sodafrog13 · 7 months
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my goal in life is to make people care about minor characters nobody gives a shit about except for me
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zedleaked · 3 months
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Snowker and Whiz: Cloverfoe
Chatterbox: Colorpuzzled
Ziggy: Jackash
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lycaboros · 6 years
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Princess Lynara "Jackie" Jax Felixus Regina Potentia de Montem Von Canticum Nix and her best friend and royal advisor Aisling "Ash" Niall. Characters that @nilesdaughter and I have had for.... ..holy cow like 8 or 9 years now?!!! We love the two of them dearly.
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stoneyruxbin · 4 years
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HAPPY ANNIVERSARY JACKASH’S! 🎉🤎🎉 #Bestwoman #JackAsh #BlackLove #Loveis #🖤 (at Central Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEH_8MrFaTH/?igshid=kmv285odix4p
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dramartist · 2 years
Artfight Attacks Part 4
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^ Oc designs! Narelle for Cookiecat141, and Bulan for @alexs-moon-garden
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^ Olivia for @gylfie109
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^ Melanie for __stariix
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^ Vascopelle for nekowase
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^ April for smallbrainbby
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^ Take for Dreaaa (and my oc Dante)
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^ Katya for SquishySquid
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^ Veer Diesel for Jackash
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^Prince Crestat for necroyalty
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^ Teri for nerdudi
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ashintheairlikesnow · 4 years
Disaster Lads: A Collab, Part One
This is part one of a five-part collab piece I did with @whumpiary! In which our disaster lads meet and the inevitable ensues. 
CW: Referenced drugging, forced drinking, referenced past noncon, some dubcon fuckiness and trauma response headspace. Things get darker as we go, and more explicit, too. But also Kauri flirts and it’s adorable. Just a fair warning. I’ll do warnings for each individual chapter as we go.
Tagging Kauri’s crew:  @maybeawhumpblog, @pepperonyscience, @haro-whumps, @18-toe-beans, @burtlederp, @finder-of-rings, @giggly-evil-puppy, @whimpers-and-whumpers, @moose-teeth, @whump-it, @lumpofwhump, @pumpkinthefangirl, @spiffythespook, @slaintetowhump, @astrobly
Kauri isn’t entirely sure how it happened, but somehow his back is against a wall, a drink is in his hand, and there’s a man leaning over him with that grin on his face that Kauri usually likes… but today, he doesn’t.
The bar is kind of dark, and there’s a band playing something that mostly sounds like sad yelling over geese honking to Kauri, but everyone had cheered when the band came onstage so maybe he just doesn’t get the music. He’s not even dressed for the bar, honestly - he’s in his big black zip-up sweatshirt, Dustin’s so it hangs off his shoulders and his hands are mostly covered by the sleeves. A thin thrift-store t-shirt and ripped-up black skinny jeans, the faded old checkered slip-on sneakers he’s had forever… he looks halfway homeless.
The guy has him cornered anyway, and Kauri is feeling all the other drinks he’s let guys buy him tonight, kind of spinning and silly with the alcohol in his veins. It makes it easier not to feel uncomfortable, but part of him is. 
He wants to say no, but the word sticks in his throat.
“Come on,” The guy says, leaning over him - it feels like looming - and pushing even closer into his space. “I bought you the drink, the least you could do is a little something for me in return.”
I don’t want to, Kauri thinks in something like a panicked wail.
The man’s knuckles brush the side of his throat and it’s probably a flirtation but Kauri thinks of Owen’s hands around his neck - it feels like a threat.
“Wh-what… what did you have in mind?” Kauri’s voice is airy, a little breathless. His heart is pounding, his face is flushed, and maybe he looks into this… but he’s not. But it kind of seems like the guy maybe knows and doesn’t care.
“A lot of shit, honestly, you’ve been on my radar a while, but first… let’s start with you finishing that drink.” He reaches out and takes the glass out of Kauri’s hand, raising it to his lips. The first sip of syrupy-sweet cocktail seems more like liquid ash on Kauri’s tongue. “You’re a pretty cute drunk.”
“Am… am I?” He asks when the man lets him stop drinking. “I, I don’t want-”
“Have another drink,” The man interrupts, and pushes the rim of the glass against his lips again.
Cass had been watching the guy with the curly hair and the cute smile on and off all night. Partly because he's pretty. Partly because he looks like he’s dressed for a soup kitchen rather than a bar. But mostly because he looks familiar. Annoyingly familiar, in a way that’s maybe more significant than ‘hey didn’t we fuck in a bathroom stall one time?’. 
The girl Cass has been chatting to is very, very, very boring. Stupidly boring. So it’s ridiculously easy to focus his attention just over her shoulder at Curly Hair and the guy who’s got him pressed against the wall in the corner, and the pink drink that’s being held up between them, fed to the shorter of the two like it's the holy fucking grail.
Desires are sticky. Syrupy. And in a bar like this, with music like this, with people like this, revulsion is bitter and obvious. Like whiskey in apple juice. Like smoke under perfume.
Cass wishes he'd had more to drink. A couple more vodka tonics and he'd probably refuse to give a shit. But he's annoyingly sober, and he can't help but notice Curly Hair sort of glance around, looking for an exit that doesn't exist.
Cass watches as he smiles, tilts his head. Cass' stomach lurches. He's seen that head tilt. Fuck, Cass has given that head tilt. I want you to want me but I don't want this.
“Hey Kirsty," he says, serving a grin to the blonde next to him. She frowns. 
“It’s Kristie.”
“Right. Kristie,” Cass says. Easy smile, a finger tracing circles on the back of her hand. “You wanna go dance? I’ll catch up in a sec”
The girl pouts, grabbing his hand, “Aren’t you gonna come? I kinda thou-”
“Kʀɪsᴛɪᴇ, ɢᴏ ᴅᴀɴᴄᴇ.”
The girl's frown melts into a grin faster than she can notice what’s happening and nods her head enthusiastically, like dancing had been her idea in the first place. And then she’s gone, melted into the pulsing mass of bodies. 
Cass needs to get out of here. In a bar like this, with music like this, with people like this, the feeling of I don’t want this is so loud and grating it makes Cass’ heart catch in his throat. And then there’s the other guy. Cass can feel the fucking lust pouring off of the guy. Not just the desire for an easy lay but the absolute exhilaration of a predator who’s got dinner trapped. Or is about to, Cass thinks, eyes following the asshole’s gaze to where they're fixated on a sickening cocktail he’s feeding the smaller guy.
Cass pushes himself away from the bar. He needs to get out of here. He needs to get out of here before he does something stupid because he promised Lou he wouldn't pick anymore fights and because this is none of his business and just because the guy seems familiar doesn't mean Cass knows him but he still finds himself snaking to the corner, anyway, grabbing the tall guy by the elbow- 
“Hey, do I know you from somewhere?” he says, feigning rapt enthusiasm.
The taller guy looks Cass up and down. His hair is annoyingly perfect. Like if you tapped it, maybe it'd make a sound like knocking on hard plastic.
“I don’t think so,” the guy says, shark teeth twisted into a grin. Cass watches as his grip tightens minutely on the glass he’s holding. Yeah, fuckhead. Wouldn’t want to lose that, now would we?  “If you don’t mind, we’re kinda busy.”
And he's turning back to Curly Hair, who is melting into the wall, a skittish mess of maybe he’ll talk to the new guy - if it’s what you want then I want it - I don't want this - just say no kauri you can just say no - I want this I want you - just say no stop it stop - no just drink it don’t make him mad - I don't want this and Cass really fucking wishes he'd had another few drinks because then he could just walk away, but instead he hits the cocktail careening out of Tall Guy's hand, a spectacular pink mess over the guy's crisp white shit.
Kauri flinches back, hands up over his mouth, staring wide-eyed at the mess.
"Shit, dude. Sorry. I'm such a klutz," Cass grins, holding up innocent hands with a shrug. "That roofie wasn't expensive or anything, was it?"
And sure, maybe this was none of his business, but it's so satisfying when the guy shoves him into the wall. Maybe even more satisfying than the sound of the crunch of the guy's nose breaking as Cass headbutts him in the face.
The guy stumbles back, hands over his nose as blood starts to pour, screaming half-formed curse words that are muffled by his hand and the nasal sound of his voice. From behind the bar, a bartender yells, “God damn it, no fighting! What the fuck, Kauri?!”
Kauri curls back against the wall, his wide, frightened eyes going from the bloody pink-stained man to the new guy who had hit him with his whole entire head and back again. “I’m sorry!” He shouts back to the bartender. “I’m sorry I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” 
“Yeah, well, do something about it!”
Kauri gives the bartender a look of incredulous terror. He’s 5’7” and all lithe, willowy flexibility and he has the brute fighting strength of a very small kitten.
“Like what, exactly?!”
The guy drops his hand - the bottom half of his face is a mess of blood now - and with a snarl, pulls his fist back to punch Cass again. 
“Stop them fighting over your dumb hot ass or I’m calling the cops, Kauri!”
The name sticks in Cass' head as he lets the guy land another punch, hard on his cheek.
"Kᴀᴜʀɪ, ɢʀᴀʙ ʜɪs ᴀʀᴍ," he says, on impulse, because the guy is kinda huge and Cass isn’t particularly strong, and he’s been in plenty of fights but he usually only stops them by not really being conscious anymore. 
Kauri’s hands snap out thoughtlessly, grabbing the guy’s other arm and helping Cass shove him face-first against the wall, only to freeze up, eyes widening even more in terror as he has no idea why he just did that. 
"You better calm the fuck down, man," Cass says, twisting the guy’s wrist so it twinges just a little behind him. He feels amped up and shaky with adrenaline. He hopes he looks as feral as he feels. The big guy blinks, slow and stupid as he tries to catch up with what just happened. "'Cause either I'm gonna kill you or the bar staff are gonna call the cops on your ass. And we both know what they're gonna find in that glass.”
The guy's eyes widen in shock, then narrow. “You can’t prove-”
“You roofied me?” Kauri asks, as though the multiple comments Cass had made had only just sunk into his mind. He felt himself reel with horror, trying to pull away, but his hands just… don’t want to let go of the man’s arm. Panic was a drumbeat in his mind. He knows what roofies are, Nat told him about those, and that they taste kind of salty but there was a salt rim on the drink the guy bought him-
“You were going to roofie me?”
“That jackass broke my nose!” The guy yells, although it comes out more like dat jackash boke by dose. Cass kind of wants to interject that he probably didn't break the guys nose, but it doesn't really seem like the time. “I’ve been talking to you all night and you just believe some asshole that walks up and punches a stranger?”
“I… I…” Kauri cringes back from the fury in the man’s voice. He’s going to be hurt, and he’s terrified, and the only thing on earth he wants right now is to get out of here and away before the man’s hands are around his neck just like Owen’s, it’ll be like that, he’ll hurt and hurt and then pass out and if he can just maybe make nice the guy will stop being angry-
“I, I’m sorry, you-... you did buy me the drink, that was… that was nice… but, but if he saw you-"
"He didn't see shit." 
The guy did not seem to realize that that wasn't exactly denying he'd done it. 
Cass feels cold fury run through him. He can feel the lust-turned-sour, good-night-wasted annoyance that the guy in front of him is vibrating with. And the panic pouring off of Kauri, so palpable and crystalline it may as well be his own. The want to run away, to get out of here, to back down, to apologise, make nice. They mingle together in his head.
Who the fuck tries makes nice with the asshole who was gonna drug them? He tries to ignore the ‘you sure used to’ that creeps into his head.
Cass doesn't care. He wants to run away and he wants to get out of here but more than that he wants to make someone bleed. This guy walked into the bar tonight, sought out the most vulnerable guy he could find and thought prey. He deserves to know what that feels like. He flips the guy around, pressing a hard hand to his chest to keep him flush to the wall.
“I think I’m gonna call you Scooter,” Cass says “You look like a Scooter”
“The name’s Matt, jackass,” the guy growls. It takes way too much effort to pronounce the M. Cass grins. Matt, huh?
"Alright, Mᴀᴛᴛ. Tᴀᴋᴇ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴇsᴛ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ G ᴛʜᴀᴛ's ɪɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴏᴄᴋᴇᴛ. Gɪᴠᴇ ᴜs ᴀ ʟᴏᴏᴋ,” he says. The guy blinks, reaches mindlessly into the pocket of the shitty jeans he’s wearing and pulls out a nondescript little bottle. Matt is staring at the drugs like he can’t imagine how they possibly got into his hand. Cass grins. It’s nice to stare at a predator and make them feel small. "I think he should have to drink it. What do you think, Kauri?"
"Jesus Christ," Matt says, nasally and strangled. "Why did... What the fuck, I should knock your teeth out!"
Kauri grabs the pill bottle out of his hand and tries, despite his hands shaking so badly the fucking bottle rattles, to look like he's reading, carefully keeping his eyes unfocused so they won't try to settle on or understand the letters. Kauri steps closer to them both, putting his hands up slowly, like a man being held hostage. 
"Look, you guys, we can just… nobody has to fight," He says, pitching his voice lower, cocking his head just a little to the side. "The bouncers are gonna kick us all out in a second and, and I don't need-... We don't need that, right? Matt? We don't need to, to have anybody closer than this. Just us, right?"
His heart hammers, heartbeat so strong it's nearly knocking the breath out of him. His voice is airy, and soft, and just a little flirty under the fear.  
You can fix this. No one calls the cops, no one tells, no one looks too close.
"You didn't n-need that, I'd have… have gone with you anyway, Matt…"
Kauri, you can't say yes if you don't know how to say no. He ignores Nat's strident voice in his head and slides just a little closer, the rise and fall of his chest and the whites around his eyes the only giveaway of his fear. He can see bouncers and he has to make this better before too many people are looking at them. 
Matt snorts a kind of bitter, angry laughter, then winces as that burns his injured nose. "You would. The ones like you always do, right?" 
Kauri freezes, all the color draining out of his face. The bottle of pills drops to the floor and rolls away, kicked by someone walking by and getting lost somewhere in the crowd. "What?" 
"Tell your fucking White Knight to fuck off," Matt says reaching out to grab Kauri's left wrist. "Kauri Grant."
Cass doesn't have time to figure out why the fuck that name sounds so familiar. All he needs to know what's happening is in that look on Kauri's face. He's seen that look. God, he's given that look. Whoever Kauri Grant is, he needs to be the hell away from here. Now.
"Okay, seriously buddy, we don't want anymore trouble," he tries, taking a quick glance at the bouncers closing in behind them "How about you let this go and we do too?"
"I'm not letting go of shit," says Matt, with a smile full of blood. He has one hand locked over Kauri's wrist, pushing up against the leather bracelet there. "Do you have any idea how much this little whore is worth?"
Cass swings the punch before he even has the chance to think what that could mean. Which is maybe not a great move, actually, with bouncers headed their way and a bar full of patrons who are starting to look over. It's especially not a great move because Matt swivels, jerking out of the way, sending Cass' fist straight into the side of Kauri's skull. 
Kauri's world crashes at the impact, stumbling back and falling hard onto his side on the floor, head bouncing against the sticky woodgrain, blinking against the black spots dancing in front of his eyes. 
It doesn't stop the panic. 
Kauri Grant Kauri Grant Kauri Grant
"Y-you can't," he tries, his voice sounding weird and off to his own ears, pushing himself up. "Can't, can't turn me in-"
"I wasn't going to, before that little shit showed up," Matt says with a nasty note of triumph in his voice, one Kauri knows too well. "The guy who just hit you."
Kauri manages to stand up, catching the bouncers too close, too close, and he grabs onto Cass's arm. "He was… was trying to hit you," Kauri says, voice shaking. "And you-... tried to drug me."
"Like no one's ever drugged you before," Matt sneers, and Kauri swallows, hard, and doesn't protest. Matt waves at the bouncers. "Hey! This is Kauri Grant!"
The frozen fear in Kauri thaws and he jerks at Cass's arm to yank him not towards the door but deeper into the bar, pushing through the crowd towards the other side of the stage. 
Kauri Grant Kauri Grant Kauri Grant
Cass knows that name, why does he know that name?
It doesn't matter. What matters is they get the hell away from here right now. He turns in Kauri's grip to look over his shoulder, locks eyes with the asshole who seems intent on ruining this poor bastard's life. 
"Mᴀᴛᴛ," he yells as he's hauled away into the crowd, "Sʜᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜʀ ꜰᴜᴄᴋɪɴɢ ᴍᴏᴜᴛʜ."
It's not exactly elegant but Matt slams his jaw closed so hard Cass can see him wince against the jolt of pain through his bashed in face. Cass cackles as they disappear into the mass of bodies on the dancefloor.
He feels high. There's twin feelings gripping his chest, the thrill of a fight and the blinding panic of running away. The rush of beating someone at their own game twisted with the knowledge that they need to get the hell out of here before they're caught.  He has no idea what's happening but it's fast and it's thrilling. It's making him dizzy, making his blood pump electric. He barks another laugh as he dodges some random guy's elbow, grips Kauri's hand even harder and lets himself be pulled.
"God, who the fuck is Kauri Grant?"
Kauri pulls him to a small door labeled EMPLOYEES ONLY just to the side of the stage, shoving it open and stumbling out into a dark alley, the sudden chill on his skin the only reason Kauri realizes he's sweating.
Out here the noise is gone, there's the sound of sirens far away, and Kauri's eyes dart around, thinking, before he pulls Cass to the right, further down the alley, stepping over refuse and empty beer bottles. 
"I… I am," Kauri says, voice thin. The side door they just left opens and he pulls Cass quickly against the wall with him to hide behind a dumpster. "I'm Kauri Grant." He swallows hard, panic still beating at the back of his mind, and slowly slides down the wall to sitting, putting his head in his hands. 
"You hit really hard for how skinny you are, d'you know that?"
Maybe it’s the sudden cold, or maybe it’s the way Kauri’s holding his head, but waves of exhaustion and regret and fear hit Cass all at once. He ducks down as voices and noise filter wide and loud, and then go squashed and muffled again with the swinging of the door. 
“Fuck man, I’m so sorry,” he mutters, ducking his head to assess the damage. “I didn’t even think”
He reaches out a hand, pulls it back before contact. He really doesn’t know how to do this. The whole… God, what did Fuckhead McGee call it? The whole White Knight schtick. Is he meant to go find ice? Buy the guy a drink for his troubles? Usually when he finds himself kneeling on the wet concrete of an alley in front of a stranger it’s for a very different reason.
Cass sits back on his heels and laughs, loud and unabashed. He’d listened to that girl at the bar talk about her boyfriend for forty minutes when he should’ve been finding some pretty guy to sneak away with. And then he found a pretty guy and punched him in the face. Which… wasn’t always a dealbreaker, but even in the now relative quiet of the alley his heart is still slamming like there’s something to run away from and his brain feels cracked open and Jesus Christ, this night is already just so fucking dumb. 
“Sorry. I’m sorry,” he says between giggles. He tries to calm it down to a grin. “I swear I’m not laughing at you, Kauri Grant. Did I, um…Is your head okay?”
"Yeah, my head's fine. I've been hit before," Kauri says, not quite muttering, rubbing his hand into his black curls. "Not usually in the head, but, you know, it's kinda empty anyway." He flashes a bright, deflecting smile, looking up at Cass. 
Kauri's head cocks slightly to the side, something in his smile changing, softening a little. Not quite flirtation, something more in self-defense. "Can you just say Kauri, please? I don't, um, I don't like his name. Very much. It's just, that's what they call me…" His voice trails off. "Thanks for, um. For catching that guy… I didn't know he put something in it... I didn’t know he knew.”
Cass frowns a little, trying to understand. Didn’t know who knew what?
"Okay you have to back up, you're giving me more questions than… than answers right now..." 
But then the pieces of Kauri he's seen through the night start falling together. The skittish eyes that didn't match with the flirting smile. Thanking the guy who would have happily held him limp in a basement. The wanting and wanting and wanting paired with the desperate need to run away. 
The ones like you, that guy had said, looking at Kauri like he was something to be eaten. The ones like what? The ones who met conflict with apologies and desperate bids for distraction. His eyes flick to the bracelet on Kauri's wrist, thick and leather and out of place amongst the rest of his "robbed a Good Will" ensemble and too wide, really to be stylish. Just wide enough to hide a tattoo, maybe. Or a brand.
I don’t like his name very much. Cass feels himself paling.
"Oh my god, you're somebody's," he whispers. He closes his eyes and scrubs a hand over his face. Swallows the dry lump in his throat. "You're meant to belong to somebody."
Kauri jerks his arms back against himself, pulling the sleeve of his sweatshirt over the bracelet about ten minutes too late. 
He looks up at Cass, blue eyes wide and pleading, and reaches out his hand to brush his fingers against Cass's hand, pitching his voice lower. 
"You, you don't have to tell anyone. That I'm, um. You don't have to. I can… I can-" He has no idea how to say this. He focuses his thoughts on what he knows, falling back on training. I want this. I want you. I am an active participant in fulfilling my owner's desires. 
"I can, um. Whatever you, you want, if you won't say you saw me?" His voice shakes - he can't seem to stop it. He has to hope it sounds like the good kind of nervous and not the terror he really feels. 
Cass feels his stomach drop, something catching in his throat as fingers brush the back of his hand again. The tug and pull of I want this. The tilt of Kauri’s head is so tempting it looks rehearsed. I want you.
“That’s…” Kauri’s eyes are gorgeous — huge and blue and desperate — and Cass has to close his own just to think straight. “That’s not what…  I, um.”
I want this. I want you. Resolute and relentless against his thoughts. I want this. I want you. Over and over and over again. Frenzied and pleading and wanting and fucking terrified.  I want this. I want you. 
Cass curls his fingers around Kauri’s, running his thumb along the other boy’s palm. I want this. I want you. Something in him feels shaken up and loose at the hinges from feeling it. It feels wrong. Too familiar, too close to home, too close to… something. Please let me want this. Please want me too.
Cass closes his eyes again, shakes his head. Maybe it’s just the after effects of being knocked crooked. Cass did punch the guy in the face. And it’s been kind of a fucked up fifteen minutes. Maybe they both just need the distraction. The relief of something simple and easy. And if they're both actively participating in something dumb and fun and stupid, maybe it’ll be enough to make them both feel better. 
“Look, I’m not… I’m not gonna say anything,” he says, tugging Kauri’s hand closer, tracing a line up his arm. I want this. He smiles, let’s the pulse of it spur him on “We can just have fun, okay? I’m not gonna say anything”
Relief washes over Kauri, a wave of it that nearly knocks him over. He’s doing it right, his voice is right, all the training is working and letting him slide into an easier place in his head. His smile isn’t quite sincere and it doesn’t quite reach his eyes, but the relief in it is very real. 
Besides, the guy is cute, and Kauri would’ve gone home with him, too. 
The ones like you always do.
There’s an unease - he doesn’t always like that things like that are true, about him - and he chases it away by closing his eyes and focusing his thoughts. I want this, I want him - and that part definitely isn’t a lie - and I’ll be safe if I give him this. 
“Okay, um, th-thanks,” He says, voice just a little breathy, ducking his head with another shy smile.”I’m, um, I’m up for basically anything, basically always.” He gives a cheeky little grin and a laugh, like that’s a joke he tells to a lot of people and has memorized the timing on. “Just, I’m not trained for-... I don’t go in for pain. That’s it. Hey, so, um, you know my name… what’s yours? So I know what to scream later.”
He’d heard that in a movie once and always kind of wanted to say it.
Cass laughs, broken harmony against Kauri's own. The line is lame but it doesn’t really matter. Kauri makes it charming. He is ridiculously good at this.
"Cass. But usually people just stick with ‘oh, God'," he laughs, moving in closer, grin against grin. He leans in to brush his lip against Kauri's jaw, slow and teasing, hands staying steady on the guy's knee as Kauri hitches in a breath and shivers, turning his head to give Cass a better angle for it. "And I go for anything."
He wants this. They both do. The relief of something familiar and safe. Just a minute of stupid normal. I want this. Cass plants a kiss at the corner of Kauri's jaw. I want him. Cass lets his hand slide from knee to thigh. I'll be safe if I give him this. Cass pulls himself closer in, brings his fingers up to tangle in the dark curls at the nape of Kauri’s neck and… and… 
I'll be safe if I want this.
The wave of revulsion that runs through him is slow and sickly, like hot tar, like molasses. Familiar and foreign in the same mouthful. 
"Sorry. I, uh," he pulls back and he can feel the ghost of Christopher's hands on his hips, pulling his hair back, lips against his cheek – Don't hesitate, darling boy. Show me what you want.
“Hey… you okay?” Kauri murmurs the words, and it’s with real concern, shivering at the feeling of Cass’s fingers in his hair, slipping his own hands to touch lightly at his ribs on either side, a question and a test. 
Cass feels adrenaline gripping him but that's fine, that's good, because wanting and fear walk the same line anyway. I'm an active participant. Which doesn’t feel like the shape of a thought that’s his but is close enough to that it doesn’t matter. He wants this. It's safer to want it. Then you don't have to think. You don't have to feel. That's why places like this are fun, why nights like these are so good.
So like every other night like this, he pulls in close to prettiest guy in the bar, pushes down the resistance in himself, and kisses him fucking senseless.
Kauri’s head tilts back and up for it, twisting his fingers hard into Cass’s shirt to pull him in even closer, until his head bumps back into the wall behind him and he loses his balance, falling back to sitting on the ground with a soft, sweet little laugh, a breath of air before he lets Cass kiss him mindless again.
The safest he’s felt for weeks is times like this, a man’s hands on him, a man’s mouth on his, knowledge and certainty that someone wants him, that he has something to give other people, some way to earn their kindness and repay it. His hands slide up Cass’s neck to tangle in his hair, too, pulling him in as close as he can get on the ground in a dark alley, skin lighting up everywhere they touch. 
“H-hey, I can’t, ah-...” He breaks free, and flashes the shy little smile again. He feels so good now, safer, because he’ll be good and he knows Cass meant it when he said he wouldn’t tell, he looks like someone who won’t tell anyone, and Kauri has to trust him. “I don’t… I’m technically homeless. So if you think I’m taking you home, uh… welcome to my house, I guess,” He says, gesturing at the alley around them and then laughing a little to himself.
He’s gotten himself this far, but there’s still a hint of the artificial conditioning twining all his conscious thoughts. I want this is real and true but it’s also what he knows how to say, and I’m safer if I want it, I matter if someone wants me and I want to matter to someone runs under honest desire as he moves to slip his hand up under Cass’s shirt. 
“H-how do you, how do you want to… um… this?”
Cass practically vibrates at Kauri's touch and he leans in even closer. Every touch is a relief. His body has been begging for this, for touch, all week
"Well I'd say we could go back to mine but…" Cass thinks of white walls, screaming fluorescents. His tiny quarters with the single bed and the sliding door that Tucker swans in and out of as he pleases. "Mine's not really much of a house either. So I guess we'll just get creative at yours"
He catches Kauri's lips again and pulls himself in closer until he's all but straddling the guy's lap. Kauri moves his body against Cass's like he was custom made for it. He lets his hand come to a gentle rest on the column of the guy's throat, his thumb tracing the line from his chin to his collar and back up again.
This is all Cass has wanted all week. To wrap himself in someone else's wants and just disappear for a bit. And yeah, maybe it feels a little off tonight. A little sickly. Like eating overripe fruit. But it's also been a long time since he's been this close to sober and trying to hook up with someone so who the fuck knows.
"Gotta say, I love what you've done to the place," he adds, breaking the kiss with a grin as he glances around at their elegant surroundings. Kauri laughs, almost a breathless giggle, glad he’s found someone with a real sense of humor even if it’s to keep him from telling anyone who he’s seen. Cass brings his lips to Kauris throat and let's his voice buzz electric along his jugular "I usually swoon for just one dumpster but three? You're such a romantic."
Kauri tips his head back against the wall behind him, staring up into the flat, featureless sky. As soon as Cass says the word Romantic, though, he goes perfectly still. Every muscle tense, for just a second it’s closer to holding a frightened animal than a person.
“Uh, th-thanks,” He manages, shakily, pushing the nerves back down. Just another way to call him a slut, like everyone else does, but he’ll do what he wants and be safer that way. It doesn’t matter if he calls Kauri a whore or a slut or a Romantic, it all means the same thing - people like him. People who can’t stop themselves, who don’t know better, who are nothing and no one unless somebody is touching them.
Cass is nice, and his hands and his mouth feel so good, and it doesn’t matter what he calls Kauri. What matters is giving him what he wants. 
He makes himself relax, consciously, and slides his hands around behind Cass, shifting his hips up, letting training take over again until the nervousness could die back down. I matter if someone wants me, it doesn’t matter why or how, I’m safe if I want this. 
“If you want, I could, um, could g-go down on you,” Kauri breathes, rolling his hips up.  
Cass feels himself grinning at the same moment as he feels his stomach clench in a knot so tight he can hardly breathe. Wanting and fear walk the same line. The latter is easy enough to ignore.
"Fuck yes," he all but moans, swinging his leg around to sit against the wall beside Kauri. Cass fumbles for the button of his jeans. He wants this. Kauri does too. Cass can feel how much he wants this. Kauri wants to feel safe. He wants Kauri to feel safe. And he also wants his brain to shut off and stop screaming discomfort just because the water’s a little muddy.
It doesn't matter if he wants it because it's gonna feel so good once it's happening he won't even care. And then he'll make Kauri feel so good, Kauri won't care either. He won't care about being wanted. He won't care about being safe because Cass will make him feel fucking fantastic. 
And all of that would’ve been fine if Cass didn’t look up and catch Kauri’s eyes.  He feels the knot in his stomach twist. In less than a second any spark of libido he had had rots and dies. There’s no want in Kauri's eyes. No nervous excitement. It’s not eagerness that’s pulling their bodies in close.
Desperation and terror were just one hell of a cocktail. Especially when finished off with resignation.
Cass closes his eyes and let's his head fall against the wall with a dull thunk.
“No,” he whispers. “No, hold on, stop.”
He really wishes he'd had some ket. Or at least a bit of molly. Just something to blunt the edges of whatever the fuck is happening right now. Something is wrong with him.
"I can't do this," he murmurs, shaking his head. He doesn't open his eyes. "Something's wrong, I can't do this. You don't… you don’t..."
Kauri’s hands are still tangled in Cass’s shirt at first, and he slowly pulls them back, worried, leaning forwards to try and tilt his head and look closer at Cass’s face. No no no no. He’s done something wrong. He doesn’t know what, or how - it had seemed right, like it was all happening the way it was supposed to and soon enough he’d forget to be scared and just feel good things until it was done, and if it was good enough Cass wouldn’t tell anybody about him in case maybe he saw him again. 
That’s how it works. Kauri gives, and he gets safety in return. But this isn’t safe.
You don’t even know if you actually want it or if you just think that because they made you. It’s what he thinks the end of that sentence probably is, because it’s what Dustin said when Kauri tried, and it’s what Jake said, and it’s what everyone tells him over and over again. That he can’t even know what he wants, because Owen wanted him brainless and a slut.
“I’m sorry, is it… something I’ve done?”
Cass scoffs a laugh, knocking the back of his head into the brick wall to try and shake his thoughts back straight. What the fuck is he meant to say? Sorry bro, my telepathy killed the mood.
“No,” he says, scrubbing a hand over his face “No you didn’t do anything, you just… you’re just-”
You’re just too fucking close to my kind of broken.
There’s a harsh sort of panic bouncing off of Kauri in waves at the rejection. What the fuck is Cass meant to do though? He can’t pretend like everything’s fine because it’s not. He can’t tell him to piss off because then he’d really be an asshole. He can’t fuck him because it’d be… that’d be...
Cass’ stomach lurches. He slams his hands down against the concrete with a growl, kicks at an empty bottle by his leg. It scrapes harsh against the ground in a loud, grating circle and Cass flinches his foot back like it cut him.
“Jesus Christ, this is fucked,” he says, laughter twisting his voice and making it bitter. He looks over at the person who pulled him out of a bar fight ten minutes ago. This random person who he'd started a bar fight for fifteen minutes ago. This random fucking person he shouldn't give two shits about. Cass shakes his head, "You don't wanna be here, man. Just go home."
Kauri snorts, almost bitterly. “I can’t, remember? I don’t fucking have one. Although I guess I could go sit on the bus…” He sighs, watching Cass - and he’s not always good at reading people’s intentions, but he can read emotions fairly well and he can see that Cass looks nearly sick, either angry or upset, and he just takes in a deep breath, putting his hands up over his face and then down again.
“No, I get it. It’s because I’m a pet, right? It’s, you wanted to see what it’s like with a pet. You saw me with that guy and knew, and you thought you’d try, too, and you can’t… don’t want to, once I’m really here.”
Cass is shaking his head before Kauri even finishes speaking. Who calls themself a fucking pet?
"What the fuck? No. Jesus Christ, no," he screws his face up, rakes his hand through his hair.
Cass can feel something volcanic starting to bubble up inside of him.
He had done everything right tonight. He hadn't had too much to drink. He'd helped some random guy in trouble just because it was the right thing to do. He'd taken Kauri’s lead and then he'd read the warning signs and he'd stopped. He’d fucking stopped. How was he still the bad guy?
"No fucking way are you putting that bullshit on me," he spits. "You're the one who pulled me out here. I was just trying to help. You don't know what you want, then don't fuck with people's heads!"
“Fuck with people’s-” Kauri’s own voice edges with real anger. “I didn’t fuck with anybody’s head! I just, this guy hit on me and bought me a drink, and you showed up and said it was drugged! I didn’t do anything wrong, people talk about wanting to try out pets all the time, I-”
He catches himself, cutting off his own voice all at once like turning off a radio. No no no, if you make him mad he’ll tell someone or he’ll get really really mad or…
Kauri looks away, down at the alleyway pavement, scraping at it lightly with one shoe. “... I’m sorry, I shouldn’t get angry. You were really trying to help, and, and that was really nice of you, to do that. I was just trying to, to pay you back, I guess? Besides, you’re… really fucking cute, so…”
It's the exact same trick he'd tried on the guy inside, Cass realises. Make nice with the wolf and hope that it'll be kind when it eats you alive. It's too familiar and too close and aimed at him and Cass wants to retch. It's burnt sugar disgusting. The desperate need to stay safe, to keep everything calm. No matter the cost. No matter what you give away. 
"See, that is exactly what I fucking mean. Two seconds ago you were so mad at me you were basically screaming and now you're apologising and telling me I'm cute just so I'll..."
Cass breaks off, shakes his head, staring up at the hazy not-black of city sky at night. He shoves away the twin claws of rage and confusion as he meets Kauri’s eyes again, tries to keep his voice even and something close to calm.
"Look, I'm not- I'm not gonna say anything, alright? Whatever your deal is, I'm not gonna tell the cops or whatever" Cass tries for a smile "Trust me, I'd be just as fucked."
“Would you really?” Kauri blinks at him, no sign of that earlier flash of anger left, either in his posture or in his expression. He’d done what he’s best at, when it comes to being mad - just pushed it down until he didn’t feel it any longer, and he could see things from the other person’s point of view. Like understanding that Owen was mad because he’d tried to talk to someone when he wasn’t allowed, and that Dustin was mad because Kauri wanted more than he was willing to give, and the way everyone was mad that he wouldn’t sit still.
“And thanks. I won’t tell you what the reward for ‘information regarding my whereabouts’ is, though, if it’s all the same to you.” He tries for a small, slightly sidelong smile, more sincere than his last attempt had been. “Are you a runaway, too? Is there a reward out for you?”
Cass only barely stops himself from balking at the remark. Kauri says it so casually, like having a price on your head is just an everyday annoyance they might be able to bond over. Just all in a day. “Uh… no. No, there isn’t. I would just…” I would just have my contract re-assessed. Risk having my indenture reset. End up permanently locked in the lab. Or back in Christopher’s den.  “My, uh, employer wouldn’t be very impressed if you get what I’m saying”
He adjusts his grip on his arm subconsciously, thumb running over the scar that sits along his inner arm. He’s always sort of wondered if one of Tucker’s little chips is there, just sitting by his radial bone, too close to the artery to risk cutting out himself. Guess he’ll never know.
He snaps his attention back to Kauri. Matches the guy’s smile with his own.
“But a reward, huh? Fuck man.” he says. A lofty one at that, apparently. Kauri Grant. Maybe that’s why the name was familiar. He would’ve seen it on the TV or something. Jesus, he’d had to help the one fuckin’ guy with a more tragic backstory than him. He laughs a little, like this is just some sort of watercooler gossip. Mondays, huh? “What did you do, kill your keeper?”
"My, um, my owner. And… no, I-I couldn't-" Kauri's eyes widen with real horror at the thought. "No, I would never have… um, he was, wasn't always that bad… I probably, I just-... I mean I did fuck up, but I didn't hurt anybody." 
He looks away from Cass, a little uncomfortably, and says, "He, uh. Got mad when I fucked up. He broke a promise, and I… left. I guess you'd see it eventually, since there's no way I wasn't gonna take my shirt off for you."
He pulls down on the stretched-out neckline of his shirt, and even in the dim alley, a bit of a large, twisted scar shows over his collarbone. 
"He paid a lot of money for, for me. I wasn't supposed to be able to leave. I took out the thing he put in to control me."
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ashes-and-ashes · 4 years
1. nicknames?
Ash, Asha, Jackash (blame my friends)
2. Name?
3. Zodiac?
4. Favorite Musicians or group?
Haha right now it’s BTS but I love the Chainsmokers and U2.
5. Favorite sports teams?
Not a big sports person (bar swimmers) so maybe Michael Phelps?
6. Other blogs?
Nope! I have @siriusly-over-it but that’s more of a joke haha.
7. Do you get asks?
Yep! I really need to start writing those drabbles haha.
8. How many blogs do you follow?
9. Tumblr crushes?
@confunded-gryffindor @of-stars-and-moon @withrewings @holy-shit-its-wolfstar aka my fandom fam ❤️
10. Lucky numbers?
11. What are you wearing right now?
Slytherin hoodie and shorts!
12. Dream vacation?
I want to go to Tokyo, Seoul, Beijing, London and then back home to Aus and Singapore. 
13. Dream Car?
Can I say Tony Stark’s Audi in Endgame??
14. Favorite food?
Anything japaneseeee.
15. Drink of choice?
Bubble Tea!
16. Instruments?
I can sing!
17. Languages?
English (barely), a made up language with my sibs, pig latin and I’m learning Korean and Mandarin.
18. Celebrity crushes?
19. Random fact?
I’m terrified of stickers, and I am a really fast reader. I read all the Harry Potter books in one week!
20. Favorite eceosystem?
Ocean. I love the waves. 
21. Favorite cat species?
Bengal, or siamese? 
Thanks for the tag @e-of-west-glendia!! Tagging @confunded-gryffindor @withrewings @of-stars-and-moon @holy-shit-its-wolfstar @blitheringmcgonagall @xivz @therealrjlupin and anyone else??
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mbtiaesthetic · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
“There is so much beauty when your eyes lay lost in all the city lights.” {ENFP} | Sagittarius | Cityscape | Requested by: @they-call-me-jackash -Mod Ray
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Done with two jackashes! John do you want to go somewhere else or go home I will take you home if you want?
John: I wanna be with my friends...
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zombiedragonzzz · 7 years
I got tagged by @the-black-queen-march !! THANK you gosh i love you :’’)) Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 10 blogs you are contractually obligated to know
Nicknames: Natta, Nat, sometimes arq on the internet
Gender/Pronouns: Female, she/her
Star Sign: Leo
Height: 170 cm
Time: ‪15:17
Birthday: 11 August
Favorite Bands: The Pretty Reckless, Nirvana, fuckin uh metallica maybe
Favorite Solo Artist: Marina and the Diamonds
Song Stuck In Your Head?: this morning i couldn’t get nirvana’s Sliver out of my head....gotta love that grandma chorus
Last Movie You Watched?: Kidnapped, I think?? i am very bad at keeping track at movies
Last Show?: Bojack Horseman
Why Did You Create Your Blog?: a friend of mine had one and i was like woah let’s be partners in crime
What Do You Post/Reblog?: memes and some good ol fandom shit with the occasional dash of band things
Last Thing You Googled?: Crohn’s diease :( i had an assignment about different sicknesses and this tag meme was the first thing i did after that
Other Blogs: i have an art blog i tried updating regularly but like we all know i suck at commitment
Do You Get Asks?: there’s some sweetie out there that goes anon when they compliment me sometimes.... who are u, mysterious stranger... why are u hiding from my hugs
How Did You Get the Idea for Your URL?: i was in love with zevran arainai and i wanted to change my url and i was like .. Hey . Zev ... nice surname you got there.. so i switched places of two letters and changed one of them to a Q since i like being a special snowflake
I Follow: 371
Followers: 572 (98% of them are spambots)
Average Hours Of Sleep:  oh boy talk about having an irregular sleeping schedule.. 4-9 hours... let’s just say 6 
Lucky Number: 7 . even numbers can go to hell
Instruments: i play some guitar !!
What Are You Wearing?: oh man you catched me in my most boring outfit... black pants, grey tank top and a black zip up hoodie
Dream Job: don’t get me started
Dream Trip: MARS
Favorite Food: risotto bitch
Significant Other?: me, myself and i 
Last Book I Read: finished reading? the first witcher book. the latest book i read in? the second witcher book
Top 3 Fictional Universes: NBC Hannibal, Star Wars, fuckin uh marvel and dc because [jeff goldbum voice] comics r all the same
i tag: @pinkassassinswe, @eminenceofiyanola, @jxsticar, @they-call-me-jackash, @vetranyx, @burningmybeard and whoever else who wants to do this!!:) 
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I can't believe we fucking missed the opportunity to name the Jack/Ashi ship JackAsh
Ya know to piss people off lmao
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josephfrady · 4 years
#themanwhocouldcheatdeath #1966 DIR #terencefisher CAST #charleslloydpack #hazelcourt #drama #horror #scifi #movie DP #jackasher (à Paris, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_99mssohHr/?igshid=lxj9o6ky5nm8
0 notes
pinoko-k · 8 years
An anniversary and a reply
Project Wanderer is a year old. (Well a year and a week, but who’s counting?) Thank you for reading all along. Here’s to another year. (Yes, it’ll probably take another year to wrap up the story. And possibly even longer.)
Also, there’s a review from Mandor that I cannot reply to, but I really want to say something, so here it is.
The review:  
Well well. Not only does Nora now know who Patriot is, but judging by his reaction Alan Binet just did the math, too. Certainly if he thinks the only other option is throwing his son under the bus, he may be receptive to the idea of framing Ayo. The problem is making it stick. Ayo is so much of a jackash that it would be difficult for anyone to swallow that it was all an act and that he was secretly a Railroad partisan. If Shaun dug in his heels for doubts at it being Alan, it's hard to think he wouldn't have just as large doubts for Ayo. But if she can frame it in terms of a plot to supplant him ... not because he cared about synths but he wanted to create a pretext to undermine Shaun and eventually take power himself... THAT might stick. And who knows there may even be degrees of truth to it. But one must be very very careful spinning too complicated a web. Ayo is not the type to say "and I would have gotten away with it, too, if it wasn't for your meddling mother!" :) 
Thank you! This is exactly what I live for, and why I write for free. The speculations from readers, the exchange of ideas. I want you to feel the character’s emotions, and think what they will/should do. In short, I want you to participate.
What you stated in the review, all correct. Nora has to be very careful, she’s under both Ayo and Shaun’s watchful eyes through X6-88. Everyone wants something in the Institute. It’s a giant game, although some players are playing checkers, some are playing chess, and some... they are playing 3D chess.
That’s all I can say. Thank you again for your note! 
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elezersb · 8 years
Jackash swab.
And i found myself sitting on a table in the middle of that spicy-stinky tavern, gulping entire ale mugs, pretending that I would find my sanity inside one of'em. But the bittersweet fuddle that it's alcohol provides me makes that idea sound stupid. The raging sound of the waves shattering the crags right under the window made me confused for a little: I couldn't recognize if it was the waves or my loud mind, floating somewhere it doesn’t belong to. Maybe to the reason my eyes were aching so much by the morning of that windy day. Two pants off, a sheetless bed and an burning desire in a fight with a freezing anger. Arms that did hug, fists that did hurt, two mouths kissing, sometimes igniting heavy words, making invisible holes that would last an ship build to partially heal. An motorhead feeling the side effects of the sparkling deadly white lines. To block the seven seas coming from under my corneas, I drank another river of the goddamn mug in my hand. The liquid went on and on, cleaning the knots in the throat. An impulse came and I plagued the capacity of remembering, filling the place with the loud sound of my fist in the old wooden table, disliking how the barman looked at me. — Listan ya two ship scoundrels.- I said, with an finger pointed to the ceiling. The phrase got lost in my drunkenness, but with an effort I got it back- Mans are nothing but an ocean curse. They're just like him! Stuns your heart with a breathtaking view and desire to sail trough its core, and then you sink. A stinking wrecked ship made of rotten wood! — And what does the mug has to do with that? You better don't break it you jackash.- The owner screamed behind his journal. After hearing that I spat in the floor. An old man that was kinda sleeping next to me, in his elbows. He were always in the pub, laying or sitting down somewhere in the salon. After an rough laughter he began to say something that I couldn't understand. — What are you laughing at, fucking swab?- I asked him kindly. — At your suffering. You plague men like you're not one. — I can show you with my hand how "man" I am. But don't mind it if your jaw flies off. — You don't need to. I can see it clearly. Son, can I tell you something?- He asked, almost falling in the floor, grinning like a cheshire cat, confusing the words. — If this something don't comes with "can you give me money", go on granny.- I said, asking for another mug. — The thing is, do not trust in strong arms and easy talk, nor in the son of a woman. — I would do that if I didn't loved the thick and hard thing followed by a pair of sagging balls right on my face, between beefy thighs and the pure smell from the furs in them. — That's not what I meant. The sea can't hide a man when his eyes are tearing, neither the blame. You just shouldn't trust all those virtual men. They don't look like but surely are always the same. For a minute I almost punched his face so hard that my fingers would hurt. But I knew it was true. His words cut me like a knife in butter. And I couldn't stare aquamarine eyes hardened by the war. The man I met along the coasts and tides were being my only summer. What did I did with that? Turned into dust in the wind. I'm a coward, I confess. Taking an stronger drink, I sunk myself inside trying to scape from the mess I've made.
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Heh, feud or no feud, I still think the pairing should have been called "JackAsh". :D
Lmao I honestly think I’m the one who named Jashi lol. I listed a bunch of potential ship names in a post, including Jackash, Jashi, Ashjack, ect, and asked for people’s opinion immediately after the first episode came out. I just knew it was going to turn out to be a major ship and after being in a fandom last year with the most stupidass ship names ever….I couldn’t let that happen again lmao. I lowkey wish that JackAsh had won lol, it sounds like Jackass haha which would totally provide extra ammo to piss people off with lol oh well
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josephfrady · 4 years
#themanwhocouldcheatdeath #1966 DIR #terencefisher CAST #antondiffring #drama #horror #scifi #movie DP #jackasher (à Paris, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_9cWXQI8Wb/?igshid=umrh581nbix
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