#jacko the monkey
tuungaq · 1 year
i think more terror modern AU fics should feature jacko alongside neptune, fagin and tuunbaq. as a treat. let irving babysit the monkey pls. let her screech in the background as franklin mediates yet another fight between crozier and fitzjames.
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theboarsbride · 6 months
idk what's the matter with me but... imma start plotting and developing the Bear Wife and totally-not-sir-john-franklin and the totally-not-The-Terror WIP 'SHE WEARS THE FACE OF A POLAR BEAR 'because....the brainrot...it's slowly returning....mmmmmm old man........gonna make this an 'arctic gothic' WIP................
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calciumdeficientt · 10 months
watching the terror with my parents. they are convinced jacko is bisexual. i don’t know why. i don’t know how. the monkey is bi.
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stoportotouch · 1 year
thinking about fairholme wearing fitzjames' coat because he couldn't find his own when the daguerrotypes were taken.
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fruitmilkshake · 3 months
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Situations/Headcanons that I scriped in my Supernatural Rd;
My native lenguage isn't English, so i'm sorry if i make a mistake at writing this.
Team free will 2.0 f.t Claire.
-Dean likes to play on the arcade machine games outside the convenience stores.
-Jack likes to chew ice.
-Castiel Dissociates himself with no warning sometimes.
-Sam was those kind of kids that were terrified by watching Courage the Cowardly Dog.
-Dean likes to call Edith (my oc) "Onion eyes", cuz she's always crying.
-Sam has nickname for Jack: "Jacko".
-Castiel likes to try and make pizza with Jack in special occasions.
-Edith's nose is always runny.
-Dean watches weird movies with Edith, like Coraline.
-Castiel smells like wet plants.
-Dean was scared of Toads as a kid.
-Sam likes to listen horror podcasts while he researchs for hunts.
-Edith cried watching; lion king.
-Claire's favorite band is; Kittie.
-Jack has allergies at Pollen.
-Sam smells like dust from old books.
-Edith can't taste the taste of tomates.
-Jack and Edith loves to go and pet stray cats.
-Sam has a box under his bed filled with fidget toys.
-Dean always laughs while watching the movie; Mean girls.
-Edith tried to get a Raccon and a Opossum inside the bunker once.
-Claire likes to sing on the shower.
-Jack's favorite animals are; turtles and monkeys.
-Dean smells like dry leaves and gasoline from baby.
-Claire likes to chew on mint Bubblegum.
-Edith has sensitive skin, so she's always covered in bruises by bumping against hard things.
-as much as he complains about it, Dean is Getting used to the music that Sam and Edith listen to(He'll always be a Metal/rock dude tho).
-Dean has problems remembering things (ADHD)
-Edith draws a lot of monsters on her sketchbook.
-Castiel likes popcorn.
-Dean argue with a waitress once because they mistook Edith for a boy.
-Claire hates the smell of fresh paint.
That's all! I have a lot of headcanons and situations that I want to write here, but i don't have the time or self explinatory to do it.
I Hope you enjoy reading this and this helps you in your supernatural Dr or other Drs.
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petoskeystones · 5 months
“The air is still 41°, but to-day it felt delightfully cold,” Fitzjames wrote in his journal. “The monkey has, however, just put on a blanket, frock, and trowsers, which the sailors have made him (or rather her), so I suppose it is getting cold.”
i need to know IMMEDIATELY who on the erebus was sewing little monkey outfits for jacko. who was shirking their duties to wrestle a new world monkey into a matching set
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myemuisemo · 5 months
Parts 6-8 of Letters from Watson's handling of The Sign of the Four hit at a time when I was swamped with work, so circumstances have made a fool of my assumption about that tiny footprint before I had a chance to thoroughly embarrass myself in public.
My first thought for the footprint was "monkey" -- I apparently really, really want a monkey, and there are certain macaques whose faces would be absolutely terrifying if seen pressed against a dark window. The problem is, the footprints of monkeys, apes, gorillas, and other such don't look like human footprints. They're all much more like hands. Gorillas come closest to having a human-like foot, but there's still a big thumb-like finger. And, of course, gorillas are too big anyway.
My venture into simian podiatry at least explains why Dr. Watson doesn't think "monkey." Victorians would have been better informed on this topic than I am, as monkeys were a common household pet in England. Little Jacko was, unsurprisingly, usually clever but mischievous. The blog from which I got monkey-lore also gets into monkey-fighting, which is even more appalling than how monkeys were treated as pets.
In part 8, we discover that the footprint does not, after all, belong to a monkey, ape, or other animal. Oh no, Doyle has in mind a situation much worse, and he's even foreshadowed it with two Indian servants. The colonial occupiers of India absolutely brought home people for their convenience.
The mysterious Jonathan Small brought home an indigenous Andaman Islander, who would be totally justified in wanting to kill anyone associated with the British Army. About 30-40 years before the time of the story, British settlement on the island had brought diseases that nearly wiped out the indigenous peoples. Efforts to help them existed -- one such would have been in the news in 1888 -- but it's still entirely a shameful episode.
(If you recall the 2018 story of the missionary who was determined to land on an island of indigenous peoples who were known for not allowing visitors... these were Andamanese, specifically Sentinelese. He was killed by the locals.)
Now, then, listen to this. ‘They are naturally hideous, having large, misshapen heads, small, fierce eyes, and distorted features. Their feet and hands, however, are remarkably small. So intractable and fierce are they that all the efforts of the British official have failed to win them over in any degree. They have always been a terror to shipwrecked crews, braining the survivors with their stone-headed clubs, or shooting them with their poisoned arrows. These massacres are invariably concluded by a cannibal feast.’
There's still a lot of "exotification of the savage" here -- the images of today's Andaman Islanders just look like people, very dark-skinned, with textured hair. Cannibalism felt like one of those charges levied against any group one doesn't like, and sure enough! Every source I can find today says the people of the Andaman Islands never practiced cannibalism. History Today also says "no poisoned darts," but the article's partly paywalled.
The Andaman Islander has kind of harshed my buzz vis-a-vis fun elements like the many ways Holmes demonstrates he's a man of class flexibility, the "never tired when working" line (he has got to be neurospicy), the omnipresence of creosote (used as a wood preservative, toxic af to the workers and anyone who recklessly burned all creosote-treated wood), and the humor of the newspaper report fronting for more localized police stations, along with the running joke of Athelney Jones arresting everyone indiscriminately.
At least there was a badger (at the house where Toby was obtained).
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clandestinegardenias · 3 months
KATIEE!!! Please tell me about your thoughts on the cold boy talents im so intrigued
jfdskla;fj YEAH so!
Irving definitely does a reading of scripture but picks something that's WEIRDLY inappropriate, something that talks about sodomy or something, and the way he reads it is. strange and intense.
I don't think kazoos existed but if they had Hickey would play the kazoo. As it is I think he plays the harmonica and is actually surprisingly very good at it.
Stanley dissects the corpse of Jacko the monkey live on stage and explains every step in excruciating detail
Goodsir does a lecture, complete with original drawings, on the ecology and biology of Arctic sea creatures, with a focus on mollusks
Dundy juggles.
Jopson does a demonstration on how to brew and serve the perfect cup of tea, it's tea ceremony levels of precision
Little does string games with Hodgson, they can play cat's cradle REALLY fast as it turns out
Irving and Peglar do a dramatic reading together, from memory
I welcome agreement, disagreement, alternative and additional ideas for the cold boy talent show!!
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pomodoriyum · 5 months
i do think its kinda cute that when des voeux saw something was happening to jacko he like. sprinted to goodsir all like 😱 “dude your monkey is being so scary right now please help you are. the doctor onboard todayyyyy aughhh waaaah (wailing noises)😱”
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jesslovesboats · 2 months
(For the curious, Lady Jane Franklin gave Sir John the gift of a pet monkey named Jacko, who went on Erebus with him. We can only assume that Jacko did not fare any better than the rest of the expedition)
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tuungaq · 1 year
your weekly reminder that jacko franklin deserved better than murder in an unethical experiment :/
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gothicastles · 1 month
this section in fairholme's letter about jacko (july 1st 1845) made me laugh out loud lmao
The monkey continues to be the annoyance & Pest of the whole ship, & yet not a person in her would hurt him for the whole world. He is a dreadful thief but such a very amusing one that his robberies bring very little sympathy for the unfortunate losers!
my girl said‼️ it's being a menace hours‼️
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hello-nichya-here · 10 months
How much of the lies/rumors about MJ are due to the general public's insistence that he must be gay, and then their own homophobia about that idea?
Oh, a whole lot - and don't forget the sexism and racism, as they are a core part of it too (reminder to everyone that the "Wacko Jacko" nickname The Sun gave to him was comparing him to a monkey toy, something Michael was obviously mad about).
Long before the drastic changes to his looks, or the wild rumors, Michael was already seen as weird because he did not fit the stereotype of men in general (and black men in particular).
He was kind, nurturing, good with kids, emotional, shy, naive, and his biggest dream was being a parent - these are still largely seen as "female" traits today. Michael grew up in the sixties and seventies.
Even more "shocking", he was a black man that was not really aggressive, and not only was he not hypersexual, he was OPENLY voicing his discomfort with people prying into his business/insisting that, come on, he HAD to be into fucking groupies, strippers and hookers like most guys in the industry, right?
Add in him being a fashion icon and wearing a ton of make-up that gave him a bit of an androgynous look every now and then, and you have people CONVINCED he must be into men.
And once again, homophobes still think gay = pedo to this day. Michael was born in 1958. He was already the target of gay rumors, and treated like a big freak for it, before AIDS was a thing. Before "Don't ask, don't tell." Laws forbidding same-sex relationships between consenting adults had not been deemed inconstitutional in the USA until 2003.
It's crazy to me that plenty of so called "progressive" people today act are still willing to pretend there's any real evidence against him, not just because the freaking FBI was secretly investigating him for 13 years and found nothing, but because the so called "Red flags" in Michael's behavior was literally just a bunch lies to make a (supposedly) gay man look like a predator.
But there's still one more factor contribuiting to Michael being labeled as gay: people not understanding that men can be sexually abused AND be traumatized by it because "guys always want sex."
Before he had even reached ten years of age, Michael Jackson had to sing in strip clubs (and in his own words, see adults acting like animals), had to hear his brothers having sex with groupies in the same room he was in (and it wasn't uncommon for the girls to be treated horribly, which deeply upset him), had to deal with his father cheating on his mom in the next room, and during some performances, while interacting with the audience he was made to look under the skirts of adult women to play the role of "pervy kid" even after he repeatedly told everyone in the Jackson 5 team, including his father, that he DID NOT WANT TO DO THAT.
Seriously, IMAGINE if the roles were reversed and a bunch of adults were making a 7-year-old girl pulled down the pants of grown men to see their underwear/genitals as a "joke."
As Michael became a teenager, the situation only got worse, as all of the adults who never heard the word "boundaries" in their lives were bothered by the fact that Michael was not going around having sex with a bunch of women like brothers were, so they kept paying prostitutes go to "help him out". His older sister, Rebbie, said in an interview that a male relative of theirs paid two women to take the virginity of 15-year-old Michael and locked him a room with them against his will, hoping he'd just "give in." She did not say if the women actually managed to do anything with her brother.
Again, IMAGINE the reactions if an adult man locked a 15-year-old girl in a room with two adult men that were paid to have sex with her, despite both her age AND THE FACT THAT SHE ISN'T THERE WILLINGLY! People would rightfully be disturbed by it and if anything happened, it'd be considered abuse and the relative in question would be a proxy-rapist.
But Michael was a "man" (he was a freaking kid, my god) and "guys always want it", so him not being cool with this was seen as him being weird and a "faggot."
There's a reason bastards like Evan Chandler picked false accusations of pedophilia to extort Michael - they knew people didn't understand nor empathize with the real reason for Michael's "weirdness."
And sadly enough, things aren't much different now.
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stovepiperat · 2 years
Powerpoint Party Night on the Franklin Expedition
FRMC: Magnetic Observations at Extreme Lower Latitudes 1839-40: He very clearly did not bother to come up with anything and as such has spoiled the mood of this fun group activity. It is a little impressive that he can just rattle this scientific substance off the top of his head while so obviously severely maudlindrunk but on the other hand he is NOT fun dad even a little bit >:/
Little: Is not naturally suited to public speaking but tried his best with categorizing each member of the wardroom as a favorite horse breed. Unfortunately for him this heartfelt gesture towards conformism makes him stand out even more on Un-party boat. Woe
Irving: Karaoke Hour But Jesus I mean Modern Psalms (with audience participation. Actually there is kind of a nice moment where the lieuts are all like :) perhaps the fourth man in our barbershop quartet is obviated by Friendship :)
Hodgson: (has been made to go last because they learned from last time’s mistakes) Genuinely nobody including Hodge is able to predict what this will be up until the moment he starts talking and in fact even then it’s kind of still up in the air. Possibly about linguistics but really could just as likely be something like Five Times Ned Appeared In My Dream Looking Dolorous, And One Time It Turned Out He Was Actually There In My Cabin Seeking Assistance Because He Threw Up During The Night and Was Too Nervous To Bother Gibson, Who He Could Not Locate Anyway, I Do Wonder What He Was Up To But I Suppose It Is Not Of Much Consequence in the End, etc.
(Sir John went to bed earlier but gave his blessing to the comradely & jocular activities before departing)
Fitzjames: The Names of the Wardroom If They Had Happened To Be A Theatrical Lady: that’s right it’s Drag Names for the Squad. Tremendous fun and he gets to stretch his wordplay muscles. Lots of good-natured hooting about legs and such
Gore: The Floor Is Lava: you may notice this is not actually a presentation. Yes they just play the floor is lava for a bit. Good fun. Gore wins but nobody begrudges him it as it IS his timeslot
Dundy: Everyone Here As A Cocktail: the classic friendgroup powerpoint. Goes over nicely although I think whatever he said James is very slightly obscurely disappointed
Jacko: Yes this is how fun they are jacko gives a presentation titled Monkey Things comprised entirely of monkey noises. He’s got a little paper hat which was made by Bridgens, who also made the paper crown and arbited it to the winner (James)
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corneliushickey · 1 year
just made myself sad thinking about how jacko was a capuchin monkey who should have lived her life in a tropical forest in a large extended family group and instead she was brought to england and then to the arctic and then she died a long drawn out death from goodsir's lead poisoning experiment... imagine being a creature so small and so far from any of your fellow kind and it's so cold and so lonely for the whole of your life
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archliches · 8 months
this is gross but im back to watching the terror and when goodsir pulled jacko's corpse out of his little knapsack at camp i literally immediately gasped and said "girl why did you bring the dead monkey??" out loud incredulously, forgetting i had a literal full mouth of soup and nearly dumping it everywhere.
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