit of sleep as well
Kyotani, Tsukishima, Kenma, Akaashi, Kita, Aran, Aone, Sakusa
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lunaevangeline · 3 years
Immunity (Iwaizumi x sick!reader)
warning: nothing, just fluff
words: 1,500+
An entry for @augustinewrites's simple pleasures collab. Also, a redemption for my previous cheater!Iwa fics. Please heal your broken heart with this fic 💔
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You know something off with Iwaizumi Hajime today. Iwaizumi is being petty. You can hear from the way he stomps his feet louder on your shared apartment floor, or from the way he scrunches his nose repeatedly. Even the coffee he served you this morning is a bit bitter than usual -he fails to put an ideal amount of sugar like he usually does.
Iwaizumi is being uneasy. You know he's been avoiding you since morning. His morning kisses turn into a quick single peck, a bit halfhearted. It's not he didn't want to kiss you -he really wants to, it's just his little act to show that he's still upset.
You think Iwaizumi is being petty over small things. The thing when you forgot to take daily vitamin he already prepare on your desk, when you failed to empty the 2 liters water gallon he gave you for the entire day of work, or when you prefer to eat more sweets rather than the fruit he stocks in the fridge.
And the peak was yesterday when he picked you up and you were talking about each other's day. You rambled on how you ended up skipping meals because you back up the work of your sick colleague.
His eyebrows furrow, "Why don't you at least grab some bento or onigiri in the convenience store?"
Yes, there's a convenience store exactly in front of your office, a great alternative to avoid the packed-up cafeteria for grabbing a quick meal, he knows very well.
"No, it's more convenient to finish the work as soon as possible. I can't stay late right? And I grab some biscuits tho."
He snorts, your carelessness is infuriating. "Whatever, I won't give a damn if you get sick," he says with eyes still focused on the traffic.
You chuckle at his pettiness. "I won't get sick Haji," resting your head on his shoulder and arm wrapping his biceps, forgetting how he has told you many times that your favorite butter biscuit can trigger your gastritis.
There are not many texts from Iwaizumi today, besides "Don't forget to eat a meal" with lots of exclamations. And unfortunately, it rains heavily today, the weather forecast failed to predict it -guess the forecaster got tricked just like you. You forgot to bring your umbrella and you didn't get any message from Iwa when you ask if he can pick you up. He didn't even read it.
So you decide to run to the nearest train station. Holding a clear file on the top of your head -a useless attempt to dispel the raindrops. It's cold, a strange rain in the middle of the winter transition.
The street is kinda busy, workers pass by, some with umbrellas and there are also others who desperately run from the rain, just like you. All you can hear are footsteps and the sound of rain hitting the ground and umbrellas.
"Hey hey, where are you going, miss?"
A familiar voice calls you, his hand holds your shoulder, making you slow down before turning your back. You notice the amount of water that comes to you is greatly reduced, there's only a small splash on the ground.
"Haji?" You found your boyfriend, holding a wide black umbrella.
"I thought you won't pick me."
"How could I won't??" He retorts, eyes observing your figure.
You look like a stray cat lost in the rain; hair messy, your clothes are almost drenched, and you must be shivering from the cold. Before you can further argue, he grabs your hand and guides you to where he parked the car.
"Let's just get home quickly, you're cold." His tone is stern but painted with concern. As much as you know that he's petty, he won't stop caring. You smiled as his warm hand holds yours.
When both of you settled in the car Iwaizumi start to speaks, "Sorry, my battery was running low. I didn't notice until it was turned off."
"It's okay, Haji."
You exhale in relief, "I thought you were still upset."
He smirked and took a glance at you, placing a hand on the top of your head. "Even if I'm still upset, I won't stop loving you though."
He shrugged, "You're a brat."
You chuckle in response, humming, "Your brat."
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You open the door of your shared apartment. It's nice to finally feel the warm room temperature. After taking off your shoes, you take off your soaked shirt and skirt, placing them randomly on the floor.
Iwaizumi who's already entered the apartment room has come back with a piece of a white towel, wrapping you up in it.
"Go take a bath first." He pecked your temple.
You smiled sheepishly, "Won't you join me?"
He sighs, but in the second takes off his black polo, sending you a crook smile, "You are really insufferable."
Taking a warm bath as aftercare for the cold rain feels like heaven. After taking a bath and a warm dinner, Iwaizumi drags you to bed.
"You have to take a good rest," he said, enveloping your frame in his arm and stroking the crown of your head.
You don't argue, your head has already felt a bit heavy and it doesn't take long before you fell into a deep sleep.
Iwaizumi can sense your uneasiness because he's a light sleeper. The way you flip your body back and forth, also the way you kick out your blanket but ended up pinning him a bit closer.
Your breath is heavier and hotter than usual, your heart beats a bit faster. It's worrisome because you're not in the middle of having sex with him.
"This is bad," Iwaizumi thought. He's about to take a thermometer when he feels your hand tugging his t-shirt.
"Ngg Haji.." You talked in your sleep -maybe it's a bad dream.
"Shh.. Angel, I'm here okay," he whispered, stroking your hair locks and placing a soft kiss on your forehead.
Your expression becomes calm, easing your grab on him. He gave you the last pat before getting up and taking a digital thermometer.
The thermometer takes several seconds before beeping and showing a certain temperature. "It's really bad, 39 degrees huh? I should've come faster before she drenched in the stupid rain," he murmurs.
He took a gel patch and put a stripe on your forehead. You're smiling at the pleasing cool sensation. He smiled and lay down again beside you.
"You really made me worry," he said before falling asleep with you.
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You wake up from the sun peeking through the window opening. Your eyes flutter open to find Hajime placing a glass of water on the table beside you.
"You woke up, Angel?" You nod, head still dizzy and your body doesn't feel right.
"You got a fever," he explained.
You blink several times and then-
"Hatchi!" You sneeze, suddenly your nose is runny.
"And flu maybe?"
You touch your forehead that covered by the cooling patch, realizing that Iwaizumi was taking care of you. You pout, looking at him apologetically, "Uh I'm sorry Haji."
He pats your head, "Don't worry okay, everyone gets sick once in a while."
"Sorry for not taking good care of myself."
"And I'm sorry for being petty too. I know that sometimes I am just not good at words. But seeing you so careless is just frustrating."
"And who can look after you on weekdays? Thank goodness at least you're sick on the weekends," he continues his scold.
But then, he soften, "I made you a soup. Let's eat breakfast before taking your medicine, okay?"
You nodded. You reach his hand and follow him to the kitchen, murmuring "I don't deserve you."
He chuckles, "Me too."
So, what's so bad about getting flu on the weekend when your boyfriend is around? Kiss, you won't and mustn't kiss him -of course, you would feel bad if you make Japan men's volleyball athletic trainers get sick.
He finds out that you keep staring at his lips. Then, he licks his upper lip and flattens it.
"No kisses until you recover," He coos.
"Uhhh.." You grunt and he chuckles at you for being pouty.
"You miss me that much huh?"
You snort, "I'm not," tugging the duvet and facing the other side.
He gathers you in his arms, "Are you sure you don't miss me, princess?"
You turn around to face him again. "I don't want you to get sick," you said with a low voice.
"I won't," he tugs your chin to see his adoring eyes before dragging you to a kiss. A kiss that is so soft, fleeting at the moment it touches your lips.
"An athletic trainer won't get sick," he said cockyly.
"Pfft.. is there any exception for that?" You chuckle.
He gives you another peck, "There is."
"Cut it out, Hajime."
But he strains your hands to steal another one, two, three, four, five more kisses, until you melt. Then he takes you to his embrace.
His body unreasonably feels cold against your hot body temperature. Maybe it's not a matter of hot or cold, but being with him makes you at ease.
The next day, your flu has gotten so much better, while Hajime also didn't show any symptoms either. You learn a new thing about him; not only does he have strong arms, his immunity is also strong as hell.
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taglist: @sabyss @ohtobiors @passionateuchiha @miya-dynasty @crystal-lilac @hyeque @pklm10
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kimbapisnotsushi · 3 years
seijoh hcs <333
kindaichi had a small puppy crush on yahaba for all of five minutes before yahaba turned around and picked a fight and kindaichi realized that was way above his pay grade
yahaba's aggression and fearlessness is bc he's an overlooked middle child who was never properly supervised growing up
and on the team he's STILL an overlooked middle child!!!!!!
okay no scratch that all the second years are just basically overlooked middle children and THAT'S why the entire second year gen is complete and utter chaos
makki photoshopped kunimi's ':3' face onto the smug knife cat photo and uses it as a reaction pic
makki has, at some point, photoshopped everyone's faces onto an equivalent meme pic
on mattsun's and yahaba's birthdays the team puts all the presents for them into one big pile and have them unwrap each one by one and guess who the present is for based on what it is
so far they've got: a skincare set + facewash headband with bunny ears (mattsun), an oversized hoodie with an embroidered knife in the center captioned "try me" (yahaba), a clip-on bunny tail (mattsun - "to go with the headband," makki had explained quite seriously, while watari lost his shit and kunimi put his hands over kindaichi's eyes), and 2 concert tickets for Full Throttle4, who are punk and goth and emo and make pop punk rock (yahaba, obviously)
(yahaba, who doesn't realize he has a type: "i appreciate these, really, but if all of you can't go - " oikawa: "oh no, none of us are free that day anyways! except kyouken-chan :))" kyoutani: "i'm WHAT now")
also. SO many jokes about iwaizumi going to be a surfer boy when he tells them about california.
iwaizumi: "for the LAST time, i'm not even going to LA! i'm going to irvine!" mattsun, who has Zero Knowledge about ca geography and just likes fucking with iwa: "that's so cowabunga, my dude. make sure you hang ten when you're out there"
(that physically HURT to write oh my god)
kyoutani and watari are gossip buddies. watari is the type who knows all and sees all. kyoutani is just skulking in the background and ppl are too terrified to ask him to leave so he usually ends up overhearing all the juicy shit LMAO
they know about aaaaaaall the third-year drama that not even their upperclassmen know about
during one of kyoutani's and yahaba's arguments watari blasted "true love" by p!nk and it was REALLY fucking funny watching them go at it with "YOU'RE AN ASSHOLE, BUT I LOVE YOU" in the background
(they didn't even notice until makki showed them a recording)
when kyoutani and yahaba go to the concert they both get really fucking nervous to the point where five minutes in they end up arguing over whether it counts as a date
yahaba: "you know it's not a date unless the two people going want it to be a date, right?" kyoutani: "i do want it to be a date!" yahaba: "what" kyoutani: "what"
at some point they hold hands bc "too many people, we don't want to get separated" and then they just. never let go for the rest of the night LMAO
(and at the end, yahaba asks kyoutani if he really meant it. if kyoutani really wanted this to be a date. and kyoutani grumbles and scowls but he finally goes "yeah, why do you think?" and yahaba laughs and pulls him in closer)
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