#jackieshauna one shot
itsnunoclock · 3 months
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A Leap of Faith | Rated G | Jackie / Shauna, Nat / Shauna | Part 4 of Odds and Ends series | Word count: 2,006 Tags: One Shot, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, POV Shauna Shipman, Pre-Plane Crash (Yellowjackets), Soccer, Teen Timeline (Yellowjackets) --- Shauna Shipman knew two things with ironclad certainty: soccer made sense and love did not. In the euphoric aftermath of their victory, the Yellowjackets come together for a celebratory group photo. ---
Shauna Shipman knew two things with ironclad certainty: soccer made sense and love did not.
On the field, she understood her role with crystalline clarity. Center midfielder, the beating heart of the team’s 4-4-2 formation. Always in motion, Shauna lived to control the middle of the field, to stifle the opposition’s attacks and spring her own forwards free. It was a 90-minute high-wire act of balance and precision, but one she’d performed since forever.
The grass stains on her knees and the burning in her lungs after a hard sprint felt more real than any of the insipid love songs crooning from mall speakers or her car radio. Those sugary melodies sang of love as some aspirational prize, all dramatic professions and happily ever afters wrapped in a tidy bow.
But Shauna had seen what lay beneath the shiny plastic veneer of suburbia. The hairline fractures and rotting foundations behind every picket fence smile, the furious silences stretching between her parents louder than any shouted argument. Love was a con, she’d decided long ago. An unstable isotope, decaying from the moment it was formed.
On the soccer field, at least, the rules stayed blessedly constant. The comforting geometry of the penalty box, the reliable rhythm of a well-executed give-and-go. Shauna could chart her course on muscle memory alone, Jackie always exactly where she needed to be to receive the pass, Lottie reliably hugging the touchline, Van an unyielding sentinel in goal. There were no hidden traps waiting to trip her up, just the black and white certainty of the scoreboard when the final whistle blew.
Maybe that was why she kept coming back year after year, despite the burning in her thighs and the way her heart felt like it might pound out of her chest. Because for 90 minutes (and maybe a handful more if Tai got her way), Shauna’s world made sense. On the field she was pure kinetic energy, the simple Newtonian physics of a body in motion. Soccer stripped her life down to the bare essentials: get ball, keep ball, put ball in net. Lather, rinse, repeat.
No hidden agendas, no false promises. Just 21 other girls and 2 goals and 1 ball, the elegant simplicity of action and reaction. The scoreboard never lied.
But love? Love was a four-letter word Shauna had long ago excised from her vocabulary. Just like all those other rose-tinted myths crammed down her throat since before she could walk. Prince Charming and happily ever afters and forevers that lasted until someone better came along or the going got tough or dad’s secretary bent over in a short enough skirt.
No, Shauna didn’t put much stock in forevers those days. She’d stick to 90 minutes instead, to the bruises and turf burns and shouts of her own name, the blessedly finite sprint from kickoff to final whistle.
That was enough for her. It had to be.
Except . . . somewhere in the sweat and the struggle and the desperate gasps for air, there was another four-letter word Shauna couldn’t quite dislodge. One that pulsed in time with her racing heart as she tracked Jackie’s darting runs, that rose in her throat like a cheer when Nat nutmegged a hapless defender. It was tangled and treacherous as a vine climbing towards the sun, but just as determined to take root.
And maybe, Shauna thought as Lottie sent a cross arcing her way and Jackie screamed for the ball, it wasn’t that different from soccer after all. Maybe love didn’t make sense and it didn’t follow rules and it sure as hell didn’t come with any guarantees.
But still she found herself leaning into it all the same, caught in its inexorable pull as surely as a satellite orbiting a star. All she could do was hold on tight, surrender to gravity, and pray the ride wouldn’t burn her up on re-entry.
So she did the only thing that had ever made sense. Shauna trapped the ball on her chest, looked up, and launched it into space.
And then?
She ran.
The referee’s whistle pierced through the clamor of the crowd, its shrill note heralding the end of the match. Shauna glanced up at the scoreboard, the numbers emblazoned there taking a moment to register through the haze of exhaustion: Wiskayok 3, Red Bank 1. They’d done it. They’d won the county championship.
Before the reality could fully sink in, Jackie’s arms were around her, the force of the hug nearly lifting Shauna off her feet. “We did it, Shauna! We fucking did it!” Jackie’s voice was hoarse from shouting, her breath hot against Shauna’s ear.
Shauna laughed, a giddy, breathless sound, and returned the embrace just as fiercely. Around them, the rest of the team converged in a tangle of sweaty limbs and elated shouts, the exhaustion of the hard-fought game momentarily forgotten in the rush of triumph. They jumped up and down, a pulsing mass of blue and yellow, until the need for air forced them apart.
As the initial euphoria began to ebb, Jackie disentangled herself from the group, her eyes sparkling with an idea. “Someone grab a camera!”
The suggestion was met with enthusiastic agreement, and the team began to assemble in front of the net, jostling each other good-naturedly as they jockeyed for position. Tai playfully shoved Van, who, in a burst of her usual theatrics, flopped onto the grass in front of everyone, striking a pose on her side with the ball resting against her stomach. Shauna found herself front and center, Jackie’s arm slung comfortably around her shoulders, the weight of it both familiar and thrilling.
“Misty! Get in here!” Nat called out, pale hands waving enthusiastically at their equipment manager from her spot between Shauna and Akilah. Misty, her face flushed with a mixture of shyness and exertion, ducked her head but scurried over to join the lineup beside Akilah.
Coach Scott surveyed the group, a rare smile softening his usually stern features. “Alright, everyone squeeze in!” He waved them closer, his eyes assessing the composition. “Misty, turn a bit to your left, please.”
As the team shuffled and compressed, Shauna became acutely aware of Nat’s presence to her right, the small space between them crackling with the residual energy of the game. Lottie, sitting on one knee in the front row, muttered something about Nat’s Italian heritage that Shauna didn’t quite catch, but it made Nat grin and raise her hand in a pinch gesture. Nat’s eyes caught Shauna’s, a fleeting moment of shared amusement, and Shauna felt an answering smile tug at her lips, charmed by the shy dimple that appeared on Nat’s cheek.
Then Jackie was adjusting her pose, her fingers brushing lightly against the 6 emblazoned on Shauna’s jersey, and suddenly Shauna’s focus narrowed to that single point of contact. The casual intimacy of the touch, the way Jackie’s hand lingered just a beat longer than necessary, made Shauna’s heart stutter in her chest, a familiar yet always surprising reaction.
It was always like this with Jackie - a constant push and pull, an undercurrent of something Shauna couldn’t quite name. Or maybe she could, but putting a label on it meant acknowledging the enormity of what she felt, the depth of her longing.
It was easier to focus on soccer, on the simplicity of the game. Pass, shoot, score. Cause and effect. Neat lines and clear objectives.
Not like the messy tangle of emotions that surfaced every time Jackie hugged her just a little too tight or fixed her with that soft, secret smile that seemed reserved only for Shauna.
“Okay, on three! One, two . . . ”
Shauna turned back to the camera, trying to school her features into something resembling a normal smile. Jackie’s arm tightened around her, pulling her close. The heat of her body, the citrusy scent of her shampoo beneath the sweat and grass, was dizzying.
“Three!” The shutter clicked, capturing the moment for posterity. The team erupted into cheers again, a jubilant mass of blue and yellow, when Laura Lee’s voice cut through the noise, “Let’s take a moment to give thanks.”
A few good-natured groans met her suggestion, but the team obediently formed a loose circle, arms slung around each other’s shoulders. Shauna found herself between Jackie and Nat, the warmth of their bodies bracketing her own.
Laura Lee began to speak, her voice steady and clear. “Dear Lord, we thank you for the strength and unity you’ve given us today. May we always remember the bonds we share, both on and off the field. Amen.”
A chorus of “Amen” echoed around the circle, some more enthusiastic than others. As Shauna murmured the word, she felt Jackie’s hand find hers, their fingers intertwining with practiced ease. On her other side, another hand brushed against hers, tentative but unmistakable.
“Alright, ladies, line up! Time for the handshake.”
Soccer was simple. Straightforward. You gave everything you had for ninety minutes, left it all on the field. There was a strange sort of peace in that single-minded focus, in surrendering to the flow of the game. The field was a world unto itself, a place where the only things that mattered were the ball at your feet and the teammates by your side.
But as the last hand was shaken and the teams began to drift apart, reality started to creep back in. And in the stillness that followed, in the quiet of the locker room or the hush of the bus ride home, Shauna’s thoughts always circled back to Jackie.
Sweet, stubborn, magnetic Jackie. Her best friend, her captain, the axis around which Shauna’s world turned. The one constant in a life that often felt like shifting sands beneath her feet.
It terrified Shauna sometimes, the depth of her feelings. The way her heart seized at the mere brush of Jackie’s hand, the way her skin tingled at the sound of her laugh. It was too much, too big, too all-consuming. A force as powerful and unpredictable as a free kick bending around a wall of defenders.
But maybe that was okay.
Maybe love wasn’t meant to make sense. Maybe it was supposed to be messy and confusing and utterly terrifying. Maybe that’s what made it so exhilarating, so worth chasing despite the risk of fumbling.
After all, wasn’t that the beauty of soccer? The unpredictability of it, the way the game could pivot on a dime? One moment you’re on the defensive, scrambling to protect your goal. The next, you’re surging forward, the ball dancing at your feet, the world blurring around you as you race towards the opposite end of the field.
It hadn’t always been this way for Shauna. There was a time when soccer was just another obligation, another box to check off on the endless list of expectations. But somewhere along the way, something had shifted.
And now, as she stood on the precipice of something new and terrifying and exciting, she couldn’t help but draw parallels between the two.
Love, Shauna was starting to realize, was not so different from soccer. It was a series of unexpected twists and turns, of setbacks and breakthroughs. It was the thrill of the unknown, the exhilaration of taking a leap of faith, of putting your heart on the line for something - for someone - that could change everything.
It was worth the risk of getting hurt, worth the uncertainty that came with stepping into uncharted territory. Because the alternative - a life without Jackie, without this wild, heart-pounding, breath-stealing feeling - was unimaginable.
Love and soccer. One intangible and elusive, the other solid and grounded. But at their core, they were two sides of the same coin, each a reflection of the other. Both demanding everything you had, both offering the chance at something extraordinary. The twin forces that kept her running, kept her chasing after dreams both on and off the field.
She might never fully understand love the way she understood soccer. But damn if she wasn’t going to keep playing the game.
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violentlyscreaming · 2 months
A happy hello and hi to everyone who’s been reading my vampire Lottie fic. I sort of completed a side quest and got Shauna and Jackie together! Idk if anyone but me is invested in them as a side pairing but I didn’t this anyway
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Over-analyzing Shauna's teenage room
Set design has a ton of purpose on yj so let's go! A messy bedroom for a very messy girl!
So first and foremost, of course, the jackieshauna of it all.
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• The wallpaper: it's full of poppies, Jackie's favorite flowers. Jackie was the wallpaper of Shauna's entire life, surrounding her. Despite being a very obnoxious wallpaper, which might be to the taste of a child but not of most teenagers, Shauna hadn't redecorated. Shauna seemed to be allowed to do whatever she wanted with her space, so it's interesting that she kept this wallpaper. But also, poppies might have become Jackie's favorite flowers just because they were in Shauna's room. So who started the poppies thing? Where do Jackie and Shauna end and begin...
• Diverse posters taking up a lot of space: Shauna's trying to cover this wallpaper, aka to build her own identity, to express herself. And if Jackie didn't start the whole poppies thing, then it's just Shauna baring her soul to the world. It contrasts with the mostly neutral decorations in Shauna's future house: though many items have hidden meaning, it's all very symbolic and rather discrete.
• The pictures of Jackie / herself with Jackie: it's neat that the large majority of these pictures are on her mirror. These are what Shauna saw each morning: she saw not only herself, but also Jackie, and herself next to Jackie. (And I mean, the shots of Shauna's mirror only showed Jackie's reflection... The identity issues...)
Overall, Shauna seemed to enjoy/need visual reminders of who and what she loves. She put up several pictures of herself, too. A lot changed later on.
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• The conjoined marmots (?) facing away from each other: codependency, toxicity, jackieshauna
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• Dancers at the Barre by Degas: there's a similar poster in Jackie's bedroom, which I didn't manage to identify!
At first, it's a bit disturbing that Shauna's poster featured two dancers (despite how lonely she felt), while Jackie's only portrayed one (despite perceiving "herself and Shauna" as an inseperable item). It feels as though it should be the other way around. But these aren't something you'd put up as teenagers! They were bought as children, with/by their parents. So, to me, these don't inform us about Jackie and Shauna's relationship, but about the environment they grew up in, and the people they were encouraged to be.
Child Shauna could clearly express herself, her interests, her friendships. Her family couldn't buy an expensive frame, or/and considered that nothing about her had to be set in stone. Meanwhile, child Jackie was meant to be a lonely, pretty performer enclosed in glass. Everything in her room was in order, expensive and perfect. So false and lonely.
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• Which leads to Shauna's blurry, blink-and-you'll-miss-it "performance between two dancers" poster: no words, especially if you consider the posters above?? Both dancers are clearly wearing the same blue tutus, they're most probably female dancers, but it's unclear whether they're embracing, kissing, or just dancing together. Very blatant homoeroticism, but so easy to miss, only seen behind Jackie. I haven't managed to find the original art, please please please hit me up if you did!!
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• Which now brings me to the large amount of rainbow stuff: homosexuality.
However, displaying such obviously gay items (including the poster just above) isn't something a closeted teen would do. It reinforces my belief that Shauna truly thought she was straight. Still, these were meant to make us wonder about Shauna's sexuality: the scarf is hard to miss, even for a casual viewer. Maybe it was a misdirect, maybe it wasn't.
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• Le Frou-Frou by Lucien-Henri Weil: only quickly seen behind jackie (!!), it's the cover of french naughty humor magazine, considered to be one of the most seductive posters ever. Why put up a poster of a mysterious seductress? Because it's edgy? Because you want to be her? Because it attracted the eye For Some Mysterious Reason? A mix of it all?
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• The last jackieshauna straw: this bedroom looks almost exactly like the cabin's attic, which will become Shauna's new wilderness bedroom. By itself, it's interesting, the attic felt like home.
But also... Do you know who'll lose her virginity in the cabin's attic, on Shauna's bedroll? And do you see this shot? Insane.
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Then, Shauna sure was an angsty teen with a rather rich inner life she liked to display:
• Shauna draws (part 1), The Eyes: this drawing (which is most probably hers, our creative queen) really adds a lot to her pre-crash self!
It focuses on perception. Eyes turning into teeth is crazy, Shauna already linked looking/being looked with consumption, which can have many interpretations (her codependency with Jackie, her destructive relationship with Jeff, how she perceived relationships in general...). Of coure it foreshadows cannibalism, and perhaps how she'll be observed and analyzed by the world after the rescue, "a celebrity" who never asked for it. And the whole painting might also be foreshadowing future psychosis, misshapen people watching Shauna, even in her own bedroom.
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• Shauna draws (part 2), The Anatomical (?) drawing: It very much reminds me a vague drawing you'd find in anatomy books, representing a digestive system? There's the lower vena cava, the stomach on its right, maybe the gastro-omental artery underneath the stomach, and the spleen on its right (which shape ressembles more of a heart, though). It's very inaccurate, especially if she drew a heart, but that's not the point. Hunger and consumption and maybe love! The butcher and human anatomy!
(Or maybe it's not meant to represent much, but I'm having such a hard time believing that, considering how consistent/purposeful Shauna's entire bedroom seems.)
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• Religious items/imagery: a prayer for the Virgin Mary (if I speak...), a priest, an angel helping out the desperate, a temple, and the representation of some form of meditation. Finding comfort, peace or/and meaning through religion/spirituality already appealed to our future cult member. These make Shauna's back-and-forth relationship with spirituality even more interesting.
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• The pic of the Santa Monica pier + the "Azia, Live in London" poster : the poster isn't from anything, it's a prop poster. It's all about her ambition to leave, to travel abroad (and about Shauna being so fucking cool with her cool posters of cool, obscure bands).
Also, the poster includes religious imagery, a cross!
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• Reality Bites (1993) movie poster: a documentary following, among other storylines, the life of a disenchanted woman stuck in a shitty job despite graduating at the top of her class. She's also trapped... in a love triangle... do I need to elaborate....
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• "Between Us... The Bleds" poster: prop poster. Between them, there's blood. Skull, woman laughing. Okay Shauna :D Aside from the angsty vibe this prop gives Shauna, it's clearly the show kinda fucking with us. Between Shauna and the world, there's the taste and feeling of blood, which lingers for the rest of her life.
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• Many books, CDs, and band posters: overall, it's a mix of popular (like the huge Nirvana poster) and obscure references (prop posters serve as "obscure references"). It gives her this deep, angsty and mysterious vibe while still being "like any teenage girl".
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Finally, a few other interesting details:
• The bunny: Either Shauna liked rabbits, either it's just there, some decoration you get as a child and then simply stays there until you move out. Of course it foreshadows all the symbolism regarding rabbits. The possibility that Shauna might have liked rabbits before the crash wrecks my brain though.
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• Dazed and Confused (1993) movie poster: it's about the unforgottable last days at school, which the characters struggle to remember... Yeah, you could say that!
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• She's a soccer champion: for someone who claimed not to enjoy soccer, she sure displayed a lot of items related to it! Or maybe she wasn't lying, and I'm not sure which option is worse.
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=> TL;DR: just through set design, we can see that Shauna was a rather artistic soccer champion, allowed to express herself and having much to say. That she might have been in love with her codependent bestie, might have been struggling with interpersonal relationships, and was already prone to identity crises, sometimes turning to faith. Among other things. Everyone say thank you to the Yellowjackets set designers!
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jackietaylorsversion · 2 months
Ok so…ima need you to explain jackieshauna to me. Because I’ve stanned so many f/f ships, but I just don’t….see it. I see people refer to them as homoerotic yet….they barely even show physical affection. Hell, they barely show affection towards the other. So what are y’all seeing that I’m not?
I mean yeah I can explain what I see for sure! But also; ships are just ships, and they’re just for fun. You can not see it if you don’t want to, and that’s totally your prerogative! Honestly, I’m cool with people seeing it or people not seeing it or whatever. It’s all pretty chill to me.
But, to me, there’s definitely something there. Gosh, it’s almost hard for me to put it into words. It helps that the showrunners have stated that they loved each other, with Bart explicitly saying in an interview that they were in love.
However, i guess I should get into why I like it. For one, they’re childhood best friends, but there’s also something so much history between the two that we don’t even get to see in the show. But what we do see in the show is two people who know each other so, so well but not at all, not really. They got used to the idea of knowing each other and appear to have forgotten taking the time to actually do that.
The way that Jackie and Shauna look at each other is another reason I like them. From the pilot episode, to me, it looks like there’s something in their eyes when they see each other. The way they look at each other in line at the pep rally, the way Shauna stares at Jackie and Jeff. Now, an argument can be made that Shauna’s jealous because of Jeff, but there’s not enough evidence to back that in the show. The main (and likely only) reason that Shauna sleeps with Jeff is because he’s Jackie’s. Because she wants what Jackie has, because she wants to be Jackie. In my opinion, she does it because she’s chasing the taste of something she thinks she can never have. Then, of course, you have Jackie looking back at Shauna, Shauna looking back at Jackie, the hug, the “love you,” the fact that it isn’t returned.
And all of that’s just the pilot.
There’s so much love and jealousy between these two characters. And there’s a lot of physical touch and intimacy if you know where to look for it. Sharing the necklace, the numerous times that they hug, the lingering shots of hands gripping shirts, arms squeezing tight. I love the jealousy aspects, how Jackie reacts to Shauna spending more time with Tai, the way Shauna looks at Jackie when she chooses to hang out with Mari at the lake. Jackie is trying to make Shauna jealous; it’s working.
Jackie never moves on from Shauna’s betrayal; it’s a contributing factor in her death. And, like. She would have forgiven Shauna if she’d just apologized; the dream in the season one finale kind of confirms that. She’s more upset about the way that Shauna thinks about her than the cheating. And it seems less upsetting to her that Jeff cheated on her with Shauna than the fact that Shauna cheated on her with Jeff. It’s the secrets. “You lost your virginity without me.”
Shauna never moved on from Jackie. Period. Full stop. The trajectory of her entire life changes. She fits herself uncomfortably into the life that she thinks Jackie would have occupied, despite the fact that Jackie never planned on being with Jeff full time, always planned to go to college, likely hoped to make something of herself. Shauna fits herself into the mold that she thinks Jackie would have settled for in her worst timeline because Shauna thinks she deserves it. She sees Jackie’s ghost, both in ‘96 and ‘21, though some of the hauntings are almost a perversion of who we actually see Jackie to be in the show. She talks to her corpse, keeps it for two entire months between season one and season two before the rest of the girls do something about it.
“I can’t tell where you end and I begin.” “She wants us to.” “It’s what she would have wanted, if not for us, then for you.” They cared about each other. They really did love each other. And they were kind of obsessed with each other, so much so that it sort of ruined both of their lives.
So I don’t know. I mean, it’s just the way I feel about them, what I see when I watch the show. I think there’s plenty of evidence that they’re affectionate towards each other. They do more than just revolve around each other; they’re like organs in the same organ system, connected and needing each other to survive. And they feed off of each other. Oh, teenage girls cannibalize each other metaphorically all the time, and Jackie and Shauna were doing it for years before they ever ate Jackie’s body. This is all just my own personal opinions and my own reading of the show. But I think there’s more than enough evidence there.
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ultrone · 1 year
i only write for young shauna. she's +18 in all smut content.
click here to see yellowjackets masterlist.
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⋆ ꉂ one-shots — wc 1.5k+
talk me down : pre-crash — shauna comes over to jeff's place to hook up, completely unaware that his younger sister, you, are home too. she gets mad at him for saying he was home alone, since you obviously realized that they're having an affair. shauna begs you not to tell jackie about it, and you agree, but only under one condition.
sleepover with pervy bsf shauna : pre-crash — pretty self-explanatory lmaooo :)
coach's sister : modern au — shauna and coach ben’s little sister falling in love.
seven minutes in heaven — you join a 'spin the bottle' game at a party and get paired up with shauna.
look after you (jackieshauna) — you hurt urself while skating and ur gfs take care of you. part two
we never change — you piss shauna off during a hockey match after not seeing each other for three years.
⋆ ꉂ drabbles — 1k to 2k
only in dreams
⋆ ꉂ blurbs — less than 1k
shauna reacting to u calling her pretty : pre-crash
“i think i’m pregnant,” tlou scene with shauna : tlou2 au
riding shauna’s face
shauna with spidergirl!gf : superhero au — 02
⋆ ꉂ headcanons — bulletpoints
dating shauna shipman : pre-crash
her reaction when jealous, simping, and angry
older sister shauna : pre-crash or modern au
shauna taking care of reader when sick
reader being the wilderness dad that stepped up
⋆ ꉂ tags
shauna shipman thoughts — contains every ask i’ve answered that is related to her.
jackieshauna — contains everything i've posted related to jackieshauna, including asks.
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deerlottie · 2 months
t4t jackieshauna one of the most beautiful things methinks 😌
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transmasc!shauna and transfem!jackie Let's talk about it....jackie teaching shauna how to shave properly and shauna teaching jackie how to do her hair n make up :((( calling her the prettiest girl in the world after jackie's first attempt at doing it herself. doing their shots with each other :3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! arms looped around each other as they stab their thigh 😭😭 UGHHHHH the IT couple in school for sure...
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danisbrainrot · 3 months
blurbs ✿
one shots ✷
headcanons ✧
psa: sorry, they might all be classified as blurbs, but I'm counting the ones with actual plots and a bit more writing as one shots.
angst ☯
fluff ♡
smut ❥
the hunger games:
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lucy gray baird:
- sweet nothing ✿♡
- wait, you're gay? ✿♡
- simple moments with lucy gray ✿♡
- feral, unhinged reader x lucy gray headcanons ✧♡
- kissing off her lip balm ✿♡
- she gets jealous ✿♡
- cold nights snuggled together ✿♡
- guitar lessons that always end in kisses ✿♡
- she performs a song for you ✿♡
- running her hands through readers hair ✿♡
- snakes ✿♡
katniss everdeen:
- katniss and the reader remember their first kiss very differently. ✷♡
- clingy reader ✿♡
- katniss catches the reader drawing her ✿♡
- massaging her ✿♡
- headcanons about pining after her✧☯
tigris snow:
- tigris thinks the reader broke her and her boyfriend up ✷☯
- supermodel ✷☯
- reader helping her learn to read and write ✷♡☯
- reader meeting her family for the first time ✷♡
- you're sick and she comforts you ✿♡
- domestic fluff ✿♡
- tigris creates a dress for the reader ✿♡
johanna mason:
- johanna's favourite birthday gift ✿♡
- wedding ramble about her ♡
- headcanons about dating her ✧♡☯
- headcanons about her with kids ✧♡☯
- reader accidentally smacks johanna's ass ✿♡
- comforting her in the quarter quell ✿☯
- she babysits your kid ✷♡
- reader and johanna reuniting after the rebellion and remembering their first kiss ✷☯
- comforting her in the middle of the night ✿☯♡
- she's a mess in the kitchen ✿♡
- reader and barb azure hang out while the covey's at the lake ✿♡
- reader convinces lysistrata to take a break from studying ✿ ♡
- visiting clemensia in hospital
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- hunger games au ✧
- your birthday (b-day celebration post!) ✿ ♡
- superpowers!! ✧
- the girls as taylor swift albums ✧
lottie matthews:
- new years kiss ✿♡
- lottie comforting a sick reader ✿ ♡
- lottie modelling outfits for reader ✿ ♡
- lottie showing off her red set ✿❥
- nursing her back to health ✿☯
- roommates in the psych ward ✿☯
shauna shipman:
- bundled up together ✿☯
- corny pick up lines ✿♡
jackie taylor:
- trying to bring her in from the snow ✷☯
- jackie comforts you at your party ✿❥☯
misty quigley:
- adult! misty coming home from work ✿♡☯
- stalkerish! misty ✷☯♡
natalie scatorccio:
- tell your boyfriend ✷☯♡
- filming a sex scene actress natalie ✿♡
- getting matching tattoos ✿♡
- sleepover confessions ✿☯
- hcs after the crash ✧♡☯
- haircut ✿♡☯
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wickedheadache · 8 months
I wanna write something :( If anybody has a prompt for like a one-shot that you'll like me to write for you, please send me an ask!
some shows/movies I'm open to writing fic about: once upon a time, star trek voyager, the bold type, the devil wears prada, yellowjackets (especially jackieshauna)
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mx-piggy · 5 months
1.8k words into my Yellowjackets JackieShauna one-shot! i'm hoping to get it finished by the end of the month, if not much sooner. i don't think i'm too far away from the end (i'm at least halfway through now, and i've finally gotten into the nsfw bit i was very nervous to write, since i've not really written smut before). no idea if this fic might go 'too far' for some people, but i'm hoping the fans of the lesbian cannibal show won't be too put off by one tag in particular.
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staghunters · 9 months
11, 12, 22 for the writer/artist ask game!
11. Sum up one or more of your wips!
Okay so, that Callie seeing Jackie's ghost fic? It's getting a continuation ahjdsfm. I'm gonna be watching The Sixth Sense again for the vibes but that's all I'll say about it!
In the art department there is a piece for day 2 of @jackieshauna-weekend that will incorporate fairytale elements. I wanna get that sketched out soon and hopefully share it here.
12. Which story took the most research?
These are both still wips, but The Miseducation of Jackie Taylor and the original thing are shaping up to be good competitors. The first because it is a tricky domain that I'm getting into and I wanna handle it as best as I can. The original work leans a lot on some historical info and lore from Greek myth.
From what I have posted, I think my Mary-Jo Elliot (from NOPE) batch had me checking a lot of medical things.
22. What are all the “kinds” of writing/art you do? (short stories, poetry, screenplays, digital, painting, clay, etc.)
Listen, I am indecisive and the I abuse the renaissance trait in the sims a lot ajsdfh. I do both digital and traditional art, though the latter not as much recently. Writing has been a lot of fic which ranges between one-shots and multi-chapter works. I tried out comics but don't have the hang of it, though that might change with some more practice. I'm taking my first step into "game design" with an interactive story format to write that The Quarry AU fic in (which has been a lot of fun!) I also like to do some video editing from time to time, but I don't have the patience for it mostly :')
Thank you so much for asking!
Writer/Artist asks
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fawnslillies · 2 months
damn ... almost finals >.<
rlly wanna be more active on here but damn the sheer amount of uni work I need to do is seriously kicking my ass. I'm so sad I don't have time to think about my lesbians anymore ... I've also lowkey abandoned them for stardew valley I've gotten to about 24 hours in just under two weeks... cozy silly game is lifting me out of my depressive episode though so that is cool. I'm here periodically probably to whine about JackieShauna and how beautiful Ella Purnell is (Fallout press has me foaming at the mouth) kk that is all. I will definitely try and get a one shot out at some point.
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badgetfowles · 8 months
Oh man you're amazing!!!! That chapter was such a beautiful way to end this amazing story :)) what do you have planned next? I'm dedicated to following anything you do next!!
aw thanks bud!! I rlly appreciate that, that's a high praise. i have a couple of one shots i'm hoping to finish for jackieshauna weekend (will it be past due? yes but that's okay!) and then i've played around with an AU canon-divergent where jackie becomes the antler queen. but that'll not be for a while.
def want to write more though! I've learned so much while writing this fic, it's helped my writing a lot
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ultrone · 1 year
she's +18 on all smut content.
click here to see yellowjackets masterlist.
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⋆ ꉂ one-shots — 1.5k+ wc
comforting jackie taylor : post-crash — you comfort jackie after her fight with shauna.
don't panic : post-crash — you confess your feelings to jackie right before the plane crashed, only to find out you didn’t die. you were so embarrassed that you opted for avoiding her, until she confronted you abt it.
this night has opened my eyes : post-crash — younger sister reader reacting to jackie's death and to what comes after (snackie).
never tear us apart : au — adaptation of cal and derek’s story from euphoria. part two
look after you (jackieshauna) — you hurt urself while skating and ur gfs take care of you. part two
⋆ ꉂ drabbles — 1k to 1.5k wc
older sister jackie taylor : post-crash
fucking needy step-sister!jackie late at night
⋆ ꉂ blurbs — less than 1k
fingering jackie in the bathroom before practice
riding jackie in shauna’s car
⋆ ꉂ headcanons — bulletpoints
older sister jackie taylor : pre-crash
dating jackie taylor : pre-crash
her reaction to being jealous, simping and angry
jackie with jealous reader
swiftie jackie with tomboy gf who doesn’t listen to taylor : modern au
jackielot dating deaf!reader
⋆ ꉂ tags
jackie taylor thoughts — contains every ask i’ve answered that is related to her.
jackieshauna — contains everything i've posted related to jackieshauna, including asks.
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deerlottie · 1 month
I love t4t jackieshauna so bad … transitioning alongside someone else is like a soul tie i swear! They’d be so not normal and insane and possessive over each they’re a perfect pair!! Shauna would see Jackie he’d start drooling gripping the chair foaming at the mouth veins popping for real etc and vice versa if Jackie sees a centimeter of Shauna’s hairy tummy peek out of his shirt or if she sees his muscley arms she starts seeing black spots in her vision it’s that serious. They are so perfect i can’t cope Jackie would get them cheesy couples matching shirts or matching jumpsuits with bedazzled writing on the butts one say “cutest” the other one says “couple” it’s so silly and nat never let’s Shauna hear the end of it and he gets a little embarrassed but he doesn’t really gaf because Jackie could tell him to swan dive into the needle trap from saw 2 and he’d do it without a second thought
firm believer of shauna being on shots but just thought of him being on the Tgel and the only times he doesn’t put it on is when he knows him and jackie are gonna get freaky 😭😭 its the only thing she hates about it because she cant touch him for a certain number of hours after he puts it on :/
shauna purposefully wearing tight fitting shirts or crop tops to show off his happy trail @___@ jackie would drop to her knees in an instant and blow him fr...pulling and teasing his hairs to hear him whineeeee
they both get hard for each other at completely normal things and not normal things. for example, shauna getting hard at jackie at the way jackie laughs :( but then theres jackie who pops the hardest boner when shauna describes in great detail how he would kiII the person who was trying to flirt with her. and jackie just egging him on like "oh yeah? how many times would u stab them 😍"
i leave u with a ph link that reminds me of them
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aspasius · 1 year
it’s been many years since i last engaged & interacted with tumblr – especially fandom-wise – but here i am again for another ride!  this is a side blog created a while ago but revived to share & extend longer thoughts on my favorite fucked up cannibals, the yellowjackets, which i will tag my own rambling whenever inspo dawns on me. i am mostly a reader and a commenter & have only once written fanfic ever and it was about my favorite codependent duo, jackieshauna, which is a one shot post season 1 but pre season 2. you can find it on ao3 under the same user (the tweet that originated this one shot is this one here) hope you like what you see
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