#jackie me and this podcast
jackiemeandthispod · 4 months
Rights or No Rights #19
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Everyday, let is remind ourselves, this woman deserved better.
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riddlemedeez · 4 months
reblog with an indie podcast in the tags
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mutualfuturess · 10 months
THANK YOU GUYSSSS @jackiemeandthispod you guys always make me giggle PLEASE POST A NEW EPISODE 🙏
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semisweet-stars · 4 months
throam pod is back?? it is indeed a GOOD morning
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aquiloneblu-000 · 6 months
What happened to @jackiemeandthispod 😭😭 I'm about to pull a Sisky on them
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3584-tropical-fish · 2 months
Last day! Thank you for running this @podcastgirlsweek !! It was very fun :)
Free space!
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Just a doodle page of some of my faves that I spent far too much time on for a doodle page, but I like it
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thinking abt jackie and wilson by hozier as a verge (young leif series) song. thinking abt them meeting leif and thinking abt
INTRO VERSE: so tired trying to see from behind the red in my eyes / no better version of me I could pretend to be tonight
^verge living every day jumping and surviving to get to tomorrow, slowly ground down to feel tired of life, with the red in their eyes from the dryness of the desert they meet leif in.
soul deep in the swill w the most familiar of swine/for reasons wretched and divine
^verge being born into a life of crime for the most cruel of crimes and that rejection and hate from other ppl permeating their soul
^^“for reasons wretched” vapus being destroyed by the hubris of their plans “and divine” the incredible power that could have been achieved
she blows outta nowhere roman candle of the wild / laughing her way through my feeble disguise
^leif literally showing up on a broken ship like a firecracker in their life to spark something new / he sees through verge as a terrifying person and breaks their guard down so easily
no other version I would rather be tonight / and lord! she found me just in time
^feeling more and more relaxed with leif, beginning to feel happy in the moment they found leif when they did
cause with my mid youth crisis all said and done / I need to be youthfully felt, cause god I’ve never felt young.
^verge makes the choice to kiss leif in realizing they need to feel something they’d never been able to before
she’s gonna save me call me baby run her hands through my hair.
^leif being one of the only ppl verge could ever let close to run his hands in their hair (and not pull it).
she’ll know me crazy soothe me daily / better yet she wouldn’t care.
^leif being the one person who knows them so intimately, calms them in all their crises, and most importantly doesn’t care what kinds of sins other ppl put on their shoulders. he just loves them.
we’ll steal a lexus be detectives ride round picking up clues
^being on the nancy sinatra and living their fantasy life of being criminals with a purpose in their small family together
we’ll name our children jackie and wilson / raise em on rhythm and blues
^the ultimate fantasy of being able to settle down for verge. even if they don’t want kids it’s the yearning for a life they wish they could have. something about being Able to settle down that’s so appealing yet so far. / ^^another piece of that fantasy, that they’re gonna raise their kids on a steady rhythm, something calm and soulful and significantly Normal in their own way.
lord! it’d be great to find a place we could escape sometime / me and my isis growing black irises in the sunshine
^verge starting to consciously wonder about some kind of normalcy to their life. / "me and my isis" is usually referred to as the goddess of healing and love, so the healing and love of verge through leif and “black irises” could be funeral flowers and maybe them knowing the fantasy’s doomed from the start.
every version of me dead and buried in the yard outside / we’d sit back and watch the world go by / happy to lie back, watch it burn and rust / we tried the world good god it wasn’t for us
^for a moment this was their life. to say fuck the world that hurt them badly and let it burn as long as they had an escape with leif.
she’s gonna save me call me baby run her hands through my hair / she’ll know me crazy soothe me daily / better yet she wouldn’t care / we’ll steal her lexus be detectives / ride round picking up clues / we’ll name our children jackie and wilson / raise em on rhythm and blue
^repeated again like they're reliving their life with leif and then.
cut clean from the dream last night let my mind reset / looking up from a cigarette and she’s already left
^waking up the next day after their escape from minsky and lafftrax without leif (who left them voluntarily).
I start digging up the yard for what’s left of me in our little vignette / for whatever poor soul is coming next
^falling back into their old life knowing they can’t stay the same person they were with leif in order to survive.
she’s gonna save me call me baby run her hands through my hair / she’ll know me crazy soothe me daily / better yet she wouldn’t care / we’ll steal her lexus be detectives / ride round picking up clues / we’ll name our children jackie and wilson / raise em on rhythm and blues
^the lingering memories of a life they could have had but could never have actually had it.
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whatyourehungryfor · 2 months
the way i fully block out that baby sharing jeff's genetic material. that one scene where he said "hers and mine" i was like wow he really believes he's the father. foolish man. and then i remembered
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littlepartsofjoy · 2 months
Currently trying out "Jackie the Ripper" during a long car ride and John's voice, plus all the Sherlock references are KILLING ME.
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jack-daww · 1 year
Still trying to figure out how the narrator talks, so actually writing is hard
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jackiemeandthispod · 4 months
Not Dead!
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New pod is up and should be on all good platforms soon...
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resetoaster · 10 months
I have recently gotten back into podcasts an extreme amount, so now I am looking for podcast recommendations!
Podcasts that I have listened to are:
-the magnus archives
-red valley
-midnight burger
-wolf 359
-station 151
-archive 81
-I am in eskew
- stellar firma
-out of place
-the mistholme museum of mystery morbidity and mortality
-video Palace
-Desert skies
-The Amelia Project
-Sherlock and Co
-Jackie the ripper
-Mayfair Watches Society
For anyone interested in the podcast recommendations, here's a list of them (please let me know if i have missed any!):
Alba Salix + The End of Time and Other Bothers
Alice isn’t dead
Brimstone Valley Mall
Camp here and there
Dark Ages
 Death by Dying
Don’t Mind Cruxmont
Dos after you
 EOS 10
Find us alive
Ghost Wax
Girl in Space
Hello from the hallowoods
Inn between
 Janus Descending
Jar of rebuke
Kakos Industries
Leaving corvat
Life with althaar
Love and Luck
Modes of thought in Anterran literature
Monstrous agonies
Moonbase Theta, Out
Not quite dead
Old Gods of Appalachia
Our Fair City
redwood bureau
SCP: Find Us Alive
Second Star to the Left
Spiritbox radio
Syntax podcast
Tell No Tales
the antiquarium of sinister happenings
The antique shop
The Big Loop
The bunker
The dead letter office of somewhere, ohio
The deca tapes
 The Deep Vault
The department of variance of somewhere ohio
The far meridian
The Green Horizon
The Hotel
The hyacinth disaster
The pasithea powder
The penumbra
The Sheridan tapes
the slit verses
The strange case of starship iris
The Vesta Clinic
The white vault
The wrong station
Tides - Victoricity
Unwell, a midwestern gothic mystery
We are not meant to know
We Fix Space Junk
Welcome to nightvale
Where the stars fell
Witherburn After School News
Within the Wires
Wooden Overcoats
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puckarchives · 9 months
the pop-tart debacle: l. hughes
blurb: this entire idea is based off of clips from The Basement Yard Podcast, which I will be using (for all self-indulging purposes,) as markers in which these conversations are based off of. this one is based off of episode #388 (no warnings, just minor cussing and mentions of drunkness/alcohol consumption!)  / word count: 1.04k / pairing: luke hughes x fem!reader
To be entirely fair, the conversation had stemmed from a half-drunk thought and a craving for strawberry flavored Pop-Tarts. We had just gotten home from a night of babysitting the children of an old college friend, and Luke and I found ourselves sitting in our kitchen, drinking the last of the wine I had bought a few weeks ago. Two cups in, however, the craving for the sugar-filled pockets popped up, and, looking over at Luke, I tried to formulate the thoughts into a coherent sentence. 
“Luke, sweetheart, do we have any more of those Pop-Tarts that Jack left the other day? The strawberry ones?” I had asked, not really needed a lengthy response, but simply an assurance that he had heard me over his own space on the kitchen island. 
Looking over, however, the 6’2 defenseman giggled at me, obviously somehow inebriated as he tended to turn into a sappy, almost touchy-drunk on the occasion that we had a glass of wine, and I could tell by the flush of his cheeks that it was definitely what was occurring. 
“The strawberry ones? Jacky left them here? We need to throw them out— right now honey,” he said, standing up from his seated position, and walking over to the kitchen pantry. I watched as he passed me, sliding his hand over my lower back to ensure that he wouldn’t bump into me, and as he opened the cabinet doors. 
“Throw them out? Why would we do that?” I asked. “He left literally a whole box full the other day when you guys had that sleepover,” I told him. 
The Hughes Brother Sleepovers— a thing that had come to be early on in the boys’ careers, was pretty self-explanatory. Once a month, either Luke, Quinn, or Jack would host their brothers and friends at their house, and like children, build a fort in the living room and have— you guessed it— a sleepover. It was something that warms my heart every time I thought about it— about how much Luke truly loved and cared for his brothers, and how the other boys weren’t scared to show that type of affection; hell, even Quinn, as quiet as he was, would still hug Luke as tight as he could when he first saw him, and just as tight before he left. 
“Yeah, sweetheart, but the strawberry ones are literally the worst,” he said, turning around after rummaging in the pantry, and looking back at me with said box in his hand. Just like I had thought, the box of Pop-Tarts was held in his right hand, and his face had contorted into a look of disgust, making me laugh out loud. 
“What the hell do you have against strawberry Pop-Tarts? They’re the only meaningful flavor— and don’t you dare pull out that Frosted Confetti I KNOW you have hidden behind the rice box, Luke!” I playfully replied back, watching as his own face got a bit red at having been caught. 
“You know about those?” he asked, walking towards me, with my prize still in his hand. He handed over the box, and then walked back once again to the pantry— grabbing said box of not only Frosted Confetti Pop-Tarts, but also the Mixed Berry ones as well; a sight I could only laugh at— a 6’2 hulking mass of a man, who played professional hockey and was always overshadowing everyone else, with two boxes of children’s breakfast foods in his hands, and a slight flush on his cheeks and the tips of his ears. God, the gall of this man to pull out those two flavors, I thought. Literally the worst flavors!  
“Of course I do! As tall as you are, you are literally the most obvious person too, Lu. Also, I might have seen Quinn grab that same box once during one of your sleepovers. He told me to pretend I never saw anything, but I would NEVER forget that level of treason,” I joked. 
“Well, it might not have the Spider-Man webbing on them, but you know I’m gonna shove it down my throat” he said right back, and I could just tell that the red wine was getting to him. Not only was he a much more affectionate drunk, but he also got a lot more loose with his curse words— slipping out casual f-bombs and “shits” when he wasn’t caught up in being proper all the time. 
“That’s a very aggressive statement– you know what? Never mind,” I said, simply plucking out my own strawberry flavored pastry out of it’s sleeve. “You can believe anything you want, AS LONG as you don’t even come CLOSE to hating on my Brown Sugar Cinnamon ones, capiche?” I told him. Instead of answering me, however, he seemed to be rambling on to himself about the pastries he now held in his hands— wrappers long forgotten on the island behind him, and held a Mixed Berry Pop-Tart up to my face, cradling it in his hands as if it was something much more valuable than a literal toaster pastry.
“Three good sources of B Vitamins—” he started, still raving about the desert. 
“Oh my fucking Lord,” I reponded, only rolling my eyes as I continued to stuff my own strawberry strudel into my mouth, and watched him practically swoon over it.
“Fuck you, these are still better! It’s like I’m in an early 2000’s Taco Bell again!” he said; but that wasn’t really what astounded me; instead, it was the way he bit into the Pop-Tart that had my mouth gaping open. 
My boyfriend, the love of my life and man that I was hoping to marry one day, had turned the Pop-Tart on its side, and had taken consecutive bites around the edges of the patry’s crust. Instead of simply biting the Pop-Tart, he had instead opted to eat the entirety of the border, and then, when he must have noticed that I was looking at him, looked up and stuffed the rest of his mouth, sans the crust. 
“Luke.” I said, point-blank. “Luke Warren Hughes.”
“Yesh?” he said, his words muffled by the literal pastry he had just stuffed into his mouth. 
“What the hell did you just do?” I asked, only to get a laugh in return
[author's note: this has minimal editing because i hated rereading this and could not come to scrap it for the life of me lmao. like i'm sorry but what is this]
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sage-lights · 4 months
I think Amangela and Shourtney are really carrying Smosh right now. I know it probably only seems that way just because they're so heavily featured in videos as of recently, but the energy they bring to videos is unparalleled, especially when they're together. This isn't meant to throw shade on the rest of the cast members, because they're all very valuable to the cast, but it seems like everyone else is on the backburner. I feel like people outside of Amangela and Shourtney don't have that same pull in videos.
I don't know if that makes sense, or even qualifies as an unpopular opinion, lol. I'm just speaking my mind I guess
i totally see where you're coming from! personally, i don't think that amangela and shourtney are carrying more than the other members. i know loads of people (me included) love changela, for example, and their friendship dynamic becomes the highlight of a lot of videos they're in. and i know ianthony fans ride hardddd for the boys and love when they're in videos together.
amanda and angela are def in a majority of the videos now (almost every single one). it's possibly because they've become full time employees? it seems amanda has a permanent desk in the smoffice. though, i'm not complaining at all (i'm a certified amangela lover)
it's kinda like how shayne was always seen as "smosh at 99% power," which i never really agreed with. don't get me wrong, i love him in videos, but i never thought he did more/was funnier/more entertaining than the other cast members, particularly courtney, whom i've always loved.
but also, i stopped watching smosh around 2021, so i def missed all the content from saige + ify and a bulk of kimmy + jackie too. that was the time when views started to dip and i guess shayne was the main draw to smosh, like how you see amangela and shourtney now.
personally, i'll always watch any video that's got my core 6 in it (amanda, angela, shayne, courtney, chanse, and arasha). i will say, arasha is the one out of everyone that seems to be put on the backburner the most, but she's also busy with her side projects ("the spitball podcast," "how i met your masi," etc.)
(what smosh opinions are you defending like this?)
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teamnick · 11 months
Pierre in the Beyond The Grid podcast talking about his relationship with Esteban (and Yuki)
transcript under the cut
Tom Clarkson: Now, so much is made in the media about your relationship with your teammate, with Esteban. Have you rubbed along better as teammates than you were expecting?
Pierre: You know, I knew that it will not be easy…but at the same time I knew that we have grown up a lot. I was a little worried on how he’ll welcome me and how he’ll, let’s say, work with me…I was not too tense, I knew how would I approach it, and I know Esteban since a long time, so I sort of know how we work and we have different personalities, we are just two different type of people. But ultimately I think we’ve been working really well. You know, I think we understood the responsibility…my main concern was to work well with him, to make sure that we extract the maximum of the car, the maximum out of the team, that we’re both pushing in the same direction, and ultimately there’ll always gonna be a sort of healthy rivalry - one wanting to beat the other and this happens in every team. But what I cared the most is just make sure that, you know, this doesn’t impact the sort of evolution of the team and the evolution of the car, you need to...okay, its fine to have a rivalry, but we both need to walk towards the same direction, we all gotta be pushing the team forward and push the development and I must say its been exactly what we’ve been doing. I will not say we’re friends, we dont spend really much time together, but when we get to the track, this is work, and when we’re at work, we are mature and responsible and we are delivering. We have quite similar feedback, been pushing the team and requesting pretty much the same thing out of that car and how we’d like the team to develop, so I must say in terms of working relationship – it’s very formal, let’s say, between us, but thats, you know, thats all I can ask, because, yeah…at the end of the day I just want to be competitive.
TC: I’m thinking of MotoGP when Valentino Rossi and Jorge Lorenzo were at Yamaha, they literally had two different teams within the team, but its not like that at Alpine…
Pierre: No, no, honestly, it’s not like this…I mean, I know, I know Esteban won’t invite me for dinner, but I’m fine with that. You know, it’s very, let’s say, it’s very different to what I had with Yuki, you know, Yuki was very unique…and you know, in Austin I had a chat with Sir Jackie Stewart, and it was just very inspiring to hear his relationship with Francois Cevert. And as he was talking, it’s almost like I could relate to my relationship with Yuki, in the way that he came to F1, I was supporting and trying to help and it was a very genuine and healthy relationship. Now with Esteban you know we are both fighting for our career, we both wanna make it to the top, we both wanna be the leaders of the team, and you know, its fine, I accept that and I actually embrace the challenge, I embrace the competition, because at the end of the day Esteban is a very fast and very talented driver, and thats what you need also as a teammate, you need someone that’s gonna be pushing you, someone that’s gonna be pushing the team, you want someone that is competitive. And I really respect that it’s…I know how much he wants to beat me. At the same time he knows exactly how much I wanna beat him every single time, and it’s not something which is personal, because at the end of the day I care about all 19 drivers and as I say, I dont wanna beat Esteban, I wanna beat everyone. To beat everyone, I need Esteban to be pushing me and to be pushing the team to improve the car, and that’s exactly what we’ve been doing. So I think probably not as exciting for the media, they have all the sparks and stories and drama people would have expected, but it’s been…yeah it’s been great.
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As in Victoria at the Nobels puffy or Fergie in the 80s puffy?
the puffy skirt that i had in my mind was the old school glamour type, like what QEII and TQM wore here https://www.tumblr.com/houseofwindsor-blog/118608308378/king-george-vi-and-king-frederick-ix-arrive-at-a?source=share
oh and i wish someone made a law to make tiara and any other jewelries mandatory for any appropriate events, even for a funeral (if someone had a mourning tiara). and bring back the funeral veil!!! see jackie kennedy's veil and three queen's in mourning's veils https://www.tumblr.com/philibetexcerpts/708960375279861760?source=share
okay too much opinions, i'll shut up now.
Right, I get ya. That's Victoria at the Nobels puffy! I don't want to assume who you follow but you can find more of those big, glamorous ball gowns in mainland Europe. They've died out a bit in the UK but Maxima, Letizia, Victoria, Madeleine etc still bring out the big guns quite a bit:
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As for the second part, I would agree entirely. We did an episode of the podcast (here) where I was talking about how much I love Papal Court dress. Not this modern bollocks but when they're in head to toe black, black veil, a black mantilla is even better. I know it's very sad blah blah but the drama of the old mourning dress where they were literally shrouding themselves away is also so striking to me. And then the days when they would wear tiaras to the Royal Variety Performance! I fully understand why certain royal families have decided to scale back certain events. I don't necessarily think it's the wrong decision. But selfishly if it was up to me people would be bringing us theatre and drama with clothing.
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