#iz rock star au
thatonegeekygirl · 2 years
Makin' My Way Downtown (A Spacejunk AU Invader Zim Fanfic)
as promised an unfortunate amount of time ago, here is a more-long-then-originally-intended and somewhat convoluted fanfiction for @l-ii-zz's spacejunk au! i strongly suggest checking her page out before reading this so you can get a sense of where the chracters are at--and also meet her iz oc, Urania! basic storyline, zim, dib and gir head out for a nice afternoon at a mooga mart on Quanax. banter is exchanged, absurd amounts of snacks are bought, zims past comes back to bite him, general shenanigens occur. zadf, adult dib, and lots of made-up space language.
here’s the link the the space junk au masterpost:
now, on to the fic!!
The Poltergeist cruised through space, its hull glinting in the light from a nearby star. Operating systems hummed their content song. Little bits of rock bumped against the solar windshield, not even leaving a scratch. Scanners sweeped back and forth, a vigilant eye for enemy vessels or heavenly bodies, alert and attuned. Meticulous. Serene. Controlled. 
Unlike the beings found inside it.
“GIR!” Zim shrieked for the umpteenth time that day. “Cease that infernal noise and get over here!”
The little robot ignored him.
Zim sighed deeply. “...Urania.”
“GIR, come along,” the ship's AI ordered.
“Comin’ ship lady!” GIR called cheerfully, dropping the two metal rods he’d been banging together and skipping over to the console. He jumped into Zim’s lap and Zim growled once before tucking GIR in beside him in the pilot seat. 
“Dib, make sure we don’t run into an asteroid, if you would.” Zim transferred command of the ship to Dib’s control pad. “GIR, give me your leg.”
“No promises,” Dib clipped. “Where’re we going again?”
“No, GIR, the other leg!” Zim groaned, as GIR threw his normal appendage in the air. “Urgh, Dib, weren’t you listening?”
“Nope,” Dib said frankly.
“Insufferable,” Zim muttered. He grasped GIR’s replacement leg and drew a multi-use tool from his PAK. He began tightening the connection between the leg and GIR’s metal shell. “We are going to planet Quanax in the Froogl system, as I told you before.”
“What are we going there for?” Dib asked, eyeing a particularly big piece of space junk as it floated past them. 
“If you must know, it is the site for the largest Mooga Mart in the galaxy! Which you would know, if you paid any attention, Dib,” Zim scorned. He dropped GIR’s leg, and GIR happily settled into the seat, kicking his legs with glee.
“Mooga Mart?” Dib snickered. “What the hell is a Mooga Mart?”
“It’s a Mooga Mart.” Zim blinked at him. Upon realizing the human required more explanation, he groaned and continued. “Mega Mart is fine. Mega Mega Mart is better. Mega Mega Mega Mart is better than that. Extra Mega Mart is better than that. Extremely Fantastic Mart is eh. And Mooga Mart is the best! For Irk’s sake, how long have you been in space!?”
“Apparently not long enough to learn about the different levels of Mart,” Dib commented, grinning to himself as Zim rather seriously puzzled over Dib’s lack of knowledge of Mooga Marts. “What’s a Mooga Mart got anyway?” “Irken products!” Zim declared, tossing a finger into the air. “All the Irken products!”
“Gee.” Dib raised his eyebrows. “How come we haven’t gone to one before? Considering they’ve got all the Irken products.”
“Well. We’ve never traveled close to one before.” Zim shrugged. “Oh!” He pointed to the screen, which now displayed a flashing icon that looked distinctly like a mini-Woolmart. “We’ve arrived!”
“Urania, set auto-approach,” Dib said, flicking the main engines off.
“Oh, certainly, Captain.” Urania’s invisible touch guided the ship towards the planet.
“...I honestly can’t tell if that was sarcastic or not,” Dib muttered. 
“Ha!” Zim grinned impishly. “Why, Dib, she is so obviously serious! You are the Captain, the King, the Big Kahuna, Our All-Powerful Leader, the Bulk Bag of Cheddar Cheese–”
“Christ, I get the point!” Dib swiped a hand at Zim’s face.  
The Poltergeist swerved around ringed planets of various colors, ducked beneath a massive freighter ship, and joined the line of spacecraft easing their way into Quanax’s atmosphere.
“GIR, see that fast food mascot?” Zim gestured to an obnoxious sign featuring a bulbous alien creature with an absurdly large head, holding a seeping burger-like object and declaring, ‘EAT THIS FOOD!!’ in bubble letters. He wrapped an arm around GIR’s shoulders and threw a hand into the air. “His head is nearly as big as Dib’s!”
GIR ooo’d loudly as a cackling Zim scrambled away from Dib’s second strike.
“Remind me again why I hang out with you?” Dib asked in exasperation, glaring at Zim as the alien shifted smugly back into his chair.
“Aw, you love me.” Zim smirked.
“My mistake.”
Urania, ignoring them, guided the ship into a docking port, and dropped it somewhat abruptly on its landing stilts.
“Yeagh!” Zim spluttered as the vessel shuddered, grasping the sides of his chair.
“Bit of a rough landing there, Urania?” Dib said weakly from the floor.
“Again!” GIR cheered.
“Schlorfin’ AI, bet she did that on purpose,” Zim grumbled. He smoothed his skewed antenna and righted his rumpled suit.
“Not at all,” Urania replied smoothly, “just space turbulence.”
“No space turbulence if we’re not in space,” Zim muttered under his breath. But he picked up GIR and set him firmly on the floor, and made no further argument.  “Chop chop, Dib, Mooga Mart awaits!” 
“Just…gimme a minute for my lungs to face the right direction…” Dib managed, 
“To quote good ol’ Commander Poki…” Zim held a hand out to Dib, and when the man took it, yanked him in one aggressive motion to his feet. “Walk it off!” He slapped Dib’s back. Dib groaned brokenly, then blinked.
“Wait, that actually…helped? Somehow?” He said slowly.
“I’ve found hitting often does,” Zim replied nonchalantly. “Though I admit it is usually directed at the enemy. GIR, if I see you fiddling with that leg one more time I’m going to blow it off myself!”
GIR looked up from pulling at his replacement leg with a caught-red-handed look.
“Yes, I noticed.” Zim narrowed his eyes on the robot. “You’re not so sneaky. Urania, we’ll be back in a couple hours, do try to not leave the planet without us onboard.” He marched down the corridor, waving the other two after him.
“I shall hold on to the one scrap of sympathy I have for GIR and endeavor not to,” Urania replied blithely. As Zim disappeared out the hanger doors she materialized beside Dib. He suppressed a shriek.
“Get me a repetitive laser, model G7R-69,” she said. “Don’t forget.”
“...why?” Dib questioned.
“A specific and important reason that I will not share with you at this time.”
Dib stared at her for a moment. “...Well, that's cryptic. C’mon, GIR.” He picked up the SIR unit and placed him in his hood, much to GIR’s delight. “I doubt Zim will appreciate it if we get left behind minutes after arriving.”
Dib tromped out of the ship, with squealing robot in tow, to find Zim gazing out at the sprawling megatropolis before them.
“Isn’t it glorious?” The aforementioned Irken grinned widely.
If one enjoyed box stores the size of New York city with an even more dismally gray color scheme, surrounded by swarming air traffic and the sound of machinery, it certainly was.
“How do you find anything in that?” Dib questioned, staring with skepticism at the many alien departments reaching as far as the eye could see, both side to side and upwards–and presumably downwards. 
One of Zim’s PAK arms pulled something out of the device with flourish. “Map!”
“Right. Lead the way, space-man,” Dib said.
Zim began striding forwards, toward the huge doors marked ‘Entrance’ in bold pink letters, which seemed a bit overtly obvious. Dib followed, taking in the surprisingly small number of customers roaming around the area outside the building. “How come no one’s here?”
“Mooga Mart is nearly always filled with Irken consumers,” Zim explained, exuding smugness out the ying yang. “EXCEPT! On Irken holidays. One of which,” he gloated, “is so conveniently today!”
“Tallest Day!” Dib snapped his fingers. “Of course!”
“Only the Irken Elite are permitted to skimp on Tallest Day celebrations, so the Mart will be virtually empty. All those licking sticks, just sitting there for the taking!” Zim clapped his hands together gleefully. “...though I am suspicious of the origins of Tallest Day. Something in my squeedily spooch tells me the Tallest may have invented it as an excuse for parade floats of their faces and extra snacks.”
“Could be,” Dib said solemnly.
“Now, there is a scanner we have to pass through in order to be granted access to the Mart,” Zim explained. “Only Irkens are allowed through, unless you have explicit permission from an Irken and the Irken is present, in which case other species can enter as well. Just follow my lead!”
The three of them approached a kiosk-looking thing manned by what could have been an Earthen teenage movie theater employee if not for his third eye and tentacles. Beside it was a white and pink chamber with clear windows in the front and back.
“Wait, if you have to be scanned won’t it realize you’re not an Irken Elite?” Dib hissed under his breath, eyes flicking between his friend and the scanner. “And also, y’know, that you’re the traitorous criminal Invader Zim?”
“Quit worrying. It only scans for Irken DNA, not specific individuals,” Zim reassured him. “And even if it did, no one's going to risk leaving Irk on Tallest Day just to arrest us.”
“Step onto the pad to confirm your genetic code,” the alien warbled as they stopped at the counter.
Zim marched onto it, and the glass opened and closed behind him. He tucked his hands behind his back and tapped his foot impatiently. “Hurry it up, security drone, I have things to do!”
“Please keep all limbs and other appendages inside the Scan-O-Tron™️ until the Scanning™️ is complete,” the alien said, monotone.
He pressed a button, and neon pink rings began rising out of the floor, up around Zim, and into the ceiling. The machine buzzed as it worked. After a moment or two, a ding sounded from the employee's control panel. 
“Scanning™️ complete. You may enter the premises.”
Zim strode out the other side. Dib moved to follow him, but the glass slid shut with a slam before him and GIR could enter.
“Irkens only, unless you have permission from a present Irken,” the alien said flatly.
“They’re with me,” Zim said. “Let them through or I will have a very serious conversation with your superior!”
“Do you take full responsibility for…” the alien squinted at Dib. “...the squishy pink thing and the SIR unit?”
“Yes yes yes, whatever, just open the ding dang door!” Zim rolled his eyes.
The alien employee shrugged and pushed another button. The glass parted before Dib.
He walked through the threshold, only slightly miffed at the comment on his apparent squishy pinkness. 
“Let’s go get a cart,” he said, glancing around the massive area and trying not to become disoriented by the sheer magnitude of stuff.
“First things first,” Zim said briskly. “Gimme GIR.”
Dib raised an eyebrow, but reached behind himself and grabbed the robot from his hood. GIR waved his hands excitedly and tried to bounce but succeeded only in shaking Dib’s arms. 
“Are we there yet!?” the SIR unit shrieked.
“Indeed we are,” Zim replied calmly, taking him from Dib. With habitual grace, Zim tossed him over his head and waited while metal cords snaked out of his PAK and around the robot, securing him to his back in a contraption amusingly reminiscent of a baby carrier.
Dib gave Zim a look.
“He wanders,” the alien explained shortly.
“Don’t I know it.”
Zim trotted to a enormous collection of floating, rectangular white carts and motioned for Dib to grab one. He did, and the three of them, led by Zim and his map, entered the maze of aisles and shelves. They were fairly well organized, with the merchandise stacked neatly and their prices displayed in holographic pink. Signs hung suspended in the air telling patrons what things were where, with the occasional one advertising some Irken product or another. There were small circular objects hovering just above the ground at consistently spaced intervals. These confused Dib until he saw a thin little Irken climb on one and ride it up to the higher shelving units.
“This way.” Zim pointed to the right, briefly looking up from the map. “Snacks are top priority, obviously. After that, the discount section. You’d be shocked at the things people will just throw in there! And if we have time after that, we’ll check out some of the new Invader tech the Scientists have come out with.” “You do know you’re not an Invader anymore, right?” Dib commented, half serious.
“Sure,” Zim replied, “but I still have standards.”
The snack section, to the surprise of no one, was at the forefront of the store, and only took them a minute or two to find. Zim stared giddily at the rows upon rows of alien candy and junk food, practically vibrating. As he began stuffing everything in sight into the cart, Dib examined some of the stranger food choices around him. Picking up a bag of Gummy Wyverns in one hand and a cylinder of Sour Star Dust in the other, he came to the conclusion that Zim’s infinite supply of energy probably came from the absurd amount of sugar he consumed. Perhaps if he, too, consumed absurd amounts of sugar…
He tossed the two snacks into the cart.
No harm in trying.
As he pushed the cart down the aisle, he read all the labels and attempted to figure out what exactly each of the foods might actually contain–Irken food products did not come with such foolish things as Nutrition Facts. Moments later Zim, finally content with the number of calories piled inside the cart, nodded thoughtfully.
“We’ve still got enough room to grab some discounted supplies!” He declared. “This way Dib!” He led them out of the aisle they were in and left, into an area filled with massive cans of screws.
“Can we lookit the fishy things!?” GIR screeched from Zim’s back.
Zim grimaced. “...fine, we can look at the fishy things. After we get everything else.”
“I, too, wish to look at ‘the fishy things’,” Dib said.
“We’ll look at the fishy things!” Zim growled. “You people really need to get your priorities straight.” “Says the Irken who just stuffed our cart overflowing with junk food,” Dib retorted under his breath.
“I heard that!” Zim threw a hand up in the air. He quickened his stride until eventually Dib was forced to run full tilt after him, cart swerving perilously and growing heavier by the second. Eons later Zim came to an abrupt stop, causing Dib to shriek and dig his heels into the linoleum floor to avoid crashing into him. The cart came to a stop inches behind the aliens head.
“What…was that…for…?” Dib panted, leaning on the cart’s handle.
“Now we’ll have time to look at the fishy things,” Zim explained calmly, not even slightly out of breath. Dib was sure his voice sounded genial to any onlookers but Dib could damn well hear the smug lilt hidden within its innocent facade. 
“Alright, alright, the genius Irken wins.” Dib rolled his eyes. “Can we just look at the discounts now?”
Zim gestured to the sign above them reading ‘Discounted Items’. “Since I have so thoughtfully brought us to them in short order, yes we may.” 
“Okay, now you’re not fooling anybody!” A chuckle snuck its way out of Dib’s chest.
“Fooling?” Zim eyes grew comically wide. “Fooling? What are you implying, dear boy? There is no fooling commencing in this fine establishment! I have only the utmost respect for my fellow cabin mates. I’m offended you would imply such crass behavior!”
“When did you become a Victorian gentleman?” Dib raised an eyebrow.
“What are you talking about, Dib? Really. You’re losing it. And if you keep stalling we’ll run out of time to see the fishy things!” Zim tutted.
Dib pushed the cart into the first Discounted Items aisle with one hand and grabbed the back of Zim’s suit with the other.
“Yee!” Zim shrieked involuntarily, to which Dib chortled. 
The alien grinned darkly, all teeth. “That's how you want to play, huh?” “What does that mean–YAGH!” Zim ripped himself out of Dib’s grasp and climbed up his back, claws digging into the fabric and scratching at his skin. “Zim! That tickles!” 
Mercifully, as Zim reached his shoulders he ceased his scrabbling, swinging his legs across Dib’s chest. “March, soldier!” The alien cried.
“As long as you don’t pull at my hair,” Dib warned, and continued walking.
“Victory for Zim!” Zim crowed triumphantly. “Ooo, look, industrial heated blanket.”
“Dude, I know you love your heated things, but aren’t name-brand heated blankets super pricey? Do we have the funds for something that expensive?” Dib pried, wincing as he visualized the numbers on his monies rectangle dropping into the red zone.
Zim gestured widely to the price tag, which read: “98% OFF!!!! LAST ONE IN STOCK!!!!!!! SAVE 76’000 MONIES!!!!!!!!!!!! (seriously for the love of Irk buy this thing we can’t take down the sign out front advertising heated blankets until they’re all sold out and we can’t put a new ad out till it's gone and the other product investors are getting angry enough to shoot something) ((probably me)) ((I am begging you take this gashlinking thing))).
Dib shrugged the shoulder Zim wasn’t sitting on and tossed the boxed item into their cart. “Fair enough.” 
“Come, Dib, all we have to do is walk straight through the Discounted Items aisle and we’ll be at the fishy things! And then the tech section is right above them on the third floor! Sometimes my marvelous planning skills impress even myself.” Zim grinned.
“‘Aisle’, singular? There’s only one?” Dib asked.
“Oh, well, this shouldn’t take too long then.”
~2 hours and 23 minutes later…~
“Is…is that the end…?” Dib breathed, drooping eyelids fluttering as his pupils registered a break in the straight shelving to both his sides.
“Alas, we have reached the end of the discounts,” Zim said mournfully. “But not without acquiring two packs of Irken Purple-Pop soda, a heated blanket, a 50 foot length of bungee rope, new speakers for The Poltergeist’s lounge, a box of miscellaneous screws and nails, a couple of heating coils for my latest project, that weird wrist-computer you seemed so excited about, three pairs of welding goggles, antenna-pods for my Music-y Box Thing, and a Tobbleberry lolly for GIR!”
Ignoring the majority of Zim’s sentence, Dib yelled, “Finally!” And rushed the last couple meters to the end of the aisle. “Sweet fresh air! Miles and miles of AISLE really does something to a person! God, I missed space for my elbows!” He flung his hands wide out.
“Er, Dib-friend?” Zim tapped the top of Dib’s head.
“Hm?” Dib opened an eye to look at him.
Zim tipped his head to the side a couple times, giving him a look. Dib followed his gaze.
A pair of Irkens in one aisle and a singular one in another were staring at Dib detestfully.
Dib smiled awkwardly and gave them a hesitant half-wave before lowering both his arms. “Zin,” he whispered, trying to keep his lips from moving. “‘Ich ‘ay are ‘e goin’?”
Zim dutifully pointed right. Dib looked resolutely at the cart, to keep it from hitting things and not at all to avoid locking eyes with the unimpressed Irkens, and pushed it towards the fishy things.
“Don’t laugh at me,” Dib muttered.
“I wasn’t laughing,” Zim said.
“You were going to.” “Well, you’ll never know now.” Zim patted Dib’s black hair. “Maybe I was going to comfort you with a kind hug and tell you that the hugely amusing event that just took place was not your fault somehow.”
“Y’know, I’d be more inclined to believe you if you hadn’t just called it ‘hugely amusing’,” Dib retorted.
Luckily for Dib–or possibly the both of them–before Zim could continue the conversation, GIR waved a pointer finger in a vaguely forward direction and yelled, “The fishy things!”
“Yes GIR, those are the fishy things.” Zim nodded. Then froze. “Wait, how did you get out!?”
GIR, now leaning on Zim’s head with his little metal feet on his shoulders, shrugged and stuck out his tongue. Zim sighed. “Come here, you insolent SIR.” A robotic arm shot out of his PAK and tucked GIR snugly back into his carrier. After a moment of thought, a couple more cords wrapped around GIR’s arms and chest, securing him tighter.
“You know, you could’ve just left him at the ship,” Dib pointed out.
Zim shot him an affronted look.
“Kidding, kidding,” Dib chuckled. “Let’s go see these fishy things of GIR’s.”
“They’re really not that interesting,” Zim complained, hopping off of Dib’s shoulder. “They’re all over Irk, some people enjoy eating them–I think they taste like Earth chalk. Really, they’re more pests than anything else.”
As he listened to Zim’s long-winded and unnecessary description of the fishy things–which were apparently called wakwoks–his eyes caught on a label in one of the aisles. Repetitive Lasers. If he slipped away before Zim finished his rant, the Irken probably wouldn’t even notice he’d left... He tilted the cart away and tiptoed off into the aisle. The selection of repetitive lasers was near the end, and there were a lot of them. Who knew Irkens loved repetitive lasers so much. I mean, he knew they loved regular lasers, so he supposed it wasn’t too much of a stretch to assume they’d like repetitive ones. He scanned the shelf. 
Model G7R-96, Model G8-90, Model H0-45… Model G7R-69! Unfortunately, it was near the very top. As he pondered this problem thoughtfully the hovering pad thing beside him caught his eye. 
Dib hopped onto the device. It shook slightly but didn’t move. 
“Uh,” Dib murmured. “Up, please?”
The pad stayed still.
“...Model G7R-69 repetitive laser, please…?”
The pad rushed him up, up, up till he was staring the desired lasers in the face. He reached a hand out to grab one just as his communicator buzzed. He groaned. Apparently Zim did notice. He pulled it out of his pocket.
angry green gremlin: DIB WHERE ARE YOU???
Dib rolled his eyes at the blatant misuse of capitalization and exclamation points. 
agent mothman: i just went to pick up something for urania
agent mothman: ill be back in a sec
agent mothman: chill
angry green gremlin: GET BAKC HERER NOW!!!!
agent mothman: jeez im coming
Dib tucked the device back in his jacket, grabbed a laser, and said, “The floor?”
His ride sent him hurtling at a terrifying speed back to the cart. Grasping at his tumbling stomach, he stuck the foot-long repetitive laser into a somewhat open space in the cart. He then began walking–slowly–to his previous destination and an apparently panicking alien. Dib wasn’t sure if he was more irritated or touched by how much Zim was freaking out about his disappearance. 
He rounded a corner, and took in the tanks of faintly pink liquid full of…well, fishy things. That truly was the only way to describe them in any honest way. They looked vaguely like lionfish, with some ‘lion’ removed from them and a heaping pile of ‘thing’ thrown in. There were also a few that appeared to be covered in goo, but considering they were underwater it was hard to tell. He strode forward, wondering vaguely where Zim and GIR had gone, and then a sharp hand grabbed his sleeve and yanked him and the cart into an adjoining aisle. 
“Shh!” His attacker raised a finger to his lips. 
“Zim, what are you doing?” Dib asked tiredly. “If this is about someone trying to steal your snacks again, I’m telling you no one's gonna take candy from you when they just take it from the store–”
“It's not that,” Zim interjected hurriedly. “Stand in front of me!” 
Dib eyed his frantic friend. He stepped to the side so he blocked the view of Zim from the rest of the store. “Fine, now tell me what’s up.”
“I’ll explain later!” Zim waved him off, peeking warily out from his cover behind Dib’s legs to look out at the open area beyond. The alien stared for a long moment before eventually letting out a relieved sigh. “Okay, I don’t think he saw me...”
“‘He’? Who’s–” “ZIM!”
Zim winced deeply as his name rang through the rows of goods. “Time to go.” He grabbed Dib’s shirt and led him at a speed walk out of the aisle and down the main pathway. Dib shoved the cart to get it moving and followed, matching his companions pace. “Seriously, what’s going–” he began, only to be interrupted again.
“Is that you?” The voice bellowed. “Why, don’t leave, Zim! We haven’t had time to catch up in oh so long!”
Zim stopped wearily and put a hand out to stop Dib. The human complied, waiting until Zim grimaced and turned before he did so too. 
“Heyyyy, Borax…” Zim said, smiling a strained smile.
“Hello, Zim,” greeted a leafy green Irken with neon pink eyes–presumably Borax. He was surrounded by four other Irkens, two with purple eyes, one with pink eyes and irregularly light green skin, and one with a single pink eye, its other one lidded and covered by an ugly, ragged scar. They all wore standard Invader uniforms, except for Borax, who also had metal gloves and boots.
“It has been a while, hasn’t it?” Zim tried.
“Indeed. You’re still as short as ever,” Borax said.
“Yes, I suppose so,” Zim said shortly.
“How have you been?” Borax asked, words kind but gaze calculating.
“Oh, you know…” Zim trailed off. Dib was slightly impressed–despite his better judgment–to meet someone who could leave Zim at a loss for words.
“I see you’re hanging out with inferior life forms now,” Borax sneered, gesturing lazily at Dib.
“Dib is not–!” Zim growled, cutting himself off. “...Dib may not be Irken but he is just as superior as you or I.”
“They told us you’d gone rogue, Zim.” Borax tilted his head. “I mean, you already were out of control, what with all the regicide and mission failures. But I never believed you’d be this…Defective.” “Jokes on you, buckaroo.” Zim grinned, gaining back lost ground. “I don’t care that I’m Defective anymore! Check it out, I’ll even say it: I’m just a big ol’ Defective Irken. Zim the Defective. Defective, that’s what I am!”
Borax continued, unfazed. “Do you recall what I told you I’d do to you if I ever saw you again?”
“...give me a set of Purple Slooshie coupons and send me on my way…?” Zim supplied.
Borax glared darkly. “Boys…” He turned to the Irkens beside him and lifted a finger to point at Zim. “GET THEM!”
Zim shrieked and swatted urgently at Dib’s hand. “Run Dib!”
Dib didn’t need to be told twice. The cart gave a frustrated squeal as he threw himself into it and took off at a headlong run. Zim sped along beside him, casting nervous glances over his shoulder as the sound of charging Irkens grew closer. 
“Here!” Zim tossed GIR into the cart, the robot giggling as he tumbled into the mountain of snacks. “Make sure he doesn’t climb out!” “Why can’t you just keep him in–” The question answered itself as Zim’s PAK legs struck out at the stuff surrounding them, leaving a messy barrier of random electronic components and bulk bags between them and Borax and his gang. 
“This way!” Zim waved Dib down an aisle to their left, and Dib had to push one foot off a shelf to avoid knocking the front-heavy cart into it. 
“Do you actually know where you’re going!?” Dib questioned above the clamor of Irken swearing and scraping PAK legs behind them. 
“Your faith astounds me, Dib!” Zim hissed in reply. “Of course I know where we’re going!”
“Did you really think to load the map into your PAK!?” Dib demanded doubtfully. 
Zim threw a hand in the direction of a massive, glowing EXIT sign.
“Oh,” Dib huffed. “My bad.” A bulk bag of roasted egad nuts crashed into the rack of cleaning wipes beside them, narrowly missing Dib’s head. He yelped.
“What did you do to this guy!?” He asked Zim, wide eyed. 
Zim muttered something.
“I can’t hear you over all the shit being thrown at us!” Dib dodged a hammer.
“Nothing!” Zim snapped, striking a military mattress into the floor with a PAK leg.
“Dude,” Dib glanced up at a smoking hole in a box of replacement spinning razor blades. “It was obviously not nothing!”
“Alright, fine, I’ll tell you the abridged version!” Zim growled. 
~Lotsa years earlier, before Zim went to Earth. Actually, before Zim was even an Invader. During Zim’s Invader training…~ 
“Now, recruits!” Commander Poki instructed, pacing. “For the love of Irk, express caution when practicing with your holo blades. I realize it has ‘holo’ in the name, but believe me when I say that it will not cause ‘holo’ damage. We cannot afford to lose any Invaders, even Invaders-in-training, during this time of crisis. At least, not many. So at least some of you need to stay alive. Those Flogschlokians won’t kill themselves!”
Zim stood on the flat top training area, holding a bright pink holo blade with undisguised glee. He wore a standard purple Invader-in-training uniform with the Irken insignia in black across his front. The weapon buzzed with energy as he swung its end back and forth in the air. Borax stood beside him, also wielding a holo blade. The size difference between them was striking. Zim seemed miniscule in comparison to Borax’s thick frame and general tallness. Also unlike Zim, he seemed uninterested, eager to get on to other things–things, one could assume, like raiding the free snack cabinet in the training lounge. 
“Don’t get that thing so close to my face!” Borax complained, glaring at Zim.
“Chill out!” Zim said with a smirk, waving his weapon in the air and bouncing excitedly at the streaks of pink left in its trail. “I’m not gonna hit you.”
“Irk, I can’t believe they chose you of all people to be my partner.” Borax groaned loudly.
“I can’t believe they chose you of all people to be my partner,” Zim retorted arrogantly. “Truly you are not worthy of witnessing my magnificent magnificence, Borax.”
“Let’s just get this over with.” Borax held his holo blade up in front of him in a standard ready stance. 
Zim followed suit, though he shifted into an exaggerated position rather unlike Borax’s controlled one. Borax rolled his eyes, but moved his weapon to strike at Zim as they were told to do. Zim blocked him with gusto, their blades meeting in a shower of pink sparks and angry vibration.
“Zim!” Borax hissed. “Be careful!”
“Aw, c’mon, it's no fun if we have to do it slow!” Zim protested. 
“It’s not supposed to be ‘fun’!” Borax narrowed his eyes. “We’re training, not playing some foolish smeet game! Now focus!” 
“You need to relax,” Zim said blithely. He withdrew his blade from Borax’s and pitched it between his hands. 
“Zim, I'm serious! Cut it out!” Borax growled.
Zim began twirling his weapon in the air with increasing speed, and it hummed and brightened.
“The commanders are probably overexaggerating how dangerous these things actually are,” he said. “I mean really, what's the worst that could happen?”
The intensifying noise coming off the weapon stopped abruptly as it cut clean through Borax’s right arm. Zim stared at the results of his unintentional amputation. Pink blood dripped to the ground from the limbless hole in Borax’s shoulder. Silence filled the grounds as the other trainees noticed the incident unfolding before them, and it reigned for a long, long moment as Borax registered what had just occurred. Zim hoped for a second that perhaps, the other Irken just wouldn’t notice he’d been suddenly parted with one of his four limbs. 
~Lotsa years later. Unfortunately, Borax is still alive, and he is angry.~
“You cut off his arm!?” Dib yelled, voice cracking. 
“Only one arm!” Zim defended, as they skidded down one of the tighter aisles. “And they gave him a new one!”
“Even if doctors could grow me a…new arm with creepy cloning science,” Dib replied, panting. “I would still…be mad if… someone cut mine off!”
“Perhaps we can have this argument at a later, less in-mortal-danger time!?” Zim suggested. Laser fire rained down on them, and the Irken threw up a holo shield of his own design in defense. “This thing won’t last long! We need to get out of the store and into the open!”
“Is that not the opposite of huff what we want!?” Dib steered the cart around a fallen oil tank.
“If I have more space I can use my PAK legs!” Zim explained.
“Right. Huff. Okay.”
The exit sign was now looming on the near horizon, and Dib could see the entrance they’d come in through. Luckily for his burning legs and raspy lungs, he wouldn’t have to run for much longer. GIR peered out over the side of the cart. Dib raised a hand to smack him back into the safety of its sides, but before he had to, GIR noticed the horde of angry Irkens spewing lasers and hate and quickly slipped back into the heaps of stuff, only wide eyes showing. 
Smart robot. 
They tumbled forward in a rush of limbs and adrenaline. Passing by the expansive check-out counters, Dib turned his attention temporarily to the cart full of things they hadn’t yet purchased.
“Don’t we have to huff pay for this stuff!?” Dib pressed, as they tore past the counters and in a direct path for the exit.
“Urgh, fine!” Zim groaned. A PAK arm pulled a wad of monies from a compartment in the device and chucked it at one of the tellers. It hit the furry alien in the face with a smack. 
“Is that even huff  the right amount!?” Dib inquired, incredulous.
“Are you kidding me, that's more than those idiots would usually see on a Saturday!” Zim snarked.
“Is it genuine?”
“...that's not important right now!” Zim leapt forward to stand in front of the clear glass doors. The employee they’d spoken with earlier stared at them tiredly. “There’s no time for a scan! Stand back!” Zim warned. Dib, hoping whatever Zim was about to do wouldn’t cause too much damage, yanked the cart backwards and ducked behind it. The sound of machinery whirring and charging up segued into a shuddering blast that sent bits of metal and miscellaneous building material into the air. 
“Let’s go!” Zim called.
“Was that really necessary?” Dib complained as the three of them plus the cart stampeded their way through the rubble and out into the open. 
“Maybe, maybe not. But I got to try out my new laser cannon!” Zim grinned up at him. “Push the red button on the side of the cart handle!”
Dib decided he was too winded to question the Irken anymore and simply pressed it without argument. The cart flashed purple once, and then the handle and anti-grav motors tucked themselves into the main body, the whole thing clicking and folding into place until it became a sealed, compact, rectangular, white transport container. 
“It’s done!” Dib shouted, the cart-turned-box falling to the ground without its operating components in place. Metal tendrils whipped around the box, securing it in a net, and Dib found himself being grabbed in a similar manner, his feet yanked off the ground.
“Hi Mary!” GIR chirped, tucked snugly in his hood once more.
“How did you–ya know what, nevermind, we’re good Zim!” Dib called, cupping a hand to his mouth. A PAK hand shot him a thumbs up as Zim’s PAK legs sprouted around the alien and began pulling them all forward at breakneck speed. Wind charged at Dib’s face and drew tears from his stinging eyes. He shifted to look behind them as the shouts of Borax and his goons grew louder and more rathful. The look on Borax’s raging face showed he was all too aware that his target was escaping.
“GO!” He roared, his own PAK legs speeding up their violent lunging.
Laser fire bombarded them, but luckily for the trio, angry Irkens had aim about as good as a rookie Stormtrooper. The group was, however, catching up to them at an alarming rate. Dib met the eyes of one of the purple-eyed Irkens and it scowled resentfully. 
“Uh, Zim!?” Dib shouted, turning back around. “You might want to hurry!”
Zim didn’t reply, and Dib worried momentarily that he hadn’t heard him, but then their velocity doubled sharply as a pair of gray and pink rocket boosters sprung from Zim’s PAK and activated. Dib hoped his friend was able to keep their intense firepower in check long enough to reach The Poltergeist. 
They careened past a pair of shoppers, the Irken Invaders screeching and jumping out of the way, waving fisted hands at them indignantly. Dib opened his mouth to apologize, remembered the atrocities committed by Invaders, and promptly shut it again. 
He spotted their docking port, and a thought struck him–that, and a chucked Irken popsicle that one of their pursuers decided wasn’t worth enough to keep if throwing it meant assaulting Dib’s head. He shoved a hand in his pocket and pulled out his communicator, taking care not to drop it to the speeding ground and certain destruction, and slipped his goggles over his eyes to block the wind. He swiped through his contacts until he landed on Urania’s. His fingers shook as he typed and he struggled to hold onto the device. He hoped autocorrect would cut him a break and actually work for once.
agent mothman: start the ship!!
Urania: May I ask why? agent mothman: just check ur scanners!!!
Urania: …
Urania: Ah. Very well.
The door to their port opened up and The Poltergeist rumbled to life, blue light flashing from its propulsion engines, and spreading up to accent its indents. Seeing how close they were getting to it, Dib hastily shoved his communicator back in his pocket and prepared himself for a rough stop. Just in time, it turned out, because seconds later Zim dug his PAK legs into the ground and brought them to an abrupt and screeching halt. Suddenly, a well-aimed–or more likely just lucky–laser struck his retracting boosters and they sparked and whirred angrily, sending smoke guttering into the air. Zim yelped and batted at the dislocking mechanism until they fell heavily to his feet. Unfortunately, this distracted him enough to forget about holding Dib, and the human found himself unceremoniously dropped in a pile on the ground. He scrambled to his feet and pulled GIR out of his hoodie, cradling the robot in his arms. A persistent throbbing tore through his thigh. That was going to hurt later.
“Zim! Let’s go!” Dib yelled, stumbling up to his friend. 
Zim was crouched at his spasming rocket boosters, trying to collect the pieces in his arms, swearing in a confusing mix of English and Irken under his breath. “Give me a minute!” “You can make new boosters!” Dib pleaded, bouncing on his heels and glancing restlessly between his friend and the approaching storm of Irkens and Irken weaponry. “If you stay here Borax is gonna obliterate you and you can’t use boosters much less make boosters if you’re fuckin’ dead!”
Zim kneeled before his broken creation for a moment longer and then sprung to his feet. 
“You’re paying for new materials!” He declared sharply. 
“It’s on me!” Dib yanked him forward. “Time to blow this popsicle stand!”
They half-ran half-lurched the last few meters, bent forward to avoid blasts and rubble. Dib clutched GIR to his chest, and the little robot made uh-e-uh-e-uh-e-uh sounds to match Dib’s shuddering footfalls. He tried his darndest not to giggle. Not the time.
The trio scuttled up The Poltergeist’s ramp and into the ship. Zim wrenched the box-cart the rest of the way inside, sending it skittering across the metal flooring, and smacked a screen, activating the ship-wide communications system. “Urania!” He hollered into it. “We’re on!”
“Closing hangar doors.” Urania’s voice announced. 
Dib and Zim turned to watch as the folding metal smoothly covered view of Borax and the other Irkens. The horde fired a last few shots at them, sending a series of dings echoing through the docking port, and the scar-faced one smacked head first into the edge of a wall in a last-ditch attempt to throw himself into their ship. Borax bared his teeth at them, fiery wrath burning in his eyes, and as The Poltergeist sealed its doors the last thing Dib saw was his open mouth and the droplets of spittle flying from it as he bellowed, “ZIIIIIIIIIM!”
The Poltergeist rose off the landing pad and lifted up and out of the port, leaving the five furious Irkens below to their fit of wrath. The Mooga Mart shrunk gradually in the porthole windows. A beat or two passed, and they slid smoothly into the exiting line of spacecraft. The near-silence of the hangar was a stark contrast to the chaos they’d just escaped, and there was an awkward, motionless pause while the three of them stood there shakily. Then Zim abruptly flopped to a sitting position, exhaling loudly. His various PAK appendages withdrew into his PAK. Dib’s heaving chest calmed as he caught his breath, and he gazed into the void for a moment as his brain buffered.
“When can I see the fishy things again!?” GIR asked brightly, shaking the two of them from their respective trances.
“Was that,” Dib said, “by any chance, the reason we’ve never gone to a Mooga Mart before?”
“...yes. If there’s anything Irkens love more than the Tallest, it's cheap snacks, and that includes the many, eh, enemies I have made over the years,” Zim admitted. “...apparently that logic holds true to Borax as well.”
At that, the laughter Dib had been containing escaped in the form of bouncing chuckles. “What–what kinda name is Borax, anyway!?” 
Zim snickered, then leaned back on his hands and released a cackling laugh, shoulders shaking. “It is a humorous title, isn’t it? Ha! Just a Human cleaning agent!”
Dib held out a hand and Zim grasped it. Dib hauled the Irken to his feet, the two of them sharing sniggers.
“Y’know, Dib,” Zim said, shaking his head in amusement. “If I’d never met you, I never would’ve known how stupid a name Borax is.”
“Guess I was good for something after all, huh?” Dib smiled broadly.
“Indeed, Dib-friend!” Zim said. “If I ever see him again he’s going to learn all about his name’s alternate origins…” He rubbed his hands together with relish.
“Are you done with the hysterics yet?” Urania asked dryly, causing the two of them to jump in surprise. “Your box of stuff is clogging up my hangar bay.”
“Urania, I thought I requested you refrain from startling us with your creepy all-over-the-ship-ness?” Zim inquired resentfully. “And couldn’t you at least wait for us to settle on a destination?”
“Get up here then,” Urania ordered.
“Very well,” Zim grumbled. “C’mon, GIR, it's your turn to pick our next stop! Tallest save us.” 
GIR scrambled off Dib and took hold of Zim’s hand, bobbing excitedly. “I’ll be there in a sec,” Dib said. “I just gotta grab something from the cart.” Zim nodded and led GIR out of the room.
“I hope you enjoyed the fishy things,” the Irken's receding voice griped, “if we hadn't gone to see them we wouldn’t have run into Borax in the first place!”
After a moment of thought, Dib pressed the button on the cart for the second time that day. The top of it whirred open to reveal the treasure trove of items within. He rummaged around in it until his hand came to rest on the smooth, circular metal of the repetitive laser. 
“Urania?” He called.
“Yes?” The AI replied.
Dib held the item up. “Got your laser.”
“Thank you, Dib,” she said. A metal arm snaked out of the ceiling and grasped the proffered laser. 
“If you don’t mind my asking,” Dib said carefully. “What do you want it for?...You’re not going to blow something up, are you…?” “Oh, no, Model G7R-69 repetitive lasers are completely harmless,” Urania answered. “They simply make excellent disco lights.”
Dib blinked. “Disco…lights…?”
“Indeed. It does get rather dull around here when you three are off making trouble.”
She didn’t make a sound, but Dib was certain Urania was laughing at him.
“Dib!” Zim shouted. “Hurry up!”
“Coming!” Dib shouted back. He trotted through the ship’s hallway until he emerged at the cockpit. “Where are we off to now?” “That goddamn space cotton candy stand again,” Zim seethed. “I knew including GIR in our destination-picking was a mistake!”
“Aw, cheer up, space-boy.” Dib grinned. “At least he didn’t choose the amusement planet like last time. ‘Sides, I could go for some cotton candy. Set a course, please, Urania!”
“Only if you swear not to bring any of that sticky mess onboard again,” Urania cautioned.
“GIR, listen to the irritating AI,” Zim advised.
“Not to worry, we won’t,” Dib promised.
“We’ve learned our lesson.”
“Pinky promise, right, Zim?”
“...fuck off.”
The Poltergeist’s engines glowed brightly and it shot off into the distance, leaving only wisps of swirling blue jump dust and echoes of spirited laughter in its wake. 
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ravencrow1300 · 6 months
Planets & Star System
System Name: Xihe (Zi-He)
Type: Orange 
Age: 7 billion
Main Objects: 8
Planets with life: 5
Stargates: 12 
Sector Affiliation: Major Power, Stellar Empire
Description of the universe: 
The star of this solar system is 7 billion years old. The orange stars emit less radiation than the sun so their M-type planet's tend to have thinner atmospheres and humans need less protection. 
Brightness: 0.38x10 to the 26th power. (0.1 x the brightness of the Sun) 
Mass: 1.19x10 to the 30th power. (0.6 x the mass of the Sun) 
Life: NONE 
Stargate: 1 (On the outskirts of the sun's rays.) 
God/Goddess/Majesties Associated: Yarin
When you see this planet from afar, it looks like OlTerra. The only difference is that it doesn't have any land that you can see. (Blues, Green, Red) 
Type: Class M (Temperate)
Distance: 0.5 AU = 74.5 million miles 
Mass: 11.84x10 to the 24th power lb (0.9 x the mass of the Earth.) 
Density: 1.57oz/in to the 3rd power (Rock/Ice: 0.5 x the density of Earth.) 
Average Temperature: 80 degrees F 
Movement: 16 days around Xihe 
Atmosphere: Thin (79% N2, 21% O2) 
Hydrosphere: 3%
Seismicity: Inactive 
Possible Resources: Artifacts, metals, minerals, raw industrial products, mercenaries, and used equipment. 
Life: YES
Stargates: 2
God/Goddess/Majesty Associated: Fabius
ASTEROID BELT: Tau Ceti Xygatis (T-ow Set-i Zy-gad-iz) 
Type: AST 
Total Mass: 5.6x10to the 21st power lb 
An asteroid belt that hosts a multitude of dwarf planets and smaller ring-like bodies. These asteroids are primitive bodies but some are also captured by the gravity of the star. It is estimated that these belts can host large asteroids, but also millions of crashed objects with a radial of 1 kilometer. 
PLANET 2: TAAF (Ta-af)
From afar, this planet just looks like a giant round cloud. Most space farers pass it by without a second glance. (Purples, Grey, Blue-grey)  
Type: Class J (Gas Giant) 
Distance: 0.6 AU = 89.4 million miles
Mass: 342.21x10 to the 24th power (26 x the mass of earth.) 
Density: 0.63 oz/in to the 3rd power (Hydrogen: 0.2 x Earth's density.) 
Diameter: 41949 miles (5.31 x Earth) 
Gravity: 34. 1 ft/s to the 2nd power (1.06 Gravity of Earth) 
Average Temperature: 70 degrees F 
Movement: 21 days 22 hrs 
Atmosphere: Thin (88% H2, 12% Ar) 
Seismicity: Inactive 
Possible Resources: Helium-3 for fusion, plants, elemental hydrogen, gravity- charged or gravitational devices, antimatter, and alien  structures and systems. 
Life: Yes and No; The life on this planet is actually on the surface  of the planet in gravitational pods. 
Stargate: 3 
God/Goddess/Majesty Associated: Sen 
PLANET 3: TOLNOR (Tol-Noir) 
When you look at this planet, it looks like Mars. The only difference is the coloring of Mars and this planet. (Brown, Grey, Green-grey) 
Type: Class L (Rocky)
Distance: 0.8 AU = 119.2 million miles 
Mass: 19.74x10 to the 24th power (1.5 x of Earth) 
Density: 1.57 oz/in to the 3rd power (Rock/Ice 0.5 x that of Earth) 
Diameter: 11613 miles (1.47 x of Earth) 
Gravity: 23.8ft/s to the 2nd power (0.47 Gravity of Earth) 
Average Temperature: 38 degrees F
Movement: 37 days 19 hrs 
Atmosphere: Thin (77% Argon, 23% Ne, Hydrosphere of 40%) 
Seismicity: Inactive 
Possible resources: Radioactive materials and Uranium 
Life: YES 
Moons: Furtan (Fur-tan) Hot  
               Bocania (Bock-an-ya) Dry without atmosphere (God/Goddess/Majesty Associated: Pau) 
Stargate: 4 & 5 
God/Goddess/Majesty Associated: Rynaxx
PLANET 4: BEJTA (Bae-ta)
This planet looks like a candy store with its coloring or a bunch of giant candy crystals. Upon closer inspection, the ground is actually a bunch of candy colored rocks. (Pink, Purple, Mauve)
Type: Class L (Rocky) 
Distance: 1.2AU = 17.8 million miles 
Mass: 13.16 x 10 to the 24th power (1 x of Earth) 
Density: 1.57/in to the 3rd power (Rock/Ice 0.5 x that of Earth) 
Diameter: 9954 miles (1.26 x of Earth) 
Gravity: 20.27 ft/s squared (0.63 Gravity of Earth) 
Average Temperature: 75 degrees F
Movement: 61 days 19 hrs
Atmosphere: Standard (74% Argon, 26% C12, Hydro 30%) 
Seismicity: Active
Possible Resources: Radioactive materials and Plutonium 
Life: YES; Live on the Stargates and on the surface of the planet 
Moons: Beta Verlon Minor (Hot) 
                Loborto Agnes (Rocky Planetoid) 
Stargate: 6, 7, & 8
God/Goddess/Majesty Associated: Ariel 
This planet, from afar, looks like an oil spilled moon, slick and beautiful. (Teal, Pinks, Yellow, Purple)
Type: Class D (planetoid)
Distance: 2 AU =298 million miles
Mass: 0.039x 10 to the 24th power (0.003 x of Earth) 
Density: 2.007oz/in to the 3rd power (Silica 0.65 x of Earth) 
Diameter: 1975 miles (0.025 x that of Earth) 
Gravity: 5.47 ft/s squared (0.017 Gravity of Earth) 
Average Temperature: 0 degrees F
Movement: 133 days 18hrs
Atmosphere: NONE
Seismicity: NONE 
Possible Resources: Exotic Coal 
Life: NONE
Moons: Ibera (I-ber-a) Hot (God/Goddess/Majesty Associated: Talal) 
                Ariaaleko (A-ree-ah-lek-o) Ice (God/Goddess/Majesty Associated: Kranon) 
Stargate: NONE
God/Goddess/Majesty  Associated: Typhus 
This planet looks like Jupiter, but different in color. The colors look like a sherbet sundae. (Periwinkle, Pink, Orange) 
Type: Class J (Gas Gaint) 
Distance: 3.6 AU = 536million miles 
Mass: 118460 x10 to the 24th power (9,000 x of Earth) 
Density: 0.63oz/in to the 3rd power (Hydrogen 0.2 x of Earth) 
Diameter: 194814 miles (24.66 x of Earth) 
Gravity: 158.5 ft/s squared (4.93 of Earth) 
Average Temperature: 45 degrees F 
Movement: 321 days 1 hrs 
Seismicity:  ACTIVE
Possible Resources: NONE
Life: NONE 
Stargate: 9; on the outskirts of the planet 
God/Goddess/Majesty Associated: Sineweed 
PLANET 7: ZJETA (Z-Hey-ta)
When you see this planet it looks like rock covered in red fog. The fog is thin in some areas, and dense in others. (Red, Maroon, Orange) 
Type: Class J (Gas Giant) 
Distance: 6.8 AU =1013million miles 
Mass: 2895 x 10 to the 24th power (220 x of Earth) 
Density: 0.63 in to the 3rd power (Silica 660 x of Earth) 
Diameter: 9045miles (0.25 x of Earth) 
Gravity: 73.6 ft/s squared (02.2 Gravity x that of Earth) 
Average Temperature: 99 degrees F 
Movement: 360 days 17hrs around Xihe
Atmosphere: Thick (76% H2, 19% NH3) 
Seismicity: VERY ACTIVE
Life: NONE
Stargate: 10 & 11 
God/Goddess/Majesty Associated: Kolvax 
PLANET 8: ZENITH (Zen-ith) 
 This planet looks like the Moon in the Milky Way. The only difference is that it doesn't glow in the night. It looks dark from afar at night. (Grey, moonlike) 
Type: Class D (planetoid) 
Distance: 13.2 AU= 1966 million miles
Mass: 0.059 x 10 to the 24th power (0.004 x that of Earth) 
Density: 2.07 oz in to the 3rd power 
Gravity: 5.47ft/s squared (0.17 Gravity of Earth) 
Average Temperature: 73 degrees F
Movement: 370 days 
Atmosphere: Thin (77% O)
Possible Resources: Amethysts 
Life: YES
Moons: Vivlok (Vie-vlock)  Rocky (God/Goddess/Majesty Associated: Hiybaz) 
                Edania (Ehd-an-ee-a) Artificial (God/Goddess/Majesty Associated: Furion) 
Stargate: 12 
God/Goddess/Majesty Associated: Asphodel 
Type: Comet Cloud
Mass: 9x10 to the 25th power lb 
This cloud is a spherical cloud at the edge of a solar system that accumulated trillions of objects. They are a source of all long-period comets orbiting the system. They are loosely bound to the gravity of the solar system and the star. The OORT Cloud separates the Xihe galaxy to the Unknown beyond. 
The Unknown is a part of space that has yet to be explored. In the past, several people and space craft ventured to the Unknown, only to never return home. Because of this, the Unknown is dangerous and no one is allowed to cross it. This part of the galaxy is covered with a veil of darkness. 
Other Information: 
CLASS D: Class D planets are planetoids such as asteroids or some moons. They are found mainly in the orbit of larger bodies or in an asteroid fields. Their surfaces are barren and cratered. The atmosphere inside the planet is very tenuous, if it exists at all. Most of these are not suited for life. Zenith is the exception. For some reason, Zenith's atmosphere is breathable. It is rich with oxygen. Because of this fact, Zenith was habituated by several species of animals before humans came and habited it. 
CLASS J: One of the most common planet types in the universe. These gas giants orbit stars with a critical mass that could ignite them into stars. They are large and have a lot of gravity with turbulent atmospheres. There are hydrocarbon based life forms on these planets and creatures, but it is not suited for humans. Which is why, most of humans live on Stargates that are just out of the reach of the turbulent atmospheres. 
CLASS L: Small, rocky planets considered terrestrial worlds with atmospheres that are sometimes suitable for Alien civilizations. Most do not have native animal species but are often heavily vegetated worlds that can be terraformed. 
CLASS M: Class M planets are habitable planets that are less likely in a solar system. 
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eun-gealach · 3 years
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Missed drawing these feral idiots <3
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piddies0709 · 5 years
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This idea came to mind after listening to a nightcore version of "Situations" by Escape the Fate, that suspiciously resembled Zim's voice. The AU is about Zim discovering he has a real talent in music and takes that to his advantage. Forming his own band with Gir, Minimoose and Skoodge, he plans to use his lovely singing voice to trick the people of Earth into loving him. But with fame comes consequences. Can Zim stay focused on his mission or will the life of a rock star get to his head? And how will Dib be able to expose a growing celebrity when he can't even get close to? (Zim)~Jhonen Vasquez
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h4chi · 3 years
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summary yn is a famous musician who has always dreamt of having her own castle to explore, no school to attend and a simple life. prince park sunghoon, on the other hand, would rather see the world from a stage than staying inside of his family’s enormous castle, being obliged to attend important, royal meetings. eventually, yn is invited one day at the park’s castle to meet the royal family before performing at the annual Hybe beneficial concert, and that’s where she meets sunghoon, who has finally convinced his parents to let him attend the famous “HAC”. but the next thing they know is that they’re in the other’s body.
pairing prince sunghoon x rock star, female reader
genre “strangers” to friends to lovers, young adult, speculative romance, social media au + short written chapters, crack (if i’m funny enough for your standards), fiction
featuring enhypen, lee chaeyeon and kim minju (ex iz*one), ningning (aespa), yangyang (nct), ive, bahiyyih (kep1er), txt, loona
warnings swearing, probably angst, slow burn romance, mentions of food, suggestive jokes, sometimes using seulgi pics for reference, more will be added
start jan 27 2022 end mar 31 2022
taglist CLOSED! send an ask to be added : @abdiitcryy @lunaflvms @msxflower @rionah @certainyouthpeanut @blxckcatner0 @tadpoltail @qghosty @papiibuprofen @wonieleles @jjklvr00 @sophhloaff @arizejkt19 @reallyraesn @nishmrriki @rrvvby @soobin-chois @jiawji (italics couldn’t be tagged)
disclaimers english is not my first language. this work is inspired by makoto shinkai’s your name and barbie’s princess & the popstar. this story is purely fiction, anything that also happened in real life is just a coincidence. the character’s behavior does not necessarily reflect the idol’s one in real life.
profiles rock stars | royals | others
01. cause you’re a Slay!
02. that’s P, i guess [written]
03. i’m not using the restroom today
04. girlbossing. or should i say boybossing [written]
05. u don’t see shit 😂 [written]
06. that dog from the russia meme [written]
07. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7-Eleven
08. i was just messing w you silly !
09. cray-cray-crazy
10. why did i wake up to my hair looking like this ???
11. cara revenge vengeance
12. did u think it would be funny
13. do we act like we know each other [written]
14. sofia the first kinnie
15. butterfly by loona [written]
16. he doesn’t even know me
17. get in loser we’re going shopping
18. monster high fright song
19. you’re so sexy /j
20. yo no hablo español
21. oh back when i was younger [written]
22. smule karaoke [written]
23. the real sofia shady
24. is this my breakdown week
25. 어떡해 [written]
26. 7 rings [written]
27. run2u
28. pay me the rent 💛💛
29. no twilight slander
30. it happened.
31. main dancer material
32. sumin autograph
33. darari challenge
34. in my dreams (you love me back) [written]
35. the internet is setting them up
36. oh i see how it is
37. another one
38. we don’t talk about brunaur
39. friendly my ass
40. just confess already
41. it’s the real sofia shady
42. howl’s moving castle [written]
43. (epilogue) no more dream
bonus chapters
good days in my mind
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© H4CHI 2022 do not copy or repost anywhere.
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krak-house · 2 years
ok y'all here's the first 25 of my insane number of Blackbonnet AU ideas I'll (probably) never write, under the cut
Ed as Hades, Stede as Persephone
Stede is Legally Blonding his way through Harvard and Ed's the criminal he has to represent Brooke Taylor Windham style
Mary forces Stede to get a bodyguard and Ed, current crime syndicate boss, goes undercover to get to Stede's wealth but ends up falling in love along the way
Good Omens au. enough said
Stede left his inheritance behind and became a high class escort to make cash, meets rough and tumble stripper Ed on the wrong side of the tracks and they decide to teach each other the way of their professions canon style and later open up a strip club or something together idk
Ed is one of the world's most famous rock stars and Stede signs up as his plucky opening act, cue shenanigans and manager Izzy literally ripping his hair out every moment
Stede is a plastic surgeon who's bored to tears and gets called in for some big emergency to help stitch and it turns out Ed's biker gang got into it with some other gang or something and whilst he's stitching Ed up he falls in love with Ed's tales of adventure and runs away to ride across the country with them (also Izzy definitely bit off someone's ear in this AU bc that's exactly something he would do)
ok this one is a little niche but Vault Dweller!Stede decides to escape to explore the Wastelands and runs into Ed and co who're making a go of it as gunners and wow your life sounds cool can we trade (mutually)
Stede moves into a new neighbourhood after his divorce looking to start over and meets his new neighbour Ed who's a right terror but honestly he seems to have so much fun breaking the rules and spitting in the face of the HOA, why is stede following these stupid expectations anyway?
also niche but Ed's the snake handler/firebreather/whatever he feels like that day in a travelling circus that Stede runs away to by stowing away on their train Water For Elephants style
alternatively, Ed works in a travelling carnival (think county fair style, with lots of big metal contraptions and midway games, the illusion of whimsy but everyone's stuck in very rote jobs that get boring as fuck doing it day in day out) and Stede has decided to leave his family to start a travelling circus. They're a small dog and pony circus that's very untested and entirely unpopular, but they end up in the same town as Ed's carnival at one point so Ed decides to check it out and holy shit Iz they have a Bird Guy and they can throw knives and shit at each other, this shit fucks (can you tell I come from a long line of circus folk lol)
Stede is head of a business frat and by god does that frat next door have loud parties, maybe he should politely remind them to keep it down because some people have midterms coming up and oh fuck the head of the other frat is hot and wears all leather and is getting a music degree fuck him
Stede is a respectable FBI agent with rules and shit and Ed with dubious credentials that are definitely CIA standard crashes in and upsets all the careful planning and somehow pulls off a huge mission whilst looking like he's not even trying and damn if that's not hot af
Ed didn't really want another roommate in his flat but times are tough and this Stede guy obviously has money and just wants to try out slumming it for a little while but Ed can way overcharge him on rent so he might as well and holy shit what kind of insane(ly cool) shit is this poncey rich kid buying with daddy's credit card this time? Also Stede makes chore charts and Izzy tries not to strangle him with his own socks
the obvious Western and/or Blazing Saddles AU
the even more obvious florist/tattoist au (bonus points if you switch them away from the obvious role)
Hear me out on this one: Bring it On. Ed's the hip-hop for fun dude that somehow gets roped into a dance competition with traditionally trained ballet dancer Stede who really really wants to disappoint his daddy by being really good at something super gay
Stede walks into a music store looking for some old classical record for his collection and holy fuck he's never met the owner bc he's rarely there but that man Ed is Hot
Baby Stede Bonnet's first pride where he meets Leather Daddy Ed and promptly has a full-on anime-style nosebleed
Ed and Stede first met just like in the first 20 min of Parent Trap but lost touch over the years. They both end up on a cruise ship somehow and fall in love for realsies this time like titanic
Prince incumbent Stede runs away before his arranged marriage/coronation and gets kidnapped by notorious highwayman Ed who agrees to get Stede far away from his hetero obligations in exchange for some family fortune, fall in love on the way back to the Castle to nab the cash
speaking of: Tangled AU. Stede is obviously Rapunzel, Ed is Flynn, etc
also speaking of: Enchanted AU. Stede is Giselle, Ed is Patrick Dempsey but a pub owner instead
or, alternatively, Stede is the divorce lawyer and Ed pops up bc he's running from the Crown and so ensues similar problems to the original Enchanted
The Princess Bride. Need I say more?
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64bit-trash · 4 years
IZ Treasure Planet AU
This is an au my friend @yeehawimscared and I have been putting together for a while now exclusively for @shadowofthelamp‘s Adventures in Parenthood multiverse (If you haven’t read her story on Ao3, I highly recommend checking it out.  It’s great!).  It’s been exclusive to the discord server, but for the sake of the tumblr fanbase and... well... creating an actual timeline so people know wtf is going on, I’m gonna make as short a summary here as I can (God help me, it’s a long story).
Warnings for mpreg and major character death!  And Zadr... because ships apparently need to have warnings attached now
In a universe where space travel is commonplace, so much so that even Earth is aware of the existence of aliens, Dib abandons his home planet as soon as he turns 18.  Paranormal hunting on Earth seems far less interesting to him than seeing the stars, and given he and his father don’t see eye-to-eye, it all seems to be in his favor.  He buys a spaceship and travels the stars for about a year before an accidental collision with a panicked Zim’s ship as he was attempting to escape his banishment.  The two crash land on a nearby moon, and immediately, it’s hate at first sight.
After two weeks of bickering and having no luck in repairing their own ships, Zim and Dib form a truce and agree to work together so they can get off this rock and never look at each other again.  However, the following weeks reveal that they actually work pretty well as a team, and more so that they have a lot in common.  When it’s finally time to say goodbye, they both realize they don’t really want to, and instead wind up travelling together.  As the months pass, they become inseparable and eventually lovers.
All seems well and good... until Zim finds out he’s pregnant and foolishly decides to inform the Tallest of this anomaly.  Instantly, they’re pursued and Zim is taken to Judgementia for deactivation.  Dib follows and manages to get Zim out alive, but at the cost of his own life.  Zim, unable to turn back and save him, winds up travelling alone.  Deciding he’s not going to risk their smeet as well, he escapes to a distant planet to hide while he raises Twix.
Twix grows up on a worthless junker planet where Zim is running a restaurant to make ends meet.  As she gets older, she begs Zim to let her leave the planet, but he rejects every plea, leading her to become rather moody and unmotivated as a teenager.  However, when a map to a legendary planet all but falls into her lap, she finally gets Zim to cave, and the two set off to find a crew and search for Treasure Planet.
While searching for a way to travel, they stumble across Gaz, who’s become a ship captain and is very interested in the discovery of Treasure Planet.  They join her crew, keeping their relation to each other a secret for their own safety.  Tensions immediately rise when Zim realizes he’s not the only Irken aboard.  Sizz-Lorr was hired on as well, playing nice in front of Twix, but warning Zim to stay out of his way if he doesn’t want to be reported to the Empire.  Sizz-Lorr manipulates Twix throughout the journey, getting her to trust him, and fueling the resentment she has toward Zim for being so controlling.
Zim’s warnings about him prove to be correct though when Sizz-Lorr launches a mutiny and Zim, Twix and Gaz escape by a hair, Twix just managing to snag the map, and Gaz getting a pretty nasty hit on their way out. While Zim is patching Gaz up, he discovers that Gaz is Dib’s sister, and the three realize they’re family.  Twix decides to look around for a way off the planet and stumbles across Gir, who follows her back and clings to Zim immediately upon seeing him.
Eventually the group manages to steal the ship back and finally find Treasure Planet with Sizz-Lorr tailing them to it.  As it turns out, Gir belonged to the pirate who made treasure planet and housed knowledge of a booby-trap that would destroy the planet, but he told them too late.  Sizz-Lorr and Twix have a showdown while Zim desperately tries to bring the pirate’s ship back to life, and in the end, Zim and Twix manage to kill Sizz-Lorr and barely make it out with Gaz and a small handful of treasure before the planet explodes.
You good?  You still with me?  GREAT, BECAUSE THERE’S STILL MORE!
After that adventure, Twix gets to attend the flight academy to learn to fly her own ship.  There, she meets her roommate, Tulip, who she instantly forms a rivalry with.  However the two team up to try to bring back a special ship that was stolen from the academy.  The two don’t stand a chance on their own, however, and Gaz and Zim wind up coming to their rescue, only to discover a much more robotic-looking Sizz-Lorr and his crew had stolen the ship.
The group forms a plan to take the ship back, and just when it seems they’ve gotten an advantage, a tall, mysterious new enemy shows up and interferes with the mission.  Zim winds up facing them one-on-one only for the fight to feel far too familiar. He manages to de-mask the intruder to discover Dib under the mask.  They manage to knock him out, but the discovery leaves the whole group shaken.  Zim sedates him and puts him in the Voot to keep safe.
Returning to their prior mission, they find little choice but to destroy the ship.  Better to destroy it than to let the empire get their hands on the new tech.  They kill Sizz-Lorr, making sure he’s dead this time, and blow up the ship.  Gaz takes Tulip and Twix back to the academy and Zim takes Dib.  He discovers that, instead of killing him, the Empire brainwashed Dib and turned him into a living weapon.  He spends months trying to undo the damage.  Having his coat return to him triggers his memories to start returning, and when he snaps back to his old self, he doesn’t remember anything from the past 17 years.
They put the pieces back together and Dib and Twix manage to build a friendly relationship, but they can’t really connect as father and daughter.  Twix is off living her own life and building her relationship with Tulip.  Eventually, She and Tulip get married, and Zim and Dib decide to have another kid, giving Dib the opportunity to be directly involved like he had wanted to be.
TL;DR Zim and Dib have a kid together, but Dib’s killed by the empire Zim raises Twix by himself Twix finds a map to treasure planet The plot follows the major events from the movie, but with Gaz as the captain, and Sizz-Lorr as an evil John Silver.  Gir as Ben Surprise!  Sizz-Lorr’s not dead!  Surprise!  Dib’s not dead! Dib don’t remember anything tho -_- Zim and Twix help him remember! Yay!  Happy ending!
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enderprtl · 5 years
Sticks and Stones pt.1
tungle is probably gonna snap if i post ALL of part 2 for jigsaw on one post (on my doc it’s getting to 6 pages) and so here’s part one of sticks and stones, building on little bastard jigsaw from @mine-sara-sp​‘s shadow people au!
[ @autisticlalna hehehehehehe ]
Jigsaw sat on top of the Sahara warehouse, tucked away behind the tall towers of concrete. He wrung his hands, wincing at the pain in his shoulder. He thought, and thought… and smiled.
Grian pulled a shulker box from his belt, turning it over to it’s full size on the floor; he pulled out concrete and began doing quick work done to Sahara by… something. He was in a trance, only to hear coughing from behind him. He turned to see Iskall, standing against the wall. Grian smiled, 
“Hey! How are you feeling?”
“Better… have you seen Mumbo?” 
“Uh… no, I thought he was in the vault, I didn’t see him.” 
“I haven’t seen Murmur either-”
Iskall didn’t finish his sentence, looking up in pure shock, possibly mixed with fear. Iskall opened his mouth, trying to speak, scream even, but nothing came out, only static. Grian turned around, looking up to where Iskall was pointing. 
Murmur stood. No. Floated above the scrap redstone of the warehouse. He was angry, an emotion no one really saw on the usually timid shadow. Murmur’s fist were balled up, his suit jacket whipping around him. Murmur spoke, static breaking up the words as he growled one word-
Grian felt strange, like his stomach was sinking, like the world around him was caving in. The static filled the room, filled the air, Grian was breathing static, he could see static. He was becoming static. 
Iskall pushed himself forward, wheezing heavily, stumbling over his words,
“Murmur ... calm down… we don’t know…”
Murmur’s fists uncurled, his expression going soft. He hurt them, didn’t he…? He fell to the floor, noiselessly landing on the floor. Murmur walked over to Grian, who was hunched over on the floor, gagging on nothing but air, 
Grian inhaled sharply, the air was normal, he could smell the smoke of redstone and the grass in the plot of land outside of the warehouse,
“Yeah… I’m fine…”
Murmur hovered over to Iskall watching him intently before muttering,
“Mumbo? Where?”
Iskall slumped to the ground, leaning against the cool concrete. He looked up at Murmur’s expectant yellow eyes, the triangle hovering around him popping and reappearing like bubbles. The Swede sighed and rubbed his temples, “I don’t know, Murmur, he was here working for a while and then he… disappeared.”
Murmur rung his hands, mouthing the word disappeared over and over, knowing he can’t say it, but just ... knowing.
Grian stood up and wobbled over to the shadow, “Murmur, you’re always with Mumbo, what happened?”
“Turn… Check… Gone!” Murmur looked distraught, the static returning quietly in the background. Grian frowned, 
“It’s okay, Murmur… let’s go look for him.”
“Yes, Come on.”
Mumbo woke up in a box, a little wooden crate, no longer than 4 feet, no higher than 2. Mumbo whimpered- it was too tight, all too, too tight. He felt like he was choking, air running out so quickly, then he heard something. Grian.
 At least he thought it was. 
This was Grian, but some sugar-coated, psychotic version of him, “Hey! You’re up!”“Grian…? You know this isn’t funny! I- I can’t do-” Mumbo felt like he was going to be sick, he whined, his stomach felt wrong, he felt oh so wrong. 
“Aw, are you getting scared, Mumbo?” 
“Yes! I-”
“Deal with it, my friend.” Followed by sick, disgusting cackling, nothing like Grian’s silly little giggle. This one sounded sick, someone who wanted to watch people- 
“Let me out! You’re not funny Jigsaw!”
“Oh, so he taught you my little name, mh?” Jigsaw responded with an audible sneer, slapping the top of the box, making Mumbo jump and slam his head at the top of the lid of the crate. He cursed, causing Jigsaw to respond with faux remorse,
“Aw, does wittle Mumbo’s head hurt? I’m sorry…” The poison-laced pout Mumbo could hear from the crate made him get furious. He slammed his hands against the floor of the box, 
“Let. Me. Out!” Mumbo performed, he screamed, he yelled, he cursed, he cried. Jigsaw growled and-
“Shut your stupid MOUTH!” 
A blade lashed through one of the slats of the crate with point blank accuracy, coming in line with Mumbo’s neck- Mumbo’s breath hitched, his eyes growing wide. 
“Speak again and I do even worst.” 
Mumbo began to quietly sob. 
Grian cussed, very loudly. The word echoed out through the baren warehouse, usually filled with Mumbo’s incessant whining of ‘It’s not working!’ or ‘I told you not there!’ and the drill and groan of the hundreds of bits and bobs making Sahara… Sahara. 
Iskall and Murmur came over quickly, noting the thrown about shulker boxes and redstone coated… tools. 
And the biggest piece was a trident, tips coated in yellow, prongs buried in the wall, the engraving reading “The Fork of Friendship.” on the side. 
Murmur whined. 
Grian held up a decayed piece of paper, letting Iskall and Murmur read the very neat and curly note, the handwriting mimicking Grian’s: 
First the Swede, now the Brit. My, my Grian, your lot is SO MUCH FUN! You will be… shocked to find where I put this one. I kept him stowed away for safekeeping, of course. 
Grian balled up the note and threw it across the room, watching it fall next to the trident buried in the wall.
Murmur growled, his form popping in and out of view, static filling the air and walls and Grian’s lungs, and Iskall’s throat and the sky and the grass. Static. 
Murmur disappeared and the static stopped. 
Mumbo rocked back and forth as much as he could in the cramped little box he was trapped in, humming softly to himself, eyes closed, faced pursed up in a frown. The box was getting tighter, smaller, it felt like he was unable to breath, his body shutting down, the only way to react to being trapped in a box smaller than yourself. He longed to be out of the box, longed to stretch his leg, fly around his base, breath, see the sun, see the stars, see his friends, see his shadow. 
But he couldn’t
Minutes felt like hours, hours like days, days like months. No one seemed to find the box, until he heard someone come into earshot,
“It’s going to look am-o-izing!” Followed by the iconic little snicker.
Mumbo began yelling, screaming, crying for Scar’s attention. He heard the Vex pause, only to begin talking again, seemingly to no one. Mumbo paused, took a shaky breath and screamed, 
“That isn’t going to do you any good, Mumbo…” 
Jigsaw purred into Mumbo’s ear, he couldn’t see the shadow, only the popping triangles and stupid yellow eyes,
“Let me out, you trick bastard!”
“But aren’t you hungry? Let’s eat!” 
Jigsaw waved his hands and golden carrots appeared in his hand, they smelled delicious, perfect shape, size and color. Mumbo’s mouth watered, he was so hungry, so thirsty, so tired. He lashed out to grab one, only for his hand to go through wisps of shadow. Illusions. Mumbo went again, and again, and again. He stopped and looked up at the sick, stupid smile on Jigsaw’s face, 
Mumbo lashed out, scratching at nothing but the walls of the crate, cursing and yelling and crying. Jigsaw laughed, and disappeared. 
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thedreamydream-blog · 6 years
~kpopaudioedit audio masterlist 🎧
LAST UPDATED - September 4, 2019
Studying in the Library with Namjoon
kpop playlist for a rainy day
stargazing at midnight - kpop playlist for studying, sleeping, etc + 3d sounds
relaxing bts songs playing on the beach at night [ 1 Hour Playlist ] + 3d ocean audio
BTS CHRISTMAS PLAYLIST | + sound of sitting by the fireplace while its snowing outside | 3d audio
kpop playlist | kpop songs you've probably never heard but need to right now
Bingle Bangle but you’re at the beach
illusion but you’re daydreaming (layered 3x edit)
light but you’re on a rooftop in New York city
light but you’re on your hotel balcony while ateez performs on the beach
promise but your neighbor is playing it loudly in their backyard while you’re trying to study
hala hala but you're sitting on your rooftop and its playing at a party below
As if it’s your last//Empty Arena Edit
As if it’s your last//3D EDIT
Love yourself//Split Audio with Justin Bieber
Whistle//Empty Arena Edit
Stay//Campfire + 3D
Jennie and Lisa Whistle Rap//English vs Korean Split Audio
Jennie and Lisa Boombayah Rap//English vs Korean Split Audio
As if it’s your last//Bass Boosted + 3D Edit
Forever Young but you’re at a bonfire
DDU-DU DDU-DU//Empty Arena + 3D
DDU-DU DDU-DU//Bass Boosted
Kiss and Makeup but you’re sitting on the sidewalk outside a party
kick it but it’s playing from a party next door
hope not but you’re watching the ocean waves in the morning while the sun rises
eyes closed (cover) but rosé is busking outside of a crowded café
Only One For Me//Layered
Friend but you’re at a beach-side cafe
relaxing bts songs playing on the beach at night (playlist + 3d audio)
Butterfly (acoustic version)//Next Door + Rain Edit
House of Cards//Next Door Edit
Not Today//Empty Arena Edit
We don’t talk anymore cover//Split Audio with Jungkook & Jimin
So far away//3D + Empty Arena Edit
Come Back Home (Seo Taiji remake)//Empty Arena Edit
Come Back Home (Seo Taiji remake)//3D Edit
4 O'CLOCK//Empty Arena Edit
Cypher pt4 and Fire//Outside Arena Edit
Young Forever Unplugged Version//Campfire + 3D Edit
Am I Wrong//Layered
Blood, Sweat and Tears//Piano Edit (short version)
Lie//Next Door Edit
Jimin Through The Years
RM Through The Years
Dope//Next Door Edit + Rain
Blood Sweat & Tears//Bass Boosted
Spring Day//Layered
Save Me//Next Door Edit
I Need You Acoustic Version//Empty Arena Edit
Not Today//Bass Boosted
Stigma//Underwater Edit
Come Back Home (Seo Taiji remake)//Layered Edit
Lost//Next Door Edit + Rain and Thunder
DNA//Layered 3x
Jungkook - 2U//Empty Arena + Rain
Go Go//Layered
Mic Drop//Bass Boosted
DNA//Next Door Edit
Serendipity//Next Door Edit
I NEED U//Next Door Edit
Silver Spoon (Baepsae)//Bass Boosted + 3D
DNA//AMAs Fan Chants
Mic Drop (Feat. Desiigner) (Steve Aoki Remix)//Bass Boosted
Jungkook - Oh Holy Night//Empty Arena + 3D
JHope - Daydream//Bass Boosted
What “Don’t Leave Me” would sound like in the bathroom of a gathering
Singularity//Empty Arena + 3D
Sharing headphones with Jungkook
Airplane PT. 2//Next Door Edit
What “the truth untold” would sound like over a voicemail
Fake Love//Bass Boosted
What Paradise would sound like in paradise
Fake Love (Extended//Rock Version)//Layered
Fake Love//Layered 3x
So What but you’re playing it on a city rooftop
21st Century Girls but you’re walking a dog
Hug Me but its a missed call
Serendipity but you’re sitting by your hotel window and jimin is singing outside on the balcony above you
Pied Piper but you’re swimming at night and your neighbors are having a party
Magic Shop but rehearsed next door
Love Maze but your neighbors are playing it
The Truth Untold but its playing outside a window
Just One Day but you’re at soundcheck
Euphoria but you’re at a arcade
Outro: Tear but you’re at open mic night
How DDaeng would sound at a rap battle
Airplane pt.2 but you’re listening to it in a airplane
DDaeng//Bass Boosted
how path would sound when its raining
Autumn Outside the Post Office//Empty Arena + 3D
Dead leaves but you’re walking through a autumn forest
Promise but Jimin is singing out his window on a rainy night
BTS Jungkook & IU “ending scene” but in a empty arena
wishing on a star but you’re by the fireplace
Seoul but you’re waiting for the train in a Seoul train station on a rainy night
Waste it on me but you’re in a empty coffee shop on a rainy night
Forever rain but you’re driving at night and it won’t stop raining
Seesaw x I Need You Remix but you’re at a pool party
Serendipity (full length edition) but there is a rain storm outside and jimin is your noisy neighbor
outro: her but you’re waiting outside for a taxi and its playing from a nearby shop
Trivia just dance but you’re at a rooftop party
Moonchild but its playing around you in space
Love is not over but its raining outside
Epiphany but there’s a power outage and you’re playing it on a radio
Blue side but you’re waiting in a elevator
134340 (Pluto) but you’re stuck in traffic
Nothing like us (cover) but Jungkook is busking in a busy train station
Trivia Love but its a vinyl
Answer: Love Myself but you’re backstage and bts is practicing before they go on stage
The Truth Untold (Steve Aoki remix) + 3D & Bass Boosted
Dimple but you’re in a art museum
Airplane pt 2 but you’re waiting on your delayed flight in the airport
Crystal Snow but you’re in your car waiting for the rain to stop
I’m Fine but you’re outside the arena because tickets sold out
Love is not over but it is your last dance with the love of your life
Magic Shop but you’re cinderella running through a enchanted forest after midnight 
spine breaker but your roommate is havinga party while you're trying to sleep
Tokyo but you’re at a abandoned arena and namjoon is singing to you from the stage
only then but Jungkook is singing to you outside your window
winter bear but you’re in a seoul garden taking pictures with taehyung
heartbeat but it’s raining
seoul town road but you’re a cowboy about to raid area 51 on your horse
look at me (cover) but Jungkook is singing over the phone to distract you from the storm outside
lights but you’re watching fireworks from a rooftop under the night sky
pied piper but you’re working with a typewriter in a old office while it plays on the radio
mikrokosmos but you’re walking through a park
tonight but you’re by the pool on a summer night
magic shop but you got tickets to an acoustic soundcheck
everythingoes but you’re a barista making coffee in a empty coffee shop 
purpose (cover) but you got into the arena while Jungkook is rehearsing before the show
home but you’re at a party on a boat and you’re sitting by the water
mikrokosmos but you’re in a spaceship
Dionysus but BTS is a band in your neighborhood practicing in a garage
boy with luv but you’re in a empty arena
persona but you're blasting it in your car as you drive home
ddaeng but you're at a boxing match 
singularity but v is performing at a open mic night in a underground restaurant
spring day but you're sitting outside on your porch and its raining 
P.O.P (Piece of Peace) but its playing from a small radio while you cloud gaze on a windy day 
134340 (pluto)" but it’s a vinyl 
epiphany but you're in outer space
scenery but you're listening to it on a train ride back home on a rainy night
run but you're underwater
song request but you're driving home at night and a radio station plays your song request
i need you but you're underwater
promise" but jimin is singing by a campfire
heartbeat but your parents are arguing on a rainy night and you're just trying to be okay
Jungkook - "decalcomania" but he's playing you a new song he's working on during a rainy drive home
the truth untold but your old love is trying to convince you to stay (mini au + fake subs)
gotta go but you’re wearing headphones while you’re at chung ha’s dance practice
no but you're at a party on the beach
WARNING! but DAY6 is the neighborhood band and they are practicing in their garage
What can I do but day6 are your loud hotel neighbors
dayfly but it’s playing from an old radio
What but you’re in a empty arena
Ko Ko Bop//Empty Arena Edit
Ko Ko Bop//3D Edit
Red Light//Empty Arena Edit
Time for the Moon Night//Empty Arena + 3D, Rain & Thunder
(G) I-DLE~
LATATA//Empty Arena
All Night//Empty Arena Edit + 3D
sailing 0805 but you’re in a empty arena (+ bass boosted)
If You Do//Next Door Edit + Rain & Thunder
Let Me//Next Door Edit
You Are//Next Door + Rain
You Are//Empty Arena
You Are//3D
Miracle but you’re dancing in a ballroom
Miracle but you’re ice skating and its snowing outside
Thank you but you’re sitting in the car and it starts raining 
Lullaby but its being played somewhere nearby
love loop but you’re writing letters
eclipse but you’re laying in the grass looking at the moon at night
two but there is a crowded party next door
Shut up & Groove but you’re upstairs and there is a party downstairs
Goodbye Road but you’re walking down the road in the morning
la vie en rose but you’re walking down a busy street
la vie en rose but you’re laying in a garden
icy but you’re front row at itzy’s comeback stage
dalla dalla but you’re backstage while itzy performs their comeback stage
through the night but you’re hiding from a storm under a tent
Hola Hola//Bass Boosted
Don’t Recall//Bass Boosted
Rumor//Bass Boosted
it takes time but you're sitting on the beach at night 
eclipse but you’re on the moon
around you but you’re at a picnic in the park
fairytale but its raining outside
starry night but its playing from an old radio 
BBoom BBoom//Layered
BAAM//Bass Boosted
I’m so hot but you’re backstage while momoland is performing
Shine Forever//Empty Arena Edits
Jealousy//Next Door Edit
fallin but you’re at a rap battle
Livin it up but its raining and its playing over the radio
Destroyer but you’re walking and it starts raining
underwater but you’re underwater
no reason but your roommate is playing it loudly in their room next door
alligator but you're stuck in traffic and the car next to you is playing it loudly 
NCT 127~
Cherry Bomb//Layered Edit
Regular but someone is blasting it in their car outside your window
Simon says but their practice room is the room next door
long flight but you’re in a airport
timeless but you're riding in a airplane on a rainy night
 100 but you're playing it from a rooftop at night
Boom but you’re listening to it while working at a bakery and business is slow
don’t need your love but you’re in a crowded lounge dancing the night away
Boss//Empty Arena
Boss but you’re on a airplane and the person next to you is listening to it loudly with their headphones
violet but you’re sitting by your window and its raining outside
violet but its raining and playing from next door
you are but you’re walking through heavy rain
We Like//Empty Arena
Wee Woo//Layered
Red Flavor//Empty Arena Edit
Power Up Empty Arena + 3D
Bad Boy (english version)//Bass Boosted
scold but you’re alone in your room and it’s raining outside
Trauma//Bass Boosted
Change Up//Empty Arena
Holiday but you’re outside a party
Habit but its a rainy day
good to me but you’re driving in the rain
smile flower but you’re in a drive-in movie
dream glow but you’re driving in the rain
good to me but you're blasting it as you're driving with the windows down
home" but you're walking home and a nearby shop is blasting it as you pass by
outta my head but you’re playing in the rain
voices but its playing in a spaceship as you travel to space
You are but you’re underwater
I am You but you’re underwater
Mixtape #3 but its a vinyl
insomnia but you’re listening to it in your room at 2am because you can’t sleep
side effects but you’re underground
glow but it’s a rainy day
miroh but you're listening to it in your room through a radio while it rains outside
Siren but you’re at a car race
Sorry but its raining and your neighbors are playing it
Insomnia but you're in your car while it’s raining
i.l.y but you’re crying on prom night after seeing your crush slow dance with someone else
Likey//Empty Arena + 3D
Heart Shaker//Layered
What Is Love//Empty Arena + 3D
Pink Lemonade but you’re in the bathroom during a rehearsal
fancy but you’re at a royal tea party
crown but you're laying in a field on a sunny day 
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poemsfromthealley · 6 years
[fic snippet] the stars came down like rain
(A Magnus x Alec fantasy AU with a soul mark twist.)
This is the beginning of something. It’s not finished, I’m not yet sure what it is, but let me know if it seems promising.
The observatory on the ridge has always been on the horizon of Alec's world.
It juts up from the blue rock of the mountains that gird his ancestral land, and on clear days he can make out the stained copper of the roof and the black marble of the spire itself. His mother tells him that long ago, scholars and stargazers all the way from the capital would come to the spire to take advantage of the clear skies of the peninsula. However, the old master that kept the observatory died when his grandmother was only a girl, and ever since, the deep woods stretching over the foothills have reclaimed the old path.
He's never seen the spire up close. As the ocean marks the southern edge of his mother's domain, so the observatory marks the northernmost point of it. Neither has he ever tried to take the overgrown route that twists off from the main road and up into the small westward pass that even the sure-footed trappers and shepherds avoid.
There are wild things in the border woods. The people of the town and the surrounding villages hunt and gather at its edges, but with caution and reverence that no one would think of showing the younger woods south of the town. The hunters and berry-pickers tie hemp ribbons stitched with charms on the outer trees to secure their return. Neither fire nor axes are suffered where the shadow of the woods reaches.
Still, Alec can remember the first time he saw the spire. He and Jace, bold and barely ten, had run out into the fields, chasing an arrow Alec had shot over the outer battlement. While they rooted about in the rows of ripening wheat, he glanced up and saw a shape like a dark, stunted finger bearing a copper cap, pointed to the sky. The spire caught his eye like a hook in the jaw of a fish.
The Lady's eye landing upon you, his mother would describe it. A moment in which you look at the world and the world, in its mystery, looks back. A moment that briefly bares a path you may take.
He dreams of the day in perfect detail sometimes: the soft wind, the smell of the earth. In his dreams, twilight comes fast and untimely, shadows spilling across the field, and where the night-fires of the castle should burn behind him, there is only darkness. Only the stars blaze with a fierce light, and one of them breaks from its fixture in the heavens and plummets into the woods in a long thin trail of gold.
Then, Jace shouts from behind him as he did that day, as he found the arrow a few rows over, and Alec wakes up.
Alec is fourteen, on the cusp of adulthood by the laws of the kingdom, and the summer turns to tinder. The days scorch and the nights swelter. The river ebbs to a brown ribbon cutting through pale, wilting grain, and the soothsayers mutter over sheep entrails and seven-wood bonfires, trying to discern the displeasure of the powers.
One early morning, Alec is helping the men of the castle measure the water level in the main well. He sits astride the edge of the well after his climb back up, a pleasant shudder in his muscles, when Isabelle pokes a hard finger into his bare back.
At his yelped protest, she draws a shape down his skin with all the presumption of a little sister. "You have stars on your back."
The misty mirror in Izzy's room shows him twisted back to look at the curve of seven raven-black stars between his shoulder blades, each the size of his smallest fingernail and as flawless in form as if stamped there with the fine inks from the castle chancery. He runs his fingers across them to find they blend perfectly with the texture of the skin. They can't have been there for long.
Alec never shirked his lessons. Izzy is hanging off the edge of her bed, muted by his sudden gravity.
He goes and kneels by her. "Iz. You can't tell anybody about this, all right?"
She bites her lip. "Not even Mama or Jace?"
"Especially not Mother." Alec sighs, folding this into the dark corner of secrets he's dug in his heart. Lady Maryse is a hard woman, and her love for her children is never untempered by her—and their—duty to her lands and her people. "I'll tell Jace."
There's no helping that. There are no lies between the three of them. If anybody in the world had to spot what's bloomed on his back, he's glad it was Izzy.
The castle library isn't large. Books are costly and the road to the capital and its skilled scribes is long and not devoid of dangers. But their grandmother was a great proponent of learning, and Alec has read every heavy tome she commissioned twice over.
Sometimes, the Lady of the Scales strokes her quill across a person's life, marking them for a purpose. Her dark ink stains the skin of those who are meant for greatness, but equally those whose lives take strange turns with no apparent weight. The import of those twists may only be revealed after their deaths, or never.
Alec knows the course of his life. Come of age, marry somebody suitable, rule this beautiful, wild stretch of land between the ocean and the mountains once his mother passes from this world. Watch over his siblings and his people. Be what they need.
Izzy can sense his apprehension. He pulls her into his arms, all spindly limbs and tangled black hair.
"It'll be our secret," she says, soothed, into his shoulder.
Alec holds her closer.
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monoguk · 7 years
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name : belle
idols : bts . exo . blackpink . mamamoo . twice . red velvet . eric nam . dean . iz*one
credits : headers 1 & 2
talk to me!
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© these works are under creative commons attribution-noncommercial-noderivatives 4.0 international license
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money, fabric, and gold rings - myg
today’s lecture - jjk
shooting flowers - jjk
studs & smoke rings - jjk
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B A N G T A N . S O N Y E O N D A N
coming soon!
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K I M . S E O K J I N
coming soon!
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M I N . Y O O N G I
UNDERWORLD -- scenario . mature . romance 
college!au . s2l!au
read here
MONEY, FABRIC, AND GOLD CHAINS -- blurb . romance . implied
read here
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J U N G . H O S E O K
coming soon!
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K I M . N A M J O O N
coming soon!
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P A R K . J I M I N
BEYOND THE HORIZON -- blurb . romance . drama
read here
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K I M . T A E H Y U N G
JELLYBEANS -- scenario. romance
best friends!au . college!au
read here
LOST IN FOREIGN LAND -- scenario . romance . humor
bts bon voyage s1!au . s2l!au
read here
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J E O N . J U N G K O O K
LAGGARD -- series . mature . drama
read first . second . last . aff-crosspost
SONGS ABOUT YOU -- series . romance . drama
best friends!au . college!au
read how would you feel . ?
HOPELESSLY SO -- series . mature . drama
best friends!au
read first . second . last
ELEMENTS -- scenario . mature
read here
UNSTEADY -- blurb . triggering . mature
idol!au . dream!au
read here
YOU AGAIN -- blurb . mature
read here
COLD STARS -- blurb . drama . triggering
read here
AMATEUR AT IT -- blurb . mature . humor
read first . last
HYAKU NO NAMAE -- series . mature .  angst
read first . last
LIKE IT WHITE -- blurb . mature
read here
STUDS & SMOKE RINGS -- blurb . mature . illegal drug use
read here
SHOOTING FLOWERS -- blurb . mature
boyfriend!au . photographer!au . model!au
read here
TODAY’S LECTURE -- blurb . mature
hogwarts!au . professor!au
read here
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B T S . S E R I E S
YULE BALL -- knj . scenario . romance
read here
HIPPOGRIFFS -- kth . scenario . romance
read here
THE SLIP-UP -- jjk . blurb . romance . implied
read here
TRICK OR TREAT -- ksj . blurb . romance
street magician!au . halloween!au
read here
ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS -- jjk . blurb . romance . implied
read here
PINKED UP -- ksj . blurb . romance . humor
read here
TIME’S UP -- myg . blurb . triggering . drama . romance
read here
TEAR UP -- jhs . blurb . drama . romance
zombie apocalypse!au
↬ read here
LOOK UP -- kth . blurb . drama . romance
stranger things!au
read here
BOXED UP -- jjk . blurb . romance
read here
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S I D E . B L O G S
읽다 (v.) to read -- fics recs
보다 (v.) to watch -- film recs
280 notes · View notes
astrofireworks · 7 years
if you could assign your mutuals/non mutuals with fanfic AUs what would they be (ex soulmate au, flowershop au, etc)
thank you for the ask omg hOOOO boy here we go this is a long post
soft lanna with gold, round glasses and a sunflower tattoo on the inside of her wrist
mostly she’s busy behind the coffee machine but sometimes she sits by the window of the cafe she runs when there aren’t any customers
but at five minutes past four o’clock every day she sees the door of the bookstore across the road swing open and a boy with silver-gold hair and the sweetest smile exit
wait if i do it like this this is gon be too fuckn long i’m gon
he pauses the moment before he enters the cafe and wonders if she might think him weird for getting coffee every day at the same time, but he goes with eunwoo’s advice anyway and swings the door open
and she’s sitting there, brown apron neatly tied around her waist and chin in her hands, looking at him like she’s wondering what a boy like him is doing in her cafe 
and he knows he should be feeling more self-conscious about the way she’s looking at him but her face is lit up by the afternoon glow of the sun off the pavement and he isn’t sure if his heart might last the visit
“i always come here for coffee and um, i always see you and uh, this book kind of reminded me of you and i think i’d like you to have it.” 
seal the history buff !!! 
it’s nice that the old newspaper archives are always empty, she thinks
this way she can read the microfilms in peace, details on the black and white strip of film appearing slightly blurry against the wall but painting clear scenes in her imagination
until he started coming down to the archives, bright smile and loud laugh and all, backpack hitched high on his back and pencil behind his ear
she doesn’t really mind - he’s cute and he always has a smile ready whenever they bump into each other and all in all, he isn’t that bad a companion to talk to 
it’s a cold and windy day outside when he sweeps into the archive room, bringing traces of a light drizzle in with his boots and the electric smell of an oncoming storm in his hair and a story about a dog he met on the way on the tip of his tongue
and he sees her, head pillowed in her arms on the table in the middle of the room and fast asleep
slowly, he shrugs off his jacket and swings it softly over her shoulders - there might not be any conversation today but at least this way, when she wakes up, she’ll be as warm as he feels on the inside 
let’s be real if aroha all went to school together mare would be the queen of the Popular Kids
he doesn’t really enjoy group projects; the time it takes to get to know his partner and to organise meeting times is time that could have gone into writing the report or brainstorming a way to tackle the requirements
also you can never really tell what your partner is going to be like or if they’d do any work, so it’s always a wild card he’s not entirely happy with, especially after the time he had to work with moonbin
he nudges his glasses further up his nose and looks quietly on as the teacher reads out names of the partners
and when his name is called in conjunction with hers, all eyes swing to him and back to her, brains no doubt calculating the probability of the class president and resident popular girl getting along and working well together 
she takes a seat next to him and he immediately turns to her, ready to discuss times during which he’s free to meet 
but he’s stunned into silence as he takes in the notes scribbled along the margin of her project brief, most of which correspond to his own ideas, and her free times neatly pencilled in at the bottom of the page
perhaps this group project might go smoothly after all
ok but dasha LOOK FLOWER SHOP AU
there are seasons when she sits in her flower shop, snipping tips off the stems of roses in relative peace
and it’s nice and quiet, most of the time, unless it’s when sanha screeches and accidentally knocks a thankfully plastic vase over 
and then there are seasons during which people scramble to get flowers for some reason or another and she’s on her feet nearly all day arranging nearly the same bouquets for those who forgot to get presents for their mothers or significant others
and so when he comes in, looking vaguely confused and panicked at the end of the day she delivers two curt questions without looking up: “significant other or parent? apology or thanks?” 
and he stands there, gaping like a fish, because while he definitely knows how to respond (“sister, apology for missing a recital!”) all he can see is her and her hands deftly picking flowers and pressing them into place and the way strands of hair has escaped her ponytail and frame her face in just the right way and the way she’s focussed on folding the tissue paper at the right angles 
and when sanha’s ringing him up he keeps sneaking glances at her until sanha snorts and charges him for an extra rose and tells him to give it to her and ask her on a date already 
best friends to lovers for sure mary you’re so soft sdjhlfajk
also so many of my mutuals are jinjin stans im laughing
when she suggests meeting at their usual spot, he doesn’t question it
it’s nearly sunset by the time he gets there, settling down on the rocks beside her - she has her sweater sleeves pulled over her palms, arms wrapped around her knees and gaze panning out over the waves
it’s peaceful like this, companionable silence settling over their shoulders like pink-gold spun clouds resting on the horizon
and it’s weird, he thinks, but there’s something about the way she looks when he glances over, with her hair spilled over her shoulders and coloured orange by the sun; he thinks he’s never met someone this soft, this close to his heart 
he glances away as she moves her head to look at him - one day, he’ll gather the courage to let her know how much she means to him but for now, he’ll enjoy the way his arm bumps against her and the way her eyes shine and the way his heart revolves around her
listen buddy you’re a space pirate i know you are stop hiding it!! 
they both aren’t sure why it was that they ran away the first time- he just turned up one day with the keys to one of his dad’s many spaceships and yelled to them to pack their damn bags, we gotta go right now
it’s five years on, but they still aren’t sure if he was being chased by the police or the mafia or if he was even being chased at all, but to get to see this? 
to get to see the entirety of space sprawled out before them, stars sprinkled into the fabric of the universe and planets lumbering their way into the void? to get to wander around and see the stars without the heavy mass of responsibilities?
it’s worth everything, they think, even with the occasional bank heists they have to pull off and having their names on the intergalactic most wanted list
it’s worth everything to have someone like him by their side, fingers drumming against the steering console and singing at the top of his lungs with a smile brighter than both the suns in their universe combined 
also they occasionally visit lanna’s cafe on earth because she’s cute and jordan likes coffee 
@nataliekaytbh @izwing
I know this was supposed to be an AU but consider this: internet friends AU turned roommates AU in which the three of us stop being physically separated by sea / land masses and actually live in the same house
iz hides the cereal boxes in all the top cupboards and i have to climb to get them while nat cackles in the background
nat makes pancakes in the morning but i don’t actually wake up until dinner time and iz has eaten all my pancakes
nat and i cry together during comebacks as iz looks on in exasperation
unless it’s seventeen, in which case i will silently pat iz on the back as she tracks jun across the screen with very fierce eyes 
nat and i also wallpaper the living room with bts posters when iz is out and iz tears our heads off when she gets home
we go out to get groceries then realise only after we arrive home that we forgot to buy the most important thing on the list
we sit in soft soft soft oversized hoodies and glasses and have hot tea on rainy days and listen to iz read harry potter out loud in an aggressive british whisper because that’s the only proper way to listen to harry potter
a good concept!!!!
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piddies0709 · 5 years
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Space Blues
Drew a little something from my "Rocker from the Stars" AU, while my computer was still on the fritz at the time. May as well put it up now. Just our favorite irked sining the blues.
(Zim)~Jhonen Vasquez
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rukakikuchi · 7 years
My Fanfiction/Writing compilation post
@jurina-holic suggested I do this, so here’s a majority of what I could find. (There were some others I dropped since I hadn’t touched on them in a while, and I also removed the links to some of them. I’ve also done collabs with other writers, so I may have missed some fics if I wasn’t the one who originally posted them.)
*Now updated to include some of my more recent projects, as well as original writing outside of just fanfiction!
Fire and Ice (JPHIP forum) *Completed* My first fic ever! - Saeyaka; Link
Black Chocolate (JPHIP forum) *Completed* Mayuki; Link
My eternal blue rose (JPHIP forum) *Completed* I was super emotional... - Saeyaka; Akimoto Sayaka grad fic; Link
Tengoku Sousenkyo: Crusade and Revolution (JPHIP forum) *Completed/Dropped* One of my first collabos, with Shinoki; the second half was dropped - 48G; general elections 2013 and 2014; Link
Shiroi x Kuroi Tenshi (JPHIP forum) *Hiatus/Dropped* Former collab with lezperv - Atsumina; Link
Kamen Rider: TWIN (Tumblr) *Dropped* Former collab with @wshinoda, Kamen Rider W AU - Saeyaka; Link
Dishonored (JPHIP forum) *Completed* Collabo with my now good friend, MayukiIsLife aka @furukawaakane4223 - Multiple pairings; Link
Samurai Princesses (JPHIP forum) *Ongoing/Hiatus* Collabo with Cometerz48 - DIVA; Link
Reunion/Together Forever (JPHIP forum) *Completed OS* DIVA/Saeyaka; Link
REBORN (JPHIP forum) *Hiatus/Dropped* {{Note: Dropped in 2014, rebooted in 2016-17}} One of my bigger projects, had a few collaborators, but now, it’s just me and MayukiIsLife - Multiple pairings (Kojiyuu, Atsumina, Mayuki/Saeyuki, TomoTomo, etc.) {{Original}}, JuriSaku {{Reboot}}; Link
Tentomu chu!! desu~ (Tumblr, AsianFanfics) *Dropped* Tentomu chu, 48G; Link
Alice and Cinderella (JPHIP forum) *Hiatus/Dropped* Collab with MayukiIsLife - Multiple pairings; Link
NMB Gakuen: Rock Star meets Pop Idol (JPHIP forum) *Hiatus/Dropped* Collab with MayukiIsLife - NMB48, SayaMilky; Link
Namida Surprise (JPHIP forum) *Completed OS* Birthday fic for Shinoki - You POV fic; Link
The Creed (JPHIP forum) *Hiatus/Dropped* Collab with MayukiIsLife - Multiple pairing; Link
Bukiyo Taiyou (JPHIP forum) *Completed OS* Based off Ep 4 of SKE48 Ebisho - You POV fic, SKE48; Link
Bara no Kajitsu [Fruits of a Rose] (JPHIP forum, AsianFanfics, wattpad) *Completed* Recently picked this one back up after a break - NaaMako; Link
Bite Me (JPHIP forum) *Hiatus/Dropped* Collab with akb48couples - YuiParu, SayaMilky; Link
Hell Girl (JPHIP forum) *Dropped* Collab with MayukiIsLife - SaeYuki; Link
The Legend (JPHIP forum) *Hiatus/Dropped* Collab with MayukiIsLife - Multiple pairing; Link
December’s Kangaroo *Hiatus/Dropped* Collab with MayukiIsLife - AiriMayu, ChuriYuki; Link
Collab Collection w/ Sky (aka @skylarkdragonstar) (JPHIP forum) Link
AKB Host Club (JPHIP forum) *On-going* The start of what would be MANY collabs with Sky - Multiple pairings; Link
PRISM (JPHIP forum, wattpad) *On-going/Hiatus* Yokoyama Team K; Link
48G New Gen pairing OS collection (JPHIP forum, AsianFanfics) Link
*Alice Syndrome trilogy is also on wattpad*
Blood Bonds (JPHIP forum) *On Hiatus* Saeyaka; Link
Night Wind’s Deed (JPHIP forum, AsianFanfic) *On Hiatus* Collab with MayukiIsLife - Furuyanagi, WMatsui; Link
Just One Night (AsianFanfics) *Completed OS* Halloween/Horror collab with MayukiIsLife and our friend Heaven - Self insert; Link
The Black Rose (JPHIP forum, AsianFanfics, wattpad) *Completed* YukiRena; Link
Rendezvous with Fire and Ice (JPHIP forum) *On hiatus* Collab with MayukiIsLife - Furuyanagi, WMatsui; Link
GekiBlack OS Collection w/ @almightyyuna​ (AsianFanfics) Link
Love is Serious, When War is Involved (JPHIP forum) *On Hiatus* Former collab - Furuyanagi, WMatsui, SaeYuki, Furumarion; Link
Trick or Treat (AsianFanfics, wattpad) *Completed OS* SKE Halloween OS; Link
All I Want for Christmas (JPHIP forum) *Completed OS* X-mas OS - WMatsui; Link
Collab Collection w/ Michael (MayukiIsLife) (JPHIP forum) Link
Remnants of You (JPHIP forum, wattpad) *On-going* WMatsui; Link
Hypno Puppy (Wordpress) *Completed OS* Collab with @akb48girldaisuki - Link
Infinity II (AsianFanfics, wattpad) *Complete* Sequel to “AKB Kagekidan Infinity” - SaeYuki, SayaMina (Ruka x Maria); Link
Time Travelers in Tokyo (JPHIP forum) *Hiatus* Collab with miyumi - WMatsui, Saeyaka; Link
One final bow, one last encore (Tumblr) *Completed OS* Mayuki; Link
Even in a dream, I’ll go beyond time to meet you (Tumblr) *Hiatus/Dropped* WMatsui; Link
Café 48 (JPHIP forum) *Dropped* Maid café AU; Link
Lethe and Mnemosyne (Tumblr) *Completed* Two-part fanfic as collaboration with @yuri-or-death; WMatsui, contains angst and mature content, 18+; Part 1 and Part 2
Black Star (Tumblr) *Completed OS* Collab with @yuri-or-death; Jurinee *Main*, WMatsui, SayaMilky, JuriSaku; mature content, 18+; Link
Sakura’s Doll (JPHIP forum, Tumblr) *Completed OS* JuriSaku one shot; Link
Spoil Me (Tumblr) *One-shot* JuriSaku one shot, mature, 18+; Link
Magical Sweetheart Sakura Kiss (wattpad) *Ongoing* Lesbian magical girl, just for fun; Link
La Vie En Rose ~A vampire love story~ (wattpad) *Ongoing* My first IZ*ONE fic, vampire/supernatural fantasy AU; Link
Hope you like them! ^w^
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supanormal · 7 years
The Strokes : l'insoutenable élégance de l'indie pop hégémonique
Voilà, c’est tout
J’ai découvert The Strokes comme tout le monde, en 2001 lors de la parution de leur premier album, l’irrésistible Is This It. Un super album mais j’avais trouvé à l’époque la production trop ostensiblement lo-fi. J’ai mis du temps à comprendre qu’il s’agissait d’un choix esthétique fort.
Même si j’ai écouté régulièrement cet album, je les ai ensuite volontairement perdus de vue, ce malgré les remontrances des autres musiciens du groupe en particulier Laurent, Mathieu ou François, tous très fans du quintet new-yorkais.
Un pedigree gênant
Un peu comme pour Phoenix, le pedigree des membres du groupe me rebutait : fils de stars (le créateur de l’agence Elite pour Julian Casablancas, d’un musicien britannique pour Albert Hammond Jr) et de top models (là encore pour Julian et Albert) ; des études au lycée français de New York (Nikolai Fraiture et Julian) ou dans une très chic école privée suisse romande (Albert et Julian, toujours) : cela a été un peu plus facile pour eux que pour, disons, The Libertines ou Arctic Monkeys, autres grands groupes rock du 21ème siècle.
Dans le rock indie (pour indépendant, en opposition à mainstream - grand public), encore plus que toutes les autres déclinaisons de cette musique, les signes et codes sociaux sont subtils : difficile à identifier et incarner pour les non-initiés. Et en cela, The Strokes sont des maîtres. Cette grande aisance, cette nonchalance de fils de riches m’était tellement antipathique que j’en oubliais d’écouter les chansons et leur musique. Difficile de résister au premier album mais je m’étais donc arrêté là. Quelle erreur !
Le choc a été lorsque j’ai vu la vidéo de Reptilia (tiré du second album Room On Fire). Ce clip est un pur chef d’oeuvre de rock’n'roll.
La chanson tout d’abord est bien sûr incroyable de nerf et de talent ; la montée en tension sur le couplet puis sur le refrain ; les parties de guitares sont d’une grande inventivité : le riff du refrain est la fois innovant (la tonique de la double note est jouée à l’octave du dessus) et d’une simplicité biblique cependant que le thème joué par Albert est tout en virtuosité reptilienne ; les paroles sont comme toujours chez Casabiancas drôles et acides : du nerf, de la technique, de la tension : la classe.
Et la mise en image est à la hauteur. Des gros plans sur les visages, les instruments (le plan de début avec la main nonchalamment posée sur le pied de micro évoque l’art de la renaissance) évidemment mais aussi les chaussures (le plan du pied qui se tord alors que Julian hurle est hilarant) mais aussi la nuque. Voir leurs visages et expressions rythmer le titre est une idée encore une fois simple et brillante. Bref un choc esthétique et indie rock.
Guitar Spotting
J’ai donc depuis lors (automne 2016) rattrapé mon retard et, comme pour Les Smiths en 2014, je me suis mis à travailler leurs parties de guitares avec une discipline de fer, plusieurs heures par semaine. Et comme pour les Smiths,  je me suis beaucoup reposé sur les ressources disponibles sur l’internet mondial. Et le patron est un chilien : Jorge Orellana.
La clef pour une vidéo réussie, comme chez Gellmann pour les Smiths : pas de discours, pas de visage juste la guitare et les mains. Et puis du talent pour que cela sonne comme l’artiste original. Et sur ce point là Jorge est d’une précision et d’une fidélité remarquables. Par ailleurs, non content de rejouer une partie de guitares, il joue les deux, et les superpose dans la vidéo (Albert en haut et Nick en bas). Il ajoute aussi les notes jouées sur les cordes : un travail de titan : précis et de très grande qualité.
Une douzaine de titres bossés à ce jour : New York City Cops, Someday, Last Nite (This is It), Reptilia (Room on Fire), You Only Live Once, Juicebox, Heart In A Cage, Razor Blade, Ize of the World (First Impressions of Earth), Under Cover Of Darkness (Angles), Welcome to Japan, One Way Trigger (Comedown Machine).
Nick Valensi : le Jimmy Page Indie Rock
Je n’avais jusque à que peu prêté attention à Valensi. J’aimais bien Albert Hammond Jr dont j’apprécie le travail en solo mais pour Valensi, je m’étonnais de retrouver un guitar-hero dans ce groupe branchouille. Etudier et m’entrainer à ses parties de guitares m’a complètement fait revoir mon sentiment à son sujet.
Valensi est un guitariste diablement précis dont le jeu respire la culture rok’n’roll (son solo de New York City Cops), un jeu d’une grande finesse pour être dans le mix sans bouffer tout l’espace (son goût pour les accords à trois notes sur les cordes aigües - comme dans You Only live Once ou Under Cover Of Darkness), sa façon de jouer des arpèges comme s’il s’agissait d’un synthétiseur (One Way Trigger, le refrain de Ize of the World), sa virtuosité au service de la chanson (le riff du couplet de Under Cover of Darkness ou encore le solo de Juicebox).
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Et bien sûr son porté très bas et sa coupe de cheveux avec la raie sur le côté évoque immanquable le guitariste de Led Zeppelin. Bref : un putain de guitariste qui entre directement dans ma sainte trinité des guitaristes Indie Rock avec Johnny Marr bien sûr (The Smiths) mais aussi Peter Svensson (The Cardigans).
Guitar Geeking : Epiphone Elitist Nick Valensi
J’ai aussi découvert sa guitare, une Epiphone Riviera Elitist. Une Sheraton plus légère que la mienne avec des micros Gibson P94 - qui sont des équivalents des micros P90 (ceux de la jazz master par exemple) - qui combinent le nerf des simple bobinages et le corps des double bobinages. François en a trouvé une en vente sur internet et m’a demandé de lui récupérer, ce que je me suis empressé de faire. On peut la voir sur notre dernier clip.
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Une super guitare, introuvable malheureusement aujourd’hui. De la colère je me suis acheté des P94 à monter sur ma Sheraton (je vous passe les détails pour les trouver en couleur Gold - modèle qui n’est plus commercialisé aujourd’hui). Les photos bientôt.
Avec le recul, ce clip de Reptilia est probablement celui qui aura eu la plus grande influence sur ma vie de guitariste. Cela m’a permis en outre de reconsidérer un immense groupe, un guitariste remarquable et un pur génie : Julian Casabiancas qui a écrit (paroles et musique) 90% des titres du groupe. Bref : je suis devenu fan des Strokes.
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