#jack hlm
sodafrog13 · 7 months
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my goal in life is to make people care about minor characters nobody gives a shit about except for me
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r3v0lver-0c3lot · 2 months
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peak sadness
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duskyvision · 8 months
LRB is making me think man. sorry this is gonna get a little personal and a bit venty
i hate how to governments, "affordable" housing is always the most pisspoor quality living amenities ever. i've always lived in places that were deemed affordable by the system (HLM) and the thing is what they mean is just that you get the bare minimum. you get apartments w/ bug problems and building maint never does jack shit about it. you get to live in houses that are so old they risk crumbling under you and if something's broken they don't help you (this is actually why i had to move. it's either you move out or you die crushed under the rubble, i suppose). you get put in places that are shoddily renovated because they don't care about people living in a good place, they just want to get the money out of it and apparently living in a place that's not broken to bits is a privilege instead of a right.
deputees raised their own income by 300€ here but i have to live with the fact i still don't have proper furniture in this place after nearly a year of moving in because our funds go mostly towards surviving, really. this place isn't even equipped with the amenities they'd promised us for my dad (who's disabled).
sincerely hope they eat shit and die. when macron and his posse die i hope they're condemned to burn in hell and eat their own ashes
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aforcedelire · 1 year
Écoutez-moi jusqu’à la fin, Tess Gunty
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Blandine a 18 ans, adulte aux yeux de l’État. Elle est magnétique et fascine ses trois colocataires, des garçons de son âge. Ils vivent ensemble dans un immeuble HLM qu’on surnomme le Clapier. Dans cet immeuble vivent plusieurs autres personnes : une chroniqueuse nécrologique, une jeune mère avec un sombre secret, des adultes imparfaits. Et Blandine, qui est sortie du système des enfants placés. Il lui est arrivé quelque chose un soir de juillet, et depuis sa vie a basculé.
Il y a beaucoup de personnages. Blandine est magnétique, elle attire tout le monde — et surtout ses trois colocs, Jack, Malik et Todd. Elle est fascinée par les femmes mystiques, elle est intelligente et vive, et essaye de trouver du sens au chaos qui l’entoure. On commence le roman avec elle, puis directement après, avec tous les habitants du Clapier. Et à chaque chapitre, on est dans la tête de chacun d’eux. Blandine ; Hope, la jeune mère épouvantée par les yeux de son bébé ; Joan, administratrice d’un site de notices nécrologiques ; Moses, fils désormais orphelin d’une actrice-enfant qui a charmé l’Amérique ; et de temps en temps, moins souvent, Jack, Malik et Todd. On est immergé dans leurs vies, dans leurs secrets et leurs ressentis les plus enfouis. On veut en savoir plus. L’écriture est incisive, pour un premier roman c’est extrêmement bien écrit. C’est hypnotique, en tout cas moi j’y pensais sans arrêt quand je ne le lisais pas, et j’avançais avec joue dès que j’avais le nez dedans.
En plus des personnages attachants et incarnés, Tess Gunty arrive à décrire une société pleine de mal-être sans tomber dans le pathos. On est dans un HLM, avec une batterie de personnages qui n’ont pas eu une vie facile, dans une ville délaissée par l’industrialisation (même classée n°1 des villes les plus mortes des États-Unis), et pourtant rien n’est plombant.
Plusieurs fois, Tess Gunty écrit que le mercredi 17 juillet, il se passe quelque chose d’important pour Blandine. Et plusieurs fois, il y a comme un compte-à-rebours. Déjà 2-3 fois, on a apprit que Blandine était « sortie de son corps ». On en revient à chaque fois à ça et on s’interroge, on veut avoir le fin mot de l’histoire. J’ai adoré !
// Lu dans le cadre du Challenge Gallmeister de mars, « Girl power » //
18/03/2023 - 23/03/2023
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mawgumelar · 2 years
[..] dalam kode kejahatan yang kemudian diumumkan pada tahun 1870, kata seppuku pernah diubah menjadi jisai (pengakhiran diri sendiri).
Referensi: Jack Seward, "Hara Kiri: Bunuh Diri Ala Jepang", diterjemahkan dari "HARA-KIRI: Japanese Ritual Suicide" oleh Al Chaidar, diterbitkan oleh Ghalia Indonesia pada Mei 1995: hlm. 75.
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bandit-brunsmeier · 3 years
Thanks for the tag @scuderia-auditore-ghibli!
Rules: Choose 5 gifs of your top 5 comfort characters.
5. ALF!
(okay i re-watch ALF millions of times even after school because nostalgia)
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4. Captain Jack Sparrow
(There is no need for explanation on this one)
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3. Jacket :)
(leave me be with my Sociopathic chicken boi)
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2. Jacob Frye
(Jacob is such a mood, a stress-giver and reliever)
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1. Iguro Obanai
(I have various Anime comfort characters but this one is my favorite SNEK BOI GUD SNEK)
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asciii · 4 years
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i wasn’t gonna post this because it was a gift for my mc server but i spent too long on it not to consider making it a commission example
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pumpkinoverlord · 6 years
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Mike Chilton (2013), Jacket (2015), Brian Harding (2017), Soldier 76/Jack Morrison (2018)
making my face more masculine is hard
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bookiwanttoshare · 3 years
Harry Potter and The Cursed Child
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Judul buku                  : Harry Potter and The Cursed Child
Penulis                         : J.K Rowling, John Tiffany & Jack Thorne
Penerbit                       : PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Jumlah Halaman          : 384
Tahun terbit                 : 2018
Menjadi Harry Potter memang sulit dan sekarang pun tidak lebih mudah ketika ia menjadi pegawai Kementerian Sihir yang kelelahan, suami, dan ayah tiga anak usia sekolah.
Sementara Harry berjuang menghadapi masa lalu yang mengikutinya, putra bungsunya, Albus, harus berjuang menghadapi beban warisan keluarga yang tak pernah ia inginkan. Ketika masa lalu dan masa sekarang melebur, ayah dan anak pun mengetahui fakta yang tidak menyenangkan: terkadang kegelapan datang dari tempat-tempat yang tak terduga
Buku kedelapan dari serial Harry Potter ini menceritakan kehidupan Harry dewasa dengan berbagai macam persoalan termasuk urusan pekerjaan, keluarga, serta kegelapan masa lalu. Cerita dimulai ketika Albus Severus Potter menempuh tahun pertamanya di Hogwart. Dengan menyandang nama Potter dibelakang namanya, Albus menjadi salah seorang yang paling dikenal. Namun, hal tersebut justru membuat Albus kecil tertekan, sebab semua orang mengira dirinya adalah kloning ayahnya. Situasi kian memburuk saat topi penentuan menyatakan bahwa Albus akan masuk ke kamar Slytherin. Sebagaimana yang disampaikan oleh salah satu murid disana,
“ Wah! Seorang Potter? Di Slytherine.” – hlm 21
Hari-hari Albus di Hogwart nampaknya tidak pernah menarik. Bahkan saat ia pulang di hari libur pun tak pernah baik. Hubungan ayah dan anak itu semakin merenggang saat Harry Potter tanpa sengaja mengatakan sesuatu yang cukup untuk meluruhkan hati kecil Albus.
“Yah, Kadang kala aku berharap kau bukan anakku.” Hening. Albus mengangguk. Terdiam Sebentar. Harry menyadari apa yang telah dikatakannya. – hlm 45
Selain masalah keluarga, Harry Potter juga mengalami beberapa masalah pekerjaan. Sebagai pegawai Kementerian sihir bersama Harmonie Granger sebagai Menteri sihir, keduanya bertanggungjawab atas keamanan seluruh penyihir, termasuk memberantas para pemilik sihir hitam serta benda-benda terlarang seperti alat pembalik waktu yang dapat membahayakan apabila berada ditangan yang salah. Selain itu, bayangan masa lalu Harry potter juga masih terus mengikutinya. Meski Harry dikenal sebagai seorang pahlawan karena berhasil melenyapkan Voldemort. Namun, masih ada beberapa pihak yang tidak bisa menerimanya. Salah satunya adalah ayah Cedric Diggory, Amos Diggory yang tiba-tiba datang menemuinya dan meminta pertanggungjawaban Harry atas kematian putranya itu. Entah bagaimana berita mengenai pembalik waktu tersebut telah meluas dan Amos ingin Harry menggunakannnya untuk kembali ke masa lalu dan menyelamatkan Cedric. Lagi, Harry Potter juga kembali merasakan nyeri pada luka didahinya, pertanda bahwa kegelapan bisa saja kembali muncul.
Harry terbangun tiba-tiba. Menghela napas dalam-dalam di tengah malam. Dia menunggu sebentar. Menenangkan diri. Kemudian dia merasakan rasa sakit yang amat sangat, di keningnya. Di bekas lukanya. Disekelilingnya Sihir Hitam Bergerak. – hlm 51
Singkat cerita, permasalahan Harry dan Amos tersebut telah diketahui oleh Albus. Albus, bersama sahabat dekatnya, Scorpius Malfoy, anak Draco Malfoy beserta Delphi, keponakan Amos Diggory, mencoba mencuri pembalik waktu untuk menyelamatkan Cedric Diggory atas kemalangannya dimasa lalu.
Dari sini petualangan yang sesungguhnya baru dimulai. Adegan-adegan inti baru akan disuguhkan. Untuk mengetahui bagaimana petualangan Albus, Scorpius, dan Delphi dimasa lalu, dan bagimana kelanjutan ceritanya, teman-teman bisa baca dibukunya.
Tentang Penulis
Masih sama, hak cipta kisah Harry Potter ini di pegang oleh J.K Rowling. Hanya saja, buku kedelapan ini dirilis sebagai “edisi khusus latihan” bersama pementasan perdana di West End London pada musim panas 2016 yang disutradarai Jack Thorne dan penulis naskah John Tiffany. Oleh karena itu, buku ini berisi seperti adegan atau sin-sin didalam sebuah drama. Tidak banyak narasi latar yang disuguhkan didalamnya, cukup isi percakapan dan penjelsan situasinya saja. Jika anda adalah penggemar setia Harry Potter maka tanpa ada narasi latar pun anda pasti sudah mengetahui gambarannya didalam otak anda.
Pada dasarnya, cover buku serial Harry Potter yang sebelum-sebelumnya memiliki warna artistic yang menyerupai. Namun, khusus untuk buku kedelapan ini sampul bukunya bisa dikatakan agak dan bahkan berbeda dengan buku-buku sebelumnya. Mungkin karena cerita dalam buku ini bisa dikatakan sebagai episode tambahan atau episode bonus. But overall, illustrasi dalam sampul buku ini cukup mewakili aura dari judul buku , lengkap dengan penulisan “Harry Potter” yang dihightlight seperti biasanya.
Sama seperti serial sebelum-sebelumnya, genre buku ini adalah fiksi fantasy. Sebab menceritakan dunia yang berbeda, yakni dunia sihir. Dunia dalam buku ini digambarkan memiliki alat-alat yang diluar nalar seperti pembalik waktu. Serta kemampuan sihir yang jelas tidak mungkin dimiliki manusia.
Masa kini, masa lalu, masa kini lagi, masa lalu lagi, begitu seterusnya. Ya, alur dari buku ini adalah campuran. Inti cerita buku ini adalah mengenai pembalik waktu. Jadi, sudah jelas bahwa alur dalam ceritanya adalah maju mundur.
Dalam hal sudut pandang, seperti yang telah disebutkan bahwa buku ini layaknya naskah skrip drama, maka sudut pandangnya adalah orang ketiga. Seolah-olah penulis adalah penata panggung dan scene dalam cerita tersebut.
Karakter-karakter dalam buku ini seperti Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Harmonie Granger, Ginny Weasley, dan Draco Malfoy nampaknya tidak jauh berbeda bahkan sama seperti buku-buku sebelumnya hanya saja mereka menjadi agak lebih dewasa, tentu saja. Kecuali hubungan Draco Malfoy yang menjadi baik dengan Harry Potter karena anak mereka terjebak dalam lingkaran persahabatan serta berbagi insiden yang sama. Yang menjadi sorotan disini adalah kemunculan tokoh-tokoh baru yang belum pernah muncul sebelumnya. Seperti Albus Severus Potter dan Scorpius Malfoy. Keduanya adalah sahabat akrab sekaligus tokoh penggerak dalam cerita ini. Berikut ini adalah bukti yang saling bertolak belakang diantara mereka
“Kami siap menghadapi bahaya.”
“Benarkah kita siap?” – hlm 74
Meskipun begitu, Scorpius tetap akan mengikuti apapun keputusan Albus meski dengan enggan. Yang tentunya akan berujung pada masalah besar. Selain itu, tokoh lain yang tak kalah eksis dalam buku ini adalah Delphi Diggory. Wanita ini juga ikut Albus dan Scorpius menjelajah ke masa lalu untuk menyelamatkan sepupunya, Cedric Diggory. Sisanya, adalah tokoh lama dalam buku serial Harry Potter.
Gaya bahasa
Penggunaan bahasa dalam buku ini cukup mudah dimengerti. Selayaknya buku terjemahan, suasana pemaparan cerita agaknya terasa berbeda. Namun, terlepas dari hal tersebut, buku ini sangat nyaman untuk dibaca.
Perasaan yang disalurkan dalam buku ini adalah perasaan-perasaan seperti kebencian, ambisi, dan keinginan untuk diakui yang secara jelas digambarkan dalam tokoh Albus. Serta suasana dunia sihir yang agaknya terasa mencekam seolah terbayang-bayang bahaya yang entah datang dari mana dan kapan saja. Selain itu, perasaan seperti perasaan keakraban persahabatan serta kehangatan keluarga juga tidak hilang begitu saja didalamnya.
Ending dalam cerita ini bisa dikatakan memuaskan. Yah, aku yakin itu. Siapapun yang membaca buku ini hingga tamat akan merasa lega tanpa ada keganjilan. Oleh karena itu, aku yakin kalian tidak akan menyesal membaca buku ini. Selamat membaca. See you.
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killapunk · 5 years
HLM but it's one of those soulmate aus where somewhere on your body there's like a tattoo of your soulmates first words. Biker has the tattoo on his cheekbone under his hair. Jacket has them on the back of each of his hands.
I was discussing this the other day too because I’m a sappy fuck LOL 
Jacket w/ Bioshock Jack tats on his wrists came up too but I like that one also
They say like “Just get it over with” and “Looks like we’re in the same unit.” 
Biker’s says “fucking hell!” :”B
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ourcrazym · 5 years
And back at you, how much of the two Beard interactions in Hotline are Jack disassociating on the spot, how you see them at the moment? unless you want to keep it a secret, of course.
Actually, HLM happens in a very uncertain arc. Because throughout the game, its hard to understand what the hell is going on. Is this a flashback? Is this present? Or is this Jacket (Jack) in his coma, dreaming about it all?
The open ended ness actually allows you to see it from more than one perspective.
To me, Jack is on the verge of dissociating, but Beard’s interactions pull him back in, albeit temporarily. Jack remembers nothing about it the next day.
So, its another open-ended question: Is it real, or a dream?
And yes, you reminded me to write the next chapter.
I’ll get back to the game.
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sodafrog13 · 5 months
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younger butch (idiot)/older femme (into that) is like S tier combo to me
also some little things that i liked + alt sweetheart thoughts under the cut:
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Buku ini merupakan seri kumpulan cerpen terjemahan Anton Kunia yang diterbitkan oleh Diva Press. Kali ini adfa 15 cerita oleh 15 penulis dari Amerika Fasifik yang muncul dalam buku ini. Anton memilih nama-nama berikut untuk mewakili kawasannya. Mereka adalah: Dany Laferrire, Edgar Allan Poe, Ernest Hemingway, Erskine Caldwell, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Jack Kerouac, John Steinbeck, Mark Twain, O. Henry, Peter Carey, Raymond Carver, Shirley Jackson, Thomas Keneally, Toni Morrison, William Saroyan. Anton Kurnia (Penerj.), Cinta Terlarang Gadis Meksiko; 15 Cerita dari Amerika-Pasifik, Cerpen, Diva Press, Juni 2022, 160 hlm, 50.000 #AntonKurnia #CintaTerlarangGadisMeksiko #Cerpen #SastraDunia #DivaPress (at Jual Buku Sastra-JBS) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfnXe0SpajH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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adhdo5 · 6 years
This had to happen
Okay, to be more specific, this follows Mikell as he begins his career as the Hand Sinister
This is super disorganized and diverges from both SCP and HLM canon but do I care? No. I invoke no canon rule it’s my city now 
No gods no kings just Swarm
O5/the Foundation are 50B/the People Leaving Messages on Jacket/Mikell’s answering machine. Like in HLM, Mikell doesn’t know this, chalking up the messages to either the Serpent’s Hand or the Chaos Insurgency, both of which (especially the first) act as the Russian Mafia in HLM. There’s a scene where Mikell brings this to his superiors. They say to play along with the messages for a while – if the Insurgency and the Hand are giving out each other’s locations, why not? 
It starts off with Mikell living essentially out of hotel rooms etc. but in the earlyish game the level equivalent to Decadence is called Homecoming or smth and it’s about clearing out the area eventually implied to be the Bright Family Home™ 
Girlfriend is thus not Girlfriend – the role is played by, alternately, Jack, Claire, or TJ (especially the latter as the game wears on). There’s also more dialogue – that is to say, there is dialogue
Jack is mostly shown around the house studying etc. as this is before Jack was working for the Foundation and shit 
Both parents are shown ambiguously, and stand in for Beard at times (see finale) 
And of course, the judges: 
Don Juan – “do you really want me to reveal who you are? Knowing oneself means acknowledging one’s actions” – is replaced by graying, post-retirement O5-12 trying sympathetically to move Mikell from this path, but it’s too little, too late 
Rasmus – “You make me sick!... I see that my opinion of you doesn’t matter” – is replaced by a featureless black spindly humanoid mass, shifting size and build but always a humanoid dressed in a lab coat and wearing a ruby amulet, always icy anger and hatred (spite. Betrayal.)
And, of course, Richard – “You’ll never see the full picture” – ever-impassive, meta, and highkey terrifying, is Joey Tamlin 
There is heavy divergence 
Biker is the defected guy mentioned in R.I.P. and also much less important, though he still discovers the 50B/Foundation shit (however, this is depicted as before his death instead of the thing HLM did where it’s unclear who killed who)
What’s important is: 
Basically the death scene in R.I.P. happens and Mikell checks in with the Foundation through the Approved Phone Number (not the one they’re using to leave messages ofc) to inform them of the defector and that he must have been important before defecting, and must have done it recently 
There’s also a second meet-superiors scene where he’s told “hey, off the record: we heard your family situation was. Complicated. You can call us for help with anomalous management whenever if you need~” 
The scene in the convenience store is similarly surreal but it’s replaced by a scene with The Family™ 
To be specific, it’s replaced by a very surrealized version of events where TJ attempted to heal Sarah etc. and the ensuing panic and a phone call where he takes the Foundation up on the offer and right after there’s another message on his machine, another Insurgent hideout to clear, and he does and he returns and 
The house is empty 
Siblings gone 
Mikell assumes Serpent’s Hand. They must have lured him out with the Insurgent hideout and taken his siblings meanwhile (similarly to how Jacket assumed Russian Mafia with Girlfriend’s death). He finds a note from Claire and Evelyn about their defection. He feels betrayed. He feels his assumption’s been confirmed. 
However if you’ll remember in HLM it was 50B who sent Richter after Girlfriend 
And the same happens here 
Mikell tipped the Foundation off earlier and they got themselves two shiny new anomalies and this promising researcher all in one go 
And they left a gift 
The agent on the couch, who shoots Mikell before he can react, but he doesn’t shoot Mikell and Mikell gets up and draws his gun and 
It’s Tamlin 
Cue “What you do from now on won’t serve any purpose... Now it’s time for you to leave. There’s a warm bed across the hall from here,” and Mikell notices his own corpse on the floor shot in the head and he feels himself bleed as Tamlin continues, “and you look as if you could use some rest.” 
This one’s level summary: Waking Up In A Foundation Hospital 
’’This one ends with him stumbling home... only to find it guarded by Foundation agents who take him right back to the facility 
Between redactions and Mikell’s own swimming consciousness nothing is very clear but one thing is 
Mikell now knows who has been leaving messages on his answering machine. 
(I told you the divergence was heavy) 
Anyway Mikell recovers and is sent immediately to clear out one last target 
Mikell does not resist 
Cue Showdown where Mikell kills his way through a Serpent’s Hand cell HQ 
Except instead of the mafia boss commits suicide to deny Jacket catharsis shit 
The SH cell leader hands Mikell some documents 
For some very important SCPs 
And he knows who really took his siblings and he knows why his mother and sister defected and he does not say anything and he shoots the SH leader in the face and continues until every last Hand member in the house is dead and so is Mikell Bright 
No, nothing he could have done could have served any purpose 
And Mikell Bright never saw the full picture 
The Hand Sinister, O5′s perfect killing machine, lights a cigarette on the balcony as he waits for his evac 
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architectnews · 3 years
Sheffield City Council development plans
Sheffield City Council development plan, Rider Levett Bucknall, Delivery Partner Architects, Buildings
Sheffield City Council development plans news
11 August 2021
Design: various architects
Location: Sheffield, South Yorkshire, northern England, UK
Sheffield City Council appoints new delivery partner to support ambitious development plans
August 2021 – Sheffield-based construction, property and management consultancy Rider Levett Bucknall (RLB UK) has been appointed by Sheffield City Council to its new Delivery Partner framework for 2021-2025.
Sheffield Delivery Partner framework for 2021-2025
The framework, going live from mid-July, consists of a single source delivery model delivered by RLB UK supported by supply chain partners Arup, HLM Architects, Whittam Cox Architects and other consultants across the region. Put in place to support Sheffield City Council’s Capital Delivery Service, the framework will help manage the Council’s growing pipeline of projects. This forms part of the city-wide investment programmes designed to create a stronger, greener, fairer Sheffield for all.
Councillor Terry Fox, Leader of Sheffield City Council said: “Sheffield City Council has ambitious build plans in place to continue to regenerate our city. In appointing our new single source delivery partner to support us, it was vital we found teams that are not only global experts and innovators but also have a real passion for Sheffield. RLB UK supported by Arup, HLM Architects and Whittam Cox Architects are bringing exactly those values to the framework and we are really looking forward to working with them.”
Matt Summerhill, Delivery Framework Manager and Managing Partner for RLB UK Yorkshire and Humber said: “At RLB we are incredibly proud to have been appointed by Sheffield City Council to support them on the next phase of their regeneration of the city. Having had an office in the city for over 50 years, we understand the importance of being a positive influence on our local communities. The opportunity to support a city that our staff live and work in, is a huge privilege”
Delia Harmston, Sheffield Studio Director for HLM Architects, said: “We are incredibly proud to be working in partnership with Sheffield City Council, RLB and the team on the next phase of regenerating Sheffield. Our staff live and breathe this city, their children go to the schools, we go to the theatres, we use the sports and music venues. As designers we relish working in the city and making a difference on our doorstep.”
Derek Roberts, Arup Sheffield Office Leader, said: “We are really pleased to have been selected as part of the successful delivery partnership alongside RLB, HLM Architects and Whittam Cox Architects. We look forward to building on our long-term relationship with Sheffield City Council during this exciting time, as we push forward delivering the 2030 Pathways to Zero Carbon plan we developed jointly with the Council.”
Nick Riley, Board Director, Whittam Cox Architects, said: “Environment and Social Governance (ESG) is positively influencing so much now in terms of change, actions, and decisions. This successful framework appointment with Sheffield City Council is hugely significant for us and aligns exceptionally well with all ESG principles. Building on our extensive work in Sheffield over recent years, we feel privileged and delighted to be collaborating locally with RLB, HLM Architects, Arup and other partners; all of which we know well. We are committed to delivering a tangible and positive impact; both in our work and wider contributions to Sheffield.”
The framework runs from July 2021 to June 2025 and covers every service within the build life cycle from principal design through to project management, sustainability services and civil engineering, with a focus on supporting Sheffield City Council’s journey to Net Carbon Zero. The first projects to go live include supporting on the successful Towns Fund investment for Stocksbridge; supporting the development of the Sustainable Transport plan for the city and enhancements to residential tower blocks and the Town Hall.
About HLM Architects Thoughtful design and the desire to make spaces and places that improve lives sits at the heart of every discipline within HLM Architects, these include Architecture, Interior Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Environmental Sustainability and Masterplanning.
Creating places of education that inspire, healthcare environments that nurture, homes that are part of thriving communities, and infrastructure that is sustainable in its widest sense: environmentally, economically, and socially.
HLM Architects are passionate about retaining a strong Regional presence across their 5 studios located in London, Sheffield, Glasgow, Belfast and Cardiff but pride themselves on their ability to work internationally.
HLM Architects adopt a sector led approach, meaning clients benefit from working with teams who have specific knowledge, insight and experience in the required sector, these include Education, Healthcare, Living & Communities, Defence, Hospitality Leisure & Culture, Asset & Workplace and Justice & Emergency Services.
If you’d like to find out more about HLM Architects, please follow us on social media, we’re on Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram: @HLMarchitects.
About Rider Levett Bucknall Rider Levett Bucknall is an independent construction, property and management consultancy, providing advice focused on the cost, quality and sustainability of the built environment. Worldwide the firm has over 3,600 staff operating from more than 120 offices. Its international reach ensures that it provides services in line with the latest innovations and examples of best practice, supporting expertise in a range of sectors including commercial, education, sport, infrastructure, retail, and residential. www.RLB.com @RLBUK
About Arup Arup is the creative force at the heart of many of the world’s most prominent projects in the built environment and across industry. Working in more than 140 countries, the firm’s designers, engineers, architects, planners, consultants and technical specialists work with our clients on innovative projects of the highest quality and impact. www.arup.com @ArupUK
About Whittam Cox Architects Whittam Cox Architects are a design led architectural practice with a 49-year heritage. Their core strength is derived from their people; they employ over 130 committed professionals operating from headquarters in the Sheffield City Region, and studios in Leeds and London. Their design philosophy revolves around contextual architecture which seeks to blend user experience and functionality with building aesthetic. It’s an approach that’s earned them a reputation for award-winning work and positive, lasting partnerships. They work on a wide range of projects for clients across the whole of the UK, including retail, leisure and hospitality, commercial, residential, urban regeneration and master planning. www.whittamcox.com @whittamcoxarch
Sheffield City Council development plans images / information received 110821
Location: Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England, UK
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The Diamond Building at The University of Sheffield Design: Twelve Architects photograph : Jack Hobhouse The Diamond Building at The University of Sheffield
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Brutalist Béton House, Park Hill Design: Whittam Cox Architects image courtesy of architects Béton House Sheffield
Radisson Blu Hotel Sheffield, Heart of the City Design: HLM Architects image courtesy of architects Radisson Blu Hotel Sheffield Meadowhall Shopping Centre Building Design: BDP, Architects Sheffield Meadowhall Building
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mawgumelar · 2 years
Sejarah sosial Jepang di timur Asia penuh dengan keunikan, yang bahkan menimbulkan "sedimentasi kultural" yang nyata. Religi Buddhisme (yang berbaur dengan Zen) adalah salah satu elemen yang mampu mengendapkan "sistem nilai Bushido" yang menjadi penumpu etos rakyat Jepang.
Referensi: Jack Seward, "Hara Kiri: Bunuh Diri Ala Jepang", diterjemahkan dari "HARA-KIRI: Japanese Ritual Suicide" oleh Al Chaidar, diterbitkan oleh Ghalia Indonesia pada Mei 1995: hlm. vii.
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