#jacques robin
nicoooooooon · 2 years
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La vie à l'envers (1964) directed by Alain Jessua featuring Charles Denner and Anna Gaylor
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rwpohl · 2 years
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filmaticbby · 4 months
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Betty Blue (1986) dir. Jean-Jacques Beineix
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dozydawn · 2 months
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“Sasha Cohen is comforted by her coach Robin Wagner after performing in the Ladies Free Skating competition at the 2004 World Figure Skating Championships in Dortmund.”
Photographed by Jacques Demarthon.
27 March 2004.
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fayestardust · 4 months
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Went on a Battle of the Bulge tour again. This time, Robin Laing, aka Babe Heffron in Band of Brothers, was with us. Good times were had. He also signed some art for me, which he then kept because he'll send it to Shane Taylor, who is also on the pic as Doc Roe, and then it will hopefully make its way back to me.
Cute little detail about him is that he signs as Robin Laing with "Babe" underneath, but the quotation marks are very specifically sixes and nines because "That's how Babe did it." He's also incredibly humble about it, saying: "people don't really want my signature... they want Babe's."
And all of it makes me feel some type of way. Anyway, these are some photos I took.
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blimbo-buddy · 10 months
oooh!!!! ohh!!>!! can you drawwww Henry and jacques for me :3 I think jacques is the name of the cat who beat up an apprentice one time. PH also Susan. the dreaded Susan please
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"Oh, hello, love. I've missed you."
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nosefornews · 5 months
“Rich orphaned boy with a particular set of skills who is thrust into a shady organization.”
How many did you think think of off the top of your head?
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animegirlsakurablr · 7 months
Shenanigans in the Grand Order, part 585
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I mean, that's fair.
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Good news, Eli! People want to come to your concert!
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Also, brought the cause of the Singularity back.
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Yeah, I've been wondering on that too.
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Damn, Eli.
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Didn't expect that, but also, huh. I could kinda see him as a prince, since silver foxes are a thing.
And also, we can actually choose to call him hot, and it's not even in a joking manner.
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Let me guess, this is never elaborated on in either the next Halloween event, or at any other point.
Also, went back to see what would happen if you chose the other option when fighting the Dark Young, and...
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Yeah, we're definitely not going to get any confirmation if this is by Meteo. Dammit.
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writer-and-artist27 · 8 months
It's past 10 pm on a Friday night when the author posts this, but with a third family member having ascended to the world beyond in the span of a year from cancer treatment, the author had to process things.
And with the recent Halloween Rising 2023 event in FGO NA, a certain Foreigner's antics rubbed the author the wrong way enough to provide just enough of leeway to go try-hard in writing rage.
Fuck cancer in taking another person away from me.
Content warning for spoilers for Sections 4-6 of said Halloween event, graphic violence, cruel and unusual punishment, and mentions of torture. You've been warned.
AO3 link here. OST Playlist on YouTube here, with the new songs all included.
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cinemacentral666 · 11 months
Looking Glass (2018)
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Movie #1,051 • THE YEAR OF CAGE, CH. 44
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Well, here we go. The first CAGE review for the new site (see the archive, which I will keep updating as I go along here), and fittingly (fittingly?) it's perhaps the most instantly forgettable movie I've watched yet.
That's not to say it's the worst, but it easily ranks among the most bland and unnecessary.
I kind of hate how disjointed this series has become. I did the first 35 or so in the same video-heavy plot recap style before briefly transitioning to a YouTube thing, but I lost steam with both.
So the thing about a movie like Looking Glass — about how Cage and wife Robin Tunney buy a motel from a creep who has inserted a two-way mirror / secret viewing passageway in one of the rooms — is that I have nearly nothing to say about it.
So I won't!
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CLICK HERE for all 𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔜𝔢𝔞𝔯 𝔬𝔣 ℭ𝔞𝔤𝔢 Chapters + Ongoing Rankings.
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wearemesmerist · 2 years
Tropical House for a tropical paradise, here's a remix of "You're My Number 1" from Sonic R, with guest vocals from Sonicherosfan, who I met on Tumblr at the time!
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On December 5, 2009 Curse of the Demon and The Wicker Man were screened as a double-feature on TCM Underground.
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rwpohl · 2 years
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filmaticbby · 2 years
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Betty Blue (1986) dir. Jean-Jacques Beineix
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endiness · 2 years
what if the finale is like the “only a dream” episode of justice league:
John Dee overdoses on the treatment and becomes the dream-controlling Doctor Destiny. Destiny takes telepathic control of most of the League in their sleep and puts them in nightmares where Flash can't stop running, nobody knows Green Lantern due to his status as a member of the Justice League, Superman being unable to control his powers which led to the deaths of the people he knows, and Hawkgirl is buried alive. The League members become trapped in their dreams and unable to wake up. This leaves only Batman and Martian Manhunter left. Martian Manhunter tries to force them awake, while Batman goes to confront Doctor Destiny.
with vecna as doctor destiny, most of the gang as the justice league, and el (and other characters?) (i want ‘other characters’ to be will) (insert will has powers theories here) as batman and j'onn 🤔
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spivecream · 8 days
RWBY is a matriarchy.
Or at least, a gender neutral society. And I have many reasons to back up this theory.
1. Children seem to take the mother’s last name.
Both Ruby and all the Schnees have their mother’s last name. Admittedly, there doesn’t seem to be much more evidence to back this up as we haven’t met many parents and both Blake’s parents have the same last name.
“But Yang!” you may be asking. Well, I think it’s as simple as Tai didn’t want Yang to know that Raven was her mother, and wasn’t married to Summer at the time, so just gave her his last name.
We also know that Jacques took Willow’s last name, but that could just be because of the company, but with that being a complete non issue we have to ask if all husbands take their wife’s name?
2. Huntresses seem (in my opinion) more common than huntsmen
This is pretty self explanatory. I think we see more huntresses in the show and honestly I think it makes sense but that’s just me.
Also, Weiss and Winter are not disinherited for choosing to become huntresses as women, but because they are abandoning the SDC.
I think the same can be said for Robin and the Happy Huntresses in a way. When Robin goes for a seat on the council, people don’t like her for her policies, rather than because she is a woman.
I honestly can’t recall a time when a woman receives misogynistic hate in within the show, but do correct me if I’m wrong.
3. Magic
5/6 people who use magic (excluding Qrow and Raven, but even then it’s 6/8) are women.
The 4 maidens, arguably the most powerful people on Remnant, are women. They wield extraordinary elemental power, and are shown to be almost impossible to defeat.
Not only that, but they have access to the relics, and the power to potentially destroy the world.
I think it’s easy to assume that fictional worlds fall under a patriarchy, like we are so used to seeing in our own world. But after thinking about it for a while, it’s clear that RWBY does not. I think that misogyny tropes can be very overplayed, and in a show that’s cast is majority women, this is really important. It’s much more interesting to see tropes like classism (an underrated trope in media in my opinion) and racism (I think that in a real world setting this can get boring, but in a fictional world where racism is completely different is more interesting).
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