#jaden: expensive
jhessail · 1 year
Guess who came in today
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Bro I can't believe I own him now. Now if somebody could make a Yuma and Astral one I can die a happy collector.
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blastthechaos · 1 year
Season 3 be like
Judai:We couldn't reconciliate the normal way couldn't we? We couldn't work our issues like a normal couple couldn't we? You had to go and make it everyone else problem
Yubel:Oh bite me!
Judai:I swear you're lucky I love you so much -_-
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Privately, Etoiles thinks training with Team Bolas is a little horrifying.
Its- it's hard to explain why, other than the obvious. It's not like they scared him, he didn't scare easy after all, but they were... unsettling, that was the word.
It was on the 4th day of purgatory, most people were busy with tasks or upkeep of supplies, and since they only had 4 hours to actually pursue tasks a day, today it just lined up to be a day of mostly chill attitudes while most grindy people were off and away from base.
It's why Green even had the chance to come visit Team Red, prompted by the fact Bad was spawn killing the poor team again. They didn't even have color on the board!
Granted, that really didn't mean anything in Purgatory, alliances and well-wishes for other teams changed on a dime, but that day Green had nothing else to do then try and keep Soulfire at bay so there they were to help scare him off and chat to see if Bolas had anything to say.
It mostly turned into a training session, Etoiles could see Charlie and Jaden had potential just lacked knowledge so he offered advice, and in fighting them and watching them fight each other, that's when the unsettled feeling crept in.
Part of it was obvious, the Gas masks, but it's not like they were the only ones. Everyone had them at this point, but it was how they wore them, obviously cared enough about to personalize, and the noises they made as they yelled, grunted, and howled behind them.
It was also in the way they moved, lumbering, stalking gates, lunging and almost dancing as they moved jerkily. In the way they would, in unison, suddenly break out into more deranged noises or chanting without any noticeable cue.
But it was in the way they fought, that gave him the willies the most.
Etoiles fought because he enjoyed it, he enjoyed ridding the high of adrenalin and indulging in his bloodlust, of trying to win and the work put in.
Bolas, however, fought like they were Hungry.
Not like a flesh eater or vampire would, though the jokes he overheard about them eating their corpses didn't help (and gods did he hope they were jokes), but Red fought like they were hungry for the kill, hungry to see blood spilled and willing to do anything to have their enemies corpses lay at their feet, like they had nothing to loose.
The way they scraped at each other with their nails and bit with their teeth, unafraid to fight like an animal, or bring down their opponent with them if they knew they weren't going to win.
It wasn't like Etoiles hadn't fought Bolas before, but here, free from the rush and face pace of trying to survive a real battle and instead doing 1v1's and watching as they fought each other, that's when it was really obvious. It was inhuman and feral, and Etoiles wondered for just a second, how much of this was his fault from that first day, how much him and his team and blue's actions had pushed red over the edge.
They made him worried a bit, but Etoiles pushed it aside. Nobody was their best selves in purgatory after all, and he'd crossed several lines he normally wouldn't, specially at his friend's expense.
All he could really do was ignore the feeling and try to not let it get to him, so he pushed it down and got ready for the Egg War the next day.
It was less than a week later when Etoiles thinks about this again, ponders on their unsettling nature for just a second as he's absorbed into their team. He's unsure how or where he can fit into such a team like this, how to cope with their feral and chaotic nature.
The thought goes away as Etoiles gets pulled, almost too easily, into their dynamics. Bolas eat together, sleep tucked against each other for safety, spar and fight with each other to get better, and kill for each other too. Bolas was a family.
It's only on the day before what is possibly the last match that he realizes the unsettling, feeling has long since gone and it, and Bolas' once strange, horrifying habits now feel like second nature and normality.
Etoiles may not have started as Bolas, but he was Bolas now, and forever. And nothing could take that away from him or any of the Bolas.
Please, if you did enjoy, reblog and just not like. Likes do nothing and it's kinda disheartening to see like 50 likes and 4 reblogs only for it to die because nobody else sees it after the first 3 days. I'd appreciate it greatly! <3
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eternalsa2z · 1 year
The Gift
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"Don't give me that look, baby. I know this isn't how you expected to celebrate your birthday. Alone, with no cake, and dressed like my mini-me. But your mother knows best and trust me, you'll thank me later for the life-changing gift I'm giving you."
*WHINE* "But Muuuuther..."
"Ah ah ah! Don't interrupt me, Jaden. You need to understand what a blessing I am bestowing on you. I fought most of my life to achieve the flawless femininity I embody today and I want you to flourish from a young age. You take after me in so many ways - the slender body, the penchant for finer things, and of course the hint of attitude you're flashing at me right now. But you need to learn to embrace that."
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*SCOFF* "What? By becoming your clone?"
*CHUCKLE* "You wish, baby. I'll settle for a younger protégé with the potential to be as magnificent as me. A Simone 2.0, if you will. So my gift to you will to teach you to be like me. How to apply makeup flawlessly. Which dresses to wear at galas, dinner dates, luxury boutiques, and private bedroom affairs. When to smile, to scoff, to sneer, or to pout to maintain control of the room and get what you want. I am going to make you a baddie, a fashionista, a trophy wife without equal."
*SIGH* "Fine, I guess..."
"Fine? Baby, I'm doing this out of love, but don't test my benevolence. A queen is handing you a chance at being royalty, don't pout just because you have to start as a princess and earn the crown. Or have I misjudged you? Do you really not want my present of perfection?"
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"No it's just, like...couldn't you at least have gotten me an expensive car and a limitless credit card for a shopping spree? I deserve to be spoiled every day but especially on my birthday"
*SMIRK* "That's my little baby brat. You're going to be something special, Jade. After all, you are my daughter..."
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gx-gameon · 4 months
Gotta ask how's Seto's relationship with the rest of Yugi's friends in this au? How'd the gang take the news that Seto and Yugi were dating? What about when they got engaged and married on the same day?
Okay so we are actually going to see a lot of this in the story itself.
So right now I’m editing all the rough drafts I posted here. I think I have three more to do and then it’s brand new content.
I think I’ll have somewhere between 2 to 3 more chapters from there. I have them all scripted out I just need to actually write them.
That will finish the first arc of this au. Jaden getting adopted and the afterlife adventure.
It will also be the end of the first book.
I think from there we will go into the second arc which will focus on two things. 1) Jaden and Atem adjusting to life 2) Yugi and Seto
The story will set up Gx season one. I think it will take place over Jaden’s first year or two in the family and then we will time skip to Gx.
I might do some one-shots with young Jaden and the DM crew in the time skip eventually (like Seto and Yugi’s proposal/wedding. But that could also be the last chapter so arc 2 I’m still scripting the second arc.
So we are going to have a whole little adventure dedicated to the two of them.
But it boils down to Seto realizing he has feelings for Yugi starts trying to so affection, as only Seto Kaiba can.
Jaden and Yugi are getting harassed by paparazzi? Now they had a security team following them ‘from a distance’
Things like that.
Problem: Yugi thinks this is Seto sending people to follow them to get him or Atem to duel.
He goes over to Seto to be like. ‘Hey we’re friends now. If you want something from me, like a duel, just ask me. Don’t send a goon squad to follow me. It’s freaking Jaden out.’
Seto hears two separate statements. ‘If you want me ask.’ And ‘security is scaring Jaden’ he will take care of that later.
He takes care of number 1 first and asks Yugi out. Yugi’s brain kinda breaks. Looking back he can see how everything Kaiba has been doing can be seen as either sweet or flirty in the most Seto Kaiba way ever. Because of this, and the fact that he’s not used to people actually flirting with him, made him totally miss the fact that he was being flirted with? Courted?
(All the people who flirt with him at tournaments actually want Atem or so he thinks. It’s hard sharing a body with someone for years because people outside their group don’t know. Yugi just naturally assumes that anyone that flirts with him really wants Atem, because Atem’s confident and wonderful. Yugi still has only kid insecurities.)
Seto also has no idea how to human when it comes to things like dating. He was raised to conquer businesses. He’s pretty sure your not suppose force people to date you (Mokuba said no) and your not suppose to pay them. So he has to get Yugi’s attention some other way. Mokuba is the point of reference and reason. “Do something nice for him. Talk to him. Show him you care.”
But he’s Seto, rich boy, Kaiba and he’s pursuing Yugi, if I’m near anything expensive I’ll have anxiety about breaking it, Muto. Yugi, for better and worse, isn’t interested in his wealth.
What is Yugi interested in?? Games and his friends.
He already hired Yugi and Atem to Kaiba Corp.
this is before he started pursuing Yugi. It was because he over heard them taking finances once. Its was going to be hard having Yugi, Atem, Solomon, and Jaden in one house.
He can’t just give them money, Yugi and Atem would refuse. He thinks Solomon might burn it to prove a point.
Yugi is going to college, Atem though is new to the world and still figuring out his place. Seto offered him a job at play testing games. Atem will probably beat all of them, but it will help show the flaws in the program, were things are to easy or to hard, and no one knows how to think outside the box quite like Yugi and Atem.
Atem is skeptical at first, thinking the job is just dueling Seto all day long. Which fun but no. But after hearing the actual job and pay. He takes it. (He talks with Yugi before doing so and they agree)
Later at the end of Yugi’s semester they have a final project to create a game. Their freshman so it’s not suppose to be that impressive. Yugi knocks it out of the park. Like a few tweaks and it’s ready to be sold.
He starts getting offers from other businesses. Pegasus, Zigfried, and others to higher him.
Seto isn’t losing his rival to another company. (And ya maybe the crush played a role but you can’t say Yugi didn’t earn his spot) so he highest Yugi as a game designer.
This makes there failed flirting worse and better. Because some co-workers think Seto only higher Yugi because he likes him. This gets swiftly shut down because of Yugi’s skill at his job, but there are still whispers of favoritism. They are also the most entertaining water cooler gossip of all time. Especially once they start dating. They go through all the proper channels to make dating an employee as ethically sound as possible. (They’re 19 and have known each other forever, it’s not surprising to outsiders. But Seto is still a CEO and held to certain standards when starting a relationship.) but all the other workers get a free show of watching their boss trying to flirt with his boyfriend.
It back to topic. They already have jobs so he can’t offer them that and they won’t take money without reason.
Yugi is interested in games and friends. So Seto will play games and ‘help’ his friends.
Problem. All these people are used to Seto only doing ‘nice’ thinks when he wants something (which he wants something but he’s genuinely not trying to trick them, he for once is trying to be nice) and they are not having it (Seto’s over here like I get it but let me grow as a person)
He’s trying to flirt with Yugi. A part of liking Yugi is being around his friends (preferably getting a long with them) everyone thinks Seto is finally joining the friend group but they are wary (some more than others, Joey and Tristian)
He’s someone who only knows how to show he cares through taking care of someone (you have a problem he removes it) (his love language is acts of service you can’t convince me otherwise wise)
unfortunately he’s not the best at telling people what he’s doing or asking them how they want help. He will learn but it’s ruff in the beginning.
Leading us back to. ‘Hey your goons are scaring my kid. Can you maybe call them off? If you want to duel just ask.’
‘Will you go out with me?’
They talk it out. Seto revealing all the nice things he’s done.
‘So is this why you hired me?’ ‘No I hired you because you’re competent. But I do like you because you’re competent.’
‘The goon squad?’ ‘Reporters weren’t leaving you and Jaden alone so I made them leave you alone.’
‘Joey’s sponsorship?’ ‘I wouldn’t have offered if he was going to embarrass me. He’s not on our level but he is, (big sigh) a good duelist. You value your friends so I value your friends. He earned his spot in the pro leagues. Money should be the thing that stops him from entering.’
This is also the time that Seto reveals he’s started planning duel academy because he wants Jadne to be able to have a ‘normal’ high school experience. Plus it’s a solid business move and the more he looked into it the better it was. He’s actually making 5 schools all around the world. It started out of love for Jaden but will now help so many kids.
And look Yugi always had a crush on Seto. But they have both grown and changed as people. To see Seto now verse the Seto he knew at the start of season 1. He’s grown a lot.
They talk out a lot of things. Mainly Seto’s instinctual need to fix his loved ones problems vs actually talking to them about what they want/what he’s doing.
The do end up on that date though.
Now everyone else’s reactions….. that’s a story for another time.
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mobiused · 1 year
as much as i agree with your analysis and the fact that ctdenm seems to be treating the girls better, a part of me can’t help but worry that similar things are happening behind the scenes, much like how bbc seemed to be a relatively healthy and positive working environment early on
The myth that bbc was healthy and positive early on simply isn't true, sadly. Even recently, Vivi talked on the radio show she did about predebut stories, about how she learnt Korean quickly by arguing with staff so she could eat what she wanted amongst fighting for her other rights - and this would've been back in late 2015 early 2016. When trainee line (Basically oec, 1/3 and yeojin) were in the company before joining loona officially, that was when they were on the infamous 1 apple 1 egg a day diet. Even though yyxy were the most open about their mistreatment, that it was the worst during love4eva filming, and bad during hi high era and butterfly era, it was still bad before yyxy girls joined - the other girls are just far less open about it. This might be because the yyxy girls had such a short trainee period and therefore weren't as adjusted/indoctrinated into the trainee lifestyle to accept strict dieting and verbal abuse, or it might be because it's simply not in their temperament to talk about these issues, or whatever reasons they might have to want to share less in comparison to the yyxy girls, though yeojin and vivi have been opening up more about the past. I'm curious, did you have a specific time period where you thought BBC was a healthy working environment for the girls in mind?
If youre thinking about old loona TVs, BBC has always had staff that were very kind to the girls, that the girls loved and treated them well. The current CTD CEO, Yoon Doyeon is an example, as well as Lee Jonghyun, their old Project Manager and current Superbell CEO. At the same time they had to endure verbal abuse from certain other staff (this doesn't mean Jaden, there were other staff who were horrible or even worse than him), strict dieting and torturous schedules amongst other mistreatment that went beyond ordinary idol strictness. The loona TVs always made a deceptive effort to show the girls eating well early on, laughing and having fun etc, but we know it's a complete misrepresentation compared to what was happening behind the scenes.
When we have the girls transparently telling us via Fromm and Fab that CTD do not control or care what they eat, that they are 100% deciding for themselves, that exercise is up to them, that CTD's CEO paid for almost everything in Hyunjin's new apartment including a super expensive humidifier just because she asked for one, that CTD involved them in the album despite how quickly the album needed to be turned out because CEO cares about their creative input, it inspires a lot more trust.
I genuinely believe Doyeon is a good man who wants to take care of our girls. He gave up his job and started a company to become CEO in a role he had never tried before solely to give the 5 members a place where they would be safe and happy with someone they trusted (instead of risking getting taken advantage of again at another company) and could continue their careers, and has been listening to everything both the members and fans have been asking of him. I know Hyeju has said that this album prep era has been her favourite of her career, and I believe her. Right now the girls are actually enjoying their time in the US, eating whatever they like, having enough time for rest, actually seeing the sights of America this time. It's only the first stop but hopefully they can keep this up and have this experience knock the previous tour out of the water.
We can't trust a company 100% of the time without being there and witnessing exactly what's happening, but compared to Modhaus where we had Jaden lie to us about Jinsoul being involved in production in literally their first interview, exercises and diets being enforced, and OEC being marketed to NFT bros and military men, I just feel so much more confident about CTD's ability to treat the girls right.
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kayohhey · 4 months
Day 2: Date Night
Wanted to write a fic for them, I didn't have that much time today though and I'm not all that used to writing fajfafskfc.
Dates were a rare occasion for the couple.
With Jaden usually busy working on streaming and doing things for her games and Baxter always in his office helping out couples. The two weren’t all that free to have some time out together.  Outside of the occasional ‘sit on the couch and do nothing for an hour’  whenever they had the opportunity.
Today was different though.
The day before, the couple found out that they both had a rare day off. They scrambled to plan where to go. Eventually deciding to take the morning casually and then go out for dinner to a restaurant that recently opened up nearby.
It was a pretty expensive restaurant with a lot of good reviews despite it being relatively new to the area. Although Jaden and Baxter weren’t really struggling for money, they didn’t usually go out to expensive places like this. 
Morning had been relatively calm, Baxter and Jaden decided to sleep in. Baxter did have to slowly get dragged out of bed by Jaden once 12pm hit which she deemed around time to get started for the day. Which may or may not have gotten them a sleepy glare from the charming wedding planner.
Afternoon was spent on the couch, where they both ended up watching some trashy reality tv. They hadn’t really paid attention to it at the start but by the end of it both were arguing on which contestant would win.
“It’s clearly Liam who’s gonna win their hearts! I mean look at them, clearly lovestruck!”
“I wouldn’t be so sure, Marie is getting quite close with one of them.”
“Isn’t the purpose to steal both of their hearts?” Jaden asked, she wasn’t really paying attention when the rules of the game were explained.
“No, it is simply to get at least one of them to date you.”
Jaden looked a bit sad at that, “But then what happens to the other person? Will they just be left without a date?”
“That is unfortunately how this show explained its premise.” Baxter said to Jaden, who continued to root for their contestant.
Baxter’s pick eventually ended up winning the show, leaving a slightly sour taste in Jaden's mouth, but she eventually decided that it was just tv, reality show or not.
After a bit, the couple realized that night time was approaching, and so was the time they planned to get ready for their dinner date. The two dressed up in the fanciest clothes they owned and headed towards the restaurant.
The car ride was mostly silent, listening to the radio that was playing the same song for the hundredth time this month. Silence between them stopped being awkward at some point, no one knew when exactly it happened, but the lovers found some sense of comfort in the silence after a while.
Baxter eventually slowed the car down as they reached their destination. A deceptively small looking restaurant with a glowing sign titled “The Golden Plate.”
Jaden exited the car, her formal blouse and skirt flowing in the wind as they looked towards the location. “I honestly thought this place would be bigger.” She said, looking towards the man who had more expertise in fancy things.
“Appearances can be deceiving, and the size of the establishment rarely ever affects its quality.” Is all he said before offering his hand to Jaden as they walked towards the front entrance.
The inside was beautiful, a bunch of lights hanging from the ceiling and reaching the floor was at the center of rows of fancy tables and seats with wealthy looking couples all around. There was no doubt that this establishment was for those who had money to spend.
It didn’t take long before the two were guided to a table, the restaurant only took reservations so the wait times weren’t as long. The couple sat at their chairs and started looking at the menu.
Jaden may have slightly regretted going to a place like this after seeing the prices but she eventually decided that it was a treat for the both of them. They didn’t usually have this opportunity after all.
She did slightly chuckle after seeing a certain item on the menu.
Baxter, not being a mind reader, only gave his significant other a confused look. “Perhaps I have missed a sort of joke on the menu?”
“Oh I just saw that a bellini was on the menu. Reminded me of that time at the interactive play.” Jaden smiled fondly. She could never quite forget that night- which was the case for most moments when Baxter was involved. The man always got her to experience new things, and even if she had done it before he somehow found new ways for her to experience it. 
Her fiancé only gave out a sigh, “That baby bellini will never escape me will it?”
A quiet laugh escaped Jaden’s lips, “No, no it will not.”
“Alas, I do happen to be our driver. So I unfortunately have to skip out on it this time.”
The rest of the night was filled with small chatter, what eachother had been dealing with at their jobs, a few future plans for vacations, and other things. It never really mattered what they talked about.
Time passed quickly, and the couple eventually left the restaurant with slightly lighter pockets and mostly filled stomachs.
As they approached the car, Jaden spoke up, “It’s still pretty early y'know, do ya think we could go find a park or something?” She wasn’t quite done with the night yet. This was a rare occasion after all.
Baxter pondered the idea, his client did cancel out of their morning appointment tomorrow. It wouldn’t hurt to spend a bit more time outside. “Sounds like a splendid idea, do you perhaps have any experience with this area?”
All he got with that was a deadpan look from his soon-to-be wife. “We can just look it up.” She said, while pulling out her phone from her pocket. “There's a park that’s kinda nearby.” She showed her phone to him as he memorized the address.
“Great, shall we head towards it then?” Baxter gave a smirk while setting up their car’s GPS.
“Of course.”
After some driving around and a few wrong turns, they both ended up at the park. It was decently lit for how late it had been.
The two started to walk around on the path, passing the occasional late night walker. None of them said a word though. Jaden was lost in thought and Baxter was waiting for her to perhaps say something. Reserved to just look at the night sky as his partner thinks.
Minutes passed without a response, which eventually just lead Baxter to take the lead.
“Did you have any idea’s on- “ he didn’t even have enough time to finish his sentence before Jaden dragged him to the grassy patch.
Jaden hadn’t really thought it all through though, and midway through- maybe because of a combination of Baxter’s lack of preparation and Jaden’s heels on the grass, the couple eventually fell into the soft dirt. Leaving Baxter shocked and Jaden laughing.
“That’s certainly one way to give me a heart attack.” Baxter said after recovering from his surprise.
Jaden stopped laughing and smiled, “I used to do that to Cove a lot back when we were kids.”
“Give him heart attacks?” Baxter smirked as he turned to face Jaden.
He got a playful slap on the shoulder for that, “You know what I mean.”
The couple laid on the grass for a while after that, silently looking at the night sky. Their clothes were a mess by that point and they didn’t think about how they were ever going to clean them for their own sakes.
That didn’t really matter to them at that moment though. What mattered was that they were together, enjoying each other’s company. It may have taken them a comically long time to finally be together and the future ahead of them might not be too bright, but days like today always made it seem worth it.
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ityrvilitarpa · 8 months
My friends cat has been having pain and mobility issues, but vets around here are really expensive and she needs some assistance raising funds for her baby :c
I remember when my baby had broken his hips and we needed to raise money for him, unfortunately I'm destitute and unable to help but if any of y'all could share this around and hopefully it'll find some kind people who can afford to help out a stranger 💜
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krakenshaped · 9 months
Tag Duel bios are so funny because they include so much dumbass trivia and a whole section on each character's love life for some reason? Trivia detailed below because it's SO funny.
(From Tag Force 2)
Judai: Apparently not only is Judai really disinterested in girls but no girl has ever hit on him before which is why Judai finds Rei scary ("It will be interesting to see how Jaden reacts to Blair Flannigan, who becomes really infatuated with him. No one like that has been around him before.") It's stated he's happy to eat everything. Not anything. Everything. Judai is an unstoppable gluttonous machine.
Sho: Honestly the funniest entry by far. Someone on this writing team just wants Sho to SUFFER and its lowkey hilarious. This kid exists to be in pain. Apparently he "tends to fall in love very easily. On top of that, he cares quite a lot about looks, making things even more difficult for himself." His favourite food is shrimp but can't stand spicy food. I don't know if this is a direct translation or a dub gag but apparently he changes his glasses on special occasions but nobody ever notices (lol)
Asuka: Asuka's crush on Judai is described as a mystery which is interesting. Apparently Asuka doesn't even know she has a crush on Judai which is so funny, I love you girl. Seeing Rei flirt with Judai apparently puts her in a bad mood. Apparently if she was to look for a partner, it would be someone who can put her mind at ease. ("More than maybe anything else, she needs a partner to give her peace of mind if they really want to support her") The bio makes a point of speculating whether or not she's good at cooking since Judai is Duel Academy's hungriest guy. She likes sweets! And healthy food and dislikes stuff with strong smells.
Manjoume: His bio is so funny. Like. So funny. The first paragraph basically calls him a tsundere (true). Canon use of bad language (whether or not this is cursing or just general Manjoume rudeness - LET HIM SAY FUCK!!!) He's described as being obsessed with Asuka - although not as infatuated as he used to be. Dude does NOT eat his veggies!!! He likes expensive food and hates vegetables!!! He is NOT growing big and strong!!!
Kenzan: Kenzan bio is really just contributing to sweet kid propaganda. I am a Kenzan fan and apologist he is one of my favourite characters. "Hassleberry stands out at Duel Academy due to his very muscular physique. Although he's probably very good in a fight, he's by no means a violent person. In fact, he's usually very kind and generous." YOU BET!!!! KENZAN IS A SWEETHEART!!! KENZAN NO.1 IN THE WORLD!!! He's apparently pretty fashionable, as on top of the bio rehashing that he modified his own uniform, it mentions that he would probably do the same to the Obelisk Blue Uniform. Which is interesting!!! Fun headcanon material! Apparently he has no dislikes but his favourite food is fish (another fishing enjoyer too)
Edo: This bio was the worst victim of dub translations as it reiterates the dub version where his father is kidnapped and not like dead LMAO. Other than that tho? Apparently he doesn't really show interest in romance since he was too busy hunting for revenge but now that it's been settled "Aster finally has time to look for love. It'll be really exciting to see he goes for it or not." According to the bio he's considered good looking in universe. His favourite food is steak and other meats.
Rei: Apparently Manjoume's entire room was just turned into a Red Girl's Dorm. Which is tbh. Hilarious. Not only did he get evicted by a toddler but his entire room that he stole his brother's credit card for was turned into a girls only space lmao. Apparently Rei is actually one of the best at dueling among the entirety of the first years (real I feel like people sleep on Rei's dueling abilities sometimes since she's. Yknow. Like that.) She likes sweet and spicy food.
Johan: Finally. Weirdo Johan propaganda. He's described as someone who's thoughtful but frank and says the craziest weirdest shit sometimes. His whole bio paints him as someone who's very composed but can be reckless or impulsive when he's in the heat of the moment or excited. Incredibly funny how the bio claims "Nobody knows what kind of girl he likes. If the right young lady does come on the scene though, we wonder if the Crystal Beasts will call a family meeting..." (LMAO.) His favourite food is... Bread stuffed with various unusual fillings. You know this guy makes the WORST, WEIRDEST sandwiches known to man.
Jim: interestingly, despite the game referring to Karen as Karen in Jim's dialogue, the bio calls her Shirely. More reasons why changing the name for the damn crocodile was so silly. We do not information about Jim's love life or favourite food in his bio :(
O'Brien: Not much is said about the non-Johan transfer students. Like. Nothing except information you could find the anime. Interestingly enough though, O'Brien likes cola and junk food.
Misawa: One paragraph. Mf gets one paragraph in his bio. Is described as having a good personality but isn't treated well by his peers. (I wonder why.)
Fubuki: "ALL THE WOMEN FLOCK TO HIM WHEN HE APPEARS!!!!" His bio also reiterates his friendship with Ryo and questions what it's like since "They seem like polar opposites"
Momoe and Junko have bios too!!! Although they're mostly described as growing apart a little from Asuka :( Although apparently Momoe hangs out with Judai's clique a lot. Junko on the other hand is influenced mostly by what Momoe does.
If I've missed anything, or somethings been lost in the English translation let me know! I love collecting trivia brbrbbr
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unforeseenflame · 2 years
How would a RO react and what would they do if at a party a noble is making the mc uncomfortable by touching there arm and making suggestions
I'll go with it being before the one true bond is fully established. As you'd have to be completely insane, or dense, to try and flirt with a Rider's bonded.
Ezra/Elaria: Are completely unimpressed, but they try to keep their composure as they sidle up to your side and calmly interject. "I apologize, but I do think it's my turn to talk with MC." Their hand would gently touch your shoulder and steer you away from the noble. "Rider business, I'm afraid. It can't wait."
Caleb/Catherine: Would stiffen at the sight and become immediately uncomfortable; for entirely different reasons, but they'd be keenly aware that they're mirroring their father's usual composure. They'd quickly make their way to your side and offer a strained smile to the noble in question. "I do believe it best that you halt your drinking for tonight. Lest you continue to do something you'll regret come morning."
Jaden/Jade: The playful smirk that would have been a hallmark on their lips all evening would wither away into nothingness. Agitation became a prominent emotion across their features; sapphire blue eyes darkening to a deep stormy blue. They'd casually make their way towards you and accidentally bump into the noble in question, spilling their glass of wine all over the expensive silk of the noble's attire. "I do apologize for being so clumsy, I truly wasn't aware there was anyone of importance nearby besides the MC." They'd quickly get you both out of there.
Aidan/Aylin: Agitation, mixed with an undercurrent of worry, would promptly appear on their features at the sight that greeted them from across the hall. They couldn't believe someone would be so daft as to corner a Rider. Nor could they believe that someone would be so belligerent with their advances and denseness with the rejections. They'd stride across the room and promptly cut to ask the MC to dance. "I apologize for intruding, but MC promised me a dance before I retired for the night, and hasn't even tried to uphold their end of the bargain." It would only be while you're both dancing that they'd begin to wonder why it had bothered them so much.
Faolan/Faolyn: A warning growl would escape their lips before they'd even register the anger that had suffused itself within their chest. They wouldn't even question their natural instincts when it came to striding across the room and putting themself between you and the noble; teeth almost bared in challenge as the noble stood stupidly before them. It'd take everything in them not to make a spectacle because it's not something that would make you any more comfortable. "I'd suggest you leave this instant before I'm forced to do something I really don't think I'll regret."
Laurence/Lauren: Would calmly, and promptly, make their way over to your side and offer you a gentle smile in greeting; ignoring the noble, they'd ask you how you've been and simply pull you into a conversation with them. They'd get you away from the noble without drawing attention to the fact that they were doing so. After all, no one would want to get on the bad side of the Head Healer; even if the noble, come morning, would find that they have a worse hangover than usual.
Irithiel: Barely contained anger etches itself across her beautiful features, violet eyes darkening to a deep amethyst that only promised pain to the one that caused the reaction in the first place. The moment she grows nearer she'd be able to tell that the noble was nervous, fearful of what would cause the Matriarch to suddenly appear, but she wouldn't mind in the slightest. She'd only place a light hand on your bicep, her expression softening only for you, before hardening once more as she looks at the noble. "I must say that I'm appalled by your behavior. I invited you into Haven as a guest, and you've decided to corner one of my Rider's and harass them?" She'd step closer, her voice dropping dangerously. "I suggest you make haste and leave Haven as soon as you can. You wouldn't like to see what I'm like when I finally lose my patience."
Kyllian: Wouldn't be able to believe what he's seeing at first, but the moment it registers anger would immediately bloom across his face and he wouldn't hesitate in making his way over to you. He wouldn't even deign the noble important enough to look at, let alone speak to, but he'd gently take you by the arm and offer you a supportive smile; trying to tell you, without words, that he was there to help and that he'd make sure nothing would happen as long as he was there. He'd take you back to his table and offer you his seat-- just trying to make your night a bit brighter.
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alexisbranding · 5 months
From Dad Shoes to Fashion Week: Transforming New Balance's Brand Perception
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In the world of athletic footwear, brand perception is everything. As noted in the readings this week, it is incredibly challenging and expensive for brands to change their overall perception. This past summer I interned at New Balance, and have found that the company is an exceptional example of a brand that has done an incredible job in changing its overall brand perception from a shoe that was primarily known as a “dad shoe” to a shoe that is now worn by celebrities, models, and fashion influencers such as Hailey Bieber, Sofia Richie, and Kourtney Kardashian. Founded in the early 1900’s, New Balance historically has been recognized for its emphasis on functionality and comfort over fashion-forward designs. To reposition itself among a highly competitive athletic footwear market, New Balance embarked on a mission over the past decade to transform its brand identity into a brand that embraces aesthetics and style while not sacrificing its core values of quality and comfort.
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To tackle the lofty challenge of transforming its entire brand perception, New Balance doubled down on storytelling, with an emphasis on conveying to the world that New Balance is a brand with heritage, and not a conventional heritage brand. New Balance started collaborating with high-profile designers and public figures to reshape its image. In 2019, New Balance partnered with Jaden Smith, aiming to position itself at the center of streetwear culture. In 2022, New Balance partnered with Jack Harlow, elevating the brand’s visibility and helping it resonate with younger consumers. As part of this strategy, New Balance continues to partner with high-end fashion brands including Ganni and Aime Leon Dore and sponsored athletes such as Coco Gauff to cultivate an air of exclusivity.
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In addition to New Balance’s select partnerships and sponsorships, the brand now focuses on embracing innovative designs and styles to bridge the gap between quality and style. With cutting-edge materials and sleek styles, the brand has been able to appeal to a younger generation that craves both function and style. By adapting to changing consumer preferences and leveraging its heritage as a foundation for innovation, New Balance has redefined its entire brand to compete among elite fashion-forward brands on the global stage, earning the attention of the fashion world.
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codenamejudas · 1 year
date for Jaden?
Who asks for it:
[X] Your muse asks mine
[X] My muse asks yours
"Don't think either of us have any hang ups about initiating dating protocol."
Type of date:
[ ] Platonic Date
[X] Romantic Date
[X] First Date
[X] Double date with: Bruce & Shale, maybe Gramps and Sani if he's up for it
"You still owe me a second first date. And we know couples, we should mingle more."
Location for the date:
[X] Movies   • [X] Romantic Comedy   • [X] Adventure Movie   • [X] Animation (Pixar/Disney)   • [X] Horror   • [ ] Drama   • [X] Buddy Movie   • [X] Music history/documentary
"The kid can't handle horror but I bet you can. Also the Hysteria, Def Leppard movie thing is really good."
[X] Restaurant   • [X] Expensive/High Class   • [X] Small and familiar   • [X] Fast Food
"You know I'm not picky about food but think about the dress."
[X] Nature  • [X] Beach  • [X] Park  • [X] Forest      • [X] …and having a picnic
"I know this is your jam."
[X] Visiting a Museum
[X] Visiting an amusement park
[X] Visiting a haunted location
[X] Staying at home  • [X] Watching movies  • [X] Playing Video Games  • [ ] Reading
[X] Board Games
"Forgot to add board games for Dennis, he can come too."
The date might hopefully end with…
[X] …holding hands
[X] …a kiss
[X] …in bed
[X] …knowing each other better 
[ ] …sleepover between friends 
[X] …a marriage proposal
[ ] ___ (other options)
"I'll take anything at this point if it's from you."
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anotherhumanpet · 2 years
What was their most expensive purchase/where does their disposable income go? (For both)
A quirky "get to know your character"
There's two different answers for Dennis. The most expensive thing is easily his game set up. He didn't buy it all on his own, he's had help from his family who chipped in/met him halfway here and there, but the consoles he has are still by far the most expensive things he's ever invested in. However, outside of these purchases, the majority of his allowance goes into food. Specifically DoorDash because he enjoys the convenience of a cooked meal being brought right to his doorstep.
For Jaden, if the money is not being poured into making his quarters more homely, then it's going into his vehicles - either by tuning them up or expanding/adjusting the collection. After all, he's a big boy now (or, rather, he's been a big boy for quite some time now) so he likes big boy toys, and finally has a job that can properly afford him those big boy toys. And as an avid lover of the outdoors, he prefers vehicles that can get him out into the wilderness. The farther off he can go in one, the better they are in his opinion.
It's why his current collection is a cross-sport motorcycle and an off-road vehicle. The Tenere lets him play off road whenever he wants to, but functions very well in town/on roads when he needs something to putter around the block with. Meanwhile, the Bronco is built to do one thing - climb the mountain, and that's all he'll use it for. As much as he can help it anyway.
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gx-gameon · 5 months
Gx episodes review (while thinking of my Au.
Episode 3
I am very uncomfortable with Crowler setting up Jaden to spy on the girls. Especially on the girls bath.
Like very disturbing especially when Crowler shows up to spy to. Like he’s there to catch Jaden but those out your female student’s.
But Syrus thinking the note for him and getting caught instead of Jaden is wild.
I don’t want this.
I’m going to have to re-write this. Like yes Jaden’s duel with Alexis is good. But there has to be a better way to set this up.
Jaden coming to help his friend and dealing out of trouble, love that. Spying on the girl’s in the bath, whether intentional or not, is not going to fly.
Episode 4
Love that getting rare cards for Duel Academy is on par with a military operation on purpose.
I love Jaden meting and helping Dorthy is wonderful. Love the boy helping her out even though it makes him late. A good boy.
Crowler taking all the rare cards to give to Chazz to beat Jaden is wild.
Also Chazz using the VWXYZ cars this duel (which correlates him with Seto Kaiba who uses the XYZ cards. In my Au Jaden grew up around these cards. Something that is shocking and new to all of Jaden’s classmates is something Jaden grew up watching trash other duelist. He grew up watching his Dad destroy Oto-san’s XYZ monsters. No one at the school is more prepared for this)
It’s a great second duel for Jaden and Chazz. With Chazz showing off this expensive and rare deck while Jaden is playing his weak monsters and the cards Dorthy gave him.
Also it’s the first duel that we get level 10 wing kuriboh. It’s a very Yugi/Atem move. Using a Kuriboh to get ride of a big threat.
I also love that every time some one tries to boil Jaden’s skill down to stupid luck he corrects them. Even if it’s sassy “luck? Nah I just have a soft spot for old ladies”
Also Jaden getting accepted into Ra in the second episode and turning it down because he values Syrus is so sweet. (Loyalty Syrus doesn’t deserve) but it is very in line with my Au. Jaden growing up around Téa and her friendship speech’s. He’s not one to abandon a friend, especially when he thinks he’s finally making the life long friends he’s always dreamed of. (His own Joey, Tristian, Téa, Duke, Serenity, Bakura. He wants friends so bad)
Episode 5 + 6
Baby Jaden! Baby Jaden!
And his first memory of duel spirits calling out to him. And him completing that he’s hearing winged kiriboh
Professor Banner coming in to play their scary story game. Immediately gets mess by telling the kids about the abandoned dorms and the missing students as if these kids aren’t 14 and going to go explore it!
Also Jaden hearing shadow games and saying “ya the millennium items, but they’re not real.” One in cannon is great k love the call backs to DM while also poking fun. I’m loving the fake shadow games.
But in the au Jaden is sweating bullets “shadow games? I’ve heard of those. Powerful items like the millennium items haha those aren’t real!” As he’s remebering all the story’s he’s heard form Uncle Atem, Uncle Joey, his Dad and Oto-san and the rest of the friend group. Like boys wondering if he had to call Uncle Atem and tell him that someone is kidnapping? Students and playing shadow games? No he should check it out first before he worries Uncle Atem about the millennium items being at his school.
Also the intro of Alexis’s story arc. The first mention of Atticus.
Jaden immediately wanting to go in knowing the rumors of missing duelist are true.
The wall of millennium items! With hieroglyphics! Why is this here? And Jaden recognizing them? Oh I’m going to have so much fun with this place in my au.
Alexis being kidnapped and and used to lure in Jaden and friends. Jaden recognizing her card and coming to his friend’s aid.
Also Jaden continues to”the shadow games aren’t real.” Thing is going to be so fun to twist.
Also Au Jaden has to be so stressed he asks after Alexis and they guys tells him Alexis is in the shadow realm. But this guy doesn’t feel like Uncle Atem. Jaden’s been around Shadow magic before and this guy doesn’t have it. He can’t feel the shadows the way he can around Atem.
But at the same time he’s talking about how the games are real and if they lose they lose their souls. But Jaden knows that isn’t right either. Atem always told him that the person who initiated the Shadow game got to pick the punishment for losing the game. Somethings not right about this guy. And Jaden’s not talking magic
But Jaden still duels him. He’s not going to let this creep kidnap his friends.
Jaden is doing well but then this guy pulls out the millennium puzzle.
Which first off this show is honkers for pulling out a fake millennium puzzle and having Jaden fade away like Yugi/Marik/bakura did in Battle City.
But the fact that Jaden canonical (dub) response to all of this is, “So what in our dorm we have black out curtains so that we can sleep in later. In not scared of the dark it’s great!” Is not only fantastic. Never change my empty headed king. But also a really cool foreshadowing that Jaden is tied to darkness. He’s the King of the Gentle Darkness. It should be no surprise that he is afraid of the dark.
Also love that canon Jaden sees all this and is just like “wow! What a fun challenge!”
But let’s focus au for a second. Jadne already knew this guy had no real powers, he’s felt that shadows before this guy doesn’t have them. But pulling out a cheap copy of the millennium puzzle! An object that means so much to his Dad and Uncle Atem (the whole group really) unacceptable! The millennium puzzle was Atem’s for thousands of years it would feel like him, there for this is not real because Jaden can’t feel Atem. Also if this was the real puzzle this guy couldn’t use it without defeating the previous owner(s) Yugi and Atem. Jaden has no fear but a righteous fury. But he’s trying to play it off as being worried for Alexis and not his rage at this moment of his Dad and Uncle.
He’s doing his best but he starts disappearing more and start to wonder if he guessed wrong. Maybe this guy does has some form of magic
Especially when Jaden stops being able to see.
But then Winged Kuriboh reaches out and shows Jaden how his mind is being messed with. Something he already guessed but had started to lose sight of. Also love that it’s Winged Kuriboh who showed him the path.
Jaden breaks the illusion with his attack and then breaks the paper mâché millennium puzzle by throwing Avian into it (a very Seto Kaiba move that man loved throwing cards at things)
Also cannon Jaden calling the guy out for being an out of work festival work and being right is amazing.
The guy tries to keep the lie going by bringing Alexis back up. But calls the millennium puzzle the millennium pendant.
Jaden makes fun of him again and the guy tries to leave with out telling them where Alexis is Haden runs after him and accidentally sets off a real shadow game.
Jaden thinks of a moment that it’s another trick but then he feels that shadows and starts to panic but Winged Kuriboh comes to Jaden’s rescue.
In cannon Jaden continues to think it’s a hoax but in the Au he can realize just how much trouble he’s in. Especially when the guy (panic?) gets possessed and starts dueling him again for his soul, for real this time. At least he has Winged Kuriboh at his side. He’s not alone.
Winged Kuriboh spends the duel flying around Jaden’s feet keeping the evil spirits away from Jaden.
Jaden is focused on the duel until he hears the possessed man say, “I’ll take your soul just like I did to the other students.” This is what took Alexis brother and the other students. He needs to win and call Atem.
Jaden wins and he watches as Panic loses his soul. In cannon he thinks it’s a special effect but in the Au he knows it’s not. He plays it off for his friends but he knows he needs to make a phone call when he get back to the dorm.
But at least Alexis is safe. Jaden offers to help her look for Atticus. If this has to do with the shadow realm he feels like he has to help, he has more knowledge than anyone else here. Plus Alexis is his friend. Jaden would do anything for a friend.
It’s sunrise by the time they finish their conversation and Jaden and the others have to get back to their dorm and class. It takes all day and he’s exhausted (he’s had no sleep and just dueled for his soul for the first time) but when Chumley and Syrus lay down to nap he pulls out his phone and goes to the woods to call Uncle Atem.
They have a lot to talk about.
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not-a-space-alien · 2 years
Will the tiny vampires ever come up in WYS? Are MMSS vampires reproductively compatible with humans? Does this produce healthy half-vamp kids? Were humans and MMSS vampires ever co-existing as societies or have they always begrudgingly put up with the other? How does Thistle feel about the tiny vampires? Can you give the 2 vets a kiss on my behalf?
Will the tiny vampires ever come up in WYS?
There will be at least one character who's a tiny vampire!
Are MMSS vampires reproductively compatible with humans? Does this produce healthy half-vamp kids?
I haven't decided on this yet! But I'm leaning towards no.
Were humans and MMSS vampires ever co-existing as societies or have they always begrudgingly put up with the other?
There are actually some parts of the world concurrent with present day where humans and vampires co-exist! I imagine they still live mostly separately, but that there's been some integration of societies over the border and mixing isn't uncommon. In these places, vampires drink blood given up by paid volunteers. Sometimes this blood is exported to areas where ethical blood isn't available, but it's not very popular because it's old and stale by the time it gets there, and it's more expensive.
How does Thistle feel about the tiny vampires?
They're predators. He's scared of them.
Can you give the 2 vets a kiss on my behalf?
I give them kiss and please accept these picrews in lieu of kisses back
Dr. Lalitha Mishra, DVM.
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“If you have an injured animal, we need to get on with it,” said Dr. Mishra, tapping the counter.  “I don’t know what exactly you have, but you have an obligation to get it medical care.  Understand?”
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Jaden had propped her head on her fists, kicking her feet and watching Thistle with juvenile interest.  She took his little hand with a finger, cooing at him. “What did he say? That’s fairy language, right?”
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divinityunleashed · 11 days
"Date?" Jaden to Alexis
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Who asks for it:
[ X ] Your muse asks mine
[ ] My muse asks yours
Type of date:
[ X ] Platonic Date
[ X ] Romantic Date
[ X ] First Date
[ ] Double date with: ____ & ____
Location for the date:
[ X ] Movies   • [ X ] Romantic Comedy   • [ X ] Adventure Movie   • [ X ] Animation (Pixar/Disney)   • [ ] Horror   • [ ] Drama   • [ X ] Buddy Movie   • [ ] ___ (other options)
[ X ] Restaurant   • [ X ] Expensive/High Class   • [ X ] Small and familiar   • [ X ] Fast Food
[ X ] Nature   • [ X ] Beach   • [ X ] Park   • [ ] Forest       • [ X ] …and having a picnic
[ ] Visiting a Museum
[ X ] Visiting an amusement park
[ ] Visiting a haunted location
[ X ] Staying at home   • [ X ] Watching movies   • [ X ] Playing Video Games   • [ ] Reading
[ X ] Lots of Dueling (other options)
The date might hopefully end with…
[ X ] …holding hands
[ X ] …a kiss
[ X ] …in bed
[ X ] …knowing each other better 
[ ] …sleepover between friends 
[ X ] …a marriage proposal
[ X ] ___ (other options)
Should you reblog this?:
[ X ] Yes. I want to send you one.
[ ] Yes.
[ ] No.
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