#jaceluke babies
unusual-raccoon · 1 year
What Happened at Storm’s End, continuation of my JaceLuke v. Lucemond fic idea
A/B/O obvs, Extremely Dubious Consent, Past Sexual Assault (not between JaceLuke), Past Noncon, Noncon to Dubcon, Married JaceLuke, Angst
To the bastard that sits upon the throne-
Lucerys feels his stomach turn.
“Luke?” His husband’s voice beckons, he lifts his gaze from creased parchment. A shiver arcs down his spine, he can hear the taunt of his uncle’s voice ooze through the fine scrawl of a prince’s practiced hand. A beggar prince, a prince who could not hurt them without his beloved Vhagar, a prince who could not hurt him-
“What happened at Storm’s End?”
He feels his eyes grow damp and his own jaw tense, teeth aching from the tension.
“My love,” the words leave his lips in a plea. He didn’t wish to speak of that night. To speak the words aloud would give that moment permanence, truth. It would make it real.
Guilt writhed in his stomach.
“I know I have never asked you of this," Jacaerys entreated, holding out a hand for Lucerys to anchor himself to, "but I am asking now."
Luke clung tight to his brother-husband's hand. Curls bobbing with a jerky nod.
He blows out a trembling breath, can feel the phantom claustrophobic press of a body atop his as his husband guided him to the wide expanse of his feather down topped bed.
The queen trembles at the soft sink of the bed beneath his weight. Jace's hand caresses the contour of his delicate jaw, fingers curled over his nape. His head lolls into the touch with a longing sigh. His circlet of silver and gold is tenderly plucked from atop his head and placed aside. Familiar fingers tease a few unruly curls behind the tender shell of Lucerys' ear.
He pulls Jace to join him upon the bed with a whine.
"Please," he begs and feels the mattress inevitably shift further beneath his Alpha's weight.
"Do you recall when we had flown to gather support for mother?"
"Mh," His brother hummed, "It was my idea."
Luke offered a small tense smile, fingers curled over Jacaerys' knee, giving it a squeeze.
"Mother had sent me to treat with Lord Borros," Lucerys adds, skin prickling sharp, he could still recall the cold cling of rain, the frigid kiss of steel against his throat-
"I recall. The man had nearly pledged to the Greens if you hadn't bartered to wed Joffrey to Floris."
Lucerys nodded.
"He did pledge to the Greens."
His brother's brow furrowed.
"Borros Baratheon had hosted our uncle, Aemond, for days prior to my arrival. See, Aemond had come with the promise of a marriage pact - between himself and one of Borros' Omegan daughters."
A hand settled atop his, familiar, warm - Jace. The tension gathering in his body began to melt. The look in his husband's eyes bade him to continue.
"After I had reminded Borros of his family's oath of obeisance to our mother, He - Aemond," Lucerys' throat tightened, his tongue itched, give me your eye, or I will take it, bastard, "Confronted me and demand I repay to him that which was owed - an eye."
Jace's jaw tenses, fingers framed over the delicate span of Lucerys' knuckles flex.
"And then?"
"Storm's End isn't named for its clear skies, love. When the rain came down Arrax refused to fly, and Aemond refused to leave."
If he closed his eyes, he could hear the howl of the wind in the castle's drafty halls.
"As an envoy, I was accommodated for a single night until the weather eased."
Jace smoothed a palm over his knuckles, a steady back and forth that kept him tethered.
"I could scarcely find sleep in the storm," Luke recalled the listless way he tangled himself in unfamiliar sheets. Merely a gnat in a spider's web. Prey to be consumed.
Long before they had understood the love they bore for one another, Lucerys had found comfort in his elder brother's arms during inclement weather; and as he had grown, he found comfort in Jacaerys' arms, in his bed, regardless of the weather. The straight bridge of Jace's nose pressed against his temple. As always, they were of a like mind.
"What little sleep there was to be had was fitful, broken with every clap of thunder and when I woke - he was there."
When his brother's nostrils flared and his mouth opened to speak, Lucerys raised a hand to halt him. Jace's throat bobbed as he swallowed heavily, lips pale, their fingers laced together tightly.
Lucerys struggled to find the words, throat stinging.
"I would not give what he wanted - I did not give him my eye."
I wish I had, he thought just as his own tears began to fall. Lucerys hissed, scrubbing at his damp cheeks with silk sleeves.
"He held me at the point of a knife," Lucerys admitted, voice thick.
For a time, a snide voice in his head taunted. The memory of a hand about his throat, teeth upon his ear, possessive fingers pressing bruises into his pale skin all seemed branded into his flesh. Ten years in the aftermath and he felt tarnished yet.
"I- Jacaerys, I agreed to the ordeal, but I did not desire it. My love, you must know-"
He is wrapped in his brother's arms, feels the tremble of his chest, face hidden agains the warm crook of his Alpha's neck.
"I know, Gods, Luke - I know. Forgive me, forgive me. If I hadn't demanded we bear those letters-"
"Hush," Luke hissed, weeping openly, clamoring into his husband's lap, "hush, you fool."
Their dark heads pressed together, the coy flick of his upturned nose bumped against Jace's.
"The fault could never be yours. Do you hear me?"
They remained locked in each other's embrace. A hand soothing up and down his back suddenly paused. Jace's head lifted from its resting place against the faint swell of Lucerys' bosom.
"You were not a maiden when we were wed..."
Lucerys licked his own fattened lower lip, swollen from his habit of gnawing upon it his fraught state.
"I never hid that from you," Luke added, fingers shaking cold.
"I had always assumed you and Rhaena had - gods," Jacaerys paled as the truth dawned upon him, though his body still burned hot as dragonfire beneath Lucerys' body, "He was your first."
The following words from his brother-husband's lips cut more deeply than Valyrian steel.
"Our girls?" Jace croaks, eyes wet, struggling to tamp down emotion, to be the monarch the realm had required him to be since he was six and ten.
"Cregan is with them, no doubt-"
"Luke," Jace sighs, and Lucerys is reminded of overheard whispers in corridors between their mother...and their father.
"You have said it yourself, they are ours, Jacaerys, they are yours-"
His husband's arm cinch around the small of his waist tighter, holds them flush, Lucerys feels the hurt bleed from him.
"They are mine regardless, they are mine," Jace agrees, his words a mantra and it washes over Luke's skin like relief, love stings so full in his chest, "They are mine as you are mine."
"They are yours," Luke swears, again and again.
"My queen," the words are pressed to Lucerys' neck, "my wife."
He clings to the breadth of his brother's back. Throat bared for his Alpha.
"Yours," Luke pants, lacquered nails anchored into beaded and brocaded long coat.
With frantic hands they wrestled away the fine fabrics and jewels of one another's clothing with a maddened desperation. There was a freedom in the way they yearned for one another in light of all that was told.
Ignorant to the parchment that tore in their fervor...
Let their uncle come if he dared, to crawl upon their shores like a common cutthroat. He was without wealth, without a dragon, and should he dare to threaten Lucerys' family - he would be without his life as well, of that, the queen was certain.
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arian-thedreamer · 1 year
My little gay heart is too obsessed with the idea of of Viserys being overjoyed to announce the marriage of his sons/grandsons to eachother
Something about a jolly old man not being a homophobe is tickling my gay brain. It's free therapy.
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minteaspoon · 1 year
What if the Velaryon boys reincarnated into Narnia? They all died in Westeros, and when they get to Narnia, Jace takes over Peter’s place; Jace the Magnificent, Luke takes over Susan’s place; Luke the Gentle, and Joffrey takes over as Edmund; Joffrey the Just. The boys pretty much go through everything the Pevensie siblings went through in the Narnia movies, but make it HOTD.
Bonus points if Joffrey and Visenya starts seeing Jaceluke as their parents, and affectionately calls them father(Jace) and mother(Luke) in Valyrian. And Jaceluke becoming a kinda-couple for Joffrey and Visenya’s sake for that reason, but it becomes pretty apparent that they very much are in love-love, so the two get together and it’s all happy and fluff. Until Westeros finds out about them and are desperate to either take back the once dead princes and princess, ally themselves with Narnia despite the fact that the rulers hate their guts, or try to betroth one of them to someone in Westeros for benefit reasons.
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greeksorceress · 1 year
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Hi, pretty girl. Wondering your thoughts on this 👀.
my sweet, my love, my queen.
oh my god, you cannot even imagine how much I love this 😭
seeing elliot have a growing spurt and becoming taller than harry is such a treat! also they're so cute, i love their friendship so much. harry must've felt like a real older brother, seeing his baby brother growing up so fast! 🥺 the teasing is so cute, they're truly the best. i just imagine harry like "let's not talk about that!" gsajhgdjhd
as for jaceluke, imagine if lucerys does grow taller than jace... oh my god 🫢 someone would most definitely have mixed feelings about this hihihi <3
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slvtforlizzie · 2 months
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warnings — lactating kink, mentions of somnophlia
ship — jaceluke
"no, no, no, stop Aegon," lucerys pushed baby Aegon away as he knew what he wanted. "no, no, I'm not muña."
after lucerys has already delivered his own pride and joy, Viserion, Aegon has been missing mother affection since Rhaenyra has been busy with her recent labor Viserys. Aegon did grabby hands, pouting at his brother, and Luke fell for it. picking him up he instantly went for his breast.
"no!" Luke yelled this time.
Aegon started breathing heavily, tears building in his violet eyes. "oh, I'm sorry but this isn't for you," lucerys told him.
"what's going on?" Jace asked as he walked into the common room.
"your brother wants milk but only if it's coming from me," lucerys said.
"no, no, that's mine little brother," Jace chuckled grabbing the toddler.
lucerys raised his brows at him, "you mean your son."
"well him too," Jace smiled at him.
after a while Jace successfully gave Aegon to his mother and went to his lovely brother-husband in their room. Luke had just put Viserion to bed when Jacaerys entered and plopped on the bed.
"Aegon is suckling onto mother like if he's been deprived of the teat milk," Jace laughed.
"sounds like someone I know," Luke joked as he got into bed beside him.
"I only do it when your pain," he corrected.
"incorrect because I've felt you in the middle of the night sucking and touching where you shouldn't be." lucerys spoke.
"are you mad at me?" Jace asked knowing he stepped a boundary they hadn't talked about.
"no, I like it. even in my blissful sleep you need your constant releases. you just need me all the time and that proves how much of a whore you are for me," lucerys leans forward kissing his plump pink lips.
Jacaerys wrapped his hand around Luke's jaw pulling him closer if possible. as they pulled away Jace whispered, "I know you're not in pain-"
"have your fill," Luke smiled.
a stupid smile broke on Jacaerys face as he undid Luke's robe and wrapped his lips around his nipple. lucerys softly gasped at the feeling as Jace wrapped his arms around his brother's waist, his knee going between Luke's cunt.
"wait Jace," lucerys gasped as his brother continued his feast and his hands guiding Luke's hips up and down his thigh. this was supposed to be just his brother having his fill but instead Jace was warming him up for the night. not that Luke doesn't want to have sex but he gave birth a month ago. there kids are going to be months apart because their father like suckling onto their mother. lucerys felt the friction start to get warm and wet between the little clothing they both had on.
Jacaerys let go of his left breast and moved on to the right. the sweet dense milk exploding on his taste buds. out of nowhere Lukes orgasm rushes over him and the stimulation of his breast gives him a head rush. all too fast and not enough.
"I'm not done," Jace says as he pulls away from the breast and looks up at his brother. lucerys has the post after glow coming into effect as he stares lovingly at Jace. "it's going to be a long night."
that it was.
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mondstaub1 · 5 months
Fanfiction idea jaceluke a/b/o
The fact that omegas couldn't inherit had always been Rhaenyras saving grace. It protected her claim to the throne from her four half siblings who were all omegas.
This changed when her firstborn son and heir presented as an omega and lost all claims he had. She was heartbroken to see the look on his face once he realised the consequences of his secund gender. He could no longer inherite the iron throne or anything else for that matter and neither of them could do a thing about it since if he were to remain crown prince then Aegon, Aemond and Dearon would or even Helaena could press their claim against his mother. So Jace just looked himself in his room and tried to ignore the shame and humiliation that had been drowning him since the day he woke up with slick between his legs.
Luke felt so helpless at seeing his beloved brother in such pain. Jace had cut himself of and barely left his room. No one managed to get him out of his depressed state and he avoided them with all his might.
It got worse when betrothal offers came from all corners of the realm. Jacaerys sneared at them, most of them wanted him as their Targaryen baby maker with little option or rights. Sadly at this point he felt like this was all he was good for. A few weeks later they were ordered to Kingslanding to "celebrate" Jaces presentation. It was hell. Aegon and Aemond took full advantage and mocked Jace merciellesly, they wanted him to react, to throw a tantrum and creat a scandal, so they could paint him in an even worse light. But it was not Jacaerys who snapped but Lucerys.
Seeing his brother be torture like that was the last straw. His fury boilt over and he attacked his uncles in his brothers defence, which resulted in him presenting as an Alpha and promptly laying claim and protection over his brother. True Jacaerys would never be king but king consort fit him just fine.
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unohanabbygirl · 6 months
Please give us a sent to the wall Luke fic. It would be serving Jon and Robb realness. Mayhaps this is the jaceluke inspiration you were looking for?? I really like the idea of the nights watch commandeering totally just being soft for Luke so he says that Luke isn’t allowed to swear his oaths until he’s 16) Also can you imagine how feral Arrax would be? Eating wildings and giant whales in the ice sea. But also the magic of the wall def messed with dragons and made them fearful of crossing it but arrax growing up with that magic pushing against him and Luke? They would fight against it and become feral and bit mad to compensate. Not Luke amassing an army to march down the eastern coast of Westeros to cut the greens off in a pincer move. NICE!
The sent to the wall fic is def the jaceluke inspo i’ve been desperately in need of! The yearning between these two brothers who’ve been ripped apart for what they think will be forever, the guilt Jace suffers through each day knowing the only reason his brother was taken to the north is because he did what he could to protect him, the few and far in between letters that will never be able to truly express their feelings over the years. It’s so bitter sweet, mostly because even as a child Luke takes to his fate as proudly as a boy his age can to stay strong for his family.
He’s terrified on the inside, everything’s so cold and gray. That is until he finally meets his new “brothers” and all these men take to him like a son yet still making sure he toughens up.
Little Luke crying one night because he feels bad for what he did to his uncle Aemond only for the current commander to give him a big hug before hitting on the back. Telling him he should never be ashamed or feel guilt for defending his brother’s life.
The magic of the wall has always interested me because it’s so bizarre. Not even creatures as magical and powerful as dragons dare to cross it and Arrax is no different. It actually agitates him to the point where hunting down something whether it’s for food or just plain sport scratches that annoying itch. Becoming nearly feral is the only plausible outcome for a baby dragon forced to live in that environment.
Also, this is just my little headcanon but Arrax loosing a bit of his color to blend in with the snow covered environment. The little bit of orange coloring he has turns completely white over the years, not to mention he’s growing much faster than he should. An all out menace that almost seems like a rabid wolf rather than a dragon.
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lukevlaryns · 2 years
i'm really into jaceluke too these days... so expect some of that as well. i think we are few. i just love codependent siblings. protective/possessive jace over his baby bro.
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derangedthots · 1 year
there's such deep angst in the idea of daemon sleeping with nyra in the brothel and nine months later out pops jace with his purple eyes and white hair (timelines don't matter and i'm mourning jace's pretty brown hair and eyes). he's a bastard, but one that doesn't look like a Strong son, he doesn't truly connect with the struggles his two younger brothers have, insert the scene where he basically repeats what nyra said when he was younger, he's so young drowning with this overwhelming guilt as he sits with soot from the fireplace in his hair because it won't make it brown forever. major daddy issues breakdown later but this also could go on forever especially when bringing in anything like jaceluke into this i want this family to suffer.
anon you truly went into this fists swinging with the angst, the image of jace putting soot in his hair to match little luke and joff legit almost made me tear up my poor baby🥺😭
daemon would be even more protective of him than he already is but you're right, jace's daddy issues would be exponentially worse for it. he's like "ok i'm a bastard but i'm a fully targaryen one but i've never known my bio dad only my lord father laenor and ser harwin and how does this make mother look? to have one child so obviously valyrian and then two more after him who don't?" he'd be so stressed all the time😢 i can imagine him feeling ostracized in a way and never really belonging as the odd one out™ amongst rhaenyra's boys (at least until she later has aeg and vis)
ahh and if we do add jaceluke into it, i feel like jace would always harbor a sense of misplaced guilt bc they're only half-brothers(not that it really gets in the way of the targaryen romance thing lol) and he'd find some way to blame himself for the added pressure on luke and joffrey for looking so diff from princess rhaenyra's firstborn.
jace's eldest daughter syndrome and perfectionism dialed up to eleven bc courtiers and servants whisper abt him being the ideal valyrian heir to the future queen meanwhile his younger brothers are called something like "regrettable/shameful spares". maybe luke resents him a little bit for it too but he doesn't truly blame jace and his love for his kind, caring older brother outweighs any of the whispers. but yeah, all of that together would make for a very charged, angst-ridden romance blooming in yearning looks and secret meetings, them afraid to touch each other openly, etc. ahhh the thought of it is so beautiful but also it hurts 😭😭
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unusual-raccoon · 1 year
@greeksorceress, a snippet of my JaceLuke v. Lucemond fic idea where the Blacks won the war:
“Where are the girls?” It is the first question from the king’s mouth upon entering Lucerys chambers.
The queen let’s out an amused hum, his needlework set aside in favor of chastising his husband.
“I believe it is customary to-“
His smile fades quickly upon to turning to face his lord husband, Jacaerys’ expression was startlingly severe. The king’s hand, the Lord Cregan stood behind the king, blustery silver eyes narrowed without an ounce of the mirth Lucerys had learned the wolf of Winterfell discreetly possessed. Luke’s stomach dropped.
“Rhaelle is in the library, Aemma is in the gardens - my love, has something happened?”
When no answered came, Lucerys rose from his seat, hands trembling.
“They are to remain under guard at all times,” Jace instructed Cregan who marched from room with a nod.
“Jace, what in the seven hells is going on?”
His brother-husband exhaled a sigh, wordlessly apologetic as he extended an arm for Luke to curl into; a gesture he gladly sank into.
“The girls are well,” Jace assured instantly, rubbing a soothing broad palm up and down Luke’s arm, staving off the prickle of gooseflesh. Lucerys exhaled a warbled wet sound, grateful.
“I’ve received a letter,” Jace murmured against the dark spill of Lucerys’ loose curls. The queen sniffled a small snort.
“‘Tis common for kings, is it not?”
Jacaerys didn’t laugh.
“Well, who is it from?” Luke asked, teasing lacquered nails at the right furl of his brother’s fist for the parchment hidden in his grip.
Jace’s jaw tensed.
“Our uncle.”
The fearsome Aemond One-Eye. He shivered.
Lucerys’ blood throbbed cold in his veins.
“Impossible.” He hissed, pulling himself from Jacaerys’ grasp to pace across the floors in slipper-clad feet.
“We always knew his survival was a possibility.” Jace reminded, voice measured, diplomatic.
“Yes, of course - I’ve tolerated his survival on the other side of the Narrow Sea.” Lucerys hissed, a hand tangling anxious knots in his dark curls.
“What does he believe he is entitled to now? What is it he hopes to gain by writing to you?”
His heart plummeted as he considered his husband’s words to their lord hand.
“Has he threatened our children? Jace-“
“Not as of yet, but I wished to have girls protected as precaution. Our uncle has only asked for one thing.”
He blew out a breath, a trembling hand pressed to his lips, chewed raw from his frayed nerves.
His husband paused, dark eyes so very earnest.
“My love,” Jace called, his voice tender, “what happened at Storm’s End?”
The question is so disarming that Lucerys nearly stumbles. He hadn’t thought of that fateful night in…years.
“Aemond has asked about Storm’s End?” Lucerys repeated carefully, sweat sticking to his nape.
“No,” Jace replied, “I am asking about Storm’s End.”
Lucerys felt his throat sting dry and his palms turn slick.
“You have never asked about this before,” Luke murmured, anger withering only to be replaced by dread. They had been but young and courting in secret and madly in love at the outset of their mother’s war of succession. Jacaerys had never pried into the happenings of that night, only relying on the belief that Lucerys would tell him all when he was ready to do so.
“I have not felt the need to until now.” Jace admitted, slouching in the way he is never permitted to while wearing the Old King’s crown.
“I don’t understand, what does Storm’s End have to do with our uncle’s missive?”
Lucerys can feel a knot in throat, tense, a strain to breathe around.
“Does he believe old feuds will put him on the throne?”
“He does not want for my throne,” Jacaerys says, jaw flexing tense.
“What does he want then?”
His husband’s hand coiled tight around the creased parchment, knuckles white.
“Aemond has asked for you.”
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arian-thedreamer · 1 year
Jaceluke is a flip-fuck pair. I don't make the rules.
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sorceressfyre · 1 year
Horny JaceLuke thoughts were not how I imagined christening the new blog 😭. But you put lil dumb baby stalker!luke in my brain and now her won’t leave.
NSFW warning ⚠️
1.) Luke on the receiving end of orgasm denial and delay because his big brother thinks he needs the discipline after such poor behavior. Jace pressing a toy in just right and driving Luke wild. He’d run his thumb over the purpling, leaky tip of Luke’s cock; the most frustrating barely-there touches. He’d be murmuring softly in Luke’s ear like “I don’t think naughty boys should be able to come, do you?”
And Luke is like “YES, Yes they should!” Because his stalking didn’t even go to plan, he wasn’t even that naughty…right?
2.) In a different scenario (still featuring stalker!Luke) with a completely flipped control dynamic, Luke would be riding his big brother hard with a hand around his throat. Saying absolute filth like “Wanna make you my walking dildo, J. Then I can use you whenever I want.” And Jace is laying back, grinning a big lazy smile, content to let his little brother do whatever he wants.
in spain we say that good things make you wait and i was so excited to come home and read this, and it has been so worth it oh gosh......
i'm on my knees, that's for starters! 🥺🤍
poor lucerys, jace would be so mean to him, and he would deserve it so much! <3 i just think jace would have a grand time here, just like he does in the benefit of losing *giggles maniacally*
this is probably my new favorite thing in the world, i could kiss you. jace taking his pleasure from punishing luke is delicious, but jace taking his pleasure from letting lucerys take his own? it's god tier, it's big brain, it's i will kiss you so hard you will see the stars baby and i want to read everything about this, my pulse is rocketing.
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greeksorceress · 1 year
I have a Lucerys headcanon for you:
After the incident at Driftmark, Luke had nightmares that he hadn't managed to stop Aemond in time, so Jace died. When he woke up from the nightmares, he would sneak into Jace's room to make sure he was alive. However, this would wake Jace up, and upon seeing Luke crying he would hug him until they both fell asleep. When they got older, the nightmares stopped but Luke didn't tell Jace so that he could have an excuse to sleep with him at night 🤫.
hello dear 🥺
oh god, i love this so much! i think lucerys would definitely be haunted by the memory of that night, like, so much! he would dream with aemond and the blood that came from the wound and feel guilt, of course, but he would also dream about the worst thing that could happen to him: losing jace.
i think it would be such a recurrent dream that it somehow worms itself into his mind even when he's not sleeping? like, the first weeks after the accident, lucerys cannot even be in the same room as his brother while jace trains because he constantly fears that daemon is not going to be able to control his blade and will end up hurting jace for real. lucerys becomes so paranoid that sometimes he's just sitting and eating his meal, and a shiver comes out of nowhere, dropping his spoon because he's thinking about jace and the rock in his uncle's hand.
and of course he would go to jace's room every single time it happens! he wants to make sure jace is okay and wants to be soothed by him (and let's say, he reaaaaally wants to sleep in that bed *wink*). so it becomes a ritual for them, somehow. at first, lucerys goes to him when he has a terrible nightmare about that night, but then it becomes a routine, lucerys sleeping in jace's bed every night for the comfort of both, even when rhaenyra notices the pattern and gets anxious about that, saying that they're too old to share the bed so much, and forbids it (it doesn't matter, either lucerys or jace will sneak to the other's room when everybody is sleeping).
jace doesn't even complain, not even once, because he's also haunted by memories from that night. just like lucerys dreams with his death, jace dreams with the worst thing that could happen to him, too: having lucerys taken away from him. jace has these recurrent nightmares in which aemond presents himself in dragonstone and asks for lucerys' life to be his. he dreams with lucerys having his eye ripped from his face by his uncle's hand. and sometimes, he dreams with aemond chaining lucerys to him and flying away in vhagar where jacaerys cannot reach them. so he doesn't mind that lucerys has started to look for him even when he's not having any nightmare, because jacaerys wants to hold him in his arms just as much (and bye the time any of them grows out of the nightmares, they cannot stop). <3
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slvtforlizzie · 3 months
I have to get it out....
jaceluke... Jace 100% has a mommy kink. once they have their own kid Jace is sucking on Luke like a baby. it doesn't bother lucerys bc it releases pain and pressure when their son or daughter doesn't want to latch on.
lucemond... Aemond would be reluctant to suck on lucerys breast. like, "but that's our children's milk!" "I am in pain Aemond please!" he would have to beg and have to kinda like tease him that he can just get Jace to do it. he can't get into it so when he sees Jace just absolutely clutching on like a baby he's jealous as hell.
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mondstaub1 · 5 months
hotd fanfiction idea modern
When Rhaenyra and Leonor divorce Corlys insists that Lucerys stays with them long term as he is Leanors heir. Rhaenyra refuses and fights it a long time but in the end she gives in and Lucerys is sent to Driftmark. Rhaenyra then moves away to get away from the stress and marries Daemon, which results in her side of the family having little contact with Lucerys. Through a number of unfortunate events the contect cuts of completly. Jace suffers a lot under the sepateration from is beloved younger brother but as young as he is can not do much but watch the tragidy unfold.
Years later after Jacaerys has turned 18 he lays on the sofa in his flat and looks casually through tinder when a picture catches his attention. It has been years but he immidiatly recugnises Lucerys. His brother has changed a lot growing from a small boy with messy hair and baby fat on his cheeks to the single most beautiful being he has ever seen. He resembles their mother and grandmother greatly but the dark hair the sailor clothes he wears make hin even more eye catching. Without realising Jace likes the picture and for just a secund his heart nearly stops but then there is a notification. It's a match! Oh god but he has no time to panic as Luke writes him a short message:
L: Heyy
Jace swallows but writes back:
J: Hi Lucerys
For a few minutes there is no respons and it occures to Jace that his brother doesn't have his full name in his bio
L: Who are you? Where did you learn my name?
Jace takes a deep breath and answeres with trembeling hands
J: Sorry didn't mean to scare you. It's me Jacaerys. I just found your profil and couldn't help myself
Again there was silents for several minutes before the next notification came
L: Jace? My Jace no way. Prove it first. Tell me something only Jacaerys would know
Jace though it over for a moment, trying to pick something from his memory that only the two of them could know about. Which would be easier if they hadn't been seperated so young. Then it clicked
J: When we were little I promised to marry you in the tradition of our house. I always called you "my future Queen" and your ears turned red every time. We even picked the house we would live in. The lake house and the name of our children. I thing we ended up with Baelon for a boy and Aenyra for a girl.
Secunds after he pressed send Luke replied with a phone number. He called as soon as he got the text and Luke picked up on the first ring. "Jace?", his voice sounded wet and broken but Jace was so happy to hear it again it drove tears into his eyes. "Yes it's me baby. Nice to hear your voice again.
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unusual-raccoon · 1 year
thinking about jaceluke as girls' dads again 😩🤍 rhaelle being jace's heir and jace fighting for her rights as his heir so she doesn't have to go through the same experience as rhaenyra. and then aemond demanding the council to either be married to lucerys or be married to one of the girls as compensation for his "loss during the war (the blacks killing aegon and otto to take the throne back) and his loss as a young child (his eye)". aemond doesn't want to marry rhaelle or aemma ofc, his goal is lucerys- and jace goes feral as future king, alpha, husband and father at his uncle's audacity. 🤍
It’s so funny that you were thinking about the twins because I was thinking about JaceLuke’s baby “Laenor” and specifically how the terminology in High Valyrian for an uncle that is a mother’s/muña’s older brother is identical to the terminology for father. So, Laenor, the child that is referred to as Aemond’s son (but is biologically JaceLuke’s), calls Jace his “kepa” which is the term for uncle and for father 😩.
Now time for your actual ask, my love.
OMG Aemond “dumbass” Targaryen having the audacity to be compensated with a marriage to either a child or Jace’s own wife is ballsy and SO stupid.
Aemond: Allow me to take a wife etc.
The screech of Blackfyre being unsheathed echoes somewhere in the Red Keep.
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Gerardys, sprinting to keep up with his king that is on an absolute war path: 🏃🏃 your grace executions are typically carried out by a royal executioner/lord confessor…and most usually in response to a crime/punishable offense. While, i understand the sensitivity of what your uncle has requested-
Trying to talk sense to this man is legit like:
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